ghoulishfrk · 9 months
Mfs will be ok fucking Connor from DBH and Android 18 from Dragon Ball but when I say Optimus is a dilf I’m the crazy one 🙄
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saeist · 1 year
ooo sae has that natural rizz for sure bUT it disappears when he opens his mouth and spews some backhanded shit 😞😞😞😞
the rizzless rizz
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itoshi-s · 1 year
Part 2 of pimp is when their teammates do get to fuck reader she only (screams) says one name and its their bf and the teammate is like how dare you im the one fucking your brains out not him and goes rougher but reader doesnt even know their name so she doesnt let up squealing bf name - 💔
AFAHSLFKAFLKSA pleaseeeee that's so hot 😭 cause they're still the only one on your mind even when they're sitting a few feet away just watching. noone can make you feel as good as they do. also you not even knowing the teammates name WHEW oh my god. im so sorry but im such a whore for gangbangs sooooooo makes sense it sounds so hot lol but yeah .. you just let him decide who's getting a go with u </3 cause u trust them just like that. so fucking hot it's insane
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teliathetv · 21 days
tell us abt your ocs! (from the post you rbed)
so they’re from this personal project ive been thinking about for a while and their names are
-Jaz (might remove because i don’t really have a personality or anything really for her but might keep because I have some ideas that have to do with her so…)
-Cici (i need name recs cuz that’s not his real name so if you have any please tell me!! as long as it’s not cecil lol)
so they’re all college students trying to survive the nuclear apocalypse (original i know) after the people managing them are assassinated (woah lore) and there’s monsters and angst and all the cool scaries
fun fact i want to make this my own indie animated show and I am going to voice quill if i do !!
but I’ve been thinking about this for a longhhgg time so i need to tweak some things and work out some plot points before i start writing the scripts
and originally it had a wholeeee diff concept
im saying ill write the scripts when i dont even have the designs down
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
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Alright, I'ma be honest here- there are a few episodes in CS which I just NEVER rewatch, and this one is kind of one of them. I don't know why. The start of Season 1 just never really invites me to click on it...BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY!
Every time I DO watch them I really like them!! So weird little mental block. ANYWAYS you know the drill by know let's get crack-a-lacking (or crackle lacking...his memories lmaooo)
WOO HOO our first caper episode!!! I love the caper formats- such a staple of the series (at the same time I wish we'd have gotten some deviation sometimes for...character based episodes or something but oh well).
see the intro sets up a sort of mystery and finesse about carmen's character i wish we actually got more!! like she seems so mysterious but they infodump everything about her onto us in the first two episodes immediately. i promise ill stop complaining about the infodumping thing now though
okay also but the moment in the episode when it match cuts to carmen walking from the tower to the crosswalk its sooo fucking gooood
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Carmen Sandiego Fun Fact: That guy who's Agent Zari's partner in Season 1 and shows up sometimes is actually not one guy but three identical ones who keep switching out
OH also the shift into color as she looks up godddd its so good i will talk about the intro more than the fucking episode
also the!! she does the thing from s2 e1 in the intro!!! in rio!!
the tone of voice she uses when she says "looky-loos" i didnt know that word could be kind of hot
i like how offended she sounds "I DID" djfdhasfdg shes like player of course i fucking did what do you think i am an amateur
calling vile sleazy is so funny as a kid (13 yo) watching for the first time i thought sleazy was kind of a bad word (its not) and it caught me so off guard
zack's first line....its so zack
ALSO i love the intro cards so much i didnt mention it last week (two weeks ago?) but theyre so fun
carmen: hey we've got a tail
zack: im going to shake my ass all night oh yeah
i love how little carmen is doing about the acme agents shes just like zack can we not :/ we KNOW she can do shit on boats, seeing as she clotheslined devineaux in s3 or whatever she did. threw a tree at him. what the fuck did she do to devineaux i dont remember
zack: HOW TO DRIVE A BOAT SAFELY (continues talking whilst not looking where he's going)
the background couple that gets doused with water twice as the boats go by and then are never acknowledged again are so funny why didnt they have more funny background moments like that jadshfgahdsgah
imagine if acme had actual projectile weapons like idk tranq darts carmen would be so arrested immediately
ivy did it first (talking about the suez canal)
love how ivy didnt need to have that beard on at all. really didnt honestly. she should have dressed in drag more actually i think
can you imagine the thoughts going through zari and jawline's heads when the frenchman turned into a 20 year old bostonian
how the hell did they scale the side of that boat
i like ivy's dumb orange cat energy in jumping 30 feet off of a barge without looking
i do agree with whoever else said they wished she'd gotten a better intro though. i don't think they quite knew what they wanted to do with ivy, and by the time they were like "hey maybe her thing with red drone is because she like builds stuff or whatever" they kind of. only got to relay that by having baby ivy go "hey we should give that lady a gun" in the boston tea party caper
the combination of three languages <3 never change ivy
"while i picked up carmen at the train station" okay so the river they're driving on is the river seine, right? its right by the eiffel tower as we see. fun fact: the nearest train station? 4 minutes away or less! cool detail
ivy definitely had time to get him food just saying . also still confused about why carmen took a train to paris but ive already hounded that detail last week so whatever
carmen completely blank faced saying "yum baguettes" to tease zack is so funny you didnt have to do that
i relish the intrigue and enthusiasm in carmen's voice when she goes "SO off to indonesia" we don't even see her face but she sounds so excited to go there agh
infodumping sections beloved. ive actually learned so much from them. we were talking about coffee and how it can be called java and i was like "OIHOOHOGFOGIHOOGOOGOG JAVA IS AN ISLAND IN INDONESIA HOME TO "THE BIG DURIAN" OR THE CAPITAL WHICH IS JAKARTA"
player: i have cool facts!! this is so cool!
carmen: i stopped paying attention five minutes ago actually sorry about that my thing now
so interesting btw that all records of acme agents are taken off of anything?? why dont they have identities anymore??
