#Yandere Denmark
yanxidarlings · 9 months
Hello there! I don't know if the inbox is open but could I request the Nordics (separate) with a darling (romantic) who just keeps questioning why they chose them of all people as they continue to try and leave them? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
matthias honestly see's his darlings insecurity as fishing for compliments - normally he would shower them in verbal affection, especially if asked, but assuming that this is just after getting caught trying to escape, he's a bit pissed. "i don't know, i could probably find someone better couldn't i" yes this little shit is using his darlings moment of self consciousness as manipulative ammunition.
his darling is probably crushed at his words, matthias feels a bit bad seeing how their face falls, but it's for the best. if things go as planned, his darling will start to put more effort into the 'relationship', and stops trying to escape.
or his darling could completely shy away from him after hearing his words, smart decision, darling, if he see's how dejected they are, matthias is going to feel really bad.
he didn't mean it, min elskede!, he was just in a bad mood, it's like when you're feeling insecure and try to up and leave!. please forgive him.
it's best not to drag this out any further, and take the apology and pampering, lest matthias starts to think his darling is attempting to manipulate him, and believe me, you do not want to entirely loose his trust.
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lukas wonders the exact same thing sometimes. he really tried to shake his obsession, it's not like he wants to be so attached to his darling but he is.
he doesn't answer his darling initially, too busy enchanting the basement to keep them from trying to escape again. this likely puts his already distressed darling on the edge, and might lead them to think he's decided to dispose of them when he doesn't come and visit for the next week.
the darlings words linger in lukas's mind; if he hadn't already kidnapped them, he might have tried to distance himself from them and focus on his responsibilities as a big brother and a country (to no avail), but he can't risk his darling going off and telling everyone about what he had done, so, in that week he decides to put his darling out of their misery.
finally, after a week, he re-emerges into the basement, with a tray of food in his hands, his darling is soiled and starving at this point, so they don't fight back when he hand feeds them the love potion infused fiskesuppe.
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tino's heart just about breaks upon hearing his darlings words - it all makes sense now! his darling does love him, they just struggle with insecurities, that he clearly desperately needs to address.
so, if his darling doesn't like physical affection, verbal affection or being smothered, they just made the stupidest decision of their life; tino now dedicates his days to boosting his darlings self esteem. best to go along with his self love boot cam, he'll forget all previous grievances.
but assuming 10 hours of standing naked in front of a mirror complimenting themselves just creeps them out, and they still want to escape from tino's clutches; they once again try to leave when the chance presents itself.
finland goes absolutely insane, no one can calm him down when he realises his darling isn't home when he returns from the latest world meeting - after all he did for them? were they even being sincere or was it all another ploy to escape?! throw all previous trust out the window, once he gets his darling back he's going full tiger mum.
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"who made you think this" berwalds instantly ready to throw hands, start a war, go viking mode. it's simply incomprehensible to him that his darling doesn't adore themselves as much as he adores them.
it must be someone's elses poisonous words corrupting his darling self image, probably denmark, or maybe prussia, germany and austria, or it could be-
if berwald hadn't kidnapped his darling yet, expect to wake up in his house the next morning - clearly his darling is being horridly abused by the people they surround themselves with to think that they aren't worthy of love.
whilst he wasn't planning on pursuing a romantic relationship with his darling, and was content in his position as their guardian angel, if it's what he thinks they need, he'll do whatever he must to ensure their wellbeing.
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here we have the angsty teenager, who immediately takes it as his darling mocking him. fine! be that way, he didn't even like them that much to begin with (lies). once he realises how immature he's being, he panics.
did he just ruin his entire relationship with his darling over his own insecurity? emil screams into his pillow when it occurs to him that his darling was being sincere. even if they weren't, he couldn't stay away from them for that long. if he wasn't already stalking them, he's picked up the habit now: they hate him so how else is he to get his fill of them?.
after a few months of being estranged, emil works up the courage to make amends. but it isn't the same, his beloved is on edge, they don't trust him like they used to. it drives him to absolute insanity loosing the closeness he once had with his darling.
he doesn't sleep, he doesn't eat, he just follows and watches them in a desperate attempt to get close to them again.
eventually, his brothers get concerned, lukas can't stand to see his baby brother so distressed, so he does what all good brothers do and puts icelands darling under a love potion. to emils horror. at first he thinks they've come around, but is quick to become suspicious of the sudden affection he's receiving.
emil will demand lukas undo the love potion, when his darling is back to their senses he's so embarrassed, he stutters apologies, as the door opens.
norway walks in with a suitcase, "here's all their stuff" "WHAT"
isn't norway a great big brother kidnapping icelands darling for him.
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way to reinforce kunuk's belief that he and his darling are soulmates, reader. just when he thinks his darling can't get any more perfect for him, they say this. it's kinda disturbing to see the heart eyes he gives them as they pour out their heart to him, probably sobbing too.
he immediately counters with his own belief that he isn't good enough for his darling, but he loves them so much that he's gotten past that to bring them together (kidnap them).
if anything his darling made him more attached to them, he goes from being attached at the hip with them to being their conjoined twin; if kunuk wasn't open with them before, he sure as hell is now. if he was, all boundries between him and his darling fade at this point.
kunuk also uses his darlings insecurity as a way to isolate them from others; no one understands them like he does, as no one understands him as they do, so what's the point of going to america's birthday bash when he and his darling could stay home and cuddle?
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thatanimeramenchick · 6 months
Can I some yandere Nordics pls!!
Of course! Thank you for your patience, I've been in a bit of writing slump the last two years.
Since nothing specific was requested, I think I’ll just go with some personal head cannons that I have on how their personality works with their yandere-ness.
I imagine Denmark as being very similar to America for some reason. He’d be loud, assertive, and maybe a bit delusional. Will loudly enter your life and try to hit on you. I feel like he’s a bit less obnoxious than America though (eh, maybe I just find him hotter) so he’s able to get you to put up with a lot more of his weirdness, and you won’t be scared off as easily.
He just laughs his way through their denials of love or just out right ignores their protests. You don’t love him? You’re so funny how you play hard to get! If you become too difficult though, he will use force to get you to comply.
He could become volatile if he has you in his grasp, and you are being quite nasty. If you manage to cut past that denial he has put up, his truly terrifying side will come out.
I have this weird feeling that Denmark and Norway have total opposite approaches to trying to seduce and keep their lover, but they are both the exactly the same in that they would be very domineering and controlling. Unlike Denmark, he doesn’t act delusional about your relationship, he is very aware that you don’t like him, he just doesn’t care.
Tries to entrap you in a subtle way. Like a fairy luring a naive child into the deep woods, he wishes to lure your heart to his own. If you respond positively to his affection, he’s never letting you go, even if that means locking you up. A negative reaction though will cause him to act in a more aggressive manner, though he dislikes it. Maybe he’ll knock you out with some tea and lock you in his basement. Once your “his” though, he will tend to dote on you in private, perhaps to a nagging obsessive degree.
Can be quite patient. No matter how much you protest that you hate him, he will wait it out. He's willing to play the long game in manipulation or even after obtaining you if you are being stubborn in reciprocating his affection.
Finland knows better than both Norway and Denmark: you catch way more flies with honey than with vinegar. I see Finland as being like Norway in that he tries to sweeten his “lover” into his arms, but unlike Norway he doesn’t do this through the excessive doting and nagging, as much as gently nudging and knowing just what the object of his affection needs.
He doesn’t stalk in the traditional sense, but he likes to study you. Pays close attention to everything you say, where you go, and what you do and holds it in his memory bank so he can take out the information whenever he needs it.
Also, I don’t think he’s the type who would prefer to kidnap. Rather, I feel like he’s the type to ruin the relationship you have with someone else or get you fired by pulling some behind the scene strings and then wait with open arms for you to come to him for comfort. He’ll make it look like he has the whole world offered to you on a silver platter. What you don’t know won’t hurt you, right?
I feel like Iceland is still in that awkward stage where you like someone and have literally no idea how to express it like a human being. So he tries to overcompensate in a way that makes him seem desperate and sad.
Naturally, most people aren’t attracted to that, and he just as naturally freaks out like there’s no tomorrow and acts drastically. Depending on a lot of factors this acting drastically could range from him stalking you to full blown ruining your life and/or kidnapping you.
May have some "nobody loves or understands me" pity parties if you express genuine dislike or disgust towards him. He could be pulling this to be manipulative, but I think a bit of it is genuine.
Also kind of socially awkward but more in the creepy way? It’s not intentional though! He just has this aura about him that makes people naturally fear for their lives. I feel like he expresses his affection for you in a way that just isn’t really effective and creeps the average person out, but it’s not meant to be taken that way.
Will bluntly try to win you over. He will announce to you that you two are going out on a date and when and where, and happily ignore any protests or looks of confusion.
He will also tell other people that you two are dating, regardless of whether its true or not, especially to anyone who may even show the slightest interest. If that doesn’t scare them off, the aforementioned creepy aura probably will.
