#adult sibling estrangement
momlovesyoubest · 27 days
7 Tips For Feuding Midlife Siblings on Mother's Day
Celebrate Mother’s Day without the drama. Dote on Mom, but Ditch the  Daggers.   Celebrations on Mother’s Day, this coming Sunday, or any holiday can be a nightmare for adult siblings in a dysfunctional family. They have to show up, yet they prepare with the daggers – either wielded by them or a fellow sibling.   Here are 7 tips for adult siblings to follow on holidays like Mother’s Day this…
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squirrelno2 · 3 months
one of the funniest things about me as a writer is that almost anyone who's read my fics would probably be like "oh yeah that tracks" if i said "yeah i have Sibling Feelings/Issues" but if you look at my original works it's like. devoid of siblings. a fucking sea of only children who've never had a sibling problem ever. i really said "this is something that needs x degrees of separation between me and the topic" and gave it only to characters whose settings i did not invent. i still give it to ocs. but only in worlds that aren't mine. because???
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hideaway-or-safehouse · 8 months
my least favorite thing about having autism + CPTSD is how a trigger of mine can be barely touched and then im silently crying on/off for the rest of the day as i have an autistic shut-down
#my mom was telling me my half-siblings were coming over on sunday. and i just broke#context: my half-siblings have a 20+ year age gap with me and vaguely knew our shared dad was abusing me#and i get not wanting to confirm if abuse is happening to protect yourself from said past abuser and whatnot#but i also just think about the fact that i dont have any of their phone-numbers and none of them checked in on me#and they just come over on christmas (and potentially when invited on fathers day/dad's birthday and whatnot)#and like. if you ask me: i dont consider someone i see for a total of less than 10 hours a year who#also never checked in on if their youngest sibling was being abused for 20+ years a sibling or family#at best: youre like a second cousin three times removed from me or some shit#the people that were with me every day or most days are my family#but yeah. i cant take masking in front of dad AND them rn. so i just fucking broke down#(also: my nieces and nephews are fine. i have no grudges against them. we just also are not close)#(my half-siblings i dont have a grudge against in the sense of actively hating them. i just want them cut out of my life)#(which sucks bc like. my dad is to blame. hes the abuser. it sucks his abuse impacts how i see my half-siblings. but dad is dying and i jus#want his funeral to be the last i hear/see from my half-siblings. like i will get pissed of they try to reconnect post his death like stfu)#(adults who didnt intervene bc they had no idea: fair enough. // adults who didnt intervene even tho they had a p good idea bc they#were abused by the same person: fuck you. like. just be estranged from me (and dad) my whole life. i could pardon that. not this tho.)#anyway. i think the solution is to just: not be home on sunday#idk what my lie will be but im still crying about all this.so evidently i doubt ill be able to disassociate well enough to ''tough it out''#barnes and nobles sounds nice. i probably would want to bring my cat with me in her backpack but thatll be suspicious so idk#maybe ill just fake sick in my bedroom. i dont want to tho#id rather just leave the house#ill probably get some pushback bc its dad's birthday celebration but i think its p obvious ill start crying soooooo#shame my mom thought she was being nice (she was. my half-sibs and my dad is dying. of course they wanna be there for his birthday)#i just wish things were different#might delete later
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mangoofthesea · 11 months
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sittinginsunflowers · 2 months
I can’t stop thinking about how every parental figure in Kristen’s life has failed her by prioritizing their other kids.
Obviously, her bio parents are racist assholes who raised her in a fundamentalist cult, and kicked out at 15, all because her parents were offended she was “taking her friends’ side over theirs.” Which she didn’t, what she did was ask for answers and tell them that Daybreak tried to kill her but they refused to believe her. Instead, they chose to make her homeless so she doesn’t spread the idea that her parents don’t know everything. Two years later, and they’re still doing the same thing at the diner.
Then there’s Jawbone and he’s Tracker’s guardian, and unlike Adaine, she didn’t get a speech about how he’d take her in, or what their relationship was, she just moved in with her girlfriend, and he was the adult of the house. And now that she and Tracker have broken up, he and Sandra Lynn don’t seem to have made the time to talk to her about what that means for her place in this family. Adaine came back from spring break to gifts for every birthday she had without Jawbone and adoption papers. Kristen’s mail from her school was going to her parents’ house when she lives with the guidance counselor.
