#Wesley wyndam pryce x reader
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AN: This fic is a continuation of this one. I just want to say a big thank you to @rmoonstoner and @queenofthehobos for your interest in the previous part and I hope you enjoy this one just as much.
Warnings: canon typical violence, mentions of violence, and jealous Ares.
You rested your forehead against Rupert's as you struggled to catch your breath in the stacks of the library at Sunnydale High.
"Did my kiss leave you breathless?" Rupert teased.
"Hush," you ordered before dragging his lips back to yours.
Rupert regretfully broke the kiss, "What could they possibly want now?"
"They're kids in a library on a hellmouth. My guess? Academic support."
Rupert frowned at you, clearly not amused by your joke, before straightening his clothing and walking out to greet the teens. You walked out a few minutes later.
"Hey (Name)," Xander said as he sat at the table. "Any luck with breaking the bond that connects you and Ares?"
You shook your head, "Everything we've read so far states that since Ares created it, he's the only one who can destroy it and it doesn't exactly end well for the person on the other end."
"Why can't these gods keep to themselves?" He groaned.
"Well, I've been doing some research on the situation on my own," Wesley announced. "With the resources that the Council has graciously permitted me to use."
"Does he ever shut up?" Buffy groused.
You however had a completely different reaction, "You told the Council?"
"Well, yes. I am obliged to keep them updated with all the goings-on in Sunnydale." Wesley adjusted his glasses.
"If you were on a battlefield and you had been impaled in the shoulder, would you contact the Council and update them in the middle of the battle?"
"Don't be absurd," Wesley scoffed. "I would be placing the people that I'm fight...oh." He trailed off sheepishly.
"Glad we understand each other," you snapped. "Call me if you need me to patrol tonight Buffy."
You met Rupert's eyes before you walked out of the library. They were soft and apologetic but did little to cool your anger.
That night, your dreams were anything but restful. You dreamt of wars fuelled by passion and in each of your dreams, you could feel Ares' growing presence. In your last dream for the night, the god appeared in front of you and captured your mouth in a dominating kiss that left you woozy. It took far too long for you to realise that Ares had pressed his hand to the small of your back to keep you in place as he kissed you.
"The mortal's kiss might have taken your breath away once but my kisses are the ones that you'll be craving until the end of time."
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Rupert Giles x fem!reader, slight Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: younger reader (12 years younger than Giles but super legal ofc), btvs season 3 spoilers, jealousy/insecurity, drinking, light insinuation to smut 
Author’s Note: I know this is literally not on the list of things I was supposed to write and I’m going to get to the requests tomorrow I think but the fact there’s so little giles content makes me wanna DIE. anyway here’s this <3 watching buffy season 3 and feeling things for him. 
Summary: Set in season 3 when Buffy gets Wesley as the new Watcher. The reader, the assistant librarian and also Giles’ girlfriend, gets hit on a bit by Wesley and Giles gets protective™. 
Genre: mostly fluff! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“They’re sending in the new Watcher soon,” Rupert murmured. He was sitting on the couch in front of you. You could only see the back of his head but you could tell what kind of look he had on his face. Contempt, annoyance, some disappointment lacing his features. He had a glass in his hand, his arm over the back of the couch. He glanced back at you in the kitchen. “I fear I might be a tad unbearable for the next couple of days.” 
“You’re always unbearable,” you quipped, grabbing your own glass as you finished pouring it. “That's what I like about you.” 
You knew Giles was extremely worried about Buffy’s new Watcher. It had been the topic of conversation ever since Buffy’s test. It had also been a general point of contention; how could he let her go through that? Though now that he was being punished through various other means, you laid off on the argument. 
“Do you know who it is?” 
“No. They won’t tell me. Fear of my reproach I imagine.” He shook his head a bit. “I can’t believe they’re allowing someone else to come in after Gwendolyn Post.” You stayed silent. It was better to let him just talk through this himself, without any kind of argument or solace from you. “Buffy will never trust someone as she trusts me. Trusted me that is, I suppose. I never should have gone through with it. No, don’t say anything. I’m just conceding to your earlier point, I know.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Relax. The Watcher won’t be here tonight…” you put your hand on his arm. “So let’s not talk about him hm?” 
“You’re being suggestive. Is it because I conceded to your point?”
“One of the various reasons,” you explained. “Relax Rupert. I have no ulterior motives, I’m not a vampire, I’m not possessed. I’m just a girl in your house with some light alcoholic suggestion.” He nodded slowly. 
“You know, I don’t need that much convincing.” 
“I know.” You grabbed his drink and put it down on the coffee table. He admired you with an eyebrow raised until your phone rang. You groaned, picking it up beside the drinks. “It’s Buffy.” He let out a soft sigh. 
“Duty calls.” 
“Hey, it’s my phone. Maybe she just wants to gossip.” 
“Moments like these I remember we’re from slightly different generations.” You rolled your eyes and answered the phone. 
“12 years is not that many years. Hey Buffy.” 
“Arguing about your age difference again?” she said over the phone.
“Always. Ever the straight.” You kicked your legs up onto his lap. He grabbed his glass back from the table and took a drink. 
“I have said you have odd taste in men right?” 
“Once or twice. What can I do for you?” 
“Was gonna ask if you want to go to the Bronze with Willow and I before patrol. I fear this will be my last night Watcherless.” 
“Does she know I can hear her?” Giles questioned. You shrugged. 
“I would love to come but I think I’ve got my hands full over here. Men's feelings are hard.” 
“Tell me about it,” Buffy muttered. You could almost see her rolling her eyes over the neverending Angel ordeal. 
“You should go,” Giles said. “I’ll be fine.” “I made plans I don’t like to break,” you pouted. “Rain check Buff?”
“Sure thing.”
“Have fun.” 
“I would say you too but that brings awful images to my brain.”
You came into school a little bit late. You were working as library assistant, at Snyder’s hope to keep Giles the least destructive as possible. Giles woke up ungodly early and usually had several cups of coffee before you even saw him. 
You pushed open the doors to the library, holding your bag to your side. You slowed at the sight of a man you didn’t recognize by the check out desk. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to place the suit. Familiar, but foreign. The man turned around, revealing some glasses and an even looking face. 
“Good morning,” he said, just as evenly. 
“Good morning…” You craned your neck to look behind him, wondering if you had suddenly entered a world with a different librarian. 
“Are you here for the librarian? He’s out at the moment.” He stumbled over his words a bit, making you unsure of his dedication to the sentence. 
“Who are you?” He cleared his throat. 
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.” He offered his hand. You shook it, warily. 
“Wesley Wy-” You paused and thinned your lips. Maybe it was the British accent that gave him away or maybe it was the suit. “Are you the new Watcher?” His eyebrows raised. 
“I take it you know about the slayer” You shook your head. 
“Just a tad. I swear I’m not a threat, just a friend. Y/N.” He nodded once, looking you over. 
“What kind of friend?” You scoffed a bit. 
“You Watcher’s have a type,” you observed. 
“Where’s Rupert?” 
“What was it? Westley?”
“Wesley. Wyndam-Pryce.” You nodded, pointing a finger at him. He smiled shakily, looking down. You opened your mouth to speak when the door opened again. 
“Oh man. You’ve met the new Watcher,” Buffy observed. Wesley straightened up and cleared his throat. “Getting along?” “Well,” he observed. Buffy raised an eyebrow at his stiffness and then glanced back at you. “I wonder if the Watcher’s have a book that says what kind of girl they’re allowed to go for. Maybe Giles just stuck a picture of you somewhere and this guy read it wrong.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Do you know where Rupert is?” 
“Nope. He’s not my Watcher anymore, remember?” she said, defeated. She passed you further into the room. You put a hand up in defeat. 
“He could be dying and none of us would know.” 
“I’m sure he’s alright,” Wesley promised. “Are you and Rupert…” 
“Yeah,” you said curtly. As if on cue, Giles walked into the room, holding a stack of books, looking completely in his natural habitat. “Thank God. Giles.” He halted when he caught sight of the two of you. 
“You met the replacement.” 
“I did. He’s a little stiff.” You squeezed his bicep. He watched you do it. “I was looking for you.” 
“Is everything alright?” He put the books down on the counter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just wasn’t sure where you had run off to and I like keeping tabs.” 
“That’s unhealthy,” Buffy noted. 
“Your boyfriend is dead,” Giles retorted. She shrugged with a point taken look on her face. You turned back to him. Wesley gave a once over at the two of you. Giles had put a hand on your upper arm, a gesture that was familiar to the two of you. You took the top book off his stack. 
“Whatcha reading?”
“You’re miraculously calm.” 
“One of us has to be.” You took the book and walked over to sit beside Buffy. She was eyeing the new Watcher intensely, like the whole world could come down at her mere gaze. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised. 
“He’s gonna say something stupid,” she muttered. 
“Hm?” you asked. Wesley was looking at Giles. 
“Don’t you think she’s a bit on the younger side for you?” 
Silence went over the room as the words seemed to hang in the air. Giles stared bullets into his former colleague. 
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern,” he said coldly. 
“She looks closer to the slayer's age. My age. I have every right to ask, as a proceeding member of the council and part of the investigation towards your extermination.” Giles took a step forward, too close. You were suddenly reminded of the ‘not so booksmart’ person he used to be, the one who would throw a punch before working with words. You stood back up. 
“Keep her out of your mouth or so help m-”
“Alright,” you intervened. You stepped between the two of them. “I’m only 12 years younger but you flatter me. Giles, a moment?” You grabbed Rupert’s arm, gently pulling him in the direction towards his office. It took him a moment, not wanting to digress from the standoff. Eventually he followed. 
“Don’t leave me here all by my lonesome with this guy,” Buffy pleaded. 
“Vetoing your contribution here slayer,” you called back. She let out a huff, returning to staring bullets. You shut the office door gently behind you. 
“That’s a tad dramatic,” he pointed out. “I’m fine.” 
“I’m not going to put words in your mouth but I’m allowed to observe, yeah?” He pursed his lips, shoving his hands in my pockets. You nodded. “Other Watcher, bad. Wiles Westley Watchamacalllhim is making you, Rupert Giles, sad. You want Buffy to remain under your watch, lack of better word, and this new man is now stepping all over your toes in that regard. Observations correct?”
“What am I missing?” He shook his head. 
“It’s not important. Move on with your speal please.” 
“Buffy won’t trust this man the way she trusts you. She never could, you have too much history. You have the upper hand here, despite the council not backing you up. He’ll never be half the Watcher you are,” you promised. You grabbed his hand. “Speal over.” 
He nodded gently, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“You do have a way with words.” You laughed gently, shaking your head.  
“I’ll try to be more Bronte later.” He squeezed your intertwined hands, a defeated smile on his lips. 
There was a knock on the office door. You rolled your eyes and released his hand. You swung open the door to meet Wesley on the other side. 
“I have to speak to Mr. Giles.” 
“He’s all yours Wes.” You patted his chest as you walked past, back to Buffy. 
As the day wound down and everyone started home, you were stuck in the library still. You loved the place but the more you spent in it with two Watchers, the more you were starting to see its lesser qualities. Giles had followed Buffy and Faith out to have a generally mentor-like talk. 
Leaving you alone with Wesley. 
“So you know of Buffy because of Giles?” he questioned. You raised your head from the book you were reading. You had hardly noticed him watching you. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, standing disgustingly straight. You sat on the steps. 
“I was assistant librarian. Almost died by vampire. Happens to the best of us.” 
“He fraternized with a colleague?” 
“Continues to do so. Don’t look so jealous, Wes.” You put the book to your chest. “You’re ruining the perfect balance of the scooby gang you know.”
“Perhaps it needed to be out of kilter. I don’t see it going swimmingly right now.” He walked over to you. You looked up at him, observing his very even stature. You wondered, not for the first time, if Giles looked like this when he was a little younger. “What are you reading?”
“Rereading.” You glanced at the book. “Wuthering Heights.” 
“Yes sir. One of my favorites. Helps me forget about the neverending impending doom,” you muttered. He looked awkward for a moment and then sat down beside you on the steps. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’ve always enjoyed a bit of light fiction reading.” You opened your mouth to speak, reading the signals he was not so eloquently putting off. You were interrupted by the library door opening. 
Giles slowed his walking speed at the sight of you. Wesley stood up, embarrassed. You gave Rupert wide eyes, a gentle I don’t know sign. 
“Go do Watcher duties won’t you? The girls need someone to watch them before patrol.” Wesley wanted to argue but noted the look in Rupert’s eyes and decided against it. He gave you a nod and then passed him to leave the room. 
You were alone with Rupert. Finally.
“Wuthering Heights?” he asked gently. You nodded, a small smile on your face. 
“Am I so predictable?”
“You’re a classic.” 
You leaned against the railing, watching him with admiration in your eyes. There was something special about emotions fluttering around the room, knowing there was something to be said and something understood. You softly patted the stairs beside you. He walked over, sitting down without a word. 
“You know what I’m going to say,” he breathed. You grabbed his hand, staring down at it as you traced the lines of his palm. 
“Wesley will never be you.” 
“Are you speaking for Buffy or…or for you.” 
“For me.” You wanted to argue aggressively, assure him that whatever he was thinking was wrong. You felt the opposite, you would never love someone like you loved him. That Wesley, no matter the difference in your ages, it would always be Giles. That the age truly wasn’t even that big of a deal. You were consenting adults with fully formed frontal lobes. 
Instead you leaned down to him and put your chin on his shoulder.
“I love you,” you whispered. He did a double take with his eyes, not moving his head so as to not disturb you. You hadn’t said that yet. “You don’t have to say anything-”
“I love you too.” 
You smiled brightly. You kissed his shoulder and then sat up all the way. 
“Can you read to me?” He glanced up at you, wondering how you had moved on so quickly. 
“I just like to listen to you talk Rupert,” you murmured. You handed him your book and slid down the stairs so you were sitting beside each other. He cleared his throat curiously. “One second. I’m gonna go grab one of your sweaters from the office, I like to get cozy. You got any blankets in there Rupert?” You got up and walked away. He smiled to himself. 
“Under the desk.” 
“Ah ha!” you peeked around the corner. You emerged wearing one of his gray knitted sweaters. “I love that you have blankets in your office. Hm. I love you I think.”
“Oh?” You shrugged. 
“Yes sir.” 
You sat beside him again and put a blanket over his lap. 
“Go on. Heathcliff won’t read himself.” 
When Wesley returned he glanced through the door window before walking in. Your head rested on Giles’s, eyes closed in content. You looked rather cozy on that step. Giles kept reading, even as you presumably slept. 
Wesley turned back to bother Buffy some more.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, March 3rd - Monday, March 4th
WESLEY: This world must be a terrible disappointment to you. ILLYRIA: Grievous. WESLEY: I'm not too impressed with it myself.
