#You're a dark horse Mr. Fell
lauranalanthalasa · 10 months
You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell!
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I'm no native speaker and although I am under the impression that my knowledge of the English language isn't that bad, I hadn't heard the expression of "being a dark horse" before. From the context in which it was said by Nina I could deduce it's meaning and at first I didn't really think it was relevant in any way. Just an expression I hadn't heard before, totally fitting from Nina's point of view.
But then Crowley used the same phrase to describe the multi-talented Jane Austen in the pub scene and I was surprised that two different characters used these exact same words to describe two different people. I started wondering if there could be more to it. And knowing Neil Gaiman, there probably is. (I'm just not smart enough to figure it out)
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The next thing I realise is, that there's an actual dark horse in Aziraphale's book shop! It's a figurine of one of the two Marley Horses by the French sculptor Guillaume Coustou. Crowley noticeably uses it to store his glasses - we see him put them there and grab them back multiple times throughout the season - and in episode one the later vanished plate of Eccles cakes is placed right next to it.
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So all of this really REEKS as if there's more to it! But what exactly?
Because, as I mentioned, I'm not a native speaker, I looked up the meaning of "being a dark horse" online in the Cambridge Dictionary. This is what I found:
a person who keeps their interests and ideas secret, especially someone who has a surprising ability or skill (that was the meaning I deduced after hearing Nina calling Aziraphale a dark horse because of the whole naked man business)
a horse or a politician who wins a race or competition although no one expected them to (Aziraphale being - seemingly - promoted to Supreme Archangel of all Heaven by the end of season 2 wasn't exactly on my bingo card)
a person who is not expected to succeed in or unexpectedly wins an election, race of other competition (could this be a hint that the Metatron underestimates Aziraphale? I mean, he used to guard the gate to Eden with a flaming sword and apparently he's fought in a war and blew up demons with his halo, so...)
So what to make of all of this? I don't know. As I said, I'm not clever enough for this. But I would be surprised if this dark horse was just a red herring.
Please feel free to hit me up with your ideas.
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azfellco · 11 months
I could only imagine Crowley putting this outside the bookshop after hearing about the naked man... friend
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bartzabell · 11 months
"You're a dark horse Mr. Fell"
The impressions his neighbors on him... They saw him bringing a naked man in his house, now he's brining another hottie to a coffee date... I'm sure that his neighbors think he's a slut.
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mimisempai · 10 months
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I love the fact that when we first saw the sneak peek of this scene, we almost all jumped on the jealousy bandwagon.
I mean, one of the incorrect quotes I made that day became the most popular of all the ones I posted.
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Of course, in retrospect, I see Crowley's expression as one of surprise, even amused surprise, as in, "Angel, you've been keeping things from me?" echoing Nina's phrase, "You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell."
First, he probably noticed right away that Aziraphale was uncomfortable, and second, unlike Nina, he knows him well enough to know that the situation is probably not what it seems.
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What I also like about this scene is that Aziraphale takes the time to introduce Crowley. And to a stranger, the way he does it leaves no doubt that their relationship is special, both in what he says and in his whole demeanor (the tone of his voice, his immediately more relaxed expression, the way he looks at Crowley).
And I love Crowley's proud little smile when he addresses Nina. 
And I'm probably extrapolating, but the way I feel with Crowley's smile is, "See, the naked guy friend doesn't have a name, but I do. I'm the most important person in his life."
We know why Aziraphale didn't dwell on the naked man friend's identity, but Crowley didn't.
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I like the fact that since Crowley has sensed that something is wrong and pieced together the few elements he has, he moves closer to Aziraphale as if to create a more intimate or safe space for Aziraphale to express himself.
And even more, there's the way he asks his questions, the tone of his voice, there's no accusation. It gives such a feeling of protectiveness.
Once again, I'm sleep-deprived, so I'll leave you with my nocturnal ramblings...
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wearecrowley · 9 months
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You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell
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gallwithapall · 11 months
"You're a dark horse Mr Fell"
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dazeddoodles · 6 months
I was wondering, do you have any headcannons on the BATTs?(Derwin/Katya/Amber)
They’re my favorite characters and yet they don’t really say anything and they look dumb but I love them
I headcanon they're all in their early 20's and Amber is the youngest
They're all former students of Raine which is how they became part of their crew in the first place.
Katya immediately started shipping Raeda after seeing their first interaction when reuniting in Eda's Requiem, and could tell there's history there 👀
Before that Katya kinda saw Raine as a Prudish Proffesor (Raine presents themselves a certain way around the BATTs) so when she found out Raine and Eda have history, she was thinking "Woah the OWL LADY? There's more to you than I thought Raine 😏"
(This is SO specific but if you've ever watched Good Omens, Nina's line in this scene, "You're a dark horse Mr Fell 😏". Is the same vibe I'm thinking of)
Amber thinks Katya's a weirdo for doing that. Both her and Katya got the feeling that Eda was Raine's ex. But unlike Katya, Amber immediately assumed Eda was the one to break Raine's heart. I mean this IS the infamous Owl Lady after all, who's constantly dating around 🤨
Amber sees Raine as like a pure, wholesome, parental figure, who can do no wrong in her eyes. (Again, Raine presents themselves a certain way around the BATTs). So she's protective of Raine and was originally suspicious of Eda
After she got to know Eda though she started shipping Raeda alongside Katya too. Derwin has no one idea the girlies are shipping them. He didn't even assume Eda and Raine had romantic history (he was asleep when they were flirting)
Derwin genuinely looks up to Raine as a mentor and admires their professionalism (Raine presents themselves a certain way yada yada)
Amber and Katya are more chotic while Derwin is the more calm straight man of the group
Katya's always trying (forcing) to get Raine to go out their comfort zone, like when she made them read that corny speech. (If not for Eda she probably would have tried to convince them to join a dating app to "find some hot milfs in their area")
Meanwhile Raine just hypes up any attempts Raine makes, like when she was encouraging them during their speech.
Amber is that one girl that's really into cute core stuff like Sanrio that's actually super scary in real life. She's like Abby from Turning Red.
