#Veined Algae
scryingworkshop · 1 year
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 20 days
The Kiss of a Siren 🫧
Pirate!Leon S Kennedy x Siren!reader
A/N: it's done!!! I actually love how this turned out! This was a really fun pairing to write and I can totally see myself writing more Pirate!Leon in the future :)
~Fi 🐝
《Content》: a little bit of gore, but not descriptive. Death (a girl's gotta eat)Luis cameo! MIKE CAMEO! Leon runs straight into danger (Aka being Leon)
《Word count》: 6.1k
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The ocean laid almost still, only soft and gentle waves blew over the water, causing it to ripple and lap at the wooden hull of his mighty ship. His gaze turned towards the horizon, watching as the moon reflected and glitter on the surface.
There was a soft slosh from his nearly empty bottle of rum as he took another swig, the burning as it went down starting a fire in his veins and being the only thing shielding him from the cold and salty breeze.
It was dark, all lights extinguished. His crew and his first mate were slumbering peacefully beneath deck, all rocked to sleep by the sea.
A feeling of melancholy washed over him as a sigh rolled off his lips. He knew his heart belonged to the sea, but he couldn't help the pressing loneliness in his chest on nights like these, wishing he had a fair lady to love.
Maybe then he'd consider coming home now and then.
He loved the ocean dearly, but she couldn't dry his tears and fill his arms as a woman of his own could.
He shook off the thought, taking a breath and focusing on the peaceful sway of his ship, looking forward to another day of wearing his Tricorn. Stolen, of course, although earned. Perhaps not by the accords of the Captain he'd snagged it from, but by his loyal crew.
Although Leon was a pirate, he wasn't heartless. He'd been through every terrible storm and ruthless attack with these men, and they respected him as their Captain.
There was no mutiny, no plans of overthrowing him, simply because he hadn't given them a reason to.
He was often called the Robin Hood of the seven seas; taking from the rich and cocky and giving it to the less fortunate. Of course he still plundered purely for the fun of it, but only other pirates.
They knew to avoid him, especially if they were the rowdy kind that took from the poor.
Because, above all, he wasn't just the greatest pirate Captain since Anne Bonny but a harbinger of justice that could both lend a gentle hand to those in need and strike fear into the hearts of anyone who had crossed him or his morals.
He was pulled out of his self pity by a distressed sound that cut through the silence of the night like a freshly sharpened cutlass. His brows pulled together as his eyes searched for the source of this noise.
Leon was on high alert, he wouldn't be surprised if rival pirates were using distress calls as bait for an ambush. Setting down the empty bottle of dark rum, he went over to the other side of his ship, facing the sandy shore.
And, as if the gods wanted him to see, he spotted a woman desperately clinging onto a large rock in the water. She was perfectly illuminated by the moonlight, even as she sobbed and struggled, she looked ethereal.
Leon sprung into action and climbed down the rope ladder at the side of his ship into a row boat.
What he hadn't noticed in his hurry, however, was the faint glow of a lantern being lit and a dark figure watching him carefully from atop his ship.
"Hold on, I'm coming for you!" He said loudly, rowing with his entire might as he saw the woman slipping.
"I-.. I can't hold on much longer, please help me!" She wept, seemingly trying to dig her nails into the algae covered boulder as best she could. Seeing her in such distress made his heart ache.
He didn't want to imagine what the outcome would be if he hadn't spotted her. With heaving breaths and a pull in the muscles of his arms, he rowed closer and closer, seeing her more clearly now.
She was quite beautiful, with her wet hair clinging to her skin and her tears glittering on her cheeks.
His boat bumped into the rock as he jumped up and held out his hand for her to grasp onto.
"Here. Just take my hand, I'll help you." Leon heaved, trying to steady the wooden vessel.
You reached for him, tightly clinging to his arm as he reeled you in like a fisherman would his catch of the day.
How ironic, you thought, having to stop yourself from smirking.
Your tail swished in the water, concealed by its darkness, as you made an effort to keep up your act.
"Thank you. Gods, you saved my life. I just wanted to bathe but the current ripped me away and I couldn't-" You babbled through sobs and wails.
"Calm down, alright? I've got you. You're safe." He spoke softly, much softer than you'd anticipated.
His huge yet gentle hands were steadied on your upper arms as you tightly gripped the edge of the boat.
"I'll help you into the boat." He breathed, now very aware of your bare skin. Your eyes widened slightly and your grip tightened.
"I- no, no, I... I'm so exhausted... I just need a break.." you tried to assure him with a half hearted smile.
"Oh, yes, of course." He chuckled awkwardly, sitting back down but still keeping a hand on you, just in case.
Your eyes glid over his form. His broad shoulders and bulging arms with a strong chest. Not to mention the mix of soft and sharp features and those beautiful blue eyes.
They reminded you of home. The deep, silent and peaceful parts of the ocean.
Lucky you; your dinner looked extra delicious today. Your mouth watered at the mere thought of sinking your teeth into his flesh and taking a bite.
It was quiet except for the waves crashing onto the rocks and the small ripples caused by you sloshing agaisnt the wood of his boat. You gazed upon eachother, a scene bathed in the fairest of moonlights, as your shared curiosity took over.
His hand slowly migrated to gentle hold your face as his thumb softly, but not without a hesitant twitch in his fingertips, wiped away at your tears.
Tears that shimmered like diamonds and the most notorious treasures of the seas. Leon was mesmerized, almost captivated, by your presence.
Something was pulling him in, something so deceiving, that he let himself slowly slip into your spell.
"A girl like you shouldn't be out alone past dusk." Leon broke the tense silence with quiet words as he brushed some of the hair clinging to your forehead out of your face. Your lips turned up into a soft smile, and Leon could feel his heart pound at your beauty.
"A girl like me?" You asked playfully, trailing you hand from the wooden edge to gently grasp at his arm. He thought for a moment.
"A girl so... beautiful. So sweet. So soft." His words were merely above a whisper and you could see his chest falling and rising just a little faster than before.
His pupils almost swallowed up the entirety of his pretty blues, making you mourn the mirroring image of your home.
"You flatter me." You replied with a soft chuckle, your other hand rising up to plant itself against his chest. He instinctively leaned forwards, his warm breath tickling your face.
There was a hint of sadness in your chest and it was getting harder to play the part. It seemed so easy to fall for those sandy locks and ocean eyes.
The line was awfully thin and you'd be damned if you crossed it.
"Tell me, what's your name?" You asked innocently, fiddling with the strings of his shirt.
"Leon." He swallowed thickly, his other hand itching to dip beneath the surface of the water, pull you out and whisk you away as his treasure, only for him to know the beauty that you hid beneath that darkness.
"Leon..." You tested his name on your tongue with a small smile and gazed up at him with such a bright sparkle in your eyes. Leon thought he was about to choke on air.
You gently, but with a firm hand, pulled him closer to you, your lips just a hairs breadth apart.
"What is it you desire, Leon?" You purred, your eyes darkening. Leon was hunched over, halfway to toppling into the water.
Right where you wanted him. His lips were parted and his cheeks were flushed, his pupils dilated so much you could spot yourself in them.
"You." He breathed out, leaning in far enough to brush your lips together.
You cracked a smile and brought your lips to his ear.
"How unfortunate." You whispered.
Those words made him snap back into reality, the hazy fog over his mind lifted enough to catch the sharp teeth as you smiled and the scattered, shimmering scales he'd missed before.
But it was no use.
The second he had realized, he was pulled under, ripped from his steady seat in the boat and plunged into dreadful darkness.
The air was knocked from his lungs and he struggled against your surprisingly strong hold on him as you dragged him deeper. Leon could see the moonlight fading, reaching out for it.
You, on the other hand, were euphoric. Ravenous for your meal.
Usually, you'd wait. Drown your prey and watch the life drain from their eyes, making them dull. But there was something about him that made you so impatient. So eager to get a taste.
Without another thought you sunk your teeth into his strong shoulder and reveled in the sweet taste of his flesh.
Leon screamed out in agony, but it was dulled and muffled by the water. Bubbles rose up as he desperately tried to get you off of him. His strength was exhausted, and the red tinting the water blurred his vision.
You hummed against his skin at the delightful taste of him. To your dismay, your feast was cut short by a loud noise, making you detach from Leon and flinch away.
Before you could get far, there was a searing pain in your tail, the salty waters now stained with your blood instead of his. A silvery harpoon was embedded in your tail, shooting hot spikes of agony up your spine.
You swam as fast as you could with the weapon in your fin, bullets whizzing past you as your form merged into the deep blue, vanishing before his eyes.
Leon pushed up to the surface with his uninjured arm before a hand plunged into the water and grasped him tightly before pulling him up to the surface.
He gasped for air and heaved in deep breaths as someone wrangled him into the boat.
The shirt on his left shoulder was ripped and stained with deep crimson as the rest of the wet fabric clung to his sculpted body. There were heavy pats on his back as he coughed up water, wincing at the excruciating pain in his shoulder.
"¡Joder! Are you alright, Capitán?" The frantic voice of his ever so loyal first mate, Luis Serra, rang in his ears, making him slack in relief.
"¡Mierda!. That beast got you good, huh?" He tried to lift the mood with a chuckle but Leon couldn't respond, his head spinning as he slowly took in his surroundings again.
Luis had a lit lantern with him, which got knocked over in his attempt to save Leon, his blunderbuss laid in the boat, smoke pluming from the barrel. A couple of harpoons were laid out as well, ones they'd usually use for fishing.
"Thank... Thank you.." Leon forced through heavy breaths as he held his bleeding shoulder.
"Always, Captain. Let's get you fixed up, eh, Sancho Panza?" Luis grinned helping Leon up onto the ship, who cracked a tired smirk at the friendly banter.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Leon was lost in thought as he sat on the edge of his sofa, a singular lantern illuminating his day cabin. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he replayed the events in his mind.
With a heavy sigh he slumped back against the soft cushion, wincing when he adjusted his arm. There were so any feelings weighing down on him. Pure, hot fury. The urge to hunt you down, gut you and hang you out to dry.
He knew of your kind, of course he knew, the maneating maidens with the voice of a nightingale. Half fish, half woman. Sirens caused the worst shipwrecks, he'd heard the stories from the very few that were lucky enough to escape their clawed grasp.
There was shame. Ashamed that someone like him was so easily fooled by a pair of pretty eyes and a smile so sweet he could feel his teeth ache.
Was he just desperate and pathetic? Longing so deeply for a maiden of his own that he'd jumped at the first opportunity? Wasn't it honorable that he'd sprung into action to save a damsel in distress? He didn't know. He lived up to his reputation, that's for sure, but Leon couldn't bring himself to take the credit. He never could.
And then there was this bubbling curiosity. The urge to know more, to see you again. He didn't understand. You'd almost taken his life, yet there was not an ounce of fear for you in him. He was intrigued, he needed to see you again.
Whether it was to squeeze answers out of you or to get a smidge of that connection back.
He damn near broke his head in two that night after he'd retreated to bed, wondering if some of it was real. It felt real to him.
The way you looked at him, spoke to him, touched him. It all seemed so real and genuine. Were creatures like you even able to feel things of that sort? He didn't know.
What he did know was not only had you had his flesh between your sharp teeth, but his heart, too, it seemed.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The sun sparkled on the surface of the ocean as the Lone Rookie treaded along her path, splitting the waves.
Captain Kennedy and his crew were leisurely sailing across the calm sea, letting the tide guide them. He stood atop the quaterdeck, giving directions to the pirate that manned the wheel, knowing this part of the wide ocean like the back of his hand.
His first mate was keeping watch over the remaining crew, making sure their daily tasks were done as they should be.
Some were scrubbing the deck, others were covered in soot from keeping the cannons in good condition while the rest was busy hoisting the sails.
His coat looked pristine and elegant with the golden appliques sewn onto it. His Tricorn sat proudly atop his sandy locks adorned by a large, fluffy feather. His leather boots shone in the sun, same as his belt, that held his cutlass and blunderbuss.
His shoulder was still healing, the arm hanging close to his body instead of in the sleeve of the coat to minimize the strain.
It had been weeks since he almost met his end at your hands. Leon's mind had been occupied by thoughts of you since, wondering if he'd ever see you again.
There was shouting coming from the crow's nest, drawing his attention away from thoughts of you. They were coming up to a small formation of sharp rocks emerging from the water, but the lookout claimed to have seen something shimmering, bringing hope for it to be a lost treasure.
The Lone Rookie was carefully maneuvered closer to the boulders, being mindful so she wouldn't shatter to pieces against the rocks. But before anyone had the chance to inspect this mystery further, all heads turned in search of a soft melody that seemed to he carried by the wind.
Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray
Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay
Conversion with a young lass, who seemed to be in pain
Saying William, when you go, I fear you'll never return again
Whispers and questions echoed across the deck as they searched for the source of this enchanting tune. The crew slowly moved in tandem, migrating towards the edge of the ship.
Leon's brows furrowed as he took out his spyglass and tried to spot something between the rocks against the blinding sun.
A shiver ran down his spine when he laid his eyes on none other than you, in all your beautiful, sparkling glory. Your tail shimmered in all colors, and your skin was glistening from the water.
You were going to be the demise of his ship if he didn't act now. With a quick movement his spyglass was attached to his belt once again.
"Everyone below deck. Now!" He yelled, seemingly breaking his men from their trance. They scattered like rats, obeying their Captain.
"Capitán-" Luis began but was swiftly cut off.
"You too. Now."
With hesitancy Luis, too, made his way below deck. Though he did stay close, just in case. How his Captain thought he was invincible made him want to shake his head.
Leon kept his eyes on you, a hand resting on his blunderbuss. He spotted one of his men, a gunner named Mike, out of the corner of his eye.
"Mike, get below deck. Now!" He yelled, not getting a reaction.
The gunner's arms hung slack by his side as he slowly stepped further towards that lovely melody, drawing him in.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold
The words glid easily off your tongue as you eyed your next meal before your gaze flitted to Leon for a moment. He locked eyes with you and you could faintly see him scowl which made the corners of your mouth twitch upwards in a mischievous smile.
Mike had now reached the edge and was leaning over, his pupils dilated as his eyes were trained on you and your beauty.
"Mike!" Leon rushed towards him, gripping his shoulders and trying to pry him away from what would be his certain death.
As if suddenly possessed by inhuman strength he shook his Captain off of him with ease and climbed down the rope ladder at the side of the ship.
"Goddammit." Leon cursed under his breath.
"Snap out of it! Don't listen to to her!" He tried to reason with his best gunner, but there was only so much he could do from atop the ship.
Leon watched as Mike eagerly descended into the water and swam your way.
You held out your hand in a tantalizing manner, watching as he reached you and desperately clawed his way up the rock.
His hair it hangs in ringlets, his eyes as black as coal
My happiness attend him wherever he may go
From Tower Hill to Blackwall, I'll wander, weep and moan
All for my jolly Sailor, until he sails home
Mike panted with a smile has he gazed upon you.
"The gods have heard me." He spoke brightly, steadying himself with one hand in the slippery rock and the other on your hip.
The gesture made you want to physically recoil. They usually never lived along enough to lay a hand on you. Still, you put on your best face and cupped his cheek, pulling him closer.
My heart is pierced by Cupid
I disdain all glittering gold
There is nothing can console me
But my jolly sailor bold
With the last, softly sung note you chuckled, a sound that could rival your singing. Mike drew closer, his breath on your face.
Your stomach twisted and turned when you remembered who else's warm breath you could feel on your face just a few moons ago. A much more pleasant and welcome sensation than from your next meal.
"You're all I've ever wanted." Mike spoke quietly, making you giggle and lean in to whisper in his ear.
"What a shame."
Your teeth dug into the side of his neck, puncturing his jugular as he let out a blood curdling scream and desperately clutched his neck.
In a calculated move, you slid down the rock with a tight grip on your prey and pulled him under, his blood staining your skin.