Then, there’s the fact that when Sandra Lynn and Jawbone moved in together, she took on a role she clearly wasn’t ready for, as she was still repairing her relationship with Fig. Kristen had to be the one to finally snap her out of her self destructive spiral with Garthy and then Sandra Lynn asked her to keep it a secret. Meaning she wouldn’t be able to tell Tracker, the only person who has been meeting her emotional and physical safety needs, above just giving her a room to live in. (And we know this is true because part of the reason Nara and Tracker are together is because Nara doesn’t need those things from Tracker). And yes, Sandra Lynn apologizes to the whole group, as she should, for putting their home in jeopardy, which is a massive step. But she never talks to Kristen about putting her between the 3 people responsible for keeping her out of her parent’s house.
So Sandra Lynn calls Fig, “her only daughter in the world,” and Jawbone is only legally responsible for Adaine and Tracker, and neither of them, nor any other adult, has asked if Kristen feels safe or if she’s okay. Like I’m sorry, who the fuck is taking care of the cleric who’s god and teacher died in the same year, is going through deprogramming from a cult that wants her back, her first breakup, seeing her estranged parents and siblings again, and now being expelled on zero grounds despite working herself to the bone to make sure her party gets to go to college?
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Guys :((( we have to cancel all shipping in dungeon meshi :(((((( yeah turns out all the ships are problematic :(((((((((((((
Falin/Marcille is problematic because marcille is only 60 years old which by elf aging standards means she’s a minor :((( yeah I know that she’s actually a half elf whose rate of development is extremely different from full blooded elves, but we can’t be acknowledging any sort of nuance in these things. Plus it’s bad and wrong to eroticize their relationship at all cause then you’re a sapphic fetishizing yuri-enjoyer and you’re disrespecting Kui-sensei. ☹️
Laios/Kabru is problematic because people headcanon kabru as trans which is Obviously fetishizing trans people :(((( plus the inherent power dynamic with a king fucking his advisor? Not okay. 🙅
Kabru/Mithrun is problematic because ewwwwww huge age gap 🤮
Chilchuck/Marcille is problematic because yuck she’s basically his daughter gross
Chilchuck/Senshi is also problematic though because chilchuck is minor coded. Yes I know he’s a grown ass man with an estranged wife and adult children but he Looks vaguely childlike and if you draw fanart of them it would look Super Bad! Children who don’t know who the characters are could see that and get groomed!!!! Think Of The Children!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway in light of all of this it’s clear that the only non-problematic ship is obviously shipping the Touden siblings together.
Stay safe and Always moralize shipping!!! Because dangerous evil people are out there right now waiting to force children to read their inappropriate smutty fanfiction, and We Must Think Of The Children. Yes even when it is clearly marked as explicit content for adults, we simply can’t allow anyone to have freedom of expression in fandom.
I am very smart and morally righteous. 😇
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tenchikotheartist · 5 months
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I swear, one’s family/whether or not one has siblings can be the cornerstone of their personality/srs
More notes on these headcannons under the cut
Hype = Oldest of 3 (he has sisters), older cousin of Boom, Hype is used to being left in charge and has become quite good at mediating in a group. However being put in charge of 2-3 people growing up is rarely a walk in the park. Thankfully he’s got enough optimism to keep him going until the adults can take charge again. By the time he himself has reached adulthood, he’s still got some mom friend energy when he’s interacting with his bandmates.
Trickee = child #5 in a family of 10 kids. He has never known peace or quiet, and thus has become a very loud and chaotic young adult. He both has no concept of privacy and values personal space deeply. Sometimes his trouble-making tendencies make him look attention-seeking. If you ask him though, sometimes, when you gotta compete with 9 other kids, you just need to yell to be heard.
Branch = you know his deal. Family baby, his estranged sibs baby him, and low-key he hates it (poor sap 😅) “The Rules Don’t Apply to Him” BUT HE’LL FOLLOW THEM ANYWAY because SAFETY FIRST
Ablaze = no family to speak of let alone siblings. He has never known the struggle of fighting over leftovers or keeping people tf out of your room. He and Trickee are roomies though (Trickee moved out as soon as he could lmao), so he gets a front row seat to Trickee’s sibling culture every now and then. (Low-key, they look pretty fun to him)
Boom = only child to a single dad. Was born asexually and his dad never felt the desire to have another kid after him. Boom doesn’t mind too much though since he’s pretty involved with his cousins. That’s kinda like having siblings… except he doesn’t have to share his stuff with them :) So he’s winning :))
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nanaminokanojo · 28 days
Since we're talking uncles...
