#Zoë Senne Milan and Blanket
zoennes · 3 years
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WOENSDAG, 16:57 ♡ 22 MEI, 2019
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ghosttotheparty · 3 years
say my name and say it twice
32. also on AO3 chapter thirty-one
Lucas drifts off after Jens leaves, after hearing the front door shut behind him and Zoë. He’s anxious for him, knowing how nervous he must be. 
There’s a strange silence after the door shuts, an empty, lonely silence. As he buries his face into the pillow, pulling the blanket up over his face (it smells like Jens), he thinks maybe he’s somehow just never realised how quiet the flat really is. He usually isn’t up this early, and even when he stays up late, he tends to have his headphones on, or he’s on the phone with Jens, the two of them whispering and giggling to each other. But in the early morning, the air in his room chilly outside the thick blanket on top of him, it’s quiet. 
He can hear his own heart beating, can feel his pulse in his wrists on his neck, can hear his own breaths. It feels like something is missing. At first, he thinks it could be a noise, any noise, maybe rain or wind, or noise that he usually wakes up to, like Milan playing music from the kitchen or Senne walking past his room. (Though he’s fairly certain that Senne left early this morning for classes.) 
Lucas moves the blanket off of his face and lets the cold air wash over his face. He sighs, opening his eyes for a second before letting them fall closed again, rolling over and tucking the blanket under his chin, curling into himself, his knees drawing to his chin. The sweater he has on is light, and even under the blanket, he shivers.
He realises what he’s missing. 
After Jens came back to bed after talking to Zoë, Lucas had immediately drawn him in, pulling him close and feeling his arms wrap around him, his face press to Lucas’s chest, his legs entwine with Lucas’s. They spent the whole night like that, tangled together. It was warm. 
Eventually, Lucas drifts off. He doesn’t know when or how, especially with his shivering and restlessness, but he wakes up to Milan’s music quietly playing from the kitchen. Lucas opens his eyes, rolling onto his back and stretching, and sighs. 
Then he grins. 
He throws the blanket off of himself, getting up from the bed, stopping for a second after standing up too fast, and then grabs a pair of sweatpants from the floor, stumbling as he pulls them on while heading to the door. 
Milan is dancing by himself, swaying his hips as he flips a pancake at the stove, and Lucas pauses in the doorway, trying to push the smile off his face before going in. 
“Good morning,” he says, a little more brightly than he intended. 
“Morning, lovely,” Milan responds, turning slightly to shoot him a smile over his shoulder, reaching across the counter and turning down the music. “How are you doing today?” 
“Uhm, I’m good,” Lucas says, understating the condition of his heart at the moment. “And you?” he asks as he sits on the table, setting his feet on the chair in front of him. He pulls the sleeves of his sweater down over his hands, bunching them up in his fists. 
“I’m having a very good morning, very chill. Maybe it’s because Senne isn’t here,” Milan teases, and Lucas snorts. 
“I’m gonna tell him you said that.” 
“He wouldn’t be surprised.” 
Lucas chuckles lightly, watching as Milan flips a pancake before taking it off the pan and setting it on a plate, on top of a pile of pancakes Lucas hadn’t noticed. 
“That’s a lot of pancakes,” he says, trying not to laugh. 
“I’m making a lot so Zoë and Senne can have some when they get home,” Milan says, carefully ladling some batter onto the pan. 
“Kind of you.” 
“If they’re not grateful, I’m eating all of them.” 
“What about me?” 
“You can have some, I guess.” 
Milan sets the ladle in the bowl and turns to look at Lucas, who has to push another smile off his face. Milan puts his hands on his back, resting it against the counter. 
“You’re shiny today,” he says matter-of-factly. 
Lucas raises an eyebrow and tilts his head, confused. 
“Your spirit,” Milan clarifies. “It’s shiny.”
The smile finally breaks through and Lucas has to look away, grinning as he shrugs, trying to be nonchalant. 
“What’s going on?” Milan asks suspiciously, narrowing his eyes. “You’re up to something.” 
“Uhm…” Lucas sighs, twisting his mouth to the side, trying to figure out to tell him. “There’s something I need to tell you.” 
“Okay…” His eyes narrow more and he turns his head. “Is it good or bad? I’m assuming good because you can’t stop smiling.” “Good. Definitely good.” 
“Okay, tell me.” He crosses his arms, an apprehensive smile forming on his face.
Lucas sighs again, grinning, and looks away, leaning back. 
“You’re gonna hate me and love me,” he says. 
“Oh my god, just tell me!” Milan says, laughing.
“Uhm…” “Lucas!”
“Jens and I are dating,” he bursts. 
“And we’ve been together for a while, we met before the get together where I met all the guys, but he wasn’t out, and he wasn’t ready, so we just pretended—” 
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Milan interrupts, waving his hands and closing his eyes like he’s clearing the air. “Start over.”
Lucas giggles, feeling his face heat up under Milan’s gaze. He adjusts his seat on the table, turning more in Milan’s direction. 
“Wait, you guys already knew each other?” 
“I don’t get credit for this?” 
“No, I’m sorry.”
Milan let out a disappointed “Ah,” and turns away, seemingly distraught, before grinning and running his hands through his hair. 
“Oh my god,” he says in a high-pitched voice, almost a squeal. “I’m so happy for you guys.” 
Lucas beams, his shoulders lifting into a bashful shrug, but they drop when he hears sizzling. 
“Milan, your pancake is burning.” 
“Oh, shit.” Milan turns around, quickly grabbing the spatula and flipping it over. “That’s fine, we can give that one to Senne.” Lucas rolls his eyes. “Okay anyway, tell me everything. I want details.”
“Uh…” Lucas sighs, wondering where to start. “You know I like wandering around the city and taking photos and stuff…”
“One day I just stopped outside, like, a convenience store, and a bunch of people came out of the building next to it, and there was this one boy…” Lucas is smiling wistfully at the ground, reminiscing, remembering how beautiful he was, standing there with his friends. “And we just kind of made eye contact…” He trails off, looking up to see that Milan has his back against the counter again, smiling at Lucas like he’s watching him take his first steps. Lucas lifts a hand, shrugging. 
“And that was it? That’s how you met?” He sets the pancake on the plate and turns back to look at Lucas. 
“Actually, he left and we didn’t say anything, so I kind of… went back there every day at the same time for a week, and—” 
“What?” Milan cackles. 
“And,” Lucas continues, “eventually he was there again and we hung out.” “You went on a date that soon?” 
“Well it wasn’t really a date, we were just hanging out, but eventually he asked if I wanted to get coffee with him, and we just…” Lucas sighs, leaning his head back and grinning, his legs swinging happily. “And obviously we exchanged numbers and we call, like, every night. Except for the ones we spend together,” he adds, quieter, but he catches Milan’s head turn to him sharply. 
“Together?” Milan asks, raising his eyebrows and crossing his arms. “And when— when has this happened?” he asks like he’s interrogating Lucas, who laughs and scratches the back of his neck. 
“Last night…” 
“Wha— I did not approve of this!” 
“Milan, I’m seventeen. And he’s my boyfriend.” 
He doesn’t respond, crossing one arm over his waist and covering a growing smile with his other hand, setting his chin on his palm. 
“Your boyfriend,” he says fondly. 
“My boyfriend,” Lucas agrees, nodding. 
“Who made the first move?” Milan asks after they spend a second just smiling. 
“Me,” Lucas says, laughing. “I asked him to hang out, and I kissed him first. But then he kissed me.” He thinks for a second. “He said ‘I love you’ first.” 
“He said—” Milan squeaks, slapping a hand over his mouth and sighing. 
Lucas grins, kicking his feet in front of himself. 
“Can I have a pancake?” he asks after a second, and Milan drops his hand.
“Oh, sure,” he says, turning and grabbing one from the plate. He tosses it to Lucas and Lucas just barely catches it, the tips of his fingers snatching in the air before it can fall to the ground. He hears Milan chuckle to himself and he looks up, furrowing his brows and jutting out his chin. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“I don’t know,” Milan says, still laughing to himself, and he turns back to the griddle, lifting the ladle from the bowl of batter. He carefully pours some in a circle, smiling at the sizzling. “You said you wanted one.” 
“On a plate, dumbass.” 
“Just be grateful.” 
Lucas makes a face at him even though he isn’t looking and takes a bite out of it. 
“Is it good?” Milan asks. 
“It’s definitely a pancake.”
Lucas doesn’t remember to tell Senne about everything until Jens is already knocking on the door. It’s been days since Lucas told Milan, who’s hassled him every chance since, “When is Jens coming over?” “Where’s your boyfriend?” “Do you spend any time with him at all?” Lucas has avoided telling him they haven’t seen each other much lately because Jens has been spending so much time practising and rehearsing for his recital. 
Lucas is excited about the recital. Since Jens asked him to go, every time he’s thought about it, his stomach has swooped like a roller coaster car. He’s even got his outfit out and ready for it, ready for when Lucas assumes he’ll wake up hours before he needs to, ready to meet with Robbe, Moyo, and Aaron tomorrow evening before the recital. 
“Who’s that?” Senne asks at the same time as Milan’s gasp, and Lucas pauses on his way to the door. 
“Uh… You’ll see.” 
Lucas catches Milan sending Senne a broad grin and shakes his head before leaving to the front door. 
“Hey, beautiful,” Jens says when Lucas swings the door open. 
“Hi,” Lucas says back, immediately stepping close and falling into him, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips before letting his head fall to Jens’s neck. Jens wraps his arms around him, swaying slightly and sighing. 
“Okay?” Jens asks, and Lucas hums, kissing his neck briefly. 
“Uhm,” he says when he stands up straight, tugging at Jens’s jacket, pulling him inside and out of the brisk afternoon air. “Milan is very excited to see you.”
“God, I love Milan.” 
“I know. He loves you too.” 
“It’s a good thing he does,” Jens says, taking off his jacket and hanging it up next to the door. “I don’t know what I’d do if he didn’t.” 
“Come on,” Lucas says after laughing lightly, grabbing Jens’s hand and pulling him down the hall into the living room. Jens lifts their hands and twirls him, dropping his arm over Lucas’s shoulder and leaning close to kiss his temple. 
“Hi,” Jens says as they enter the living room, his face brightening ups seeing Milan lounged across the sofa, his legs across Senne’s lap. 
“Hey!” Senne exclaims, surprised. He drops his phone and lifts a hand, pointing at them, a silent question hanging in the air. Are you…?
“Yeah,” Jens says, pulling Lucas in closer and kissing his head. Lucas’s face flushes and he smiles, wrapping his arms around Jens’s waist. 
“You’re so cute,” Milan says, and he turns where he’s laying, twisting his back and lifting his phone to take a picture. Jens lifts a peace sign and Lucas hides his face in Jens’s chest. “What are you doing this fine evening?” Milan asks after lowering his phone. 
“Hanging out,” Jens says, looking down at Lucas. “Getting ready for tomorrow.” 
“What’s tomorrow?” Senne asks, still smiling. 
“I have a ballet recital,” Jens says simply. “Lucas is helping me prepare.” 
“Am I?”
“Yeah, so I don’t have, like, an anxiety attack because I’m… stressed.”
“Oh, okay.” Lucas drops his head against Jens’s chest. 
“A ballet recital?” Senne says, his expression identical to Milan’s, their brows furrowed in confusion. 
“Yeah, I got the solo this year.” (Lucas grins proudly.) “I’ve been practising every day for the past few weeks and now I just need to…” He sighs. “Chill.” 
Lucas lets go of his waist and grabs his hand again, walking backwards out of the room and pulling Jens with him. 
“Ohhh…” Senne says, watching them with a sly smile. He calls, “Be safe!” as they turn the corner, out of sight, and Lucas leans back in to make a face and lift his middle finger to him. He can still hear his and Milan’s giggling as Jens shuts his bedroom door behind them. 
“Hi,” he says again as Jens pulls him in, slipping his fingers into his hair as their mouths meet, their lips part, their tongues press together. Jens hums lowly, sliding his hands over Lucas’s waist, under his pale blue hoodie and pressing against his skin. His fingers are cold. 
“I have a question,” Jens says when they part, after a quiet gasp. 
There’s a beat of silence before he asks. 
“Will you paint my nails for tomorrow?”
Lucas pulls his face away, looking into Jens’s eyes in surprise. 
“You want me to paint your nails?”
“Yeah, I mean…” He trails off, looking away, his cheeks turning pink. “I always thought it would be nice for a recital. And most of the girls do, so I figured…” He looks back at him. “Why not?” 
“Do you know what colour you want?” Lucas asks, starting to smile. Jens shrugs, tilting his head at Lucas and letting his arms gently drape around his waist. 
“Something dark, if you have it. It’ll go with what I’m wearing.”  
“Yeah,” Lucas says, kissing him once more before letting his arms fall from his neck and stepping back. “You still haven’t told me what you’re wearing,” he says as he grabs the red box of nail polish by the handle, lifting it and setting it on his desk. He shoots Jens a look, one eyebrow raised, as he opens its and begins rummaging through, finding all the dark bottles. 
“It’s a surprise.” Lucas scoffs, letting a bottle of black fall into the box with a clatter, remembering it’s gone dry and clumpy. 
“Robbe says you’re going to love it, though,” Jens continues. He crosses the room from where he was standing and sits on Lucas’s bed, cross-legged and watching him fondly. 
“So you’ve shown Robbe but not me?” 
“Mhmm.” Lucas glances up and Jens is nodding, smiling. “He says you’re going to love it,” he repeats. 
“I mean, I believe him.” 
“Good. I think you’ll love it too.” 
“Oh?” Lucas tilts his head, raising his eyebrows and pressing his lips together. “I’m excited.” He smiles when he hears Jens giggling. Lucas rolls his eyes and shakes his head and he cracks the window open and turns on the small fan on his desk.
He makes his way to the bed with several bottles of polish in hand, sitting across from Jens, mirroring him, his legs crossed. 
“Okay, these are all the good ones.” 
“Why did you just bring the box over so you can put the ones we don’t use away?” 
Lucas stares at the bottles in his hand before looking up sharply. 
“Don’t question me.” 
“Okay,” Jens says, snickering as he takes the bottles from Lucas’s hand and analyzing them in the light coming from the window. Lucas rests an elbow on his knee, putting his chin in the palm of his hand and watching Jens fondly, how his brows draw in as he looks, how he lifts them closer to his face, how he turns them in his hands to see how the colours shift. 
