#Wesley Wyndam Pryce x you
mycatismyfriend · 4 months
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Wesley and Lilah caring a great deal that Angel knows their business.
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though-you-try · 6 months
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Advent calendar of kisses
Days 4 & 5 Angel & Cordelia and Fred & Wesley | Angel
I know this never happened but a girl can dream :") (psst the background is just a screenshot from the show)
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konboyblues · 1 year
how DARE one of his closest male friends try to STEAL his child and raise him on his own iNSTEAD OF WITH ANGEL HIMSELF???
Dude. Seriously how would you like it if i as your friend kidnapped your child and I didn’t tell you why? At this point you are just reaching for reason to hate on him
Ok Anon I think you misread my post bc this is not Angel, Wesley, or Connor hate 😂 I will give you the benefit of the doubt bc I think you are simply confused, so lemme spell it out for you:
Wesley’s betrayal hurt Angel not only bc he kidnapped his son, but bc Angel was in love with Wesley like he was with Cordelia, and knowing that one of the fathers of his child would betray him crushed him. Anon, are you listening? ANGEL WAS IN LOVE WITH WESLEY. I am saying that his resentment was warranted. I am also saying that, that resentment also stems from the fact that Angel has no frame of reference for what a healthy family dynamic looked like, so he projected on his friends who were NOT his lovers but who he WANTED to be his lovers, but bc he couldn’t be with them carnally, he could at least raise his child with them. I am not hating on Angel or Wesley 😂😂😂 I am saying Angel’s resentment was not only bc he lost his son, but also bc the person who stole his son is also someone he is deeply in love with but cannot be with due to his repression and Catholic guilt 😂😂😂
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darling-i-read-it · 1 year
Rupert Giles x fem!reader, slight Wesley Wyndam-Pryce x fem!reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: younger reader (12 years younger than Giles but super legal ofc), btvs season 3 spoilers, jealousy/insecurity, drinking, light insinuation to smut 
Author’s Note: I know this is literally not on the list of things I was supposed to write and I’m going to get to the requests tomorrow I think but the fact there’s so little giles content makes me wanna DIE. anyway here’s this <3 watching buffy season 3 and feeling things for him. 
Summary: Set in season 3 when Buffy gets Wesley as the new Watcher. The reader, the assistant librarian and also Giles’ girlfriend, gets hit on a bit by Wesley and Giles gets protective™. 
Genre: mostly fluff! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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“They’re sending in the new Watcher soon,” Rupert murmured. He was sitting on the couch in front of you. You could only see the back of his head but you could tell what kind of look he had on his face. Contempt, annoyance, some disappointment lacing his features. He had a glass in his hand, his arm over the back of the couch. He glanced back at you in the kitchen. “I fear I might be a tad unbearable for the next couple of days.” 
“You’re always unbearable,” you quipped, grabbing your own glass as you finished pouring it. “That's what I like about you.” 
You knew Giles was extremely worried about Buffy’s new Watcher. It had been the topic of conversation ever since Buffy’s test. It had also been a general point of contention; how could he let her go through that? Though now that he was being punished through various other means, you laid off on the argument. 
“Do you know who it is?” 
“No. They won’t tell me. Fear of my reproach I imagine.” He shook his head a bit. “I can’t believe they’re allowing someone else to come in after Gwendolyn Post.” You stayed silent. It was better to let him just talk through this himself, without any kind of argument or solace from you. “Buffy will never trust someone as she trusts me. Trusted me that is, I suppose. I never should have gone through with it. No, don’t say anything. I’m just conceding to your earlier point, I know.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Relax. The Watcher won’t be here tonight…” you put your hand on his arm. “So let’s not talk about him hm?” 
“You’re being suggestive. Is it because I conceded to your point?”
“One of the various reasons,” you explained. “Relax Rupert. I have no ulterior motives, I’m not a vampire, I’m not possessed. I’m just a girl in your house with some light alcoholic suggestion.” He nodded slowly. 
“You know, I don’t need that much convincing.” 
“I know.” You grabbed his drink and put it down on the coffee table. He admired you with an eyebrow raised until your phone rang. You groaned, picking it up beside the drinks. “It’s Buffy.” He let out a soft sigh. 
“Duty calls.” 
“Hey, it’s my phone. Maybe she just wants to gossip.” 
“Moments like these I remember we’re from slightly different generations.” You rolled your eyes and answered the phone. 
“12 years is not that many years. Hey Buffy.” 
“Arguing about your age difference again?” she said over the phone.
“Always. Ever the straight.” You kicked your legs up onto his lap. He grabbed his glass back from the table and took a drink. 
“I have said you have odd taste in men right?” 
“Once or twice. What can I do for you?” 
“Was gonna ask if you want to go to the Bronze with Willow and I before patrol. I fear this will be my last night Watcherless.” 
“Does she know I can hear her?” Giles questioned. You shrugged. 
“I would love to come but I think I’ve got my hands full over here. Men's feelings are hard.” 
“Tell me about it,” Buffy muttered. You could almost see her rolling her eyes over the neverending Angel ordeal. 
“You should go,” Giles said. “I’ll be fine.” “I made plans I don’t like to break,” you pouted. “Rain check Buff?”
“Sure thing.”
“Have fun.” 
“I would say you too but that brings awful images to my brain.”
You came into school a little bit late. You were working as library assistant, at Snyder’s hope to keep Giles the least destructive as possible. Giles woke up ungodly early and usually had several cups of coffee before you even saw him. 
You pushed open the doors to the library, holding your bag to your side. You slowed at the sight of a man you didn’t recognize by the check out desk. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to place the suit. Familiar, but foreign. The man turned around, revealing some glasses and an even looking face. 
“Good morning,” he said, just as evenly. 
“Good morning…” You craned your neck to look behind him, wondering if you had suddenly entered a world with a different librarian. 
“Are you here for the librarian? He’s out at the moment.” He stumbled over his words a bit, making you unsure of his dedication to the sentence. 
“Who are you?” He cleared his throat. 
“Wesley Wyndam-Pryce.” He offered his hand. You shook it, warily. 
“Wesley Wy-” You paused and thinned your lips. Maybe it was the British accent that gave him away or maybe it was the suit. “Are you the new Watcher?” His eyebrows raised. 
“I take it you know about the slayer” You shook your head. 
“Just a tad. I swear I’m not a threat, just a friend. Y/N.” He nodded once, looking you over. 
“What kind of friend?” You scoffed a bit. 
“You Watcher’s have a type,” you observed. 
“Where’s Rupert?” 
“What was it? Westley?”
“Wesley. Wyndam-Pryce.” You nodded, pointing a finger at him. He smiled shakily, looking down. You opened your mouth to speak when the door opened again. 
“Oh man. You’ve met the new Watcher,” Buffy observed. Wesley straightened up and cleared his throat. “Getting along?” “Well,” he observed. Buffy raised an eyebrow at his stiffness and then glanced back at you. “I wonder if the Watcher’s have a book that says what kind of girl they’re allowed to go for. Maybe Giles just stuck a picture of you somewhere and this guy read it wrong.” You rolled your eyes. 
“Do you know where Rupert is?” 
“Nope. He’s not my Watcher anymore, remember?” she said, defeated. She passed you further into the room. You put a hand up in defeat. 
“He could be dying and none of us would know.” 
“I’m sure he’s alright,” Wesley promised. “Are you and Rupert…” 
“Yeah,” you said curtly. As if on cue, Giles walked into the room, holding a stack of books, looking completely in his natural habitat. “Thank God. Giles.” He halted when he caught sight of the two of you. 