–JJK men uncle hcs 🤣 | nanami, geto, gojo, toji, sukuna (best uncle everrrr) | just thought of uncle archetypes from my culture lol
Five types of uncles in Japan:
❇️ That uncle everyone is scared of because A. he's too damn perfect you don't wanna mess up in front of him for fear of falling out of favor, B. usually an important figure in the family everyone looks up to, C. doesn't really talk much but when he does, he's giving sound advice but also feels like he's insulting you (that's just you though), D. usually an older sibling to one of your parents, E. all of the above
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❇️ That chill uncle who's generally cool and approachable, understands your generation, usually listens when you wanna talk to them while also valuing your opinions without judging you, usually the type who would help dig you out of shit you've done and will kinda scold you but laugh about it with you right after.
SPECIFICALLY this version 🤣
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❇️ That clingy uncle who's overly proud of his nieces and nephews, thinks he's cool but is actually annoying cause he goes overboard all the time and is embarrassing, but really means well and just wants to be in on your generation's affairs so during family gatherings, he's with the teenage kids instead of the adults; very dramatic when rejected.
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❇️ That uncle who still lives with your grandparents and is a bum, always lurking at home and seems to just have woken up every time you see him; just nods at you, generally doesn't give a damn, but would fight kids who are messing with you (when he feels like it, and mostly just for the heck of it); stressed out for some reason and has a form of addiction one way or the other.
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❇️ That uncle nobody talks about, estranged and you didn't find out he existed until you were a teenager during a relative's funeral when he came and you realized your dad has a cooler version; isn't treated like family, doesn't treat anyone like family; just got out of the slammer or is a member of a gang lol; offered you a cigarette cause he doesn't know how else to talk to you.
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
The reason I find Shang Qinghua so fascinating is because his life is terrible and familiar
What little facts we learn about his pre transmigration life is:
1. He was estranged from both his parents as they were much more invested in their new families
2. Because of that it's implied he was neglected. We only know for sure that while his dad paid his tution and living expenses he often "forgot"
3. He ended up writing proclivity based on what the comments liked or disliked because he was pandoring as it was his main source of income and because of that
4. He deliberately farmed hate comments because that was still engagement
But what we can infer about his life from the other characters is so much more
Luo Binghe: Luo Binghe is constantly hurt as a child by adults and people in authority who should be taking care of him. So he has attachment issues, trust issues, and in the original novel ends up in a lot of meaningless heterosexual sexual encounters that are devoid of emotional depth but let him play caretaker and accept affection as shallow as it can be. He also spends a good portion of his existence in dreams
Luo Binghe is obviously a self insert power fantasy. Through him Shang Qinghua was able to get revenge on those who hurt him and be powerful. But because Shang Qinghua (who may or may not have known he was gay) was filling his novel, that he has once dreamed of being art, with sex to please a bunch of straight men...no wonder the sex was devoid of emotion and left Luo Binghe as fundamentally hollow inside unable to fill the void in his soul. Because while PIDW paid the bills it was emotionally unsatisfying to Shang Qinghua
Luo Binghe is also written to be manipulative and I think that's a dark version of Shang Qinghua's need to fill a role and be what people need of him
Which brings us to:
Yue Qingyuan: Yue Qingyuan always has a smile on his face and strives to be pleasant and to fix problems between other people even when he's rejected for it and he constantly is failing to reach those he really needs to. Too afraid to speak his truth even as he has a sword of Damocles hanging over his head
This is the the other side of Shang Qinghua's people pleasing. This is a child who feels he has to fix his parents divorce and feeling like it's his fault. This is Shang Qinghua never feeling good enough
Original Shen Qingqiu: Shen Qingqiu is able to be the petty spiteful bitch Shang Qinghua always wanted to be. Shang Qinghua in canon often mutters spiteful hate filled comments towards those who treat him bad but he doesn't often say it to anyone directly until the ascension. Because Shang Qinghua doesn't feel he can get away with it
Shen Qingqiu is also a conduit for the rage I'm sure Shang Qinghua has towards his half siblings. Those are ugly feelings that he can't express to the people in question. If you've been hurt and deprived and you see someone getting what you needed but never had, well it fills you with anger at the innocent party.