“I think I like this one,” Jens says softly, disrupting Lucas’s thoughts. He holds up a cylindrical bottle, the polish dark purple with subtle blue sparkles. Lucas smiles and holds his hand out for it and when he has it, Jens turns, leaning backwards, and places the rest of the bottles on Lucas’s bedside table, carefully standing them all up. Lucas smiles, watching. 
“Okay,” Jens says, huffing slightly as he sits straight again. He holds his hands out, palms down, and looks up at Lucas hesitantly. 
“Ready?” Lucas asks, hitting the bottle against the palm of his left hand. Jens watches curiously and nods, looking up and smiling softly.
“They’re going to be wet for a while; anything you want to get out of the way first?” he asks, looking at Jens with a knowing shine in his eye, and Jens grins, leaning across their crossed legs and grabbing Lucas’s face, sliding his fingers over his cheeks and jaw and neck until they’re buried in his hair. His teeth capture Lucas’s lower lip and Lucas smiles, closing his eyes and dropping the bottle (still closed) into his lap as he holds Jens’s wrists, leaning closer when Jens starts to pull away.
 He reaches up and presses his palms to Jens’s cheeks, feeling the lingering twinge of cold on his cheekbones and moves closer, feelings Jens’s breath against his slicked lips when Jens pulls back to gasp before leaning in again. 
Lucas’s legs uncross and he moves closer, his legs moving to either side of Jens, moving closer, closer, closer, until their chests are nearly pressing together. Jens’s hands move from his hair to his shoulders, pulling him in before he wraps his arms around Lucas’s neck. Lucas gently tugs at his hair, revelling in the small sound that escapes from Jens’s throat. 
They pull away with gasps, and Lucas leans in and presses their foreheads together, smiling. 
“I love you,” Jens whispers breathlessly, and Lucas bites his lip, closing his eyes again as he smiles and runs his hands through his hair. 
Jens says it every chance he gets now, every time they hang up, say goodbye. Every time Lucas texts him I have to go, I’ll text you later, Jens responds with something like okay I love you <3. Every time there’s a pause between their kisses or a moment of silence as they hold each other, the words are there, whispered in the air. 
And Lucas always says it back. 
“I love you too,” he says, pulling away and pressing a kiss to Jens’s forehead. He lets go of his hair and picks up the bottle again as Jens’s arms pull away from his neck. The chilled air from outside hits Lucas’s neck and he shivers slightly,  trying to pull the hood of his hoodie over his head with one hand. Jens smiles, reaching up and doing it for him. 
“Thank you,” Lucas says bashfully, opening the bottle of polish, and Jens holds his hand out, tucking the other in his lap. After carefully placing the bottle in his lap, Lucas takes his hand, gently stabilizing his fingers. “This might need two or three coats… Yeah,” Lucas says, stroking the brush against his nail, leaving a pale, translucent shade of purple in its wake. Jens leans forward, tilting his head to see around Lucas’s (he doesn’t realise how close he leans to focus), and smiles. 
When the polish is on properly, after Lucas has expertly wiped it off of the skin around Jens’s nails, Jens leaves his hands on Lucas’s thighs, trying not to move them. They’re not quite dry, just slightly tacky, and Lucas pulls his lips away from Jens’s every time they shift.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Five: Clip 2
master list previous
Zondag 18:53
With hurried goodbyes to the people spamming ‘bye!’ in the chat, Robbe ended his surprise Sunday afternoon stream and immediately slumped against his desk.
During the semester, Robbe didn’t stream on Sundays. He preferred to spend the time studying with Yasmina or simply doing homework. His plan was to keep the same schedule for the summer, simply to keep things consistent, and save his Sundays for skating with his friends or hanging out with Sander. But the beach house trip was going to prevent him from streaming for three days. Once he got back, Robbe knew that he would need to get back on a consistent schedule.
Today’s stream was unplanned and a surprise, but it had been one of the best streams that he had in weeks. 
Normally, Robbe would’ve only streamed for three hours. It was what his body was used to and Robbe was rigorous about keeping his streams uniform. Occasionally, he would extend the stream or shorten it in thirty minute intervals. But, normally, he couldn’t extend the stream by more than an hour. Until today. He had just ended the stream a few minutes shy of five hours.
As soon as he started the stream, Robbe had felt rejuvenated. His good mood was helped by Sander’s “good luck <3” text when Robbe informed him that he would be disappearing for a few hours. But, in the midst of studying for exams and his stressed-out streams, he had missed doing this. He had missed streaming simply because he could and hanging out with his viewers, who he saw as his friends. It was fun and exhilarating and he had missed it all. 
Plus, the fact that Sander was probably watching him sent a thrill up his spine. It made him more excited than he would ever admit to any of his friends. But the extended time in his chair had stiffened his legs and his joints. Even though Robbe had taken multiple five-minute breaks, he was still tense. 
As Robbe stood, stretching his body as far as he could, his phone buzzed on the desk and drew his attention.
Sander: Amazing stream, Mr. Streamer. Even if I don’t know a thing about Fortnite. Feeling stiff? 
Robbe chuckled, picking up his phone as he moved out of his room.
Robbe: Yeah, I’m walking around the apartment. Might not sit down for another 30 min. Did you get any drawings done?
It didn’t take long to respond. 
Sander: Of course, I’m still working on your concentrated face though. Wanna see?
As Robbe sent him the affirmative, he headed out of his bedroom. Across the hall, Zoë’s bedroom door was slightly open and he glanced inside to find her sleeping. Zoë was curled up on her bed, wrapped in her gray blanket, with her hair tied back. Her laptop was perched on the edge of the bed, playing a show. 
As Robbe closed his bedroom door behind him, his stomach gave an angry growl, reminding him he had waited too long. Robbe quickly moved in the direction of the kitchen, where he could hear voices. Rounding the corner, he spotted Milan at the kitchen table with Senne. Both of them were drinking what looked like a cup of hot cocoa. As Robbe stepped inside, Milan cut Senne off mid-sentence to ask, “How was your stream?”
Robbe blinked, confused. “It was fine.” Senne turned to him, smiling nervously, as Robbe headed to the fridge to pull out the leftovers from earlier. “I’m just getting some food. It should only take a few minutes. Then, the two of you can go back to your top-secret talk that I’m not supposed to hear.”
“Oooooo,” Milan said, grinning wickedly. “Is someone jealous that other people go to me with top-secret information?” 
Robbe rolled his eyes and flipped Milan off for good measure. 
“No, no, it’s not that,” Senne said, letting out a sigh. Robbe grabbed one of the plates from the cabinets as he looked over at Senne. Despite being so sure of himself, Senne looked unbelievably nervous—like he was about to jump out of his skin. In all honesty, Robbe wasn’t prepared to see it. “We were just talking about the fact that I’m going to meet your mama on Thursday.” Robbe nodded as he piled the cold spaghetti onto his plate. “Do you have any advice?”
Robbe nodded again, placing the plate into the microwave. Once he started it, Robbe turned back to Senne and Milan, who were waiting on him. “There’s absolutely nothing you need to worry about, Senne,” Robbe said. “Mama is physically incapable of hating anyone. Even my dad and Thomas. As long as you love and take care of Zoë—which you do—she’s going to love you.” 
“There’s always a first,” Senne said. 
“If there was a first time, it would’ve been Thomas,” Robbe deadpanned. 
“Agreed,” Milan said. He reached across the table to take Senne’s hand in his own. “She’s going to love you, Senne. How can she not?” The microwave let out a beep. Robbe moved to pull his steaming pasta out. He blew away the steam as he crossed the kitchen, taking up one of the spare chairs. Robbe extended his legs out beneath the table, stretching them until they popped. “You love her daughter and that’s all any mother would want. Especially Marie.”
Robbe nodded. “Nothing to worry about.” 
“Okay,” Senne said, turning to him. “I’m trusting you.” Robbe chuckled, taking a bite of his pasta. “How did your exams go?” Senne asked. Robbe glanced over at Senne, who had turned in his chair. “I didn’t see you at the party Friday night.”
“Are you still going to college parties?” Robbe asked. 
“Only when my girlfriend is.”
“Oh, did someone spend the night with his mystery man that we don’t know anything about?” Milan asked, raising his mug to his mouth. Robbe rolled his eyes as Milan suggestively waved his eyebrows. Beside him, Senne took a sip of his hot cocoa. He tried his best to seem indifferent, but Robbe could still spot the suggestive look on Senne’s features. “Come on, Robbe. It’s a safe space. If we talk about it, I’m sure Senne won’t mind.”
Robbe was certain he couldn’t roll his eyes harder. “Sometimes, I wonder why you’re so interested in everyone’s love life,” Robbe said. Senne snorted. Thankfully, he wasn’t holding his cocoa anymore. Senne covered his face with his hand as Milan sent him an accusatory stare. “But yes, I did stay with him. We went to his apartment, he cooked, and we stayed in his bedroom all night, playing video games.” 
“Good,” Milan said, grinning. “You seem happy with him.” 
“I am,” Robbe said, nodding. He took another bite of spaghetti before letting out a sigh. Milan raised an eyebrow and Senne glanced over at him. Despite the growling in his stomach, Robbe dropped his fork on his plate and leaned back. “I just wish Thomas would leave me alone.”
“Thomas?” Milan asked, raising his eyebrows. 
Senne glanced at Robbe, asking, “Your ex?” 
“Yeah, that’s the one,” Robbe said. “After my exam on Friday, as I headed out to meet ‘my mystery man,’ Thomas came up to me.” Robbe shook his head, letting out a sigh. “He gave me the watch back and told me that he wanted to get back together with me.” Milan’s eyes widened. “I was so angry that I couldn’t respond to him, but—uhh… the guy I’m seeing interrupted him and Thomas left soon after that.”
“Do you want to get back together with him? With Thomas?” Senne asked.
Before Senne finished the question, Robbe was shaking his head. “No,” Robbe said. “I don’t.”  
“If you don’t want to get back together with him, you need to tell that to Thomas face-to-face, Robbe,” Senne said. He crossed his arms over his chest as Milan took a sip of his cocoa. “He deserves to hear it from you in person. If he can’t understand, that’s on him.” 
“I know,” Robbe said, slumping back in his chair. “I’m just worried that he’s going to try and talk me into getting back together with him. Again.”
“Do you want me to come with you?” Senne asked, standing up from his chair. “I don’t mind.” He moved to the coffee maker. As the machine whirred to life, he moved around, starting to make another cup of hot cocoa. Once the machine started brewing, Senne added, “I’ve always been pretty good at scaring people away. Plus my parents will pay for pretty good lawyers.”
Robbe chuckled, shaking his head. “No, but I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll probably end up asking Jens or Moyo to come with me. I just don’t want to be worried about my ex showing up at the apartment for the third or fourth time.” As Robbe picked up his fork, his phone dinged in his pocket. 
“You could always go to the police,” Senne said. 
Milan nodded. “He’s right, Robbe.”
“Yeah,” Robbe said, pulling his phone from his pocket. “I just don’t want to have to deal with it. But if it gets too much and he keeps showing up, I promise that I will report him to the police.” Milan nodded and, from his spot at the coffee machine, Senne made an affirmative noise. 
“It’ll be okay, Robbe,” Milan said.  
Robbe nodded his head, turning his attention back to his phone. 
Sander: Sorry for the delay. Noor came into my room asking about dinner. Here are all my sketches.
Below his texts, a picture loaded in of a sheet of paper—or rather many sheets of paper—and Robbe had to stop himself from literally dropping his mouth open. If these were simply “sketches,” Robbe couldn’t help but wonder what Sander’s masterpieces would look like. In the middle of the page, his own profile was etched in with headphones over his ears. There were a handful of figures that looked like they could’ve been Pokémon, but Robbe didn’t recognize them. 
Robbe was so focused on absorbing each and every detail that he didn’t notice Senne walk up behind him. He peered over Robbe’s shoulder, holding tightly to the cup of cocoa with one hand. His presence behind Robbe had startled him, but Senne’s gaze was simply on his phone. As Robbe glanced up at him, Senne smiled down at the phone and gave him a knowing look. 
If Senne recognized Sander’s sketches, he didn’t say anything. In fact, Senne just returned to the table and struck up a conversation with Milan about work.
Zondag 20:34
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szamsson · 4 years
Can you write about Robbe and Sander going on a double date with Zoënne and ending up telling them about the attack
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” Robbe mumbled, half asleep, lying against Sander’s chest the night before. 
“You were the one who promised Zoë! I had nothing to do with it.” Sander defending, squeezing him a bit harder under the blanket. 
“Yeah but you had to suggest going to THAT bar didn’t you.” Robbe said, voice wavering a bit towards the end of the sentence. They’d been back there since the...incident last year, but it still made Robbe nervous every single time. And Sander knew this but he hoped that eventually he’d fill Robbe’s brain with enough happy memories of the place the bad ones would be pushed to the back. And as painfully awkward it may or may not be going on a double date, he knew they’d have a laugh. 
“C’mon Robbe, we will be fine. You were fine last time we went there, and the drinks are cheap, and they have those crisps you like” He tried to console his boyfriend who scoffed at him. 
“Yeah but now we have to go there with Zoënne” he said mockingly, “They’d never have to worry about anything like that happening to them,” he finished under his breathe. 
“Robbe...” Sander sighed to which Robbe simply lifted up to kiss him gently before saying “We’ll talk about this tomorrow, I’m sleepy.”
The next day rolled around and Robbe found himself alone, outside the bar, biting the fingernail on his thumb and looking around nervously. Sander texted him saying he was running a few minutes late for a school thing, and Senne and Zoe hadn’t arrived, yet which was not helping Robbe’s nerves at all. He should have never agreed to this. 
Finally, he saw a ying yang of hair colours walking up the sidewalk towards him with smiles on their faces and he let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. As they approached Zoe gave him a hug and Senne a half bro-hug clasping his hand, and Robbe automatically felt a little safer. 
“Sander?” Zoe said questioningly looking around Robbe as if the older boy was hiding somewhere. 
“He’s on his way, let’s go in” Robbe said quickly getting nervous again being outside, memories running through his head, bad ones of the past mixed with good ones more recently, giving him a bit of a headache. He stayed close to Zoe as they found a table and Senne took their drink orders and left to go to the bar. 
