#i love scribbling him angry. i love scribbling him with howdy. and i love scribbling him being soft w/ wally
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thinkin' about Bardaby and his illusion smoke...
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downinthehull · 1 year
can you do age regression headcanons for arthur morgan please? around a toddler would be preferable if so
howdy friend!
of course! i have quite a few small arthur hcs!!! and I'd love to share some!
toddler arthur morgan;
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obviously arthur is very good at drawing, and when he's small he's still quite the artist! i like to think that he has his own separate journal for his small scribbles, not wanting to mix them with his other drawings.
since he usually doesn't feel like leaving camp when he's small, he walks around and draws anything he can find! bugs, birds, the horses, and even a sleeping uncle sometimes.
one of the ladies always asks to see his pictures and makes sure to compliment them too.
loves cain
after cain gets comfortable around everyone, arthur takes a particular liking to the dog.
he loves giving him pets, cuddles, and taking him for short walks.
so many of his little doodles are of cain. laying down, sitting, begging for food, anything arthur finds him doing that he finds particularly interesting.
follows john around
when arthur feels like hanging out with john, he doesn't take no for an answer to anything. if john says he doesn't want to have to watch him right now, arthur just huffs and crosses his arms.
if john has chores to do, arthur will follow him around wherever he needs to go.
he sits close when john is carving something or sharpening his knife.
the two of them usually have a very nice time, plenty of brotherly bonding. with a side of playful teasing as well, of course.
plays around with the camera (from the gunslingers mission)
in between finding all the gunslingers, arthur would take a few more pictures of random things he likes.
his horse, cain, the gang, really just anything he thinks deserves to be memorialized. hanging up the pictures by the side of his bed with the others.
vent regresses
being an outlaw, having to worry about so many things and people, it should be no surprise that his regression isn't always happy and fun.
being the "workhorse" definitely takes its toll.
whenever he's feeling upset, sad, or angry when he's small, he prefers to keep to himself. not entirely because he wants to, but in large part due to feeling guilty for not being able to handle all that's going on.
of course, if someone notices when he's upset, they'll do their best to keep him company and listen if they need to. providing reassurance and trying to help him feel better.
there's quite a few different people that i think could be arthur's caregiver!
-obviously the first that comes to mind is hosea. as well as dutch, but i don't think dutch would be a cg without hosea (not because i think he'd be completely incapable, but because hosea is the more responsible one).
-charles is also another very good option! he's so kind, patient, and a very good friend to arthur. i can just imagine the both of them sitting around and charles going on and on about animals, plants, and whatever else he can think of.
-john would be more of a big brother than an actual parental figure, but i still think he'd love to look after small arthur. there would definitely be some teasing, but john would honestly love to be the older brother for a change.
-a few random others: albert mason, kieran duffy, and mary linton (previously, of course)
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ruinous-robes · 2 years
Suneater Chapter 2: The Spider and the Stormfront
Howdy, finally got another chapter put out! Again, no real warnings this time. Next chapter we get to meet a new character >:D
Honor knew that he was Merit’s greatest disappointment.
He wasn’t belittling himself; it was simply the truth.
His earliest memory was of her scowling face snapping harshly at him as she scribbled furiously across her endless, bloodstained paperwork as he scrambled back apologetically (he’d only wanted to see— ). He remembered leaning against her massive, hearth-warmed side, snuggled under her wings, all the while trying to pretend that it was not only begrudging indifference that allowed him to doze there, but something akin to love. A distant, secluded kind of love. He recalled the great huff of her breath, the twitch of her irritated tail, and how he’d felt so small against her gargantuan side — like she would always tower over everything in his little, private world, would always be the great obstacle between him and the scary places beyond; that she was just a distant protector, like the sentries placed outside their dens — barely dots on the dark, murky horizon — and not so actively begrudging of his quiet presence in her cramped little study like the other pups said about how she felt about him.
But Merit was not so sentimental as to believe in love. No, to her, Honor was a nuisance who would one day, hopefully, bring her some kind of prestige amongst the Tapestry they called home. Maybe, some day, he’d grow up to be the same heartless, all seeing monster as his mother — stronger, even. Maybe, she’d see him become a true Acolyte of the Fatespinner, one who shunned all earthly emotions and spoke face to face with the Spinner themself. There had not been such a wolf in centuries. But her bloodline was strong, and Honor had been sworn by every eldest Spider in the Tapestry that he was something special. A Weaver who would be truly magnificent, a wolf meant to touch the stars.
Honor was never going to be that wolf. He knew that. He was perfectly okay with that, in fact. It simply wasn’t the path meant for him; he knew his fate was something far more treacherous, and infinitely more painful.
And that fate had stopped knocking at the door. Honor had slammed it shut, so it just crawled in through the window on skittering, terrible legs.
