#Yaz kissed the doctors cheek its so obvious
renniethedwstan · 2 years
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Okay I loved the power of the doctor BTW but I'm not gonna do a huge ass post on it cause others have already.
This is a thasmin kiss. I know it doesn't look it but hear me out. It's just incredibly subtle I mean yeah Chibs did fuck all with their relationship plot and could've done better with how Yaz left but this scene had a Thasmin KISS
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riversofmars · 3 years
I have a prompt. Thirteen's vain attempt to get that fez to Eleven because she runs into River+Amy.. who are like NOPE no way.
Ohh I love this so much, that was a lot of fun! I really hope you like this, just a bit of fun! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1300
Read on AO3 or below
Delayed Delivery
“I don't know about you but I’m glad that’s over.“ Yaz sighed once they had returned to the TARDIS. Their excursion to Kablam! had been quite something.
“Same,“ Ryan agreed and Graham nodded as well:
“Me too.“
“Not quite over yet.“ The Doctor grinned when she spotted the fez she had ordered, still sitting on top of the TARDIS console. “The fez!“ She skipped over to it and sat it on top of her head with incredible joy.
“Yeah I did wonder about that, why a fez?“ Yaz asked, as its origin remained a mystery.
“I ordered it,“ the Doctor declared, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You ordered a fez?“ Graham repeated, trying to figure out what in the world could have possibly possessed her to do so.
“Why?“ Ryan asked bewildered.
“Why does anyone order a fez? Because fezes are cool.“ The Doctor grinned and put her hands on her hips, holding her head - and the fez - high with pride.
“They’re really not…“ Yaz shook her head slowly, wondering how she could possibly have come to that conclusion.
“Only, this one arrived too late.“ The Doctor paid no heed to her comment, instead she went looking for the box and the shipping receipt to make sure her memory was correct. “Ah yes, see, I ordered it like… two lifetimes ago?“ She shrugged and looked back to her friends. “The wedding night of my best friends. Had little else to do, just sitting around the TARDIS while they were busy.“ She gestured quotation marks in the air and grimaced. “I should probably drop it off with my past self, that would have made me so happy.“ She placed the box on the console, took the fez off, quite reluctantly too, and placed it back in the box. She almost took it back out again, thinking better of it, but she managed to stop herself and quickly closed the box to resist the temptation.
“If you had… wouldn’t you remember it?“ Yaz frowned.
“Nah, memories blur when I cross my own time stream.“ The Doctor shrugged.
“Aren’t there like… rules against that sort of thing?“ Ryan asked and they all gathered around the console as the Doctor was beginning to set coordinates.
“All we’re doing is dropping off a fez, won’t even need to interact, just got to find a good time where I know where I am and that I won’t run into any trouble… here we go.“ Content with her choice, the Doctor grinned and launched the TARDIS into the time vortex. It only took a moment for them to land again.
“Where are we?“ Graham asked as the Doctor marched to the door, full of purpose, box in hand.
“Moon made of actual honey. Part of the honeymoon tour. Get it honey… moon…?“ She awaited a reaction to her pun but no-one responded. “Never mind,“ she huffed and opened the door. The Fam followed her and as advertised, they found themselves on a yellow moon, surrounded by little else than beeswax and honey. The landscape was magnificent and the vegetation extraordinary. No words appeared adequate to describe the wondrous place.
“Wow…“ All three of them were at a loss for words as they looked around, it certainly appeared a magnificent honeymoon destination. The air was impossible sweet and warm and there was a humming and buzzing in the air originating from the native bee population.
While the Fam were in awe, the Doctor skipped ahead and found the other TARDIS, her TARDIS but much older, just over a ridge.
“There we go…“ she called the Fam who hurried after her. “See, all we need to do is put this box here and…“
“Don’t move,“ a sharp voice interrupted her. “What are you doing over there?“
“Probably setting down a bomb, who are you?“ Another voice added and the Doctor grinned to herself before turning around, she knew both these voices very well indeed.
“River!“ The Doctor turned to look at her wife who - of course - was pointing a gun at her. “Amy!“ Her mother was right next to her, crossing her arms in front of her chest, with an almighty and very Scottish scowl.
“How do you…?“ Amy’s face fell upon hearing both their names and River raised her eyebrows curiously.
“Who are they, Doctor?“ Yaz asked, a little worried at the presence of a gun and the fact that the Doctor didn’t seem bothered about it at all. In fact she was grinning!