He thought of Zoe and Senne as family, because that’s what they had become in the past year, a makeshift family. He missed spending time with them, the way he did when he lived at the flatshare, so he had to admit, it was nice to have tonight with his favourite people, even if he did think the idea of a ‘double date’ was cheesy. 
Zoe, not one to miss anything, eyed him up and down. “You look nervous? Everything okay between you and Sander?” Her face was filled with concern and it made Robbe melt a bit. 
“No!” he said a little too quickly which made Zoe’s eyebrows rise. “I mean no I’m not nervous, I’m fine, everything’s fine with Sander, I do wish he was on time for once though,” he knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t stop. He didn’t know why he was working himself up so much. By the time Senne came back they fell into easy conversation about school and the flatshare and Milan’s most recent antics, and Robbe relaxed, gulping down his beer maybe a little too quickly. 
Suddenly the door was wrenched open and Robbe looked up to see Sander looking flustered walking quickly into the bar, looking around and spotting where the other three were sitting. Robbe didn’t even have time to reprimand him as Sander flung himself into the seat beside Robbe, kissing him hard on the lips, almost head butting him. “Hey” he said breathlessly, holding his gaze for a second before greeting Senne and Zoe. 
“Sorry! Class went over then I had to talk to one of my professors and I just lost track of time.” Sander explained to the table seeming to finally catch his breathe. He must’ve practically run here, judging by his flushed face. 
“It’s cool man,” Senne said easily, sipping the last of his beer, “Wanna come with me to get a second round?”
Sander looked around the table, saw that Zoe’s soda was still half full and watched in half amusement, half worry as Robbe gulped down his drink, finishing it quickly and pushing it towards Sander with a pleading look. 
“Ah yeah of course, same thing again?” He said to Robbe who nodded. Sander grabbed Robbe’s hand that was resting on the table and intended to bring it to his lips, when Robbe yanked it from his hand and scowled at Sander. He knew the younger boy wasn’t actually angry with him. He was nervous. He could tell by the rigidity in his posture and the way his eyes were darting around. 
He followed Senne to the bar and flopped down next to him as he ordered their drinks. 
“So what did you do?” Senne said with a slight chuckle. Sander enjoyed Senne’s company. They were the same age and had an easy camaraderie. 
“Nothing!” Sander said exacerbated, then more quietly “nothing, it’s just this place. Doesn’t come with particularly good memories and I keep trying to tell Robbe to give it a chance but, you know how stubborn he is.”
Senne didn’t exactly know what was going on but he did acknowledge the last part with a nod. Robbe was stubborn. But he was loyal and loving and Senne knew he loved Sander with all his heart, so he believed Sander when he said he didn’t do anything. There was clearly something else going on but Senne wasn’t going to pry. 
They returned to the table, Sander shoving Robbe’s drink towards him, eyes meeting his as Robbe whispered a sincere “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, no problem!” Sander replied putting on a smile but not daring to move closer. 
The table fell into easy conversation covering chat of everything and nothing at all. Robbe grilled Zoe and Senne about why they had begun keeping their relationship a secret pulling the “But I’m your little brother” card in a whiny voice that made Sander laugh with affection. They talked about school, the new girl that apparently had made waves, dates they had been on, Sanders art. By the time they had their third round of drinks they were all laughing at a story about one time recently Milan couldn’t get rid of a one-night stand, so he paid Zoe to pretend to be his angry cheated girlfriend to get him out of the flat. 
Sander was feeling comfortable and happy and he could see Robbe’s eyes shining and his posture relaxed. Without thinking he leaned in to whisper into Robbe’s ear something dirty to make the boy blush but as he got close, Robbe’s eyes widened and he shoved at Sander, causing him to nearly fall off his chair. The table went quiet as Robbe’s eyes darted around assessing the rest of the bar, but no one was paying any attention to them. 
“Fuck I--Sorry I just, I’m going to the bathroom,” he finished lamely, shoving his seat out and rushing away from the table.
Sander sighed in frustration, hands running through his hair as he took a long sip of his beer. Zoe was looking at him alarmed with an accusing look in her eyes, and Senne just looked confused. They’d been around the couple a lot in the flatshare and Robbe and Sander had never shyed away from PDA.
“He’s just,” Sander began lamely, not wanting to spill Robbe’s business if he hadn’t told them. But they were his family, surely he would have. “He’s having a hard time being back here, after what happened.”
Now the other couple both looked baffled. “After what happened?” Zoe said, her voice pure concern now.
“Remember last year? Robbe coming home with bruises and stuff?” Sander said, kind of angry that such a huge thing they could just forget.
“He said he was in a fight, alone…” Zoe said and Senne added “With the guys at the private school, he told me it was wrong place wrong time.”
Suddenly Sander realised Robbe hadn’t told them. Had Robbe told anyone? No wonder he was having such a hard time getting past it. Just then Robbe returned, looking like he had splashed water over his face and run his hands through his hair. He took in the tension at the table and looked at everyone singularly before hesitantly letting out a “…What?”
“What happened last year Robbe when you said you were in a fight? What REALLY happened?” Zoe said straight out. And Robbe’s eyes darted to Sander as he glared at the older boy.
“I didn’t say anything, I thought they knew.” Sander said softly.
Robbe took a deep breath and all in one sentence, rushed and just barely understandable said “ Some asssholes saw us kissing outside and decided to give the faggots a beat down because that’s what we deserved for kissing and being ass fuckers who had no right to be doing something so disgusting we didn’t see their faces and I have no idea who it was end of story can we not talk about this.” Robbe distracted himself by trying to drink his now empty drink, upon realising, reached across and snatched Sanders taking a big gulp.
The whole table was silent, and Zoe had tears in her eyes. Senne looked like he was about to fight the entire bar and Sander looked so sad that Robbe couldn’t hold eye contact with any of them.
He looked at Zoe “We didn’t do anything Zoe,” Robbe pleaded, “We didn’t egg them on or anything we were just trying to get home.”
Zoe stood up and gave Robbe a big hug, whilst Senne started puffing his chest and muttering “I’m going to fucking kill them.” Sander put a calming hand on Senne’s arm.
Robbe hugged Zoe tight and whispered, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the truth.” To which she simply shook her head and kept grasping him.
Once they had separated and Sander had managed to calm Senne down they all sat quietly and Sander continued.
“We didn’t go to the police. And that was my fault, I was a coward.” He said so sadly that Robbe temporarily forgot about his nerves, finally feeling a bit of the weight in his chest being lifted, and grabbed Sanders hand under the table.
“Did you tell anyone?” Senne said softly, directing his eyes at Robbe.
“Milan.” Robbe said simply, then he let out a chuckle “He was the best support I could’ve asked for, he looked like he was about the run out and search the street to try to take them on with his bare hands whilst wearing his kimono.”
The tension eased at this as the other let out a chuckle and a smile. The rest of the night was sombre as Robbe talked and talked until his throat went dry, and Zoe and Senne listened, offering him up funny anecdotes every now and then and just listening to everything he had to say. Sander remained somewhat quiet throughout the rest of the night and as they parted ways at the entrance, Sander went to walk towards his apartment when Robbe pulled him back and kissed him, full on, outside the front of the bar.
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Oct 25th, Sunday 14:07
There was a loud thud on the other side of the door, that let Jens flinch and step a bit back from it. It was soon followed by a burst of giggling though and to his surprise it was Yasmina who opened the door with a slight reddish tint to her cheeks. He most definetly hadn’t expected her to be here. Anyone really, but her.
„Sorry I kinda hit my knee on the cabinet and knocked over a vew things. Come in.“
Jens nodded confused but chuckled nonetheless seeing the little mess on the floor. He followed her in and was met with a strong scent of cinnamon reaching him from the kitchen. Yasmina simply started to pick up the items and placing them back, while he took off his jacket, feeling too warm as soon as he had stepped inside. Jens was a bit lost however on where to put his jacket, as it appeared at least two dozen others already occupied the hangers on the wall. He threw it over the one orange coat, he was sure was Robbe’s, and found Yasmina had walked back into the kitchen. Only her head peaked around the corner again to gesture him he should join her too.
Even though he was here to see Robbe, at least he could say hello, Jens figured. And contrary to his believe, when his best friend had asked him to come over to chill, the kitchen was packed. And more voices spilled out from the living room next to them. He had more or less expected the apartment to be empty.
„Hi!“ Milan declared cheerfuly, checking up on something in the oven, that certainly caused what filled the kitchen in a sweet vanilla-cinnamon cloud. Impressed he looked at Milan, hoping to be able to get a taste of it. Just behind him at the table sat Aaron and now Yasmina.
„Amber and me came over to visit, and Yasmina slept over, because of... Actually I don’t remember, but yeah, Amber is in the living room with Zoë, Senne and Robbe.“ Aaron explained, while fist bumping Jens, before going back to type something on his phone. That was the moment Milan seemed to be done for now with the content of the oven and threw an arm over Jens’s shoulders, settling close next to his side. He shook his head smiling, placing his own arm on the lower back of the older boy.
„This is the third weekend in a row of everyone gathering in this apartment, we may have to move to a bigger place, because this is getting out of hand.“ Milan complained, both of them leaving the kitchen, to go over to the living room, not before he let Milan check the time in a book on the counter, to know when to take out whatever he put in. He continued chatting, letting Jens relax a bit, as he did not had to decide what to say or to do for the moment. Something Jens actually noticed he appreciated greatly. The last months it seemed like he had more and more responsibilities at home and was contemplating what to do every single day. He remembered that Milan was still talking to him and quickly began to go back to actually listen to what was being said. 
„... Lisa mentioned to come back next summer. I mean Senne moved in with Zoë last year, and now it seems like Sander did too with Robbe. I think, since the end of the lockdown, he may visit his parents once a week to return with even more art supplies to set up all over the place. He claimed a part of the bookshelf just last week. He washes most of his clothes here too. We may as well add him on the payroll for rent.“ Milan went on complaining as they reached the living room, finding the others chatting around the livingroom table. It was full of sweets and fruits and cups of tea. Jens immidiately loved having decided to take up Robbe’s invitation.
„Hey, Jens!“ Senne greeted happily.
„You made it!“ Amber smiled at him warmly.
„You lucky asshole, being late an hour and we just filled up the pot again, so you actually get fresh and hot tea.“ That was Robbe patting the spot next to him on the floor, while Amber, Zoë and Senne had cuddled up on the sofa under a blanket. Zoë mainly sitting on top of Senne’s lap, her head buried in the curve of his neck. How they didn’t die a heat death, was a mystery to Jens. It was at least 30 degrees in here it felt like. Taking off his sweater, earning him some loud whoo’s from the others, he settled next to Robbe, nudging him in the process.
„I thought we were alone.“ Jens tried to accuse Robbe, feighing disappointment, but followed almost immidiately with a smirk, as Robbe had lost his smile for a second. The younger one definitely worries too much. As if Jens could ever really get super mad at him.
„Ah fuck you, Jens.“ He turned his head towards said boy, a hand placed on Jen’s thigh before he continued: „Though we probably could have arranged that, if you wanted me all to yourself. I mean, we could just kick them all out.“
Robbe definitely had found his confidence since being with Sander and grew more comfortable being himself every day. Jens really liked watching that development happen in front of him.
There was a suggestive wiggle of Robbe’s brows that made Jens laugh and push Robbe’s face away from him.
„Where is Sander than? I thought you become joined at the hips if you leave school properties.“ 
Jens sort of regretted having said that, as Robbe’s bubbly, happy expression faltered. He caught himself quick, not fast enough though for Jens to ignore. It worried him that something had happend.
Robbe seemed to notice that and quickly shook his head to calm Jens.
„Nothing bad, Sander just hadn’t caught any sleep over the last couple nights, so he is basically knocked out since this morning. Maybe depression, but I’m not sure yet, hadn’t had a chance to talk to him. That’s actually why I asked you to come over. I didnt know that it was getting that crowded today.“ Robbe explained, leaning his head on Jens’s shoulder as he fished for some cookies on the table in front of them.
Giving him a bit of best friend support, Jens moved his arm over behind them, lifting his hand to stroke lightly up and down Robbe’s back. He felt Robbe relax next to him, apparently he had been a bit tense before. Though the boy never voiced it, Jens knew that it was hard for him to watch Sander like this sometimes. He believed that Robbe might be reminded of his mother in these moments. He kissed the mop of hair on his right shoulder, earning him a smile in return.
Milan in the meantime had poured Jens a fresh cup of tea and sat down on the armchair to their left.
„Yasmina, Zoë and me had planned to drive to an exhibition opening about the history of medicine, that was scheduled for today in Brussels, but as they had two positive Corona cases yesterday it was cancelled. Fortunately for us just as we had gotten into the car. Hence this big party here.“ Senne threw up one hand with a grin, waving about in a circular motion to indicate their gathering, as if Jens couldn’t put two and two together.
They all chatted away, being joined by Yasmina and Aaron, who somehow still managed to squeeze next to Amber on the already crowded sofa. They talked about the party from friday and the spanish exchange student Jens had flirted with. She was cute, long dark brown hair, green eyes, petit body. Her name was Camila and simply because they had talked a while, danced and kissed in the end, he now was somehow expceted by everyone else to take her out on a date. Which he declined politely, telling them to screw themselvees.
They talked about Sander’s upcoming school exhibition in two weeks, that they all planned to attend and would make sure to embarrass the shit out of him. 
Last but not least the topic fell on the mysterious new student they’d meet tomorrow and a couple of non-serious consipiracy theories started to emerge, one odder than the one before. Nothing was off limits. Not even Aaron throwing the Dutch royal family into the mix.
Just right after Aaron’s suggestion Lucas van der Heijden could be the illegitimate son of a prince of some sort, Milan jumped up screaming about the danish thing he forgot about. He stormed off, almost tripping over his own feet on his way over to the kitchen in a panic, while laughs and cheers from everyone else filled the apartment, rooting for Milan to make it in time. Luckily it wasn’t burned and thus ended up being eaten in a haste, only one piece surviving by Robbe guarding it with his live. Sander would apparently kill him, if Robbe wouldn’t bring him some of Milan’s great baked goods. 
To his defence, they were incredibly delicious. 
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carolineworld · 4 years
“We all need someone to hold”  A Zoenne FanFic
Summary: As life goes by, everything gets more and more difficult, but as life goes by, you make relationships and friendships that will help you in every step of the way. At the end of the day, we all need someone to hold.
