lgbtlunaverse · 7 months
Nothing will dispell the "the curtains were just blue" myth faster than writing something yourself, because the amount of pretentious symbolism i am putting in my silly little fanfics is ridiculous. I mean SO much with these words, literally every single one of them. This fic has twenty five typos and zero correct uses of punctuation but if there's curtains you bet your ass I put thought into what colour they were.
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got your nose !!!!
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thinkin' about Bardaby and his illusion smoke...
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ingoodjesst · 2 months
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have you put the pieces together yet, detective
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heritageposts · 8 days
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ghostpajamas · 8 months
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buggachat · 2 years
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this is so horrible
This isn't even new for him. Gabriel did basically this same exact thing in Collector three seasons ago, faked a breakdown in his office and made Adrien believe it was all his fault. This is so consistent with Gabriel's methods of abuse/manipulation, and I already knew Gabriel did this shit, but seeing it again like this and with the dialogue really drives home how absolutely despicable and purposeful this all is.
Gabriel isn't just talking about the friends pushing food on him. He could've chose to say "why don't children respect me!" or "this suit cost so much!" or "i was so embarrassed in front of all the other parents!", but he didn't. He chose instead to talk about Adrien's conversation with him in the kitchen that morning, the one where Adrien very reasonably mentioned that he was uncomfortable being a virtual personal assistant. Adrien didn't even push it. He just mentioned that he was uncomfortable and then kind of moved on from it.... and this is what Gabriel saw as a fitting punishment for Adrien asking a question. To fill Adrien with such intense guilt and shame while shouting things like "Maybe I wasn't meant to be a father!"
Like, this is traumatizing, right? Adrien is witnessing this, and Gabriel knows that Adrien is witnessing it, in fact, Gabriel is only doing it because Adrien is witnessing it. Literally no excuse. This is just pure 100% emotional abuse, flat out, with zero way to sugarcoat it.
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rozugold · 11 days
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There are 2 Tommys in my head and they are both mentally ill
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liriostigre · 1 year
Jeff Buckley's poem, “New Year's Eve Prayer,” performed at Sin-é, Manhattan, NYC, 1994.
You, my love, are allowed to forget about the Christmas you just spent stressed out in your parents' house.
You, my love, are allowed to shed the weight of all the years before, like bad disco clothes. Save them for a night of dancing stoned with your lover.
You, my love, are allowed to let yourself drown, every night, in bottomless, wild and naked symbolic dreams.
You, my love, in sleep can unlock your youth and your most terrifying magic; and dreaming is for the courageous.
You, my love, are allowed to grab my guitar and sing me idiot love songs if you've lost your ability to speak. Keep it down to two minutes.
You, my love, are allowed to rot and to die and to live again, more alive and incandescent than before.
You, my love, are allowed to beat the shit out of your television, choke its thoughts and corrupt its mind. Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill the motherfucker! Before the song of zombified pain and panic and malaise and it's narrow right-winged vision and it's cheap commercial gang rape becomes the white noise of the world, turn about is fair play.
You, my love, are allowed to forgive and love your television.
You, my love, are allowed to speak in kisses to those around you and those up in heaven.
You, my love, are allowed to show your babies how to dance full bodied, starry eyed, audacious, supernatural and glorified.
You, my love, are allowed to suck in every single endeavor.
You, my love, are allowed to be soaked like a lovers' blanket, in the New York summertime, with the wonder of your own special gift.
You, my love, are allowed to receive praise.
You, my love, are allowed to have time.
You, my love, are allowed to understand.
You, my love, are allowed to love.
Woman, disobey, when little men believe.
You, my love, are Rebellion.
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stuckinapril · 10 hours
how are you so in love with yourself...this is not me accusing you of narcissism or smth i genuinely am in awe of how much you seem to like yourself and be in love with yourself and I try so hard to be like you and do that too but i fail every single time...i really really want to know how I could be like this too because i know it is one of the biggest things stopping me from achieving happiness
Not sure if this is a ubiquitous experience, but for me personally affirmations can only go so far. There’s always been a direct correlation between me doing action-based things and my self-esteem increasing, so I try to keep my promises to myself (study at x time, work out at y time, just doing whatever I need to do even if I don’t have the motivation for it). Someone told me that self-esteem comes w doing esteemable things, and I’ve never forgotten that since. What someone thinks about me (including the gargoyle voice in my head lol) won’t faze me if I have tangible accomplishments under my belt I can refer back to on bad days
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
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They are everything to me, you don’t understand
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0vergrowngraveyard · 1 month
i will forever be on my “tails and infinte could’ve had such a good hero-villain dynamic in forces if the player character didn’t take over tails’ role” bullshit
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cr1mson5returns · 9 months
Sort of obsessing over the concept of Tim, having been acknowledged canonically as a talented photographer, using these skills for morally gray reasons. This kid doesn't intend to use his fists to win every battle, or even most battles, actually. He's well-connected, fits into unconventional hiding spaces due to being lean and slender and 5'6", and he has a very nice camera. So really, Senator, it's a shame you thought you'd get away with so much. Think of what the Times could do with this evidence. High-definition doesn't lie. So you'll vote to expand funding for public education and Medicaid in the state, is that correct? Of course, you're an upstanding politician, after all. Couldn't have all this getting in the way of your career.