“You met the replacement.” 
“I did. He’s a little stiff.” You squeezed his bicep. He watched you do it. “I was looking for you.” 
“Is everything alright?” He put the books down on the counter. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Just wasn’t sure where you had run off to and I like keeping tabs.” 
“That’s unhealthy,” Buffy noted. 
“Your boyfriend is dead,” Giles retorted. She shrugged with a point taken look on her face. You turned back to him. Wesley gave a once over at the two of you. Giles had put a hand on your upper arm, a gesture that was familiar to the two of you. You took the top book off his stack. 
“Whatcha reading?”
“You’re miraculously calm.” 
“One of us has to be.” You took the book and walked over to sit beside Buffy. She was eyeing the new Watcher intensely, like the whole world could come down at her mere gaze. Knowing her, you wouldn’t be surprised. 
“He’s gonna say something stupid,” she muttered. 
“Hm?” you asked. Wesley was looking at Giles. 
“Don’t you think she’s a bit on the younger side for you?” 
Silence went over the room as the words seemed to hang in the air. Giles stared bullets into his former colleague. 
“I don’t think that’s any of your concern,” he said coldly. 
“She looks closer to the slayer's age. My age. I have every right to ask, as a proceeding member of the council and part of the investigation towards your extermination.” Giles took a step forward, too close. You were suddenly reminded of the ‘not so booksmart’ person he used to be, the one who would throw a punch before working with words. You stood back up. 
“Keep her out of your mouth or so help m-”
“Alright,” you intervened. You stepped between the two of them. “I’m only 12 years younger but you flatter me. Giles, a moment?” You grabbed Rupert’s arm, gently pulling him in the direction towards his office. It took him a moment, not wanting to digress from the standoff. Eventually he followed. 
“Don’t leave me here all by my lonesome with this guy,” Buffy pleaded. 
“Vetoing your contribution here slayer,” you called back. She let out a huff, returning to staring bullets. You shut the office door gently behind you. 
“That’s a tad dramatic,” he pointed out. “I’m fine.” 
“I’m not going to put words in your mouth but I’m allowed to observe, yeah?” He pursed his lips, shoving his hands in my pockets. You nodded. “Other Watcher, bad. Wiles Westley Watchamacalllhim is making you, Rupert Giles, sad. You want Buffy to remain under your watch, lack of better word, and this new man is now stepping all over your toes in that regard. Observations correct?”
“What am I missing?” He shook his head. 
“It’s not important. Move on with your speal please.” 
“Buffy won’t trust this man the way she trusts you. She never could, you have too much history. You have the upper hand here, despite the council not backing you up. He’ll never be half the Watcher you are,” you promised. You grabbed his hand. “Speal over.” 
He nodded gently, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
“You do have a way with words.” You laughed gently, shaking your head.  
“I’ll try to be more Bronte later.” He squeezed your intertwined hands, a defeated smile on his lips. 
There was a knock on the office door. You rolled your eyes and released his hand. You swung open the door to meet Wesley on the other side. 
“I have to speak to Mr. Giles.” 
“He’s all yours Wes.” You patted his chest as you walked past, back to Buffy. 
As the day wound down and everyone started home, you were stuck in the library still. You loved the place but the more you spent in it with two Watchers, the more you were starting to see its lesser qualities. Giles had followed Buffy and Faith out to have a generally mentor-like talk. 
Leaving you alone with Wesley. 
“So you know of Buffy because of Giles?” he questioned. You raised your head from the book you were reading. You had hardly noticed him watching you. He had a cup of coffee in his hand, standing disgustingly straight. You sat on the steps. 
“I was assistant librarian. Almost died by vampire. Happens to the best of us.” 
“He fraternized with a colleague?” 
“Continues to do so. Don’t look so jealous, Wes.” You put the book to your chest. “You’re ruining the perfect balance of the scooby gang you know.”
“Perhaps it needed to be out of kilter. I don’t see it going swimmingly right now.” He walked over to you. You looked up at him, observing his very even stature. You wondered, not for the first time, if Giles looked like this when he was a little younger. “What are you reading?”
“Rereading.” You glanced at the book. “Wuthering Heights.” 
“Yes sir. One of my favorites. Helps me forget about the neverending impending doom,” you muttered. He looked awkward for a moment and then sat down beside you on the steps. You raised an eyebrow. 
“I’ve always enjoyed a bit of light fiction reading.” You opened your mouth to speak, reading the signals he was not so eloquently putting off. You were interrupted by the library door opening. 
Giles slowed his walking speed at the sight of you. Wesley stood up, embarrassed. You gave Rupert wide eyes, a gentle I don’t know sign. 
“Go do Watcher duties won’t you? The girls need someone to watch them before patrol.” Wesley wanted to argue but noted the look in Rupert’s eyes and decided against it. He gave you a nod and then passed him to leave the room. 
You were alone with Rupert. Finally.
“Wuthering Heights?” he asked gently. You nodded, a small smile on your face. 
“Am I so predictable?”
“You’re a classic.” 
You leaned against the railing, watching him with admiration in your eyes. There was something special about emotions fluttering around the room, knowing there was something to be said and something understood. You softly patted the stairs beside you. He walked over, sitting down without a word. 
“You know what I’m going to say,” he breathed. You grabbed his hand, staring down at it as you traced the lines of his palm. 
“Wesley will never be you.” 
“Are you speaking for Buffy or…or for you.” 
“For me.” You wanted to argue aggressively, assure him that whatever he was thinking was wrong. You felt the opposite, you would never love someone like you loved him. That Wesley, no matter the difference in your ages, it would always be Giles. That the age truly wasn’t even that big of a deal. You were consenting adults with fully formed frontal lobes. 
Instead you leaned down to him and put your chin on his shoulder.
“I love you,” you whispered. He did a double take with his eyes, not moving his head so as to not disturb you. You hadn’t said that yet. “You don’t have to say anything-”
“I love you too.” 
You smiled brightly. You kissed his shoulder and then sat up all the way. 
“Can you read to me?” He glanced up at you, wondering how you had moved on so quickly. 
“I just like to listen to you talk Rupert,” you murmured. You handed him your book and slid down the stairs so you were sitting beside each other. He cleared his throat curiously. “One second. I’m gonna go grab one of your sweaters from the office, I like to get cozy. You got any blankets in there Rupert?” You got up and walked away. He smiled to himself. 
“Under the desk.” 
“Ah ha!” you peeked around the corner. You emerged wearing one of his gray knitted sweaters. “I love that you have blankets in your office. Hm. I love you I think.”
“Oh?” You shrugged. 
“Yes sir.” 
You sat beside him again and put a blanket over his lap. 
“Go on. Heathcliff won’t read himself.” 
When Wesley returned he glanced through the door window before walking in. Your head rested on Giles’s, eyes closed in content. You looked rather cozy on that step. Giles kept reading, even as you presumably slept. 
Wesley turned back to bother Buffy some more.
