dinosaurwithablog · 2 months
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Giancarlo Stanton is back and kicking ass!! He hit that ball perfectly, and he stood there watching it go before he started waking to first base. When you hear the sound of a baseball connecting to a bat with that kinda clarity, you know it's outta there. Welcome back, my friend!!! There's no stopping him now. Maybe this year, the Bash Brothers will become the Thrash Triplets with the help of Juan Soto!!! I can't wait to find out. Let's go Yankees!!!!
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almadesarrollo · 1 month
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Thomas is in Porto Alegre, Brazil, working on the story board for season 6. This is confirmed because in the image/sequence we see: 605_2, so the number confirms that it is S6.
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NOW ANY CLUES FROM S6? Well, look, in the link above we have better quality than the previous posts, which did not show anything at all, but it is not that much is seen, let's try to get something...
1 image: in the thumbnails below, there are 2 characters, many say they are Marinette and Adrien, it can't be Marinette because the two characters look like they have super short hair and in the new designs Marinette doesn't have hair like that,
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(yes, I said that she was going to change it in the future, but that's still a while away and you can see that they haven't made much progress) so it can't even be NEITHER MARINETTE NOR LADYBUG, so it's ruled out.
Now could it be Adrien? Nor, if the characters have grown, logically the tallest one would have to be Adrian, since he was tall when he was in previous seasons,
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Imagine now...and now, I see him too muscular, well Adrien has muscle but toned, not with SO MUCH MUSCLE, I don't see Adrien there. And the one on the side. Not so short either....so Adrien ruled out...
So who could they be? It started with the short guy, notice that he seems to have glasses, so we will have to look for a short character with glasses, IN THAT EQUATION MAX AND Sabrina COME IN, and judging by the haircut, it's a good idea that it's Max, then it could be him, If he is Max, by that rule of three, the one next to him could be Kim, since with that difference in height, short hair and muscles...he looks like him, THEN THEY COULD BE KIM AND MAX.
2 image, we have what appears to be a girl with glasses and a ponytail...people say she could be Marinette with the mouse and the horse miraculous, but again this doesn't make sense, since that hairstyle is not from marinette,
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and yes, its design in exchange for this season, but not that much, it wouldn't make sense....honestly I only see someone here in civilian clothes, if they have glasses and are female we have to think about those characters: it could be Sabrina, that pose is very her,
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and with those big glasses it sounds to me like it's her, it's possible that she might change her hairstyle here, we remember that she loves soccer, I wouldn't be surprised if she had a ponytail...
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But hey, this is all I have been able to get, what do you think? who do you see?
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See you in the next post.
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
MLB X MCU AU in which Marinette gets revealed as Multimouse to the entire world
Because Alya cant be trusted to be responsible with a camera.
Every-fucking-one knows now. hawkmoth. her PARENTS. Hell even TONY fucking STARK knows she was a hero.
and then her parents make/force her to take Style queens offer to intern in NYC, because, from their perspective she is not safe in paris. and like- the AVENGERS are in new york so surely it must be safe there. so they pack up and move their entire bakery business.
and she ends up going to midtown high-school, where not to her knowledge, fellow teenage superhero Peter parker aka "Your friendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN" goes to school.
Cute adorable shipping commences.
peter is all like "omg another teenage super hero???!!! like me???? i thought i was the only one???? transferring to MY school?!!! SO COOL!!"
"marinette is super smart, marinette is pretty, she was one of THE Miraculous Ladybug's sidekicks how cool is that??!, marinette is COOL!! maybe we can be friends? how am i gonna talk to someone that cool though?? i cant tell her my secret identity!!!"
insta-crush. peter is a marinette SIMP
(and yo, dont get on my case about marinette being super fucking smart, this is the girl who figured out she was getting a birthday party from just seeing one of her friends holding a bike pump. that girl is a tactical genius! she just has self esteem issues. they are both nerd, their just nerds about differnt things, let the nerds date!!!!)
of course Marinette still has the ladybug miraculous -even tho everyone thinks she doesn't have the rat miraculous anymore- and the miracle box. so she can still fight hawkmoth because the horse is basically fast travel irl, Space miraculous super conveintent.
(also concerning the mirsacle box, im going with my headcanon/Unlucky 13 AU on what that looks like post "ladybug becomes guardain" because that egg thing from canon? fucking lame
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These ones^^^)
It would be canon compliant till season 2 and most? of season 3? but like fuck miracle queen, season3 finale + truth made me stop watching the show. so like in this au, lets just assume Fu is dead, and ladybug has had the miracle box for some time now. and that they got the miraculous when they were 13, and are currently 15? yeah? okay.
(also prolly chat salt, it doesn't HAVE to be chat salt, but like- He. Keeps. Trying. To. Quit. And leave all the work to marinette!!!! its happened like 3?? times now? Marinette CANT quit!!! its literally "do this or lose all your memories!!!" she is being held hostage by a fucking magic box full of responsibilities no 15 year old should have to deal with.)