Merit still hadn’t deemed to so much as look at him. Her claws still scritch-scritch-scritched against the parchment, dragging and forming short, concise paragraphs, as was her way — ever practical, ever shrewd, the picture of a perfect Weaver, the perfect leader. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of trying to get her attention. He simply sat in silence, waiting on her to start the conversation; she could put it off for as long as she liked. Nothing would change the outcome, and the low setting of her ears, angry and so painfully obvious even as she tried to feign indifference, gave away everything Honor needed to know.
The Fatespinner had indeed intervened with her schemes.
It felt like ages before Merit seemed to realize that Honor was not going to speak first. She rolled up her scrolls and wiped the ink from her claws with a deep sigh.
“I don’t need to tell you why I summoned you. I’m certain you know,” she said, her voice hard and deadpan. Her icy blue eyes (every day he was thankful he had gotten his father’s green ones, even if he had never met the wolf in person) bore into him with feigned disinterest, but he had long since learned to find the barely contained disdain she had for him.
“If I am correct, you summoned me in order to berate me about how I better not ruin your reputation with my condemnable nonsense, so why don’t we just cut to the heart? Where is my Loom?” Honor had no time for this. A storm was brewing over the southern coast — where he would be flying in order to reach the elusive Anthills Oasis — and if he didn’t leave soon, he’d be tossed like a rag doll through it.
“Watch your words, boy,” she snapped. “I already have half the mind to disregard the Spinner’s instructions and send another in your place. Frankly, I don’t think you’re capable of the indifference needed, but we are all but servants to the Divine, even if I think they’ve made a mistake.”
“My loom, Mother.”
She looked, for a moment, as if she was going to argue over the semantics of whose loom it truly was, but she just glared and held out her wing.
“Right here.”
From across her wing membranes, a large brown… thing hopped across, landing on the table. It was approximately the shape of a spider, with eight legs and eight dark, glittering eyes, but it moved too stiffly, and its legs were thick and oddly jointed. It looked like a wooden wind up toy, and most importantly, it was most certainly not Honor’s loom.
Before he could protest, Merit explained, “You do not know every Weaver secret, son. Do not look surprised. This is the Faerie Loom, and every fae artifact has its tricks. This one can turn into a spider for transport, and it will follow its master’s every command. When it was created, it was meant to listen only to the instructions of the High Spider who struck the truce with Faerieland. However, it’s not good form to tie an entire magical object to one person, so they struck a caveat. The loom must have a name given to it by its master, and if it’s revoked, it’ll take the next name it is given, and follow the new wolf in thanks.”
Merit now stared down at the spider-loom. “You’ve been Widow long enough,” she intoned. “You have no name now, and thus no purpose. Leave my service.”
Instantly, the little creature froze, like its mechanics had suddenly locked up as if in disbelief. Then, in the next moment, it hid its gemstone eyes behind two legs, and made a mournful little clicking sound, like it was crying.
Honor immediately felt awful for it and reached out his wings, scooping it up. It only continued to cry, trembling in his grasp, unsoothed from its pain
Merit only watched the display with mild disgust. “Name it once more — anything but Widow — and it will be tied to you and follow any command you give it.”
Honor looked down at the spider-loom, still crying, and soothed, “It’s alright, my friend. You know me, and I’m sorry I haven’t named you before, Recluse. You are always welcome by my side.”
As quickly as it had come, the crying stopped, and Recluse hopped up happily, springing in place before skittering up his neck to perch happily between his ears. He felt it settle there heavily, and now it radiated just a little bit of warmth. It was… nice.
“No other will be able to command it. I have given its ownership to you.” Merit snorted a laugh, almost to herself. “Never say I didn’t do anything to help you succeed.”
“Why didn’t you show me this before?” he asked. “I’ve had the loom for years now. It would’ve been nice to be able to move it.”
Merit waved her wing dismissively. “Because I knew you would act on impulse and run with it. I’m no fool, Honor. You hate it here almost as much as everyone else dislikes your staying. That loom was the only thing keeping you rooted.”
That, and whatever the Fatespinner showed you that scared you. Merit didn’t say it, but Honor felt it.
“But now I’m leaving under the orders of the Spinner, so you’re letting it go,” he said.
“It’s not like anyone else has any use of it. I’d rather lose a useless display piece than have you embarrass me by being unable to Weave on the average loom,” she said, turning away from him and back to her papers. “It was merely practical. But other than that, you may take anything you can carry with you. I suggest you travel light. You intend to fly over the sea to avoid Mistvale and the rest of Murkwood, yes?”
Honor nodded. Weavers were not well received in Murkwood. It was safer to brave the water and stick close to the edges of the continent.
“Good, then you have listened once in your life. Travel lightly, then. I’m sure you have seen the storms, and Weavers are well received in Goldsea; you needn’t bring much that they cannot supply.” At Honor’s shocked expression, she laughed — harsh and grating as sandpaper. “Don’t look so surprised. The Spinner has given me some insight into your web. At least enough to know where you are headed. If you have no other questions, you are free to leave.”