They have a BATTs group chat. Raine initially agreed to it to send messages for any missions, but the BATTs end up using it to have regular conversations and send memes that Raine doesn't understand
Sometime Raine unintentionally becomes that one teacher talks to much about their personal life. But the the BATTs are genuinely invested.
Katya specifically is always trying to get more info on their life out them. Asking seemingly innocent questions about Raine's past relationships that gets Raine to go on rants before realizing and getting embarrassed.
Despite joining to be apart of a rebellion, the BATTs end up seeing each other as family. Much to Raine's guilt knowing the risk of what could happen to any of them.
The BATTs stay friends after Belos is defeated and they become friends with Steve as well
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clar-a-m · 9 months
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Here's a bunch of sketches for an imodna zookeeper au i've had in mind for a while
WARNING please don't get mad at me about made up bug facts, those spiders have legs coming out of their butts for god's sake
If you're curious about more details about this au i'm putting them under the cut!
Most of the gang works at Mr. Eshteross’ zoo. Modern AU but does not take place on Earth, it’s Exandria but not really.
Magic is very limited and very rare. Most people don’t ever have any interaction with magic their entire lives and there’s not much knowledge about it in general, so there’s a lot of superstition about it.
All the different races exist as normal.
The real magic about this place is that there’s reliable and affordable public transport, and it’s a very walkable place, lots of people go around on bicycles and stuff. Using this AU to fulfill my dreams. (Imogen bikes to work!!)
The zoo is about to open a new exhibition about bugs, arachnids & maybe other creepy stuff. Laudna is hired to be in charge of this new branch of the zoo, and Imogen is assigned to help her put it all together and introduce her to the rest of the zoo. Their relationship develops and they KISS at some point (!!!)
They were both outcasts and very lonely because of their powers, and through each other begin to be more open and appreciate life a bit more.
Lots of fluff and good vibes!! Cute scenes with cute animals!! Not a whole lot of angst!! Maybe a bit sexy!! Why not!!
Imogen: has been working at the zoo for 2 years. Loves working with the animals and appreciates the fact that she doesn’t have to deal with too many people at a time.
Grew up working in her father’s farm, raising horses and other farm animals. Fell in love with it and decided to pursue it as a career.
Is an Animal Trainer, in charge of mostly mammals at the zoo. Keeps the enclosures clean, feeds the animals and trains them so it’s easier to do health checkups and such when needed. Also in charge of monitoring their health (brushing their teeth, weigh-ins, etc.)
Still has her powers, but more limited:
Lightning scars
Telepathy (still has to block out people’s thoughts)
Dancing lights
Shocking grasp (can get as powerful as a stun gun)
*Still has bad dreams but nothing too special about it.
Is in charge of helping Laudna, the newcomer, develop the new bugs & other creepy things exhibition.  
Despite having been working at the zoo for a long time, is not very close with the rest of Bells Hells. They’re nice and she likes them but she’s a bit too hesitant to get close to people because of her powers (her backstory is about the same as canon). She begins to feel more comfortable getting closer to them after spending time with Laudna.
Only exception is Fearne. She’s very curious about Imogen and very insistent, so they end up being besties.
Laudna’s thoughts are like music and all that. Imogen finally meets someone who’s like her, and who’s even had a harder time than her but still is so full of joy. Imogen can’t help but want to know more about her, she wants to cherish the spark the she sees in Laudna.  
Sees Eshteross as a bit of a father figure. (maybe he helped her settle in after moving to Jrusar??)
Laudna: got hired at the zoo as the creepy things specialist, also just moved into the city.
Is used to moving around a lot, spent a lot of time living in the woods. Loved to pay close attention to what the little creatures where doing.
Formally graduated recently but has been taking notes in the field for a very long time (at least a decade?)
Still is undead and has some magic:
Looks half dead, has elongated limbs and fingers, black ichor, etc.
Fragile body but can easily pop back into place
Dark vision
Unsettling presence
Can siphon the energy of living things (could make a person pass out, or just make things colder)
Pâté is her actual pet rat, he has a condition that makes him look half dead too.
Very reluctant to make friends (has only really had imaginary ones until now). Expects everyone to just be scared of her and drive her away like they always do, but Imogen is a kindred spirit and helps her feel comfortable enough to open up.
As time moves on, gets close to Ashton and Fearne before getting close to the rest of BH?
Fearne: she and Mister are from the Feywild but no one really believes that, the Feywild is just folklore to most people. BH are not sure if they believe her or not because she is like that but she also likes to just make shit up on occasion.
Has an Only Fans
The zoo offered to take Mister in because no place would allow Fearne to raise a flaming monkey that could commit arson at any time, in exchange, Fearne can come to the zoo whenever she likes with no charge, and is allowed to bring a couple of people with her if she wants.
Comes to the zoo every day to spend time with Mister and loves hanging out with BH
Since she helps take care of Mister, she is allowed in some of the staff only spaces
There are rumors that she sometimes shapeshifts into an animal and sneaks into their enclosures, but that can’t be true right? One of the animal handlers is sure they saw an extra quokka one time but they were all cuddling together while sleeping so they must have been mistaken right?
Likes to chat with Imogen whenever she can find her. If Fearne sees Imogen working inside of one of the enclosures, she stares at her intently from the other side of it until Imogen makes a mental connection with her. They can talk mentally while Imogen works.
Imogen thinks it’s a bit awkward at first, but appreciates the company during boring tasks like cleaning empty enclosures. From the perspective of other visitors, it’s just this beautiful & weird lady watching one of the employees working alone in an empty enclosure for a long time.
Fearne tells Laudna about this at some point and Laudna occasionally watches Imogen work from a distance hoping she makes a mental connection with her as well (Laudna gets startled the first time Imogen talks into her mind like this because she wasn’t expecting she was really gonna do it. Imogen thinks she is very cute)
Gets invested in Imogen’s and Laudna’s relationship. Wingmans but tries not to push them too hard.
Sees the similarities between the two of them and hopes they can make each other less lonely.
Eshteross: owner of the zoo. Worked for the in-universe equivalent of the IBAMA (the Brazilian institute, look it up I guess) for years, fighting against illegal deforestation and animal trafficking. Opened the zoo with the inherited money of Mistress Prudaj, with the goal of educating people about wildlife, helping rescued animals and reintroducing them into the wild when possible.