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sunnydaleherald · 3 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, March 3rd - Monday, March 4th
WESLEY: This world must be a terrible disappointment to you. ILLYRIA: Grievous. WESLEY: I'm not too impressed with it myself.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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On the Other Paw by madimpossibledreamer (Assassin's Creed crossover, pre-Shaun/Xander, Teen)
The Fire Within by veronyxk84 (Spike, Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Cure-All by veronyxk84 (Spike, Giles, PG-13)
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Присоединяйся and other Buffy/Angel ficlets posted by B_E_S (G and T ratings, in Russian)
Helen of Troy - 1753 by Empire_of_the_Words (Angel/Darla, T)
love on the weekend by threefourtango (Giles/Jenny, Explicit)
Those Left Behind by Luna_delCielo (LotR and Silmarillion crossover, Buffy/Finrod Felagund, G)
Immaculate by vampbrat (Spike/Angelus, M)
Redemption Act by NAOA (Faith, T)
Mending Words and Making Mistakes by NAOA (Giles & Wesley, Roger Wyndam-Pryce, G)
Hidden Princess by Vathara (Sengoku Nights crossover, Buffy, T)
Meeting The by Evil_Little_Dog (Buffy, Connor, Angel/Buffy, Angel/Darla, G)
Love in Chains by Pinkperson (Buffy/Angel, T)
Calling by Coraniaid (Buffy/Faith, T)
historians by softestbutch (Buffy/Faith, T)
Better Than Good by MadeInGold (Angel/Oz, G)
Une Question De Point De Vue by PtiteMac (Buffy/Giles, T, in French)
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Untitled Spike x reader story by evieelyzabethh (not rated, cw blood and blood loss)
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From Wrecked to Gone by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Horrible day by Lilacsandorangeblossoms (Buffy/Spike, R)
Fortune Cookie Epiphany by Slaymesoftly (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Untitled Giles drabble (Giles glanced at Willow's laptop...) by NotASlayer (not rated - T?)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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The Dawnster Drabbles - Chapter 1-4 by Passion4Spike (Dawn, Buffy/Spike, T)
A Slice of Cherry Blossoms - Chapter 1-4 (COMPLETE!) by MCorey1317 (Buffy/Angel, Explicit)
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In Your Dreams, Ch. 1 by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Tales of the Sea, Ch. 1-2 by DeamonQueen (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Two new story banners by veronyxk84 (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Drawings: cordy n angel both have tattoos…. by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Drawings: Buffy, Willow, Tara, Spike, Angel by baleful-blurbs (worksafe)
Spike by mintcakeart (worksafe)
Faith gifset by andremichaux (worksafe, some blood)
A newly Illyriad Wes by genericaces (worksafe)
Manip: “Someone You Loved” by itslilahhere (Wesley/Lilah, possibly NSFW)
Willow meme manip by spar1axkilla (worksafe)
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the season 6 promo is the most badass thing ever so I had to paint a rendition of it by jamieejamss (Buffy, worksafe)
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Hush by st-just, centrally-unplanned
Halloween by inconsistentlywrittensoul
Season 1 Rewatch The Witch by spuffybot
Buffy Season 1 Rewatch Teachers Pet by spuffybot
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1992) Whedon's Version - Part 1/3: Changes to the Script and Story by sunnydalestudies
what a shit job season 7 did of building the tension by angelthemanspanker
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Controversial opinion - The Body is overrated (cont'd) by thetopher, Plasma
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I’m sure this has been asked before, but who’s got your vote for best actor and why? by funishin
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Lessons S7 E1 (Buffy and the Art of Story Podcast) - Lisa Lilly
Episode 18 - Moonshine, a Sloe Gin Fizz, and Shoes (Reptile Boy) | The Sunnydale Diaries - A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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mklauber is looking for a specific fanfic (Xander takes Buffy to a cabin to detox from drugs)
[Fandom Discussions]
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i could fix connor ats by all-seeing-ifer, justafriendofxanders, greensword101
Spike’s curly hair in late season 5/early season 6 shouldn’t have been because... by aphony-cree
The perfect job for Buffy is firefighter by aphony-cree
the little bits of accidental world-building related foreshadowing by coraniaid
Re: do you know if Dawn is ever brought up on Angel? etc. by coraniaid
The only thing more powerful than the Buffy writers’ reluctance to give screentime to a woman over the age of thirty... by coraniaid
1 of the many things that I love about The Gentlemen by spidey-loving-starkid
[the scoobies putting up the dozens of potentials in buffy's house is so funny. do they know angel lives in an empty hotel] by angelthemanspanker
I like how Illyria used it pronouns before it got reborn in Fred by angelthemanspanker
Further buffy s7/angel s4 crossover thoughts (what would be the last straw for Angel's hospitality?) by angelthemanspanker and justafriendofxanders
btvsverse characters mario kart choices (real) by buffysbitca
Re: I always got the impression Illyria was a he/him in their original god king form... by genericaces
Drawings and thoughts about a s5 au: Lindsey bonding with Gunn by genericaces
Get yourself a Pike by hare-majesteit-aurelius
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Gunn was mandated by the Network (cont'd) by Kendar, Plasma, AlphaFoxtrot
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Willow's revenge by The Whirlwind and others
Are there any vampires besides Spike who would ever seek out a soul? by The Whirlwind, Stoney, vampmogs and others
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Would this be a better or worse way of handling Connor in your opinion? by Capital-Shake-313
Religion in Buffy by Cha0sCat and others
If Buffy had aired on a network like HBO, which scene(s) do you think would be darker in tone or more graphic? by funishin
When is each character at their best appearance (hair style, dress, etc.)? by jonaskoelker
Plan for Spike by Icy-Morning6813
Tell me your favorite wholesome moment! by Sudden-Star-7190
Hellmouths not on Earth? by DifficultRice7075
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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Did anyone else notice that Buffy and Angel are on Disney+ in the U.S. now? via eddyx
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Luke Perry and the Untold History of ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ | Vanity Fair
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wordsmithcreations · 1 year
What canon muses do you have?
Agents Of Shield
• Grant Ward
• Deke Shaw
• Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Being Human UK
• John Mitchell
• Vincent Nigel-Murray
• Lance Sweets
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation
• Greg Sanders
Cyberpunk 2077
• Johnny Silverhand
Death Stranding
• Higgs Monaghan
• Sam Bridges
Detroit Become Human
• Connor
Doctor Who
• Tenth Doctor
• Topher Brink
Dragon Age
• Alistair Theirin
Dragon Age 2
• Anders
Fallout 4
• Danse
• Jayne Cobb
Game Of Thrones
• Jon Snow
• Loki Laufeyson
• Lucifer Morningstar
• Chloe Decker
Mass Effect
• Kaidan Alenko
• Garrus Vakarian
Mob Psycho 100
• Reigen Arataka
• Serizawa Katsuya
• Proinsias Cassidy
Quantum Break
• Jack Joyce
Red Dead 2
• Arthur Morgan
Shadow And Bone
• Aleksander Morozova
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
• Julian Bashir
Star Trek: Picard
• Cristobal Rios
Star Trek: The Next Generation
• Data
Stardew Valley
• Shane
• Castiel
• Mick Davies
Sword Art Online
• Ryotaro Tsuboi “Klein”
The Boys
• Jack Wilson “Lamplighter”
• Billy Butcher
The Elder Scrolls: Online
• Fennorian
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
• Bishop
The Falcon And The Winter Soldier
• James Buchanan Barnes
The Following
• Mike Weston
The Originals
• Elijah Mikaelson
• Niklaus Mikaelson
The Orville
• Gordon Malloy
The Walking Dead
• Shane Walsh
• Daryl Dixon
• Owen Harper
• Ianto Jones
• Vash The Stampede
• Samuel Drake
• Logan Delos
• Hector Escaton
• Lee Sizemore
• Caleb Nichols
What We Do In The Shadows
• Nandor
X-Men Movies
• Logan
• Bobby Drake
• Joe Goldberg
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
Penny for your thoughts
Pairing: Wesley x reader
Request: Not requested. I just needed to write something from my own brain !! Inspired very loosely by season 3′s ‘earshot’. Reader can read minds and struggles with this. One day, they meet Wesley and thoughts threaten to spill. [Italics = thoughts]
Warning: Very mild violence mentioned. Hostage situation.
