chicademartinica · 8 months
Who gets the “I’m a pimp by blood not relations.” Award this week ?
Ray. For his general existence but mostly for giving Sand The Hustle since the moment he decided to bang him.
Sand for that ONE (1) line : “And you’re gonna keep wanting me.” he casually dropped.
Sailom for that INCOMPARABLE “You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid” look + batting his eyelashes + smirk he served Kanghan bitch ass.
Zo. For sending Joke home with a boyfriend title, a raging hard on ( That he clocked !) and saliva running down his chin. This man is still in that hallway as we speak.
Visual aids :
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mostfuckableffvillain · 11 months
Mini poll in the meantime. Yes, this is a shameless plug to garner interest for more submissions. Also, it's Friday, I'm bored at work lmao
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I just started Shadowbringers!!!
Please go to my page, nominate your favorite villain! Is this poll biased? Maybe! I know who I'm voting for!
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carewyncromwell · 8 months
Character ask: Bonjour Desiree! 👋 How do you and your crewmates decide on which country or destination to visit whenever you're all at the Empyrean? Does it involve planning ahead, does it depend on the mission, or are they chosen spontaneously? Speaking of your crewmates, what are they up to today?
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Desiree: "Mm...well, most of ze time, our course is guided by ze whims of our Captain. However spontaneous zhey can be."
[She shoots a significant smile in Jules's direction. @kathrynalicemc]
Desiree: "But zat does not mean zat Monsieur Aquila is disinterested in ze rest of ze crew's ideas for future destinations -- au contraire. Monsieur Aquila is very charmed by ze tales of non-Magique pirates, who were quite democratic in zheir approach to sailing ze seas. Everyzhing zhey did was settled by popular vote. Alzhough Monsieur Aquila frequently proposes new destinations and missions for us, he will always give ze others a chance to disagree or propose alternatives. Zhere have even been some select times, when any member of ze crew has actively opposed ze mission, that ze Empyrean will fly to ze destination and only zhose who approve of ze mission shall undertake it."
Mon Ami Alton bypassed Monsieur Aquila's 'targets' zhat made him collide with me prior to my joining ze crew, after all.
Desiree: "But yes -- alzhough Monsieur Aquila is our captain and navigator, he is always open to ozher destinations. I doubt Monsieur Aquila would've directed us toward ze United States as much as he 'as if not for Monsieur Zain requesting it...and of course if Mon Ami Alton @oneirataxia-girl ever requires any new equipment, Monsieur Aquila will immediately plot a course to fetch it."
[Desiree smiles a bit more affectionately. Jules's devotion to the people in his life was one of the things Desiree admired most about him.]
Desiree: "...As for ze crew, we 'ave all set about our daily duties. I've finished taking inventory and checking all of ze ropes and sails, and now I'm cleaning ze galley. Mon Ami Alton has zet to work fixing ze furnace, while Monsieurs Hopper @thatravenpuffwitch and Witt @sirfluffig 'ave taken Monsieur Zain into town zo zhat zhey can pick up supplies... (as an aside) Monsieur Zain has become more capable on his own, but Monsieur Hopper and I ztill don't think it best he go out without zome zupport -- especially around les Non-Magiques. And Monsieur Witt is very good at getting good deals at ze market."
[At that very moment, Zephyr the occamy has slithered through the air over to his "mom," curling up around her neck like a playful little scarf. Desiree laughs, clearly a bit startled, but nonetheless rubs at the back of his neck with her finger.]
Desiree: "Ah! And given zat Zephyr has come to see me, rather zhan staying with Monsieur Aquila...I would hazard a guess zhat he's completely focused on plotting our route."
[Her black eyes sparkle with fondness as she looks up at the ceiling. Maybe she should check on Jules and see how things were shaping up...]
Character Ask!
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wench-and-jezebel · 1 year
Ten Inch Hero Reaction:
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Such a different vibe from Devour ☠️☠️☠️☠️  [alksdjf Tis true]
“Normal people need not apply” ☠️☠️☠️ we’d fit in there  [We would indeed]
Oh noooo
I wanna work here [:)) I KNOW]
[I love that the customers get to vote]  The dog.  I love it  [Yes, and the dog]
Ahhhhh!  Omg! He’s here!
☠️☠️☠️☠️  “Well he’s employed here”  [That line bothers me so but anyway]
🤣🤣🤣 “And now you’re hiring people who fail the interview?”
Well.  Shit.  [She’s lying, dear]
🤣🤣🤣  Poor buddy
[Zo!  I love her]
Oh, man, chat rooms  [I know!  We'd never talk long distance on an electronic device]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ His look
Idek what this movie is about and I love it
It just is so chill and nothing is happening (so far) but it’s like 😍😍  [This is the vibe throughout]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ This lady 🤣🤣🤣🤣  [I told you I loved her]
Welp. Now I’ll think of that next time I eat eggs.
☠️☠️☠️ DoorDash.  Back in the day
She ain’t even look both ways; she’s definitely a witch
Damn, that’s sad af
Ma’am.  You stop that.  Flirt.
Awwwww.  Well that was wholesome as helll
[Buddy is not subtle okay]  ☠️☠️☠️
Bruh this is the one I wanted to watch the most and I’m gonna struggle commenting because I’m too into it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
They have the same sketch book 🥺🥺🥺
Oooooooh is this going where I think it is [*whistles*]  Oh nooooo tho.  Cause it’s gonna be drama first.  That’s a big no no in adopting
Priestly is adorable
Oh, douchebags
Well that’s what you get you ass
Bruh.  Why am I not loving Danneel?  I wanna love Danneeel!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ Not the eye flutters!  I’m ded  [I love him]  I knowwww
Awwwwww muh heart.  I can’t take it!
Plz tell me Jen doesn’t get hurt
This kid is ADORABLE
[I love Priestly flipping the bottle, btw; watch for it]
Oooof  [Poor buddy :(]
Ngl she deserved the door in the face
Poorrrr buddyyyy
[Us if we ever met in person: "we tell each other everything-"]  ☠️☠️☠️☠️
[THIS SCENE]  OH I KNOW THIS SCENE  [I've made you watch it]
[Sharky boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣]
[The first scene that made me like Tish]  Yess!!
Oooooo that’s the face of someone who likes someone pjhhhh
Omg, buddy
Well shit it worked
That’s adorable omg
This is soooo awkward cause it’s gonna look so bad when he realizes
Also ooof; everyone putting feet in mouths
The phone cord ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ Deceased
[Poor pup looks Unhappy]  Oh poor Bam Bam
Oh the buzz ☠️☠️☠️☠️
Oh my god
[Return of Jezebel the Deed critic]  BRUH.  I GOT NO WARNING.   [I forgot alskfdj]
WELP 👀 *sigh*
Sweetie dump his assssss
He’s getting bent over by brad anyway [ALKSDJF;LKADSJF]
[It was a demogorgon]  ☠️🤣🤣🤣
[The little girl shouting "FRAT PARTY" tho]
I love this 😭😭😭
Whooooa awkwarddddddddd
Ohhhhhhh just tell me what happens.  I can’t take it!  [About?]  When he finds out  [Wait and see :)]
☠️☠️☠️☠️ [I love him; Priestly's my beloved]
Hell, I love all of them! Even Tish is coming around
Bruh this lady is a witch
[Priestly reacting like that as if he hasn't been doing about the same with Tish tho alksdjflkadsjf]  🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why would you chase a goose
[Okay, I'm warning you now that Jen kindaaaaa annoys me here, but anyway.  (Give it a few minutes.)]   Oooof ok
Oh, pity party.  Oh, I see
But like… why are they not saying she’s not ugly 👀👀  This isn’t okay either
[And btw.  I've been in a similar position to her.  So like.  I understand.  I just don't respect it.]
["I was sitting by the phone, waiting, wondering..."  BUDDY.  "There's a perfectly good reason we didn't call" NO?!?!?  THAT’S ALL THE MORE REASON TO CALL HIM AND TELL HIM NOT TO BRING IT UP OR SOMETHING?!?!?]
Ooooh get her
Bruh he speaks truth
["Why are you suddenly Fuzzy's best friend?"  Because he didn't deserve that shit, wdym]
[The voice crack tho]  OOOOOFFFF
OOOOO WHATCHUUU DOING buddy  [Priestly be meddling]
Oh my goddddd 
Oh boy
Well shit
Beat.  His.  Ass.
Someone please do it
Oooo- Get him
Ok?  And? 🤣
[This be go well]
💕💕💕💕 Preistlyyyyyy
[Tish, ma’am.  You came onto every dude in the shop… Defy gender norms and ask Priestly first instead of making him do it.]
I’m trying to think of who Zo is.  I’ve seen her in something else.  I love her!  She’s so calming
[He has the dark half of a yin-yang tattoo, and I want her to have the other half; I think it'd be so cute]
😭😭😭😭😭 Loveeeeee.  So much loveeeeee!
☠️☠️☠️☠️ What. Are.  [These dudes did not learn the lesson] 🤣🤣🤣🤣
“Keep the lubeeee” [The look tho]
Well she gets A Julia.  Not her Julia, but she also gets a Noah.  So like… Win win
[Also, the music here is from the Deckerstar prom.  It's the song he plays for her]  Oh my gawdddddddd
Aight cmon gimme the bad ending
Priestly was like nope I’m getting credit for this
Why can’t they just kiss and let it end here
[Look at himmmm!!!  Buddy's so nervous slkdfj;laksdjf]
In her head (Danneel, not Tish), she’s like yep I’m marrying him
[Who gave him permission to be this adorable tho.  The wide-eyed curious stare thing is just ack.]
Aight so headcanon he swaps right back
But omg he rubbed his lips
I’m ded
I’m not even mad, that was adorable
Wot Is Happening??? Sweet lord.  [They’re getting married]  Nekked  [Yup]
– – – 
Endpoint Reaction:
Jezebel: That was really good!  😭😭😭😭😭  10/10  (Hah)
Wench: Glad it lived up
Jezebel: Ok I do hate he completely changed for her.  That sucks.  They should have had the scene on the beach him back like before.  Also… Boaz & Platisha  *sigh*  What names.  This was the strangest, most all-over-the-place-yet-all-connected movie I’ve ever seen! But omg no one died!  And everyone got a happy ending, minus Priestley’s style!  (RIP it was not deserved.)
Wench: Yup, ‘tis true
Jezebel: For Jen… I’m glad she got a happy ending. I think I’m even happier he called her pretty. Because I would have been like 👀👀👀☠️ had he walked in and been like… you’re a good person ☠️ And like, no, looks should not matter, but it’s like.. friendship code to lift your friends up… not agree with them *sigh* 🤣  And they didn’t agree, but they didn’t DISAGREE either
Wench: Right
Jezebel: Idk that bugged tf out of me
Wench: Makes sense.  Do we know what we're doing next?
Jezebel: Hmm…
Wench: We still have our shows to be doing, technically-
Jezebel: So we could do one of each show-  SBC
Wench: Sounds good!  Til then!
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bowloficecubes · 1 year
Siren, Pt.7.
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<previous l masterlist l next>
“Kats, you really are pale dude,” said Akito in a low, concerned voice.
“I agree, you're sweating Bakugo”
Bakugo was sprawled on the couch, after calming down from the memory of Kamino, he was brought back to reality by how lightheaded he felt.
“Shut up ye wet noodle, you’re in position to talk”
Katsuki’s eyes slowly widen, as if he’s just come to an important conclusion.
“Hm?” Akito knew he was directing the speech to them, a little worried based on the sudden change of mood.
“Tell me why when I asked what kind of food you like, Octavius wannabe told me the only thing he can think of is pears and tomato soup?”
“I- I mean it is-”
“I deserve a fucking apology. I cannot believe I breathed the same air as the likes of you.”
“Ai ai, captain”
“What do you mean? Kats why is he lighting the bowl up..”
A tired sigh was heard through the room, Mezo, who was very much done with his dumb and dumber friends, announced he'd be visiting Eri since he only got a glance of her before getting in the ambulance.
“Absolutely not, your ass is staying right here till they get a taste of my cooking and bow down before me” announced Katsuki confidently, although he did sit back down quickly.
“Um… Okay, I guess. I hope you don’t die,” said Shoji, as he leaned on the door, folding his arms and closing his eyes, seemingly relaxed.
*cough, hey Jirou hand me your phone, quick*
Although confused by the abrupt request, Jirou hands Akito the phone nonetheless.
Mezo’s eyes snap open at the sound of the camera shutter going off. 
Shoji’s eyes open at the sound of the camera shutter, to find a phone angled at him.
Kyoka and Akito quickly looked at the screen, the first blowing a whistle; “dude, you look super hot” said Akito. “No wonder you got second place”.
“Did you get an MRI? I think you hit your head, too”
“What the fuck do you mean with second place?” All of them looked expectantly at Jirou, also having the same question as Bakugo.
Suddenly, Jirou’s face cheeks flushed, and she hid her face in her hands.
“Jirou-San, are you alright?” asked Shoto.
“We had a poll for the most attractive 1-A guy. All of the first-year girls voted and Shoji came in second.”
The four had a cartwheel of facial expressions, till the silence was broken; “ Yeah, fair enough”, “I agree with Bakugo”, “I’m upset he’s not first, I would’ve definitely voted for you, Zo”
“You are all deranged, I don’t trust you anymore. Jirou-san, are you sure?”
“Yeah, here” she handed him her phone after scrolling up the groupchat with the UA first-year girls from different classes.
“In what universe am I better looking than Kirishima? Oh, congratulations Todoroki.”
“Fuck you mean half n half got first” the sudden, fast movement caused the already faint Katsuki to lose balance.
Thankfully, Jirou catches him before he falls, and guides him to sit on the bed where she was a few moments ago.
“My bad, Jirou”
“Don’t mention it, please be careful”
Akito moved, giving him more space so he could lie down. Shoji brought the phone over to him.
“Aw she voted for dunce face… pretty sure you weren’t together yet back in October, too”
He giggled, while the others smiled and Jirou blushed at the mention of her crush on her now-boyfriend. 
“Oh and obviously I’m placed tenth, and Mr. Wet Noodle is 6th. I feel deeply offended.”
“Well, it’s based on overall attractiveness, like the most well-rounded attractive boy. It makes sense to me that you got tenth since you’re a type, not as versatile as Todoroki’s gentleman-ness, or Shoji’s uh. I actually don’t know how to describe you, you're very respectful but also unbothered so maybe that’s it.”
“I'm changing my mind, I would’ve voted for Sero,” said Amagai, leaning over Bakugo’s shoulder, looking at the screen.
“You torture my heart, my dearest, how could you do this to me” Said Shoji, grabbing the fabric of his shirt above his heart, soon followed by his subtle laugh.
“Fucking Sero? That’s your type? Do better.”
“ I’m gonna tell Sero you said that”
“Wait no don’t. Please”
Shoto handed Akito a bowl of warm soup with a spoon, Katsuki perked up, a grin plastered on his face, everyone looked at them, anticipating their reaction.
A few tablespoons in, and Akito calmly placed the bowl on the bedside table next to the lamp, and slowly wrapped their arms around Katsuki.
He immediately started laughing, a warm genuine laugh, not mocking nor belittling, just a laugh of happiness.
“Damn right I know it’s that good”
“Hey what. Yeah, it’s good but not to the point of crying, the fuck is going on are you ok?”
Everyone was instantly alarmed at the unexpected change of mood, “Did the painkillers wear off? I’ll call a nurse over” said Shoji, hand already on the door handle. 
“Maybe a hot pack will help till they give you something? I'll get it warm in no time” said Todoroki, panic bleeding into his sweet voice.
“I just, 
I really appreciate you all.”
Silence, Only Akito’s sniffles could be heard as the rest froze up.