Zoë has been stressed lately. University is a new chapter for her and being far away from her friends and the flatshare, with the trial coming soon and dealing with all the past demons, everything is stressing her way too much. 
University has been great so far. She’s finally studying something she’s passionate about and is one step closer to accomplish her dream, so she can’t complain about that. But that doesn’t mean she can’t complain about anything.
There’s a lot of myths about starting a degree and going to uni to do what you like. It makes a big difference, yeah, ‘cause you’re studying something you enjoy, but sometimes it can still be a pain in the ass. Having to wake up early, the insane amount of projects and essays you have to do and finals coming closer and closer as you try to do everything on time. It’s rewarding and satisfying if you think about what comes next, but the process can sometimes be too much.
Moving has been great too. She’s excited about living on her own, with the love of her life in a super cute apartment that feels like home, but saying goodbye to Milan, Robbe and Lisa has been the hardest part of it, as she had just found her own family. Having to let them go and waking up to a silent house without any weird sounds or some rude interruptions has been sentimental for her. Not to mention this new apartment she lives in is about an hour and a half from her previous apartment, making it a trip to go see them or the girls.
That’s another thing, her girls. Since finishing high school and all of them choosing different paths in life they have physically separated from each other. Thank God Amber has stayed in Antwerp and they can meet up once o twice a week, cause the rest have moved to make their dreams come true, and although they talk every single day and see each other every month, it’s still difficult to experience new and exciting things without them.
And the trial… her never-ending nightmare. Four years have gone by since the incident happened and every time she thinks she has overcome it, every time she changes the autodestructive and self-pity mindset she had, her demons and nightmares come back and stronger than before. The first time was testifying, and that cost her her relationship. The second time was seeing him in the grocery store when she moved, and that caused her an anxiety attack, a trip in the ambulance, and having to calm a really angry and nervous Senne from doing something stupid. And the third one was receiving a call from the courthouse, four years later, to ask her if she could attend the trial for the final sentence, and that cost her yet another anxiety attack and a new phone.
She has been going to therapy ever since it happened, but every time something like that happens, every time she has a nightmare or a panic attack because something triggered her or because of a thought, she goes back into thinking that maybe therapy doesn’t work, she goes back into thinking that she’s broken, that she will always be broken. And thank God she has an amazing support system, as she calls it, to remind her that she isn’t broken, that her incident does not define who she is, and that she is way stronger than she thinks.
So yeah, she’s been stressed lately, so when she’s finally home and all her books and bags are nicely put down and she’s ready to call it a day and finally relax, she cannot believe what she’s seeing.
The living room is filled with pillows, blankets, and twinkly lights, making the room feel so magical and cozy. On the side table, there are her favorite snacks, along with her favorite dish for dinner.  The tv has the Netflix sign in it and there are even desserts.
“Senne?” her voice is filled with a million different emotions and her brain refuses to believe what her eyes are seeing, almost as if she can’t process what’s happening. 
“In the kitchen”.
Still amazed by the turning events, she walks to the kitchen of their little apartment hugging her body, slightly shivering from the November cold and making a mental note to put on fluffy socks on her way there. Once her feet are covered and warm and she gets to her destination she feels like crying. Looking at him prepare alcohol-free gin-tonics and freshly done hot chocolate just for her makes her heart so warm and heavy.
Over the four years they’ve been together (three and a half if we are exact, but they don’t like to acknowledge the almost six months they spend apart) Zoë has learned that when it comes to expressing himself and his emotions, or when he doesn’t know how to help, Senne uses acts of kindness or acts of service. Over the years he has indeed improved so much into expressing his emotions and thoughts with words, but actions or acts are always his first option. And even though she knows that, he never fails to surprise her every time.
“Have you seen the living room? I thought we could do a movie night, so we can relax” His big smile is all she can see when he approaches her, the drinks in one hand and the other one in her waist, drawing little patterns while he kisses her cheek repeatedly with tiny little kisses. She hums in response, having a hard time expressing her feelings with words. Giving her a proper kiss in the lips, Senne grabs Zoë’s hand and leads her to the living room, smiling widely as he admires his creation.
“What’s all this for?” She asks, sitting down next to the biggest pillow they own, covering herself with the Blanket and looking at Senne doing the same next to her, grabbing the drink he just made.
“You’ve been stressed lately and I couldn’t think of a way to make the stress go away, so I thought that if you relaxed for a bit, maybe that stress could go away, even if it’s only for a few hours” He gives her her drink and while she sips a bit from it he turns back to grab the little tray of snacks he has made, offering them to her with a proud smile.
“Thank you, Senne, you didn’t have to do all of this” honest gratitude glows in her eyes as she carefully lets her drink on the floor and goes to give him a big hug and a sweet kiss, whispering ‘thank you’ every time they separate from a kiss.
After a few minutes of kissing and whispering sweet words to each other’s ears, they start eating the food Senne has prepared, talking about each other’s day, the upcoming assignments they have to do for this week, and how’s been going at work. Laughs and jokes fill the room as the night falls outside the window, being unnoticeable to the young couple in love. Hours go by as the food and the drinks disappear and the two of them cuddle up in the little fort Senne built for them watching Zoë’s favorite movie.
Once the movie is about to end and Senne looks down he finds Zoë happily asleep, her fist grabbing the blanket and hugging Senne’s arm close to her chest, cuddling up to him. A happy smile is on her face and at that moment she looks free and calm, no stress bothering her. Whispering a silent “everything for you, my love” Senne picks her up and takes her to their room, putting her down carefully and going to the bathroom to grab a makeup removing wipe, as she forgot to take her makeup off before falling asleep on him. After her face is all clean he makes sure to let the living room and the kitchen as tidy as possible before going back to bed.
And yeah, Zoë’s been pretty stressed lately but gestures like this, and people like him, make everything so much easier.
1366 words
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jungkookjaan · 4 years
If you are still doing them do you mind doing top 5 Zoenne moments? 🥰
I don't I'm so glad you asked no one has ever asked me this 🥺🥺
1. The clip next to the one in which zoë had the panic attack where senne was just looking at her sleeping and as she woke up a little she tangled her arm with senne's. literally the softest🥺🥺🥺
2. The scene from season 1 when she ordered senne to pick up and arrange her books and she made the remark about his small brain capacity to which senne leaned forward and went "specially when it's full of you" FIREWORKS THAT SCENE MAKES MY HEART GO SDGBJSDHJ
3. The scene where viktor messeges zoë that nothing happened between them and she runs towards senne and pulls him into the classroom and showers him with kisses and sorries it's just so sweet
4. When they walked together to the police station. what a powerful moment to show in a teen show. Imagine how loved and supported and cared for zoë must have felt in that moment
5. When zoë showed senne her room and their little moment after milan interrupted them where senne just talks about her blanket. It's so adorable
6. The way they cried in their last wtfockdown clip thinking of how much they love each other, how relieved they were to be back together and when they went "us two."
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Can you just write something super fluffy. Sander coming out of depressive episode. The boys are over playing video games with robbe, sander comes out of the room in one of robbes hoodies and cuddles up next to him and just wants his boys attention. Just anything fluffy really
Robbe invited the boys over in the afternoon to play videogames, just so he didn’t have to sit alone for the rest of the day. The apartment was too quiet. His mother went out for dinner with his father, to some fancy place. Most of the time, it was just her and himself in the house. It kind of made him miss Milan, Zoë, and Senne—they were always loud, even when they didn’t mean to be.
His own home seemed foreign in the absence of noise.
Still, the quiet had a purpose. He left his bedroom door open, so he could have a clear line of sight to his bed from the couch by the television. A human shape underneath the comforter rolled over every so often. Sometimes, a pale arm reached outward from the cocoon of blankets to pull them closer. Robbe knew it would be best to leave Sander alone like this for a little while, to rest, but he still didn’t want the sleeping boy out of his sight. It was also kind of picturesque: Sander, engulfed in every comfort item Robbe had to offer.
The boys arrived a whopping five minutes after Robbe asked them in the group chat to come. Jens first, Moyo second, Aaron last. He tried to tell them all to keep their voices down when they first walked in, but it took a while for the idea to catch on. When Jens entered, he practically burst with the loudest, “Guess what, dude!” that Robbe had ever heard before launching into a complex story about Jana and a house party. Only Moyo sensed the situation right away and communicated through whispers and nods.
They all sat down on the couch to begin the game.
“Why are we being quiet?” asked Aaron, shortly after being killed for the first time. He respawned.
Robbe tired to gesture to the open bedroom door without looking away from the television screen. “I’m trying to let Sander sleep.”
“Sander’s here?”
“Yes, in the bedroom.”
Moyo interjected, the only person to use a sensible volume. “Depressive?”
The truth was, Robbe didn’t know what was wrong. He read a couple books about bipolar disorder and found that a lot of the symptoms could be confused for stress (and vice versa). He thought that all of Sander’s symptoms lined up with a depressive episode: excessive sleeping, self-depreciation, and not eating. It still seemed wrong to diagnose it as one.
Moyo understood, even when Robbe didn’t respond. “Does his mother know?”
“Yes.” Robbe called her first thing when he suspected, just to be safe. Guilt surfaced in his mind; he feared he would become like Britt if he micromanaged Sander because of his condition. It also made everything a lot easier to know that Sander’s mother knew.
“Shouldn’t you be in there with him?” Aaron’s voice dropped to a whisper halfway through the sentence when Jens shushed him.
Robbe shook his head. “He needs to sleep right now.”
“Amber said it’s nice to go to sleep together. It feels safe. I know he’s not Amber, and it’s different—”
They both turned to Moyo, to see what his opinion would be. Moyo pushed a fancy combination of buttons on his controller and fell off the top of a building. He cursed under his breath. Jens’s character, a tall dude with full armor and blue hair, stopped beside Moyo’s corpse and began to loot his inventory.
Moyo reached out to slap Jens, barely brushing the other boy’s knee. “Is nothing sacred?”
For the next ten minutes, Robbe sat back on the couch and watched Jens and Moyo argue over the ethics of friendly fire in a game they were technically supposed to playing together. The fact that they had to whisper compounded the entertainment value. Only months earlier, sitting like this gave Robbe the impression of his own isolation and the horror that his friends would leave him completely. Now, all he could conjure was contentment. Aaron, oblivious to the fight, went around shooting random NPCs.
When Robbe looked away from the melee, Sander stood in the doorway, eyes squinted as if he were not quite awake. Robbe needed to blink once to be sure he wasn’t hallucinating. He wore one of Robbe’s sweatshirts. It was a little short on the arms—Robbe had guessed as much when he left it for Sander to use—but Sander made up for the difference by wrapping the rest of his body in a fleece throw blanket that Robbe’s mother dug out of the closet for him. He didn’t acknowledge the boys or the videogames. 
Robbe set down his controller and stood up. “Sorry, did we wake you?”
Sander shook his head. The blanket dragged along the floor behind him as he took a step closer.
“Can I get you something?”
He shook his head again.
“Do you want me to come in there?”
This was the first time in days Sander had gotten out of bed for anything besides a trip to the bathroom. Maybe Robbe shouldn’t have invited the boys, should have stayed beside Sander while he slept so he didn’t feel the need to get up like this. Robbe tried to step over Jens to make his way to Sander and the bedroom, causing Jens to drop his controller. He watched as Jens’s character took a bullet to the chest and collapsed into the pixelated earth.
“Damnit, Robbe. What the hell!”
If he was fazed by the noise around him, Sander didn’t show it. His expression stayed blank. “I’m okay. I’ll come to you.” He made his way around the couch and sat on the end cushion. When Robbe looked back at him, he patted the adjacent cushion for Robbe to return.
Now that Jens’s character was dead, there was nothing to stop Robbe from climbing back over him to sit down next to Sander. He admired Sander’s eyes. Even with dark circles looped around the bottoms and redness pricking at their edges, he had yet to witness anything he’d find more beautiful. Especially since they were open. He was used to seeing Sander asleep.
Sander returned Robbe’s gaze. “I missed you.” A conversation for the two of them alone. The rest of the boys pretended not to hear.
“I wasn’t gone.”
“I was.” He let Robbe smooth down a patch of bedhead. “For a little, I think.”
“Well, are you back now?”
“I think so.”
“Good, I missed you too.” 
Robbe’s character, standing still on the screen, exploded into pieces as a rogue grenade landed nearby. Robbe didn’t really mind. He could respawn in a moment.
“Is it alright if I kiss you?” he asked Sander. Jens turned to make a face, something conveying the sentiment ‘really, right in front of my salad?’ but said nothing in protest.
“Yeah, that’s alright.”
The way they connected was perfect, like seeing a rainbow in the sky after a day of rain or watching snow fall outside while lounging in front of a fire. Homelike. Sander didn’t appear to be in the mood to make out, so they broke apart after a single kiss. It was still seventh heaven to Robbe. Sander even gave him a tiny smile, something he wanted to freeze in his memory like a photograph.
Aaron looked back and forth between Sander, Robbe and the television. “Does this mean I can talk in my normal voice now?”
Sander curled up on his couch cushion and lay his head in Robbe’s lap. “Go ahead.”
He took Robbe’s hand in his own and played with it like a child, flexing each finger as if to see if it would bend. As hard as it was to play a video game with one hand, Robbe did his best. It was moments like these he knew everything was going to be okay.