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When you first meet people, you always knew exactly what your first impression on them is. Sometimes it was good, others not so good. But it was never as disastrous as the time you met Wesley. He hadn’t been in a good mood that day anyway, he was late and his research had led to nothing. Even worse, he would have to face Giles and admit that he had been wrong about which codex the relevant information would be in.
It was the early morning and you had arrived at your new job. You had needed something normal, you weren’t to know that living in Sunnydale would be the furthest thing from normality. You were the new school administrator, hired only because you knew the exact answers that Snyder was looking for when he interviewed you.
There was something about you that people couldn’t tell just by looking at you. You were telepathic. You could read people’s minds. That’s how you knew exactly how much he disliked your demeanour. Some people were jealous of your abilities, but often you decided it wasn’t worth the constant headache (both metaphorical and unfortunately literal too).
Whenever anybody found out, they often held you at arm’s length. People liked to keep their thoughts in their own heads, apparently. Not in yours. You had been practicing ways to ease the headaches and thus quietening the voices down inside your mind. These foreign thoughts bubbled up when you focused on someone you were near, but you could block out a lot of it now. Thanks to a lot of practice.
This morning, Wesley had been trying to walk straight past the front office and into the library without being stopped – but you had got in the way of that. You stepped in front of him and he stared at you as if he was trying to burn holes into you.
“Yes?” he asked curtly, looking past you now towards the corridor he should be walking down.
“Hi, I’m Y/n, the new administrator. Snyder’s asked me to put this sign-in sheet in place for, uh, late staff…”
“This is ridiculous! I am barely a minute past the hour-”
“I know, but you still need to sign…” You said, your voice wavering as he thought about how he wished that you would explode into dust like a vampire and leave him alone. He scribbled something illegible onto your sheet and stormed away, cursing you both in his head and under his breath as he walked.
You sighed. You learned two things on your first day at Sunnydale High, one being that doing your job and contractually having to side with Snyder wasn’t going to win you any friends. And a second being that vampires, demons and evil existed. Which, I mean, you guessed it must be true if you had the abilities that you did but it was finally confirmed to you.
The rest of the term went on like this, with you only ever encountering Wesley the same way and him getting decidedly more annoyed with you every time. You, on the other hand, became more fond of him. You learnt more about him every morning through his thoughts and found him to be a kind and genuine man who was just desperate to prove himself to the people he now worked with.
After getting a cold reception ever since you met him, one morning was a little bit different. Not only because Wesley was early but he made a point by saying good morning very loudly to you to which made you smile widely at him. You couldn’t help it, his thoughts had made you really like him. He faltered only slightly and you didn’t quite catch what he thought as he brusquely walked past.
Much like in verbal conversation, you didn’t always hear everything clearly if you weren’t focusing enough. Moreover, you often tried to make a point of letting people have as much privacy as you could. You could hear an underlying buzzing of everyone’s thoughts but if you focused and isolated on a person you could hear it clearly. But everything was always so busy it could be hard to catch things clearly sometimes.
In some instances, however, some specific thoughts called out to you with an almost painful clarity. This happened later that same day. You had walked into the library to explain to Giles that there had been some complaints from students that they had been turned away from the library for no good reason when it hit you.
I will eat them. I will kill them all…
You must have reacted very obviously as Giles with sincerity asked if you were okay. You rushed out your words, knowing that this was a lot to suddenly admit – but you knew these were the right people to tell.
“There’s something in here, the school I mean. Something looking to eat people. You need to, uh, do some research. The Sumerian will have to wait, this is happening. And soon-”
“H-how did you know about-” Giles began, he had just thought about beginning to read the Sumerian text he needed.
“Uh, yeah, so, I can read thoughts and I know I can trust you because you save the world often between school opening hours and I never once thought about telling Snyder so please just trust me?”
“I knew it!”
“You have never thought that before, Mr. Wyndam-Pryce”
I may have done… eventually.
“But you didn’t” You smiled softly and he looked at the ground. Giles caught this look between you and your seemingly one-sided conversation. You found his look endearing and found yourself thinking this for a moment too long before snapping yourself out of it.
Nobody tried to test you or question you after they chose to trust you. They appeared to be able to tell how genuine and how much you appeared to want to help. So, they listened to what you said and began to do more patrolling. Some even questioned other students in case they had seen anything suspicious (which, they had it just didn’t happen to be the kind of suspicious you were all currently researching).
Buffy and her group of friends were guarded around you with their thoughts which you were used to, people really didn’t like their thoughts being shared. But at the same time, you could hear that they thought you were pretty cool which was really a big compliment.
You were all searching for this demon on the school campus, it had been a week by this point and you and Wesley kept being paired up by Giles. Whether that look you gave him had inspired him to be a match-maker or he was truly oblivious and just wanted the two of you far away from him you didn’t know. Either way, you had quickly been adopted into the little team.
Wesley was bashful and often began tripping over his words to talk about anything that you appeared to take an interest in. He began to warm to you once he realised you had just been trying to keep your job and not trying to ruin his career as a watcher (and fake librarian).
You kept listening intently as you and him did your usual loop around the school, having to hope everyone in the school could forgive you listening to every single thought in search of the person you had heard that day. You were sieving through every thought anyone had ever had and it was getting tiring. Exhausting, even. Your head was so full it began to spin almost violently. A merry-go-round you could never get off, it kept going faster the more you listened.
While you were listening one day in the library, Wesley, who you had been distracted by and had been watching from the other side of the room had moved to stand beside you. You hadn’t noticed him, much less that he was speaking until your legs gave way from under you. You started to collapse to the ground until his arms reached to catch you. It was instinct, he gripped you tight preventing you from falling. He allowed you to shift some of your weight onto him as you walked towards a chair. He turned away to make you a cup of your beverage of choice to relax you.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Wesley said softly as he sat beside you. His demeanour so different from how he had been even a week ago. You had become fond of him much before this, but he was just beginning to warm to you. To understand you had only been doing your job, helping his when you could. You had been leaving notes of thoughts you had overheard on Wesley and Giles’ desks ever since you realised what was going on with the school and the Hellmouth.
“If I got a penny for every thought I heard… I would be rich” You smiled, but you appeared washed out and weakened as you tried to raise yourself from your seat. This was a mistake, you began to go dizzy and tried to still yourself, raising your hand to your head. Without you noticing (or, admittedly himself until it happened) his hand rested on the back of yours. Your stomach flipped, an elation rising inside at the mere whisper of his touch.
He leaned in closer, his face now level with yours. The proximity sent shivers through your body. You closed your eyes, focusing only on his touch. No thoughts, not even your own should interrupt this. It was promise. Of care, of some deep down need to comfort you. No matter if his intentions were romantic or otherwise, just knowing he cared meant something. It was enough to keep you happy. You wanted to stay in this moment, where his touch was yours.
But, of course this was Sunnydale. Wesley had appeared to help you clear your mind. Enough to hear something.
Kill… Eat… Kill… Eat again
“No!” You shouted, a completely different style of shivers now went up your spine. You were horrified at the images you were starting to see. The thoughts were getting stronger which meant… they were getting closer. If only you could make out exactly where.
“Y/n, I apologise. I should n-not have thought to-”
“Wesley, no, that was- well, it-” You paused and sighed. This was a conversation for another time. You just wanted to tell him how much the tenderness of his touch meant, but it really wasn’t the right moment, “Demon. I heard the demon! I think it’s in the basement” You rushed out, gesturing for him to follow you.