I headcanon that marinette stress-bakes, so like cute scene number #1 after peter and marinette become friends, could be something like "marientte stresses for a test, and then bakes to much food so her parents make her take it to school to share with her peers, and she ends up giving like- 1/2 of them to parker, becuz of his super high metabolism.
and how marinettes got her whole "i'm RESPONISBLE!!! for the whole fucking universe now, omfg i'm the reason fu is basically dead" angsty shit going on which kinda parallels peters whole "i have super powers, and if i dont do something to help then its my fault if someone gets hurt, like how my uncle died. With great power, comes great RESPONSIBLITY!!!" angst. maybe they could trauma bond. who doesn't like a good hurt comfort trauma bond fic?
marinette likes designing fashionable but also functional clothes.
peter likes designing gadgets and techy things. let them be nerds together!!! in love!!
i feel like they would be the kind of couple/friends to just ramble on about their passions and they would listen to each other even tho they dont know much about each others interests yet. (also hey what if marinette and peter co designed one of peters early suits pre-stark suit??? the fucking writing potential this ship has omfg c'mon ppl!!! why are we sleeping on this??)
oh! and maybe peter figures out that marinette is also ladybug -but later on- cuz like, he has superhearing? and tikki isn't as subtle as she thinks she is.
and then he's all in awe like "Wow holy shit!!! she made her ladybug secret identity FOOLPROOF!!!! no one would ever fucking suspect!! maybe she can help me with mine???"
Fox miraculous shenanaigans insue????? The daily Bugles next headline be like: "SPIDER-MAN SAVES SI INTERN PETER PARKER FROM ETC ETC"
( the media thinks Ladybug and Chat are 1000+ years old due to that thing alya found in that museum that one time. and the fact that people know that Thor and Loki are super old.
Ladybug's excuse to the public for letting a teenager, Nay! for letting a THIRTEEN YEAR OLD CHILD use an extremly dangerous magical artifact for a little over 2 years, goes something like this: "Marinette was the ONLY person in france- maybe in the whole world! that was compatible with the Rat miraculous, it takes a very smart person to be able to multitask like that, and marinette has a photographic/phonetic memory."
i headcannon that marinette photographic/phonetic memory, and that the Rat Miraculous is the math miraculous that was mentioned in the comics that one time, and that if an incompatible person were to try and use it they would at BEST develop a severe case of split personality disorder/ or schizophrenia, and at WORST their brain would- just- melt out of their ears. )
Also he calls her "Spots" or "LuckyBug" when shes in hero mode.
(i cant think of cute nicknames for peter, ugh "web head" is just something i cant picture marinette saying. what's the french word for spider? what's the french word for cobwebs??)
She prolly just calls him "Webs" or "Spidey"
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ningsols · 9 days
number 6 off ur little question ask thing 😝
what is your favourite thing you've scripted in your dr?
i'm gonna do a few drs!!
canon mlb: that i'm really close with adrien/chat noir and we even reveal our identities to each other which only brings us closer 🤞
enhypen: definitely that i scripted some of my friends in but especially rei (if you're seeing this hey 😍) so i can see her relationship with jake go down LMAO
female soloist #1: my discography is MWAH (i haven't even fully scripted it tho 😭) it starts off as a really cutesy and fresh concept but then as i grow older it matures with me (without going into like "sexy" concepts cause that's just not my style for this dr)
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miraculousaddicts14 · 2 months
Random thought on mlb theories (Part-1)
(Not all of them are mine, some of them I included cause I wanted to share my thoughts. Credits to original creator for their brilliance)
1. So we all know how Lila took the miraculous of butterfly when it fell . What if she knows that Marinette is ladybug!!? Why I think that is cause Marinette detransformed while talking to Gabriel. There are chances that she might have seen that
2. We also know that Felix and kagami know Marinette's true identity. Will Marinette get to know about it?
3. This one is connected with number 2, so I saw some people saying that we all know how Felix transformed from villian-antihero-hero. There are chances that he might team up with Lila (who is now Hawk moth) .
4. I wonder why Lila wants the miraculous of butterfly? Is she going to have the same motive as Gabriel? Just taking ladybug and cat noir's miraculous? If it is , why does she need it? And if it isn't what's the other motive then?
5. I also wonder if kagami's mom is really blind or is she just pretending? There have been moments when I thought she isn't blind.
6. (continuing number 1) If Lila knows/gets to know that Marinette is ladybug, she is going to everything to destroy her reputation. She can manipulate Parisians and everyone at the school. It would be the hardest time of all and if during that time Adrien gets to know that she was hiding Gabriel's secret from him, it will not end well. Just the thought of it makes my body shiver.