Leon's blood boiled as he watched one of his best men die in front of him. He wanted to gut you and parade around your corpse for everyone to see, but there was a sick and twisted jealousy in the pit of his stomach.
You had charmed and enchanted Mike just as you had him, but there was a part deep inside his heart that hoped he was special. You didn't put up a damsel on distress act for Mike, but you did for him. Surely all that effort must've meant something? He felt nauseous at his thoughts and returned his attention back to you.
You were smiling at him, your sharp teeth stained with blood before you dove under and splashed your fin, a noticeable scar from the harpoon sitting on the glittering skin.
He slammed his fists down on the wooden railing, a few splinters flying overboard. Luis emegered from below deck and hurried toward him.
"What happened?" He asked hurriedly. Leon stayed silent for a moment, sighing deeply, his eyes trained on the pool of red around the rocks.
"She got Mike." He spoke coldly, faintly hearing the gasps and sounds of sorrow from his crew.
His jaw clenched as he swiftly turned on his heel and waltzed towards his cabin, slamming the door shut behind him.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The death laid heavy on him as he tried to find some solace at the bottom of yet another bottle of rum. Though not alone in his state of mourning,
Luis sat next to him, puffing a cigar. Not as his first mate, but as his friend.
"I have to find her." Leon spoke sternly, deep in his thoughts.
His hands were intertwined and tucked under his chin, most of his weight resting on his elbows.
"Won't be too hard. She keeps showing up where you are. Maybe she likes you." Luis grinned, tapping his cigar over the glass ashtray.
Leon hated how that speculation made his heart jump in his chest. He shouldn't feel like this, especially after you'd cruelly killed one of his best men. But he just couldn't help the giddy feeling in his stomach. He didn't physically react apart from a sharp glare that made Luis put his hands up in mock surrender, and the faintest of blushes dusted on his cheeks.
"You know what they say about the kiss of a Siren, eh?" Luis began with a mischievous smirk, taking a drag from the roll of tobacco. Leon leaned back into his chair with a tight-lipped sigh.
"What, that you'll 'control the mighty seas and command the storms'? All bullshit if you ask me." He muttered, a slight frown on his face.
"Whatever you say, Capitán." Luis blew a never plume of smoke with a faint smirk playing on his lips.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
You carefully poked your head out of the water and carefully watched the Lone Rookie, specifically the handsome Pirate Captain that you'd gotten a taste of.
You've been mesmerized by him ever since you met him that night. Those kind eyes, that gentle touch... could he really be a pirate? He was nothing like the dirty brutes that you had the displeasure of meeting.
Your curiosity is what urged you to follow his ship and observe him almost every day since you'd eaten one of his crew. You did feel a little bad about it afterward, guilt eating away at you as you twirled a button from his shirt between your fingers.
What we're you even going to do with it? Give it Leon as a peace offering? Now, that seemed unnecessarily cruel.
In your defense, you had to eat something. It wasn't your fault that you were cursed to be a Maneater.
Some were whiny and outright annoying while others disgusted you to the point where you'd just leave them drifting in the sea and went off to find another, their behavior ruining your appetite.
Gods, what were you thinking!? He probably hated you know. A fair outcome, you supposed. You wouldn't be very happy if someone ate one of your friends.
You dove back under, pondering your options. You knew you shouldn't, but something about him was so intriguing that it was impossible for you to stay away.
How ironic that the Siren seemed to be caught in a spell.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The panic that arose in your chest as you struggle against the rough rope you'd managed to get tangled in was like nothing you'd felt before.
You were always so careful, kept your distance so no sailor would get their hands on you and do Gods know what.
You clawed and gnawed at the net, hoping your sharp teeth could cut you free. You were getting closer and closer to the surface, your eyes not having enough time to adjust as you were ripped from the deep.
Making yourself as small as possible, you waited in dreadful anticipation, saying goodbye to the ocean.
"This' a big one, Cap'n!" One of his men cackled, grunting as he continued to pull in the net.
Leon quirked a brow and stepped down from the quaterdeck, his belt rustling and his boots clacking against the wood as he walked. He waited patiently as his men reeled in their net, speculating about a big fish that would last them for weeks.
They plopped you down onto the deck unceremoniously, your tail hitting the floor with a thud as you pressed your back agaisn the railing, hoping to just disappear.
You hadn't even noticed Leon yet, to caught up in your fear to see how his eyes almost popped out of his head as his gaze landed on you.
"You." He breathed out, an unidentifiable mix of emotions in his tone.
Your head shot up, recognizing his voice, before it quickly fell again in shame, avoiding all eye contact with the handsome Captain. There were murmurs and whispers form the crew, some demanding to get revenge for their dearest friend and others that were interested in how much you'd go for on the fish market.
"What do we do with her, Capitán?" Luis asked from behind him, an uncharacteristically unsure tone to his usually so confident demeanor.
Leon's mind was void of all rational thoughts as he kept taking you in. How you cowered and kept your head down, seemingly afraid to even move a single muscle.
You were so confident in the water, seducing and luring men to their demise, but as soon as you hot caught on dry land all that cockiness evaporated and you looked more like a scared girl than a flesh-eating monster of the seas. He glanced around quickly before answering his first mate.
"Put her in that barrel." Leon gestures towards it haphazardly, continuing to bore holes into you with his look.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
That's how you ended up here. Cramped in a wooden barrel, sailors shooting you weird looks as you tried your best to sink as deep as you could, hoping to run from their judgmental gazes.
You'd find Leon staring at you from afar, striking under his gaze.
The protection of the sea was gone now. You were out of your element, and he was in his. You tried your best to behave, hoping they'd just get bored of you eventually.
Your first attempt at escaping and went as followed;
You nervously glanced around the deck, hoping you'd catch a moment where no eyes were on you. Leon seemed occupied looking at various maps with his first mate, while the crew was busy fulfilling their duties. You took your chance and took a breath to start singing, hoping you'd get them to dump you overboard so you could swim for it.
Before even a single not left your throat, a large hand was slapped over your mouth, muffling any sounds you would've made. Leon stood above you, his stature completely blocking off the sun.
"Don't even think about it. One of my men was enough." He said lowly, fueling the fire of guilt in your heart. You tried your best to ignore how his touch sent a prickly feeling down your spine.
You'd crossed the line miles ago, and you were swimming straight for the Bermuda triangle.
The sparkling moonlight on the ripple of the sea brought you no solace as you stared at the deep blue with longing, wishing you were back in your home.
You'd been on the Lone Rookie for about a week. Leon insisted on not letting you starve, to the dismay of some of his men, so they fed a part of their daily catches to you.
It wasn't human flesh, but enough to keep you going. Although you were around people all day, you hadn't felt more lonely. The disgusted expressions and whispered insults started to wear on you.
You were here only because you couldn't resist a couple of blue eyes and sandy hair that reminded you of the bottom of the ocean.
The door of the Captain's cabin opened and Leon stepped out with a lantern in hand, walking towards you.
Your heart was starting to beat faster but you still wouldn't meet his eyes. He placed the light on the railing next to you and leaned against it, staying quiet. You could tell he wanted to look at you, maybe even talk to you, but he held himself back.
The button in your hand seemed to almost burn your skin as you grasped it tighter. This was your chance at mercy and freedom.
"I'm... I'm sorry about your friend." You muttered quietly, the water in the barrel splashing gently as you turned your body to face Leon.
He was slightly stunned at your apology, maybe that you spoke at all, yet he didn't reply.
You bit your tongue, not knowing whether saying any more would be a good idea. You wordlessly lifted your hand out of the water and presented the button to him.
A soft crease formed between his brows as he eyes the button.
".. What's this?" He asked quietly.
You swallowed and raised your hand higher.
"From your friend." Your voice was merely above a whisper.
Hid jaw slacked slightly before he let his head fall forwards and let out a soft huff.
"Thank you." He replied softly as he took the button and squeezed it tightly, holding his hand to his chest.
There was a beat of silence before all your self-control left you, and you couldn't stop the words that spilled out of your mouth.
"I just couldn't stay away from you. That's what got me into this whole mess." You sighed, resting your head against the rim of the barrel.
Leon's head snapped towards you, your words igniting fire in his heart.
"You're just so... so.. different. I didn't actually think anyone would come to save me that night. I mean, I wasn't actually in trouble, but it was nice, still. You're nice. Not like all the other pirates I've met. They're rough and rude and.. you're not. I just can't stay away."
You laid your heart out for him. His heart was about to jump out of his chest, and his cheeks were dusted in a deep pink as he processed your confession.
He was speechless, his brain trying to come up with an answer.
You, on the other hand, were tugging at your hair, anxiously waiting for a reply. He could reject you, and you'd finally be able to move on, but as long as the option of him reciprocating was there, so were you.
Leon swallowed thickly, the way the moonlight was shining down one you once again not making it easier for him to finally find his words.
"I can't stay away either..." he confessed quietly.
"I know it sounds silly considering that's your whole deal, but... It felt real to me. Even if you bit me, even if you killed my best gunner, I..." he chuckled, running a hand through his hair and looking up at the stars.
"I've never... felt like that before. Never thought love was in the cards for me. You changed that." He spoke softly, gently guiding your head to look at him.
It was the first time you'd actually met his eye for days and it felt like your heart was going to melt right out of your chest. You were just as stunned by his words as he was by yours.
"It was real." You replied eagerly, lifting yourself out of the barrel to be closer to him.
"You remind me of my home. Your eyes are like the sea when she's calm and welcoming and your hair is like the sand at the bottom of the ocean, where all sorts of treasures can be found." You rambled breathlessly, the proximity of him making the air hard to breathe
. Leon was breathing heavily just as you were before he helped support you by placing a steady hand on your lower back.
"I just... I'm sorry for biting you, but I had to get a taste." Your face felt hot and your chest was rising and falling faster than normal.
His gentle touch was setting all of your nerves on fire, spiraling them into a hot frenzy.
"What if... what if you get a taste without drawing blood?" He asked in a quiet and breathy voice, a smirk tugging at his lips.
You nodded quickly, grasping onto him wherever you could.
With your confirmation, his strong arm wrapped around your back and he lifted you out of the barrel and onto the railing, holding you tightly, before finally pressing a kiss to your lips
. The desperation and passion in the kiss made you melt against him, a satisfied hum escaping your lips. Leon smiled into the kiss, teasingly squeezing your waist, making you giggle.
You gently held his face, the image of the both of you like that from a painting. You pulled away from each other for air, chests heaving, and your lips slightly puffy.
"I want to keep you forever." He muttered, pressing his forehead to yours.
You chuckled breathlessly, playing with the hair at his nape.
"I'm sorry I can't stay. But I belong out there," you nodded your head in the direction of the sea, "and you belong here." You spoke with a soft smile, placing a peck on his lips.
He made a soft displeased noise.
"Here." you untangled an iridescent shell from your hair and placed it into his palm, closing his hand and bringing it to your lips to press a kiss to his knuckles.
"That way, I'm always with you." His expression softened.
"Thank you."
Leon stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out a small golden anchor charm, one he'd gotten on one of his first raids and kept as a lucky charm.
"Now, I'm always with you, too." He attached it to the lock of hair you'd taken the shell from, pushing a few strands out of your face with a smile.
"Will you promise me something?" Leon asked quietly, stroking his thumb over your cheekbone.
You hummed softly, leaning into his touch.
"Promise me you'll always sing for me."
You smiled softly and pulled him a little closer.
"I promise. I'll only sing for you." You whispered, gently bumping your nose against his, making him smile.
You pulled him for a last kiss, one he happily indulged, before loosening your grip on him.
Letting yourself fall back from the railing, you elegantly dove into the water, Leon's eyes glued to the shimmering scales of your tail.
You blew him a kiss before diving deep into your home with a heavy heart. It was a bittersweet parting, no doubt, but the trinkets you'd exchanged with your lover would ease the ache.
With a sad smile Leon watched you disappear before retreating for the night. The only thing he'd have to explain in the morning was how you'd escaped and where he got the shimmering shell that was pinned to his coat.
When he heard a soft comforting melody that night, he smiled to himself, keeping your gift close to his heart.
From then on, you were never far. Always circling around the Lone Rookie, keeping an eye on not only Leon but his crew.
The kiss of a Siren might not have given Leon the power to command the sea, it did, however, give him the benefit of a hauntingly beautiful complicit that was more than happy to feed on his enemies.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ──🌊── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
I hope you liked it!! (you specifically, @sweets3rial <3)
More Leon -> 💫
《tag list》: @vampkennedy @dmitriene @k-fallingstar @agrerion @leonslittlekennedy @allysunny
Let me know if you'd like to be added to my Leon tag list!!
(Sorry for any typos, it's late :,))
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hybbart · 4 months
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Day 2170: Jimmy makes the mistake of searching for their missing goat...
Short story below
It started with a head count of the sheep, when Jimmy realized three were missing. Three sheep and one obnoxious ruddy goat he never seemed able to shake no matter how early in the morning they took off or how distracted it was when they did so. They weren’t his sheep. For all he knew, Bigb had come along and taken them to slaughter (Three at once was far too much for their flock) or for shearing (there weren’t any that needed shearing). But the stupid goat missing even when Jimmy placed himself in prime headbutting position right in front of the manure stall was too strange to ignore. So, he went on a search.
The first thing he should have done was tell Tango. Jimmy wanted to, but it had been over a week since he saw the man before dinner. Besides, there was no way to know if he was somewhere Jimmy could reach. They let Tango have free reign so he could work, but without Bigb’s escort Jimmy’s movement within the so-called kingdom was limited. So, he stupidly wandered off alone after his work, straining his flight muscles to do so. No one told an avian where they could go.
He heard the ear splitting scream first. Distressed bleats, drowned out by the shuffling of feet and groans of the dead. It led him to the edge of Ren’s kingdom, beyond reinforced fences. Stubbornness more than anything flew him over it. The stupid goat screamed again, echoing through the buildings that were growing in height. It was coming from the overpass.
A ruddy face poked over the rail, and then screamed at Jimmy. “You wretched little beast, what are you doing?” He shouted back at it. Jimmy could hear them above, dozens if not hundreds of stumbling steps just out of sight, and the terrified bleats. He sprinted up the walkway. Just grab the stupid goat and run.
Then he tripped. Over what he never saw, something that seemed like it hadn’t been there. But he tripped nonetheless, and he went face first into the pavement. Jimmy had barely pushed up off the ground, ready to yell at the goat standing only a few feet ahead for causing him so much trouble. Then the ground exploded. Instinct pulled him into the air, but he was too caught off-guard to fly and only tossed himself up further. At least he wore his coat, or his arms might not have any skin left from how far he skidded across the pavement.
The world spun. His ears rang. Something snapped its pus and algae-coated jaws right in Jimmy’s face. He stumbled back into the stupid goat. Zombies. A whole pack. They completely surrounded them, held back only by feeble makeshift barriers that were already starting to collapse. The sheep trotted about, searching for an escape that no longer existed. It only riled the zombies further.
Of course this was how he would die. The world ends and he finds paradise with his rancher in the middle of it all for a few years, only to have it burnt out from under him and get torn apart alone in a city street anyways. He hated that stupid goat so much.
A rattle and crack. The first barrier fell. Zombies roared to life, shoving each other so they might get to Jimmy first. He tried to flutter away but the ground was suddenly above him and his wings slapped uselessly against a rail. In the far distance beyond the ring of his bones and blood in his veins he thought he heard his name.
The world went dark, then exploded. Once there was a zombie reaching out for him and then there was blood-splattered ivory. The force with which the spikes locked together created a gust that knocked Jimmy and the surrounding zombies onto their butts. They slowly drew apart, serrated edges grinding away what little flesh had not popped like a rotten egg. In the brief moment the rest of the zombies were stunned an enormous paw slammed down, crushing several zombies beneath.
Jimmy stared up in stunned silence as a form loomed over them. A great beast of a dog, if the dog’s ribs and shoulders had been replaced with human bones and forced into something vaguely reminiscent of a human chest under all the canine musculature. Limbs extended for bipedal motion bent into a quadrupedal position.
