#You gave me a list of reasons
sk3tch404 · 2 years
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5 Reasons why I would be a good girlfriend to Jayce
1 - I’m good at cooking
2- I can cosplay any character he likes
3- I’m short so he can have a headrest when he’s tired
4- I’m thic so if he needs a pillow my lap is the best for his head
5 - I’m affectionate so I can give him tones of cuddles and kisses
And that is it
But you can't give up your individuality and become nothing but his? Boooo get off the stage
Lol jk
1. Jayce is also good at cooking! In game, your kind of a unhealthy loner, but once he sees that you're actually great at culinary, he'll be astounded.
Although he's happy you're good at something nice, he is a tad disappointed. He can't leverage cooking above you as an excuse to keep you.
He may say sweet things like, "Wow, you're very talented sweetie. You know, maybe I should let you in the kitchen more often huh?"
But in his mind, he's thinking all sorts of bittersweet things.
"What a waste."
"I should paralyze her hand."
"A pity that is."
God he is just so jealous. It's one thing to be better than him as a human being, but to be better than him at the only things he's good at? That...
It just, pisses him off. Even if you're his one and only, that doesn't mean he never gets certain feelings about you.
Feelings none of you like.
2. You can cosplay any character? Maybe for Halloween, but that's all useless now. Yes he's seen your costumes, beautiful wigs, and amazing makeup looks on your phone (Yes he payed someone to hack through your phone whoop whoop surprise)
Jayce loves this other talent of yours, but he sees no use for this for him.
"I like it when you dress up, but here, I don't want you to. It's not like you're ever going to a con or anything."
This is just because he personally doesn't like to cosplay. Yes, I know, he loves Halloween, BUT you don't get free candy and crazy amounts of happy nostalgia.
Ugh disappointing ik but he's low-key a meanie
3. Hehehehehe Jayce LOVES that you're smaller than him. He teases you about it and definitely uses you as an arm rest lol
"Sorry, I don't know who's talking right now. I can't see them. If only we could talk face to face."
Sometimes, he slouches down, puts in face in the crook of your neck and hugs you from behind.
Just sway there and hold his arms as they're around your waist.
4. You're- You're thick you say...
As much as Jayce doesn't seem to care about looks, this just makes him flustered! You're letting him lay on you?! Your thighs to be exact?!
"Wait, r-really?! Don't say stupid things Y/n. I mean, you're probably still mad at me, so dont act all nonchalant."
A yandere acting like a tsundere, smh
If you really must insist with that sweet tone of yours, then he guesses he can let guard down this one time.
He'll be facing away from you though. Too embarrassed to look at you properly.
5. If you kiss him on your own free will, Jayce will be on cloud nine! Hugging and holding hands is a lot for him already, so kissing him will get put him into cardiac arrest.
"You- What are you- I- ah- STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT!"
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you... I'm not mad, I swear."
Jayce likes talking to you and saying sweet things to one another, but actually doing said things actually make him extremely nervous!
All in all, he's sort of an asshole when he feels like it, but can become vulnerable when your actions come into play
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fumblingmusings · 8 months
Absolutely obsessed this evening with the European nations trying to rank themselves in order of precedence as the Pope did in 1504 and imagining which nations in particular would have absolutely rankled at their placement and who was above them:
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Spain and France forever switching places in the 16th century depending on how fat the Habsburgs were at that moment, the argument of France being the eldest daughter of the church and yet unable to ever get a leg up on the Holy Roman Empire, and England arguing that they should be equal to Portugal were all rejected.
Became moot following the Reformation ofc, but even now, I bet some of them still get into stinking arguments about something as benign as who gets to enter a room first.
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ginjithewanderer · 10 months
A3! Home Screen Lines - Kazunari's Birthday 2023
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asexualbookbird · 10 days
I finally got a keyboard for my computer and YALL the creamy ness of this the SOUND the FEEL im in LOVE!! will finally be able to comfortably play video games lol yay
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assiraphales · 1 year
every friend group needs a bitch who will tell their friends to dump their partners at the slightest hint of a red flag
‘and you’re ok with that behavior? that they crossed boundaries you established without apologizing? do you not think this will cause problems in the future if you don’t address it now or ……?”