7. I have also seen people saying that the miraculous of peacock broke bcz Emilie tried to make 2 sentimosters at the same time. He was supposed to get a twin sister but that failed somehow and Adrien was the second. His name was also not supposed to Adrien ,his name was taken out of his dead twin sister who was named Adrienne and once Gabriel and Emilie got to know that he was connected to both amoks. Some people partially think that his named was being Celeste, which is a unisex name in France .
8. Some people also say that Anne-Jeanne Theoxanne du Bocquale is a time traveling adopted daughter of Adrienette. What I think is that could be true cause apparently Adrien is a sentimonster (that's what we think even though it's not confirmed) and sentimoster's can't reproduce. So maybe they decided to adopt a child but I am not so sure about the time travelling thing .
9. Adrien is going to intern at the Dupain-Cheng bakery. It will not end well. Ok well, I got nothing much to say about it but my question is why would he?
10. Some of you guys think that Kagami is meant for Adrien. Like why guys? Tbh when they started dating I didn't really like it . From the very start I always thought Marinette was the one who is made for Adrien. Why? Bcz no one can understand him better than her and not to mention no one can know his schedule for next several years and no one can stalk him better .
11. I have also read this theory where people say that Felix was created out of jealousy over Gabe and Emilie's conception of Adrien, which means it's possible he doesn't love Kagami for herself or the fact they "are the same," . I mean this could be true and credits to the original person who thought of this amazing theory like idk where u guys get these from , hats off!
12. Next theory is , The ring Felix gave Kagami isn't actually her amok, but an identical copy. I agree bcz we have seen Felix talking about how he felt when he was being controlled so it’s most likely to be true cause he wouldn’t want kagami to feel the same way (if he really loves and her cares about her)
13. I also wonder when and how Felix will tell Adrien about how both of them are sentimonsters and were created using a miraculous and if he tells it before he gets to know Gabriel’s truth it is most likely to be that Adrien will suspect that his own father was the villain .
14. This one is not really a theory but like I wonder Has/Will ladybug told cat noir about the true identity of monarch? If we look at the last scene from Re-creation they both seem pretty normal like always . So that could mean that she still hasn’t revealed it yet . Do you guys think she will?
15. There’s also this thing that Felix might team up with Lila cause of his character arc . You see , he was seen first as a villain then as an anti hero and then a hero . This will be a direct parallel to Adrien's character arc.
16. Ladybug giving up the guardian role to Luka and Cat Noir will help her recover her memories. Umm…. I mean we all know that Marinette will do/have to do this but I don’t think it will be Luka or maybe it can be , I just don’t know .
17. Lila will tell Adrien the truth about Gabriel and get mad at Ladybug then get akumatized . Well she is lie-la so for sure but wasn’t she going to be changing her look?
18. Marinette will slowly have suspiciousness about “cerise” as she sees her. Well cerise is new look of lie-la but she is still the same from inside and marinette’s also clever enough to point her lies out .
19. Kagami’s mom (I forgot her name) is gonna help Lila . Bcz the thing she wanted (which was probably Adrien and kagami being eternal couples or whatever) is still a dream .
20. Felix will find out cat noir is Adrien by sensing the amok on cat noir . I don’t think so bcz Felix has came over cat noir a couple times but he didn’t sense that .
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usnatarchives · 2 years
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Native American Heritage Month
We honor Native American Heritage Month by highlighting our vast holdings that document the history and recognize the many achievements and contributions of Native Americans from as early as 1774. These include every treaty signed with Native Americans, available online through the National Archives Catalog, records from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and Indian Schools, and Indian Census Rolls. 
Path Lit by Lightning: The Life of Jim Thorpe Join us in person or online on December 1, 2022, at 7 PM ET. National Archives Museum in Washington, DC. Register online; View on YouTube
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Jim Thorpe, a member of the Sac and Fox Nation, rose to world fame as a mythic talent who excelled at every sport. He won gold medals in the decathlon and pentathlon at the 1912 Stockholm Olympics, was an All American football player at the Carlisle Indian School, the star of the first class of the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and played in the MLB for the New York Giants. David Maraniss’s book, Path Lit by Lightning, tells Thorpe’s story. Anita Thorpe, Jim Thorpe's granddaughter, will attend the program.
Related NARA exhibit: All American: The Power of Sports  National Archives Museum, Washington DC, through January 7, 2024.
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Anita Thorpe, left, granddaughter of 1912 Olympic champion Jim Thorpe, poses with National Archives curator Alice Kamps in front of a display honoring Thorpe’s grandfather in the “All American: The Power of Sports," 9/12/2022. Photo for the National Archives by John Valceanu.
Related Smithsonian exhibit: Why We Serve: Native Americans in the U.S. Armed ForcesThe National Museum of the American Indian through November 30, 2023 Why We Serve honors the generations of Native Americans who have served in the armed forces of the United States—often in extraordinary numbers—since the American Revolution.  Online Resources:
Native American History special topics page of NARA’s related online resources.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Photos (more than 18,000) Now Online.
