justxprettyxboys · 2 years
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X | Reno & Rufus | Final Fantasy 7
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vintageghoststories · 2 months
i have so many THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS and OPINIONS and ANALYSIS and THEORIES but i have NO ONE to scream them at …EXPLODES
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bonefall · 9 months
I wanted to submit a few of the clanmew names that I enjoy and thought were really fun!! I took some liberties considering come translations either don't exist or aren't applicable to my ocs.
(Context: My Clans are stationed in Utah, and the specific clan featured in these names is in a desert/cliff esque landscape. Their Clan, JuniperClan, is named after the Utah Juniper, which looks significantly different from a normal juniper.)
Starting with one of my favorite ocs first; Skipperleap - Skepbyiao! I was super happy his prefix had a translation, especially since it's for the "Large Skipper" variety, as it's a little funny, considering Skipperleap is a larger than average cat. I decided on -yiao as the suffix (-spring, straight upward leap) because it sorta fits his personality as well? He is a good natured cat, with a positive attitude, and brings a "spring" to someones step.
Coottail - Ubobufr - A bit harder, but settled with Ubo because of his dark brown-black fur color. I also just really liked the sound of it. Originally I was going to go with -swash, as his name is pretty simple in general, but -bufr seemed more fun considering its a tail feather from a bird, which would connect to the fact his name is Coot-. Again, it just sounds neat :]!
Beechfang - Chokki - Since Beech- isn't in the lexicon, I decided upon "Chok-", or Trunk. It symbolizes Beechfang in the sense that he is solid and strong, a good cat to rely on in stressful situations. He doesn't faulter from conflict, and is reliable. -ki, meaning canine fangs, was another easy choice, since Beechfang is known for his prowess in hunting (and ocassionally fighting). Plus. Chokki just sounds EXTREMELY cute. One of my favorite names by far.
Another Favorite oc of mine, Orchidthroat - Palifuhpi. Since Orchid isn't really used, I settled on Palifuh (Purple) since Orchidthroat has a blue-gray coat, and in lighting it comes across as purple. Orchidthroat is a magnificent speaker, usually bringing conflict to an end and being direct with what he means. -pi was chosen because "Used to indicate someone saw or heard and reported directly" sounds pretty accurate to how Orchidthroat does things.
Finally, Thymeclaw - Hhasskachkubo. Thymeclaw is an elder, and a very respected one at that, as she used to be one of the Clan's most skilled fighters. Hhass was chosen primarily because it means sneaky, and I was trying to reference "creeping thyme", as it's the only thyme I can see native to the UK? There is a varient of Red creeping thyme that can be found in North America, but I'm not too sure on if it'd be present in the region I'm basing this in. -kachkubo specifically being used was to reference Thymeclaw's fierce power, in how she'd strike her enemies physically and emotionally during combat.
It's funny, you're on a totally different continent but all of these names could be 100% region-compliant, from Coots to Orchids! You just happened to perfectly hit a bunch of things I haven't yet translated LMAO how did you do that
BUT ANYWAY! Feel free to make your own translations for Utah species, or modify the words I'm about to give you! Great job btw!
Coot (Fulica atra) = Nio Black, red-eyed waterbirds similar to moorhens which look like ducks when swimming. Known for being devoted parents.
Beech (Fagus sylvatica) = Choo Trunk + Smooth. Known for its very smooth bark, absolutely perfect for carving glyphs on. Not so much a "satisfying" tree to get a scratch on, though! They also produce nuts that squirrels like to eat. These are actually planted purposefully in this area. At the Lake, only ThunderClan has access to them. RiverClan used to have a small orchard of them near the twolegplace, which was where Beechfur got his name from.
Bee Orchid (Ophrys apifera) = Fefsue There's actually a ton of orchids in this part of England, but I picked my favorite. It's the self-pollinating bee orchid, which mimics a species of solitary bee that may have gone extinct. You probably know of it from the famous xkcd comic about it, but I WILL give you a little bit of hope! The bee orchid has a ton of morphs and in the warmer parts of its range, DOES actually have bees that still pollinate it. What's weirder is that this far north, they don't seem to have one? So... Bee Orchid, how did you Get here? Is YOUR bee gone? What happened to YOUR bee...