Existence look painful, in so many ways. It took it out on unaware zombies. They clawed and bit at its flesh but they were little more than fleas, lacking even the strength to penetrate its thick hide through all its fur. The beast let them, so focused on tearing others apart.
One zombie dragged its half-body all the way up its muzzle, reaching for its eye. Then its head was gone. Tattered remains of its skull splattered across the beast’s cheek while an explosion burnt Jimmy’s ears. A second shot, right through its chest, and the corpse fell away while the beast howled a too-human noise.
“Stop, don’t go up there!”
Jimmy’s ears twitched at the familiar voice of his rancher through the ringing, accompanies by Skizz’s voice. His head swivelled behind him, where the back half of the beast’s body hung off the side of the overpass. A single set of black claws clambered over its back. Jimmy let out a distressed whistle, the most his numb body could do in that moment, when Tango leapt across the gap onto the sidewalk and nearly smacked face first into railing. He recovered quickly in his panicked state, eyes wildly searching until they landed on Jimmy and he bolted towards him. “Jimmy, are you okay?!”
“Are you okay.” He repeated back thoughtlessly, reaching out for his rancher as he collapsed beside the avian. “What-”
There was another roar. The beast moved above them. Both ducked into one another. A paw the size of the abandoned cars swatted at a patch of zombies. Panic began to truly set in. Tango’s terror was palpable and soaked through the shock until Jimmy’s wings beat against the concrete. Fly, far away.
“Hey, you jerks!” Skizz landed on the road behind them, grabbing at the stupid goat before it could ram him. “Stop messing around and let’s get outta here!”
They scrambled to their feet, not needing to be told twice. Jimmy almost asked about the goat before he saw it bounding ahead of them like scaling a giant dog-man was typical. There was no time to relax even on the ground, as Skizz yanked them away towards a door. Bigb was already there, cautiously holding it open and trying to hold Revy back. He barricaded the doorway as soon as they were through. Another bang rang outside which Jimmy could now identify as a gunshot.
Frazzled and on an adrenaline rush, Tango pushed past Revy’s worried whines and went straight for the two men. “What the heck was that!”
“Top, buddy, calm down-”
“Don’t tell me to be calm!” He snapped as his fire prickled down his back. “What. Was that.”
Skizz and Bigb glanced at each other warily. “This isn’t exactly how we wanted to tell you guys.” Bigb scratched the back of his head.
“Well, too bad. We’re not leaving this room until you do. That hing nearly squishificated my rancher!”
“Is that what the sheep are for?” Jimmy’s voice came out airy and high, still gasping for breaths. He could feel his heart pounding in the veins of his neck. Revy practically crawled into his lap, trying to lick away the anxiousness as it bled into the poor pup. “Are you keeping something like that as some sort of zombie killing pet? Are you mad?”
Skizz let out a humourless laugh. “A pet! Don’t let Martyn hear that!”
“Shh.” Bigb chastised before taking a deep breath. “That’s not a pet, it’s Ren.”
“Ren?” Jimmy repeated in disbelief.
“It happens like once a month. He just grows and grows all day until he’s... That.”
“And he doesn’t stop until he gets tired.” Skizz interjected. His arms waved wildly. “So we- it was Martyn’s idea. We distract him with the zombies. That way he doesn’t destroy anything. We’ve cleared out half the city with him! And... And, y’know, it’s a ton of fertilizer for the gardens and stuff. It’s like a win-win.”
It was far from what Jimmy would call a win-win. They’d run into many a strange way of living after the end of the world, but this certainly took the cake. And it was one he had no desire to join in on. “We’re leaving.” He declared bluntly, finally pulling himself up off the floor. Tango gave a firm nod as well, joining his rancher’s side.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
It was Martyn, rifle in hand and pointed directly at the ranchers. They huddled together.
“Martyn, c’mon.” Skizz tried to defuse, but backed off when Martyn nudged his rifle towards him for the briefest moment.
“We had a deal. You get your stuff back and then you help us fix the farms. You owe us.”
Jimmy gaped. “You set us up! Don’t think I don’t know!” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Bigb flinch, and that was all Jimmy needed to know he was right on the money. “We aren’t gonna live around that thing!”
But Martyn didn’t back down, glaring daggers into them. “Ren can’t help what he is. You got a problem with us making the best of a bad situation?”
“I have a problem with you not telling us one of you turns into a giant murder dog!”
“You wouldn’t have even known if you didn’t go snooping where you shouldn’t!”
“Well, forgive me for not trusting the people with a huge zombie pit who tricked us into being here in the first place!”
“Okay, let’s calm down.” Skizz finally interjected. He paused, waiting to see if they would comply. Jimmy wanted so badly to continue yelling. If it weren’t for them they’d be out on the road still instead of here. They wouldn’t have burnt through so many supplies trying to look for their animals. Jimmy wouldn’t have nearly suffocated several times between the separation and getting their stuff back. Tango would still have his prosthetic intact instead of struggling through the work they pushed onto him one-handed just to earn some scraps.
Martyn finally lowered his gun, glaring at the wall instead of them now. “This is exactly why we didn’t tell you. What else are we supposed to do? If you’re going to be annoying about it at least blame me, Ren’s been nothing but accommodating. You could at least return the courtesy.”
“Accommodating?” Jimmy squawked, wings flared against the ceiling. “Tango hasn’t had a day off in a week, it’s like you’re intentionally not giving him any time to work on rebuilding his arm!”
“Jim.” Tango murmured, voice wary. Jimmy knew what he would say. We’re outnumbered, they have a gun, I still need an arm, you’re not recovered you need to calm your breathing, there’s still a giant dog tearing everything apart outside. All of the many very valid reasons not to pick a fight here and now. Jimmy didn’t want to hear them out loud. He wanted to scream.
Bigb’s the one to step forward. “Look I think we’ve all just... gotten off on the wrong foot!”
Jimmy bristled. “The wrong-”
“If it’s information you want, I think we can give you that. Right?” Martyn looked ready to protest, but Skizz hurriedly nodded in agreement before he could speak up. There was a crash outside that sent Martyn running to his king’s aid, muttering something aggressive over Bigb’s shoulder before he stormed out. “Right. But maybe we should move this somewhere else while we talk?”
The ranchers shared a look. There was nothing Jimmy would prefer more than to tell them to shove it and run off, but Revenge’s whine reminded him they still had their stuff scattered about the kingdom. Tango gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “... Fine. But anymore threats and we’re out of here!” He snapped between gasps. Breathing was becoming difficult.
Skizz and Bigb agreed, solemn as they navigated the group back to the rec building. The closer they got to the more of Ren’s subjects appeared, going about their day, wilfully oblivious to the groans and roars that still vibrated in Jimmy’s ears.
What mess had they stumbled their way into?
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literallymechanical · 2 years
I see a lot of posts about solarpunk aesthetic that are basically just cottagecore, but you still have an iPhone and you water your garden with a cute little drone.
And that’s fine! I get why people like it. A hopeful, optimistic green utopia that thoughtfully blends technology with stewardship of the land.
However. I, personally, find that pretty boring.
I want to write solarpunk that’s heavy on the “punk.” An ecodystopia. Most cyberpunk dystopias feature extreme class distinctions and heavy cybernetic modifications, and I want to write about an equally bleak world where the subjugation is from a hideous runaway ecosphere.  We screwed the planet, it’s screwing us back.
Concept: We tried geoengineering away global warming, and failed. The dominant form of life on earth is a globe-spanning mat of chemosynthetic iron-oxidizing bacteria, designed to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and seeded by dumping massive quantities of iron dust into the ocean.  They worked a little too well, and started chewing up our cities into acidic swamps as the oceans kept rising and flooded the coasts.  They extract iron from bedrock.  Slowly, mountains crumble.
So, no metal infrastructure.  We engineered city-trees instead.  Unfortunately, we’d already darkened the skies to keep sunlight from hitting the ground – an anti-greenhouse, built far too late.  The bacteria don’t care, they’re chemosynthetic, but the trees don’t have enough light to photosynthesize properly.  They need glucose.
Blood glucose is currency, and your taxes feed the city-tree. Your monorail fare is extracted from your blood by root tendrils. If you try to jump the turnstile, watch out for the security wasps. Your meager paycheck is payed out in injectable ampoules of glucosaline solution. There’s not enough to go around.  Watch out for the black market stuff. If you’re lucky, the worst you’ll get is a raging MRSA infection.  Everybody is hypoglycemic and mineral-deficient, but with a diet made primarily of iron-rich processed algae, at least nobody is anemic.
The criminal system is “reformed.” No more prisons, just a parasite infusion that saturates your brain and compels you into doing the dirty grunt work — scraping toxic algae off the city-trunk, sewage maintenance, arsenic reprocessing. Allegedly, the process is reversible.
The tree grows roots into your veins while you sleep.  They retract when you wake up. Usually.
But at least you have it better than that fungal village on the horizon.  The city-tree just wants your blood, but the mycelial citizens are not quite human anymore. Don’t get too close. Don’t let them breathe on you.  Don’t listen to their songs.
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eywa-eveng · 10 months
ᴠᴏᴡs ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙɪɴᴅ
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ – ᴛᴏɴᴏᴡᴀʀɪ & ʀᴏɴᴀʟ X ᶠᴱᴹ ᴹᴱᵀᴷᴬᵞᴵᴺᴬ ᴿᴱᴬᴰᴱᴿ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ – 12.8k
ɢᴇɴʀᴇ – angst, hurt/comfort, slight nsfw
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs – pregnancy, mentions of childbirth
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A lorpaytsyal with its rows of shimmering fins swims past, stirring a cloud of syuratan that glitters like a burst of blue stars over the sun speckled sand. The shape of the white light bends to the pattern of the rippling waves, tracing out swirling shapes that break only in the shadows beneath the rows of coral. The polyps bloom in shades of purple, spindly limbs weaving together to form a canopy of darkness. Some pieces are broken, the cracked knobs revealing inner layers where something tore away the unwanted sprigs. The stony flesh of the coral has been cracked and shaped into a small alcove, just big enough to host a nest. A bed of stray lengths of seaweed and dead fragments of coral sit in the space hollowed out in the shadiest part of the sea floor. It’s lit with only the faintest glow of blue algae that’s dotted over the eggs nestled within the shallow burrow. Nestled in the shallow burrow are eggs, enough that a few going missing wouldn’t be enough to noticeably deplete the clutch.  
Light warms the hidden recess as you swim closer, the txampaysye clinging to your back filling the dusky hollow with the light of a soft sunrise. The pale green shells take on hues of gentle yellow and warm pink as you pick over the mound of eggs. They’re small, no larger than your palm, and each is only the weight of a small stone. You’re careful as you sift through them. The shells are soft and pliable, the texture like skin as you press lightly against each one. Curious fingers trace over the weighted areas of the wrinkled shells, feeling the slightest silhouette of the sea snake growing within. The light of the gill mantle is just enough to pierce through the thin membrane to the veins lacing through the shell. Each occupied egg is set gently aside but every few are empty, unviable. The shells harden when there is no life to support inside it. Though there’s no way for the mother to know that so you’re quick about your work, checking and replacing the eggs before an angry snake comes threading through the net of coral branches. By the time you’ve picked over the entire nest you’re left with a bounty of six eggs that you tuck gratefully into the satchel slung across your chest. 
It’s already heavy with other trinkets found during your exploration. Pearls in shades of blue and pink, shards of crystal smoothed over by the tide, and shells formed into delicate designs. The fabric of your pouch is nearly over encumbered as you tuck the last egg inside, leather ties straining as you tighten it closed. Sunlight traces across your skin as you swim away from the resettled nest, spears of light beginning to poke through the farther you get from the center of the coral hoard. The light of your tanhì flickers out as you emerge, sunlight swallowing the flecks of bioluminescence as it dances over your skin. Its warmth is lost in the coolness of the water as you swim, calling for your tsurak with a few throaty clicks. It takes time and a few more calls before the skimwing returns in its own time, darting through the forest of sea plants and schools of meandering fish to find you, though it doesn’t stop to allow you to mount as it rushes past. There’s a practiced ease to catching the handle of its saddle and tucking yourself against its back. Tsurak are known to be temperamental creatures, stubborn and selective with who they allow to bond with them. 
It is only your own temperament that keeps your fieresome companion returning after hunting in the open ocean. Some mounts have been known to leave the village and never return, leaving their rider to find another mount to bond with. It’s a vague fear whenever you go beyond the bounds of the village. You are not a hunter despite your childhood training. There is no reason for you to be beyond the seawall if not for your own pleasure and your tsurak knows this, can feel it each time tsaheylu is made. Your curiosity and excitement sings through the bond. It should’ve been tampered years ago and likely left you without a willing mount but you’ve yet to allow expectations to dampen your indulgences. There is balance in your excursions. For every treasure you find there is something of utility. Bones to be made into needles and knives, healing plants that only grow in the deeper waters, fish that seem to favor areas beyond the village. You leave no room for reproach and so you’ve been allowed to continue to spend your days however you’d like, coming and going as you please unless something in the village demands your attention. Still you return while the sun is still high in the sky. 
The terraces are crowded with people fishing as your tsurak leaps over the wall, beating its wings with a loud screech that draws eyes to your arrival. There’s no slowing even as the shore draws closer. Instead you simply loosen your grip and pull your tswin free of the bond, sinking into the water as your tsurak turns tail towards the open water once more. It leaves you in a cloud of frothy bubbles stirred by the rapid swing of its tail fins, unbothered by your distance from land. This is the way of things between you. Your chosen mount is bolder than most, hardly tampered by your own personality echoed through tsaheylu. It is a privilege to ride such creatures and it never lets you forget even after so many years of bonding. 
Warmth kisses your cheeks as you surface for a breath before diving back into the water. The morning had been tiring, your palms and feet scuffed and sore from climbing along the jagged edges of the island cliffs. The shore isn’t so far off that you’ll tire before you can reach it yet you still roll to your back and allow your body to float on the gentle waves. A deep orange glow plays behind your eyelids as you close them against the bright light beaming overhead, the heat of it drying the drops of water from your exposed skin. Beneath the water, the lazy paddling of your tail is interrupted by a quick tug that shocks your eyes open, stinging your gaze with the white heat of the sun. It’s hardly frightening as you recognize the distinct feeling of fingers wrapped around your appendage, though it isn’t exactly a pleasant sort of shock. The white clouds seared into your eyes disappear as your secondary lids slide closed as you look beneath the water to see the one bold enough to snatch at your tail. 
A sharp swing of your hips yanks you free of Tayku’s grip and he lets go willingly, raising his hands in a show of peace even as a roguish smile plays at his scarred lips. The boy is young–young enough to be your son–and yet he chases your tail as if it’s dipped in nectar. There’s an air of flirtation about him as he swims circles around you, the smug smile never leaving his face. His intentions are clear, as clear as your own answer has been. A terse rejection is what he and all your other suitors have received since this new season of courting began. It’s why you find yourself beyond the bounds of Awa’atlu more often than not in recent days. To avoid interactions such as these where the newly made men of the clan come nipping at your ankles, yapping about giving you strong sons. 
It wouldn’t be so terrible if they were closer to your own age, if you hadn’t watched them grow up alongside your firstborn. Each of his life achievements you’d been there to see and now he’s pulling his tswin over his shoulder in a bold display of his intentions. It would almost be endearing if he was younger and didn’t yet know the weight of his words and what he is asking for. But he’s a man now, one of the People, and knows exactly what he’s asking for as he tilts his head and flashes his fangs. You watch him posture and boast in the water for a few moments longer before rolling your eyes hard enough to open your secondary lids and turn to swim towards the shore. 