“You know, I hadn’t been out of it, well, at least not fully, there was no time for anesthetics, I’ve heard everything since being carried by Selkie till I slept after the Tramadol injection I got post-op.” despite Akito’s soft slow, and albeit muffled voice since they hid their face in Bakugo’s shoulder, everyone immediately understood the hidden meaning of ‘hearing everything’; it means they might as well have lived through the entire experience with absolutely no dimming filters. Now, their reaction to Aizawa-sensei’s lecture made sense . They were so guilty, so ashamed of how much pain and worry they put everyone through, but the others did not see any surprise. The pieces slowly fell into place, Amagai didn’t need their teacher to fill them in, because they have been very much conscious the entire time; and were not simply aware of their surroundings only, but of almost everything. 
“Mezo, as panicked and alarming your heartbeat was, it grounded me in the ambulance. Amidst all the chaos going in and around us, you were like a ground wire. I couldn’t help but listen to nothing but it.”
A few more seconds of silence passed, then they said “Do you remember what we promised?”, they rise from the pillow, a hesitant expression as they await Shoji’s reply, everyone else was confused - except for him.
A tiny crease in his mask indicates that he has smiled a little, but it did not reach his eyes as it usually does when he’s genuinely happy.
“ We swore that we would always be there for each other.
No matter what happens though, I promise that I'll protect you”
The odd harmony confuses the others, but Akito’s smile through their tears seemed to subdue their confusion.
They slowly turn around, facing the dark-haired girl.
Nervously, they start itching the back of their hand, unaware of the scabs they picked in the process, and the little droplets of blood bead up at the surface, before smudging again.
“Jirou, dearest. I heard your scream after settling Eri with the doctors. When he finally told you the truth. I am so sorry to have worried you so much, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you for caring for Eri, and for making her feel comfortable. Heaven knows how worried I was about little Eri”
A sudden, firm grip of your hand stops your nervous tic, you don’t need to look down to know who it is, he was right next to you, after all. 
“There is nothing to apologize or thank me for. I’m glad you’re alright now.”
With a faint smile and a bit of restored confidence, Akito faced Todoroki.
“Todoroki, I-”
He cuts them off immediately, yet still maintaining his soft voice,
“Shoto, please call me Shoto, and I haven’t done anything, really.”
“That’s bullshit, I know you were keeping everyone sane, including Aizawa-sensei. I know you were panicking just as much, it must have been hell” 
“Also, I know you were the one who bought Eri all the clothes and toys. I’m paying you back and nothing can change that”
“I’d love to see you try” Laughed Shoto, a breath-taking smile gracing his face.
Akito giggled, wiping their tears on the miserable excuse of a blanket they were covered in. 
They turned around to the only one left. Bakugo. His grip on their hand did not falter, Akito appreciated it, it gave them strength.
“Baku- OW”
Ok, maybe they don’t appreciate it anymore, since he squeezed your hand in a death grip for a second, how does he have the strength for that now, anyway?
What a cunt.
“It’s Katsuki, dickhead”
Right, um.
you… you really didn’t have to do any of this, you know?”
His eyes widened, expecting everything but that.
“The fuck do you mean? I did-”
“Please, let me.”
That shut him up. His grip weakened, shifting to just a normal hold.
Akito’s voice was shaky again, lip slightly trembling.
“Hey, let’s go check on Eri, maybe she’s awake”
Kyoka and Shoto stand up, catching up on his cue to leave the two alone. 
Akito’s eyes didn’t falter at the movement, still pinned down at the joined hands. After the door closes, Bakugo asks if they’re okay. Voice barely a whisper, threaded with concern.
“I know you don’t see me as a friend. I know it’s Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, and Sero that you like, perhaps Shinso and  Shoji too, but I know not me. I see the look in your eyes when we train against each other, you never smile as you do with them.
I’m just… I’m sorry for how much of a bother I have been. And for you to go to such far extents with your kindness, I mean, you cooked my favorite dish, Katsuki. And it tastes heavenly, this is genuinely the best thing I ever ate and probably will ever eat”
“And then you jump into the blood transfusion, I was so scared for you, the amount of blood they injected into me is absurd, there’s no way it’s legal or healthy in any form to give so much in one shot. 
“I don’t know, Kats… I simply don’t deserve all of this kindness” they subtly lifted their hands, “I’ll be forever thankful, indebted to you. I hope that one day, I can show you the same level of selflessness, of generosity, too.”
The light of the lamp was faint. Truly. A mere warm glow that was just enough to allow you to see the room, but not enough to disturb a patient’s sleep. This worked in Bakugo’s favor since it wouldn’t allow the slightly clouded eyes of yours to see the reddening of his sclera or the unusual sheen his eyes had.
Unbeknownst to Amagai, the apology opened a wound in the boy’s soul. 
Has he been cruel to Akito all this time?
He values Akito so much, maybe they really hadn’t been friends in their book, but not in his. Has he scared them, perhaps? They have been are his rival, they were nowhere near a match to his raw power,  but their technique and wits made him rethink all the false praise he has received in his life, what truly made had him astonished is that; whenever the two would train against each other, he knew Amagai was at a disadvantage, so he could only imagine how much of a scary demon they must be in their element. Underwater. If they were on par with him on his strongest battlefield, under the Blinding rays of the midday sun, what would happen if he had the misfortune of meeting them in their arena?
No one in the class truly saw Siren in their glory, since a lot of the time, they had special training in the USJ or in a private training pool no one else really saw. That wasn’t unheard of, since Koda and Tamaki-senpai did special training, too, but Akito’s progress -or power- has been the most well concealed.
He tried getting close to them numerous times, like that one time Denki invited Shinso and Akito to their lunch table and the conversation drifted to everyone’s favorite album. That day, he laid down on his bed, quietly listening to The Dark Side Of The Moon, careful not to make the sound so loud as it might leak into your dorm room, which was right next to his. Kirishima offered to trade with Akito so they can be next to Shoji as the two had wanted. It was way past his ‘bedtime’, which was just a social lie he used to ensure he got enough time to mentally recharge at the end of the day. Kirishima and Akito definitely knew this, since he would be on his drum set often till 10 pm -not too quietly, too. The music couldn't be too loud now though, since it was 12:07 am and he was listening to Time, ‘the best song in the album’ they called it.
The next day, he sat on the edge of your desk after class, talking about the songs he liked. He remembers mentioning how he doesn’t get the song ‘Time’ but listened to it a bunch of times nonetheless.
He gets it now.
He gets why it was their favorite song, and in this second, it might just describe how he feels now, has he been chasing behind the sun all this time, to not notice it up behind him?
Akito appreciates him.
Everyone praises him, had it been family, ‘friends’, teachers, or the multitude of girls he had gushing behind him, leaving him notes in his locker in middle school, they all just loved to talk about the power and might of Bakugo, saying he will definitely become #1, that he is so blessed to have such a strong quirk, how lucky he got.
But not Akito, they had called him such a witty team leader after the cavalry race, that he knew how to utilize everyone’s strengths to win, that he will grow up to be such a good hero.
One time in the dorm’s gym, when he was doing some simple weights, they pointed out how well his Deltoids developed, congratulating his hard work. Had it been someone else, they would’ve said he was so blessed to have such good genes to be able to grow muscle as well as he does -The comment humors him because he can’t imagine reaching the might of Akito’s legs, the strongest he has ever seen on a kid his age.
The moment they saw a camera pointed at the pair, they suddenly picked him up on their shoulders, and for once, he didn’t feel like an ornament, like he was in the picture just so Akito could show off their connection to him, or post it on an online board to show the world ‘that kid from the sludge villain attack’,
no, it was a genuine gesture of appreciation. Of celebration.
That simple moment -the picture with his rival- is the only moment he acknowledges from the sports festival, at that moment he was truly the winner, the number 1, and the blurry picture he sneakily got on his phone is the only trophy he recognizes.
But he can’t help but wonder what they thought of him, what did he look like through their eyes? Had he merely been a rude, heartless classmate?
Unlike Kirishima, Mina, or most of his friends in 1-A, Amagai was hardly expressive, he only saw them occasionally frown a little, or curl their lips into a tiny smile whenever one of their classmates did something impressive, like when Deku used his quirk without injuring himself,  or when Mina hit a new lifting PR. They never smiled at their own milestones, in fact, it seems like they don’t even seem to notice them.
He was so used to their monotone face that the fact that he is the cause of such a sad expression, such painful tears, made his stomach turn in regret. 
He only felt bad for making someone cry once in his life, and that has been Deku. The guilt he felt now was different, though, because he didn’t try to hurt them at all… It’s a different guilt when the pain he has inflicted was subconscious. 
An old figment of himself was disappointed in him; how dare he allow them to get under his skin? to make him vulnerable?
“Did I make you uncomfortable? I’m sorry I didn’t ask before touching you”
Ah, that snaps him out of his thoughts, it’s funny how they’re apologizing instead of him.
Akito started to shift away, moving carefully to not agitate their bandages. but he gently placed his hand on their shoulders, very conscious of his every move.
“I’m sorry, Amagai. I never meant to make you feel that way. I’ve just… this is relatively new to me?
As for the fights and never smiling thing, there’s nothing to smile about when I’m continuously getting my ass kicked by you”
Akito’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion “but you beat me 9/10 of the time?”
“Barely, and I’m hardly functioning after our fights, that kick of yours cracked more ribs than I can count after all the battles we had”
“HOLY FUCK! I’m so sorry, I had no idea the damage was that bad, why didn’t you ever say something??”
“like hell, I'd whine about a good fight, I'm no pussy”
“,,, well, if it makes you feel better, I'll let you know your left hook left my entire neck bruised for three weeks, it's a good thing I already never show my neck. and there’s obviously that time you absolutely obliterated my arm, that was so badass”
“… really?”
“yeah dude and the scar is kinda hot” they extended their arm for him to see.
“Woah, I never saw you sleeveless, I didn’t imagine the damage would be this huge…
but the scar is ‘badass’, I guess”
“so… will you accept me as your friend? I mean we’re obviously still rivals. if you slack off or go easy on me I'll scoop your guts out”
“You have always been my friend, Kats. I was worried you didn’t see me as yours”
“Then I guess we’re both dumb as shit”
The laugh they let out eased his heartache a bit, acting as temporary relief.
But that wouldn’t be enough. not yet.
“What should I call you?” he quietly asked.
“Oh. anything, really. I’d really prefer if you don’t use my last name, since… you know, my folks were a bunch of pricks and stuff. Akito, Siren, or anything you want, really, I’m okay with anything. What about you? Is me calling you Kats ok?”
“Yeah yeah,” he nods immediately, “I’ll come up with one for you, too”.
A few moments later, he realizes that they’re still crying. He wipes the tears off their face using his thumb, as delicately as he could, something relatively new to him.
“You must think I’m weak now, m’crying non-stop”
“Not for a second, you’ve been through a lot, Akito-kun, you can cry all you want, 
I’m your friend after all”
And he… hesitantly opens his arms, offering Akito the comfort of his embrace, and before he could second-guess the gesture, they reciprocate the hug with a grip so strong it almost knocks the air out of his lungs.
As they lay down -still hugging even though their grips loosened- the comfort that washed over Bakugo’s entire soul sparked a realization in his mind.
For the first time in the boy’s life, he didn’t ‘make’ a friendship, or naturally get sucked into one;
He earned a friendship.
After 40 minutes of bargaining with Eri-chan to go to sleep (Todoroki and Shoji left with numerous bows and hair clips in their hair, and Jirou with scented marker stripes on her earphone jacks), they returned to the room, about to fall on their faces.
As Shoji opens the door, two of his hands shoot up to cover the mouths of the two behind him, ensuring they produce no sound. After having a good look at the position of their friends on the bed -Bakugo, who had his head tucked under Akito’s chin and used their buff hand as a pillow (certainly cutting off circulation), and Akito, who was leaning into him their other arm wrapped around his shoulder and hand in his hair- they all pulled out their phones simultaneously.
This is definitely going on Akito’s wall.
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kosi-annec · 2 years
PRIDE PROMPT: Holding Hands
The Athena took a pitstop at the next civilization they'd come across to restock on supplies since they were running low. The crew (minus Nyl and Zo) was supposed to head to the marketplace, get the needed supplies, and return to the ship. It was that simple.
However, there was some kind of festival going on in the town they visited, so naturally, the crew wanted to check it out—it was voted on; the members who were against it lost.
Which was what led the two to get separated from the rest of the group. Again.
“Why the fuck does this only happen to us?!” Piras raised both of his arms in the air in a display of his frustration as he walked through the crowded streets. His companion didn’t answer, only huffing out a sigh, as if wondering the same question.
The two former Nova citizens had gotten swept up in the crowd while sightseeing the festival with the others. Faen would’ve noticed the crew’s lack of presence immediately if it wasn’t for a certain redhead constantly distracting him.
Said redhead was looking around aimlessly trying to find the others, tiptoeing and doing small jumps to try to see over the ocean of people. Due to him not focusing on where he was going, he kept bumping into people. He ended up stepping on a guy's foot by accident while trying to look over people and Faen had to drag Piras away before a fight started.
Now both of them are taking refuge in an alley to get out of the crowd. Watching people pass by, Faen leans on the stone wall at the entrance of the alleyway while Piras kicks the ground lightly, disturbing the sand.
“They’re probably worried ‘bout us right now…” Piras mumbles under his breath, fiddling with his jacket—specifically where the inner pouch is; where his dagger is.
Without looking at the other, Faen replies “We should head back to the Athena, that’s our best option right now.”
“Do you know the way back? We did get swept up in the crowd…”
“Yes. Unlike you, I was paying attention to my surroundings.”
“Hey! It’s a festival, they have cool shit. How can I not get distracted?”
Faen lets out a sigh, exasperation imminent. “Just stay focused this time, brat. The last thing we need is you getting lost and making some grand mess.” He eyes Piras at the corner of his vision, daring him to say otherwise.
The brat rolls his eyes at the rude, but true, words. He gazes back outside the alley, watching as the crowd moved like the sea.
It’s still gonna be hard to navigate through all that though… Piras thought to himself. With how thick the crowd was, the two could easily get separated, they were lucky they hadn't while pushing through earlier.
Then an idea came to mind. He looks over at the dark-haired man, lifting his hand as if offering it.
“Well, since we have to go through all that again,” he jerked his head towards the crowd of people, “why don’t we hold hands?”
“What.” The speed in which Faen turned his head to look at him almost made Piras worry that he might’ve strained a neck muscle (or whatever those are called).
“Well, uh, y’know since we might get separated and shit in there, right? So we won’t, like, lose each other,” he explained lamely. He could feel the tips of his ears and cheeks turning warm, the realization of what he was implying finally settling in. The way Faen was staring at him with this look he couldn’t discern wasn’t helping.
The two lapsed into an awkward silence. Faen continued to stare intensely at Piras while the poor boy’s face turned into a deeper red than his own hair, refusing to look at the violet eyes judging him.
After some time, Piras stuffed the hand he offered into the kangaroo pocket of his jacket harshly, face still flushed. “Just say you don’t want to instead of staring damn it! It's weird.” He was no longer looking in the remote direction of the ex-lieutenant, not because he was embarrassed, just that he couldn’t stand the bastard’s staring.
“Don't blame me if I get lost,” and was about to walk back out into the streets. The only warning he gets is the ever-familiar sigh from behind him then the tug of his arm, dragging him out of the alley and into the busy crowd.
“Wha–?! Woah, Faen, slow down—!!”
He stumbles a bit on his feet, trying his best to dodge people as he is dragged by his arm. Faen doesn’t say anything nor does he look back at the slightly struggling redhead, focused on weaving through the crowd and returning to the Athena.
“Okay, dude, can you at least not death-grip my arm??” Piras exclaimed, now getting his bearings as he followed behind his dark-haired friend, keeping pace just behind him.
It seems that Faen isn’t completely cold-hearted, since the grip on his arm loosened, and was maneuvered into having both of their hands interlocked. Piras let out a sigh of relief now that he could feel his hand again.
