#academic motivatio
hinakonotediary · 2 years
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No Hope, No Future: Let the Adventures Begin!
This writing is dedicated to my dear friend Miles “Art Phoenix” and also to the memory of:
15-year-old Italian individualist anarchist Anteo Zamboni, who lost his life attempting to shoot and kill Benito Mussolini in Bologna on 31 October1926
& Japanese anarchist and nihilist Fumiko Kaneko, convicted of plotting to assassinate members of the Japanese Imperial family and imprisoned until she took her own life.
The sun, moon and the stars do not wait; they bomb the sky with their presence. A tsunami does not hesitate; it announces a death rattle of destruction before dissipating. So why should I wait? And who am I waiting for? And who are they waiting for? The Future is a god obeyed at the expense of one’s immediate desires in order to secure distant membership in a nonexistent utopia.
The Future is a hologram projection of dreams and promises that get rejected by the present. For politicians and other authoritarians seeking long-term domination, The Future is often socially utilized to exploit one's fear of living in the moment. The Future domesticates wild desire, limiting its capacity to explore spontaneous, unpredictable experiences.
Today is here, right now like a blank canvas inviting my imaginative, destructive creativity. Do I dare to dream bigger than the prison world of material wealth, fashion trends and workerism? Should I indulge in savage hedonism against the monolith of collectivized misery? Yes! Against the gospel of The Future, my anarchy is a riotous celebration of now!
The Future is antithetical to any feral insurgency that refuses politicized stagnation. When I say “politicized stagnation”, I am referring to the politics of “waiting for when the time is ripe”. When I say “feral insurgency”, I am referring to the prioritizing of immediate attack rooted in an individualist, unrestrained desire for freedom. The Left enjoys long-winded academic debates and discussions, attempting to redefine revolution within the limited scope of civilized society. Acting as a new constitution for a future society, there is everexpanding politically correct terminology to learn and memorize, along with the everchanging methods of “educating” “the people”. And then there’s the ingroup and outgroup competition, the oppression olympics and lowestcommon denominator identity politics. I consider all of this Politicized Stagnation. More time and energy is placed on the ideological construction of a perfect future utopia than attacking the existing prison society now.
These type of (exhausting) discussions understimulate my desire for wild experimentation and illegalist adventure. When I speak of “wildness” I am referring to the unique complexities of individual experiences and emotion, which defy the politicized confinement of analytical measurement. When I speak of “illegalist adventure” I am referring to the full-flowering of individual growth and selfliberation beyond the confines of law and order.
My wildness is defined by an individualism borne of the intercourse of anarchy and nihilism; it can not be captured and confined to socially constructed identities nor the poverty of leftist ideology. The illegality of my feral revolt against industrial civilization makes me an accomplice of all wild beings who viciously reject social domestication. My wildness is an exploration into the adventurous unknown life experiences of criminal, antiworkerist anarchy. My experiences are unique,
everchanging and my own, blowing to pieces the assumption that they can be defined by identitybased affiliations with any particular group membership. I find identity politics laughable, rejecting its glorified victimhood and representation. Rather than participating in the pretentious role of identity policing, I take destructive aim at the mental prisons of my own class, race and gender assignment.
I also mock the authority of psychiatry with an assertion of negativity toward behavorial standardization. In the eyes of a neurotypical society, I am fucking crazy but in the eyes of lunatics I am alive and well! The insane/sane binary is a socioeconomic trap that criminalizes antisocial behavior and capitalizes on emotional misery. With the experience of having been imprisoned at a psychiatric facility and rejecting their medications, I remain insubordinate: there is no cure for my depression that civilized society induces. There is no prescriptive remedy for my unruly incompatibility with collectivized subservience. I refuse to tranquilize my hatred for authority and this civilized society which maintains it.
Some would even encourage me to indulge in the intoxication culture that takes the sharp, sober edge off of reality. But it is sobriety that I weaponize against the docile, habitual comforts of toxic escapism. There is nothing this colonial establishment wants more than to subjugate my savagery with addiction or habitual inebriation. My sobriety is a feral sworn enemy of industrial civilization.
No Hope, No Future: Let the Adventures Begin!
I don’t want to create new theories or more analysis to filter the world through; I want to destroy the ideological chains that prohibit me from experiencing it directly. I don’t want to create a blue print for another world; I want to experience utopia, here and now!
