#Will I pull all nighters for weeks if necessary?
inkashroomartblog · 2 months
we get one chance to make a 3D modell and have it 3d printed of ANYTHING we want in school.
Guess what I'm planning on doing.... :D
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7 notes · View notes
hoshigray · 8 months
𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤 | choso kamo
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𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Finding out your boyfriend's a vampire was far from the chill evening you planned with him. But you can't lie, imagining those fangs sinking down on and sucking on your skin....it's kinda hot.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: vampire bf! Choso x fem! reader - explicit content; minors DNI - modern! au - oral (m! receiving) - handjob - fingering (f! receiving) - nipple play (licking, sucking, tweezing, fangs grazing) - piercings (nape and frenum) - biting (wrist, shoulder, breast, implied more afterwards) - Choso got a long schlong, rip - missionary position - overstimulation - clitoral play (swiping) - cervix fucking - the first time you and Choso have sex + you two being nervy/cute - pet names (angel, baby, princess) - Choso takes blood supplements + drinks pigs blood - Yuuji is his half-brother - mention of blood (duh) and saliva/spit - proofread but will check for more l8r.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 6.4k (bro, wtf???)
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: y'all watched that new ep, right? right. anywaysss, in celebration of choso [and yuuji]'s big fight being animated, i was thinking of vampy bf! choso for a few days and how cute/hot that would be! soooooo, enjoy~~ ☆ and tysm for 2.6k!!
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“Sooo, you two gonna like fuck tonight?”
“Whatever happened to ‘How’s your day,’ ‘You doing okay,’ or ‘You still haven’t offed yourself after midterms,’ Nobara?”
“Yeah, my day is going fine, but answer the question.” 
“I swear to Christ…” you sigh heavily as you walk down the sidewalk. 
The month of October brings more dread to your being than anything else. As much as you want to be festive, order a pumpkin latte, and chill watching the leaves fall gracefully with the autumn times, college life does whatever it takes to prevent that. And what better way to do that than have you suffer with midterm exams. 
You and your roommate, Nobara, have experienced the worst, especially this week. Having to study and pull all-nighters so much that you two can count with four fingers at max how many hours of sleep you get daily. Whatever gets the work done. However, it shouldn’t cost you your necessary slumber. Even your other best friends, Yuuji and Megumi, are victims of the tests. Hell, Yuuji found out he had an exam the day BEFORE and had to come in clutch by spending the entire day finishing the two-page study guide!  
All four of you are depleted of fun; it’s non-existent as you try to navigate out of this academic hell…Despite that, though, there’s one thing you’re always looking forward to during the week: the weekend! Oh, yes, today is finally Friday. You’ve been anticipating this day throughout the week, finally done with your exams and ready to relax with your friends after so much schoolwork. But that’s not the only thing you’re looking forward to…
Because this weekend, you’ll finally be with your boyfriend, whom you haven’t seen since the start of midterms. Choso Kamo, Yuuji’s older half-brother and the man of your life, is the only person you’d love to see sweep you off your feet and take you in his loving arms, away from all the stress and discomfort from your college life. The two of you have been dating for almost a year, and he’s, without a doubt, the sweetest guy you ever got lucky with. 
Since the start of this semester, it’s been hard for you two to meet at one place, let alone get on the phone. With you on campus and he outside with his job as a piercer, there have been times when you thought you’d never see him until winter break. Yet, it is now fall break, and Yuuji invited you and the gang to have a relaxing weekend at Choso’s place (with his permission). You accepted the invitation with a gleeful heart, practically bouncing and giggling at the thought of being in the same place as your partner again. And that’s where you’re heading now, walking down the sidewalk to his townhouse with a duffle bag full of your stuff, and you on the phone with Nobara to keep you company. 
“All I’m saying is,” the brunette starts on the other side of the line. “If there’s ever a good time for you two to get it on, it would be this weekend.”
“I’m sorry, since when has my sex life been on your mind instead of studying for the exam you have in ten minutes?” You hear your roommate suck her teeth, and you grin with satisfaction. “Besides, he and I are waiting for the perfect time to do it, no rush. And seeing as you, Megumi, and Yuuji will be in the same place as us, I highly doubt we’d ever think of having sex.”
“Hmm, fair point —KNOCK KNOCK— WHO IS IT!!?” You almost remove the device from your ear from Nobara’s abrupt yelling. “Sorry, Y/n. Megumi is here and says we gotta head to the classroom right now.” 
“That’s fine. I’m already at Choso’s place, anyway. See you guys later, and good luck with the exam.”
“‘Kay, see ya later.” She bids you farewell. “Also, if you two ever do it this weekend and you don’t tell me, as your best-est friend, I have legal rights to make sure all your cute underwear gets thrown out next time I take out the trash.”
“Good-fucking-bye, Nobara.” You scoff, your thumb already pressing the end call button and stuffing the phone in the pocket of your leggings. 
In just the nick of time, you make it to Choso’s townhome and climb up the stairs to knock on the door. Within seconds, Yuuji opens the door and greets you with a hug. 
“Y/n!” He’s always so eager and chipper when he sees you. “I was just about to text you; gotta run to the grocery store, then head to the pizza shop to place the order.”
You enter the foyer to remove your shoes while the salmon-haired other rushes to put his on. “Oh, how come?”
“The phones and websites seem to be down, so I gotta head there in person to place the order. But don’t worry, I’ll be right back before Megumi and Nobara.” He stands to open the door again before grabbing his car keys from the rack. “Choso’s up in his room right now, so you can say hi and chill with him while I’m gone.”
“All right,” You watch Yuuji run down to the sidewalk before he stops to shout something in your direction.
“Don’t do anything too crazy, ya lovebirds!” He sends you a cheeky grin, and you give him a playful glare with puffed cheeks.
“I won’t; go get the pizza!” He laughs at your response as he jogs down the street to his car, and you close the door when you see him drive off. 
Alone with Choso…The thought of being alone with your boyfriend for a few hours has the butterflies in your stomach become active, fighting the urge to smile with warm cheeks. It’s been a hellish month thus far. Finally, after all this time, being in your boyfriend’s arms is enough to wash off all the stress you’ve pent up for the past couple of weeks.
With glee in your steps, you tip-toe up the stairs with wholesome thoughts of you and your boyfriend. I wonder if he’s been eating right these days. Same with getting sleep, he has a bad habit of sleeping at ungodly hours…Oh my God, wait, are we going to sleep together? If so, it'll be the first time we share a bed together. Does that mean—
You mentally slap yourself out of your delusion when you stop at his bedroom door. Oh, snap out of it, Y/n! That’s just Nobara getting into your head. Plus, it’s not like you two will be by yourselves for the entire night —  the other three will be here. Hell, his own younger brother will be across the exact hallway! Don’t think such horny shit, for God’s sake…
You shake your head to abolish the impure thoughts, raising your fist to knock on your boyfriend’s door. “Chocho?" You greet with a nickname. "It’s me, Y/n. I just got here and—“ 
The sound makes you jump, halting you from finishing that sentence. Rushed footsteps and another noise that something was bumped into follow along. “Ch-Choso? Everything all right?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m good,” you can tell even from outside the room his voice had an unsure tone; he was, in fact, not good. “Just wait, I gotta—Ow!!”
You know you shouldn’t have done what you’re about to do as it goes against basic etiquette; however, when you hear sudden cries of pain from your boyfriend, how in the world would you stay still!? With a chewed lip, you grab the door handle and bust it open to enter his room.
You know you shouldn’t have done that. Because what you see before you is way beyond your comprehension. 
The carpeted floor had items all over the place. There are packets filled with what appear to be red liquids and tiny red pills contrasted with the white carpet. They must’ve been knocked over and made that noise. Suddenly, you notice a stain on the white mat in a bright red color. That was the thing that alerted your nerves, immediately searching for the figure standing behind the bed. It was your boyfriend, Choso Kamo.
But was it him? Because what on earth were you looking at!?? He still had the same face, light brown hair that was usually tied up now fell to his neck, his black “tattoo” on his face now red and leaking down to his chin. And his mouth was agape, your eyes noting that his canines were extended out more than usual with red fluid at the ends. Not to mention that the man was now shirtless! His bare chest and abdomen out for you, covered with smeared….Is…Is that blood?
Choso slowly moves his hands up in defense. “Y/n…Just stay calm for me, okay?”
The entire scene was too much for your brain to grasp, your breathing increasing to an unstable pattern, and your eyes looking at every jarring detail doesn’t help ease the thoughts going way too fast for you. The worried expression of your boyfriend has your body at a standstill, and your limbs quiver as if you’re about to give way. So, what are you left to do?
You faint.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
He stares at you, and you stare at him.
He averts his gaze shyly away from you, and you keep yours fixated on his.
Brown orbs teeter meekly to your figure sitting on his bed before reverting back to the other side, and yours refuse to leave his face, practically sinking holes into his forehead. 
This has been going on for five minutes ever since your consciousness returned, and Choso cleaned up the mess in his room and himself — now, he wears a black tank top after cleaning the red stains off his body. After giving you an explanation as to what happened, you haven’t said a single word to him. You only stare at him while pondering questions of your own. And you can tell the lack of communication makes the poor man uncomfortable in the confines of his bedroom. So, for his sake (and your headache-inducing curiosity), you eventually uttered something.
“So,” you say the first word with a long pause, treading carefully on which questions to ask. “Those pills…are filled with blood?”
“Yes…” He admits with his gaze still not away from you. 
“And you take them every day?”
“Twice a day…”
Okay…Next question, “And those small packets,” you point to the dresser where a pile of said red packets stack upon one another. “Also blood?” He nods slowly. “Human blood?”
He finally brings his eyesight to you but with a hurried shake to the head. “No, no! It’s pig’s blood.”
Is that worse or better?? Never mind— You then point to your set of canines. “And your teeth, I’ve never seen them that long...”
“They only get like that when I don’t drink blood for a while. So, when you knocked on my door, I was just about to open a packet. But then I heard your name and kinda panicked…”
“Oh my God…” Everything comes together and hits you all at once. From his pale skin contrasting yours, the unusual tattoo across his face now revealed as a blood mark, or all those times you caught him drinking his super red "beet juice." It all comes down to the only acceptable truth that feels foreign to leave your lips. “…..My boyfriend is a vampire.” 
Choso cringes internally at the words you uttered. The truth has finally come, and he didn’t even mean for it to happen, at least not like this. Who in their right mind would want to reveal to their partner that they’re a blood-sucking monster? It’s the most dreadful talk of his life that Choso has done all his years avoiding. And now you, his sweet, perfect thing, have discovered his abnormal existence.
“That’s…” He cringes harder when you say more words. “So...” Anxiety pools his stomach, mind filled with uneasy guesses on what you’d think of him now. He could only assume the worst; it’s only natural. “...Cool!!”
Wait, what? That’s not what he expected. Way off, actually.
He feels the dent of the bed when you move closer to him, your face merely inches away from his as you examine every single feature of him. It takes the vampiric man aback, holding his breath while watching your face stare at him intensely with your beautiful eyes, beaming with excitement and wonder. And his vision slowly drifts to your lips, watching them move as you ask questions. And he keeps staring until, “—so…Choso!!” He snaps his orbs back to yours, his cheeks blossoming pink. “I’m asking you a question. So, since you’re a vampire, how come you’re not melting or sparkling when the sun touches you? Is that why you wear black all the time?”
“You mean that stuff from the books and movies?” He questions your logic, but it’s not your fault; he’s sure many others would’ve asked the same. “I don’t know about melting, but my skin gets dry if I stay out too long.”
You hum along to his answer, nodding as if you were in a lecture. “How come Yuuji isn’t a vampire, or at least half? Wait, does he know!?”
“No! No, he doesn’t. I became a vampire because my father was a vampire and turned me and my mother into one. I think I was around the age of twenty. After she died and my dad found Itadori’s mom, he didn’t change her into one. So, with that luck, I guess he isn’t fully a vampire. But I wouldn’t blow past it if he has some characteristics…”
“I see.” Again, you nod along. That might explain some things, like why he’s so fricken fast when he plays sports and that crazy-like strength he has… “So, how long have you been like this?”
“Almost a hundred and thirty.” 
Woah. “And when have—I’m sorry, how long have you tasted human blood?”
Choso ponders on that question for a few seconds before answering. “I started when I became one. I try not to have it as I did back then; the last time I had it was around two years ago. But even then, I switched more into donated or pig’s blood for the past four decades.” 
“Do you ever have cravings for human blood?” Was that too much to ask? It possibly was because Choso makes a face that conveys slight objection. Yet your mind genuinely wanted to know.
“I do, but I try not to act on them. Especially now that I have a human brother, and you…I guess it doesn’t feel right that I do so, ya know.”
His response replays in your mind, not because you were confused but because you understood where he was coming from. You’re sure it wasn’t easy for him to go around and sink his fangs into human flesh back then; modern times should make the task a lot easier with so many people on this earth. Although, you can imagine how hard it must have been for Choso to ignore an urge like that, specifically when it caters to his whole being. Alternatives such as pills and blood packets can only do so much.
“..…Have you ever thought of biting me?” 
The question came out on its own as your curiosity got the best of you. Yet you don’t regret asking because it’s not impossible to think of ever happening.
Choso’s brown eyes look into yours sincerely, releasing a heavy sigh as if the truth was weighing him down. “…Yes.” 
Your expression doesn’t change, remaining neutral. There’s no point in asking why because you can practically answer that yourself: he doesn’t want to hurt you. He’s very considerate, so no wonder he’d put your health and well-being above all else. So, why not do the same for him? “…Would you like to taste mine?”
His eyes widen at your proposal, surveying your face to see any twinges or crack soft a smile that entails a joke. There were none, your expression exhibiting nothing but honesty. “A-Are you sure??”
You nod with a smile. “Yup. I mean, it’s not every day someone gets to have a vampire taste their blood — let alone see a vampire, period. Besides,” you stretch out your arm, your wrist stationed in front of Choso. “If it were any other random vampire, I’d probably throw garlic their way.” 
The man scoffs at your comment. “Something also you see in books and movies, Y/n.”
“Whatever,” the two of you laugh at your silliness. “But I’m serious, Chocho. I’m fine as long you’re the one doing it. So, go on.” 
A moment of hesitation keeps him in his thoughts, the mental cogs of his brain deciphering what course of action he should take. But he does take your wrist with a large hand, bringing it towards his mouth. And before you know it, the vampiric man unsheathes his fangs out for display and sinks them into your flesh, tearing the skin as they pierce through. 
The sharp pain was expected, but you still forced your eyes shut and took in a big inhale. Choso watches your reaction as his fangs take in a sample of your blood for him to taste. The familiar texture of the body fluid courses through him, and drips of it slide down to his tongue. You exhale through your mouth, pursed lips blowing out cool air. It felt as though two needles were simultaneously stabbing your wrist, your hand forming into a fist to situate yourself through the hurtful sensation. 
And Choso just keeps watching you as he drinks your red fluid, taking in your graceful reaction. He knows it hurts, but you don’t say anything, pushing through it for the sake of him. He examines your steady breathing, eyes sewn shut, and plump limps agape for inhalation. You looked so good like this — tasted good as well, very sweet with a floral scent; it must have been your signature perfume. It intoxicates him, thinking of your body and fragrance on him and your sweet taste on his tastebuds. It ignites something inside him. Something that he hadn’t experienced in a long time…
“Choso?” You call out to him as his blinks signal that he heard you. “You done there? Don’t want you sucking my arm dry.” You jest to him.
He takes the hint and removes his teeth from your wrist, licking the two pierced holes of excess blood that seeps out. “My bad.”
You tease him some more. “Do I taste that good to you?” You didn’t expect him to give you a curt nod, a silent compliment from your boyfriend. “O–Oh…That’s good to know…” You say timidly, gaze averting downwards. Then, you notice something in the crotch of his pants. You gasp: a pinched tent. Choso follows your sight, finding out about his predicament to his horror. He opens his mouth to explain himself, but you beat him. “Can I take care of it?” 
Again, Choso tries to say something, but no words dare to come out as you crawl up towards him. His brain short circuits at your movement, his back hitting the headboard of his bed. His blush creeps around to his ears, contrasting his pale skin and chocolate-colored hair. You smile at him; he’s so adorable and shy about this. “Mind I take the lead for a minute?” You ask for permission, even though the answer is quite clear when he peers at your lips. He nods, your face drawing inward and your soft lips landing on his.
One kiss. Two kisses and a moan. Three kisses pass, and it’s at this point that you two can’t get off each other. As his hand snakes to the back of your head to deepen the kiss, he takes your mewls with his lips, the insertion of his tongue making your toes curl. 
Taking the lead as promised, you bring a hand down to the zipper of his ripped jeans, bringing the zipper and the clothing down to throw on the floor. Your fingers curl around the band of his black boxer briefs, pulling them down to reveal his lo— WHAT THE FUCK!!??
His erection springs out from his underwear, and what you’re met with is a fucking behemoth. For one, the thing was way longer than you anticipated — most definitely the longest you’ve had within reach. And because of its length, it looked so pretty to look at. The way his precum trickles down his glans to the underside is so magnificent to your eyes that you’re practically stuck looking at it. And…Is that a piercing right at his frenulum? Oh, wow. Vampire dick, huh.
“Heh, you like what you see, princess?” Suddenly, you feel so small from being called out with that little tease from your boyfriend. You give him a condescending expression, making him chuckle to himself. And who told him to call you that cute nickname!?… Keep going.
Back to the matter, you ogle at his dick again and mentally prep yourself by slowly moving your hand toward it. Your fingers curl around the base and unhurriedly stroke him to figure out a good pace to start. A moan from Choso entails that you know what you’re doing, so you dial up the speed and go further up, stopping your strokes from his piercing down to the base.
He becomes more vocal as your friction becomes more confident, spitting on your hand and tightening your grip to make it easier for his rough skin to slide across your palm. Sticking with a firm and consistent rhythm, you watch your hand go to work on his shaft, watching more of his precum leak and slide down to your fingers. It was so lewd yet so arousing; you feel the throbbing heat between your legs begins to form, swaying your ass to ease the pleasurable sensation while instructing a pornographic act.
“Ahhh, ahhnn, oh shit…” He stammers to give you a proper response, your hand feeling too good. “Oh fuck, your hand feels so good, angel, so goo—Nhhhh!!”
“Really?” You can’t deny the pride you feel for yourself, so you move down to situate between his legs. “That’s all that matters, then.” You bring your free hand to massage his testicles and cover more surface, and more of Choso’s whines and croaks fill the space, his hips bucking to ensure more friction and pleasure on his end.
With the rate this is going, more of his essence leaks out from his urethra, and the raunchy image playing right in front of you has your lips quiver. An intrusive thought roams around your brain while looking at his pink glans. You chew on your lips as you decide on what to do. And when you finally do, it’s now or never.
With a gulp, you bring the tip of his cock to your lips, and the man sharply gasps at the wet sensation of your tongue on his glans. The precum leaves a salty aftertaste on your tastebuds, proving that this is happening: you’re giving your vampiric boyfriend a blowjob right now. Deciding to take things to the next level, you intake more of his inches as much as you can. Not the whole thing because you know you’d probably choke, so you take your time inhaling his length at a comfortable pace and manner. And once you bob your head, the hisses and groans from Choso should give you an idea that he’s feeling elated.
“Haahh…Mmmph…Y/n, your mouth feels so good—Oh shit…” He brings a hand down to the top of your head, a sign you can guess that he wants you to keep going. And so you do, speeding up your motions. Your mouth sucks and teases the underside of his dick, your tongue curves and licks around the piercing of his frenulum, and he jerks when you slowly teasingly lick from the base to the tip. You bring your hand to the rest of the inches you couldn’t cover, your pretty fingers sliding up and down his dick while your free hand comes to his balls for you to massage. The sudden contact of your hands wasn’t expected, his body jolting to the sensations of your tongue and fingers around him, kneading his scrotum as you playfully lick on his cockhead. “—Khhh, ohhhh, fuck…Y/n, baby, I’m—Ahahhh!!”
