#White knight presents spoilers
disniq · 2 years
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Calling Jason a messy bitch to his face lmao
Gan, you're my new favourite Robin
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daily-bruce-wayne · 11 months
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papermoonknight · 2 years
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Batman White Knight Presents: Red Hood (2022) Issue 2
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dceasesd · 2 years
guys i really enjoy white knight presents: red hood. like cmon another story where jason adopts some random as child it doesn’t get better than that baby
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bnuuywol · 1 year
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I will justify this pain. I will live another day. I will fight to earn my place. I will be unstoppable.
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daily-dick-grayson · 2 years
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daily-jason-todd · 2 years
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sapphoswh0re · 3 months
A Kuroshitsuji theory about the emerald witch arc
I've never posted something like this and English isn't my main language but I just wanted to share some thoughts with other fans, so please let me know what you think about this :)
We are in the dream in chapters 93-95, and could these scenes hide clues about the future/role of certain characters???
Who are the pieces on the chessboard?
(Maybe a big foreshadowing about the most recent chapters????)
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What pieces are present for each group?
Black: 1 king, 1 horse/knight, 1 rook*, 3 pawns
White: 1 queen, 1 horse/knight, 1 bishop, 1 rook*, 2 pawns
*I'm almost sure it's a rook because it's the only piece left and the other shapes wouldn't really fit.
First, let's include a bit of symbolism for each piece. (Full article: https://chessquestions.com/chess-pieces-symbolism-shape/)
After looking at the various characters that Yana linked to the pieces it was super interesting to re-read their role/symbolism and try to understand the reasons behind those placements.
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Later two mirrored panels appear and they indicate that certain pieces represent certain characters.
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Ok that was easy.
But what about the others?
And we know that Yana doesn't do things randomly, so what could be the reason for certain choices?
Let's see the theory little by little…
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ ?
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
4 of them are revealed by Yana herself and two more are quite obvious: O!Ciel is the black king and Sebastian the black knight.
These two symbolisms are often used both in the first chapters and in the anime.
Furthermore, it is mentioned in the same chapter:
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O!Ciel is frequently shown as the "black king" but in the chapter we can see him standing in front of the king, he covers part of it and it's as if he is the one wearing the crown.
R!Ciel is leaning on the horse when he says that Ciel is scared to look at the "proof of sin" which is a clear reference to Sebastian. Also, on the chessboard in the first picture, we find the horse close to O!Ciel.
Ok, perfect, now the hypotheses and spoilers for the latest released chapters begin.
I start with two characters who are shown in the chapter but not as chess pieces: Rachel and R!Ciel.
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Rachel is not present in the second picture but is always shown next to Vincent (in this chapter too) so I think she could be the pawn seen in the first photo in the box G8.
For R!Ciel, however, the question is a little different because we actually know which piece he represents even if that piece is not shown on the board.
R!Ciel is the white king, this not only because he's O!Ciel's twin but because it's shown to us by Yana through the way he moves.
This picture is super helpful to understand where the characters are positioned and how they move.
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We can see him (blue dot) standing on C3 in a scene, then he moves until he's on F2 (the X), standing in front of the black horse (G2, red dot).
I found it interesting how the way he moves is almost underlined with zooms and sparkles: first, a single step obliquely (in D2) and then another single step.
We don't actually know if the move was C3->D2->E2->F2 or C3->D2->E3->F2 but the important thing is that he moves in multiple directions but only one step at a time, and this is a main feature of the king in chess.
So what is the situation now?
▪︎ BISHOP -> Joker
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Doll
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ?
▪︎ ROOK -> ?
▪︎ HORSE -> ?
▪︎ QUEEN -> ?
▪︎ (KING -> R!Ciel)
▪︎ ROOK -> Vincent
▪︎ PAWN 1 -> Madame red
▪︎ KING -> ? (O!Ciel)
▪︎ HORSE -> ? (Sebastian)
▪︎ PAWN 2 -> ? (Rachel?)
▪︎ PAWN 3 -> ?
I'm not actually interested in the black pieces at the moment so let's focus on the rest.
Looking at the situation that has been created with the return of the real Ciel and other characters recently, do we perhaps have some clues about the current factions???
Both R!Ciel and Doll returned as bizarre dolls, so could we consider the whites their side or at least a side that is O!Ciel's enemy?
Then we can now guess who the white horse is in my mind.
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Why do I think that Undertaker is the white horse?
He has a somewhat similar role to that of Sebastian for O!Ciel, albeit distorted.
