#about her~
little-birdseeker · 24 days
Growing Wings - Epilogue - Journey's End
[<- Chapter 11: Growing Wings]
What a wonderful day to be back in Limsa! Has there ever been a better one?! Certainly not in the few days she had been here lately, that was for sure! And Isabelle enjoyed every last bit of it, every ray of sunshine she could get!
Just a few moments later, Isabelle spotted her first target! “Fooorwin! Heeey!”, she shouted while waving at the old fisherman. He hadn’t changed a bit, as she saw it from the distance, except for some signs of the coming age.
“Oh that’s a surprise. Isabelle!”, he immediately responded before even turning around, as he knew only one girl with such an enthusiastic voice.
“And I thought you might have forgotten me, after Luca and Miara have told me that you have returned to them”, he laughed and stepped out of his boat at the pier.
“Whaaat? How could I eeever forget about you?! I could neeever forget about the saaails and the rooopes and the fiiish!”
“Right, right. Ah, don’t look so sulky, Isa, that was just me teasing you a bit. I- Really, it was a joke, okay? Got all your letters! Thank you, for all of them!”
Isabelle immediately stopped sulking and showed her beaming smile once again.
“You diiid? Yay! I did nooot know how to address them weeell enough, but the moooogles did a greeeat job, yes!”
“They sure do, even though nobody can see them… Anyway now, come here!”
He gave a big hug, to which she responded likewise. How many years had it been? About six years? A lot of time had passed since then, that was for sure.
“Looook! I stiiill got the peeendant you gave me!”, Isabelle said and very proudly showed off the little seashell that was decorating her neck.
“Ohh, yeah, you are right. Seems like it protected you well.” “It diiid!! And it wiiill protect me even longer!”, she responded with a happy grin.
“So, how have you been? Your parents haven’t told me yet, besides some major things. Like… magic? For real? And an own shop?”
“Mhm!! Looook!!” Proudly, Isabelle concentrated on her magic and formed a little ball of light, which rose slowly above them, just to explode in a warm shower of sparkles.
“Isn’t it greeeat?!”
“Uhm… sure, it looks great, but-” “It iiis great!”, Isabelle insisted - what else was magic good for if it did not look, like, magical and sparkly?! “And besiiides that I can mooove things and clean my hooouse and my dreeesses and fight eeenemies and-” “Okay okay, I got it, I was wrong”, Forwin laughed. “So you have become a great magician, I can see that. No need to show me all of it. But how? Tell me, how was your journey?”
“Oookay!” Her voice certainly carried some sort of disappointment with it - after all, showing of her magical skills was something she was very proud of - but she also knew that Forwin was right. She could also show off later, when the time was right.
“Sooo, wheeere to start…? Riiiight, Uuul’dah!”
And so, she started telling him about her journey.
The one year in Ul’dah. The people she met, like Nalama and Tion - even though she had no contact with him anymore, she might need to change that. The weavers guild. About Ricky, her very own (red!) Chocobo. And the thaumaturges, of course.
About Gridania. The druids and the leatherworkers. About all the trees, how it felt to be so far away from the ocean.
About her journey to Ishgard, her hatred for cold and snow which nearly got herself killed. The man that saved her life and became her first love, the man she married - Forwin was shocked by that one - and how much she despised him now. A despicable man that had only been interested in her body and in acquiring women!!
How Azura and Wickid met her in Ishgard and introduced her to the free company. All the adventures she lived through, how they ventured to the far far east where the free company resided now.
And of course, how she had started her own shop in Kugane, about two years ago. Oh, and all of the things she knew about the city. The harbor, the hot springs, the market, especially all of the clothes there, and how tasty all the meals were.
And how the meeting between her and Iana ended. She sniffed a bit while telling Forwin the story, calmed down by some strokes over her head. Forwin knew about Ianas death. Luca and Miara had already morned a lot while also being overjoyed by Isabelles return. It was a hard time for them, for sure. Scars would remain, but until then he would be there for them. And Isabelle as well, he was sure of it. Or else, she would have not returned, after all.
“What a journey”, the fisherman concluded as the barrage of words had finally come to end. “So I assume it had been a good one?”
“The beeest!”, the catgirl responded immediately.
“No regrets?”
“Hmmm… sooometimes. But I would stiiill do the same! Nooot change a thing!”, she answered truthfully. Lies were bad, after all! Most of them, at least.