The Story of the 1950 Census P8 Indian Reservation Schedule - learn about Native Americans in the 1950 Census.
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brendanthebomber · 1 year
Major League Baseball should be the first sport to incorporate silverback gorillas
Major League Baseball should be the first sport to incorporate silverback gorillas
“But why? What team would it be the mascot for? The Dodgers, the Yankees, and the Angels are the only teams without mascots, and they have nothing to do with gorillas.” (technically, the Angels have the Rally Monkey but monkeys are obviously not apes)
No. That’s not what I’m talking about.
I believe Manfred should give an adult male lowland silverback gorilla a spot on an MLB team’s active roster.
I’m sure you’re thinking, “Why? How?”
Have no fear. Let’s start with the “why.”
A recent surge is baseball viewership is the perfect time to capitalize on the market.
While still our national pastime, baseball is not the most popular sport in America. With the “Three True Outcomes” approach becoming dominant in recent years, fans have found the sport to be even more dull than usual. Strikeouts, home runs, and walk rates are all on the rise while the amount of balls-in-play is dropping. Small ball is dying in favor of the big-power approach. Introducing gorillas, even for just a season, would revamp fan excitement and give baseball the kick it needs to get back into the spotlight.
Gorillas are endangered.
A large portion of the revenue that would be created by this new addition would be donated to gorilla/wildlife preservation organizations, and team owners would also be required to donate a payroll-adjusted fee to each of these non-profit organizations yearly.
No longer critically endangered, gorilla populations have been slowly but steadily increasing. Increased funding to nonprofit wildlife foundations could give gorilla populations an enormous boost in numbers, allowing them to thrive in their natural habitat.
Now that we all agree we should do this, the next question is “how?”
I'm so glad you asked! There's see two clear options for how we could incorporate a gorilla into the game:
Option 1: The gorilla is taught to play the sport (includes conditions/restrictions)
The gorilla could neither pitch nor field. At some point in human evolution, we developed the ability to aim and throw objects with a decent level of accuracy & at a high velocity. This is due to our tall waist, shoulder placement, and the way our elbow and humerus rotate together. This allows us to hold and subsequently release large amounts of energy at once in the form of throwing. Gorillas lack these attributes and cannot throw a baseball anywhere near the professional level.
To avoid technical fielding skills, our gorilla would have to function as a Designated Hitter. This would likely involve conditioning a silverback gorilla to learn how to hit a ball from birth (baby gorillas begin to move objects at three months and explore at eight months). I believe Steve Cohen would easily be able to fund this project.
If teaching the gorilla to swing a baseball bat proves to be unsuccessful, it could be given the spot of Designated Runner instead, where its only job would be to run the basepath.
Despite their size, gorillas have been known to reach speeds of 20-25 mph. That's faster than Corbin Carroll, who, according to BaseballSavant, clocks in at 21 mph (league average 18.4 mph). As long as the gorilla can be taught to stay within the basepaths, stealing bases should be a breeze, providing immense value in BSR and SB.
Here are the top five MLB players by sprint speed:
|Player|Sprint Speed | |Corbin Carroll|30.7 ft/s| |Bubba Thompson|30.4 ft/s| |Jose Siri|30.4 ft/s| |Bobby Witt Jr.|30.4 ft/s| |Trea Turner|30.3 ft/s|
Our furry 350 lb superstar tops out between 30.8 to 36.67 ft/s, well above the elite MLB speedsters.
As seen with the famous zoo Gorilla “Koko”, gorillas are able to understand a limited form of sign language, which can be used to communicate in basic ways with humans. On the basepaths, third-base coaches and managers in the dugout can communicate with runners through signs (not ASL, but signs nonetheless). Teaching the gorilla how to differentiate sign language and baserunning signs should not be difficult, as Koko was able to communicate effectively through basic signs.
To make up for a lack of finesse and technical ability, the MLB should lean into the gorilla’s raw power and allow it the option to use PEDs. This would be coupled with a strict workout regimen to improve muscle mass and reach the gorilla’s full potential.
Adult gorillas are estimated to possess the strength of 20 adult male humans WITHOUT PEDs, so with enough time and patience, we could see a gorilla putting up a historic 80 home run season.
It's worth noting that depending on the workout regiment and the parts of the body that are focused on, we could see either an increase OR decrease in sprint speed.
Option 2: The gorilla is used as an environmental hazard/win condition during games.
For this option, I propose that once per game, each team has the ability to “Kong” the other team by placing two silverback gorillas on the field while the opposing team is fielding to cause chaos.
The gorillas can be placed in any spot, and fielders must play normally as if nothing has changed.
However, at any point that a team is getting Kong’d, any single member of the fielding team can request a 1v2 bare-knuckle boxing match against both gorillas. They would be risking their lives, but if they win, their team automatically wins the game and is instantly guaranteed a spot a postseason playoff spot.