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Yandere Werewolf Nordics or Allies that's in love with a quiet fox darling. Their territories are close and they have somewhat of an unspoken agreement. Other than that the darling doesn't pay them any mind and is worried about finding a suitable mate ( that isn't them )
Nordics becuase yeah! >:D
Here's the thing is because i can I am gonna make the nordics a group that lives together (I am excluding iceland since he is a minor) the nordic 4 as a group knowing where you live and thrive will stalk you as a pack and will drive you. Knowing you are trying to find a suitable mate that isn't them infuriates them and drives them to wanting you more. They start off slowly and they begin their drive putting their hunting territories where you live, they begin to make you aware you're in their territory and once they catch you they will use the territory terms to their advantage. They just take you and they have to decide as a group what to do, since they are gonna have to share you (the best they possibly can without murdering eachother). Hope you like to be shared.
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mxlovinovargas · 2 years
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Synopsis: Denmark doesn't really like your boyfriend. So, to make up for that, he dances with you instead.
CW: Drinking, Heavy Drinking, Drunken Behavior, Possessiveness, Possessive Thoughts, Yandere Themes, Allusions to Abuse, Allusions to Abusive Relationship. Use of Country Names. Reader-Insert.
Word Count: 1.6k
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Well, if you need me I'm right here. 
Denmark feels the rhythm of the bar. There’s something heavy hanging in the air. He cocks his head, regarding the spread thoughtfully. Bright stage lights filtering warm lighting, heady beer and liquor, and polished stools and elongated tops feather out from the centerpiece of the main bar. The front bar is lined with drunk people leaned up and conglomerated together the later the night goes on. Denmark’s arch rests on the foot rail and he bounces his leg excitedly as he stretches his back out and spots you. 
He watches you dance. The way you move, the way you slink through the crowds. There’s a coy little smile plastered across your face and Denmark feels his chest swell in excitement. He pushes away from his seat and crosses the wayward. 
You grin up at him whenever he approaches. Denmark feels like he’s walking on a series of clouds with each step, but he just grooves with the flow and then extends his hand out. A twangy rhythm—low guitar strummed with some soft rock and off-brand country—pilfers through the bar, pouring out of speakers and drumming subwoofers that make Denmark’s ears ring the closer your hands draw. 
A small spark engages between your fingertips whenever they touch and Denmark feels a little lighter than before. Every time, without fail. His hands clasps through yours and he’s pulling you closer—always near. He looks like a madman as he stares down at you, but you just laugh and roll into his embrace with a twirl. 
Eyes watch him from the sidelines, but Denmark takes it in stride as he hops with his left leg and then pulls you back with his sway. There’s a giggle that escapes your lips as your cheek brushes his chest and the rest of the bar melts away. You laugh again. 
“You’ve been drinking too much tonight, Dan,” your voice is demure and lovely. Denmark feels like a million bucks as he laughs too and shrugs it off. 
“But you like it, anyway! Don’t-cha?” you can’t argue with that. Denmark does another move and the two of you are doing a slide down the bar, feeling like rednecks and hillbillies shucking a lasso and Denmark can’t help but pick up his pace. He steps around the dynamite of his feet and lets it pump him alive. 
Denmark dips his chin down into the nape of your neck; the faintest whiff of flowers and something super sweet tickles his nostrils, so he sucks in a tiny gasp and then he can feel those eyes boring into him burn. But he doesn’t care! He’s been through a lot, some shitty boyfriend’s not going to scare him off from you. 
You whisper, “He doesn’t like you.” 
Denmark nods. He stands up tall, the barometric pressure changes and Denmark feels frustrated now. Maybe he’s flustered—it doesn’t matter; not when you’re here, in his arms, he can’t lose this. Just one more dance. Denmark drags your feet over the floor, towards the bar, and he’s swiped up another drink before you can protest. The music thumps louder. Alcohol sits hard behind his temples. Denmark chugs a nice wallow down before he hands it to you with a giddy chuckle. You accept with a bout of laughs before the glass bore kisses your lips and you tilt your head back for a drink. 
One swig, then two. Amber liquid swills at the bottom of a glass bottle, dollops with a splash, and then stills. The bottle glitters in the light, grasped by paled knuckles. 
You hand the bottle back to Denmark before you wipe your mouth off with the back of your hands. Beer schmears across your lips and then you’re glancing off to the side. Denmark knows who you’re looking at. Who cares about him? Don’t let him get you down, baby. He can’t do anything to you. No matter what—I’m a prizefighter. I’ll break through anything for you. 
Dane smiles, anyway. This long, and wide, and nice smile that stretches from cheek to cheek; the kind that shows off those lipped pearly white teeth. The corners of his eyes are squinted, full of budding tears that don't fall. Rich cornflower blue eyes shimmer before they blink, another swig before the beer’s polished off. 
His mouth is close to the shell of your ear as he says, “Tell me all. I can go all night for you anytime.” 
He vaguely gestures with the empty bottle, but Denmark’s looking so intensely at you that you understand immediately what he’s implying. Something akin to amusement blossoms across your face before your arms wrap around his waist and the two of you are shambling back out to the dancefloor. 
Denmark’s happy—so happy. And whenever Denmark looks down at you there, in his arms gazing up at him with that pretty little head, he can’t help but let out a laugh himself. It’s funny! Really funny. So funny that Denmark doesn’t even realize he’s shedding tears of jubilation. 
You lean on him, prodding your nose against his left shoulder and Denmark finds himself veering into it. There’s some sort of twinkle blushing your face as you look at him, shaded by the dim orange lighting of the bar and the flush of alcohol, and it’s something that makes his heart beat faster. You mean so much to him, tucked beneath his jaw and clung to his body. This feels so unreal, like a dream. A dream that Denmark never wants to wake up from even though each step brings you closer to leaving. But then he levels your gaze again. 
You’ve been crying, He can see your puffy eyes, those ruddy whites, and the dips of incisors into your bottom lip. Denmark doesn’t comment on it because that’s unnecessary. Negativity has no place between the two of you, between the press of your bodies. More laughter. 
But Denmark’s cornflowers find your boyfriend absolutely sloshed against the bar, hiccupping and picking random fights with guys who have nothing better to do except entertain him. That’s the reason you’re so down and alone. He scoffs. 
Denmark brushes that off with a flick of his head and a cheer. He’s not. You know he’s not. That sound had not been meant for you, Denmark knows you know. There’s just something so carefree about the way that he listens to you; the way his eyes seem so large whenever he stares at you as you speak and as you relay your stories and you just can’t take it. Denmark is passionate, that’s the root of all evils. He’s so enthralled that he can’t do anything but look at you. Soft music hums in the air now, and whenever Denmark sniffs the film of dewdrops from his eyes and the distinct sting of alcohol hazes his senses… Nah, nothing’s going to get him down. He’s with you!
You can always go to him. Denmark will always be here for you. You glance at your boyfriend. 
He tells you, “There’s nothing gonna change over here on my end.”
You can always go to him—he’s a true friend. Someone who just loves you so much that it physically pains him in all of his joints and right below his ribs whenever you stare for too long at that bastard of a man. 
“You know I’ll always care.”
Are words so ginger that Denmark turns red in the face, and he doesn’t quite understand whenever you place your palm against his chest and push away from him. He follows you with a curious gaze and a quirked brow, but you just shake your head softly and smile. You gesture vaguely over your shoulder, towards that shitty boyfriend you’ve snagged, and then wave Denmark off. A look of concern doesn’t present itself, but Denmark just grins and grins and memorizes and studies. 
“I’ll win your heart one day,” he murmurs as you enthusiastically roll your eyes. 
One last swig. 
Denmark feels restless as he watches you. An itch of explosions beneath his skin, vibrating in his wrists. He takes a step and the heel of his boot makes a loud clap whenever he thunders back onto the ground—the world and its gravity mean nothing to him as his eyes constrict, as blackness swallows up everything but you and you’re all Denmark can see. A half-full bottle of beer rumbles in his stomach. You wince, Denmark sheepishly curls his lips, and then you’re back to gazing at one another. It’s so intense. Denmark feels heat in his heart, right where his blood pumps and where adrenaline is born. You go in for one last hug and Denmark is not short on the draw. 
His arms engulf your whole body, and he squeezes. The world feels a little foggy whenever you brush your bodies together. He whispers something that you can’t hear and something Denmark doesn’t feel like bringing to light, but his glare conflagrates through your boyfriend. Another drink, anything for you. 
“Let it start, let it start.” 
One day—For now, Denmark’s eyes close and he hugs tighter. Closer. One Day. He lets go. Your heat leaves his front and a chill traces down his spine, breeding gooseflesh and resentful feelings that Denmark only shows with that boyish vigor and optimism. You titter, so cutely, and he feels a pluck at his heartstrings. 
Denmark watches you go, but not without a last: 
“Come on, baby, if you just dare me.” 
that you never hear whenever you link arms with him. 
