#What I really need is the story about Mario deciding he was going to take in Luigi
pianokantzart · 1 month
I just watched the 1993 Super Mario Bros movie, and the chokehold big age gap Mario and Luigi has on me right now is insane. Mario being extremely overprotective of the boy he raised? Muah *chefs kiss*. I now want a story where Luigi is in school, and Mario just tries and helps him with his homework or something. I need more domestic Mario and Luigi. I just wanna see the two of them sitting in their apartment in Brooklyn watching tv together, I wanna see them enjoy walks, do actual plumbing, I wanna see Mario teach Luigi plumbing.
Just fluff. Sorry about the rant btw.
No no no! You're so right. You are so very very right. I love the double-date dinner scene when Luigi starts talking about his relationship with Mario.
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L: 'Cos Mario, he brought me up! He's been my mother my whole life. M: Hey! L: I mean father. My father. He's been my father, my uncle, my brother - everybody!
Luigi doesn't even know who his parents are. And if Mario legitimately raised Luigi alone while impoverished and without any family he could rely on, he did such a fantastic job?? It's no wonder he's the most abrasive of all the Marios (not that I have a problem with that. Grumpy Mario my beloved.)
Don't even get me started on Mario being his little brother's wingman, trying to feed Luigi dialogue under his breath when he's attempting to chat up Daisy. Also him aggressively backseat driving and trying not to panic while Luigi is a maniac behind the wheel? Putting himself through hell to help his little bro rescue the woman he loves? One of the best parts was when, after Bowser President Koopa attempts to gouge Luigi's eyes out in a moment of rage, Mario jumps in and grapples Koopa to get him off. He gets tased for his efforts, but succeeds in keeping his bro's eyeballs intact. Then in the devo chamber in the next scene you can see Mario nervously checking on Luigi in the background, cupping his face as he ensures there's no serious damage done.
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Sorry Mario, Luigi was kinda right to describe you as his mother.
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jellyfishinc · 1 year
Here's my Pitch for a Luigi's Mansion movie
Opening scene is King Boo getting word of the Mario Brothers, and sending Boos to spy on them.
By now, the brothers are firmly established in the Mushroom Kingdom as the Mario Brothers, and when we first see them now, they’re putting up fliers offering their services.
But immediately, we can see that when someone stops to talk to them, everyone seems to be gravitating towards Mario. Which is fine, and even expected, as people know him as the guy that saved the Kingdom.
But it’s not long before Luigi’s insecurities rear up their ugly heads, to the point where he feels like he can’t even tell Mario about them.
What insecurities exactly? The one’s you’d expect: only being known as Mario’s brother, or the guy that got trapped in a cage that needed Mario to rescue him. Which get worse when someone makes an offhand comment that gets under his skin. It’s essentially a parallel to what their dad said to Mario: about holding Mario back now that he’s a hero.
But here’s the secret: those comments don’t really bother him. It’s already been established that Luigi has been Mario’s #1 fan since before they even knew the Mushroom Kingdom existed. If people gush over Mario more, they’re just repeating what he’s known since they were babies. Why would that kind of talk start to bother him now?
No. For Luigi’s insecurities to be as bad as we’re being shown, it has to go deeper than that.
The real fear is that one day MARIO will see that, and just decide he’s done looking out for him. You thought he was heartbroken when trapped in the cage? NOTHING compared to what happens upon thinking of that.
However long that takes, everything comes to a head when Luigi gets the notice about winning the mansion in the mail, and he decides to go check it out. 
Whether it’s because he suspects something is up or he’s too distracted by his insecurities, does not matter. What does is that he decides to go alone to prove he’s not just Mario’s little brother.
And I will emphasize this right here and now: Luigi does not blame Mario for ANY of this. He loves Mario the same as he always has, if not more, and it’s that exact love why he’s so scared of losing him.
He shrugs off Mario’s questions as to why he’s going alone, and leaves. Which then prompts Mario to check out the notice himself, and after some research, realizes Luigi’s about to walk into a trap, and runs off to try and stop him.
While all this is happening, we need two different sets of flashbacks, wherever they make sense: flashbacks of them growing up, to show how their relationship changes into what it is now. And snippets of a more recent one, with Mario telling him he’s moving to the Mushroom Kingdom, offering him a chance to come with; Luigi panicking because a) he’s still traumatized by what happened, and b) he’s scared of losing his brother again if he says no.
Eventually Luigi makes it to the mansion, and it plays out like it did in the game. I trust Nintendo’s ability to make sure it stays as true to the game as it can be. It’s still about getting rid of the painting ghosts and all that, but keeps coming back to the insecurities.
And if there's a way to add their Twin Sense to the story, preferably when Luigi finds something of Mario's, that would be AWESOME.
Mario, on his side, is not just trapped in a painting. The painting itself is essentially a pocket dimension where he can see everything that’s going on, as one of King Boo’s cruel torture tactics, but no matter how loud he screams or yells, Luigi can’t see or hear him unless in the throne room, because that’s where the physical painting actually is.
It's revealed the Boos had been observing Luigi for weeks to figure out the best way to mess with him, and while they usually just do what we’ve seen them do in the games, they tried something different because Luigi essentially did all the work for them, and enhanced his insecurities to lure him to the mansion to trap him there.
And of course, when he faces King Boo, he gets hit where it really hurts: the fallout of all those flashbacks: every time Luigi got hurt or was picked on, and Mario stepped in. Or only Moving to the Mushroom Kingdom to make Mario happy. King Boo laughing at him and saying how he’s so weak he can’t even fight his own battles, no wonder Mario got taken so easily.
Luigi starts to believe it, maybe even starts crying, I won’t object, but then he hears Mario banging on the painting, making him look up.
Whatever Mario says here is meant to get Luigi to look back again, and we see a flashback montage. Sure, Mario stepped in at first, but when Luigi got older, he started doing the same. And even had Mario teach him to defend himself, despite the fact that it scared the shit out of Mario every time he fell or got hurt. The very last flashback is of when Mario finally made him talk about moving to the Mushroom Kingdom, and Luigi admitted how scared he was about the whole idea. And you guessed it, Mario gives a bona fide Good Big Brother speech that ends with another Bro Hug.
And THAT is what gives Luigi the strength to get back up and kick King Boo’s ass straight back into the painting where he belongs.
Keep the game’s ending in there, or the fans will riot, then give us a Proud Big Brother moment after they’re home safe.
Then it ends with them hanging up more fliers all over the Mushroom Kingdom, but now we see there’s a new thing added to their services: Boo Hunting.
Oh yeah. And to keep with the first movie's continuity: soundtrack only has music from or before the year the game came out.
This would be November 2001, so use your imagination.
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zootopiathingz · 8 months
Mario/Daisy friendship headcanons I promised to provide!
A popular headcanon for Luigi/Peach is them baking together and it’s usually a very calm activity for them. For Mario and Daisy, however, it would be the exact opposite. It starts out with a simple idea to bake a cake for Peach and Lu to show their appreciation and they go to the kitchen and get supplies, and as they start they both realize that they don’t have any idea how to bake. “It’s fine! There’s cookbooks all over the place that tell you exactly what to do!” Insists Mario, and so they try that at first but since they’re both stubborn asf at times they end up deciding “screw it we don’t need these useless instructions! This looks too easy!” And then they start messing up with the measuring and how long things stay in the oven and long story short a fire starts and everything slowly descends into madness.
They often tease each other about their crushes on Peach and Luigi. Peach will say something sweet to Mario which makes him blush, and after she walks away Daisy leans over with a mischievous smirk, probably commenting on how his face is blending in with his red hat. He covers his face and tells her to shut up (respectfully)
Or when Daisy gives Luigi a kiss on the cheek, Mario childishly goes “ooooooh!” and she pushes him to the ground.
Video games are a battle to the death for these two. If Daisy is in the movie verse I imagine he would introduce games to her which she quickly gains a lot of skill. But of course they’re both super competitive. So whenever someone sees them with controllers in their hands they know to leave the room cuz it won’t take long for the loud screams of pure rage to fill the air.
They also take that completion outside video games. They often have other types of matches such as arm wrestling, checkers, anything that involves an opponent really. It gets tiring to watch at times.
(This is specifically for Wonder) Mario gets the elephant fruit and transforms. He’s mildly confused at first but snaps out of it when he hears Daisy burst out laughing, bending over and holding her stomach. “You look so dumb!!” She shouts through her cackling. Later on in the adventure she gets the fruit as well and looks at her elephant-appearance. Mario folds his arms with a smirk, suppressing some laughter. “You were saying?”
One day Luigi comes home wiping away tears. Both Mario and Daisy go over to him asking what’s wrong. He tries to shrug it off saying someone pushed him on the street earlier, but insists he’s not upset so he tells them not to worry. They both give each other a look. Later that day, after somehow getting some more information, they ring the doorbell of someone’s house. The person opens the door to be greeted by Mario crackling his knuckles while Daisy wields a bat in her hand.
Classic sibling moments where one of them sees a random animal/creature and will point at it and go “that’s you”
After a long day of their absence, Mario and Daisy return home looking absolutely wrecked and disheveled. Their hair’s a mess, their clothes are dirty and ripped, scratches and burn marks on their arms and faces. Everyone else is concerned, but Luigi and Peach immediately scold them and ask what the hell they’ve been up to. They both smile awkwardly and reply “nothing!” in perfect unison. (*cue loud explosion in the background*)
Feel free to add onto this
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
I has 21 asks! :DDD🌟🌟
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I'm not sure if they would line their coats with the Captains fur,, <XD I'm not sure my Barnacles would even shed! My Barnacles has his fur cut really short to accommodate for the warm climate. Which is why he has to wear a coat like the rest of the crew when he goes to the Arctic!
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Awe, thank you! And I'd sayyy.. its probably cookies and cream. If that counts?? XD If thats not what you meant than milk chocolate-
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XDD I love all the theories! Your enthusiasm means the world! And don't worry, you wont be in the dark for long.. 👀👀
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aaa thank you so much!! That means the world!! :DD
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That's a really interesting detail actually, I'll have to take note!
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I have not actually, it looks really cute though! :DD
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Thank you so much!! :DD
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Yes, please do take it down. That would be greatly appreciated 🙏
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XD I forgot about that game, too funny!
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I'm excited but also preparing to be greatly disappointed...
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I kind'a saw it comin. I think everyone did-
I'm not disappointed, I think its a cool and mysterious plot line to have :00 Also I didn't notice the Monty carpet! Very interesting,,
Also this doesn't change my Monty at all obviously. <XD I made him a good guy out of pure spite and I'm KEEPING him that way!
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Unfortunately Vanessa is not part of the Fazfam <XD
As for her importance, I cant specify too much.. but I will say that she does indeed play a big part in the over all story of my au. 👀👀
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Yeah I did, it made me kind'a sad :( But honestly good for him. The man deserves a good retirement for voicing a lot of our childhoods ✨🌟✨
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Thank you <:) I'm doing my best!