How is that possible? We checked at least a dozen times.
It could have been hiding or somewhere else – it could have even been invisible. I just know where it is now.
You nodded, thinking this was the only reply you had given him. He blinked not once but twice. He was surprised to say the least. You had communicated to him without speaking. You were fascinating to him. He looked at your lips before scanning the rest of your face as he thought how much he wished that he could…
No. Better not think on this now. His mind may run wild and the last thing he needed was you catching this particular train of thought.
You stepped gingerly into the dark basement, the light was very dim but you were both able to just about get your bearings. You could hear the thoughts again, louder and louder as you approached. All this guy seemed to do was think about killing and eating.
Talk about one track mind.
Wesley made a noise that sounded like a laugh. You didn’t realise that it was in reaction to your own thoughts. But any remnants of a smile was wiped off his face when he saw the scene before him.
There was a pit of what appeared to be lava with a green coloured demon hanging precariously above it. In the corner of the room, a man that looked human apart from the sizeable canines and horns protruding from his face.
Without thinking and notedly before the demon in the corner of the room had spotted you, you started to pull at the rope that the green demon was suspended from. Wesley, although the frown on his face read as a reluctance to assist what would usually be seen as the enemy, came and helped you anyway. Especially when he saw how affected you clearly were by what you could hear of the demon’s thoughts.
You managed to untie the rope that was fixed in place to keep the demon suspended just as the man who intended to dine on them began to run at you. This made your hand slip, letting go of the rope and making the green-hued figure drop into the pit with a scream.
As Wesley moved to protect you, using the skills he could remember through the fog of fear he was experiencing you ran to the pit. You gasped, pleased to see the four hands were clinging onto the crumbling side of the pit. The demon hadn’t fallen into the pit yet – you still had time to help.
“Take my hand!” You shouted over the noise, opening your palm for the green demon to take. You could hear the demon’s desperation, their thoughts that it was the end. You couldn’t bear it. You had to help them.
“Go” Wesley shouted to the green demon as you both helped them up from the pit. The demon whose thoughts brought you into the basement became even more mad at this and began to attack you fiercely.
You managed to keep the demon at bay until reinforcements arrived. Buffy and Angel soon ran into the basement and held off the demon from snapping off your limb and eating it like a chicken leg. You did all you could to assist with the fight and shouted out the demon’s intended movements out to give the others the upper hand.
Wesley walked you home that evening, after Willow spoke an incantation to close up the lava pit and make it very hard to enter the basement (the last thing you needed was anyone else setting up (evil) shop down there).
You continued to be a big part of the group as the months went on. You would spent a lot of your time researching and learning all you could from demons and the students to help Buffy fight. You didn’t have the heart to tell the others that they weren’t fooling anyone – most people had at least some idea there was something special about her and her super-strength.
As you did your bit to save the world, your mind was never far from him. You had grown close, savouring every detail you learned about him. You knew that through the sometimes clumsy and ‘proper’ exterior, there was a kind and well-intentioned heart. He wished to open up to you, but his upbringing made it hard for him to grow out of the need to hide his emotions and feelings.
He caught your eye during a meeting and you couldn’t stop your own thoughts from flowing.
I love him. Wow, is this what being in love feels like? I can’t stop thinking about him…
He smiled wider as you thought this which made you want to hold him into you even more. Everything about him, from his need to stick to what he had been taught to the letter to the deeply sensitive and caring parts of him he revealed with out even meaning to and everything in between.
He was soon the reason you arrived at work with a smile on your face. Just to catch a glimpse of him or hear something from him. It meant everything.
Graduation day came and so did the battle against the Mayor and his ascension. As rubble, dust and demons lay defeated around you, he made his way straight towards you. Ensuring that you were safe. That you hadn’t been hurt.
“I think I’m out of a job” You joked, still catching your breath after the fight. But this was a futile task as Wesley rested his hand against the base of your skull and pulled you towards him, crashing your lips with his. 
His lips glided over yours, a subtle urgency igniting your continued passion for him. You grasped at the shirt that had been ripped in the fight, feeling the warmth of his skin as you kissed him with all the feeling within. He pulled you nearer still, no matter how close you were to him would never be enough.
This fight had put everything into perspective. He needed you, he loved you just as he was sure you felt the same. He couldn’t hide away from revealing the deepest parts of himself from you anymore. He had only kept it because he was sure that his mind was deceiving him. You couldn’t possibly feel those things for him. Those things he had dreamed and hoped and wished that you would say. It had appeared too good to be true.
“My entire life I have found myself having to prove myself, to work to be accepted. When I met you, without realising until much after, my heart started beating again. I began to live because you made me feel like I matter. That I could make a real difference.”
“Wes, you make a difference everyday…”
“Well, before I met you it appears that I had been living my life wrong”
What does this mean?
“It means that, uh, I was miserable. You showed me a joy to life that I had not even considered” He replied before continuing to explain how much you meant to him, “You do the right thing, the decent thing, no matter if it is written in the watchers handbook or otherwise. To assist even a demon in their hour of need, I am in awe of you. Truly”
You smiled, leaning in to press your lips against his again, ready to tell him exactly how you felt about him. You couldn’t hide this feeling you held, your soft adoration enveloping him in the best way.
As you leaned against him, you realised something – he had just answered your thought. He knew everything, had heard every adoring thought fact that he had been too polite to reveal to you until recently. He had been able to read your thoughts.
You had been so wrapped up in your feelings in a way you never had before, your feelings for him were just so strong, that you had managed to broadcast your own consciousness into his mind. Only such strong and true feelings could do this, you were sure of it. He confirmed this to you later when he revealed he had done extensive research on it.
The soft aroma of love now surrounded you, it smelled of him. Cologne and old books. This smell surrounded the area, which thankfully masked the smell of dead demon in the air. You walked away from the battle, victorious, now in more ways than one. You felt as if you were on top of the world, invincible by his side.
With his confession and your minds entwined with the deepest sentiments of love, you didn’t think twice when he asked you to leave Sunnydale with him. You would embark on a trip spanning several states, the two of you fighting evil and helping others. You grew closer, adoring every inch of the other and finally made your home, at least for a while, in Los Angeles.
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spuffybot · 2 years
Ok but like let me tell you more about why the found family vibes on Angel get me every time.
This group of troubled people with so much family baggage managed to build a home together. With trust and love.
Cordelia, for all her privilege never felt like she belonged. Her family didn’t really care about her. The cordettes didn’t really know her. The Scoobies were the closest she ever got to having friends but pride (and Xander’s betrayal) kept her from ever truly letting them in. She only ever had herself to rely on.
Wes has spent his whole life drowning under the expectations of a father who will never be satisfied. His one driving force in life was to prove himself, and he failed. The Council didn’t want him. The scoobies didn’t want him. Faith didn’t want him. He’s probably felt alone for his entire life.
Angel literally spent 100 years isolated and cut off from the world, drowning in guilt. Before that he was an angry, lonely young man who was a disappointment to his family and was killed before he ever got a chance to change. As a vampire he did horrible things. He tried to find redemption with Buffy only to destroy her and himself. He doesn’t think he’s worth saving.
Gunn believes it’s him against the world. Losing his sister was losing his last lifeline, his last bit of hope. He doesn’t know how to be the leader his crew needs and he doesn’t know where he fits in the world. He’s smart and capable in a world designed to tear him down.
Fred is deeply traumatized. Her experiences not only isolated her from her family, friends, and home, but they forced her to wall off her mind in order to survive. She can barely function at times and doesn’t know how to exist in a world that was lost to her for 5 years.