I am ALSO taken aback by the fact that thyme apparently doesn't grow here. Weird. But anyway I got your back; here's two roundabout translations for OTHER, non-Thyme plants that are common in the modeled region, but reference thyme.
Thyme-leaved Speedwell (Veronica serpyllifolia) = Kukon A delicate little flower beloved by pollinators, and can grow in thick mats across the land. Deceptively quick and hardy, it can become a weed if unmanaged, and hides seeds in the pelt of any cat that comes by it so it can spread further. Very fitting for your girl, I think!
Dotted Thyme-Moss (Rhizomnium punctatum) = Mwarfum Blooming + Moss. Has distinct little egg-shaped leaves and rising tendrils. Considered pretty, but not a particularly useful type of moss. For anyone seeking a more "herbal" vibe for thyme.
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lmkobsessedmoth · 10 days
Yu ling’s adopted family
(This list might change when season 5 comes out)
Direct family
- erlang
- guanyin
- nuwa
- 10 Yama kings
- nezha
- Jinzha
- Muzha
- Shancai
Family friends
- pif
- red son
- dbk
- chang’e
- Meng Po
- Ao Guang
- spirit dragon
- Siren (childish mother responsible daughter)
Belongs to @/chuitu
-keya (little sister big sister/guardian)
Belongs to @/keykittygirl
- Yiao yue (aunt blunt niece)
Belongs to @/yingjiaoyue
- Diana (aunt niece)
Belongs to @/0xxjustdianaxx0
- lady/lord crimson (we’re surrounded by idiots)
Belongs to @/riptide-pools
- jun (the most supportive and patient mother and a very mentally ill child)
Belongs to @/camhues
All 4 oc’s belong to @/doppel-doodles
There’s a lot
- shui (romantic love interest)
- klara (chaotic student calm mentor)
- katie (quiet kid supportive mother?)
- Arthur (friends who try to kill each other)
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sunriseverse · 1 year
Had a dream where I watched that show. You know the one. Don't remember it very well but I remember the main character was a shirtless guy with spikey hair. He flirted with Ziggity and Ziggity said "I've been yiaoed" and then ordered the protagonist's death
anon come back i have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities + chinese cities BUT excluding "h"
(also i'm experimenting with name length, usually the minimum is 5 but now I lowered it to 4)
Adingi Adrau Agang Agao Alli Amangla Amiti Amiyar Amma Andran Angdeyang Angkou Angleling Anjiang Annangni Anni Annian Aradun Araling Arauptara Aravi Arjunar Artiefang Arugang Arui Aruiling Arvan Aryama Asana Asang Asimo Asui Asuravan Asvaspat Ayang Ayixing Ayou Ayuang Ayyanyan Baga Bagan Baganyu Baiankami Baixi Baiyu Bala Balammal Balin Baoga Beeng Beenxian Being Beipin Beixian Beng Benglun Bengqiong Beratri Bikou Bikun Bing Bodona Boti Botong Brao Ceng Cixing Cixinin Dakasoma Danal Danan Dang Danjiu Danyuang Daomiyue Darang Darxan Daxmi Dayeliu Deling Devnambol Devnan Dexian Deya Deyara Deze Diang Diao Ding Diyunan Dong Dongjiao Dongliyu Dongqu Dongrian Dujiya Dukyaling Durgang Durgani Durgati Durpang Duya Emeng Feng Fenkan Fenkou Fukamavi Fuqu Fuxiaoqin Fuyan Fuyapara Fuyi Fuyin Fuyun Gadur Galliupan Gana Gang Ganing Ganyu Gaomatux Gara Gari Gayanna Gejin Gong Gongong Guai Guan Guanggati Guanni Guanyan Guing Guir Guji Gunfuyuma Guyang Inari Ingmeng Irava Iravitri Irrti Irrtie Jagalan Jajini Jiajaja Jiajingta Jiambi Jiammaang Jianaram Jiang Jiangal Jiangfa Jianu Jianyuang Jiao Jiaojing Jiemeng Jiexian Jinatr Jing Jingji Jingxiang Jingyang Jinli Jinyi Jiujing Jiyu Kaibi Kala Kalara Kalas Kamudaxi Kang Kanyuan Karjajini Kasiping Katse Keya Kirri Kong Kuma Kumeng Kuni Kuyus Laiyama Lakorti Lamiti Langong Lantala Latiao Leliang Lellal Leswaryay Liama Lian Liang Lianyiyan Liaoyan Lijiu Lilianya Liliu Lina Linara Ling Lingaixi