“And now? Any new plans?”, Forwin laughed, expecting the most surprising things, just like it was usual with Isabelle.
“Uuuhm… for nooow I will take care of my shop! Aaand train and try new enchaaantmens!” “Oh, enchantments? Is there something you can’t do?” “Flyyy! For nooow!”, she chuckled together with Forwin.
“Well, that’s a matter of time, isn’t it.” “Mhm!! But for nooow…”
“The rogues?”
Nodding showed he was right.
“Well, great Namo from me! And your parents, if you visit them today.” “Wiiill do! And take caaare of you, Forfor! Bye bye!” “Oh Isa, don’t ca- there she goes. Whatever…”, he sighed and had to laugh. Some things never changed.
“Can’t let you in without the password, sorry.” “Oswin, you knooow me! Come ooon, how can I knooow it?!”
“How do I know you are not someone else?” “Looook at me! Hooow many girls do you know that have suuuch fluffy taaail, sooo beautiful red haaair, are sooo cute… and have suuuch a deep cleavage?!”
With the last words, Oswins eyes twitched for a moment, but he kept his mouth shut and stood still, which annoyed Isabelle even more.
"Oooswin! If you dooon't let me in, Namo will be sooo furious! You wiiill regret it, and she will nooot apologize!"
That was the last straw. He knew R’namo, and even though she had grown to be nicer to him - or anyone, on that matter - in the last… ten years? Well, he sure knew he did not want to be the one to tell her he did not let in her beloved pupil daughter. Who knew what she would do to him, and he wasn’t eager to find out.
“Fine. Here, go in. But if you are an imposter-”
“Thaaank you! I will tell her how niiice you were!”, Isabelle said as she darted in.
Honestly, it sounded like a threat. At least to Oswin. Probably his imagination. Isabelle wasn’t like this. Instead, she would tell the whole truth, which was bad enough for him.
Hopefully, R’namo had some mercy on him.
Tip Tap. Tip Tap.
She was wide open, and could have never been prepared for Isabelles assault. Well it wasn’t like nobody was watching - A'nissa was sitting in the corner and was overjoyed to see one of her missing friends being back. But she wanted to see the chaos unfold as Isabelle flung herself onto her victim. It was far too much fun to watch it!
“Goootcha!”, Isabelle shouted as she threw herself onto R’namos back, resulting in the most violent and soft hug the rogue has gotten for quite a while.
“WHA-?!”, she almost screamed as she felt the catgirl on her back. “ISA?! You damn- Where-?! How-?! OH COME HERE!”
In a matter of seconds, the one sided hug was changed into a consensual one.
“I am baaack!”, Isabelle laughed and smiled.
“Thanks, I have noticed”, R’namo tried to hiss, but just had to laugh as well.
“Damn, I thought you would never come back here. After your letters stopped and so on.” “I was buuusy Namo! I am sooorry!”
“Busy with what? Sewing new dresses?”
“Yeees! That takes some tiiime, you know?”
“So you were busy with dresses and distract boys and men alike with that cleavage you are sporting”, A'nissa darted in, still cackling from the assault she had witnessed.
“It’s a diiirndl, it haaas to be this way! And it looks greeeat, right?”
“Well if you say so…”
“R’namo please, look at her, it looks great! Especially on our Isa here, in contrast to you if you would wea-” “Oh shut up Nissa, as if anyone could challenge her on that!”, R’namo hissed at the laughing Miqo’te.
“Mhm!”, Isabelle agreed with a good deal of laughter from herself. “Told you I am going to become sooo big!” “That’s not what you mea- oh, whatever. You seem very confident about that now, so do you-” “Knooow why people liiike them?”, Isabelle interrupted her old mentor. “Well becaaause-”, she started to talk and somewhat demonstrate her gathered knowledge about this topic.
Which made A'nissa laugh, as she loved how confident Isabelle spoke, while it made R’namo blush ever so slightly - which in turn made A'nissa laugh even more. Isabelle, however, proudly grinned at her friends. She had learned a lot, after all, and every bit had to be shared - even such  things like this!
“Gods, okay, guess you know”, R’namo sighed. “Well, good that Jon wasn’t here…” “Oh i could get him, should be around somewhere.” “Oh should i tell him-” “NO!”, R’namo shouted at Isabelle, making both other girls laugh. “Oh you- You have grown into a fine yet mischievous woman, have you?”