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ocpdzim · 5 months
tbh my advice to other disabled people is Don’t Be Afraid To Be An Asshole Sometimes. like not unprovoked but if people are bothering you. you may think “he probably doesn’t mean anything by it” and maybe you’re even right, but if you’re enough of a pain in the ass about it then people learn not to be ableist next time and it doesn’t actually hurt them any aside from momentarily feeling horribly awkward. grill ME on why i’m sitting down at an event where most people stand up and you get my whole medical history in painstaking detail loud enough for everyone nearby to hear our conversation. and the bonus of this is it flips an interaction that would otherwise be upsetting and embarrassing to you back around onto the dick who tried to make you feel that way. it’s your turn to feel like you’ve personally fucked up the vibe at the whole party now, dipshit
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gumioe · 7 days
I'm about to set asian activism back 20 years but tbh I don't mind when white people are a little too into asian stuff. like those koreaboos that say "omo!" and "jinjja?" and their twitter DNs are like their english names written in hangul. idk I think they're funny and endearing in a certain stupid little way. it's when they're on the other end of the spectrum and refuse to acknowledge the korean-ness of the korean things they like that I get pissed off.
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multongsisig · 12 days
uhm sorry for the silly question but you said elias is your top3 and ohara 6 and i wanted to know the whole list ._.
Man, I meant to answer this as soon as I saw it but then it got away from me. I took this ask as an opportunity to yap, but even I was like oh this got too long so here's the list itself, and I'll leave the explanations if you're interested in that under the cut. This is ranked mainly by how much brainrot they give me.
Reihe Family (Alice, Hermann)
1. Shuri I adore Shuri more than anyone else in the manhwa. Like do I even need to explain. She is such a strong multifaceted character, so full of love and kindness in spite of her heartbreakingly tragic history. I've seen people call her boring, but I really can't see it especially after the Jeremy trial in S1. This is a person who will sacrifice herself, completely forego her own happiness, for the sake of those she cares about. Yet this sacrificial tendency is also motivated by her fear of being abandoned, not simply from innate kindness. Characters like that I am always weak to and will always love.
2. Richelieu If you follow me I doubt this is surprising, he's so fun to me. He's a terrifying villain who's actually a real threat and challenge to the main characters. I like how his motivations are well established, so all his actions just make sense you. Religious villains aren't uncommon in rofan, but in my experience it's typically the [Good Church was secretly Evil mwahaha] trope you know? So I find him, a character with time given to actually expand on his POV, very refreshing, very alluring. Though, what initially drew me in was his being a narrative foil to Shuri, the parallels in the connection he perceives them to have with the "2nd life", the visual contrast constantly at play in their encounters to an almost genre bending degree… I go bonkers for shit like that between protagonists and antagonists. It's because of him that I picked up asm again in S2 and truly fell in love with the story. I'll keep it at that lest this gets too long.
3. Elias Elias… Elias my beloved problem child. He's kind of framed as being the more emotionally perceptive sibling, so the fact that most of his conflicts are internal ones bleeding out into bad decisions just makes me so 😩😩😩 His feelings of alienation and separation issues within his own family endears me to him, I'm very fond of black sheep characters He also hides all this with his friendly and comic relief demeanor which makes me love him more… the multiple arcs we had with Elias as a main figure solidified him to this position.
4. Jeremy Honestly the gap between him and Nora is so so small, but Jeremy makes me just a little bit more insane because of the tragic aspect of his character in his quiet love for Shuri that, thanks to their unfortunate circumstances, could never be, despite those very circumstances being what allowed him to grow such love for her. Aside from that, it's the usual obvious things people love about him, his protectiveness, sarcasm, kindness beneath the rbf, etc etc. It's always great to see him interact with other characters, especially Shuri or Nora.