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Cure-All by veronyxk84 (Spike, Giles, PG-13)
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Присоединяйся and other Buffy/Angel ficlets posted by B_E_S (G and T ratings, in Russian)
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love on the weekend by threefourtango (Giles/Jenny, Explicit)
Those Left Behind by Luna_delCielo (LotR and Silmarillion crossover, Buffy/Finrod Felagund, G)
Immaculate by vampbrat (Spike/Angelus, M)
Redemption Act by NAOA (Faith, T)
Mending Words and Making Mistakes by NAOA (Giles & Wesley, Roger Wyndam-Pryce, G)
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historians by softestbutch (Buffy/Faith, T)
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Une Question De Point De Vue by PtiteMac (Buffy/Giles, T, in French)
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Untitled Spike x reader story by evieelyzabethh (not rated, cw blood and blood loss)
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From Wrecked to Gone by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Horrible day by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, R)
Fortune Cookie Epiphany by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Untitled Giles drabble (Giles glanced at Willow's laptop...) by NotASlayer (not rated - T?)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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A Slice of Cherry Blossoms - Chapter 1-4 (COMPLETE!) by MCorey1317 (Buffy/Angel, Explicit)
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Tales of the Sea, Ch. 1-2 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Two new story banners by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Drawings: cordy n angel both have tattoos…. by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Drawings: Buffy, Willow, Tara, Spike, Angel by baleful-blurbs (worksafe)
Spike by mintcakeart (worksafe)
Faith gifset by andremichaux (worksafe, some blood)
A newly Illyriad Wes by genericaces (worksafe)
Manip: “Someone You Loved” by itslilahhere (Wesley/Lilah, possibly NSFW)
Willow meme manip by spar1axkilla (worksafe)
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the season 6 promo is the most badass thing ever so I had to paint a rendition of it by jamieejamss (Buffy, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy Season 1 Rewatch Teachers Pet by spuffybot
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) Whedon's Version - Part 1/3: Changes to the Script and Story by sunnydalestudies
what a shit job season 7 did of building the tension by angelthemanspanker
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Controversial opinion - The Body is overrated (cont'd) by thetopher, Plasma
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I’m sure this has been asked before, but who’s got your vote for best actor and why? by funishin
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Lessons S7 E1 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) - Lisa Lilly
Episode 18 - Moonshine, a Sloe Gin Fizz, and Shoes (Reptile Boy) | The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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mklauber is looking for a specific fanfic (Xander takes Buffy to a cabin to detox from drugs)
[Fandom Discussions]
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i could fix connor ats by all-seeing-ifer, justafriendofxanders, greensword101
Spike’s curly hair in late season 5/early season 6 shouldn’t have been because... by aphony-cree
The perfect job for Buffy is firefighter by aphony-cree
the little bits of accidental world-building related foreshadowing by coraniaid
Re: do you know if Dawn is ever brought up on Angel? etc. by coraniaid
The only thing more powerful than the Buffy writers’ reluctance to give screentime to a woman over the age of thirty... by coraniaid
1 of the many things that I love about The Gentlemen by spidey-loving-starkid
[the scoobies putting up the dozens of potentials in buffy's house is so funny. do they know angel lives in an empty hotel] by angelthemanspanker
I like how Illyria used it pronouns before it got reborn in Fred by angelthemanspanker
Further buffy s7/angel s4 crossover thoughts (what would be the last straw for Angel's hospitality?) by angelthemanspanker and justafriendofxanders
btvsverse characters mario kart choices (real) by buffysbitca
Re: I always got the impression Illyria was a he/him in their original god king form... by genericaces
Drawings and thoughts about a s5 au: Lindsey bonding with Gunn by genericaces
Get yourself a Pike by hare-majesteit-aurelius
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Gunn was mandated by the Network (cont'd) by Kendar, Plasma, AlphaFoxtrot
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Willow's revenge by The Whirlwind and others
Are there any vampires besides Spike who would ever seek out a soul? by The Whirlwind, Stoney, vampmogs and others
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Religion in Buffy by Cha0sCat and others
If Buffy had aired on a network like HBO, which scene(s) do you think would be darker in tone or more graphic? by funishin
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[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Did anyone else notice that Buffy and Angel are on Disney+ in the U.S. now? via eddyx
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Luke Perry and the Untold History of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ | Vanity Fair
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Penny for your thoughts
Pairing: Wesley x reader
Request: Not requested. I just needed to write something from my own brain !! Inspired very loosely by season 3′s ‘earshot’. Reader can read minds and struggles with this. One day, they meet Wesley and thoughts threaten to spill. [Italics = thoughts]
Warning: Very mild violence mentioned. Hostage situation.
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When you first meet people, you always knew exactly what your first impression on them is. Sometimes it was good, others not so good. But it was never as disastrous as the time you met Wesley. He hadn’t been in a good mood that day anyway, he was late and his research had led to nothing. Even worse, he would have to face Giles and admit that he had been wrong about which codex the relevant information would be in.
It was the early morning and you had arrived at your new job. You had needed something normal, you weren’t to know that living in Sunnydale would be the furthest thing from normality. You were the new school administrator, hired only because you knew the exact answers that Snyder was looking for when he interviewed you.
There was something about you that people couldn’t tell just by looking at you. You were telepathic. You could read people’s minds. That’s how you knew exactly how much he disliked your demeanour. Some people were jealous of your abilities, but often you decided it wasn’t worth the constant headache (both metaphorical and unfortunately literal too).
Whenever anybody found out, they often held you at arm’s length. People liked to keep their thoughts in their own heads, apparently. Not in yours. You had been practicing ways to ease the headaches and thus quietening the voices down inside your mind. These foreign thoughts bubbled up when you focused on someone you were near, but you could block out a lot of it now. Thanks to a lot of practice.
This morning, Wesley had been trying to walk straight past the front office and into the library without being stopped – but you had got in the way of that. You stepped in front of him and he stared at you as if he was trying to burn holes into you.
“Yes?” he asked curtly, looking past you now towards the corridor he should be walking down.
“Hi, I’m Y/n, the new administrator. Snyder’s asked me to put this sign-in sheet in place for, uh, late staff…”
“This is ridiculous! I am barely a minute past the hour-”
“I know, but you still need to sign…” You said, your voice wavering as he thought about how he wished that you would explode into dust like a vampire and leave him alone. He scribbled something illegible onto your sheet and stormed away, cursing you both in his head and under his breath as he walked.
You sighed. You learned two things on your first day at Sunnydale High, one being that doing your job and contractually having to side with Snyder wasn’t going to win you any friends. And a second being that vampires, demons and evil existed. Which, I mean, you guessed it must be true if you had the abilities that you did but it was finally confirmed to you.
The rest of the term went on like this, with you only ever encountering Wesley the same way and him getting decidedly more annoyed with you every time. You, on the other hand, became more fond of him. You learnt more about him every morning through his thoughts and found him to be a kind and genuine man who was just desperate to prove himself to the people he now worked with.
After getting a cold reception ever since you met him, one morning was a little bit different. Not only because Wesley was early but he made a point by saying good morning very loudly to you to which made you smile widely at him. You couldn’t help it, his thoughts had made you really like him. He faltered only slightly and you didn’t quite catch what he thought as he brusquely walked past.
Much like in verbal conversation, you didn’t always hear everything clearly if you weren’t focusing enough. Moreover, you often tried to make a point of letting people have as much privacy as you could. You could hear an underlying buzzing of everyone’s thoughts but if you focused and isolated on a person you could hear it clearly. But everything was always so busy it could be hard to catch things clearly sometimes.
In some instances, however, some specific thoughts called out to you with an almost painful clarity. This happened later that same day. You had walked into the library to explain to Giles that there had been some complaints from students that they had been turned away from the library for no good reason when it hit you.
I will eat them. I will kill them all…
You must have reacted very obviously as Giles with sincerity asked if you were okay. You rushed out your words, knowing that this was a lot to suddenly admit – but you knew these were the right people to tell.
“There’s something in here, the school I mean. Something looking to eat people. You need to, uh, do some research. The Sumerian will have to wait, this is happening. And soon-”
“H-how did you know about-” Giles began, he had just thought about beginning to read the Sumerian text he needed.
“Uh, yeah, so, I can read thoughts and I know I can trust you because you save the world often between school opening hours and I never once thought about telling Snyder so please just trust me?”
“I knew it!”
“You have never thought that before, Mr. Wyndam-Pryce”
I may have done… eventually.
“But you didn’t” You smiled softly and he looked at the ground. Giles caught this look between you and your seemingly one-sided conversation. You found his look endearing and found yourself thinking this for a moment too long before snapping yourself out of it.
Nobody tried to test you or question you after they chose to trust you. They appeared to be able to tell how genuine and how much you appeared to want to help. So, they listened to what you said and began to do more patrolling. Some even questioned other students in case they had seen anything suspicious (which, they had it just didn’t happen to be the kind of suspicious you were all currently researching).
Buffy and her group of friends were guarded around you with their thoughts which you were used to, people really didn’t like their thoughts being shared. But at the same time, you could hear that they thought you were pretty cool which was really a big compliment.
You were all searching for this demon on the school campus, it had been a week by this point and you and Wesley kept being paired up by Giles. Whether that look you gave him had inspired him to be a match-maker or he was truly oblivious and just wanted the two of you far away from him you didn’t know. Either way, you had quickly been adopted into the little team.
Wesley was bashful and often began tripping over his words to talk about anything that you appeared to take an interest in. He began to warm to you once he realised you had just been trying to keep your job and not trying to ruin his career as a watcher (and fake librarian).
You kept listening intently as you and him did your usual loop around the school, having to hope everyone in the school could forgive you listening to every single thought in search of the person you had heard that day. You were sieving through every thought anyone had ever had and it was getting tiring. Exhausting, even. Your head was so full it began to spin almost violently. A merry-go-round you could never get off, it kept going faster the more you listened.
While you were listening one day in the library, Wesley, who you had been distracted by and had been watching from the other side of the room had moved to stand beside you. You hadn’t noticed him, much less that he was speaking until your legs gave way from under you. You started to collapse to the ground until his arms reached to catch you. It was instinct, he gripped you tight preventing you from falling. He allowed you to shift some of your weight onto him as you walked towards a chair. He turned away to make you a cup of your beverage of choice to relax you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Wesley said softly as he sat beside you. His demeanour so different from how he had been even a week ago. You had become fond of him much before this, but he was just beginning to warm to you. To understand you had only been doing your job, helping his when you could. You had been leaving notes of thoughts you had overheard on Wesley and Giles’ desks ever since you realised what was going on with the school and the Hellmouth.
“If I got a penny for every thought I heard… I would be rich” You smiled, but you appeared washed out and weakened as you tried to raise yourself from your seat. This was a mistake, you began to go dizzy and tried to still yourself, raising your hand to your head. Without you noticing (or, admittedly himself until it happened) his hand rested on the back of yours. Your stomach flipped, an elation rising inside at the mere whisper of his touch.
He leaned in closer, his face now level with yours. The proximity sent shivers through your body. You closed your eyes, focusing only on his touch. No thoughts, not even your own should interrupt this. It was promise. Of care, of some deep down need to comfort you. No matter if his intentions were romantic or otherwise, just knowing he cared meant something. It was enough to keep you happy. You wanted to stay in this moment, where his touch was yours.
But, of course this was Sunnydale. Wesley had appeared to help you clear your mind. Enough to hear something.
Kill… Eat… Kill… Eat again
“No!” You shouted, a completely different style of shivers now went up your spine. You were horrified at the images you were starting to see. The thoughts were getting stronger which meant… they were getting closer. If only you could make out exactly where.
“Y/n, I apologise. I should n-not have thought to-”
“Wesley, no, that was- well, it-” You paused and sighed. This was a conversation for another time. You just wanted to tell him how much the tenderness of his touch meant, but it really wasn’t the right moment, “Demon. I heard the demon! I think it’s in the basement” You rushed out, gesturing for him to follow you.
How is that possible? We checked at least a dozen times.
It could have been hiding or somewhere else – it could have even been invisible. I just know where it is now.
You nodded, thinking this was the only reply you had given him. He blinked not once but twice. He was surprised to say the least. You had communicated to him without speaking. You were fascinating to him. He looked at your lips before scanning the rest of your face as he thought how much he wished that he could…
No. Better not think on this now. His mind may run wild and the last thing he needed was you catching this particular train of thought.
You stepped gingerly into the dark basement, the light was very dim but you were both able to just about get your bearings. You could hear the thoughts again, louder and louder as you approached. All this guy seemed to do was think about killing and eating.
Talk about one track mind.
Wesley made a noise that sounded like a laugh. You didn’t realise that it was in reaction to your own thoughts. But any remnants of a smile was wiped off his face when he saw the scene before him.
There was a pit of what appeared to be lava with a green coloured demon hanging precariously above it. In the corner of the room, a man that looked human apart from the sizeable canines and horns protruding from his face.
Without thinking and notedly before the demon in the corner of the room had spotted you, you started to pull at the rope that the green demon was suspended from. Wesley, although the frown on his face read as a reluctance to assist what would usually be seen as the enemy, came and helped you anyway. Especially when he saw how affected you clearly were by what you could hear of the demon’s thoughts.
You managed to untie the rope that was fixed in place to keep the demon suspended just as the man who intended to dine on them began to run at you. This made your hand slip, letting go of the rope and making the green-hued figure drop into the pit with a scream.
As Wesley moved to protect you, using the skills he could remember through the fog of fear he was experiencing you ran to the pit. You gasped, pleased to see the four hands were clinging onto the crumbling side of the pit. The demon hadn’t fallen into the pit yet – you still had time to help.
“Take my hand!” You shouted over the noise, opening your palm for the green demon to take. You could hear the demon’s desperation, their thoughts that it was the end. You couldn’t bear it. You had to help them.
“Go” Wesley shouted to the green demon as you both helped them up from the pit. The demon whose thoughts brought you into the basement became even more mad at this and began to attack you fiercely.
You managed to keep the demon at bay until reinforcements arrived. Buffy and Angel soon ran into the basement and held off the demon from snapping off your limb and eating it like a chicken leg. You did all you could to assist with the fight and shouted out the demon’s intended movements out to give the others the upper hand.
Wesley walked you home that evening, after Willow spoke an incantation to close up the lava pit and make it very hard to enter the basement (the last thing you needed was anyone else setting up (evil) shop down there).
You continued to be a big part of the group as the months went on. You would spent a lot of your time researching and learning all you could from demons and the students to help Buffy fight. You didn’t have the heart to tell the others that they weren’t fooling anyone – most people had at least some idea there was something special about her and her super-strength.
As you did your bit to save the world, your mind was never far from him. You had grown close, savouring every detail you learned about him. You knew that through the sometimes clumsy and ‘proper’ exterior, there was a kind and well-intentioned heart. He wished to open up to you, but his upbringing made it hard for him to grow out of the need to hide his emotions and feelings.
He caught your eye during a meeting and you couldn’t stop your own thoughts from flowing.
I love him. Wow, is this what being in love feels like? I can’t stop thinking about him…
He smiled wider as you thought this which made you want to hold him into you even more. Everything about him, from his need to stick to what he had been taught to the letter to the deeply sensitive and caring parts of him he revealed with out even meaning to and everything in between.
He was soon the reason you arrived at work with a smile on your face. Just to catch a glimpse of him or hear something from him. It meant everything.
Graduation day came and so did the battle against the Mayor and his ascension. As rubble, dust and demons lay defeated around you, he made his way straight towards you. Ensuring that you were safe. That you hadn’t been hurt.
“I think I’m out of a job” You joked, still catching your breath after the fight. But this was a futile task as Wesley rested his hand against the base of your skull and pulled you towards him, crashing your lips with his. 
