#post left
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"Authoritarians may seek to control an individual's body. Since anti-oppression is the basis for anarchist thought, some individuals or groups have found that those who identify as anarchists are most sensitive to accusations of being oppressive. This sensitivity is exploited in order to conflate a mere opinion with fact, giving it the power to control. This may range from an opinion that one race has ownership over a particular hairstyle, to an opinion that one sex has ownership over a particular gender or gender expression. Authoritarians may then seek to ban individuals who openly disagree with these opinions from events or spaces, or even enact physical violence on them."
"Authoritarians who find power with identity politics are quick to disregard, silence, or altogether erase perspectives that are not socially valuable in upholding their dogmatic and unnuanced view of oppression. Any ideas coming from those belonging to the oppressed category are given precedence, regardless of their relevance to anti-authoritarianism; while any ideas held by those belonging to the oppressor category are automatically treated as suspect or less worthy of consideration.
This leads to the acceptance and proliferation of a subculture where those perceived as oppressors are intentionally given less opportunity than those categorized as oppressed. Rather than creating genuine equality by abolishing identity categories (along with their corresponding forms of oppression), the larger social hierarchy is inverted, and oppressive power is merely transferred rather than destroyed."
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autonomoustweekazoid · 8 months
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gett-merkedd · 1 year
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A person born into capitalism, a system in which virtually all resources are privately owned, must receive permission from property owners in order to access those resources to survive.
Each person must therefore pay a property owner or labor directly for the property owner to survive. Each person is *coerced* into wage labor and market transactions by virtue of *systemic privatization.*
Any property owner could voluntarily allow the propertyless access to resources free of charge. But each owner is *also* obligated into market exchanges to acquire resources not found on their property to survive, coercing *them* into exploiting the propertyless to survive.
I have said it before: capitalism incentivizes psychopathic behavior. If people must engage in competitive profit seeking to survive, they are disciplined by the threat of market failure, immiseration, and starvation into horrific behavior *whether they want to or not.*
Capitalist ideologues will insist the absence of coercion in any given exchange exonerates the entire system. But I have never once been threatened by a cop over taxes, and yet I am still aware that I face imprisonment and violence if I fail to pay on time. The propertyless are well aware of the violence that will face them if they try to use property without permission—without payment, without laboring—even if they’ve never personally been evicted by a sheriff’s deputy.
Capitalist ideologues will insist on treating the system as nothing more than a sequence of discrete interactions with no connection to each other, because no one wants to think *they* would willingly participate in, and perpetuate, a system of exploitation and coercion.
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rawvnoisevcruster · 1 year
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siezing the means of production is outdated. instead the means of production should be abolished.
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Time circles back on itself in eternal return. Those who once called for the destruction of the malignant cancers that are moralism and reformism stand idle behind them, dragged back and reconnected to the roots they fought so hard to cut themselves from.
– Letters of Public Terror
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I am sick so instead of studying for finals i decided to doodle some centricide as much as i can:)
I made a post left design because i like the idea of his character as a dead but reborn Ancom with body stiches and big dark circles thats pretty much lifeless compared to Ancoms normal personality.
Thanks to all the people being patient and giving me more requests, just because i dont post as often doesnt mean im dead or gone from the fandoms i draw for its just life getting in the way honestly
Have a nice weekend yall💪💪
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SyndiCentralism lmao 🤣
I asked Microsoft Copilot to name my bad political self-theory from when I was a teenager.
This should be a meme. It needs a symbol. It needs to be in the Polcompball Wiki.
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(No joke, I thought this was a good idea as a teenager. I thought this was a foolproof way to eliminate capitalism.)
(For reference, I'm now a post-left anarchist.)
(This model would lead to so much corruption lmao; especially if tankie think tanks get involved.)
(Now, if you want to meme this aborted train wreck, you can depict SyndiCentralist ball as a manipulative, corrupt, almost cult-like leader, despite running being part of a seemingly-democratic organization. Despite the workers making the vote, he's pretty much the thought leader. And he's only really concerned with achieving his own political gains, and is willing to accept advice and collaboration from MLs.)
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Although I had once pinned all my hopes on putting myself through school, believing I could thereby make something of myself, I now realized the futility of this all too clearly. No amount of struggling for an education is going to help one get ahead in this world. And what does it mean to get ahead anyway? is there any more worthless lot than the so-called great people of this world? What is so admirable about being looked up to by others? I do not live for other. What I had to achieve was my own freedom, my own satisfaction. I had to be myself.
-Kaneko Fumiko
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I feel nationalism has escaped the grave long enough. With this text I seek to instigate and encourage an anti-authoritarian flame that once and for all sets fire to its anarcho-confused, stumbling corpse. I also encourage anarchists to question the notion of any said thing belonging exclusively to any said culture, to question the notion that every individual identifying with said culture claims to own it, and to question the authority of whoever is making universal claims on behalf of others in the first place.
I say normalize dreadlocks across all racial categories; rebel against work - especially the type of work that seeks to conform us to beauty standards of marketing and production! I say dismantle white supremacy by making whiteness as insurbordinate to colonial order as every black and brown youth who light up precincts like bonfires to freedom!
I propose an anarchy that moves beyond the politics of embracing assigned identity, toward de-territorializing one's body and destroying identity-based occupation all together. At the intersection of anti-colonial and anti-authoritarian praxis is a nihilist critique of any and all cultural ownership of one's body, becoming a dangerous space of terra incognita.
Read here.
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autonomoustweekazoid · 6 months
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"And for those representatives of power who trample upon the lives of the naturally equal humans on the earth, those lumps of meat equal to lumps of dirt called the Emperor and Crown Prince, the poor people they’ve deceived give them an exaggerated holiness and provide them superior, inviolate positions while they’re being exploited. And it’s there that I wanted to show the people clearly that those being impressed upon them then as sacred inviolate power, the Emperor and Crown Prince, are in truth empty lumps of meat among lumps of meat, nothing but puppets, to show those being exploited that they’re nothing more than marionettes and foolish dummies used by the privileged few to enrich themselves by deceiving the people who serve as their source of wealth, and through this to show that the mountain of long-held traditions that bestow the Emperor with divinity are purely empty superstitions."
- Kaneko Fumiko
Because I Wanted To
Translated by the homie Max Res of Viscera Providence (now Viscera Philly)
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oh my god! i made another centricide edit! (does this come as a surprise to absolutely anyone, the brainrot is getting worse)
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anarchywoofwoof · 1 year
The official line is that we all have rights and live in a democracy. Other unfortunates who aren’t free like we are have to live in police states. These victims obey orders or else, no matter how arbitrary. The authorities keep them under regular surveillance. State bureaucrats control even the smallest details of everyday life. The officials who push them around are answerable only to higher-ups, public or private. Either way, dissent or disobedience are punished. Informers report regularly to the authorities. All this is supposed to be a very bad thing.
And so it is, although it is nothing but a description of the modern workplace.
—Bob Black, “The Abolition of Work”, 1985
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Leftism is a rotten ideology thats been spoiling ever since Marx and Engels started writing books, leftism is nothing more than the idolization of old white men and the worshipping of long dead totalitarian regimes. There will be no international proletarian revolution, reading theory is not praxis, your leftcom book club will not make any new ground breaking theories, and your marxist newspaper will not spark revolution. We fight here and now with no end goal of some communist utopia. We live in the moment and our communes are not planned nor are they preparing for the future. They simply are, they are autonomous unions of mutual association and work towards no goal other than their own self interest. Communization or anarcho nihilism or insurrectionary egoism or whatever you want to call it is far more practical and realistic than leftism. Break Bones and Love Freely.
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