This band of misfit toys somehow manages to find one another, rally around a mission to help people, and slowly become one another’s support systems. This group has seen one another through good and bad and they would die for each other in a heartbeat, but not without a fight.
I love their interactions, their family dinners, they way they bicker and fight and look out for one another.
The show has SO MANY FLAWS but the group dynamic and love was not one of them.
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kateaustensgf · 7 years
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I’m not over you, are you over me? Are we gonna be more than a memory?
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ex-vengeancedemon · 3 years
A Night at the Opera
Main Pairing: Cordelia Chase x Winifred Burkle
Characters: Cordelia Chase, Winifred (Fred) Burkle, Charles Gunn, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Summary: Set after Fred is rescued from Pylea and Angel is gone to grieve Buffy's death. Someone needs to help Fred come out of her shell - her shell being her room. Cordelia was making great progress... until she was hit with another head-splitting vision.
I guess there's a total of like 10 fanfictions on ao3 with this pairing (a shame) so I had to write it myself. Chapter 1 below cut. Read here or on ao3.
Chapter Index (out of 3):
Check Back for Updates
Chapter 1
"So," Gunn said, tapping his fingers on the front desk and looking over his shoulder. "Has she come out at all yet?"
Cordelia looked up from the case file she had been perusing and gave a wane smile. "I think she's making progress. She peaks her head out of her room sometimes now."
"Ah, yes," Wesley said. "Progress indeed."
The truth was that the hotel's new guest had been almost completely confined to her room since Angel had left. It was understandable. Winifred Burkle had been a captive of the dimension, Pylea, for the past 5 years, during which she spent her time living in a cave and writing on the walls. In a way, her room was her new cave... and she had yet to break the whole 'writing on walls' habit. Angel had been her savior, the one she trusted most. And he had left to take some time to... well, to mourn Buffy.
Cordy, Wes, and Gunn had been taking turns delivering food outside her door, primarily tacos. They would knock. She wouldn't answer. And they would leave the food on the floor outside. When they returned to check, the food would be gone. Cordelia had spotted her a few times from down the hall. Just glimpses here and there. Fred was still skittish, even of them.
"She can't stay up there forever," Gunn said, shaking his head. He stopped abruptly, as if reconsidering his prior statement. "She can't. Can she?"
Wesley sighed. "She spent five years in a cave with no plumbing. What's a month in a hotel room?"
Cordelia smiled and raised her pen. "With room service."
Gunn rolled his eyes, his eyes again wandering to the once grand staircase as if Fred might come walking down. "I don't know. It just doesn't seem like isolation is the way to help her reintegrate, you know?"
Wes nodded, but he seemed more focused on searching for a tome on the bookshelf than the conversation at hand. "Agreed."
"Well then," Cordelia said, turning to Gunn. "Why don't you go help reintegrate her then?"
Gunn shook his head. "Can't. Told Rondell I'd help him clean out a vamp nest setting up roots in the neighborhood. Gotta head out in an hour."
"Alright Wes, guess you're up to bat then," Cordelia amended.
"Hmm?" Wesley asked, looking up from a thick text coated in odd runic symbols. "What was that?"
Cordelia rolled her eyes and groaned. "Never mind!"
If you want something done... Guess she would have to be vision girl, office manager, detective, and guide to the newbie. That was fine. She could multitask.
Cordelia stood up from her desk, straightened her case files, and walked up the stairs like she knew exactly what she was going to do when she reached Fred's door.
She didn't.
When she reached Fred's door, she took a deep breath and knocked. Then she waited. And waited. There was no answer. She couldn't even hear any movement on the other side.
"Fred?" Cordy called out through the door. "It's me, Cordelia. Are you in there?"
After a long moment, a quiet voice replied, "Yeah. I'm fine, just fine! Thanks for checking. Bye!"
"Good! That's good!" Cordelia said, registering the jumpiness in her voice. "Can I come in? Maybe we could talk for a bit?"
"Talk? Yes, I've been thinking about the acoustics of the hotel and how the sound wave frequencies often seem to match the resonance of the ventilation system creating the disturbing creaks that seem to be everywhere at once and-" Fred's voice cut off. "Oh... well I suppose that probably wasn't what you wanted to talk about."
Cordelia nodded her head slowly. "Uh...huh... Well, I think the sound waves might travel better if you opened the door."
"Oh, right." Fred chuckled nervously and Cordelia could hear multiple bolts being unlocked.
Fred slowly opened the door a crack and gave a small smile. She pursed her lips and finally opened the door all the way.
Motioning an awkward invitation with her arm, Fred said, "Come in."
Cordelia walked into the dim room with the lights all off and the curtains drawn. She would almost think this was Angel's room given the seeming aversion to the light. However the darkness wasn't the most interesting thing about the room. Neither were the food wrappers that were scattered around on the floor. No, the most interesting thing in the room was the wall. Or rather, the walls. They were covered in hasty scrawl, most of which was impossible to make heads or tails of. Cordelia had no idea what it meant, only that it covered an extensive amount of wall space from the floor to the ceiling.
"Sorry for the mess," Fred said, kicking away a few stray wrappers with a measure of embarrassment. "Wasn't expectin' company."
"No!" Cordy replied, trying her best to sound reassuring. "Really, it's fine. I just came barging in!" She glanced around at the walls. "I love what you've done with the place! Very artsy. Custom wallpaper is all the rage these days."
Fred smiled and looked down at the floor. She seemed like she was trying to make herself smaller, to hide even in plain sight. For someone who was already petite to begin with, she looked downright tiny now.
"I just...," Fred began, "I just have to write it down. Don't wanna forget. To lose it. You know, things get lost. You think it and then it's gone. The electrochemical responses of the brain just don't leave a long enough impression for you to capture it indefinitely and the memory is so fallible and-"
"Fred, Fred," Cordelia cut her off with an empathetic look. "It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. If you want to write on the walls, you write on the walls." Cordelia put up her hands and grinned. "And you know what? If you run out of wall, we can paint the walls and you can start over again."
Finally, Fred laughed. It was a quiet, nervous laugh, but Cordelia could tell it was genuine. She thought it was the first genuine laugh she'd heard Fred make since they met. It was sweet.
"You know I could get you some notebooks though," Cordelia continued. "You know, if you'd like."
"Gee I almost forgot about notebooks," Fred replied, "and pencils. In Pylea, I just used a sharp rock and some cypril powder."
"It's the excrement of-"
Cordelia held up a hand. "Never mind! I'm good."
Fred nodded, unfazed by Cordelia's reaction.
"Do you know when Angel will be back?" Fred asked suddenly. "He's been gone for a long time. You don't think- Well, he is coming back, right? He didn't just leave forever...right?"
Cordelia was taken aback by the anxiety and fear in Fred's voice. She knew they had bonded in Pylea. She may have underestimated just how much.
Cordelia shook her head vigorously. "No, no. Of course, he's coming back! He just needed some time to process and grieve."
"Over Buffy?"
"Yeah." Cordelia frowned, the news of Buffy's death had hit Angel hard. She hoped the meditation was helping him... but she kind of doubted it. "Buffy was his first love. And then she died. And he wasn't there."
Fred bit her cheek. "His first love. Right. That...that makes sense."
Cordelia moved to put a hand on Fred's shoulder, but Fred flinched and pulled away. Cordelia hastily pulled her hand back.