A brief surface for air gives Tayku a chance to swim beneath you and you nearly knock into him when you dive under again. He’s close, not so close that you can scold his overly familiar behavior, but just near enough that you can’t forget his presence. He clings close like a fish to the underside of a nalutsa, swimming with his face towards the surface and eyes on you. His distance is well-placed, just far enough to keep out of range of your annoyance. For all their simpering advances the young men don’t allow their infatuation to cloud their knowledge of your brash personality. This is the closest Tayku has gotten in all his advances and he still knows to keep out of your reach after inciting your temper with his childish grabbing. You’ve never been known to be particularly docile. If you were a fruit your skin would have thorns and your meat would be sour before it turned sweet, a delicacy only few people could enjoy despite the outwardly attractive look. 
«I was looking for you earlier.» Tayku signs, perfectly timing his words to your sparing glances towards him. It isn’t interest that draws your eyes to him. You’re more curious to see if he’ll leave you be if he’s ignored, though it seems Tayku has taken your brief glances to mean more than they are. He must have because he doesn’t abandon the conversation even as you arrive at the village, pulling yourself on to one of the many overhanging paths without so much as a parting glance. He stutters for a moment as you whip your loose hair over your shoulder, pelting his face with stray drops of water. 
“Where did you go today?” He asks after pushing his own damp hair away from his face, arm flexing purposefully. He’s harder to ignore outside of the water being the size that he is. Tall and wide, crowding your vision as he trots along beside you, uncaring of where you may be leading him. It hardly matters. The village is a place of finite spaces and he’s well aware of where your marui is. All of your suitors are if the gifts left outside your pod are any indication. Newly tanned fish leather, a carved box full of delicate beads, a freshly caught fish wrapped in thick leaves. There has been no shortage of anything in your home since the village welcomed its newest adults into the ranks. 
It feels so strange to be spoiled in this way again after so many years. Your time for courting had come and gone with no mate to show for it. Your son was made from a humble request for a fertility match. A quiet meeting with the village elders and tsahìk praying that Eywa grant you the child you’d so desperately wanted despite your lack of a mate. It had taken some time but they found an auspicious match and you fell pregnant quickly after, still unmated but filled with new life. It’s just as well that the two of you forwent the forging of tsaheylu seeing as your child’s father went on to be named olo’eyktan soon after you fell pregnant. He was mated off to the chosen tsahìk as is tradition and you certainly didn’t have the knowledge to assume such an esteemed position. 
The three of you became a true family, raising your children together as proper siblings despite their mixed parentage. And seeing Ronal pregnant again after so many years has raised the desire to be a mother within you once more. It was your mistake in making your intentions known to others because now you have men like Tayku trailing after you in the hopes that they’ll be the father of your next child. Never mind that they’re all nearly the same age as your first, some younger in fact. Far too young to be sniffing after you like a hunting nantang. You say as much but Tayku simply laughs, tossing his head back as if you’ve just told the funniest joke. He’s hardly being subtle in his advances. It’s nearly desperate how badly he wants to please you and yet he won’t indulge your greatest desire of being left alone to find a willing man on your accord. You’d been there for the first matchmaking and now know what to look for. An unestablished man is not something you are interested in at your age. If you are to share a parultsyìp with someone you’d rather they know their place among the clan.
Tonowari was beyond your expectations. The day the elders had collected you, and led you to a marui seldom used and sequestered within a particularly thick thatch of mangrove roots, you hadn’t known what to expect. Least of your wildest imaginings had been the clan’s finest warrior and chosen successor to the olo’eyktan. Everything that Tayku is even now in his youth is a single spark next to the open flame that Tonowari was when he was the same age. He’d been a few years your elder when you formally met, already covered in a multitude of scars and tattoos. Testamates to his prowess. It was your honor to give him his first child. 
His arrangement with Ronal was to the benefit of the clan and you’d never begrudge them that. If not for the elders’ decision you would’ve been settled with less than the best the clan had to offer you. It hardly mattered that he was mated so soon after. And now, nothing would make you lower yourself to allow the first man that asks to father your next child. If you were to have another baby it would be with a man who had earned his place within the clan, not these boys that had only just come into their own. 
“Did you find anything interesting today?” Despite your lack of answers Tayku keeps up a steady stream of chatter that sounds like bugs buzzing in your ear. He’s sweet and eager to please, and handsome despite the thick scar running through his lips. He will make a woman very happy someday. But not you. And you aren’t selfish enough to rein him in until you’re satisfied that he’s proven himself. That could take months or years and by that time he’d expect to mate fully for all the trouble you’d put him through. It wasn’t something you wanted. 
Being tied so closely to someone has always held a bit of terror to someone like you, utterly uninterested in staying tied down. When you were younger you dreamed of exploring the ocean, of visiting with neighboring sea clans and learning their traditions. But now you have your son, you have your family. Even without a mate you’ve managed to halt any plans of leaving Awa’atlu for too long. Still your childish fear of being mated persists. It may be rare but mating bonds can go sour and without death to break it you’re left tied to someone your soul no longer desires. It makes you wonder if Tayku even realizes what he’s asking of you. He has heard that you want another child, yes, but he courts you as if he expects tsaheylu to be made. You’re little more than a stranger to him, the mother of his childhood friend. To be tied to you could be his nightmare but he can’t see past the opportunity to lay with a previously untouchable woman. The thought is dizzying. 
“Don’t you have chores to attend to?” You ask at last, tiring of him shadowing your every move through the village. He raises his chin, grinning down at you, most likely elated that you’ve finally deigned to speak to him after his flaccid attempts at starting a conversation. 
“I’m already finished. I went hunting early this morning and my catch was enough for the day.” He goes on about the two large fish he caught along with his regular bounty, enough to measure the haul of any other hunter still out fishing beyond the reef, caught within the first few hours of the day. “I wanted to bring you one but I couldn’t find you.” Just as well because you wouldn’t have accepted his gift. A fish as large as he says is far too sumptuous to hoard to yourself with only you and your family. It’s a lavish courting gift, one that anyone would be elated to receive, but it would be passed out of your hands just as quickly as it came, sent off to feed the village as it should. 
“Do not feed me before the village. Your duties come before your indulgences.” It’s what you were always told when you were caught sneaking off somewhere but he blinks as if he’s never been scolded in the same way, his smile slipping for a moment. Your words are no harsher than they’d usually be but it seems they’ve finally started to break through the shell of adoration he’s formed around himself. Of all your aspiring mates he is one that has lasted the longest, clinging to even the thinnest thread of hope that you might one day share in his laughter or return a flirting remark. Instead you’ve remained steadfast in your rejection. In the days to come you can only hope he will fall away and shun you like the others, scorned and embarrassed by their own insistence that they’d be the exception. His mood only worsens, smile falling completely, when your son’s voice carries down the path towards the two of you.   
Ketsräno stands with his brother at his side, both their faces drawn tight in a show of hostility. Ao’nung has his spear in hand, ears drawn back as he glowers at the man beside you. Tayku is closer to his age, an old playmate and friend that slowly fell away as his responsibilities expanded. It is easy to see why neither of your sons would be happy to find an old acquaintance lingering close to their mother. 
“Ma Sempul is asking for you.” Ketsräno says, eyes not leaving Tayku’s face. A heaving sigh empties your lungs. Returning to the village has been one inconvenience strung after another like beads choked around your throat. It had been your hope to return home and go over all of the morning’s findings, but the wind has seen fit to blow you from one discomfort to the next. Tonowari is one of the people you’d least like to see today aside from these men flocking to you like hì’ikran over a dead fish. His sentiment towards you seems to have soured lately and you aren’t keen on subjecting yourself to his sullen mood. But the summons seem to keep Tayku at bay, at the very least. Any man with love for his life would be too afraid to follow you into the akula’s den Tonowari’s home has become in regards to you. Or perhaps he simply isn’t keen on testing your sons as they part to allow you past before meeting shoulder to shoulder once more, a clear sign for their old friend to keep his distance. 
They’re fiercely protective of both you and Ronal. It’s your hope that you’ll find the tsahìk at home beside her husband but there is no such grace upon your arrival. The marui is deserted save for the olo’eyktan sitting just inside the entrance whittling away at a piece of gnarled driftwood. 
A glance at the sun still sitting at its peak in the sky tells you none of your children will be joining their father for many hours to come. Tsireya will be teaching the village children, and Ao’nung and Ketsräno will likely have returned to their own chores. If Eywa is kind Ronal might return to relieve some of the tension already beginning to fill the home. Emotional discord incites her temper. As tsahìk she empathizes in a way that runs far deeper than anyone else and the labor on her soul is nearly exhausting at times. Her tolerance for such things in her own home has dwindled to nothingness with her pregnancy. If your silent prayers are heard Ronal will return shortly and send you away before Tonowari can finish saying his piece. Because he seems to be in no rush to speak to you despite asking for you as wood shavings gather at his feet. It must be his expectation that you’ll speak first, a trap for him to find something to pick at you for. You tighten your satchel over your chest and hope he won’t ask about its contents as you go about making a purposeful formal greeting. 
“Oel ngati kameie, olo’eyktan.” You bow far lower than necessary and watch Tonowari’s lip twitch with displeasure. “Your son said that you were looking for me. How may I be of service, nawmtu?” It’s a thinly veiled dig and he knows it. There’s no reason for such formalities between the two of you. You may not be his mate but he is still the father of your child and that affords you some privileges when it comes to speaking with him. Purposefully invoking formal speech is a slight against him, as if he is a stranger to you, a clan leader and nothing more. At last he sets aside the wood he’s carved into a lethal point and sheathes his knife, standing to his full height. His jaw is set, muscles flicking beneath the ink of his tattoos. 
“‘Nawmtu?’” His tone is curt, brows knit tight as he stares down at you. 
“Have I said something wrong?” He nods with soured understanding at your coy question, clearly not pleased with your sudden lack of sense. He stands aside and nods for you to enter and you bow in thanks despite having entered his home many times with no permission needed. This is the place your son was raised, of course you have long since been given leave to come and go as you please. And yet you stand just inside the entrance, feet not moving a step further until Tonowari pulls the covering shut to be sure your meeting won’t be disturbed. Any hope of Ronal coming to dissuade her mate’s brewing anger is dissipated with the closing of the curtain.
Without the uncovered entrance the marui has gone somewhat dark, only the faintest light filtering through the blue membrane woven into the curved wall. It’s not so dark that you can’t see but just dim enough that Tonowari’s tanhì have come to life. Anxiety curls in your stomach like stinging tendrils. What had you done to make him so upset with you that he wants no one to stumble upon this conversation? Many nights have been wasted worrying over what could’ve made him turn so cold towards you in recent times, and many more days were lost returning the bitter feelings he has given you. The love you thought you had for each other has withered on the vine, leaving only this angry awkwardness in its wake. At least Ronal is still kind, still loving, albeit more distant than before. 
If he will not speak on it you will not ask. So the two of you stand in the dusky room, eyeing each other with no words to say. He has called you here. If he wants to speak you’ll hear him, but it won’t be your voice that sparks the embers simmering between you. 
“Sit.” He says at last. His voice is stripped of any emotion. There’s only the blunt command of a man above your rank. Your knees find the woven floor and your teeth nip at your lip, biting near to bursting to keep your less than polite remarks at bay. It’s clear his patience with your attitude has thinned beyond salvaging. It feels as if you’re a child at your parent’s feet, waiting to be scolded for unruly behavior despite your age. You’ve aged far beyond reproach, but no matter your relations Tonowari is still olo’eyktan. 
“There are no eyes but mine to see you now, so let this song and dance be finished.” He expects that your attitude will dissipate because he asked it of you? After weeks of animosity he wants to call off your ire with only a few words. Not even an apology for forcing you to anger. It’s almost insulting how sure he seems of your complacency. He walks to sit behind you and you flinch at the feeling of his hand brushing behind your ear. First one then the other as he removes the dried fish fins you weave into your hair. The style is reminiscent of how forest Na’vi adorn their hair with feathers, though it’s a rarer style to find in Awa’atlu. Still, in recent times you’ve noticed younger women beginning to favor your hair ornaments and clothing. Likely in the hopes of catching one of the men trying their hardest to court you. The thought of Tayku and the rest willfully ignoring girls that would happily be courted only further sours your mood and distracts you enough that Tonowari’s hand brushing against the nape of your neck startles you. 
“What is on your mind that you’re so distant from me?” His voice rolls like thunder through the dark pod as he begins to comb through your hair, carefully unwinding any tangles he finds. So it’s you that wedged this distance between you? It also must have been you that started this battle of poorly concealed anger. How can you be faulted for your distance when it was he who first sent you away with his sudden lack of kindness?
“Where is Ronal?” It is not what you mean to say but it’s the only thought plaguing your mind aside from the resentment festering in your heart. 
“Ronal?” He seems taken aback. “I’ve called you here and you are thinking of her? How far your heart has gone from me.” 
“It isn’t me who put this distance between us.” You say bitterly. It is not your place to be faulted for his own lack of accountability. 
“No?” He doesn’t sound convinced. If anything he sounds more incensed than he had been before. “I’ve been hearing things recently, talk among the People.”
“There is always talk in the village.” It’s how days are passed. Idle chatting about small squabbles and other petty drama between people. Family rivalries persist through generations, childhood rifts persist through the years, age old stories are told to warn younglings against the mistakes of the past. Talk never ceases, it rolls in and out like the tide, constantly renewing with more things to whisper and laugh over while cooking or fishing. The elders of the village are far more intune with the business of everyone else, but it isn’t so surprising that things have gotten back to Tonowari. It is his job to keep the clan in harmony and he can’t do that if he allows conflicts to fester without at least a small acknowledgement. 
“Yes, there is always talk, but very seldom does it involve your name.”
“But it isn’t surprising if it does.” Whatever gossip has spread with your name linked to it can hardly be of consequence. “Is someone questioning my abilities as a tattooist? I’ve heard Wepxtil has gotten better at his craft as of late. If he wants to spread word that his abilities have eclipsed mine I don’t care enough to stop him.” You’re one of the most renowned tattooists in the clan and many people carry your marks on their skin. The elders have said that hands like yours are only born once every few generations. If someone wants to question your abilities they’ll simply have to ask Eywa why she has blessed you so graciously. 
“It isn’t about your tattoos. No one would believe that someone that just passed his rites could rival your abilities. It is about other names that have been spoken in the same breath as yours. Rumors of your future.” 
“Speak clearly then.” You’re growing tired of his words swimming in circles. 
“There is talk of you wanting another child.” He says it as if he’s swallowed poison, like the words sting his tongue as he speaks. 
“Is that all? It is the truth. I want another child. Ketsräno is a man now. He doesn’t need his mothers to dote on him as Ronal and I used to. My nest will be empty once he finds a mate. I want a new baby to love. Seeing Ronal pregnant again has made me miss motherhood. She looks so happy. I’m jealous.” The last part is said in jest as an attempt to lighten the heaviness in the air. You could never be jealous of Ronal. She is strong and beautiful, yes, but she is your equal in family matters. Your hearts share a bond that is deeper than simple friendship. Her children are yours in all but blood. You’ve raised them as your own just as she has raised your son. There is only love between you. Or there had been before this sudden rift. Tonowari doesn’t seem to hear the joke in your voice. His hands fall still in your hair. 
“Not truly.” You rush, trying to keep the exasperation from your voice. “I only meant that seeing her pregnant again has brought back cherished memories. I’m not too old to have another. I would like to have at least one more.” 
“So it’s true. You want another child.”
“Why are you treating this as if it is a problem? I expected that you’d be happy for me.”
“Happy?” His anger bubbles over at last. His hands fall away from their idle combing and he stands to pace, tail strained tight with tension. “How can I find happiness when you try to keep this from me? I didn’t hear these words from your own mouth, I had to hear them from others.” 