His lips glided over yours, a subtle urgency igniting your continued passion for him. You grasped at the shirt that had been ripped in the fight, feeling the warmth of his skin as you kissed him with all the feeling within. He pulled you nearer still, no matter how close you were to him would never be enough.
This fight had put everything into perspective. He needed you, he loved you just as he was sure you felt the same. He couldn’t hide away from revealing the deepest parts of himself from you anymore. He had only kept it because he was sure that his mind was deceiving him. You couldn’t possibly feel those things for him. Those things he had dreamed and hoped and wished that you would say. It had appeared too good to be true.
“My entire life I have found myself having to prove myself, to work to be accepted. When I met you, without realising until much after, my heart started beating again. I began to live because you made me feel like I matter. That I could make a real difference.”
“Wes, you make a difference everyday…”
“Well, before I met you it appears that I had been living my life wrong”
What does this mean?
“It means that, uh, I was miserable. You showed me a joy to life that I had not even considered” He replied before continuing to explain how much you meant to him, “You do the right thing, the decent thing, no matter if it is written in the watchers handbook or otherwise. To assist even a demon in their hour of need, I am in awe of you. Truly”
You smiled, leaning in to press your lips against his again, ready to tell him exactly how you felt about him. You couldn’t hide this feeling you held, your soft adoration enveloping him in the best way.
As you leaned against him, you realised something – he had just answered your thought. He knew everything, had heard every adoring thought fact that he had been too polite to reveal to you until recently. He had been able to read your thoughts.
You had been so wrapped up in your feelings in a way you never had before, your feelings for him were just so strong, that you had managed to broadcast your own consciousness into his mind. Only such strong and true feelings could do this, you were sure of it. He confirmed this to you later when he revealed he had done extensive research on it.
The soft aroma of love now surrounded you, it smelled of him. Cologne and old books. This smell surrounded the area, which thankfully masked the smell of dead demon in the air. You walked away from the battle, victorious, now in more ways than one. You felt as if you were on top of the world, invincible by his side.
With his confession and your minds entwined with the deepest sentiments of love, you didn’t think twice when he asked you to leave Sunnydale with him. You would embark on a trip spanning several states, the two of you fighting evil and helping others. You grew closer, adoring every inch of the other and finally made your home, at least for a while, in Los Angeles.
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Cuts And Bruises
Fandom: Angel (Buffy TVS)
Pairing: Wesley x reader
Characters: Wesley, (y/n), Angel + Angelus, Cordelia, a little bit of Faith
Summary: Set during the events of a few episodes in season 1 of Angel. Angelus spills a little secret of yours. Everyone takes a beating from Faith and Wesley is waiting for you to wake up at hospital.
Author´s note: I know I´m probably like 15 years late to add to this fandom, but I started rewatching the series and I rediscovered my love for Wesley :D Enjoy the fluff please.
“And you… What to do with you? Always so scared.” Angelus said standing right in front of me. I was shaking, thinking we would all die right now. “Always thinking you´re not good enough. Not good enough to work for Angel, not good enough to be friends with Cordelia and oohh, not good enough to even cross Wesley´s mind.” Now I was scared and angry. “And you know what? You´re right.” He mockingly said and approached. “Yeah. Maybe. But you know what? I´m good enough for me!” I shouted at him as Wesley tackled him down the elevator shaft.  We strapped him to his bed with chains. I didn´t even look at any of them and left quickly. I felt Cordelia´s eyes on my back but I didn´t stop to look at her. The next day I came to the office and Cordelia came to me hugging me. “I´m sorry about yesterday.” I said. “You´re sorry? I am sorry.” She smiled. “I know I´m not easy to be around sometimes. But I always considered you my friend. You hear me?” She asked. I just nodded down at her and smiled. “Angelus´s  an ass.” I said. “Yeah. But the good version wants to talk to you.” She said. “Alright. Thanks.” I said and headed down to see Angel. “But really? Wesley?” She added when I turned my back to her. I just shrugged and looked away quickly going down the steps.
“Angel?”I asked stepping into his apartment. There was some shuffling in the kitchen. “(y/n)?” He poked out and came closer. “Hi.” I smiled weakly. “Hey. I- um... You weren´t here last night, after... You know. And  I just... Wanted to apologize.” He said looking at me. “It´s okay. There´s no need to, really.” I knew it wasn´t really him, I was just a bit upset that the others heard it all too. “It made me realize I actually like myself.” I laughed feebly. “I´m still sorry.” He said sitting on a chair behind him. “Did you speak with the others?” He asked. “With Cordy, yeah. Not with Wesley, though.” I sighed. “It is gonna be awkward. Jeez. I don´t know what to say in this kind of a situation. Any help?” I looked at him a bit desperate. “I´m not the best guy for that, I´m afraid.” He looked down.
But before I could say anything to Wes, Faith was in the town and there was no mood for talking about such things. And before I even knew how, I was getting punched in my face and having my arm broken by the crazy slayer. I passed out just a few meters away from Cordelia.
“Where´s Wesley?” I asked when I woke up. “She took him. I called Angel, he´s after them.” Said Cordelia. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Yeah... I Guess. You look like hell, though.” She said. I screamed as I was trying to get up realizing my arm was broken. “Damn it.” Said Cordelia as I passed out again. When I woke up again I was in a hospital.
I couldn´t open my eyes at first because everything was too bright. I felt that my left arm was unbelievably heavy and I realized my forearm was in a cast. I made a quiet grunt when I moved slightly, because my head hurt like hell. When I heard some shuffling beside the bed I was laying in, I finally opened my eyes and looked in the direction. “Wes?” I whispered in surprise. He was there, with cuts and bruises covering most of his visible skin. “(y/n)!” He yelped in surprise as if he was lost in his thoughts until now. “You´re awake, I´ll call the nurse –“ Before he could run off anywhere I tried to catch him with my good hand. I only managed to get a very light grip on the sleeve of his shirt. “Stay.” I whispered not wanting him to leave now and he sat back down on the chair beside my bed. “Angel and Cordy? Are they okay?” I asked suddenly, not sure of what happened to them. “They are back at Angel´s place. They´re fine.” He said but didn´t smile. I just nodded with a relieved sigh and then I looked at him properly. He didn´t have his glasses on and I recognised the dark circles around his eyes which weren´t bruises. He was tired. “Are you okay?” I asked him. “Well, since you´re the one laying in a hospital bed, I think -” I cut him off again. “Wes... Are you okay?” He knew what I meant. Faith used to be his responsibility and he felt, that everything that had happened was on him. “I am...” He said, but his eyes shifted. “I will be.” He sighed. I felt so sorry for him. He didn´t deserve to feel like this. His eyes still avoided mine. I suddenly realized what had happened those many nights ago, how Angelus let out my little secret and how there hadn´t been time to address it. Up until now. “Wesley, I...” I started and shifted in my spot, the broken arm starting to hurt more as I moved. Wesley quickly stood up and tried to help me to sit up as he saw me struggling. “I thought I was going to lose you.” He said suddenly and there were tears in his eyes. “And the thought that it would be my fault...” He trailed off and the tears found their way out of his eyes. “I´m alright. We´re all alright. None of this was your fault. You cannot blame yourself like this.” He looked away from me completely. “She´s there with them.” He said out of nowhere. “You mean Faith?” I asked surprised. “Yes. She broke down, wanted Angel to kill her. He took her in.” He rubbed his eyes but winced when he touched one of his wounds. “And you couldn´t go there. I understand.” I waited for him to look back at me. “So you stayed here.”  That seemed to startle him. “No! I mean yes, but I... I...” He tried to recollect himself and I patiently waited. Faith in general was a sensitive topic, but after this... Well I couldn´t imagine what he must´ve gone through. “After Angel had brought her back to his place, he told me you were in the hospital, that Cordelia got you here. And I was so angry – at Angel, at least in that moment. I had to get out of there and I got so scared that you...” His words were getting quicker again. “I just never want to see her again. I don´t want to see her hurting the people I... people around me.” He said in a tone I didn´t really recognize, he was angry and right in this moment, he seemed dangerous. Before I could say anything a nurse walked in to check on me. “Morning.” She said and eyed Wesley who was standing with his back to her, looking out of the window. “I´ll be back in a few, okay (y/n)?” He asked quietly and left the room before I could say anything. “Quite a fella. What happened to him?” the nurse asked, looking at the closed door and back to me. I just continued staring at the door.  “Something  bad. He was just trying to protect his friends.”
He was even more angry when he stormed out of the office. Still at Angel and at Faith but even at himself. If he was just better at... at everything, things would be easier. Wesley couldn´t stay in the office, not with Faith being treated by Angel as if nothing had happened. He decided to return to the hospital. He was more calm when he knew that she´s alive and well – especially when he knew it from sitting right next to her. But he was also a little nervous now, because of the way he behaved to her before. He was tired, but he didn´t think of going back to his place to get some sleep, not for a second.
There was knock on the door maybe two hours later. After Wesley left, a doctor came in and told me what injuries I had and tried to ask me what had happened. I had nasty bruising on the left side of my face, my left arm was broken just under the elbow and also my left little finger seemed to have broken at some point during the fight. I didn´t tell them what had happened, I only claimed that I couldn´t remember much. “Come in.” I said and Wesley´s head popped inside the room. He looked different. He probably took some time to calm down and to think. “Hello, stranger.” I smiled at him as I swung my feet from the bed to sit normally for a while. I felt much more awake, the painkillers and sleeping pills wearing off.  “Hey” He said as he tried to return the smile. I patted the spot next to me on the bed and he sat down with two mugs in his hands. “I brought you some proper tea.” He looked at me for a second and handed me the mug. “Milk and sugar, right?” He asked, just to be sure. “Yes, thank you so much. That´s exactly what I need.” I enjoyed the warmth of the liquid in my hands and the smell of earl grey. It was one of those smells that were just... Wesley, at least for me. “I wanted to apologize for earlier.” He said looking into his cup. “For being on edge like that. I wanted to be here for you and I only ended up being a big softie.” I looked at him and put a hand on his shoulder. “There is nothing to apologize for. I realize it must´ve been much worse for you. I´m very grateful that you decided to stay here with me.” I smiled at him and he finally returned the smile. A true smile. “How is your arm?” He asked. “Well, still broken. The bruises on my face are probably worse...” I said and realized that I haven´t even seen myself in a mirror. My face was probably all purple and my hair sticking into every direction. I felt the heat rising up my cheeks and turned away slightly. “I look horrible, don´t I?” I hid behind the cup, which I raised to my face. Wesley pushed my hands down, set both of the mugs down on a table and forced me to look at him. “You look beautiful. And I will never allow something like this happening to you again.” My face was probably completely red and I felt the famous butterflies in my stomach flying around. Wesley was never this direct; he was a stuttering and awkward mess when it came to women. But not now. The man sitting next to me was a confident one, sure of his words. It was exciting to see him like this. Suddenly, he took my right hand into his a looked down at our hands entwining. He was warm, probably from holding the cup of tea, and I breathed out the breath I was apparently holding. It felt nice, reassuring. “And just so you know, Angelus lied that evening. You... you´re absolutely good enough for me.” He looked up to meet your eyes again. “Actually, you´re the best.” I completely lost control over myself after his words and before any of us could say anything else I simply leaned in and kissed him on the lips. It took us both by surprise and I quickly leaned back only to meet his eyes as wide as mine and a small smile forming on his lips. Now it was his time to close the gap between us. He snuggled closer to me and put his arms around me carefully. My good hand wandered to his neck and hair and we kissed like there was no tomorrow. After the first wave of passion, we both realized how much our faces actually hurt from the injuries and we had to part with a small laughs and a quiet “sorry” coming from both of us.
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tarushipping · 7 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @indigoskies , @self-ship-nerd , and @smoochesforseven ! Goodness, thank you guys for tagging me ////
Name || Taruna Rei “Taru”

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Ethnicity || Asian/Caucasian

Favorite Fruit || Mangos ○ Pears
Favorite Season || Autumn
Favorite Books Series || Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling (If I had to pick one particular book series anyway;; )
Favorite Fictional Character || Ignis (FFXV), Karamatsu (Osomatsu-san), Genji / Zenyatta (Overwatch) , Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) , Wesley (Angel the Series) and TONS OF OTHERS but these are current favorites anyway;;
Favorite Flower || Lilies ○ Hydrangea ○ Foxglove (I suppose?)
Favorite Scent || Coconut Scents
Favorite Color || Dark Red/Maroon ○ Orange ○ Gold ○ Pastel/Dusty Pink
Favorite Animal || Hyenas (But I'm generally partial to all canines-Wolves, Foxes, etc.)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate || Tea and Hot Chocolate! Especially different flavors of either/// I love both (I can't stand Coffee though)
Average Sleep Hours || 8-9 hours (Usually around 4am-1pm due to work schedule)
Number of Blankets || 2 (While sleeping right? 1 if it gets too hot)
Dream Trip || Meeting certain online friends
Last Thing I Googled || wesley wyndam pryce x reader (crap-I didn't realize this would be a question////witnessmyshame)
How Many Blogs I Follow || 711 (WOW)
Number of Followers || 100 (I JUST HIT 100?? That's awesome ohmygod, I should do something-thankyoueveryone)
Do I Get Asks Regularly || Aha, not really;; That's ok tho~ I get super excited whenever I do tho!
Nickname || Taru
Zodiac || Virgo (Libra cusp technically)
Hogwarts House || ✨  Ravenclaw! ✨
I’d like to tag @zorrorave , @ashimari , @strawberryshipping , @toomanyhusbands , @queenieships , @lilchubbyhime , @dateacrab , @peachteasweetie , @hanahakiis , @pawsomenss , @saturn--jpeg , @cucumber-sprinkles , @lildreamysoul , @its-baramatsu , @edjeerebeloos , @doki-kat , @taguel-inigo , @emmshipping , @selfinsertheaven , and @shelf-insert ! I think that’s 20 followers exactly- ( I’m also gonna tag @shiroe-is-my-baby , @hhoneyhams , @theheckhole , @cottoncandygame , and @kremlin-ships cause I can-) and anyone else that wants to go for it! 
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Be Yourself
Platonic coming out fic w/ Wesley, Cordy and Gunn x agender!reader❤
Request: I see your requests are open, im so excited to see what comes in! I was wondering if you could do a fic where an agender (with they/them pronouns) reader comes out to Wesley after he becomes the boss in season two of Angel? And he helps them come out to Cordy and Gunn? Have a great day, love your writing!
Requested by: @alltheangstmygifttoyou​​
Warning: All characters are accepting but some understand more than others, reader ambiguously discusses food (not sure if it needs a warning but I like to be safe in case), anxiety around coming out, reader doesn’t have close family.
A/N: I hope this is what you wanted, love. I so wanted to get this right for you so if any of this doesn’t sit quite right, message me and I’ll change it 💖
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You had taken some time off from your job at Angel Investigations. The others thought it was because of Angel’s recent departure, you had been friendly with him as you were with pretty much everyone. But it wasn’t that. The reason you had taken yourself away was to try and figure some stuff out. There just hadn’t been enough time to be able to focus on yourself what with the demons constantly taking up all of your attention.