It's possible to swallow that rage down and recognise it's not the fault of the person recieving what you needed. But it's an ugly emotion that has to go somewhere. And I think all of Shang Qinghua's ugly feelings like that pre transmigration went to Shen Qingqiu
Shen Qingqiu can be spiteful and two faced and elegant and nasty in a way Shang Qinghua couldn't be. Which is why he had a complicated backstory
Mobei Jun: we know he's Shang Qinghua's ideal man. Both in what he's attracted to (whether he realises it or not when he wrote him) and what he wants to be
So what does that tell us?
It tells us Shang Qinghua wants to be strong and he wants to not feel
He wants to take the trauma of his childhood and close off from the pain he feels
He wants to be ice. He wants to be stoic and unbothered and strong enough that pain doesn't reach him
Now we know that Mobei Jun in SVSSS does have feelings he's just very bad at expressing them. But to Shang Qinghua he's endlessly cool and untouched and untroubled
We learn so little of Shang Qinghua directly but because he's author of the world and from ways he reacts to characters and situations we can infer so much
And he's so hurt and lonely and lacking in self worth
And yet the narrative doesn't get any kinder to him. Post transmigration he is bullied by the system and by his peers and by Mobei Jun and he's always fighting for survival
Because both lives have been about "smile, do what you're told, survive"
But his extras end with his ideal character protecting him, treating him kindly, and agreeing to make him noodles. And Shang Qinghua feels safe enough in that moment to be demanding and ask for what he wants!
And anyone who has been neglected and emotionally abused can tell you that asking for what you want is a big fucking deal
I will have been married 18 years this November and I still cannot tell my husband (who is great) what I would like for dinner half the time because in my head I am not allowed to ask for stuff (I'm working on it)
Shang Qinghua goes through so much shit (and we don't even learn his name from his first life)
But his happy ending is him finally asking for something for himself and getting what he asked for without complaint
And what he's asking for is what killed him
He's so interesting and I can't get over how much is there but hidden in the other characters
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kaledya · 1 month
Hi! I love your OCs and AU so much (especially swap au cuz I’m weak for cinnamon roll x cinnamon roll)! So I have quite a few questions if you don’t mind
1.About Swap au LionRoot, did they enter love phase before or after Eve leave Adam?
2. If they were like Anna x Kristoff pre-fall, what is their dynamic after the fall since you seem to imply that Fallen Michael has changed a lot from his old self (based on how main au Michael agrees with Charlie’s plan of redemption but the fallen one straight up think it’s impossible and how does this affect his relationship with Emily?)
3. What is Michael’s relationship with his siblings after he fell? Do any of them blame Eve/Roo for being the reason that their big brother “betrayed” them?
4. Back to the main au, what do you think Constantine’s dynamic with Charlie would be if he were like, a whole lot older than her? Cuz I… embarrassingly mistook him for being at least centuries if not thousands years older than Charlie when I first saw him LOL. Would he act more like her father since she and Lucifer were estranged so he probably felt the need to step up?
I am so glad you like my OC and my AUs! And of course you can Ask!
1-Michael and Eve entered the love phase when Eve left Adam.
2-They weren't the same before, the fall changed them naturally, Michael was betrayed by the ideals he trusted the most and devoted himself to the end, and he lost his faith in heaven. Eve became known as the mother of all evil for something she did just because she wanted freedom, and I'm still writing here so I won't go into detail, but Eve's fall caused the death of something she cared about so much that a great hatred grew inside her.
3- Despite all this, they still love each other because for millennia they trusted each other the most. They may be cruel to the other people in hell, but they are always respectful and loving to each other and they try to make each other happy no matter how damned they are in that dark prison.
4-You might think that they blame Eve because she was the one who untied Roo in the seal, but Eve did it to protect someone she cared about and not for her own selfish needs, so Michael's siblings blame themselves for what happened to their brother and no one else, but they hate Roo to the fullest.
5-LOL I can understand you very well Charlie looks in her 20's and Constantine looks in his late 30's (this guy needs proper sleep and diet)
They probably wouldn't have been as close as they are now if there was a big age difference between them. Charlie was born when Constantine was a child, so he grew up with his little sister and was always by her side, and this created a really close sibling bond and friendship between them. If Constantine had been an adult when Charlie was born, he wouldn't have spent so much time with her and they wouldn't have had such a close relationship.