What differentiates leftism from my nihilist anarchy is the desire to embrace the present as the best time for attack, waging an individualist war on all governance and social control. While adherents of leftism spend years in college classrooms attempting to make leftism palatable to “the masses”, some nihilist individuals send smoke signals of sabotage in solidarity with others who embrace the night like a balaclava. With destruction, these individuals constellate an informal network of feral revolt across the globe, leaving behind the chains of fear and internalized victimhood.
Even in the era of Trump presidency “the masses” have yet to take up arms and overthrow the establishment. While anarcholeftist organizers advertise their groups in competitive popularity contests, the violence of fascism, poverty and police orchestrated executions roll on. Individualized, spontaneous ruptures to the civilized order define a warfare that almost always undermines state infiltration and management. In the transformation of civil anarchism to feral insurgency, anarchy becomes an anti-political life of illegalism accessible to any individual with the courage to get wild and fuck shit up.
The authoritarian “revolutionaries” who carry communist bibles filled with “better futures” are a predatory bunch, discouraging individualist selfdetermination and targeting those most vulnerable to groupthink buzzwords like “hope” and “community”. One is led to a believe in and choose a side within a binaryist worldview: find a future of happiness through the riches of capitalism or find a future of happiness in the communalism of communism.
For me The Future of both is as much of an apparition as the authoritarian power both require to create it; I refuse to endure years of wageslavery in hope of a future financial security under capitalism. Equally, I refuse to surrender my present days building communes in hope of a future communist utopia.
My anarchy can not be defined by either capitalism nor communism: it is the abomination of both. My activities require no future utopia for motivation only a personal obsession with a present life ungoverned by submission. My anger and contempt for this technoindustrial nightmare motivates my actions. “The Commune” requires my individualism in exchange for membership, and like a machine requires my free time and energy for its maintenance.
I mock those Tiqqunists, the Invisible Committee and their disciples for attempting to market insurrection to “the masses”. Their “manual of terrorism” is merely a biblical text that presents itself as a “truth” that people are “forced to choose” if they desire something other than the world we have today. This oversimplification intentionally erases those who channel the power of their individualism towards emancipatory destruction rather than surrendering themselves to "recreate the conditions of another community."
The way I see it, no one other than my self is more qualified to determine and acquire my freedom. I am responsible for my own life, freedom and the necessary attack in obtaining both. Without prioritizing this personal responsibility, I would fall into a dependency which would enable an authoritarian, social hierarchy that normalizes my own disempowerment.
For many, individualist potential is difficult to explore in the presence of an overwhelming number of mechanistic social roles and identities that demand its surrendering. So is it really surprising that many people have difficulty imagining themselves as independent, selfsufficently armed survivalists? Much of what is propagated as “anarchism” in the US comes from a collectivist perspective that boasts more about “community”, “the movement” or “the commune” rather than individualist power. Is it really surprising that so many self-identifying anarchists struggle with not feeling motivated enough to take action unless they are affiliated with a group, organization, or movement?
The anarchist nihilist critique of organization can be summarized as a tension between the individual and the collective. Sure, I will be the first one to say that shit like the J20 black bloc that wrecked havoc in the streets was a hell of a fun time! I understand there is a power, riotous excitement and even sometimes safety in numbers. I also recognize that mutual aid and support do wonders for helping one another in more ways than I can list. But what about that same power, riotous excitement, and safety in individualized, lone wolf attacks?
Is there no power to be found in knowing everyday can be an opportunity for direct action without needing a police killing or some moral outrage for motivation? Is there no excitement to be found within the personal experimentation of clandestine activities, the rush of adrenaline while fleeing the scene of a crime, or the safety in a selfplanned and secured action taking place when and where police least expect it? Why wait for the next demonstration, police shooting, presidential election or convergence? And while the aid of others can potentially enhance one’s criminal experience, there is much to learn about one’s personal experience with carrying out their own individualized attack. Everything from planning, to panic control and task completion are experienced differently when not split up amongst others.
With individualist attack, the actor is not alienated from the action. Everything is evaluated directly, personally, and in the moment. The attack then becomes a direct expression of the individual. Without the ideological guidance of a future utopia or greater power, nor the motivation of a collectivized identity, the individual becomes simultaneously the catalyst and creator of their anarchy. The selfdefeating worldview one holds onto is only as strong as their grip on it. The enslavement of one’s existence is only as powerful as their individualized subordination.