Honor bowed, as was customary. Recluse scuttled down his neck to settle in his chiton, unhappy with being disturbed from its perch.
“And Honor?” Merit called.
He wondered what she was about to say. He knew this was likely the last time he’d ever see his mother in person; she probably knew that as well.
“Do not disappoint me.”
He should’ve known better than to hope. Hope was dangerous.
With Merit’s last words turning any doubt on his tongue to ash, he packed quickly. All he took was a small stash of pebbles and moonstones, some travel rations, a few cloaks, a quilt. Finally, he pulled out his first tapestry, and tucked it away in his packs as well. He knew he didn’t need it, but it felt wrong to leave it.
Honor said goodbye to no one. He knew no one would miss him or wish him well, so instead he surfaced from the Tapestry Warren, and called out softly.
“Filigree? You out here?”
His companion was a young Kickstart Crane who, supposedly, had chosen his cradle as a nest when he was tiny. She’d been his companion ever since, but the dark, cold hallways didn’t agree with her fiery warmth and bright metallic feathers, so she spent most of her time above ground.
Filigree lighted down next to him silently moments later, graceful feet touching down on soft moss. He wondered if Goldsea soil was as damp and squishy under his paws.
We are leaving, aren’t we? Filigree asked, speaking into his mind. It was the talent of the Kickstart Cranes; once bonded with a companion, they could communicate with them without speaking.
Honor nodded, and swallowed around the knot in his throat. Recluse seemed to notice his worry, and patted his neck soothingly with a wooden leg. He smiled wobbly.
“We’re gonna save him. We have to.”
Filigree didn’t respond. Instead shesimply spread her wings, waiting for him to take off, as if to say, after you.
With a final deep breath of damp, early morning air, a final feel of the lichens and soil beneath him, and a final silent goodbye to the only home he’d ever known, he took off with a running start, soaring up, up, up above the trees, until the wind roared loud enough in his ears to drown out the thundering of his heartbeat.
Again, the same story that his weavings always told him, in that voiceless singsong echoed in his head, growing louder as his wing beats took him closer and closer to his destiny. His Suneater.
There once was a wolf who loved the earth, but chased the sun.
He was as fast as the moon and stars, and one day, he came very close to catching it.
Below, all the creatures cheered him on, but the earth knew it was a doomed quest, and cried, for its words could not reach the wolf, high in the sky as he was.
As the wolf sank his teeth into the sun’s surface, he caught fire and fell all the way back down, blazing like a star as he went and struck down in a bed of yarrow and black clay.
The earth covered his broken body with mountains and rivers, and never again loved anything that walked its surface.
He pumped his wings faster as the story concluded. By now he knew the words by heart.
A storm is coming, he thought, and I intend to stop it.
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elffees · 3 years
some little additions to the ep 5 endings for low brotherhood
oh this post is going to hurt but i’m doing it anyway. these are just some brainstorms on tweaks to the endings bc for the most part, they all come off as high brotherhood, which is fine for me tbh bc i have never played a LB route cause im Soft™️. but i’m also Curious™️ and thought up some variations that couldve been made for people that did have a LB playthrough
these are mostly tiny changes. nothing too major bc like in canon, i think morality having the highest affect on Cross vs. Surrender is fine, but it would’ve been kinda cool if the epilogues had been tweaked a little to reflect brotherhood also. so possible tweaks i thought of is basically what this post is about.
here’s some:
(sidenote: okay i said the changes were mostly little and i promise they are. this ending specifically tho just has the most significant ones i’ve made by adding in like 2 extra scenes. but that’s really it)
in this ending things are the same when they reach the road block, including daniel tearing up, until sean says “you’re my brother”. they do not exchange i love yous nor hug or touch foreheads. sean goes straight to “and i know it’s gonna be alright” while keeping an outstretched arm on daniel’s shoulder. daniel also goes straight to his “how do you know”. the car scene plays out the same from then on except without hugging. they mostly stay separately in each other’s seats.
daniel doesn’t panic and jump to his feet when the police start walking sean to the car. he stands up resigned and watches sadly but quietly. sean doesnt say anything as he gets in the car but does look back at daniel before they pull off
in the collage, there is still a picture of daniel visiting sean in prison, but they don’t hug and just speak tensely across from one another.
daniel doesn’t come on the day of sean’s release, karen is the only default. now, like lyla, daniel is a determinant. (imagine if they were all determinant and even karen didn’t come meaning sean could get out of jail with nobody in the world caring about him jesus christ) there’s a scene with sean afterwards visiting daniel’s apartment. when daniel opens the door, he’s shocked and slams a palm to his forehead, clearly having forgot sean’s release date.