Evelyn is his right-hand person and second in command at the zoo.  Worked with him during his last few years at the Nature Protection Institute Place. After he retired, Eshteross invited her to come make the zoo a reality.
Is very particular about the people he hires to work at the zoo. He has seen a lot of cruelty during his time at the Nature Protection Institute Place, so he only hires people he really trusts, people who he knows love the animals very deeply. 
Chetney: the zoo’s handy man. Is in charge of fixing, building and breaking things down. Makes lots of wooden things for the animals.
FCG: zoo’s veterinarian & rehab specialist.
Ashton & Orym: part of the zoo’s security team
anyway that's it. i'm not gonna write a fic about this or anything, i'm not a writer, but it was super fun to come up with all of these! If you like any of this feel free to do whatever with it i guess?
thanks for reading!
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 13 days
Yes please writte this historical Au cause you'r writing is already amazing but medival enemys to lovers for Susie and Demarco would be a real gift to us .Lots of Love and a Happy week to you
Thank you so much anon - and extra thanks to everyone else who's messaged me about this AU! <3 hope you enjoy!!
@xxluckystrike @p-polaroid
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wars of the roses au -> susie lamb x bernard demarco
The carriage swayed uncomfortably from side to side against the uneven road below, the only sound the constant rattle of wheels and braying of horses as the boy and his father approached their destination. Bernard DeMarco slouched in his seat, staring back at the elder man across from him, a sour frown contorting his expression.
"Stop sulking like a child and sit up straight," His father snapped, tearing his unimpressed gaze away from the window. "It's bad enough we have to grovel to these people, do not arrive looking a fool."
Bernard rolled his eyes. "I still do not understand this. My brothers married Ladies - you are an Earl. And who is she? Her father had no title - her brother may be a Baron now, but he was not born one. Why have I had to fall so far?"
"Your brothers may have married Ladies, but their families are now outcasts from the court of our new King Henry. We need influence and new alliances, and her sisters have married well - this will connect us to the right people, son."
Suppressing a sigh, he leant sideways against the inside of the carriage, staring out at the red-brick chimney pots and they pulled into the courtyard of the Lamb family's home, the walls encircling him like a prison. As the carriage rolled to a halt, he and his father stepped outside, the fresh country air a balm after so many hours inside the wooden box. At the door, an older woman awaited, closer in age to his father, skin pinched at the corners of her eyes, dark hair pulled tightly back beneath her cap. "Welcome, my Lord. My son is waiting for you inside."
Watching as his father fell in step with the woman - whom he assumed would soon be his own mother once this business was over - Bernard trailed closely behind, taking in his surroundings as they filed through the corridors towards the house's main hall. The place was plainer than he was used to, although not entirely without its charm. As they crossed the entryway, a girl appeared at the top of the stairs, staring down at them, warm brown curls framing her face, a pink flush tinting her cheeks as she sent him a sweet smile. Although not the most handsome girl he had seen, she was certainly pleasant.
"Father?" He called as Mrs Lamb disappeared in search of her children. "Who's that, up there?"
Following his gaze, his father nodded. "Eleanor. The youngest sister."
He was sure his disappointment was visible. "Can't I marry that one instead? She seems agreeable."
"Hm, the King thought so too. Which is why she is already betrothed to the Earl of Leicester's son."
"So I am truly to take the scraps?"
"Unfortunately," A voice echoed from the other end of the hall. Bernard and his father turned simultaneously, peering at the woman as she approached, loose, auburn locks bouncing over her shoulders with each movement, footsteps echoing against the polished wooden floor. She eyed him closely, with the scrutiny of a fox assessing its prey, and he felt sweat begin to bead at his brow.
"Ah! Susannah!" Her mother exclaimed, a younger man at her shoulder as she returned, his gaze skittish, never meeting the eye. But there was a distinct resemblance between the two, and he found himself suppressing a snort as he realised the man must have been the Baron. "Wonderful. My Lord, if we may talk in the drawing room? We can leave these two to make their introductions."
In that moment, Bernard wanted nothing less than to be left alone with this woman. Nevertheless, his father had soon vanished, and the pair stood silently at the base of the stairs as he tried not to flinch under her gaze, so penetrating it was as if she could see straight through his clothes and flesh all the way to his very bones. Eleanor let out a giggle from upstairs, and soon she too was gone.
"So," Susannah Lamb began. "You truly are desperate."
A prick of indignation stabbed at his chest, pushing his shoulders back to tower above her even more than he already did. Her lips were pursed in a thin smirk as she waited for his reply, and he realised that - as irritable as her expression was - her face was far from unappealing to him. If anything, at least their children might appear personable.
"Madam, I am doing you a favour with this match," He grimaced.
"Oh, certainly. But it humiliates you to do it - to marry so below your birthright, all because your father chose the wrong side."
"It's surely telling that no one on your own side would take you as a wife - although I can't confess to being surprised."
At this, she began to laugh, and Bernard bit at the inside of his cheek so hard that he almost drew blood. He certainly hadn't intended for such a reaction, and worse still was the melodious warmth with which she did it. It was a laugh that, in itself, he could have surely come to love. That it came from Susannah was... confusing.
With a final dry chuckle, she finally spoke. "Well, you have confirmed my every expectation, Sir." Susannah nodded, still smiling.
He scoffed. "And you're pleased by that?"
"Oh absolutely. If you'd been agreeable I would've found you so much harder to dislike."
"You're very resolved to dislike me, aren't you?"
"Well, it certainly makes my life easier," She shrugged, her skirts rustling as she turned on her heel and began to walk away, the rhythmic drum of footsteps parting the tense quiet. Bernard watched on for a moment before letting out an irritated huff as he began to pursue. Up ahead, her dress swayed side to side with each step, all at once infuriating and disgustingly hypnotic.
"In what way?" He yelled.
"There's no expectation that I see you beyond what is strictly necessary," Susannah called over her shoulder, the sunlight through a passing window casting shadows across her profile. She had just made it around the next corner when he caught up, seizing her wrist and tugging her to a halt. Expression contorted in distaste, she yanked her arm sharply from his grip, yet made no effort to flee. "Until the very moment we are wed, you do not touch me."