“I leeearned from the best!”
That left R’namo speechless. Especially as Isabelle wasn’t completely wrong, after all. Plus the other girls had helped at that as well, to be fair, but still.
“Whatever”, R’namo sighed. “Don’t want it to be any other way. That’s our Isa.” “Hehe!”, Isabelle chuckled with a grin. “But I stiiill want to meet Jon again!”
“Well of course, let’s find him. Just keep those things for you, kay? Having both of you tease me like that is more than enough.” “Oookay!”, Isabelle chuckled. “Prooomised!”
“And I shall find Agness, I think she is somewhere on the market. Shouldn’t be hard to find her”, A’nissa threw in.
“And what about Leeena?!”, Isabelle asked, worried about the lalafell.
“Oh, uhm, she… is gone”, R’namo told Isabelle. For a moment, the red girl was shocked about this news, until A’nissa stepped in.
“She stopped being a rogue and now works in The Bismarck. Wanted to become a chef. Stabbing people wasn’t for her, so now she stabs fish I guess.”
Outraged, Isabelle stared at R’namo, who in turn grinned at her. “Ha, gotcha!” “Ruuude!”
“Could say the same about you!” “Pah!”
For a moment, everyone kept silent, but it didn’t last long until they burst out in laughter.
“I was wooorried, okaaay?”
“Yeah, sorry. Thanks for clearing that A’nissa. Oh, what about we meet up there, in The Bismarck? Yeah, let’s go there and eat together, and talk about the past years!” “Oh I would looove to! Let’s search for the others and gooo! Jooon, where aaare you?!”, Isabelle shouted and dashed through one of the doors.
“Isa, please, stay- you know where we meet, A’nissa. I’ll have to catch this whirlwind here. And have to ask her how she got through Oswin.”
“Right right! See ya later!”
“Yeah, bye!”
With that, they parted ways, just to be reunited later. An evening full of stories was about to start. And surely, she had made them proud. All of them.
(To everyone who has read the whole thing: Thank you so much!! I hope you enjoyed the ride! <3 This has been on my mind for quite a while, and I am happy to be able to share something about my girl! So, every reader: You get the best hug Isabelle can give! You earned it! <3)
(If you are interested in some other stuff i wrote or want to know more about Isabelle, you may want to take a look at Isabelles story page!)
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princeshilo · 2 months
sometimes im like "wow holy shit im being really fucking annoying. i should stop talking" and then i pull out my magic 8 ball and it says "youve always been annoying and your friends chose to talk you anyways. youll be fine" and im like wow thanks magic 8 ball. and then the ogre attacks me
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 18 days
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License to Kitty.
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churroach · 14 days
Full of Desires
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noperopesaredope · 7 months
I wish we had more female characters like Eleanor Shellstrop. One of the most unlikable people you've ever met. Read a Buzzfeed article on most rude things you can do on a daily basis and decided to use that as a list of goals. Makes everyone's day worse just by being there. Dropped a margarita mix on the ground and tried to pick it up, only to get hit by a row of shopping carts which pushed her into the road where she was hit by a boner pill delivery truck, killing her instantly. Cannot keep a romantic partner despite being bisexual. Had a terrible childhood but will die before she gets therapy. Best employee at a scam company. Just the worst but also can't help but root for her to improve.
Absolute loser. Girl-failure. Bad at almost everything. Literally perfect female character.
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oceangenasi · 1 month
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I'm absolutely obsessed with Laios' logic that the other shapeshifters made mistakes the real party members were too knowledgeable/careful/wise to make
but for Marcille he's like "only the real Marcille would do something that fucking stupid"
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inkskinned · 5 months
i got rickrolled today but it didn't work because i have adblocker installed, so youtube just told me i violated the terms of service. yesterday i was trying to edit a picture as a joke for my girlfriend, and google made me check a box to prove i'm human because i wasn't "searching normally".
it isn't just that capitalism is killing fun and whimsy, it is that any element of entertainment or joy is being fed upon by this mosquito body, one that will suck you dry at any vulnerability.
do you want to meet new friends in your city? download this app, visit our website, sign up for our email list. pay for this class on making a terrarium, on candlemaking, on cooking. it will be 90 dollars a session. you can go to group fitness, but only under our specific gym membership. solve the puzzle, sign up for our puzzle-of-the-month-club. what is a club if not just a paid opportunity - you are all paying for the same thing, which makes you a community.