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alfredosauce50 · 3 months
Yandere Denmark headcanons
Ruthless, ambitious, and with a mind for expansion, it’s no wonder he always finds himself in positions of political power. But like all men, he has desires of the flesh, the longing for real connection. He comes onto you as an ordinary man, and you love him as one.
What you don’t know, is that he’s the king. When you learn the truth, you pull away fearing for your own safety. But he holds onto all the tighter. With the nation obeying his every whim and every pair of eyes and ears working for him, he’s impossible to escape.
Content warning: Sex, violence, and dubious consent. R18+ only.
The nobleman
Mathias commands respect everywhere he goes. As one of the most powerful men in the ancient world, he has a potent presence that causes the whole energy of a room to change if he were to enter it. But he also likes to blend in when he can. He will dress down to avoid standing out, even if it’s still in clothes for those in the top percentile.
He often leaves the palace grounds to visit the city in person. Whether it’s for leisure or to see how his kingdom is doing, he insists on doing it without protection. And when people recognize his face as the same one on the back of their coins, he gives a reassuring smile as they talk excitedly amongst themselves. The King is here!
Chinese silk, richly dyed clothing, and the most exotic Arabian perfume. They’re everything you notice about Mathias when you serve him at your diner. A member of the ruling class, you think. But that’s all. The last thing you’d expect is for the king himself to show up in this humble establishment, fitting in like everybody else.
“Tell me, eskler,” He begins, watching you set down his meal in front of him. Lamb shank, mash, and the soup of the day. A hearty meal to go with the homey atmosphere. “What do you think about the king?”
“I don’t know,” You lift your gaze to him thoughtfully. Without batting an eye, you tell him the words he didn’t know he needed to hear, and would, in turn, change his life forever. “I’ve never met him.”
He’s taken aback by your response, but it draws him in like no other. There’s people who don’t care for politics, and then there’s you. Someone who’s never even seen him before. And so long as he keeps his identity a secret, he’ll be treated as an equal. It’s nowhere near the treatment fit for a king, but somehow, he can’t get enough.
Mathias asks you out for dinner. You reject him the first time, and understandably so. You don’t wanna accidentally become a part of his harem, or whatever it is the elites are doing these days. However, you eventually have a change of heart when you keep seeing him in your diner. Not to pester you about a date, but only to eat and chat.
“Seeing that you’re more polite than any other man I’ve met, I’ll take you up on your offer,” You tell him.
“What, did you have higher expectations for men?”
“No, that’s why I’m surprised you would say yes,” Mathias explains, following you with his eyes as you clear up the last remaining tables. He eventually stands up to ask this. “What makes me so different?”
The truth is, you sense that he’s a good person, and he’s shocked when you tell him. He tries to see himself in your eyes, and in turn, discovers a whole new side. Thanks to your willingness to engage with him on his level, he gets in touch with the more vulnerable parts of his character. He drops his guard, and feels strangely human.
He starts seeing you in secret. The moment he gets the chance, he disappears from the palace and makes a discrete trip to your home. His alibi? The same thing he’s been doing the whole time. He’ll always show up with flowers and other gifts, but more importantly, an empty stomach, having developed an appetite for your simple cooking.
“So, what are we having for dinner today?” He rubs his hands expectantly as he peers over your shoulder.
“Pickled fish,” You hum.
“Can I help?” He lights up, rolling his sleeves.
“You can help me by staying out of the kitchen.”
He’s very playful. Rolling around with you in the grass, pretending to bite you like a frenzied dog, it’s a timeless romance that transcends the ages. He can play with you like a child but love you like a woman, so being with him feels like a dream. His presence is just so fulfilling you can’t imagine asking for more, but he just keeps surprising you.
He spoils you. His generosity is magnanimous, pampering you with jewelry, dresses, homeware, and everything you could ever need, and more. Mathias imagines himself to be the solution to all your problems, and takes great pride in using his privilege to help you. Little does he know, it’s the one thing that drives a wedge between you both.
“This is really nice and all, but—”
Mathias is taking you to store after store, fishing out anything he thinks would look good on you. And he isn’t picky, or shy, for that matter. He will watch your silhouette behind the paper screen until you finish.
“—this is a bit much, don’t you think?” You appear from the side of the screen in a revealing jade dress, cheeks flushed. “I don’t need all these things, and besides, I could never pay you back if I tried.”
“Why would you pay me back?” He questions.
“I’m just saying,” You reply, sliding your hands in his. “It always feels like we’re from different worlds, Mat.”
He takes that statement personally and becomes cautious about protecting his identity. You hold him to a high enough regard already, and he’s only revealed so much — that he’s an aristocrat. Even then, you’re still wary of the class difference that sets you two apart. Mathias is destined for greatness, but this is all you’ll ever be. Imagine how you’d react if you found out he was the king.
He’s afraid that he’ll scare you off. All rulers have blood on their hands, a ruthlessness that evades the ordinary man. You would be heartbroken if Mathias were anything of such, and he knows. He only wants you to see him as the person he is when he’s with you. Kind, gentle, and passionate. You make feel like a man, and when he feels like a man, it fills him with a carnal sense of purpose.
He’s sensual at heart, so he can’t go without it. Not without you, or the intoxicating completion you give him. So when you start pulling away, he’ll feel the whips of panic because a part of him is slipping away. Every interaction you have with him will become emotionally charged. Mathias chases you like crazy, but you withhold from him, causing him to have frequent bursts of passion.
“I thought we talked about this—”
“—No, I thought we talked about this. You said you loved me, and now you’re not gonna marry me?” Mathias sits up out of alarm, then stares at you like you just betrayed him, because to him, you have.
When you argue
There’s no arguing with Mathias. When he wants it his way, he’ll eventually get it. And in that same breath, you can never stay mad at him, allowing for a vicious cycle that never ends. Something about him just gets you to forgive him before he even does anything. It doesn’t matter what the argument is about, or how bad it gets, because it’s guaranteed you’ll be kissing him by nightfall, and he’ll be making love to you until sunrise.
“What’s makes us so different to each other?”
“You know why,” You rub the tears from your eyes as you rush down the stairs. “I’m not your equal. I don’t have money, I can barely read, and I don’t know anything about the things that are important to you!”
“Those are trivial things! And they’re nothing I can’t give or teach you!” He runs in front of you, talking excitedly. And he believes in every word he speaks. “The fact that we’re arguing makes us equals!”
No matter how outlandish.
“It doesn’t work that way, Mathias!”
He uses sex to his advantage. You know touch is his love language, so it becomes hard to resist, especially after a bad fight. The tension calls for a hard release of it, which he does through a hot and raw pounding. It gives him the safety and reassurance that you will always love him, and he’s addicted to it like a drug. Don’t be surprised that he starts picking fights just for the sake of it.
“I’m gonna cum inside you, okay?” He pants over you, moving his pelvis back and forth in fluid thrusts.
“You wouldn’t dare,” You breathe under him.
“I would,” Mathias speeds up to a pace that gets his face to contort from a pleasure so good, it looked like he was in pain. He was going so hard and deep, his orgasm came in seconds, arriving in strong jets that fills you to the brim. And he’s not letting you go until every last drop of it is pumped into your womb.
He wrecks boundaries and shatters your mind in the process. He can’t handle distance, let alone tension, and will force his way into your world. You can’t help but let him, too helplessly in love with his smile and memory. He seems nurturing and giving, when really, he takes just as much, and if not, more. You don’t always realize that, and lose yourself as well as your ability to say no.
The King
He has a fierce intelligence that intimidates. Not only does he have one of the greatest military minds of all time, there is no taking advantage of him in political exchanges. He can read anyone with a single glance, then find a way to get out on top. It’s all in his slick grin, which goes away in an instant. Making it obvious he’s hiding his amusement is just how he mocks his enemies.
Mathias is above the system. He doesn’t abide by existing power or religious structures if he thinks they’re useless. Sailing west into an open ocean, guiding his people to enlightenment and discovery. Questioning rulers, then going so far as to overthrow them. He’s a dark horse when it comes to challenging the natural order, a master of annexation, a force to be reckoned with.
He treats those below him with respect. He will look anyone in the eye to speak to them on their level, no matter who. He’s not pretentious at all, but very understanding of people from all walks of life. Kind to the poor, merciless to the rich. Civilians are cared for by their king and love him for it, but the same can’t be said for high society. Not that they have anything to say about it.
Mathias is uncensored to violence. He wouldn’t bat an eye at the inside of someone’s skull, heads rolling, or spilled guts. As a king, he’s seen it all. He fights with his men like the God of war for all his incorruptible dreams, so every battle serves a divine purpose. If it means he can give his people a better life, give you a better life, he would gladly take it away all the same without hesitation.
And yet, when you come around, his invincibility, sharpness, everything that makes him ruthless, goes away instantly. That impenetrable exterior his enemies work tirelessly to get past, is broken. He returns to who he is at his core, a kind, gentle, and curious man because you see him as such. Being with you is like rising to the surface and taking a breath for the first time, constantly.