“Oh just… my wife and my mother-in-law…“ She answered joyfully.
“What?“ Amy stared at her for a moment, trying to compute the information.
“Doctor?“ River echoed and as the realisation set in, a wide grin spread across her features, mirroring her wife’s expression.
“Oh no…“ Amy groaned.
“Oh yes!“ River smirked as she put her gun away.
“Hang on, you’re married?“ Graham interrupted, flabbergasted, as were Yaz and Ryan.
“Oh most definitely.“ River grinned and was by her wife’s side in an instant, she grabbed her by the collar and kissed her with great enthusiasm. Amy, for her part, just gave an exaggerated sigh, looking anywhere but to her daughter making out with her wife.
“Okay, I sort of expected this to be the other way around…“ Ryan hummed to Yaz and Graham who nodded.
“What are you doing here, Doctor?“ Amy asked, clearing her throat loudly to interrupt them.
“Oh just… wanted to drop something off… for myself… am I around?“ The Doctor gave an awkward grin, trying not to draw too much attention to the box, as she half hid it behind her back.
“Rory fell in the honey lake and the Doctor is defending him against the bees, we were popping back for a change of clothes.“ Amy explained, rolling her eyes at her husband’s clumsiness.
“Oh I remember this!“ Her explanation jogged the Doctor’s memory.
“Do you get your fez at the end of it?“ Yaz asked curiously and the Doctor winced. She had ruined it.
“Don’t tell me…“ Amy sighed, exasperated.
“What’s in the box, Sweetie?“ River asked, trying to snatch the box away but the Doctor pulled away quickly.
“Nothing…“ She retorted, hugging it protectively.
“Doctor?“ Amy crossed her arms in front of her chest and the Doctor found herself cornered by the two women, she bumped into the TARDIS behind her, having nowhere to go.
“Oh come on, please, I’ve had to wait for this for millennia, that’s how long delivery took, let me have this,“ she pleaded.
“Let’s see if it’s any better on you now than it was then,“ River suggested with a playful smirk.
“River?“ Amy shot her daughter a look as if she couldn’t believe she had really just suggested that.
“Come on, just let us see,“ River repeated and a grin spread across the Doctor’s face. She opened the box, pulled the fez out and sat it on top of her head.
“Look, it’s great, it’s red and hey-!“ Before she could even properly showcase the hat, Amy had snatched it off of her head and chucked it into the air. River’s reflexes were sharp as ever as she drew her gun and shot it. The fez exploded mid-air in a laser blast.
“That was incredible,“ Ryan exclaimed and shaking their heads in disbelief, Graham and Yaz had to agree.
“Yeah, well, we have the practice,“ River smirked, holstering her gun and before she pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek. The Doctor was thoroughly put out as she was left holding the empty box.
“I’m gonna order another one…“ She huffed, somewhat genuinely upset.
“Hey! OI! What’s going on over there?“ A voice carried across the plain. The Doctor, much younger, taller and bow-tied, was waving at them with Rory in tow.
“NOTHING!“ River and Amy called back, laughing, sharing a high five, as the blonde Doctor was left, huffing, and holding her empty box with great disappointment.
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gayforthe13th · 4 years
Are you still doing prompts? Maybe 13 trying to convince the master "if you want my attention, just come home" and the fam over hearing this (Its been weeks and the "how else am I supposed to get your attention" still has me reeling)
in light of the finale this one is a bit angsty
warnings: angst, finale spoilers (kind of)
Tags: @hellothedoctorisreal​
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   She’d been trying to reach him for some time now. He didn’t die, she knew as much, he never truly did. That entire plan had been set up for her, he had left the cyberman there for her with the death particle still inside in the hopes that they would die together. It was his twisted way of getting her attention, she knew, but she could never help but fall for it anyway. But the dark, sick feelings she felt in her hearts stayed. She watched him beg for death, and then he watched as she ran from him again. She could still feel it when she made her way back to her TARDIS, the lingering connection pulsing in her head, his anguish, his desire. With a heavy sigh, she slumped against the door of the ship and took a deep breath before pushing her way inside.
  She had made quick work of picking up her friends again. They had questions, they always did, but for once they kept quiet giving her time to herself, or so she thought. When she was sure the trio had walked off into the depths of the TARDIS she leaned her head against one of the crystal pillars and shut her eyes. Then, she waited. She could feel him, she knew he could feel her too. When he finally let her in her eyes snapped open with a soft gasp. 