"Do you truly think I want to marry you?" He sneered.
"Do you truly think I care what you want?" She shot back, mimicking his own tone in a way that made his blood boil.
"My brothers wed Ladies-"
"And I'm sure they were very pleased with themselves at the time."
With his jaw clenched so tightly he feared his teeth may shatter, Bernard searched desperately for some scrap of wit he could hurl back in her face, only for his mind to come up devastatingly empty. It wasn't until the pair had fallen silent that he realised quite how close they'd become. With each insult, they had inched forward to better spit their venom, but all it seemed to mean now was that there was barely a gap between them, their breath fanning each other's cheeks, heads tilted towards one another, lips mere inches apart. Susannah's expression was cold, unyielding, and it seemed to take her a moment to realise this herself. Suddenly clearing her throat, she took a decisive step back, and the air around him seemed to clear, suddenly absent of warmth.
"Bernard!" His father's voice echoed from somewhere back down the hall.
"Off you go," She whispered, that ever-present tone of mockery still lining her voice. "He's tugging your leash, pup."
Taking a step back towards his father, Bernard took one last scornful glance at the woman, a beam of sunlight streaking through the window and lighting her hair a fiery orange.
"Milady," He bit, turning his back on her as he returned to his father, who stood waiting for him at the base of the stairs, brow raised in question. At the sight of his son's dour frown, he nodded, seemingly entirely unsurprised.
Susannah's mother uttered her thanks, and they were out the door almost as swiftly as they had come, the gravel in the courtyard crunching noisily beneath their feet as they returned to their carriage. Swinging the door open, Bernard's father climbed in first, looking back at his son once he'd taken his seat.
"So? What do you think of her, then?"
Turning his head, he took one last look at the house. Movement in one of the upstairs windows caught his eye, and he glanced up as Susannah took a seat upon the sill, attention so captured by the book in her hands that she never spared a glance for the man who was to be her husband. When peaceful, she appeared an entirely different woman. With a huff, he clambered inside, sitting down opposite his father.
"I think we'll make each other miserable."
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fellthemarvelous · 8 months
Good Omens always on my mind
Mostly I'm creating this to keep track of the posts I create about Good Omens. My views of different things are going to change over time the more I pay attention to other aspects and listen to what other people are saying.
Good Omens Meta Index:
Morality in The Resurrectionists (my favorite minisode)
Invisible scars of religious trauma
What it's like to fall (more religious trauma)
Aziraphale has lost Crowley before
Who is that?!?!
The good news
Aziraphale's angelic offer
Aziraphale's moral imperative
Nina Simone vinyl
Surrender the angle
"I forgive you."
Goldstone's (the magic shop) (puppet display)
Aziraphale and Jesus' teachings
Aziraphale's relationship with Maggie
Let's talk about forgiveness
Aziraphale's talk with the Metatron
Aziraphale's gun
Shaun of the Dead parallels
Staged/Good Omens parallels (more)
Whickber Street for Lost Souls?
Aziraphale my love
Comic Book Clues
Saraqael Theory
Guardian of Humanity
Maggie's Record Shop (two, three)
Aziraphale's moment in Hell
Defending Aziraphale
Hell's Offer to Crowley
Aziraphale using stronger instead of closer
Whickber Street and beyond (I have so many questions)
Crowley Duke of Hell?
Statue of Gabriel
What is The Metatron Up To?
Things that amuse me...
You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell.
Crowley's way of saying "I love you"
Aziraphale never said yes either
Something about the coffee
Other fandoms Star Wars Doctor Who Staged
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vidavalor · 16 days
Hello & welcome! You'll find my masterlist & snacks in here...
Hello, gentle readers, and welcome to my Tumblr thing. I write meta analyzing Good Omens with a special emphasis on its use of language. On this blog, we've also been decoding Crowley & Aziraphale's etymology-based hidden language, which we've dubbed Ineffable Husbands Speak, for a little while now. You'll find a compendium of posts related to that, as well as other theories and analysis, below the cut.
In this post, you'll find my meta masterlist. You can go to my original welcome post here to read more about the content of my blog. This post contains links to meta on language and characters. You can find story analysis meta here, theories here, and silly stuff over here. 💕
Meta on Ineffable Husbands Speak & Overall Use of Language in Good Omens
Crepes: Introduction to Crowley & Aziraphale's hidden language & an analysis of the 2008 minisode in 1.01 & how it shows the nature of their relationship
Fish: A deep dive into what the deal is with all the fish references and what the show seems to be suggesting about how sushi, Camelot, Rome and The Bullet Catch can tell us about how Crowley & Aziraphale first became lovers
Crowley and Plosives: Why Crowley pops consonants & what it has to do with his hiss
Non-Frozen Peas: First of two metas about Aziraphale's French in S2
Canapes: Homophony and what Aziraphale's French in S2 has to do linguistically with Vavooming and Crowley's couch in the bookshop
Bread: Ella Fitzgerald, Jesus and blasphemous innuendo
Tip Top, Thank You and Tickety Boo
The Yiddish in The Blitz, Part 2 & "No Nightingales"
Crowley calling Aziraphale "baby" in 1.01
The etymology of Aziraphale's name
Jiggery Pokery
Odegra & The Language of The Dark Priesthood of Ancient Mu
Grice: On the language in Muriel's notes
On the language jokes relating to sushi, pigs, and hat stands
Alpha Centauri
The romantic implications of the improper use of apostrophes
The OK sign's historical ties to Vavooming
"Wily and "Thwart"
"Bored" and "Board" and "Wrath" and "Wroth"
"Suspishous Ears"
Crowley's barely-coded "I love you" to Aziraphale in the Muriel scene
On use of "friend" in Ineffable Husbands Speak
On horses, The Arrangement and the innuendo in the 1601 scene
The hand flick that means 'couple'
The rubber duck
Vol-au-vents and nightingales
"Constitution of an ox"
On Aziraphale's magic words and why the antagonists are called the redundant-sounding Nazi Zombie Flesheaters
Aziraphale doing Bildad hands in Rome
"Quite sure"
Requested examples of references to Crowley by Aziraphale using language with feminine connotations
To "explode" a theory
"Put on the cuffs... I'll come quietly."