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killherfreakout · 4 years
hi! what are some of your fav skam moments/clips (and any remakes)?
hi!! what a fun question, thanks for asking! 💛 this is just from the top of my head and wow it is probably longer than you wanted ajfjsjkd
skam: eva and jonas break up scene, happy international womens day, chris and the spoon, ‘i feel like i’m in an episode of gossip girl!’, noora singing to william, eskild pride speech, noora telling the girls about niko, pepsi max feud, even and the paper towels, call your girlfriend, yellow curtains, ‘you’re the man of my dreams’, o helga natt, ‘i’m not norwegian enough, muslim enough, moroccan enough’, chris and vilde in the finale, p chris meeting eva’s mom, los losers, even pov, gutten som ikke klarte å holde pusten under vann, yousef dancing, carrots, dear sana, eva mohn bursdag 💖
skam france: polaris, s3 trailer, ‘i only saw you’, surprenant, ‘we like weird, i think’, emma and the lava lamp, ‘i want him in my life, i’m sure of it now’, ‘i’ll say and do stupid shit too’, ‘you’re beautiful when you laugh’, lucas and manon ‘we don’t have to talk about it’, sofimane glow in the dark stars, arthur signing applause instead of clapping, ‘but he’s my boyfriend and i love him’, ‘do you still think of it? it will always be there, but less and less’, elu housewarming party, check du gang, ‘we were...arranging dvds’, basile reuniting with daphné after their break up, yann and lucas hugging sans ambiguïté, ‘it’s like i don’t exist’, daphné and lola dancing, lux & obscurus (obv)
skam nl: s2 opening, noah and his coffee mug at school, isa and rose colored glasses, engel and janna kiss on the nose, ralph finding liv’s search history and the girls comforting her, ‘have you ever been in love?’, ‘water lilies by monet. you look like it’, ‘the great wave. that’s yours’, nail salon, bowling, ‘he’s yours, that wack painter kid’, and esra dancing
skam italia: s2 opening, nico reveal in the radio booth, ‘i know gays who are boring’, ‘elio’, ‘renatoooo’, nico as a vampire, martino and his mom talking through the bedroom door, giovanni being so supportive, bracciano and ‘share the love’, ‘you’re like two octopuses’, filippo and ele siblings, martino and eva where he wears the piranha thing on his head
druck: ‘winter is coming’, hotel hardenberg, alex having a panic attack :(, kiki and mia talk in her bed, ‘shhh your sister’, ‘is being alone so bad? yes.’, ‘i’m a boy, i just have to try harder’, ‘i’m nervous. me too.’, the papers flying around mia at school, ‘they just weren’t really vibing’, carlos and kiki, amira and mia at the library
wtfock: senne supporting zoë after reporting victor, jana and her mom, jana and yasmina giving the finger, zoë and senne and the blanket, RAYL, ‘do you see me laughing?’, ‘i don’t think anyone will love me. i think you’ll find someone like that.’, under pressure and ‘best croque ever’, noor and sander at christmas, milan and senne and croissants
skam austin: shay singing, zoya at the coffee shop talking about living in a red state
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air-bison-yip-yip · 5 years
Write more Zoenne fanfic pleaseee
Thanks for the ask, lovely! I did as requested and wrote more, but I think this falls under the sage advice of be careful what you wish for?! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Summary: Senne, for his part, turned most of his attention to Zoë, but he would be lying if he didn’t admit to lingering on whatever bra witchcraft Zoë had just pulled off in the back of his mind (also on ao3).
In general, Senne knew he was a smart guy. He aced all of his classes with minimal work. He could grasp complex problems, and he was a wiz at taking standardized testing. There were few things in the world that he could not understand with a little bit of work. Which is why it was so surprising that something so mundane had stumped Senne so profoundly.
It happened the first time about two weeks after he moved in with Zoë. He was hanging in the common room alone watching something boring on the TV that he was only partially paying attention to. Zoë came in, dropping her bag and jacket on the ground and plopped on the couch next to him. Senne noted that she looked wiped. He turned to her about to ask how she felt when she sat up, reached behind her back, and suddenly Zoë’s bra was off. He knows the mechanics of it must have been more involved, but considering Senne was only somewhat paying attention, it felt that with one or two movements Zoë had taken off her bra without messing up her shirt. She tossed the bra on top of her jacket and bag and curled up next to Senne.
Senne, for his part, turned most of his attention to Zoë, but he would be lying if he didn’t admit to lingering on whatever bra witchcraft Zoë had just pulled off in the back of his mind.
He could ask, but it seemed like such a stupid question, and if Senne could help it, he would prefer not to subject himself to looking foolish.
So he just...thought about it from time to time, but it had relatively little impact on his life. It’s not like Zoë did it every day or anything. Perhaps, Senne thought, it was a one-off situation.
The second time the bra witchcraft happened was with Lisa. She had hobbled out of her room to the kitchen. Senne rarely saw Lisa, so it was a surprise in and of itself that she was hanging out in the kitchen. She shrugged off the blanket draped over her shoulders to the back of the chair she had sat in at the little makeshift table. Senne had turned to get milk for his cup of tea, and when he looked back, Lisa was in the midst of pulling her bra off from the bottom and beneath her shirt. Lisa put the bra in her lap and stared aimlessly in the kitchen. Senne did his best not to stare at Lisa’s chest.
Purely for scientific reasons.
It’s not that Senne has never seen a woman take off her bra before. In fact, his reputation was built on the fact that many women at school hoped to take their bras off for him. But he was usually a more active participant in said bra removing or was engaged in other activities. Now, though, he was wondering if there was some secret bra conspiracy that he knew nothing about. He grabbed his tea, and instead of heading to Zoë and his’ bedroom, he stopped to see Milan in the common room. Milan was sprawled on the couch, looking at his phone. Senne sat in the chair next to him and immediately had a phone shoved in his face.
“Is he hot?” Milan asked. Senne pulled his head away from the screen to see it a bit better.
“You can’t tell?” Senne asked. He wasn’t against giving his opinion on the hotness of men. Senne was self-aware enough to know homophobia was not one of his issues that needed to deal with. But he had also seen Milan play “Hot or Not” at every television show or commercial that was on. Milan’s inquiry seemed like a trick question.
“I can, but I’m on the fence. I need a second opinion,” Milan told him, still holding the phone in front of Senne’s face.
“I’d go for it,” Senne said with a shrug and took a sip of his tea. Milan snatched back his phone and began messing with it in earnest. Senne waited a beat or two before he brought up the real reason he sought out Milan.
“Milan,” he started and waited for Milan to pay attention to him rather than his phone. Milan lifted his head, but his eyes stayed glued to his phone for a second longer before they finally reached Senne.
“I have an...unusual question. I guess.” Senne began. Milan seemed giddy at the statement, phone forgotten on his lap.
“Of course, Senne. I offer you my services.” Senne decided to ignore the sexual undertone and continue.
“So, uh, Lisa just walked into the kitchen and took off her bra,” Senne said simply.
“What?” Milan asked. His eyes darting to the hallway. “You saw her breasts?”
“No, her shirt was still on.” Senne was quick to clarify.
“Okaaaay. What’s the problem, then?”
Senne opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. Milan quirked up an eyebrow, and finally, Senne said, “how?”
It was rare that Senne could not articulate what he meant, but if there was a situation where Senne felt he didn’t have the language to articulate a question, this was it.
“...How?” Milan repeated a furrow in his brow. “Are you asking how women take off bras, Senne? Here I thought we had a lady’s man living in the flat.”
“No. No, no, no no. That’s...no.” Senne quickly shut down Milan’s trail of thought.
“It was how she took off her bra. With like two moves and while still wearing her shirt.” Senne finally explained.
“Oh?” Milan asked. The confused expression still in place. “I’ve never noticed.”
“Zoë did it the other day too,” Senne offered. Milan was silent for a moment.
“I honestly don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t exactly spend time registering women taking off their bras.” Milan confessed. Senne, for his part, rolled his eyes.
“Milan, I’m not going around looking at women taking off bras, it has happened twice, and I had never seen it before,” Senne told him. If there was one thing that Senne was absolutely sure about, it was that he would never confess to Milan that he had dubbed this whole situation as bra witchcraft in his head.
“I don’t know what to tell you, Senne. I’ll keep my detective eyes open, though. There’s a mystery afoot,” Milan said dramatically clutching his hand to his heart.
Senne murmured his thanks before standing with his tea feeling like he made a monumentally bad decision in discussing this with Milan.
The third time he was convinced that Milan had told Zoë and Zoë had told all of her friends. Yasmina, Luca, Amber, and Jana were over for a sleepover. Senne was content on being mostly out of the house or in his and Zoë’s room for this. But they had made a big deal about him being allowed to stay for the movie portion of the evening before getting kicked out for girl time. He sat between Jana and Zoë on the couch. Luca, Yasmina, and Amber were lounging around other places. About twenty minutes in he saw Amber shifting every few seconds. His eyes kept shifting over to her. She wasn’t exactly quiet about her shifting.
Suddenly, Amber sat up, and her arms went behind her back, and there it was. The bra witchcraft. Her bra came out, and barely anything looked out of place. Senne moved his head quickly away from Amber, but his eyes were wide as he looked down at his lap. He took a few seconds to process the fact that it appeared either every woman knew this trick or that Milan had told Zoë. Or, both, he guesses. He looked back up at the movie.
Zoë reached out to grab his hand and for the next hour or so he forgot about bra witchcraft and instead felt comfort in Zoë’s warm presence at his side.
Towards the end of the movie, he heard Luca mutter something. He glanced over and, seconds before she actually acted, he knew what was coming. Luca leaned forward her hands went behind her back, and with a massive sigh, Luca took off her bra while her shirt remained in place. Luca reached her arms around herself to scratch at her back. She turned to Yasmina, who was closest and said words that Senne would never be able to unhear.
“Always feels good to have the puppies unleashed, huh?” Luca said while bumping shoulders with Yasmina who, having dealt with Luca regularly, was unphased.
Senne sat silently for the rest of the movie. As soon as it was over, he said goodbye to the girls, grabbed his keys to his Tesla, and drove to the nearest bar. He texted Luka to meet him. He needed a drink.
The last part of the bra witchcraft saga came two days later after the sleepover. He was in bed, reading something on his phone when he glanced up to see Zoë wearing nothing but one of his shirts. His phone quickly deposited on the bedside table.
Zoë crawled up the bed to straddle Senne. Senne’s hands moved to grasp her thighs, and he leaned in to kiss her cheek, her lips, her neck. Zoë let out a sigh of pleasure, and Senne grasped her hips, bringing her flush against his hips, chest, and eye level with him.
But before he could run his hands up the back of his shirt, he saw Zoë give him a wink before she reached behind her and undid her bra. She slipped each strap down her arm and out before pulling the bra out from under her shirt in the front. Senne could only see an inch of skin on her stomach before the shirt was down again.
Senne leaned his head back on the wall behind him and closed his eyes. His hands still grasped Zoë’s hips, but he could feel the air from her laughter, hitting his face.
“I’m going to murder Milan,” Senne told her plainly.
Zoë’s laugh grew louder now that she was sure Senne knew what was happening.
“We almost lost it when we looked at your face after Luca took her’s off the other day.” Zoë laughed out. “I kept waiting for you to mention it.”
Senne finally opened his eyes and glared at Zoë. Her dimples on full display as she continued to laugh at his expense.
“Hmm?” She said, playing with his hair.
Instead of replying, Senne initiated a bruising kiss that effectively shut Zoë up while his hands drifted to the front of her underwear. Before he could press a thumb to her clit over her underwear, Zoë broke the kiss and leaned into his ear.
“Are you about to do your own special trick?” Zoë whispered into his ear laughing slightly before Senne took retribution for her comment and was rewarded with a moan and a soft “fuck, Senne” from Zoë effectively ending any discussion for the rest of the night.
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lena-haloways · 5 years
ninaaa i didn't watch wtfock but here's one anyways: so zoe and senne both give me huge dog person vibes, so what do they name their first dog and what breed is it and how did they end up having it?? 💕💕
Omggg Ishrat I adore dogs so this is perfect thank youuu 💕💕💕💕
I don’t usually write stories, but both of your asks got me inspired so here it is hahah
Senne was so excited for his first Christmas with Zoë since he came up with the perfect present for her. He had been stressing over it for days trying to figure out what to give her. And then they had this little talk where she asked whether he is a dog or a cat person. He immediately said dog because he remembered the dog he had when he was little. His name was Arlon and he really loved him, especially since he remembers how much he made his little sister Amelie happy. He loved to play with both of them. And then Zoë said she always wanted a dog. All of her friends had a dog when she was little and she was always so jealous of them because of it, but her parents never wanted to buy her one, partly because they didn’t want to take care of another living creature and partly because they probably didn’t even listen to her when she would beg them. So, he decided that a little golden retriver would be a perfect present.
It was Christmas morning and it was his turn to give Zoë the present. He made her cover her eyes like she made him when she gave him the keys of the apartment.
-Okay, you can look now. - he said after he put the puppy in front of her.
Zoë opened her eyes and her face lighted up when she saw the puppy.
-This is the cutest little creature ever. - Milan said watching Zoë taking the puppy into her lap.
-I can’t believe you got us one, Senne. - puppy was licking her all over her smiling face.
Milan took the puppy from Zoë and he started to lick him too. Milan was amused, but Lisa was sitting on the other side of the couch looking unimpressed.
-Lisa, do you want to play with him a little? - Milan asked her.
-No, it’s okay, I’m more of a cat person really.
-Of course you are. - Milan was amused by that too.
-What do you want to call him? - Senne asked.
Zoë thought about it for a second while biting her lip and then smiled widely. -I think we should call him Seppe.
-Seriously? - Senne couldn’t believe it, but he was also amused by it.
-Mhmm. - Zoë said smiling and she kissed him. Then she took the basket and carried it in their room. Everyone went after her and she put it under the window. She looked at Senne and he nodded as a sign of a approval. -It’s perfect. Well, except for the name. - he smiled back to her.
Both Milan and Lisa were clearly confused. -I don’t understand that intern joke you two have going on here, but I think it fits. He does look like a Seppe. - Milan said and both Senne and Zoë looked at each other and started laughing.
-Wait, is that dog really gonna live with us? - Lisa asked still unimpressed.
-Of course he will, Lisa. - Milan put his arm around her and pulled her softly out of Zoë and Senne’s room. 
-Well, it’s getting crowded in here. First Senne, now Seppe. Man, they even have almost the same name, how am I gonna tell them apart?
-Lisa, I think you will be able to tell a human apart from a dog. Even though both of them are a really cute puppies. - Milan winked at Senne and Zoë while pulling Lisa out of their room.
Both had laughed again and Zoë closed the door after them.
Senne kissed Zoë in the cheek and they hugged. -I’m happy you love my present.
-It’s perfect, Senne. Well, almost. - she went to their bed and took the blanket Senne gave her on their first date. She put the blanket in the basket, under the puppy, who started to wave with his tail out of happiness. Zoë looked at Senne who was smiling. She then looked at the puppy again and said: -Now it’s perfect.
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Five: Clip 3
master list previous
i didn’t have time to make texts i’m sorry
Maandag 18:16
As soon as Milan came home, dragging Jonathan behind him, Robbe was ordered around the living room like a monkey, all for Milan’s movie night. 