They had really missed you. Especially now that Angel had gone off on his own. They needed you even more than ever but you explained how much you needed this time. They of course understood, although the way their faces all lit up when you returned that morning showed that they had wanted you back almost the instant you had stepped out of the door a couple of weeks ago.
You greeted the others but made your way straight to Wes. You had to do this and now or you were worried you may never take the chance again. You had finally become settled here and you wanted to include these people into your life fully by explaining what had been spinning around your head lately. You had to be yourself, you wanted them to know everything about you. Including your gender identity.
“Y/n! It’s nice to see you, I’m pleased that you’re-” Wesley began but your mouth blurted out your words before he could even finish his sentence.
“Wes, I need to speak to you. In your office… please?”
“Of course” He gestured with his arm for you to enter and followed you inside the room.
You were nervous as you sat down. More so than you thought you might be. You’re happy with who you are after a lot of soul-searching, so you weren’t entirely sure why your body appeared to be filled almost to maximum capacity with apprehension.
Perhaps it was because you didn’t have any family to come out to, in fact you saw the people in this office as your family. This could be why there felt like there was so much pressure descending on you along with Wesley’s measured gaze.
You didn’t wait to sit and stew in this unusual mix of nerves and happiness you felt at the fact you had finally found a description of gender that fit for you. You went straight into explaining, before he even needed to prompt you. You trusted Wesley a great deal, he had been your friend before you moved to LA and so it was important to you that you spoke to him first.
“Uh, so I’ve been thinking and… I’ve decided that I want to go by they/them pronouns” You paused only briefly, not yet looking up until your finished your next sentence, “I’m agender and I think I feel really good about it” Your smile had grown as you explained and you noticed that Wesley’s had too. He nodded in understanding at your words and rested a hand over yours from across the desk. It was a show of unquestioning support.
He appeared proud almost. That you trusted him, that you were more comfortable in yourself. In who you are. And especially so that you had come to him first. That you wanted to be yourself with him. Wesley was very understanding. More so than you had actually expected. He was very well-read and immediately made the point to make you feel at ease and promise that this is how he would ‘endeavour to refer to you’ forever more. You knew he would get it, that moment of doubt had been an imaginary barrier to your happiness that you had created in your own mind.
It was a big deal to you and you were growing in confidence with every second since you had told Wesley about being agender. You didn’t think you had smiled this much in such a long time and you had a really in depth discussion with Wesley about how you felt about gender and how you had gotten to this point. It was such a release and so nice to be able to talk about it out loud to someone, it only confirmed to you how much this meant to you. How affirming it was to have another person not treat you with contempt but instead love for exactly who you are.
You then explained that you wished to tell the others as well. You wanted to be yourself with them. You wanted to include them more than anything, because this was so important to you. To be who you are. To use the pronouns that best fit you.
With Wesley’s help, you explained everything to the others. Cordelia was slightly less clued into identities that weren’t her own and so it took a little re-explaining and answering questions but you could see as soon as it appeared to click in her mind that she was happy for you. And wanted to get everything right for you. She launched into hugging you after you finished talking and told she could tell how much this meant to you which meant that it was super important to her as well.
Gunn, although not entirely used to it yet, could tell how important this was by your face before you had started to speak. He nodded and listened very carefully and after you finished, he walked up to you and patted you on the back comfortingly. He suggested, in part to demonstrate that he of course still saw you as one of his closest friend, that you should all go to your favourite restaurant. You looked a little embarrassed at the hugs and the idea of a celebration but as soon as Gunn decided to offer to pay for the meal you had never accepted an invitation fast enough.
He chuckled at how quickly you agreed as did Wesley as he moved to stand close to you again. You were so grateful to have such a caring group of people around you. Especially Wesley, you knew that although being honest and discussing your identity and pronouns was inevitable, you wouldn’t have felt half as sure of yourself if you hadn’t had Wes there supporting you. He had been like a comfort blanket in a way and you knew you would have to find a way to thank him.
You all happily started to shrug on your jackets as you discussed with Cordelia what you were planning on ordering from the restaurant (and recommending to Cordelia some items you knew she would love). The atmosphere was mostly relief as well as a swell of love you felt surrounding you. Your friends were so important to you, you were so pleased you didn’t have to even consider that your admittance could have turned out badly.
As the four of you stepped into the cool air of the night, you continued to list what appeared to be every item on the menu. Gunn’s face dropped as he realised his treating everyone might turn out to really damage his pockets. At his expression, Wes chuckled at his friend and a smile began to widen on his face as you appeared to still be speaking about different food items.
“You can’t back down now, Gunn, look how excited they are” Wesley gestured to you fondly as you continued to list everything you had ever wanted to try from that restaurant. You paused only slightly from your enthused discussion with Cordelia about the several side dishes you had decided you had to split between you. It was the first time you had ever heard anyone refer to you by the pronouns you preferred. The only way you could describe it was pure elation. It just felt right.
You felt a weight lift off of your shoulders the closer to the restaurant you walked. Now, you truly could just be yourself. With your little family you were sure to have a fun evening where you could be comfortably authentic without anything else plaguing your mind.
And you did manage to relax. That was, until a demon unexpectedly dropped by for a bite…
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Stumbling into love
Pairing: Wesley x reader
Request: Can i request a Wesley imagine where the reader and Wesley get together
Requested by: @mrshotchner​
A/N: First published Wes fic! Yay! Request didn’t specify over what getting together meant, so it’s professing feelings. Hope that’s okay! 💖
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You had been walking home by yourself, an act you had never really enjoyed after dark as it was. But now you knew it was worse than you ever could have imagined.
You had been returning home one evening and stumbled on a vampire. Angel and his team were there with a highly attractive British man that caught your eye immediately. he didn’t appear to look at you with the same longing and so you quickly averted your gaze.
You fought alongside them, a quick learner - out of necessity. You must have done something right as you had been invited to join the team. You tried your best to keep up with all of the work. The action and the paperwork really was a lot.
You got on with everyone on the team, especially Wesley. There was something about his nature that you couldn’t help become drawn to. He was funny and always there for you if you needed to talk without any selfish reasons (the only selfish part in his mind being that it meant he could spend time with you). He often caught himself staring and had to adjust his gaze quickly so as not to make you uncomfortable.
The best part in your mind about catching up on paper work was that you could pull an all-nighter with Wesley. He would bring coffees (he always got your order right) or sometimes takeout and you would often get distracted by conversation.
You and him had grown close. Extremely close. It had started off slowly, the pair of you skirting around each other to begin with. You had been slightly nervous around him and instead of standoffish as you had presumed he was, he had been avoiding making a fool of himself. He found himself becoming tongue-tied and unable to formulate any words, seemingly none were ever good enough for something so important to him.
Now though, your friendship appeared, at least to everyone around you, to quickly be moving to something more. So much so that among the others in the office, there had been a running tally as to how many times each of your co-workers had caught the pair of you almost kissing.
He smelled of peppermints and cologne. He radiated a heat that made you want to become lost in his embrace. Safely encased in his arms. You willed yourself to move just a fraction closer and yet you never had. It had become desperate, where your noses touched, his breath hot on your face. His eyes cast upon your lips before flickering back to your eyes. His hand started to move, the destination unknown to you but he wanted to cup your cheek and bring you closer. But there was always something getting in the way.
Whether it was Angel with some big plan of action, Cordy and a vision (she had to have them at the most inconvenient times) or Wolfram and Hart interrupting your day with some kind of sabotage. You never found out what his intentions were. You never asked, he kept his cards close to his chest often and you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by demanding him to profess feelings that may not be there.
This evening was no different, you had knocked on his door and entered with a soft smile the kind he savoured. He knew why you were here, there was some paperwork you were missing. He knew you were missing the work as he had ‘accidentally’ taken it with his own pile of paperwork. He wanted the excuse to talk to you. To be in your presence. 
He wished he could trust the Powers that be, but he knew better than that. Instead, he opted to make his own path. One forged with the hope that you would walk by his side. You opened your mouth to ask if he had seen the missing file or if it had been another case of the paperwork fairy’s light fingered nature (everyone at angel investigations noticed things kept going missing, and you had joked it was the paperwork fairy).
Suddenly, before you could even make a sound, the door swung open behind you and a demon charged straight for you both. Wesley stood up straight away, pulling you behind him. You had made it apparent more than once that your fighting skills were unpolished at best. You were mostly here for paperwork and you joined in on the group-fighting when you were needed.
Wesley stood, fighting stance ready as the demon came at you both. He swung at the demon but started to overbalance. You started to panic, not wanting him to come to any harm so you looked around the desk, grabbed a thick and heavy book and whacked the demon over the head with the heavy book.
Luckily, this distracted the demon long enough for Wesley to get his bearings and take a weapon and fight the demon. He pierced the demon’s heart leaving his body falling to the ground. The demons last action being to grab at you, leaving you stumbling towards him and falling into his chest. His arms were open, ready to catch your fall instantly.
The impact of your body against his jolted you away from him, despite the fact you found yourself wishing you could stay there. In his arms. 
“Sorry, I was in your way” you mutter, shaking your head. Referring not just to this moment, but to the way you had got in the way of the fighting.
“N-no! Not at all, the Anyarik Demon used the surprise to his advantage – it was fortunate you were here”
“But if I hadn’t-”
“There is not a moment in my life that wouldn’t be made better with you in it, y/n” he admitted, smiling down at the ground as he spoke. You gasped quietly, closing the space between you. You looked at him, eyes wide at this profession. You hadn’t realised he felt this way.
The words unlocked something deep inside of you, something you didn’t truly realise was there until he said it. It’s as if it was right under your nose this whole time and you’ve finally only just seen it. You finally knew what all of these feelings you had around him meant. It meant you had a deep, unwavering affection. One that he shared for you. 
You could have weeped for joy, but you opted to cup his cheek slowly rubbing your thumb along his jaw as you smiled widely at his words. He smiled back, eyes flickering from your face to the ground somewhat bashfully. 
The next time he looked up though, he took the top of your arms, pulling you forward. Propelling you towards his warm body. The closer you came towards him the more sure you were that this wasn’t superficial. It couldn’t merely be lust or flirtation. This was something more. You loved him, you had never been surer of something.
Your lips connected hotly, pent up feelings spilling over as he held you against him. His lips rougher than you expected, shifting as he relaxed into the kiss. Something he had been waiting for for so long. He moved you against his desk, side-stepping the demon lying on the floor. Your hands slid up his neck and against the back of his head, grasping at the short hair as you moved with him. 
However, the door, yet again, swung open and two figures loomed there. The shadows in the doorway making you break apart reluctantly, “What’s going on in-” Angel started, but cut himself off when he saw what must have happened. You fought a demon and then started to passionately kiss over it. He couldn’t judge, he was sure he had done that before.
“Finally!” Cordelia rolled her eyes, but smiled encouragingly at the pair of you. Wesley sighed moving from where he had been pressed against you, his hands wandering. You matched his sigh, disappointed as he moved from you.
Your eyes lit up, however, as he swiftly ushered the pair out of the room and all but slammed the door on their faces. They smiled, shaking their heads and he dropped the blinds so nobody could see inside. He closed the space between you, scooping you up and showing you exactly everything he had wanted to do since the first moment he had met you.