Flaming Sord
"Comes of putting it up your sleeve."
"The Amazing Mr. Fell"
Sleight of hand
Aziraphale petting Crowley's arm in 1827
Getting into a scrape
"Perfect" and "gorgeous"
Aziraphale booping Crowley's nose with the magic coin in S1
The Blitz, The B-Side and Baraqiel
"Perfectly safe"
The Arch Arch-Traitors, Err, Traitors Association
"Toss you for Edinburgh", salads, and wordplay around rings
"Come for me"
On 'The Maltese Falcon' & coded language
"Angel's Food Cake"
"You say 'potato' and I say 'eggcellent'..."
Aziraphale's hands are magic
"Help could come from an unexpected quarter"
"Will you get into trouble?"
"I opened the door for you."
"My dear fellow"/Mr. Fell
On "Anthony" and Aziraphale getting used to it
On Professor Rossignol, nightingales, skeleton keys, references to the ancient Egyptian god Ra and the wordplay around freemasonry.
"Nice dress. Suits you."
Muriel and 'My Fair Lady'
Character Analysis Meta
If you're about to ask how Crowley & Aziraphale could already be together & your rationale for why they aren't is the 2.06 kiss, you should read this post
A short look at one of the reasons why Aziraphale keeps a journal
Aziraphale always open the bookshop door for Crowley
How 1827 explains why & how Aziraphale stopped changing his look
Crowley's smudged lipstick & walk in 1941
On Aziraphale in the 1967 scene and the Holy Water arc
Some thoughts on what The Serpent & the food kink suggests
A short look at Gabriel and Crowley parallels
In defense of Gabriel and on S2 highlighting his and Aziraphale's quiet depression
Shax, Crowley and the Hot Water Boiler metaphor
More on Shax's pash on Crowley & Crowley's big reputation
Mr. Brown of Brown's World of Carpets' pash on Aziraphale
Gabriel's use of 1950s-era American slang in S2
The Original, Original Sin Theory: What "I Forgive You" really means
Gabriel spending an episode in a blanket (this is not a deep analysis lol)
On how Maggie & Nina contrast with Crowley & Aziraphale
On the dessert choices during the body swap
Crowley using the evidence envelope as a frame
On Crowley & Aziraphale's paralleling scenes on buses in S1
On praise kink
Mrs. Sandwich's ball outfit & Before the Beginning
Aziraphale lying to Crowley about how he did the magic trick in 1941
"I don't think you understand what I'm offering you."
Tantric Eye Gazing
The Ineffable Husbands-ness of Gabriel's bookseller outfit
Suggestions in the story that Aziraphale & Crowley are using knowledge of The Proust Effect to try to minimize the risk of memory loss to Aziraphale
These posts contain discussion of SA:
Satan's attacks on Crowley and Crowley's PTSD
Lindsay doesn't just parallel Heaven but also Lucifer
Crowley, Lucifer & Mrs. Sandwich
Crowley, Aziraphale, possession and opera
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demon-in-the-details · 9 months
"You remember Jane Austen?"
"Yeah, I'm not going to forget her in a hurry, am I? The brains behind the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery. Brandy smuggler. Master spy. What a piece of work."
"She wrote books. Novels."
"Jane? Austen?"
"Whoa, bit of a dark horse. Novels eh?"
"You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell"
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throne-of-nebulae · 10 months
"You're a dark horse Mr Fell" from Nina
The horse statue Crowley throws his glasses on
The book of chess Jim keeps dropping
Did I miss one
I need sleep
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mimisempai · 11 months
Something special
Nina had seen many things in her life. But what was between Mr. Fell and his red-haired companion was something special.
For @frog-person -  Ineffable Husbands 
Prompt : why is your stupid face just so kissable?
On AO3
Rating G -  1081 words
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"How is your naked man friend?"
Nina almost had to stop herself from laughing when she saw the reaction of the two men who each froze in the same way.
Mr. Fell was clearly shocked and the other man too, but in a much more aggressive way and that... that was very interesting.
"He's not,"
Mr. Fell started to justify himself to her, but Nina was sharp enough to see that he wasn't trying to convince her at all but the other man. 
Making comical faces, he turned to his companion and continued, "He's not my..."
He paused and Nina's gaze shifted to the red-haired man who was staring at Mr. Fell in an absolutely hilarious manner. A raised eyebrow and the picture of jealousy.
Nina could almost hear what he was thinking.
Mr. Fell continued to babble his justifications, looking at her again, then back at the other man and, lowering his voice slightly, he finished, "Well, he's certainly not naked anymore.
The urge to tease Mr. Fell's companion was so strong that Nina couldn't resist and added, "You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell."
The bookseller didn't know where to stand now, and Nina turned to the red-haired man, "Are you a bookseller too?"
The man shook his head and immediately replied, "Not even at gunpoint."
"This is... Hum Crowley."
Oh, Mr. Fell introduced her to his companion, although she still didn't know the name of the naked man who lived with him.
Mr. Fell went on, "He and I... go back a long, long time."
Nina thought that one would have to be blind not to see that there was something special between them.
Mr. Fell's expression and the smile that Crowley couldn't hide spoke volumes.
The red-haired man smiled, then said gently, "Charmed," and Nina noticed how his expression had softened, and that certainly wasn't for her. She smiled gently before heading to the counter to get their order. She couldn't help but watch them from a distance, for there was something... endearing about them.
Between Mr. Fell's little facial expressions and the other man's waving of his long arms.
As she approached with her tray, Mr. Fell gently placed his hand on the red-haired man's forearm, which calmed him immediately.
Nina placed the order and exchanged a few words before walking away, now feeling truly out of place.
The two men continued their conversation in a calmer manner, but suddenly the demon stood up angrily and headed for the door.
Mr. Fell got up too, smiled apologetically at her from a distance, put the money on the table, and walked after the other man.
Oh no, he looked so distressed.
Nina hesitated to follow.
As a barista, she'd seen a lot of people, a lot of fates, a lot of couples, but Mr. Fell had touched her in a special way, he was one of those people you wanted to protect.
Nina went to the door, but when she was outside she didn't see her. 
"Why are you angry, Crowley?"