Oh, his hand is warm…
He felt his face turn red once again when he realized what went through his head. Shaking his head, focusing on trying to get back to the ship and not the embarrassing position the two of them were in.
The whole walk there was kept in awkward silence as the pair weaved through the crowd and back to the Athena.
Do check the comic here: https://www.awakencomic.com/
pls i wanna talk about this comic more with other people q^q
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Tribal Council #6 - New Antigua
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Here is the video version of the vote reading
Adeline, the swap ended up with you and Shawn as a minority among three Antigua members. Do you think that’ll be the deciding factor in this vote? How do you try to convince people otherwise?
i definitely believe it’ll be a factor in this vote and i fear for my life!!!! there’s no easy straight motherfucker to vote out here so it’s gay on gay violence whatever happens… like i said earlier im not panicking either way. If the three of them want to keep the old school strong, i will take it with Grace, but i do think it’s a good time to make a move for them with Shawn and is help :,)) Shawn and i are just now exchanging more than the 3 dms we had at Sin, so it’s just a whole world of unfamiliarity for me :,)) I’ve shown nothing but teamwork and straight forwardness so I’d hope maybe some people can appreciate that enough to keep me here. 
Colin, having attended every tribal from the beginning of the game except for one, how do you feel going into yet another one? Are there any upsides to continuing to go to tribal?
hey yeah I really hate it!!! like especially it being so close. Like I know for me, at least, I've put my all into every challenge and helped out as much as I can, and then to lose to challenge advantages feels awful. Last round I was a single vote from being voted out. That takes a toll on you!! and then to just turn around and go right back to tribal? sick and twisted 
I guess there is an upside in getting to talk game and form relationships, along with getting to prove loyalty, but please god I just want to rest. 
Maddison, everyone on the tribe seemed shocked and upset at the challenge results. Do you feel the other tribes didn’t deserve to win? What would you say to the judges who see this?
Frankly, yes. I don’t think the other tribes deserved the win over our tribe. Outside of the advantages —- I feel like our project was super creative and different, with a multitude of parts contributed by all members of our tribe. I mean, cmoooon man. Judges I am incredibly curious as to your true rationale lol. Nothing we can do about it but?? Also how did we not have teamwork 🤨🤨 silly
Shawn, on a tribe so small, there’s a lot of exposure on every vote, so every name comes up at some point. How do you decide who to trust?
To be honest, no one in my tribe has been talking as far as I know. It's easy to trust Adeline, considering we moved together. But I'm really open to trusting other people, I feel like I know who to trust and who not to. I have a gut feeling when people message me, and what their message says. Just to clarify though, I haven't heard anyone's names be said. As far as I know, we are all feeling really terrible about who to vote for. Everyone contributed and we all encouraged each other in the challenge. This tribe seems easy to trust, but you always have to trust your gut feeling about someone. 
Zo, last tribal was obviously an intense, sudden, unexpected decision. How did the decision to send JG home come about? And how has it affected your game now that you’re on a new tribe?
Yeah last tribal was crazy! I think it was a matter of the majority name and unfortunately it fell on JG. I don’t think it’s affected the new tribe at all though because now that we’re mixed new and old school it’s a whole different game here. 
No idols or items have been played tonight. I’ll send the votes; once the votes are sent, the decision is final and the person voted out will leave the game and join the VL
The vote is for Shawn.
Vote: Shawn
Me or you darling, it’s been good to be here with you. all hail old school i guess. 
Vote: Shawn
I'm really sorry because i feel like we'd be such good friends out of the game. I hate that this turned out this way
Vote: Shawn
I’m so sorry! I wish things were different because this truly is nothing against you or your game. 
Vote: Shawn
It’s just the way the cookie is crumbling this round (I think) but you’re amazing!
Vote: Adeline 
I liked you so much but I gotta go with majority voting. Take care of yourself and message me whenever you want!
0 notes
rhetoricalrogue · 3 years
Zoe/Mason and #21
Thanks for the ask!  This was in regards to my 2020 Spotify Unwrapped.  #20 was Lord Huron’s Fool for Love.
Well I’m not afraid to fight Let’s step outside and I’ll show you why
Mason frowned when he saw that Zoe’s office was empty.  It was well past her time to be off the clock, and the fact that she hadn’t left was troublesome.
Not that he was waiting for her or anything.  
He didn’t bother flicking on her light, his eyes looking at the oversized desk calendar.  Ah.  He remembered her talking about the self-defense class that she and Tina were hosting, but he hadn’t caught what day she was going to be doing the clinic on.  Grabbing her pen, he crossed the date out, seeing that it was Zoe’s habit to do it for all the other previous days of the month and she had missed doing it with that calendar square.
Not like he was concerned it may throw her off in the morning.  It was just his way of being polite.
The police station had a decently sized gym and Mason leaned against the doorframe to watch the last bits of the class.  He had to admit, he didn’t expect Tina to be so capable in breaking holds or throwing her attacker into the mats.  She had good form and was a decent opponent.  You know, for a human.
Then again, it didn’t take much when your opponent was a scrawny string bean of a teenager, constantly blowing his hair out of his eyes.  Mason sneered.  If there had been anyone nearby, he would have bet that Douglas had volunteered for the class purely so he could touch Zoe, even if said touching was her slamming her knee into his solar plexus.
He winced.  Mason could tell that Zoe was pulling her punches, but he’d been on the receiving end of that hit - he’d felt generous their last sparring session and slowed down enough for her to connect her punches.  She hit fast and she hit hard, much to his approval - and he knew that even without her full power that Douglas was going to feel that one in the morning.
He waited until the class had been concluded before approaching.
“Thought I’d find you here,” he drawled, watching as Zoe started snapping folding chairs together and handing them over to Douglas, who stacked them up alongside the wall.
She grinned.  “You remembered.”
He scoffed as he moved to help her pick up chairs, quietly smirking when Douglas turned and jogged over to them, body language all but screaming that he didn’t like the fact that Mason had shown up.  “Of course, sweetheart,” he drawled.
She raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh.  You went into my office and saw my calendar, didn’t you?”
Mason decided not to answer that one.  “Nice class you put on, I caught the last fifteen minutes.  Covered a lot of ground, though I highly doubt that anyone’ll have to put that knowledge to use any time soon in this town.”
She shrugged.  “It’s still good information to have on hand.  You never know when some stranger will show up and crowd you in an alley.”
He sidled up to her, hovering close enough to feel the heat of her body radiate towards him.  She’d put on a plain t-shirt and yoga pants for the demonstration and his hands itched to rove over dips and curves he’d all but memorized.  “That an invitation for something, Sweetheart?”
“Yeah, if you want to get your ass kicked.”
Mason’s head whipped over to where Douglas was sullenly grabbing chairs and hauling them over to the wall.  “What was that, kid?”
“Mason -”
He ignored Zoe’s warning and crossed his arms over his chest.  “Couldn’t quite hear you.”
The tips of Douglas’ ears turned pink.  “It’s just that she’s been showing off her moves all night.  She’d eat you alive if you tried anything in an alley with her.”
“That’s…”  Zoe took a breath to try to gather her composure and try not to laugh out loud while shooting Mason a look that said don’t you dare make an innuendo.  “Thank you, Douglas, for the vote of confidence.”
Douglas smiled and gave her such a look of blind devotion that Mason found his hackles rising.  “You’re an excellent teacher, Zo,” he said dreamily.
There was a thread of irritation in Mason’s voice that he couldn’t quite get out.  “She really is, kid.  And since you’ve been tossed around all evening, I bet you picked everything up right quick.”
Douglas squared his shoulders and puffed his narrow chest out.  “I sure did,” he said, looking Mason in the eye.  Mason had to give him credit for not immediately backing down.  Then again, he hadn’t given him a proper intimidating look backed with a burst of pheremones to make the boy unnerved.  “In fact, I could probably teach you a thing or two.”
The harsh bark of laughter couldn’t be stopped, but then again, he also heard the indelicate snort Zoe gave.  “Kiddo, if you really think you could take me on, you’ve got -”
“It’s Officer Friedman,” he said, coming out of his perpetual slouch in order to stand up to his full height.  Granted, he was still several inches shorter than Mason, but the defiant look in his eye earned him the tiniest of nods of respect.  “And yes, I know I can take you on.”
Zoe stood in between them.  “Okay, I don’t think that’s the best of ideas. It’s late, we should all be getting home.”
“No, no, I want to see how this goes.”
Zoe looked over Mason’s shoulder to glare at Tina.  “Really?”  
Tina grinned.  “Honestly, I want to see just how many seconds it takes for Douglas to hit the dirt.”
Zoe reached out and grabbed Mason’s arm.  “Can I speak with you privately?” she asked, not waiting for a response as she started dragging him towards the other side of the gym.  “What is going on?”
He shrugged.  “Kid’s feeling his boundaries and wanting to pick fights.”
She narrowed her eyes.  “And you’re encouraging him.”
“Sometimes people need to know how far to test things and when the things they’re testing start to bite back.”  He tossed a look over to the teenager, who had gone back to helping Tina clean up the remaining chairs.  “Unless you want him to continue mooning over you.”
Zoe stood up straighter.  “You’re jealous.”
“Can’t get jealous of someone who doesn’t have a chance, now can I?”  The statement was said calmly enough, but he tapped out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth irritably.
She yanked it from his lips and shook her head.  “No smoking in police buildings.”
“Whatcha gonna do with that then?”
“Maybe I’ll give it back to you if you ask me nicely.”  Her smile faltered.  “Look, he’s a kid that’s thirteen years younger than me. Whatever little crush he has on me is just that, a crush.  We all had them at that age and for the most part, we all got over them.  It isn’t going to do anyone any good if the guy that he sees as some weird competition sends him to the hospital.”
Mason rolled his eyes and let out a long-suffering sigh that would have impressed Nate, had he been there. “Fine, I won’t hurt the kid.” He sneered. “Even if it would get him to stop dressing like a knockoff version of me.”
“Face it, you’re just jealous of his fancy new boots.”
He scoffed at her calling him jealous for a second time that evening. “Whatever. I have boots older and better than his.”  His grin widened as he reached out to palm her hip, his arm pulling her closer to him.  “That’s not the only thing that’s older and better either, Sweetheart.”
Zoe leaned in and pressed a kiss to his chin.  “Careful, Sunshine.  He’s going to wind up landing a lucky hit on that enormous ego of yours.”
Mason rolled his eyes and smirked. “I’m letting him get one good hit in, only so he feels like he’s doing okay.”
Zoe reached up and ran her fingers through his hair, her nails scratching against his scalp in a way that had him letting out what could only be described as a satisfied sigh, his hand sliding down to cup her backside and bring her in until she was all but riding his thigh.  “Be careful with my officer, Mason.  I’m going to need him to be well enough to start doing patrols.”
“You two gonna make out in the corner or is Douglas going to have to go in there and break you up?” Tina teased, cupping her hands around her mouth to be heard across the station’s gym floor.
“I didn’t know that was an option,” Mason retorted, giving Zoe a quick kiss and a parting nip to her bottom lip before moving away, his mouth teased up into a knowing grin as he caught the barely inaudible whine she let out at the lack of contact.  “Don’t worry, Sweetheart.  I’ll deal with this and then maybe we can go back to your place for a little wrestling match of our own.”
“Just…” she sighed.  “Dial it down a notch or a million, will you?”
Mason shrugged out of his jacket and handed it to her.  “Yeah, yeah.  I’ll go puny human level, don’t get your panties bunched up.”  Pushing the sleeves of his henley up his forearms, Mason lazily sized Douglas up, watching as he got into a fighting stance.  “Well?  You gonna throw a punch or are we standing here all night?”
Douglas narrowed his eyes and struck out, the blow easily dodged.  “Not a bad start, let’s see if one of these actually connects.”  
“Five bucks says your boy toy knocks him on his ass in less than five minutes,” Tina whispered.
“Not taking that bet.  We both know how this is going to go.”
“Yeah, with you leaving me to tend to Douglas’s bruised ego while you go and get freaky with that tall drink of oh shit, he got a hit!” Tina bounced on the balls of her feet as Mason reached up to dab at his mouth with the back of his hand, the smallest dab of red streaking across his knuckle.
“Not bad at all.  You’ve got some potential.”  Zoe was positive that there was a tiny spark of respect in Mason’s voice before he struck out with a speedy one-two combination, hitting Douglas in the chest and stomach with enough force to knock him to his knees.
“You know,” Douglas wheezed, slowly getting back to his feet.  “You don’t hit that bad either.”
Mason narrowed his eyes.  “You’re a persistent one, I’ll give you that,” he told him, dodging another punch.  Somewhere along the line, a demonstration of what Douglas had learned had boiled down to what looked like a plain fistfight, a haymaker that would have connected on anyone else going wild as Mason zipped out of the way.  He was still using enough speed and force behind his punches that didn’t raise any eyebrows, and Zoe had to roll her eyes at the fact that he even made sure to pant every now and again so it looked as if he was running out of breath.
She knew better.  He was a shitty actor, even if no one else but her could pick up on it.
Their impromptu fight ended abruptly when Mason’s fist connected with Douglas’s jaw, sending him sprawling onto the mats.  “You okay, kid?” Mason asked, flexing his fingers as Tina and Zoe ran towards them.
Douglas sat up with Tina’s help.  “I think you broke my jaw.”
Mason shook his head.  “Nah.  Trust me, you’d know if it was broken.  Put some ice on it when you get home.”  He turned to look at Zoe.  “We done here, Sweetheart?”
“Everything okay, Douglas?” she asked instead, holding out a hand to help him to his feet.
“Yeah, Zoe.  It’s all good.”  She inwardly winced at the sad expression on his face, but also hoped that it would mean the beginning of the end to his fixation with her.
“Come on, Champ,” Tina said, patting him on his back.  “We’ll make a pit stop to the break room for a bag of ice and then I’ll take you out for some ice cream.”
Mason waited until they were alone.  “You’re pissed.”
Zoe turned back to face him.  “What makes you say that?”
“I bruised your officer.”
She shook her head.  “You could have done worse, but you didn’t.”  She pulled out the cigarette from her pant pocket and handed it to him.
“I didn’t even ask nicely.”  Still, Mason shook his head.  “Keep it.”
She watched his eyes darken as she shrugged her arms into his jacket, the garment too big on her.  “Maybe I’m feeling generous,” she said, digging into his jacket pockets until she found his slightly crumpled carton of cigarettes and replaced it inside.  Turning on her heel, she made her way towards the gym’s doors and flicked off the light.  “You coming or am I walking home alone?”
There was a whoosh of air and Zoe let out a grunt as her back gently hit the wall next to the light switch.  “I seem to remember me talking about having our own little wrestling match,” he said, tightening his fingers in her hair, his palm cushioning the back of her head from hitting the wall when he crowded her.
“I don’t remember agreeing,” she purred, sliding her fingers up and under the hem of his shirt, feeling the muscles of his stomach contract at the contact.  “Though maybe if you ask -”
He kissed her then, just like he’d wanted to all damn day, his mouth moving over hers and tongue dipping into her mouth to taste her.  “Please,” he murmured, lips trailing downwards over her throat as he wedged his thigh between her legs.  “Pretty fucking please.”
It took all his willpower not to shove her pants down her hips and have her there against the gym wall as she whimpered a shaky yes when his fangs skated across her skin, but he did muffle a groan into her shoulder as he let her grind against his thigh before grabbing her hips and smothering a pleased cry with his mouth.  “Keep that up, Sweetheart, and we’re not going to make it back to your place any time soon.”
“Promises, promises, Sunshine,” she replied, nipping at his lips until he melted against her, forearm braced against the wall and his other hand wandering to cup her backside and yank her closer to him.  Giving him one last kiss, she ducked under his arm, grabbing her bag and slinging it across her body before heading out of the gym and into the night.