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I was thinking it'd be less visual differences and more internal. Although I haven't fully decided what the differences will be-
Some ideas I had was maybe Peach and the others are Herbivores? What if they can only eat fruits and veggies and Mario sees a slab of cooked meat and he's just like "OO STEAK" and chomps into it and everyone just looks at him like
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ALSO! Maybe Peach has to sleep a lot more than Mario does. OR maybe a lot less? Imagine if peach only needed 4 hours of sleep and then she was wide awake. Or maybe the opposite? Imagine if 12 hours is a standard amount of sleep they need. Mario is running around at 7 AM on 8 hours of sleep and Peach is like "whyyyy are you uppp so earlyyy go back to sleeeppp"
Or SHES up at 4 AM like "Mario are you up? Hey Mario are you awake? Do you want breakfast? I made you breakfast. Its cake I hope that's okay-"
I also imagined temperatures! I mostly imagined that Peach cannot handle the heat what so ever. Mario's out there in 35°C (95°F) heat and Peach is tucked away in her dungeon like a vampire. Or the OPPOSITE?? Its 40°C (104°F) and she's out there gardening and Mario is cooped up inside just miserable <XD
ANyways, I think you get the point. Differences like is what I had in mind. 😅😅
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Cassie's not in it because I just kind'a dont like her entire existence XDD But maybe she could be a friend of Gregory's down the road when he grows up yeah.
Also I love/hate the DLC. I think its really pretty, I LOVE how it leaned more towards a horror theme this time..
Buuuuuut all the complicated lore stuff put me off. Cassie, the Mimic, the big purple glitchy bunny thing. Uhhhgg.. I love this franchise but I wanna punch it really hard sometimes. <XD
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All of the bots got a system reboot after Gregory's first night there, as a safety precaution. Moony included. As to how the reboot effected him specifically and if he's still infected? Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see.. 👀
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heehoonieluvs · 9 months
Don’t call me cute!
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Jungwon x reader
The way that the members are depicted in this story has nothing to do with how they really are or how I feel they are. It is all solely for the storyline so please bear that in mind 🫶
Summary: Jungwon isn’t very fond of his gf calling him cute… at least that’s what he wants to think
Since today was a (rare) free day for the boys, they invited me to come over to their dorm to have a meal and stay for the night. Of course my adorable bf Jungwon was attached to my hip the whole time and not letting me leave his side for one second.
“No Y/Nie! Jay hyung can deal with dinner by himself. Just stay here with me.”
“Hey you brat! I need at least one person to help me out and Y/N is the only one here who I can trust to not burn the kitchen down.” Jay responded. Of course he knew that there was no way of getting you from the kitty leader but it was worth the try I guess.
“Nope. Y/N will stay here with me.” Jungwon insisted with a smug grin on his face, showing off his adorable dimple.
I couldn’t help but coo at him “OMG baby you’re so cute I just wanna squeeze those cheeks of yours!” As I poke at his dimple.
However Jungwon pouted at my words. CUTE?!? He’s not cute! 😡
“Babyyy! Don’t call me cute! Call me handsome and manly!” He whined.
At his response, I looked at him with sad puppy eyes. “What do you mean?? You’re my cute baby, just like a floofy kitten.”
“Nooo you’re MY baby. I’m not cute I’m handsome!” He insisted.
“Ok then” I said with a pout and turned away from him to sulk. Obviously I didn’t take his words seriously but I decided to mess with him to see if he’d crack.
I felt him poke and pinch my cheeks
“Babyyy, bubbaaa, loveee, Y/Niiieee. Don’t be sulkyyy. Look at meeee.”
He carried on poking my cheeks and planting small kisses to try and gain back my attention.
“Don’t worry Wonnie I’m not upset! I understand and won’t call you cute anymore ☺️
He couldn’t help but feel a bit cautious but hey! He wasn’t being called cute!
Time skip
Third person’s POV:
Jungwon didn’t know how to feel after that night honestly. He could feel a slight shift in the way his gf acted around him. Even your texts didn’t seem as chirpy as before. Of course you still sent him cute messages and said ‘I love you’ frequently but he could just tell something felt different.
It didn’t help that when you were out with the boy’s, you’d be very calm around him but all of a sudden would coo at Sunoo and pinch his cheeks. He felt a slight twinge of jealousy at the sight but it wasn’t like you had never coddled Sunoo before. From the start of the relationship, you always told Sunoo how cute he was and he never minded it so how come it felt so different now?
Because the poor baby was feeling a bit down from stress of you not babying him he invited you to come over to the dorms again so he could have a nice cuddle session with his baby
Once again, Jay was cooking dinner for everyone since according to him “Instant ramyun isn’t a meal” but we can agree to disagree
Jungwon had been a lot clingier to you tonight and you were not complaining one bit. It may not have seemed like it from an outsider but you had been trying so hard to stop yourself from just going hours about how adorable your bf was. But he clearly wasn’t a fan so you’d respect that to make him happy.
Even during dinner, it took all of the strength in you to not squeeze his cheeks as he stuffed them with food. God he’s so bloody cute and I can’t do anything about it 😭😭😭
Y/N’s POV:
After we all cleared up our plates from the dinner Jay had made, we all decided to play Mario Kart (I don’t play games so this was all I could think of 😅)
So far Niki was winning with Sunoo not so far behind, followed by Jake and Sunghoon. There was so much chaos going on as each of them were so close to overtaking each other. It was a close race till before the finish line, Sunoo hit Niki with a shell and beat him for 1st place
“Yeaaaa I won! Whoop whoop” Sunoo screamed whilst doing a shimmy dance. And ofc Niki grabbed Sunoo’s feet and dragged him around in a circle 😂
Still full of giggles, Sunoo carried on doing his little dance with a bright peachy smile.
Seeing how cute he looked, it reminded me of Jungwon’s previous comment from a few days ago so I tried to see if what I said next would make him react 😈.
So I squealed “Ahhhh you’re so cute Sunoo!”
From the corner of my eyes I could see a ball of poofy hair pop up with bright round boba eyes looking at me.
I carried on giggling with Sunoo and saying how cute he is. But I can’t help it! Sunoo’s bright eye smile was to die for.
The boys carried on fighting over who’s turn it was to play and I felt a slight tug on my sleeve.
“What about me?”
I turned and saw my Wonnie looking at me with his round eyes and his bottom lip slightly jutted out.
“Of course you’re my amazing and handsome boyfriend.” I said with a bright smile
“Is there anything else?”
“Oh yeah! You’re my manly boyfie who will protect me from anything!”
He felt slightly better hearing you call him exactly what he wanted to be called. But after seeing how you reacted to Sunoo, he couldn’t help but think that maybe he liked you calling him cute… and ONLY him.
“Baby? Am I also cute to you?” He couldn’t help but ask
Ah ha! Finally!
I felt guilty for making him jealous but I just knew that he DID want to be called cute. And I’d gladly do that for my baby.
“Of course you are Wonnie! You are the most adorable little dumpling ever! My cute kitty”
From that, Jungwon’s face lit up with joy and he could feel butterflies in his stomach. He then nuzzled his face into my neck and mumbled “Promise you will only call me cute. I don’t like it when you say it to other people. I am your cute cat”
The members turned around and started teasing their leader but he didn’t care. All of his attention was on you and he wanted you to shower him in compliments while cuddling.
“Yes baby, you are my adorable, handsome and manly boyfriend”
Author’s note: Here it is! Thank you to those who voted for this fic and waited to patiently for it, I hope it was worth the wait 🫶 I think we can all collectively agree that our cat leader is most certainly very cute and handsome and so much more 🩵 I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you for taking the time to read my work!
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skulls-soul · 1 year
A little bit of a spoilers to the Mario bros movie
I knew that when it came to Mario and Luigi’s family it was either going to be just Mario and Luigi or they had a big family And I’m not gonna lie at first I was a little disappointed that they had a big family but that’s just because I’m a sucker for Angsty back stories
But then I thought of the potential when it came to bowuigi and just imagine Bowser trying to date/marry Luigi and he thinks that Mario is the only person that he needs to get the consent of But then Mario’s just like “so when are you gonna tell The rest of the family”
Bowser is just like “what do you mean rest?”
 the Twin uncles asks questions So many questions while constantly giving the stink eye imagine that they wouldn’t be as suspicious as Mario but like a close second
I imagine that grandpa doesn’t give two shits he’s old he knows of the Times are changing and he’s too old to try and understand it so I odd to just leave it be although  I imagine that he make a lot of inappropriate jokes and questions because then again what kind of grandparent wouldn’t be nosy
I can totally see him looking at Bowser and he be like “I hope you’re not the one that’s taking it I don’t wanna have to go to your funeral for before mine hehehe”
The aunt is curious as well but would keep a distance from Bowser just because he’s scary and I can’t really blame her (so will their younger cousin)
Mom would be completely baffled and in denial and just out right be like “you think? you deserve my precious little baby boy!!! Over my dead body” and then give Luigi a lecture  in Italian and about how this is a terrible idea and you should never trust a man with a criminal record
And I want to do a little surprisingly moment with the dad because I think it would be fun if the dad is just like
“Mario what do you think about this”
“ I mean he seems to make Luigi happy so” *idk noise*
“ he is a king,so he’s financially stable, Plus has power to keep luigi safe and I know the look of love in someone’s eyes and that overgrown turtle has that look so Long as he doesn’t break my boys heart I guess he’s OK in my book”
Although I do like the idea of the dad giving Bowser a hard time so maybe he’s more quietly suspicious but the mother is more verbal with her concerns and disapproval.
an honorable mention
Kamek is super supportive the second Bowser shows interest in Luigi he’ll find out all that’s possible and make sure that Bowser‘s attempts of wooing his interest is more successful 
When Bowser introduces Luigi officially two his advisor Luigis over here being like “hello sir it’s a pleasure to meet you”
Kamek: “ The pleasure is all mine, so I was wondering what are your thoughts about his graciousness king Bowser
I imagine that Kamek would unintentionally embarrass Bowser lol his poor advisor just wants to know more about Luigi and see if they are a good match because even though he supports Bowser in whoever he decides to take into a relationship with he still wants to make sure that he’s making the right choice
Kamek: “ By any chance do you have any… Let’s say, hotheaded family members”
luigi: “well yeah good chunk of my family is actually pretty hotheaded makes me a bit of an oddball since it takes a lot to get me mad”
Kamek “ interesting” turns around to look at Bowser :D 👍
Kamek: you know the kings been working on a song for you 😌
Bowser: thaaaaats enough out of you dismissed
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king-crawler · 4 months
The Disney villain book i ordered 3 weeks ago finally came and the sleeve was oily and chafed but at least I get the fabled single paragraph of King Candy insight
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this is truly a game changer
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And ralf
Page 166: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
ANIMATOR: Zach Parrish.
"Everyone should have known with a pass code like UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, START that this sugary-sweet king was not on the up-and-up. Who in the gaming world doesn't know that cheat code?! King Candy is the ruler of Sugar Rush, a video game made of everything sweet to eat, or as a wise Wreck- It Ralph sees it, a "candy-coated heart of darkness.' " But Sugar Rush was not always such a dark place; it was once a happy kingdom where Princess Vanellope von Schweetz ruled until an evil racer from a game called Turbo Time messed with her code and took her game for his own. The biggest shock? King Candy and that villainous racer known as Turbo are one and the same. Alan Tudyk, the voice of King Candy, said he had imagined King Candy to be a much bigger character, size-wise, and found it really funny that he was actually such a small man."
“Portrait of King Candy. Artist: Clay Loftis. Medium: Digital."
“Final Frames of Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph (2012)”
"Concept art of Turbo. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: digital."
Page 184: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
WRECK-IT RALPH - Wreck-It Ralph.
RELEASE DATE: November 2, 2012.
DIRECTOR: Rich Moore.