From the sound of it, he was bound to release his load. So you prepare and bring the tip back into your warm mouth, urging the man to climax. With a few more pumps from your hands coinciding with the laps and sucks of your plump lips, he ruts his groin to your face as his essence spreads inside your oral cavity. And you take it like a champ, sucking every pump to your throat, not letting the tip go until he finished. So, once his body calms down, you release him, wiping off the trail of saliva from your mouth.
Yet it doesn’t stop there; of course, it doesn’t.  Because Choso’s cock is very much still sprung and active from your blowjob, meaning it’s inevitable that you’re going to move on to the next phase. And judging by the sheer length of this thing, you have no idea how that shit is gonna fit inside of you. Damn, vampire dick sure is something…
“Y/n?” You snap back from your thoughts when Choso calls out to you, noticing you gawking at his size. “You don’t have to do the rest if you don’t want, baby. I can take care of it.”He’s so sweet looking out for you as he’s aware that you’re a little worried. 
But you surprise him when you exit off the bed for a quick second, removing your leggings and underwear for the carpet to keep for you. The same thing goes for your matching bra. And as you crawl back to bed, his wide eyes never leave your lower figure, watching you lie on your back with your head on a pillow and your legs spread wide. “As long as you take the lead, I’ll be fine, Chocho.”
It’s his turn to gulp and ease his dry throat before getting on his knees and positioning himself between your legs, dark brown orbs intaking every detail of your cunt that’s exposed for him. You chew on your lip, “It’s embarrassing if you stare so hard at it, ya know…”
“S-Sorry,” He apologizes while getting back to the task. He grabs ahold of his length and aligns the tip to your wet entrance, and your breath hitches at the contact. “I’ll go real slow, okay?”You give a couple of honest nods for confirmation, and he watches your breathing. When he notes your inhales and exhales, he pushes into your folds. With every inhale you take, he nudges further into you. The pain gets bitter and bitter by the second, and your hands grip the sheets beneath you. “Relax for me, angel, relax.” He comes down to whisper those words to ear; swear to God, you could’ve moaned right there and then. However, you switch your focus to following his advice, reminding your body to stop resisting the unfamiliar limb making entry. The pain is still present, but you count your breaths to distract your mind until the tip finally makes it in, a sharp gasp sneaking past you and a hiss from Choso when you involuntarily grasp around him while he pushes more of him inside.  
However, he doesn’t move right away, giving you as much time as you need to catch a steady pattern to breathe along with. Your head already feels too hot, and your chest feels too tight to breathe. You peer down to find that he is only halfway in, and there’s no amount of words to describe the disbelief you’re experiencing at this moment. “I feel…so full already…” You nearly choke on your words. You can practically feel his piercing scrape your insides.
“I know, princess,” he comforted you with a kiss on the forehead while lifting your shirt, your chest meeting his cold, slender fingers that massaged your mounds. All the while, he pushes his cock further into your chasm, and your breathing goes shaky as you try and take every inch of him. Then all of a sudden, your body jolts upward when you feel the tip of his cock hit your cervix; you can only guess now that everything’s entirely inside you. Oh yeah, vampire dick is most definitely something else. Tears start to water your eyes, and your hands come around Chos’s neck, the coldness of his nape piercing greeting your skin. “—Mmmm, fuckin’ Christ…I’m gonna go start moving now, Y/n.”
You appreciate the warning because, with the way his hips start to create a motion to and fro from your entrance, it’s surreal that his shaft is churning your inner wall with minimal effort. Shivers crawl up your spine every time the base meets your southern lips, grazes to your most tender spots result in you chewing on your bottom lip, and God, the occasional jab to your cervix is something you’ll have to get used to. He sucks on one nipple while the other hand tends to the other, the laps of his tongue on the bud of your breast feel so good, and you gasp when his fangs lightly graze it. So exhilaratingly dangerous. 
“Choso—Ohhhh…” you coo, your head thrown back when he tweezes your nipple simultaneously with the jab to your cervix. The pace of his thrusts increases a tad, and your voice becomes more vocal than before, filling his bedroom with your breathy whimpers. “So big, you’re so big for me—Ohooo!”
“—Mmfhh!! Fuck, you feel so good for me, princess…Shiiiit—” The way your cunt wraps around him so tightly causes him to rut into you harder and faster, evoking spine-chilling whines from your puffy, bitten lips. Your disheveled figure squirms on the sheets, holding onto Choso for dear life as he churns your tummy insides. Your fragrance attacks his nose when he kisses your neck, nibbling the skin to listen to your cute gasps more. Then, the urge rises. He opens his mouth for his fangs to scrape your neck.
“Ahahhnn!! Ch–Chosooo!!” 
Your voice halts his unconscious, realizing what he was about to do and quickly withdrawing his teeth from your neck. No, not now… He thinks to himself, moving his fangs to your shoulder instead. The bite elicits a sharp shriek from your unbeknownst self. Your nails dig into his shoulders, the pain motivating him to explore more of your body with your mouth. 
You can feel his kisses trail down your collarbone and breast, sucking on your nipples once more before leaving a tiny bite. You clamp around his girth as a response, which jabs into your cervix repeatedly with precision. More kisses and licks later, and he leaves a bite mark by your collarbone, sucking on the spot to taste more of your sweet blood. Your mind goes dizzy with the constant of his lips and teeth, and the commotion down south has you wrap your legs around him, caging him in as your climax is soon to come.
“—Nnaahh! Ahaahhnn!! Oh, God, Ohmyfuckin’Go—Hhmmff!!” Choso leads a hand down to your clitoris, and you see stars in no time. “Chosooo!! Yer handsss, you’re gonna make me cummm!! Ooooh, shhahhh!!”
Choso listens to your pleas with attentive ears, his fingers swiping rampantly on your clit. Your choked sobs are so beautiful to hear. The way your walls grasp around his length entails you’re about to come on him any second now. “Go on, my angel. Ring me out—Hnnghh!! So fuckin’ tight…”
Erratic ruts to your sloppy cunt cause wet noises to fill your eardrums, and the heat in your face is unbearable while your head pounds harshly. With the swipes on your clit and him grinding his cock to your tender spot, it’s apparent that you two come concurrently. He fills your cunt with his anticipated load while your velvety walls contract around him euphorically, and exchanged pants fill the space between your sweaty bodies. 
The two of you experience shocks of your own as your heaving bodies rest on each other, Choso nuzzling his face to your neck as his hand softly massages your breast. Your body calms down, gradually exiting your blissful haze. But it tenses again when you feel another sharp pain in your shoulder, and you snicker while pulling his ear to tease. 
“Let you have a taste, now you’re already hooked, huh…”
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Choso uses a washcloth to dab on the bite marks around your body, gently pressing down on it and wiping off any blood that leaves your newly added markings. The warm cloth feels good on your cold skin — as if the stinging sensation subsides in seconds. 
“You know,” You hum along as he takes care of your body. “I didn’t think you’d be that much of a biter.”
“Sorry,” he moves to your front, dabbing the teeth marks on your breasts and shoulders. You can see the hint of pink that flushes his cheeks and ears. “Got a little carried away…”
You giggle. “No need to apologize, Chocho.” The nickname has him blush harder. He’s so cute when he’s flustered. “Just goes to show that you were enjoying the moment.”
His hands suddenly stop moving, the washcloth now around your wrist. “…Did you?” Caramel eyes dare to peek at yours. “Did you enjoy it?”
You could tell that the question carried a deep-rooted meaning. Not only was this the first time you and Choso had sex, but it was also within the same day you found out he was a vampire. If you were in his shoes, you could guess he’d probably think you didn’t like the experience or found it heavily discomforting. Yet that wasn’t the case at all. So, you have to communicate that to him. 
With a warm smile, you let him know, “Yes, I did. I had a great time.” Before you can say more, a random thought prompts you to ask a question. “Hey, I felt you were about to bite my neck, but you didn’t.”
 “Hmm? Oh, umm, yeah, I did. The only way for someone to become a vampire is by biting the neck,” He confirms, his gaze drifting down to your wrist as he uses the wet cloth to dab on the mark. “But I don’t want you becoming one now. At least, not without you telling me.”
“Wait, you don't want me to be a vampire?”
“I mean, that’s up to you, honestly. As much as I love you and would love the idea of spending my life with you, that’s only my selfish wish at the end of the day. The choice should be yours to make, not mine.”
You remove your hand from his hold and place it on his cold cheek. The other hand comes up to cup the other, provoking your boyfriend to look directly at you. 
“You’re so sweet, you know that?” You have never seen his face change into a flash of pink so quickly; it makes you giggle at him. “Chocho, I appreciate you telling me the truth about yourself. I’m sure it’s been hard on you to carry this burden of pretending to be something you’re not, especially with me. So, again, thank you…However, I can’t really see myself as a vampire, at least right now. My life seems to be at a good place right now, and I want to experience it first-hand, ya know. With you by my side.”
You know Choso is listening to you word-for-word; his brown eyes never leaving your face is evidence of such. So you continue: “So, until then, let me be human for a while longer. When the time is right, I’ll let you know. Sounds good?”
The brown-haired man gives you a smile before answering, resulting in yours broadening. “I’m cool with that.”
You nod. “Cool.”
“…You want more of my blood, huh.”
“…..I’m sorry,” you laugh at his awkwardness. “You just smell so good. And you taste sweet…”
“In that case,” you withdraw your hands from his cheek and extend an arm out for him. “Have one last taste.”
There’s hesitance when his hand grabs ahold of your wrist. But when he knows you’re complying and on board with this, Choso brings your wrist to his lips, his fangs pierce down on your skin, and he sucks your blood. The pain this time around wasn’t too excruciating. Maybe with all the bites you have on your body right now, you came around and got used to it. 
And who knows? Perhaps you’ll grow to love the sensation soon enough.
“Yo! I’m back!” The two of you freeze. A familiar voice from the other side of the hallway brings you back to the present moment. You then remember that Yuuji promised to return from the store and pizza place. And seeing as though time has passed enough for him to be done, the warmth of your body shifts to a disturbing shiver when the bedroom door opens up. “I got the pizzas and left them on top of the oven—“
The salmon-haired other stopped mid-sentence when his eyesight landed in your direction. You can only imagine what’s going through his mind when he looks at you and Choso because that was the same experience you went through a few hours back.
Yuuji looks at the two of you on top of the bed. Clothes decorating the carpeted floor, both your bodies free and nude, your tits out for him to see crystal clear. One of your hands holds a washcloth that harbors red, bloody stains. The other hand stretched out towards Choso’s mouth, where the younger notices fangs withdrew from your wrist. The newly drawn blood from your new mark connects to the sharp teeth of his older brother.
Thirty seconds go by where no one says anything, just three pairs of eyes and figures falling victim to the discomfiting silence of this situation. Until Yuuji starts to uncomfortably laugh at the sight before him for a few seconds. And then suddenly, he stops, and his balance gives way for his body to meet with the floor beneath him.
He fainted.
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♱ 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
© 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲2023 – reblogs + comments are appreciated wholeheartedly <3 header art by rororogi mogera + dividers by the amazing @/cafekitsune!!
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shewroteaworld · 8 months
Unsub Bait
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Premise: For the fourth time, brilliant sunshine!reader is asked to bait the unsub. For the first time, Spencer has a problem with this.
Word count: approx. 2,000
Tw: canon-typical discussions of violence
Author's Note: Welcome to the second installment of brilliant sunshine!reader (meaning highly intelligent sunshine!reader) x Spencer Reid! While you don't have to read my first brilliant sunshine! reader fic to understand this one, I would highly recommend reading it. It's titled "I'll Hold Your Weight When You Can't." Hope you enjoy! :) <3
“Here’s an overview of the first phase of the operation: (Y/N) will go undercover as a college student at Yale. She’ll get acquainted with the unsub at Speakeasy, the New Haven bar where he assesses potential victims. We’ll apprehend him in the act of attempted kidnapping.” Hotchner listed for the team.
You’d played unsub lure almost a comical number of times. Once? That’s a once in a million task required to capture a once in a million unsub. Twice? You’d only have two nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right? But four times? 
You’d already joked to Hotch that you should add “professional unsub bait” to your resume. 
It would’ve been more comical if it wasn’t so scary. 
You took a deep breath as you stared at the photos of the victims on the mahogany conference room table. Melissa Grey. Audrey Bernstein. Alivia Johnson. You could see your 21-year-old self in their eyes. You remember being so young and full of anxiety; you were near graduating from MIT. You couldn’t sleep at night from worrying if you had already lived up to your potential and would spend the rest of your years a washed up gifted kid– an academic has–been. After graduation, you proved to yourself your worth.
The college juniors in the photographs had their lives cut short by the unsub before they had the opportunity to find out what amazing places their brilliant minds could take them. You were about to allow said unsub to nearly kidnap you. 
That is, if you didn’t blow your cover. Then, he would hold you hostage or attempt to kill you as soon as possible by skipping his usual "kidnap and torture" routine.
Rationally, you knew your field experience more than prepared you for this task. Also, you knew your team had your back. They always kept you safe and healthy. The one time you were put at serious risk, you had to fight to be left alone after the case closed. But, you’re not sure if all the facts in the world could adequately calm your adrenal glands.
“Is this necessary?” Spencer suddenly interjected.
You turned to Spencer in surprise. “It’s the quickest way. We have twenty-four hours,” You said.
The unsub had a pattern; a girl was dying once every two weeks, and, when the the local and Connecticut police force combined failed to contain the situation, the BAU was brought into the case 36 hours before the next killing. With his eidetic memory, you were certain Spencer couldn't forget the time restraints if he tried, hence why you were stunned by his sudden brazenness. However, given Spencer's traumatic relationship history and your budding romance, Spencer's behavior was a lot more likely.
You and Spencer had been dating for a couple weeks. Despite being certain the team had their suspicions, you kept your relationship on the downlow. Strong boundaries were a good thing to keep when your relationship was in its fragile, formative era. Plus, you both agreed it was best to keep a high level of professionalism. 
This was the first time Spencer broke protocol.
“I think there’s another way.” Spencer continued. “It’s unsafe and illogical to put anyone’s life into considerable risk if there’s another viable option.”
“Are you implying I’m being rash, Reid?” Hotchner asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Usually, Spence would look away and take a breath. He’d at least have the decency to act timid, especially given the fact the entire team pulled multiple all-nighters in an effort to catch this serial killer. Instead, he leveled with Hotchner’s glare and asserted himself further. “I just think we’ve gotten a little too comfy using (Y/N) as an unsub lure. The more we do, the more probable a disaster will occur with her in the line of fire.”
“Spencer,” Morgan cut in gently. There was sympathy in his eyes. “We’ve done this with (Y/N) before. We’re good at reading her. And she knows the drill. We’ll keep her safe.”
“Yes, because that’s something we can certainly guarantee when she’s 3 inches from a serial killer.” Spencer deadpanned. 
“Reid. A word.” Without waiting for Spencer’s reaction, Hotch left the meeting room. With a hard look in his eye, Spencer filed after Hotch. You were relieved he was still obedient despite being ornery.
For a few moments, the team sat in silence. 
Rossi broke the spell with the scrape of his chair. “Well, I for one, am going to take this impromptu intermission as an opportunity to grab coffee. Any requests?” Rossi asked. 
“I’ll take a barbajada.” You joked half-heartedly. 
“Very funny, (L/N). Any requests the office Keurig can complete in less than five minutes?” 
The team rattled off their go-to office drink orders, but it faded to white noise. During your friendship, Spencer would always care for you when you had to lure the unsub. He’d be more attentive on the jet ride in and out. He’d check in on your mental state directly after the unsub was arrested and always called you once you got home. Once, after the particularly stressful unsub encounter, he sent you links to PTSD articles and even offered to help you schedule an appointment with a specialized therapist through the FBI’s mental health services.
But he’d never once intervened with a plan for you to go undercover. You knew Spencer Reid was nothing if not rational. He knew Hotch valued every member of his team. He knew Hotch would never send you undercover if it wasn’t necessary to stop a killing spree before more young women became statistics. 
Therefore, you knew Spencer was thinking about Maeve. 
You stood. 
“Where you going, Beauty Queen?” Morgan asked.
“Just heading to the restroom.” You lied. 
You walked down the hall and crept up the stairs. You tiptoed down the east wing of the second floor to avoid clicking your heels against the concrete. 
You crept to the side of Hotch’s office. You pressed your back to the wall.
Hotch said something indecipherable. An angry Reid answered.
“And all I’m saying is, she is not a cat with nine lives! She has one life. One precious life, that I think we’ve been a little too careless with.”
“Reid, you know I would never risk putting (Y/N) in harm’s way if it wasn’t the best course of action. She’s experienced with this. The team is experienced with this.” 
A beat of silence passed.
“Promise me that if you have so much as an inkling her life is in danger–”
“We’ll do everything in our power to get her out of there.”
“That’s the thing! ‘Everything in our power…’ It’s not enough. How many times have we told families we did everything we could when all they have left is a body bag?” 
Your heart froze. Both of the voices lowered. You could only catch bits and pieces of Hotch’s speech. You were never an eavesdropper, but despite your better nature, you crept around the corner towards the door.
“I know what it’s like to lose someone to an unsub, Spencer. I know how it sticks with you. I know how it changes the job. But you have to trust us– the team. We’re going to protect her. And we’re going to be there for you,” Hotch said. 
Spencer sighed. "How did you do it?" Spencer's voice cracked. "After Haley, Hotch? I’m not sure if I can survive this.” He sounded seconds away from tears. 
At that moment, you knew you would not sleep comfortably at night if you continued to be a fly on the wall.  You tiptoed back down the east wing and waited for Spencer at the bottom of the stairs.
Ten minutes passed before Spencer appeared at the top of the staircase.
“Spencer?” You called. 
His hazel eyes were tinged pink. He walked down the stairs nonchalantly. “Hey, um, would you mind if we discussed part of the case file real quick? Privately? It could help, um…” He cleared his throat. “Develop your persona.”
“Yes, of course.” 
Spencer didn’t look at you as he power walked down the hall towards the janitorial closets. For the first time since you started dating, he didn’t adjust to your walking pace. 
He flung a door open and yanked you inside. 
Carelessly, Spencer slammed the door behind you. Before you could get a word in, he pulled you into a bear hug.
“Spencer.” You whispered. “I’m here. I’m okay.”
He nuzzled his nose into your hair. 
You stood in the statue of a hug for two minutes.
“I can’t lose you.” Spencer whispered.
“You won’t.”
Spencer pulled away from you. He bent down to look you in the eye. He squeezed your shoulders. His eyes danced with emotion. There was a deep ache, a whirlpool of sadness that you knew a lifetime may never heal. What perplexed you was the hardness that you could only read as anger. 
“I…” He sighed. He hung his head. He dragged his palms down the slope of your shoulders to your forearms. It was like he was taking a cast of you with his hands. 
“I’m not dead on arrival. I’m still here. I’m coming back on that jet ride home with you. I’m going to be okay.” You reciprocated his shoulder squeeze. “You’re going to be okay.”
Spencer shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.”
“I care about you. It’s a part of the girlfriend package.” Spencer pulled you into another constricting hug. 
 “I can’t fathom how difficult this must be for you.” You whispered.
Spencer pressed his forehead to yours. “Promise me when you go out there, you won’t worry about me. I want you to only focus on you, your surroundings, and making sure you get out of there.”
“I promise, Spencer.” You said, though you weren’t sure if that would be the truth.
“And one more thing,” He said. His irises were so close to yours you could pick apart the layer of green and brown. “As soon as you feel unsafe, you call someone. If you have any inclination he’s going to overtake you–”
“I call the team.”
He took a step back and ran his hands through his hair. “I know you’re strong. I’m not trying to insult your field work.”
Your heart cracked. “Spencer, love, I know that. I’m so happy you care about me. I just wish this situation hurt you less.”
He dropped his hands to his sides. His brows furrowed. He stared at a random point to the left of your face.