there’s small polite smiles on their faces as they greet each other at the door, but sean never makes it past the front steps. their conversation is brief before daniel gestures that he actually was walking out and has to go. they say their goodbyes with a casual hug (quick back slap) before daniel hops in his car using his power and pulls off with sean watching.
sean still goes back to their first campsite but alone. it mostly plays out the same where he still cries, but with no comfort, and then drives away towards the right after taking one last look at the trail
the epilogue ends with daniel stepping out of his car and approaching faraway friends that he waves to. they’re drawn vague and out of focus to save on production costs (don’t worry dontnod i gotchu). the angle of the scene shifts so it looks like daniel is walking off towards the left
summary (1/2) -> sean took the heat in order to let daniel have a childhood in america. and he succeeds in this, but because their relationship was poor, during his incarceration their bond practically turns to dust. daniel gets a childhood, but sean loses his own and his brother in return
summary (2/2) -> sean still wants some kind of relationship with his brother, but its awkward and distant. daniel does not hate sean. he holds some semblance of polite respect for him bc in his HM!eyes sean “did the right thing” at the end of their journey. but overall, they are not that close and are more like acquaintances who just worked on a group project one time.
blood brothers
sean doesn’t say “be careful” before daniel gets out the car. just “you know what to do”
they don’t hold hands after daniel’s massacre. daniel just stares out the window while sean focuses ahead
(after the 6 years) when sean backs into the garage and daniel sees he’s being held at gunpoint, daniel doesn’t do anything at first. he doesn’t even move forward to get a better look. he simply watches the scene play out until the gang members notice he’s there, bc sean keeps glancing his way, and they begin to threaten him too. that is when he uses his powers.
sean giving daniel a pat on the shoulder? yeah in this LB version it’s now a shove. he noticed that daniel did not have his back. daniel just shrugs.
he still heads out to their patio and takes a seat. the scene is angled so that the player sees sean over daniel’s shoulder think about joining him, wanting to go smoke, with their dad’s lighter already out so we still see it. but he instead waves his hand dismissively and turns back into the shop.
daniel stares out towards the beach alone.
summary -> they gain freedom and escape to mexico, but their relationship is empty. there’s no polite respect, but there’s no outright animosity either. it’s just….. empty.
lone wolf
daniel doesn’t say the “it’s my turn to take care of us” line (omg it was so good tho). it’s now smthg along the lines of “i won’t let you stop me here after all this”
when saying the “we made it” set of lines, he’s still happy but also boastful, ready to hold it over sean that he was right
he doesn’t cry. instead of sobbing over the death of his brother, he is more shocked bc of how unexpected it is. he still calls out for sean’s name frantically, but does not get distraught afterwards. instead of leaning onto sean’s arm like he does in canon, after it sinks in that sean’s dead, he only grimaces while sitting uncertainly in his seat
the pictures stay the same
when sitting on the beach and looking over the ocean, he is not drawing in sean’s journal. he still has a small smile on his face but we also see him taking swigs of the beer can(?) here instead of later
also instead of a teardrop tattoo, he has a tattoo of 3 dots. the teardrop has several meanings, including death of a loved one or crime affiliation. but bc a lot of players interpreted it as being a tear for sean, then i think it’s preferable to just not have it in the LB version at all to avoid confusion and just have him with the 3 dots to make it clear it’s solely part of the gang/crime lifestyle
(moving on) daniel heads over to sean’s memorial and it is absolutely not as decorated as it is in canon. there is only 1 candle and no plants. the brick is still there but instead of a cross, it’s just a hastily laid single wooden plank with sean’s name scribbled down it. there’s no eye patch. the only thing of sentimental value there is their dad’s lighter.
daniel doesn’t sit, he stands looking at the memorial while drinking his beer. he realizes it’s empty tho and lazily litters the can beside sean’s memorial before turning to walk off and as he does he sees the gang.
most of their interaction plays out the same, but while daniel’s walking away instead of sparing the group, it’s clear he kills them as they are all unmoving, us seeing the dude with the gun flop to the ground over daniel’s shoulder. this change is bc personally i interpreted daniel sparing them as a sortve homage to sean’s high morality in this route. as in he’ll still do what needs to be done to survive, but will try to kill as little as possible out of respect for sean’s beliefs. so being as though daniel does not value sean as much in this LB version, he doesn’t care about that and kills them without thought.
summary -> for the most part, daniel still has the relatively content life he does in canon except, going by the now bare minimum memorial and littering, he doesn’t value sean’s memory nearly as much as he does in HB. sean’s death was ofc still a shock and smthg he still remembers, but it didn’t crush him like it does HB!daniel, and he honestly feels more annoyance than regret. in his LM!eyes, hes disappointed and thinks its a little stupid that sean wanted to switch gears at the border like that. he doesn’t hate him tho, he just sees sean as a disappointing memory.