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artiststarme · 7 months
See You Later, Big Brother
Well @hannahhook7744, your prompt is distracting me at work, I hope you like it!
Steve was never very close to his brother. With ten years between them and too little hobbies shared, their relationship seemed more forced than voluntary. Even still though, they were family. Steve knew that if he needed him, Phil would be there to help (as seen in the many times he looked the other way with Steve’s speeding and horrible driving). 
That’s why it hurt so horrendously when he found out that Phil had died in the earthquakes. 
Steve felt numb. Frozen. Dead inside and the most alone he’d ever been. His only family, besides his parents that had moved away without ever looking back, was dead. Never again would Phil pull him over for speeding and let him go with exasperated threats. Never would they silently eat burgers across from each other in a small diner booth while sipping on butterscotch milkshakes they both denied were their favorite. And never again would they talk about boys or girls with stuttered pronouns and nervous glances searching for the other’s acceptance. 
What hurt even worse though was the loss of what they could’ve been. Phil had seen him as a bratty kid, King Steve, and the traumatized version of himself that he was after the Upside Down. But he would never see him as an adult, as someone he could be proud of. They wouldn’t get a chance to grow closer or become proper brothers in a status they never quite reached. 
Perhaps worst of all was what Phil could’ve been thinking when his patrol car fell into the fiery cracks in the earth. Did he know that Steve loved him? That he looked up to him as a role model? That he loved having him as a brother? Steve didn’t tell him any of that enough, never showed his appreciation, and he sure regretted that now. And now Steve wouldn’t get the chance to tell him. Nor would he have a chance to apologize for all the harsh words he spewed at Phil during their last fight. He wouldn’t get to tell him that he didn’t mean anything he’d shouted at him. Steve would never get to make it up to him or earn his forgiveness. 
No, now Steve had to live with the fear that his older brother died alone, in pain, and thinking he hated him. 
He spent the next week recovering from the bat bites on his sides, avoiding probing questions from the Party, and visiting the comatose Max in the hospital. He knew better than anyone how she felt now. If Vecna was still around, he would target Steve and feast on the pain suffocating him. An all-consuming pain only someone who’d lost a sibling could feel. More than ever, Steve wished that Max was awake, unhurt, and present. She would understand Steve’s feelings of turmoil of losing Phil much like she did with losing Billy. Even as he begged her from her bedside though to awaken, she stayed frozen with her eyes closed tight. 
She would die just days later. 
Steve had to plan two funerals just two days apart. One for his estranged brother and one for the girl he saw as his sister. He didn’t cry at either. His eyes were far too dry from crying so much in the privacy of his crypt of a home to spare any tears in the light of day. 
He would grieve his family, his blood brother and the sister he’d adopted. He would watch the youthfulness and innocence of the kids melt away in their grief. Eventually though, Steve would move forward although the scars, just like the divots in this sides and the silvery line encircling his throat, would remain as a reminder of the pain he had to suffer all too young. 
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momlovesyoubest · 1 year
Help Adult Siblings- Hold a Family Meeting
  HELP Siblings in Dysfunctional Families Help adult siblings To help adult siblings in dysfunctional families change and work towards filial maturity the geriatric care manager must move on all fronts. A family meeting is one of a care manager’s best tools. Research shows that siblings constructing care decisions as a group make decisions that better respect their parent’s autonomy than a single…
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veneritia · 9 months
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WHEN COMES THE DAWN | a wip reintroduction
↳ General Info
genre: new adult fantasy court intrigue pov: 3rd person dual pov stage: re-planning/drafting started: 9.3.2023 projected word count: ~90k Book 1 of 2
FENICE VI AETIER, a portent of ill omens and the estranged daughter of the Vasilier, ignites a dangerous succession game between her and her half-siblings, where losing means death and winning means an empire.
The end of the Hes-Aei war brings with it a chance to prove her worth to her father. The challenge is simple: bring him the head of the deposed king of Hesperia, and Fenice will be granted an Ascension, marking her as a legitimate contender for the throne. But finding the defeated king in his own lands would prove to be harder than Fenice imagined— especially when the remnants of her father’s last war starts rearing its head.