5. Nora I don't have much to say that hasn't been said by others, he's a beloved and popular character for a reason. I grew to like him a lot more in S2, we got to see more sides of him and see how he's grown since S1, especially in his scenes with Jeremy and Shuri. Also, he's an artist so I feel a sense of kinship… the whole sketchbook thing and shuri painting was so real. His conflict with his family is also tragically compelling. That last chapters that had him in S2 hit me in the guttt.
6. Ohara Mentioned most of what I like about her in the last ask. Ohara's got problems and she's very dear to me for it!!
7. Reihe Family (Alice, Hermann) I really liked the glimpses we've had of them in the manhwa. I became fond of Hermann, the Neuschwanstein's uncle aka Elias look-alike, upon rereads because of the parallels with him and Elias, they're both the black sheep of their families 🥺 one day I'll finish that Alice & Hermann comic...
8. Ali My initial impression was just that he was a sweet boy, but then it showed he's quite the sharp cookie like his sister and I went ooooh! He navigated those political situations in S2 so cleverly. He's def going to be even more of a force to be reckoned with when he's older.
9. Theobald He's 9th on this list of favorite characters but I can't say I like him more than everyone not mentioned above. I enjoy his relationships is all. Like, anything with Richelieu is just great. There's also Shuri, Nora, Jeremy, Letran/Family of course- it's crazy how messy all his relationships are 😭
And thennn it's everyone else. Even if the character isn't on the list doesn't mean I don't like them or don't like reading about them. Personally, I find that every character in the story has something you can chew on!
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 9 months
the idea of three hopes dimivain is also so funny to me tho bc dimitri goes and recruits miklan and then miklan just gets back only to find out his brother and king are Very Close and he's just like "oh god. oh no". he knows exactly what he is going to be subjected to for the rest of his life.
#DCB Comments#your king is in a relationship with your brother what do you do. nothing exactly bc u can't; ur on faerghus probation#there is nothing you can do when they start kissing on the couch in front of u#u just have to accept that the king who gave u a new life is also kissing ur brother#bUT ALSO. all the happy family stuff THINK OF ALL THE HAPPY FAMILY STUFF#miklan saved by his eventual brother in law and being able to call the literal king his brother in law#and ALSO you have all the routes to consider. sb where miklan is left with his brother in law but his brother died#gw where miklan is alive and sylvain and dimitri are together#ag where sylvain and dimitri mourn losing him together#best option: ag au where he didn't fucking die#bc even if u consider gw well matthias died so here in this house we just consider the happiest option#which is AG: He Didn't Fucking Die#miklan going into dimi's office to report smth and he just stands there dead inside when he walks in on sylvain flirting with dimi#tell me there isn't room for shenanigans with this family TELL ME THERE ISN'T#you CAN'T because there is SO MUCH ROOM. it will be HEARTWARMING and it will be FUNNY#and ONE DAY matthias will go to dimitri and be like ''thank u for helping this family recover''#AND miklan is going to be sylvain's best man at the wedding shut UP it's exactly what happens#dimivain in three hopes is absolute perfection for a lot of reasons but when u have to have miklan involved it's extra perfection#listen i warned y'all i woke up on the dimivain side of the bed (my cat was next to me maybe she woke up on the dimiclaude side)#this had nothing to do with the fic i was thinking of writing for months btw BUT that doesn't stop me from adding to my list of fics#also yes i am on the EDGE right now like i can tell i am going to sell my soul to gautier dimivain fam within the next few minutes#DCB Three Hopes Stuff
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dirt-str1der · 1 month
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#and its the only listed entry for his relationships ?#does he not talk or interact with anyone else in the series ?#Trigun loveblog#he loves vash#damien do nooootttt read this this is spoilersd#it makes me smile so much that the entry is written like this because they could easily have said something like ...