how?? did the cleaners manage to get crackle out if he "only woke up moments ago" which implies that someone like. watched him do that. moments ago. the cleaners just sliced a hole in the wall again like they do in s4 jkhfkhsadf
i like how devineaux thinks carmen would go after the gigantic blue diamond but also steal some more aussie shmuck's wallet AND his train ticket for good measure
the mints were suck a weird little thing to have devineaux have and i love that he had them?? idk if it was for the sole purpose of julia following them to the ACME Closet TM but theyre a cool little character thing that i kinda forgot about (bc the writers did too after the very start of the next season lol)
is crackle implying that he has crawled through sewer tunnels? is he referencing the shawshank redemption? is he referencing black sheep crawling through the drain pipes?
bellum is so funny "I AM LASER FOCUSED" (swimpes through fifteen unrelated tabs that are actively open) adhd icon
hey by the way why did she have missile launch sights and bomb tests and gun blueprints open. because. why didnt that ever go anywhere. i know she's orchestrated some of the most strange but also deadly capers in the show but. i. okay
"the student formerly known as black sheep"
part of me wonders if shadow-san intentionally breaks up the height slant to make him feel out of place. if they wanted everything to look cohesive he would be sitting...maybe after malestrom. but he isnt, hes on the end and his height, in the lineup, is jarring compared to the slope of everyone else's.
mael also has some pretty good nicknames for her
love that one of their finest operatives is a year-in-the-field catgirl
the little silent laugh carmen does when zack starts reminiscing about how they met awww
r&d they make it sound so sinister. it means research and development
hello trailer scene. i love how carmen runs off screen for the trailer shot and then slows down to walk with them immediately because she actually has to be in the scene
the animation when she said "plan a" was so snappy
#feminism red drone is a she
(a bunch of lights flashing and making pew pew noises)
zack: STATE OF THE ART???!?!?!!
just kidding zack love ya
that tracking shot of red drone going through the lasers?? mwah
red drone out here with a strontium nitrate fire damn
what was their plan if someone was at the lab
that light moving behind them as they walk forward into the labbbbb
SEE theres the transition sentence for next ep!
what braincell of zack's saw a pile of white rice in a petri dish, first thought "that must be someone else's food" and then thought " i should eat this stranger's petri dish food"
also i am in love with how he just was about the bite down on the whole dish at once
the teeny tiny twitch of carmens teeny tiny nose as she sniffs the petri dish dahdjhdsdsg
cleo's capers: im going to steal four dresses >:)
bellum's capers: i will cause a famine for the entire population of the fourth largest country in the world and force them to either starve or submit to me via creating a monopoly of overpriced rice which is shit quality but their only choice, and will do so by releasing an untested superspore which hypothetically could mutate and wipe out all life on these islands if all goes wrong. teehee cat videos
zack and ivy's dialogue sounds like. you know when a teacher presents a problem and then in a really dumb vice they suggest an obviously bad solution? that
"we're thieves" ivy tomorrow you're going to tell a goat that your boss's name is carmen san jose and then almost die five times in the next week
ivy's so supportive. no braincells on planning but such a cheerleader /hj
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here we see the majestic long-necked ivysaur stretching her neck for a leaf
pls zack looks so hungry and sad
"so vile can make a quick buck hehaha she has a surprise coming 😌"
she looks so hot when she jumps on the roof of the jeep and then jumps off a cliff. well right before anyway lmaoo
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ok just thought the glider mechanic was cool. anyway
"HYASSSSSS" tigress never change
i love that they kept the consistency in the boston bean caper that tigress wasnt there- just the gays
tigress free plastic surgery!! good surgery? no. but free
i love when cs does high motion shots and the background just becomes one streaky color
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zack driving down the cliff so true actually
ivy saw carmen climb on the hood and jump off a cliff and did the same thing. ivy dont do that
i also love the consistency of ivy being able to pick locks. she's been able to since the boston molasses disaster caper
carmen almost falls off of very quickly moving vehicles quite a lot
yes i would thats why im asking pls this show
carmen isnt really so much protecting the face as dodging very quickly and hoping
the animation of the car swerving as the durian hits it 👌
i like how immediately ivy goes flying and ZACK COULDNT SEE THE WHOLE TIME??? HOW DID HE NAVIGATE THAT TURN
that weird "eYAHOO" ivy makes is playing my my head 24/7
vile ops constantly have carmen in situations where they could do anything and they just let her do whatever. tigress. you had her hands bound and she was under your control why did you kick her in the back
also i love how carmen is getting batted around all day but tigress kicks her once and she can't get up
ivy and jumping 30 feet into vehicles
ivy's voice when she shrieks about the durian is so cute
ok its 4:30am im sorry im gay
why are there so many roads that go to the same place
"sky rockets" what other kind are there
carmen u literally have a glider you could have NOT shot the tire and caused zack and ivy to almost crash and die
love how zack hits her with the car
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me too honestly zack and ivy
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i like how the car is at normal speed but carmen is in slow motion at the same time
this episode doesnt even get to what specifically vile is doing for the caper until 16 minutes in and its still good i love it
zack and ivy changing the tire just like their racing days </33
what time of year is it that player was contemplating both new years eve and 4th of july
chase is like a bad parent like julia says something and then chase calls it her fault ihgahsgajds
the glare julia shoots chase jshdgsh
i love when she's sarcastic
the way she stares right at the camera when she says "details are lurking just out of view somewhere in the shadows"
why do they keep putting ivy high up. poor ivy
"tigress, you know the rules. but i will say them again for the audience's benefit"
fedora the explora!!!
that kick had to hurt so bad
just imagining carmen on her new phone on like. facebook tapping "unfriend"
the way carmen just takes tigress out wheeze
cat lesbian <3
this fight is honestly so good
the confused looks as they keep playing music kills mee
the curtsey and the way carmen just keeps lying there for a little while for the dramatics is hilarious
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tiny layering issue
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and here (and once more too lazy to ss it tho)
love how she lit that match with her finger
also love hot the fuse just gets eaten. no burnt rope only FIRE
i wonder where?? like under lock and key...where?? po box?? lol
poor zack hasnt eaten in a day
oNe jUmPy RoO
the please from mael...ugh
mr. crackle
the poor sad puppy noises gray makes in the chair jdgsahdgds
that mindwiper really honestly sounds like shes gonna just kill him. yeah crackle it wont hurt. we're gonna send u to live on a farm
Okay sweet!! Solid episode. See ya next Saturday wink wink its not 5am on sunday i promise i didnt stay up for 5 hours doing this
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acmeofficial · 23 days
What is your uhhhh favourite place to visiton capers?