parting ways
at the border daniel still cries, but instead of saying sorry to sean he says “i can’t do this sean. i have to go”, making it extra clear he’s not crying bc it’s the end, he’s crying bc of the damage he does not want to do.
he still says the “i hope you’ll be happy” line, but instead of being genuine it’s now full of disappointment with a twinge of bitterness
you know that quick angry facial expression he has before he’s walked off by the cops? WELL HOWDY IT DEFINITELY STAYS
the picture collage still shows him having a relatively happy upbringing with stephen, claire, and chris
when he’s on the phone at the reynolds’ and claire comes up to him, he’s still smiling and content. when he gets the letter with no sender name, his smile drops after taking the pic out and realizing who it’s from. the player doesn’t see yet tho. emphasis on 1 pic bc it’s not several like it is in canon/HB.
daniel rolls his eyes and with his power tosses the envelope & photo card (no sand btw) across the room so they land on a distant table. the camera zooms in on them and we finally see it’s of sean in mexico.
when claire comes back into the room, she halts seeing the mail and picks them up, glancing between them and daniel regretfully before sitting down
we go back to daniel and with arms crossed, he glances out at the tree in the yard for a brief moment before walking away
the scene stays focused on the tree and we still zoom out to the Wolf Brothers carving, except it has a not-recent slash cut through it
summary -> daniel gets a childhood in america and sean gets his freedom in mexico, but their relationship is destroyed. daniel doesn’t approve of sean’s final decision at all and holds little to no respect for him. sean sends the post card bc, like in redemption, he still wishes to hold some kind of relationship, but he doesnt try all that hard and doesn’t miss daniel that much to send several pics and a chunk of sand.
and so these were some of my ideas for low brotherhood endings! i tried to put them in order from most positive (minute respect) to most negative (outright disdain). i’d love to hear thoughts on this or if anyone wants to add to these, then that’s fine to! just don’t break my heart pls
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tragedy-for-sale · 4 years
Boy howdy I do love the Bad Batch
Howdy ya'll, so I recently got a bunch of asks/headcannons from the ingenious @burntoutwizard ; These are all wonderful thoughts that I definitely had a lot of fun answering.
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The group is very bored when not on a mission, usually it's back to back action, but when they do get a moment to relax, it's a very long moment. They all get rather stir crazy, but luckily they've picked up a few things to keep them from losing it.
He got into music because he gets quite ancy in silence. He likes to talk, but he only likes doing so if he knows his brothers are paying attention. He likes to hum or tap to a beat, so his brothers surprised him one day.
Crosshair got him a keyboard that they definitely have jam sessions with. Crosshair has fast hands and learned sheet music for Tech. Hunter got him a trumpet, he honestly wishes he didn't. (I mean, have you heard a trumpet??) but Tech had a knack for brass instuments. Hunter tried playing it once but he couldn't buzz his lips, but he's fine just listening. Wrecker got Tech a drumset.
They're only allowed to play when on a planet so the other two can leave. Tech and Wrecker can be found singing along to whatever song is playing on the radio. Due to this, Tech is also the only brother that knows Wrecker has a voice as beautiful as Christopher Jackson's. As for composing his own music, he's written some songs for Wrecker, when composing sheet music, he gets very sucked in to the music realm. So do not disturb him, he'll be very upset at you for disturbing his genius.
Wrecker loves nature, especially flowers, little bugs and animals. One day he was angry and stomping around, he punched a tree and down it went. He felt so bad. He was sitting there sobbing over the tree he killed for hours. Crosshair found him and was amused until he saw how distraught Wrecker was. So Crosshair told him to carve the trunk into a bunch of animals in hope to get him to stop crying. Wrecker's face lit up so fast. He started carving and can make some pretty impressive works of art. They'll go to planets in search of fallen trees Wrecker can give life to again.
His wooden figure collection got so big they were running out of room to put them, so they go to outer rim planets and sell them. Hunter has a few of his drawing for sale too, they can't get Crosshair to sell his paintings though. Wrecker's carvings are honest where a majority of their credits come from. When he has wood and a few hours to kill, it's the most quiet and focused you'll ever see him.
Crosshair has had his hobby much longer than any of his brothers have had theirs. When growing up on Kamino, he was always laying down, he never wanted to do anything. But one day 99 and his brothers introduced him to paints. He was hooked instantly. He didn't have to leave his bed and could create a whole new world before his eyes. They all loved seeing Crosshair doing something other than lay around
His paintings definitely aren't a Bob Ross. Crosshair has a darker style. But they make him happy. A lot of his pieces are abstract, Wrecker teased him once about not being able to 'actually' paint, so out of spite Crosshair painted all of them (it's still in Wrecker's room to this day). Though he knows he's good, he doesn't want to share his art, he rarely does with brothers. Mainly because unlike being a sniper, you're either good or your not, art is so much more complicated.