For this, he can never stop thinking about you. Every waking hour of the day, you’re on his mind. With the rush of politics and warfare, all he wants is to drown in your love, beauty, and femininity. You are the light to the darkness that pervades the world, your presence a sacred haven in all the chaos. It’s no wonder the world is made for two, because he can’t understand it without you.
That’s why he’s such an intense lover. Mathias will show up to your doorstep uninvited and beg for your attention like he’s starving for it, because there’s no other way to describe such a feeling. Whether it’s through talking, touching, or kissing, the way he looks at you is how all girls want to be looked at — a look with so much love, you can hardly return it. But he makes you every time.
He can stay calm even in times of conflict and crises. He knows when he’s in control, and this has served him well for many years. But if he does lose his head, it’s when you’re caught in the crossfire. He will do anything to keep you safe, even if he has to sacrifice thousands of others. He wouldn’t just go to war for you like other men, he would wage them. Start them. Finish them.
His dedication is the stuff of myths and legends, because if it came down to it, he would venture to the depths of the underworld to rescue you from the dead. Slay monsters to prove his worth. Challenge Gods. Nothing is bigger than his love for you, and he’ll make the whole world feel it. What he has with you is for the history books, epics, and sagas, but he’d prefer privacy over all.
You are his only weakness, so if someone caught wind of the king’s secret lover, everything would be over. Unfortunately, he gets too carried away by going to your home too often. To protect you, he has no choice but to reveal his identity and take you back to the palace. Dressed up in his most extravagant robes, he knocks on your door with a band of soldiers surrounding the property.
When you answer, the first thing you see is Mathias in his crown, and behind him, the royal guard. Your heart sinks as everything clicks. Why he was always so secretive, why he was always so adamant that you were his equal, his other half. Why the court advisors bowed before him despite being the highest ranking officials in the state, because he was above everyone and everything, all except for the Gods themselves.
“Let me explain.” He tells you, brows raised.
“I knew it,” You utter, slamming the door in his face. But nobody simply shuts out the king, not even you. That reality sinks in as he stays outside your home, asserting he has no intention to leave without you.
The honeymoon
The first week is the toughest. You feel betrayed and overwhelmed by who Mathias is, so you refuse to see him. He’s very understanding at first, and prepares a separate room just for you. It’s fully furnished, lavishly decorated, and filled with everything you’ve ever laid your eyes on. He’s been thinking of you all this time, yearning to be with you, but you have yet to give in. This isn’t the man you thought you knew, and yet, some part of you always suspected he’d turn out this way. He seemed too good to be true, and he was. After all, every force has an equal and opposite reaction, where his love for you alone goes head to head with his ruthlessness.
He tries to find you around the palace, which is perfect for when you eventually get cabin fever. You roam the palace grounds out of curiosity, even joining some of the servants in the kitchen. Mathias would never show up in a place like that, and that serves you well for a few days. You feel like yourself again and all is well, that is, until you run into him in the orchard, picking apples for himself. It’s the second time you’ve made the crucial mistake of thinking of him as any other king when he isn’t. No chore is too low for him to do, no place too filthy for him to be. You both stare at each other, eyes wide. Without a single word exchanged, you turn around and run off.
“Will you at least have dinner with me?” He calls out to you, watching your back grow smaller and smaller.
“I’m quite fine, thank you.”
“Please?” Mathias softens his voice. “I miss you.”
You can’t resist him, especially when he talks and looks at you like that. The man you thought you knew is still in there, and it sucks you in like a rip. You join him in the dining hall and have a meal together, even if it’s a silent one. You’re keen on leaving right after, but he’s quick to notice that. He’s never wrong when it comes to reading your body language, even when you were being subtle about it. Turns out, with him, nothing is subtle. He catches you before you get far, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. “I’m still the same person you love, so will you just stay with me?”
Mathias is sneaky. He’s really good at reeling you in and letting you think you’re pushing him away. And he gets closer the more he keeps doing it. He knows exactly what he’s doing, while looking like he doesn’t. His innocent act is more effective than you’re led on to believe, because you fall for it every time. Every interaction with him has a catch, just like the dinner that came with a stroll. And now, you’re in his bed a week after telling him you want to sleep separately. You only realize your mistake three nights in, curled up tightly in his arms, staring up at his tired, smiling face.
“What am I gonna do with you?” You whisper.
“The same thing you’ve always done.” He answers.
He’s comfortable in his natural state. Mathias has the body of a warrior, his skin scarred by all the blades that have touched him. Otherwise, he’s an impressive specimen produced from years of battle and good genes. Large, muscular, and well-endowed. If the weather allows for it, he’ll relax in the bedroom buck naked, and talk to you as casually as he would with clothes on. He doesn’t feel any shame or embarrassment when he’s so familiar with you. He can also work up quite a stink, so he makes it a point to chase you around for a hug. And he catches you every time.
He expects you to join him for breakfast and dinner everyday. Mathias has a lot of business to attend to in between, but wants you to be the first and last thing he sees. Waking up and falling asleep beside you isn’t enough. He also insists on taking all his baths with you, so you ought to get used to being naked around him. He’s the type to stare, and so much that it’s embarrassing, but he always makes sure to remind you how beautiful you are. He may be a handful, but he just wants you to be as comfortable around him as you can so you both can be like two peas in a pod.
“It’s not like I haven’t already seen every inch of you, so don’t be shy,” He wades over to you in the pool.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t stop refreshing your memory.” You splash his face, cackling. “Have some manners!”
He tutors you. Granted, it took a lot of convincing on your end, but you can’t deny that you want to be closer to him, and this is how. He teaches you all about his duties, as well as math, science, and literacy. You didn’t go to school, but he wants to involve you in official business as you’ll be his most trusted partner in the future. And if he sends letters, you need to be able to read them. He’s been elevating you this whole time, hoping that you gain the confidence to stand by his side one day. And when that day comes, he’ll propose to you in a way that feels so natural, you won’t hesitate to accept. If you see him smiling at you over nothing, that’s what he’s thinking about. You’re going to be this nation’s most beloved queen one day, and he can’t wait for it to come.
The night of your wedding, he will carry you to his chambers to consummate it. He doesn’t think of it as a duty wherein he needs to produce heirs, but something he’s been wanting to do for ages. Starting a family with you, if he didn’t already get you pregnant from all the unprotected sex he’s been having with you for months. But tradition is tradition, and there won’t be another opportunity as romantic as this. You’ll be ravished all night, taking him until your insides ache and you get sick of his taste. He has a penchant for all kinds of sex, but combined with his ox-like stamina and insatiable appetite, he could go at it forever.
Mathias would want to reincarnate by your side, finding you again and again in endless rebirths. In the dark ages where life is short and death is always near, having you just once isn’t enough. So after conquering the mortal world and making it perfect for you, he will search for answers to the question that needs answering. What comes after death, and if you’ll be there, waiting for him. It’s strange. He has dreams of having different lives, each more vivid than the last. Sometimes a dashing prince, other times, a champion boxer. He doesn’t understand what he experiences, but the thing about dreams is that they always make sense when he’s in them. So maybe, it’ll come to him one day, even if it’s thousands of years later.
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Hello! I was hoping if you would be willing to do the 2p Nordics with a very short s/o? NSFW if possible!
Of course! I hope you enjoy this :D fair warning tho I'm tall so I naturally don't have a lot of experience with being short ^^;;;
2p Denmark/Markell Køhler
He likes it a little too much in the wrong way (cough pervert cough)
He thinks that you being tinier than him is cute, and he will make you wear cute stuff and then fuck you in it, the size difference turns him on
2p Finland/Thurston Väinämöinen
He's already short enough as it is and he hates it, thinks it makes him look weak. That also applies to a possible SO, you would ideally be tall and lean so you can defend yourself and fight of course
He likes it in the bedroom kinda, he prefers having power over you, but that's about it, he'd still fuck you regardless of height, he just finds taller people to be better mates
2p Iceland/Erikur Steillson
Also prefers an SO who is shorter than him, so you're in luck, because he definitely enjoys the power trip of having a shorter SO both inside and outside the bedroom
It also makes it much easier to kidnap you and tie you to the bed until you agree to be his. His communication skills are shit, blame Loki for that one. Actually none of them really taught him any of that
2p Norway/Loki Thomassen
He doesn't have a preference for height other than it being close to his own. You can be as short as you like and he'll still kidnap you, force a love potion on you and then treat you like his most precious play thing
A short SO definitely also gets the short end of the stick, as he overpowers them more easily that way, size matters in this case
2p Sweden/Bernard Oxenstierna
His preferences lean towards a shorter SO but it's not really as outspoken as some of the others preferences. Mostly he likes picking up a short SO and swinging you around like in a dance and also because it's easier to move you around during sex if you're small
His yandere tendencies also have him leaning towards shorter people, they are easier to control physically. It's gonna be fun that day a short person absolutely wrecks him because he thinks them a weakling
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I'm a little late for mermay, can you do mermaid or pirate Nordics falling in love with an Octomer darling that they've seen occasionally above water ( the darling prefers not to be seen around the surface to much, they prefer to be in deep waters. ). You can decide if you want them yandere or not.