“I hadn’t thought it mattered to tell you. I was going to see about any unmated men of the clan that showed interest before asking for another match from the elders. Though I suppose I should’ve gone to the elders as I had before, or at least asked Ronal of her opinion. Trying to find a match myself has been like catching fish in a torn net.” Which is to say it has been a failure, time and time again. The men your age had overlooked you once before or you turned away their offers of courtship for one reason or another. In the years since Ketsräno’s birth your options have only continued to dwindle. Now it feels as if you’re trying to reap crops from infertile land. 
“You still have not mentioned speaking to me about this.”
“What need would I have of your advice? I respect your word, of course, but fertility matches are matters for tsahìk and the elders. Olo’eyktan was not needed for my last match.” His insistence surprises you. Tonowari has been a strong and magnanimous leader since he was named olo’eyktan but he has always known his place, deferring to Ronal and consulting with village elders on things that were beyond his years of wisdom. Never have you known him to dip his hand into things that were of no concern to his position. He shifts to kneel before you, body moving with the tight precision of a bow being drawn. Tension has gathered on his shoulders beneath his mantle of akula teeth. 
“What need?” He tilts his head in a way you recognize, ears quirking upwards in interest as he assumes the tone he’d always use when the children asked him a simple question. It was slow and understanding of their lack of knowledge. For him to turn it on you as if you know nothing of what you speak about is patronizing. At last your distaste can’t be quelled and your lips pull back to show the points of your teeth. Instead of heeding the obvious show of hostility Tonowari laughs. It’s short and humorless but a chuckle nonetheless. 
Heat flashes across your cheeks, down your neck, and up your ears as they pull tight against your head. The loud hiss that accompanies the burst of hot embarrassment is perhaps the first you’ve ever directed at Tonowari. There’s never been a need to snap at him aside from a few dissatisfied scoffs when his words are just a touch too cruel when the children have misbehaved, though you’re admittedly the least strict of the three of you. Still it’s well deserved now as he treats you as if you’re a child for not confiding in him something that was none of his concern. Perhaps you might’ve told him when you found a match as you would’ve everyone else close to you, but now, before decisions have been made? He has no part in it.
You draw in a deep breath through your nose before pushing it out of your chest. “Apologize. Now.”
“You want an apology?” His tone isn’t as cruel now. Instead he sounds disbelieving as if demanding anything of him is beyond what he expected of your audacity. 
“Yes, I want an apology. You’ve been speaking to me with such disdain as if I’ve done something wrong for making a change in my life! It hasn’t even come to pass and here you are shaming me for going about it in a way that doesn’t suit your tastes. Apologize and tell me plainly what you want to say. I can’t know your mind if you do not share it with me.” The two of you are not mates, you do not share the deep emotional bond that forms when tsaheylu is made. Perhaps Ronal as tsahìk and his mate could parse what has been eating at his spirit but you aren’t so enlightened to his deepest thoughts. If he has something weighing on his mind the only way to share it is through words. Not this callous critiquing and avoiding he’s taken to. 
Tonowari sits back on his heels, no longer leaning towards you as he seems to mull over your words. His eyes linger on your face as if he’s trying to trace the shape of your pil with his gaze. It would almost be disheartening, his silence, if you didn’t know him to be a man of carefully considered words. In all things he is calm and collected. Striking only when a target is within reach and speaking only when he’s sure of his words. 
“I’m disappointed.” He says at last. 
“Disappointed?” Your voice is pitched with disbelief. “Because I want an apology after the way you’ve been treating me?” 
“Because you can’t seem to imagine why I would want to be told about this.” He still doesn’t sound angry. He rarely is. But he truly does sound incredulous as his lips pinch together to stave off the smile curling at the corners of his mouth. If he’d been truly upset before, the feeling has passed like a storm. Now he seems amused as he watches you work through your thoughts. He’s speaking in riddles, words tied into knots for you to try to unravel. 
“Is this because of Ketsräno?” At last a gentler expression finds the olo’eyktan’s face. 
“In part, yes, this is because of our son.” The way he says it is more possessive than you’ve ever known him to be. Our son. A reminder that the two of you will always be intrinsically linked no matter the paths you choose to walk. Still, you can’t fully understand his meaning. 
“What about our son? I have no interest in any of his old friends that have been fawning over me if that is your worry.” 
He frowns. “They should not be trying to court you.” 
“I’ve made my disinterest known but they’re rather persistent. It’s almost insulting that they think I would entertain their advances even for a moment.” 
“I agree, they’re reaching far beyond their place. But it would stop if you made your choice. I can be of assistance if you would only let me.” 
“Then who would you suggest?” He seems taken about by your requests for a name as if he hadn’t just offered his insight in the matter. When you say nothing more he nods slowly as if he’s made a decision he doesn’t wish to share.
“If you don’t know then I don’t wish to speak of it any longer. Clearly our hearts aren’t as closely aligned as I once thought we were.” He decides. 
“If you don’t wish to speak then I’ll leave. No sense in us sitting here exchanging barbs. You won’t tell me what you truly want to say and I’m not going to force it from you. It’s clear neither of us are in a place to speak kindly with one another.” He stands as you do, and for a moment you expect him to stand in your way. He doesn’t but seems to think better of it as his hand catches your shoulder before you can push the covering aside. With the petulance of a child you wrench your shoulder free of his hand only to tear your satchel as the overencumbered fabric finally gives way under the harsh movement. Crystals, shells, pearls, and eggs spill over the floor, leaving a glittering heap at your feet. For a moment you simply stand there, not even looking down to acknowledge the mess that’s been made of your collection. When at last you look down Tonowari is already there collecting what he can into his hands, pausing when he picks up one of the eggs. He stands, staring at the small egg in his palm.
“How many times have I asked you to stay out of their nests?” He asks slowly, fist curling around the hardened shell. It won’t burst as a fertile egg would but there’s a fear that his hold will be enough to shatter it as his knuckles begin to pale with the tightness of his grip. You ignore him and gather what you can in your hands, fully intending to leave without another word. He doesn’t allow you. Instead he lifts your chin with a gentle hand, blue eyes burning into yours. 
“You never listen.” He says softly. “What if you’d been hurt?”
“I wasn’t. I am not a child. I can take care of myself.” You say hotly despite the common knowledge that the ocean holds beauty and danger in equal parts. On another day you might’ve heeded his words as a gentle reminder to take care of yourself and not sprint into danger, but today you only hear incessant insults. 
“You’re acting like a child.” He snaps, anger finally rushing forward. You scoff, stepping back away from his touch. With your salvaged treasures held tight to your chest you turn to leave. He calls after you, drawing eyes to watch you stride purposefully away from him. Here is more kindle for their fire. How the rumors will grow with whispers of strife between you and Tonowari. No one but your family has seen the growing tensions between the two of you and now it’s laid bare for all to see. The prying eyes allow you the courtesy of pretending not to see either of you as he storms back inside, not bothering to follow you. His stubbornness is a blessing as you retreat home with all the dignity of a finless fish. 
What has changed? What has gone so wrong that Tonowari seems perturbed by your every decision. The first instances of his more callous attitude trace back to when you’d idly mentioned having another child while fishing in the terraces. The seawall has always been a breeding pool for village gossip and it doesn’t surprise you that rumors have sprung up like flowers in the wake of your thoughtless banter. He must’ve hoarded the knowledge to himself, let it poison his every thought of you until it all came rushing forward at once. 
There’s a braided band of flowers waiting just outside the marui when you return home and you nudge it inside with your foot, quickly drawing your own coverings to properly wallow in your thoughts by your lonesome. The treasures you salvaged from the floor are dumped unceremoniously into a basket. Some had gotten left behind but you don’t even want to look at what you’d managed to save. Instead you focus on cooking. Lighting a fire and gathering ingredients to keep your mind from wandering. 
Ketsräno doesn’t come home even when the evening deepens to night. It isn’t anything out of the ordinary, him not joining you to eat. Most meals are taken in communal eating areas or with the entire family. It is you that hasn’t been where you’re expected to be of late, the shared hostility driving you away from the simple comforts of a family meal. Instead you eat in silence, watching the dying embers of the cookfire. The night isn’t quite deep enough to sleep but you’re exhausted both physically and mentally. 
Tomorrow will be spent close to home, perhaps sequestered away just as you are now, with chores that keep you away from anyone else. Leaving home would mean facing your foolhardy suitors and disgruntled olo’eyktan. Neither sound appealing as you go about straightening the marui in the fading firelight before unfurling your bedroll, keen to be done with the day. You’ve only just laid down when someone enters the pod. Expecting that it’s your son returning from his meal, you simply roll away from the light coming through the parted covering, intent on falling asleep as quickly as possible. The blue light of Naranawm disappears just as quickly as it appears in the corner of your eye as the curtain is drawn once more. When no word of a greeting comes you know it isn’t your son. After a moment the marui swells with flickering light despite your groaning protests. 
“I am sleeping.” You complain, pulling the dark curls of your hair across your eyes in a vain attempt to shun the low light now filling your home. 
“Not deeply enough to stop you from speaking.” Ronal tuts. “I come to comfort you and you can’t spare me a single look?” Of course it’s her that has come for an unannounced visit. Where was she when you needed her earlier to help mitigate her mate’s bitter attitude? 
“What do you want, Ronal?” You sigh, finally sitting up to look at her. You needed her with you before, now you shun her presence as she stands beside the shell torch she’s lit with the forgotten wreath of flowers in her hand. It sets her hair alight with a wash of amber light that plays across the thick waves, green eyes paling in the orange light as she scowls at the gift. Distasteful fingers pluck at the flowers before she tosses it down. More petals fall when it lands but she hardly seems interested in the mess she’s made of one of your courting gifts. Truthfully, don’t want that gift or any of the others but there was still work that went into crafting it for you. Maybe you’d kicked it earlier but it deserves better treatment than being torn at by Ronal’s judging fingers. The gift and the boy that left it for you deserve better than your scorn. 
“I want you to be rid of your anger, firstly.” She frowns. “I’ve only just arrived. You have no reason to be upset with me. If you have anger you’d better dispel it before you decide to turn that venomous tongue against me.” 
In most things you and the tsahìk are perfectly matched. That includes a shared propensity for sharp retorts, though Ronal seems to keep her brashness reserved for you in specific. Perhaps because you’re the only one that won’t startle at her blunt responses. Her tongue is sharp as an arrowhead when she means it to be and she won’t spare you from a verbal sparring match if you provoke her. She’s likely to trade jabs with you long into the night if you think to turn your dour mood against her. Though she’s stirred your irritation simply by coming to disturb your peace when it was clear from the shut covering that you want to be left alone for the night. 
You stifle another sigh, letting the anger rush away from you in a deep exhale. “I’m sorry. Did you want something?” 
“I want nothing, it’s you that wants something. Another child, I’ve heard.” It isn’t a question. She means to tell you she already knows what it is that’s upset you and that she’s here to rectify the situation. She and Tonowari must’ve had time to themselves before the children returned home for the night. Ronal wouldn’t dare to raise such a topic of conversation where their ears could hear of their parents’ quarreling, though this goes far beyond the typical spats shared throughout the years. This will set a rift between the three of you that might never be bridged or mended. 
“I do,” your tone is careful, “though it seems my desire has disappointed everyone.” Ronal turns towards you with a swiftness, long skirt twirling around her legs as she snaps at you. 
“Skxawng. Sometimes I think you are willfully wrong.” The heel of her hand thumps your temple when you stand, as if she’s expecting something to rattle loose inside your head. All it earns her is a warning oìsss as you smack her hand away, temper flaring once more.
“Is it my lack of sense or everyone’s lack of explanation?” I snap. “Everyone seems upset but no one will tell me why. May the Great Mother guide me because I do not know what to do anymore.” 
“Ask.” She says it as if you’ve yet to think of such a solution. 
“Ask? That is all?” She stares patiently, emptily. Enough to draw a scowl to your lips. “Alright, Ronal, what do you suggest I do?” Her ear twitches at your sardonic tone but she seems to accept your words as a genuine plea for help. And it is, because you’re desperate to return your life to some semblance of peace. To do away with the pesky suitors and despondent looks from those around you. 
“You are asking for a fertility match?” This is hardly the formal environment in which you first kneeled before the previous tsahìk and passed on elders all those years ago, but Ronal is still tsahìk and she can make a ruling on the matter despite the lax environment. When you confirm your wish she hums. 
“I have already chosen someone suitable for you, if you’ll have him.”
You’re hardly convinced. “Who?”
“Tonowari.” She says easily. Your heart turns to stone in your chest, the weight of it dropping to your stomach. A flash of something cold prickles across your skin like an ocean spray as humiliation warms your cheeks. 
“Don’t mock me!” For a moment you truly thought that she had come to offer her guidance as tsahìk but even now she is clearly teasing, trying to further incite your ire. What had you done that both of the people you hold dearest seek to toy with you in this way. A prickling heat rises behind your eyes as tears begin to blur the edges of your vision. All these years of love and compassion and they’re tossing it aside to tease you for daring to want something more in this life. Ketsräno is all you have that is truly yours and even he is shared with his father. Soon he’ll slip between your fingers, passed from one hand to another as he makes his own path and finds his rightful place among the clan. Is it such an awful thing that you want to go through the journey again? Raising your son has been your greatest honor, more than any glory you’ve received within the clan. You were meant to be a mother and they’re mocking you for it. 
“Get out.” Ronal seems surprised, ears flicking upward as her brows rise in disbelief. “Get out!” 
“No.” She sounds astonished that you’d ask her to leave. 
“Leave! Get out and leave me be!” You aren’t shouting, not yet, mindful that the woven walls aren’t thick enough to trap your voice inside if you speak too loud. 
“Mawey, paskalin.” The term of endearment is hardly mollifying but you gather yourself even so. Anger has turned to sadness and all you want is to be left alone. By Ronal, by Tayku. Everyone. The chaffed heels of your hands are rough against your cheeks as you dry your tears. Ronal pulls your hands away from your face to lead you to your bedroll, pulling you down to sit in front her. Slowly she releases your hands in favor of holding your face. Her thumbs are soft as they brush away the stray tears still beading in your eyes. 
“Ease your storm.” Her voice is low as a roll of thunder though you can’t decide if the rain is coming or going. Going it would seem, as she holds your face like a precious stone between her hands. 
“I would never do anything to hurt you. Why have you lost faith in us?” Us. As if Tonowari didn’t look to be cursing your name the last you saw him. You left him. Walked away without a second glance as if he meant nothing. A bridge has two sides and both of you have burned them in turn. 
“You have been hurting me at every turn in recent days. Where were you earlier? Surely you knew Tonowari was going to express his anger eventually and you left me with him to drown. At least if you had come to send me away I wouldn’t be so upset now.”
“So it is my fault that Tonowari wished to tell you his feelings? He is a grown man–your olo’eyktan and father of your son–if he wants to air his grievances with you, that is no business of mine. Do not put the blame on me for his actions.” 
“The same way you aren’t blaming me? Because it certainly feels like there is no one else in the world you’d rather snap at than me. What bond can we have if it frays so easily? Son or not, there is no us. Both of you have made that plain to see. There is me and then there’s you and Tonowari. I regret that I spent so long thinking otherwise.”
Ronal tilts her head impatiently. “You don’t believe that.”
“No? Why shouldn’t I when all either of you has done for the past weeks is belittle and mock me for something you would never begrudge another woman? Tonowari acts as though I am stupid for not knowing what he won’t say and doing as I please. And now you’re here to tell me I’m wrong, too. I don’t want to hear it anymore, so, please, leave. Leave so we can move on from this. You are still tsahìk. I will always respect you as such but right now I’m not certain my heart can take being so close to you.” 
Ronal looks as though you’ve struck her across the face, green eyes growing wider with each passing word. For a moment you expect her to stand and storm out, to go back to her home and her family and be done with you as you’ve requested. Instead she sits in silence. Her face is guarded as you try to read her thoughts through the subtle shifting of her muscles. The firelight doesn’t help as it throws shifting shadows over the shape of her face, hollowing her cheeks one moment and darkening her eyes the next. When at last she speaks her voice is doleful,
“We’ve hurt you. It was never our intention and it pains my heart to know your hurt was done by my own hand.” She won’t cry, she’s too resolute for that, but the upset is evident in her voice. “But, you’ve hurt us, too.” Perhaps you have caused them grief lashing out the way you have but it doesn’t absolve them of anything. Biting the hand that stabbed you doesn’t heal your own wounds. 
