#a project
keepsmagnetoaway · 4 months
What is this? Why? I can answer the first, but not the second.
This is a tumblr where, each day, I read and post about one X-Men comic, in order, from January 1st 2024, when I'll start with the first ever X-Men issue, until...whenever I stop, or run out of issues (which will never happen, I will definitely stop or die first). The idea is that the posts will be entirely freeform: some of them will be actual, like, reviews of an issue, some of them will just be "this panel is goofy", most of them will be something in-between.
My guide here is the excellent, exhaustive but actually useable Crushing Krisis reading order guide, found here (https://www.crushingkrisis.com/crushing-comics-guide-collecting-marvel-comic-books/x-men-reading-order-guide/): I'll read through according to this order, reading all the mainline issues. This guide also includes a bunch of optional side-issues - guest appearances etc. - which I will mostly be skipping, but I'll do optional stuff if it seems fun.
Why am I doing this? I dunno, I needed A Project. I have a crippling reliance on overly elaborate social media projects of this kind. I'm a comics-adjacent nerd and I know the broad outlines but I have no connection to the fandom don't know the X-Men in huge detail, although I've always wanted to, and there's enough stuff there to keep me going for decades. Also I want something that's a mixture of genuinely good stuff and stuff I can laugh at.
This is a secondary account: follow this or check out @acrossthedeadcontinent which is my primary: it's dormant (for now) but might have details of my various other tumblr activities. In the meantime asks and so on are open.
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squirrelboi · 4 months
I have an idea. The tarot deck, but with the EXEs. I know that The Judge would be Fire.exe (owned by @huyu_sth). Because, well. Fire.exe is a huge judge of character and is extremely accurate. If you are non guilty, you are spared. If you are guilty... may whatever deity you believe in forgive you, because he definitely won't.
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asalescommunity · 10 months
A company SHEIN in a small city Magnice, near Wrocław.
A security company works in a correct manner.
A coffee machine doesn`t add a sugar, and it is a disservice in a place where is a canteen.
It can be a message based on a propaganda.
Who is an owner of a company and a manager?
A working staff among people from a country of Ukraine is positive.
The working staff among people from the country of Poland is swearing, and such a behaviour is negative for a society.
At a working place where is an area to sort products is called SORT, and it is a verb.
The verb should provide an instruction from a team leader for employees in a correct manner with a report for a manager.
A communication should be direct and decisive.
In a company an engineer and a programmer can be responsible for a technology service.
A report can be provided from a working shift for a manager because the manager can manage the working shift better.
In Poland CBA had a notorious software, and a remote control.
The remote control can control a function of a technology product, and can disturb a work among employees.
An employee can use a scanner in a correct manner, while the remote control can uncode a code from a label and provide a message that the label was not scanned.
Such a behaviour can disturb a function of a technology in a company and an income will be smaller, and a lot of employees can be fired from a working place based on incorrect words.
In such a situation there is an injustice.
An employee who is feeding a family can work as best as possible, and still be fired from the working place.
In such a case a psychologist should provide an advice, and a verification in a correct manner can be provided based on a technology in order to make all technology products function in the correct manner.
In a scanner words should describe an instruction in the correct manner because the words that are incorrect will lead to a disorder.
A sort section where products are placed in a box, the scanner can sort all products in the correct manner, and a confirmation should be described with a word sorted.
It can be made globally on all scanners.
An engineer with a product designer can design an equipment that is going to be placed beside a line where products can be sorted.
A city where is being used a remote control is negative for a society and the remote control is based on a software when a technology product can be in a control of the other technology product.
In such cities can be proven a theft, and a fraud.
An industry can monitor a function of all technology products providing a verification in a correct manner for an authority, and those whose practice is illegal a consequence can lead to a loss of a licence to represent a profession based on a technology on a market.