One thing that comes to mind when speaking of creating anarchy is uniqueness. Ones relationship to their action is always unique from another. From a strategic point of view, there is uniqueness in the experience of lonewolf attacks. Even “phantom cell” structured attacks carried out by small groups of trusting individuals offer a unique perspective on direct action. Compared to mass demonstration property destruction, (which unfortunately often ends with police kettling and mass arrests) it doesn’t take long to research how successful ALF and ELF attacks are while utilizing the model of spontaneous and unpredictable attack. But the ALF and ELF are the more wellknown success stories. This doesn’t include all the successful attacks by lonewolf individuals. These individualized attacks have the benefit of being carried out in the most random, unpredictable manner, while displaying the courage and power one determined individual can possess. Formally organized movements that require mass mobilization and time for “education” is futile; along with formally organized militias, both play into the trap of predictability and infiltration.
Socially speaking, personal uniqueness is more often feared than accepted. If it can’t be controlled, massified, or out-right eliminated it is a threat to the continuity of an established social identity. The breaking down of control and stability often induces panic in authority. An individualism that rejects the logic of submission becomes boundless in the exploration of personal potential. This ungovernable potential threatens the collectivized security of social control and predictability. Similar to the strategy of spontaneous attack, desire armed with chaos is like the wildness that civilization tries to domesticate; determined and resilient.
When I hear people say “we have a plan for a better world” in the futuristic sense, I wonder if they are considering the very real possibility that they will never see that world. And unless they are speaking for others the way politicians do, I am curious to know who is going to experience this better world. Is this “plan for a better world” a predetermined model for a future of people that the architects have no relational connection to? I have no desire to propose and enforce a preconstructed model of living upon people from afar. As I expect for myself here and now, anyone who exists beyond my own life is entitled to the same individual agency.
For me, this shit world in which I currently exist is the only world I am going to see. I have no delusions of getting old and touring colleges to give speeches on anarchy. Nor riding trains at 80 years old, or wasting away in a retirement home glued to a television or piecing together puzzles. I will most likely die young, and I don’t see a “better world” coming. Nor a mass uprising that wouldn’t impose another authoritarian regime in place of the current one. I guess some would say this is the “hopelessness” often associated with nihilism. For me, this is a realistic assessment of the world I currently live in.
But this reality, however dismal, motivates my desire to make my life, through fierce revolt, as joyful and fulfilling as possible! My hopelessness does not paralyze me with fear or depression; I celebrate it with hysterical laughter and ecstasy in spite of civilization’s death march. I arm my desires with the urgency to live... against the social order of monotony and peaceful enslavement, to sleep beneath the stars, to feel sunshine and a breeze with every hair on my body, to listen to the latenight conversations of the insects, to become wild...
Scattered everywhere around me are the social manifestations of domestication and control, the politics of fear that reinforce them and the individual architects who construct them. Therefore, opportunities for creative destruction (or destructive creativity) surround me! So why wait?
My Individualism, nihilistic and anarchistic, is the embodiment of both perpetual destruction and creativity. The life I want to live is the one I create here and now. Through the personal destruction of all that governs me, my freedom is experienced creativity. My life is my utopia, located here and now, defining my present as the playful insubordination that renders The Future useless.
To black out in becoming the light of hopelessness,
to accelerate emancipation from the shackles of stagnation,
to create an exhilarating life of hedonistic rebellion against the social conformity of self-destruction,
wild insurgency is an individualist celebration,
a reclaiming of a life society says I can’t have,
every day against stifling obedience to The Future.
- Flower Bomb 2019
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This is totally off topic to anything, but how do you survive high school I need some tips. PLEASE.😂
Um??? This is not off topic??? I’m always here for you guys. If you need tips on how to survive high school, then come ask Aunt Cecily. I’m legit ALWAYS HERE if you need advice for support 💕💕💕
So with that being said, oh boy do I have some tips for you. I don’t know anything about you, anon (other then that you’re likely 13 or 14 and going into high school, or are currently in it and have like 3 years left). As a result, I really can’t give you more specific advice. I’m honestly just going to give you some tips that I know helped me or things I wish I would have done. I’ll tell you some general tips, and then academic related tips.
Here’s the general stuff:
1. Music is so important. Have a good selection of singers on your ipod/phone. My go-tos were Lily Kershaw, Evanescence, Porcelain Black, Colette Carr, Neon Hitch, Trading Yesterday, Beth Crowley, The Cab, One Direction, Little Mix, Emilie Autumn, Kerli, Mayday Parade, Skillet, Simple Plan, Two Steps From Hell, and a lot of miscellaneous songs from various artists. My taste in music has changed and grown, but I still listen to a lot of those artists. Because I was so socially isolated throughout high school, I was constantly listening to music. It made me feel less alone. I had a lot of songs that I could relate to because of what I was going through.