VOICE TALENT: John C. Reilly
ANIMATOR: Nik Ranieri
“Wreck-It Ralph is a "bad guy" who has been forced to spend every day for the last thirty years trying to destroy the apartment building that took his home away and to thwart Fix-It Felix from fixing everything Ralph wrecks. After "wrecking" the thirtieth anniversary celebration of his game, Ralph decides to go on a quest to earn a medal and prove to everyone, including himself, that he can be a good guy and do good things. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, director Rich Moore said that the idea for Wreck-It Ralph came when he was asked by Walt Disney Animation Studios to revamp an idea they had been working on for a while: a movie that takes place in a video game. "Video game characters do the same job every day," said Moore. "I don't know how you could tell a story about that, and then it kind of hits me. ... What if the main character did not like his job? If you had a character who is actually wondering: Is this all there is to life?" "
Concept Art of Vanellope and Ralph. Artist: Bill Schwab. Medium: digital.
Page 185: Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil.
Story sketches of Ralph. Artist: Jim Kim. Medium: Graphite
Final character pose of Ralph.
Final frame of ralph with the Bad-Anon support group from Wreck-It Ralph, 2012.
“Bad-Anon-One Game at a Time
"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."
-The Bad Guy Affirmation
Evervone needs a little help from their friends, even if their friends are a group of "bad guys." Bad-Anon is a place where the who's who of gaming bad guys can meet and talk about their feelings and what it is like to always be the one everyone loves to beat. Here are some of the familiar faces from the video games of the 1980s and 1990s.”
Bowser--King Koopa from Super Mario Bros.
Clyde--Ghost from Pac-Man.
Dr. Robotnik- -as himself from Sonic the Hedgehog.
Kano--as himself from Mortal Kombat.
M. Bison--as himself from Street Fighter.
Neff-as himself from Altered Beast.
Zangief-Red Cyclone from the Street Fighter series.
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
Can I request a Donkey Kong x Socially anxious human(just reader who came with Mario and Luigi……your choice) Female! Reader? When I say “socially anxious”, I mean as in doesn’t talk alot and often gets nervous around others yet is still pretty stand-offish and seems intimidating despite the small size(but is actually not……just anxiety) but also has difficulty opening up. I also thought it would be a love at first sight thing(like Mario and Peach in the movie) as well as DK being all protective and maybe he gets jealous at one point…..
It can be a whole imagine, headcanon, multi-part story……..imma leave that up to you.😉
Donkey Kong x Socially anxious reader
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I’m gonna make you Mario and Luigis younger sister I hope thats okay!!
You and Dk had kind of a rocky start when you first met.
He was just so…out there.
And you were not.
So there were definitely a lot of walls to break before you guys even developed a friendship.
You met at the arena when mario was going to fight in order to win an alliance with the Kong army.
You were sitting up on the balcony with Cranky Kong and peach.
Dk hadn’t even noticed you at first.
He was too busy trying to gain his dad’s attention while showing off his muscle.
Then his eyes shifted in your direction.
And when he saw you he was just struck by your beauty.
“Hey…Hey whats your name?”
You looked around to see who he could be talking to before it hit you like a ton of bricks that he was talking to you.
“I’m (Y/n.)” You responded quietly.
He smiled at you and winked before turning his attention back to his brother.
He was here to fight after all.
After that event it kind of felt like Dk followed you everywhere.
And you didn’t mind, you were just wondering why he had chosen you.
“I’m sorry but is there a reason you’re following me?” You questioned while standing on the porch of the hut
“You’re just really pretty.” He said without hesitation
Did he even know what he was saying?!
Had he by any chance mistaken you for someone else? Never has anyone outside of your family called you pretty before.
In fact, most people considered you intimidating.
You just chose not to respond to his complement because you honestly didn’t know what to say, but that didn’t seem to stop him from keeping his mouth closed.
You didn’t even talk to him much, he did all the talking and you sat back to listen to him.
I mean everyone needed a friend who could listen to them right?
During the events of helping Peach take down Bowser, Dk stayed right by your side.
Seriously he never left once, he was always there.
It was almost like he was a lost puppy.
Mario picked up on what this “smash monkey” was trying to do and he really wasn’t a fan of it.
And the fact you seemed perfectly fine with it bothered him even more.
So whenever Mario would try to separate the two of you and keep you close to him, Dk just wouldn’t have it.
He would snatch you back from your brother and keep you next to him, where you belonged.
You really didn’t like it when they fought over you, but you understood Dk was probably just happy to have a human friend so you didn’t mind.
It was a completely different story from his perspective.
He just had a really really big crush on you.
He just didn’t understand how could a girl as beautiful as you be related to someone as annoying as Mario.
Even though you didn’t talk much, he still loved being around you.
But sometimes it did worry him a bit.
Did you secretly hate him? Were you in love with someone else? All these thoughts ran through his head so finally he decided to ask you about it.
So when you and Dk got swallowed by the giant eel after the big battle at rainbow road, he figured this would be the time to ask.
“Do you hate me?” He asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him and raised a brow.
“No.” You responded before looking back down at your feet.
Then why do you never talk to me? Did I do something to upset you?”
You sighed and shook your head.
“No you didn’t…It’s an issue on my part.”
His face contorted from one of worry to one of confusion, He didn’t understand what you mean’t.
“I’m just not good with other people. It’s not that I don’t like you, i’m just nervous around everyone.”
He didn’t understand how you felt, but he didn’t need to understand to help you.
He grabbed your hands in his very large ones and squeezed them reassuringly.
“You never have to be nervous around me.”
You blushed as he stared at you with those big eyes you just couldn’t bring yourself to turn away from.
You know…since we might die in here, I’ve got something I wanna tell you.”
You look at him with a curious expression, wondering what he’s going to say.
“I really like you.” He confesses.
You really were not expecting that.
You didn’t know what to expect from him but it definitely was not a love confession.
“I just think you’re really pretty and nice and cool and I just really like you.” He continued
Your blush only grew darker and darker as he continued with his confession to you.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I get it.”
You sat in your own thoughts for a second, contemplating on what you should say next.
You liked him too but you have never been a romantic person so you really didn’t know what to say right now.
He anxiously looked at you, obviously waiting on your response
You couldn’t keep him waiting forever so it was now or never.
“I like you too but I- I’m kind of scared of getting in a relationship.”
“Yes I’m scared. It’s a lot of commitment, trust, and it just sounds so scary to be in love with someone.”
He wasn’t sure on how to comfort you, this was obviously a personal issue that he stumbled into by accident.
“Whatever you decide I hope you know I’ll always protect you.”
You look up at him with glossy eyes and nod, wiping away any tears that had stained your cheeks.
“Thank you, but how about we continue this conversation when we get out of here.” You said remembering that you were in an eels stomach.
After escaping the eels stomach on a barrel from Dk’s kart, you two made your way to go crash Bowsers wedding.
Fighting your way through the koopas like badass couples do(you’re not a couple yet but you act like one)
You and Dk came in as the fight was still at its peak, so you helped out by fighting some koopa troopers who just so happened to be in the way.
The fight at the Mushroom kingdom looked like it was about over, You and Mario found Luigi and had your moment as you were reunited, the same went for Dk and his dad.
Everything was fine until Bowser released that giant bullet onto Peaches castle.
Mario stepped in and led it away into one of the pipes which seemed like a smart plan at first, but it ended sucking all of you in with it.
You all landed in Brooklyn and Dk made sure to keep you in the backlines.
The two of you had been through so much together, he didn’t wanna risk loosing you now.
But when Dk has his little brawl with Bowser it wasn’t looking too good for him.
Bowser had him up in a chokehold and was getting ready to punch the life out of him.
You needed to help but you didn’t have anything on you so you grabbed a brick from one of the buildings that had been destroyed and threw it at bowsers head.
He dropped Dk and slowly turned his head towards you.
He huffed and angrily ran in your direction but before he could get to you Dk pushed him out of the way.
“(Y/n) go get the star!” Dk yelled and nodded over to the star.
You understood and ran as fast as you could over towards the star but sadly Dk wasn’t able to hold Bowser off forever and Bowser came after you once again.
He caught up to you and grabbed you by the collar, throwing you back with intense strength.
Dk caught you in his strong arms and didn’t let you go.
He wouldn’t let you go. He couldn’t let that crazy turtle freak hurt you again.
“You’re okay I got you.” He comforted as he stroked your hair with his finger.
You clung onto his big fuzzy arm, shaking violently as a few tears escaped your eyes from the fear you just felt.
The rest of the fight you and Dk sat back to let Mario handle it since you had done all you could do by that point.
The conclusion to the battle was sweet, Bowser was defeated and everyone was happy.
You decided that you didn’t want to stay in Brooklyn anymore, Instead you wanted to go back to the Jungle Kingdom with Dk.
Your brothers chose to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom meaning they were always close, which you were happy about.
Dk and you got together(obviously) and ended up having a pretty successful relationship.
Sure it took a lot of effort to get to where you are now, but you’re so happy you put forth that effort.
Dk is pretty happy you got together because he was really wondering if that crush would ever go away.
A/n: Hope you enjoy!!❤️❤️
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ponett · 1 year
I have now finally seen the Mario movie. It was Pretty Good. Here are my wordy thoughts on it. (I am going to spoil the entire movie. Duh.)
In many ways, the Mario movie does what I wish the first Sonic movie had done. They just took the characters and the premise and the world from the games, and made it a straightforward animated adventure movie. It's bright and colorful and remixes things JUST enough to include fun elements from multiple games, and it doesn't make Mario get adopted by James Marsden or whatever. It even has the music!
That's all you really need, right? Right...?
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I'll get this out of the way up front. Chris Pratt was fine. He's fine
If anything, it really feels like they did the movie a disservice by letting us hear so little of the Mario voice in the previews. It took one scene for Pratt to disappear into the role for me. It was totally fine. If anything, I found Charlie Day's normal voice coming out of Luigi WAY more distracting, even if I did like him in the role.
Everyone else was pretty good, for the most part. Jack Black was obviously very good as Bowser, but I'm biased. Seth Rogen does the Seth Rogen laughs as Donkey Kong, but I thought DK was fun, too. (I liked his little rivalry with Mario where he was just constantly giving him shit.) The only casting choice I truly hated was Fred Armisen as Cranky Kong. I hated every line that came out of his mouth. He sounds atrocious. Just the worst. I swear to fucking god if they do a DKC movie and we have to hear him for 90 minutes
I did think Peach was lacking, but that was on the script, not Anya Taylor-Joy's performance. It's cool to see Peach fight, but it's one of those all too common instances where the writers put so much effort into making the main girl kick ass and be an effortlessly confident girlboss that they forgot to give her an actual personality. Not that I'd point to Super Princess Peach and its mood swing superpowers as positive representation or anything, but there's a happy middle ground, surely. Shrek was 22 years ago, just having the princess do flying kung fu kicks isn't enough.
Okay. With the voices out of the way, let's talk about the big picture:
It's way better than the words "Illumination Mario movie" implied, and I mostly enjoyed my time with it. The spirit of Mario is there 100%. But I'd also describe it as "ruthlessly efficient."
This was perhaps the main complaint critics had, and they were absolutely right. People have responded to these totally average reviews with "Well, what did you expect? Shakespeare?! It's MARIO!!" Like, yes, I would prefer it if the movie I paid to see had writing that was good instead of bad. What a shocker. My issue isn't that it's not "high-brow" enough. The problem is that it feels mercenary. It feels like an editor went through and deleted almost every line of dialogue that isn't some form of exposition, at the expense of the pacing. Any scene that's not a montage or some sort of action is kept as short as they could make it, with barely any room for embellishment, character interaction, or anything other than the bare minimum word count to hit all the typical Save the Cat Hollywood screenwriting 101 story beats to the letter. There aren't even as many jokes as you might think (and the ones that are there are extremely hit or miss, including a lot of the slapstick with Mario himself).