as me the apprentice i don't travel a lot because i'm stationed in seattle and travel also makes me hella tired and gives me a lot of pain BUT i went around and asked some other agents sooo. my travel wishlist is italy because i'm white and thats every white persons answer :) mmm pasta
julia said her favorite place she ever went was peru because of all the history she learned about there because of course it was
devineaux's favorite was france because he's from there and nothing can be improved upon from france BUT if he HAD to pick another one he said "tell the kids on the web that spain is 'pretty rad'" because of the menstrual leave they offer to workers which he liked a lot. i dont think devineauxs one for scenic locations or touristy stuff. as a third afterthought he said the cheese in switzerland was good also.
zari's favorite is iran because she's half iranian. she likes to visit a lot of places though because she's been working on learning a lot of different languages since she started school and can use them in a conversational setting
chief doesn't travel a lot obviously but through the pen she said the most interesting place she ever went to was antarctica which I didn't know about and how come i don't get to go to antarctica i would like to see a leopard seal please.
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romiantic · 11 months
cute. u dont love me nm, liking my shit but no hello ??? yk once ur moots with zari, she'll forever love you unless u write smut for minors.. chaii anyways 🙆🏽‍♀️ wsg ml <3
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don’t start 😒 you know I love you more than karma loves toji (and that’s saying something)
LMAO LAST PART IS SO REAL 🤣 no cause step away from my blog if enjoy minor smut, that’s so……
mmm nothing much, working a new theme. before y’all kill me, it was impulsive I’m sorry 😓 I was itching to change it but I’ve been tired tbh, and woke up early for nothing 😒 but how are youuuuu ?
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pashminalamb · 2 years
hi belle !!! i felt like i had to come in and clear things up since the lil discourse started in my ask box lol and now i feel bad :,( in no way do i feel like there was any sort of even the slightest inspiration taken from the asks on my acc ! we've even talked abt it a bit here on ur blog lol (and i still need to reply 2 u, too 😭) so i'd also be thankful if the discourse stopped altogether cuz i strongly believe coincidents happen and i do not even feel like the idea was mine in any way so !
i hope what i said makes sense :// even i myself dont see any issue with this situation and i am absolutely frothing at the mouth to read interrupted lol SO with that being said, i hope the whole discussion dies down <3 im so sorry it ruined ur mood, sending u the biggest hugs rn ! :(
Thanks for dropping in and clearing the air, Zari
And yes, it does make sense. There are so many times when i see people literally paraphrasing my work and making plot lines with a similar synopsis as mine; like the other day i was going to call this author out in the bllk fandom and i spoke to my friend about it with screenshots and everything. And after thinking about it realized that erotica and romance are not unique genres and that includes dark content as well so themes can overlap and at the end of the day- it is not literally published work.
I'm not a fan of discourse myself tbh. and i don't understand why most people don't take it with a sense of rationality?
I've been on tumblr for over 4 years now, yes I started here when i was 16 and began posting last year. When i was at 250 followers, i released a fic and the idea was stolen by an author who had over 10,000 follows+ than me (who i had interacted with) and it went at a very fast pace of gaining over 170 likes in two hours or maybe less. I know what it feels like to have your work taken away from you and used by someone else for the purpose of their content. Why would i wish that on anyone else? Most of my followers follow blogs apart from mine that have blue lock content. so if i did copy someone's idea, they would notify me about it; and even if i knew that you had an idea like this in your blog i would have never used it as we're both writers for the same fandom. It would literally give me nothing but backlash from readers and ruin a reputation i've spent time building here -causing me emotional instability which is the last thing i want for myself (since i have already got a lot going irl) given the fact that hate spreads more faster than being liked; speaking from experience since i have seen enough number of discourses take place here and also on how bad it can get.
And even late last year, i had a whole wip list out for different fandoms including haikyuu and other animes that i watched, explaining what the fic was about and everything. But even that got taken away from me (one of the anons dropped a word for word title in the inbox of a famous author/ writer here + it turned up in the 'x reader' tags) so i rarely discuss what fic i'm going to write next and just decide to keep it a secret and release it when its done.
Thanks again for dropping in Zari (hope you enjoy reading 0^^0 *sending hugs back*); and since the discourse has been settled by both of us, on further notice any ask regarding 'interrupted' will be deleted.
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lesbianmarrow · 2 years
okayyyy let me make my post about legends of tomorrow 6.05 “the satanist’s apprentice.” right away i knew this episode was gonna be something special with the care they were taking showing us astra’s perspective. and it just kept getting better and better until the real show-stealer which was of course the ANIMATED SEQUENCE!!!!!!!! i am so glad i wasn’t spoiled for that. truly amazing to see. i can’t imagine how much work that must have been to arrange but it was totally worth it, such an incredible sequence. but even apart from that very fun and flashy trick it was a really great episode!!!! 
i’m really really glad the writers decided to allocate almost an entire episode to humanizing astra and showing us life from her perspective. astra won me over in the college sorority episode but i definitely think more work needed to be done with the character to make her really feel like one of the team members, and they did that really well here. one issue i had with astra early on is that she felt very much like a two dimensional sexy femme fatale when she was first introduced, and i feel like that characterization stuck around for quite a few episodes. i really dont care for the decision to introduce her that way, even if it makes it more shocking for constantine to see that shes alive and all grown up. i think she shouldve been presented as a more nuanced character from the get go. but hey they finally start doing that in later episodes and this episode explores who she is very thoroughly. 
i loved seeing astra’s morning routine and just all the stuff she does (or doesn’t do) every day. lots of fun. again i think it’s so important to humanize her not just because she was initially presented as this evil sexy femme fatale but also because she is a Black woman and too often white or nonblack audiences refuse to relate to these characters. so it’s great that the way the episode is written and directed essentially forces us to relate to astra. i felt so bad for her when she got drenched by that puddle omg i hope constantine’s house at least has hot water in the showers. i thought it was interesting when her old white guy neighbor is racist to her because legends has been really steering away from depicting racism onscreen in recent seasons when the early seasons showed much more of that. i think it’s done effectively, it makes us feel for astra and want to see the old guy dead which of course plays into the later scene where astra lures him over to kill him. also i was so mad at constantine for being super dismissive of astra and not helping her even though this is her first time living on earth as an adult and also she’s basically his time-displaced niece. constantine you misogynist!!!!!!!!!! 