Happy Mermay to one and all. Let the warm ocean waves carry you away to the lagoons full of colors and fun.
It’s never too late!! As I write this almost a year later… I also mixed the ideas of pirates and mermaids around. Same with Yandere and non, I hope you don’t mind.
            The smell of salt and subtle sulfur accompanied the ocean’s crashing waves like the scent of fresh popcorn at a busy theater. The grey stones were warm and smooth as (Y/N) basked upon them.
            Stretching and curling her inky tentacles, she shifted more fully onto the tiny, sea stack. Cozy in nature’s embrace, the great Cecelia of the North Sea allowed her eyes to flutter shut to the sea’s lullaby.
Blissfully unaware of the eyes.
Eyes that were full of a painful longing that burned like the dying remains of an oil fire on a starless ocean night. Maybe… He thought they could be together. Maybe, their worlds could be one.
            Denmark: The cacophony of loud howls and jeers shocked (Y/N) awake. Scrambling with contracting leucophores turning her body whiter than seafoam to escape the quickly approaching wooden whaler.
Instead of diving off the rocks into the cool sea, the Cecelia smashed into the thick, coarse, rope net. As the fibers tightened around her flexible body (Y/N) screamed and flailed.
Her sharp claws did nothing against the harsh strands as she was lifted away from the depths.
Louder the cheers became as she swung above the rowdy crew. Their hands reached to pull at (Y/N)’s form, in return, she gnashed her sharp teeth at them. Clawing for any flesh to destroy in hopes that creating fear would cause them to return her to the sea.
Each strike was like a failed hunt as each swipe became more sluggish. She thought the torture would never end when a loud voice called for the men to stop.
Silently, all eyes turned to the wheelhouse. She shivered as the blond man stepped down the wooden steps, walking closer. His men moved aside like fish before a shark. Though, she was the only prey in his violet-blue gaze.
Frozen she watched as he slowly reached out his scarred hand. The callous palm rested on her cold, moist tentacle seeming to savor her. 
(Y/N) hissed and lunged causing the net to sway. Grinning as her claws dripped red from catching the captain's hand.
His men somehow became stiller than a sea before a hurricane, and the Great Cecelia paid them no mind. Focused on her small win.
The captain looked at his injured hand before chuckling. Loudly it rang through the silence before the crew joined like terrified seagulls. 
“Thank min havkanin for the mark, but” He turned to the men behind him. “I think you need time to calm down. Don't you lot agree?!"
The chorus was louder than any whale song as the men affirmed their captain. 
"Then to the tank!" He yelled, before licking the blood off his hand.
Smiling as he made eye contact with (Y/N). 
            Sweden: As the sun passed its peak, (Y/N) awoke to the feeling of her tightened skin as it dried. Stretching should have been relaxing, but the state of her skin was more akin to a fresh sunburn after a nap in the summer.
Sluggishly she slunk back to the depths, shivering as the cold enveloped her. Quickly, her body readjusted to its primary environment, swirling in a graceful twirl as she sank to the seafloor.
The sand puffed like a smoke cloud as she rested, observing the blue world as a rumble came from her stomach.
A familiar scent bloomed like an anemone across the current. Blood, fresh and fishy.
Eyes dilated, (Y/N) followed the scent. Wondering if the injured being would be simple prey, or if would it lead her to a feeding frenzy that should be avoided.
Around the stones and across the sand, she glided. Stopping when the source was in sight.
A small, silver herring speared on what appeared to be a string of crystal struggled in front of a dark tube.
(Y/N) stalked closer, her curiosity pushing aside any fear as she reached for the fish. Her hand was a breath away when the fish was snagged back.
She blinked. Stunned, but that nagging of wanting, pushed her on. Forcing her way into the dark tube.
The fish glinted in the low light. Slowly, she again reached forward. Fingertips grazed the smooth scales when a loud bang turned her world black.
Gasping, (Y/N) turned and pushed against the now-closed entrance. Whimpers and cries hurting her throat from overuse. Deafening her from the subtle scrapping.
A sudden jostle banged her against the end of the trap as she was again exposed to the light.
Her hands pressed against the now clear sides to stabilize against the rocking movement. Her eyes froze on the whitetip shark man that was carrying her away.
His sharp smile offered no comfort as his muffled voice spoke to her.
“Ready to go home sjöstjärna?”
            Norway: Those thoughts of oneness rang through his mind like a belled buoy during a storm. Creating visions of a happy future that were as vivid as lighting.
Lidolf swam closer, timing his strokes with the tide. Hoping the foam hid his black-and-white form.
 As the cetacean was stilled by the pile of stone, he monitored his future mate for movement.  Slowly he lifted his hands over the rocks, dropping drops of seawater onto them. Hovering over her hips.
  There was no hesitation as Lidolf clamped down. Digging his claws into her soft flesh as he ripped her away from the world above.
The blond orca laughed as his manet began her panicked struggle. Her teeth and claws only left scratches in his blubbery hide.
He forced her head close as he nuzzled her neck, rapidly swimming off. Taking her away far from the warmth above while speaking promises of their new home.
Hours passed as the water chilled and large ice floats appeared, and (Y/N) began to weaken from the struggle. Her voice felt hoarse from screaming curses and insults at her captor. The Cecealia’s tentacles and arms hung limply with bruised tips.
With heavy eyes, (Y/N) noted how the never-quiet Lidolf had silenced himself. His face was stoic with focus as he gazed at different floats.
Suddenly, he popped up with a “That’s it!” and rushed between two colliding bergs. Turning sharply to the left before swimming into a large iceberg, that was protected by thick floats.
Once deep within the icy wall, (Y/N) felt Lidolf finally release his titanium grip. She seized the opportunity, pushing his arms aside. Putting distance between her and the orca male.
Eye to eye, they remained in a standoff. (Y/N) tensed as Lidolf spread his arms, welcoming her to their icy home.
“As I told you hours ago, I’m not your MATE!”
Dashing, (Y/N) used her tentacles to propel herself forward and around the crazed merman reaching for her again.
The chase felt one-sided as (Y/N) twisted and turned looking for the exit, and waiting for the orca to pull her back. Bite her with a claim and drag her deeper in. 
Looking back, that would have been a daydream compared to the nightmare he used. 
She had reached the exit, ready to bolt into the dark sea when his voice bounced off the ice in a language unknown to modern sea life. As quickly as it rumbled, it faded. Leaving (Y/N) frozen in silence.
When nothing happened, (Y/N) cautiously shuffled. She placed one tentacle out into the unknown, allowing it to curl against the uneven surface. The moment it settled, she screamed.
 Burning, red sigils ran up her form like fire racing over oil causing her to collapse against the berg. 
Panting, shaking (Y/N) was vulnerable to the gentle arms that scooped her. Tightly she was cradled against Lidolf, as he placed kisses along her hairline. Murmuring Norwegian comforts.
“What have you done to me?”
Clicking, Lidolf nuzzled her once more. “Making sure min manet stays home.”
            Iceland: (Y/N) scrunched her face as a small, warm current of air blew across her face. It didn’t last long before it disappeared, but that peace also didn’t last as another blew across her face. The Cecelia groaned and swatted the air hoping that the breeze came from a stubborn bug or stupid gull.
As her arm came down again, a deep giggle erupted like metal being dropped on a tile.
She snapped to attention like a spooked alligator. Nose to nose, she was with a charcoal-haired merman that had the brightest yellow eyes that she had ever seen.
“Who are you!?”
“Me?!” Cocked the cetacean male while putting his hand on his thin chest. “I’m Erlingr, sjókindin mín.”
Umming, (Y/N) opened her mouth to question the strange name forced upon her when Erlingr leaned forward. Their noses almost touched again.
“Do you wanna play a game?”
His request sounded innocent, but something in the tone wasn’t. Like a stranger holding candy doesn’t appear harmful, there is something about him that causes the skin to prickle.
“No,” (Y/N) shook as she slowly sunk back into the sea. “I’ve got to go.”
Her endeavor for distance was halted when Erlingr popped up in a flurry of bubbles.
He questioned why not, there is no harm in having fun.
Again, (Y/N) pushed back. Claiming she had to go hunt and reset her cove.
With each excuse (Y/N) could see how his fists tightened and he drew ever closer. Forcing her against the stone and blocking all exits.
There was no space left for breathing and she snapped at the skinny dolphin. Demanding he let her go with a futile push.
Erlingr leaned back and smiled showing his sharp teeth. “If you win my game, I will. But…”
“If you fail, you come home with me.”
            Finland: The sea’s movement may have rocked the dingy, but the man within paid it no mind. Instead, his mind was occupied by his merienkelini on the stone. Her sleeping form would make his work so much easier.
Carefully, the Finnish pirate lifted the modified musket from the wooden floor. Adjusted the weapon for perfect alignment despite the constant motion of the ocean.
Click, boom!