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Mario and Peach's little arc together in the front half of the film is probably the worst example of this pacing. Even having read reviews that complained about how fast Peach goes from meeting Mario (by her admission the first other human she's ever met) to deciding to train him as the new savior of the Mushroom Kingdom, I was SHOCKED at how fast it was. They don't even lampshade it.
Peach takes Mario straight into the big training sequence where he learns how to use mushrooms and jump over platforming obstacles. Peach is apparently already a hypercompetent platforming pro and a great fighter, so there's no clear reason why she's taking the time to train this random guy to be half as good as her when the world is in danger. Then they set off on their adventure, Toad joins them, and we get a VERY brief travel montage. It's about thirty seconds total - just long enough to give Peach a line about how she wants to protect this beautiful world of hers to try and give her some stakes. We get the genre-mandated nighttime campfire heart to heart, which is exactly long enough to have Mario say he misses Luigi and to have Peach give the two sentence summary of her origin story and not a second longer. Then they reach the Kongs, and their big journey is complete. (They barely interact for the rest of the movie.) So much of the movie is like this - always ready to get on to the next scene as soon as a new one starts.
I'm not criticizing the script because I expect The Super Mario Bros. Movie to be a prestige drama - although there are certainly halfhearted attempts at a dramatic arc. The stuff with Mario's family was a fun enough idea, but again, ruthless efficiency. We get one quick scene with them at the start to give Mario some pathos, because I guess Save the Cat said he's gotta have some pathos. And then Mario gets his dad's approval amidst the action of the final battle in Brooklyn to resolve his arc, just so the movie can end as quickly as possible once Bowser is defeated. (Despite now having the approval of their family and their community back in Brooklyn, Mario and Luigi move to the Mushroom Kingdom off-screen without a single word dedicated to this decision, because that's where they live in the games.)
Look. I am not comparing it to The Godfather. Don't give me that shit. I am not asking for an extra half hour to explore Mario and Luigi's childhood trauma. I am not asking for the complex inner workings of the Mushroom Kingdom monarchy. I know this is gonna be a basic Hero's Journey adventure for kids. It just feels like it's turning down so many opportunities to have a little fun with the characters, to let them interact and play off of each other, to let there be some adventure on this adventure. This is the first time we've gotten to see these characters interact with fully voiced dialogue in a very, very long time! "Yeah, it's not High Art, but it's FUN!" Stories are fun! Character interactions are fun! The script could be having so much more fun!! It is adamantly against making the Story parts of this story-driven movie any more Fun than they functionally need to be!!!
Mario, Peach, and Toad's journey to find the Kongs is shorter than the training montage that precedes it. After the opening, Bowser mostly just sits in his castle and waits for the third act to start. Luigi's there, too, but he only gets one scene with Bowser and then the movie mostly forgets he exists until the climax. He doesn't even get to try and sneak out of Bowser's castle and get up to hijinx. He's just there to be a motivation for Mario, so he sits in a cage for half the movie. It's the bare outline of a script with action scenes added in.
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Aside from the fact that it's Jack Black singing as Bowser, I feel like this overly-efficient script might be part of the reason why the "Peaches" scene stands out so much. It's a moment that didn't strictly need to be there to keep the plot moving or to provide an action setpiece. It's not even a reference to another Mario thing. It's just a fun and memorable little character moment that's there for its own sake. That's what the movie needed more of. To stop and smell the roses more often. To play in the space.
To be clear, this isn't a unique problem with this movie. Critics have been noting for years that second acts are disappearing from big Hollywood movies in favor of the Act I plot setup and the Act III action, even though Act II is supposed to be where you get to explore your actual premise. And lots of animated movies give me this exact same vibe of being too "screenwriterly," or feeling like they had an executive breathing down their necks and demanding changes based on focus testing. But these common issues are why I come away mostly feeling like the movie is on the better end of "average," rather than totally blowing my mind. You have seen this movie many times before, just not with Mario in it.
And, of course, there's the music. The score by Brian Tyler based on various classic Mario and Donkey Kong tunes (frustratingly all attributed to Koji Kondo) is absolutely beautiful, but it's unfortunately frequently overshadowed by the licensed music. Everyone already complained about things like the use of Take On Me in place of a lovingly arranged DKC medley, but it feels illustrative of the tug of war the movie is caught in the middle of, between wanting to be a lavishly faithful Mario movie and wanting to be a generic tentpole animated adventure movie. Every single licensed song used is the most obvious, overused song they could have picked for the scene. It reeks of cynical executive meddling and it took me out of the movie every time.
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But there really was a lot of care and love put into this movie - more than probably any other video game movie ever made, not that that's a high bar. I don't want to underplay that too much amidst all my complaints spurred by the absolutely insane response to the reviews.
Aside from the countless background references that people will be picking apart for years, touches like the Captain Toad tune playing in the background of Toad's introduction or the Mario Kart 8 menu music playing in the kart garage really help bring it to another level of authenticity. I also enjoyed seeing some more obscure Mario enemies that felt like they were picked more for being fun to animate than for being nostalgic and marketable. No matter how many times I sarcastically pointed to the screen and deadpanned "reference. reference." I am not immune to noticing these things and smiling. I am not immune to the DK Rap. These alone don't make the movie good, but it's nice to have a video game movie that feels like it was made by people who like video games.
Most importantly, the animation is great throughout. It's leaps and bounds ahead of other Illumination work, and it's the best the Mario cast has ever looked. They even made Donkey Kong handsome, somehow. They're all so squishy and expressive, and they move so fluidly - especially in the action scenes. I particularly liked the more kinetic ones like the aerial Banzai Bill chase and the Mario Kart sequence. Truly, the Mad Max-inspired car battle on Rainbow Road where Mario literally does the speedrun shortcut is this movie firing on all cylinders.
Other, more hand-to-hand fights nail the Popeye-esque vibe Mario should be going for. He's an underdog who gets the shit kicked out of him by bigger, stronger opponents until he gets his signature powerup and turns the tables on them. My favorite animation of all probably came from the use of Cat Mario to turn the tide in the DK fight. They had so much fun making Mario move like a cat. Again, it feels like a choice made because it'd be fun to animate rather than just a nostalgia move.
It's that animation and that attention to detail that carry the film, really. They elevate it from mediocrity into being a fun watch for a fan like me, albeit one I couldn't help but pick apart with Anthony as we watched it at home. I'm glad I saw it, but there's a lot of room to improve with the inevitable sequel. I hope they do. I can't deny that I had fun with the movie, but I hope next time that fun is partially because of the script instead of in spite of it.
Stray thoughts:
Overall, I would say I enjoyed the movie a lot more than Sonic 1, but probably not as much as Sonic 2. Not that these movies need to be pitted against each other.
I hated the Luma. I hated how hilarious they clearly thought the Luma was. They have the fucking Luma break the fourth wall to end the movie and start the credits. This is going to be a deep cut for fans of bad animated films, but the whole time I was just thinking of the little fish from Romeo & Juliet: Sealed With A Kiss who's just the director's kid saying random nonsense. You know I'm right
I rolled my eyes at the "our princess is in another castle" joke and several other jokes that would have been dated in a gamer webcomic 20 years ago but I guess they had to be there
How much of Brooklyn did Bowser's giant floating castle take out? We know 9/11 happened in this universe because the Freedom Tower is there, hasn't New York been through enough
I can't believe there's a Diskun easter egg
The dog is the most Illumination character design in the movie. It felt like it wandered on set from The Secret Life of Pets
Mario being a gamer and playing Kid Icarus of all things just made me remember this tweet:
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Yes Anthony did get mad at me for being thirsty for Bowser
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scifirice · 6 months
The game Doomed in danny phantom has insane implications.
Before you go typing stuff, I am aware it's the result of needing a video game to have stakes and the writers needing a plot. I understand watsonian and doylist reasoning, im a writer myself. this is purely for the in-universe implications which I believe are crazy.
In episode 12: Teacher of the Year, danny and his friends are playing some kind of online game where the grand prize for beating it is full access to the World Wide Web. I re watched this episode prior to writing this, though it has been a hot minute since ive seen the other episodes, so i don't know exactly if they've actually used the internet prior to that episode. But i do remember technus escaping because Danny deleted his old save of Doomed so i guess that does imply he beat it at some point after episode 12.
The mere fact they can even play an online game in the first place would imply they have some access but not as much as they could. Kind of like how when you have a learners permit you can only drive in the daytime with an adult in the passenger seat. Can you imagine getting online and only being able to access wikipedia and facebook? Thats what I'm seeing from this.
So as far as we know, anyone who wants to get full access to the internet has to play and beat this game. We see danny and tucker make it to the final level multiple times, it takes them all night but that assumes even an average player can make it far if they keep at it. So the game itself couldn't be too difficult.
But what bewilders me the most is what Sam's doing. Why does this game have PVP? Sam hasn't beat the game either, she was likely doing it just to fuck with danny and tucker but she also blasts some random dude at the beginning. The trio seemed to all be able to win the game together at the very end, meaning there isn't any actual reason for pvp since there's no need to claim the prize solely for yourself.
Then there's Lancer. He's already beating the goddamn game! Yet he comes back just to beat it again and fight people! Is he gaining anything from this? Probably not. But why would this be an option for returning players? It's like someone who gets a doctorate degree and then goes around a middle school with a baseball bat bashing any student they see trying to learn and the school staff do nothing about it.
Why is the world set up like this? Did the government decide full internet access is something someone should have to take a test for? Did everyone have to take the test or were they grandfathered into keeping full access? I dunno how old Lancer is but unless we assume he was only playing the game for fun, he had to have beat Doomed when he was younger. so that implies his generation and the one after were all subject to this rule.
Is Doomed the only game like this? are there other games for other kinds of people since not everyone is good at FPS games? Could there be other things like make a character on the sims live for a whole year on max difficulty and then you win? Beat halo on legendary with all skulls on? speedrun mario 64 below the allowed time limit? Whose idea was this!? Not everyone is going to want full access when they're teens like danny, but what about when you get a job? Do you need to put "I beat Doomed" on your resume? this whole this is just fucking bizzare,
It's a minor detail never really brought up again, but the wider implications of it are immense. Anyway, im using this episode as inspiration to write a story because I cannot let this idea just get swept under the ecto-rug.
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thisismyname43 · 3 months
So I'm currently working on an SMG34 story. This book follows SMG3 seeking help from SMG4 because of a little...mishap... leading to new feelings being found and experiences being made 💜💙
What you're going to see is a section of that! So if you find it interesting, look at my profile and you'll find it there! (Or you can alternatively scroll till the end, your choice!)
It seemed as though it was a regular Tuesday morning. The sun was shining out in the Internet Graveyard, and all of the dead memes were enjoying the warmth and glow of the sun. There always seemed to be a cheery atmosphere in the air, it had been this way ever since a certain someone was sent to the Internet Graveyard, and had become a legend there. Forever changing the lives of all the dead memes.
But, this individual had not yet awoken, and hadn't realized the changes made to him as a result. Despite seeming like a regular day, life always seems to throw a bunch of surprises your way. This brings us to a man called SMG3 who unknowingly, was about to have arguably one of the strangest days of his life.
From inside of a nearby Starbucks, the sun was beaming through the windows, making the room have a bright yellow tint. Thus causing the aforementioned man to awaken.
SMG3 opens his eyes to find himself in his room.
Looking at the clock on his bed stand, he decided to focus his eyes and check the time. Upon realizing that he had slept in late, he sat up from the bed and took in his surroundings. As he blinked the sleepiness from his eyes, reality seemed to settle in.