2. Figure out what you love doing. For me, I started to love writing when I very accidentally found out fanfiction. And I mean accidentally. I was googling “narnia stories” or something like that. When I was 12, I was reading this critical analysis/theory book about C.S. Lewis and Narnia, and I was dying to know what happened to Susan post-The Last Battle. I did not find that; I find out about fanfiction instead on this website called Quizilla. It’s not active/online anymore - it was shut down way back in late 2014 or early 2015 for reasons I can’t remember now. ANYWAY. I loved the stories I found on there. I started to write my own (one of them was a Lord of the Rings one and another was with my first OC, Blaze, falling in love with Skandar Keynes. *cringe* *sigh*).
I obviously haven’t stopped writing fanfiction, but it’s because I discovered writing for fun, indulging your own ideas and interests with words and characters, that I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I mean, it’s also because I read this one specific fanfiction on there called Nothing’s Alright When You’re Bethrothed to Skandar Keynes (wow can you tell which celebrity 12 year old Cecily was OBSESSED with???). I was like, I WANT TO WRITE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE. Now I’m majoring in Creative Writing, because job security is for pussies (I’m kidding. I’m freaked out about what I’m gonna do post-college. Job security is some Good Shit, anon).
I also took a class in high school that was an elective, and it was called Video Productions. My teacher let me make my own vines, host some of my high schools’ weekly news segment, make a hunger games parody, etc. I also fell in love with making videos/filmmaking at that time. I knew that semester that that was something I was going to keep in my life and do something with.
Maybe it’s not as clear cut for you right now. But my point is that I discovered stuff in middle and high school that made me feel so damn alive and happy. Especially considering I was emotionally constipated and wanting to kill myself due to my major depressive disorder. So! Explore your interests. Give yourself room to create, learn, and develop skills. Useful ones and creative ones. Push yourself (safely) out of your comfort zone to try something that seems interesting. Even if you never do something like knitting or rock-climbing again, at least you tried it and figured out it’s not for you.
3. You’re in high school. You are not supposed to have your entire life planned. Some people know exactly what they want to do with their lives (go into medical field, go into law, do accounting, become a film director, etc) and that’s great. A lot of people change their minds. And then change it again. You are literally a teenager when you’re choosing a potential career in college, if college is where you decide to go. It is 100% okay to not have all the answers in life. It’s scary and can feel crippling. But guess what? It’s okay. It will be okay. Take deep breaths. Have a hot shower. Listen to your favorite song. But don’t wallow in anxiety forever. As I’ve said - start with figuring out what you love. Then figure out if you love it enough to make it a career, or if it’s just a hobby.
4. Have a job/be productive. After my freshmen, sophomore, and junior year of high school, I volunteered at a horse stable I took lessons at. It was a bunch of high schoolers helping out with summer camps meant for little kids. None of us got paid, but we knew we wouldn’t be financially compensated for our time going in. This guy I’ll call Micah ran the camp because he and his wife, Eva (also not her real name), owned the horses, barn, tack, jumping stuff, and some of the surrounding land. This was their business. In exchange for our four hours of volunteer work, we all got to have an hour or so to ride any of the horses for free and unsupervised (we were all advanced enough to do that and in a small enough group that it didn’t matter that we were left alone).
In my senior year of high school, I got paid like, $300 to write sports articles about the JV and varsity soccer teams at my school. Like give a detailed summary of each game for each time, upload them, and then I got paid in full at the end of the soccer time. That solidified how much I wanted to make writing my living, and that I didn’t want to be a journalist. I loved that job a lot, but I suspect part of why I liked it so much was because a) I knew it wouldn’t last forever, and b) I got to hang out with a lot of other girls my age. It made me feel like I had friends even if we rarely talked to each other.
I didn’t get my license during high school for a lot of reasons, none of which are relevant. If you don’t have money to pay for driving school, I’ve heard it’s a best to wait until you’re 18. That way all you have to do is get your permit, and then practice until you feel ready to take your driving test. Which I barely passed but lmao that’s a story for another time. Get your license when you’re ready or when you want it. Have a part-time job. Make some money. Make sure you SAVE your money. Don’t blow all of it on stupid stuff. Save half of your paycheck, anon.