somehow i had previously been under the impression that astra was already a sorcerer but i guess not? it was fun seeing her make this devil’s bargain although she seemed just a tad naive. but if you think about it she had everything under control up until the bad guy (i forget his name) stole the soul thingy. so she didn’t do anything wrong except lower her guard down a little when she realizes she can’t kill this horrible old racist guy. and i think that makes sense because such a revelation is going to be shocking for her. she used to be fine with causing lots of death and cruelty, and this guy certainly had it coming. but she’s not that person anymore. she has changed and become more compassionate and doesn’t want to hurt people needlessly anymore. i still wish that old guy could be punished in some way though like she could infest his house with bats or something bc he deserves it. 
it was so fun when she turned the legends into various household objects. why was nate a CHEESE. i loved zari and ava’s little faces. and it’s so funny that zari was a flip phone. would she even know what that is, since shes from the future? and then everything about the animation i loved. it was so funny how astra began talking all disney princess-y and using dramatic gestures and all that. and she saves the day by singing her mother’s song! how lovely is that. also awesome to see the animated versions of the transformed legends fight and then tuck the bad guy into bed. so silly. i like how at the end astra says the legends are her friends!!!!!!! love that for her. 
the side plot with sara was also really good even though it was very short. bishop is a fantastic villain. he’s just so AWFUL. i love how charismatic he is and how that just enhances his awfulness. and also how he is always singing and dancing like a weirdo. i dont have much experience with techbros but he seems like a techbro. also so interesting to see the nurse ava clone. i like how disturbed sara was by her and by how brainwashed she was. and i loved how sara tried to convince the clone to help her escape and really thought she got through to her. sara made the mistake not only of thinking this clone was more like her ava than she truly was, but also of thinking that all it would take to get this clone on her side was an inspiring speech about her personhood. it’s honestly so arrogant of her, but also so in character. sara has a hero complex when it comes to saving women from their own internalized misogyny and that’s essentially what she’s trying to do here. but the clone’s brainwashing is more thorough than sara had counted on. 
umm anyway really good episode i thought caity lotz’s directing was good and i like that astra is becoming a bigger part of the team now :) 
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zariswebz · 8 months
intro bc i need friends :3
my name's azari !!
im still a minor so no weirdos (13)
you can give me any nickname or zari :)
☆☆ adding the rest under the cut ☆☆
im agender, catgender, omnisexual, and polyam !!
my pronouns are he/cat/they and i dont mind any gender terms ^^
my main interests:
hunter x hunter
alice in borderland
impractical jokers
games i play:
identity v
some offline games
probably gonna start playing pony town
other things about me:
my favorite color is green
i can do a cartwheel (kinda)
i dont really have fictional crushes
i have the best partner :3
im autistic and probably have adhd
erm if i find some other things ill add here ^^
if you want to talk to me i would prefer discord or instagram but really any social media will work (put username in the ask box or dm)
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br4tphobia · 10 months
dont start, i can barely tolerate zaris barking
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hollstein-knight · 4 years
I think I’m starting to really really not like J*hn Const@ntine. I said I’d give him a chance and I tried to like him but…
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alycosworld · 2 years
John Constantine X Reader
NEW A/N: so! It's finally here, the finished version of "TITLE" that I accidentally posted all that time ago (and decided to leave up for the memories). I've left in all the old stuff, no changes to the original text, I just added to it so it's a complete story. I've even left in the old A/N for nostalgia ykwim. aNYWAYS, HAVE FUN!
OLD A/N: 100 followers is coming up but I have nothing for y'all so take the product of my latest obsession: john mf constantine - resident demonologist, exorcist, master of the dark arts, accomplished warlock and outrageously attractive brit. I love him, you love him, so let's give our soulless boy a round of applause! thanks for reading, please enjoy <3
warnings: a lil spicy, slight choking??, talk of sex, inexperienced reader, reader is called pretty, love, sweetheart (idk if these are considered gendered words but I dont think they are??), gender-neutral reader
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(takes place in s4, Séance and Sensibility with the old Zari (Tomaz))
Kamadeva, now locked in the brig of the Waverider, poured some of the glittery ashes of his vial into his hand, blowing them through the air vents and to reach all the other rooms and Legends aboard in the night.
"Now, what are you doing, dreaming about me, love?" John asked. His trench coat had been removed and his sleeves had been rolled up to his elbows as he sat on the edge of your bed.
"The fugitive must've done something. It's fine, y'know, can't two friends hang out in a dream?" You chuckled nervously, sitting on a beanbag on the ground, crossing your legs and trying to act perfectly normal, although you knew that Kamadeva's magic wasn't for friends and John had special abilities when it came to dreams - he knew you were dreaming then and when you woke up, he'd know you'd been dreaming about him.
"Friends...that's not how I'd describe you and me. The way you act around me...it's not typical for friends, is it, sweetheart?" John asked with an undeniably attractive grin on his face.
"Don't call me that." You said, unable to stop heat from rising to your cheeks as John tilted his head to the side.
"And why not? I do it all the time. Or is it suddenly becoming less...friendly?" John asked before you felt your body stand up and walk to him. You definitely wanted to be near to him but, unaware of how much John would know about this dream when you woke up, you had to try and resist having fun. You came to stand just in front of him but he pulled you closer still, holding you by the waist as he guided you to straddle his lap.
"John..." You started, feeling your heart race as John leaned in towards you, pressing a kiss from your jaw to your neck to your collarbone and then pulling away to look at your flushed face as you gasped and breathed heavily, chest heaving up and down for John to marvel at.
"Pretty..." He mumbled with a dazed smile on his face.
"What?" You asked, not believing his words despite the whole situation being a fantasy.