In the final weeks of the semester, he had mentioned it once or twice. Even with his job, Milan still liked to host parties and get-togethers. It was a speciality of his and he had been in the mood for something “casual,” as he said. He wanted to host a regular movie night, where all their friends got together and hung out once a week. When Milan had proposed the idea late Sunday night, they had all been skeptical about it. 
If it had simply been between the four of them, it would’ve been easier to decide which day of the week. Milan had a set work schedule and Robbe was theoretically his own boss, so they had no problems. Lucas and Zoë, however, did not. And the boys’ planned beach-vacation didn’t help, either. However, aside from Amber and Luca, who already made plans with each other, the rest of them had Monday night free. 
And so, the night began. 
As soon as Jonathan changed into some of Milan’s sweatpants, he immediately stepped into the kitchen and took over—a happy by-product of being basically a master chef—and requested Zoë’s help. Between her and Milan, Zoë was easily the best cook. 
Between Milan, Robbe, and Lucas, they worked to move the couch away from the television before doing the same with the loveseat. While Robbe and Lucas did most of the heavy lifting, Milan directed the two of them around. He insisted that it was because he was the only one with the “eye” for this sort of thing, but Robbe had a feeling that it was because he was going to be cuddling with Jonathan on one of the couches and didn’t want to get all sweaty. 
Once the tables were set, they moved to adorn the wooden floors with blankets and pillows. The three of them shuffled from room to room, pulling their pillows and blankets from their beds. Milan and Lucas lightly bickered over the placement of the blankets. Robbe watched them in amusement as he draped his duvet cover over the loveseat to claim it. 
As Robbe dipped into Zoë’s room to grab her gray blanket at her request, there was a buzz at the front door. Throwing the fabric over his shoulder, Robbe went to the front door and pressed the button on the speaker. “Hello?”
“Hey, Robbe,” someone said. There was a brief moment of panic, but his mind calmed down at the realization that it was  Senne. Even though he didn’t need to, Senne continued, “It’s Senne. Can you let us in?” Robbe pressed the button to let them in. He could hear Senne shout toward the speaker, “Thank you!” but the speaker cut him off. 
It wasn’t long before he heard the elevator door arriving and Robbe opened the door to the hallway 
Senne stepped out of the elevator, still dressed in his work clothes, looking stiff and tense, with a backpack thrown over his shoulder. Robbe spotted Noor walking behind him. She was dressed in a red blouse and a black skirt with leggings and heels. As she moved down the hallway, Noor took off her heels, seamlessly keeping up with Senne.
Senne patted Robbe’s shoulder as he stepped inside and Noor gave him a hug, standing on her toes to press a kiss against his cheek. Even after the elevator door closed and they stepped inside the apartment, Robbe found his eyes looking down the hallway, searching for someone else. When Robbe finally followed them into the apartment and closed the door, he was thankful that neither one of them seemed to notice. 
“Are you guys here for the movie night?” Robbe asked. 
“Yup,” Senne said. Stepping toward the coat rack, Senne took off his shoes before turning to Noor. He took the heels out of her hands and placed them beside his own shoes. “Milan didn’t call us about movie night until this morning. Hence, why we didn’t come prepared.” As if to prove his point, Senne gestured to his and Noor’s outfits. 
As Robbe opened his mouth to ask about Sander, Noor unintentionally cut him off. “As if. You’re better off than I am! At this point, my skirt is practically suffocating me.” She tugged at the waistline of her pencil skirt and frowned down at it. Senne nodded. “And you probably have at least three outfits over here. This is basically all I have for the rest of the night.”
“If you want, you can borrow one of my t-shirts,” Robbe said. 
“If you don’t mind, I would love to steal one,” Noor said. “Plus I still need to see your stream set up that I’ve been hearing about. I’ve only seen part of it and I want to compare.” Noor rubbed her hands excitedly and smiled brightly. “Which one is your room?” 
“The first door on your left,” Robbe said as Senne pointed to it. Noor smiled in thanks before moving that direction. She opened the door with a flourish before closing it behind her. Robbe could hear her shuffling around, likely heading for his desk. 
Before Robbe followed her into his room, he turned to Senne. Despite looking desperate for a change of clothes, Senne was still standing in the foyer beside him, gripping his backpack with one hand. Even though Robbe hadn’t asked the question on his mind, there was a sly, knowing look on Senne’s face, as though he already knew what Robbe was going to ask.
Swallowing, Robbe asked, trying to appear nonchalant, “Is Sander coming too?”
Senne grinned brightly at Robbe before shaking his head. “Not tonight,” Senne said. Disappointment washed over Robbe and he tried his best to keep it at bay. “He switched shifts with Emilie so he could have Friday off. He tried to switch shifts with someone else to come, but he wasn’t able to. But he promised that he would be here for the next one.” 
Robbe nodded. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome,” Senne said, still grinning. As Senne moved toward Zoë’s room to change into more casual clothes, he reached out and snagged the gray blanket from his shoulder. Before Senne fully stepped into her room, he paused, turning to Robbe. “Were you able to find someone to go with you?”
Robbe nodded. “Jens said that he’s going to go with me.” 
“Good,” he said. “If you need someone else, just give me a call and I’ll come with you, too.”
“Thank you, Senne.”
Senne nodded, grinning over at him before disappearing into Zoë’s room. 
Maandag 21:32
Robbe: My hand is so cold.
Sander: Huh?
Robbe: My hand is so cold. I couldn’t hold your hand. I had the loveseat all to myself.
Sander: Oh, I’m sorry 🥺 I wasn’t expecting the invitation. And I really tried to get someone to cover.
Robbe: I know. I’m teasing you. I just wish you were here.
Sander: Maybe it’s a good thing I wasn’t.
Robbe: Why?
Sander: Because I wouldn’t be able to keep my hands off you. Our cover would’ve been blown in an instant.
Robbe: I think it’s the other way around. I wouldn’t have been able to let go of you. I definitely would’ve blown it.
Sander: Lol, I love your little koala moments. I don’t know how I can stand being apart from you for nearly a whole week. 
Robbe: It’ll be rough. But at least we’ll have our phones.
Sander: That’s true.
Robbe: Maybe I can come to see you when I get back on Friday? We could go out to lunch or something.
Sander: That sounds great. I can’t wait. I’ll take you to the best place near the parlor.
Robbe: I can’t wait :) I wish we could meet up tomorrow.
Sander: Yeah, but I work the early shift.
Robbe: Yeah I know I’ve already said it but I wish you were here. Milan has been singing off-key the entire time.
Sander: I’ll be there next time. I’ll hold your hand beneath the blanket. And I’ll hold you ;) And I’ll also sing off-key the entire time.
Robbe: Well, it’s different with you.
Sander: How so?
Robbe: You’re cute when you do it.
Sander: Just cute?
Robbe: Cute. Adorable. Hot as fuck. Literally any other synonym.
Sander: Oh really?
Robbe: Yes. When Milan sings off-key, he’s just annoying.
Sander: What are you watching?
Robbe: High School Musical. The second one. Lucas had to leave after the first one. Which is fine with me. He and Jens were practically making out the entire last half of the movie.
Sander: Well, you won’t have to worry about that next time.
Robbe: How so?
Sander: Because that’ll be us next time 😏 And High School Musical is amazing. I’m sad I missed it.
Robbe: You can probably convince them to watch it next time too.
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ravenbrenna09 · 3 years
4/11/16 for zoenne. All of them at the same time or all of the in separate, idc. So your magic
4. Shut-Up Kiss 11. Goofy Kiss 16. Nose Kiss
Zoë heard Senne before he entered her bedroom. 
Milan must’ve opened the door before she had even found the text that he was downstairs. Sander must’ve been with him because there was Milan teasing loudly about clingy boyfriends, Senne’s laugh, and Robbe’s muffled giggles. However, before she even got the chance to put away her physics notes, there was a shout of goodbye from Robbe and Milan was sliding in her doorway to tell her that he was going over to Jonathan’s for the evening—and, Zoë suspected, maybe the night if they ever got their act together.
Once Milan went down the hallway, talking as he went, Senne stepped into the room. He was dressed in his black denim jacket, a gray sweater, and a pair of blue jeans. Spotting her on the bed, Senne beamed brightly over at her before dropping his bag right inside the front door. As he moved towards her, Zoë quickly shifted her notes out of the way. “Someone’s hard at work,” he said, flopping in the now empty spot on her bed. 
Zoë smiled, shaking her head. She straightened her notes that she had taken from the bed. “Yeah,” she said, tucking them away in her bag. “After school, Robbe and I were studying Physics. Or, at least, we were until Milan stole him away from me.” Senne laughed, shaking his head, as Zoë placed her notes aside. “We’ve got a big test coming up this week and Milan decided that his will-they-won’t-they with Jonathan was more important than our test.” 
“Milan just needs to go for it. It’s obvious.” 
“That’s what I’ve been telling him,” Zoë said as Senne bunched up the gray blanket—their gray blanket—in his lap. “And what Robbe’s been telling him, but this might actually be the one time that Milan is nervous out of his mind about it.” 
Senne laughed. “It’s definitely a sight to see.”
“Mhmm,” Zoë said. She turned towards Senne, who raised his chin to look up with her. “You’ve been hanging out with Sander a lot recently,” she noted. 
A sly grin turned up on the corner of his mouth, as if he somehow could tell what she was thinking. “Yes,” he said. “That’s what you get taking me on a trip with high schoolers and one other college person. He talked about Amber sniping him and Robbe out of the couple’s room all weekend in favor or us or them. I talked about how he might possibly win her favor for at least one day. Then, the next thing I know, we’re swapping playlists and now we’re getting coffee once a week. He’s determined to make me try everything on the menu.”
Zoë smiled. “That’s so cute—and so Sander. I swear, whenever he’s over, he’s always drinking a new brand of coffee. I always knew the two of you were coffee lovers, but this is a turn of events that I never suspected.” She paused, glancing over at Senne. “Is Max and Luka jealous of their replacement?”
“Nah,” Senne said, shaking his head. “Max is too caught up with his new girlfriend and Luka has been busy with uni and partying his life away in Amsterdam.” 
"Well, I’m pleased that you and Sander are friends,” she said. Senne raised an eyebrow in question. “You’re important to me and so is Robbe. Even though he lives with his mama now, he still comes by once a week after school to eat dinner until curfew. And, Sander’s important to him. So, I’m just happy that you two are close is all.”
“Yeah?” Senne asked. 
“Yeah,” she said. She leaned over, propping herself up on her side to stare at him, and a small smile formed on her lips. “But, I will admit though... I do miss the days that I had you all to myself. Just you and me—not having to worry about best friends or roommates coming over unannounced.” 
“No matter what day it is, I think we are always going to have to worry about that. Especially considering Milan’s tendency to open any and all doors before knocking,” Senne said. Zoë chuckled, the memory of that afternoon flooding back to her—of Milan opening the door to find Zoë half on top of Senne with his hand halfway up her shirt, nearly on the verge of taking it off, and Zoë on the verge of letting him. "But, all you have to do is say the word and I’m all yours.” 
“Well, that isn’t entirely true,” she said. Senne’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and it takes all of Zoë’s willpower to not burst out laughing right there. “Like I said, you and Sander are quite close and you’ve been going out a lot.” 
“While it is true that we’ve been spending time together,” Senne said, wrapping their gray blanket around her shoulders. “Sander has nothing against you—just as I’m sure that you know that Robbe will always be above me in Sander’s mind. There’s no contest, Zoë.” 
“So, Sander will have to dye his hair again to have a chance then?” Senne laughed, shaking his head. His hands fisted at the gray blanket still wrapped around her and Zoë laughed with him. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you and I know he’s been talking about possibly dyeing his hair again for a while now. He keeps bugging me about my hair dresser. That’s it! He wants to impress you—”
Still consumed with his laughter, Senne pulled Zoë towards him, using the blanket around her shoulders for reference. She fell easily against his chest and their lips slotted together clumsily. They were still half-laughing and it was partially difficult to kiss doing so. Zoë pulled back a little to look at him and smiled involuntarily. Senne mirrored the smile back at her. 
Reaching up, Senne cradled the back of her head, running his hands through the strands of her hair, before pulling her back down against him. This time, the kiss was smoother with no laughter to interrupt them. Senne wrapped an arm around her waist, pushing them slightly up so he could lay her down against the mattress. Now wedged between the bed and Senne, Zoë slung one arm around his neck and dropped her other hand to his waist. 
Senne pulled back, their kiss breaking. Propping himself up on one arm, Senne stared down at her with half-hooded eyes that were staring at her with so much adoration that she almost wanted to turn away. But, she held his gaze, raising her chin up a little, as he ran a hand through her hair again—just because he could.
“You know,” Senne said, hovering. “If I had to choose between you and anyone else in the world, I would always choose you.” 
Despite the fact that she knew his words were true, Zoë couldn’t help the fact that her heart fluttered a bit, swelling in the instantaneous relief that his words caused. Even though she felt so secure with their relationship, her fears would occasionally creep into her mind, telling her that Senne would leave her or grow disinterested—leaving her behind like her parents. It was the strangest feeling in the world—when her head and her heart had conflicting ideologies; but when she talked about it with her therapist, she told Zoë that she was trying to protect herself—even though she knew that Senne would never hurt her. 
What she felt for Senne... she had never felt anything so intense before.
Smiling at him, Zoë lifted her head up. As if expecting it, Senne tilted his head to the side so their lips could slide together easier. But, at the last second, she tilted her head back and pressed a lingering kiss against the tip of his nose. Instantly, his nose scrunched up and he stared back at her with a small grin on his face. 
“I know,” she said, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Sometimes, I just like hearing you say it.”
Senne chuckled, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger. “Well, I’ll tell you as many times as you want me to tell you because you’re it, Zoë Loockx.” 
There was a heaviness that she didn’t expect; it wasn’t a bad feeling or one of impending doom—but it was an unexpected heaviness nonetheless. Zoë leaned closer, dropping her eyes to his lips briefly, and she could tell without looking that Senne did the same. She cradled his chin, tracing the skin with the pad of her finger before whispering, “You’re it for me too... Seppe de Smet.” 