but you're like me, i know it - you're careful, you try the library meetings and the stuff at the local school and all of that. the problem is that you kind of want really specific opportunities that used to exist. you are so grateful for libraries and the publicly-funded things: they are, however, an exception - and everything they have, they've fought tooth-and-nail to protect. you read a headline about how in many other states, libraries have virtually nothing left.
do you want to meet up with your friends afterwards? gift your friends the discord app. you can choose to go to a cafe (buy a coffee, at least), a bar (money, alcohol) or you can all stay in and catch a movie (streaming) or you can all stay in bed (rent. don't get me started) and scream (noise complaint. ticket at least).
you want to read a new book, but the book has to have 124 buzzwords from tiktok readers that are, like, weirdly horny. you can purchase this audiobook on audible! your podcast isn't on spotify, it's on its own server, pay for a different site. fuck, at least you're supporting artists you like. the art museum just raised their ticket price. once, they had a temporary exhibit that acknowledged that ~85% of their permanent art galleries were from cis white men, and that they had thousands of works by women (even famous women, like frida! georgia o'keefe!) just rotting in their basement. that exhibit lasted for 3 months and then they put everything away again.
walmart proudly supports this strip of land by the street! here are some flowers with wilting leaves. its employees have to pay out-of-pocket for their uniforms. my friend once got fined by the city because she organized a community pick-up of the riverfront, which was technically private property.
no, you cannot afford to take that dance class, neither can i. by the way - i'm a teacher. i'm absolutely not saying "educators shouldn't be paid fairly." i'm saying that when i taught classes, renting a studio went from 20 bucks an hour to 180 in the span of 6 months. no significant changes to the studio were made, except they now list the place as updated and friendly. the heat still doesn't work in the building. i have literally never seen the landlord who ignores my emails. recently they've been renting it out at night as an "unusual nightclub; a once-in-a-lifetime close-knit party." they spent some of those 180 dollars on LEDs and called it renovating. the high heels they invite in have been ruining the marley.
do you want to experience the old internet? do you want to play flash games or get back the temporary joy of club penguin? you can, you just need to pay for it. i have a weird, neurodivergent obsession with occasionally checking in to watch the downfall and NFT-ification of neopets. if i'm honest with you all - i never got into webkins, my family didn't have the money to buy me a pointless elephant. people forget that "being poor" can mean literally "if i buy you that toy, i can't afford rent."
you and i don't have time to make good food, and we don't have the budget for it. we are not gonna be able to host dinner parties, we're not made of money, kid. do you want some kind of 3rd space? a space that isn't home or work or school? you could try being online, but - what places actually exist for you? tiktok counts as social media because you see other people on it, not because they actually talk to you.
there was a local winter tradition of sledding down the hill at my school. kids would use pizza boxes and jackets and whatever worked, howling and laughing. back in september, they made a big announcement that this time, rules were changing, and everyone must pay 10 dollars to participate. when im not scared shitless, i kind of appreciate the environmental irony - it hasn't gone below 40. so much for snow & joyriding.
i saw a bulletin for a local dogwalking group and, nervous about making a good first impression, showed up early. the first guy there grimaced at me. "sorry," he said. "there's a 30-dollar buy-in fee." i thought he was joking. wait. for what? the group doesn't offer anything except friendship and people with whom to walk around the city.
he didn't know the answer. just shrugged at me. "you know," he said. "these days, everything costs money."
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when-sanpape-arts · 2 months
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shuro's terrible, horrible, no good very bad lunch.
restaurant au: 1 / 2
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marypsue · 6 months
Keep seeing that post where OP starts like 'Thinking about...grieving the undead' and then adds on about like. Real life situations where people have not died but have left your life and you would have reason to grieve them.
All respect, that's an important concept, but that is not what I am thinking about when I read 'grieving the undead'.