They're both the "knight" to their "kings", someone who stays by their side (white horse in B4, really close to the white king in C3) and provides support and strategy, I don't know but it just made sense to me.
What about the white queen?
OK, now it's going to get a bit crazy.
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Let's look down again where the white queen and black knight are shown, and let's see what is said.
“Nothing will hurt you here” is referred to O!Ciel, so who could be a threat to him?
Sebastian, of course (in that same moment in the manga he was trying/considering eating him, his goal is to devour Ciel's soul at the end) but is also shown the white queen???
A queen who could hurt him?
Yeah so I think it represents Queen Victoria. Why?
My theory is that on the chessboard she is part of O!Ciel's enemy faction (she is not R!Ciel's ally at the moment and she wasn't involved with the blue cult arc since Undertaker despises her lol) because she could be connected with the events of the twins’ tenth birthday.
There are too many coincidences about 14 of December: Prince Albert's death, the twins’ birth, the attack. A lot of theories here on tumblr explain it really well.
And the other pieces? I don't think it's too crazy to assume that all 4 stars may be present on the board: Sirius, Vega, Canopus and Polaris.
2 of them are already there-> Sirius (both Ciel) and Canopus (Doll).
We now know that Vega is Layla, so she could be PAWN 2 or the ROOK based on her future role/importance(??)
Polaris has yet to be revealed but I believe it could be Joker who is already the white BISHOP, an important piece who is however not linked to the royal court but to a different master, who in his case is Baron Kelvin.
For my first post, it got waaay too long, so maybe I should explain in different posts all my theories on the queen's role, Polaris' identity, etc.
I hope it wasn't too chaotic 😅
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dandydeya · 11 months
Ksbd Posting.
6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe, White Chain, trans people, and nihilism (This is gonna be a long one (Spoilers Ahead))
(I’ll be mostly using She/Her when referring to Juggernaut)
I think Juggernaut Star is such an interesting character that never really gets talked about, despite showing up in many of the series’ best moments and I do fear that her story could be left open-ended in lieu of the fate of existence that Allison currently faces.
I mostly want to talk about the full reveal of her true form in King of Swords and how it contextualizes her character and actions leading up to that. 
Also, due to the fact that she is ultimately a side character, never acting as a main antagonist even in her final fight. Most of the things I say about Juggernaut will be in comparison to WC.
When we first meet Juggernaut it’s easy to see her as an antithesis to WC, in all fairness that’s what she ends up being but at this point in the story and for most of it leading up to the tournament in KoS. Juggernaut acts as a very real possibility for what WC could end up becoming. More importantly, this also means that White Chain represents what Juggernaut could have possibly been (Or even may have been at one point).
Focusing on Juggernaut being similar to WC. I want to talk to about their forms. WC is ridiculed for her human and feminine appearance. While Juggernaut appears as a flaming skeleton clad in armor, ultimately they appear much more human than the other angels. It’s almost comedic how intense they are, arriving on a motorcycle made from the still living skeletons of sinners, before removing the front wheel and executing someone with it. One ends up asking why a being of such hatred for humanity and weakness would have their true self represented by something so human.
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This particular aspect of Juggernaut’s character hit me pretty hard after seeing her true form. It felt like an experience that I and likely other trans people can relate to when trying to present as a gender that isn’t theirs. Like a jacket that’s a few sizes too large, it’s awkward to live and act in, and people start to notice that it doesn’t fit you. WC attempts to do something similar, literally casting her face/humanity to the side but still ends up in this awkward in-between that isn’t sustainable.
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Furthermore we see that Juggernaut’s form seems to waver based on her composure. When she loses the fury, the flames fade away to reveal a softer, feminine, and more human side.
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Also notably in KoS, we see her trying to retain her form while being beaten. Even in this state she attempts to retain her appearance putting her in a state resembling her true form but attempting to suppress it with the armor of her skeletal form. This also made me notice that she is the only one of the angels (beside the unnamed thorns members) to still wear armor outside of their physical bodies. This could just represent the power gifted by becoming a Thorn Knight however I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the power of a thorn can only be achieved by covering up one’s true self in armor covered in spikes. 
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However, it’s not just her form that acts as a façade, I don’t believe that Juggernaut, disdains humanity, at the very least not as much as she lets on. This should be fairly obvious due to her form but I believe that she may not be aware that this disdain is false. I think her hatred stems from a sort of jealousy. A jealousy at others being able to freely enjoy what she feels is impossible for her to ever accomplish along with an ignorance to the nature of the world. 