"Don't worry, he'll be back," Cordelia said, trying to reassure with her eyes instead. "I'm sure he's-"
A blinding flash of searing, white hot pain shot its way through Cordelia's head and all the way down her spine. She screamed out and collapsed to the floor, no longer able to see. Her body felt like it was on fire. It was as if she were having a migraine, heart attack, and stroke all at once while simultaneously being hit by a bus, soaked in gasoline, and set on fire. No, it was worse than that.
She could faintly hear Fred somewhere in the distance, but she couldn't make out what she was saying. Then her hearing was overtaken by screams that weren't her own. Flashes of a scene played out before her unseeing eyes. A girl. Brunette, dressed in an unmistakable designer Tommy Hilfiger dress.
Cordelia relayed the specifics through the pain to whoever might be listening. The girl was being chased by a vampire dressed in a suit. In some kind of theatre? Cordelia snapped out of the vision and the pain subsided slightly. It left her exhausted and aching all over.
She blinked a few times as her sight returned. Wesley and Gunn where hovering over her looking concerned. She felt the pillow beneath her head shift and she realized suddenly that her head was resting in Fred's lap. Fred leaned over so Cordelia could see her and brushed some stray hair out of her face.
"Did you guys get all that?" Cordelia asked, closing her eyes as she fought back a wave of nausea.
"Yeah," Gunn replied. "You got anymore information on this theatre?"
Cordelia thought back to the vision, trying to get a feel for it. "Um, definitely upscale. I think it's downtown. It was during a performance. Um, an opera. Aida."
Wesley nodded. "Okay, I'll go see what I can find about a showing of Aida at the downtown theatres. Gunn, I think you have a prior engagement you should be getting to." He then turned back to Cordelia. "We'll be back soon. You should get some rest."
Cordelia nodded and Gunn and Wesley left the room.
"How are you feelin'?" Fred looked down at her with concern, her long brown hair dangling over Cordelia's face. "You really gave me a fright."
Cordelia sighed and closed her eyes again. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "The visions can be pretty... well, ugly. But it's over now. I'll be fine."
Fred bit her cheek again. Cordelia didn't think she had quite fooled the surprisingly perceptive physicist. Fred continued to run her fingers over Cordelia's hair in a calming gesture and Cordelia drifted off. She could sleep here... just for a minute.
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mycatismyfriend · 7 months
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I just don't think we should be rulin' out the idea of aliens. I mean, he is a greenish sorta fella. And his bein' asleep all that time. I mean, think about it a minute. They could have been doin' heaven knows what!
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eloisephillip · 3 years
Hi! I'm Cloud. I'm a nonbinary bi ace and my pronouns are they/fae/xe/she. You can find my pronoun page here. I'm a gifmaker and I'm a writer (in theory). I'm currently in college studying nursing. I track the tag #usercloud and you can tag me in just about anything!
I have a JoeyPacey playlist that I am extremely proud of and you can listen to it here.
I believe in female character supremacy! My favorites include Betty Cooper, Joey Potter, Jen Lindley, Winifred Burkle, Tori Spring, Inej Ghafa, Julie Molina, Buffy Summers, Alexis Rose, Dana Scully, Grace Ryder, Nell Crain, and many, many more! My favorite male characters are Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, Pacey Witter, Jack McPhee, Kaz Brekker, Reggie Peters, Charlie Spring, Nick Nelson, Ben Wyatt, Fox Mulder, & Spike.
My favorite tv shows/main fandoms are as follows: Dawson's Creek, Heartstopper, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, First Kill, Julie and the Phantoms, Descendants, Riverdale, Shadow and Bone, Schitt's Creek, The X Files, 911: Lone Star, 911 og, Stranger Things, Fringe, The Haunting anthology, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo.
My all-time favorite ships are Fresley, JoeyPacey, Kanej, & Spuffy. My other favorite ships are as follows: Nick/Charlie, Scully/Mulder, Darklina, Malina, Helnik, Wesper, Olivia/Peter, David/Patrick, Alexis/Ted, Alexis/Twyla, Juke, Willex, Bal, Huma, Benslie, Cheleanor, Grace/Judd, Tarlos, Buddie, Barchie, Bughead, Varchie, Beronica, Babitha, Betty/Donna.
I only have a couple ships that I am really not fond of and I might post things negative about them so just a tiny precaution <3: Bangel, Dawson/Joey (also just Dawson in general).
Things I will not reblog: Anything to do with JK Rowling (also if you're still posting positively about any of her media in the year 2022, do me a favor and block me), Wandavision, Pam & Tommy.
Also, dni if you are racist, transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, ableist, or any kind of bigot.
I have a lot of sideblogs and my content is spread amongst them:
@juliereggie: julie and the phantoms sideblog
@bettyccoper: riverdale sideblog
@awoundinsalt: music sideblog
@nancygilllian: 911 sideblog
@nelllie: st, thohh, thobm sideblog
@rillas: literature, aesthetic sideblog
I also have two source blogs, which I run:
You can also find me elsewhere:
riverdale ao3 | multifandom ao3
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kyliafanfiction · 5 years
19, 20, 26 for the salty ask game?
(Since Buffyverse is the fandom we share, primarily, I’m going with that for questions 19 and 20)
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
If I had to pick one thing that bugs me most, that isn’t ship-related, about the Buffyverse, it would be “Saint Buffy Syndrome”. You see it come up a lot when people are criticizing Buffy’s friends any time they express any unhappiness with her choices, or lash out at her in any fashion - as if she bears no fault, did nothing wrong, and that these entirely human people have no reason at all to be upset with her.
It’s not that, say, Buffy didn’t have understandable reasons for running away at the end of Season 2, but it’s equally true her friends had a right to be upset with her. Should they have had it out at the party? No. Should they have yelled at her, said some of the things they said? No. But did they have a point? To a certain extent, yeah. Equally with say, Empty Places. (I’ve said my piece on this one enough times I won’t reiterate it).
Saint Buffy Syndrome - SBS - is this tendency to loionize Buffy, paint her as more than human, and to ignore her very real flaws. Her flaws that, frankly, make her a more interesting character. Buffy is a good person - one of the better people on the show. Better than my faves, morally speaking. I will not deny that. But she’s not a Saint, she’s not flawless, she’s not perfect. She has her issues, she makes bad choices, she can be a bit thoughtless (to put it mildly) about her friends and their problems. Yes, she’s the Slayer, yes she’s under insane pressure, and yes, as the protagonist, the narrative itself almost forces her to appear a bit self-centered, but the fact remains -
Buffy Anne Summers is Not a Saint
(relatedly, I’m not a fan of ‘Saint Tara Syndrome” either, though Tara actually suffers from bad writing here, as the show does a bad job of fully realizing her as a character until it’s too late, over all.)
20. What is the purest ship in the fandom?
This is a Joss Whedon show. If you’re looking for pure, try My Little Pony :P
More seriously, in the Buffyverse, I would say that the purest ship - that is, the least ‘problematic’ ship (defining problematic under conventional tumblr terms, which are indefinite and vague to say the least) - is probably Fred/Gunn? I mean, they break up, but that’s as much over personal hangups unrelated to their own relationship? I mean, Gunn loved Fred enough that it counted as giving his soul to her, apparently, and I can’t really think of anything in the relationship itself that counted as super-problematic. 
I mean, Gunn wanting to ‘protect’ Fred from having to kill Siedel is meant to be presented as patronizing, I think, or something, but honestly, killing another human being is... A Lot. I can understand Gunn’s position - as I can Fred’s. But that still puts them well ahead of pretty much every other Buffy ship, in terms of having minimal problematic aspects.
26. Most shippable character?
Oddly enough, Wesley Wyndam Pryce, in the Buffyverse. 