“Can you do something for me? Before we leave?” He asked, still not meeting your gaze.
“What is it, Spence?”
He took a deep breath. He met your eyes again. “Dance with me.” 
“Dance with me. I…” He inhaled deeply. “I never got to dance with Maeve before she…I barely even got to hold her. I won’t make the same mistake twice.” 
You closed the distance between you and Spencer. You cupped his face in your hands, and he instinctively leaned into your touch. His eyes shone with tears. “I’ll dance with you for the rest of my days, Spence.” 
He whipped out his phone. He turned on a slow jazz song you played for him last winter on an impromptu hot chocolate date. 
Your heart skipped a beat. You could go on that same date again, but it would have a whole new color to it. 
He slid his phone onto a cleaning supply shelf. He pulled you to his chest. Your head nestled right beneath his collarbone. You wrapped your arms around his mid back.
You danced, bodies pressed together like puzzle pieces, in silence until the song ended. The symphony of emotions didn’t cease with the final brush of the snare. 
Spencer continued swaying with you.
“I’m going to be okay.” You whispered.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “You can’t promise me that.” He held you even tighter. “But I can promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you come home to me.” 
Author's Note: Hello to all my new followers! I'm so glad you're here! I'm so grateful for the overwhelmingly positive reception to "I'll Hold Your Weight When You Can't." Hope you enjoyed this piece as well!
I hope you have a great day or night wherever you are in this crazy world.
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zorosimpclub · 5 months
late night at the office – Zoro NSFW
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characters: zoro roronoa x fem!reader (he's your boss)
boss employee relationship, praising, degrading, light choking | smut | 18+ only – MDNI
word count: 5.5k
She glanced at the clock, it was 8PM and most if not all of her co-workers had gone home. She was assigned to this project by her boss, Zoro – the man was ruthless. He made her repeat her work if there was one small error. Sometimes even when there were 0 errors. That's how ruthless this man was. Today was no different, the client deadline was a few days away but he made her scrap her whole progress and start again.
Zoro sat in his office watching cameras his employees like a hawk, checking on each and every coworker he had. Until he looked at her, seeing her upset. His eyes narrowed and opened up his emails to write her one.
I need to see you in my office.
Minutes turned into hours until she received his email. She held her breath when she saw a small pop up flash on the corner of her laptop screen.
This can't be good, she thought. Sighing, she got up and made her way to his office, stopping right outside. She hesitated a little before finally mustering the courage to knock on it.
Zoro leaned back in his chair, checking through emails as he heard her footsteps outside his office.
“Come in.”
He looked up from his laptop, and fixed his gaze on her. He gestured to a small seat in front of his desk and waited for her to take a seat. She gulped slightly and sat down in the chair, she had no idea what to expect. Zoro was usually really hard to read and today was no different.
Zoro had folded his hands on his desk, looking at her with his sharp eyes. He didn’t waste any time – he didn’t believe in sugarcoating things and was a man of practicality.
”I see you work so hard yet you can’t seem to meet my expectations. I don’t know it your not trying hard enough or you’re just not good at your job."
She felt her lip quiver, he was harsh…there was no surprise there. She bit her bottom lip to fight herself from crying and waited for him to continue talking, knowing that he didn’t just call her into his office to just tell her that.
“I want this project done by the end of the week, I don’t want to hear any excuses. If you can’t get it done by the end of the week…you’re fired, is that understood?”
He wasn't really going to fire her, at most, he was planning to transfer her to another department. He didn't know why he was being such a dick to her...well, he did. Lately his bright eyed employee has been pissing him off. She keeps occupying his damn mind... that infectious smile of hers, her beautiful, innocent eyes...all of it. He didn't know how to feel and it was easier to get rid of her than just dealing with.
"I understand." She spoke up meekly, holding onto her composure so that she didn't burst out crying.
Zoro could see her eyes, they were filling with tears. For a brief moment, he almost felt bad for her. Almost. He let out a sigh and spoke softer whilst remaining stern.
“Good. You can leave but I want the first version of the draft first thing in the morning."
She gasped a little and looked at the clock in his office, "But Mr Zoro, it's 9PM now..."
She already knew what he'd say, it didn't matter because he was definitely going to ask her to pull an all nighter if necessary. It's not like he cared since he usually left the office quite late and in fact, this wasn't the first time she was working late. She wasn’t entirely sure that he had a life outside the office. He was the hardest worker she had ever met, always the last to leave but somehow the first to arrive.
Zoro's eyes locked onto hers.
“Do I need to repeat myself? I don’t care if you have to pull an all nighter here or at your house, as long as you submit the first draft tomorrow morning. That’s all I care about right now.”
At least she had the option to take her work home and work from there if needed. She stood up and excused herself, "Understood."
In the end she decided to finish as much as she could before leaving, she did work better here after all. She began typing away before she heard her co-worker Sanji settled down next to her briefly.
"Y/N my love, you're still here? I'm about to leave now, did you want me to give you a ride?" Sanji asked.
Zoro let out a soft groan as her placed his head against his palms, thoughts racing in his mind. He couldn’t take it. After she left his office, his heart pounded a little. He wanted to tell her that he wasn’t going to fire her and that he was harsh on her. He got up and walked out only to see Sanji next to her.
Zoro smirked a little sadistically, he knew what was going on with them. He wanted to hear Sanji ask her out and he wanted her to reject him. Again and again. He went to the water cooler to hear their conversation more clearly.
"Ah thanks Sanji but I don't think I'm leaving any time soon, I have this due tomorrow and it's much more peaceful here than home so I figured I'd stay until I get this done." She smiled softly at Sanji before typing away at her laptop.
Sanji huffed and leaned closer to her before whispering a joke in her ear, to which she giggled.
Zoro rolled his eyes as he heard Sanji’s whisper, hearing her giggle. His jaw clenched a little, he didn’t like her so close to another man, especially Sanji. It felt like he was so close to seeing her date this man, she’s too beautiful to be with someone like Sanji.
He drank some water, hearing Sanji make another remark, hearing her giggle again. He was getting jealous by the second.
He walked towards her desk and raised his brow at Sanji – he had always hated this man. Something about the way he spoke to her made him despise him.
"Why are you still here? Aren't you from the sales department?"
Sanji let out a chuckle, seeing Zoro walk towards his desk. A smug face on Sanji, as he spoke.
“Ah, yeah I’m in the sales department. I was just here for a client, I just happened to see her beautiful face and decided to visit.”
Zoro rolled his eyes again, he knew he was trying to make a move on her. Anyone with eyes could see how desperate he was towards her.
Zoro was furious but kept his calm, tone stern. "Yeah? Well she has something due in the morning so why don't you just leave instead of slowing her down?”
Sanji gave him a playful grin, his eyebrows raised.
“Wow! Mr. Zoro you are pretty protective of her, you should be careful otherwise someone might think you have a thing for your pretty little employee.”
Zoro's face got red as his fists clenched, he didn't like when people saw through him. He couldn't even respond to Sanji’s claims.
"Shut up." Zoro stormed off to his office, feeling a little embarrassed. Did that moron just practically confess for him?
Y/N blinked once. Twice. Thrice. What just happened? It all happened so fast. Why did Zoro get flustered like that?
She shook her head and sighed, "Anyway Sanji, I'm going to get back to work, please feel free to leave. Thanks for offering me to take home but I think I'll just get the late night bus back."
Zoro had his fists clenched, he wasn’t expecting Sanji to be so loud and put those words in her head. It made his blood boil in his veins as he slammed the door to his office with one hand. He sat at his desk, pushing his fingers through his hair. Why was his heart beating so fast? Why did he care so much about another man calling a woman beautiful? He didn’t know. He shook his head, this was getting ridiculous.
Time went on as he heard Sanji leave, the office became silent. It was all him and her.
Zoro couldn’t stand it, he watched from his desk. Seeing her stretch and hearing her tired yawns. Something in him got him to stand up and walk over to her desk. He towered over her.
“Its late, you should go home. You look tired.”
"But I haven't finished yet. I work better here." She shot him a soft smile and continued typing, feeling awkward that he was just standing there. She sensed some tension – what type of tension, she wasn’t sure quite yet.
With him, it was a mixed bag. He has been really kind to her but in a professional, stern way. But he’s also straight up been a dick to her, she wasn’t sure what to think.
He let out a sigh, his attention locked onto her soft smile, he couldn’t look away…it’s like he was mesmerised.
“I know I gave you that deadline earlier but I’ll give you more time. Just leave and get some rest, you need it.”
She perked up a little, "Thanks but I think I can finish up in a couple of hours..." It was obvious that he felt bad, he always does and she was grateful that he showed care for her. But she really wanted to prove to him and herself that she wasn't just going take the easy route.
He stayed silent, watching her type away on her keyboard. He felt like time was going incredibly slow, watching her fingers type. His eyes roamed from her hands to her face, back to her hands then back to her face. His face only got redder at the sight, damned feelings he thought.
He left the office and grabbed both of them some takeout before returning – he convinced himself that he would do this for any employee and that it was just him fulfilling his duty as a boss. He pushed open his office door with his shoulder and placed the takeout on his desk.
He should email her to come have dinner since it seems that she hadn't already had it.
After hesitating for the tenth time, Zoro opened his email and wrote to her.
I need to see you in my office.
He wasn't going to tell her that he got takeout, she probably wouldn't come if he did.
She sighed and got up as soon as she saw the email pop up in the corner of her screen. Walking over to his office, she rubbed her temples to prepare herself for whatever the man was about to throw at her.
Zoro watched her walk over to his office, the sight of her just walking over was enough to make him lose his mind.
The moment she walked in he gestured for her to sit down, he put the takeout in front of her. She had no idea the amount of willpower he was exerting to not just kiss her.
She raised a brow not knowing what he asked her here for, there's no way he called her in here because he got her food...right? Maybe he was going to eat in front of her knowing that she hadn’t had any dinner yet but he can’t be that cruel…right?
"You called sir?"
Zoro stayed silent, his heart pounded in his chest. What if she thinks it's inappropriate he bought her food? He felt like the air in the office got thicker as he looked at her. He spoke up with a firm tone, trying to get away from his thoughts.
She looked taken aback and looked at him as if he said the most incredulous thing ever, he was joking right? She didn't know what to say but on cue, her stomach grumbled. She had completely forgotten to eat dinner…
He watched her stomach grumbled, making him feel a little amused. His lips twitched, his eyes darted to the takeout and back to her, wanting her to eat. She hesitated for a bit and leaned in to grab part of her portion. He leaned back in his chair, not taking his eyes off her as she began eating.
His lips twitched into a little smile watching her eat, she looked so cute eating. Hell, she looked cute doing anything he thought. Zoro reached for his food and started to eat, his gaze never leaving her form. She ate nervously in silence, the food was good but she didn't know how to take this. Maybe he just felt bad for barking at her earlier.
His gaze was fixated on her eyes, occasionally his stare would wander to her lips as she chewed. Her nervous look only made her all the more gorgeous to his eyes.
He knew she wasn't aware of how attracted he was to her, to be fair, he didn’t know how attracted he was to her until it was just them alone. It was getting harder for him to hide it, every time he looked at her he wanted nothing more than to hold her close to him.
Everything was fine until she bit into the hotdog, causing the sauce to squirt on her cleavage. She panicked and wiped it off with her finger before licking it clean.
Zoro almost bit the side of his mouth as he saw her. She was eating the hotdog so innocently. He nearly lost it when the sauce made contact with her cleavage.
The sight of her innocently licking the sauce up with her tongue was enough for him to want to pin her to the wall and kiss her. But he snapped back to reality, he quickly cleared his mind and coughed a little.
"Thank you for the food." She squeaked, breaking the awkward silence that had built up.
Zoro let out a small chuckle. He looked at what she was wearing and had an inappropriate thought that he immediately pushed away.
“You’re welcome, you still have sauce on you,” He pointed to a spot of sauce on her cleavage that she had missed.
Y/N squealed a little and got flustered as she looked down to the sauce. Zoro got up and walked around his desk, sitting on it. He was directly in front of her now. She felt incredibly self conscious with the sauce still on her cleavage but for some reason she froze. She couldn’t move or say anything.
Zoro could feel himself getting more and more attracted to her. He watched as she seemed to freeze, it made him want to do something about it. He leaned forward, his face getting closer to hers.
“M-Mr Zoro?”
Zoro smirked a little at her squeaky voice. She looked so adorable right now, it made him want to close the gap between them.
“You’re so adorable...” He whispered leaning forward even more, his face inches away from hers.
She was shocked, this is so unexpected. Was she so tired that she was hallucinating?
“Y/N…" He called name her softly. He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving hers. He couldn't help but think about how badly he wanted to kiss her right now.
She closed her eyes, feeling his warm breath on her lips. She’d be lying if she said she didn’t think of him late at night, as harsh as the man was on her, he was often the object of her fantasies. In fact, she’d moaned his name as she pleasured herself countless times.
Zoro couldn't take it anymore, his eyes burning with desire. He couldn't resist any more, he leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was more of a teasing kiss than anything else, but it she felt intense sparks.
The soft moan from her only fueled Zoro's passion. He deepened the kiss, his hands gently holding her face. He could feel her trembling against him, and it only made him want more.
He broke the kiss and dipped his head to her chest only to lick the sauce off without breaking eye contact. She gasped at the sight and tightened her grip on her chair. She wanted to touch him but she was too afraid to, she didn’t know how to approach the situation. Zoro pulled back slightly, his eyes twinkling with lust as he looked at her. He could feel the tension in the air, the desire radiating off of them both.
He couldn't help but chuckle softly, "You taste even better than I imagined.”
“Y-you’ve imagined tasting me?” She blushed deeply and locked her gaze onto his eyes.
“Well, you are pretty irresistible."
Zoro teased, his gaze never leaving hers. He wanted her, there was no denying it. He reached out and gently traced his fingers along her cheekbone, his touch sending shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes and leaned it to his touch, which left behind burning heat. Her body ached for him, it wasn’t a want anymore… it was a need.
Zoro could feel the heat radiating off of her, his desire for her only growing stronger. He leaned in closer, his lips mere inches from hers.
"I want you," he murmured, his voice low and husky. "Let me show you how good I can make you feel…”
She looked up at him with those big doe eyes that he loved so much and nodded slowly.
Zoro's heart raced with anticipation as he leaned down to claim her lips once more, his hands running through her hair as he deepened the kiss. He knew he shouldn't go this far with her, but he couldn't help himself. He’d worry about the mess tomorrow. She fluttered her eyes shut and kissed back passionately, letting her hand roam his body shyly.
The kiss was intoxicating, and Zoro found himself lost in the heat of the moment. He groaned softly against her lips, his body responding to her touch. He broke the kiss for a moment, their breaths heavy and ragged.
"You're so fucking beautiful.”
She watched as he loosened his tie and smirked at her. She bit her bottom lip and squeezed her thighs together in response to how attractive he looked.
“Mr Zoro…”
Zoro reached out and undid the first button of her shirt, his eyes burning with desire.
"Don’t you think you need to be punished? For flirting with other men, hm?” he questioned, his voice husky with need.
He took of his tie and tied it around her eyes, blindfolding her. She gasped and stayed still, part of her feeling like it was on fire.He trailed his hands over her skin, unbuttoning more of her shirt as he went.
"I can’t believe I get to do this to you.”
She didn’t stop him, after all she did want him in every way. He took this as a sign to continue unbuttoning her shirt. His heart pounded in his chest as he exposed more of her skin to the cool air. His hands were shaking slightly, not from fear or hesitation, but from the overwhelming desire coursing through him.
"You’ve been driving me crazy.”
She gulped visibly and leaned her head back, exposing her naked neck and clavicle. Zoro's fingers brushed against her soft skin, tracing delicate patterns on her skin as he leaned in closer. His lips grazed her neck, his breath warm against her skin.
"You're making this very hard for me," he murmured against her skin.
He leaned down and took one of her nipples in his mouth, flicking his tongue sensually around it. A moan escaped from under her blindfold as she arched her back, offering more of herself to him. Her other nipple hardened at the sensation, begging for the same attention. He chuckled darkly and grazed his teeth against her as he gave her other nipple a pinch.
Her body trembled with anticipation and need. "Zoro," she panted, her voice filled with desire and longing. "Please...”
“Patience sweetheart. I did say that you were going to be punished didn’t I?” He sucked, bit and licked her nipples before lifting her skirt and moved her panties to the side. His rough hands slid over her mound, teasing her sensitive folds with his fingers.
"Look at you, dripping for me to touch you." he growled against her skin. "I'm going to fuck you until you scream, is that okay sweetheart?”
She grinded her hips on his fingers and nodded, begging to feel them inside of her. Unable to resist any longer, Zoro thrust his fingers inside of her, groaning at the feeling of her slick walls squeezing around him.
"You're so tight," he moaned, his pace becoming rougher.
She moaned and bucked her hips faster. It felt so good, she couldn’t even think straight. That however changed as soon as he slipped his fingers out of her, she moaned in protest and she heard something ruffling near her. She felt herself be lifted from the seat by her waist and laid down on the table.
“I think I have some space for dessert.”
Before she could ask what he meant, she felt something wet trail along her pussy. In an instant, she gripped his hair and ground herself against his tongue. Zoro moaned around her clit as he alternated between licking and sucking, loving the way she was writhing against his mouth. He moved to the side, sliding his tongue inside of her as he thrust two fingers inside of her.
“Mr Zoro!" she cried out, her body shaking with pleasure. Her hips bucked against his hands as she came undone, her moans echoing in the empty room.
As she finally came down from her orgasm, Zoro pulled his fingers out of her and stood up. He gave her a wicked grin.
"Now it's my turn." He pushed his pants and boxers down, freeing his already hard cock.
He took off her blindfold and yanked her to his chest.
“Now look at me when I fuck you," he growled, his voice dangerously low. He pushed her chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes as he thrust into her, claiming her body completely. Her body was slick with their combined fluids as he slowly started to pick up speed, slamming into her with a primal groan.
He gripped her hair, pulling her head back as he took what he wanted from her. He peppered kisses and bites on her neck as he pounded mercilessly into her tight hole.
“Do you know how many times I’ve dreamt of fucking you like this?”
She gasped, her body arching into his as he hit her sweet spot. "Mr Zoro…" she moaned, her voice filled with desire and lust.
"T-Too much." she panted, her body trembling under his relentless thrusting.
“Good. Your punishment is cumming over and over again until you can’t think straight, are we clear, princess?”
“Yes," she whimpered, her body throbbing with need. "Please.”
He thrust into her so deep, she swore she could feel him hitting her cervix. She could feel every inch of him pulsating inside of her, claiming her like he would never get to touch her again. His fingers found her clit, rubbing it roughly and sending waves of pleasure through her.
He withdrew from her slowly, only to push back in hard, his muscles rippling as he hit the spot that made her scream out his name. His hips snapped with each hard thrust, driving him deep inside of her.
She held her breath as his balls slapped against her ass in all the right places. She could feel herself getting closer but the pleasure was overwhelming, making it nearly impossible to think straight. Her body tensed, her walls clenching around him in anticipation.
Her cries of pleasure and pain mingled together, echoing through the room. Her climax hit her hard, her body shuddering underneath him. Zoro’s own climax was imminent, his cock throbbing inside her.
“Look at you, you’re such a little slut aren’t you? Pretending to be innocent with those big pretty eyes but here you are, taking dick from your boss like a cumslut.” He chuckled dryly and pushed her against the door, her chest rubbing against the door every time he thrusted into her.
Zoro lightly gripped her neck and fucked her senseless, he wanted to have her like this every day. Everyday whilst everyone outside had no clue what was going on inside. Her eyes widened, both from the pleasure and surprise of his grip on her neck.
She couldn't help but moan loudly, her body arching off the door in response to his rougher actions. "Y-yes, Mr Zoro!”
"That's it, moan my name princess." He groaned out, thrusting harder into her. His grip on her neck tightened slightly, not enough to hurt her but enough to leave a mark if anyone were to find them like this.