This should not be a competitive concern because any human being would definitely not survive a fight with two furious gorillas.
If the safety of mutual parties becomes too much of a concern, this rule would be removed, as the safety of the gorilla is of the utmost importance.
Only good things can come from expanding into gorilla baseball. This experiment could lead to other animals in other sports, with charitable funding saving wildlife populations.
And remember, if this experiment doesn’t work out, we always have the apes running the Rockies’ FO to keep us entertained.
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twstgameplay · 9 months
Hello, Dear Mods. I'm an ftp on eng and plan way in advance. Do you think Portfest Jack, Halloween Rook, Dorm Idia, Dorm Ortho, and Club Trey's viable to aim for cosmic basic sss, or do you think portfest jack's really just best suited to tests where he has type advantage?
Thanks either way!
It's a BIG maybe and strongly leaning towards no. You can see the two teams we know of that have gotten cosmic SSS on this post here. It's important to note that both people got SSS in the same exam session so the conditions are similar even with RNG. If you go into the replies, both teams barely got over a 20k score with 3T finish. Their total damage is pretty similar so I'm assuming that @CECIL_ML also got the score with 3T5D.
It's great that they shared their team because I can enter the numbers into our Buddy Bonus Calculator to see what their total POW.
CECIL_ML - 36,454
Nopirenge - 36,184
However, both CECIL_ML and Nopirenge got Epel POW boost because they had a card that duo with Epel. M POW boost is about 35% increase of your card base stats so they had an additional 2,468 POW. If you are considering spell effects then you are looking at 38.7-39k POW.
Your proposed team at MLB and Maxed Buddies including the MLB stat bonus that only JP has so far has a total POW of 35,663 from just buddy bonuses.
Boa Epel has a higher base stat than Port Jack so you need both Port Jack M1 POW boost and HW Rook M1 POW boost to help make up the difference. With the current existing cards, it will not be possible to do a 3T and fulfill both conditions. So you would need to do a T4 finish but then the requirements for the overkill you would need to do is a lot higher especially since you will be taking additional damage from T4-1 and T4-2.
One of the scoring factors for basic exams is your HP%. You probably didn't notice the effect it has on your score unless you were on the edge of the next rank. In cosmic, each scoring factor matters a lot.
~ 👑
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leothil · 1 year
actually the rating is very bad. As someone that is a ratings guru I can tell you the ins and outs of how ratings works for specific networks. You listed WWE Raw on the USA network that is cable my friend which is a whole different monster, also a sports telecast. 911 on the other hand is a procedural drama on one of the big 4 networks. The Big 4 consist of Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS. The Big 4 will cancel shows if they're not performing up to par and I think Fox is at the point with 911
Listen, dude (gn). You sent me five asks telling me things I already know about tv ratings saying I asked for it, which I absolutely did not, and trying to argue that Fox is disappointed and on the verge of cancelling 9-1-1, which is definitely not true.
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As you can see here, 9-1-1 is at the top of the 2022-2023 average for FOX's scripted shows. Even adding in the non-scripted shows, it's doing quite well:
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Reality tv is a big ratings draw, this is a well-known fact, but networks will not want to bind themselves to only one kind of show either.
Let's take a look at ratings over all networks:
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Huh, would you look at that. Not too shabby by our little weewoo show! Note also the overall big dips in viewers year over year - this is not a problem isolated to 9-1-1, it's happening all across the board.
None of these ratings hold a candle to what news shows and stuff like MLB, NFL and NBA can draw for big games, but network execs are well aware of this, and trying to compare those are like comparing apples to oranges. But I did take a look at how the NBA game last Monday did on ESPN anyway: 0.59 in the key demo.
And I did compare it to RAW, for the simple reason that RAW also airs on Mondays at 8PM. We can compare it with the other big wrestling show too (as their ratings is a topic I'm more than familiar with), if you like: Smackdown on FOX on Fridays, latest numbers are a 0.63 rating, while nothing else on tv (not just cable or network, all of tv) was above 0.43.
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Saying FOX is anywhere near cancelling 9-1-1 for their ratings is a ridiculous statement. Now, you are right in saying (in another of your messages) that procedural shows are at risk of the original actors wanting to move on and/or dragging out the story far longer than would be ideal, but I don't think we're at that point yet with 9-1-1. We'll know more come May when show renewals take place (and I think some of the main actors' contracts as well), but it's no use speculating about anyone leaving as there's been no indication of that yet.
Also no offense, but calling yourself a ratings guru is hilarious and makes you sound like a pro wrestling twitter user that whines in Bryan Alvarez's mentions every week when he posts the WWE and AEW ratings.
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inkerii · 10 months
Okay I lied here are some more thoughts on the mlb movie including some actual criticism.