Mason quickly shut the door behind them, letting his long legs catch him up to Zoe, who hadn’t gotten quite to the edge of the parking lot yet.  He shoved the sleeves of his shirt down to his wrists and rubbed his hands down his arms before casually resting an arm over Zoe’s shoulder.
“You want your jacket back?” she asked, wrapping her arm around his waist as they walked.
“Eventually.”  He sighed as the warmth from her body soaked into his side.  “Besides, it’s just going to wind up on your bedroom floor in a few minutes.”  Her scent was also going to linger in the lining for days, making him reluctant to light up a cigarette and have the smoke drown it out.
Not that he’d tell her that or anything.
Zoe grinned at his smile.  “Promises, promises,” she repeated, moving closer to him until she was all but glued to his side.
Mason’s smile widened into a full-blown leer.  “And you should know by now that I’m good with keeping my word.”
“I’m not arguing with you there.”  She stopped them under a streetlight and teasingly nipped at his jawline.  “Just looking forward to when you make good on them.”
Mason quickly looked around the empty streets, ears straining to hear anything over the tempting sound of Zoe’s heart.  Making a calculated move, he reached down and grabbed her, slinging her over his shoulder as he moved away from the light and zipped down the dark parts of the street in a blur until they were close to her apartment.  He would have rushed them into her complex properly, but he knew that there was that nosy neighbor on the second floor who always seemed to be looking out their window when he showed up and he didn’t want to risk anyone witnessing a display of supernatural speed.
“Don’t worry,” he drawled as she unlocked her front door.  “I’ll make damn good on them.”
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souvcniir · 3 years
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*  bopping  along  to  rude  boy  by  rihanna  is  𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐎𝐍𝐀  ❝   𝐑𝐈𝐙𝐎   ❞  𝐆𝐈𝐋𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐓  ,  the  twenty  one  year  old  cis  woman  thrown  back  to  their   hospitality  management with  some  of  her   memories  .  voted  most  likely  to  star  in  their   own  reality  tv  show ,  rizo  was  known  for  being  flamboyant  &  loquacious ,  go  figures  you'd  always  find  them  giving  drunk  pep  talks  in  the  girls  bathroom ,  but  grew  up  to  be  punctual  &  hard  headed.  
hi  ..  how  ya  doing  ?  it’s  me  ...   again  .  gi  back  again  with  my  second  muse  who  is  just  ...  have  you  seen  her  ?  stunning  .  beautiful  .  the  mother  i  never  had   ,  the  sister  everybody  would  want   ,  and  the  friend  everybody  deserves  .  ASDFGHJ  .  let  me  stop  .  down  below  is  a  little  about  my  baby  doll  and if  you  already  liked  my  last  post  i’ll  definitely  be  bothering  you  about  plotting  with  this  baby  too  !!
*   𝐎𝐍𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒  .
gold   wings   dangling   in   between   collar   bones   ,   sun   light   parting   cloudy   skies   ,   vowels   dipped   in   honey   ,   baths   filled   with   rose   petals   ,    sketches   under   a   cotton   candy   sunset   . 
*   𝐓𝐖𝐎                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒 .
full   name.   arizona  scarlett  gilbert  .   nickname(s).   rizo  ,  ari  ,  zo  ,  zona  .   preferred   name.   rizo  and/or  ari  .   past  age.   twenty  one  .   present  age.   thirty  one  .   date  of  birth.   october  eleventh  .  zodiac.  libra  . gender. cis  woman  .   pronouns. she  and  her  .   sexuality. heterosexual  .   younger  faceclaim.   charlotte  d’alessio  .   older  faceclaim.   alycia  debnam  carey   .
*   𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐓𝐒  .
(   death  ,   specifically  cancer   ).  
    in  her  first  cry    ,     she  was  gifted  an  echo   .    something  said  to  be  a  miracle  especially  upon  ears  that  had  once  suffered  the  news  of  a  lost  future  of  bearing   children  .     that  night  ,  prayers  of  thank  you’s  were  sent  to  the  heavens    ,  and  mouths  were  stuff  with  love  sculpted  by  two  pairs  of  glimmering  emerald  hues   .   
    granted  fifteen  years  of  sweetness  and  happiness  that  painted  countenances  .    the  two  were  split  from  the  same  soul  .   her  sister  was  contagious  and  arizona  was  syrupy  .   never  each  other’s  shadow  ,  just  each  other’s  biggest  fan  .  the  girls  were  great  apart  ,  but  together  they  were  unstoppable  .  but  just  like  summer  sunshine  ,  rapid  thunderstorms  creep  up  on  you  without  warning  .  their  thunder  fell  into  their  ears  as  a  disease  too  far  along  to  promise  hope  .   in  the  blink  of  an  eye  ,  cancer  had  disguised  itself  as  her  twin  sister  ,   the  light  that  once  sparkled  in  her  eyes  died  out  .
    equivalent  to  a  nightmare  ,  when  the  sun  forgets  to  rise  and  feet  forgot  how  to  move  ;   she  was  haunted  by  a  ghost  who  had  her  face  .   swore  she  could  hear  her  in  the  dead  of  the  night  ,  and  sometimes  even  in  broad  daylight  .   grief  left  her  clinging  to  bedsheets  that  still  lingered  of  her  sister’s  memory  ,  and  soon  her  emerald  hues  became  a  reminder  of  a  child  lost  .   she  no  longer  had  her  sister  to  hide  behind  ,  and  her  parent’s  were  no  longer  able  to  pretend  they  could  look  her  in  the  eye  .
reminded  herself  she  was  alive  until  tears  hung  in  her  eyes  and  screams  left  her  mouth  until  voice  was  no  longer  recognizable    .  she  might  not  be  able  to  live  life  by  her  sister’s  side  ,  but  she  could  live  life  for  her  sister  .    that  night  ,  her  hands  were  drenched  in  cold  glue  from  gluing  herself  back  together  .  and  after  that  ,  cloudy  skies  cleared  and  only  the  lingering  smell  of  raindrops  remained  .  she’d  never  get  over  it  ,  but  she  would  not  become  it  .
*   𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓  .  
grief  no  longer   visible  in  tawny  features  ,   she   radiated  a  warmness  that  seemed  to  be  nothing  but  intoxicating  .   clung  to  a  desperation  to  escape  a  town  filled  with  broken  hearts  and  disappointment   and  took  a  big  deep  breath  of  a  new  beginning  at   rom  valley  university  .
she  was  a  face  you  spotted  everywhere  ,  on  the  sidelines  with  pom  poms  in  her  hands  and  in  class  whispering  about  how  she  had  no  idea  what  was  going  on   .   being  involved  was  something  she  thrived  on  ,   and  because  of  that  she  was  known  for  being  the  social  butterfly  ,   the  chatter  bug  ,  and  the  girl  who  always  had  a  smile  on  her  face  . 
 not  a  dumb  girl  ,  but  she  happened  to  be  one  of  those  people  who   prioritized  their  social  life  instead  of  their  grades  .  had  to  really  apply  herself  for  anything  above  a  low  b  ,   but  as  we  all  say  c’s  get  degree’s  .  and   truthfully  she  was  more  worried  enjoying  life  rather  then  having  a  break  down  over  a  calculus  class  .  
had  a  bad  habit  of  speaking  without  thinking  ,  and  feeling  without  processing  .  life  is  too  short  so  she  refuses  to  be   someone  who  keeps  her  emotions  bottled  up  .   instead   wears  them  in  facial  expressions  and  words  of  anger  or  joy  or  sadness  .  if  you  did  something  wrong  ,  she’ll  tell  you  .  if  she’s  feeling  a  type  of  way  ,  you’ll  know  .  but  because  of  this  she  is  very  forward  with  showing  those  she  cares  about  ,  she  cares  about  them  .  her  love  language  is  pecks  on  the  lips  and  i  love  you’s  before  she  ends  the  call  .   
*   𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓   .
not  as  open  as  she  used  to  be  ,  but  she  still  shines  bright  .   learned  to  bite  her  tongue  and  control  her  careless  ways  .  in  some  ways  ,  she  simply  just  matured  ,  no  longer  that  twenty  year  old  something  that  can  get  away  with  screaming  in  the  rain  because  she  needed  to  get  it  off  her  chest  .
thinks  about  her  sister  more  then  she  did  before  ,   her  mother  says  it’s  because  she’s  experiencing  firsts  that  she  wishes  her  sister  was  there  to  see  .  she  still  refuses  to  show  her  bleeding  wounds  ,  instead  bandages  them  up  every  night  and  whispers  i  miss  you’s  to  the  sky  .
fell  into  the  career  of  a  wedding  planner  and  has  never  been  so  in  love  with  a  job  before  ,  it’s  everything  she  had  ever  hoped  for  .  she  gets  to  be  creative  ,  interact  with  people  on  the  daily  ,  and  make  other’s  happy  .  though  ,  it  has  made  her  a  true  romantic  .
her  relationship  with  her  parents  is  special   , something  that  formed  as  she  got  older  and  began  to  understand  that  yes  she  lost  her  other  half  ,  but  they  too  lost  a  child  .   she’s  grateful  for  her  parents  and  is  constantly  reminding  herself  to  give  them  some  extra  love  .  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  they  are  all  she  has  . 
she  lives  in  the  city  of  new  york  in  a  beautiful  apartment  ,  and  while  it  is  such  a  different  atmosphere  then  the  small  town  she  was  raised  in  ,  she  enjoys  it  .   but  her  being  her  ,  she  still  needs  to  experience  as  much  as  she  can  and  so  you’ll  her  packing  her  bags  every  so  often  and  living  it  up  in  a  different  country  or  a  different  city  for  a  few  weeks  and  of  course  dragging  a  few  of  her  friends  with  her  .
*   𝐒𝐈𝐗                         𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓  𝐈𝐍  𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓   .
it  feels  like  a  case  of  deja  vu   ,  so  familiar  she  has  to  stop  and  think  about  it  for  a  little  .   swears  she  see’s  pieces  of  her  future  in  her  dreams  ,  and  yet  they  feel  so  real  it’s  almost  as  if  she’s  already  lived  it  .  sometimes  she  feels  like  she’s  going  crazy  ,  but  most  time  she’s  losing  herself  in  the  moment  .  
*   𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍                          𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐒  .
she  wears  her  sister’s  ashes  in  a  wing  shaped  necklace  ,   and  later  on  decided  to  get  something  permanent  via  tattoo  .   her  tattoo  is  located  on  her inner  arm   and  looks  a  little  something  like  this  . 
she’s  a  travel  bug  ,  and  has  been  to  countless  of  places  .  she’s  one  of  those  people  who  has  a  journal  tucked  away  with  every  single  place  she  has  ever  wanted  to  visit  and  she  will  complete  her  list  .
in  college  ,  she  was  one  of  those  people  who  wrote  the  prettiest  notes  that  you  have  ever  seen  ,  did  she  waste  more  time  writing  them  then  actually  studying  ?  yes  .
she  started  playing  soccer  in  elementary   school  and  actually  studied  at   rvu  on  a  scholarship  .  it  was  one  of  the  first  activities  that  arizona  did  outside  of  her  sister  and  after  her  passing  it  because  a  way  to  get  her  mind  off  of  her  passing  .
*  𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓                          𝐓𝐇𝐄   𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  .
*   again  ,  these  are  simply  just  ideas  to  give  us  something  to  start  with  ,  i  am  open  to  anything  that  is  not  mentioned  as  well  am  completely  and  totally  okay  with  switching  things  around  and  adding  things  to  these  ideas !!!  i  love  plotting  and  bouncing ideas  off  of  each  other  so  don’t  be  afraid  to  stray !
                    LOOK  ,  WE’RE  IN  TUNE  ,  WE’RE  IN  SYNC   .  EYE  TO  EYE  ,  DON’T  NEED  TO  THINK  (  PAST/PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .     labeled  as  the  duo  to  be  reckoned  with  ,  there’s  love  between  these  two  that  not  even  words  could  explain  .    a  friendship  that  has  last  a  decade  ,  you  can  hear  them  constantly  giggle  how  they’re  soulmates   .    that’s  just  their  bond  .  secrets  ,  laughter  ,  memories  ,  communication  without  words  ,  a  lifetime  of  inside  jokes  ,  being  attached  at  the  hip   .   this  is  just  a  forever  thing  .
                  WE’RE  BOTH  DROWNING  IN  GASOLINE  ,  BURNING  OVER  TIME  .   (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .    this  friend  is  someone  that  arizona  held  close  to  her  heart  ,  when  memories  crept  back  up  on  her  and  that  empty  feeling  in  her  heart  escape  bars  she  seemed  to  always  find  comfort  in  this  person  .  and  always  promised  them  ,  that  they  could  find  comfort  or  at  least  a  set  of  ears  in  her  .
                  I  KNOW  YOU  SAID  LEAVE  ,  BUT  FUCK  WHAT  YOU  SAID  .  CAUSE  YOU’RE  STEADY  CRAWLING  ON  YOUR  KNEES  AGAIN  ,  YOU  NEED  A  FRIEND  (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .    this  was  someone  that  brought  the  worse  out  in  arizona  .   they  are  the  whispers  of  careless  actions  in  each  other  ears  and  blurry  lines  of  what  they  are  to  each  other  .  stolen  kisses  and  screaming  voices  the  consequence  of  that  .  but  regardless  of  where  they  stand  in  one  another’s  life  ,  they’re  the  prime  example  that  not  every  bond  should  last  .
                  SAME  CREW  ,  I  AIN’T  HANGING  WITH  NO  NEW  BITCH   (  PAST/PRESENT  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .    a  group  of  friend  who’s  energy  is  contagious  .  in  college  they  were  the  ones  people  watched  from  afar  and  earned  for  something  just  like  it  .  they  had  their  fair  share  of  fallout’s  ,  nights  of  blacking  out  and  holding  each  other’s  hair  back  ,  hungover  brunches  ,  embarrassing  stories  during  each  other’s  weddings  ,   but  their  bond  is  for  life  .  
              I  MIGHT  BREAK  UP  WITH  YOU  ,  JUST  TO  MAKE  UP  WITH  YOU  .  AT  THE  END  OF  THE  DAY  ,  BOY  ,  YOU  KNOW  THAT  I’M  ABOUT  TO  WAKE  UP  WITH  YOU  .  (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .    the  most  serious  relationship  arizona  had  in  college  ,  and  it  was  mixed  with  such  high  and  low  moments  but  regardless  the  two  always  found  their  way  back  to  each  other  .    for  arizona  ,  she  was  in  love  and  they  were  all  she  wanted  .  no  matter  what  .
             MANY  TIMES  WE  FELT  IT  ,  CAME  CLOSE  FOR  A  MINUTE  .  WRONG  PLACE  ,  WRONG  TIME  ,  YOU  WERE  ALMOST  MINE  . (  PAST  CONNECTION  ┋  OPEN   )  .    it  always  felt  like  more  .   lingering  touches  and  avoiding  the  conversation  ,  almost  never  given  the  right  opportunity  to  say  how  they  really  felt  and  in  return  for  years  watched  one  another  fall  in  and  out  of  love  with  other  people  .
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hrina · 3 years
okay so we're playing among us and i'm fine line (aka pink aka zo) and i would just like to say that idk HOW you're so good at being imposter and making us all believe that you're innocent but you are and yeah!!! i'm having a lot fo fun and i'm glad you are too!!
okay you can ignore all my among us asks once you get back on tumblr but i just.... cass HOW could you vote me like that?? like yeah it was me but!!!! i couldn't even defend myself!!!!! i was just helpless sitting there watching it play out fjkhdskfjs
cass i'm so sorry that i keep getting kicked :(((
ZO ITS ALL GOOD DONT APOLOGISE FOR GETTING KICKED U CAN’T CONTROL THAT!!!! but omg yes tonight was so so so fun <3 i can’t wait to play with yall again!