Nina made her way to the alley adjacent to the cafe where the voices seemed to be coming from.
She caught a glimpse of them, then watched them through the rearview mirror of a car parked nearby.
"Really, Angel? Why? I agreed to let Gabriel live with you. I agreed to help him even though he's not OUR friend. It pisses me off, but I agreed, and now I find out he was naked?"
"So what? I've already seen you naked!" exclaimed Mr. Fell as he approached the red-haired man.
Ohhh this was getting interesting. She'd been right, there was definitely something special between them.
Crowley replied, "You're driving me crazy, you know that's not the same thing."
Mr. Fell moved a little closer and gently placed his hand on the other man's, as if trying to coax him, before saying softly, "Crowley, my dear, you can't possibly think I care."
Crowley looked away and replied, "Well, I don't know, after all, he's the one living in your house, angel!"
Oh, Angel, now that was adorable. Tp be honnest, it was true, upon closer inspection, that there was something angelic about Mr. Fell.
Mr. Fell had now placed his hand on Crowley's cheek and Nina wondered if she should stay there. The problem was that she could hardly leave now without being noticed.
"Crowley, dear, please look at me."
The red-haired man finally turned his eyes to Mr. Fell and Nina had to stop herself from laughing when she saw his pouting face in the rearview mirror.
Mr. Fell stood on tiptoe and drew the other man's face up to his own. This time Nina looked away but couldn't help but overhear.
There was a moment of silence, then the red-haired man's drawling voice could be heard, "Why are you kissing me all of a sudden, angel?"
"Well ask me why is your stupid face just so kissable?"
So Mr. Fell was able to hold his own. Nina thought it was getting more and more interesting.
She dared to look up and saw that Mr. Fell was tenderly caressing the other man's face. The scene was so sweet and intimate that even Nina, who had seen a lot, felt flustered.
"Yes, you're stupid. I feel sorry for Gabriel. That's all. Nothing more. No need for his approval. No need for his friendship."
Crowley pouted again and replied, "I still don't like it."
Mr. Fell chuckled softly, "I know that, my dear, but just think, the sooner we help him, the sooner he'll be gone."
Crowley replied, "I doubt it, knowing our propensity for getting into trouble."
Mr. Fell planted a light kiss on Crowley's lips and his hand slid down his arm, catching his hand and intertwining their fingers.
There really was something special between them, Nina thought, something she'd never seen before.
She slowly stepped aside as they began to walk toward the corner where she was standing, and she heard them again.
"Come on Crowley, let's go home, huh?"
"Home? But it's not my home-"
"It can be."
"What? Angel? Angel? What did you say?"
Nina turned and watched them walk away, holding hands as they bickered.
She couldn't help but chuckle a little.
They really were a couple of idiots in love.
She hoped they'd be back soon to entertain her. There was something refreshing about seeing such a love blossom.
For that was what she had seen between these two men.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Ineffable Husbands masterlist : here
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mandofury · 10 months
All Rights Reserved | Ineffable Husbands
Season 2 scene rewrite
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"How's your naked man friend?"
Those 5 words stopped Aziraphale cold in his tracks, no words could be formed to respond and the look on Crowley's face didn't help much either.
Crowley was seething at the words, any background noise from the coffee shop faded away. Only Aziraphale was his main focus as he waited for his angel's explanation.
"He's not.. He's not my.." Aziraphale stubbled over his words. "Well he certainly isn't naked anymore." He rushed out, looking embarrassed.
Crowley dangerously narrowed his eyes at the words as something dark took hold of him.
"You're a dark horse, Mr. Fell." Nina said with a smile before walking away to get their orders ready.
Silence overtook their table until Crowley broke it with heated words.
"Angel, this naked man friend of yours. He's the reason why we're not at your bookshop?"
"Ah yes but it's all quite complicated." The angel said, picking up on his demon's dark change.
"Then uncomplicate them." Crowley hissed out as he leaned forward over the table to get into his angel's personal space.
Aziraphale's eyes widened at the action, momentarily stunned until he could find his voice again.
"Crowley, calm down."
The only answering sound was a low growl before Crowley grabbed Aziraphale by the front of his jacket and pulled them close together.
"Hush Angel." The demon said, with a finale tone in his voice. "It's my turn to speak."
All Aziraphale could do was swallow thickly as he waited for Crowley to continue.
"After all this time that we've spent together. Over these past 6,000 years, you've been mine."
Aziraphale made to respond in reassurance that he's known this but he stays quiet as pur his demon's request.
"And now you have the audacity to have some naked man over and keep him at the bookshop. So do enlighten why that is." Crowley finished with pure venom.
The redhead kept a tight hold on the angel's jacket, this time awaiting a reply.
Aziraphale took a steadying breath before replying.
"It's not what you think. The 'not' naked man in question is in danger and I need your help to keep him safe." The angel slightly pleaded.
Crowley's anger spiked even further until Aziraphale's next words eased the darkness that was forming.
"I can also reassure you that nothing happened between him and I. Crowley my dear, I know that I am yours and you're just as mine. I would never do anything to hurt you, my sweet." The angel finished with a soft smile.
The redhead's heart swelled at his angel's words. Perhaps Crowley let his demoness get the better of him but no one could really blame him. His angel, his Aziraphale is everything to him. If anyone threatened that, he surely would bring them hell on earth.
Only smiling back in understanding Crowley let go of Aziraphale's jacket and sat back down in his chair.
By then Nina had returned to give them their respective drinks and sweets. Crowley quickly downed his 6 shots of expresso and set his cup back down. Now it was time to help his angel.
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paperbunny · 9 months
S2, E1: The Arrival, Pt. 2
Not a meta, just a tribute.
[Starting at 22:22] Ep 1, Pt. 1
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is perfect and I am so happy that everyone instantly loved her.
(General Omens) The matchbox says "Out of his mouth go burning lamps and sparks of fire leap out." Job 41:19 This is interesting because it doesn't seem like it applies to Gabe or Jim, unless the sparks are the prophesies that he says, which seems redundant since those were pretty clearly prophetic and don't need any extra hints. Crowley as Aziraphale did shoot flames from his mouth, though. The extended passage is all about the Leviathan which could be a reference to Crowley the Serpent but I hope it's a more interesting forewarning of Guardian!Aziraphale when he gets to work upstairs. It could just as easily be a warning about the power of God as wielded by the Metatron though. Important but not clear to me where to point it.