↳ The King's Game
A system decreed by the first emperor of Aetier that whoever among his children is the most skillful shall inherit his crown. But time has warped the rules of inheritance dramatically. The only way to survive is to win, and the only way to win is to be the last one standing.
↳ The Major Players
FENICE VI AETIER ◇ the contender | The worst-kept secret of the imperial family, and now an unknown factor in the politics of the Aetier court. The King's Game is her chance to stake her place in history. What she seeks is glory eternal, and she will do whatever it takes to get it.
NIKEPHOROS DEOMINOS ◇ the serpent | The prince of a conquered kingdom, now nothing more than a war prize. He muffles his anger with practiced smiles, playing the game of deception even as it tears him apart at the seams. He will lose either way, all that matters is deciding what he can bear losing.
CHARLES VI AETIER ◇ the favorite | The Vasilier's son with the world at the palm of his hand. The lonely prince with a gentle heart and a willingness to turn a blind eye to the cracks in his perfect family.
SOLA EIDOS ◇ the hound | A man of of unknown origin and a shadowed past, his real name buried beneath the soil of his homeland. He is an information broker, a spy, an assassin-- if you pay the right price. The one thing that can never be bought is his loyalty, a worthy master is hard to find.
SARTORE VITAE ◇ the enigma | An eccentric noble from Leohnthal who can charm his way to a seat at every table. Great with words and even better at half-truths, he is a man that sheds faces as easily as a snake sheds its skin.
Find more WCTD content with the series tag #series.wctd and keep an eye out for monthly progress updates with #wctd-monthly -- the first post coming soon!
Tagging: @sourrcandy @helioselene @seasteading @writinglyra @socialmediasocrates @serpentarii @asa-writes-stuff @cheshawrites @atelierwriting
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poppybros-jr · 26 days
Dazor:Hey, Cosmo. I was wondering how you feel about your siblings? Uh- Good luck in the tournament.
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…I mean, sure. I’m more than happy to talk about my siblings. I’m not sure why I started talking like that, to be honest. I’m very sorry, it won’t happen again. Just… get comfy, ‘cause I’m the fourth of five siblings so this might take a while!
WARNING! This ask is a very long one, and it also delves into more serious territory than usual, so it goes under a cut. Content warning for mentions of divorce, parental emotional abuse/estrangement and childhood trauma resulting from the disappearance of a sibling.
Also tagging this as propaganda because we’re getting into backstory. @kirbyoctournament
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Firstly, Stella! My twin sister! She hatched half an hour before I did, and we joke that it’s so she could be there to help me out of my shell. Because that’s what she still does even to this day!
We used to perform together under Stella’s name, using our identical looks to pull off a ‘teleportation’ trick. We were only kids at the time, so that was the only trick we did in the whole show. It got boring pretty quick, and I didn’t like that I didn’t get to have my name on the posters, but I was scared to say anything. Stella wasn’t, though! A couple of years ago she said she wanted us to be a proper double act, and that if I didn’t get recognition for my skills she simply wouldn’t perform. It worked! I actually figured out I was a boy not long after that, so I’m really glad we don’t have to be perfectly identical anymore. She’s trying to encourage me to perform solo, too, but I don’t have the same charisma she does, so I don’t know if I can do it as well as she does.
I’m really glad she’s my big sister. She’s the most supportive, kindest sister ever. And the most fun! She can be a little annoying sometimes with how excitable and silly she is, and sometimes her energy wears me out, but I’d never want her to change. She’s the best. Like a ray of sunshine!
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Celeste is the baby of the family. She’s very shy.
She was only little when Marx ran away, and our parents apparently decided to use her as a… do-over, I guess? Our mum especially wanted her to be everything Marx wasn’t and put a lot of pressure on her to fit her expectations. But Celeste really didn’t like performing, so she got more and more quiet… We’re staying with our aunts at the moment because of our parents divorcing, though, and she’s starting to feel much better. She’s trying out different things to find something she likes. She seems very interested in the production side of the circus, like music and lighting. I think that no matter what she does when she grows up, she’ll do amazing. She’s really smart! Much smarter than I was at her age!
She hardly ever talks, but she’s an absolute sweetheart, and if anyone tries to hurt her I will DESTROY THEIR LIFE. :)
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Since we live with our aunts now, our cousins the Poppy Bros are like our honorary siblings!