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k-llama-llama · 5 years
Holiday Chances
Monsta X AU: 8th member
Zoey x Monsta X
25 Days of Zoey: Day 22
Zoey has a little run in with Seungcheol at a Christmas party. Will she regret it?
A/N: no links in my posts until tumblr sorts itself out.DM me or head over to my ask box!
Please submit your requests to my Ask Box!!
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“How do I look?” Zoey gave another spin in front of the mirror.
“Gorgeous, of course.” Jooheon told her. “Why are you so worked up?”
“Because,” She explained, “this is a really fancy Christmas party. And only a few idol groups got invited. I have to make a good impression.”
“In that dress...trust me, they’ll be impressed.” Changkyun told her, looking up from his phone.
“Don’t encourage it.” Kihyun scolded.
Zoey spun to face Kihyun with a grin on her face. The dress code for the event was formal, so all of the boys were in suits. The stylists had wanted to put Zoey in a black dress so she would match, but she’d fought tooth and nail to get a red dress. It was off the shoulder, exposing a bit of her back but none of her cleavage. The deep red colour with a slight shimmer was gorgeous, and it made it even more impactful when Zoey’s leg peeked out the slit in the floor-length gown.
“Sure there isn’t another reason you’re trying to look all pretty?” Minhyuk teased. “Seeing as how a certain boy group will also be there.”
Zoey face the mirror again, playing with one of the pins in her hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Sure you don’t.” Hyungwon snorted. “Here, let me help with your hair.”
He pinned up a strand that had actually fallen loose from the up-do, and then it was time for them to enter the party.
Zoey linked her arm through Wonho’s, clasping her silver clutch (which matched her heels) in her other hand.
“My lord, you look dashing.” She teased.
He grinned. “My lady, you are the fairest maid I have ever seen.”
“Losers.” Minhyuk muttered. “Let’s go.”
They were escorted out of the dressing room and towards the staircase where pictures would be taken by the press. There were no photos inside the actual event, but there was a huge crowd of reporters gathered to catch a glimpse of idols, actors and even politicians in all of their finery.
Zoey did her best to keep her face completely neutral as they descended the stairs, despite the flash of cameras that bombarded them. As one of the only female idols attending, it was natural that a lot of the focus would be on her. Not to mention that her group-mates all looked incredibly handsome.
The second they passed through the wall of photographers Zoey was able to let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. The room they entered, which was in actuality the lobby of a hotel, had been outfitted into a massive holiday party. People were milling about, talking casually but with a professional air that made all of them pause in the doorway.
“Do we divide and conquer?” Shownu asked. “Because snacks are over there.”
“And so is Seventeen!” Jooheon exclaimed. “I vote we go check out the snacks.”
“Seconded.” Zoey said weakly.
They wove their way through the crowd, Zoey still clinging to Wonho’s arm. She was pretty confident that she could manage walking in heels, but she did not feel like peeling herself off the floor if she ended up being wrong.
The second Seventeen realized who they were, they all waved. Normally there would be a more enthusiastic greeting, but the formal setting seemed to be encouraging quiet.
“Zoey!” Jun exclaimed as they stepped close. “You look so pretty.”
“Thank you.” She blushed, standing next to the table and immediately reaching for a piece of cheese.
“What about us?” Jooheon demanded, “do we not look pretty?”
Hoshi snorted lightly. “You all look great.”
“And you all look very handsome.” Zoey told them with a smile. 
It was true. All of the boys of Seventeen were wearing suits, of different fabrics and patterns, but all complimentary to each other. Zoey then realized that not all of the members seemed to be present.
She looked around, taking mental attendance of all of the faces.
“Zoey? What are you doing?” Hyungwon nudged her as he reached for some food.
She shook her head. “I think I’m losing my mind. Where’s Seungcheol? I only count twelve of you.”
“Seungcheol is right here.” Mingyu stepped to the side, revealing Seungcheol, who seemed to be desperately chugging a glass of water.
“See?” Zoey laughed. “I’m losing my mind.”
“I’m sure that’s why you were looking for him.” Minhyuk whispered in her ear.
She brought her heel down on his toe.
For the next little while, they stood around and chatted quietly. Zoey was friendly with all of the boys, but she couldn’t help but notice that Seungcheol wouldn’t meet her gaze. The only time he interacted with her was when he passed her a glass of cider from a waiter’s tray. Zoey did not like feeling like something was wrong, which almost painted a frown onto her face.
“Oh look!” Dokyeom said, pointing to the front of the room. “The entertainment is starting!”
“What’s the entertainment?” Shownu asked.
“Apparently it’s top secret until they’re onstage.” Seungkwan told them. “But the popular theory seems to be Ailee.”
“Really?” Changkyun gasped. “Do you want to go up and see if we can see better?”
A crowd was indeed forming around the stage was staff set up instruments, and it looked like they would have to push they’re way through it.
“I’m down.”
Zoey shook her head lightly. “I’ll pass. This dress wasn’t really meant for close combat.”
“Do you want me to wait with you?” Shownu asked.
“Of course not.” She laughed. “I’ll just go wait out of the way. Maybe over there, where I can see clearly without fighting for my life.”
She was pointing to a little archway set on the outside of the room, where there were not many people milling around.
“If you’re sure.” Kihyun said. “Come grab us if you need us.”
“I will.”
She made her way over to the archway, settling herself onto the bench underneath it. The archway itself was made of beautifully woven flowers, and she contemplated taking a picture of it before she forced herself to turn her attention back to the stage.
Ailee came out on stage, to loud applause. As soon as she launched into her first song, the lights in the room dimmed, and almost everyone gathered around the stage.
“Mind if I sit here?” A voice interrupted her thoughts.
She looked up, slightly startled. Her heart calmed a little, but just a little, when she saw that it was Seungcheol.
“Of course.” She smiled. “Please.”
He sat next to her, leaving a comfortable amount of space between them. They watched the performance in silence for a few minutes, before Zoey decided to spark up some conversation.
“Didn’t feel like staying in the crowd?” She asked, leaning close so that he could hear her.
He shook his head. “It was just too pushy. You had the right idea, staying where it’s calmer.”
She shrugged. “I just didn’t want to ruin my dress. There wasn’t much thinking behind it.”
“Um, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “You look really nice, by the way.”
She was certain that she was blushing. “Why thank you, Seungcheol. You look very handsome, too.”
“Thanks.” He bit his lip slightly.
Some of the lights from the stage flickered over the crowd, drawing Zoey’s attention to something that was hanging over their heads.
“Oh.” She breathed.
Seungcheol followed her gaze, feeling himself forget to breathe when he spotted the mistletoe above them.
“That’s...that’s funny.” He finally offered.
“Yeah.” She agreed. “I didn’t know people still put up mistletoe at parties. It seems like an old tradition.”
“Yeah, no one even does that anymore.” He laughed nervously.
Zoey took a deep breath, feeling emboldened. Likely her courage had something to do with how good she thought she looked in the dress, but she decided to take a chance.
“I mean...it is tradition.” She said quietly. “It’s not polite to break tradition.”
Seungcheol looked to her with wide eyes. “Zo...?”
She gave a slightly forced smile. “And, I mean, no one is even watching. “
This was also true. Everyone in the nearby vicinity was busy watching Ailee perform one of her powerful ballads.
“That’s true.” He agreed softly. “Should we just...?”
“Sure.” Zoey smiled. “It’s a Christmas tradition after all.”
She had no idea where all of this confidence was coming from, especially considering the fact that she’d only kissed two guys in her life, and one of them had been Changkyun. But some little voice in the back of her head kept egging her on.
He scooted closer, leaning in slightly. “Do we just...”
Zoey leaned in and pressed her lips against his, shutting her eyes firmly. After a split second hesitation, his lips started to move gently against her own. She leaned in to it, feeling his hand clasp gently onto her own, which was resting in her lap.
When he pulled away, Zoey was in a slight daze. And from the looks of it, so was he. His eyes opened, staring into her own, still looking shocked.
“I’m sorry-” He began.
“It’s okay.” She said quickly. “Um...I kissed you first.”
“Yes, but I ...um, kissed you back?” He said nervously, his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips.
“Ah...” Zoey leapt to her feet. “I need to go.”
“Wait, Zoey!”
She hurried off towards the crowd, gabbing onto the jacket of the first of her boys she could find. It happened to be Shownu, who turned when he felt her pull on him.
“You joining us?” He shouted over the noise.
She shook her head. “I need to go.”
“I need to go, now!” She said frantically.
“Okay.” He agreed without hesitation. “I’ll walk you back to the dressing room, and we can text the guys.”
She nodded thankfully as he placed a hand on her back and led her out of the crowd and towards the door.
“Can you tell me what’s wrong?” Shownu asked quietly.
Zoey turned, seeing Seungcheol approach Woozi and whisper something to him with a frantic expression on his face.
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oadara · 5 years
Mighty big assumption you are making about the Masters having a unanimous vote. In fact there is no evidence of this mentioned in the books at all. So this is your own headcanon. Let me get this straight, you think Daenerys arriving with a horde of murderous, raping horsemen will somehow kill all the one dimensional bad guys, set up a perfect ruling structure in basically all of Eastern Essos and set the world right again? Keep drinking the cool aid. She is coming with Fire & Blood. Not hugs.
It’s actually not a huge assumption on my part, it’s a simple deduction made with the information we have been given. There is no mention at all about kings or single leaders ruling the cities of Slaver’s Bay. On the contrary:
“I am not deaf, Magnificence. I will obey.” Skahaz drew a parchment scroll from his sleeve. “Your Worship should have a look at this. A list of all the Meereenese ships in the blockade, with their captains. Great Masters all.”
Dany studied the scroll. All the ruling families of Meereen were named: Hazkar, Merreq, Quazzar, Zhak, Rhazdar, Ghazeen, Pahl, even Reznak and Loraq. “What am I to do with a list of names?”
- A Dance with Dragons - Daenerys V
The ruling families of Meereen, that is to say, the families that make all the choices for the city, all slaver families, because of course, as we know that’s the only industry in Slaver’s Bay, slavery. 
In fact, even we actually get to see the way they rule when they come together against Meereen. 
“This,” King Hizdahr said at last, “this is not … we are not pleased, this … what is the meaning of this … this …"The slaver in the maroon tokar produced a parchment. 
"I have the honor to bear this message from the council of masters.” He unrolled the scroll. “It is here written, ‘Seven entered Meereen to sign the peace accords and witness the celebratory games at the Pit of Daznak. As surety for their safety, seven hostages were tendered us. The Yellow City mourns its noble son Yurkhaz zo Yunzak, who perished cruelly whilst a guest of Meereen. Blood must pay for blood.' 
-A Dance with Dragons - The Discarded Knight
Hizdahr zo Loraq could not seem to look away from the head. Only when Reznak whispered something in his ear did he finally bestir himself. "Yurkhaz zo Yunzak was your supreme commander,” he said. “Which of you speaks for Yunkai now?”
“All of us,” said the rabbit. “The council of masters.
"King Hizdahr found some steel. "Then all of you bear the responsibility for this breach of our peace.”
-A Dance with Dragons - The Discarded Knight
“The council of masters has been unable to agree. Yezzan zo Qaggaz had the most support, but now he’s died as well. The Wise Masters are rotating the supreme command amongst themselves. Today our leader is the one your friends in the ranks dubbed the Drunken Conqueror. On the morrow, it will be Lord Wobblecheeks.”
-A Dance with Dragons - The Spurned Suitor
There are more quotes showing that the Master of Slaver’s Bay rules as a council but I’m not going to turn this into a wall of quotes. I suggest you read the books and pay close attention to what you are reading. Things don’t have to be spelled out for you in order for you to deduce them. There is more than enough information showing how governance was handled in Slaver’s Bay. 
As to your other comment, yes, Dany is arriving with Fire and Blood to Meereen and I for one can’t wait. You might be the type of person to sympathize with the slavers but I’m not that person, I have no pity for them. The text has shown us that they have no redeeming qualities. 
I mean, these are the types of people you feel sorry for:
“Astapor is most beautiful at dusk, Your Grace,” said the slave girl. “The Good Masters light silk lanterns on every terrace, so all the pyramids glow with colored lights. Pleasure barges ply the Worm, playing soft music and calling at the little islands for food and wine and other delights.”
“Ask her if she wishes to view our fighting pits,” Kraznys added. “Douquor’s Pit has a fine folly scheduled for the evening. A bear and three small boys. One boy will be rolled in honey, one in blood, and one in rotting fish, and she may wager on which the bear will eat first.”
- A Storm of Swords - Daenerys II
Dany’s people were brutalized by the Son’s of the Harpy for months, the same people who had brutalized them for years, their slave masters. 
I didn’t create these villains, Martin did, they are there as foes for Dany and it doesn’t matter how nuanced or not they are, that’s not the relevant part, it’s Dany action and reaction to them. She tried for months to work alongside them, to appease them, to negotiate with them. For what, for nothing, because all they were doing is biding their time, building armies to take the city back and return everyone to slavery. Everyone there is about to get everything that they deserve. 
Dany will destroy the Master and will leave Slaver’s Bay to the slaves. They will have the opportunity to build their own future without the obstacles of the slavers. What happens after that will be up to them. 
All Dany is doing is given them a fresh start and an opportunity to thrive. I think that’s a fair deal and she will leave Slaver’s Bay in relative peace although they will still struggle. They only industry there was slavery so they will have to find other means to survive. 
There’s no “kool-Aid” drinking here, it’s a matter of simply deducing where the story is going and what it’s trying to accomplish. Dany had to learn that she couldn’t negotiate with slavers because she will encounter slavers again, this time, of course, it’ll be Slavers of the Dead and there won’t be any negotiating there either. 
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zrtranscripts · 5 years
Radio Abel, Season Six
Part 2 of 6
ZOE CRICK: I still think we should stick with Radio Free Abel, though. It's got a real ring to it.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But Abel is free. That'd be like Radio Eat Breakfast just after we've had a big fry-up.
ZOE CRICK: Radio Eat Breakfast?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You know what I mean.
ZOE CRICK: How about Radio Phil One Day Making Sense? There's not much chance of events overtaking that.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] The point is, Abel is free, so now it's just Radio Abel.
ZOE CRICK: I just... I know New Canton – I mean, Fort Canton's not on our side anymore. They're not really on anyone's side. But that's still where we're from, and lots of our friends are still there. I think we should go back to being Radio Cabel.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Ooh, ooh. Uh, I've had an idea.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, it's a great idea.
ZOE CRICK: Is it, though?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. We'll be right back with it after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Right. So what we should do is, we should have a Rofflenet poll to decide what to call the station.
ZOE CRICK: That might be the worst idea you've ever had. And you once decided to make a peanut butter and Cheez Whiz sandwich because Unmentionable One swore it was a Canadian delicacy.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Actually, it tasted all right.
ZOE CRICK: You were throwing up for three hours.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Anyway, what's wrong with a poll? Don't you trust our listeners?
ZOE CRICK: I do trust them. I trust them to decide we should rename the station Radio McRadioFace.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, ye of little faith.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, me of actual knowledge of human nature.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, I think it's a good idea. [ZOE CRICK sighs] So, citizens, why don't you contact us on Rofflenet to let us know what you think. We'll be right back after this.
ZOE CRICK: So... you want to have a Rofflenet poll to decide whether we should have a Rofflenet poll to decide what our new name is? [PHIL CHEESEMAN makes an affirmative sound] But why stop there? [laughs] We should get people to vote on Rofflenet about whether having a Rofflenet poll about whether to have a Rofflenet poll to decide our new name is a good idea.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] Now you're just being silly.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, now I'm being silly.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Come on, Zo. It'll be fun!
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Go on. Please.
ZOE CRICK: [sighs] Fine. But if we end up being called Radio Station McRadioStationFace, you're the one who's going to be saying it at the start of each broadcast.
