hiromipanda · 5 years
They handled the subject of gender identity so well, but too bad for the reaction of the mother at the end of the episode.
I hope more people watch this anime because it’s a real gem!!
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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By Elborrach0666
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Nora Universe again!! shes so fun to draw
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hiromipanda · 5 years
Repeat after me: - Veganism is not affordable - Veganism is not cruelty free - Veganism is not the best choice for everyone
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hiromipanda · 5 years
Charities/organisations to avoid:
PETA: They’d rather spend their money on publicity campaigns than on the animals in their care. PETA killed 73.8% of the animals in their care in 2015 (x)
FCKH8: Is a for-profit company that exploits oppressed groups for money. They’re also wildly uninformed, and spread misogyny, cissexism and bi/panphobia, as well as stealing their posts/designs (x)
Autism Speaks: They spend most of their money on researching a way to eliminate autism, heighten the stigma against autism and don’t have a single autistic person on their board (x)
Please support other, better charities, and feel free to add any others you can think of to this.
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Minecraft comic series by 
Alexander Diochon
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hiromipanda · 5 years
Saw This and It seems like it might be up some of y’alls alleys
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It’s a whole ass Wendy’s Roleplaying game.
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hiromipanda · 5 years
New Inktober for 2019!
Once again, I was asked to create a new list of art prompts for October this year! These creations from you guys are ALWAYS so amazing, so I’m excited to bring you a new list! I got so many suggestions from my friends! You can use #TSinktober if you’d like to share your creations!
Remember: Even if we’re on Day 31, and you wanna post art based off the Day 1 prompt, you DEFINITELY can! There is no lateness for posting art, because it’s all entirely for fun! Hope you enjoy!! (I’ll be adding the other days soon!)
Day 1: In a twist from the past years’ Day 1 prompts, I want to see you take a traditional Halloween monster or character, and draw what they look like Sep. 30th, and then their traditional look when it’s October 1st!  Maybe they don’t get spoopy until October 1st haha.
Day 2: Turn fall weather into a character! Could be the human embodiment of Fall, or the spirit responsible for Fall occurring, or something else!
Day 3: Turn a famous painting into a spoopy Halloween version!
Day 4: Draw a classic still life of items belonging to your favorite character. Let us guess who the items belong to!
Day 5: Draw your best friend or yourself (or both) GOIN GHOST. Ya know, that good ole Danny Phantom transformation!
Day 6: A Pokémon hanging out with (or running from) the zombified version of itself
Day 7: Choose two months, personify them, then draw what their first date would look like
Day 8: Sanders Sides characters on their dream vacations!
Day 9: A business that a Halloween monster or character would thrive on if they ran it!
Day 10: Take any popular author, imagine if they were a superhero, and draw what their comic book cover would look like!
Day 11: Portray any Disney princess as the “monster/scary thing” from a horror movie such as The Conjuring, The Nun, etc., either depicting them in a scene from the movie or the poster for the movie!
Day 12: Take any two coffee flavors, like Pumpkin Spice and Peppermint, and draw a battle between them, Mortal Kombat style (brew-tality lol)
Day 13: Take any Avenger from the MCU, and reimagine them as a Pokemon Gym Master! What would their Pokemon team look like?
Day 14: Reimagine a Sanders Sides, Cartoon Therapy, or other original character from our content as a kind of humanoid piece of candy or sweet treat!
Day 15: I really enjoyed this prompt from last year, so this year, take any Disney Villain, and use them as the inspiration for a Met Gala outfit! NO DALMATIAN PUPPY FUR ALLOWED, ALL OF YOU CRUELLA FANS.
Day 16: Take any traditional Halloween monster/character or any horror movie villain and make… them… CUTE. Now whether that’s adorably cuddly cute or va-va-voom cute is completely up to you! - Erin
Day 17: Take your fave character or OC and reimagine Steampunk versions of them!
Day 18: Take your fave food and create a cartoon character based off of it! It can have its own style, be stylized after an existing cartoon, whatever you wish!
Day 19: Take a quote from a book, song, or movie that particularly inspired you, and make it the main centerpiece of this day’s piece of art! Wherever you’d want to take the art from there is up to you!
Day 20: Here’s a cool challenge for ya! You can draw any Halloween-themed picture you want, BUT It’s all in ONE pen stroke. You can’t take your drawing utensil off the paper!
Day 21: What if anyone else from Halloweentown, other than Jack Skellington, had discovered and fell in love with Christmastown? Would anyone else have tried to dress up as Santa? Would they hatch another plan entirely??
Thank you to all my friends whose suggestions helped to make this list!
Dahlia, AJ, Tammy, Ellen, Adri, Fariha, Brei, Rafaela, Jack, Esteban
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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First day of life up until 6th grade 
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Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School
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Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that
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Slowly it started growing back and then….
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I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)
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At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT
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A year on HRT
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Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Lawyer up
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Favorite girl
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Let me tell you WHY THIS IS SO GOSH DARN IMPORTANT!!! Ok so this right here, Spinel is incredibly hurt because she was left behind, her only friend got annoyed and left her all alone. She now thinks of herself as a burden to anyone who could possibly want to be her friend, she doesn't think that anyone would want to be her friend now. Personally I have known a ton of people, who I wanted to befriend, they would tell me things like...
"I'll just annoy you. "
"Sorry I'm a burden."
"Don't act like you want me."
"I'm a terrible person"
"You don't want to be my friend."
Etc. Etc.
For people who are like this, the people who self depricate themselves to the point where they push people away so they won't be hurt again, to SEE this character who has the same set of mind as them, to SEE Spinel grow and actually be accepted to actually make new friends who understand and love her. This is representation for people who push people who care away, this is proof that though they're broken and hurt, they are still capable of being loved. SPINEL IS SO DANG IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!
(Photos borrowed from @tealspace thank you)
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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real life footage of me being born
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Nicole Gustafsson https://ift.tt/2YWNbOh
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hiromipanda · 5 years
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Squishy got a new friend. Their name is Squashy.
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