'Great', SMG3 sarcastically thought.
Another day of having his daily routine ruined by some stupid idiots who somehow find a way to always wreak havoc on anything and anyone. It was basically his life now. At least once a week he would be dragged into some new shenanigans made by Mario or just any member on the SMG4 crew. He had always thought that they were annoying and wanted to stay as far away from them as possible but it seems as though faith was always against him. Every time he thought he was done with those idiots they would always find a way to come find him again.
It had gotten to the point where SMG3 had even gotten used to often hanging around SMG4 and his crew. He still thought they were pretty obnoxious at times but he knew that he was already getting used to them and even having fun with them at times. Not that he was the nicest to them or anything, they still needed to be put in their place after all. But even if he didn't want to admit it, he knows that deep down he appreciates their company. Ever since he got sent to the internet graveyard, he hadn't really had the best social life. Sure he was a celebrity with the dead memes but he couldn't help feeling quite lonely at times. Yes he cares for them but its not as though the dead memes that reside in the Internet Graveyard are the best conversationalists.
So, he decided that every once in a while he would even try to hang out a bit with the SMG4 crew. They had mostly gotten over what he did in the past and had all gotten along better than expected. Despite their past, the times that SMG3 had enjoyed their company had gotten more frequent. And that is a secret that he would take to his grave.
After finishing his internal monologue. (Being a villain for so long will do that to you). He started walking towards the bathroom to brush his teeth, and to get ready for the rest of the day.
'Hmm, I wonder what I should do today. I could visit the castle again but do I really want to deal with everyone's stupidity?', SMG3 thought.
As he walked towards the bathroom he realized that he felt uncomfortable sensations throughout his body, as if something was there that wasnt supposed to be. It felt strange to say the least but he had just woken up and was still feeling pretty drowsy. So he dismissed it as morning sickness or something. Besides, he could check it out once he made it to the bathroom.
He opened his bathroom door and grabbed his toothbrush. Once he had put a generous amount of toothpaste on it he lifted it up to his mouth. SMG3 started brushing his teeth and once he was finished, had looked up into the bathroom mirror. But once he made eye contact with his reflection, he felt utter shock coursing through his body.
SMG3 had screamed so loud that Eggdog had woken up from his slumber and came inside the bathroom, making sure that SMG3 was alright.
Clearly though, he wasn't alright. Especially when he had WAY longer hair than usual and VERY feminine qualities that he didnt remember previously possessing.
He still couldn't believe his eyes. As he looks at himself, mouth agape, he takes in his features.
As previously stated, his hair had grown longer. It reached all the way down to his mid back and was way thicker and shinier than yesterday. His hips were accentuated and he had slimmer shoulders and legs. His eyelashes, along with his hair, had also grown longer and were framing bigger and rounder eyes.
"WHA- WHY DO I LOOK LIKE A GIRL?!", SMG3 screamed.
Here's the story if you're interested on finding out what happens next:
See you guys on the other side!
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dappledpaintbrush · 6 months
Lament AU Masterpost (I’m using that word wrong)
FIND OUT WHY IM YAPPING ALL THE TIME IN ONE SINGLE CLICK👇👇👇 AND YOU DONT HAVE TO READ 200,000 WORDS TO FIGURE IT OUT 🙏🙏🙏 (but if you do I’d sacrifice myself for you if needed)
ALSO I ADDED THE POST-EPILOGUE ENDING OF AJL😈😈😈 kind of. Because it’s up to you as the reader if you want the remainder of the Lament AU to be canon to the story you read in A Jester’s Lament, despite AJL being the Lament AU (nobody gaf) (I’ll explain it in the post)
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What is the Lament AU and why do you post so much about it?
No really
Okay wise guy, since you’re so insistent
The Lament AU is basically another Dimentio gets redeemed story. It started off in the form of an ao3 fanfic called A Jester’s Lament (AJL) that SOMEHOW gained so much love that I am still tweaking about it to this day. No seriously I owe my life to all of you. Im not joking. Email me for business inquires (sacrificial rituals). First come first serve btw
HOWEVER. While AJL is very VERY important to me and I’ll cherish it for all of time, it is a taaaaad bit outdated. While the fanfic itself is not changing, the story I established in AJL does have some minor adjustments now. Basically, think of AJL like a first edition of the Lament AU and this tumblr post is the second edition of the Lament AU LMAO
I’ll list specific changes for those who are interested (no one), but after that, I’ll give a summary of the Lament AU for those who don’t wanna read a 41 chapter Mario fanfic.
What Changed in the Lament AU since AJL:
1. Dimentio’s Initial Betrayal/Count Bleck’s Plan
Having conspired the plan before he was integrated into Team Bleck, Dimentio planned on betraying them all so he could use the entirety of the Dark Prognosticus + Chaos Heart’s magic for himself so he could create his own perfect world with the utmost power and magic available. However, as he befriended the others, this plan would change. Dimentio decided to not only spare Mimi and O’Chunks, but create their own worlds as well and risk the grandeur of his own world (this is not some kind of heroic sacrifice, trust me). AJL states that Count Bleck had lied to the minions and was never planning on giving them their new worlds. This is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Count Bleck was going to give them their worlds as he had promised (although, he planned to commit suicide by letting the Void take him, something no one knew). Despite his seemingly decent relationship with Count Bleck and Nastasia, Dimentio never planned on sparing them. While this is true in AJL, his motivations are different. In AJL, he did not plan on sparing Bleck and Nastasia for he believed them to be a traitors (he was aware of Bleck’s real plan and Nastasia’s knowledge of it). This motivation is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Dimentio, in his cruel greed, still desired the extra magic to create his perfect new world. He knew that if he spared the Count (and ultimately Nastasia, since her ideal world was to be WITH the Count wherever he went), his original blueprint for his horrifying utopia would be ruined.
AJL also states that Dimentio decided to spare Count Bleck and Tippi because they reminded him of his parents. This is no longer canon. In the current Lament AU, Dimentio brought the pair to Dimension D to murder Bleck himself as revenge for what Dimentio perceived to be pathetic cowardice from forfeiting the plan to end all worlds (and murder Timpani as further revenge upon Bleck). Why he brought Nastasia, that is now as vague as it was in the game.
2. Jaydes’ Judgement
Jaydes commanded Dimentio to be brought back/to return to the Underwhere in order for balance to be restored to the system of Life and Death, which King Boo had disrupted when he had revived Dimentio. She gave Dimentio an ultimatum: Return now and live a neutral afterlife (the best he could get) in the Underwhere, or remain on the mortal plane, and be forever condemned to his cell in Bonechill’s Prison as a result. Dimentio would not return, and remain with the others in order to try to fix the harm he had caused. In AJL, this rule/curse was lifted after the Pure Hearts revived Dimentio after the explosion because, “She [Jaydes] claimed along the lines of the Pure Hearts never healing evil, which erased the gray line that made Dimentio undeserving of both his cell and the Overthere, and, in turn, apparently making her feel more guilty about her pronounced curse.” This is no longer canon. Not only is Dimentio never seeing the Overthere, but they never find out if Jaydes changed her mind. As far as they know, after the events of the war, Dimentio is still damned to his cell for all eternity when he dies as punishment for disobeying Jaydes, a belief that would continue for the rest of their lives.
ERMMM WHAT THE FISH!! I think that’s it for plot changes. If I think of anymore of course I’ll add it :3
NOW. Here’s what that fucking thing is all about.
Lament AU’s Story (summarized version) (SPOILERS FOR AJL) (OBVIOUSLY):
King Boo is pretty sick of Luigi’s shit. He wants this guy DEAD. One day, he hears of some gay guy that came pretty damn close to prevailing against Mario and Co., so he travels to Bonechill’s Prison and gets this gay guy to agree to join him. Using his Dead Ghost King Powers, King Boo revives Dimentio’s soul and grants him a new physical body as a result. This resurrection spell has some setbacks, though. For one, it takes many months to fully complete. Until then, the revived soul must rely on Life Magic (same shit from a Life Shroom basically) given from the reviver in order to stay alive. This means that until the spell is complete and Dimentio can survive without King Boo’s life support, any kind of spell that Dimentio casts will ultimately drain his Life Magic fuel because that is all the magic he has in his body at ALL (it is automatically taken upon entry to the Underwhere). Basically, Dimentio is more dangerous than he was in the games for he is no longer holding himself back in battle, buuuuut… sometimes he will pass out and King Boo has to perform CPR mid-fight. Ridiculousness ensues.
ANYWAYS, Dimentio’s deal with King Boo is that he kills Luigi, and King Boo will craft Dimentio his perfect new world (albeit maybe not precisely how Dimentio planned) using a hybrid spell. The rest of it is typical Luigi and Co. VS Dimentio and King Boo (oh yeah, Steward too). But Dimentio is having EMOTIONAL ISSUES. Ohhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Long story short, he is in complete denial that his new world is practically worthless without his friends. He is also forced to partner up with Luigi when the two accidentally end up in the Pit of 100 Trials. We also get some backstory (TLDR: Dimentio actually had an overall healthy and loving family growing up, but those who attempted to kill him and killed his mother sent him to wander dimensions forever, and he could not return home due to memory loss that lasted for a few thousand years. Skill issue LMAO get ratioed dumb fuck).
Anyways, that time in the Pit of 100 Trials planted a seed of “hey, this guy kinda has some swagger” in both Dimentio and Luigi. But it is only through more battles and through Luigi and Co. nursing Dimentio back to health (after Luigi tried to kill him with the Thunderhand LMAO get fucked gayass clown) that this seed grows. Eventually, Dimentio spares Luigi in a fight, and King Boo finds out about this. He’s like “man this guy SUCKS!!!” He drains Dimentio’s life magic, kills him, and puts his soul under mind control like he (King Boo) did with the ghosts in LM3. This is where Jinxed Dimentio comes from. Controlled by King Boo, Dimentio kills Steward and Luigi, who is revived by a Life Shroom. Luigi has a EUREKA 💡moment and uses another Life Shroom to try to revive Dimentio, which actually works.
Now Dimentio is kind of in a pickle 🤓☝️ The Life Shroom made it to where Dimentio was free from King Boo’s terms and conditions, meaning King Boo can’t go around taking his Life Magic away anymore. HOWEVER, the initial revival spell is not complete, so every spell Dimentio casts will still drain his Life Magic and kill him if he isn’t careful. In fact, the only Life Magic he has left comes from the Life Shroom, so for a while he can’t cast spells at ALL.
But anyways. Dimentio is now on the good side blah blah blah working to make amends whatever. But Queen Jaydes is like “HEY Luigi. Come here rq 🙏 since uh. You didn’t kill this guy and now he’s on your side. Uh. I gotta tell you he’s fucking shit up. Like the balance of life and death has been disrupted since he’s alive when he’s supposed to be six feet under. So bring him to me okay okay stop crying and pissing yourself. Tell Dimentio to return to the Underwhere. If he does uhhh. He can have a neutral afterlife with the Shaydees and not get punished. But if he doesn’t come back, he’ll return to his cell for all eternity.” Dimentio decides to stay despite this threat to try to right his wrongs and end the war he helped start.
Anyways Dimentio ends up using some of his Life Magic to put his sister (Shadoo) out of her misery, which leaves him weak as hell for the Final Battle which happens like 5 seconds later. Mf is practically on a ventilator and being rolled around on a hospital cot for the entire damn fight. That is, until he remembers he casted a Permanent Spell a while back to make his bed he had in King Boo’s fortress float off the ground (okay princess), so he absorbs that magic and is now balling (kinda). He uses a clone to trick and lead his friends away from the fortress, then confronts King Boo and uses a box-explosion so powerful it breaks the box and kills Dimentio in the process. The others find out, gooogoo gaga, womp womp. King Boo is somehow still alive. He’s about to kill everyone when some my little pony shit happens and the Pure Hearts return, imprisoning King Boo who fucking knows where and resurrecting Dimentio and, thus, finally fully completing the revival spell.