"I said, pretty. Prettiest "friend" I've ever had the pleasure of knowing." John said, making you smile and look away from him. John seemed to realise the effect of his words and how you partially didn't believe them.
"I mean it, love," John said, snaking a hand behind your head to cradle the back of your neck, but when he watched you shudder and flinch slightly as his hand touched the skin, he grinned wickedly.
"Oh?" He asked, testing his theory of sensitivity by ghosting his fingers along your neck again and watching as you fell apart.
"John, I--" You managed meekly, but he only chuckled deeply before coiling one hand around your neck and tightening his grip ever so slightly as the other palm rested on your thigh.
"And how do you enjoy that, love?" He asked, watching your breath hitch but noticing your blatant satisfaction. John squeezed a little harder before letting go completely and smiling charmingly at you before leaning in and pulling your head down gently so your lips could meet his.
Unfortunately, just before the kiss you had dreamed about would occur so vividly in your mind, you woke up, panting heavily and in desperate need of a cool down.
You walked into the kitchen where the girls were, in just your pajamas, hair a mess and heart racing.
"The fugitive get to you too?" Sara asked, a smile on her face as Charlie beamed brightly.
"Yeah." You nodded as Sara handed you a glass of cold water.
"Well, personally, I really enjoyed my night. Blowing David Bowie's mind." Charlie grinned as Sara chuckled and Zari rolled her eyes with a smile.
"Who'd you get a leg over, Z? Wait, lemme guess, Nate? No, Kamadeva?" Zari stayed silent but raised her eyebrows making you and Sara look at her incredulously.
"Both?" You and she asked.
"It was both! Blimey, Z, I didn't know you had it in you." Charlie said, patting a sighing Zari on the back.
"(Y/N)?" Zari asked, determined to change the topic away from her.
"Uh, y'know...we don't have to share this." You mumbled, too nervous to say anything.
"It was Constantine, wasn't it?" Sara asked with a grin.
"No! John-o, really?" Charlie asked, eyes widening as her smile stretched wider.
"Yeah, it didn't get very far because John's magic allows him to know when he's in a dream. He was aware he was in my head but he shouldn't remember anything now that I'm awake. On the off chance he does, I tried my best to wake up before things got...X-rated." You gulped down more water to hide your blush.
"No...he can see it?" Zari asked.
"I have no idea to what extent those powers go, but hopefully he can't. It's like a lost memory, y'know? He can't remember it but if I say or do something, it might trigger him to see bits and pieces." You shrugged.
"Unlucky," Sara said.
"Or, lucky, depending on how you look at it. I mean, if John does see it, he might get interested." Charlie grinned.
"Shut up." You rolled your eyes.
"What about you, Wolfie?" Charlie asked, expression dropping when she saw Mona's dark expression.
"You...dreamt about Konane," Sara said in realisation.
"Mona..." You started, before Zari went over to talk to her about it. Unfortunately, the conversation didn't end pleasantly when Mona turned into Wolfie and bounded off, angry at seeming like a fool for being a hopeless romantic.
"Well, one Jane Austen plot and a Bollywood song later, we're all good." You laughed.
"Not to mention those dreams. Maybe I should've taken some of that fancy glitter for myself." Charlie grinned.
"Bollywood song?" Nate asked.
"Dreams?" John asked.
"Yeah, the fugitive was the Hindu god of love, he got Zari and everyone else to sing," Sara said.
"He also, uhm, spurred on some...interesting dreams." You said.
"Oh...that's why that happened," Ray nodded.
"You lot were all given influenced dreams by Kamadeva?" John asked.
"Yeah, he decided to amp up our desires." Zari said, making Nate mumble a small "ooh" as you and the girls gave each other small smiles and knowing glances.
"Huh...funny thing, I seem to remember something about a dream on the same night, a bit before that séance." John said.
"Remember what?" You asked nervously.
"Nothing, really, it's all a bit hazy." John said.
"So you don't know what happened in this dream of yours?" Charlie asked.
"No, I don't." John said, narrowing his eyes at Charlie and then you when she smirked at you.
"Shame." Charlie shrugged with a smile, not letting herself elaborate.
"He really can see them." Mona whispered.
"See what?" John asked.
"John, shut up." You said.
"Well, why don't you help him--"
"Don't finish that sentence." You said a little nervously, interrupting a grinning Sara.
"Why not?" Zari said smugly.
"That's it! I'm out!"
You sat in your room with Charlie, Sara and Zari while Mona was off reading Rebecca Silver somewhere else on the ship.
"What do I do, guys?" You asked, burying your head in your hands.
"Just hook up with him!" Sara groaned.
"Exactly! Old John-o would be happy to have some fun with you!" Charlie smiled.
"Yeah, besides, it's kinda obvious that you like him." Zari said.
"You're one to talk." You rolled your eyes playfully as Zari shook her head, knowing you were referring to Nate.
"But, seriously, you travel through time and save history all the time, what's the big deal with dealing with your crush on John? This isn't high school, all you have to do is sleep with him." Sara shrugged.
"It's not that simple." You said, looking away.
"Here's the thing, (Y/N), it really is." Charlie nodded.
"No, it's not, Charlie." You insisted.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm a virgin!" You said, inhaling deeply when you notice the eyes that widened at your confession.
"You're...you're serious?" Zari asked.
"Dead serious, Z. All the people I liked back in high school rejected me, college was the same, the rest of my life before the Legends was the same, and now I live on a time travelling ship. I would've done it with someone in history and then left but...I kinda hoped my first time would have some meaning. It's dumb, I know, I should just get it over with." You shrugged defeatedly.
"Hey, hey, it's not dumb. When I first had sex, I was like...sixteen, maybe seventeen. It was at a party with one of Laurel's friends and we were both embarrassingly drunk." Sara chuckled.
"I was living with some guy, a stranger, really, while hiding from ARGUS and we couldn't sleep one night. I barely knew him but things seemed bleak and he liked me so I thought: "why the hell not?" and went for it." Zari shrugged.
"And I've been alive for ages. I don't even remember my first time. I dunno who it was with or who I was at the time." Charlie laughed.
"But, if not for our crappy experiences, we would've wanted it to be with someone we cared about." Sara said.