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
How ats characters would celebrate their s/o’s Birthday:
Characters include: Angel; Spike; Cordelia; Wesley; Fred; Lorne; Gunn; Doyle; Lindsey; Drusilla and Darla
A/N: Again, totally self-indulgent for my Birthday lol! They’re fluffy !! Hope you guys enjoy them, you can save them for your Birthdays or just enjoy them today !! 🖤💖
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- Money is no object
- Will ask what you wanna do
- Could literally be anything at all
- He has enough disposable income that you feasibly could do anything
- You insist that all you want is him though
- Not his money, just him
- You adore him
- And this assurance absolutely makes him melt
- All he ever wants is for you to be happy
- But he insists that you should mark the occasion
- So you suggest a party
- Just a small gathering with the team and some good music
- He grins, pressing a kiss to your lips
- He’s actually really excited
- He can get awkward at parties (and just in general)
- But he does enjoy them somewhat
- Especially since he began dating you
- Everything’s better with you
- And that’s why he wanted to celebrate your day properly
-  The hotel’s back and functioning
- And completely covered in decorations
- He appeared to have raided the entire party store
- Every occasion seemed to be represented lol
- Literally everything you could imagine stuck to the walls
- There’s even a balloon arch
- He clearly spent a really long time on it so you give him lots of kisses
- Which makes him almost blush
- He really cares and just wants you to feel good
- He would be by your side the entire time
- You would have a lot of fun
- Mostly just enjoys wrapping his arms around you
- And swaying slightly
- Whispering his love and happy birthdays
- The gift he gave you would be very meaningful and super romantic
- You would have melted right then and there
- You have a really great time, drinking and laughing
- You sit on his lap when you’re not being hauled up to dance with Cordy and Wes
- You even convince Angel to dance
- It’s equal parts dorky and adorable
- You definitely dance with him
- She would be so ridiculously excited
- For your birthday
- Like, ordering everyone around
- Making sure they get you the very best gifts
- And nobody is allowed to forget
- Or else
- She’s really pumped for you to be celebrated
- You’ll probably go to a bar the night before with all your friends
- Maybe Caritas if it’s up and running at the time
- (Cordy swings free drinks for you all)
- But the next day was your birthday
- You would wake up beside her
- It would honestly just be the best gift
- Just to have her this way
- You pull her into you
- Snuggling together
- Both of you sleeping off a hangover (Depending on how much/if you drank)
- Today, your actual birthday, was just for you and her
- Intimate in a way that she has always craved
- And with you she has
- Completely
- She has bought a lot of presents
- They can be assigned to two categories:
- Things you want and others that she insists you need
- All very well thought out and incredibly sweet
- She would be very cute and press lots of kisses to your lips
- Soft, sleepy kisses
- You spend a lot of the day in bed
- Just the two of you
- It’s honestly just perfect
- She wanted you to herself and you completely feel the same
- She’ll have rented movies, anything you like and you just spend it on the sofa
- Wrapped in blankets and each other
- Understated (yes, she can do understated)
- And yours
- The grandest plans
- You only deserved the best
- You always felt completely cherished with Lorne
- But he made sure to give you his undivided attention around your Birthday
- He wanted all the attention to be lavished upon you
- He could be so soft and so very insistent too
-He could tell you sometimes felt guilty about it but his nature made it so that he always made sure you were enjoying yourself
-  The most important thing was always that you felt good
- Caritas was basically a shrine to you
- He would source pictures of you growing up, fixing them up everywhere
- There would be themed drinks (from important points in your life)
- Not to mention the list of karaoke songs all evening were exclusively your favourites
- Absolutely no exceptions
- You would be showered in gifts
- Despite you telling him it really wasn’t necessary
- Especially if it’s one of your first birthdays with you both together
- Would go so far past overboard
- But he would be entirely too cute about it
- He would vibrate with excitement
- Waiting for you to open everything
- Just when you thought you were finished
- Another pile of presents would appear from nowhere
- All the affection too
- Through the entire day, would want to be close to you
-  Always does but especially so
- At the end of the day, would wrap you in his arms
- Already planning to outdo himself next year
- The man is near obsessive over your birthday
- Consumes his thoughts the entire month, just like you do all of the time
- Won’t stop thinking about it
- Mentioning it
- He’s definitely more into it than you are
- He wants you to have something normal, human
- You have to have something special - he insists
- Wants to cherish you, the entire day would be yours
- You would make the decisions for the day
-  And then he would have something planned for the evening
- Will decide to take you for drinks
- But at a more high end place than he would usually take you
- Might even take you for a trip away, somewhere you used to go
- will steal Angel’s fanciest car
- he’ll take you somewhere that he knows you like
- maybe somewhere special to the both of you
- The evening will be nice, he’ll make you smile as always
- Might treat you to some human food
- A restaurant too if you like that kind of thing
- You always feel special with him
- But the evening won’t end there
- You’ll make your way back to the car
- But he’ll grab your hand with a smirk
- Dragging you in the opposite direction
- He has it all set up
- He paid off the security guard
- There are blankets and tiny little fairy lights
-  That he would have to turn off in a second, but he knew he would enjoy seeing your smile though
- He had wanted a big gesture
- Something from the movies
- Because that’s what your love was like
- Something more human but still intimate
- Just for you
- He would help you lie back, lying by your side
- Pulling you into him
- You would be stargazing as you nestled into him
- Pointing out constellations that he probably was naming completely wrong
- But you wouldn’t care because he had thought all of this up just for you
- You were happy just as long as you would be together
- He would make you laugh so hard
- And just make you feel so cherished and celebrated 😊
- Would be so bashful about his plans
- Ridiculously anxious that you would be enjoying yourself
- That you would like whatever he came up with
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Completely and utterly yours
- And so wants his plans to reflect this
- The gift he gives would be understated, but completely fitting
- He would be nervous to give it to you
- But once you begin gushing
- He would smile and chuckle in that way he does
- He wants to take you to a bar
- For drinks because you deserve to be celebrated
- The world’s always threatening to end
- So he wants you to have a day where it can just be you both
- Celebrating his absolute favourite person
- You ask him if he’ll dance with you
- He looks around a little embarrassed
- But he gets a burst of courage
- Takes your hand, leads you to the dancefloor
- You dance wildly, matching his moves and laughing
- A slow song started
- You loop your arms around his neck
- It was just the two of you
- For all you knew
- He whispered something
- Something he hadn’t said yet
-  “I love you”
- The sweetest, most meaningful Birthday gift
- You would press your lips to his
- Telling him just how much you appreciated this
- And he would smile into the kiss
- Chuckling slightly
- So ecstatic that you were enjoying yourself
- But you insist that it would only be with him
- He wraps his arms around you
- Leaning his head against yours
- You dance slowly in the middle of the room
- Eyes closed
- It was pure bliss
- You love each other so much
- She would pull out every stop
- An extravagant event
- In your honour
- Everything would have to be just so
- Or she would start cracking skulls
- Would attempt to make it a sweet surprise
- But would begin to murmur about it one evening
- As she held you close
- You would be very used to interpreting her words
- And so realise
- But not tell her so not to upset her
- Either way it would be beautiful
- just before the day, she brings you a bunch of flowers
- they’re night blooming
- and they look a little dead
- but you of course adore them
- The night of your birthday was so pretty, she says it’s because it belongs to you
- Your night
-The event would be filled with gifts and people you vaguely knew and liked
- She would ensure you were the centre of attention
- As you were already the centre of her world
- She would smile, laying such adoring affections on you
- Her hands entwined with you
- Would be by your side for the entire day
- Soft gestures of physical affection as you both enjoyed the celebration
- Always touching you
- Would definitely have several gifts for you
- Definitely a birthday tarot reading
- You tell her that you don’t need a future reading, you see yourself with her
- For eternity
- She would adore this and get very excited
- Lots and lots of love
- And probably several trinkets
- She probably found these trinkets by purposefully targeting the owners
- And taking them for you
- (A for effort, isn’t she the sweetest? Always thinking of you)
-  He would be a man with a plan
- It may not be pulled off exactly as planned
- But he would have had the idea in advance
- Very caring for a s/o
- Can get wrapped up in a relationship
- Which is lucky for you
- He adores you
- Absolutely worships you
- (just as you do for him ofc)
- He gets up early, ready to set everything up
- But gets instantly interrupted
- You roll over and wake up
- He can’t resist you
- Gets caught out and slides back into bed
- Holds you for a while and you cuddle up to him
- Long story short…
- You spend most of the day in bed
- Long into the afternoon
- Which, he finds a lot better than he could have planned anyway
- He tried to get away at first but by noon he just couldn’t tear himself away
- He holds you close
- Telling you how lucky he feels to have you
- And that he wants everything to be good
- He’ll singlehandedly stop an apocalypse for you
- He insists nothing’s gonna stop celebrating your day
- But you pull him back into bed again
- Pressing kisses against him
- Insisting he’s the only gift you could ever want
- But when he presents his actual gift you of course take it
- He’s very in tune with you, always listens to what you like
- And so the gift is very thoughtful but also useful/something you will use
- Which leads to you peppering him in kisses and gushing
- Which makes him smile
- That one that makes him absolutely glow
- You’re still not quite sure what the plans were
- But they were easily cancelled, he sent a chain text and it was sorted
- he called for takeout instead
- your favourite of course
- it was simple but honestly you wouldn’t want it any other way
- just you and him
- Probably would not have remembered
- Until you mentioned it
- Definitely isn’t used to birthday celebrations
- You had been through so much since then
- But once she realises
- Decides she wishes to dedicate the day to you
- She doesn’t show it often, but she can be so ridiculously soft for you
- The day would be intimate and just for the both of you
- She can be very possessive and wouldn’t want anyone else involved
- Anything you wanted she would get for you
- You name it, literally
- It’s yours
- She can take over entire shopping malls
- Hold up an evil law firm
- Make them do a spell or something for you
- She would lavish so much on you
- You could take your pick of anything and she would take your hand the entire day
- Such obvious affection is rare, but she does adore you
- Presses a single kiss against your temple
- With that sweet, knowing smile
- Her eyes would always be on you
- You would feel loved just by her gaze
- She truly stopped everything just to celebrate you
- Evil plots on pause, won’t even talk to Wolfram and Hart
- If that’s what you wish
- She doesn’t like to admit how much you mean to her
- But because it’s your birthday
- She would
- If she hasn’t already, she would love to sire you
- It would be a very romantic gift for her to offer
- As if she had brought you a dozen roses
- Making your death day and your birthday the same day
- She would see it as the best present she could give you
- Doesn’t mention your birthday
- Always so busy at work
- You presume he’s forgotten
- And you don’t remind him
- You don’t mind
- (or I mean that’s what you tell yourself)
- But when the day rolls around you wake up
- And frown
- His work clothes are still out
- He hasn’t left today
- And someone’s in your kitchen?
- You go and see what’s going on and he’s made your favourite breakfast
- He looks at you as if you just brought the sun into the room
- A heavenly glow that only surrounded you
- You were the light in his life
- He loves so deeply, wants to cling onto this
- Wants you to know just how much he loves you
- By making this day just for you
- He chides you though cos he was trying to make breakfast in bed
- But you had woken up
- But you just wrap your arms around him and hug him close
- He pulls you in for a deep kiss
- Holding onto this moment
- Holding on to you
- He’s got a very rare day off
- And you don’t want to ask how much of his soul was sold off for the luxury
- The day’s completely yours
- You go out and do tourist-y stuff in LA
- You live there but never get a chance to do something just fun and normal
- So you go around and take cheesy pictures
- Try out different hotspots
- You have a really lovely meal at the end of the day too
- He’s comfortable, has money to blow on fancy meals
- But it means more because he appeared to have looked into the local menus and stuff
- Finding suggestions that he knew that you would like
- You go to a few bars that you really enjoy
- but he soon notices you want to go back home
- So you and he can celebrate without any prying eyes
- It was truly one of the best days, you felt so much closer
- She would have forgotten about birthdays
- After Pylea
- But when you mentioned it casually
- She jumped into action
- Not just because it was probably only a few days away
- But because she loved you and wanted you happy
- Wouldn’t want to do anything too lavish
- It’s just not the way you both are together
- It would be something simple, but so very meaningful
- She would be so soft
- (I mean she is anyway, but this is a day celebrating you)
- And she loves you so much
- I think she’d take you for a little day out
-  A kind of adventure
- But one where you could relax plenty
- A day off from demons and one just for you?
- Perfection
- She would present you with a gift while you were out
- I think she would have made it herself I think
- Probably took a while
- But she enjoyed it so much
- Something clever and cute
- Like her
- She would blush if you made a big deal of thanking her
- But ultimately reciprocate any kisses
- She would probably cuddle up to you and ask what you would like to do that evening
- She apologises for not having grander plans but honestly her just being with you is the best
- And you ofc tell her this
- You settle for drinks at a bar you both like
- But you don’t stay long, mostly just wanting to spend time privately
- You grab some takeout on the way home
- And celebrate more intimately
- The glow of the tv, but neither of you will be watching
- Just the two of you
- He’d be buzzing with excitement
- You always treat him so good
- (he swears he doesn’t deserve it)
- So he makes sure that you feel the love
- Especially so because it’s your birthday
- He says you have plans for your birthday
- And you’re like ??
- That’s news to me lol
- But he absolutely won’t tell you
- And teases you about it in the weeks leading up
- His teasing smile is equal parts infuriating
- And cute
- He just wants you to enjoy yourself
- And this is part of it
- He’s sick of everything ruining your time together
- So he tries to bargain with the powers
- He just looks upwards and half-pleads for them not to bother him
- Just for your birthday weekend
- No visions, please
- Nothing he comes up with, in his own mind, will be good enough
- He wants to give you the world
- And he promises one day he will
- Does this through a cute little globe key chain
- Before giving you a few more gifts
- He truly listens to you and things you like
- Buys things through the year
- So that he has them
- Hiding them is hard
- He would have planned it all out, using his connections
- He’s bagged a weekend away for you both
- somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
- Somewhere really nice, super upmarket
- Not something you’re used to after living in LA so long
- You have the best time
- He honestly makes you feel like the only person in the world
- He’s just so sweet
-  Literally would drop anything for his s/o
- To make sure you’re enjoying yourself and happy
- It was just perfect
- You’re already planning to make it a tradition
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Sticky Situation
Pairing: Spike x Wyndam-Pryce!Reader
Request: Kinda vague request but, I'd love to see a Spike x Wyndham-Pryce!Reader set in S5 of Angel. Maybe reader's a former watcher sibling duo with Wesley, maybe Wesley's a parental figure? Idk, Go nuts!
Requested by: 🦋🗡️ anon
A/N: I went for former watcher siblings !! I hope this is okay !!💖🖤
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Angel announced to his team that he had drafted in some outside help. You were on contract to Wolfram and Hart to assist them track this demon that could teleport. You just so happened to have the exact device and knowledge on how to use it that they needed.
Angel contacted you, he had heard that you were on the side of good from word of mouth and so was happy to ask you to join his team for a moment. It was just lucky you had moved to LA already.
You used a different last name on documents less your father finally track you down through his council connections so when he had hired you, he hadn’t realised who you were. Just that you were known for being incredibly talented at tracking demons. A sort of rogue demon Hunter, if you will.
You walked into the large office space and two people immediately recognised you.
“Y/n?” They both asked at the same time before frowning and looking at each other in confusion.
Suspicion began to grow in the air. From all sides. Nobody could put together how somebody that looked the way you did could have a life that crossed paths with both Spike and Wesley.
“Huh, small world” you muttered. As if this wasn’t the most ridiculous coincidence of all time. Stood before you, along with the rest of Angel’s core team who you were yet to be introduced to, were both your brother and the vampire you had been seeing recently.
“Anyone wanna fill us in?” Angel looked between the three of you. He was expecting some drama, there always was with his team involved.
Wes and Spike started to speak at the same time, talking over each other, both stopped and squinted at each other. They both about to open their mouths to speak again when you cut in.
“Wes is my brother and Spike, well, Spike’s my-“
“Special friend, right love?”
Wesley and Angel shared an eye roll at his phrasing. But the room around you appeared to relax. You weren’t evil, that was the main thing. Wesley didn’t really know what to make of what was happening he just stared at you.
“We’ve been dating” you corrected him before your brother popped a blood vessel.
You and Spike had met at a strip club six months ago. You were there because a shapeshifting demon with a taste for male arousal (and subsequently flesh) was prowling the area. He would insist he was there for the same reason although you knew for a fact he was about to be the next hapless victim.
You had teased him about it and he had looked at you for a moment before offering to buy you a drink. It had only got better from there.
You had nodded your hello to Wesley, you hadn’t seen him in a while. Both of you had hit the ground running since you managed to escape your childhood home lives and barely looked back since. You did call each other for birthdays and to check in every couple of months (usually when you moved to a new place).
Spike was surprised you were related to Wesley, it hadn’t been obvious to him. Despite the family resemblance that was clear now you were in the same room. And how your speech pattern changed back to match his now that you were speaking with him.
“We both trained as Watchers together” Wesley added, informing the room about the connection you had. He had never mentioned a sibling and so everyone was suddenly very interested and looking between you both to catch the similarity.
“It could get competitive” You grinned fondly. You and Wes had to make it at least a little entertaining or you would have both died of boredom.
“Bloody hell, you used to be a watcher?” Spike asked, looking at you as if you were an alien.
“It was, uh, expected of us. Wyndam-Price family tradition.” Wesley said, his voice devoid of emotion.
“Don’t remind me” you added and Wes nodded once in understanding.
Angel soon moved talk along to why you had been there and a brief overview of who was working with who. He finished and people began to filter back to the departments they worked in until you needed them later.
You eventually moved to greet Wes properly after you were introduced to the other members of the team. You smiled at him. You had been closer when you were growing up, you had to be. You relied on each other and he often felt he had to protect you because he was older.
He had always had this protective streak he had just never revealed it to you so clearly. There had been people in your youth he had confronted, getting himself mercilessly tormented in your place.
He muttered something about wishing he had known you had moved here. That he worried about you when he didn’t hear from you which you
He became embarrassed at his admittance and instead changed the subject. Talk turned immediately, as it usually would, to the task at hand. Wesley described the details of the why and the what. And you provided the where best to look and the how.
After a few days on the job you were settling in seamlessly. Angel even began to consider asking you to join the team full time seeing as you already had a few connections here. You explained that your device would work its magic and you would walk around at night to try and get a better signal.
It had also given peace of mind to Angel over something he had been worrying about. Recently, Spike went missing for days on end (especially on a weekend) and Angel had been concerned that he was up to something. Turning back to evil ways. But he had just been spending a lot of time with you. You weren’t used to spending this much time with someone, you rarely stayed in one place longer than a few months. So this was something special.
It was a dream having you working in the same office. He made sure that everyone knew you were together. His hand often curled around your waist. He pressed absent-minded kisses against your temple when the others were talking. And he definitely convinced you to sneak away into the store cupboard more than once.
You being a temporary part of the team was actually doing wonders for your relationship. You were connecting on a much deeper level. One he had thought he would never feel with another person again.
He liked to be with you, by your side. He was quite clingy but he played it off very cool. You enjoyed it though, he adored you and you matched his feelings so easily. It didn’t get in the way either, you were both still ready for a fight anything that came your at any time. You complimented each other so well.