I was just listening to the soundtrack a little and I feel like? A lot of ~character~ is injected into the songs. I mean, it's a musical, it's how they work, characters burst into song when they cant hold back how they're feeling / what they're thinking anymore. But I feel like people who are calling the movie soulless must have just tuned the songs out when they came up, because without them yea, it kinda feels like its just going through the motions. But... It's a movie, so they cant have five million scenes of Mari being awkward, especially since they need her to outgrow it bc ~character development~ so these bits go into her intro song + her first outing as Ladybug. It's obviously stated in Chat's number that he was high off the freedom of being Chat Noir, which explains his cockier attitude towards Ladybug (which is? Not too unlike their dynamic in Origins pt 1 tbh, anyway).
(A detail I love is how in "You Are Ladybug", Marinette's whole point is that when things get rough she "makes excuses", which is a level of self awareness that I don't recall her having to that degree in the early show. At least in season 1, she'd always ALMOST do the things she wanted to, only to stop and second guess herself. I love the interpretation that it isnt just shyness or being frazzled and nervous in front of her crush, like the fandom interpreted, it's her ACTIVELY being aware that she's self sabotaging bc she's afraid of taking chances. It's such a fun little spin on her actions in the show. )
Like. It's all there??? It's in the movie???
Wanna see an ACTUAL criticism? What some songs imply just isn't represented as well visually, which makes the movie more confusing. Most notably Marinette's Sad Song after Adrien turns her down. If you actually listen to what she's saying, it feels like they skipped a few scenes, lol.
Like, listen to it, it's like she's saying she - as Marinette - isn't enough, just being the silly shy girl that she is. This is right after Chat confesses to be falling for Ladybug, but Adrien turns Marinette down. The song is implying that Mari went from not thinking she could be Ladybug to gaining confidence in herself (she's kicking butt as Ladybug, she's overcoming her shyness/awkwardness and making friends, she even managed to ask Adrien out, so its not like the old fic trope in which Mari always had a low self esteem and always considered LB to be perfect, she's getting better as a whole), to only now second guessing it all. Is only Ladybug, her more heroic, responsible side, the one people (boys, "both" of them) like? Is being "just" her softer, klutzier, dreamer self not enough?
It ofc leads into the final fight against Hawkmoth, and how Marinette is so down about it that she now thinks she NEEDS Ladybug to win. She still tries to save Adrien on her own with a last nudge from Tikki, and tho it isn't enough to keep Hawkmoth from getting to him, it's enough for herself. Like, she very clearly Has An Arc in the movie.
The thing is, it can get a little fuzzy because we don't really see this contrast between Ladybug's self assuredness and the parts of herself that Marinette prefers to identify with as a civilian, not if you haven't watched the show. The montage just skips throughout their "pound it!"s without lingering on her resourcefulness, her confidence, and how different Ladybug feels from Marinette. Like, it's there, but only superficially, and its hard to notice it unless you have the backstory from the show to back you up.
It's the same issue with Adrien's feelings towards Marinette, we know from the montage that Mari is special to him, we only ever see him open himself up about Emilie to her (when Nino is Right There and actively letting him know he can talk to him if Adrien wants to), and the end credits song (that seems to match the reveal in both melody and lyrics) basically states what we do know - that Mari is aware that Adrien is Chat Noir and was waiting for the right moment to tell him - and what we DON'T, which is that Adrien always felt a degree of familiarity and a special bond with Mari, possibly bc subconsciously he always knew (which actually calls back surprisingly well to the cut Wall Between Us number and how that poor catboy was SO confused). So he was and wasn't surprised at the same time bc OF COURSE it was her, of course the girls who held his heart on both sides of the mask were one and the same. Ergo the smiling through the tears.
But we don't SEE that, unless you take what the music numbers are saying AND you have watched the first season of the show (I am once again reminding folks that the movie was conceptualized during the season 1 hiatus). You don't SEE Adrien go from a slightly weirded out stranger to someone fondly amused at Mari's antics to blushing and shuffling awkwardly when their fingers touch when playing videogames. You don't see how LB takes control and appears to be a natural leader, heck, the movie does a better job with Ladynoir but it STILL doesn't match how it feels to watch it knowing things like Chat straight up being willing to die for Ladybug in Timebreaker or knowing they kiss once in Dark Cupid or how Chat keeps himself from peeking at who LB is in Lady Wifi. You don't have the Adrienette side of the square to explain some of those lyrics away and the Ladynoir Song(tm) or even the sparring scene, with all the implicit trust they gives us, don't hit as hard as they do with the proper context.
Some of it (Ladynoir) can be excused by it being a movie and having a much more limited runtime to tell a story, but others (Adrienette) just NEEDED a little bit more. Even if it was just one more scene showing how their civilian relationship has ALSO evolved.