An author Piotr Sienkiewicz
+48 721 951 799
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monchikyun · 1 year
had a dream that I’ve accidentally come across a yt video for kids of a twisted nature. to put it simply, it was quite fucked-up. extremely inappropriate. your usual yt kids stuff. what was unusual though was that it didn’t have that many views, it was like a hidden gem of depravity and my instant reaction was to document it, to make a yt video about it (as one does). it filled me with so much excitement, overwhelming sense of purpose. finally, soemthing I coud actually *do* with my life. and then it just vanished when the waking world overwrote everything. the end.
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Hey, are you aware of the fact that many people in Gaza have resorted to cutting pieces of their tents for scraps for pads? Which as you can imagine isn't the safest option but their only option in most cases. This also applies to those going through postpartum bleeding from giving birth. If you want to or can help:
The Pious Projects - they distribute feminine hygiene kits for people in Gaza! I suggest checking it out yourself but there's various amounts you can give from $5-$1,000 to help make and distribute these kits! They cost around $25 for each kit, but every bit helps. Make sure to share the link even if you can't currently help donate today!
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lizardsfromspace · 3 months
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Shout out to this one woman from Blair Witch Project. According to the directors everyone involved in the scene was a plant, except for her, some random woman from the real Burkitsville who was asked about the Blair Witch and immediately made up a story about seeing a documentary on the Discovery Channel about disappearing hunters. While carrying a child. Unsung MVP of horror
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marypsue · 4 months
One of the worst feelings in the world: when you are just desperate, like claw-your-own-skin-off desperate, to create, but the only thing that even vaguely appeals to you to work on is a nebulous half-feeling that might be dreamily related to some half-formed notion of a concept. I must! Make! No thing! Only make!
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 months
something they don’t tell you about being autistic is that every character you write WILL end up autistic/autistic-coded whether you like it or not
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mo-mode · 4 months
I love how Walker Scobell just appeared one day. He’s acted in only three projects now, all within the last two years, all where he’s the main character. Nothing else. No nepotism. I think someone in Hollywood just said “Yeah I need an angelic little blond boy who watches too many rated R movies, bites people, and swears like a sailor?” and then they found Walker skateboarding in the dumpster out back and went “PERFECT”
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ink-the-artist · 10 months
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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foxbirdy · 1 year
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A short comic I made about my experiences as a seasonal worker, and the way places change you.
Prints & PDF
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diycraftsnmore · 1 year
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asalescommunity · 10 months
A brand name that is correct can prove the brand name that is incorrect.
The incorrect brand name can not prove anything.
The incorrect brand name is incompetent among experts who represent an expertise, and has a purpose to defraud an amount of monies from a previous fraud based on an organized crime where an artificial vacancy is doing an artificial cashflow pretending that they work, while they don`t work at all.
Due to a fact an education is a basis of all qualifications, a required qualification meets a work`s description basedon a law according to an economy.
What is an owner providing in terms of a service?
What does the owner supply?
Who was a product designer?
All entrepreneurs who want to have a brand name in a correct manner, and a plan for a business loan can reach me at + 48 721 951 799 every day, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Plus, they can have a social media manager who will be posting posts relevant to a project in order to do an extra promotion on a market.
A result of the extra promotion will lead to an agreement with a signature with other entrepreneurs world-wide where the project can be started and finished for a similar price.
An author Piotr Sienkiewicz
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beif0ngs · 4 months
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Stop-motion is an animation technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments. By capturing 24 frames per second, the object comes to life
The movement of each character, the speed at which they move, and lighting are all taken into account. Everything is crafted and captured manually, frame by frame. By doing everything manually, the handmade nature of this series exudes warmth filled with the unique charm only stop-motion can provide.
As the process requires extreme precision, each animator can only create up to 4 to 5 seconds of footage a day. Approximately 86,000 individual images were required to create this series.
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hapuriainen · 7 months
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Project Voltage Mikus.
grass, fire, water
rock (x2)
normal, ghost, bug
steel, fairy
flying, electric, psychic
poison, ground, ice
dragon, dark, fighting
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prokopetz · 4 months
Finally watching the latest Project Voltage video, and while I'm sure Game Freak hasn't officially made it a rule that all trans-coded trainers get Eevee starters now, we're currently sitting two for two.
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