#'theyre siblings with an intense rivalry stemming from their difference in ideology' but no its straight to the point#like yeah knives really did make that face when he saw the scars. and yeah he did scream in rage and grief when vash was slowly dying#and yeah vash was the one who gave him the will to live again and yeah knives is the reason vash is alive#like seriously whatever#i mean of course vash is the reason knives lost everything and knives is the reason vash is constantly putting his life in danger#this and the way knives gently hands vash a gun and tells him to shoot someone in stampede is so funny#hes like whats wrong ? (gentle) go on and do it (reassuring) and when vash is shaking too much and lowers the gun hes like (fond sigh of#exasperation) i have to do everything for you. hes so funny he loves his brother#and what right does knives have to be calling vash his little brother in the manga. you two were conceived in the same instant chill ...#im just very glad that loving vash is one of knives core personality traits and the other is being evil. its not trigun if your brother#isnt about to burn the whole world down just to create paradise for the two of you. and i cannot get enough of how one sided it is at the#start like the first thing knives does after they crash land is to attempt to help vash stand. the second thing he does is beat the hell out#of vash because hes annoying and whiny. and vash has tried to kill knives so many times but in the end he just cant do it#knives has been on the other side of his barrel so many times and so many times vash would get mad at him and then fail to pull the trigger#its so cutee theyre beautiful twin boys ... exactly the same height ... sorry im just happy again that tessla is in stampede
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androcola · 2 months
if you could see that you’re making excuses for yourself instead of opportunities we wouldn’t be having this conversation whatsoever. you post shit online and then when people try to help you avoid it. grow the fuck up and get a spine.
give me $9000
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13eyond13 · 3 months
#here's some of the classics on that list i have beef with btw:#i have tried to read A Confederacy of Dunces several times and it's funny but it's also so cringe and Ignatius is so obnoxious#that i find it too difficult to finish like i just feel depressed and bad for everybody around him too much#i tried reading Infinite Jest like a decade ago and i got like 200 pages in and i remember thinking it felt like#such a slog the entire time because he's just so gd wordy and also i stopped liking DFW after i heard the abuse allegations against him#frankenstein i didnt read that long ago but i just remember finding it so boring for some reason?? i feel i might need to read it again#dracula ngl i feel like im cheating a bit saying ive completely read it because i loved the beginning and then HATED so much of the rest#the characters were just so boring and melodramatic hahaha i just liked the part where jonathan was doing a travel diary#and trapped in the castle tbh and after that i skimmed quite a bit#i almost flipped my shit when i saw ender's game on there because I ALWAYS mix it up with ready player one by ernest cline#which i bought the audiobook of a while back and hated every minute of it i dont think its good at all#but it wasnt that so phew my faith in this list is somewhat restored#i read most of the first game of thrones book and was disappointed tbh maybe because id seen the show already#so i was like 'this feels almost exactly the same except worse?' because i'd been expecting it to give me more depth and insight#into the characters but instead it felt exactly the same and i still didnt love any of the characters enough to feel attached to them#also i am fully aware me not personally liking or vibing with a book doesnt mean it doesnt deserve to be considered great btw#but i think if youre gonna be like me and force yourself to go through a bunch of lists like this very seriously then you also need to just#let yourself be like 'yeah not for me' without feeling too bad about it sometimes too#often times i dont particularly love the classics or 'important books' but at the same time#i still feel like im getting more out of reading them than just grabbing the newest hyped up books that also dont do anything for me#maybe not in a 'wow i loved reading this' way but in like a#'i now have first-hand knowledge of this thing that is so influential / so frequently referenced'#or 'this challenged me and i feel like i did a mental/emotional workout or gave me some new food for thought'#or 'made me more aware of what gaps in my knowledge and reading skills and what my tastes are too'#sort of way...#it really just depends on what you're reading for and why and what you're hoping to get out of it a lot of the time maybe#it's like the homework i give myself to go through these lists that i also intersperse with the stuff i read more just for fun#p
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femmeroi · 7 months
kill yourself faggot
Our relationship is rough right now, but in a few episodes we will be married.