Blah blah blah happy ending, Dimentio knows he still has a long way to go to make amends, he works as a babysitter for the Koopalings now, he lives in Flopside, everyone goes on a fun and goofy Odyssey trip, yeah he’s going to hell for disobeying the goddess of death and judgement but let’s try not to think about that,
So.. erm… what happens after?
I’m so glad you definitely asked that question
So like I said- while AJL IS the Lament AU, it can also be considered its own “version” of the Lament AU because it is a fanfic with a clear ending- that being the Odyssey trip. Anything that happens after has been left up to reader interpretation for a while now. Because of this- it is completely up to you if you want the rest of the Lament AU to be canon to the A Jester’s Lament fanfic or not. Even though it’s the same AU blah blah blah blah blah. You want AJL-Lament AU Dimentio to live a very long peaceful happy time? HIP HIP HOORAY!! :D But. Lament AU Dimentio. Uh.
For a few years uh. Nothing. AJL ends on the Odyssey trip, and life continues as normal (+ expensive therapy) with our main protagonists becoming closer friends.
HOWEVER. Yk how Dimentio is like “Who knows? Maybe I have a few more centuries of life yet” at the end of the fic? (LOUD INCORRECT FAMILY FEUD BUZZER). Lament AU/AJL Dimentio only lives for about six more years post-war.
But user dappledpaintbrush, why? Why would you make him go through allat just to die six fucking years later? Seems overkill
Silence, young grasshopper
Okay I’m only kidding but like. Man. Come on. No matter how many good deeds I make this bastard do, no matter how many times I let him get bitch slapped around by the Consequences of His Own Actions (trademark pending), there is no expunging this unholy track record:
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Also because. Get it. Six years is. How long he was away from his friends in the Underwhere/with King Boo. Get it. Pretend I’m a good writer with good parallels
But before he died, Dimentio ultimately decided that when he DID die, he was going to drown his soul in the River Twigz. Not because he was damned to his cell, but because he believed he had lived long enough to know he didn’t want to live forever, regardless of what his aftergame looked like. He told the others about this, and Luigi asked him if he [Dimentio] could wait to see him [Luigi] again first. This was asked under the assumption that Dimentio would die centuries after everyone else, and that there would be no “wait time” to see Luigi and the others again and thus, no risk of getting caught by Jaydes and sent to Bonechill’s Prison before Dimentio had the chance to end his aftergame. But yeah then Dimentio kicks the bucket from Ancient Death (basically: DAMN! YOURE WAYY TOO OLD LMAOOO. DIE INSTANTLY!). HOWEVERRRR, Dimentio said fuck it we ball and asked Jaydes if his punishment could be postponed so he could fulfill his promise to Luigi. This is when we finally get a resolution to the judgement subplot- she changes her mind about punishing him WOOHOO🔥🔥🔥
Also the gang visits him sometimes. rarely. almost never. because Jaydes is like listen ik yall are the heroes of all realities but yall can’t just Do That. Mostly they’re like BITCH KING BOO IS AT IT AGAIN😐😐 and Dimentio starts tweaking from the great beyond
But yeah uh. Dimentio still ends his aftergame when all is said and done. Sorry guys I just don’t see him willingly living forever. I think that desire died with his perfect world. Also I feel like it’s the final ultimate part of his redemption because he tried to eliminate every living thing from existence as well. Aldus enters the Underwhere (where he is now visible due to what is essentially Jaydes’ firewall) and ends his aftergame alongside his son, too. Father son bonding can I get an amen. Also, Merlova canonically died-died in the battle against the Skellobits. So yeah. The Dimentio lineage is completely eliminated by the ultimate end of the Lament AU. Thank GOD
I think that’s it. Idk how to end this
Thank you for reading this if you did at all :3 sincerely, yappledpaintbrush
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xserenemeadowsx · 8 months
Unconditional Love (Chapter 12)
Link for Chapter 11: https://www.tumblr.com/xserenemeadowsx/727495897170280448/unconditional-love-chapter-11?source=share
A/N: Thank you everyone for the likes and follow. I really appreciate it! :) This is the final chapter for this story. I'm happy to see that people have enjoyed it. I hope all of you enjoy this chapter!
Chapter 12
Y/N hung up her phone, having just finished speaking with her manager. Her manager wasn’t pleased about her absence but was grateful she was alright. She still had a job which she was surprised at but thankful for it, nonetheless. She closed her eyes and sighed. It was exhausting having to explain everything. Her family, happy to hear from her, couldn’t believe what she was saying. She knew everything that happened to her the last few days sounded like something from a book, but it was all true.
Eventually, her family came around after repeating herself a few times of everything that happened. It was the same scenario for her manager. It was no wonder she was drained. Apart from the day’s events and explaining everything, it really wore her down. Y/N decided that now would be a good time to try and get some sleep. Before that, she took some pain killers, hoping to ease more of the throbbing in her head from her tumble. Having done that, she laid down and let sleep take over.
Mario awoke with a start, his alarm startling him. Luigi soon followed his brother in waking up. Both got up and stretched their limbs.
“Sleep alright?” Luigi asked.
“Yeah…you?” Mario asked.
“We got a lot of catching up to do for work.”
“Yeah. We’ll be okay and you’ll get to see your girlfriend in no time.” Luigi raised his eyebrows in a teasing manner.
“Gah! Hey! C’mon, I’m fine.” Mario scowled at his younger brother.
“You sound down. I know it’s because you want to be with Peach.”
“Okay I do, but we got to get work done.”
The brothers went about their morning routine getting themselves ready to head out. After getting dressed, having breakfast, and fixing up the rest of their appearance, they both exited their apartment.
“Oh! Y/N! Nice to see you!” Luigi said noticing Y/N coming out of her apartment.
“Hey Luigi, Mario. Good to see you two as well!” Y/N replied.
“How uh…how is everything?” Mario asked Y/N.
“It’s fine. Thankfully I still have a job and my family can have some peace now that they know I’m alright.”
“That’s good. I’m glad they didn’t fire you,” Luigi said.
“Yeah, I am too. Still surprised to have my job, but happy.”
The three of them continued conversing with each other as they walked down the hallway of their apartment complex and into the elevator. They soon reached the first floor of the apartment and exited the building.
“Well, we don’t want to keep you. We gotta be going to work now too. We’ll see you around. Take care,” Mario said as he and Luigi were walking toward their yellow van.
“Thanks! Take care!” Y/N said waving at them walking to her own car.
Y/N entered her car and started it up. She began her drive to the Heart and Soul Karaoke Bar. She hoped to talk with Bowser after her shift, that is if he was up for it. She figured he would be. She found herself blushing from thinking of him. She did tell her family about him, and they were all surprised but happy for her. When she told them she hadn’t confessed yet, they told her to get on it. She knew she would need to tell him about her feelings. She wanted to do it in person and not through the orb.
When could they meet again in person? She wasn’t sure since she would have to work a lot for having missed as much as she did. She just hoped the shift would go fast. She parked her car, getting out and locking it. She then entered the building.
“Y/N! Welcome back!” Maria said, running up to her and giving her a bear hug.
Y/N struggled to get out a reply, “Uh thanks. Um Maria…I can’t really breathe…”
“Oh! Sorry!” Maria let go of Y/N, “It’s good to see you again. I was so worried. We all were.”
“I’m really sorry about that.” Y/N did feel bad for making everyone worry like that.
“It’s alright. Just glad you’re safe and sound.” Maria gave a Y/N a grin. “I’ll fill you in with what’s been going on around here.”
Maria told Y/N that everyone scrambled to get her shifts covered and had some new regulars. Business was going well, which made the manager very happy, and everyone was getting a decent number of tips from customers. Being in the food industry was hard work, but if you could do it with mixing in a hobby at the same time, it really helped to ease one’s mind, especially Y/N’s.
Y/N’s shift did indeed fly by. Everyone kept greeting her and welcoming her back on board. Customers who had met her before were happy to hear her perform again. Y/N had missed singing in front of everyone. Her manager, Mr. Winters, was grateful to have her back too. He could be very strict, but also kind-hearted and understanding.
“Could you wipe down that last table before you go?” Mr. Winters asked Y/N.
“Yes sir,” Y/N replied. She had just finished taking care of other customers and went to the table Mr. Winters pointed to. She wiped it down, tidying everything around it. Satisfied with the cleanliness, she clocked herself out, exited the building, and walked back to her car. Working a ten-hour shift was good, but super exhausting. She practically crashed into the driver’s seat and began the drive back to her apartment.
Bowser was sitting on his throne, twiddling his thumbs. He had an orb next to him, watching it with worried eyes. Why hadn’t Y/N called him yet? Yes, she informed him of matters needing to be dealt with in her world, but she didn’t think it would take this long. Maybe he was being impatient and not giving enough time.
‘I just want to hear her voice again,’ the Koopa King thought to himself, ‘Her sweet, beautiful voice. Her cute expressions…’ He sighed. He really had fallen head over heels for Y/N. Neither one of them having confessed to the other about their feelings, he could tell the feelings were mutual.
He quite honestly wanted to tell her his feelings right now. He couldn’t wait any longer not to say anything. He knew this sort of thing would be beneficial to do in person rather than through the orb though.
“Sire, is there anything I can get for you? You’ve been sitting here all day and haven’t exactly had anything to drink or eat,” Kamek spoke, looking up at Bowser worriedly.
“I’m fine. Just waiting for the orb to show me Y/N.”
“I know you’re anxious to talk with her again, but please don’t neglect taking care of yourself either. Y/N wouldn’t want you to do that.”
Bowser sighed, “Yeah, you’re right. Bring me some of those brownies.”
“Right away Sire,” Kamek replied, and scurried away.
The king sighed once more, ‘Have to be patient.’
Just then, his orb began to glow a bright red and an image was slowly appearing in it.
“Bowser?” a female voice asked.
“Y-Y/N?!” Bowser replied.
“Ah. Thank goodness, this is working. How are you?” Y/N asked.
“I’m fine. Much happier now to be talking with you.”
“Good. I’m pretty wiped out.” She yawned, covering her mouth, “I just got home from working a ten-hour shift. Still have my job, thank goodness, and my family is relieved that I’m okay.”
“A ten-hour shift?”
“Yeah. I have to make up for the time I missed. However, it’ll be good because it means a bigger paycheck. Well, at least with the tips I get, it should help make it bigger.”
“That’s a long time to be working. No wonder you’re so exhausted.”
“Yeah, that’s the way of the food industry though. Sometimes, other types of companies have people work 12-hour shifts or even more than that.”
“Why so much?”
“It…” She yawned again, “It depends on what kind of job you’re working. Being a firefighter for example, you could end up working 48 or 72-hour shifts. They usually have a place for the firefighters to rest, sleep, eat, and do normal routine stuff getting ready for the day.”
“Really? That’s…that’s crazy.”
She giggled, “It is. I could never be a firefighter. That job is intense. I’m good with what I’m doing right now.”
“I uh…I want to…” He moved his gaze away from the orb to stare at a wall in his throne room instead. While he was doing that, Kamek had used a spell to bring the plate of brownies to rest on the arm of the throne. The wizard did not wish to disturb his king in his conversation with Y/N.