Juggernaut will have to suffer if she is to be herself, possibly endlessly as she does not have the same friendships and connects that WC has. This is then compounded by the fact that the universe remains on an infinite loop controlled by people far more powerful than her. 
I know I’m probably reading into this too much but it feels like it can be easily compared to many feelings that can often swirl in us as trans people. The knowledge that who you are can be controlled by someone with little to no say from you along with the jealousy that can stem from seeing cis people and even other trans people exploring gender when you cannot can cause some terrible things to solidify in a person. I have met people like this, and quite embarrassingly have been this person at some points in my life.
How this manifests in Juggernaut Star is an intense nihilism. If the world will not have her than she will do her best to usher its end. The only control she can have is through destroying the people attempting to pursue what she feels she may never have. I think it’s rather fitting that one of her weapons/forms is the wheel of her motorcycle, aka the supposed shape of the universe. She is quite literally taking the wheel/universe into her own hands. However, as Zoss says “He that masters the Wheel cannot break it”. 
During the tournament arc we see WC begin to go down this same path. Growing increasingly frustrated with Allison and shortly taking the opinion that humanity or at the very least Allison is unworthy and cannot be trusted. At the peak of this after defeating Allcio, she takes on a similar intense linework and hatching that we see in Juggernaut.
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She of course immediately realizes her mistake and feels remorse.
In comes Juggernaut Star.
In the ensuing fight, WC rejects her stone body (aka the body/gender assigned to her by humanity) as her reality and confronts Juggernaut with them both in their true forms.
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I do want to talk about some aspects of Juggernaut’s true form. One, compared to WC she looks much less like a warrior. Despite how “soft” she may look, in every one of White Chain’s iterations it has always been clear she can still kick ass. However, Juggernaut appears in a long flowing dress, her features are thin and she walks with an almost ballet like stance. One could say this design just matches with her dexterous fighting style but as far as we know Juggernaut is the only angel to wear clothing. Two, she sports two clipped wings. While I’ve spoken on the skeletal form being a façade it still has done real damage to her. traveling down this path has removed her freedom to choose her own path keeping her grounded and chained to Metatron’s whims. 
Anyhow, in this confrontation WC attempts to give Juggernaut the same help and connection that helped her change for the better. Juggernaut meets this with her own nihilism stating that no final happiness can be achieved and shows that she has decided to place herself comfortably within the grasp of hopelessness, just waiting to be crushed under those with more power than her.
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As she rejects this final chance at personhood, she once more cloaks herself in the anger before being defeated by 10 Vigilant Gaze. Somewhat fittingly we get a few panels of her struggling after being hit by his attack but ultimately giving up and retreating to the void.
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That last bit I talked about is because I wanted to express that even if we can feel sympathy for Juggernaut Star it is still her choice to take the path she has gone down and in accordance with this comic’s ideals we see that it is the coward’s path that brings one under the full weight of the wheel to be crushed.
I’m not sure how to end this so I’ll wrap it up with the idea that made me write this whole thing
6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe is canonically a doomer trans girl  and becoming a Thorn Knight is essentially taking the blackpill.
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irafuwas · 11 months
Twst book 7 chapter 4 babbling notes
lots of blabbering and mega spoilers after the cut
Sebek mentions that he looks quite a bit younger than he does now, but he has no doubt its grandpa baul
Sebek calls him “Baul Zigvolt”, does that mean his parents took his mom’s maiden name when they got married??
Lilia says Baul is the biggest glutton in their company
Sebek says that Baul taught him a lot growing up. He’d often buy books for Sebek, and it was him who instilled a love of reading in bekky
Just like bekky, he loves salmon
Timeline Shenanigans
In the real world, Lilia is about 700 years old and he says he received his invite to NRC over 500 years ago
In the dream, Lilia is about 300 years old
Mal is 178 years old in the real world, but at this time in Lilia’s dream, he is due to hatch in 2-3 years
Silver and Sebek notice the timeline doesn’t match up with how old mal and lilia are. Neither of them know much about Mal’s parents. Whatever happened to them wasn’t recorded in any of the books sebek read about briar valley
Fae Language
The screeching/growling sounds that the masked soldiers are making are actually an old fae language
Sebek is able to understand it (not perfectly, but he understands overall what they are saying), as his mother and grandfather taught it to him
Silver tried learning it from Lilia, but Silver’s ears couldn’t even pick out the words. Sebek said his father said the same thing. Sebek explains that compared to other animals, humans have a limited range of hearing, and since he is descended from fae, he can pick up on minute sounds that humans cannot
Languages and methods of pronunciation differ from one fae species to another, but by imbuing their voices with magic they can all communicate with one another. Presently, many of the fae in briar valley speak a common language, and not many speak the old fae languages.