The Bad Batch all have a deep hatred (and fear) of needles. Hunter figured out if he has a pencil to scribble on while getting the shot he can manage. He had a bunch paper with scribbles gathering up. Crosshair was walking around their room one day and found them. Hunter found him on the floor with all the drawings spread around him. Hunter saw how Crosshair's face lit up when he looked at his brother's art.
So Hunter learned to draw. He'd rather spend his time doing something else, but his brother was brought so much happiness when looking at his drawings. Over time, Hunter grew fond of drawing, and he got good at it. He doesn't like to draw people, though he can. He perfers to draw animals and landscapes. He finds them very relaxing. Nowadays, Hunter draws on his datapad. He has hundreds of little drawings.
He doesn't like leaving his stuff out, he's just the slightest bit of a neat freak. But Hunter will purposely leave it out and leave with the boys if Crosshair doesn't want to come, he knows Crosshair will sneak into Hunter's room and look at his brother's newest creations.
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winterknight1087 · 4 years
Flower from the Fae (ch 11)
Chapter Title:  Let's Talk About Virgil's Dates
Summary: Virgil likes plants, but when he goes to investigate a plant his friend, Remy, tells him about, he doesn’t exactly check out the plant. Little does he know that the handsome man he meets there is a fairy who is about to challenge the world Virgil knows.
Word Count: 1917
Chapter Warnings: cursing, Sympathetic Deceit, Sympathetic Remus, intrusion into another character’s memories
Chapter Pairings: Minor Sleep/Picani, Minor Demus
AO3 Link      My Writing
A/N: this is chapter 11, so read the first chapter here! 
“Hey, Remy,” Dee said, not bothering to knock on the other’s door, as he walked in. “We need to talk. It’s import… what are you doing?”
Remy didn’t look up from the mixture of herbs and sand they were working with. “What does it look like? I’m trying to make my sand more potent. What’s up with you, gurl?”
“The guys Vee’s been on about,” Dee answered.
That caught Remy’s attention. “What about them? Is Vee in trouble?”
Dee answered by pulling a picture up on his phone to show the other. “You could say that.”
Remy set aside the vial before they accepted the phone and looked over the image. It was three men talking at a table. To a normal person, there was nothing more to it. To Remy? They could see the magic hiding giant shimmering wings behind the three beings. They could see the small tendrils of magic leaking off of the three beings.
“Fairies,” Remy stated, looking up at Dee.
Dee nodded, uncomfortably. “And from what we overheard, Vee’s managed to get himself not three regular fairies. Recognize the middle one?”
Remy looked again, before blinking. “That’s Prince Roman. Virgil went on a date with the Prince of the Fae and his boyfriends. Damn it, Vee, how do you do these things you do! Before Virgil got there, did you hear anything about why they’re after Virgil?”
“No, the other two seemed to be fairly smitten with him. Once Vee arrived though, he did rat the prince out about fighting him. The prince went as far as to beg him not to tell what he confided in him. A slightly more important point is that they know his name.”
Remy ran a hand through their hair. “Wait, there isn’t a fairy circle in town though? It shouldn’t be possible for three fairies to go this far from a fairy circle.”
In response, Dee pulled a single mushroom from his pocket. “Apparently, there is. I didn’t stick around to investigate as Virgil was watching us, looking a bit angry. My guess is that there may be one that was paved over. Those damn mushrooms just resist death.”
Remy stared at the stupid mushroom. “Do you think they have him caught in any of their magic?”
Dee thought carefully before answering. “While they do know his name, I don’t think they’ve cast magic on him. The prince had actually begged Virgil not to talk about their meeting with the other two, which he wouldn’t have to do if he had Virgil trapped in their magic. Plus, Virgil isn’t even susceptible to your sleep sand, which is one of the most powerful kinds of magic.”
“I wouldn’t say that about this waste of sand. The stuff is useless on the two beings who actually need it in this town.” Remy glared at the sand they were working with. “What good is a sandman who can’t even get sleep for themselves?”
“Tell you what, you take the snakeskin, cold blood, and whatever else comes with being a shifter and I’ll take being the sleepless sandman. We’re not talking about our own issues; we’re discussing our best friend who has somehow gotten himself into the middle of Fae issues. If his dumb, oblivious ass hasn’t caught on to the fact you are a sandman and I’m a shapeshifter, he without a doubt hasn’t realized that he’s flirting with a bunch of fairies.”
“Please, bitch. I’ve been stressing over that idiot for years, even before I came to know of my abilities.” Remy sighed before pinching their eyes. “Alright, give me the rundown. We can try to figure out just how far in the hole Virgil has gotten himself.”
Dee explained everything to Remy. They started scribbling notes down, tracking just how far the fairies had tricked their friend. Yet, none of this helped ease their worry as there was just so little of the normal interactions between humans and the fae showing from Virgil and these three fairies. After a couple of hours of work, all they had to show were two papers of possible things that even Dee felt were a stretch.