Lingji Lingyang Lingyoti Lita Litri Liupati Liyangna Long Longdiang Longi Longyang Luda Lusuixian Luxinan Lüling Maanin Macan Malaming Maling Malki Mangde Manyanin Mara Marava Mati Matong Matr Matrengyi Meiping Meng Mengli Mianining Mikama Ming Mingliu Mininxian Miya Miyang Moorgang Moorlai Muda Mukou Murati Murgang Murui Murya Muta Namikun Nandong Nang Nanji Nanu Nara Narunang Nata Nati Neinaran Nincan Nira Niratri Nyang Nyuxini Pang Pangyati Panji Para Parang Patie Patri Peng Perang Pergarab Ping Pingkou Piningxi Pinya Pinyakti Prava Puerui Puqiong Puquang Puranqing Puyan Puyuna Qian Qidura Qidyang Qinang Qing Qingi Qinglinan Qining Qinxi Qiqiong Quang Qufenang Rava Ravatta Reng Rengga Revasa Revita Rityang Rong Rudan Rugang Ruganqiu Rugaowu Ruguifeng Ruixing Ruiyan Rumalki Sang Sanji Sannara Sanu Sari Sarkasong Sarti Sarugang Seng Senga Simookdao Simun Sipingyin Sobara Sobei Suian Suiang Sura Surgadi Surti Svang Svari Swakar Swin Tairang Taten Tayan Tejaprang Teng Tiaming Tiang Tieswar Tong Tumaltang Tunandati Tunmeng Tvan Ugaos Ulaixiang Uliu Ulun Vangwu Vasa Vati Vatie Vayan Veerun Veng Vengjiaan Vidongfa Vitri Wang Wangyang Warkana Weiji Weiling Weing Wenarxan Weng Wengta Wuai Wuanglang Wuanjima Wuga Wugan Wuytun Xiagadra Xiamatao Xiana Xiang Xiangtou Xiani Xianing Xianjian Xianni Xiao Xilaming Xing Xingjiang Xingqina Xingta Xinnan Xiong Xiongeng Xuang Xuka Xukou Yadin Yakou Yaksura Yamen Yamjieli Yamunjin Yang Yani Yanmi Yanya Yanyan Yaprala Yavaiyang Yavarala Yian Yiangdur Yiao Yidong Yimeng Ying Yingfan Yingi Yingyan Yingyi Yini Yixianu Yiyi Yong Yuaiya Yuan Yuanden Yuang Yugri Yule Yumala Yumi Yunya Zibingya Zunyading
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thetristoneera · 3 months
Starting from the upper, Gyarados & Diao Qiao Yiao. Father Gyarados is the head of the Zi Fou Clan. He is two time Olympian in the martial arts heavy weight division. Gold medals out the cutlass, now a days; he holds down a prosperous dojo that teaches a multitude of twenty plus styles. The main ones being Fu Jow Pai & Ziu Ba Xian Quan. These two will be newcomers to the tournament. Zyn Wang & Kid Black, father & son. Rival international dojos of the Zi Fou Clan, Zyn Wang & Kid Black represent the Goju He Clan. A prosperous dojo that has history with the Olympics as well; but Zyn Wang could never gold medal over Gyarados. Dojo still the bomb though, trains & disciplines in over twenty styles. Main ones being Open Palm Dragon Prayer & Ninjitsu. These two will be newcomers to the tournament. Jiesu & LuRish represent the Shine Temple, it's located in a Thai Colony based on Planet Ongree. This colony holds an entire nation's worth of jungle & mountain terrain. Jiesu is the current Grand Master of the Shine Temple. Occasionally he will sneak off to put in work at the Deadly Arts Tournament, no one else associated with the temple has entered the tournament for more than thirty years; besides him. He will spill the beans once it becomes popular. Solid U, Gastelum, Wettser, Knock Knire, Hallgun & Lil Pain are all mixed martial artist associated with King Glory Fighters. The most acclaimed martial arts league of Planet Earth, international with it. These six are the most highest ranked of the league; light, middle & heavy weight divisions. Two from each. The kicker is, all six of them are mermen. Kai Inzi & Hawkridge are two heroes with a league called Colors. Usually referred to as Colors & Em, each member boast the irregular attributes of colorful hair & eyes; across the spectrum of all colors. Kai Inzi will be one of their latest recruits, he is directly being trained by Hawkridge. Their relationship will develop from colleagues to lust to love; somehow over the eight