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fagtainsparklez · 3 months
something they don’t tell you about being autistic is that every character you write WILL end up autistic/autistic-coded whether you like it or not
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lackadaisycal-art · 3 months
I'm getting so sick of major female characters in historical media being incredibly feisty, outspoken and public defenders of women's rights with little to no realistic repercussions. Yes it feels like pandering, yes it's unrealistic and takes me out of the story, yes the dialogue almost always rings false - but beyond all that I think it does such a disservice to the women who lived during those periods. I'm not embarrassed of the women in history who didn't use every chance they had to Stick It To The Man. I'm not ashamed of women who were resigned to or enjoyed their lot in life. They weren't letting the side down by not having and representing modern gender ideals. It says a lot about how you view average ordinary women if the idea of one of your main characters behaving like one makes them seem lame and uninteresting to you.
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little-birdseeker · 27 days
Growing Wings - Ch.10 - Pinky Promise
[<- Chapter 9: Her Decision]
“Isa? Can I talk to you, for a bit? At the pier?”
“Hmmm…? Of cooourse! Is everything okaaay?”
It was highly unusual for R'namo to, well. Just talk to her. Of course, they did talk a lot everyday, but that happened mostly on their way to whatever jobs they had to do that day. Isabelle couldn’t remember the last time they went somewhere to just talk. It felt unusual, but she gave it not too much of a thought.
“It’s, uh… you’ll see.”
Thanks to the gathering clouds, the sun was nowhere to be seen as they arrived at the pier - R’namos favorite pier! Where she and Jon went a few times already! And the one time R’namo told Isabelle how much she was missing her own sister. She had died back then, during the calamity a few years ago. And once again Isabelle had learned how lucky she had been to not lose anyone in her family or dear to her.
Losing the little sister… she had been around the age Isabelle was now, as far as she remembered. Not a rogue herself, but rather a smithy. The knifes R’namo was carrying were made by her, she had learned. Some mementos of the past…
And now, they were here again, with R’namo already sitting on the pier, her feet dangling above the water. No wind, no sun, only clouds… as if the world was holding its breath.
They both kept quiet for a while, looking at the calm sea in front of them. It could have been nicer with more sunlight, but the world was rude and did not allow such a thing!
“So…”, R’namo finally started. “I was told, you want to leave Limsa. “Is that correct?”
“Wha-?!”, Isabelle gapsed. “How did you knooow? Lena tooold you, diiidn’t she!” Nobody else could have known it, she was sure of that! And she had thought better of her! And now she had to…
Isabelle was back on her feet in an instant and was just about to run away - but even though she had been fast, R’namo was faster. Her hand wrapped around Isas right leg, making it impossible to get away.
“You stay here, Isa!” R’namos voice was firm. There was no way she would let her go just like that.
“You caaan’t stop me!! I wiii-”
“Just! Sit down! Isa please! You know me - when I said talk, I meant talk! Or are you still a damn child?”
It hurt. It hurt so much hearing her friend yelling at her like that.
And the worst part was: she was right. She wasn’t a child anymore! Or rather, she wanted everyone to stop perceiving her as a child. And acting like one was very much not the way to do that.
So she stopped struggling and looked down at her friend.
“...only talk?” “Only talk and listen. Answer me some questions. The usual. You know the drill.”
She did. And she had always kept her word, in contrary to some red cat that felt slightly ashamed of it. But only a lil bit!!
“So, you wanna go. Right?”
“And… why?”
“Cause i wanna see the wooorld!”
“To see the world, huh…?”
“That’s the whole reason?” “Yeeep!”
R’namo sighed heavily and looked at the ocean ahead of them. Did she believe her? Well she did not lie! The world was interesting, but…
“Listen, Isa. Isabelle.”
A bit afraid, the girl’s head spun around and looked at R’namo at her side.
“I can understand the world is big and interesting, with lots of things to see. I have been here and there myself, and Jon told me he had told you some of his stories as well, hasn’t he?”
The catgirl nodded - one of the reasons she wanted to go had been his stories of all the wonders, and all the things she might be able to learn far away from home!
“But what you should also know is that the world is as wonderful and magical as it is uncaring and cruel. A dangerous one. Without proper preparation you might end up somewhere you never wanted to be and will never be able to leave. And I can't see you being well enough prepared for it. You didn’t even think of where you wanna go and how to get there, did you?”
“So you waaant to stop me!”
“Isa! What is your plan to leave? Where? How?”
“Jump on a ship and get off wherever it feels right?”
“...yeah”, Isabelle admitted quietly.
R’namo sighed once again. “And you know that’s a terrible idea, do you?” “...yeah.”
“And you didn’t even think of any other preparations, did you?”