“We’ve become clouded so let me say this and clear the air; Tonowari and I have given our souls to each other as mates. Before Eywa, tsaheylu was made. This is known.” You nod, unsure of what she’s trying to say. 
“A mating bond is made by choice. A choice you have decided to never make. We know this. But it is not the only way to be bound to someone. There are vows and oaths, bonds made through words and actions. And you made that bond when you didn’t estrange Tonowari from his son, when you allowed me to raise Ketsräno with you. A fertility match is usually forgotten when one partner finds a mate, but you felt no such need to shun us or hide yourself away. You stayed by our side from the moment you were matched.” Her hand brushes the edge of your shoulder as she reaches behind you to draw your tswin forward. Her fingers are gentle as they trace the weave of your hair wrapped tight around the sensitive nerves within. 
“Your first tsaheylu is with your mother.” She’s suddenly quieter, eyes distant as she winds your thick braid between careful fingers. “I remember when Ketsräno was born. You were tired but you smiled brighter than I’d ever seen as you held your son and made the first bond, and you didn’t rest until you’d seen Tonowari and I bond with him, as well. I thought from that moment on we all acknowledged our place in each others’ hearts.” 
The day is one you will remember for the rest of your life. Ketsräno had come early in the day, just as the sun was beginning to peak over the horizon. Most of the night had been spent warring against the pain in the shallows, squeezing tight to Tonowari’s hands as he held you and Ronal tended to what he couldn’t. It had been only the three of you and your spirit sister until you were far enough to call the clan to witness the birth of a new life. Your cheeks were sticky with tears by the time Ketsräno came at last into the pink light of dawn, legs kicking to the surface as he made easy work of his First Breath. There was the usual whooping and cheering but you didn’t truly hear any of it, far too enamored with your little son. 
It was a moment meant to be shared with the clan but all that mattered to you was the family gathered around you. There was exhaustion and blinding happiness filling your head and then the gentle thrum of Ketsräno’s vitra as you made the first tsaheylu. There hadn’t been a thought in your mind in regards to what allowing Tonowari and Ronal to bond with Ketsräno would mean, and now you are dealing with the consequences of your addled decisions so many years later. In that moment you had treated the olo’eyktan and tsahìk as your mates and continued every moment after. You don’t regret it, not for a moment, but you loathe your own ignorance. Tears begin to burn anew in your eyes as you recognize your mistake. 
“I’m sorry.” Over one misunderstanding you had nearly burned your world to the ground. “I’m sorry, Ronal.”
“Hear me now, paskalin. Listen well because I don’t want to have to repeat this ever again.” Her tone is strict but not without her own stern sort of affection. “Oel ngati kameie. Nga yawne lu oer. I will say this once and you will carry it in your heart for the rest of your life; we are yours, and you are ours.” You know it. A hidden piece of your heart has always known that even if you never found a mate you would be content with your life with Ronal and Tonowari. But they’re mated with each other. Of course you never considered you could fit in a place where two halves already made a whole. 
“Tonowari has been in love with you from the moment he was set to be your fertility match. His love for you was easy. I didn’t earn his affections so easily, you remember.” You do. Being olo’eyktan or tsahìk is a heavy burden to bear and while Ronal always did so with grace it was plain to your eyes as someone close to both of them that their love took some time to blossom. They were awkward with each other, stepping lightly to avoid any upset before finding their standing as a mated couple. Ao’nung and the rest followed soon after. So strange that two arrangements had such different results. Or perhaps not seeing as the three of you managed to tie your hearts together in the end. Though you never considered your place in their lives to be valued in the same way they regarded each other. Clearly you’d been wrong all these years. 
She leans in close to rest her forehead against yours and heat builds in the space between your lips as you breathe against each other. It’s a familiar sort of closeness that you’ve neglected to think could ever mean more than a close bond of friendship and parenthood. The tip of her nose draws across your flushed skin, brushing through your drying tears as she nuzzles against you. Her breath is warm against your cheeks as she takes in the scent of your skin, kissing the ripples of your pil until her lips find yours. They’re soft and warm and she tastes of sweet juice. The kiss is fleeting and precious. 
“Oel ngati kameie.” The words are whispered against her lips as she kisses you again. How long have you spent saying such words when you hadn’t truly seen what was right before your eyes. So many years wasted considering yourself an accessory to their bond when, in their minds, you had always been included. How much you have missed trying to live freely and save your heart the ache of abandonment when everything you could ever want was already within reach. Your fingers trace over the tattoo etched around the shape of her and curling high on her cheekbone. She hums quietly, eyes falling shut as she pulls you as close as her stomach will allow. The torch she lit is still burning but it gives you light to see her by as she falls asleep beneath your gentle touches. You resolve to speak with Tonowari when you wake, to try to mend the hole you’ve torn in your lives. 
It’s easier said than done, though, because when the sun rises and Ronal with it you find yourself hesitant to approach Tonowari. Dawn turns to day and you find your hands busy in places the olo’eyktan would have no reason to be. By the time the sun has reached its peak in the sky you’re busying yourself in Tsireya’s shadow, assisting her in teaching the children. She seems grateful for the added guidance you can offer, never asking what possessed you to suddenly want to stay so close to the village when midday usually finds you far beyond the terraces, hunting or frolicking on some lesser traveled islands. Weaving is easier work than hunting, not as strenuous of a task, as you teach the younglings the different types of braids and knots that make their homes and clothing. When the sun begins to set the children scatter home and you realize the day has been wasted without you speaking a single word to Tonowari. Tsireya keeps up a pleasant conversation as the two of you straighten up the marui used for teaching, collecting dropped beads and setting aside the childrens’ weavings. 
“Txa’ro shows a lot of promise, I think.” She hums happily. “She learned the arrowhead pattern quite quickly.” You nod, though your mind is far off. If any student showed any outstanding capability today you hardly noticed it. The whole day has passed in a haze like fog has settled before your eyes. Last night was like a dream, a short breath before the waves crashed over you once more. If your daughter is bothered by your uncharacteristic silence she doesn’t mention it, simply carrying the conversation herself as you follow her absently through the village only to stop once a familiar marui comes into view. It feels as though your feet are caught in mud, sucking you into the bouncing path as Tsireya continues on, happily chatting until she realizes you’re no longer beside her. 
“Ma Sa’nok?” She reaches towards you, expecting that you’ll move to take her hand, and her face falls when you don’t. Both of you stand watching each other until finally Tsireya nods and says good night, finishing the trek home by herself. It pains you to see your daughter upset and distant but you can’t bring yourself to face her father. Not yet. Instead you go in the opposite direction with no destination in mind. You walk until you run out of woven paths and the air no longer carries the scent of dinners being made, until you reach the fringes of the village where the beach is deserted. 
This isn’t how the day was meant to end but it ends all the same as you sit and watch Naranawm’s shadow swallow the sun. Soon the eclipse will break into deep night and you’ll return home without having shared a single word with Tonowari. So strange that is. There were once days when the two of you could be parted for only a few hours, for as long as chores demanded it and not a moment more. But that was when the children were young and needy for their parents’ attention. Now they’re old enough to deal with things on their own without your guidance. The sand is soft as you lay back to stare at the sky until it goes dark as your eyes drift shut. They don’t open again until you feel the sand shift beside you. It’s different than a rising tide swelling around you and you turn your head towards the disturbance. 
Tonowari sits beside you, lit in deep shades of blue beneath the night sky. He isn’t looking at you yet. Instead his eyes are fixed in the far distance, on the dark silhouette of the seawall where the terrace pools are lit with rippling syuratan. When he finally looks at you his eyes are filled with a foreign sort of longing. It’s a strange expression to see on his face. Tonowari has never been known to put his desires before anything else, if anything his wants and needs can be forgotten and buried if it means peace and prosperity for the clan. His role as olo’eyktan is put before everything in his life. Every clan needs a leader and Tonowari and Ronal both uphold their roles with the utmost care, never straying from the path Eywa has set for them. Seeing him look so lost within himself would be mystifying if you didn’t know the cause of his clouded mind. It’s in the reflection of his blue eyes, the pattern of your glowing freckles appearing like aysnatanhì in his forlorn gaze. You’re the reason for this and it feels like a knife to your heart and you desperately want to heal the wounds you’ve caused. 
“I’m sorry.” It isn’t enough but you say it anyway. Sorry is for stepping on someone’s tail or being too rough during training. It’s for small disagreements. Not something like this. Still you want to cling to the idea that what’s broken can be fixed with enough patience and attention. Tonowari seems to share the sentiment as he brushes the sand from your hair as you sit up, fingers tracing down your arm until he can bring your hand to his lips. It isn’t a kiss. Not truly. He presses his lips against your knuckles like he’s trying to see if you’re truly here before him. He seems soothed when you don’t turn to smoke before his eyes. 
“Don’t.” He says before you can further embarrass yourself with meager words of atonement. “Don’t apologize.” Your heart sinks like a stone in your chest. Apologies are all you have to give. If he won’t accept them then perhaps this distance can never be bridged again. 
“May I speak plainly?” You’ve never asked his permission to speak as bluntly as you do, but Tonowari is always considerate, even when it is undeserving. He takes a while to speak after you nod your acquiescence as if he’s weighing his words to see which will sit heaviest on your heart. Even in his anger he can find a moment to be kind. 
“You’re the most difficult woman I’ve ever met.” He says at last. It doesn’t sting as much as you’d expect it to. It’s a sentiment you’ve heard your entire life. Too brash, too harsh, too willful. Of course people will find you difficult but it’s the first time Tonowari has said it so plainly. 
“Ronal may not mind having to fight with you and wrangle you like an untamed beast, but I do. I only want to love you but you make it so hard for me. If I get too close you pull away. It feels like I am fighting to keep you by my side. And then you say–” he cuts himself off, shaking his head. “You say you want another child and you don’t come to me for this. You flaunt yourself around the village as if I cannot give you what you’ve asked for. I can. I will. You just have to let me. That is all I want.” 
“I didn’t know.” It’s hardly an excuse but it is the truth. Tonowari stiffens beside you, lips pressing into a firm line.
“Didn’t know?” He glowers, ears pulling back before he calms himself. “Then let me tell you so that you know. From today onward, paskalin, let there be no more confusion. I love you. As a husband loves his wife, I love you. I know you do not wish to be mated. I understand your heart. But you are my mate even still. You belong to me and I belong to you. Just as I belong to Ronal. Just as you belong to her. And if you want children I will give them to you. No one else.” He bares his teeth though there’s no one but you to see his show of possessive aggression. 
It’s so strange to hear him want something so desperately. Tonowari has always done what is expected of him. For the good of the People he has always thought of the clan before himself. To hear him almost begging for this allowance to be selfish, it lights a fire inside you. 
“I don’t care about them. Tayku and the rest,” Tonowari scowls at the sound of the boy’s name, “I never wanted them.”
“Then what do you want?” You’re reminded that beyond his duties as a leader, Tonowari is a warrior. He pulls you into his lap with great strength, one hand keeping your eyes on his as the other holds your waist. 
“I want this.” You whisper. “I want you.” 
His lips burn as they meet yours in a deep kiss, searing the promise you’ve made into your memory. The night air is warm but you shiver as Tonowari’s hands trace across your skin. It’s been so long since you’ve been this close with him and it overwhelms you as he pulls you tight against him and whispers sweet promises over your parted lips. You whine as his fangs nip over your neck, tongue tracing the shape of your tattoos until he finally settles against your chest. He noses at the delicate shells of your draping top, breath puffing against your heated skin. His blunt nails drag down your exposed back to your hips, pulling you harder against him. His intentions are clear and you’re more than happy to comply as he toys with the knots keeping you covered. You’re far enough from the village that no one will stumble upon the two of you as he lays you bare beneath the stars.
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The hardest part passes with the rising of the sun but there is still work to be done before things can truly be as they should between the three of you. Hunting is strenuous but there is always more to do after the beast is slain and prayers are said in its honor. There is cleaning, skinning, cutting, cooking, and preserving even after that. The hunt is not over until even the bones of the animal are put to some use. The renewed and deepened intimacy with the olo’eyktan and tsahìk is hardly enough to heal the pain amassed over many years. A wound needs to be tended not ignored lest it bleed you dry. It was nearing that point, would’ve surely reached it had you gone through with letting another man father your newest child. The strained bond would’ve been shattered to splinters beyond salvaging but as it stands you can manage to slowly place the pieces back together. 
It is a slow walk to where you want to be, but each step brings all of you closer. At first it’s only small things; Ronal stealing kisses in secluded places and Tonowari lingering near you far more than necessary. They’re more protective now as if they’re worried someone will come along to trample on your budding affections. It’s all new to you, this deeper sort of courtship as you’ve never allowed anyone to go beyond the point of flattery and gifts. The fierce loyalty is to be expected. In truth you’ve never been loyal to anyone besides them. Even before your confessions and admissions of love you never bothered to be closer than friends with anyone. To be doted on so openly soothes the bruised piece of your heart still agonizing over being left behind if they grow tired of you. In so many years their feelings have remained unflinching for each other, and for you. It’s a nagging feeling you wish to starve out of your mind. Eywa has graced you with two people you adore and who love you with equal fervor in return. Tsaheylu or not the three of you have been mated since you laid with Tonowari beneath the night sky. 
Things have finally fallen back into place. Ronal still bites back at every curt remark you make and Tonowari still worries anytime you’re too far from home. But there is no more edge of awkwardness as you hesitate to kiss Tonowari or lean against Ronal. Bashfulness is unneeded when they revel in your tentative touches. Their affections manifest differently, Ronal being more subtle as Tonowari is more boastful, but you learn to balance yourself between the two of them. Ronal won’t ask for a kiss. She will simply stare at your lips until you offer one. Tonowari acts instinctually, wrapping you in his arms the moment the desire rises. It swirls new rumors of the clan leaders’ mate though many simply laugh over how long it’s taken you to accept the title they all called you in secret. It dizzies your head to know that it had been only you standing in the way of your happiness, clawing and hissing when no one meant to harm you. How foolish you’d been to run from your feelings when they were so plainly reciprocated. All that pain suffered and inflicted with no reason for it. The thought weighs heavy on your heart, ears lowering as you mull over your work. 
“Enough.” Ronal says just as quickly as the regret begins to creep in. The energy of the air has surely shifted as your soul sinks into a dark place and your tsahìk is quick to catch it. She’s irritable in the last months of her own pregnancy, more easily disturbed by small things. 
“Come here.” She makes room on the hammock she’s sitting in expecting that you’ll join her without protest. Of course you do, dropping what you’d been doing to sit beside her. The squid can wait. You’ve harvested enough of their ink for the moment though the one in your hand clings defiantly, little tentacles winding around your fingers as you try to drop into the bowl with the others. Ronal makes a face as she watches you gently peel the creature from your hand. Despite their necessity for the tradition of tattooing, she’s always found squids to be unpleasant. Something about their wriggling legs unsettling her. It’s an amusing distaste she has considering how many times you’ve reminded her their legs are more similar to the sinuous nerves of a kuru, but she won’t have it. You press a kiss to her temple as you sit to offer penance for bringing the creatures near her. 
She hums and goes back to her sewing, stitching delicate beads into the intricate weaving of a new top. Idly you flex your leg, gently rocking the hammock as you bury your foot in the sand. The day has gone by with a harmonious sort of stillness as the clan spent the heat of the day on menial tasks. Despite the more secluded area you find yourself in you can still hear the soft din of voices; work songs and gossip and children shrieking happily as they splash in the waves. You rest a hand on your stomach. Enough time has passed for you to be showing. Tonowari has been pleased since Ronal first confirmed the news, hands constantly brushing over your stomach even when you looked no larger than you had before. Now he’s weak with anticipation for their first stirring. You can already hear the words on his tongue as the olo’eyktan appears down the beach, smiling happily at the sight of his mates cocooned together. 