Poppy Bros Sr (Pop for short) and Poppy Bros Jr (Poppy for short) are the owners of the circus! Well, Pop is. Poppy will co-own it when they’re an adult. Poppy is also part of the Star Allies and helped out with that whole mess with the weird shadowy heart things a few years back! I want to join someday too so I can help protect Popstar!
Pop is a great boss. When I was a little kid I thought he was intimidating, but he’s really just a big softy! He’s always asking me how I’m doing and listens to all my ideas. He’s very understanding if I’m not feeling well enough to perform or get stage fright, and he never pressures me. I don’t know him that well, though, since he’s a lot older than me.
As for Poppy? I like them! After Marx ran away, they stepped in to be our older sibling since he couldn’t do it anymore. They still look out for us even now! They stand up for us whenever we need backup and they always have time to hang out with us. They were best friends with Marx before he left, so it must have been very hard on them at the time, but they always put on a brave face. I respect them a lot! They’re still a massive nerd who’s obsessed with bombs, though. They specialise in confetti firework bombs that look really pretty! If I count Pop and Poppy as my siblings too, that makes me sixth out of seven instead of fourth out of five.
Did I remember everyone? I feel like I’m forgetting someone… Oh, right! This jerk.
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I’m gonna put this out here right now, okay? I do NOT condone the crimes Marx committed. He did some really bad things! That is not okay. That said, I’m talking specifically about my own relationship with my big brother, okay? Okay. Here we go.
I think Marx is a great brother. He’s not much older than me and Stella, so we were very close growing up and we still are even now. Some people are surprised to hear that I’m close to Marx, ‘cause most of the time we spend together, we’re either insulting each other or daring each other to do gross or dangerous things. I think those people have never had brothers.
It hurt a lot when he ran away. Stella and I both knew he wasn’t happy. He got into fights with our parents a lot and was always causing trouble. But we tried very hard to help him feel better. We played with him all the time. After he left, we thought it was our fault for not trying hard enough, but after he came back to Popstar he told us it wasn’t. I still feel bad about it sometimes, though. He doesn’t live with us anymore because he doesn’t want to be around our parents, but our aunts take us to visit him as much as possible.
Sometimes I still have bad dreams that he ran away again and died, or turned into a monster, or other bad stuff. It’s scary. I usually call him when that happens so I can talk to him. He doesn’t care if I call him in the middle of the night. He doesn’t sleep much anyway. And then the next time I visit he gets me donuts. The kind with the blueberry jam filling that I like.
He’s definitely not perfect. Not even close. Sometimes his insults get too mean. Or he’ll play a prank on me that upsets me. But he always says sorry and tries to make it up to me once he realises he hurt me. That’s more than what some people will do. I’m scared of a lot of people, but I’m never scared of him.
I do think he’s a stinky loser with a face like a Scarfy that got stuck halfway, though. :)
… Okay, that was definitely everyone! All of us are accounted for! Thanks for the question, Dazor, and I’m sorry I kept you so long. Here, take an ice lolly with you! You get first choice!
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puphoods · 1 year
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obstinatecondolement · 2 months
Discussion of incest cw
Apparently some anime has made a popular yaoi ship canonically cousins and I'm just like... okay. So? Are you familiar with infamous incest shipper Jane Austen? Maybe this is the "from a small island nation" jumping out again, but this doesn't need to be an obstacle on par with them being siblings a la Luke and Leia.
But like, incest shipping discourse is never going to stop being fucking bizarre to me. The peak was when I saw some very well meaning people saying extremely earnestly that it was incestuous to ship David Marcus/Saavik on the basis that Saavik is fanonically Spock's adopted daughter and David is Kirk's estranged son who only met him as an adult. The leaps you have to go through to arrive at this conclusion...
Like.... do you think adults who did not grow up together or even know each other as children whose parents get married shouldn't be allowed to date? Do you think that would be functionally equivalent to sexual abuse at the hands of a family member? Do you think that is not an incredibly trivialising thing to say to survivors of incest? Are you aware that the problem with incest is that it is almost always a form of sexual abuse when it happens in real life and not that it's just Forbidden for nebulously defined reasons of ickiness?
Also, the "Saavik is Spock's adopted daughter" thing comes from the novels, and Spock also married Saavik in the novels, so I feel if you're going to play the "which makes David/Saavik incest" card, this is something you may have to reckon with.
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