5. High school doesn’t last forever. I’m not going to tell you some bullshit like “It gets better” (even though it does). Look, people can say that high school is only four years and doesn’t last forever, but if you’re going through a lot of rough shit in those four years, that sentiment doesn’t really help (well, in my own experience it didn’t). If you’re struggling with something like an eating disorder, parents who are divorcing, a death in your family, etc. it ends up sucking some ass to show up and care.
I think it’s more important to remember that you’re not alone. You can visit websites like 7 Cups of Tea to get support. You’re more resilient then you know. And you have more support around you then you know. There can be some dark times, but it’s possible to keep on keeping on until you find nuggets of hope and lots of help/support that help you out of your tunnel.
Also: high school only lasts four years. And that’s when most students start at 14 and graduate at 18. Those are not the best four years of your life. It’s the rest of your life that’s fucking amazing.
6. You don’t have to go to college. That’s not your excuse to be a burn-out, though, anon. If you don’t want to go to college, or can’t afford it, I’d suggest looking into going to a vocational school. From what I understand of friends who are currently in them or have graduated from them, you learn a specific skill/trade and can immediately go into the workplace you were trained for. It’s also apparently not as pricey as college. You could also consider going to community college. You can take a year or two off to do something with yourself, and figure out what’s best for you. Maybe it includes trade school or college, and maybe it doesn’t. It’s okay either way.
Below are two extensive school cheat sheets that tumblr user jwstudying put together. They’re more conscise and thorough then I can currently be (because it’s like. 2 a.m. where I am and I’m having trouble staying awake). I haven’t gotten a chance to look through all the stuff jwstudying provided, so I’m not sure if all the links work. Hopefully they do.
I hope all of this helps, anon! Good luck with high school. Message me again if you want to talk or need more advice. 
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suzem-limited · 3 years
CONCENTRATIONS (Part 1) | Pharmaceutical Calculations
CONCENTRATIONS (Part 1) | Pharmaceutical Calculations
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God Bless You!
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newscitygroup · 5 years
Self-motivation: The Desire To Prosper
Some of us have NO self-motivation or any kind of motivation at 6 in the morning, the alarm clock is buzzing, and you’re actually thinking to yourself, “What’s the point in getting up this early for work?”
For a few of us, the motivation is merely the desire to turn off the clock that is vibrating off the nightstand. But for others, it is genuinely self-motivation. It is an internal alarm clock that inspires an individual to reconcile his/her day.
Definitely, everybody wishes secretly to be successful.
Everybody wishes to have a purpose in life, to be at the top of the corporate ladder, or to be the very best she or he can be in anything they do. However, why do some individuals prosper when doing these things, and others do not?
The real answer is self-motivation or motivation
There are numerous aspects that add to it. They consist of:
– Self-esteem. – Desire to prosper. – Will power. – Mental stability. – Family. – Life objectives. – Daily activities. – Daily satisfaction.
All of these elements will impact the success in a profession, in academics, in playing sports, and in marital relationships and parenting.
Whether you finished top of your group or class or with a 4.0-grade average, you required or needed a little bit more of self-motivation to do it. It drives a professional athlete to score the winning goal, just as it drives a mom and dad to be a good example for a kid.
Together with the desire to prosper comes psychological stability.
Everybody has a bad day occasionally; however what self-motivates an individual to advance over and above the bad day?
The answer is psychological stability.
A mind is a powerful tool. You can and will accomplish anything when you put your mind to achieving something. As a result, your will power is evaluated.
Having the ability to remain self-motivated instead of “surrendering” permits or allows you to be successful in the end.
Are Will Power, psychological stability, and the desire to prosper, the outcome of self-motivation?
Another element that drives self-motivation is the family. The household can motivate or destroy anyone.
Specifically a working partner – will yearn for the household’s pride and approval. The working partner self-motivates himself or herself just by ensuring that the household is looked after financially. The working partner will more than likely wish to make a higher income, and in the end, attend to, and support the household.
Kids frequently admire their parents or guardians and will imitate what they see them doing. In the end, self-motivation is handed down from one generation to the next, as it is a crucial function in household affairs.
Finally, self-motivation is driven by everyday objectives and fundamental day-to-day regimens such as slimming down or finding out how to play a sport. The enjoyment of getting up to see the sunrise or to hear the birds singing, and even listening to the rain are all that can self-motivate an individual to get up and take the bull by the horns.
The post Self-motivation: The Desire To Prosper appeared first on News City Group.
from News City Group https://newscitygroup.com/self-motivation-the-desire-to-prosper/981817/
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