“Oh.” Before he can ask there’s a sudden fluttering in your stomach, light and quick like the feeling of a fish swimming past you. 
“Oh?” Ronal asks, setting aside her sewing. Your hand presses lightly against the place you felt the burst of movement. 
“Are they moving?” Tonowari asks excitedly, already kneeling before you. His hand trails up your calf to settle on your knee, blue eyes imploring as you stare blankly in wait for another flutter. It comes again and you laugh at the strangely ticklish feelings, pulling his hand from your knee to press against your stomach. 
“Did you feel it?” You ask when the baby moves again. Your child is strong, moving with great vigor. It isn’t always a pleasant feeling as you remember the bouts of sickness Ketsräno raised while he twisted and kicked inside you, but this is the first of the new baby’s movements and they’re hardly enough to disturb you. Tonowari nods though his eyes stay trained on your belly. Ronal’s hand pushes in beside her husband’s, fingers overlapping with your own as you guide Tonowari’s hand to where the kicks are strongest. She’s shared in your toiling of carrying a child, knows that it won’t always be this easy, but for the moment neither of you mention it. Instead she presses a kiss to your cheek, your nose, landing one on your lips when you turn towards her amorous mouth. Tonowari catches your lips soon after, hand still pressed against your stomach. He doesn’t go far as he pulls away. 
Instead he wraps his hands around your waist, lifting you from your seat to twirl you in a circle. There are no words for what he’s feeling because all that falls from his lips are sounds of pure elation. Laughter, as deep and rolling as the ocean fills the alcove as he dances with you. Ronal watches the two of you for a moment before smiling herself and standing to join. Your heart swells near to bursting as you realize this is what you would’ve missed had the storm of distance and anger never torn through your life. You’ve made something better of what remained when the rain gave way to sunlight. This is what you tried to deprive yourself of with your rash overthinking. You’ll never be so presumptuous again. Not when Tonowari and Ronal renew their vows to you with each passing breath. Paskalin, tìyawn, muntxate. They don’t let you forget their love for even a moment and you’ll dedicate your life to returning it a thousand times over. 
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ɴᴀ’ᴠɪ ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs
Lorpaytsyal – chandelier fish
Syuratan – bioluminescence
Txampaysye – gill mantle
Tanhì – bioluminescent freckles, star
Parultsyìp – little miracle, term of endearment for a child
Sempul – father
Hì’ikran – dorado verde, small ikran (speculative)
Nawmtu – great person (honorific)
Pil – facial stripes, skin stripes
Naranawm – Polyphemus, the planet Pandora orbits
Skxawng – moron
Oìsss – angry snarl, watch it!
Paskalin – sweet berry (term of endearment)
Tswin, Kuru – neural braid
First Breath – Metkayina birth ritual
Vitra – soul
Nga yawne lu oer – I love you
Aysnatanhì – constellations
Tìyawn – love (term of endearment)
Muntxate – wife, female mate
943 notes · View notes
with retro reader I want to see them have their room like covered in just a gas that makes them feel maybe high or feel the true effects of Val’s smoke they use it in their
Went batshit with this. It’ll be an experience ✨
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I lay sprawled on my bed, limbs spread, eyes half-lidded. My room, dimly lit today, was filled with the haze of accumulated toxins. The air was thick, almost palpable, with the heady concoction of poisons I had stored in my system and now slowly released. Dim blue bioluminescent lights cast an eerie glow, dancing shadows across the walls covered in algae-like textures.
The gas, a toxic blend of various substances I had absorbed over time, swirled lazily around me. Among them, the most potent was Val's smoke—a potent aphrodisiac. I inhaled deeply, feeling the familiar warmth spread through my veins. It was a sensation that dulled the edges of reality, blurring the lines between my hellish existence and a sort of euphoric escape.
As the gas settled over me, I felt my body respond to the effects of Val's smoke more intensely than ever before. It wasn’t just the heightened sensitivity; it was as if every nerve ending was alight, electrified. My skin tingled, and a languid warmth radiated from my core, spreading outward. I closed my eyes, letting the sensation wash over me.
Val’s smoke had a way of twisting my thoughts, making me languid and slow. I could almost see Val, his tall form drifting gracefully through the thick haze. I remembered the way Val’s wings shimmered, the way his smoke curled and beckoned. It was an invitation I could never resist, even though I knew the effects were purely chemical.
I rolled over, burying my face into the cool, damp pillows, feeling the gas envelop me more completely. The aphrodisiac properties of Val’s smoke combined with my own poison made every breath a seductive caress. It was intoxicating, and I couldn’t get enough.
It’d been a hard couple of weeks, and this was exactly what I needed. Letting my worries slip away, replaced with this comfort and pleasure.
My thoughts drifted, unfocused, as I succumbed to the overwhelming sensations. The gas filled my lungs, spread through my blood, and reached my brain, intensifying every feeling. I was lost in it, a willing prisoner to the effects.
Every breath was an exploration, a journey through layers of sensation and emotion. I could feel my heart beating slower, my muscles relaxing into the soft surface beneath me. The room, once a simple sanctuary, was now a cocoon of bliss, a space where I could forget the torments of hell and just exist in pure, unadulterated pleasure.
As I lay there, I couldn't help but smile, a lazy, contented grin. The gas had done its job, transporting me to a place where the only thing that mattered was the exquisite feeling coursing through my body. In this state, I felt almost human again, vulnerable and alive in a way that was both thrilling and comforting. It’d been so long since I’d done anything like this- since I’d felt anything like this.
I knew the effects would wear off eventually, that reality would come crashing back in. But for now, I was content to drift in this haze, savoring every moment of bliss, every touch of Val's lingering presence in the air.
As time passed, I added more to the mixture in the air, making the sensations intensify, my mind wandering to the ones I loved. I could almost see Valentino, towering above me with his twelve-foot frame, his hot pink eyes gleaming with seductive intent, and those vibrant wings fluttering slightly. His sharp teeth and general demeanor made him appear both dangerous and seductive, a predator in pink and white finery.
My breath hitched, my body reacting to the mere thought of Val. The gas in the room seemed to thicken, amplifying my arousal. I could almost feel Val's smoke, deep pink and intoxicating, wrapping around me like a lover's embrace.
My skin tingled, each breath pulling me deeper into a state of euphoria and desire. I could imagine Val leaning over me, his antennae brushing against my skin, his lips curling into a knowing smile as he inhaled deeply, releasing more of that heady smoke.
“So pretty… all dolled up and fucked for me.” I could’ve sworn it was real, the feeling of his breath on my neck. I jolted slightly feeling him touch me, his fingers trailing down to the buttons of my pants. “Can you even think clearly?”
“Mmn,” I mumbled, leaning into the touch.
He pulled away moments later, chuckling softly. “Now, now, don’t be like that,” he muttered teasingly. “You know what happens when you’re eager, hm? Go on, show me.”
I sighed, disappointed. I would’ve pouted, but I was desperate for more. I whimpered and fumbled, undoing the buttons. My breath hitched as my fingers found my clit, sending a jolt of pleasure through me. Valentino urged me on and I responded with a gentle circular motion, eliciting a moan from myself.
My thoughts shifted to Vox and his beautiful screen. My mind conjured the feeling of Vox's touch, electric and thrilling, sending shivers down my spine. His hands guiding mine up and down, slipping inside me. I groaned and bucked my hips in his hands, to which he responded with an amused smile. I imagined his left eye transforming into a red and black spiral, pulling me into a trance, making me feel utterly relaxed and compliant.
In the haze of the gas, the line between reality and hallucination blurred. My body responded to the imagined presence of the two, my skin hypersensitive, every touch, real or imagined, sending jolts of pleasure through me. I could feel Valentino's long fingers trailing over my body, leaving a path of heat and desire. His hot pink eyes bored into me, filled with possessive lust. I could hear his voice, smooth and seductive, whispering promises of pleasure.
I moaned softly, my mind reeling as the fantasy deepened.
I could see Vox beside Val, his screen face flickering, glitching with excitement. My body arched as I felt the touch of Vox's claws, sharp and electric, tracing patterns on my skin. His voice, calm and soothing, mixed with Val's, creating a symphony of warmth and pleasure that filled my senses.
In my mind, I was no longer alone in my room. Valentino and Vox were with me, their touches real, their presence overwhelming. My body ached with need, every nerve ending on fire. I could feel Val's lips on my neck, his teeth grazing my skin, while Vox's electric touch danced over my body, heightening every sensation.
"Retro," Val's voice was a sultry whisper in my ear, "you're ours."
“I know.” My breath came in ragged gasps, my body trembling with arousal. “All yours,” I mumbled.
The gas in the air made every sensation more intense, every touch more vivid. I could feel Val's wings brushing against me, the soft fluttering a stark contrast to the hard, insistent grip of his hands. Vox's electric touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through me, the red and black spiral on his screen holding my gaze, making me feel utterly relaxed and completely under his control.
"Let go," Vox's voice was a low hum, reverberating through my body, "just feel."
And I did. In that moment, lost in the haze of gas and the vivid hallucination, I surrendered completely to the pleasure, my mind and body overwhelmed by their touch. Every breath was a blend of Val's intoxicating smoke and my own potent toxins, creating a wonderful sensations that left me floating in a sea of ecstasy.
71 notes · View notes
ozai-the-bonsai · 15 days
Thank you for answering my Zuko request ask. My request is Zuko x reader, water tribe princess. They have an underwater cave kingdom. Her father chose to follow his ancestors decision to stay in isolation like the other tribes. Her mother was murdered by an earth king assassin or a northern water tribe assassin (Ozai set it up to look like either tribe). They enter an alliance and betroth Zuko and the reader. Ozai wanted access to their underwater passage ways and healers for his army. The two meet before his banishment and seem to like eachother. During his banishment the underwater kingdom is open to him. They make a plan to lure the avatar and put him to sleep during a celebration banquet. Sokka finds the princess beautiful and flirts with her. Zuko has to keep his fire in check when spying on them. During the banquet a fight breaks out, Zuko vs Sokka and Aang. Sokka thinks Zuko is holding the reader hostage. Katara and the reader have a water bender fight before the Gaang escape. “I’m sorry sister of the south, but I have to protect my people so stand aside!” Aang realizes how sad and trapped the nations have gotten.
Pairing: Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Summary: See request
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: I guess implied sex, but nothing explicit
Additional details: Perhaps I didn't really have to give any thought to these details at all but I cannot start writing something out with question marks in my head. So this is how I imagined the underwater cave kingdom to be: the only way into the kingdom is through a special current in the sea. The kingdom resides in the Eastern Sea between the Eastern Airtemple and the Chameleon Bay of the Earth Kingdom. Which means that they control the waterways leading up to Ba Sing Se. Even though it is an underwater cave, the cave itself is not filled with water. I didn't really like the idea of everyone having to somehow breathe underwater all the time and literally live like people in Atlantis, hence I figured the almighty Waterbenders of the tribe have (with the assistance of the Ocean Spirit) found a way to keep the water away from their city. You can imagine it like a huge vein of caves inside a submerged volcano in the sea but without the water filling in the caves. Lastly, everyone is able to breathe normally without any oxygen shortage due to rich underwater plant life (like the algae) and the plankton around the caves, which produce the needed oxygen. Note: I am a computer scientist, not an oceanologist, so there may very well be problems with my construction. If that is the case, I am really sorry!
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"Princess, your guest is here."
Your blue eyes found the servant standing at your door through the mirror as you combed your hair. Realising how fast your heartbeat became by the second, you simply nodded at the servant, not uttering any words. It had been quite a while since you had last seen him, all the longing and the daydreaming had left you overmuch excited for his return.
Deep down, you really wished that you were the sole reason for his return to the Eastern Water Tribe; however, you very well knew that he was here for the big day that is tomorrow. For him, duty always came first - even though he did love you with all his heart.
The moment you saw his reflection through the mirror as he entered your chambers, your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, you turned around and stood up, your gaze meeting his. "You are finally here," you muttered, taking big steps towards him. "After all those long months, you are finally here."
As soon as you saw the shift in his amber eyes, you found yourself inside his arms, his lips capturing yours hungrily. The determination had left its place to longing. "I wish we had more time for each other, my love," Prince Zuko whispered in your ear as his warm lips left a trail of kisses down your neck, stealing your next breath. "But you know - we cannot allow distractions."
"I have missed you, Zuko," you spoke as you wrapped your arms around his body; his cold, firebender armour cold against your silver, satin gown.
Prince Zuko and you had been betrothed ever since you two were kids - eleven, to be more precise. At first, it was simply a great way to form an alliance with Fire Lord Ozai in exchange for giving the Fire Navy access to your tribe's underwater passageways and exceptional healers.
Your father, the Chief of the Eastern Water Tribe, had decided to form such an alliance and side with the Fire Nation after your mother was murdered by a Northern Water Tribe assassin.
Originally, the Eastern Water Tribe had lived in isolation, not meddling with the complications of the other Nations. Even during the war, the tribe had stayed neutral for many decades. The only sided act that could be considered had been carried out to help your sister tribes - whenever a Southern or Northern ship was spotted, the men of your tribe would ensure they had a safe and easy ride through the Eastern Sea.
Of course, the way your sisters and brothers from the North repaid the kindness of your tribe had changed everything. That night, as your mother gave her very last breath in the arms of your father, each and every person in your tribe swore to make the North pay for what they had done. Knowing that as the Eastern Wate Tribe alone, you would not stand a chance against the forces of the Northern Water Tribe, your father spent countless nights trying to find a way for your tribe to gain more power.
Then, one day, the proposal from the Fire Lord reached the Royal Chambers of the Eastern Water Tribe.
However, not to lose the upper hand, both your tribe and the Fire Nation had been holding this alliance as a secret - on the surface, it seemed like it was just two nations doing trading and some political business, nothing more. Also, only the Royal Families in both Nations knew about the betrothal.
Even after Zuko's banishment, your tribe left its doors wide open for him and his crew whenever they needed help around the Eastern Sea; they were also granted special access to your tribe's underwater passageways. Moreover, your father, the Chief, agreed to help the Banished Prince - his future son-in-law - on his quest to capture the Avatar.
After hearing the news about the return of The Last Airbender, you contacted Zuko, letting him know that Eastern Water Tribe was ready to help him if he needed any kind of assistance. That was when he came up with a discreet plan, at the end of which he would have his honour back and you would have your Prince back.
"Are the preparations done?" Zuko asked as he stepped back to look into your blue eyes. You nodded as a cunning smile formed on your lips.
With slow movements, you started to take off his armour. "At this time tomorrow, the Avatar will have fallen into his forever slumber," your voice was a mere whisper as you placed the body armour carefully on the ground. Reaching onto your fingertips, you brought your lips to a level with Zuko's ear. "You will have got your honour and your throne back," Zuko shivered slightly as he felt your warm breath licking the skin of his neck. You could hear his breath getting deeper and deeper. "And I will have had my Prince back at my side."
You let your satin gown fall down onto the ground, leaving you completely naked as Zuko's amber eyes darkened with lust and desire.
[Time Skip]
"I have never been to the Eastern Water Tribe before!" the Avatar spoke with much enthusiasm in his voice while you and your father led him and his friends to the Great Hall, where the celebration banquet was going to be held. You yourself were being followed by a Royal Guarding whereas your father had two - ever since the assassination of your mother, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without a Royal Guardian.
Of course, there normally wasn't a Fire Nation Crown Prince under the Royal Armour. Since the helmet of the armour was large enough to cover most of his scar, no one took another look at him.
"We have always preferred living in isolation, you see," your father spoke with a deep voice, his dark blue robe moving with each step. "Not only isolated from the other Nations but from our sister Tribes as well."