The dart flew and hit (Y/N). The dart scraping only woke her a moment before the medication within knocked her back into dreamland.
Within minutes Niilo had rowed his boat to the sea stack. Tying it to the rock as he moved his prize onto the wet floor.
He smiled at her unconscious form before reaching for the small flare under his seat.
 Another series of clicks and boom turned the sky a flash red.
His crew would be here soon, and hopefully, his merienkelini will enjoy her tank.
            Denmark: Underneath the waves circled a blunt-nosed six-gill merman. His pale and tan countershading blended him in well with the sand as he stared at the being above the waves. Paying no mind to the mackerel that struggled in his right hand.
Breathing deeply, he floated to the surface, dragging the panicking fish with him. A look of determination in his violet-blue eyes as he closed in on Cecelia.
Using his hands, Markell lifted himself to be level with the stone top. Eye to eye he was with the now awoken mermaid.
For a moment he stared, savoring the way her head cocked to the side with droopy eyes made her look like a newborn seal pup.
“Umm… Can I help you?”
Blinking, Markell nodded before slamming the mackerel on the stone. Dazing the large fish.
“Care to share a meal, havkanin?”
            Sweden: Before slumber can fully pull (Y/N) under its spell, a gentle hum rose above the crashing wave. At first, she tried ignoring it thinking it was nothing more than a passing cruise celebrating some odd human milestone. But as the singing grew louder she twitched.
Once, then twice as the serenade continued its crescendo.
The great Cecelia slowly lifted herself on to her arms. Cautiously, glancing around the ocean surface for the owner of the voice.
To her surprise, it was not from a great yacht, but a small dingy that bounced against the gentle waves. Inside sat a man dressed in a blue captain’s coat with a peacock feather in his black tricorne. He smiled as his voice carried tales of pirates and their adventures.
Seemingly unnoticed, (Y/N) swam closer, quietly propelled by her tentacles. As the wooden side became eye level, she reached out and held to the smooth side.
Her grip bumped the boat, causing (Y/N) to wince as the soothing siren stopped.
A dark shadow overhead caused her to look up.
The man’s face was under the sea looking directly into her (E/C) eyes. His black-framed glasses almost floated away from his own gun-steel eyes.
“Hello, sjöstjärna!” He bubbled.
            Norway: Explosions rang loud like thunder and threw up water in the form of splashes like a reverse rainstorm. The aftershocks caused the sea stack to sway before it crumbled, throwing (Y/N) back into the freezing depths.
She gasped, watching as the marine life fled before the sinking balls of iron. Hastily resurfacing, (Y/N) turned in multiple circles, looking for the cause of the chaos.
Before she could locate anything, a screaming whistle forced her back into the water. The splash from above allowed for an easy dodge of the sinking cannonball.
As more iron rained from above, (Y/N) dove deep, hiding within the remains of the stack.
It felt like hours as she hid from the surface violence.
Eventually, the fury above slowed to a drizzle of metal before stopping altogether with darkness.
 Biting her lip (Y/N) slowly placed a tentacle in the exposed sand. Resting it for a second before quickly pulling it back. Hesitantly she repeated the process with more of her body until she was able to gaze up.
Above was the bottom of a large vessel. Its dark wood appeared well sealed but covered in barnacles like the great whales.
In an almost crawl, she swam to the side of the boat and surfaced. To be greeted once more by a splash.
Her attempt to bolt back to the newly formed cave was spoiled by warm flesh.
Thrashing, (Y/N) realized that one of the humans had grabbed her. Holding her in a grip that rivaled her own.
Teeth gnashing, (Y/N) arched backward. Ready to soak those ivory points red when she froze like stunned prey.
All over they covered him like stripes on a sand tiger. (Y/N) expected someone like this to be ready to kill her, drag her from the sea, and skewer her like pork on a spit. Yet, he smiled and gazed at her like a lost treasure finally found.
The strange man took advantage of the confusion, bringing her back to the surface. He took a deep breath to restore what he lost while under the waves.
Her confusion deepened like an abyss when with no introduction, he made a request.
“Are you willing to join me on a quest, Manet?”
            Iceland: (Y/N) choked on the air as a sudden splash awoke her from the world of dreams. Her (h/c) hair clung to her like a second skin as she coughed up the coarse irritation that had taken residency in her throat.
A simple sweep of her hand not only corrected her dripping hair but also allowed her to take in the odd sight before her.
It was a skinny, young man, barely in years of adulthood. His bright, magma-yellow eyes looked like they should have popped, but instead, they were sunk in from starvation. Dark hair that must have once rivaled pure ebony looked more like an off-grey from days of grime.
Yet, despite the obvious suffering he smiled at her with Labrador energy.
“Hi!” he greeted as he reached for her arms. Missing as (Y/N) drew them closer to herself. “My name's Erlingr but call me Eri!”
(Y/N) continued to curl in on herself as she gave the young man a bombastic side-eye. “H-h-how did you get here?”
Erlingr’s smile somehow got bigger as he told the tale of his older brother, Lidolf leaving him behind. Claiming that his senior had ordered him to guard their treasure until his return. Which he believed would be any day now.
“Are you sure? It sounds like he stranded you to die?”
The stranded pirate sputtered in offense. “Of course not! Lidolf loves me, and even if he tried our brothers would have stopped him!”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but raise a brow at the lone man. “Ookay then… But why engage with me then?”
“Because I’m alone, and I see that you’re always alone. And I thought someone as pretty as you, sjókindin, shouldn’t be alone.”
Now, it was (Y/N)’s turn to feel offended as she felt heat flush under her skin. “WHAT MAKES YOU THINK I’M ALONE!”
“Well…” Erlingr started. “For the last month I’ve been here, I’ve never seen you talk to or interact with anything.”
(Y/N) attempted to argue that was only on the surface. Under the sea, there was plenty of social activity for the cecealia.
But, he rebutted by mentioning how in a twenty-four-hour period, she was either above the surface or near it for at least eighteen hours. Which meant she was sleeping in a den the rest of the time.
Dumbfounded, the mer could only stare in confused silence. How was she supposed to respond to him?
“So, you wanna be friends?”
            Finland: (Y/N) felt something rough against her tentacles that rested in the tide. Startled and wide awake she glanced around the surface, looking for suspicious shadows.
There was nothing. Not a wave off beat, splash uncounted, and floating object unnoticed.
Still, the prickling feeling lingered as her chest tightened. She felt like she was gazing into the face of her executioner as she leaned closer to the sea. Hoping a closer view would expel her fears.
(Y/N) gasped as her hearts raced when a shark silhouette erupted from the darkness. Its large, serrated teeth sawing into her tentacles as momentum breached the fish from the ocean.
Together cecealia and shark flew in an arch before crashing back into the water below. An array of bubbles, ink, and blood blinded (Y/N) as she thrashed. The shark chomped and shook (Y/N) like a treat filled chew toy.
She tried to claw at the dead eyes while screeching like a banshee, but it was futile against the shark’s shakes.
As the water transformed from a dark purple to a cloudy ruby, (Y/N)’s vision was overtaken by black spots. She could feel the knife-like teeth cleave deeper into her flesh, about to sever it.
The red cloud split as she sank, free from death’s jaws.
Her numbing mind attempted to process the lone, long figure fighting off her predator. His claws gliding through the shark skin like it was soggy paper, leaving red tides in the wake.
The vision spots had changed to a growing dark edge. Gradually it took over, leaving her alone with the final sound she heard was a haunting howl.
The darkness remained for (Y/N) as she contemplated whether the pain she felt was meant as a punishment in death or that she had survived the fearsome beast. If it was the latter, how many hours had it been, and how did she?
“I know you’re awake merienkelini.”
(Y/N)’s (E/C) eye cracked open revealing a simple cave. Its grey walls had been craved from centuries of tiny movements, but that wasn’t what held her interest.
 The long, Harbour Porpoise merman that watched her with crossed arms did. As she stared at the annoyed man, faded scars became obvious. They littered his pale human half and speckled down to the grey and white tail.
“Um… How did I get here?”
The merman rolled his red eyes as he scoffed. “Did the shark tango really take that much out of you?”
“Yes.” She murmured, looking down at her seaweed-bandaged body. Wincing at the loss of three tentacles.
The sound of a disgruntled sigh and shuffle of movement brought her attention back to him.
“Names Niilo and…” He sighed again with a small blush. “I guess you can stay with me until you’ve recovered.”
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yanwriter-archive · 2 years
Update on blog and Upcoming Works
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Hello! It’s been a very long time! I won’t bore you with details, but I will say that I’m back! I have a few things I am working on, so my requests are closed for now, but over half of my requests were deleted by accident! So once I open them up, feel free to request something you may have requested before!
- Yanwriter
Upcoming works (No particular order)
1p Russia, 1p Germany, 2p Russia, and 2p Germany trying to convince the boss of Fem! Reader country to get married
2p France, 2p America, 2p Canada, and 2p England with a s/o that is emotionally sensitive
2p Russia and 2p China with a s/o who is emotionally sensitive
Yandere Nyo!Belarus General headcanons
Yandere Netherlands
Yandere Viking Sweden
A yandere Denmark Fic (I’m so excited for this!!)