Knock. Knock. “Howdy, y’all. Uh, VeeVee is here. He’s already spotted Remus, so knows that you are here as well, Dee. He wants to… talk with us.”
“Emile, real quick, come here,” Remy said.
Emile raised an eyebrow before entering the room. He didn’t like this room in the slightest, and Remy knew that. Magic, in general, made the poor doctor uncomfortable, but he loved his partner too much to hide from it. Emile could ignore the magic for Remy, he just couldn’t hide from it. Remy shut the door behind Emile, whispering a soft apology.
“Alright, did you tell him, Dee?”
Emile looked between the two of them. “Tell me what?”
Dee sighed. “Virgil’s dates are fae, and the brown-haired one? He’s the prince.”
“But Virgil somehow has yet to learn of…” Emile waved at the sand on the table, “this.”
“And I think all of us would prefer that he stays in the dark about it, much like I would have preferred you to as well. We need to figure out just how much influence they have over him. You’re probably the best bet at getting him to talk.”
Unfortunately for them, Virgil was not happy and willing to go searching for them. He threw open the door, startling the three. He started chewing them out for not even warning him that they had decided to spy on his date. Remus appeared at some point, but he was silent and had his head lowered, probably having already gotten a bit of a lecture from the man. Any thought of them getting information out of the angry man was lost.
The only person not being (completely) scolded was Remy, unfortunately for them, that meant they were on Remus watch. Remy wanted to point out that this was a lot of anger for one date, but Virgil didn’t give them the chance. He reminded them, before Remy could say anything, that this was about the sixth or seventh date at least one of them have spied on (and possibly ruined for him).
After what Remy would have deemed 5ever, Virgil’s voice finally started to crack. With a soft but sincere apology, Emile managed to convince him to get a drink. Virgil followed Emile out of the room, leaving the other three. Dee waved at where the man had been exasperated. What was that!
“Considering it’s not too long since you showed up, I think he’s still quite a bit embarrassed?” Remy offered.
Dee rolled his eyes as he scribbled ‘angrier’ on their list of possible influences. “Sure, I’ll believe that once we get him out of those pests’ grasp.”
Remy sighed. “I’ll do my thing and see what I can find tonight. I don’t like digging through memories, especially memories of friends, but he’s never going to tell us.”
And that was how Remy found themselves creepily standing over their sleeping friend at four in the morning. Virgil isn’t even fully asleep! Remy noticed his phone still on, playing some video, which meant he fell asleep not too long ago.
What am I even doing! Remy wanted to scream, but they knew they needed to be sure that those fairies weren’t hurting their friend. Virgil was a skilled natural witch, but natural witches don’t need to know about the supernatural world to become skilled. They could happily live their lives in ignorance, thinking they were just naturally good at some skills. Remy didn’t want to cause their friend any more stress or worry about having to worry about some boogie man in the night…
Remy barely cut off a scream of frustration, realizing that this time, they were Virgil’s boogie man. They sighed before they locked the phone and plugged it in. They tucked the barely sleeping one in before carefully touching his forehead. They concentrated on only memories of the three fairies, not wanting to intrude more than they already were. After a moment, Remy was relieved to find that there was only one memory where they felt the touches of magic.
The prince had raised his hand at Virgil, telling him to begone. He then looked at his hand in shock. The magic didn’t work on Virgil. With that fact sitting in their brain, Remy let out a breath of relief. Even without a name, the prince should have been able to plant a simple thought into Virgil’s mind. That was basic magic, used to keep their perpetual existence as secret. If the Fae Prince couldn’t force Virgil into doing something with his magic, there wasn’t much of a chance the other two could.
As Remy pulled away, a different memory threw itself at them, demanding to be seen. The black-haired fairy was sitting next to Virgil as they watched some video. Remy heard a whisper about fairies from the phone. They looked at the fairy’s face and saw the disbelief on his face. Virgil commented something about a fairy fact from the video being ridiculous, whereas the sandman and the fairy in the memory knew the fact was true.
Good, he’s just as oblivious with them as he is with us.
“Remy? Wha-“ a sleep-muddled voice cut through Remy’s thoughts.
Panic ran through the sandman as they threw a handful of sand into the air, desperately hoping that it would make the sleeping one think it was still part of his dream. “Bitch, you are waking up. Stop that and come hang out with us! Remus is even an actual rat!”
“Mhhm?” the half-asleep man hummed but he didn’t open his eyes and quickly fell back into the first stage of sleep, much to the sandman’s relief.
Time to get out of here!
Dee was pacing in his living room when the sandman appeared in a swirl of sand. “So? What did you find?”
“Magic doesn’t work on him. The prince was the only one to try, and he was just trying to get Vee to go away. Also, found out that even these fairies think he’s oblivious, which makes them relatable bitches in my book.”
“The idiot hasn’t even noticed his own abilities in herbal magic. What made you think he would recognize a couple of fairies?”