I’m not much of a multishipper, in general, or at least, in theory. Depending on how one defines ‘ship’, I usually only ship one ship for each character. But even under relatively narrow definitions of ‘ship’ I ship 2 ships for Amy (Faimy and Radison), 2 for Willow (Tillow and Radison) and 2 for Faith (Faithsley and Faimy).
But, under those same narrow definitions, I ship 3 ships for Wesley - Faithsley (Wesley x Faith), Weslah (Wesley x Lilah) and Weslyria (Wesley x Illyria).
Under a more expansive definition of ship, one can argue that Regina is probably the most shippable character for me, over all - in that in this more expansive view, I ship her with Emma Swan, Robin Hood, Captain Hook (Both versions of him) and Emma and the first version of Hook together in an ot3. But that’s only if you expand the definition of ship.
Salty Asks!
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tarushipping · 7 years
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @indigoskies , @self-ship-nerd , and @smoochesforseven ! Goodness, thank you guys for tagging me ////
Name || Taruna Rei “Taru”

Sexual Orientation || Pansexual

Ethnicity || Asian/Caucasian

Favorite Fruit || Mangos ○ Pears
Favorite Season || Autumn
Favorite Books Series || Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling (If I had to pick one particular book series anyway;; )
Favorite Fictional Character || Ignis (FFXV), Karamatsu (Osomatsu-san), Genji / Zenyatta (Overwatch) , Giles (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) , Wesley (Angel the Series) and TONS OF OTHERS but these are current favorites anyway;;
Favorite Flower || Lilies ○ Hydrangea ○ Foxglove (I suppose?)
Favorite Scent || Coconut Scents
Favorite Color || Dark Red/Maroon ○ Orange ○ Gold ○ Pastel/Dusty Pink
Favorite Animal || Hyenas (But I'm generally partial to all canines-Wolves, Foxes, etc.)
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate || Tea and Hot Chocolate! Especially different flavors of either/// I love both (I can't stand Coffee though)
Average Sleep Hours || 8-9 hours (Usually around 4am-1pm due to work schedule)
Number of Blankets || 2 (While sleeping right? 1 if it gets too hot)
Dream Trip || Meeting certain online friends
Last Thing I Googled || wesley wyndam pryce x reader (crap-I didn't realize this would be a question////witnessmyshame)
How Many Blogs I Follow || 711 (WOW)
Number of Followers || 100 (I JUST HIT 100?? That's awesome ohmygod, I should do something-thankyoueveryone)
Do I Get Asks Regularly || Aha, not really;; That's ok tho~ I get super excited whenever I do tho!
Nickname || Taru
Zodiac || Virgo (Libra cusp technically)
Hogwarts House || ✨  Ravenclaw! ✨
I’d like to tag @zorrorave , @ashimari , @strawberryshipping , @toomanyhusbands , @queenieships , @lilchubbyhime , @dateacrab , @peachteasweetie , @hanahakiis , @pawsomenss , @saturn--jpeg , @cucumber-sprinkles , @lildreamysoul , @its-baramatsu , @edjeerebeloos , @doki-kat , @taguel-inigo , @emmshipping , @selfinsertheaven , and @shelf-insert ! I think that’s 20 followers exactly- ( I’m also gonna tag @shiroe-is-my-baby , @hhoneyhams , @theheckhole , @cottoncandygame , and @kremlin-ships cause I can-) and anyone else that wants to go for it! 
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sunnydaleherald · 4 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, February 23
FAITH: Are you serious about this place? MAYOR: Of course I am. No Slayer of mine is gonna live in a fleabag hotel. That place has a very unsavory reputation. There are immoral liaisons going on there. FAITH: Yeah, plus all the screwing.
~~Doppelgangland ~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Weekly Drabbles #88 — Longing by veronyxk84 (Buffy, Dawn, PG-13)
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someone to adore by The_Eclectic_Bookworm (Giles/Jenny/Ethan, Jenny/Ethan, G)
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double drabble of 200 words 1x06 The Pack Buffy & Willow [gen] by caricature-of-fic (Buffy, Willow, G)
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Buffyverse Flashfiction updated by NotASlayer (unrated)
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Bloom by Holly (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Tangled in HelLA by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
You've Got The Look by Geliot99 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Tangled in HelLA by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion - Ch. 413 by madimpossibledreamer (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure xover, T)
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Power and Purpose - Ch. 1 by Mika95 (OC, Buffy, Scoobies, Amy, T)
I'm Your Carnal Flower, I'm Your Bloody Rose by MadeInGold (Spike/Drusilla, E)
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Goodbye to Everything That I Knew - Ch. 22 by fortes775 (Buffy/Spike, R)
The Neighbor's Point of View - Ch. 87 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
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The Day After - Ch. 2 by Maldorana (Buffy/Spike, G)
Oblivious - Ch. 5 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Coming Through - Ch. 42 by hulettwyo (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Early One Morning - Ch. 17 by all choseny (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
What the Drabble? - Ch. 88 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R for series)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Crush by MamaBewear (Spike/Drusilla, worksafe)
Artwork: Tease by CoffeeHunt (Angel/Spike, NSFW)
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Gifset: BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER (1997 - 2003) by andremichaux (Tara/Willow, mildly NSFW)
Gifset: Buffy & Faith | Season 3 by andremichaux (Buffy/Faith, worksafe)
Gifset: Everyone I cared about is gone... by andremichaux (Dawn, Buffy, Giles, worksafe)
Comic: The Hero of Three Faces by Paul Gadzikowski's (worksafe)
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Artwork: Angel fanart by goodandpure [aka pinkperson] (worksafe)
Artwork: My Angel fanart by goodandpure [aka pinkperson] (worksafe)
Artwork: I drew Spike! by FickleWick (worksafe)
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Video: Angel&Cordelia | Maroon by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
Video: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce | Stay Vicious by 1SnoWhiteQueen1
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Just Been to see Buffy Revamped [the parody play] by Spiderinahumansuit
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PODCAST: 1.8 I Robot, You Jane by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
[Recs & In Search Of]
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ISO: laragh seeks signers for a petition for Second Season of Slayers: A Buffyverse Story
ISO: vargamornight seeks matching gifsets of faith crying and buffy crying...
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ISO: brian5mbv seeks script rewrite info for this year's girl and who are you
[Fandom Discussions]
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the concept of a soul in BTVS because the show sort of fucked itself into a corner immediately with... by forgiveness-in-the-misery
I need to know who was responsible for Balls. [the poster] by feral-pixie-dream-possum
Oz and Spike painting their fingernails together... by data-is-my-favorite-android
i think my favorite spuffy moments are all after they’re no longer enemies... by bunnythevampireslayer
[explanation of scene choices for BTVS alphabet gif series - X for Xander] by buffysummers
[meta thoughts by the creator of the BTVS alphabet gif series] by buffysummers
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POLL: Big Crossover by nightshade
POLL: Battle Of The Witches: Who Will Win? by Anyanka Bunny Slayer
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[7 deadly sins] Where would you put the Buffyverse characters on the list? by AndrewHeard
If Buffy was made now, who would you cast? by Country-Stunning
What is Buffys most Iconic look? by Relevant-Mission27
What was going through Willow, Xander, Spike's etc minds when Faith was poorly pretending to be Buffy? by sadhungryandvirgin
Marci by Michbullin
Did anyone else know that Tucker (Andrew's brother) was the singing voice of Aladdin 1992? by hamiltonguy
It gets better, right? [ATS S4] by tmetic
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