  You know, most people would call. The Master’s voice echoes inside her mind, there’s a soft chuckle. 
  Since when are we most people? She says with a soft chuckle. Then, are you alright? The Master scoffs, pushing images into her mind in quick succession. She sees him running from the crumbling ruins of Gallifrey, the cybermen behind him are crushed by debris but he makes it out. The memory leaves her mind as quickly as it came, she’s left with only him once again.
  Not injured. He says, not that you care.
  Of course, I care. The Doctor bites back, shaking her head. I still care about you.
  You wouldn’t take my hand, you wouldn’t stand with me. You think you’re better than me. The Master growls, if that’s you caring about me then I’d truly hate to see what happens when you stop.
  Don’t! You wouldn’t stand with me either! We can never stand beside each other like we used to, we’re too different. Images of the timeless child flash in her mind, these aren’t her memories, he’s forcing them into her head.
  Of course we are. Look at you, so much better than me, even back then. I suppose a part of you knew.
  Does our history really mean anything to you? She asks, ignoring the onslaught of images flashing through her mind. It hurts too much to think about, an entire life she never knew. She feels him reel back, though only a little bit.
  This is our history.
  No, she says, reaching for the console she punches something into it before taking a step back. The Master’s holographic image appears before her, flickering to life as he stares at her his shoulders raised and his back straight. “This is our history,” she whispers, placing a hand on his face as the image solidifies until it seems like he’s in the room with her, he isn’t, but regardless she can feel him, can see his eyes sliding shut as she pushes memories into his mind. The Academy, the shared kisses in secret alleyways, the feeling of her hand in his as they lie side by side in red grass. The Master shakes his head, taking a step back.
  “What do you want?” he says, but there’s no menace in his voice.
  “I want you to come home, I want my husband back,” she whispers. Another flash of memories is pushed into his mind. Promises, a wedding, his laughter, the feeling of his lips on her neck, his skin on hers. He shoves the memories away.
  “I’m not him. Not anymore,” the Master growls, taking a step forward. They’re face to face now, his image flickers as his anger grows, the Doctor says nothing. She had realized, as she walked away from a falling Gallifrey, that he hadn’t told her about her past to upset her or to anger her. He had told her because she needed to know what had happened to her and that he needed her to tell him she wasn’t better than him, that they were equals. It occurred to her, as she reached her hand out to him, that she wanted him to know she understood. The Master’s gaze hardens, “that part of me died a long time ago Doctor.”
  “I don’t believe you,” she argues, “all this time trying to get my attention, have you ever even thought of the obvious?” The Master’s brow raises, he regards her quizzically for a moment, then he smirks.
  “And what’s that?” he says, half expecting her to say the same thing she always does, that all he had to do to win her attention was be good, be like her. 
  “If you want my attention, just come home,” she says instead. It’s unexpected, it makes his eyes widen, his stance slacken. It shocks him, she can see it just as well as she can feel it in his mind.
  “Our home is gone-”
  “You know that’s not what I mean.” And he does, he knows exactly what she means, though he won’t admit it. The Doctor hand finally settles on his cheek once again, her thumb brushing against stubble, “come home to me Master. Just be with me again. Be my family again.” With his eyes shut as he leans into her touch the Master opens his mouth to answer, but there’s a gasp somewhere behind her and the spell is broken. The Master flinches back, his gaze fixed to the figure at the top of the stairs. The Doctor turns, following his line of sight to Yaz who stands shell shocked with Ryan and Graham behind her. 
“Doctor?” she says, and the Master takes that as his cue to leave. He rips himself out of her head with such force that she almost screams, clutching the sides of her head in pain. Ryan rushes down the stairs to steady her, the Doctor whimpers as the Master’s image flickers out of existence. 
“NO!” she yells, pulling away from Ryan and rushing to the console. She can’t establish the connection again, he’s gone. Tears slide down her cheek, and Yaz and Ryan are pulling her away, demanding answers as she flails in an attempt to get him back. But it's over. She can’t answer them, she doesn’t know how to even begin to explain what they saw, what the Master was to her. Somewhere in the back of her mind, his presence lingers. She promises to try and find him again.
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ranxiaolong · 5 years
She Shot Me
Summary: How the woman had lived this long and never played laser tag was beyond the humans aboard the TARDIS, but that would change today.