Silver Owl/Iron Ones
The Silver Owl is a group of humans that invaded the Land of Briar and they are tearing up the forests, destroying the mountains, and generally making a huge mess of things as they excavate the land for magical stones, mystium, gemstones, and other resources
All the members of the group wear iron armor, and that is why the fae have taken to calling their members “the iron ones”
Lilia and the imperial guards have been struggling to drive them out of the country since there are so many of them
They arrived at ”Cape Sunrise”(? 来光岬) about a hundred years ago in just one little sailboat. Their numbers increase in the blink of an eye and they quickly surpassed the fae. They now pretty much dominate the land from the “Canyon of Screaming Winds” (?? 風鳴き渓谷) to the east
Leader of the Silver Owl
Lilia describes him as a greedy, vulgar man who’s “big like a barrel”
Spends most of his time relaxing at the fortress and rarely comes out
Knight of Dawn
Commanding officer of the Silver Owl’s guards
An expert swordsman with white armor and golden hair. Even lilia recognizes his strength (though they’ve never fought)
Even the followers of the night fear him
He is said to be very beautiful
He spends most of his time defending the fortress and doesn’t come out west much
He wears a helmet almost all the time. Lilia’s never seen his face
General Vanrouge
Uses 俺 for his first-person pronoun instead of わし like he does now
He says his sense of taste is very sensitive and he can tell right away if something weird has been added to a dish
Says he is about 300 years old
He was an orphan and Queen Maleficia took him in
He thinks that Silver and Co. are envoys from NRC trying to get him to enroll at the school
At one point, Grim whines for some fruit growing high up in a tree, and Lilia uses his magic to get it down without making a sound (there were enemy soldiers in the area). He says he’s only ever missed once when he set his eyes on a target, but doesn’t answer what that was when Sebek asks
While on their way to the fortress, some fae kids recognize Lilia and call out to him. He calls them annoying brats and basically tells them to scram. But the kids say they want to protect the country together with Lilia, and he smirks and lightens up.
At one point he kicks Silver and sends him flying, and Silver falls right in front of some Silver Owl soldiers passing by. They think that Silver must’ve been held prisoner by the fae and that he had escaped and they stop to help him, and then Lilia and the others attack while they’re distracted
One time, when he, Levan, and Mallenoa were kids, they got lost in the forest after getting caught up in another one of Mallenoa’s whims. This was back when they couldn’t fly very well, and there was a thick fog in the forest, and they couldn’t find the way home. Levan was freaking out but Mallenoa was having a great time. The next morning the imperial guards came and found them. Even though they went out there per Mallenoa’s suggestion, Lilia was the one who got an earful for it
They come to a deserted town and recuperate in one of the abandoned homes. They find some spinning wheels, a doll on the floor, and marks on the wall where someone was getting their height measured every year. Lilia scoffs at the mess the kids that lived there must have made. He figures that once Mallenoa’s egg hatches he’s probably going to get babysitting duty shoved on him and be made to clean up after the kid. He says just thinking about it makes him sick. He says he hates children, they’re loud, do what they want, and always cry, and worst of all, they’re weak. He says the thought of having to look after a creature that gets worn out so easily sends a shiver down his spine. Sebek suggests that perhaps Lilia’s mind will change someday, and that he might like to have a family of his own in the future. But Lilia looks at him like he’s grown two heads and says he has no intention of ever running a household. He murmurs, “Until now, and from now on, I…” but doesn’t finish the thought.
Mallenoa (? マレノア)
Queen Maleficia’s one and only daughter and the Lady of Briar Castle (?野ばら城) (To this, Silver gets confused and says “Briar Castle? Not the royal castle in the Dragon Capitol City/Imperial City(?竜の港), Black Scale Castle” (???黒鱗城))
She commands the imperial guards and is the “keystone of the country’s defense”
She ordered Lilia and the guards to deliver a written ultimatum to the Silver Owl demanding they cease their insolent actions at once.