ZOE CRICK: All right then, listeners. [laughs] We're putting ourselves in your hands. We'll be setting up a poll on Rofflenet so you can let us know what you want all-new Radio Abel to be called. And to get you thinking along the right lines, have a listen to this.
ZOE CRICK: Now there's a song that'll sooth what ails you. And remember, listeners, if you've got any ailments of your own, Maxine and Paula are waiting to take your calls.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, actually, I thought I might pop over and see them myself.
ZOE CRICK: Come down with a mild dose of malaria again, have you?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: That could have been malaria.
ZOE CRICK: You had one mosquito bite and a slight cough.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Anyway, it's not malaria. I think I've got blood poisoning.
ZOE CRICK: Really? That's pretty serious.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. I got this splinter in my thumb, and it's gone all infected. Look.
ZOE CRICK: I can't see anything.
ZOE CRICK: Well, that little tiny thing?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, it's not like I can just pop down to the casualty department if it gets worse, is it? In the Middle Ages, people used to die of ingrown toenails!
ZOE CRICK: I really don't think they did.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, anyway, it hurts.
ZOE CRICK: Right. Where's that sewing kit Jody brought over the other day when my button fell off?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No, you don't.
ZOE CRICK: You want that splinter out or not?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I want a professional to do it!
ZOE CRICK: I am a professional! Do you know how many splinters I've removed from various children in my time? Of course, none of them were as much of a baby about it.
ZOE CRICK: Good. Right. Here's the needle. Now I just need a lighter.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Lighter? What are you going to do, burn it out?
ZOE CRICK: [sighs] We'll be back shortly, listeners. I'm just going to strap Phil down to this chair for the operation.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, I meant to ask. Did you hear about that wall of heroes they put up in Burton's End?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, that's the statelet that used to be a nudist colony, isn't it?
ZOE CRICK: Still is, apparently. Unsurprisingly, their zombie-inflicted mortality rate is really quite high. Also, half of them have come down with hypothermia last winter.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So they've got a wall of heroes?
ZOE CRICK: Yep. Heroes of the resistance. And guess who's on it?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh, uh, Janine, Sam, Jody -
ZOE CRICK: Us, you dork! I mean, also Janine, and Sam, and Jody, but I don't care about them.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: That's nice. But – but we're hardly heroes of the resistance, are we?
ZOE CRICK: Mm, we did do something quite heroic, in a hearts and minds sort of way. Our lives were at actual risk.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Does it count as heroic if you complain about it as much as you did? Near constantly, in fact?
ZOE CRICK: Well, there was a lot to complain about.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: It was your idea in the first place. Uh, oddly. Usually, you're not very keen on the idea of imminent danger and bodily discomfort.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] I think you'll find I'm a very giving person. My people called, and I listened.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Really. That's really why you decided to come back.
ZOE CRICK: Of course. Why else? And here's a song that helped motivate me.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: "I'm a very giving person" my ass! I've found you out, Miss Crick. I know your dirty little secret.
ZOE CRICK: I have literally no idea what you're talking about.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Should have recognized that look in your eye back on the island.
ZOE CRICK: What look?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: The same look Pushkin gets when he's hungry and there's still an hour to go until his dinnertime. It's not food you were hungry for, if you get my drift.
ZOE CRICK: I really, really don't.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Then there was that time you made us walk all the way to the other side of the island to raid the dentist's office for magazines.
ZOE CRICK: I wanted to give Eu – I mean, He Who Should Not Be Named For Security Reasons -  some ideas for his knitting. There are only so many hot water bottle covers any one household needs.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But it wasn't the knitting patterns you were looking at, was it? It was the peole wearing the knitting patterns, if you know what I mean.
ZOE CRICK: Nope. Still got no idea. We'll be back right after this, when Phil will hopefully regain use of his senses!
PHIL CHEESEMAN: "Needing to get your leg over." That's what you said.
ZOE CRICK: I might have mentioned that urge last night, yes. After two glasses of moonshine and a very intense game of D&D. Why are you suddenly bringing that up now?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: That's what it's all been about. There you were, with The Inhabitants of the Island Who Can't Be Named, and half of them related to you, and half of them... just not that into you, and stroking cats can only get you so far. At least, I don't ever want to know if you got further than so far. So that's why we left.
ZOE CRICK: If you recall, we left because Abel and the country needed us, which frankly, shows what a mess both Abel and the country were in. We took our show on the road for the greater good.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: And also because you were desperate for a shag.
ZOE CRICK: How dare you suggest - ! No, you're right. I mean, it wasn't just about getting a bit of how's your father. It was definitely also about helping Abel and the country. But the how's your father may have been the deciding factor when I was weighing up the pros and cons of putting my life in near constant danger for no hope of payment or reward.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Unbelievable. We'll be back, citizens, right after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So did you get any?
ZOE CRICK: Any what?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You know. [?].
ZOE CRICK: A lady never tells.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yes, she does. A lady always tells, usually in a lot more detail than a gentleman wants to hear it, even after he begs her to stop.
ZOE CRICK: Fine! No, I didn't. As it turns out, being on the run in a country run by a hostile sociopath and crawling with zombies isn't the ideal setup for dating. Who'd have thought?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But we're back in Abel now.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, what does that look on your face mean? I know that look.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, nothing, my ass. Well, whatever it is, you can forget about it. I can take care of my own love life, thank you very much. [sighs] I think it might be time for a song.
ZOE CRICK: Oh, nope!
ZOE CRICK: You know what we could do, though?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Uh, something I'm not going to like, would be my bet.
ZOE CRICK: To be fair, you'd win that bet.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: All right. Out with it, then.
ZOE CRICK: The thing is, I don't need any help getting what I want now I'm back in Abel. You, on the other hand -
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Are you saying I'm undatable?
ZOE CRICK: No! You're lovely! In an incredibly annoying way, obviously. [laughs] Anyone would have a lovely date with you. But you're totally rubbish at getting people to actually go on dates with you.
ZOE CRICK: When was the last time you went on a date?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We've been running for our lives.
ZOE CRICK: And we've been back in Abel nearly a week. I've been on four dates since then, using the term "date" very loosely. How many have you been on?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Four? Who on earth did you go on four -
ZOE CRICK: Not the point! The point is, I'm going to find you a date, and our listeners are going to help. More after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: So do I get any say in this?
ZOE CRICK: Well, I'm not going to make you go out with people.
ZOE CRICK: No, actually, I am going to make you go out with them. But only once, and if you don't like them, you can stop. Because I know what you're like. You're so picky! You won't give people a chance.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: There's nothing wrong with having standards.
ZOE CRICK: Yeah! Standards like, "Must have excellent food scavenging and zombie killing skills." It's when your standard is, "Must be able to name every Alan Parsons Project album in order" that you start to run into difficulties.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I like the Alan Parsons Project.
ZOE CRICK: Which may be another reason you have a problem finding dates. But don't worry. Zoe and the Radio Name Pending team are on the case. Just leave it to us, and listen to this. Might help to broaden your tastes.
MAXINE MYERS: Today, we're talking infections. A pus-y wound needs to be treated immediately. If it's small and there's no sign of infection is spreading, or that the wound has abscessed and isn't draining, a topical antibiotic cream applied directly to the wound will help. If you don't have antibiotic cream, even a liquid antibiotic soap can help.
However, if there are radiating red lines from the wound, a deep or non-draining abscess, or a fever, your patient needs systemic antibiotics, which might be tricky to find. Pharmacies and hospitals are your best bet. You might need to visit a library to find out what the appropriate dose by weight is. Or you can try refining your own penicillin, if you know how, but that is dicey in a home situation and requires some specialized equipment.
PAULA COHEN: Ooh, I know how to do that! You - ! But uh, yes, listeners. If you're not medically qualified, don't try to do it without clear instructions. How was that?
MAXINE MYERS: You are a natural, babe.
MAXINE MYERS: Today, Just A Little Concerned writes, "Can just a part of me become a zombie? I think I might have an evil hand." Well, Concerned, there have been no reported cases of partial zombification of which I am aware. There is, however, a neurological condition called alien hand syndrome, in which a part of the brain that controls one hand is not communicating with the conscious mind. So you can breathe a sigh of relief, Concerned. Your hand is probably not evil or undead.
PAULA COHEN: Not evil or undead, just alien. Alienated? [laughs] Because that's not a problem at all.
MAXINE MYERS: [laughs] It's, uh, it's less of a problem. I don't know. Concerned, try making friends with your hand!
PAULA COHEN: [laughs] You can start by shaking hands with it.
MAXINE MYERS: Our old friend Infected in Essex is back again. Infected writes, "Dear Dr. Maxine, could you please tell me how to grow the homebrew penicillin you mentioned?"
PAULA COHEN: Ooh, Maxie, I can still answer this one.
MAXINE MYERS: Yeah, I'm not – I'm not sure this is such a great idea, but yeah, go for it.
PAULA COHEN: Okay, right. Growing penicillin mold and refining the penicillin to a pure enough state to use without contamination is going to be almost impossible without lab equipment. First, you need some moldy cantaloupe, citris peel, or wheat bread. You want the bright bluish green mold.
MAXINE MYERS: Some people, of course, are allergic to penicillin and it will kill them.
PAULA COHEN: Well, that's true! And remember that guy you knew in med school who wound up needing his hand amputated?
MAXINE MYERS: And on that note, listeners, we'll be right back after this song.
MAXINE MYERS: Hello! And welcome back to Ask Dr. Maxine, where my wife, Paula, is explaining how to kill yourself by trying to grow your own antibiotics on the counter at home.
PAULA COHEN: Right. So, we're assuming that the penicillin won't kill you faster than the infection, and that you have found your specimen. Now, incubate that bluish green mold on more citris, melon, or bread in a sterilized container. A canning jar will do if you don't have a Erlen flask. Now, don't put the lid on too tight. The mold needs oxygen to grow. It must be incubated at about 20 degrees Celsius for about a week, at which point, you have a flask – or jar! - crawling with blue fuzz.
And a problem. Because there's no telling what on earth is in there with that good mold other than rotten food, which you don't want to smear on a wound or serve to a sick person, and the purification process is complex and requires esoteric ingredients.
You know, you're better off just breaking into a chemist's shop and rummaging around behind the counter. You're less likely to kill your patient with a horrible infection or by exposure to some other toxic mold product.
MAXINE MYERS: There you have it! Advice from our own resident mad scientist: don't grow your own! It is a terrible idea!
PAULA COHEN: Well, it is the end of the world. I mean, I suppose you could slap a rotten lemon on your lesion and see, if you're dying anyway.
MAXINE MYERS: Now here's some music to enjoy while you're running on down to that chemist's shop with your wrecking bar.
MAXINE MYERS: Welcome to Ask Dr. Maxine. Our next question is from our old friend Infected in Essex, who I'm starting to think might be pulling my leg. And it involves a topic dear to the heart of every first year medical student – maggot debridement. Infected in Essex wants to know, "Dear Dr. Maxine, how do you use maggots to clean gangrenous flesh from a wound?" Well, Infected, if you're desperate enough to try this, absolutely do not use maggots retrieved from zombie flesh, as they are likely to carry the disease.
PAULA COHEN: Ooh, there might be a paper in that.
MAXINE MYERS: The best means of procurement is to raise your own in a clean environment. First, take a piece of rotten meat and put it in a glass receptacle. Cover the mouth with a triple layer of cheese cloth, stretched out. You probably can't find a rubber band that hasn't gotten fragile, but a piece of string will work.
Place it near an open window and wait for carrion flies to lay their eggs on the muslin cover. The eggs will hatch out very quickly, and then you can use a clean camel-hair brush to transfer the maggots to the wound. The larvae will then eat the necrotic flesh, while ideally leaving the healthy behind. You will want to observe this process carefully, checking the wound on an hourly basis because the last thing you want is maggots tunneling into healthy flesh. If they start causing the patient pain, they need to be removed. Good luck. I, uh... I hope this helps.
MAXINE MYERS: Today we have a question submitted without even a psuedonym. Always a good sign. "Dear Dr. Maxine, can zombie-ism be sexually transmitted? Asking out of concern for a friend." Well, anonymous, the short answer is that I don't have any experimental evidence on this topic, but it seems like a risky... no. No. You know what? I can't answer that. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Do you think a zombie can meaningfully consent?
PAULA COHEN: Oh, sure, that's the problem here.
MAXINE MYERS: Let's just, um, play a song. Not a romance song. A serious, non-sexual song! Okay, honey?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: We should just ignore them.
ZOE CRICK: If we ignore them, they'll think they've won.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But if we ignore them, they won't even know we got it.
ZOE CRICK: Well, they're probably going to guess now, aren't they?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: No. We could be talking about anything.
ZOE CRICK: But we're not. We're talking about some of the frankly less than flattering mails we've been getting on Rofflenet.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well, they're definitely going to guess now, aren't they?
ZOE CRICK: Yes! Apparently, not everyone out there loves us. Who knew? We'll fill you in on the gory details right after this.
ZOE CRICK: That one's for you, Disgruntled Listener #1.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Disgruntled Listener? Is that really what they signed themselves?
ZOE CRICK: No. But what they did sign themselves isn't fit for family viewing.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Nor was most of what they said.
ZOE CRICK: I know. That's why I'm only reading out edited highlights. Okay, here we go. "Dear REDACTED - "
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Did they really say "dear"?
ZOE CRICK: No. Right, okay. "REDACTED REDACTED, so you want a name for your REDACTED radio show? How about this: the - "
ZOE CRICK: "And if you really want to REDACTED REDACTED REDACTED egregious lack of loyalty to the legitimate British government in this time of crisis - "
ZOE CRICK: That's what they wrote. Never let it be said our critics are badly educated.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Just very, very sweary.
ZOE CRICK: Well, anyway, we'll be posting that name suggestion, unredacted, on Rofflenet, along with all the others you've sent in.
ZOE CRICK: So get voting. We'll be back right after this.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [sighs] Why the hell would you give people the chance to name us that?
ZOE CRICK: May I remind you that you're the one who wanted to hold this naming poll in the first place?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But I was only going to post the sensible suggestions on Rofflenet, not the incredibly insulting ones.
ZOE CRICK: Well, that's hardly a fair poll, is it?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: What if they end up picking... oh, I can't even say it. We'll end up named something we can't even say on air.
ZOE CRICK: No, we won't. People won't pick any of those names.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yes, they will! You've met people, right? You've interacted with other actual human beings, not just cats? [sighs] Of course they're going to pick the stupidest name or most sweary name possible. It's just human nature.
ZOE CRICK: No. You're wrong. I mean, not about human nature. But this isn't about us, it's about Abel. It's giving people all over the country a chance to let us know what they really think about Abel.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Half the country hates us, Zo.
ZOE CRICK: I don't think they do. I don't think people are that easily fooled, whatever Sigrid believes.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: I see. Yeah, okay. Maybe you're right.
ZOE CRICK: Or maybe I'm not, and we're going to end up getting called something alarmingly genital.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: [laughs] So prove Zoe right, and get voting.
ZOE CRICK: Because they might have built a wall across our land, but they can't build a wall between our hearts.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: ... did you really just say that?
MAXINE MYERS: Hello, listeners! Welcome to Ask Dr. Maxine. This time, we have a question from Socially Awkward. Socially Awkward writes, "My neighbor thinks I'm a zombie. Are they paranoid? Should I be worried the next time I'm at one of their parties, they'll tell all our friends that I ate their cat?"
Well, Awkward, the good news is that if you're writing to me, you're probably not a zombie, so your neighbor is not being realistic on that front. As for the other half of your question, if they claim that you ate their cat, and that is evidence of your zombie nature, you can point out that zombies generally don't eat animals. Wait. Did you eat their cat?
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You know, I don't think I've ever asked what your favorite tree is.
ZOE CRICK: Hmm, that's because it's a really stupid question. What sort of person has a favorite tree? Apart from you, obviously.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Come on, you must have thought about it.