The laugh was ripped out of Senne faster than she expected. Senne tossed his head back and rolled off Zoë, back into the spot on the bed that he had abandoned. The sight of him writhing in laughter, unable to control himself and clutching at his stomach, was enough to make Zoë follow him into laughter as well. They laughed until their stomachs hurt and the laughter died out, leaving only a peaceful silence between them. 
Senne smiled at her. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said. Zoë rolled on her side, close enough to press another kiss to his lips, and Senne kissed her back immediately. His hand returned to her hair, his fingers intertwining with the strands. He pulled her closer until Zoë was half on him again, one of her legs wedged between his two. His hand slid up her back, taking the fabric of her shirt with him.
It was just like that interrupted afternoon—except now, they didn’t have Milan to barge in unannounced with a cooking emergency. 
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Jij Verliest - Chapter Four: Clip 7
master list previous
Donderdag 18:45
From the second that his mama opened the door, Robbe could tell that it had been a bad day for her. 
To anyone who didn’t know her, Marie IJzermans looked like she was okay, with her bright smile and her hair done up neatly. But her shoulders were slumped and the light behind her eyes was dim. As Robbe moved to help her with dinner, she shooed him away with a little more strength than she might’ve intended, saying over her shoulder, “I’m perfectly capable of doing things myself, Robbe.” Robbe had simply nodded, taking a seat at the table and waiting until she asked for help.
As Robbe watched his mama move around the kitchen, he thought that it was a good thing that Zoë decided not to come this week. Robbe knew that Zoë wouldn’t have minded; she had seen his mama in worser states. She had been bedridden, wrapped with enough blankets to form a literal cocoon, with enough sadness in her bones to last a lifetime. Robbe couldn’t see Senne minding either. When Senne lived in the flatshare, he always asked about her. 
But his mama? 
She would’ve been so upset with herself. 
Whenever Robbe had talked about her meeting Thomas, his mama had been desperate to meet him on a good day. His mama’s worst fear was that she would make a bad impression on his boyfriend. She had been adamant about meeting him on one of her good days and Robbe had promised that they would. Thomas had been patient and understanding. Once they had met, his mama had been relieved that she didn’t “scare him away.”
Robbe knew that she wanted to make a good impression on Senne. 
The chair next to him pulled out and his mama sat down next to him. “I’m sorry, Robbe,” she said, reaching out to take his hands. Robbe gripped her hands back tightly. “It’s just been so hard at work lately. Ever since the incident last Friday, Sharon has us working really hard to fix it. She’s doing her best and following procedure, but it’s stressful. And it’s a little hard right now.”
“It’s okay, Mama,” Robbe said. “I understand. You’re doing your best.” 
“I know.” His mama sounded defeated. Her shoulders slumped a little as she let out a sigh. “It’s just been rough. It’s a lot of work and we’re trying to play catch up because we’re down a person. But it’s only going to get better.” Robbe nodded. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can talk about the details quite yet.”
“I know,” Robbe said. “But it’ll be okay.” 
“Yes,” his mama said, moving to stand up. With a slightly wavy step, she moved to grab the pans from the stove. Robbe hopped on his feet to help her. Even though she tried to shoo him away with one of the hot pads, Robbe grabbed one of the pots, following her back to the kitchen table. “Now, enough about me, how has your week been? I know that your exams are finishing up this week, right?” 
“Yeah,” Robbe said. He placed the pot down before moving to grab the two plates from the cabinet. “I’ve just got my last one tomorrow morning.” 
“Oh. Have you done enough studying for it?” 
“Yes,” he said, sitting down in the chair he abandoned. His mama sat down across from him, taking the plate that he offered. “I might leave a little early so I can go home and study a little more before I go to bed. But I’ve been studying almost all week. So I feel really good about it.”
“That’s great, I’m sure you’ll do amazing,” his mama said, smiling. She turned to the food and started piling green beans on her plate. Once she finished, she handed the small pot over to Robbe, who took it without comment. “Have you done anything else this week or has studying been the majority of your focus?” 
Robbe bit down on his lip, trying to fight back the images of his afternoon with Sander. After being interrupted by Thomas, the two of them had leisurely kissed. They had lost track of the time between their kisses, so much that they were both surprised by the door opening. Luckily, Robbe had managed to throw his weight on the door before Milan tried to open it. Sander was laughing on his bed, muffling his laughter in one of his pillows, as Robbe argued with his roommate through the door. Once Sander had to leave, Robbe was only able to sneak Sander out the door when Milan took a shower. 
As Sander kissed him beneath the doorframe, he whispered against the shell of Robbe’s ear, “It’s kind of hot being your dirty little secret, Robin.” Robbe had shoved him because he was the furthest thing from it and Sander laughed because he knew. But Robbe pulled him back for one more kiss by the collar of his shirt.
“It’s been the majority of my week, yes,” Robbe said, swallowing. 
As he moved to grab the pan from his mama, he spotted the knowing look on her face. His mama’s brown eyes were squinted in his direction and a small smile was tugging on her lips. “What’s that look on your face for?” she asked. Knowing that she would catch him if he spoke, Robbe shook his head. “Don’t try to push it off. I know that look. What happened?”
“Nothing happened.” 
“Okay, okay,” Robbe said. Letting out a breath, Robbe ran a hand through his hair before looking at his mama, who was smiling over at him fondly. Even though the food was cooling, his mama put down her fork and turned to him fully. Robbe let out a breath, a smile pushing up the corners of his lips. “I met someone a few weeks ago and we’re… together now.” 
“Really?” his mother asked, smiling. 
“Yeah. He came over yesterday and we hung out. But he’s been really insistent on me studying for my exams so we haven’t met up a lot.” 
His mother turned to him. There was a serious look on her face as she leaned closer to him. Once again, his mama took Robbe’s hands in her own and squeezed tightly. Then, she looked him in the eye and asked, “He makes you happy, right?” 
Robbe nodded. “Yes, Mama,” Robbe said. To his ears, it sounded like a confession. But he didn’t care. It was the truth. “He makes me happy. Happier than I’ve felt in a long time.” 
“Good,” his mama said. Her smile turned watery as she gave Robbe’s hand one more squeeze. “You deserve someone who makes you smile like that all the time.” His mama released his hand before turning back to his food. “Now, I want to hear all about this man who has been really insistent on you studying. He sounds like quite the man.”
Robbe let out a breath, grinning. “Yeah. He is.” 
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ghosttotheparty · 4 years
say my name and say it twice (cotton candy skies)
23. also on AO3 chapter twenty two
warning: this chapter contains sexual content please skip it if youre uncomfortable  stay safe <3
Jens forced himself to stay awake until Lucas answered his text. 
Even though his lights were off, and his blanket was pulled up around him, he looked at his phone, scrolling pointlessly and aimlessly, looking at videos and watching memes until Lucas responded. Jens’s heart jumped when he did, excited after hours of not hearing from him, ready to listen to his quiet voice. 
Jens was just about falling asleep when they called a few minutes later, after Lucas had put away his brushes and palette, and changed and brushed his teeth, and he could barely even talk, mumbling a whispered “Hi.”
They fell asleep (or at least he did) not long after his little “Me too.” 
He is excited. He doesn’t think Lucas really understand how excited he is. 
They’ve fallen asleep together before, that night on the dumpster, Jens’s head in Lucas’s lap, Lucas gently brushing his fingertips over Jens’s cheeks and brows and lips and eyes, combing through his hair as their fingers entwined. But he looks forward to holding Lucas, wrapping his arms around him underneath his blankets, being able to hide from the rest of the world in his four walls. He’s thought about how it might go. He’d kiss Lucas, of course, kiss his forehead while he’s falling asleep, push his curls out of his face so he can look at him in the dark, with the street and moonlight streaming through gaps in his curtain. He’d hear Lucas’s little puffs of breath, maybe feel them against his neck or chest.
Lucas tells him in the morning (through a text that Jens doesn’t see until he wakes up several hours after it’s sent) that he’ll have to go to his place in the evening, that Milan woke him up early to take him to Leuven. 
So Jens waits. 
Lotte and Mama leave early, around nine. (Jens is still been asleep; they leave a note.) (Lotte signs it with a little heart.) Jens did some homework. He finishes all the maths, but he leaves some history because he can’t focus on it. He’ll ask Robbe for the answers later. 
He gets a few texts from Lucas throughout the day. 
milan talks too much zoe and senne are so cute fuck milan bought the same shirt in three different colours??? why???
And a selfie taken with Milan, who is smiling broadly and excitedly while Lucas’s face remains flat, looking tired and bored. Jens saves it. 
He gets a text in the evening, while he’s playing a video game halfheartedly, that makes his heart jump.
im on my way 
He’s almost impatient, replying a quick :D and then going back to the game, his knee bouncing quickly up and down. He loses the game after a few minutes. 
When there’s a knock at the door, he practically jumps out of his seat, opening the door before Lucas has the opportunity to knock again.
“Hi, baby.”
He reaches out and pulls Lucas into a kiss, tugging him inside before shutting the door behind him. It’s dim outside, the sky a glowing sort of red, and Jens hasn’t turned on any of the lights in the living room. Lucas grabs Jens’s waist as he kisses him back, smiling softly, and Jens sighs. 
“How are you?” Jens asks when they pull away. They’ve stepped back into the apartment, standing in the living room, making no move to leave or let go of each other. 
“Tired.” His voice is soft, and Jens brushed his fingertips over his freckled cheeks. Lucas’s eyes drift shut slightly.
“We were up pretty late last night.” 
“Did you sleep on the train?” 
“Like a baby.”
Jens chuckles lightly, leaning down and kissing him gently. When he pulls away, Lucas’s eyes are half-closed, his mouth parted. 
“I fell asleep on Senne’s shoulder,” he says after a quiet second. “When we got off the train he said he let me because I was cute.”
“You are cute.”
“When I sleep, though?”
“Mm-hmm. We’ve fallen asleep on FaceTime enough times for me to know.”
“Mm.” He kisses him again. “You’re like Sleeping Beauty but… more beauty.”
Lucas scoffs, tilting his head up and kissing him again, gently biting his lip at Jens winds his fingers through his hair. Jens pulls away before licking his lips and pulling him back in, feeling as Lucas’s mouth opens under his, as Lucas’s grip on his waist tightens, his fingers curling unto the fabric of his t-shirt. 
“I missed you,” Lucas whispers when they pull back for a breath, and Jens kisses him before responding.
“It was only like a day.” 
Lucas sighs heavily. 
“I know.”
Jens laughs, pressing his lips to Lucas’s forehead. He can sense Lucas’s eyes closing, and they stay there. 
“Did you bring art to show me?” Jens asks several minutes later, when Lucas pulls his head away and presses a soft kiss to Jens’s cheek. 
“Mm… Kind of. I didn’t bring a book but I have pictures.” 
“Show me,” Jens says as he takes Lucas’s hand, pulling him down the hall to his room, and Lucas pulls his phone out of the pocket of his hoodie. When they enter Jens’s room, Lucas beams at the wall above his desk (Jens’s face burns a little bit) and he takes off his backpack, tossing it to the ground next to the bed. Jens jumps up onto the bed, crossing his legs as he faces Lucas, and Lucas sits across from him, swiping and tapping the screen of his phone as Jens watches fondly, his eyes soft. Lucas’s curls fall into his face as he focuses on the screen, and Jens reaches out and pushes them, holding them up so he can see Lucas’s face.
“Here.” Lucas holds his phone out and Jens takes it, spinning it around to look at the picture. “I did that one last week.” 
It’s a drawing of Zoë, lightly done in pencil. She’s looking over her shoulder, her hair parted in the middle, with a little hoop earring in. Jens zooms in, smiling softly.
“It’s like Girl With the Pearl Earring,” Lucas says. “That’s what Zoë makes me think of.” 
“Have you shown her?” 
“Not yet.” 
“You should.” Jens looks closer, bringing the phone up and zooming in more. They’re her eyes. Everything, from the way her hair falls to the tops of her shoulders, tucked behind her ear, to the gentle lashes around her eyes. Even the light in her eyes, the light that feels like the little secrets Jens doesn’t know about, is just like her, just like when Jens catches her eye at parties or at school. It’s like Lucas took a picture of her with his eyes, like he captured her spirit and soul in the picture, and put it on paper. “She’d love it.” 
He glances up and Lucas is looking at the ground, his cheeks pink. He’s wincing, a painful smile, and Jens shakes his head at him even though he doesn’t see. He’s always so shy about his art, even pieces that he’s proud of. Even if he spent hours on it, even if he stays up almost overnight to work on it, even if he rambles to Jens about how proud he is of it, as soon as Jens (or anyone else) says one word in praise, Lucas’s face burns up and he looks away, smiling bashfully. 
“Do you have any more?” Jens asks, passing Lucas’s phone back, not wanting to scroll without permission. 
“Uh, yeah, I have…” Lucas scrolls again before handing Jens the phone. “This is what I was doing last night. It’s drying on my desk.” 
Jens takes the phone, looking down as Lucas adds “It’ll probably be drying for the next two weeks.”
It’s colourful, the colour changing from cool to warm tones in blocky, geometric strokes of thick paint. He sees more colour when he looks closer, subtle hints of orange around the green, tiny dashes of blue in the red. There are circles and half-circles around the edges of the canvas, in yellow and white with wisps of pink, and what looks like subtle carvings of faces and hands in the paint.
“Holy shit.”
He looks up at Lucas, who is smiling almost expectantly. 
“This is oils?” Jens asks, looking back at the painting. 
He slides the photo over, looking closer, seeing shadows on the painting under the divots made in the paint by Lucas’s palette knife. 
“It’s beautiful.”
“Do you get it?” 
Jens looks up at him, confused. Lucas is wincing slightly, like he hadn’t meant to say it.
“What do you mean?” 
“I…” Lucas looks away, his eyes narrowing as he thinks. “Art is supposed to mean something, you know?” 
Jens nods.
“It’s supposed to say something.” Their eyes lock and Jens’s lips begin to curl into a smile. “Are you listening?”
Jen’s smile grows and he looks back at the painting, feeling Lucas watching him. He zooms back out of the painting, looking at the whole things, seeing the masses of paint smoothed onto the canvas, somehow both delicate and bold, seeing the tiny, thing grooves left in the paint from Lucas’s paintbrushes, noticing another eye he hadn’t seen before, seeing a brighter shade of blue he hadn’t noticed right in the centre of a few circles around the edges.
He looks at the painting.
And noticing.
And noticing.