“The fact the Prince was in full fae mode?”
Dee groaned. “He really is oblivious. Anyways, what are we going to do about this situation?”
Remy slumped onto the couch, feeling their magic returning to them as people started to wake up. “Honestly? I’m not sure. From the sound of it, they are going out of their way to not show they are fae to him. Maybe we should just keep an eye on him?”
“I guess that’s the best we got…”
A loud crash shot through the house, cutting him off. Remy let out a breath, only to see a bright yellow snake on the carpet where Dee had been. They paused before just losing themselves to laughter. After the stress and worry of the past night, seeing Dee startled into shifting was apparently the funniest thing to the sandman.
Remus appeared, already apologizing about something but cut off seeing the coiled snake in his living room. He let out a squeal before grabbing Dee and curling up with the snake on the couch. The snake’s tongue poked out and touched the other’s cheek before cuddling in closer to his husband.
Next chapter
Taglist: @that-one-nb-kid, @hufflepuffxfox
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imagine-nation20 · 6 years
Speed Is Key
Summary: You have been angry at your soulmate since you got your tattoo of their first words to you.
Requested: No
A/N: I love Ezra Miller’s flash and I am a sucker for soulmate AUs and well, this spawned from that. Hope you like it! and this doesn’t take place during the movie.
The car had come from nowhere. One minute the road was clear for you to drive, the next, a speeding truck was coming straight for you.  It’s headlights shined on the side of your face as the world seemed to go into slow motion. For a moment your mind went to your soulmate, who you had hated since you received the tattoo on your wrist. The simple tattoo of one word normally made rage fill your veins, but now you simply felt like crying at the thought of never meeting them.
The was all it said. Just a simple greeting that made you want to curl up and never exist. Ever since it had burned into your wrist at age eighteen you had known it would be up to you to come up with a sentence so they knew you were their soulmate. If you had just replied with another hi it could be disastrous. So many strange combinations of words had come from your mouth if anyone you had never met said hi.
“Did you know the average watermelon weighs twenty pounds?” Had been a common response to ‘Hi’. You had gotten many strange looks from people over the years, but it had always been a priority to find your soulmate over being thought of as sane. After a few years though, the thought of your soulmate had started to bring a sour taste to your mouth. Couldn’t they be more original? At least say something more unique like ‘Howdy’.
Now though, you regretted every sour thought you had sent their way, every rude wish that they would die before you met them. The truck came closer, your life coming closer to its end as well. at the light got brighter, your released the wheel of your car, covering your face as a flash of bright light entered your vision.
You suspected it should have been more painful that what your currently felt. Instead of a searing pain and death you felt a pair of arms and the cold air of the night. Scared of what you might find when you open them, you slowly opened one eye. A face covered in a red mask stared at you, a large smile painted onto the man’s face. 
“Hi.” He said, a bit breathless. Out of all of the things he could have said to you, that one word made your blood boil more than anything. Maybe it was the residual adrenaline or shock of the near death experience, but you spoke before you thought, face scrunching in annoyance.
“God fucking damn you.” The man’s, who you had figured was the famous Flash, eyes widened, his jaw going slack.
“What did you just say?” You expected him to sound offended, but rather, he sounded like he was feeling a mix of joy, relief, and surprise. Stuttering in confusion, you furrowed your brow and spoke again.
“God fucking damn you?” It came out as more of a question, but the mintute you were done speaking, the Flash set your down and removed his mask. He had a full head of black hair, like the night sky above you. His smile was even bigger now as he disappeared in a flash of lightning, returning just as quickly in normal clothes. Before you could speak and question why the Flash was showing you his face, he lifted his sleeve and showed you the words scribbled across his wrist.
‘God fucking damn you’
You moved to put up your own wrist, your sleeve falling back a revealing it to the dark hair man in front of you. His smile grew wider, as his eyes moved from the tattoo to your face.
“I honestly feel so bad about that. You must hate me.” He said, smile looking more sheepish now than anything. The minute he said that though, all of your anger seemed to fade.
“I did, but I’m not so sure anymore. I’m (Y/N), and you are?” He seemed to shake out of a trance, remembering to introduce himself.
“Oh! Hi Barry, I’m (Y/N)- no wait that isn’t right.” His face flushed and he put his palm to his head. “Nice to meet you (Y/N), I’m Barry.” He nodded, assuring himself that the introduction was right that time. Grinning like an idiot, and now no longer angry at Barry, you gripped his hand and looked to your car. The truck driver from the one that had hit your car was unconscious on the ground, and Barry soon soothed your worries.
“I called 911, but I’m not sure how I could explain how you got out without a scratch...” Nodding you looked to him.
“Ok, and how do you propose I get home?” He smirked, looking deviously at you.
“Hold on tight.” Before you could ask what he meant, you were scooped up into his arms as he started to run.
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