Pairing: The Doctor (13) x fem!reader
Warnings: There’s some very steamy kissing and a bit of suggestive content
A/n: Please tell me your thoughts! I love feedback!
“I can’t believe that you’ve been alive two thousand years and have never played laser tag.”
The Doctor shrugged.
Yaz, Ryan, and (Y/N) exchanged a glance before nodding simultaneously.
“We’re taking you to laser tag,” Ryan gave an authoritative nod.
“I’m not getting a say in this, am I?” the Time Lord stated, half glum and half amused.
“Nope,” (Y/N) chirped cheerfully, “Besides, It’s a crime you haven’t done it at least once.”
The Doctor opened her mouth, ready to dive into one of her long explanations, “Actually—”
“Shut up, Doc.” The Doctor was cut off by an exasperated sigh.
The Doctor landed the TARDIS on a primarily humanoid populated spaceship. Well… gameship. According to the Doctor, the ship primarily held various games that people came from all over the universe to play. The largest arcade in the galaxy, complete with a ball pit that took both (Y/N) and Yaz over ten minutes to pull the Doctor out of.
After Team TARDIS managed to drag the Doctor through the distraction riddled spacecraft, they finally reached a long line that disappeared into a dark entryway, a neon sign blinking above it, giving a very retro look, that read “Laser Tag.”
Graham raised an eyebrow at the winding line, “Do we have to wait in that?” He turned to Yasmin, Ryan, and (Y/N) who looked at each other before grinning.
“Well...” Ryan starts.
“Don’t need to,” Yaz looked at (Y/N).
“See?” (Y/N) dangled the worn leather wallet that held the Doctor’s psychic paper.
Graham looked slightly incredulously at Yasmin, “Aren’t you a police officer? Shouldn’t you be against pickpocketing?”
Yasmin shrugged with a grin still on her lips, “This is a special case.”
“Yeah,” Ryan slung his arm over y/n’s shoulders, “we’re fixing a crime. The crime of the Doctor never playing laser tag.”
(Y/N) and Ryan quickly dabbed before bursting out laughing.
Graham couldn’t help but roll his eyes but a smile tugged on his lips.
(Y/N) clapped a hand on Ryan’s back as she craned her neck to see the employee who was letting people into the laser tag area. “Right, you go drag the Doctor over here,” (Y/N) jerked her thumb in the direction the Doctor was trying to go unnoticed towards, “while I...” (Y/N)’s tongue poked between her teeth as she analysed a frizzy, dark haired girl in a uniformed black t shirt  and pants, “go do some convincing.” (Y/N) winked towards the rest of the group then bounded off towards the unsuspecting woman who was standing somewhat bored at the entryway.
Yasmin starred after her for a moment in confusion before her eyes widened slightly and a snort left her mouth. “Go get the Doctor,” Yaz nodded towards Ryan, “It won’t take long for (Y/N) to flirt with that girl and get us in.”
“Sweet.” Ryan turned around to chase after the Time Lord and drag her back towards the group.
Graham continued to watch (Y/N) as she conversed with the woman, tapping Yaz’s arm and pointing when (Y/N) disappeared behind a black curtain with the employee after showing the woman the psychic paper. Yasmin and Graham were both intently watching the spot where the two had been standing for a few minutes before seeing (Y/N) emerge from the dark curtain, hair slightly mussed and a light pink smear across her mouth and neck.
“We’re good to go,” (Y/N) had a wide grin plastered to her mouth as she fiddled with a few loose buttons on her shirt, “you catch the Doc yet?”
Yasmin rolled her eyes while she fished out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped at the smears on (Y/N)’s skin.
“Oi! I got her!” Ryan yelled as he dragged the Time Lord behind him.
“Great, let’s go.”
“Okay, so for our first timers here or for anyone that needs a refresher, I’ll be going over the rules of the game.” A boy that looked to be in his late teens or early twenties was buzzing with energy while standing in front of a large screen in the dim room filled with people. “You will be split into two teams, and each team has a base you need to protect. The goal is to both protect your base and infiltrate the other side’s base. Whichever team scores the most points at the enemy base wins.”
Ryan exchanges a subtle fist bump with (Y/N).
”You score points on a base by shooting at the sphere on the ceiling inside until the defense bar reaches zero.” The screen behind the boy lit up with an image of the said sphere, “The amount of damage is displayed next to the sphere, so you will know exactly how much it more it will take to score a point. The room is set up with various mazes and other obstacles that you can use to your advantage in protecting your territory.”