(General Omens) The coffee cup on the wall of the shop outside (above the outdoor seats, near the "or") has orange flame-like whisps instead of white or light grey that one would expect to signify steam. Ominous coffee business. The coffee shop is blue whilst the record shop is orange. Opposing colors.
(Nina the Mirror) Interesting that the coffee shop is called Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death, considering the lack of liberty Nina clearly has in her personal life. Nina and Aziraphale both taking up for others whilst trapped themselves. Sure, Az is technically unemployed, but he's certainly not free.
(General Omens) Not sure if there will be more to the story about the coffee shop being essentially USA-themed, such as a Greasy Johnson tie-in, but for now it just seems like another little UK joke about things getting set in the US or otherwise America-coded for the sake of mass marketing.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) He wants Crowley to be calm, he wants himself to be calm. He's also not familiar with the effects of espresso. And neither he nor Crowley are acting like it's at all unusual to be hanging out together, though they've not been together in this shop it seems. Eccles cakes? *pointed look at Crowley* Some eccles cakes please. He's just as nervous to show Crowley as he is about the problem itself, but not telling Crowley isn't even on the table. Because Crowley is there allll the timmmeeee and is an integral part of his world, too, of course.
(Nina The Shit Stirrer) How's your naked man friend? NINA. You know that this little book man has never brought this slinky goth fellow into your shop and you have no idea what their business is. But you just HAD to mention the naked man in front of Aziraphale's man-shaped friend. And she was so happy to do it. Has she seen the Bentley and Crowley coming and going? How much does she suspect? Is she poking that situation because of the volatility of her own?
(General Omens) "You're a dark horse Mr. Fell" First Dark Horse mentioned, of at least three.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) Immediate embarassment! Where was that embarrassment when it was the WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD? But no, in front of Crowley suddenly you're shy.
(Domestic Moments) The tone of "go back a long time" is so sweet. They really aren't trying to hide much at this point, despite aggressively refusing to Address The Situation. And how nice that Crowley gets to be introduced. No "friends" no obfuscation. No labels, either, but there's a real tide change even so. And Nina does a cute little curtsy-ish move in response. Maybe she has a sense about how long "a long time" could be.
(Crowley With A Purpose) He's so happy that he has actual news. Is he happy that there's something to do, or that something bad might be happening to Gabriel? Both? The IMMEDIATE interest in getting into the bookshop. I can't imagine that he thinks Aziraphale would be harboring a recreational naked man for sexy reasons, but he certainly isn't laughing about it either. He asks Aziraphale if he can help, and poor Az seems to have had whatever his plan for a soft launch of the problem was completely obliterated by Nina's bomb dropping. Also that coffee cup was SO EMPTY.
(Domestic Moments) Despite Az clearly getting his plan for easing Crowley into the problem messed up, they are off to the shop. Whole plate of eccles cakes in hand, and no "after you" needed at the door. This is a well oiled partnership opening doors and holding things as needed. Nina watches them steal her plate. Why is the closed sign stuck on with tape? It's like he's not even trying to pretend he is ever open.
(Maggie the Strange) She stops Mr. Fell to thank him, while he's clearly in a rush, and he tries to give her eccles cakes. No intro for Crowley this time. Was her purpose just to make sure we noticed the Eccles Cakes? Because we did. Everyone is upset that he just stole the whole plate. People need to slow down on the "not going to parties" and "not being that kind of teenager" meaning that she's some inhuman being, because some of us were also not that teenager. More talk of names. Maggie gives her a record because it's the same name, Nina hasn't accepted Maggie giving her name yet. She's still Skinny Latte.
(Aziraphale the Comfy) (Domestic Moments) Why are you closing all the blinds, sir? Jim!Gabe has been in here for awhile with the blinds open, so maybe it's more about the reaction of Crowley that's concerning? Crowley who has his own place for his glasses, who seems entirely at ease in the shop, and who says "Do we know a Jim?" we! I love that we. And the casual conversation. Go on and guess. I know a storm comes later, but we really did get so many soft, romantic moments.
(Heavenly Scandal) (Domestic Moments) So much of the Jim!Gabe is scandal but also tied up in the sweet domesticity. Crowley is pissed and scared but neither lashes out at the other in a real way. Aziraphale isn't scared of him, just worried about the whole mess. Jim!Gabe already trusts Az enough that he looks to make sure there's nothing wrong when Crowley first confronts him.
(Domestic Moments) The warm yellow-ochre walls. I thought people were exaggerating the yellow thread through the story but no. That's pretty intentional looking. I don't know if it's Az's favorite colour, but it certainly seems to be a color that makes him feel at home. Is there more than one room up here? Is this the room that Jim!Gabe ends up staying in? No bed up here it seems, though I don't know if our collective hearts could have handled A&C standing alone in a room near a bed. Az doesn't seem against the idea of getting rid of Jim!Gabe at first, just unsure of what to do. Crowley immediately is ready to dump him in Dartmoor. Az can't bring himself to not help. Would he go to Gabe to help him? Likely not. But once the person-shaped-being is in your care, is it your fault if harm comes to them?
(Husbands at War) This fight is well-trod soil. Neither seems legitimately angry at the other, but rather they fall immediately into defending their side in well-worn territory. Az wants to stay and help/fight/fix, Crowley wants to not make themselves a target/save their peace/refuse to get involved. There's strong arguments for both sides and we have our seeds of future conflict. Az tells him if he wants to leave he can, and that reaction from Crowley, "Is this how you want to do this?" as though this is one of a few versions that the argument takes.
(Bookshop Omens) The eccles cakes. Four of them. Next to a horse. Four horsemen? What are the cakes about!?
(Existential Crisis Crowley) His peaceful existence is at risk. He's so mad he's recognizing his own lack of control and tries to self-regulate. Did you learn that from a Richard Curtis film, Crowley? Or does Az have a self-help section?