That said, it makes me wonder, it's been ages but I loosely remember being told that the movie was supposed to show the origins of Ladybug and Chat Noir back in the day. I wonder if the things we see changed between series and movie (the power ups for instance, details like Nino always having a crush on Alya) weren't originally, and the movie was originally going to be released as both the beginning and the end of season 1, showing how LB and Chat met, revealing Gabriel as Hawkmoth, and concluding the love square shenanigans and giving us a reveal before setting up a season 2 in that post The End scene.
Mostly bc I've been watching season 1 again and if you take Origins out and ignore the smaller incongruencies as just edits reworked into the base story later in order separate the movieverse from the showverse as a way for Zag and Astruc to find a compromise... I'm using an old friend's personalized episode timeline instead of just the release/production order and you can SEE the development there. It's subtle but it exists, and it works surprisingly well.
If you look at it this way, the movie wouldn't need to show things like Adrien's modeling career and Gabriel's micromanaging (which in season 1 STILL works with movie Gabriel, especially knowing he gets obsessed to the point of neglecting his personal hygiene. He's distant and cold but not aggressive), so the show could explore that. The show could set up Adrienette and Ladynoir (and the other subtler sides of the square)'s base dynamics so the movie could do its thing by flipping the love square (had it had more time to properly show the Adrienette side. as I said above, its an actual issue with the movie) and resolving the tension. Even the earphones symbolism would hit harder knowing Adrien went through a whole season without them, only to falter and fall back into using them after LB rejects him.
Idk, I'm too fond of Origins to ever delete it from my heart, but I think its a fascinating concept to think about.
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danieljreboot · 2 months
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optimistredsox · 2 months
7 Apr, BOS @ LAA, 12-2, win
Well maybe this year isn't going to be so bad after all. Going 7-3 on a season-opening west coast road trip was enough to get the Sox boosted from 22 to 16 on the MLB Power Rankings list... something I tend to ignore regardless but still... jumping up six spots is nice. Am I concerned about the ridiculous number of strikeouts? Yes. Actually I am. We might've scored 12 runs but we also struck out 11 times (and 14 the night before). Remember when the Sox had a lineup that just couldn't be struck out? Yeah, it turns out that was 20 years ago. Am I splitting hairs because I need to find something to complain about before listing a huge number of bright sides because we absolutely crushed the ball yesterday? Yes. I am doing that too. But please, Red Sox, strike out less.
Anyway. Plenty of bright sides.
The Red Sox have the best team ERA in the major leagues, a paltry 1.49. The bullpen have given up six earned runs in the first ten games. Does having a former pitcher as GM help? And does having the equally excellent Andrew Bailey as the new pitching coach help? I think so.
Tanner Houck wasn't quite as good as he was in Seattle, but he was very good, throwing six shutout innings and striking out 7. He did walk two but the zone seemed a little weird yesterday. He gave up only four hits.
Chase Anderson pitched the rest of the game. He gave up a couple of runs, one of which was a Mike Trout homer which, hey, is going to happen to the best of us. But he kept it pretty clean otherwise and gave the bullpen an extra day off before they head home to Boston.
David Hamilton, filling in for Trevor Story at shortstop, made quite the splash, turning some incredible plays in defence but also announcing his arrival in the majors by going deep in his first at-bat in the third inning. A dinger which started an avalanche of dingers. He went 2-for-4 in the end. Welcome to the bigs, David.
Tyler O'Neill is proving once again to be pretty awesome. He went deep in the third as well scoring three runs even though he went 1-for-3. I think he made some good outs in right field too.
Reese McGuire had a day you don't really expect from a backup catcher. He went 2-for-4 with FIVE RBIs, thanks in part to a huge three-run dinger in the sixth. He also did a good job catching baseballs thrown at him really fast.
Raffy hit a dinger in the third and didn't make an error. Good job, Raffy.
Ceddanne Rafaela came in late to the game but managed to go 2-for-3 WITH TWO TRIPLES. WHO DOES THAT? And yes, he scored twice. On those two triples.
Masa Yoshida looks like he's re-finding his groove. He went 1-for-4 but hit the ball hard and scored twice because he took a walk. Something I wish more Red Sox hitters would do.
Jarren Duran got a hit and scored a run.
Tristan Casas went 2-for-5 and scored a run.
We won!
We're heading home to Fenway!
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Alright, in the wake of the boops having dragged my dead blog back to life...
Hello friends! Many of you followed me because of my Miraculous Ladybug ficlets while we desperately awaited season 2 to drop. I've falled off the MLB train, but I am not out of the fandom scene yet
Mostly, I'm gonna start using this blog for my new Fandom Fixation
The Maradaine Saga by Marshall Ryan Maresca
Its a book series, and if you like:
- second world fantasy
- miss the days of reading about magic school students (and are intrigued by a magic student who goes vigilante hero on drug dealers in dark alleys)
- enjoy Procedural detective stories
- knights, Shield Lesbians, and political intrigue and conspiracies
- reformed thieves being forced back into performing heists to find out who burned down their neighbourhood
It has all of the above. There are 15 books and 3 novellas (and counting!) in this world. 4 main casts that the books follow, alternating, and slowly we begin to see their lives collide and they meet and interact! Its such a good series! It also gets Queerer and Queerer as the story goes on (i cant even count the number of queer characters, theres so many)
Book 1 is The Thorn of Dentonhill, which stars Veranix the magic student vigilante hero.