“Bowser? Are you alright?”
“Uh, yes. Sorry. I want to tell you something, but…”
She could see the uneasiness in his expression and hear it in his voice, “If you’re not sure on telling me, no pressure. If it’s something very personal, you don’t have to tell me.”
“I do have to tell you. At some point. I want to right now, but I think it would be best to wait…”
“I see…” She had an idea what it could possibly be but decided not to say anything at the moment, “I have to work 30 more hours this week and then I’ll get some time off again. Could I meet you in person after that?”
“Yes, of course. I would like that.”
“Okay. I’ll have my time off at the end of this week.” She once more had to yawn. “Sorry to keep yawning so much.”
“It’s okay. You’re tired.”
“Yep. Sure am.”
The two talked a little longer until Y/N’s (eye color) eyes were starting to get droopy.
“I think we should stop talking now. You need to get some sleep,” Bowser said with some concern.
“Yeah, I guess we should. I’ll see if I can talk to you tomorrow after work again,” Y/N replied.
“Okay. Goodnight.”
The orbs dimmed for both individuals.
Bowser smiled happy he could see Y/N once more. He was sad that she was so tired, but he understood why she was very tired. The brownies that were brought in for him earlier had long been forgotten, but the king decided to stuff his face with them anyway. The chocolate was very appetizing, and he couldn’t get enough of it. He finished eating the brownies and then decided to go to sleep. He couldn’t wait to talk with Y/N again tomorrow.
The work week had come and gone in the blink of an eye. It was already the end of the week for Y/N, and she couldn’t be happier. She could now meet up with Bowser in person. She decided to tag along with Luigi and Mario who were going to Peach’s kingdom. She figured she could give the princess and Toad a quick hello before meeting up with Bowser.
The plumbers and singer all entered the green tube they knew so well and let it take them to the Mushroom Kingdom. Y/N had brought along the orb she got from Bowser so that she could contact him, letting him know she was back in his world and ready to meet him. The three landed with a thud in the Mushroom Kingdom.
Before them, the princess and mushroom man stood nearby, waving hello to them.
“Y/N!” Toad exclaimed, running up to her and giving her a hug.
“Hey Toad. How are you?” Y/N replied, embracing him back.
“Doing well. Not much is going on here. Just the usual. You?”
“Well, everything has been settled and taken care of in my world. Everything is alright.”
“That’s great!”
“Y/N! I’m happy to see you again,” Peach said walking up to her.
Toad had let go of Y/N so that Peach could give her a welcome back hug too. Y/N embraced the princess.
“It’s good to see you too Peach,” Y/N replied.
Toad, Luigi, and Mario, all greeted each other. Peach had let go of Y/N and walked up to the brothers. She gave Luigi a quick hug and then went to embrace Mario. Mario blushed but smiled from being embraced by the princess. The two leaned in and kissed.
“What?! Hey! You didn’t tell me you two were a thing now Mario!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Oh…I didn’t?” Mario said, acting confused.
“No! When did you two become official?!”
“Uh…earlier this week…” Mario became bashful.
“Aw! Congrats you two!” Y/N was very happy that the princess and plumber in red could hit things off so well. She had a feeling that Mario and Peach liked each other.
“Thank you, Y/N,” Peach said, giving a warm smile.
“You’re welcome,” Y/N said returning a warm smile, “I uh…I can’t stay for very long because I’m going to meet up with Bowser.”
“Oh! Are you going to confess to him?” Luigi asked excitedly.
“Y-Yes,” Y/N answered, a bit nervously, “It’s just been a while since I’ve had a relationship. I hope that he feels the way I do. I want to think that he does.”
“I’m sure he does. Everything will work out,” the plumber in green said, putting a comforting hand on Y/N’s shoulder.
“Thanks Luigi.”
“Of course.”
“Well, best of luck to you,” Toad chimed in.
“Thank you,” Y/N replied.
Mario and Peach nodded in acknowledgement to her.
“I can stay for a little bit longer. It’s been a while since I really got to talk with Peach and Toad.”
“Sure, if you want to,” Peach said.
The group of five began walking through the Mushroom Kingdom, chit-chatting about various stories and topics of interest. The time had gone by so quickly that they were already reaching the princess’s castle.
“I should go now. I don’t want to keep Bowser waiting for me too much longer,” Y/N said as she took out the orb to contact him with.
“Alright. Take care,” Peach said.
Everyone else gave their goodbyes and Y/N waved back at them with a smile. She stared into the orb, mentally seeking out Bowser. The orb glowed bright red and an image of the Koopa King appeared.
“Bowser! Hi!” Y/N said smiling.
“Y/N! Are you ready to meet up now?” the king asked excitedly.
“Yes. I’m in the Mushroom Kingdom. I was saying hello to Peach and Toad with Mario and Luigi.”
“Ah. I see. I’ll have Kamek transport you over here. Kamek!”
The wizard came into the room Bowser was in, which was the throne room, on his broom, “Sire?”
“Transport Y/N here from the Mushroom Kingdom.”
“Of course.” Kamek used his wand to cast a spell.
Y/N was suddenly lifted into the air in a blue light. She saw the scenery change from mushrooms to the lava filled castle of Bowser’s. She looked around her and then her gaze landed on the Koopa King. They were all in the throne room and Bowser got up from his chair and went to hug Y/N. She put her orb away as Bowser got closer to her.
“I missed you!” Bowser said as he practically picked up Y/N in his embrace.
“I m-missed you too,” Y/N said, barely able to get out a response. She wrapped her arms around him, and Bowser gently put Y/N back on the floor, loosening his grip.
“I have something I want to show you,” the king said stepping away from Y/N to offer his clawed hand to her.
Y/N smiled and placed her hand in his, her face turning a light shade of red.
The two walked out of the throne room and into an area that Y/N wouldn’t expect to see in Bowser’s castle. He had taken her out to a garden. The garden was filled with all kinds of vibrant colors. It had more flowers in it than what Peach had in her kingdom. Y/N couldn’t stop gazing at everything around her. In the middle of the garden was a water fountain.
The water fountain was decorated in flowers and had three tiers of water that dribbled downward. The top tier had water shot upward. Y/N smiled at the water fountain and the flowers that decorated it.
“This is so beautiful,” Y/N said. “Have you…have you always had this garden?”
“Thank you. I always had this garden, but nothing was really in it. I had Kamek and a few other Koopas help me in gathering some flowers and building the fountain.”
“It’s all so nice. The flowers are so pretty!”
Bowser smiled down at Y/N, happy to see her loving the scenery around her. He turned from her for a moment to pluck a (favorite color) flower and hand it to her, “For you.”
Y/N smiled and took the flower from Bowser’s hands, “Thank you.” She decided to place the flower in her hair, letting it rest just above her right ear.
“It suits you.”
She giggled, “Thank you. So…you said you wanted to tell me something in person. Did you want to talk about that now?”
“Yes, I do. Why don’t we sit down by the fountain. There’s a bench not too far from it.”
The two walked over to a silver bench that had flower decorations on it too. They sat down and Bowser gently grabbed Y/N’s hands. Red eyes met (eye color) eyes.
“Y/N. I am grateful to have met you. I know I said this already, but I am sorry for how I treated you before. Thank you for giving me a chance. I…” He took in a deep breath and let it out, “I want you to know…you have become so important in my life. I have enjoyed our conversations and learning more about you and your world.”
Y/N could feel her heartbeat speed up. Her heart was hammering heavily in her chest listening to what Bowser was telling her. She could feel her face flush and her eyes widening.
“Y/N…I…I really like you…I like you as more than a friend.” His grip on her hands had tightened.
She blushed profusely from his confession. It was so sweet and tender. She couldn’t help her eyes from watering. The tears streamed down before she could do anything to stop them.
“Y-Y/N? Did I say something wrong? I’m sorry…” Bowser became worried that he had overstepped his bounds and let go of Y/N’s hands.
She shook her head, “No. Not at all.” She went to grab his hands again, a few more tears came down. He gripped onto her hands once more. “I’m very happy because I…I feel the same about you.” She smiled through her tears which were of joy and relief.
Bowser smiled, happy to see that her tears weren’t of disappointment. He gently wiped her face of the tears with the back of his hand.
“I’m sorry to be crying. I just. I’m really happy that someone feels this way about me. Genuinely feels this way about me. I’m happy that it’s you.” Y/N thought her heart was going to burst with how hard it was pounding.
“You don’t need to apologize. It’s alright. I’m happy to be with you. You showed me what unconditional love looks like. I’m happy to learn that from you.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.
She closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.
“May I…kiss you?” he asked, a bit nervous.
Y/N’s eyes widened, “Uh…y-yes. I um…”
“What’s wrong?”
“I…I may not be good at it…” She didn’t have a lot of experience in this area.
“We can take it slow or just settle for kisses on the cheek. I’m good either way.”
Y/N felt embarrassed, “I guess we can take it…slow…”
“Hey. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable. If you’d rather not do that now, that’s okay.”
“N-No I…I mean…I want to…”
Bowser gently grabbed her chin, tilting it up and staring into her eyes. She stared back at him, her heart once again speeding up at the intimate moment. He slowly lowered his head to meet hers, eyelids closing. She closed her eyes and then felt his lips on hers. This kiss was sweet and something she wasn’t used to. He still kept a light grip on her chin and his other hand held hers. She reached her free hand up to cup his cheek. The kiss ended as quickly as it began, the two catching their breath.
“Well…that wasn’t bad at all,” Bowser said. “I quite liked it.”
Y/N blushed, “Um, y-yes, it was nice…”
“Now that we have confessed, care to take a walk around the garden some more? There’s more to it I would like to show you.”
“Of course.”
Both got up from the bench and began walking. Bowser extended his arm to Y/N, and she wrapped both arms around his. She continued taking in the scenery around her as Bowser explained where each flower came from. The two walked and chatted until it was sunset, or what would be considered sunset time. The sky didn’t change all that much in appearance for the day. They went back inside and sat down at the dinner table. Conversation of different topics emerged and the two couldn’t be happier to be in each other’s company once more. They hoped to stay this way for the rest of their lives.
The End
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soyouareandrewdobson · 6 months
Nintendo-vember Level 4 (Part 2): Because this one had way too many pictures to make a point...
Continuation of the following post
Okay, so in addition to Dobson's own Link not really looking very familiar to the actual Nnintendo designs, I also decided to do the following. Getting a bit into hair sperging, I pulled out this little chart for hair color.
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Now, to compare it with the Link designs predominant before OoT came out.
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So we got Link from the first Zelda being somewhere between light blond and blond, Zelda 2 Link being dark blond and SNES and Gameboy era Link (who are the same and as such the favorite incarnation of Link gamewise according to Dobson) at Light Blond.
Where could dark brown haired Link come from?
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Oh, right! The Douchebag of Time.
It is just weird to me, that the hair color is something Dobson has taken such a grief with when it comes to Link. Cause in all honesty, I am not certain how such a minor design detail can affect ones enjoyment of the Zelda games that much. Anyway, to the last point
Yeah okay, I admit I am not quite certain what the last panel is even supposed to be about. I think Dobson wants to criticize the fact that now multiple Links exist, instead of the Legend of Zelda series being kinda like Mario. You know, one character all the time fighting the same villain over and over, instead of there being different incarnation of the character (and others such as Zelda and Ganondorf). I should admit, that aside of the OoT/Majora’s Mask Link, I kinda assumed actually till the release of Four Swords/Wind Waker, that the Game Boy and the SNES games followed only one Link. Which even nowadays in the branched timeline continuity they still do
Which btw proves my point from earlier, that it was only post OoT the execs kinda screwed the timeline up in such a manner, we would need the TVA to fix it. Anyway, till Four Swords came out, I thought Link was really just going to be the same hero in all games, just with a different design each depending on whatever console’s technical abilities. Then the multiple incarnatins and timeline thing became the norm and… well, I don’t get what is bad about multiple Links or making it that the games are kinda their own thing/continuity in a certain manner.