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squidfrompluto · 6 days
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˜"*°• Love's Breaking Point: A Gay Yandere's Obsession •°*"˜ - III (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1371006722-%CB%9C-%C2%B0%E2%80%A2-love%27s-breaking-point-a-gay-yandere%27s?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=squid_from_pluto In the aftermath of a devastating war, Ukrainian refugee Xylo Vovk finds himself stripped of everything, including his own sanity. Lost and broken, he embarks on a harrowing journey through hospitals, seeking solace and restoration. But fate takes an unexpected turn when he encounters his kindred spirit, Benjamin Yechezkel. With the intent to aid Xylo, Benjamin becomes entangled in a twisted dance that leads to his unraveling. Like a moth to a flame, Xylo's obsession takes hold, driving him to the brink of madness. In his desperate pursuit for love, he is willing to sacrifice everything. Discover a spine-chilling tale of dark passions and tormented souls, as Xylo's Ukrainian yandere persona emerges in full force. Gripped by an uncontrollable obsession, he is determined to possess Benjamin's heart at any cost. Brace yourself as this gripping psychological thriller takes you on a whirlwind ride, where love and madness collide, and the limits of devotion are pushed to unthinkable extremes. . . . BY: squid_from_pluto . . . !TW! For: - Death/Dying - Blood/Gore - Warfare - Mental Illness - Kidnapping - Murder - Suicide - Cursing - Intercourse
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noellawrites · 10 months
Souvenir - Yandere!Luca x reader
summary: Luca just can't let his rivalry with Carmy go, so he leaves a permanent reminder inside of you. afab reader but no specified pronouns.
warnings: smut, baby-trapping, condom sabotage, forced breeding
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You weren't even supposed to go to Copenhagen. The trip was booked for Marcus when his mother took a turn for the worse. So here you were, the recipient of a non-refundable flight, standing in front of Denmark's most renowned kitchen. As The Beef's only waitress, saying you had a lack of food prep knowledge was an understatement. But with Tina and Ebra back in school, the task was left to you.
"Carmy taught me everything I know about good service. Really, I owe everything to him. I thought he'd boot me after taking over The Beef but thank god he didn't," you rambled.
"Sounds like he means a lot to you," Luca spoke quietly as he prepped an example dessert.
"He's the best chef I've ever worked with. Maybe not as intense as your rival chef, but he definitely challenges me. For example, sending me here with no experience," you laughed, picking up a tub of diced almonds.
"Seems like a real bond," Luca said simply. He reached across to the other side of you and his tattoos crossed into your line of vision.
"He's like my mentor, brother, work husband and hero all in one. Actually, that sounds stupid when I say it out loud," you laughed nervously.
"I know what you mean. To be so consumed by someone's talent that you just want to seep into their skin," Luca agreed.
A comfortable moment of silence hung between you both as you kept working. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him staring at you with an unreadable expression before he turned away to grab some dough.
"Your lips taste better than any dessert," Luca whispered in your ear as he traced his fingers down your stomach. Pleasure tickled down your spine and he pushed down your shorts, reaching into your panties and tracing your clit.
"Ah--ahh, Luca!" you moaned, and he clamped a hand over your mouth.
Through the dark, you could just make out his pepper tattoo on his hand, which oddly enough reminded you of Carmy. Come to think of it, the patchy placements of his tattoos reminded you a lot of Carmy's. And his entire apartment was bare just like Carmy's was, too. Even Luca's intense expressions sometimes mirrored Carmy's.
I really shouldn't be thinking of Carmy when I'm about to have sex with this hot pastry chef, you thought.
As Luca started pulling his boxers down, you held your hand out to stop him.
"Do you have a condom?" you asked, sitting up and looking around.
"Dresser, top drawer," he said, sounding a bit irked. You handed him the small plastic square and laid back down.
You could hear him ripping open the package with his teeth and stretching the condom over his cock when he suddenly pulled your panties down the rest of the way.
You were lost in pleasure as he dove into your pussy, licking and sucking with his expertly trained tongue.
Luca held you against him with his strong arms as you both reached orgasm together, a mess of sweat and pleasure and moans.
"Oh shit Luca, did you just cum in me?" you gasped, wriggling away from him as post-sex clarity struck you.
"The condom must've broken," he said, but you pulled away from him too quick and managed to see what he was trying to hide: the empty, fully intact condom next to him. His hard cock pulled out of you, covered in a mix of your cum, no condom on him at all.
"What the fuck, Luca?!"
"Stay here. With me."
Luca's kind eyes had turned dark, an ulterior motive lurking underneath the surface. You didn't know what he was up to, but you knew it couldn't be good.
You quickly gathered your clothes from the floor and tried to yank your pants on. Luca stood, still completely naked, and moved to stand in front of the door leading outside his flat.
"Move, I need to go pick up Plan B. I'm ovulating, you fucking asshole!"
"You're not leaving. Not until your flight."
"Oh my god, this is so fucked up! I-I barely even know you!" you cried.
"You knew me enough to let me fuck you," he laughed, pulling on his boxers. As much as you hated to admit it, he had stretched you better than anyone else had before.
"I hate you, Luca."
You took a Plan B when you got back to Chicago, but by then it was too late. Not only did you bring back three desserts for The Bear's new menu, but you also brought back a tiny baby in your stomach. A little bundle of cells forever tying you to the British pastry chef. You sobbed as you told Carmy, who then gave you the entire story about how he and Luca had met. Rivals, but Carmy was clearly more skilled, more talented, more ambitious.
But now, Luca had finally bested Carmy at something. He left you a permanent reminder, a souvenir from your travels, a big 'fuck you' to his former rival chef.
part two
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shini--chan · 11 months
Hi! Can I get some headcanons for Denmark and Sweden having feeling for the same darling?
For the short version: shit is gonna hit the fan. For the long version.
Yandere Sweden vs Denmark
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This would be a scenario that would get the blood of both men boiling. The present day status of being EU countries would encourage them to remain cordial on the surface, that it wouldn’t solve the pre-existing problems, only freeze said dilemmas or make them resort to more covert methods. When they would both find out that they’re eyeing the same person, then matter could very well spiral out of control. They would be both be running high on emotions and their mutual unwillingness to share along with the emotional baggage both carry would mix together to be the most explosive cocktail.
There was a loud knock on the door, interrupting the awkward silence that had settled between Matthias and you. You were thankful for it, because you had already started to feel nervous under the intense stare of your surprisingly silent guest.
A key twisted in the hole and Matthias hissed: “Who did you give your spare key to?”
He was angry, (of course he was angry – you had just rejected his proposition to move into his house; it was simply too early) and he got even angrier when he saw who stepped in and neatly took off his shoes.
Berwald froze when he glimpsed your guest and you could feel your anxiety rise, making your heart hammer in your ears and making you feel oddly floaty. While the taller man was a calming presence with his stoic attitude, he was the last person you needed here. Matthias was hot-tempered and without somebody to respond with adequate empathy, his emotions would flare.
“What are you doing here?”, Berwald all but snarled. It shocked you, because it was the most emotion you had ever witness from the man. Your first guest narrowed his eyes at him, mirroring his anger.
Your “you know each other?” was promptly ignored, as Matthias stalked forward, seizing up the man he had deemed to be his opponent.
“Oh, you know – visiting. That you really have a concept of it, seeing how you barged in here unannounced. You own the place or something?”
“And what if I did? I bet your face is yearning to meet the pavement outside. Don’t worry – I’ll help you.”
These two would be antagonistic towards each other, right off the bat, especially considering that the circumstances where they would learn of their shared interest would leave little room for misinterpretation. It would lead to vicious plotting as they immediately contemplate ways to get rid of the competition.
Denmark balefully glared at the closed kitchen door. From where he was sitting at the table, he could hear your soft voice as well as the hideous low rumble of that ogre. He wished he could be in their instead of Sweden, to caution you against allowing that emotionally constipated mess of a man continue to see you.
Without the shadow of a doubt, Berwald was doing exactly what he intended to do, only that he warning you to stay away from him, good mood personified. That was an underhand thing that he couldn’t allow.
Seriously, they would probably devise schemes that would end with one in hospital and the other possibly in prison. Trying to reason with them wouldn’t work, blinded by their emotions as they would be. They both know of the others stubbornness and was aware of the full extent of the other’s feelings, they would know that they could never fully enjoy you as long as the other would be free and yearning for your touch.
There would be people hurt and eventually lives ruined, if their “disagreement” would go on for long enough. They would use this fact against one another, using it to point out how the other is so reckless and violent and inconsiderate. Could they possibly be a good husband to you if they are already like this before the deal is sealed? This would probably be a point that Sweden would bring, seeing as out of the two, he would be more in control of his emotions.
Sweden would try to attract you to him by presenting himself as the more put together option, as the man that would listen to all your worries and treat you like a princess in opposition to the stormy Denmark.