You were stood in Wesley’s office, debating your brother on some light reading. Well, it was light to the two of you considering you had been watchers. It was just a waiting game now, your device was trying to latch onto the demon you were looking for and you couldn’t do anything until then.
Spike stalked in while you were talking. He didn’t knock and slid a hand against your waist, pulling you against him so your hips connected. You were still talking as he did this, the movement becoming so natural between you both. Spike truly was someone that made you comfortable. And Wes noted this. But raised his eyebrows at you in that way he always had when he tried to pull rank on you for being the older brother.
You smiled as Spike had been oblivious to what this look meant. You leaned in and kissed his cheek, whispering that you needed to speak to your brother alone for a moment. He shrugged, leaning in to catch your lips before insisting he had wanted to go and annoy Gun anyway.
“Charlie boy!” you could hear Spike shouting through the glass trying to locate him. You sat on Wes’ desk for a moment before the conversation you had been expecting since you arrived started.
“Spike? Really?” Your brother questioned when he had walked away.
“We’re adults now, Wesley. I can make my own decisions on who I wish to date” Not to mention you had heard of his relationship with someone called Lilah. It was hot office gossip and she sounded like bad news.
“Your taste was always disastrous. But – Spike?”
“What? Come on, he’s a very pretty man” You offered with a teasing smile. You both looked through the glass to watch him talking animatedly to Gunn about something.
“I’m sure I wouldn’t care to comment” He looked back down at the book you had been discussing. You smiled, walking around to where he was sat.
“Oh, brother. Do you need your glasses cleaning?” You teased further, reaching for his glasses, “Look, here-”
“Remove your hand or else” he swatted at you.
“Or else? Are we back in prep school?” You laughed and he joined you. It was nice to see you again he couldn’t help feel guilty he hadn’t made more of an effort to reach you. He always waited for you to call him.
Your laughter died down after a while and you finished your discussion. You eventually felt Spike’s eyes on the back of your head, he was becoming a lot softer and liked to be by your side a lot more visibly. So, you got up telling Wes you would swing by again later.
“Y/n?” he asked just as you got to the door.
“I meant what I said, I worry - please, be careful” He frowned at his admittance. You matched him. You weren’t usually the types to say things like that outright. You were a lot more affectionate towards each other than your parents had been. But him saying this was new.
Maybe he had really meant it when he told you it would be nice if you stayed in LA a few days ago. You usually travelled. Didn’t stay in one place much (less your parents get a hold of you somehow). You did miss Wes and now you had even more reason to stay.
You rushed back over to him and hugged him, almost bowling him over. He shook his head but he was smiling slightly reciprocating the hug.
He then watched you slink over to Spike and he rolled his eyes getting back to his paperwork. It really wasn’t entertainment to him to watch you flirting with a formerly evil vampire. It was neither new or original. He had watched people do this with Angel for the last four years.
The though of having Spike as a brother in-law was almost shudder-inducing but he didn’t mind so much. Because at least it meant he wouldn’t lose touch with his sibling again.
Later that afternoon, you and Spike were stood laughing over an anecdote he had told about Angel when something in your back pocket began to light up. The device. The demon.
Your eyes widened. You had located it. This was the good bit. You wouldn’t even have to go to the demon, the demon would be coming right to you.
The device could act as a homing beacon for whenever the demon was in range. You pressed the button, nodding wordlessly to Spike who began to rally everyone of the main team out of their respective offices. You could communicate wordlessly with him. You were a team, the two of you.
He watched you take control of the room. He had always known you were incredible at your job but he was in awe watching you being so commanding. Making sure everyone was blocking off the exits. You were directing the room and ensuring everything was just so.
The demon arrived and tried to teleport but the room was now preventing it from doing so. You braced yourself as it tried to fight, ducking as it threw staplers and office equipment your way to try to distract you.
You dialled the button on your device all the way up and everyone else covered their ears. They knew the plan. The frequency was set so that the demon would hear a very high pitched noise. You had advised Lorne to stay out of rage just in case but it wasn’t fatal to humans. It just made your ears ring for a few days after.
The demon combusted. But not without leaving its last ploy against the team. It exploded, leaving gallons of thick sticky goo propelled around the room (much more than appeared could conceivably fit inside its body).
The entire room was covered. Everyone was drenched in the green liquid. Nobody had escaped.
Your eyes widened, you had forgotten about that part. You wiped your face as the rest of the room did. Angel sighed, shaking his head at the mess but the rest of the room congratulated you between their collective ‘ews’. You noticed your brother’s nod of approval. The demon would have killed large swathes of the population had you not done it.
Spike, however, had the most enthusiastic congratulations of all. He launched himself at you, his lips on yours despite the sticky situation everyone had found themselves in. He just loved you so much and seeing you that way, he wasn’t even sure what came over him. He just wanted to show you how he felt. He lips moved against yours, with such immeasurable feeling. His hand cupping your face as you slid your hands up his back adoringly. You pressed yourselves closer together.
Everyone was still complaining but you and Spike didn’t care. You kissed through the sticky goo that plastered everywhere. You even kissed through the rest of the office making their passive aggressive comments at the water cooler.
You really could see yourself sticking around this time. For good.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
The Master masterlist
Last Updated: 10/02/2021
Upcoming WIP masterlist is here
My Ao3 work can be accessed here 
The characters are organised based on the show they appear on most. It doesn’t mean all of the work will be set in one or the other. 
I wasn’t sure how to organise it: for now it’s based on gender of the reader (neutral/male/female) 💜🖤
Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
Buffy Summers 🗡💅
Spike 🩸
Faith Lehane 🚬
Willow Rosenberg 💾✨
Xander Harris 🔫
Anya Jenkins 💸
Tara Maclay 🔮
Oz 🐺
Rupert Giles 📚
Drusilla 🖤
Dawn Summers 🗝
Riley Finn 
Angel the series:
Angel(us) ⚰📕
Cordelia Chase 💋
Wesley Wyndam-Price 🎓
Winifred Burkle 🧪
Charles Gunn🏹👔
Lorne 🎙
Harmony 🦄
Both Buffy and Angel:
Seasonal fic masterlist (all characters)
Headcanon masterlist (all characters)
Multi-parted fics (all characters, eventually)
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Masterlist - 12 Days of Christmas 2020:
12 Days of Christmas Masterlist for all characters 🖤❄
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[I’m sorry if you don’t see your request on here, I did get a lot of really great requests and I’ve tried my best to pick as many as I could manage !!]
Headcanons for btvs characters spending christmas with their s/o
The Greatest Gift of All (Giles x reader)
Day one:
❄ Secret Santa (Wesley x reader)
❄ Headcanons for doing volunteer work with Faith and Gunn during the holidays.
Day two: 
❄ Dashing through the snow (Cordy x fem!reader)
❄ Head canons for helping Angel do christmas shopping
Day three:
❄ Frostbite (Spike x reader)
❄ Jewish reader blending christmas and hanukkah traditions to celebrate with Buffy and Fred
Day four:
❄ Silent Night (Darla x reader)
❄ hc's for decorating for Christmas with Buffy
Day five: 
❄ Under the Mistletoe (Giles x reader)
Day six:
❄ Let it snow (Willow x fem!reader)
❄ Headcanon for spending your first Christmas with Lorne
Day seven:
❄ Christmas Break, (Spike x reader)
❄ Hc for buffy and the reader hosting a christmas party for the scoobys
Day eight:
❄ Wolf in sheep's clothing (Oz x reader)
❄ Giles hc with past, present and future Christmases
Day nine:
❄ Xander-Clause is coming to town (Xander x reader)
❄ hcs for celebrating your first christmas with cordelia as her vampire girlfriend
Day ten:
❄ My heart lives in Texas (Fred x fem!reader)
❄ hc's for a reader dating Angel and going home for the holidays with him so he can meet their family and see their hometown 
Day eleven:
❄ Amend and Make do (Angel x reader)
❄  ‘Tis the season of re-gifting, (Faith x reader)
Day twelve:
❄ All I want for Christmas is you (Spike x fem!reader)
❄ Christmas Angel (Gunn x reader)
❄ Gingerbread Zombies (Giles x reader)
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Secret Santa
12 Days of Christmas: Day 1
Pairing: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x reader
Request: If you're still accepting winter requests could I have a wesley x reader where the reader tells wesley that they still stubbornly believe in Santa claus so he gets them a gift and they do the "Santa's handwriting looks suspiciously like yours" line? I love your writing btw and hope you have a good winter!
Requested by: @alltheangstmygifttoyou​
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You were sat in the library with your nose in a book. He had joined you again. The same guy, always sat two seats away from you. He never spoke to you, sometimes he glanced over when he thought you weren’t looking. You were relaxed in his presence, not many could do that. For some unknown reason in your soul, you trusted him.
You came here for fun, to find a peaceful place to read. Your apartment was full of roommates and you paid too much for very little personal space. So you spent a lot of your free time here. It was an escape from the mundane. You went on epic adventures, got lost in new lands. Met angels and demons. Read tales of good and evil. You could only dream of being a part of something like that. It was everything you wanted. Sometimes you read non-fiction. Wanting to absorb as much information as you could. You liked learning and you knew knowledge was important. The guy often noted what you were reading, he was fascinated by the array of texts you would read.
This man, a rogue demon hunter by night and a regular of the library by day was named Wesley. He had been travelling since his stint as a watcher in Sunnydale and had settled here for the moment. The truth was, Wesley had been building up the courage to speak to you for a while. He loved to sit in the library it had a great atmosphere for when he needed to focus. But since he had noticed you, the last thing he could do was focus.
He caught your eye often and sometimes you shared a smile. It was as if you were both holding your breath, seeing if the other would make a move first. But neither of you did. That was, until one day. In early December. Today. You had been to the market earlier that day and had decided to treat yourself by buying yourself some old trinket from the flea market on your way to the library. This had caught the man’s eyes and you smiled. But today, he didn’t smile back. He was staring from your neck to your face with concern. He paused for a moment, but he had to say something.
“H-Hello, could I, um, borrow that necklace?” he whispered and pointed at the chain around your neck. You blinked at him. Your frown now matching his. He never spoke to you before and the first thing he wanted was to borrow the gold chain around your neck. He hadn’t complimented it. Hadn’t said that he liked how unique it was. Just asked you to remove it.
“No, it’s mine. Sorry” you shifted away from him trying to get back into your book. But he persisted moving seats right beside you.
“it’s glowing and… leaking a yellow liquid that I know for certain is a concentration of yak’s blood and wolfsbane” He stated trying to get you to understand. The necklace had been dipped in the potion and cursed to hold something by his quick assessment of the situation.
“Sorry, you’ll have to get your own. Perhaps put it on your Christmas list to Santa” You offered unhelpfully as he looked at you aghast at the suggestion. Especially so when
“There is no such thing as Santa, now won’t you please listen to what I’m saying”
“I’ve seen you around here, you know… I had been hoping you would say something but you never did” You said slowly frowning at the way he had denounced Santa so easily, “Now I know why, you’re basically Scrooge McDuck”
“I assume that this is some caricature of one Ebenezer Scrooge and not a backhanded compliment” He muttered, shaking his head. He had imagined your first interaction going a lot smoother than this. He remembered what he was trying to do and focused on the threat instead, “I just think it would be wise for you to remove the chain and pass it over to me slowly” he said, his arms raised to highlight how serious he was. You got up to leave and he followed you out.
“But this was my Christmas present to myself, I found it on the market! And, even if I wasn’t attached to the chain, you just ruined my favourite time of year by denying Santa’s existence!” You hissed at him as you left the main room of the library and into the corridor leading to the exit.
“What are you talking about-”
“You know that the magic of Christmas, and more importantly, Santa only works if you believe” you insisted, your face deadly serious as you turned back to look at him. Stopping dead in the corridor.
“Don’t be ridiculous! Just- give me the-” he grabbed at the necklace and tugged it, breaking the clasp and pulling it from your neck. You frown, trying to snatch it back. You end up doing a crude tug-of-war with the gold chain.
This was when you both felt a white hot heat burning your fingertips. You both knew you had messed up as you yelped in unison and dropped the chain to the ground. A white light blinded you both momentarily and when it disappeared a demon was towering over you. Your eyes widened. You had never seen anything like it. You had a certain level of belief in the things you could not see or explain but you had never considered something like this. Never expected anything like the fantasy you had read in books to become a reality. But there was no other explanation than this was a demon. Perhaps it came from the books… or, oh, of course. The necklace.
“Who hath summoned me? Reveal yourself!” The booming voice echoed around the corridor as he shrugged off the tinsel he had knocked down from the walls as he had appeared. He stamped on it for good measure and scowled around.
A librarian came to tell the group to be quiet, her finger hovering over her lip ready to motion you to be silent. However, when she saw the identity of the one making all the noise she backed out of the hall and back through the double doors into the main library, shaking her head. That was more trouble than it was worth.
That left you, the Englishman and this unusual creature that kind of looked half yak, half Santa clause if he had spent the night passed out in a bush. He even had jingle bells on the lining of his cloth outfit.
“Speak, child! Who dares stand before me?!” the giant pointed at you. But Wesley stepped in front of you.
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, demon hunter” He recited, staring in his eyes and hoping nobody else saw his slight shaking.
“You wish to hunt me as sport? Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“Hogroth, warrior demon of the Land of Lap” Wesley stated quickly. Your eyes widened. This was too good to be true. Well, it would be if a demon who was tangled up in tinsel as if it was a web
Hogroth unsheathed his weapon and Wesley quickly started to fight against him.
After trading blows and dodging the sharp edge of the sword, Wes managed to knock the weapon from his hand. This appeared to even surprise himself. He grabbed the sword and pointed it at his chest before slashing at it. They fought against each other as you watched on like a spare part,  with the demon unwrapping the tinsel from its upper arm and used it to try and strangle Wesley.
You couldn’t let this happen. You needed a distraction. You shrugged, remembering something you had read in a fight scene. You might as well give this a go. If it was a dream you would just wake up and if it wasn’t, well, you tried to push that thought away. You ran up and jumped onto his back covering his eyes as he hit out wildly. Hogroth grabbed you and flipped you over his head leaving you landing hard on the floor. Wesley saw his chance and plunged the demon’s own knife into his heart. This left him sinking to his knees and disappearing in the same way he came. You managed to haul yourself up, breathing heavily and wondering if there had been something stronger than nutmeg in the Christmas cookies one of your roommates had given you before you left the house that day.
“Thank you, for helping me” Wesley said sincerely, “It means a great deal to me, and I do apologise about your, uh, jewellery” he motioned to the blackened scorch mark that had once been your nice chain.
“Don’t mention it” You shrugged, a lot cooler than you felt. You were still a little bemused. But of course you would help him even if you were still a little put out from the way he had so cruelly cut down your talk of Santa. You liked the magic of Christmas and if a Hogwarts demon, or whatever it was that the man said he was existed then why not Santa? It was hypocritical but you supposed it wasn’t really a necessary argument. You decided to just say your goodbyes although you did avoid the library for a while after this. You decided to have some space away from the demon you had watched die and also the self-appointed demon hunter who had insisted Santa didn’t exist.