"Yeah. I don't think it was with someone I liked. I would've remembered it better and it would've been magical." Charlie said.
"Now that we've got it over and done with, we don't really care. But, if I could go back to my first time, I'd change everything, especially the person. It makes sense you wanna have yours be special." Zari said.
"So, what do I do? Yeah, I like John but I don't really wanna have sex with him because he'll treat it like a one night stand. I...wanna make something a little more long lasting. Only if he likes me back, of course." You said.
"Oh, I think he does." Charlie said.
"So, does that mean we've all seen John staring at them with puppy dog eyes at team meetings?" Zari asked.
"Yep." Sara nodded.
"You're kidding." You said in disbelief.
"Nope." Zari shook her head.
"(Y/N), I was trained by the League to read body language and I can say for certain, one thousand percent, guaranteed, John likes you. He thinks you're super hot." Sara said.
"Seriously?" You asked.
"Oh yeah." Zari nodded.
"I don't think anyone else has ever thought of me like that." You said.
"No one? Not one person?" Charlie asked.
"Like I said, high school, college, everything else - all bad." You said.
"Wow. That's horrible, because you deserve so much better." Zari said.
"Aww." You smiled.
"No, she's right. Here, Zari and I'll get John to make a move while you and Charlie stay here and wait for us to text. We'll do what Mona told Zari earlier - just tell John how you feel. I know he feels the same." Sara said, before grinning confidently and walking out of the room with Zari in tow.
"John Constantine! Just the demonologist I wanted to see!" Sara said, outstretching her arms dramatically while Zari sighed at her grandiose entrance to the kitchen. John was sat with Ray, Nate and Gary in the kitchen and they all seemed to jump slightly at the intrusion.
"Way to make an entrance." Zari grinned with an eye roll.
"I'm getting them prepared for the big news." Sara shrugged smugly.
"Big news?" Ray asked as the other guys looked at Zari and Sara curiously.
"Well, it's concerning (Y/N)...basically, they, uh...well-- you, uhm...we just--"
"We know you like (Y/N), John." Zari said, stopping Sara's awkward sentence and making the guys stare at Zari incredulously.
"What?" Nate asked.
"You guys really are psychic...we were just talking about that--!"
"No, we were not! Bloody hell, I do not have some silly crush on anyone! I am John Constantine--!"
"Master of the occult, nasty piece of work, devious tosser and bastard. You have to walk this path alone, we know!" Sara groaned.
"But the fact of the matter is, you like (Y/N), and oh my god, do they like you." Zari said, smirking a little as she turned to Sara. That got John to perk up. He stared at the two women with widened eyes, not saying anything despite the expectant glances he was given.
"I think my friend here would like you to repeat that last piece of information." Nate said, snapping his fingers in front of John's face and making him snap out of the trance he seemed to be in.
"They also like you. We just had a whole talk about it. In fact, I think the whole team knows about you two except for you and (Y/N)." Zari said.
"No!" Gary said, tone raising in a gossipy manner.
"Mhm!" Sara nodded with a shit-eating grin.
"You have to do something! Come on, the great John Constantine has to have some good romantic moves up his sleeve!" Gary said.
"Romantic? Not exactly my style, big man. I've said it before and I'll say it again: romance is for little girls crying into their pillows--"
"Well, they weren't crying into their pillows, but (Y/N) was giving off the same kinda...y'know? Same..." Zari trailed off, looking for the word.
"Impression?" Sara offered.
"Exactly." Zari nodded.
"Really? (Y/N) (L/N), most intelligent, bold, confident, strategic person on this ship...falls apart for...Constantine?" Nate asked.
"Well, I wouldn't say most intelligent." Ray mumbled.
"Yeah, they're literally combusting. A bit blush-y, very emotionally sensitive. And all for John. Honestly, I think they should raise their standards." Zari nodded.
"All for me..." John murmured quietly, before a stream of near inappropriate thoughts flooded his head. Not too far down the line, but a bit further than the contents of your dream.
"You, uh....you good there, John?" Sara asked, looking at him oddly as he zoned out again at the thought of you.
"Fine, love. Just...would you happen to know where (Y/N) is?" John asked.
"In their room. Why? You planning something?" Sara grinned.
"Have I ever been one to plan?" John asked, standing up and beginning to walk towards the living quarters before backtracking.
"But, uhm, hypothetically, if I did have a plan....what would it be?"
A knock on your door interrupted the conversation you were having with Charlie about god-knows-what. You both turned to the closed door before Charlie ushered you to hide in the corner while she saw to whoever was there.
"Oh, Charlie, I--"
"Wasn't expecting me, were you?" Charlie asked cockily.
"No, not really." John said before Charlie gave him a suggestive look.
"Oh, bollocks, just bloody tell me where (Y/N) is." John said.
"Well, uh..." Charlie looked back in the room to where John couldn't see you before winking.
"Not the best time. We're in the middle of something." Charlie said with a proud smirk. John tilted his head in confusion before understanding the suggestive implications of Charlie's expression and widening his eyes slightly.
"You...and them...are...?" John started dumbfoundedly.
"Yeah. I mean--"
"Fucking hell, Charlie, that was the poorest improvisation I've ever seen." You chuckled, clapping your hands sarcastically and emerging into John's line of sight.
"(Y/N)?" John asked quietly, still not entirely understanding the situation.
"What? I was just trying to--"
"See John's reaction to that mess of a lie? I know, you did a crappy job. Go on, go gossip to the team. John, I gotta talk to you." You smiled, turning to John.
"Me?" John asked.
"Mhm. If you have the time, that is." You tilted your head slightly and John's breath nearly hitched - he thought you were adorable and he was desperately trying to hide it. He swallowed thickly, eyes darting back to a grinning Charlie for just a moment before returning to you.
"Yeah, sure, love." He shrugged nonchalantly. It was your turn to hide your reaction. The pet name constantly made you swoon even though you knew he used it for everyone. 'Sweetheart' was the one he almost only used on you and that was a million times better, but 'love' still made you freeze up and get nervous.
"Well then, I'll leave you two to it. Have fun!" Charlie sang as you practically nudged the shapeshifter away from you and John, gesturing for him to come inside and locking the door behind you.