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"Luke made the choice to join Kronos. Luke made the choice to betray everyone at camp. Luke made the choice to-." Blah, blah, blah.
Anyways, given that Kronos obviously manipulated Luke into believing that he wanted what Luke wanted (and that was to make life for demigods better and to hold the gods accountable for their actions), only to get Luke to say yes and join him… did Luke really have a choice? It’s states multiple times throughout the first series, by various characters, that Kronos could manipulate even the person with the strongest will power. Hell, Kronos even manipulated Ares! A literal god!
You think that Luke really had any chance of turning Kronos down, especially right after his quest when his emotions were all over the place?
Then let’s not forget that it’s stated right in the books that Kronos would straight up torture Luke with nightmares when he would "fail" or he felt Luke’s loyalty to him wavering. So, if he was punished/tortured whenever he may have wanted to disband the alliance with Kronos… did he really have a choice? Or was he stuck in that awful predicament because of one bad decision that wasn’t even truly his very own decision?
Luke may have thought that he had a choice in the beginning and it may seem that way to Percy and the others. However, it’s made perfectly clear in TTC that all of the "power" that Kronos had given Luke (as far as letting him see over the army in SoM and everything) was really just to pacify Luke and keep him compliant and unquestioning until he was ready to use him as his vessel if things didn’t work out with the fleece.
As far as I see it, Luke stopped having the true ability to make choices after he agreed to join Kronos and that happened before we even see him in TLT. In this essay I will-…
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furiousgoldfish · 3 months
Living with abusive parents made me feel like I need to be productive every day, every moment, and that's the only way I can survive. If I stopped being productive, then I was not worthy of life anymore. It made me into this hyper-stressed individual who would feel bad just from not producing anything within few hours; I'd feel guilty, ashamed and not good enough if a whole day went by without me accomplishing anything.
This lead to me burning out from everything I was trying to achieve, it exhausted me, it brought me endless days of experiencing guilt and shame from being too tired and too stressed and anxious to make or do anything. It made me sick, and ashamed of being sick. It made me compare myself to everyone who accomplished more than me, feeling small and unable to compete. It made me dismiss everything I have done as 'not good enough' because it didn't bring me that feeling that I was now someone, that I had done something important, something I could be proud of. I was proud of nothing. Nothing was notable, nothing was exceptional.
I never stopped to ask myself, for what reasons was I doing this? It was assumed that of course, this constant 'doing something' would bring me somewhere, only I didn't know where, I didn't have a goal. I just knew I needed to keep working, keep producing, or else I would be bad. What was I working for? Who was benefiting from this? I didn't even know.
I was blindly following the path that eroded my mental health, my well-being, my sense of self-value and my time and energy. I was scrambling for seconds of feeling good about myself which should have been mine from the start. I should have been able to feel good while doing nothing, while resting, relaxing, enjoying, taking it slow, caring for my own health, my well being and my emotional stability. There was absolutely no reason in that high-stress environment for me to be producing anything! I just needed to survive, but the pressure put on me to be 'useful' and 'productive' was so huge, I couldn't even see anything else past it. I couldn't comprehend that I was allowed to feel good even if I did nothing, even if I was just focusing on what made me feel better.
It would take me a long time to realize that working only had a point if you were working towards a specific goal, and if you were able to set the conditions of the work so that it doesn't destroy your health and emotional well being on the way. If working isn't bringing you closer to your goal, it means you're being exploited. Other people are profiting from your constant productivity while you're not even aware of why you're doing it. If working is destroying your current life, it's not sustainable enough to bring you towards a goal. No goal is worth destroying yourself over. You have to live in order to be there for when your goal is achieved.
And you can feel okay about yourself every minute that you're not working towards your goal. Taking breaks and letting yourself recover from work has to be a part of the normal, otherwise it's a burnout waiting to happen. The goal will not run away while you're resting. Nothing bad can happen just because you're taking care of yourself and taking it slow. It will give you more stability and make sure you can keep doing what you're doing.
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daily-hanamura · 5 months
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