Ryan leaned over towards (Y/N)’s ear, whispering, “A bit techy, but still good old fashioned laser tag.”
“We have a variety of different items you can use in the room that mimic human technology of the time period, ranging from small handguns to larger models like rifles and snipers. The guns do have a limit of up to three shots per second, depending on the model, and they need to be ‘reloaded’ or recharged to fire more ammunition. On the side of the gun will be a bar showing how much ammo you have left before you need to recharge.”
(Y/N) lightly bumps against Ryan’s shoulder, “But definitely good techy, eh?” A grin pulls on both of their lips. “Oh, yeah.”
“Now, would everyone please look at the black wristband we had you put on when you entered the room? Could you all please tap the display screen? The wristband does a full body scan and can detect if you have been hit by a laser by detecting the infrared light and an electromagnetic charge on a localized spot on your body. You will feel a slight zap and hear a small beep to notify you if you are hit, but it is completely harmless. If you do get hit, a timer will appear above your head, counting down from sixty seconds, and you are stuck within a one meter radius of where you were hit until the timer reaches zero, then you will be teleported back to your base’s teleport pad. Are there any questions?”
(Y/N) turned around to see if the Doctor was unclear on any of the rules of the game, when (Y/N) noticed that the Doctor’s gaze was not on the boy who just gave the rules, and her eyebrows drawn together with a frown tugging on her lips. (Y/N) followed the alien’s line of sight to the frizzy haired woman from before. As soon as (Y/N) locked eyes with the woman (who had apparently been looking at her the entire time) the woman sent a flirtatious wink towards (Y/N). (Y/N) gave her a half smile in acknowledgment before turning back to the Doctor, who’s expression had become even more sour.
“Hey Doc, did you get all of the rules? You seem a bit distracted.”
“Protect the base, invade the opposing base, don’t get shot.” The Doctor didn’t look away from the woman and her voice was a bit more tense than usual.
(Y/N)’s eyes widened at the Doctor’s stiff tone. The always bubbly and excitable woman was hardly ever like this. There were times where she was more serious and tense, sure, but that was when they were in situations that were significantly closer to the life or death of an entire planet rather than listening to instructions on how not to get zapped by a blue beam from a toy.
(Y/N)’s brows furrowed, “Is something wrong, Doctor?” Her puckered frown deepened but she shook her head, not taking her eyes off of the frizzy haired woman.
That was odd.
Was the Doctor intrigued by the woman?
No, she looked too grumpy for that to be the case.
Did the Doctor not like the attention the woman was giving (Y/N)?
Well that seemed pretty obvious given the limited information.
Did the Doctor think the woman was attractive?
Well, who knew really? She never expressed who (or what, for that matter) she found attractive.
Did the Doctor want to take the woman with them to travel?
From what (Y/N) picked up from various things left around the TARDIS and scattered pictures in a few rooms, the Doctor certainly had a history with woman in some form or another, many looking like they had all of ten seconds preparation before hopping aboard the TARDIS.
Did the Doctor like her?
That one tasted particularly bitter in (Y/N)’s mouth.
A small grimace made its way onto (Y/N)’s lips as she leaned her head against Yasmin’s shoulder.
Yasmin rested her cheek on (Y/N)’s head, “what’s wrong?”
A grunt bubbled up (Y/N)’s throat, all intelligible words lost in the process.
Yasmin’s gaze slid over to the Doctor.
Yasmin wrapped an arm around (Y/N)’s waist and rubbed soft circles with her thumb.
The Doctor didn’t notice that Yaz had caught the Doctor’s eyes glancing at her hand.
“So how are we going to do this?”
Ryan placed a hand on Yasmin and (Y/N)’s shoulders.
“We should probably split up onto different teams, especially,” Yasmin pointed at the Doctor, “her.”
“Don’t worry Doc, you got all the instructions. Besides, we haven’t won at any games against you yet, and we want to win this one.”
“I’ll team up with the Doc, then,” Graham piped up, “I’m not sure how good I’ll be at this but it should be fun.”
“Great. Yaz, Ryan, and I will go to the Blue Team and you two go to the Red Team.” (Y/N) cracked her knuckles.
“What will the winner get?” Ryan’s  eyebrows furrowed, “If we’re having a competition we need a prize—”
“A kiss from me. We can figure it out later,” (Y/N) interrupted, “we need to get to our sides soon.”