ZOE CRICK: But I really haven't.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Not even when you were a kid?
ZOE CRICK: I was even less interested in trees as a kid than I am now, and I currently have zero interest in trees.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Right. It's just, I used to make lists.
ZOE CRICK: Of course you did.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: You know, all that year's new car models ranked by how fast they were. Top ten sweets and worst five sweets -
ZOE CRICK: Now you're talking my language.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Anyway, I picked the sycamore. Top of the tree list.
ZOE CRICK: Well, [laughs] that's random. I'd have pegged you for an oak man. Sturdy British values and all that. Plus, I guarantee you used to feed acorns to pigs when you were a boy.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: How'd you know that?
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] I know you, Philip Cheeseman.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Well uh, anyway, it was because of the leaves, you know? The way they twirled down to the ground like little helicopters. Coolest thing ever.
ZOE CRICK: We need to have a conversation about your definition of cool.
ZOE CRICK: So what happened to the lists?
ZOE CRICK: You know, all those lists you made. Top ten dorkiest things Phil did when he was a kid, that sort of thing.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Oh. Uh, my mom kept them.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] That's sort of adorable.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: They're all probably still there, in that little semi in Leeds, with all my school books and my Eagle Eye Action Man.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] Let me guess: your parents kept your childhood bedroom exactly the same after you left home, didn't they? Like a little shrine.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. [sighs] Sometimes I think about someone else finding it. You know, now. Taking shelter in the house from the zombie horde and digging up all my rubbish English homework and those maps of imaginary places I used to draw. I just... [sighs] I don't know. I imagine them looking at it and trying to figure out where I am or if I'm still alive. And here I am, wondering who they are, and hoping they're okay.
ZOE CRICK: It's a connection. I get that. I think.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Yeah. So, if you are staying in Number 23 Chippenham Avenue, this one's for you.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: What happened to your childhood bedroom, then?
ZOE CRICK: Converted into an artist's studio by my mom the day after I left for uni.
ZOE CRICK: It wasn't like I was using it.
ZOE CRICK: Waste of space, otherwise.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: But what about all your stuff, though?
ZOE CRICK: Put in the attic, then left in the attic when Mom moved. She moved around a lot.
ZOE CRICK: [laughs] If that's a look of "Poor Zoe and her troubled childhood" on your face, you can remove it right now, Philip Cheeseman.
ZOE CRICK: It is. Listen, my mom loved me. She was just practical. That's probably why I turned out so well.
PHIL CHEESEMAN: Right. Right, um, don't go away, citizens. We'll be right back after this.
MAXINE MYERS: Hello, and welcome back to Ask Dr. Maxine. Today's question is from Missing My Brita, and reads, "What's the best way to purify my water? Is boiling enough? Can zombie-ism be caused through drinking water?" Well, Brita, the zombie disease-causing agent seems to be extremely durable. There's evidence of another outbreak centuries ago, and we've recovered viable strains. Some prion diseases can survive autoclaving, which is carried out at well over boiling temperature.
So your very best bet is to obtain your water from groundwater sources such as wells, which are less likely to be contaminated than surface sources. However, as far as all the evidence I've heard goes, a hard boil for at least 20 minutes will make water safe. Or you could try rigging a home still and making distilled water, which is actually pretty easy.
PAULA COHEN: For post-apocalyptic values of "pretty easy," you mean.
MAXINE MYERS: Well, easier than it was to find a copy of this next song.
Thanks to @mollygunns for advice on this one!
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sugdenlovesdingle · 3 years
Just realised I have never actually said if I’m a boy or girl .... think I’ll keep that a mystery 😉
Yeah same here she’ll call people from there countries horrible racist names .. (which I will not repeat) and will act like it’s completely okay to say it
But I mean she thinks my generation is going to “ruin the world” and I mean fair enough mother but keep it to yourself please I don’t care to know ...
Ugh parents am I right 😂
haha that's ok - keep your secrets!
But my mum is more... stuck in the things she grew up with i suppose. In Dutch when something is dirty (or kids get dirty playing outside or something) it USED TO be perfectly acceptable to say "zo zwart als een turk" - as black/dirty as a Turk. and we have idk what to call it... not really biscuits but a little waffle with foam from eggwhites and sugar and covered in chocolate on it - that USED TO be called n*gerzoenen - n*grokisses but they changed the name to zoenen - kisses, same with moorkop - moor head- a puff pastry filled with whipped cream and covered in chocolate that they changed the name of to chocolate puff pastries - my mum still used the 'old' names because "that's what they were always called". Not racist because she hates people of different race but more just because she grew up saying those things and it's hard to 'unlearn'. She hates racists though and would kill me if i ever voted anything remotely like the racists and borderline nazis we have in parliament now.
but yes parents - they're like children sometimes!
0 notes
sennettyoung · 6 years
The main political figures in the Netherlands
= De belangrijkste politici in Nederland
Since you (@art3misuniverse) said you liked politics, I figured I’d create a ‘super objective’ overview of the leaders of all parties in the Dutch parlament as one of the gifts for the @langblrsecretsanta event of this year (everyone should join next time, it’s so much fun). Every Dutch explanation is followed up by an English translation. The sentence structures got butchered a little in the translations, since I tried to make sure it’s easy to trace back individual words. Also, it’s way more complicated in real life than I’ve set up here, since we’re only looking at the parlement.
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Dit is Mark Rutte. Hij is de Nederlandse minister-president. Zijn partij is de VVD en deze partij is de grootste in de Tweede Kamer, het Nederlandse parlement. De VVD is rechts. Ze zijn dus voorstanders van een kleine overheid en lage belastingen. Hun grootste prioriteit is de economie. Ze zijn niet echt conservatief, maar ook niet echt progressief.
This is Mark Rutte. He is the Dutch prime minister. His party is the VVD and this party is the biggest in the Second Chamber, the Dutch parlament. The VVD is right-wing. So they are proponents of small government and low taxes. Their biggest priority is the economy. They are not really conservative, but not really progressive either.
government - overheid
proponent - voorstander
prime minister - minister-president
party - partij
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Misschien heb je Geert Wilders eerder gezien. Hij is de Nederlandse Donald Trump. Geert Wilders leidt de PVV, de Partij Voor de Vrijheid. Het is een rechts-populistische partij. Wilders verzet zich tegen immigratie en de invloed van de islam in Nederland. Hij haat de EU en wil dat Nederland eruit stapt, zoals het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Zijn partij is de op een na grootste in het parlement, maar zit niet in de coalitie.
Wilders is aangeklaagd voor het aanzetten tot haat. Hij vroeg een zaal met mensen: “Willen jullie meer of minder Marokkanen in Nederland?” De uitspraak ‘meer of minder’ is nu een soort meme in Nederland.
Perhaps you have seen Geert Wilder before. He is the Dutch Donald Trump. Geert Wilders leads the PVV, the Party For Freedom. It is a right-wing populist party. Wilders opposes immigration and the influence of islam in the Netherlands. He hates the EU and wants the Netherlands to step out of it, like the UK. His party is the second largest in the parlament, but it is not in the coalition.
Wilders has been sued for preaching hatred. He asked a room of people: “Do you want more or fewer Maroccans in the Netherlands?” The expression ‘more or fewer’ is now a sort of meme in the Netherlands.
freedom - vrijheid
to hate - haten
influence - invloed
right-wing - rechts
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Kijk! Een derde partij! Welkom in Nederland. Dit is Sybrand Buma. Hij is de leider van een van de drie christelijke partijen in Nederland, het CDA. De partij is op het politieke spectrum iets rechts van het midden en behoudend (=conservatief). Buma heeft een rare stem. Het CDA heeft evenveel zetels in het parlement als de D66 (hieronder) en zit in de coalitie.
Look! A third party! Welcome in the Netherlands. This is Sybrand Buma. He is the leader of one of the three christian parties in the Netherlands, the CDA. The party is on the political spectrum a little to the right of the center and quite conservative. Buma has a weird voice. The CDA has the same amount of chairs in the parlament as the D66 (beneath this) and is in the coalition.
christian - christelijk(e)
weird voice - rare stem
coalition - coalitie
conservative - conservatief / behoudend
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Alexander Pechtold leidt de D66. Dit is de meest progressieve partij in Nederland. Ze zetten zich in voor het klimaat, het onderwijs, autonomie en secularisme. Ze strijden tegen islamofobie en discriminatie op basis van geaardheid. Het is niet de meest socialistische partij. De meeste Tumblr gebruikers zouden waarschijnlijk op D66 stemmen. De D66 zit ook in de coalitie. Pechtold is nu bezig met een wet voor het legaliseren van euthanasie bij een ‘voltooid leven’.
Alexander Pechtold leads the D66. This is the most progressive party in the Netherlands. They stand for the climate, education, autonomy, and secularism. They battle against islamophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation. It is not the most socialist party, though. Most Tumblr users would probably vote for D66. The D66 is also in the coalition. Pechtold is now working on a law to legalise euthanasie in case of a ‘finished life’.
socialist - socialistisch
education - onderwijs
climate - klimaat
progressief - progressive
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Dit is Jesse Klaver. Hij is volgens mij de jongste partijleider. Zijn partij heet GroenLinks. Je kan al zien wat ze belangrijk vinden aan de naam. GroenLinks is progressief, groen en socialistisch. Ze zijn voor investering in het klimaat en tegen uitbreiding van de snelwegen. De partij won in de afgelopen verkiezing veel nieuwe zetels. Veel mensen denken dat dit komt door Jesse Klaver. Hij wordt vaak vergeleken met Obama, omdat hun levensverhalen vergelijkbaar zijn. De meeste Nederlanders vinden dat hij het goed doet voor een nieuwkomer.
This is Jesse Klaver. He is, I think, the youngest party leader. His party is named GreenLeft. You can already tell what they find important by the name. GreenLeft is progressive, green, and socialist. They are in favour of investing in the climate and against expanding the highways. The party won in the past elections many new chairs. Many people think that this is because of Jesse Klavers. He is often compared to Obama, because their life stories are similar. Most Dutch people think he’s doing well for a newbie.
newbie - nieuwkomer
young - jong
green - groen
highway - snelweg
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Emile Roemer leidt de SP, de Socialistische Partij. Het is de meest linkse partij van Nederland en won ook veel zetels in maart. De SP zet zich in voor de armen en momenteel vooral voor de zorg. Iedereen vond Roemer altijd een suf mannetje. In de campagne heeft hij zijn imago verbetert. Hij draagt altijd een rode stropdas. Rood is de kleur van het socialisme in Nederland. Deze foto is niet uniek; Roemer ziet er altijd zo uit.
Emile Roemer runs the SP, the Socialist Party. It is the most left-wing party of the Netherlands and also won many chairs in March. The SP fights for the poor and at the moment primarily for healthcare. Everyone thought Roemer a little dump man. In the campaign he has improved his image. He always wears a red tie. Red is the color of socialism in the Netherlands. This photo is not unique; Roemer always looks like this. (Yes, that includes the facial expression.)
left-wing - links
also - ook
healthcare - (gezondheids)zorg
red - rood
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Dit is Lodewijk Asscher. Hij is de leider van de PvdA, de Partij van de Arbeid. Ja, er is nog een socialistische partij. Asscher verloor veel zetels. De PvdA zat in de coalitie met de VVD in het vorige parlement. Hierdoor moesten ze veel rechtse wetten steunen. Dit kostte stemmen. Veel mensen maakten hier grapjes over.
This is Lodewijk Asscher. He is the leader of the PvdA, the Party of Labour. Yes, there is another socialist party. Asscher lost many chairs. The PvdA was in the coalition with the VVD in the previous parlament. Because of this, they had to support many right-wing laws. This cost votes. Many people made jokes about this.
chair - zetel
joke - grapje
law - wet
vote - stem
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Dit is Gert-Jan Segers, de leider van de ChristenUnie. Dit is de tweede christelijke partij in Nederland. Ze zijn een stuk linkser dan het CDA. Ze zijn ongeveer even conservatief. Ze besteden meer aandacht aan het klimaat en zijn voor immigratie. De CU is onderdeel van de coalitie. Dit is opvallend. De D66 en de ChristenUnie zijn het over veel dingen eens. Alleen het debat over secularisme en godsdienst zorgt voor grote problemen. Gert-Jan Segers heeft elf jaar in Egypte gewoond. Dit vertelt hij aan iedereen. Een komediant verwerkte dit in zijn show.
This is Gert-Jan Segers, the leader of the ChristianUnion. This is the second christian party in the Netherlands. They are a lot more left-wing than the CDA. They are about as conservative. They give more attention to the climate and are in favour of immigration. The CU is part of the coalition. This is remarkable. The D66 and the ChristianUnion are in agreement on many things. Only the debate about secularism and religion creates big problems. Gert-Jan Segers has lived in Egypt for eleven years. This he tells everyone. A comedian worked this into his show.
immigration - immigratie
debate - debat
problem - probleem
eleven - elf
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Kijk, een vrouw! Dit is Marianne Thieme. Ze leidt de Partij voor de Dieren, de PvdD. Je kunt zien aan de naam dat ze veel geven om het milieu en om dierenwelzijn. Thieme sluit elk debat af met: “Voorts zijn wij van mening dat er een einde moet komen aan de bio-industrie.” Ze imiteert hiermee de Romeinse senator Cato, die altijd zei: “Overigens ben ik van mening dat Carthago verwoest moet worden.” Thieme is veganist. Haar partij besteedt dit jaar veel aandacht aan de bescherming van bijen.
Look, a woman! This is Marianne Thieme. She heads the Party for the Animals, the PvdD. You can tell by the name that they care a lot about the environment and animal wellfare. Thieme finishes every debate with: “Also, we are of the opinion that there should come an end to the bio-industry.” She imitates with this the Roman senator Cato, who always said, “By the way, I am of the opinion that Carthago should be destroyed.” Thieme is a vegan. Her party gives a lot of attention this year to the protection of bees.
animal welfare - dierenwelzijn
environment - milieu
bee - bij
protection - bescherming
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Dit is Henk Krol. Hij is niet alleen de leider van 50Plus. Hij is ook de aanleiding voor de bedenking van het woord ‘opoelisme’. Dat betekent populisme voor ouderen. Zijn partij is voor een lagere pensioenleeftijd. Hij werkt ook veel samen met Geert Wilders. Ik vind hem een irritant mannetje.
This is Henk Krol. He is not only the leader of 50Plus. He is also the cause for the coining of the word ‘opoelisme’. That means populism for elderly. His party favours a lower retirement age. He collaborates a lot as well with Geert Wilders. I find him an annoying little man.
favour - zijn voor
annoying - irritant
elderly - ouderen
retirement - pensioen
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Dit is Kees van der Staaij. Hij leidt de SGP, de Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij. Dit is de derde christelijke partij van Nederland. Ze zijn het meest conservatief en rechts. Ze zijn islamofobisch, homofobisch en seksistisch. Ze zijn ook de enige Nederlandse partij voor de doodstraf. Ze steunen Israël en de meeste van hun supporters komen uit de Bijbelgordel. Ze willen bijvoorbeeld abortus en godslastering illegaal maken. Ze hebben veel overeenkomsten met de PVV rondom immigratie.
This is Kees van der Staaij. He leads the SGP, the Stately Reformed Party. This is the third Christian party of the Netherlands. They are the most conservative en right-wing. They are islamophobic, homophobic en sexist. They are also the only Dutch party in favour of the death penalty. They support Israel and most of their supporters are from the Bible Belt. They want to make for example abortion and blasphemy illegal. They have many similarities with the PVV surrounding immigration.
blasphemy - godslastering
third - derde
support - steunen
for example - bijvoorbeeld
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Deze lul is Thierry Baudet. Hij heeft Forum voor Democratie opgezet. Het is een soort PVV met een grotere woordenschat. Zij steken xenofobie en borderline white supremacy in een intellectueel jasje. Terwijl Wilders zich richt op laagopgeleiden, focust Thierry op de intellectuelen. Hij noemt zichzelf de belangrijkste intellectueel van Nederland. Hij vindt ook dat vrouwen graag gedomineerd worden door een man. Het Radicaal Anarchistisch Feministisch Front bekladde zijn voordeur. Sommige leden van zijn partij zijn extreem racistisch. Een gelooft zelfs in het Kalergi Plan. Van alle partijen vind ik deze het engst.