She moaned his name, her body trembling from the intense pleasure and the sensation of being taken by him. "Ahh...”
Her eyes rolled back in her head, lost in the pleasure he was giving her. "Mr Zoro!" She cried out, her body shuddering under his rough treatment. She couldn't believe how much she craved this dominance from him. Zoro leaned in, his free hand running up her leg and over her thigh, his fingers finding her clit again.
He circled her clit slowly, teasing her further as he continued to fuck her against the door. "You're mine to claim whenever I want, understand?”
Her body convulsed around his fingers and his cock, her voice barely more than a whimper now. "Y-yes, Mr Zoro!" She panted, her eyes locked onto his. There was no denying the truth in her words—she belonged to him completely.
Feeling her submission, Zoro groaned deeply, his hips snapping faster as he took her roughly against the door.
"And you'll always remember this, won't you?" He asked, his voice thick with lust and possession.
"Y-yes, Mr Zoro," she panted, her voice barely audible over their heavy breaths. "I'll always remember this."
Hearing her confirm his words, Zoro felt a rush of power course through him. He gripped her tighter, biting his bottom lip as he drove deeper into her, claiming her in every sense of the word.
Her cries of pleasure mixed with his name filled the room, echoing off the walls. Her body arched off the door, meeting his brutal thrusts with unyielding desire. This was their dance—one of dominance and submission, pain and pleasure—and she was his perfect partner.
“I’m going to fill you up with my cum, got it?”
"Please, yes!" she whimpered, feeling his thick cock throbbing against her sensitive walls. The thought of him filling her up with his seed sent shivers of anticipation down her spine.
"That's my obedient princess." He groaned out, his voice low and rough with lust as his hips pistoned into her. His pace grew more rapid, his cock sliding in and out of her with brutal speed as he prepared to unleash his seed inside her.
“Fuck! Take my load!”
“Mmph!" She gasped, feeling him pulsing inside of her. His cum filled her up, claiming her in the most intimate way possible. She cried out his name as the intensity of the sensations washed over her.
She screamed, her body shuddering under the pleasure. Every muscle in her body was taut with anticipation as he continued to empty himself into her. His hips bucked wildly against hers, driving him deeper still as he claimed her completely.
"Look at me when you take my cum."
He snarled, yanking her head back by the hair, forcing her to meet his gaze as he exploded inside her. His words snapped her back to reality, and she finally registered the loud grunts of his orgasm echoing around them as his cum shot into her, filling her up and making her sob out his name again.
He pulled out of her and carried her to his chair before sitting down with her in his lap. Panting heavily, she felt him shift her so that she was now sitting in his lap, her legs dangling slightly. Her body trembled from the aftermath of their intense lovemaking, her heart still racing from the sheer intensity of it all.
“So…” she started.
He looked down at her, his eyes dark and smoldering with lust. "So," he drawled, running a rough thumb over her swollen lips, "you just fucked your boss huh?" His voice was rough with satisfaction and pride.
She blushed and hid her face with her hands.
Chuckling softly, Zoro wrapped an arm around her, pulling her closer.
“It's alright, I won't fire you.” he teased, his other hand traced gentle patterns on her stomach, trying to soothe her blush. “In fact…from now on, this is your duty.”
He growled low in his throat, nibbling on her earlobe as he started to grind his hard cock against her still-sensitive core.
"Every day during work, you come to my office and let me have my way with you, understood?”
“Y-yes, Mr Zoro," she whispered, shivering in pleasure at the thought of the things he would do to her.
“Good girl." He murmured approvingly before leaning down to capture her lips in a slow, deep kiss that left her reeling. As he held her close, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that from now on, this beautiful woman was his to claim whenever he wanted.
“Oh and your work is actually good, I was just being harsh on you because I wanted to not like you." He admitted sheepishly “I was never planning to fire you, sorry for being rude to you.”
She blushed and cuddled against him, her heart fluttering with happiness. "Thank you, Mr Zoro." She looked up at him, her eyes shining with adoration and desire. "I'm glad I didn't disappoint you.”
“Hm?” She looked at him, a little puzzled as to why he was saying his own name.
“Just Zoro.” He smiled at her and captured her lips into a sweet kiss.
"Yes, Zoro," she breathed, returning his kiss eagerly. A warm shiver ran down her spine as he continued to touch her in ways that made her body tremble with anticipation. She was his now, completely and utterly.
"That's a good girl." He whispered against her lips before pulling back to look into her eyes.
"Now, let me drive you home." His tone was both commanding, leaving no room for hesitation or refusal. He wasn’t going to let her get the bus alone, definitely not at this hour. She nodded.
Once they reached her home, he parked the car carefully. His hand gently guided her out of the vehicle, their connection undeniable. As they stood on her porch, he leaned down and captured her lips once more, his tongue teasing and tasting her mouth.
He pulled away and stroked her hair lightly, “In all seriousness, this wasn’t driven by lust. Well, part of it was… but I do like you. A lot.”
His words sent a shiver down her spine, making her heart race even faster. She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with desire and a hint of admiration.
"I... I like you too, Zoro…do you want to come inside?" she whispered softly, biting her lower lip nervously. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he took her hand,
"Alright then, let's continue this inside." His voice was sweet but seductive, his grip firm yet gentle.
As always, feel free to request a fic! :) Here's my third Zoro fic (I cannot stop writing about this man helP RJSGIOEJ) anyway, please lmk if you enjoyed this one! seeing comments on my last few fics made my day (maybe that's why i'm churning out these fics so fast??? LMAO) <3
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thefangirlfever · 5 months
The studious type (a Miguel O'hara fanfic, 18+, MDNI)
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Summary: Boyfriend Miguel helping you relax during your finals week.
Tags: F/M, afab reader, College AU, established relationship, smut, oral sex (F. receiving), Miguel being a munch (because I can), use of condoms, masturbation, thigh riding, PIV penetration, fluff, soft Miguel O’hara, a bit of dirty talk, aftercare
Note: Finals are not the only thing coming… Very self-indulgent. My first time trying this format, hope you like it.
I am too tired and I don’t have much time, so please, accept this blurb instead of a real story ToT
Saying that you are anxious for your upcoming finals is an understatement. You keep on pulling all-nighter after all-nighter, taking micro nap sometimes, eating only instant noodles… Finals are really taking a toll on your physical and mental health. And it shows. You also start to get tired and more susceptible.
This doesn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend, Miguel. Not only does he notice all of this but he also tries to help you as much as he can.
He also has to think about his own finals but that doesn’t stop him from texting you every day, making sure you’re eating enough, taking some naps and just to check on you in general. He is not really prone to public displays of affection or such things but he cares. And his way to show it is by his actions, as small as they may seem.
The two of you also had shared study session. It didn’t matter that you had different classes and majors. You would just keep helping each other, exchanging glances from time to time… And each time Miguel would feel you close to falling asleep, he would either tell you to rest or wake you up with a gentle nudge, depending on the time of the day.
Always brings your favorite snacks to make sure you have eaten at least one thing.
He doesn’t say it but you really amaze him. You’re always motivated, determined to do your best no matter what. One would even call you a perfectionist but that doesn’t bother him. He is really supportive of you in everything you make. You got a presentation? He’ll gladly listen to you as if he was your future audience. You could be talking about something he knows nothing about and he would still be 100% invested in your speech, asking questions afterward… You want to write a phd thesis? He got your back. You want to spend more time than it’s necessary on a paper because the topic matters to you? He will proofread you.
Needless to say, you gladly do the same for him. In fact he likes when you ask questions about what he is working on. And it’s actually endearing to see him geek out about things like dark energy, quantum physics and other things that would usually bore you to death.
After every study session, he walks with you to your bus/ subway station. You usually don’t talk much since you are both tired. Sometimes he would take your hand and slips his fingers between yours without saying anything about it.
Always texts you to make sure you did get back home safely.
You can be sure that the last day of your exam (or a few days after if his finals end later), the two of you will have one of your usual date nights.
Depending on how tired he is, he would either cook something or order take out. If he cooks something, you always make sure to bring something of your own. Even if he tells you that you don’t have to, he always ends up eating what you bring because he is a sweet tooth.
You’re usually too tired after finals to do anything else than just sitting on his couch, watching a movie the two of you probably already watched a hundred of times but that doesn’t matter. There’s something comfortable in what’s predictable.
And every part of this evening is predictable. From you falling asleep while the two of you cuddle to him gently playing with your hair in order to keep you awake. If it’s cold outside, you are wrapped under a warm blanket that covers each of your limbs. His hand that holds your waist slowly drifts to your thigh and draws lazy shape over it. He is not even thinking about it; it has become a habit of his.
Just like the way you nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck while wrapping your arms around his shoulders. Was it the most comfortable position? Not. Did you care? Also no.
The night would usually end with Miguel having to carry you to bed since you passed out on the couch.
NSFW content ahead
But sometimes the night would take an unexpected turn. All these days and even weeks spent studying had left the two of you filled with pent-up sexual frustration. And no alone time was the same as the intimacy you guys wanted.
You’re sitting on Miguel’s lap in front of the TV, but none of you are really paying attention to the movie at this point of the night.
He is too distracted by the scent of your hair since your head is so close to his face. His fingers playing with the locks of your hair are not enough for him. He has reached this part of the night where he wants more. He kisses the top of your head in an attempt to test the waters, see if you’re in the same mood.
He would make it look like it’s nothing, or an accident but the two of you know each other too well. After the third kiss, you understand what he has in mind. And you’ve been thinking the same thing all night long, if not longer. These last weeks have been nothing but frustration and you’re more than ready to give in.
You lean further into his embrace, clearly indicating your will to go further. You do this in a nonchalant way, as if it was nothing but he noticed the way your thighs brush against his and how you rest more of your weight near his crotch region.
The hand that was on your lower back supporting you slowly snakes up along your spine until it rests on the back of your neck. His free hand drifts toward your thigh to draw lazy shapes over it. But this time he is deliberately thinking about the moves he makes. His fingertips brush over you as if it was an accident once again, it’s barely a flicker.
The back of his fingers drag along the curve of your thigh, running over your skin until he reaches your knees. He repeats this movement over and over before gripping your thighs more intently. His fingers dig into your flesh, making you feel very aware of his presence behind you. He would usually use his thumb to draw small circles on your inner thigh, eliciting a trail of goosebumps all along.
While the two of you played this little game, you never look at each other. On your side, you still pretend that nothing’s happening, keeping your eyes on the TV but still pushing yourself more against him. He can feel your chest presses against his, your hair brushing his chin and at some point, you’re practically just sitting on his groin.
As the evening goes on, Miguel’s hands get bolder with his actions. He squeezes your thigh from time to time before eventually bringing it under your shirt, avoiding the spot you want him on on purpose. His warm touch on your stomach makes you squirm on top of him. The way your hips shift doesn’t help with his growing erection and his hand on your neck keep you in place, holding you in a careful but firm way.
Without saying a word, his fingertips dance their way over the curve of your belly. He makes sure to trace over the folds of your skin, of every roll on your tummy, to just explore and take in the softness of your belly. He can’t wait for the moment his face will make contact with it. Your skin is too smooth to resist it in his opinion.
You’re a blushing mess at this point and you don’t dare looking at what his hands are doing on you. Your breath gets a little more shallow with every stroke of his on your stomach. He leans closer and brings his face to the crook of your neck, nibbling your skin while making fun of you for not being attentive to the movie playing in the background. When he sees how flustered your are, he decides to act upon it.
“Got something else on your mind?”
You just nod your head and tighten your grip on his shoulder. But he has other plans for you. The hand behind your neck now grabs your waist and makes you sit still over his bulge. Your eyes are on the TV and your mind is on Miguel’s body.
His fingertips brush over your crotch, making you squirm more. Your butt rubs against his crotch and he can’t hide a smile this time. His fingertips barely tap over your crotch before his middle finger rubs over your slit. He then rubs two of his fingers over your groin, pushing his fingers against the fabric of your pants, rubbing his fingers in circle… When he gets too frustrated by the fabric covering you, he asks you if he can just take it off.
“Wanna feel you closer, muñeca...” That’s what he would usually whisper into your ear before kissing your earlobe. You can feel his warm breath, his voice almost shaking with desire as he toys with your zipper. A nod of you and your pants are pulled down your thighs. He doesn’t wait for you to remove them fully or even take off your underwear. His eager finger keeps rubbing you over the fabric of your panties until a damp spot appears in the front.
You lost the count of time as the minutes pass. You’re making a mess of yourself, rubbing yourself on him and when he finally pulls down your underwear and his hand cups your sex, the two of you let out a low moan. His fingers find their way through your bush and he rubs your labia, waiting for you to let him know when you’re ready to take him.
You bite down your lower lip and completely leans back against his body. He wraps his arm around you, holding you tightly and making sure you’re comfortable. Miguel then kisses your cheek. He rubs his nose against your skin, kisses your jawline before nuzzling his face in the crook of your nick, kissing and lapping at your skin.
The movie has already come to an end and in the silence of the room, your moans and Miguel’s heavy breath are the only thing that can be heard. His hooked fingers stimulate your clitoris and when you get comfortable enough, he starts thrusting them in and out of you, almost scissoring you.
He then brings his attention to your clitoris, rubbing it in slow motions. He can feel it throbbing under his fingertips and that makes him moan against the skin of your neck. His warm breath raises all the small hair on your nape and you’re getting hot and bothered. His words aren’t helping either.
“I’ll be damned if I don’t taste you before the end of the night. Been craving this pussy of yours for day now...”
When he catches you trying to relieve yourself of all the tension, he whispers “What are you doing?” There’s no anger in his voice, just pure astonishment. “You know you could just ask…”
The mischief in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by you. He likes seeing you this needy and you can feel it. Your body writes on top of him and your shoulders slouch down when you whisper his name. You know what he wants to hear and you finally surrender when the teasing gets too overwhelming. “Please, Miguel…”
Your needy voice gets him to smile again. He leaves an affectionate kiss on the back of your neck before pulling his fingers out. He wouldn’t mind having his way with you here and there but he has more self-control than that. He gently kisses your shoulder before lifting your body up.
He usually carries you to the bedroom, helping you lay down the bed while the two of you undress. When your clothes are discarded on the floor and he is busy looking for the box of condoms in his nightstand, you take a good look at him. You watch his figure being drawn by the shadows in the room and your gaze lingers on his back. From his shoulders to the small of his back, your eyes trail down his spine. You smile when you see his back dimples and he catches you staring.
With a cheeky grin on his face, he gets back on the bed. You’re expecting a kiss but his lips land on your stomach. His face rests against your skin while he kisses you all over the smooth surface of your belly. Maybe it’s the scent of your lotion. Maybe it’s the way he can feel your breath catching up. Maybe it’s how close he is to your arousal and can literally smell it… he doesn’t know exactly what makes him love him love this moment but he never gets tired of kissing you there.
Of course he has to taste you after that. Each of his kisses send an electrifying feeling to your body and you can feel yourself growing more aroused. When he starts eating you out, you wrap your legs around his head and this feeling immediately gets stronger.
One of his hand holds your thigh while the other keeps teasing you. His fingers keep thrusting in and out of you while his tongue focuses on your clitoris, sucking and licking. When he feels you close, he keeps his pace steady, focused on only one thing. You. Your thighs quivering around his face, your hands holding his hair, your soft moans… He has waited too long for that and when you finally relax and release all the pressure inside you, he growls against your lips.
He quickly wipes your juice off his chin and gets up. His body towers over you, watching the aftermath of what he did to you. His thumb rubs over your sticky thighs and with his free hand, he brings his cock closer to you. You can see the red and swollen head of his member rubbing against your clit while a few moans escape his throat. He throws his head backward, his shoulders quivering as he feels himself growing more impatient.
He is still careful when he penetrates you, using a tad of lube to make this easier. And the fun part is that he gets to tease you more while rubbing it over your entrance. You wait patiently, at least you try, with your hands gripping the sheets while he gets you prepped up.
Everything feels worth it as soon as you feel him moving inside of you. He keeps his pace gentle, making the moment last as longs as possible. You’ve both been waiting too long for this for it to end too soon. Your limbs are entangled over the sheets and he melds into you. You brush away a few strands of hair from his face and he leans his cheek into your palm. His lips place a few kisses on your hand and even your wrist.
You both make sure to never break eye contact, reading on the other one’s face his emotions. He can see from your red cheeks and parted lips that you enjoy this moment. With one hand on your cheek, he leans closer and kisses the tip of your nose before whispering sweet nothings to you. It could be about how he likes your scent, your eyes, or even how good you feel wrapped around him…
Your hands travel down his back that you were admiring earlier and grabs his butt cheeks firmly when he starts to fasten his pace. You keep guiding him with not only your expressions but also your words. When he gets closer to his release, his shoulders lock tightly and you can feel every muscle on his body flex.
He is not really vocal in this moment and usually a few groans let you know that he reached his climax. However he likes hearing your small whimpers while your body writhes and arch under him. He watches you reaching your orgasm with a content smile before kissing your forehead, telling you how good you were.
The two of you stay in bed a few minutes after this moment. He doesn’t usually pull out immediately after, letting you feel him inside of your walls as his member gets back to its usual size. Even after that, you’re still locked together in a tight hug. He knows he will have to let you go at some point but for now he just wants to keep you inside his arms as long as he can.
The aftercare can vary depending on your mood. If the two of you are in a good mood or still feeling playful, you keep exchanging a few kisses. Miguel’s fingers keep running over the curves of your body, especially your stomach and your thighs. On your side, you like letting your fingers run down his spine until you reach the small of his back. Your fingers then brush against his skin in slow circles. He both loves and hates when you do that. You know he is very sensitive down there and he can’t hold back a few moans.
Some days he would help you get into your pajamas while kissing your shoulders and the back of your neck. You don’t speak that much these days but the silence is not awkward. It’s rather comforting. His fingers run down your hair and he can’t help but take in the scent of your curls. He watches you detangle your hair after a long day of work. This has easily become one of his favorite rituals of yours. When you’re done, his fingers run smoothly down your hair and he watches you in awe braid it, helping you when you ask for it. You can be sure that as soon as your nape is exposed, he will kiss it gently.
It usually doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall asleep after this. His arms are wrapped tightly around you, even though he knows you will probably move too much during your sleep for it to be really useful. But he doesn’t care and you nestle yourself against him.
Note: This was supposed to be really short but I got carried away ToT
Thansk for reading.
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bitterchocoo · 8 months
Ok so, I saw the Welt oneshot you did and like
I need a continuation, it's a necessity at this point aismsodmdjd, I love it so much, the pain, the anguish everything was so good buaaaaaaaaaa
The Other "You"
Part One | Part two (You're here)
Welt Yang | M. Reader
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"I feel like... I'm seeing a ghost.."
[Name] only sigh as he sees the stacks of paperwork on his desk, he needs to finish them and fast if he wants to take his naps. Poor guy has been doing all-nighters for how many weeks now? He can't remember. The arrival of the Nameless didn't made it easier either as his necessary work just doubles the amount from what it originally was! He needs his sleep for Aeon's sake!
And that one guy, Welt Yang was it? He seems to have make it his personal mission to bug him acting like a child who wants his attention. What's his deal? Aren't they here for Her Excellency?
Either way he'll just ignore him if it get's too much.
But given the man's gentle, kind, and intellectual aura and mannerisms... [Name] can't exactly ignore him for too long.. there's just something about him that pulls him towards the seemingly old man. He even somehow knew what tea he usually drinks as he gave him some when he once said that he ran out of them in his office, [Name] didn't even think for a second that Welt would remember something as trivial as 'running out of tea.'
[Name] brush it off as a coincidence after all it's just tea, there's no harm in it. Plus it's quite endearing to have someone remember your preferences. But as time passes [Name] began to see a pattern. How the hell does this man knew so much about him!? Heck! He even brought [Name] his favorite dessert to enjoy for during his afternoon tea! How does he do that?! It's almost like he knew him for years, despite the fact they just met a few days ago.