Finally, you caved. It was the week leading up to Christmas and you had to go to return your books before the library closed for the holidays. You also needed some time out of the apartment, someone new had moved in and you had no plans over the holiday season not just because you expected your room to have been rented out if you left too far away from town. You decided the coast was clear and you stowed away in a corner to read with some peace. Time had passed and you had been transported to amazing worlds that were detailed on the pages. It made you think about what had happened. About the possibility there were real adventures out there. Real monsters to vanquish. Real heroes. Real people to offer your heart to.
“I wish to apologise properly” a familiar English voice spoke, pulling you from your thoughts. One that had been in your mind since that day. The day you met a demon for the first time. The day you met a man that you could see as a kind of angel. He sat down opposite you, a low table with a poinsettia between you.
“That’s okay, I think Santa’s the one you should be apologising to really” You say without looking up from your page, although you had stopped reading.
He just nodded once and slid a wrapped box towards you. It made you close your book slowly, looking first at him and then the gift. You cautiously reached out and turned over the note attached.
Dear y/n,
I hope that you can forgive Wesley he really likes you – it is the season of forgiveness.
He’s sorry.
Love, Santa
“Santa’s handwriting looks suspiciously like yours” You say seriously which actually made him smile wide. He was fond of you before he had even gotten to know you fully. One more look from your bright eyes or a smile from your lips and he was yours. Forever. It really was a storybook romance as you had been worrying about believing too easily. He couldn’t help but want to be with you, want to protect you. And he hoped this gift would mean that you forgave him and you could get to know each other better.
“You do not know what Santa’s handwriting looks like” He murmured, but you gave him a look as if to say of course you did. Your attention then moved to the gift. You opened the packaging slowly, savouring the moment. You had this feeling. Like this magic inside. You knew deep down that this was the man you wanted to spend the rest of your days with.
When you opened it, a perfect chain was laying on the velvet material. You gasped, trying to insist he didn’t have to do it. This was too much for an acquaintance to give.
“You lost your necklace, of course you needed a new one” He said simply, not allowing himself to gush the very feelings he had now started to harbour. It was too much to put on a person too quick. He had never believed in the kind of love in movies, much less love at first sight. But he truly understood it now.
“But I haven’t got you anything…” you say softly.
“I think, perhaps, you could do me the honour of going on a date with me? I am new here”
“Demon hunting keeps you on the road?” You say and he looks away a little embarrassed. You could see this meant a lot to him. He was lonely, “I can think of a better present” You offered, leaning in. Your eyes cast towards his lips and then back up to his eyes. He threaded his hand between the hair at the base of your neck, pulling you into him. Your lips met and a growing fever ignited inside the both of you. Your affections growing. The potential of this union a dizzying prospect. Your lips moved together softly, such feeling transferring between each other.
This Christmas was the start of a true adventure. Falling in love had been the easy part. But learning of the true extent of the demon underworld and meeting some of Wesley’s acquaintances brought more danger. You wouldn’t trade your place to be back in that cramped apartment without Wesley in your life though. For a start, he let you decorate the flat you shared in any way you liked for Christmas. He often helped and listened to direction with an adoring smile on his face when he looked at you.
Nothing ever took you away from each other. And nothing ever took Christmas away from you. Every year you celebrate with gusto and every year you can feel yourself falling more and more in love for your dorky rogue demon hunter. No matter what anyone else thought of him, he would always be your hero. Since the first day you properly met.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Ats headcanons
I enjoyed doing the btvs characters, so I thought I would do some hcs for working in a store they frequent and meeting Angel characters, perhaps an obstacle to your relationship and how things would develop thereafter. 
[Yes, there is some overlap with some of the characters that I did for the btvs hcs but it’s different stores and scenarios and a lot of the characters have had a bit of development since then!]
Warning: Spoilers for probably every season. Sex reference (only in one or two). Reader is cheated on by someone else in one hc.
I feel like these are slightly darker themes in some just cos the show is a little more like that than btvs. Some are so long I might as well have written out a fic but I like doing lots of different characters at once.
Feel free to request Hcs for any buffyverse characters I enjoy doing these !! 💖
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- Independent book store - He likes to go and buy from independent stores, he doesn’t trust buying from the internet - You are always extra helpful and you don’t mind that he’s usually quiet apart from thanking you - You often tell him if you’ve read one of the books and you liked it, or you tell him to tell you if its any good - You only ever see him in the dark or by the glow of the dimly lit store - He seems lonely to you, insular - You always enjoy that first Sunday evening of the month, because he pretty much comes in regularly - He really enjoys hearing you talk, you have lots of opinions on literature and the characters and some of them, he had never heard not in the centuries he had been around - You interested him and he liked that you didn’t know anything about demons, it meant he could feel almost human for the first time in a long time - You were his secret, none of his friends knew that he now exclusively shopped there because it meant he could see you, he had started talking just as much as you did - Sometimes, he cleared his whole evening and he would find himself caught in such an interesting conversation with you that time would fly by and you were supposed to have closed the store hours ago - He offers to drive you home, you accept happily and you really get on he might even invite you in and allow you to stay over if it gets too late (he would 100% take the couch no arguments srry) - So someone either barges in that morning or they insist they need to go to the bookstore with him next time he goes - I’m guessing Wes or Cordy - Both would sense the familiarity between you straight away and squint at him, checking if he’s gone evil because his face is actually contorted into a… pleasant smile - Either way they’ll start running their mouth about demons and angel will panic and pull them away leaving you confused - He’ll have to hurry away to take care of some demon, neither of you can stop thinking of the other for the full week - He’ll come in, sheepish, having to explain himself. Demons, all that. Probably feel guilty if he didn’t tell you he was a vampire too (cue an explanation of the curse) - You’ll surprise him, shrug, and ask if he wants to get a drink after your shift - First date of many, you might even join angel investigations after a while (not just bc you’re now in a very committed relationship with the boss)
- You work in an electronics store. - His PlayStation stopped working (he threw it out of the window when he lost) so he’s demanding you fix it - You tell him it’s a write off. But you show him some good deals on a new one. - He smiles, thinking you were flirting, but it’s something you are supposed to do for your job - He pays with a debit card, that says it belongs to ‘Angel investigations’ - You presume he’s the named Angel, and say ‘Thanks Angel’ as he leaves - He turns back, starting to scowl, but then realises what’s happened. He keeps up the pretence so that Angel doesn’t figure out he’s taken the company card - He’s pretty lonely, so when he’s not swearing at his PlayStation, he’s thinking about the brief interaction with you at the store - He comes in a few more times, asking about accessories or extras he may need to make him win better - He sticks around for slow evenings sometimes. You start to chat to him, getting to know him, always giving him the warmest smile - Your hands probably brush against each other when you’re showing him something and he cannot stop smiling – it’s been the best thing that’s happened since he became corporeal again. Human touch. Your touch - Finally asks you out, you decide you’d love to spend time with him - There’s only one problem - You think his name’s Angel. So, he spends most of the evening telling you wild and very obviously made up stories about being an investigator and then becoming a CEO. - You go into a bar together and who should interrupt but the real Angel and he keeps calling your Angel by the name Spike. - You frown, having had enough and he’s caught up in some demon killing so he can’t come after you - He is too embarrassed for a while to talk to you again, but eventually waits for you after work - He explains everything, you roll your eyes and smile. The times you actually liked him had been when he was himself at the store. He would come in making you laugh and insulting customers under his breath to make you smile - You agree to have a do-over, introducing yourself again and smiling softly as he holds your hand under the counter before he continues to mutter his insults towards the customers.
- You work for a temp agency, Angel investigations takes you on in their busy period (LA demons don’t listen to the curse of Halloween so it can get busy) - Real busy - So you are drafted in temporarily to help pick up calls - You have experience and you know all about demons (you used to live on a Hellmouth) - Cordy doesn’t get on with you at first, thinking you’re too perfect taking over her job - She wants her wage and its stretched thinner with a new employee - You reorganise the filing, make detailed notes and are really good on calls to potential clients - And you’re really friendly with her and she finds herself enjoying your company but she still gets suspicious of how good you are at her job - aka she gets a little jealous and it boils over one evening and she starts to ask Angel how long it’ll be until you leave - You overhear, ofc, and Angel’s eyes widen making Cordy turn and see your hurt face - And she feels really guilty when she sees she’s upset you - You just walk past her, pass Angel the files you had finished, and took your jacket to leave - Angel and Wes talk to Cordy, hinting that a lot of her attention has been on you recently – maybe she should think about why that is - You call in sick the next few days, thinking about checking if you can change your contract and be transferred somewhere else. She can’t stop thinking about you - When you’re finally back in, you start the day off in silence, trying to keep up your usual cheery phone voice - Cordelia comes straight in and apologises, handing you a hot drink exactly the way you like it - She hangs the call up that you were on, clicking the button in, losing you a client but this is more important - She tells you that she really likes you and she didn’t realise until she hurt you how much you meant to her in such a short time - She wants to know if she can make it up to you with maybe a dinner date? Say, tonight at that new place - Angel knows someone and helped her get reservations and you agree that it’s the least she could do which makes her smile
(sorry this isn’t in the best moment of his character arc)
- Hardware store - You get suspicious when he’s buying a list of things that makes you think he might be doing something he shouldn’t - You honestly don’t get paid enough for this, but you had to confront him in the car park for your own moral conscience - He has purchased a bucket, some rope, heavy-duty chains and a large mallet - So you shout, ‘Hey! Are you planning on killing someone?’ (you’re not great with tact) - He whips around so fast and stalks towards you it honestly scares you - He has a certain level of menace, like the English villains in cartoons - “That, would be none of your business” he mutters, realising he would have to go back in and buy more if he wanted to keep you in his closet too - “You know, if it’s something supernatural you might need more than a mallet” you offer, you can tell when someone’s seen something supernatural. Something behind their eyes - He just shakes his head and leaves, but all the while he’s apart from you he can’t stop thinking about you - He glares at the woman he has held hostage, wishing she would just give up her information do he could find Angel - He finds himself walking back to the hardware store - Some dithering excuse about the strength of the chains or wanting you to show him some alternative rope - Gets into a conversation with you about either how you know about demons or why you thought he was gonna kill people - You tell him very obviously he is at least holding a hostage, it makes him crumble slightly - He’s been through a lot, what with the almost dying. Twice - He tells you to follow him and you shrug, chucking your apron at your friend on shift, asking him to cover you - You spoke in the shadows, not able to see each others faces. He told you everything, like everything since he had moved to the U.S, Sunnydale, everything. - He could tell there was something about you, I mean asking him if he was gonna kill someone? You were intelligent, perceptive and to him: better than the job you were in - You then told him of your own darkest moments - Bonded through this, you parted ways, but your minds never left that spot. Never left each other - You met up regularly after this, you hinting that he should probably let the woman go now. Maybe there could be another way to find his boss - Then one day she was gone, his mood lifted and he pulled you into him and landed a kiss - You start dating, helping him sort through everything and you probably eventually join Angel Investigations, Wesley thinks you’re better suited with him anyway
- You serve coffee at a local diner 24 hour diner.
- He comes in every Friday, but he’ll start coming in more regularly when he spots you behind the counter
- After his shifts, before his shifts for a morning coffee even if he’s late into the office
- Finds himself spending more money than is feasible on eating out just because you’re there
-  Decides he had better ask you out. So he does.
- Very cool, very collected
- you can’t help smiling at the way he’s leaning ever-so-cool across the counter
- You’re so pleased he likes you, he had definitely caught your eye, and you jump at the chance to go on a date with him
- There’s only one problem: he finds out you’re half demon and you have a big hatred for a certain mystical law firm that had ruined your family
- He’s cool with the half-demon thing, but it does mean he’s lying about where he works now
- He likes you too much to ruin it over anything like a job
- But one day, after dating a few months, you find out. You were summoned to a meeting at the top floor of the building, the only one that could translate as you passed for human
- There was some misunderstanding over the sacrificial killings being presumed murder by the CEO and his team
- You walked in to find your boyfriend shuffling his papers waiting for this translator he didn’t want to have to deal with
- This results in an argument in front of the whole team and your extended family who don’t really get what’s going on
- You storm away and Angel lets your family off due to the bad publicity he’s informed will take place if they do anything else
- Gunn lets you cool off but eventually can’t stay away and comes into your work and you try to ignore him
- he follows you into the back, apologising over your boss who is shouting at him for coming into the employee-only area
- he takes your shoulders, looks into your eyes and promises he’s working there for the right reasons, telling you that he’s on the right side of this but if you asked he could see about looking for different employment
- he wouldn’t stop saving the world, but he could transfer to some kind of ‘consultancy’ status
- you smile, appreciating the gesture but insist that he shouldn’t lose his job for you. You accept his apology and start to make things work - promising to be honest from then on
- he kisses you, cupping your cheek and moving your head towards him, the verbal promise sealed with the kiss you shared
-  you’re a barista in a coffee shop
- she’s always in early mornings and late nights, sometimes you open a little later knowing she’ll want her coffee with extra cream and sugar
- she always bashfully thanks you, insisting you shouldn’t have waited, so you have to admit seeing her is often the highlight of your day
- she’ll blush and shake her head, sipping slowly on her drink. She’ll grin and say it’s exactly how she likes it (you had it waiting for her, she didn’t have to order)
-  you get to know her over the months she’ll pop in, becoming a really close friend of hers.
- which soon leads into more, both of you being very affectionate. It comes so naturally         
- problem is that the tension in her office could be cut with a knife. Almost everyone had a crush on her, whether she was aware of it or not
- you became very insecure, distancing yourself from her after you noticed
- thinking maybe she would be better off with one of the others. she was so upset, her brow furrowing and her work not being her best
- she felt alone again, like she had when she was trapped on Pylea. she just wanted to speak to you about it but she couldn’t. she didn’t get why you were being so cold
- One day you notice one of the men in the lab harassing her at work when you pop in (your coffee store does deliveries now) and you cuss him out
- she smiles, grateful. Her nose scrunching as she smiled. You nod awkwardly, handing her drink and leaving which makes her deflate a little (she wanted you to stay)
- finally, she comes in on her day off - which is odd cos it’s so far from her apartment. she tells you she wants to spend time with you and she wants to know why you suddenly stopped seeing her
- you explain everything, on your break. She shakes her head and smiles fondly at your explanation. 
- she promises the only one she has eyes for is you. You grin and she insists you should have spoken to her about it sooner
- you mysteriously come down with an ‘illness’ after your break and ask to take the rest of the day off and spend it in bed with Fred
- you work in an exclusive theatre, work in the ticket office for premiers
- You see Lorne a lot and always give him a winning smile
- He knows you by name straight away, he’s a people person
- But it was so more than that, he was absolutely entranced by you but you couldn’t tell - he was always around celebrity types what with his job so you felt like he wouldn’t want to look at you twice
- he always stopped to talk to you, savouring the moment you had together
- he was thinking of asking you to dinner, or to accompany him to a premier one time instead of you mostly staying in the ticket office
- however one time, before he had chance to ask, he brought a friend with him. Wesley
- he talked to you, Lorne visibly tense at the way he took a shine to you
- you start to date Wesley on and off after that evening,  
- Lorne gets annoyed at the way he treats you, dropping you any time that Fred so much as gave him a second glance
- you felt lonely and sad, the only person able to cheer you up being Lorne
- he kept you company a lot, growing so close to the point you trusted him more than anyone. You were so comfortable with him, in the way 
- he desperately wants to hold you in his arms, take care of you the way that you deserve
- one evening you say that you had better leave, Wes was supposed to be taking you out
- you walk to his office and find Wes kissing Fred. You scream, shout and then storm away
- Lorne hears the commotion, following you out and scooping you up and holding you into him 
- the warmest embrace one you didn’t ever want to move from
- he stayed with you for months, building you back up for entirely selfless reasons. 