"So, what's this about then, love?" John asked as you turned back around to face him.
"Well, uhm...okay, let me start by explaining Charlie's little...whatever that was, just now." You started and John, sensing that this would be a long conversation, slowly removed his coat and rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, taking a seat at the edge of your bed.
"Go ahead, love." He said, and you felt an odd sense of déjà vu as you settled on the beanbag on the ground. A flash of realisation hit you - your dream started the exact same way. Noticing John's expectant look, you opted to ignore it and continue.
"So, uh, Charlie and I are not having sex or anything, we were just talking. She was trying to...get you jealous." You said.
"Jealous? And why would she do that, sweetheart?" John asked as you tensed up at the nickname, heart beating slightly faster.
"Don't call me that." You said, unable to stop heat from rising to your cheeks as John tilted his head to the side.
"And why not? I do it all the time. Or--" John stopped himself mid sentence, pressing his fingers to hs temple as he shook his head slightly.
"John?" You asked, standing up and walking over to him, concern lacing your tone.
"I'm fine, love. Just...a memory." He said, before looking up at you in confusion.
"Oh...oh..." He smirked slightly as you stared at him with a dumbfounded expression on your face.
"So, this is what Kamadeva did. I have to say, you've got a brilliant imagination, sweetheart." You stared at John, looking more humiliated and mortified than ever as he literally replayed your dream in his head.
"Come on, love. As disappointed as I am that you woke up when you did, you know better than to have dreams about me." John grinned.
"One dream. Singular." You clarified, cheeks rapidly heating up.
"Mm, I find that hard to believe. So that's what the girls were alluding to..." John mumbled, more to himself than to you. But after seeing your clearly embarrassed expression, he relaxed and looked at you with a little less mischief in his eyes.
"Now, don't look at me like that, (Y/N). I'm not upset. In fact, that was quite enjoyable." He said, gently taking your hand and guiding you to sit in his lap, straddling his thighs.
"But I think we'd both prefer the real experience over a dream, eh, love?" He asked, voice barely above a whisper as he leaned in to press a few kisses to your neck and jaw, smiling as your breath became heavy and your chest heaved in anticipation.
However, when things became slightly more desperate and intense, you quickly shoved John backwards - not hard enough to hurt him but enough for him to get away and allow you to stand up.
"Sorry, love, did I--"
"It's not you, John. I know that that's the worst way to explain but I mean it." You said, crashing back down onto the beanbag and hugging your knees to your chest as John watched you huff in misery.
"What is it, love? If not me, then what's got you so worried?" John asked.
"Me! I'm--" You stopped yourself. Did you really want John to know?
"You're what, (Y/N)?" He asked. You saw the genuine concern and care on his face and sighed, deciding that telling the truth was probably your best option.
"Look, John, I'm a virgin. Inexperienced in dating and sex, incredibly reserved and unlucky when it comes to that kinda thing. You, on the other hand, are definitely not a virgin and probably the most experienced person I know. You're so...I don't know, okay? Everyone you've ever hooked up with is super hot and confident and badass - like Sara! Or...I don't know, okay? I'm just..." You stopped yourself again, taking deep breath before continuing.
"I really like you, John. I don't just wanna sleep with you and then go back to being friends, y'know? But, I get it, that's not really how you do things and I'm not really your type. I just thought that now that the girls know and after that dream, I should say something." You said. Sure, it hurt admitting everything to him, but you felt much better after getting everything off your chest.
"Who said you're not my type?" John smirked, making you look up at him in confusion.
"Well, I mean, I know the people you flirt with, I didn't think--"
"Maybe you shouldn't assume, love. There's the type I like to harmlessly flirt with, and then there's you." John said. You still weren't following, so John just chuckled before continuing.
"I'll admit, the virgin part was a surprise. Pretty thing like you? Inexperienced? Hard to believe, honestly. But, I can tell you're not the type to have flings. You're more emotionally attached than that - which is a good thing, honest." John said before smiling genuinely at you and making you get a little more hopeful.
"Not really my style, but I don't think one night would cut it anyway; you're rather addicting, sweetheart." John grinned at you and your heart rate increased at the implications of his words and the pet name.
"Addicting?" You repeated.
"Don't make me repeat myself, love. This is uncharacteristic as it is." John chuckled confidently before glancing at the wall beside you, not meeting your eye.
"But, uhm, if you're up for it...I know a great restaurant in London, I could get us a reservation, if you like. Call it a date." John said, and despite his regular demeanour, he seemed slightly off - nervous, even. Nervous about asking you on a date. The thought boggled your mind. The John Constantine, probably the most flirtatious guy you knew, getting nervous over you. You were flattered, if anything.
"You're serious?" You asked.
"Yeah...see, Sara, Zari and the lads tried to help me figure out what to say to you, and I decided asking you straight out was the best option. So, what do you say?" John asked, directing his eyes to the floor as he worriedly anticipated your answer.
Too busy mentally fretting over your answer, he didn't notice you stand up and walk over to him again until you tapped his shoulder gently. He looked up at you in perplexity before you smiled at him.
"I'd love to." You beamed, and he stared at you in disbelief for a moment before quickly standing up and grabbing you by your upper arms with a wide grin.
"Yes, yes, I bloody knew it!" He said, before pulling away and getting carried away in his joy, pressing his lips to yours.
Although it didn't last long, the feeling was euphoric - better than any incomplete dream. Once John realised just what he had done, he pulled away and his eyes widened, ending your dreamlike state during the kiss and causing your eyes to flutter open.
"Sorry, love, I--" John started, but when he saw your dazed smile, he just smirked.
"It's uhm, it's fine, John." You held back a nervous giggle as he chuckled at your timid demeanour - usually you were quite confident and prepared during missions, but here, he got to see another side of you that only he could bring out.
"Now, about that date--"
"If you two are done shagging, we've got a new fugitive to handle!" Charlie shouted from outside the door as a few laughs were heard.
"Oh my god." You groaned, throwing your head back, clearly mortified by Charlie's crude expression. John on the other hand, quickly opened the door and stormed out in a mockingly threatening fashion, causing Charlie and the team to quickly disperse with John behind them.