(Nina the Observant) She sees Crowley smoking before the people on the street seem to. Everyone stops and watches though. There's no way that there isn't some kind of low grade miracle on this street that prevents these strange events from sticking in the brains of the passersby. Man smokes and yells and then is hit by lightning. Everyone watches and no one seems to retain it except Maggie and Nina. Also Nina I'm pretty sure those aren't auto locks. There's no sign of anything auto about the regular looking deadbolt.
(Heavenly Scandal) Why do I like Uriel so much? Michael does have the best claim to be Supreme Archangel Pro Tempore, as Duty Officer. I love the bureaucracy. It's great. Micheal is basically pulling a Dwight Schrute move. Saraquel is the one Muriel went to. Is Saraquel not an Archangel? Or are they just a more approachable one? It doesn't seem like they have a dog in the fight over who is the next SAAPT.
('Allo 'Allo 'Allo) Muriel is a scrivener, which immediately makes me think of Bartleby the Scrivener. I've been told that the job of scrivener comes up in games and stuff enough that it might not be a direct reference but it seems pretty pointed to me? Maybe it's just English Nerd Brain. The story tracks though, potentially, for where Muriel could be headed. From google, about the meaning of Bartleby: "...as the narrator is forced to admit, “Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance.” Refusing to kow-tow to the demands of his employer, and working to his own individual rule, Bartleby represents a challenge to capitalist, corporatist ideologies." Part of Bartleby's problem, from what I remember, is living in a place with no joy or interaction, and realizing that he can actually say no. Isn't that eerily similar to Muriel?
(Heavenly Scandal) Uriel looks at Micheal like, you want to be in charge so you get to touch the Material Object. Michael is not thrilled.
(Existential Crisis Crowley) He's sitting in that street, in his car, looking like the Saddest Boy-Shaped Husband. He's not having a good time, and now his little corner of peace is in high danger. He looks SO SAD. I didn't notice how sad he looked on previous watches. It's interesting to me that C always uses the honorific for Beeze. Lord Beelzebub. He also slides riiiiight into being cool and collected as soon as he realizes he's not actively in trouble. It's not a kidnapping, it's an offer. Watching him squirm immediately when he realizes this is about Gabriel is pretty fun. Crowley the suave, chill snake is just a flimsy cover for Crowley the clingy movie dork who uses affected disinterest as a defense mechanism. He's still one of Hell's best (ex)employees though. He's not suprised that Beeze wants to use his talents, but he is surprised that it's coming with an offer of a reward. "Doesn't seem like the kind of thing you're likely to say". Neither of them actually say anything solid. Hell is clearly better with contractual language.
(General Omens) Crowley says Extreme Sanctions don't exist. Beeze says they do. This remains to be seen.
(Nina The Mirror) More being mean to Maggie for no reason, then trying to make it up.
(Maggie The Strange) Maggie doesn't drink. That isn't weird. The "No Judgement" that feels awkward is a little strange. Especially since she waits til Nina is in the middle of a sip to say it.
(Maggie/Nina) They have a *moment*. It's a nice little conversation but doesn't seem very weighty. Not what you'd expect from a meet-cute.
(Husbands at War) I liked the use of Loverboy here. I seem to be in the minority. I hope it comes back again in S3, but I thought it was sweet. He's hauling ass to get back to his Angel. When it comes down to it, he's a good old fashioned loverboy. He always comes back.
(Eldritch Tendancies) I know things were a bit different in S1 but there seems to be NO concern about hiding from the human folk. Just explode on the street and then magically power-on the whole cafe. No big.
(Maggie The Strange) (Nina The Observant) Why doesn't Maggie seem to have the same level of awareness that Nina has? Also, one of Lindsay's texts says "I'm a real person. I Matter. Why don't you care about me?" Is someone not real? When the text is on the screen, the camera is on Maggie. [38:53]
(Domestic Moments) Aziraphale you petty bitch. He is just sitting in the chair waiting. Crowley sails in (does he have a key or did Az leave it unlocked for him?) and then suddenly Az puts on his glasses and starts pretending to look at his random papers. Our stage is set for the Dance of the Repressed and Afraid. This scene is so much funnier now that I've noticed that Az is clearly being a bitch on purpose. And that he is possibly delighted to have the chance to make Crowley do the dance, since Az clearly has done all the Dances lately.
(Husbands at War) The dance erases the tension and lets them move on without actually resolving the fight, but that's not really an issue here because Crowley has new intel. They immediately shift into planning and figuring things out. When it comes down to it they are both always on eachother's side. Az is nervous about doing a miracle, and it does sound like they've never done one together. Why they do it together this time isn't totally clear upfront but I guess it keeps the power used smaller on each side and shielding him from the other side helps prevent red flags being raised.
(Jim!Gabriel) He and Crowley don't like eachother, in this moment. Crowley is being "nice"-ish. But they make great faces at eachother.
(Husbands at War) Az suggests splitting the miracle and Crowley listens. Later we see Crowley not listen and steamroll Az. Unfortunately this isn't a great argument for listening to Az, since the teeny tiny miracle does NOT fly under the radar. There's a lot of wide angle or fisheye lens used here. And the chair Jim!Gabe is sitting in is on top of the portal. That might be a red herring, might not. Portal isn't active, but it could explain why alarms went off in heaven but not hell.
(Good For Me) I noticed the portal being under the chair. Also note that the rug is currently a general faded beige-y rug. Also Jim!Gabriel offers his hands crossed, left offered to Az and right to Crowley. They look distasteful (?) about it and awkwardly reach across to take the "correct" hand.
(Husbands At War) Crowley tests the waters, so to speak, and pokes at the air to feel the miracle. Az is happy that things seem to have worked. He reassures Jim!Gabriel and Crowley is still only in the fight to protect the Oasis, not Jim!Gabe.
(Heavenly Scandal) Michael seems to be ignoring the klaxon alarm on purpose? And Uriel is like, if you want to be Assistant To The Regional Manager, then you need to fix this. The miracle shows up as pink, and Saraquel is the one operating the globe thing. They refer to Aziraphale as a former angel, and there's no reference to Crowley. I really don't think that heaven or hell knows or understands much about the Az-Crowley situation. They clearly know there's something odd there, but I don't know what their impression of it is.
End Ep 1.
Ep 1, Pt. 1
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