seasons of this story. Larimynth & Sunnisojin are fairies, legendary fairies who have discovered immortality & spend their livelihood looking after all of the enchanted objects of existence. Filing system is bananies honestly & would have you a part of their fandom too. Legends precede them all the time to where they have to be powerful enough to protect themselves. If they happen to be carrying a key item of super importance; they'll need to be able to protect themselves from any kind of threat. Besting them once is all they will allow… Jiana Veronica & Kelsie Millions are two porn models that will be new comers to the tournament. Both are of the super natural kind, just like everyone else; but they have kept their identities a secret their entire lives. For the purpose of becoming more powerful, they will figure out the location of the tournament eventually & surprise the fuck out of the masses. Again… Lastly… Nyvra & Pepper I are world class models across catalogue, high fashion, runway & spokes divisions. They are best friends of the same pedigree; but two different worlds. It was a fateful meeting when they were put together for a specific photoshoot. Been inseparable ever since, the exposing of Deadly Arts will bring their friendship closer. Will also take the danger levels up too.
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shuro · 5 months
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hilarious-rwbyaus · 6 years
Yang: What if we inverted our initials? Xang Yiao long
Jaune: Aune Jarc
Nora: Vora Nalkyrie
Ren: Rie Len
Weiss: Seiss Whnee
Ruby: Ruby R-
Everyone: ...
Ruby: I didn't want to play this stupid game anyway.
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emuphobic · 2 years
I'm just gonna say this, as an mlm person watching yiao, reading bl (not for the plot), only watching gay porn is fetishing
And another thing, you cannot be a transwoman and mlm/nwlnw, If a cis woman can't be gay neither can you
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hadesisqueer · 4 years
Yang: What if we inverted our initials? Xang Yiao Long.
Weiss: Seiss Wchnee.
Jaune: Aaune Jrc.
Nora: Vora Nalkyrie.
Ren: Rie Len.
Pyrrha: Nyrrha Pikos.
Oscar: Pscar Oine.
Ruby: Ruby Ro- I don't like this game.
Penny: Penny Pol- Me neither.
Blake: Fuck y'all.
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bonefall · 1 year
I'm a little confused as to how Harestar's clanmew warrior name conveys him being cautious and looking before he leaps, is there some connotation to the future tense besides just being a future tense that is not in English that I'm missing?
Yeah! In names especially, the specific tense of the word used can convey a very different meaning. A good namer will consider the 'image' that a name conveys.
Something in past tense implies something that happened in the past, but may not be the case anymore. Something in the present tense is something happening currently, ongoing. Something in the future invokes the idea of the thing JUST about to happen.
So for falling, Fallen/Falling/Will Fall = Fewl/Few/Fe. Birchfall is Pyachfewl, "Silver Birch Fallen." Changing the tense of the last part of his name invokes a different image which can extend metaphorically. Think of a short scene, and the tense is selecting the point in the scene the 'picture' is taken.
Pyachfewl/Silver Birch Fallen = A silver birch tree is laying on the ground. It fell down.
Pyachfew/Silver Birch Falling = A silver birch tree is falling to the ground. It's falling currently.
Pyachfe/Silver Birch Will Fall = A silver birch is in a precarious position, maybe unhealthy, maybe it's being cut by a human, maybe it's in the process of tipping over, but in any case it will fall but has not yet.