Denmark would try to present himself as the more open-minded option, as the guy that can understand the emotions of himself and others, of the fun guy that would ensure your happiness.
Both would do their best to depict the other as a monster that you would do your best to avoid, and they wouldn’t shy from hitting below the belt line here. Thus, sharing would absolutely be out of the question. They would dig up blackmail on the other, throw blocks in the road, drag up unresolved and resolved issues to fight over them all over again.
It would escalate into kidnapping which would then turn into a tug of war as you would be stolen and re-stolen and re-re-stolen. If anything, there would be a high chance that you would die in one of their scuffles. Or just end up hating both of them. Time to move to New Zealand!
The only way everybody would stay alive would be if they would decide to duel for your hand in marriage. A fair share of pride would force them to respect the outcome, especially if a ref would be there to rule out any foul play. And, by the way, your feelings wouldn’t be considered in all of this aside from how they can be used to manipulate you.
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Yandere Denmark NSFW headcanons.
General Head canons
7 inches
he's rather busy down there he trims a bit but nothing too much
rough as fucking shit like i hope you can clear your schedule for tomorrow he is not gonna be too nice unless you ask him to
likes to get off on power like the other yanderes 
-breeding, he loves the idea of kids and honestly the idea that you could get pregnant or the risk of it really turns him on and he cant help but to want to cream pie you and fill you till you’re beyond dripping.
-bondage, helpless little lamb you are- He finds the position of such absolutely amazing! he likes testing out his ropes on you and his ways of leaving you exposed 
-primal play, the Viking times really made this huge for him. The raw sex, the growling, the feeling he is hunting his prey and digging his nails into your hips and making sure you know you are his and only his without a doubt. 
-overstimulation, he loves making you cry from over stimulation- what more than to watch you melt down from the pleasure he has given you. the pleasure he allowed you to have. The feels you feel when you’re only with him. 
-roleplay, He likes the idea of roleplaying and finds it cute dressing up and fucking you. he may dress up back in his old clothes from the viking era or another era he has in his storage closet. he likes seeing you wear his clothes too during sex, it may just be as simple as wearing one of his shirts during sex or something of his. 
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Yandere! Gellert Grindelwald x Muggle! Female Reader.
One shot. Topic: Reader Chan who loses hope.
Grindelwald caressed your effeminate cheekbone with affection to get your attention. The two of you were bare naked and laying outside on the beach Grindelwald owned. He told his henchmen to close the land for today. It was just him and you.
You peeked at his awaiting expression. Just to get him off your back. You gave him a fake smile and ran your long piano fingers across his gray hair. 
You two married four days ago. When Grindelwald is finished with the last papers, he will take you to a real honeymoon. He wanted to take you to Denmark and then Libya. 
He imagined you wearing foreign dresses and jewelry. Grindelwald wanted to fuck you without taking them off. He fondly smiled at the memory of the wedding night. 
He didn't remove your huge sparkly wedding gown when he consummated the marriage. He let you bleed on the expensive silk material. To remind you, he is in charge. After that, Grindelwald didn't use his magic to clean the gown. He hung it up and placed it behind a glass case for display in his study. 
He wanted everyone to know he owned you. 
He was a fan of nature. So, he didn't make love to you on a bed in a bedroom. Too original and boring. No, he fucked you on the grass in the dark woods next to his old school, Hogwarts. His powerful magic skills blocked predators and made you two invisible. 
He felt as if he was the original Adam making love to his wife, Eve when they got expelled from Paradise. 
What a grand feeling.
You couldn't say the same. A elderly stranger whom you never met kidnapped you and chained you to a room. He didn't touch you but forced you to wed him. You tried to fight but he would whip and burn you. He tamed you like a horse. 
So, you had to respond to his kisses and look at him as he raped you. You felt like a coward. But who likes pain?
Grindelwald purred like a damn cat when you gave him his fake affection as if it was medicine. But, now. He noticed how lacking you were. As if you were not trying. You stopped giving him fake smiles and seemed to not mind getting hit by his slapping and hair pulling. 
How rude. He gritted his teeth at your defiance. So, he got his belt and whipped you. To his horror, you didn't seem to even feel him. You flinched and winced at the right time. But you didn't utter a word. The fuck is wrong with you?
He didn't feed you for two days. Then he finally came. 
"All right. That's enough!" He snarled and shook your shoulders. "Why are you acting like a bitch?"
"What's the point of my opinion? You're always offended by my answers anyway and deny them." You sarcastically replied as tears came out.
Grindelwald clenched his jaw. He demanded why you were ungrateful. You lost it. You pushed him out of his grip. You sobbed how you lost your freedom and all people you loved and how it was unfair that he expected you to love him like a mindless slave.
You clutched your face as you crumpled to the ground. The middle aged man watched you with a clean expression and said nothing. He didn't say it. He actually pitied you. He agreed he was rather mean to you. Grindelwald walked to the door. "Don't try to escape." His tone mellow and heartless once more. 
He was sitting on his favorite arm chair in his study with the fireplace lit. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
Fuck. He screwed up. He didn't mean to break your spirit. When he told you he loved you. It was real. If he didn't love you. He wouldn't feel guilty or ask why you were unhappy. Grindelwald is too proud. He will never apologize or admit his mistakes. 
But, he is affectionate and will make it up. He decided to give you more freedom. Going on leisures alone in the Muggle world only. Not the Magic world. And have your technology devices back. 
Yeah. That will do.  Hopefully, he will make you lovey dovey and wrapped around his finger. But he will make conditions. Nothing is free. Everything has a price. You have to suck his dick well and hard before stepping outside. A smirk graced his gray cracked lips. Not a bad deal. 
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alfredosauce50 · 3 months
Yandere Denmark Headcanons
Ruthless, ambitious, and with a mind for expansion, it’s no wonder he always finds himself in positions of political power. But like all men, he has desires of the flesh, the longing for real connection. He comes onto you as an ordinary man, and you love him as one.
What you don’t know, is that he’s the king. When you learn the truth, you pull away fearing for your own safety. But he holds onto you all the tighter. With the nation obeying his every whim and every pair of eyes and ears working for him, he’s impossible to escape.
Wordcount: 3, 692 Rating: R18+ for sex and violence
The headcanons are on my Patreon for early access ❤️
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Hello! I was wondering if we could get some platonic yandere headcannons for Sweden and another Nordic of your choosing. Thank you! Don’t feel pressured to answer this if it makes you uncomfortable!
Nah, this doesn’t make me uncomfortable. This is fun for me!
Sweden: Bernard’s silver tongue and parental levels of patience perfectly describe his style. It’s almost like a snake hidden in a garden, except unlike those ground crawlers, he’s not afraid to bask in your light.
He’ll start like England by slithering his way into your life, though his methodology depends on how you met. If you were a tourist, whether it’s his home or another’s, then Bernard is going to play the part of a helpful guide. Going as far as skipping meetings to not only gain information but to solidify your new friendship. If through a random encounter or political event, he’ll use his connections to find a way to attach himself to you.
Once he has stabilized the attachment by becoming a regular part of your life, then the coils tighten. It’s as slow as the Overton window when it comes to isolating you from friends before moving to family. Friends are usually just threatened and made uncomfortable, but should they attempt to remove you from him, then death is in their future.
As a family man, he’s a little more cautious when dividing you from them. If he acts too quickly or harshly it will be easier for you to pick up on, so he relies on turning them against you instead. Carefully he’ll slip in small details about all sides that cause them to fight like starving dogs. When you wince from the feel of their verbal teeth, he’ll be there to tend to the wound. Cooing about how they just don’t seem to care, that maybe he could be a better family than they.
By the time you realize all that he’s done, it’s too late. The amount of guilt you feel for ignoring the damage is what he uses to keep you trapped at his side.
Don’t worry though, he’ll treat you as if you were one of his children.
Denmark: Markell’s view of you is that of one being able to see their favorite character in reality. There is no love, but a desire to become involved in who they are.
Unlike some of the others, Markell doesn’t get involved right away. He’s content with watching and learning about your life, treating each session like it’s the latest episode of his new favorite show. Noting important events and wondering how you can make some mundane things seem so fascinating.
Until you twist your story. Suddenly you’ve picked a lover that he assumes is a heart-destroying douchebag or receive a job offer that takes you from him.
Now, he feels the need to become the author of your life. It starts with subtle, random notes of warning against everything that he hates about your story. If you chose to ignore them then he ups the ante by having his men turn into background characters. They push you in the direction of his choosing.
Any attempts to escape his artistic direction are met with not only imprisonment but the finality of meeting your biggest fan. During that terrifying confrontation, you’ll learn that not only is your agency forfeited but that he’s decided to make himself into a reoccurring character. If you’re smart you’ll let him be a friend that you rely on, spend time with, and let influence your biggest decisions. If not, then he’ll be the villain and do everything in his power to get you to yield.
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edeluette · 2 months
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Puppy toxic yandere Denmark mochi!! >.<
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