Even though this is the other "him." Welt felt relief at the sight of [Name] being healthy and well. Still as blunt and stubborn as always, and he's Her Excellency's right hand? It's good to know he's been doing well in this universe.
Welt's heart skips a beat every time he notices that [Name] has the same habits of the one he knew and loved.
Like how he visibly shows disgust when he has to repeat himself yet again, how he would rather read novels than reading his own paperwork, how he won't hesitate to call someone out and calling them "dumb" or "stupid."
Aeons! It's like he's back with him again!
Then there's one that he noticed that made his heart nearly burst from his chest, this [Name] also collects things from trinkets to ball-jointed dolls.
This gave him an idea.
"Huh?" [Name] blinked twice, looking at Welt's gift in disbelief. Wha... What..? And most importantly how?
Welt had given him an awfully specific gift.
A ball-jointed doll of a little boy with indigo hair and blue eyes.
Who is he? He doesn't seem like a character from a comic or anything that he knew of. So who is he? Welt had told him that his name is Joyce. But who in Aeons name is Joyce?
But even so... Joyce ended up being his favorite as he took care of it as best as he could given his tight schedule. He's treating the doll as if he's his own flesh and blood. [Name] can't help it. It's almost like an instinct for him, a gravitational pull.
Why? Why is he acting like this? Sure yes he took care of his dolls, but he does so because he doesn't want them to be broken or messed up.
But why does he care for Joyce so much?
The question itself drove him mad which led to [Name] just stopped thinking about it any longer to avoid headaches and a potential identity crisis. The Stellaron crisis is already enough of a headache [Name] doesn't need anything else to worry about.
He goes to place the doll on his shelf before a raging headache consumes him like a strong wave in the ocean.
"Ack!" [Name] puts a hand on his forehead and the other on the shelf for support.
"Don't you want to?"
"Come on~ we can give you everything~"
"Trust us."
"Let us in."
"We can give you the power to protect her."
"We can tell you the truth."
"Just let us in."
[Name] yelled at the top of his lungs as his grip on the shelf tightens ever so slightly. He took a few steps back and placed both of his hands on his face, stumbling with his steps. Shaken by the voices in his head. The voices of them. The voices of the—
He was cut off by the sound of knocking from his door. Taking deep breaths he straightened himself and made sure he was presentable before clearing his throat and saying. "Come in."
A guard entered his office, closing the door behind him he stood there and gave a bow as a sign of respect to his superior before delivering a message. "Sir, Her Excellency had requested your presence in her chamber."
[Name]'s eyes widened by a split-second before going back to a neutral one. "I see. Thank you, you may leave." The moment the guard left [Name] let out a sigh he tries to calm himself down from his previous outburst, having Her Excellency witness him in such a state is unforgivable after all. She deserve nothing less than the best.
Her chamber is quite spacious, one that could be mistaken as a drawing room. But even so, Her Excellency have kept it practical only having the necessities and refusing to fill it with anything else other than that.
Entering the room, he was greeted by a young lady sitting on her chair as she looked outside of her window with a somber look, leaving her now cold tea on the table to her right. Seeing the look on her face, the tall man approach the other before kneeling in front of her, he said. "Your Excellency, you have requested my presence. Is there something of your concerns?"
The woman turns her head towards the voice, she lets out a sigh and shook her head, this did not manage to convince him. After all, he is her right hand, he knows his Lady like an open book. "Your Excellency... if something is bothering you, please I beg you to tell me."
She stayed silent for a moment before speaking in a soft and gentle voice that's only above a whisper. "It's nothing, [Name], and haven't I told you countless of times? Please.. call me Christine, you don't have to address me in such a formal way.." [Name] doesn't like that. He doesn't like having Her Exce—Christine—leaving him in the dark like that. Can't she see he cares for her deeply? Can't she see how softer he is when he's with her and only her? Can't she see how willingly he sacrifice everything for her?
"Christine.." He began in a somber tone, his expression softens ever so slightly.
'I know it hurts.. watching your people suffer like that.. but you don't have to suffer anymore... for I won't allow it.' He thought to himself as he gently hold her hand. 'I'll do anything to ensure that tears won't fall from those eyes.' He takes her hand and bring it close to his lips and kiss the back of her hand. 'I promise you that... My Christine..'
'Even if it means accepting their proposal. I'll do it.' His eyes darken at the thought. 'The Stellaron's proposal.'
Shame.. It seems this "[Name]" has other plans in mind. Interesting is it not? The previously cold man is now someone that's obsessed with another in this world.
If only it's with him. Then he might get his happy ending.
What do you say?
Should he have his happy ending? Or should he "lose" his love once more? Be it by death.. Or by his heart that belongs to someone else..
338 notes · View notes
setsugekka · 2 years
❥open 24 hours (m)
↳ The little store just below doesn’t have much to offer beyond stale chips and lukewarm drinks, but the guy who works there more than makes up for it.
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han jisung x gn!reader — meet cute, strangers to lovers, explicit sexual content. [4.5k wc] cws: reader has a vulva/vagina!! penetrative sex, barrier method used, exhibitionism(+vague voyeruism), filmed sexual activity but both parties are fine with it.
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The little corner store just at the edge of your apartment building isn't known for much.
A barely functional refrigerator, coffee that always comes out just a bit too hot to be any sort of drinkable in a timely manner, and habitually expired bags of chips often found lining the shelves.
None too great, but if the place has nothing else going for it, then it does have one thing: it's open twenty-four hours.
The single word is heard over the loud chime of a doorbell just above your head as you enter the establishment long past the business hours of any other place within a reasonable walking distance. A sort of bizarre greeting that takes you back just a bit — lacking in professionalism and a bit familiar in a sense — regardless, you're aware enough to understand that this is just a corner store, and operating in the middle of the night, at that. Professionalism not all that much of a requirement, all things considered.
The agenda? An energy drink — actually, make that a few energy drinks, on account of you having more than a handful of all-nighters to pull in the upcoming weeks.
With three cans in hand, you make your way to the counter where the very same effortless greeting met you — hardly any empty space lining the way, there's only the smallest sliver of countertop that allows for you to set your belongings down for the man across the way to ring up. Tall, brightly decorative standees selling a plethora of things that you cannot possibly tell one from the other, for a moment you certainly do get caught up in the colorful displays before your attention is pulled back to reality by aforementioned familiar voice.
"Anything else?"
Looking up at him; messy, brown hair that hangs carelessly into his eyes and a charming set of teeth that flash you an all too brief smile, your eyes quickly carry down from his face and along the navy blue fabric of his uniform to a name tag that tells you more information than it is that you're telling him.
"Han, huh?"
His eyes linger on you just a bit longer, and you can tell that he's attempting to figure out why it is that you know his name. Understanding hits him abruptly and quite evidently as far as you can tell when he reels at the realization of such a thing and chuckles under his breath, finally reaching up to lazily finger at the plastic attached to his chest.
"Yeah, well — Jisung, I thought it'd be cute to go by a nickname at work but now it's just kind of annoying because I don't even answer to that when people call for me."
"Might be for the best, usually not a sign of great things to come when you're being called for at work," you reply in kind. It garners another laugh from him as he punches in your total and hands you the card swipe.
"Not so much of a problem for me, I pretty much exclusively work the overnight shift."
Huh. Fascinating.
For a moment, you can't really imagine why anyone would want to work at such bizarre hours of the night. Sure, you're familiar with the concept of the 'night owl,' but overnight shifts — and almost exclusively, at that — pulling all-nighters is a necessary evil, as far as you are concerned, when it just so happens that the things on your plate get ever so slightly out of hand.
Choosing to do so, though? There must be something severely unwell about this guy.
Bagging your items, you bring them to your side and turn to head back towards the door once again.
"Have a good night then, Han."
And with elbows pressed into the counter, he leverages himself just ever so slightly over it before answering you in return.
"Thanks, come back any time!"
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"Are you the only person that works here?"
The question is tongue-in-cheek, and you don't mean it particularly literally, but the amusement that Jisung appears to feel as a result of it certainly hits its mark as intended, and placing another can on the counter as you dig into your back pocket for your wallet, the man takes the beverage into his own possession to calculate the total before answering you straight away with a snort.
"As far as either of us can tell, yeah, I guess I might as well be. Though, I do have to answer to the big guy up stairs."
With that comment, Jisung notions upwards with a nod to a camera that hangs just above your head, and aimed precisely where the two of you stand now.
Glancing back down towards him, you drop your tone down to a whisper, as if very much being actively surveilled right here, and right now. "Are you going to get in trouble for chatting with me when I come in here?"
To that, Jisung shrugs incredibly nonchalantly. "I don't actually think anyone ever watches the tapes. They're always recording in the event of some crazy shit going down, but if it doesn't then I'm pretty sure all the footage just gets overlapped with new footage after a set amount of time. All of the stuff is in the back and I've looked at it a handful of times but...let's just say that the owner isn't particularly technologically savvy so I can't imagine he's got a livestream hooked up to his phone or anything like that."
"So basically," you start questioningly, allowing the volume of your voice to raise ever so slightly, though leaning down and across the island that separates the both of you. "You're here all alone, all night long."
Jisung's eyes linger heavy on you at that — perhaps picking up on the fact that you're testing the waters of flirting with him a bit — to you, you're coming onto him hard, and though you don't necessarily have a plan of action as far as whatever that means; flirting with the cute guy from the corner store in the odd hours of the night certainly makes for entertainment that you otherwise wouldn't be partaking in, and breaks up the mundane workflow of the bullshit that awaits you just upstairs.
Do you want to fuck the corner store clerk? Maybe, if he plays his cards right. It's far from off the table, that much is for sure.
"Basically. Got my phone and my charger and the little television just up there that gets approximately three channels on a good night, so really, the world is in the palm of my hand."
You sort of wouldn't mind being in the palm of his hand.
There's a brief moment of silence after he finishes his sentence, and with that, you grab your drink and head out towards the door once again. You figure there's something exciting about leaving them hanging a little bit — if Jisung is quick-witted enough to pick up what it is that you're putting down for him, then the chase of not knowing the when or how this may or may not play out for him will only incentivize him that much more to continue on with playing your little cat and mouse game.
"Try not to have too much fun without me," you finally say as you push the door open, and with Jisung once again hurling himself over the counter to keep his eyes glued to you for as long as humanly possible — you know you've won, in a sense.
"Wouldn't dream of it," he replies with a certain type of smugness, and just like that — the evening door bell ends another bout of banter between you and the cute corner store clerk who almost certainly wants to see you bent over the very same counter where the verbal tennis takes place.
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On your next visit, it's far less about the energy drink that's meant to keep you busy at your desk, and much more about visiting the friend that you know to be waiting for you downstairs.
Still, you bring a relatively warm can of something-or-another to the counter — you know, to maintain a bit of the charade — and set it atop the wood before planting an elbow just beside it and cradling your chin into your palm with intent to carry on with the evenings plans.
A knowing grin pulls at your lips, and as a result, his as well. "How many customers do you typically get during your shifts?"
Jisung mimics your stance, his own chin in hand as he bends over the counter to look you in the eye. Like this, you become starkly aware of how little space now resides between the both of you, and you can't help enjoying the pleasant flutter of anticipation that alights in your stomach.
"Depends on the day," he starts quietly, glancing up towards the ceiling as if in thought but the both of you knowing damn well that there's not much to contemplate as far as the questioning goes. "Friday's can be busy, but on a weekday like this? Can usually count the entries on one hand."
Him mentioning his hands brings your attention to them: nicely attended to and no dirt to be seen collected under the nails. You look back towards him.
"They should hire someone else to take over some of the shifts, at least then you'd have someone you could train."
Jisung's eyes narrow assumingly at that, and pulling himself back up into standing position, he waves you back onto the other side of the counter. "Don't need to hire someone for that, get over here, I can show you the ropes."
Eyebrows lifting in a bit of shock, you're somewhat reluctant to do as instructed. "Are you sure? I really doubt I'm allowed back there..."
"I told you, no one checks the cameras, no one is going to know. Besides, I already told you how the entire surveillance of this store works which is arguably a far more fireable offense than teaching you how to ring up a bag of chips."
Can't really argue with that.
Making your way around, it feels so bizarre to be on the other end of the store like this — it reminds you so much of every first day at work that you've ever had — feeling so wildly out of place and with a twinge of doing something and being somewhere that you're not meant to be, at all.
It's messy, too. Cardboard boxes displaying a plethora of different brand names of items that you couldn't ever possibly remember, accompanying them are rolls of receipt paper and a couple of handy rags should there be some kind of spill of any sort — all of the essentials for a typical, overnight stay you would imagine.
But more than that, now that you have the entirety of Jisung in your sights, you come to find his stature far more enticing than you had originally anticipated it being.
What the man lacks in height, he obviously makes up for in time spent at the gym; he's wearing long sleeves, but standing next to him now you can see the snug fit of the fabric along his arms, and more than that is how unreasonably broad his shoulders are in contrast to the pointed dip of a waist that's much littler than you ever would have thought it to be.
And rather than having you stand next to him, Jisung reaches out to pull you in front of him — now sandwiched between his front and the hard wood of the countertop that no longer separates the budding attraction between the two of you.
That damn greeting again, only this time he's standing so closely behind you that you can feel the feathering of warm breath as it gently wafts over your ear.
Jisung takes the opportunity to cage you in; both hands gripping at the edge of the wood that digs into your front as he presses his body just that much more against your own.
"Can I be honest with you?"
Your mind responds in a sort of pathetic insistence, but you don't want to make it that easy for him just yet. Instead, you push that back for a much more reasonable answer to his inquiry.
Jisung's face dips down closer to the juncture between your neck and shoulder. His lips don't quite make contact with the skin there, though he's close enough that the heat radiates off of him nearly as much. You feel as though you're on fire just the same as the anticipation of what's to come sizzles just beneath your skin at every passing second that the man not divulge precisely what it is that hangs in his mind.
Then, a whisper escapes from his lips. Only meant for your ears, as if others lie in wait anyway.
"I don't think you care about learning how to use the register."
You swallow hard, because obviously, but you don't necessarily want to gift him the pleasure of hearing the way your voice trembles just yet, either. "No? What makes you say that?"
Hips jutting forward and into your behind, it's only then that you feel the erection forming within well-fitted jeans. The feeling of him distracts you just enough to lose sight of one of his hands, but you're quickly reminded of its whereabouts when the feeling of nimble fingers sliding into the front of your own jeans brings your attention back to all the more pressing matters.
"Just a hunch."
Middle finger dipping into your slit and pressed flat against your clit, you can't help but press yourself back and against him — an effort to feel the hardness that awaits you should you wish to partake in it — the friction pulls an airy groan out of Jisung's throat that spurs your desire for him on even more. Quick on the uptake, the pads of his fingers press flat against your mound and begin slow, deliberate circles against you in a way that has your knees ever so slightly threatening to give out from beneath you already.
You wouldn't have thought yourself to be inclined towards exhibitionism before, but with the way things are turning out now? Who knows.
Jisung hums against the shell of your ear before pressing his palm deeper into your pants in an effort to find what it is that he's looking for; and find it he does as the tip of his middle finger dips down towards the wetness pooling at your opening. As if pleased with his findings, he continues the drive of his finger into you — unbelievably smooth and easy to bury himself to the last knuckle inside of your heat.
Then, you feel even more weight of his chest against your back; his other hand disappearing from beside you, and the distinct rustling of him quick at work to free himself from the confines of his own jeans.
Withdrawing from you, he adds another finger to press inside, and it has you melting underneath his touch with unbelievable simplicity.
"Want to fuck you," he finally whispers against you, teeth delicately grazing the skin of your ear and neck as the words sinfully drip from him. "Right here, just like this. You ever been fucked like this?"
It's a simple enough admission, but with the heat of things as they are and the neediness in his voice, it sends your mind reeling at the reality of it: no, you haven't, and it's not something you ever thought to desire, either. However, now that you're right here, right now...
"Do you have a condom?"
Kind of a stupid question you come to realize all too late, and Jisung scoffs at it just the same as he ever so slightly brings the weight of himself off of you in preparation for finding precisely that.
"Are you kidding me? We have more condoms here than a porn star would know what to do with."
Yeah, that makes sense, but in your defense, you've sort of forgotten where you are for a second on account of it being completely fucking insane.
You don't bother giving the explicit 'okay' to move forward on account of the questioning of protection more or less being evidence enough of your interest, and Jisung is quick to retract his hand from you in order to kneel down and dig around beneath the counter for exactly that in which you've requested.
Only a few seconds go by before he comes back up, and though you can't see what it is that he's doing back there, you can hear what are effectively the goings on of such an endeavor: the ripping of the package followed by the swift shimmy of his pants down his legs — a few more seconds of silence that you can only figure of him sliding the rubber along himself — and then the distinct feeling of his fingers curling into the sides of your own pants to pull them down your thighs just enough to grant him the access to you that he's searching for.
Body weight pressed against you again, you feel the pointed nudge of his cock between your legs before familiar fingers find your face and turn your head to meet him in a kiss.
It's sloppy and ill-coordinated, but there's life behind his intentions. Jisung kisses you because he wants to kiss you, and you have to figure that to some degree, the experience must be lacking in something should the two of you not share something so small and simple.
His teeth snag into your bottom lip all while the head of his cock teases at you, and with hooded eyes the both of you look at one another.
"Been thinking about this since the first time you came in here," he says with no shame to be found in voice. "Beat off to the thought almost every night."
You press back against him in an attempt to impale yourself along his length, but he doesn't afford you as much.
"Yeah? Fuck, that's hot," you just as readily admit. Jisung kisses you again.
"Like the thought of me making myself cum for you?"
Pushing back against him again, this time you're pleased to find far less resistance from him in relation to him burying himself inside of you, and as the blunt head of his length slowly sinks into you, your jaw falls open against his mouth as the gasp of being filled is drunk down by him.
Jisung allows your face to fall away from his own in favor of the both of you assuming better positions for the next step of your undertaking together. With one hand firmly at the dip between your neck and shoulder, you can't help but feel like Jisung's cock pries you apart for an eternity — you haven't seen him, nor have you felt him outside of this, but with such a dedicated, long push of himself into you before you feel the final meeting of his hips steady against your ass — paired with the distinct feeling of teetering on the edge of too much and too deep...
He must be comfortably endowed.
Arms curling up and under your face, Jisung slowly pulls back from you before delivering yet another slow, pointed drive of his cock inside of you. Far more electrifying than the first, you exhale an unsteady breath at the feeling of him as he stills deeply pressed flush between your walls.
"Okay?" he asks, and you nod hurriedly with a breathy, verbal admission as much.
That's all the encouragement he needs from there; pulling himself from your warmth and this time burying his entire length with a single, quick stroke and accompanied by an all too telling smack of flesh against flesh. You hardly have time to collect yourself before he delivers another, and then another — and before you know it you're all but laid out across the countertop as Jisung
pounds you into the wood, and all for the viewing pleasure of a camera with film that you're hopeful for nobody else to find.
"Fuck, your pussy feels good," Jisung hisses through ardent snaps of his hip. "Feel good? Like getting bent over in public and fucked?"
You can't lie, and thus, you whimper out the most pathetic 'yes' in response; because if the circumstances weren't doing it for you already, and the long, full stroke of his cock inside of you wasn't doing it, then the absolutely filth spilling out of his mouth now certainly would be plenty to make up for it all.
And worse than that — Jisung coos in reaction to you. Voice dropping to barely more than a lewd whisper as he folds himself over to bring his mouth against your back as he relentlessly and repeatedly fills you with himself. "That's why you kept coming in here, after all, isn't it? Just hoping I'd pull you around back and fuck you open. Not caring if anyone sees you, huh? Want my dick that bad?"