As the words fell out of (Y/N)’ mouth, the rest of the humans comprising Team TARDIS glanced at the Doctor, whose face had flushed momentarily at (Y/N)’s proposal.
“How about dinner on the looser?”
“You want to chance leaving dinner up to her?” (Y/N) jabbed a finger in the Doctor’s direction.
“Right, bad idea.”
The boy who explained the rules clapped twice, “We need everyone to split into teams!” The boy held up a hand, lines on his glove and shirt glowing red. “Those on the Red team, gather here so I can take you to your equipment. Those on the Blue Team gather by Mir-Lek.” The boy gestured with his other arm towards the frizzy haired girl who's glove was glowing blue.
“Those on the Blue Team gather here, I’ll be taking you to your base and equipment.”
Yasmin and (Y/N) turned to follow Ryan, who was halfway towards towards Mir-Lek. “I guess we’ll see you guys in the arena.”
The Doctor waved after the group as they walked away. Her eyes followed (Y/N) as Mir-Lek smiled at (Y/N) and the frizzy haired woman’s posture became more flirty.
The Doctor grimaced before trudging off with Graham to the group for the Red Team.
“Don’t you think she’s a bit too good for her first time playing this game?” Ryan’s out of breath voice sounded from behind (Y/N)’s crouched form. “She’s scored more than ten points on our base for this round already. I thought it was beginner's luck in the first few rounds we played, but this is getting ridiculous.”
A grimace graced (Y/N)’s lips, “We really need to step up our game this round or we are going to lose this one too.”
Yasmin raised her hand to her mouth in thought, “Is there a surefire way to distract her?”
Ryan’s face lit up, “That’s it!”
Both Yaz and (Y/N) turned to look at Ryan. “What? You have an idea?” Yasmin’s head tilted slightly.
“We play dirty.”
Yasmin and (Y/N)’s eyebrows furrowed before understanding passed through their eyes. (Y/N)’s brows furrowed.
“But she’s not interested, that’s only how it work on other people.”
“Come on, (Y/N). Open your eyes and you would see she’s looking at you, not someone else.”
(Y/N) bit her lip.
“Hey. And if it doesn’t work out, rounds on me.” Ryan lightly patted (Y/N)’s back. “I’ll also get you that ice cream from that place you like on the corner next to the bakery.”
(Y/N) let out a sigh and nodded.
“Sooo, can you get the Doctor?”
A smirk edged it’s way onto (Y/N)’s face, “Don’t worry. Leave the Doctor to me.”
(Y/N) was crouched behind a barrier near the edge of a maze, where she found out from the sniper on the top of the tower the Doctor used as a way to pass through most of the main defenses by the front of the base.
(Y/N) closed her eyes, her senses concentrated on any approaching footsteps. She pressed an ear to the ground, soft footfalls reverberating through the floor. The (h/c) girl lifted her head and pressed her fingers to the floor, ready to pounce on the incoming person.
The Doctor rounded the corner, not seeing (Y/N) crouched on the ground, in a half sprint. (Y/N) launched up from her hiding place at the Doctor, who turned around and was raising her gun when (Y/N) slammed into her. The Doctor’s gun slips from her hands, clattering on the floor, and (Y/N) backed her up and pins the Doctor’s hands to the wall behind her.
The Doctor’s breath hitched and her heartbeats quickened. The Time Lord’s teeth grazed her lower lip and her arms tensed, hands clenching. (Y/N) was close. Too close. Not really, but too close for for her sanity to take at the moment. She could feel (Y/N)’s warm breath coming out in quick puffs across her flushed skin. She wasn’t red from running, compared to most of their adventures, the running was light. Very light. But (Y/N)’s scent was flooding her nose and her brain was short circuiting. She had to get away. This was bad. The Doctor’s eyes darted from (Y/N)’s eyes down to her lips for a fraction of a second. This was very bad. She wouldn’t be able to control herself in this position. She needed to—
The Doctor’s eyes went wide as soft lips crashed against her mouth. The Doctor’s limbs went limp, her legs weak and barely supporting her weight. (Y/N)’s hands moved to one resting on the Doctor’s shoulder and the other cupping her cheek as she was raised on her toes. The Doctor’s eyes fluttered closed as (Y/N)’s lips moved against hers.