For example, I can still play Wind Waker also as something of a solo game if I take the backstory of how Hyrule ended up under the sea just as a backstory on its own, instead of thinking about its context in a bigger narrative. Plus it allows programmers and people in the story development department to kinda go crazy/creative with designs for characters and locations, because they aren’t “bond” to capture the style of a previous game to the point that even slight variations would feel out of place. Like imagine doing Breath of the Wild style Ritos in Wind Waker or adapting the 2D Zelda environment of A Link to the Past without much variety into 3D. Plus I think that if we only followed one Link time and time again, his adventures would pretty much become less special over time, because him fighting Ganon then becomes more of an average Tuesday chore.
So…That was Dobson’s comic venting about what he hates about OoT. And I have to say, a lot of these complains (as I tried to explain here) are arbitrary as hell to me. Dobson essentially complaind about aesthetical choices the game made, that all things considered were kinda necessary for this franchise to make the jump not only into the 3D era of gaming, but also in the storydriven era of gaming itself.
See, I like the Zelda series, but as a fantasy series up to this point, I wouldn’t really call it the most “challenging” game storywise. Defeat an evil pig demon, save the princess, explore dungeons. That was it and kinda is still the base line appeal of those games. But even just compared to some stories we got by comparison for example on the SNES (Breath of the Wild 2, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 6) Zelda was not really that deep. This game may not have even been the first Zelda game with a bit more “depth” to it (Link’s Awakening was that for me with the island being revealed to cease exisisting once the Widfish awoke), but it certainly was one that fleshed the world of Hyrule out a lot and in doing so introduced multiple technical, story relevant and aesthetical aspects to the franchise, that went beyond what A Link to the Past already had done in 1991. And that game in my opinion, while great, mostly just improved on the aesthetical aspects by assuring the game looked better in 16-bits than anything on the 8-bit NES.  
To be fair though, I may also just be a bit biased here, because Ocarina of Time was an important game in my childhood I have very fond memories of. Both in context of the game, but also outside of it. But considering I am not the only one who likes it, I think it is safe to say that it is a good game. Is it the best Zelda game ever? Well, we have Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom now, so likely no. But it is certainly within the top four Zelda games and will likely stay there even the next few decades. And acting like it is total shit and its fans are “lesser” being for enjoying it, is not just contrarian, it is outright insulting. So in that regard: Fuck you Andy. May Octorocks ejaculate upon you, while the rest of the world finds enjoyment in that game.
And on that note... Happy anniversary to the Ocarina of Time. The best wishes from me for Impa, Ruto, Darunia, the Twinorvas, Ganondorf, Epona, Sheik, Zelda, Link, Navi, Sarina and all the other characters and the people behind Ocarina of Time for giving us one of the best games on the N64 and within one of the most beloved Nintendo game series ever.
May your melody be heard for 25 more years at least.
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lumpyrock · 11 months
This is the weirdest and most personal AU I have done yet. TLDR, when I was 11, I was going through it and I found solace in two things: The Greatest Showman Soundtrack, and Mario Kart Wii, therefore those two things are linked in my brain. So, who's ready to be hearing this weird ass AU? (Based on the soundtrack with slight inspiration from the movie)
(The Greatest Show) It's a sneak preview to the end. It's Wii Bowser's castle (second to last track on the special cup) and we follow Luigi as he narrowly avoids a blue shell, only to be beat out at the last second by a mysterious somebody.
(A Million Dreams) Actual beginning of the story, Luigi and Mario (as children) decide that they want to do something grand with their lives. They want to make something that people will remember. (Blah blah blah, you know the drill.) They're grownup now. They decide they want to make a race, and Peach, being hopelessly in love with Mario, agrees to give funding and labor.
(Going to ignore the reprise.)
(Come alive) Luigi is sent out to find willing participants in the race, scout out new land, and get some sponsors. Some sponsors are also going to be in the race (i.e. Luigi). They set a date but uh oh! They need twelve racers and they've only got eleven. And they're really stretching it! They went back in time to get Baby Mario and Baby Peach, for goodness sake!
(The Other Side) Luigi is sad. He really wanted to do this, but it seems like it won't work. He goes to a bar to hopefully drink his worries away. But who does he find there but Bowser. This is perfect, he's just who he needs! (Insert the actual song here.) Only problem, Bowser will only do it if Luigi is his babysitter for a day. Luigi agrees. How bad could the kid be?
(A Million Dreams (reprise)) Really bad. Painting on Luigi's face, refusing to go to bed, Bowser Jr. is terrible! Hijinks insue. Luigi finally gets the kid into bed but then the kid says, "When I grow up, I'm gonna do something no one will forget, like you!" Luigi needs to win this race.
(Never Enough) It's the day of the first race, named after Luigi, of course. Race starts and Luigi nearly swerved off the road because Peach threw a bomb. He gets second and confronts Peach and Mario. "Why are there bombs?! You could've killed me!" "Oh, they're harmless! We just thought they'd be fun!" "'We'?! When did you decide on that?!" "When you were gone. We thought you wouldn't mind!" Oof.
(This is me) The amount that that hurt. This was his and Mario's dream, when did Mario and Peach start deciding things without him? He doesn't show up to the race the next day, and a random Toad takes his place and gets twelveth. He's sulking in his room when he gets a knock at the door. It's Bowser, wondering where he's been and if he's okay. He also got first today so he brought him the winning bouquet. Luigi says he's fine and to not worry about him. Bowser is about to leave when Luigi gets an idea. "What if we team up?"
(Rewrite The Stars) "team up" means having each other's backs and trying to help out where they can, not like in double dash. The next day, the next race, Bowser gets 5th and Luigi gets 1st. Toad's factory, Bowser's in 1st and Luigi's in second when the blue shell hits. Bowser does the trick, hitting the Mushroom at just right second and glides past it while Luigi gets hit by it. Bowser goes back and gets him and they get 3rd and 5th. Luigi asks how Bowser did that he tells him about the trick.
(Tightrope) Only four races left. Luigi has to beat Mario and Peach. Dry dry ruins, trys the trick but fails and ends up in 3rd. Moonview highway, he keeps getting run over and Bowser doesn't notice because every time they pass each other, Luigi's under another car. He ends up in 9th. Luigi goes to Bowser and asks why he didn't help him. Bowser says he didn't know he needed help. Luigi blows up at him. "Don't you want to win?! We're the losers, we need to help each other out! We passed each other so many times, how could you not notice?!" Bowser stares at him. "This is all in good fun, why do you need to win?" "I don't know why, I just need to! And because of you I'm going to lose!" "Wow, okay. I thought this was gonna be fun, but apparently not. It feels I'm walking a Tightrope with you. You know what? Team up over."
(Never Enough (reprise)) a shorter chapter, Luigi goes to Mario and tells him what he feels. Mario, he needs some time to process. He won't show up for the next race.
(From Now On) And we're back at Bowser's castle. Same stuff as before, but it's revealed Bowser won. Luigi's even more mad. Final race, Rainbow Road, notoriously hard. 3... 2, the Rev of engines... 1, go. Luigi zooms into first on the speed panels. He's getting a decent lead, when out of the corner of his eye, he sees Bowser Jr. The one he wanted to win for. What is he doing? This isn't right, he's winning but at what cost? He's pushed away his brother, his friend, and Bowser. Winning isn't fun when it's-- OH MY GOD, YOU HIT THE RAILING ON THE HAIR PIN TURN, YOU IDIOT! He's falling to earth, and he's going to die! He freezes up, not sure of what to do. When suddenly Bowser catches and pulls him back onto the road (without his kart). Luigi apologizes about how he blew up and Bowser gives him a hug. They both get on Bowser's bike and they get dead last. But hey, it's the thought that counts.
(The Greatest Show (reprise)) apologies, apologies all around. He wasn't being the most fair. Also Mario and Peach apologize for not telling Luigi about the sudden change of plans. Bowser, Luigi, and Bowser Jr. Sit on the game over hill and that's the end.
Hope you enjoyed! This was so long!
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uglierdaikon · 4 months
I've decided this is going to be a tradition now so here's
My favorite books I read in 2023
(in no particular order)
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"Siren Queen" by Nghi Vo
this book is so fucking cool. I said this list is in no particular order but this is without a doubt my favorite book I read this year. This book takes place in a fantasy version of Hollywood in roughly the 1920s-1940s. It has everything: deals with shady nonhuman creatures, fantasy violence, old Hollywood glamour, lesbians. What else do you need? Genuinely the most unique worldbuilding for a fantasy story I've ever seen. Please, if you only take one recommendation from me ever, take this one. The audiobook SLAPS also.
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"The Empress of Salt and Fortune" by Nghi Vo
Shoutout to Nghi Vo because I genuinely didn't even realize both of these books were by the same author. Queen. Anyways. So you know how the movie Titanic is told through the lens of people hearing the story from Rose as an old woman? Similar set up but also not similar at all. A sort of nun/monk person on a mission of historical and anthropological chronicling comes to the long abandoned residence where a recently deceased empress once lived in exile. There, they meet the empress' personal maid. As the main character (I can't remember the name off the top of my head, sorry) goes through and archives artifacts from the home, they get to hear stories of the empress' early life in their kingdom as well as her time in exile leading up to her rise to power. I'm not selling this well but it's REALLY good and a very quick read.
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"And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie
She's the queen of mystery for a fucking reason!!! This was apparently the year of Nghi Vo and Agatha Christie because Queen Agatha was the other author that just dominated my reading list. Anyways, the set up of this is that 10 people are lured to a mansion on a remote island and start getting killed off. I had a lot of fun trying to figure out who among them was The Killer (even though I ultimately failed to get it right).
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"I'm Glad My Mom Died" by Jennette McCurdy
Look. Reading and loving this book in the year 2023 is not a unique experience. This book is a tough read in that a lot of really terrible things have happened to her, but I (like everyone else who's read it) need to give her a lot of props for her skill, frankness, and humor about writing this book, as well as just her strength for getting through all that. Go Jennette!
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"Demon Copperhead" by Barbara Kingsolver
Reading and loving Demon Copperhead in 2023 is ALSO not a unique experience. It won awards for a reason. But I liked it so it goes on the list This is a modern take on David Copperfield that follows a boy from the Appalachians as he grows up in the foster system (and through the opioid crisis). I know that sounds bleak, but he's a character that you really wanna follow and root for, even at his lowest. It's a LONG book, but well worth every page in my opinion.
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"The Monster of Florence" by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
One of the authors got kicked out of Italy for writing this book! Doesn't that already catch your interest???
Anyways, this is a nonfiction book. Half of it chronicles the twists and turns in the investigation of the still-unsolved Monster of Florence serial killer case (which is. Horrifying. To give fair warning). But it also delves into the corruption and mismanagement of the Florence police department, culminating in a frame job intended to make the authors keep their mouths shut about this case. It's definitely a creepy case, so if you don't have much of a stomach for true crime I'd skip this one, but I could not put this book down (figuratively - I listened to the audiobook, lol). I went on runs solely so that I would have more time to listen to it some days.
That concludes this list of 2023 book recommendations. Hope y'all enjoyed! See you again this time next year.
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