"Fuck, Jisung, yes—"
That familiar tightening in every muscle in your lower body informing you of all of the ways in which every collection of these circumstances is doing you in — hurling you swiftly towards orgasmic inevitability — Jisung must be able to tell with how fast his hand dips down between your legs and begins rubbing circles at your pussy just above where he disappears inside of you. It's a messy and ill-coordinated effort, and you can't really blame him all things considered, but it's certainly enough to get the job done if he keeps it up as you press hard against him with every thrust up into you, babbling and begging him not to stop, that you're so close, please's and repeated, breathy, chants of his name falling all the while from your dry, red lips.
Hips harder against you now in an attempt to push you over the edge, his cock feels divine with every smooth glide inside of you, and as you teeter on the edge of release, you desperately attempt to bite back the shriek that threatens to rip from your throat as you finish.
"Cum for me, you can do it," he insists, every word pointed with a deep, drive of his length into your cunt. "Lemmie feel you cum around my dick, lemmie see it—"
It hits you hard and fast; ripping through your body and lighting every nerve ending in your body on fire as your orgasm takes you. Bottom lip snugly pulled between your teeth in an attempt to not cry out and alert every other person within a block radius of precisely what it is that's currently going on within his place of employment, Jisung groans loudly right along with you and no doubt on account of the way your pussy grips down on him as he diligently works to fuck you all of the way through your finish. He just about makes it, too; fingers curling hard into your shoulder and hips faltering in motion as he desperately exhales something of a whimper and a pained groan at the feeling of your walls milking his load from him with every orgasmic pulse of his cum emptying into the barrier between the both of you.
A few slow, shallow thrusts accompanying the come down of such an event before Jisung pulls himself from you to quickly deal with the remainder of the situation at hand.
And quietly reaching down to pull your pants back up and into place, the awkwardness of such an encounter begins to set in with no other words spoken between the two of you since the mans wild insistence on feeling you fuck him dry.
Jisung tucks himself back into his jeans with a wince, and glancing at him ever so slightly, you contemplate simply leaving without much more of a word, and resigning yourself to no more late night beverage trips so long as the both of you shall live here.
But then, you hear him chuckle under his breath, buttoning his jeans and exhaling with a worn out sigh.
"I'm going to jerk off to that surveillance video for the rest of my life."
The words wash any discomfort you had from this straight away, and instead, a sort of fondness sets in in its place. You laugh.
"Well, now what? Can't say I've ever done something as crazy as this so I don't really know the protocol."
"You think I have!?" Jisung is quick to amend with nothing more than explicit shock to his tone. "I don't know! I mean, I'm off work in three hours so...if you want to get coffee or something..."
It's charming to you how a sort of awkward innocence to the man only now sets in after having already fucked him, but you suppose it's part of the appeal. You're far from turned off by it, or by him as a result, so all things considered, the idea of grabbing coffee — albeit a bit out of typical order of events — doesn't sound half bad.
So, you shrug. "Okay, I can hang around and keep you company. Can't imagine my loitering in the store to be the worst thing caught on camera at this point."
Then, Jisung kisses you again. It's softer, sweeter, less full of heady want and more something of an adoring fondness for you. You're happy to meet him halfway in it.
Pulling back, his eyes meet your own, but you're quick to recognize something wicked behind them.
"Besides, could always go for a round two—" his lips trail down to your neck, and head falling back and to the side to grant him access to the skin there, you sort of want to chastise him for the mere thought of it, but with the way that he's coming onto you now, you'd be hard pressed to admit to not being just a bit interested in taking him up on the offer.
"—Fuck you in the back room; lay you out on the table with your legs on my shoulders so I can watch you take every inch of me..."
"What!" he whines just as quickly as he recoils at the playful slap coming straight from you and with intent to land upon his arm. "Just saying, it's an option."
Granted, you have every intention of taking him up on that offer, but best not to let him know that just let — where's the fun in that, after all?
"Let's stick to the coffee plan for now," you insist, fingers digging into his shirt to pull his body flush against yours all over again. "What have you got for me?"
Double entendre.
Corners of his lips curling upwards, his eyes drag down to your lips just for a moment before coming back up to meet yours once again.
"I know a guy," he whispers out against your lips, barely allowing for the two of you to meet through the touch at all as the words escape him in a throaty whisper. "I know just the place."
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ hope you enjoyed! please check out my navigation for more (´。• ᵕ •。`)
—this is a oneshot, there will be no part 2.
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rorygillmore911 · 8 months
Unsub Bait
(The team needs y/n to go under cover and spencer is worried about y/ns safety)
“Here’s an overview of the first phase of the operation: (Y/N) will go undercover as a college student at Yale. She’ll get acquainted with the unsub at Speakeasy, the New Haven bar where he assesses potential victims. We’ll apprehend him in the act of attempted kidnapping.” Hotchner listed for the team.
You’d played unsub lure almost a comical number of times. Once? That’s a once in a million task required to capture a once in a million unsub. Twice? You’d only have two nickels, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right? But four times? 
You’d already joked to Hotch that you should add “professional unsub bait” to your resume. 
It would’ve been more comical if it wasn’t so scary. 
You took a deep breath as you stared at the photos of the victims on the mahogany conference room table. Melissa Grey. Audrey Bernstein. Alivia Johnson. You could see your 21-year-old self in their eyes. You remember being so young and full of anxiety; you were near graduating from MIT. You couldn’t sleep at night from worrying if you had already lived up to your potential and would spend the rest of your years a washed up gifted kid– an academic has–been. After graduation, you proved to yourself your worth.
The college juniors in the photographs had their lives cut short by the unsub before they had the opportunity to find out what amazing places their brilliant minds could take them. You were about to allow said unsub to nearly kidnap you. 
That is, if you didn’t blow your cover. Then, he would hold you hostage or attempt to kill you as soon as possible by skipping his usual "kidnap and torture" routine.
Rationally, you knew your field experience more than prepared you for this task. Also, you knew your team had your back. They always kept you safe and healthy. The one time you were put at serious risk, you had to fight to be left alone after the case closed. But, you’re not sure if all the facts in the world could adequately calm your adrenal glands.
“Is this necessary?” Spencer suddenly interjected.
You turned to Spencer in surprise. “It’s the quickest way. We have twenty-four hours,” You said.
The unsub had a pattern; a girl was dying once every two weeks, and, when the the local and Connecticut police force combined failed to contain the situation, the BAU was brought into the case 36 hours before the next killing. With his eidetic memory, you were certain Spencer couldn't forget the time restraints if he tried, hence why you were stunned by his sudden brazenness. However, given Spencer's traumatic relationship history and your budding romance, Spencer's behavior was a lot more likely.
You and Spencer had been dating for a couple weeks. Despite being certain the team had their suspicions, you kept your relationship on the downlow. Strong boundaries were a good thing to keep when your relationship was in its fragile, formative era. Plus, you both agreed it was best to keep a high level of professionalism. 
This was the first time Spencer broke protocol.
“I think there’s another way.” Spencer continued. “It’s unsafe and illogical to put anyone’s life into considerable risk if there’s another viable option.”
“Are you implying I’m being rash, Reid?” Hotchner asked with a raised eyebrow. 
Usually, Spence would look away and take a breath. He’d at least have the decency to act timid, especially given the fact the entire team pulled multiple all-nighters in an effort to catch this serial killer. Instead, he leveled with Hotchner’s glare and asserted himself further. “I just think we’ve gotten a little too comfy using (Y/N) as an unsub lure. The more we do, the more probable a disaster will occur with her in the line of fire.”
“Spencer,” Morgan cut in gently. There was sympathy in his eyes. “We’ve done this with (Y/N) before. We’re good at reading her. And she knows the drill. We’ll keep her safe.”
“Yes, because that’s something we can certainly guarantee when she’s 3 inches from a serial killer.” Spencer deadpanned. 
“Reid. A word.” Without waiting for Spencer’s reaction, Hotch left the meeting room. With a hard look in his eye, Spencer filed after Hotch. You were relieved he was still obedient despite being ornery.
For a few moments, the team sat in silence. 
Rossi broke the spell with the scrape of his chair. “Well, I for one, am going to take this impromptu intermission as an opportunity to grab coffee. Any requests?” Rossi asked. 
“I’ll take a barbajada.” You joked half-heartedly. 
“Very funny, (L/N). Any requests the office Keurig can complete in less than five minutes?” 
The team rattled off their go-to office drink orders, but it faded to white noise. During your friendship, Spencer would always care for you when you had to lure the unsub. He’d be more attentive on the jet ride in and out. He’d check in on your mental state directly after the unsub was arrested and always called you once you got home. Once, after the particularly stressful unsub encounter, he sent you links to PTSD articles and even offered to help you schedule an appointment with a specialized therapist through the FBI’s mental health services.
But he’d never once intervened with a plan for you to go undercover. You knew Spencer Reid was nothing if not rational. He knew Hotch valued every member of his team. He knew Hotch would never send you undercover if it wasn’t necessary to stop a killing spree before more young women became statistics. 
Therefore, you knew Spencer was thinking about Maeve. 
You stood. 
“Where you going, Beauty Queen?” Morgan asked.
“Just heading to the restroom.” You lied. 
You walked down the hall and crept up the stairs. You tiptoed down the east wing of the second floor to avoid clicking your heels against the concrete. 
You crept to the side of Hotch’s office. You pressed your back to the wall.
Hotch said something indecipherable. An angry Reid answered.
“And all I’m saying is, she is not a cat with nine lives! She has one life. One precious life, that I think we’ve been a little too careless with.”
“Reid, you know I would never risk putting (Y/N) in harm’s way if it wasn’t the best course of action. She’s experienced with this. The team is experienced with this.” 
A beat of silence passed.
“Promise me that if you have so much as an inkling her life is in danger–”
“We’ll do everything in our power to get her out of there.”
“That’s the thing! ‘Everything in our power…’ It’s not enough. How many times have we told families we did everything we could when all they have left is a body bag?” 
Your heart froze. Both of the voices lowered. You could only catch bits and pieces of Hotch’s speech. You were never an eavesdropper, but despite your better nature, you crept around the corner towards the door.
“I know what it’s like to lose someone to an unsub, Spencer. I know how it sticks with you. I know how it changes the job. But you have to trust us– the team. We’re going to protect her. And we’re going to be there for you,” Hotch said. 
Spencer sighed. "How did you do it?" Spencer's voice cracked. "After Haley, Hotch? I’m not sure if I can survive this.” He sounded seconds away from tears. 
At that moment, you knew you would not sleep comfortably at night if you continued to be a fly on the wall.  You tiptoed back down the east wing and waited for Spencer at the bottom of the stairs.
Ten minutes passed before Spencer appeared at the top of the staircase.
“Spencer?” You called. 
His hazel eyes were tinged pink. He walked down the stairs nonchalantly. “Hey, um, would you mind if we discussed part of the case file real quick? Privately? It could help, um…” He cleared his throat. “Develop your persona.”
“Yes, of course.” 
Spencer didn’t look at you as he power walked down the hall towards the janitorial closets. For the first time since you started dating, he didn’t adjust to your walking pace. 
He flung a door open and yanked you inside. 
Carelessly, Spencer slammed the door behind you. Before you could get a word in, he pulled you into a bear hug.
“Spencer.” You whispered. “I’m here. I’m okay.”
He nuzzled his nose into your hair. 
You stood in the statue of a hug for two minutes.
“I can’t lose you.” Spencer whispered.
“You won’t.”
Spencer pulled away from you. He bent down to look you in the eye. He squeezed your shoulders. His eyes danced with emotion. There was a deep ache, a whirlpool of sadness that you knew a lifetime may never heal. What perplexed you was the hardness that you could only read as anger. 
“I…” He sighed. He hung his head. He dragged his palms down the slope of your shoulders to your forearms. It was like he was taking a cast of you with his hands. 
“I’m not dead on arrival. I’m still here. I’m coming back on that jet ride home with you. I’m going to be okay.” You reciprocated his shoulder squeeze. “You’re going to be okay.”
Spencer shook his head. “Don’t worry about me.”
“I care about you. It’s a part of the girlfriend package.” Spencer pulled you into another constricting hug. 
 “I can’t fathom how difficult this must be for you.” You whispered.
Spencer pressed his forehead to yours. “Promise me when you go out there, you won’t worry about me. I want you to only focus on you, your surroundings, and making sure you get out of there.”
“I promise, Spencer.” You said, though you weren’t sure if that would be the truth.
“And one more thing,” He said. His irises were so close to yours you could pick apart the layer of green and brown. “As soon as you feel unsafe, you call someone. If you have any inclination he’s going to overtake you–”
“I call the team.”
He took a step back and ran his hands through his hair. “I know you’re strong. I’m not trying to insult your field work.”
Your heart cracked. “Spencer, love, I know that. I’m so happy you care about me. I just wish this situation hurt you less.”
He dropped his hands to his sides. His brows furrowed. He stared at a random point to the left of your face.
“Can you do something for me? Before we leave?” He asked, still not meeting your gaze.
“What is it, Spence?”
He took a deep breath. He met your eyes again. “Dance with me.” 
“Dance with me. I…” He inhaled deeply. “I never got to dance with Maeve before she…I barely even got to hold her. I won’t make the same mistake twice.” 
You closed the distance between you and Spencer. You cupped his face in your hands, and he instinctively leaned into your touch. His eyes shone with tears. “I’ll dance with you for the rest of my days, Spence.” 
He whipped out his phone. He turned on a slow jazz song you played for him last winter on an impromptu hot chocolate date. 
Your heart skipped a beat. You could go on that same date again, but it would have a whole new color to it. 
He slid his phone onto a cleaning supply shelf. He pulled you to his chest. Your head nestled right beneath his collarbone. You wrapped your arms around his mid back.
You danced, bodies pressed together like puzzle pieces, in silence until the song ended. The symphony of emotions didn’t cease with the final brush of the snare. 
Spencer continued swaying with you.
“I’m going to be okay.” You whispered.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head. “You can’t promise me that.” He held you even tighter. “But I can promise you I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you come home to me.”
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astra-galaxie · 16 days
Idk if i am too late to ask, but ☾, ★, ☆, ☠, ■, ♡, ♥, ☮, ♦, ☯, ▼ for Tess Goodwin pretty please? <3
The Tess Goodwin expert is asking me for headcanons?! I don’t know if I should be honoured or worried!😶
Dramatics aside, don’t worry; it's never too late to send me requests! Sorry that it took me a while to post these. I was finishing up a chapter for my story and wanted to get that out of the way so I could concentrate on your request!
Now, it's been a long, LONG time since I’ve focused on Tess, so after refreshing myself with her character, here’s what I have come up with for her headcanons!
☾ - sleep headcanon
Tess is a night owl and a light sleeper. She prefers staying up late because she finds that is when she gets some of her best work done, as she is free from distractions. She’s been known to pull all-nighters to finish an assignment or personal project. When she does sleep, she can easily be woken up, as she rarely falls into a heavy slumber. Sometimes, she uses a white noise machine to block out other sounds, and it does help her stay asleep longer.
★ - sad headcanon
Her family disowned her after she was arrested. They wanted nothing to do with her, especially Morgan, and told everyone that Tess was no longer their family. Tess hides the pain of losing her family behind a carefully crafted mask. She had come so far and couldn't let anyone see her at her weakest. But in the privacy of her cell, she let herself cry and mourn the fact that she had lost everyone who ever cared about her in just one night.
☆ - happy headcanon
Tess attended her first Grimsborough sci-fi festival when she was in high school. She had spent weeks working on her cosplay to make it as comic-accurate as possible. She saved her money to buy merch and planned out which booths she wanted to visit most. She even attended a meet-and-greet with one of her favourite actors and got their autograph. While she would continue to attend more festivals, the first one will always hold a special place in Tess’s heart.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Tess doesn’t fight with her fists; she uses her words and psychology to defeat her opponents. She knows how to target people’s insecurities, bring them down to their most vulnerable points, and strike them down even further with tailored insults. But while her go-to weapon is words, she’s not afraid to throw hands when necessary. She’s smart and can calculate the best way to attack someone’s weak spots to end fights quickly before someone can get the upper hand on her.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Tess’s rooms have always been disorganized, even as a child. But specifically, as a university student, Tess’s dorm room is covered in research, from papers on her desk to photos and articles pinned to the walls. You know those string boards to track theories? Yeah, she has a couple of those on her walls, and they're as messy as you’d expect them to be! However, despite the mess, Tess can find anything immediately. Organized chaos, she calls it.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Tess has never been much of a romantic, or at least finding love was never her top priority. She never wanted to become someone who relied on another person to support her, so she chose to pursue her education and career first. She wanted to have a stable foundation for her life, as she understood the inner workings of people's minds better than anyone else. Sure, some people have caught her eye around the university, but with her nose always in a book, she never saw if anyone looked at her the way she did them.
♥ - family headcanon
Growing up, Morgan liked to follow Tess around. People would call her Tess’s shadow or duckling. Morgan looked up to her big sister so much and wanted to be as smart and confident as Tess was one day. Of course, there were times when Tess wished her little sister would leave her alone (what siblings don't fight?), but she always loved her. Even after being arrested and Morgan telling her she hated her for ruining her life, Tess still loved her sister. Morgan was always a constant in Tess’s life, and losing her was the worst thing that could have happened to Tess.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Tess has always been a little… Strange, even as a child. She did have friends as a child, but not many. She wasn’t invited to the “cool kids” parties but attended birthday parties throughout her childhood. Even in high school and university, she still had a close group of people she called her friends. Tess never cared about being the “queen bee” or having everyone fan over her for her looks, but she always wanted to have friends.
After it was revealed she was the Rorschach Reaper, Tess’s friends turned their backs on her. With no one visiting her in prison, Tess dedicated her new life to researching the Crimson Order, something she had heard rumours of long before her arrest. Tess might have lost her friends, but she was still going to do what she did best: find the truth.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Tess has tried many hobbies throughout her life, but few have ever stuck with her. But one thing that’s stuck with her is a love of comic books and cosplay. She enjoys crafting replicas of her favourite characters’ outfits and paraphernalia to wear when she attends the Grimsborough sci-fi festival. Tess also collects comic books and memorabilia; she’s even made some memorabilia of her own. Sometimes, she sells her stuff anonymously through Kevin Parker’s shop (she collects the money she makes from Kevin once a week) and occasionally takes requests/commissions from customers.
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
Her sister
Comic books
Conspiracy investigation
Beauty pageants
Social Media Influencers
Pyramid schemes
Fake “know-it-alls”
▼ - childhood headcanon
People used to call Tess a genius and a prodigy when she was a child. She was always at the top of her class, with the highest grades and the best attendance. Her teachers consistently praised her hard work and encouraged her to pursue higher education. She could have even skipped a grade, but her parents were worried about how it would affect her development if she missed a grade. But even if she never skipped grades, Tess won countless competitions against older students, and no one doubted she would go places when she grew up.
And that’s what I’ve got for Tess Goodwin's headcanons! I hope these have your stamp of approval, Atlas. Thank you for the request!
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Sadly, I missed day 4 of @kaneraweek, but I have something for today! I mostly went with the prompt "Late Nights" and "Jealousy". I also thought "outside PoV" was for today, because I came up with this at 2am in bed when I, of course, couldn't check the prompts😂. But when I realized my mistake, I already had the whole thing planned out and didn't want to change everything, so... here you go with a story from Kallus PoV🙃.
It's also here on ao3:
My works for Kanera Week 2023 (7470 words) by RandomLettersIJustThoughtOf Day 5: Never Find Anything Better (Late Nights | Happily Ever After | Jealousy) Hera is about to pull an all nighter with her paperwork again, but Kanan is not having it.
Sometimes, Kallus wondered how he ended up like this. How he ended up sitting across from his former arch enemy, Hera Syndulla, at a table of an improvised office at the rebel base of Javin IV, going over plans and strategies, sorting reports from units all over the sector, and making task lists and organizations till late at night.  The life as a rebel knew no structure. It meant you stayed up until dawn on days when it was necessary, and then on another day, you could do nothing but sit around and wait and hope. It was strange, being used to the all-consuming structure of the empire, but it also felt strangely right. This was work he really wanted to do, not one he was obliged or expected to do.