So Harespring's warrior name, Yywayayiaoya (Yywaya + Yiaoya), Brown Hare Will Jump Upwards, is meant to bring to mind the image of a hare that's winding up to jump. It hasn't jumped yet-- but it will.
If this was "Yywayayiao," then the hare is LEAPING UP right now. It is mid-jump. The hare has jumped.
(For those following the lexicon-- you may know that Yiao is a rare single-stem verb! In these case of these, they are modified with -ya for future tense, and -yrr for past)
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x5red · 2 years
1. Stargirl 2. Krystala 3. Robotrix 4. Andro Mask, from 好き! すき!! 魔女先生 (aka Suki! Suki!! Majo Sensei) 5. Night Hawk, from นางเหยี่ยวรัตติกาล (aka Stang Pikheat or Yiao Rattikan) 6. Mega Myra, from Mega Mindy 7. Black Scorpion 8. Poitrine, from 美少女仮面ポワトリン (aka Bishōjo Kamen Powatorin) 9. Black Rose 10. Dreamer, from Supergirl 11. Devi, from Maharakshak Devi 12. The Bionic Woman 13. Super Ma'am 14. Cat Claw 15. Mighty Liling 16. Batgirl, from Batman 17. Midnight Angel, from Wu ye tian shi 18. Lightning Bolt, from  ไต้ฝุ่นสุดซ่า สายฟ้าจอมกวน (aka The Typhoon, the Lightning Bolt) 19. Yuugen Jikkou Sisters, from 有言実行三姉妹シュシュトリアン 20. Varga 21. Supergirl 22. Lady Black Cat, from 女賊黑野貓 (aka The Wild Black Cat) 23. Princess Ruby, from Panji Manusia Millenium 24. Tiara, from GMA Telesine Specials 25. Wonder Girl, from Wonder Woman 26. Janet Bin, from 飛女正傳 (aka Fly With Me) 27. Bijli, from Ssshhhh...Koi Hai 28. Super Twins 29. Wildcat, from Stargirl 30. Masked Belle Florence, from 美少女戦麗舞(セレブ)パンシャーヌ~奥様はスーパーヒロイン!  (aka Socialite Belle Panchanne: The Wife Is a Superheroine!) 31. Cybergirl 32. Killer Frost, from The Flash 33. Captain Barbie, from Daig Kayo Ng Lola Ko 34. Mysterious Nile Girl Thutmose, from 不思議少女ナイルなトトメス (aka Fushigi Shōjo Nairu na Totomesu) 35. Queen Maeve, from The Boys 36. Red Heroine, from 红侠 (aka Hong Xia) 37. Saras, from Saras 008 38. Gadis Bionik 39. The Greatest American Heroine 40. Incredible Mama, from 我阿媽係黑玫瑰 41. Darna 42. Supermak 43. Isis, from The Secrets of Isis 44. Alpha Omega Girl, from Komiks 45. Serpent Girl, from एक अनोखी रक्षक नागकन्या (aka Naagkanya Ek Anokhi - Rakshak) 46. Starlight, from The Boys 47. Wonder G, from สาวน้อยมหัศจรรย์ (Wonder G) 48. Supergirl Manohara 49. Anonymous Fighter, from ยย์อดมนุษดาบเทวดา (aka Yot Manut Dap Thewada) 50. Wonder Woman, from The New Original Wonder Woman
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min3nc · 4 years
Yang: What if we switched the initials of our first and last names? Like Xang Yiao Long!
Ruby Rose:
Blake Belladonna: Yang...