He hears Lucas let out a light laugh. 
“Do you hear it?” 
Jens looks up, a slow smile creeping across his face, and he gazes at Lucas. Lucas is smiling, his eyes sparkling, and Jens can’t stop himself. 
He leans over, across their legs, and kisses him. 
Lucas’s hands fly up, catching Jens’s face, sliding to hold the back of his head as Jens’s tongue slips across his lips, and Lucas lets out a quiet gasp. Jens reaches up, touching the side of Lucas’s face, angling his head and biting his lip before letting go. He moves, stepping off the bed slowly, not moving back too far from Lucas, whose hands are still holding Jens’s head, whose eyes are drifted shut so he looks sleepy, whose lips are parted. Jens turns away, his hand placed on Lucas’s leg, and clicks Lucas’s phone off before tossing it to the ground, aiming it at a blanket that had fallen off his bed. It lands with a small thump and Jens looks back to Lucas. 
Lucas hasn’t looked away from him, his eyes cloudy, and as soon as Jens is facing him, Lucas pulls him in. Jens stumbles, catching himself on the bed and Lucas’s leg as Lucas kisses him harder. As Jens feels Lucas’s tongue slide into his mouth, he gently pushes him, and Lucas moves back, pulling Jens with him, and Jens falls on top of him, landing between his legs and Lucas falls onto his back. 
Lucas wraps his arms around Jens’s neck and Jens holds himself up on his forearms, placed around Lucas’s head, framing him. He can hear Lucas making little sounds, soft breathy pants and faint hums, and he bites his lip gently, hoping to elicit more. 
It works. 
Lucas gasps, their lips separating, and his hands slide down Jens’s neck to his shoulders, holding his tightly for a second before, moving to his back, and Jens feels Lucas gather the fabric in his hands and tug gently. Jens meets his eyes, his own flickering back and forth between Lucas’s, and he pushes himself up, pulling Lucas with him. Jens kisses him again, pressing both his hands to Lucas’s face before moving his hands to Lucas’s sides, pulling the hem of his hoodie up, and Lucas pulls away for him to pull it over his head. 
It gets caught and Jens can hear Lucas’s laughter muffled under the fabric, and he grins, gently moving it so it goes over his head smoothly. When it’s off, Lucas leans in, kissing Jens messily as Jens tosses it away, and Jens can feel his smile against his mouth. 
Lucas pulls the hem of Jens’s shirt and Jens moves back, letting him pull it over his head. 
Lucas’s eyes drop when it’s off, skimming across Jens’s skin, and part of Jens wants to cross his arms over his chest and hide. Another part of Jens wants to lean over and kiss Lucas so he’ll stop looking, but before he can, Lucas is leaning forward, tilting his head, and pressing his lips to Jens’s skin, softly kissing over his shoulder and then his collarbone. Jens’s eyes close and he sighs. He can hear his own heart beating, can hear the heavy pounding in his chest, that Lucas covers with kisses, brushing his lips over the skin before moving up to the side of Jens’s neck. Jens shudders at the feeling of Lucas’s tongue and teeth skim his neck, at the feeling of him mouth around his earring. 
He pushes Lucas onto his back again, placing his arms around his head, shoving his face into Lucas’s, kissing him harshly, biting at his lip, hearing a quiet whimper escape Lucas’s throat. He feels Lucas’s legs wrap around him, lets out a quiet groan as Lucas pushes his hips against Jens’s. Lucas slides his hands to hold Jens’s face, pulling away just far enough that their lips still brush together, breathless. 
A quiet whine.
“What do you want?”
Lucas’s eyes open, and it takes a second before they focus on Jens, the blue misted over as he pants quietly. 
Their eyes lock again, both intense and soft, before Jens kisses him, licking into his mouth almost lazily. 
“You’ll stop me if it hurts?” Jens asks, his fingers brushing over Lucas’s cheek.
Lucas nods. 
“Or if you’re uncomfortable or change your mind?” 
Lucas kisses him, sucking his lower lip. 
“Promise?” Jens asks when he lets go. 
“Promise,” Lucas responds breathlessly. 
Jens nods, moving down and pressing his lips to Lucas’s chest, trailing kisses across the skin of his chest and belly as Lucas’s hands float aimlessly in the air before landing on the bed and gathering the material of the sheets into loose fists. 
He glances up at Lucas before unbuttoning and unzipping jeans, and Lucas lifts his hips so Jens can slide them down, tugging his boxers down with them before tossing them away. (They land with his hoodie.) Jens presses his hands to his hips, sliding them over his thighs. 
Lucas is beautiful. 
Jens murmurs it to him absentmindedly, and Lucas flushes, smiling the same way he does when Jens praises his art. 
Jens presses a kiss to the top of his foot, to his ankle, his knee, above his knee, a slow kiss to his inner thigh (he hears Lucas’s breath stutter and he runs his hands down the sides of his legs).
He listens to Lucas’s gasps, the way he chokes on his breath as Jens takes him into his mouth. (He tries to pretend that he knows what he’s doing.)
Jens lifts himself up, leaning up, and Lucas reaches out, pulling him in by the neck, kissing him messily, sliding his tongue into his mouth, biting his lip, gasps and pants caught in the air between them. 
“Jens,” Lucas gasps. 
“I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Baby, please.” 
His voice is high and strained, breaking slightly as he moans quietly when Jens takes his fingers from him. 
It’s a little bit before Jens is ready too, his hands too shaky to put the condom on right the first time, and then he holds himself above Lucas, gently pushing his curls out of his face. 
“Mm-hmm.” A whimper. 
Jens lets out a quiet moan as he pushes into him, feeling as Lucas’s hands slide up and grab his shoulders, and he stays for a second, his head dropped to Lucas’s neck. He can feel Lucas’s chest rise and fall against his, can feel all his blood rushing through his limbs,  can feel every cell in his body fucking glowing. He gently rocks his hips and Lucas clutches at his back, his nails scratching his faintly. 
There’s a moment where Jens pulls, tucks his hand under the small of Lucas’s back and draws him in closer, and Lucas lets out a gasp, his hands jumping from Jens’s shoulders to his head, grabbing his hair and grasping, holding on like he’ll fall apart if he lets go. 
It’s not long after that that Jens breaks. 
And Lucas puts him right back together again. 
Lucas is still breathing heavily when Jens lifts himself up. Their skin sticks together slightly, and Lucas’s hands fall from his hair, flopping on to the bed. His eyes flutter when he feels Jens get up, but he doesn’t move. 
Jens comes back with a damp towel, and he sits next to Lucas, gently wiping down his stomach and chest before pressing soft kisses to his forehead. Lucas opens his eyes and smiles, reaching up and pulling Jens down by his neck, kissing him, and Jens drops the towel before climbing over Lucas, pulling up a light blanket over them. 
Lucas comes in close, curling his hands against Jens’s chest, and Jens wraps his arms around him, sighing softly. He can smell Lucas’s hair, a smell that’s sweet, and citrusy, and distinctly him. (He smells like a G chord, Jens thinks fondly, and he smiles.) 
He didn’t close the curtains. It’s dark out, just dark enough that the streetlights are glowing, the light of them peering around the buildings neighbouring Jens’s apartment building. 
Jens lets his eyes drift shut. 
He can feel Lucas’s breathe on his chest,
There’s something he could say. 
Just a few small words, that Lucas might not even hear. He could say them to the air around them, to the stars and streetlights. 
But he doesn’t.
He doesn’t have to.
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carolineworld · 4 years
“I thought I lost you” A Zoenne Fanfiction.
Chapter one: The beginning of the end
If someone told Senne at the beginning of high school that one day he was gonna get married he would have laughed at your face. If someone told Senne in the middle of his high school years that he would marry the same girl he dated for more than 5 years straight he would have thought you were crazy. 
After his fucked up childhood and the terrible example he had for a marriage and a relationship, he swore he would never allow himself to fall in love, to trust in someone that wasn’t himself, to let his walls down. He got hurt too many times to allow that to happen again, so he became a heartless cold young boy, stronger than anything and anyone.    
When he was in high school he was known as the fuck boy of the school, and even the city. With a different girl every weekend, he didn’t want anyone close, at least not happened. He was unapproachable, heartless, and smart. He knew how to get anything he wanted, how to do anything he wanted, how to be anything he wanted.
He wasn’t a bad guy. Yeah, he fucked and played with a ton of girls, but he wasn’t bad. Maybe once or twice, nobody’s perfect, but he never did something with bad intentions. The only bad thing is that he always did whatever he wanted. No one ever stopped him, so he was free to walk around acting and believing that everything was his. Until she came.
He met the love of his life in extraordinary circumstances. One day he’s fucking a random girl he doesn’t even care about, like always, and the other one he’s being humiliated in the middle of the school, surrounded by all his friends, by some hot angry girl. She was fierce, determined to make him understand that his behavior wasn’t okay. She read through him like an open book, as if she knew him better than he knew himself. He was amazed, mesmerized with the strong woman in front of him. After that odd encounter, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. And it became worse when she rejected repeatedly all his tries to take her out on a date.  
Their love story has been epic, as he would say. From the moment he saw her he knew right away that she was special, and that whatever happened with her was gonna change his world. And it certainly did. She changed everything he knew, everything he was. Don’t get me wrong, she did not change him, she made him understand and learn the power of trust, she showed him a new way of looking into the world, a new way of himself. Their love story was, and it still is, passionate and full love. They overcame the worst of the challenges and solved every problem together, making them a strong team.
They overcame a sexual assault, a breakup, even a global pandemic. The went to college, moved in together for the second time, got their dream jobs, and traveled the world as one, and after four years and a half together, two of them living together and with the plan of spending the rest of their lives together, the idea of proposing wasn’t as crazy as he thought. It was a big deal, so he wanted to do it right. He asked for advice, searched for ideas on how to do it, and even gave Zoë some clues or hints so he could get the perfect ring for her. 
The proposal was sweet, romantic, and perfect. It was their fifth anniversary, and he asked her out on a fancy date to celebrate. After the delicious dinner, Senne took them to the lake that holds so many moments in their story. There they laid on the grass with the Blanket and talked for hours until Senne got the courage to ask her to marry him. 
He asked her to get up, with the excuse that they were leaving soon. After everything was tidied up and she started to walk towards the car, following his directions to leave and go home he got down on one knee and took out of his pocket the velvet ring box that held his eternal promise. With a beautiful speech, some tears, and giggles, they became engaged on the 3rd of May 2024.
And all of that leads them to this exact moment, to the bachelor and bachelorette weekend before their wedding.
The whole bachelor/bachelorette weekend has been organized by Jana and Luka, with Amber and Milan’s help. The plan was to book a hotel and spend the weekend relaxing and having fun before the big day. The boys are in one hotel, playing games, dancing, having fun, and the girls in another one on the other side of the city, doing the same. 
The night is going so well, playing different games, doing stupid bachelor dares that Luka and Max planned, talking and relaxing in the chill-out area with Robbe and Sander and dancing and having fun with Milan and his university friends. He’s enjoying his time with his family and friends but he can’t help but miss her.
He knows she’s doing some weird gymkhana that the girls prepared, that she’s wearing some ‘bride’ crown that Gill bought her and that her feet are starting to hurt because her heels are too high, but overall, she’s having fun. And he knows all of that because even though they are separate, each in their party, they have been texting and sending each other videos and pictures all night. It’s the weekend before the wedding and they’re not allowed to see each other before the ceremony, so of course, they miss each other deeply.
Staring the last picture Zoë has sent him, a group picture of all the girls surrounding her with champagne glasses in their hands, he hears Sander yelling at him, trying to make him hear him on top of the loud music of the club: “Senne, leave the phone alone and come party!” Giving a happy sign he turns his phone off, turning the sound off to enjoy his party. 
Nothing feels better than partying with your bros all night knowing you are a day, or in his case, a weekend, closer to marrying the love of your life. Dancing and drinking and having fun with your best friends, with the people you know you can trust.
Before knowing Zoë, he only had Luka and Max, -and technically Gill too but she’s a girl, so right now it does not count,- and to him, that’s all he needed. His two best friends had his back since they were toddlers, helped him every time he needed it, and stayed with him till the end of times, and he was happy was that. But then his beautiful girlfriend came in and with her a lot of friends that ended up being family to him.
Milan, Robbe, then later Sander, Robbe’s friends, after high school his university friends... all of his new family is thanks to her, and he cannot be more thankful to celebrate his upcoming wedding with all these people he loves so much. He wants to text her, to thank her once again for all she did to him, but he promised he would party, and let her party, so instead of texting her, he smiles widely and dances all night long.
After dancing to more songs than he can count, drinking more cocktails and drinks that he should and laughing, dancing, and having fun since they got here he is feeling kinda tired. His phone hasn’t stopped vibrating in his pocket, and he’s starting to feel dizzy, so he decides to tell Jens, the one that’s closer to him, that he’s sitting down, in case they wonder where he is. 
Once he could get through the crowd and get to their private booth he grabs his phone only to realize that it’s almost 4 am and that he has too many notifications. He has a bunch of missed calls from an unknown number, a couple missed calls from Jana and Gill, and thousands of texts from each of the girls and Zoë’s university friends. And maybe it’s the alcohol in his system or the fact that he’s just so tired, but he doesn’t understand what is going on.
Just as he’s about to start answering the thousands of texts he has, he receives an upcoming call from the same unknown number that has been calling him all night. 
“Is this Mr. Senne De Smet?” A deep voice asks him. The voice is from an old man, and his voice is so serious that it makes him shiver as if all the alcohol in his body suddenly left.
“Yes, this is him” Confusion takes over his body. He doesn’t know why this man is calling him, he doesn’t know what is going on. He just doesn’t know anything. 
“This is the police of Antwerp speaking. I am going to ask you, sir, what is the relationship you have with miss Zoë Loocks and miss Amber Snoeckx?”
“Zoë Loockx is my fianceé and Amber Snoecks is a mutual friend, why, what happened, has something happened?” the thought of something going wrong or something happening to Zoë makes him feel dizzy. He can’t think straight, he doesn’t know what to do and he can hear the policeman still talking, so he exits the club as soon as he can. The cold air slaps him in the face, making him focus.
“I’m afraid I don’t have good news, sir. Your fianceé and friend have been involved in a car accident a couple of hours ago. They are both fine, but they have been sent to the hospital with major injuries.”
1633 words
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