So he did stay up, even though the caff had run out hours ago and the occasional chatter had died down as officer after officer left the room until only he and Hera were left, buried in the remaining paperwork and too worried to leave the plans for the next day unchecked.
Sometimes, Kallus was still baffled that they were letting him do this. That they trusted him, a former imperial, to oversee their military operations. Yes, from a strategic point of view, it made sense; he knew the enemy, and he was trained as a strategist.
Still, sometimes, in moments like this, he looked at the reports and exact plans of the next rebel attacks and remembered how much he would have given for a fraction of this information two years ago. And then he thought of all the other things he had done and was shocked by how much these people were willing to trust him and how easily they had forgiven him when he didn't even forgive himself.
Hera, who he had hunted down multiple times and whose family he had threatened and hurt, leaned over and asked him for his opinion on some starship formation tactics she was working on.
He just nodded and rubbed a hand over his face to fight the exhaustion creeping in. "Makes sense to me. You'll just have to watch out for these damn Tie Defenders. They're a nasty invention."
"Right, but there are only like four of them, aren't there? We can't possibly run into them every maneuver."
"Still, they're a risk we have to consider now. As far as I know Thrawn and the empire, there are probably more than we know of."
"So, maybe we should add a flexible fighter on both sides?"
Kallus shrugged. "Better safe than sorry."
Hera nodded and went back to scribbling. For a moment, he just watched her.  He had always known she was a skilled and determined pilot, but he had not known how much she CARED. She was not just a cocky young woman rebelling for the sake of troublemaking. No, she had a vision. She had hope for a brighter and better future. And she was ready to fight for it. She was a leader. She had a fire burning in her, and she inspired the same in the people who worked with her. Kallus could see why Zeb would follow her anywhere.  Silently, they went back to working.
The next time he looked up, it was to the quiet swoosh of the door opening. Kanan stood behind it, peeking inside.
Immediately, Kallus tensed up. Then, a moment later, he cursed himself for it and forced himself to relax. Even after all this time, his reflexes still made him go into fight mode whenever he saw the taller man, no matter how many times he told himself it was unnecessary now.  But, while his hatred for Zeb had always come from guilt and anger over the guilt he was feeling, his hatred for Kanan had always been rooted in fear. The fear not only of an extremely skilled warrior but also of a Jedi. The ones he had been thought to fear since his childhood. The dangerous maniacs who brought violence upon the whole galaxy. The traitors. The monsters he was made to believe the Jedi to be. And, even though he now knew neither Kanan nor the Jedi were anything like this, the fear was still there, just like the guilt.
So he still flinched whenever Kanan walked into him like this. And maybe rightly so. Kallus knew from experience that Kanan could beat the shit out of him if he wanted to. Not even the fact that he lost his sight could change anything about that. In fact, Kanan seemed as if he had grown even more powerful after that.
Now, Kanan was not wearing his mask, and Kallus could clearly see the scars surrounding his, now unseeing, eyes. He shuddered. He had never asked what had happened, but he knew lightsaber wounds and he knew the inquisitors. He could put two and two together. The fact that Kanan was still alive was enough to tell Kallus that maybe everybody should have the same amount of respect for this guy as him.
But now, Kanan just gave an appreciative nod to Kallus and then turned all his attention to Hera.
"There you are!", he greeted her, walking up to the desk to put his arms on every side of her paper and lean down to her.
Hera looked up as if she only noticed him now, even though she must have heard the door opening as well.
"Kanan, what do you need?", she asked in the clear tone of someone trying to play clueless, even though they knew exactly what was going on.
"What I need," Kanan answered, accusingly lifting one finger and poking her in the chest, "is you going to bed, right now. Do you have any idea how late it is?"
"Kanan...", Hera grumbled and tried to dodge him.
"Uh-uh." Kanan shook his head and interrupted her by placing his finger on her lip. "I won't hear that. You need sleep!"
Hera blushed deeply at his gesture and mumbled something incomprehensible since Kanan had decided to cover her whole mouth with his hand. A bit of wrangling ensued as Hera tried to free herself. But Kanan was much bigger than her and remained unfazed.
"I can't hear you, what was that? You're tired?", he teased her, but his tone was so gentle and filled with love that Kallus nearly blushed himself for intruding in their little moment.
He tried his best to concentrate heavily on his paper on weather conditions on Hoth rather than the gentle tussle and occasional giggling from his two teammates. Nevertheless, he couldn't help but smile a bit. These two! Sickeningly sweet.
As he shot them a few looks over the table, he realized that maybe this was the real reason he had left the empire. Yes, the obvious greed and cruelty were what convinced him in the end, but he wouldn't even have started to look or care for them if the people hadn't been so... emotionally cold compared to the rebels.  The empire was an all-consuming machine of oppression. It nipped every kind of humanity and affection in the bud, despised it, and punished it.  These people here were allowed to be human. They were allowed to feel, to care, to love. They could have little moments like this, little sparks of happiness. Of hope, even in such dark times. As he looked at Kanan and Hera, he knew: If one day he found something like this, it would be more than he ever deserved. And yet it was all he could ever hope for. All he wished for so desperately. Peace. Love. Family. He felt bad for wishing for things like that after he had taken the very same from so many people all around the galaxy during his time with the empire. He did not deserve something like that. He could never have what Kanan and Hera had. But sometimes, when he watched the ghost crew like this, when he thought about how easily all the specters, all the rebels had forgiven him, he felt a little spark of hope rise.
He looked at Kanan and Hera and saw everything good in the galaxy. And then he felt bad for having fought it for so long. None of them deserved any of the pain they had to go through. The galaxy did not deserve the destruction the empire had brought upon it. The least he could do, was to give everything he could to this rebellion, to these people. To maybe at least start to make up for everything.
"Alright, alright, that's enough!", he heard Kanan end their little tussle. "Don't make me carry you!"
"Kanan!", Hera gasped, finally free to speak now that Kanan used both hands to pick her up from her chair. "I'm not finished yet!"
"Yes, you are! Kallus, tell her she's finished!"
Kallus smiled. "It's alright, General. I'm sure I can sort the rest out by myself."
Kanan frowned at him. "You know it's late for you, too, right?"
He laughed. "I will be finished in no time, don't worry."
With an arm full of Hera, Kanan gave him a skeptical look.
"I'll send Zeb to look for you."
"No, you really don't need..." he tried to argue, but Kanan was already out of the door.
"I'm sure he'll be happy to carry you out as well!" he called back over his shoulder, and then he was gone, and Kallus was left shaking his head and wondering what the hell that was supposed to mean.
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Stress Relief Part Six
Previous Part | Masterlist |  Next Part
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Chapters will have explicit content further down the line.
Notes: The first few chapters aren’t explicit, so I’ll add the necessary labels when they’re needed.
Warnings: Me pretending to know anything about art crime, art forgery, or the FBI, or Ptolemaic art. Don’t get me wrong, I did some research but uhhh. Ya know.
Summary: Marcus started inviting you out for lunch, or dinner, or making sure he got an extra breakfast burrito for you the day after you pulled an all-nighter. He urged you away from your desk if you were at it too long—even just for a stroll around the office, to rest your eyes from the screen for a little while. He was actually…Kinda sweet. 
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He watched you while you were in the office.
Over the next few days, you came to realize that Pike watched you a lot. You weren’t sure if he was keeping an eye out, making sure that you were staying on the straight-and-narrow after your little talk, or if there was something else. More than once, you met his eyes. More than once, he gave you a smile. That always threw you off a little bit. Maybe it was meant to. But you’d seen Pike play at pleasantries before, and this didn’t seem to be the same. These smiles were gentle, and quick—in a blink, he was turning back to his computer and focusing up again. It made you feel a little wary, like he knew something you didn’t.  
He still messed with you sometimes—mosied right over and asked how you got from A to B with a lead or a contact, just to watch you spell it out. You thought he might be doing it so make sure you’re dotting every i and crossing every t. Most of the tracks that you took seemed straightforward to you, at least. 
He started inviting you out for lunch, or dinner, or making sure he got an extra breakfast burrito for you the day after you pulled an all-nighter. He urged you away from your desk if you were at it too long—even just for a stroll around the office, to rest your eyes from the screen for a little while. He was actually…Kinda sweet. 
“You got a minute?” 
A couple of weeks ago, that answer would’ve garnered the sharp remark that’s currently sitting on your lips, but you pushed it away in favor of a nod and a, 
“Yeah. What’s up?” 
It proved to be the right play. For the first time in your acquaintance, Pike looked harassed. He held a file out, and you took it with some hesitance before flipping it open. Your brow furrowed at the sight of a polaroid—a somewhat over-exposed, hazy picture of a grecian bronze mirror. You flipped it over, checking for a date, time, owner, but there was nothing. You turned to the rapsheet next, eyes sweeping over a mugshot. There was something there, something vaguely familiar, but you pushed that away in favor of eyeing a report for the mirror. You flipped to a rap sheet next.
“Interstate transportation of stolen property, theft from an interstate shipment, theft of a major artwork…” You trailed off as your eye flicker to the name, your heart dropping into your stomach. “...How current is this?” 
“I re-confirmed everything an hour ago.” 
“This…” You shook your head, mind racing. “This can’t be right. Interpol said he was dead.” 
“Interpol made a mistake ID’ing the body.” 
You hissed in an annoyed breath as you leaned back in your seat, dropping the open file on your desk. Étienne Moquin’s cool eyes stared up at you from that mugshot, a knowing smirk curling his thin lips. You rested your hand over your mouth, as if you needed to keep in your indignant anger. 
“He was spotted?” You asked (louder than usual; you were loathe to move your hands and knew it would muffle your voice). 
“Heard on a wire tap.” 
You frowned, gaze flickering to Pike.
“We haven’t set any wire taps.” 
“No, it was in relation to a different case of theft. A grecian vase, and this,” He turned the file back to the polaroid, tapping the mirror. “They were on their way from a private collation in Hamburg to an exhibition to the Courtauld Institute.” 
“Two months ago.” 
“And when was he heard on the tap?” 
“Fuck.” The curse slipped past your lips before you could stop it, as you sprang up out of your chair. You whirled away from the desk, drawing in a deep, frustrated breath before pushing it back out through puffed cheeks. You could feel your irritation welling up and twining with heated anger. 
“They’re sure it was—” 
“Yes,” Marcus cut over your desperate question. Your hands curled into fists, biting little half-moons into your palms. 
“I need to hear it.” You couldn’t look at Marcus as you insisted. 
“Already queued up.” 
You wanted to hate him for anticipating you, but you were too busy snatching up the file and your notebook. 
If you’d had an ounce less composure, you would’ve pitched your headphones into the floor and screamed the curse that was gathering steam in your throat. Instead, you let your eyes fall shut and hone in on the man’s voice. It was no wonder you hadn’t recognized his mugshot right away. He was a decade older, at least ten pounds heavier. The man that had disappeared after committing murder had been rail-thin, practically gaunt. The man in the current mugshot had pouched cheeks, a heavy brow, thick facial hair. 
“...Is it him?” 
Maybe it was kindness, or some sort of misplaced mercy that made Pike ask. He didn’t need to—they already had a positive ID, they didn’t need yours. But you gave a small nod, lowered the headphones to the desk in front of you, and let out a soft, defeated croak: 
It was the first evening in a month that you left the office before eleven. You crept out around six, and headed straight for a bar nearby. You’d been working ineffectively all day. Every few moments, you’d find that your thoughts had drifted, your mind filled with the sound of that man’s voice—thicker in tone, lower and rasping across your ears in the worst of ways.
Doyle’s Pub was fairly quiet that Tuesday evening. There were so few people that you didn’t feel bad taking up a booth. You didn’t have the strength to sit up at the bar, to hunch over your food and drinks and ignore the conversations chattering around you. You slouched back against the vinyl, staring blandly at the menu, not really taking in a thing. 
“...Mind if I join you?” 
You glanced up, doing a double-take at the sight of Marcus. Oh—man. Would he take it personally if you said no? You weren’t sure you could make nice, and you and Pike had come such a long way since the beginning of the case. You hesitated before you drew in a deep breath, forcing yourself to nod, and to raise your hand and gesture to the seat across from you. 
“Surprised to see you here,” You offered, pushing yourself to sit up a bit more, trying o pull yourself out of your mental funk.
“Could say the same of you. You seemed a little…Distracted today.” 
You let your gaze drift back down to the menu, your hands wringing under the table. 
“Guess I was.” 
The two of you went quiet as the waiter came over. You ordered yourself a drink before pushing the menu over to Marcus. 
“We’ll need a couple more minutes on food,” You added, giving the waiter a small smile and a mutter of thanks as he told you to take your time. You turned to look at Marcus, taking him in. He looked far more composed than you felt. You let your gaze linger on him—on his open, relaxed face, and the way his warm, dark eyes swept over the menu. You let your gaze drop to the table when you felt him looking up toward you again.
“So did you follow me or did you just happen to be passing by?” You asked. 
“I asked Ramirez where you go when you’ve had a bad day.” 
It was a good tactic. You’d worked a few cases with Ramirez; she’d seen you in some bad places. 
“Efficient,” You nodded. The two of you went quiet again as the waiter returned with your drinks. You gave your food orders before you leaned back against the booth. You were almost certain that whatever came next isn’t going to be enjoyable. 
“...We don’t need to talk about it now,” Was Pike’s opener, and you only just managed not to wince, “But I want you to tell me about Moquin.” 
“Are we both going to pretend that you haven't read the file?” 
“Files give the plain facts. I want to hear it from you.” 
“You really think you need it?” You reached out, setting your hand on your drink.
“...Honestly? I wouldn’t have, but the look on your face when you heard his voice was—” Reason enough for him to kick you off of the case? “A little concerning.” 
“Because you don’t think I can handle it.” 
There was a pause before you heard the seat squeak as Marcus leaned forward. 
“Because I know that you have a stake in this, an ax to grind.” You could see his arms folded on the table, feel him leaning in a touch. “I’ve seen the focus you put into this case before Étienne came into focus. I need to know what I’m getting into with you.” 
You were quiet for a moment as you ran your finger along the side of the glass. Then you drew in a deep breath, steadying yourself. 
“Étienne was on Europol’s radar way before he was on ours. It crossed over into Interpol when he started trafficking antiquities into the States.” You knew that Pike knew this all already, but you needed to lay it out for the both of you. You’d come to understand that Pike took your reasoning once you showed that you could clearly connect all of the dots. 
“It was small stuff at first—coins, terra cotta cups, linen fragments. He’d ship them in these massive crates with other things that he had claimed. He was either paying off the customs agents, or things just got missed—we’ve never been able to pin down which one. Once he got that under the radar, he worked his way up. Started shipping in paintings, statues, using them to hide drugs, guns…And those things were so much more highly noticed that the artwork, the antiquities, the focus fell to the wayside. 
“His name came to the fore with the Gardner robbing—what with the way certain things were picked off. The Napoleonic eagle finial in particular really raised the hackles of the agents brought in. And his methodology…When he pulls a job, it is exacting, it’s precise. Like he goes in with a shopping list.” 
“Which was similar to the way the Gardner was picked through,” Marcus acknowledges. 
“Exactly,” You nod. You raise your hand to the back of your neck, swiping your fingers against your nape. “By the time the case landed on my desk, it had gone cold. I was a rookie; the agent I was paired with threw me some busy work to keep me out of his hair.” 
“Alex Wilson, right? He’s retired now?” 
“That’s right,” You nod. “I think he just gave me one of the oldest, coldest cases. Maybe he wanted to show me that it happens sometimes—that you lose a trail and it never comes back up. Maybe he wanted me to chase my tail for a while, until he actually needed my help on whatever he was doing. EIther way, I put my head down, got to work. I managed to pull some loose threads, tie them into a fuckin’ bow that linked with a few more recent—at the time—property seizures. It fit with an evolution of Moquin’s style. He’d gone quiet, switched up his shipping methods. The man bringing them in was a member of Le Gens. The works seized were forged, not genuine—two Berninis and a Rembrandt.” 
“You pushed the case in a new direction.” 
You shrugged, nodding a little. 
“I identified his new MO. I got a new partner, I started working the case, I found a witness…” You went quiet, your stomach churning with upset and discomfort at the memory. “And I lost the witness during transport.” 
“You didn’t lose her,” Marcus corrected softly. “What they did is not your fault.” 
You shook your head, eyes set on your untouched drink as you bit down on the inside of your cheek. 
“She didn’t want to testify. I pushed,” Your argued. “It’s on me.” 
Marcus didn’t argue on that point. Maybe he wasn’t sure what to say; maybe he knew he couldn’t talk you out of the hole you’d put yourself in. You shook your head a little bit, drawing in a deep breath and sliding down in the booth. 
“Anyway,” You sighed, “We went after Moquin, and the others at the top, but word came down from Interpol that he was dead, and Denise took over, so. I was told to put it down, move on to things that were more active.” You pushed a heavy sigh through your nose and leaned back in your seat, taking up your drink and drawing in a gulp. You cleared your throat as you swallow, setting the glass back down and scrubbing your hands over your watering eyes. Marcus didn’t push into your silence; you’re certain he’s still processing this yourself. You forced yourself to calm down a bit before you met his eyes. 
“You taking me off the case?” You asked. Marcus’ eyes held steady on yours. 
“I’ll be honest, I’m a little hesitant to keep you on,” He admitted. “Sometimes the cases that hit closer to home can be the hardest to investigate.” 
“I’m handling it so far.” 
“Handling it?” Pike’s brows rose in mocking disbelief. “You fired on a vehicle when I told everyone to fall back—” 
“I told you, I didn’t hear you—” 
“Alright,” He actually laughed, shaking his head before waving it off, looking around the bar. You heard him sigh, and saw his jaw work minutely. 
“You taking me off?” You asked again. 
“I haven’t decided. As it stands, you’re on.” 
The two of you went quiet for a while, each marinating in your own thoughts and discomfort. 
Neither of you did much more arguing that night. Marcus backed off of discussing Moquin. He filled the air around you with easy conversation—with movies, and music, and news that had nothing to do with the case. You took the bait as it was meant. You allowed yourself some time to not think about the Relief, the Moquins, or Étienne’s reappearance. You let yourself sink into the warmth and calm of Pike’s voice, to smile at his jokes, and to mean those smiles. The most arguing you did was when the bill came—and when he insisted that he drive you home. 
You thanked him nonetheless as you climbed out of his car. He leaned across the seat as you stood, holding the door. 
“Try to get some sleep?” He implored. You smiled again—another real smile—and nodded. 
“I’ll try.” 
“No case notes until tomorrow morning.” 
“Someone’s feeling very high and mighty this evening.” 
“Well, I am your boss.” He said so teasingly, a sweet smile curling his lips. You chuckled softly, taking a step back. 
“Goodnight, Marcus.” 
Tag list: @missredherring​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​ ;  @paintballkid711​ ; @massivecolorspygiant​ ; @blueeyesatnight​; @recklessworry​ ; @amneris21​ ; @ew-erin​ ; @youngkenobilove​ ; @carbonated-beverage​​​​ ; @lorecraft​ ; @moonlightburned​ ; @milf-trinity​ ; @nolanell​ ; @millllenniawrites​ ; @dihra-vesa​​ ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices​​ ; @missswriter​ ; @thembosapphicclown​ ; @brandyllyn​ ; @wildmoonflower​ ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ ; @mad-girl-without-a-box​ ; @winchestershiresauce ; @writefightandflightclub​ ; @elen-aranel​
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Stark Tailoring Inc. [IronStrange]
Summary: After his accident Stephen sold almost everything. But for his new job he needs a suit. So he goes to the place a friend recommended to him: Stark Tailoring.
Relationship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: IronStrange, Tailor AU, fluff, insecure Stephen Strange, no powers, just the regular flirting of Tony Stark, different first meetings
Ko-fi | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Word count: 1.1k | Previous | Next
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Chapter 3: Picking up the suit
They had an additional fitting for the shirt they ordered and that day Stephen also brought the first check to Tony.