“...yeah.” “So tell me: Why should I let you go with such a terrible preparation, where everyone, especially me or your parents, would fear for your life after you just left?”
R’namos voice had continuously grown louder and louder, with each passing sentence. And who was to blame her?
It had all sounded so nice in her head! Take a ship, sail somewhere else, explore world. Easy! The details were something for future Isa to figure out! But on the other hand, R’namo was so so right with her concerns. Especially as she had taught her to be a bit more mindful when doing preparations… But she just wanted to… to go! So much!!
Apparently, R’namo had noticed Isabelles thoughts as well - probably due to the drooping ears and her lowered head, so she continued her lecturing.
“Hey, Isa. Listen, I’m sorry. Didn’t want to yell, yet I did… But, for real. You didn’t think I could let you go just like that, did you? You knew that, right? Just… give me a reason. Give me your reason to leave. Give me a reason to believe. Cause seeing the world? My ass! Everyone wants that. That’s no reason, that’s an excuse. And I can’t let you go away with such a bad excuse, can I?”
Isabelle remained silent, for a moment. So she had seen through her. Kind of. But what to tell her? The reason? Well she was her friend, after all, right…?”
“...want to make them proooud”, she mumbled after some time.
“Make them proooud! Mooom! And Daaad! And Iaaana! And eeeveryone! I want to seeee things, I want to leeearn things! They neeever let me go! They aaalways think I am the liiittle little Isa, I can neeever do things right, I can neeever do things alone! I just- I want to dooo things, I want to leeearn, I want to craaaft, I want to become beeetter! And I neeeed to go! So I can leeearn all of that! Maybe to Thaaavnair! Or to Ul’daaah! Or Gridaaania! Aaanywhere else!!”
It felt good to yell all of that just out into the world. Maybe into R’namos face as well, but Isabelle wasn’t quite sure if that was the best idea, considering how silent her friend had gone.
“I just… I juuust want to make people proud…”, she added again, now with some tears rolling down her cheeks. Tears that were stopped by the gentle hands of R’namo, who had listened to her loud rant.
“I see”, she responded to the yelling.
“It’s as stuuupid reason, iiisn’t it?”, Isabelle said with a little hick, still crying.
“You know… there are more stupid reasons to have, right? Yours is good. I can understand that. And should have known…” “S-sooo… I am allowed to gooo?”
“Hmmm… no. Not yet, at least. Or are you prepared enough yet?”
“...” “See? But really, thank you for telling me that. Oh girl, come here, don’t cry, it’s fine.”
For a while, Isabelle cried a bit into R’namos own chest while the woman stroked the girls head again and again.
“Hey hey, it’s fine, it’s fine. Everything will be fine. I know you love your family. And your extended family in the guild. And I know you want to improve. It’s fine. You just can’t go now. You are not ready. Not yet. So let me help you. No, let us help you. Okay? We will train. We will prepare you. We will help you. Jon and me, Lena and the girls too, and all the others as well. And once you are ready, we will help you find your way, okay?”
“For real. I’ll let you go once I think you are ready, and will make that the top priority now, okay? I will go back to the guild, sit down, create an overview about everything you still have to learn - you already know a lot, don’t worry - and talk and plan with the others if I missed something, what ship could be taken, where you could go… and so on. And don’t do anything rash on your own, okay? So? Pinky Promise?” R’namo held up her hand, with her extended Pinky pointing towards Isabelle.
It was like time was freezing for a moment. Did R’namo really… accept it? That she was going to leave? Maybe even soon? She just had to accept to that?
Was she sure about it? Well, it would mean to leave everything behind, but also… it felt right. It was necessary! She really, really wanted to go. Her whole body told her it was right! The world was waiting for her!
She had to! So there was only one thing left to do.
“...Piiinky Promise!”
(Thanks for reading <3 I hope you enjoyed it! More will be added the coming days and will be linked here and on Isabelles story page!)
[Chapter 11: Growing Wings ->]
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ink-the-artist · 11 months
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 month
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Expertise can't help you here.
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eonars · 1 month
Last summer I was on a very expedited acid come up at a music festival and my entirely unaware mother thousands of miles away was at costco and texted me incredulous at how they already had halloween stuff out for sale in the summer but all I saw was a message preview of a giant 10 foot tall skeleton with glowing eyes and "can u believe it??"
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mcapriglione-art · 1 year
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what do you want!!!!!!!!
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