Other delegates have been sent to deliver demands to the silver owl’s fortress before, but one by one they went missing. So instead of having lilia’s company just fly to the fortress, she told them to go on foot and search for the missing delegates and rout any silver owl members along the way
Lilia says she is a tomboy, quarrelsome, hot tempered, and selfish. He calls her the Land of Briar’s most disastrous princess. He says ever since he’s been conscious of his surroundings he’s been wrapped around her little finger for the past 300 years
Levan (? レヴァーン)
Mal’s dad and Mallenoa’s husband. He was an aristocrat and served as the Land of Briar’s diplomat. Title is 龍眼公 (Lit. dragon eye Lord/duke).
His whereabouts are unknown
Tamago-Sama (😭)
in the dream, Mal is currently an egg and is due to hatch in 2-3 years
Dragon eggs will not hatch without their parent’s love and magic poured/concentrated/flowing into them
He says he doesn’t have his sleeping problems when he is within a dream. He never suddenly falls asleep or anything like he normally does when awake
He says his father brought him to lots of different magical healers growing up but none of them could find out what was wrong and they would all throw in the towel in the end
The silver owl soldiers keep mistaking Silver for somebody else. One knight asks if Silver is here to save them, another says he feels like he recognizes silver from somewhere. Based on the way they address him, whoever they are mistaking him for is someone socially superior to them
At one point, the darkness appears, and silver’s ring starts to glow. The light from the ring dispels the darkness
Lady Leah (? レイア)
Henrick’s little sister
Its rumored that she is in love with the knight of dawn
Ending Scene
The Silver Owl fortress is empty when the group arrives. The door closes behind them and an armored device starts attacking them
After they defeat the device, a fae messenger arrives letting them know that the Briar Castle is under attack by the Silver Owl. Both Henrick and the Knight of Dawn are leading the charge
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daily-bruce-wayne · 1 year
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papermoonknight · 2 years
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Batman The White Knight Presents: Red Hood (2022) Cover
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revvethasmythh · 10 months
I think it's very interesting--and I mean that genuinely--that overwhelmingly in the past week or two, the responses I've seen about Relvin have centered around the idea that "he should have fought" for Imogen or that "he should FIGHT" for Imogen. I've seen this particular line pop up quite a few times in slightly different ways, and I think maybe we should unpack this a little.
Because in the physical sense, Relvin can't really fight. By that, I mean his stats probably look like Gilear Faeths and like, yeah, you can argue that Gilear tagged along during Sophomore Year and therefore, so could Relvin. But Gilear also *spoilers* died three separate times in a 20 episode span, and is only alive at the end because Emily loves him so fucking much and Brennan's resurrection rules in FHSY are more lax than Matt's. Particularly post-Solstice, where there is no resurrection to be had at all if Relvin were to die. If you want Relvin to join the Hells and Fight The Moon And Ludinus Too, it's really not feasible even on just a physical level. That's not even engaging with the question of "why would the Hells even want him there?" They wouldn't. He'd be a nuisance at best and a liability at worst.
If you want to him to Fight The Moon sans the Hells on his own, he's really not capable of that either! He's not a scholar, he's not a magic user, he's--he's a groom. A stablehand. He can't "pick up his pitchfork" (that he shovels manure with) and stand defiantly against the forces that face Imogen & Co. He's really, truly Just A Dude. Which is kind of the point I've been trying to make about him. He's lived his life around extraordinary people, and he is not extraordinary. He doesn't have the tools to fight something like this, which is part of his tragedy. Is there a world where he quits his job, leaves his horses and his home and his life and tries to become a warrior for the sake of his absentee wife and the daughter he loves but doesn't know how to love the right way? I suppose. But wouldn't that be a different story than this one? And isn't it worth finding the meaning in the one we're experiencing now?
If this argument is that he should have fought for Imogen on an emotional level i.e. having been there for her more or more outwardly shown her affection, we kind of run aground of the same problems. The ask here is that we fundamentally change Relvin's character to make him something that he is not. He is a man who struggles with emotions, and was probably desperately scared about what Imogen was experiencing when it happened and didn't want her to feel his fear. Or his thoughts about her mother. And so, yes, he pulls away (for a variety of reasons). And there is a conversation to be had about his choice to withhold information about Liliana--it's questionable. But, then, every option he was presented with was questionable. What do you tell Imogen, who was abandoned by her mother when she was two? That her mother is dead, or that her mother abandoned her? You pray Imogen never develops the same debilitating powers as her mother, but when she does? Do you give her the comfort of knowing someone else had the same powers, the same struggles, at the expense of prompting more questions about her mother? Do you take the chance to be peppered with questions about how these powers work only to helplessly look on and say "I don't know," and maybe send Imogen down the same road as her mother even sooner than she actually did?