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#Pretty sure I know who sent this considering... everything#If you manage to see this even after I blocked you heres a list of reasons why I blocked you- since you want to know so bad#1.) Your views on sex work are regressive- I don't like how you demeaned that line of work simply because a of model was mean to you#2.) I am not comfortable with the way you talk about trans people- you are casually mysgonistic and transphobic when talking about them#You being trans does not give you a pass for this imho#3.) For all the posturing you do about the ZeXal skirts you and your friends are weird about under age characters + the post about#Edo being “apparently legal” was just gross to me. Your friend being weird about Yuri is how I originally found and blocked you.#4.) I don't like how you called someone a bitch just because they blocked you- you said you gave their art “nothing but support”#Before they blocked you. People do not owe you kindness or time or patience just because you liked their art.#You are not entitled to friendship or courtesy or anything at all just because you rebloged someones art.#5.) You hate Yu/ bel so much you call them a “child predator” I REALLY don't think you'd like following me considering they're my angel#When I have time again I want to dedicate more of my posts to Judai/Yu/ bel/Jun content and you'd fucking hate your life seeing that#So I blocked you before that became an issue.#I had you blocked for a while but when the VRAINS discourse happened I unblocked you so I could easily see what was up#Unfortunately I forgot to reblock you and I only remembered about your whole existence after you interacted with me#Usually I say shit like “Not everyone is going to like you and you just have to accept that as okay”#But in your case- there's a reason so many people have you blocked.#It's not because you have a “problematic fave” like you claim- it's because you have rancid fucking vibes#I'd rather people not interact with or acknowledge this post btw- I'm going to ignore anything further because idgaf about it all#I just wanted to annoy mr deranged by yu/beling all over their ask lol
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Soooo why do you have the crack ship of Ryo and Daigo?
i see two ex-emo nepo babies and i think they should kiss and play mind games with each other
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theygender · 2 years
I'm doing it. I'm gonna get a fucking hysterectomy
#its something ive talked about half jokingly for years bc the idea of ever being pregnant or giving birth makes me INCREDIBLY dysphoric#so it seems completely fucking pointless to have to go through so much pain and sickness every month for absolutely no reason#this past month where i couldnt get my medication already had me seriously thinking about it tho#bc even if im managing my endometriosis okay with BC i dont want to have to worry about going through hell if i cant fill my prescription#i was looking into the side effects and etc bc i was thinking about asking my doctor about it next time i went in#and the only thing that had me concerned was that a full hysterectomy or oophorectomy sends you into menopause which seems like itd suck#(but smaller surgeries like tube ligations dont actually stop you from having periods)#BUT i was complaining about this at work and one of my coworkers told me she had a hysterectomy for endometriosis#and her doctor gave her a partial hysterectomy so it stops periods and prevents pregnancy but doesnt send you into menopause#and that sounds fucking GREAT honestly so i wanted to ask my doctor about it even more#but now that roe v wade has been overturned? the deal is sealed im getting this hell machine out of me one way or another#im hoping that my doctor will be understanding as a woman herself but if not my coworker said she'll give me her doctors info#and if THAT doesnt work. i just checked out r/childfree and theyve got a list of doctors in my area who are willing to help#i dont want to keep suffering through chronic illness symptoms every month for absolutely no reason#i dont want to run the risk of getting pregnant and having to live through my worst nightmare as someone with dysphoria#AND like my gf just pointed out to me. ive got other health issues that im trying to get sorted out#im chronically underweight and i either have pots or some kind of hypertension. plus a low immune system and etc etc etc#being forced to carry a pregnancy could fucking kill me for all i know. AND i would have to go off of a lot of my meds??#all this thing does is cause me chronic pain and put my already precarious physical and mental health at risk#im GETTING it fucking taken out#rambling#ive got an appointment with my therapist on tuesday and i think im gonna ask about getting an official diagnosis of gender dysphoria#and im already in the process of getting tested for pots with my primary care doctor#so hopefully those diagnoses combined with my endometriosis will help speed it along... 🙏
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
(I hate how I can’t even deal with a regular non-respiratory infection without my chest hurting. I’m 30, I’m reasonably aerobically fit, but had like two 7/10 chest infections a year apart, and now everything just messes up my lungs. Good thing this covid thing that’s going to be around forever isn’t a respiratory issue or else- oh wait.)
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