- one day, way after everything that happened with Wes, he looks at you and his feelings let slip
 - you smile, shocked. You hadn’t realised he felt that way - you had thought you would never have a chance with someone like him. You tell him this and and pulls you close
- you kiss, the passion that has been building since the day you met finally pouring between you. You both smile at each other and you pull him in again for another kiss
- You work the register in a liquor store
-  He came in fairly often, the hard stuff the only thing that would help with the visions
- you like his humour, and his accent, and he always has a smile for you even if he’s had a crap day
- he really likes you but he doesn’t know how to tell you
- won’t shut up about you to Angel. So much so that even Angel was gonna march him over to your store and demand he ask you to put him out of his misery
- but luckily, you took a shine to him so you were the one doing the asking. Or, more hinting that you would be getting off your shift soon and that you could share one of his fine bottles of cheap liquor if he wanted company
- almost choked on his words in his enthusiasm, so he just nods and waits for you to grab your stuff
- you spend a lot of time just talking, sharing intimate details and connecting
- his irish lilt was music to your ears and he smiled in that boyish way he does when you tell him this
- You finish a bottle and since that night, he’s addicted. He wants to spend all of his time with you
- He keeps the visions secret at first, but eventually one night he has a bad one – needs to see Angel and you tell him he needs to rest
- You worry, but he’s insistent
- So you come with him and find out about the demons that you had never quite managed to notice before
-  He shares, explains about everything while he’s holding you in his arms. Only thing is he manages to avoid the fact that he’s half demon himself.
- You become closer, noticing Angel and Cordelia (you were friends with them both now kind of) seemed to be hinting he needed to tell you something
- You only caught whispers, the end of conversations but you decided to ask him
- He avoided the question, he didn’t feel good enough. He didn’t want to lose you, you were too important to him – he thought you finding out he was demon would make you run a mile
- And then, one evening he had left to help at Angel Investigations when there was a knock at the door. It was a spiky green demon, apparently a distant relative of your guy
- You invited the demon in, making sure to be the perfect host(/ess)
-  Doyle eventually came in, eyes wide and panicked when he saw the relative. You continued to pour the tea, offering him a cup which he declined and went straight for the hard stuff
- The relative stayed the night, at your insistence, and when you and Doyle went into his room to sleep you asked him to show you that part of him
- He reluctantly did, incredibly embarrassed. But you just kissed him softly and slipped into bed, patting the other side for him to join you
- He grinned, thanking his lucky stars and your relationship only grew from there
- You serve at a Demon bar.
- You make drinks and various cocktails of slime and blood
- Starts as a fling, she doesn’t expect it to be anything more
- Sometimes she’ll talk down to you or start nibbling on your neck. You get on at her to stop, she knew you were human to begin with
- She tries to use sex to distract you, but you want the romance too
- She isn’t used to people wanting a romantic relationship, so she expects you just want sex like her past relationships
- When she realises how soft you can be and how much she enjoys it, things change
- Harmony slowly starts moving her stuff in, suggesting brunch and calling you cheesy pet names that you find adorable.
- You find yourself excited about this, she appears well-meaning and she’s very sweet with you. A little bit fang-happy sometimes but you can let that slide
- You treat her with kindness that she isn’t accustomed to in relationships, she decides because of this its true love. Like in a romance novel.
- Absolutely not used to such kindness.
- You’re happy with her excitement, not because she was treated so bad, but because she feels for you like you feel for her.
- When she double-crosses the people she was supposed to be loyal to, you have a big argument
- You love her, but she relies on the ‘I’m a vampire’ excuse and won’t take responsibility
- There’s a rough patch and both of you are so upset without the other
- But she comes back to the home you shared one evening, calling you the sweetest pet-names and apologising in her own way
-  You accept, continuing to date and explore a healthy relationship, trying to help her with her own self-worth too
-  Gas station
- You have served him both on his way in and out of town, the many times he has left and come back
- You don’t usually remember customers, but you do remember customers that have the seeming ability to grow back hands
- You were always kind to him, maybe a little extra friendly but he never usually stayed to chat
- He had been in a bad mood the last time you saw him, but he had nodded at you before he left
- He was coming back into town again this time, stopping for gas and you hadn’t thought you would see him again
- It had been such a long time, you figured he had finally moved away for good. You liked making up stories about the customers that stopped by, it made time go a little faster on slow nights
- Tonight you were on your break when he rolled up in his truck, looking pleased with himself
-  You were outside, catching some fresh air and he struck up conversation. He had a glint in his eye, some purpose he was coming back for
- He smiled, actually started sweet-talking you. It appeared that he had you in his memory too
- He asked if you wanted to see each other, now he was moving back to LA
- You have nothing to lose so you say yes agreeing to drinks to see where things went
- Things start out good, for a while. Until he asks you to quit your job and get a job and infiltrate a formerly evil law firm
- You have no experience, no anything but he manages to swing it for you. He just wants you to watch them, for now
- You realise you feel like you’re being used, there’s more to the plan than you realise
- You come home one night, a black eye after Angel ‘asks’ you if you know anything about the amulet – some girl that’s supposed to be dead said you weren’t the real liaison with the senior partners
- Lindsey apologises, gets mad at them for being cruel to you. Tells you everything, his plans, his reasoning. Says he wants to hurt them more now they’ve done this to you.
- He cant stop apologising while he holds you close to him in bed
- He loves you, he tells you and you choose to trust him. feeling it so intimately
-  He looks out for you and he’s protective of you if you come with him to Wolfram and Hart ever
- Instead of getting caught up on the fight he catches your eye and decides, for the last time, to leave LA this time – he wants to take you with him
- Hotel check in. you’re a receptionist who basically runs the place
- Lilah’s having sex with someone senior for information that will get her a promotion
- You’re always nice to her, she’s always short with you
- One day you snap, asking why she’s such a bitch. You weren’t usually like this, but you had a bad day and it suddenly came out
- She smiled, arching an eyebrow and just turned to leave satisfied that nobody is as nice as you had been pretending to be
- She had been pushing your buttons on purpose, seeing how long it would be until you snapped
- It had surprised her and been a couple of months of her being rude to you
- she smiled, saying her door would be open if you wanted to do something about it
- It of course, started off with an angry passion, sex just because you could. for convenience and just to get frustrations out (from both of your jobs)
- It was easy for both of you, but suddenly after a while of your arrangement you let something slip in the throws of passion
- The ‘L’ word
- Boy was she mad at you for saying it. Shoving you almost off the bed, snatching up her clothes and calling you pathetic before she stormed away
- she refused to answer you calls after this, for a while. You didn’t realise she was scared of her won feelings that surfaced when you said what you did
- You came to her work, she threatened to call security but you mentioned a few confidential cases she had left around the hotel room that you managed to cast a glance over
- she agreed to let you into her office so you could talk
- and surprisingly, you did. She tried her best to keep you at arms length but the promise of someone to actually care about her with no ulterior motives was too much
- she agreed to meet you that night, the first tentative feeling of a relationship coursing through you, hopefully you could convince her to take a chance on you
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Pairing: Cordelia Chase x reader
Request: hi! if you’re still doing requests please could i have Cordelia x Reader where they’re dating, but they get into a fight and cordelia gets taken by Angelus and buffy and reader rescue her
Requested by: Anon
A/N: Set in Angel early on. This is the first fic as the part of Cordelia Chase appreciation week !! It’s just a bit of fun for my blog this week so if you like Cordy, stay tuned !! 💜
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You and Cordy had been going through a rough patch. You had moved in together after high school, moving to LA. You were basically high school sweethearts, but moving cities and trying to navigate adult life was hard enough without throwing demon-hunting and evil law firms into the mix.
You basically spent every living moment together, and it was starting to wear thin. You loved each other, deeply, but sometimes both of you needed personal space. You understood this, but it still stung when she finally whipped around after seeing something you had bought and added to the room (without consulting her, or (in fairness to her) checking it went with her theme for the room).
“I just- ugh! I feel so trapped around you, y/n it’s like you’re always just there!” She said, gesturing at the lamp you had found on the sidewalk and brought into the home you shared. It had been pretty and you had presumed she would warm up to it at least. She wasn’t even aware where it had come from.
“What am I supposed to do, Cor, I live here!”
“Well, duh, but you don’t have to be where I am all the time” She replied, the implication of her words cutting deep inside you. A wound that pierced your soul it was so deep.
“Fine, go running back to Daddy’s house if that’s how you feel” You snapped, getting caught up in the moment. She looked upset, you had said it so harshly, so patronisingly. Your words cut to the bone. She had been insecure that this was what you thought of her. Some spoilt girl that was playing at being poor and becoming an actress when she could easily just go back to her father’s and use the inheritance that he was slowly building back up after losing most of it.
“Wow. Okay”
“Cordy- I’m-”
“No. You’re right, I’m not wanted here – I’ll go” She brushed past as you cried openly, trying to convince her to stay. Your feeble attempts at pleading failed and she snatched her stuff up and leave into the night. You tried suggesting for her to wait until morning but she wouldn’t listen. No doubt leaving to Angel’s house to stay.
You sniffed, attempting to hold back the tears as an invisible form held out a tissue for you. It was ghost Dennis, who also lived in the apartment. He was the biggest supporter of yours and Cordelia’s relationship and he promised (written in condensation on the bathroom wall) to respect your privacy. But today had been pretty hard to ignore as you had been shouting at each other so loud.
You didn’t sleep at all that night, the creeping paranoia setting in. You hadn’t slept without her for a long while and it was impossible to get comfortable. Knowing she was beside you reassured you, and you would often convince her to cuddle at least some point before you fell asleep. There was also this strange feeling in your gut, as if there was something deeply wrong. As if you had swallowed an alarm bell that was constantly churning your stomach throughout the night.
When you finally got up, this feeling was confirmed. You had a call from Wesley at 8 a.m. He was frantic. Angelus was back and he had taken Cordelia somewhere. There had been a struggle. A warning written in blood. You had zoned out as he explained, the worry overtaking anything else. You were frightened. No, beyond frightened. Anything could happen to her and the last words you had exchanged were angry. Horrible.
Somehow you were in the reception of angel investigations, not sure when you had gotten dressed or how you had travelled there. You were sick with worry. Barely keeping your cool when a familiar face stepped in front of your line of vision. Buffy Summers.
“Y/n, good to see you. Well, not so good – but – you know” Buffy gave you a tight-lipped smile, one of understanding. This was hard for her too, having to open old wounds surrounding Angelus again. You nodded, appreciating her well-meant babbling. You wordlessly moved, opening your arms to hug her. She shared the friendly hug, relieved you hadn’t changed since you left. She could still rely on you, especially in this situation. You both had a big investment in this going okay for everyone involved.
You needed to track them immediately, swearing you would go in there and fight him yourself if it meant finding Cordelia safe. But Buffy explained that you needed a full proof plan before anyone else got near Angelus. Buffy was sympathetic and so kept you busy. She was a good leader and knew your mind would only be on doing things, rather than talking out a plan.
They managed to determine that the blood wasn’t Cordy’s but instead the pig’s blood Angel usually drank. Clearly Angelus had no need for it. You worry subsided for a split second but resurged once you realised who it was you were dealing with. He had kept and tormented Drusilla for a long time before turning her. What if he was planning on doing this to your girl? The one woman that you had ever loved.
Finally, he had been tracked to an abandoned warehouse. It wasn’t hard to find him, there were dead bodies littering the way. A kind of Hansel and Gretel style trail that led you directly to them. Your heart was pumping, your head spinning – no doubt he could hear you already. No chance of the element of surprise. Your heart was beating so loud, Cordelia could probably hear it. If she was still alive.
The team and Buffy turned the corner, a large industrial warehouse stretching before you with movement in a darkened corner. Your heartbeat now echoing around the space, announcing your presence clearer than your voice would. Your mouth was too dry to form words anyway, you could barely swallow as you scanned the room. Your eyes looking for her. Only her.
“Y/n!” she screamed, managing to shout over the beating of your heart, relief relaxing her features as she saw your face. As soon as she saw you she knew everything would be okay. You ran over to her, straight past Angelus – knowing that he only had eyes for Buffy anyway.
While Buffy was fighting Angelus, distracting him long enough for Wesley and the others to recite the translation to restore Angel’s soul you ran to the woman you had been sick with worry over. Your heart rose and sank when you saw her dishevelled form. She had obviously fought, meeting his bite with her own biting comments. As the soul restoration was underway, you quickly removed her shackles and helped to dust her off. After all, you knew it was a new outfit she was wearing and she wouldn’t be happy if it was ruined by evil-lair dust mixed with her own blood – not a combination that comes out easily in the wash. You knelt beside her, moving some hair behind her ear.
“God, Cordy, I was so scared-” you started, but she shook her head moving in to kiss your lips. You tasted the metallic tinge of blood, her lip must have split. It was a quick, almost forceful kiss that told you she had been longing for it – to see you again – while she was trapped here with Angelus. She had wanted to make sure it was you. That you were really there. It lasted a few seconds before she moved back, her eyes tracing over every inch of your face before a sombre look replaced her relief. She thought this might be the last time she could have done that, the kiss, “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry I didn’t mean any of it – I-I can give you your space I just can’t lose you like that again” You quickly assured her hoping she could see how much you cared.
“No, y/n it was me. Don’t blame yourself I was being a bitch. Once a bitch, always a-”
“Cor, you’re not a bitch” You said, cupping her cheeks and making her look at you. Your eyes locked with hers, confirming that you would never think that of her. She wasn’t a bitch, you always told her she was forthright (which she told you was code for bitch). She shook her head, her hands meeting your arms and she spoke softly whilst she stroked your bare arms slowly. The near-death situation had put everything in perspective. She couldn’t live without you. She couldn’t bare to be apart from you again – especially not potentially ripped so forcefully from you.
“All I could think was that I needed to see you one last time before-” she choked on her words, trying to bite back the sobs as you held her close to you. Your eyes couldn’t help watering as you felt her arms slip around you in a tight embrace. She clung to you with the same fierceness you held her. You stayed on the floor of that damp warehouse for what felt like hours. You whispered apologies, soft affirmations and as much love as you could express verbally. You both promised to give each other as much space as each of you needed, knowing not to be offended if someone needed a little time.
After this though, you were inseparable again. Joined at the hip. Angel was back and you took two weeks off from Angel investigations (with pay, it was the least your boss could do after all) and spent the majority of it together in bed. She held you into her, telling you how much she wanted you to stay, how much she couldn’t deal with the visions or anything that LA had thrown at her without being able to come home at the end of the day and be with you.
You spent more time together than ever, although you made sure to keep checking in with the other. The threat of losing each other for good showed you both just how much you couldn’t bear to be apart. You loved each other deeply and, although there were still disagreements, you tried your hardest to never argue like that again.
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Wesley - Masterlist
Last updated: 07/03/2022
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