There is no good option. There is no heroic version of Relvin that makes all the right choices and becomes Imogen's white knight father, endlessly supportive and wholly committed to her. The situation is too complicated, and Relvin, frankly, is far too much Just Some Guy to be able to really grasp what Imogen is going through or to fight it in an active way. But I do think it's interesting that this seems to be the version of Relvin that the fandom would have found acceptable.
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topbanana-art · 6 months
Finally making an OC info post- by no means is this all of them, just ones that are most active and/or live in my head rent free.
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First up- Rhys (DnD 5e - Rime of the Frostmaiden)
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20 years Old, Half Orc, Half Elf (sweet baby angel) , He/Him
Fighter- Echo Knight
Absolute Ray of Sunshine; Rhys is from Icewind Dale; more specifically the Nomadic Reghed Tribe of the Elk.
He's unfamiliar with the outside world and even includes settlements in his own country
He's a Himbo basically a big dog.
This campaign lead him to leaving his tribe for the first time after an unfortunate accident which turned him into a small 'painted child' and searching for his missing sister. (both these are sorted now!)
*Rhys found an old oil painting of this child, blacked out and next thing he knew he was that small elf child. Her skin and clothing having the texture of painted canvas, and bleeds paint.
For a good chunk of the campaign he was just a totally normal elf- whose shadow didn't match with the body
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Dhalas (DnD 5e Annalor)
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36 Years Old, They/Him, Triton
Drunken Master Monk
Chill surfer dude vibes
Part of a travelling circus, They're a balancing act
Extremely laid back, Dhalas talks like they fight- dancing around, seemingly without rhyme or reason and occasionally clumsy.
Foxglove (BG3)
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138 Years old (tweaked her age a lil), She/They, Drow
Arcane Trickster Rogue
Guild Artisan Background- Locksmith & Apprentice Finesmith
Chill and sassy, that Tav who talks their way out of shit.
Skews Towards Chaotic Good
Presents Androgynous most of the time
Must lockpick everything- she's not actually super interested what's inside, she just wants to see the workmanship of the locks and trashtalk how bad they are.
Yeah she's smooching the vampire. (and Halsin)
Naturally cares for others, even at the cost of her own wellbeing.
Has a Phobia of anything touching/going near her eyes- so the start of the game is A Time for Fox.
Arslan Dhoro (FFXIV)
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21 Years Old (as of ARR), He/Them
Xaela AuRa
Dragoon - White Mage Main (All healer classes tbh)
Stoic, Resting Angry Face Himbo
He struggles to show emotion but he's just pretty shy and cautious about opening up to others.
From the Azim Steppe, he left in his early teens with his father after the death of his mother, to explore the world beyond the Steppe.
His Father Died in his late teens, attacked in Coerthas thinking he and Arslan were Dravanians.
He's extremely soft and protective for the Scions/his friends
Shiv (DnD 5e Saltmarsh- campaign completed)
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Awful, terrible lesbian
68 years old, She/Her, Halfling
Celestial Warlock - Unicorn Patron w/ a Baby Phoenix familiar, Toby
A piece of shit. Is an absolute asshole and wont let you know she cares.
Lowkey magical girl
Ex-smuggler, who's patron is literally 'I can fix her', 'she can be a better person'. Part of the 'Beyond Skeletons' Pirate crew, she's the medic of the crew.
Pymmyr Tathnel (DnD 5e)
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85 Years Old, He/They, Drow
Gloomstalker Ranger
Emotional Support Blink Dog, Princess Liquorice
This boy is scared all the time
Doesn't talk much, but speaks in a soft voice
Has disordered 'Sleeping' and Eating :)
His plague mask has tinted lenses to help ease the strain with how bright the surface is
I wont tell too much about them as a lot of their info is spoilers to other players. But this sad Drow just rocks up in my head on the regular.
Erebus (Anima Beyond Fantasy)
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AKA- My first TTRPG character! circa 2011-2 I think???
Real name Sho Yoshimitsu
22 Years Old, He/Him
Duk'Zarist Nephilim
Textbook 'strong silent and intimidating hot man'
But basically a big soft boy if you break past the mile thick ice
Tragic backstory™ , used to using his body for the job
He really enjoys cooking!
Also hopelessly in love with a small soft summoner, Caelum (the one hugging him), They're RedxBlue gays
I think I'll leave it there for now!
I may add more later, I hope it was interesting?? and I'm still pretty shy with yelling this much about my characters haha.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! 💜
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daily-dick-grayson · 2 years
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daily-jason-todd · 2 years
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