(Y/N) pulled away and the Doctor stood dazed, her eyes fluttered open. The air was heavy and a buzz dulled the Doctor’s senses. She barely processed as (Y/N)’s eyes flicked between her eyes and lips, bringing (Y/N)’s face to hers again. This time was more desperate, more needy. The Doctor brought (Y/N) as close to her as she could, as if this was the last time she would breath the sweet oxygen that was (Y/N)’s lips. The Time Lord felt (Y/N) moan against her mouth and a spark of heat ignited in the pit of her stomach.
The Doctor lost her hands in (Y/N)’s hair, tangling them in an effort to bring the rambunctious human impossibly closer to her lips. She felt fire where (Y/N)’s hands were trailing down her sides. (Y/N) pressed the Doctor more firmly against the wall with her pelvis, a moan drawn from the Doctor’s lips as her hips automatically jerked towards (Y/N)’s.
(Y/N) teased one of her hands down the Doctor’s hips, and the Time Lord whimpered when the human’s fingers retracted from their trail along her side.
The Doctor felt a small pressure between her breasts, and her heart rates increased. She felt a small electric zing and a faint beep that didn’t fully register in her brain.
(Y/N) pulled away, and the Doctor leaned forward, trying to chase her lips before processing the sound.
The Doctor’s eyes shot open as (Y/N) took a step backwards, a cheeky grin splitting her face, the gun still held up and level with the Doctor’s chest.
The Doctor’s jaw dropped open in disbelief, turning her gaze to above her head. Red numbers flashed above her head. 53.
“That’s not fair!”
(Y/N) bit her tongue while grinning, “All’s fair in love and war,” (Y/N) sang. The Doctor felt her heartbeats quicken. (Y/N) spun around on her heal, a flirty sway in her hips right before she dashed off.
A sway the Doctor very much enjoyed watching.
The Doctor sighed and lightly traced her lips with her fingers, waiting for the timer to finish.
Yasmin, Ryan, and (Y/N) were cheering loudly in their booth in a bar, their victory being celebrated with food and drinks.
Their win was stifling. After (Y/N) had cornered the Doctor, the Blue Team’s look out had been sending (Y/N) in the Doctor’s path, and every time the Doctor caught sight of (Y/N) she would fumble and either (Y/N) or a nearby sniper would hit the Time Lord. The Red Team had been heavily relying on the Doctor for points, and with her being distracted, they had to send more people out to infiltrate the Blue fortress, leaving their defenses weaker to the mass raids made by the Red Team on their base.
The Doctor and Graham sat across from the energetic group. Graham smiled at their enthusiasm. The Doctor was pouting at her loss, but was trying not to let on that she didn’t care as much as she was letting on. She was still having trouble keeping eye contact with (Y/N), but (Y/N)’s lack of gaze in her direction at the moment was a small relief and sting at the same time.
Ryan leaned more on top of (Y/N), “So what is our prize for winning?”
Ryan and Yasmin’s arms around (Y/N)’s shoulders, (Y/N) squished between the two other humans in the booth.
“Yeah, what should we get?” Yasmin popped the foreign snack on the table into her mouth, small deep fried local vegetables of some sort, heavily inspired by Earth’s Asian cuisine.
(Y/N) grinned, “I thought it was decided.” (Y/N) pecked Yasmin’s then Ryan’s cheek. “A kiss from me.”
Yasmin broke out laughing and Ryan lightly hit (Y/n)’s shoulder, a smile on his face. “Well, I suppose it will have to do.”
(Y/N) gasped in mock offence, “Rude.”
“But you know you love us,” Yasmin sang beside (Y/N).
The Doctor bit her lip at the display, remembering the kiss she received, and a bubble of satisfaction rose in her chest that her kiss was better.
She felt like she was the one who had won.
(Y/N) was walking down one of the many criss-crossing hallways inside of the TARDIS with a bounce in her step, lightly humming to herself, hands crossed behind her head.
As (Y/N) was mid-step, she was pulled down an adjacent hallway. (Y/N) found herself trapped against the wall between the Doctor’s arms.
“I think you owe me for what you pulled in that last round,” the Doctor growled out, voice slightly raspy.
“Oh? I do, do I?” (Y/N)’s eyes flicked down from the Doctor’s eyes to her lips momentarily, and the Doctor felt her breath catch in her throat.
Barely a whisper was breathed out, faces centimeters apart. “Yeah.”
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