"Bloody shapeshifter!"
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erenisms · 3 years
chapter 08 [I]
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WHAT WE CAN BE : in which eren deals with his crush on you like an elementary school kid.
eren likes you. a lot. but he treats your existence like it's god's punishment to humanity. and you, not having any idea why he loathes your presence so much, decided to not give a single fuck about him.
pairing: eren jaeger x f!reader, +slight!reiner x reader
genre: college au, e2l, fluff, crack
CH. 08: pride on pride [1]
masterlist. | prev. | next.
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You don’t hate Eren Jaeger from Philosophy. You have nothing against him, really. He’s just another face in the university that you struggle to put a name on. However, you’re certain that he hates you. Why, you have no idea. You could ask your friends and they’ll probably just put the blame on him or you could ask his friends and they’ll most likely excuse his behaviour. You could. But you won’t because you could care less about Eren Jaeger from Philosophy.
You deduce it would be better if you just interacted with him less. After all, he seems to not want to do anything with you which was good because you wouldn’t want to be with someone who has problems with you either. You shrug your shoulders. You’ll do the adjusting for him and stay out of his way. But if he really has something against you, that’s on him and you don’t care because as far as you know, you haven’t done anything wrong.
“Prick.” You mumble softly to yourself without any malice.
Not bothering to extend the conversation, you plugged your charger to your phone. Then Sasha’s voice came loud from the other side of your door.
“[Name], our favourite show is starting!”
“Ah, coming!”
im so excited to publish eren's pov on this lololol
if you think i dont proofread the text images, then youd absolutely be right
also, im making a levi x you series similar to this, ill be publishing it later once im done editing the cover so you can check that out if you're interested :)
taglist: closed — @lamiapony @sofijaeger @hvneyluvr @kjd55 @reddesert-cal @tumerixs @songbirdgardensworld @freedomlsaburden @itsannayalll @jelliou @lagrimasdeglitter @erens-eyebrows @chewymoustachio @ayyisasra @kalesugar @diestheticu @ravensleepyeyes @y2klove @mikasavqx @mockingjaytributes @littlemochi @mariaerdgzn @philfont @fwess @tzobio @teenageangeldiaries @backstagepaige @ashveil @renjunvibes @shunkaza @je-suis-argent-miel @lavender-moon13 @regina-com @the-princess-button @kaitlyn2907 @blrqt @xaibs @roseabelle21 @rii-iu @etherealiridicence + if your un is in purple, i cant tag you
- love, zari
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schwayisgay · 3 years
esperastra headcanons (ft. the legends)
are these headcanons? or is it called smth else lol? whats the correct name for it guys LMAo-
they dont realize their feelings for each other until after their 37482th legends mission date, like true gays 😔🤚
astra is the first one to develop a crush. she subsequently becomes really awkward around spooner, who is completely clueless and confused by astra's change in behavior
spooner starts to fall for astra not too long after, but does NOT like to show it and vehemently denies her feelings when questioned about it by nate
its a slow, sLOW burn with these two. they're so painfully oblivious to each others feelings that one day gideon makes a joke about them sharing a bed and spooner, astra, and sara all spit out their drinks, spooner and astra because they're incredibly embarrassed and their ears are bright red, and sara because she's laughing her head off
astra kisses spooner first. they're sitting together talking late one night, when astra leans in. spooner pulls away initially, surprised, and astra's eyes widen as she apologizes, but then spooner leans in and kisses astra back.
either that or they pull a hellstar and kiss in the middle of arguing 👀
when they finally reveal their relationship to the rest of the team, sara and nate scream in excitement as behrad reluctantly hands over $20
at the beginning of their relationship, they're 24/7 horny lovey-dovey with each other in front of the whole team, and sara often has to awkwardly interrupt their spooner-roughly-grabbing-astra's-shirt-and-pulling-her-down-into-a-kiss kisses so they can set off on their mission
they flirt HARD
spooner is definitely the little spoon JFDKS 😭 speaking of utensils,
astra will never let spooner live down the fact that she was a fork. spooner always replies with "ok princess" with a smirk, which always shuts astra up immediately
nate, zari 2.0, and gary are their biggest supporters
at their wedding (if they get married) spooner either asks ava or zari 2.0 to be her maid of honor, and astra asks john to be her best man
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legends new ep gays lets go!!! as always spoilers ahead :)
i love smart behrad give us more of smart behrad pls
oooooh new intro!! looks fun! GIDEON MY BELOVED ;-; gloria is the best i really dont want her to go away... astra that is your child now get used to it sweetheart
sara speaking the truth about men... theyre usually bad so sorry if i dont comment on nates part cause i dont care about american history so yeah
HIGH ZARI OMG I LOVE HER ALREADY I LOVE THEM ALLL SO MUCH she called them moms ;-; theyre accepting the mom role
i love the ladies of this show so much they make me soft and zava is the best dynamic ava will be a great mom someday... HELP HSUAHSUA ZARI DONT CALL THEM OUT LIKE THAT
GLORIA PLEASE HAUABWUAB and when gideon gets back and start being her sassy self on the ship and whenever astra says something gideon just "okay mom" and leaves hsuaha
ngl i dont want anything bad to happen with B and gary... i hate historically important men they suck and nate getting too much into the role angers me
of course zari astra and spooner are going to be the ones to solve the mystery of why the waverider exploded the waverider you go girls!!
ALL THIS ESPERASTRA CONTENT WILL MAKE ME SOFT I LOVE THEM gideon come back astra isnt mad at you shes mad at herself GIDEON NOOOOO look what youve done astra
CONSPIRACY THEORIST ZARI YES LETS GO!!! NERD ZAVA YESSSSS SOLVE THOSE THEORIES GIRLS YOU CAN DO IT! theyre literally us trying to figure out what is happening in the show hsuahush love that
WHAT IS HAPPENING??? also thank god nate is back to his normal dorky self... ANOTHER HOOVER??? ROBOTS????? also where did zari get her outfit in such short notice?
im excited for this season i hope we get back into time travel shit cause its fun and gideon is amazing i love her so much!!! wish we could keep gloria but i dont want her to get dragged into legends bs
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