Weiss, entering the room through the window with her Glyphs: SHEISS WNEE
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444names · 9 months
mongolian and mien female forenames
Alain Alaing Alchlui Aleo Aliah Alie Alieng Alio Aliuz Aneg Angus Argan Armhing Armhorn Artan Baamkuz Baamuon Baatak Bchien Bekuan Beng Bern Borj Born Bukhao Bukhorj Bukhoy Bukhoyn Bukhuy Buqa Chadang Chaiyoo Chak Cham Chang Changke Chao Charan Chebaam Cheg Cheganh Cheguy Chen Chiam Chiao Chid Chie Chien Chieng Chiew Chin Ching Chinh Chinsio Chiow Chlun Chorn Chow Choyfoo Choypoo Chung Cing Cinh Damuon Dobukta Dojoo Dojoon Dora Dori Dugan Dugen Dughio Dughir Dugujin Edigei Edigen Edigenh Eren Faefoun Faeng Fahmsen Famba Fambo Fambyn Famkaen Famkaun Famuen Farghar Fargou Farmhio Farmhow Farn Farslai Farta Fayair Fayhi Fayhinh Faysian Feurgou Feuyan Feuyhio Feuyuk Feyao Feyoon Fuei Fueing Fueylew Gagun Gaimanh Garghin Garn Geng Genn Genq Gerke Gerkid Ghazai Ghun Gujin Gujing Gujinh Gung Gungou Gutae Gutchae Gutuge Hulan Infin Ingyoo Jagunli Jamuey Jarny Jartaiz Jeba Jebtsen Jien Jucha Juchen Jurbe Juren Jureng Kaefouw Kaepoo Kash Kauan Keran Khadair Khae Khagh Khaisur Khak Khan Khang Khazan Khecha Kheo Kherke Khern Khir Khorili Khorj Khorn Khotain Khotak Khow Khoyfow Khuchai Khuchio Khuchow Khuka Khulio Khuyin Kipchan Kipchin Kipchio Kokera Kouay Koueyan Koulung Koun Koutak Koyfia Koyfiao Koyfou Koyfouw Koyny Koynyan Koyuk Kuan Laghang Lagujio Lagun Laikoke Lain Laing Lainh Laio Laiow Laisun Laitbuk Laiva Laiz Lang Lanh Larghan Layabay Laychuk Laye Lewhio Liafouw Lialiew Liao Lien Lienx Liey Likhaio Likweuy Linh Liong Liumbyn Lunn Madam Madan Madawa Maen Magu Mahm Maio Maiva Maiyoo Mamba Marm Mauan Mayao Maychew Maychio Mayerke Mayhi Maylo Maysio Maysion Meam Meay Megey Megunn Megur Mein Meinn Meng Mengmei Merensa Meun Meurta Meuyhio Meuyien Meuysen Meuyuan Meuyugh Meuyuon Meyai Meyao Meychao Meycheg Meylain Meylee Meylew Meyli Meyorj Meyyoon Moan Mong Mongham Mouan Mouayay Mouey Moui Moun Mouw Muan Muei Muein Muen Mueyla Mueylai Mueylew Mueylo Muhe Muhukhe Muhula Mujin Mujio Mukher Mundai Mundan Mung Muon Naicha Naichen Naifam Naifoo Naihin Naikhoy Nailium Nailon Naiman Naimenh Nain Naing Nainh Nainn Nair Naisei Naisenx Naisiey Naisio Naitee Naivan Naivera Naiz Nayenn Nayhin Neke Nekern Nekuan Neypoo Niam Niao Nizair Nizan Nogan Norchin Norn Nuntai Nuntan Nyman Nyuon Ochew Ochieng Ochili Oching Osolui Osolun Oychin Phadash Phae Phagh Phan Phao Pharn Phash Qachagh Qachai Qacheng Qachiam Qachio Qachlun Qachoy Qassio Qorchio Qorilan Qorj Qorn Qutai Qutaio Qutchan Saen Seinh Semun Sengyou Shriam Sian Sienq Siew Ssarm Ssiam Ssid Ssiemun Ssin Subeke Suber Subern Suboke Suborn Suhen Suher Suifar Sukhern Sung Surgo Surta Tabang Taichao Tang Teay Teen Tegu Temleo Temuan Temuay Temuei Temuon Tern Terny Thaeng Tiling Todawa Todobuk Touluy Touw Tsun Tsur Tsurgo Tugh Tulai Uluifou Ulun Unli Vannyan Yaety Yang Yaychin Yektar Yektem Yeng Yenghio Yenkham Yenq Yiafou Yiam Yiamkuz Yiao Yiem Yiemlew Yieng Yiengo Yiew Yiewhin Yilan Yiliuz Yilon Yisen Zaihid Zain Zang
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I love tumblr because there is always a fandom for the obscure at of things and no matter what you become a fan of you know there is always gonna be a few people out there who love it too.
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