I'm obsessed with this series and I hope you'll join me!
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almadesarrollo · 6 months
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Ok, just as I imagined, many of you are in that area of ​​yes and no, in a dilemma.
Miraculous Ladybug has been characterized by being a show that attracts a lot of people but at the same time, many of these people partly back away from the series itself. Among the most criticized things that, as I see on social media, are bad writing, bad development of the character and the story itself, plot holes, and a half-good, half-bad message for the general public. Even so, I see that things are bad. for positive more than for negative, since the "yes" is above the "no", so many people are thinking "aghhh if I didn't have this or that it would already be perfect!" It feels like it falls short, right?
I imagine that all of you who commented and voted is because you love this series as much as I do, that is why I upload this post to inform you about this account and its function, which if you love the show and vote IN THAT HALF THAT IS NOT BAD BUT YOU MAY NOT BE INTERESTED EITHER.
To begin with, I was a long time behind those people who were like you, I mean "yes and no" because it's like I saw that the series was poorly written but not in its entirety and sometimes it seemed like it made sense and other times it didn't etc... but recently my perspective completely changed to loving the series and seeing it as a great show.
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG is not a series with a base format that any series would have and this makes many people take it as a normal or basic series with a certain structure and of course, comparing it so it is logical that we see THAT NOTHING MAKES SENSE OR THAT THERE IS NO GOOD DEVELOPMENT, because If you make that comparison it clearly doesn't make sense.
but when you see the real structure then things change. I assure you that it is a series that is well written and that has meaning and order, it is just a matter of seeing it well, and getting out of that format, this series is well crafted, so well that it surprises me how each track or piece fits perfectly with the other, and each event tells you, literally, what is going to happen later, there is really work behind this series, because for all this to fit together, my goodness, what a mess, seriously.
The fact that people don't see this is sad, because it immediately makes them call it a bad or half-good series when it is quite well made, but more importantly, it makes people not really enjoy the series as they would like, it is because That's why I uploaded this post and I took the survey and I made this account.
In it I upload a post about the structure, in-depth analyzes of each and every one of the MLB chapters in great detail (so much so, that for example, origins part 1, is leading me to divide it into several parts) also analyzing other things about the Serie. THIS IS SO THAT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND HOW IT WORKS AND SO BE ABLE TO ENJOY THE SERIES AND SEE HOW MIRACULOUS IT IS, YOU WILL SEE THE NUMBER OF CLUES, OF THINGS THAT PREMONIZE THAT HAPPEN AND WILL HAPPEN TO THE FUTURE JUST WATCHING ONE CHAPTER HAHAHA (for example from origins they already leave you the clue that nino will be carapace hehe)
I'm going to leave you links here to some posts so you can see a little, okay? I hope this helps you see and understand this series better and enjoy it more, since I think it deserves it.
Having said that, I hope it really helps you, thank you for the votes, your opinion, like, reblog and follow me for more content of this type. See you in the next post
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puertoricanflagsup · 1 year
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Today marks 50 years that we lost our greatest athlete and Humanitarian , to this day, his presence is felt all around the world with an impact on sports , humanity, and culture. He is our G.O.A.T. and no one comes close. We will always keep pressuring @mlb to retire his number 21 across the league because who else is more deserving than him. There will never be another Roberto Clemente he is 1 of 1. Let's celebrate his life. Go follow his foundation @theclementefoundation21 and son @robertoclementejr and support all their activities as they keep his humanitarian heart alive worldwide . . #50yearanniversary #RobertoClemente #MLB #thisday #baseball #prflagsup #puertoricanflagsup https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm2CJOYpp4G/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thinkazul · 8 months
The dodgers spend nearly a quarter of a billion dollars every year and like clockwork, we end up with Kershaw, who is no longer a number 1, starting game 1 and a bunch of other mid pitchers in the rotation. Make it make sense. Regardless, the offense takes a vacation every October so why would the pitching even matter. I'm convinced even god-like Ohtani would turn into a pumpkin in October if he signed with us. Just venting, but damn is it frustrating.
I understand completely. And I feel it cause it's frustrating. The fact is the Dodgers have to adjust to the mlb push of stealing bases, pitch clock, and dealing with playing 2 baseball games in a 9 day span. Almost every year, baseball has changed the rules in some way to have baseball look different.
It's rough, but all it takes is one game to turn things around.
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