The second followed two weeks later when he picked everything up. Tony sent him to the dressing room again and told him to change.
The tailor was waiting outside this time. He was bent over his tablet when he heard the rustling of the curtain. He looked up – and Stephen thought that this first glance alone was worth the money he paid for the suit.
Tony beamed at him, obviously pleased with his own work. He stepped closer and adjusted the collar of Stephen's shirt, with what would under other circumstances be an intimate gesture but was probably very common in the day of a tailor. At least that’s what Stephen told himself.
“Look at you all dressed up nicely!” Tony cooed at him, taking a step back.
Stephen immediately missed his warmth, but suppressed the urge to follow him. Instead, he stepped in front of the mirror.
He did look good (besides his face. He still didn’t dare to pick up a razor). The suit fitted perfectly and his butt looked nice when he turned around. Stephen hadn't felt this good since before his accident. With this realization, a part of his former self-confidence came back.
“It’s not bad,” he agreed nonchalantly.
“Not bad?” Tony puffed up. “It’s a masterpiece!” He noticed Stephen's teasing smile and rolled his eyes before mirroring the smile.
“You will be the best dressed person at your event. Unless another of my suits attends. Then it’s a tie.”
He probably wasn’t wrong about that.
Since there weren’t any alterations necessary, Stephen changed back into his clothes and Tony rang him up. Peter wasn't in the shop today to do that. Maybe the boy just worked part-time. Or maybe he was still at school.
Stephen's gaze fell on a flyer of New York fashion week that was only a few weeks away.
Of course, even the doctor, while not into fashion, had heard of the event. Every year the streets were full of fashion enthusiasts, a lot of them in questionable outfits.
“So, fashion week,” he said vaguely, because maybe he wanted to stall a bit without being too obvious about it. He would never admit it, but he strove for Tony’s attention. He grew to like the man and with no further appointments in sight he felt somewhat sad about it.
He banished the voice from his mind that told him he had a hopeless crush.
Tony followed his gaze and shrugged. “Yep.” He popped the p. “I don’t think I’ll go this year. I’ve got a lot of work to do here in the shop and I don’t really feel inspired.”
Besides that, organizing a runway show took months in advance. At least if he wanted a good venue and time slot.
Sure, Pepper took care about those details, but like he said: he wasn't inspired. And he rather attended as a VIP guest or even not at all before he threw together a half-hearted collection.
Tony didn’t rule out that he changed his mind – it wouldn’t be his first time pulling all-nighters on short notice. But he rather focused on just making suits for now.
What most people didn’t know was that fashion designer and tailor were two entirely different fields. It was one thing to have an idea and draw it on paper but another to bring it to life that it was actually wearable.
There was no shame in just designing. On the contrary, a lot of people didn’t realize how hard it was to think of something with the potential to be a hit. A designer had to be innovating, bold and predicting what people would want to wear next year.
A good designer followed the trends.
A great designer came up with the trends. He was a futurist.
Every designer had a team of seamstresses, dressmakers and tailors on his hand who helped to bring the designer’s vision to life. Stark Tailoring Inc in fact had its very own tailor department.
But Tony was also proud to call himself a tailor. He was proud to know how to wield and manipulate fabric to give it a certain look and bend it a certain way. He knew how to mix patterns and textures to create something extraordinary.
It was a form of art. To transform a flat piece of fabric into a three dimensional piece of clothing.
Tony loved it. That was why he still worked at the old tailor shop his father opened back in the late 30s. Or why he made the sample pieces for his runway shows himself.
Now, Tony didn’t tell Strange any of this because – to be honest – the doctor didn’t seem like the kind of person whose interest in fashion went further than the average suit. Which was a shame, really, since he was the most interesting customer Tony had in a long time.
He still wasn’t sure if Strange had the hots for him or was just super embarrassed by Tony’s flirting nature.
“I think those runway shows are overrated anyway,” Stephen said with such disdain in his voice that Tony almost burst out laughing.
“Yeah?” he asked, suddenly very interested in what else the man got to say about it.
“Yes.” Strange nodded. “I don’t understand why the media always reacts overly excited or shocked every time. It’s just clothes and from what I’ve seen so far, a lot of that stuff up there isn’t wearable anyway.”
Those were the most opinionated words Tony had heard from Strange all weeks.
“You know, you’re not wrong there,” he pointed out.
His agreement seemed to surprise Stephen, as if the doctor just remembered where he was. “You probably shouldn’t tell your boss I said this. You know since he’s…”
He trailed off but Tony echoed, “He’s what?” His eyes sparkling with amusement and anticipation. It was impossible to guess what Strange would say next.
Stephen thought for a moment about how best to describe it, before he simply said, “A designer.” As if it would explain everything. “If he even ever comes down here to the shop.”
Everybody knew the tower Stark Fashion owned. It was very central with big letters on the front.
Tony almost gave it away, but bit his tongue last second. He was not sure if he would ever see this strange man again, and he liked to remain just Tony the tailor for him. Also, his honest words were refreshing and Tony preferred them over the butt kissing folks he usually had to deal with.
“I won’t tell him you said that.” Tony winked. There was no need in telling something he already heard.
Stephen smiled somewhat awkwardly and grabbed his garment bag, sensing that it was time to finally go. He nodded a last time to Tony, before he turned to leave.
“Don’t be a stranger,” Tony called after him, because he couldn’t help it. He neither saw the small smile nor the faint blush on Stephen’s face since the doctor was already out of the door.
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friendofthecrows · 4 months
Dislike how your meat suit can't really tell how much time you've wasted. You'll hit the exhaustion wall anyway.
Like, let's say you're in a similar boat to me rn. For approx. 3 weeks, I've been way more tired than normal and have just been pushing through it because I don't really have a choice unless I just want to give up on everything. My chronic pain is flaring up so I keep randomly having levels of pain I can best describe as "hurts bad enough I can't do anything including breathe until it subsides slightly" throughout the day. I've been in a sort of pattern of pulling all-nighters two nights in a row out of necessity and then way oversleeping (not really all good sleep, just keep trying to go back to sleep/won't give up on trying to get enough sleep until I get the migraine from laying down too much) out of desperation. Not to mention the boredom + depression evil combo attack has been hitting much worse than normal. Frequently, I have been too busy to do things such as "eat" or "get dressed in fresh clothes."
AND YET I have wasted a phenomenal amount of time in the past few days especially. Lots of time on tumblr, lots of time just dissociating...but my physical form doesn't know this.
It only knows I've been pushing myself to get things done, pulling all-nighters, skipping meals, etc. for weeks despite being severely overdrawn in the imaginary energy bank account. It does not care that these behaviors are necessary due to the Quencies of being so tired in the first place...you fail to work on a thing consistently throughout the day because you're too tired and in too much pain to focus, so now you have to stay up all night to get it done.
What does Physical Form decide the solution to this is? More tired. Maybe even so much tired that the basic self-care that might help feels near-impossible. Great job, Physical Form (said with malice)
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chaolie · 1 year
FWT Week 2022, Day 1 - College AU
Eyy look at this, something for the fwt week 2022 ran by @fwt-week! You might notice that there are only 3 parts to this, but that's because I do what I want and I want to write 2 fics and some one-shots using these prompts! Oh, and you can also find this chapter on my Ao3!
Characters: Fundy, Dream Words: 1.4k Summary: Fundy tries to pull an all-nighter and Dream tries to get back to his dorm room through the window. One of them got the building wrong.
These sleepless nights would catch up to him at one point, Fundy knew that well. Nonetheless, he continued staring at his laptop’s dull screen, the only light source in his dorm room, typing away on the keyboard every once in a while. If he didn’t get this code to work within 7 hours, his teacher would absolutely cut his head off, so pulling this all-nighter was his only option, wasn’t it? He supposed so.
Why couldn’t it just work, though?! By all means, it should’ve been up and running hours ago, but every time he thought he was finally done, there was something wrong! Was he missing a semicolon somewhere? Did he forget to close a loop? Mistyped a command? Who knew?! That was, apparently, a secret between this stubborn code and God, and he was neither. He was just a student who probably got less than 10 hours of sleep in the past week or two, barely comprehending the lines his own hands typed out…
He was snapped out of his dramatic internal monologue by something hitting his window.
He almost fell out of his chair and scrambled away until its back hit the wall, that must’ve been the first noise other than an “Error” pop-up he’s heard in the past few hours. It didn’t take him long to relatively calm down, though, and he looked at his window. When he saw a silhouette outside of it, his panic returned full-force, and he quickly unplugged and grabbed his desk lamp to use as a weapon. Just in case, of course. He wouldn't really have to use it for self-protection, it was just another one of those unexplainable thoughts his sleep-deprived brain was conjuring up.
He could ignore this, wait it out, and get back to work, he told himself. Then he realized that the person outside was very clearly trying to open the window, and that hope faded. In a feat of confidence he had no idea where he got, he fixed his grip on his lamp and carefully approached the window. Whoever was breaking in, they probably expected him to be asleep, so maybe confronting them would be enough? And if not, he could break that desk lamp over their head.
In a swift motion, he opened the window and pulled his lamp back, ready to use it if necessary- The man outside was certainly startled, just barely managing to stop himself from falling back, but… he didn’t look like a burglar, though. He looked to be about Fundy’s age and he seemed vaguely familiar, so he probably was another student, and the look on his face was that of pure confusion, not… disappointment, or even fear that would come with getting caught red-handed. For a moment, they both stayed frozen.
“...This isn’t my room,” the man spoke finally. Fundy was so taken off guard that he found himself looking back, as if to check if he wasn’t in the wrong room. He was not.
“...Yeah,” he confirmed, looking back at the fellow student hanging helplessly from his window. Another wave of silence followed.
“...What room number is this?” the stranger asked. Luckily, Fundy didn’t have to go outside to check his door in order to answer that.
“326,” he answered. It wasn’t hard to remember, and the first number was just the floor number anyway- “Wait, this is the 3rd floor,” he realized, and suddenly having a guy outside of his window was much more alarming.
“...I think I’m climbing the wrong building,” the stranger said, cautiously looking down as he probably planned out his climb down.
“Why are you climbing buildings?” Fundy shot back before he could stop himself. He probably would’ve added ‘at this hour’ to the question, but he really didn’t want to check his watch anymore.
“Forgot my keys, my roommate is out for the night… I figured I’d just climb in through our window,” the man explained. That plan had… a lot wrong with it, and Fundy wasn’t sure what to point out first.
“The windows lock from the inside,” he began, it seemed like a good start. The stranger paused for a moment before groaning and resting his face on Fundy’s windowsill.
“...Right,” he agreed, still resting on the cool metal. “I’ll figure out a different way inside, then,” he declared, but he sounded unsure.
He was about to climb back down, Fundy realized, and that did not sound like something anyone should be doing, ever, but especially not something a tired person should be doing while it’s pitch black outside.
“Do you want to come inside and take the actual stairs down?” he offered, and the stranger lifted his head.
“Oh, yeah, thanks,” he nodded. Fundy opened the window wider for him and set down his ‘weapon’ to assist him with getting back in, but luckily that wasn’t needed. The guy was either very athletic overall, or just really good at climbing buildings, and Fundy couldn’t see all that well with all of his lights still out. “...Did I wake you up?” the man asked once he finally made it inside.
“Oh, no, I was just working on something and didn’t bother with the lights,” Fundy explained. “I’ll get them,” he decided, quickly getting to the other side of the room and flicking the light switch. “I’m Fundy, by the way,” he introduced himself before turning around.
Upon seeing the stranger properly, he froze. He was a tall, handsome blond with a face littered with freckles and lit up by the brightest smile on Earth, wearing a very recognizable, but somewhat worn-out green hoodie. Well… Fundy certainly knew why the man seemed “vaguely familiar” even in the darkness. They shared a few classes, including the coding one. All the classes they shared were coincidentally the ones he was struggling with the most. Even more unrelated, he spent at least 75% of them staring at this very man. Oh. Oh, this was-
“Dream,” the man introduced himself. He then noticed Fundy’s expression, probably. “...Is everything okay?”
“Yeah!” Fundy answered instantly, shaking his head and trying to talk himself into getting ahold of himself. “I just recognized you! I think we share a couple of classes!” he explained hurriedly, and Dream nodded in acknowledgment.
“...You do look a bit familiar,” he agreed after a moment.
Well, the guy he’s had his eyes on since the beginning of the school year almost breaking into his dorm room at probably 3 am was one thing. That same guy doing all that and recognizing him too was another. So he nodded and ran his hand across his face in an attempt of checking if it was burning up with a blush. Not yet, luckily.
“Oh, what is this?” Dream’s question snapped him back to reality and he found the man looking at his laptop.
“My code for tomorrow,” he answered, and Dream nodded in thought while he briefly looked over the lines currently visible on the screen. “It doesn’t work yet, but… I’ll get it running soon,” he added.
“Do you want any help?” Dream offered with a smile and Fundy’s heart just about stopped. “I’m done with mine already, maybe I could offer some insight? You know, in exchange for you not making me climb back down outside,” he continued, finally looking up at Fundy.
“Sure!” he answered while he turned around, trying to hide his now-absolutely-red face. His eyes landed on the tiny ‘kitchen’ in his room while he looked for an excuse. “...Do you want some coffee? I have an electric kettle,” he offered. “...Instant coffee,” he clarified.
“Sounds good,” Dream agreed, and Fundy immediately walked over to the cupboard, getting out the jar of instant coffee and two mugs. “Can I look through your code now?” he asked.
“Yeah, go ahead!” Fundy answered, trying very hard to focus on making the coffee at… 3:47 am, as he found out by finally looking at his watch.
Well. This certainly seemed just unreal enough to be a very strange dream he was having with his face on his keyboard, endlessly feeling his program with a string of “jhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” somewhere where just a “;” would easily suffice.
He decided against pinching himself just yet, though. Who knew, maybe this possibly-dreamed-up-Dream held the secrets to getting his code to work. If not, maybe this imaginary meeting would give him just enough confidence to speak to the actual Dream in person, at least. Or maybe this was really happening, in which case, pinching himself would make him look like an absolute idiot.
So no pinching it was, even if this was most likely a crazy dream.
(It was not, in fact, a dream.)
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junferno · 1 year
It's been a week since I pulled an all-nighter working on something in C and when I was woken up from my nap today I didn't say anything because I was worried I hadn't made the necessary heap allocations to form my sentence yet.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
This is your ask for the cuddle pile prompt!
Here is you cuddle pile fill <3
Summary: Yukio has been neglecting his sleep again, and neither Rin nor Ryuuji are going to let it slide by.
— — (- o – ) zzZ — —
The problem with all-nighters was that you were exhausted after them and still had to function through the next day. Ryuuji tried not to do them often, but it had been unavoidable yesterday. Exorcist assignments had come at the worst time, and neither him nor Yukio had had the time to finish the task. They'd had to join forces for the project and it had taken almost the entire night. They'd finished at four in the morning and (somehow) gotten an approving look from their teacher for the assignment. He hadn't gotten a chance to sleep with all the other homework he had to catch up on, and he had so many regrets. 
Ryuuji had promised Rin to help him with his homework this afternoon, and despite how fantastic his bed sounded and how soft Rin's looked, Ryuuji was forcing his eyes to stay open (he might have had too wide a stare and looked a little crazy, but it was working) and forcing himself to focus on the problems.
Ryuuji did not know how Yukio was still awake. His friend had confided that he hadn't had more than six hours this entire week, and it was already Thursday. Ryuuji would be dead. He was going to be in bed by eight tonight, and he didn't care what plans he had to cancel for that.
"You're doing good," Ryuuji promised, squinting at the problem and trying to will it into making sense. The words were blurring together. He needed to grab his glasses out, but damn it, they were in his bag across the room and that journey seemed impossibly long. 
"Am I?" Rin preened under the praise and sat straighter. He eyed his timer, noticed he only had two minutes left, and promptly sprang back to his paper. He quickly jotted down the steps and scrawled out his answers messily in a hasty way that made Ryuuji feel all the more tired.
The buzzer went off — Ryuuji's perception of time always went wonky when he was tired — and Rin slapped his hand down on it cheerily. "Done!" He declared, beaming as his eyes shot up to meet Ryuuji's.
Yukio pulled the paper close — was his hand trembling or was Ryuuji seeing things? He really needed to grab those glasses — and peered down at it. 
Ryuuji gave Rin a high-five because his boyfriend was a dork and always wanted a high-five for finishing his work. 
"Brilliant, sunshine. Now we're—"
"Yukio, don't drink that." Rin's tone was low and growly. The way it only got when he was really grumpy and serious. Ryuuji looked to see what Yukio wasn't to drink and saw another one of those concentrated coffee energy drinks. The things that smelled like death and tasted like acid. There were three empty cans by Yukio's arm, and —oh. No, Ryuuji hadn't been imaging the tremble. Yukio was full on trembling. 
"Don't boss me, Rin. I know what I can—Rin!"
Rin knocked the can out of Yukio's grip, sending it flying into the wall with a loud clatter and not caring that the 'coffee' spilt all over the floor. 
"I know what I can handle!" Yukio snapped.
"No, Rin's right. You've already had too many of those things, man." Ryuuji pointed to the empty cans. "You're running on almost no sleep. Those are terrible for you and they're even worse when you're that tire—"
"No sleep?" Rin's voice dropped even lower. Ryuuji found himself straightening at attention and trying not to shiver. "Yukio, how many hours have you had?"
Ryuuji blinked, stared down at the empty cans and the way Yukio's hand was shaking and made a decision that would probably make his friend upset. "He said he had six this week." 
"Yukio! That's it. We're taking a nap." 
"That's not necessary, Rin."
"Like hell it's not!" Rin snapped his book shut and stood up, practically bristling with irritation. There was a sparkle of fire in his hair (or maybe more, Ryuuji's bleary eyes had everything looking kind of blurry) and he was glaring in a way that brooked no argument. He wasn't out of control. He was dangerously in control of himself. He had the power to back up his command, and he was okay with using it.
"A nap sounds good. Half hour?" Ryuuji closed his own notebook and set his pen neatly next to it. 
"An hour." Rin gave Yukio a stern look. "Now."
Yukio huffed out a thoroughly irritated breath and struggled to his feet. The effort required to stand refuted any argument he might have made. Rin caught him by his arm and guided him towards his bed, following after Yukio and flopping on top of him. 
It wasn't a bad idea. Both him and Rin slept like the dead (especially when he was this tired) but he doubted Yukio did. If anything, the teen gave off the impression of being the lightest sort of sleeper. Ryuuji didn't doubt he'd wait just long enough for them to fall asleep before he was escaping.
Rin might be strong enough to heft a building over his shoulders, but he wasn't particularly heavy. Yukio could shove him off without any trouble, and Buddha bless him, Rin would not wake up.
Ryuuji got to his own legs and trudged towards the bed. He sat down heavily next to Yukio, told his head to stop spinning from the abrupt movement, laid back next to Yukio, rolled onto his side, and threw half of himself onto Yukio. He was a lot bigger than Rin. Rin's tail instantly latched onto his leg, just like he'd known it would, and it took no effort to hook his arm around Rin, holding him close and on top of Yukio. He heard Yukio huff out a breath of shock and grumble some string of words he couldn't make out, but he didn't try to throw them off. 
He even laughed when Kuro yowled from across the room and lunged for them, landing on Rin's back and purring as he kneaded into the boy's hoodie. 
Rin was already asleep, and that was somehow the funniest part of this entire thing. Ryuuji knew he had slept the whole night through because he'd been listening to his snores and trying not to be wildly jealous. 
"Sorry if we're heavy," he grunted before he lost all consciousness. 
"It's... it's nice."
Ryuuji kicked his mind a little to stay awake. "The cud—"
"The weight." 
"They make blankets," he slurred, trying and failing to fight the lull of sleep. The purrs and snores and sound of Yukio's heartbeat under his ear was pulling him under. "That... heavy..."
He fell asleep, unaware that Yukio followed right after him, smiling at the reassuring weight and the warmth of his friends.
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