This dick is Thierry Baudet. He has started Forum for Democracy. It is a kind of PVV with a bigger vocabulary. They put xenophobia and borderline white supremacy in an intellectual coat. While Wilders aims at the uneducated, Thierry focuses on the intellectuals. He calls himself the most important intellectual in the Netherlands. He also thinks that women like to be dominated by a man. The Radical Anarchist Feminist Front besmirched his front door. Some members of his party are extremely racist. One even beliefs in the Kalergi Plan. Of all parties, I find this one the scariest.
vocabulary - woordenschat
women - vrouwen
dick - lul (curse, insult)
besmirch - bekladden
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Dit is Tunahan Kuzu. Hij is de leider van Denk. Denk is een nieuwe partij die opkomt voor minderheden. Ze zijn tegen racisme en discriminatie. Hun leden zijn meestal moslims. Ze vechten voor de rechten van Nederlanders met een Turkse of Marokkaanse achtergrond. Ze zijn afgesplitst van de PvdA. Ze hebben twee zetels in de Tweede Kamer. Volgens de critici zijn ze te close met Turkije.
This is Tunahan Kuzu. He is the leader of Denk (=Think). Denk is a new party that stands up for minorities. They are against racism and discrimination. Their members are mostly muslims. They fight for the rights of Dutch people with a Turkish or Moroccan background. They have split off from the PvdA. They have two seats in the Second Chamber. According to critics, they are too close with Turkey.
minority - minderheid
new - nieuw
background - achtergrond
split off - afsplitsen
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zoeygreensimblr · 5 years
Enchanted (episode 2)
I woke up well before my alarm went off, every muscle in my body felt like it was being pulled apart. How do people do this exercise thing and just love it? This is torture and now this trainer guy wants us to do personal training 3 times a week, ugh kill me now. Stupid Angus with his stupid pretty face making it impossible to say no to. Stupid Tess for roping me into this stupid pack, I swear she just wanted to see me suffer while convincing me "It's for the greater good, think of how fit we will be come Summer". Stupid Summer, I can't hide under layers when it's boiling hot. Curse everything!!!
I reach for my phone to shut off my alarm and I notice I've got a text message from a number that I don't know.
See you at 4pm, looking forward to it
Clearly it's been sent to me by accident because, lets face it, I very rarely make plans with anyone and if I I do then I spend all week trying to think up ways to get out of them, Im just going to reply and tell them they have the wrong number.
This is Angus BTW, Your personal Trainer
Great, Mister perfect is a morning person who sends early morning messages reminding his victims he hasn't forgotten he scheduled more torture.
Upstairs I can hear Tess dancing around the kitchen as she makes her breakfast. Tess is also a morning person, it's extremely annoying when you're a night owl like myself and you get woken up by the sound of her singing out of key.
The dancing has stopped and has been replaced the sound by her shoes stomping down the stairs
"Zoey, wake up, we are leaving in 30 minutes" she bellows down the hall "and pack your gym clothes, we have training after school and I don't wanna have to make a trip home and then back into the city, it's easier to go from school"
"Im up, going to shower now" I reply, while I still lay there knowing she won't leave without me
My door flies open suddenly and she's now invading my space with her perkiness.
"you're not up at all, get up!!! Did you see Angus' texted us, I'm so excited to start personal training, arn't you?"
Why must she be so happy all the time?
"Im sore Tess, all over, maybe I shouldn't go today, I'll start PT on Friday" Please Tess, please hear my plea, don't make me go back there but no, she doesn't listen to a word I've said, instead she's shoving my gym clothes into my school bag.
Im up, Im showered, Im ready for school and it only took 40 minutes.
We attend a very elite private school in the heart of Forgotten Hollow. I love going to school here, Tess and I share a great group of friends and Im a straight A student.
Tess' Boyfriend Declan meets us the the school gate, just like he has done every day since he and Tess started dating in year 9, he kisses her on the cheek and greets me with a wave.
"Our personal trainer has a thing for Zoey, I know it, Im never wrong about these things" Tess greets him every morning with useless information that he pretends to take an interest in.
"Way to go Zoey" He enthuses, as if he really cares
"He doesn't have thing for me, he was just being friendly to get us to sign up for his stupid torture sessions and now we have to go back there again this afternoon so he can whip us into shape" I moan
"Tess we have school captain meetings after school today, did you forget?" Declan reminds her.
"Oh shit, I did forget, sorry Zoey, you're facing the torture chamber alone today, don't worry, you'll be fine though" she said, not looking one bit apologetic, she's almost laughing, "You should see Zo in front of this guy Declan, she goes bright red and he just keeps staring at her, he's so into her"
That afternoon I board the train alone to San Myshuno, arriving at the gym just before 4. As Im checking in at the reception desk Angus comes running up to me.
"No Tess today?" he asks and Im left wondering if he's somewhat disappointed that he's realised he's going to be stuck attempting to make conversation with the socially recluse twin
"She forgot she had a meeting to attend today so Im sorry but it's just me this afternoon, did you wanna cancel?" I struggle to get my words out through bouts of shyness creeping in.
Please say yes, we can cancel and wait until Tess returns.
"That's ok, her loss is your gain because now you get me 100% to yourself for a whole hour. How are you feeling after yesterday's session?"
"If I can be honest with you, Im hurting a lot, everywhere"I reply, in the hopes he will send me home to rest.
"I thought you would be sore today but you put in an amazing effort last night, you should be proud of yourself, Im really proud of you, Ive had a lot of women run away mid class and never come bak but not you, you stuck it out, that shows you've got stamina" He flashes me that million dollar smile and I feel my face going bright red, "Ok, lets get started, I'll take things nice and slow with you today, due to the recovery pain you're in"
He leads me to the treadmill and starts me on a low setting, just as promised.
"We're going to be working pretty closely together a lot so what do you say we work on kicking this shyness to the curb too? Lets get you to be a strong, confident woman"
The redness is creeping back into my cheeks, why does he care if I'm shy and not confident?
"We can try but I can't make any promises, I'm socially awkward, Tess is the social butterfly, she loves going to parties and to clubs whereas I'd much rather sit at home binge watching Grey's Anatomy" Why am I volunteering information about being a wallflower? He's going to think I'm such a loser.
"McDreamy and McSteamy are the way to any girls heart" he laughs "I love a good binge watch myself"
"You watch Grey's Anatomy?" I ask, shocked, Ive never met a guy who likes Grey's, but to be fair I don't really talk to many boys, just Declan and only because he's always hanging around Tess.
"I live with my older sister and she's somewhat obsessed with it, she rewatches it every Summer and we only have one TV in the apartment so I'm also forced to watch it too" He laughs, "Do you like movies?"
"I love movies, it's one of the only times I enjoy leaving the house, when something new comes out. I sometimes think I just go for the popcorn though" I reply "what about you?"
"I also love going to the movies but I don't go for the popcorn" He explains "I usually bring my own snack, I don't do carbs, Im just really careful about what I put in my body" He winks at me like I'm in on some secret joke. Is he flirting with me? Is this what flirting is? No way, he's just being cocky, I'm sure of it, Who would flirt with a sweaty introvert who just admitted to carboloading as an excuse to see a movie?
Ive got a plan, if I just stop talking then he will stop talking and I can just stop overthinking everything. I blame Tess, she got into my head with this whole "He likes you" bullshit that she carried on with. I wish Tess was here so the focus wasn't all on me. Why did she have to be popular and be voted in as School Captain? Why couldn't she just think of what coming here alone would do to me.
My plan is working, he's not even trying to talk to me, he's typing something on his phone. Good, just stay focused on your phone buddy, no more chatty chats to Zoey.
My plan lasted all of 3 minutes, he looks up from his phone and asks "Your surname is Green right"
"umm, yeah"
"and it's Zoey, spelt with just an E or EY?"
"EY, why?"
"Im just searching for you on simstergram, oh yeah, there you are. Following and I expect a follow back"
"Do you also expect interesting content too because you will be sadly disappointed" I throw in my own wink at the end and he just laughs.
As I'm about to leave I see that it's started to snow, it wasn't even forecast to snow today, it's been unseasonably warm since the middle of last week so I didn't even consider to bring a jacket. The train station is a 10 minute walk from the gym and the another 15 minute walk to my house. Im going to freeze if I go out there without cover. Best to wait inside and call Don to come pick me up. I pull out my phone and start typing in my home number, hoping that he's home, when I hear Angus behind me.
"Oh wow, it's snowing.How are you getting home Zoey?"
"I was going to catch the train but I didn't bring a coat so Im just going to call my step dad and ask if he can come get me"
"From Brindleton Bay? That's crazy, I'll take you home"
"Oh no, you don't have to, that's well out of your way"
"How do you know Im not already going that way?"
"I just assumed you lived in San Myshuno when you mentioned you live in an apartment"
"ah, umm, yeah I do but really it's no trouble, you were my last client for the day anyway and I'll just be going home to an empty house, my Sister is travelling at the moment, so I really don't mind and it would give you someone to talk to on the way home, although Im sure Im no substitute for Tess"
"Tess could talk under water, I swear." I laugh "well as long as you're sure it's no trouble. I'll call Don though and tell him we are having a guest for dinner, can't have you driving me all the way to Brindleton Bay and back in the snow on an empty stomach"
He smiles "Thanks Zoey, you're a sweetheart"
Here comes the blushing again
The traffic leaving the city is congested with everyone finishing work at 5 and heading back to the suburbs and the snow storm is picking up.
"I wouldn't be surprised if we get a blizzard tonight" Angus muses
"I would love that, Tess and I have a tradition of watching movies and getting drunk in our basement on nights of a blizzard because school get cancelled for the next day"
"That's awesome. You two are really close hey?"
"Yeah, she's not just my twin sister, she's also my best friend. She pushes me out of my comfort zone all the time, which can be annoying but she's always got my back whenever someone pushes me around"
"she pushed you into coming to the gym didn't she?"
"Is it that obvious that I don't want to be there?"
He laughs, "Ah yes but I think you'll slowly warm up to it. I hated it at first too but I had a lot of weight that needed to come off, not like you, little miss petite"
"Are you seriously trying to convince me that you didn't always have washboard abs?"
He looks at me, raising an eyebrow "Have you been checking me out Miss Green?"
SHIT!!! I've somehow stumbled into unknown territory, flirting, I can feel my breathing becoming more rapid, I'm going to have a panic attack, which is not unknown territory but Im trapped in a car with a virtual stranger.
"Oh fuck, Zoey, shit, I can't pull over, just deep breaths hun, in and hold it then out" He's trying to not get panicked himself as he's trying to calm me down and it's working.
A few moments of silence pass until he asks me "Does that happen often?"
"unfortunately yes" I tell him, embarrassed. "I just get overwhelmed with some social interactions"
"like flirting?"
"Yeah, I don't  flirt, ever"
He looks over at me again and says with a smile "We're gonna work on that"
We arrive at my house just as the storm starts to get worse. We make a mad dash to the front door where we are greeted by Tess, who is obviously amused with the whole situation.
She yells out to our Mother Ruth and Don "Zoey brought a boy home"
I could kill her, I really could, she has no tact but Angus just laughs like he's in on her joke and I just roll my eyes.
Don ventures out from the kitchen to greet today's unexpected dinner guest, he use to Tess bringing Declan for dinner but this is a first, Zoey with a boy.
Don reaches out to shake hands with Angus, "Hey, Im Don, Zoey and Teresa's step father, their mother is around here somewhere" He turns around to yell out to mum
"Ruthie, come meet Zoey's friend" he turns back to Angus "Sorry, I didn't catch your name"
"Angus, Angus McKennzie"
Tess and I exchange looks, we didn't know his surname until now either.
"McKennzie? You're not Imogen McKennzie's younger brother are you"
Angus smiles, "Yes, how do you know Immie?"
"We were high school sweethearts back in the day, I use to help her babysit you, you've certainly grown, granted you were only around 2 or 3 back then" Don explains
"Oh look out, old Donny boys got his throw back thursday voice on" Tess muses and I laugh. We love Don but he does like to go on, a lot, about "back when I was in high school"
"Girls, stop picking on Don, he's cooked us a lovely roast for dinner" My mother says as she enters the room. "Hi Angus, welcome to the mad house, these two like to stir their step father non stop"
"He loves it" Tess and I say in unison.
"What's Imogen up to these days anyway? I imagine she's still travelling the world and  breaking hearts" he laughs to himself
"well it's funny you say that, she's on a jungle adventure in Selvadorada right now but she'll be back in a few months. We own the gym together and coming into summer we get an influx of new sign ups so I'll need her help real soon"
Tess and I again exchange looks, He owns the gym?
After dinner, Tess and I do the washing up and Don goes outside to look how much snow has fallen, he comes back inside and informs us that the streets are covered in a thick blanket of whiteness. "You're not going to be able to get home tonight Angus and I highly doubt there will be any work or school tomorrow so it looks like you girls have a playmate for drunken shenanigans, best go make him up a bed in the basement"
"Im sure he wouldn't mind bunking in with Zoey if he had to" Tess teases and I shoot her a dirty look.
"Come along Angus, you can help us mix cocktails" Tess says, taking charge.
We've never had an intruder join us on Blizzard night and Tess is finding it all too exciting.
"Full warning, the more drunk Zoey gets, the less awkward she becomes" she informs Angus, I throw a cushion at her to try and get her to shut up and Angus sits there grinning at us.
We pick out "He's just not that into you" to watch and set our drinking rules. I can feel I'm getting tipsy midway through the movie, "She's such a light weight" Tess announces to Angus.
"No I'm not, you just made my drinks really strong for your own amusement" I protest
Tess and Angus exchange looks and just burst out laughing, I knew it!
"So Angus, don't you have to call your wife and tell her you're not coming home? That you're staying with your mistresses tonight" Tess asks, not so subtle
"I'm 22 Tess, I have no wife"
"Girlfriend then?" she presses on, I know where she's leading us to and Im sure he does too.
"No girlfriend either" he explains and we exchange looks, "very much single and have been for 2 years now"
"Why did you break up?" there's never a question Tess doesn't feel she can't ask, no matter how personal
"She cheated on me, for months, with my best friend"
"Aww Angus, that's heartbreaking, isn't that heartbreaking Zoey?"
"What a bitch " I interject and they both look at me shocked, ok I may be a bit more than tipsy
"Zoey, you should give Angus a hug to heal his broken heart"
"Ok" I reply "But only if you let me feel your abs"
Angus looks at Tess "Is she drunk?"
Tess nods, laughing "I told you, less awkward, she can't overthink when she's drunk"
"Stop talking about me as if Im not here" I shout as I run my palm over the bumps on Angus' torso, while looking him in the eye.
"sorry Zo" he whispers in my ear.
We reach the end of the movie and the bottle of vodka, which isn't surprising when Tess is the mixologist.
"That's Zoey's favourite movie" Tess informs Angus
"It's pretty good but I think they need to do a sequel and call it "He is into you but can't tell if you're into him" what do you think Zoey?" Angus asks
"I'd watch the shit out of that" I reply
Angus and Tess both burst out laughing, I've clearly missed the joke and I just don't care, Im having too much fun.
"Angus you are welcomed to join us again for blizzard night, you're too much fun and Tess, he's so pretty too"My speech is becoming slurry
"Well  Angus, I think she just answered your question without even realising it was directed at her" Tess muses
"Stop talking about me like Im not here" I shout, yet again
"Sorry Zo" they both say in unison.
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