Only you could hear the sorrow and anger in his voice when he uttered the words sister Tribes.
Katara, the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, nodded at your father's words. "That is probably why we have never really heard anything about your tribe," she said, then a frown appeared on her face. "But, you haven't been acting neutral during this war, right?"
"Actually, we have." You spoke before your father could take the word. "Just like the North, we don't mess with anyone unless they mess with us. And since no one can find the Easter Water Tribe without having someone from inside, this has worked out quite well for us."
Aang, the Avatar, was frowning too. "At some point, you will have to take action - we all depend on the balance!"
A big, fake smile inhabited your father's lips as you arrived at the Great Hall, which was illuminated by bioluminescent plants hanging from the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow on the cavern walls. "That is why we are holding this feast in your name, young Avatar, to celebrate your return and offer you our support, as the Eastern Water Tribe, while you put an end to this war and restore balance to the world!"
Everyone sitting inside the Great Hall began to applaud upon hearing your father's words. You, too, had a fake smile on your lips as you turned right, only to come face to face with the boy from the Southern Water Tribe - who happened to be Katara's older brother.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked Sokka because of the way he had been staring at you the whole time. Hearing your question caused him to shake himself properly to get rid of the drooling expression on his face.
"No, nothing, it is just a regular face!" Sokka immediately went red after realising what he had said. Dropping your Princess façade for a brief moment, you raised an eyebrow at him, Sokka started to wave his arms in the air. "I didn't mean it that way, I meant you have just your face on your face."
The brow was still arched. "You are not making this any better."
From behind, you heard Katara giggling.
Taking a deep breath, Sokka let his head fall down to his chest, averting your gaze as he spoke. "I was staring at you because of how pretty you are." He muttered quickly, almost as if he didn't want you to understand what he was saying.
A small, professional smile formed on your lips as you placed the side of your index finger under Sokka's chin to lift it up gently so that you could look into his eyes. "I really appreciate the compliment, Sokka from South."
As you all made your way towards the main table, you slowed down your steps on purpose, waiting for Zuko to catch up with you. Taking the hint, the Banished Prince walked a little bit faster. "Keep your fire in check, my love." You whispered, your gaze still fixed on the table in front of you with a big smile inhabiting your lips. "You are steaming, literally."
It was impossible not to feel jealousy radiating off Zuko's body but on top of that, he was indeed producing steam on top of his head with his firebending. He quickly shook himself to get his temper under control.
"I don't like the way he is looking at you," Zuko whispered under his armour, walking you towards your place next to your father. "You should have worn the betrothal necklace I have made for you."
You had to tighten the grip you had on yourself not to giggle, you found it somehow adorable how jealous he was getting. "Nobody knows that I'm engaged, we cannot blow up our cover just yet."
Katara was seated to your left and the Avatar was right next to your father. Sokka, upon seeing that you were headed to the seat next to Katara, decided he wanted to make himself comfortable close to his sister. Zuko clenched his fists.
"That peasant is pushing his luck," Zuko muttered under his breath. "But my patience is not infinite."
As if you have any, you thought to yourself while gathering your icy blue robe neatly before taking your seat.
[Time Skip]
"Is that a betrothal necklace?" You asked Katara while waiting for the dessert to be served. "Who is the lucky boy?"
The young waterbender's right hand went immediately to her neck as she shook her head while giggling. "Oh no, you have got it wrong - I am not ready for something like that, yet." She corrected the situation. Then, sadness fell onto her blue eyes. "I got this from my mother, who got it from my grandmother." Katara turned her gaze away. "This necklace is the only thing I have left of her."
Understanding the meaning behind her words, your expression softened immediately, empathy inhabiting your eyes. "I am so sorry, Katara." You spoke with a low voice as you placed your left hand on top of her right one in a sisterly manner.
"Thank you," Katara spoke with a low voice as well. "She died when I was little, during a Fire Nation raid."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, you pulled yours back. "I can understand how you feel." You said, your words causing the young waterbender to look into your eyes. "I lost my mother, too."
Before you two could share more about both your pasts, the Avatar came flying on an airball. "Hey, Katara, you should check this out!" Aang called at the waterbender. "I have met an incredible Waterbeding Master!"
The moment she heard Aang's words, Katara's eyes were highlighted. "Please, excuse me, I need to go with Aang."
As soon as his sister was gone, Sokka quickly slid onto her seat to be right next to you. "So, uh you enjoying this banquet?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
"It is just another feast for me" You responded with a smile as the servants brought the dessert. "But, how about you? How are you finding the Eastern Water Tribe so far?"
"It's... different," Sokka admitted, glancing around. "I mean, it's not every day you visit an underwater kingdom, am I right?" He chuckled nervously, making you laugh as well.
Upon seeing that the dessert was finally served, Sokka quickly stuffed some into his mouth, swallowed the piece probably as a whole, wiped his mouth smoothly with the blue napkin and turned to look at you once again, acting like the awkward stuffing moment hadn't even happened. "It seems like we will be sticking around longer than just a night."
Looking at where he pointed his head, you raised an eyebrow upon seeing that Katara and Aang were practising some basic waterbending moves with one of the masters' in your tribe. "Oh," you muttered as you turned back to Sokka. "I didn't know the Avatar was looking for a Waterbending Master."
Sokka nodded at you while leaning in a little bit closer. Once again, you could feel the jealousy radiating off Zuko's body. "He needs to master all four elements so that he can face and defeat the Fire Lord. Water is the next in line."
"I see," you said, your arms crossed over your chest. "In that case, you indeed need to stay a little bit longer than intended."
As if the Avatar will be leaving this place any time soon - once we put him into his eternal slumber, Eastern Watertribe will become his forever home.
"Since I won't be practising any waterbending for obvious reasons, would you be interested in, maybe, hanging out?" Sokka asked you, it felt like he had to use all the courage he could gather. "Or do an activity together?"
For a brief moment, you put your princess façade down without even noticing. "Shouldn't you have waited for the third date for that?" You put your hands over your mouth upon realising what you said. After the short, awkward silence, you and Sokka both burst into laughter.
Sokka's eyes wandered to your neck for a second. "You don't have a betrothal necklace?" He asked, kind of surprised. You needed a moment to remind yourself that nobody knew about Zuko; then, you shook your head.
The image of Zuko clenching his jaw and fists appeared in front of your eyes - even though you couldn't see him for he was standing behind you, it was quite easy to imagine how he looked like at the present moment.
"Well, who knows - maybe you will get one before we leave the Eastern Water Tribe." Sokka spoke, his voice flirtatious.
"That's enough!"
Before you could grasp Sokka's words, you saw a fire blast flying in his direction. The next thing you knew, Aang was standing between a frightened Sokka lying on the floor and a furious (and jealous) Zuko throwing away his helmet. The Airbender used his glider to dodge the flames and save his friend from getting burnt.
"Zuko?!" Aang shouted in a confused way. "What are you doing here?"
The Banished Prince held you from your upper arm and made you stand by his side. "Zuko, you're hurting me!" You tried to keep your voice as low as you could. Upon hearing you, he loosened his hold on you.
"Sorry, love, I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.
"There is a Fire Nation spy in the middle of your celebration and nobody is going crazy?!" Sokka asked in the circle as the noise in the background dimmed down. You realised how Sokka's eyes wandered from Zuko's hand holding you from your arm to your blue eyes which shined with fear. Of course, it wasn't for the reasons Sokka thought - you were afraid that your plan was about to fail.
"He is holding the Princess hostage!"
Without giving you any time to react, Sokka threw his boomerang right at Zuko, who ducked to avoid the boomerang, making you duck with himself. The next moment, you saw fire and air blasts clashing at each other, causing a giant explosion that threw both Aang and Zuko off of their feet.
Taking the opportunity, Sokka ran towards you. "Come on, follow me, there isn't much time!" He told you as he tried to drag you behind him but you forcefully shook your arms free from his hold.
"Let me go, Sokka." You spoke with a dangerous voice, which caused Sokka to take a step back rather clumsily. His blue eyes were wide with shock.
"You..." He stuttered while pointing behind your shoulder. "You are with him?"
The moment you heard Zuko's voice coming from behind you, a smirk formed on your lips. "Yes, you peasant - she is with me." He wrapped his arm around your waist. "For the record, she does have a betrothal necklace."
You chuckled at his words. "The Crown Prince of the Fire Nation craved it himself!"
Sokka's jaw dropped - if it could go any lower, it would hit the ground.
Upon realising that Aang was getting ready to take off, your father's deep voice filled the Great Hall. "Guards, do not let the Avatar escape!"
You knew the fear and betrayal falling into Aang's big, grey eyes had to make you feel guilty at some point, but it really didn't. Using the water from the cups next to you, you froze Sokka's feet to the ground while Zuko went after the Avatar, followed by the guards.
"Be careful!" You shouted, mostly for the guards to hear. "We need him alive!"
The water whip hitting you from behind left you screaming in pain as you quickly turned back, only to see the rage inhabiting Katara's pretty face. She was using the water from the waterfall that adorned the Great Hall.
"Why?" She asked as she generated ice spikes and threw them in your direction, one by one. "Why are you siding with the Fire Nation?" Using the waterfall as she did, you created a wall of ice with a swift movement of your hand. All the spikes Katara sent crashed into the wall, either falling onto the ground or getting stuck in the wall. "After everything they have done to our families?"
"Our families?" You asked while sending the ice wall at a breakneck speed. "It is funny how you so readily assumed that I was scarred by Fire Nation as if they are the only villains in this story!"
Katara turned the ice wall into a pile of water, created a huge wave out of it and tried to wash you over with it - only for you to part the wave in two with your hands. "I don't understand."
The water from the wave started to elevate in single drops, which then froze. "My mother was murdered by an assassin from the Northern Water Tribe." You spoke with a venom-like voice as the ice drops turned into ice bullets. Katara pulled more water from the waterfall.
"It... It cannot be. The North wouldn't do that! No one from the Water Tribes would do such a thing!"
You let out a condescending laughter as you made the ice bullets rotate around their own axis. "You are still so naive, Katara." Taking a deep breath, you took your offensive stance. "I am sorry, sister from the South, but I have to protect my people from the likes that have taken my mother away from me - so stand aside!"
However, before you could launch your attack on Katara, a boomerang hit the back of your head, knocking you out and sending you into a relatively long slumber.
"Sokka, Aang!" Katara yelled in joy as the boys caught up with her. "How did you manage to get away from the guards?"
"Hop on, there is no time to waste!" Aang was flying his glider with Sokka hanging from his leg. Taking the boomerang, Katara wrapped her arms around Sokka's body as the Airbender flew them clumsily towards the gate from which they had come in the first place.
"Aang kind of crushed the cave right on top of their heads," Sokka replied to Katara's question after getting off the glider. "Anyways, do you think you guys can get us to the surface?"
Katara nodded at her brother. "Sure, I guess we could just reverse what the Royal Guard was doing while he took us down here." Realising that Aang was calmer than usual, Katara laid her hand on his shoulder. "Aang, is everything alright?"
The young Avatar shook his head. "I have never truly realised how trapped the Nations became through the war," he spoke, his sadness dripping from his voice. "We... We used to live for balance and for happiness; not for one's selfish interests and desire for revenge."
"You are not alone this time, buddy," Sokka said as he patted Aang gently on the back. "I couldn't have imagined how... corrupt this whole Tribe has become." He put on a giant, but fake, smile. "I am sure it will be nothing like this stink-hole in the North Pole!"
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @mymummydustxx @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09 @stell404 (I took everyone from my taglist from Cry for the Moon because of zuko x reader, I hope that is alright for you! If not, I am sorry for the inconvenienc :/ )
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flightrising · 3 months
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What was that? Did you hear something?
Veilspun (F)
Algae Slime/Pistachio Edged/Orchid Veined
79 notes · View notes
thesamoanqueen · 2 years
S.H.I.T [Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
Raiting: 18+
Warnings: SMUT; Semi-public sex; Riding, errors after errors after errors after errors after errors...
A/N: This week I took a break from my long fic to do my duties. Request from @nayys-world , dedicated to @mcreignsera for her birthday. Hope y’all like it!
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The cafeteria of the gym where they had decided to train that day was not well stocked unlike the fitness rooms and in the grip of desire to get some fresh air, Y/N had crossed an entire block to find something to drink that was her liking and disconnect for a while. When she returned a half hour later, the music was still blaring through the wall speakers, but fortunately half the people who had come to peek at them had vanished from the gym by lunchtime and those who remained must have received some call because they didn't even mention crossing the threshold of the room where they had taken their places for the day. And so, free at last from sinuous looming presences and future car lifts in the garden, Y/N sat down on a bench, her own sugar honey iced tea in her hands, nibbled absently on the straw.
Roman was still where she had left him, engaged in another endless series of exercises: it was the day of arms and shoulders. The tank top had stuck to his chest due to sweat, a few strands had escaped from the bun and the shorts he had been wearing were now creased due to the continuous movements.
She absorbedly sucked on some of her drink, swinging her crossed leg in the air, eyes on him and she began to feel it, the heat building and her abdomen liquid. He always had that effect on her.
When you did a job like theirs you got used to many things and if you were a woman, even to being surrounded by sweaty, half-naked men walking around as if nothing had happened. It hadn't been different for her, she had no shame in that area and she had gotten used to it for years, they didn't affect her, but Roman... he definitely had a certain effect on her. He succeeded dressed, with headset, a hood, messy hair and sometimes even those absurd glasses that he pulled out of the bottom of his suitcase, let alone in that state and after having been under the eyes of a wave of women who seemed to have landed there like an invasion of algae after a full moon. Not that Y/N was jealous or had any right to be, but one part of her was genuinely competing after almost getting a ponytail smack to her face and the other part was honestly too busy burning in her memory that missed sextape.
She watched him lean with one arm on the bench, the tattooed one lifting the dumbbell to tense the bicep, the deltoid swelling and rising. His forehead was sweaty, the veins in his neck bulged from the sustained effort, his jaw clenched. His movements reminded her too much of when they "were together" and Y/N felt her abdomen contract, while she saw him raise his gaze to look for her and stick his tongue out.
- Is it better this way? – she heard him ask as he settled into the bench for the last set of lifting exercises.
It was definitely better that way and it would have been even better if the leg of his shorts had been wide enough for her to peek where the sun wasn't shining, because he didn't like underwear and no, they weren't talking about that.
- Uh-uh… wait, what? - she asked absently, the straw pressing against her lip, trying to focus on what he was saying and not on seeing him lying there sweating.
- Though it was all those people around distracting you - he chuckled cockly, the weight bar already rising and falling above him with a heavy clang.
- Y'know… I wanted to ask where they bought all those beautiful, skintight outfits, but no one wanted to be my friends, so… I had to do something else – she complained with a mock sad expression and he shook his head slowly with an amused smile.
She watched him repeat the lift five more times to finish the missing set, broad chest widening, abs contracted under his shirt tensing with controlled breathing, and only then he set the bar down with one last muscle effort. He passed his hand over his face, sitting up, elbows resting on his knees and stretched out an arm, pointing his black bag in a corner.
- Baby girl could you…? – he asked, catching his breath and Y/N got up without asking anything else.
She rummaged through his things, pulling out a clean towel to dab at the sweat and the bottle of protein shake, stopping in front of him to pass it all. Roman appropriated the shake with one hand, the other arm pulling her by the hips towards him, until his forehead spitefully rested on Y/N's belly and she threw the towel over his head, making him disappear.
- So, what the problem was, hm? - he muttered after a few seconds from his hiding place, stroking her side as she dabbed the sweat on the back of his neck.
- Not even one. I was just enjoying the show and the tea was my break – she answered, feeling his nose rubbing from her navel down, his fingers running over the skin of her hip, his mouth placing a kiss on the protruding bone of her pelvis and making increase her heart rate.
He was inexplicably unable to hold back when they were so close and Y/N could only thank as always, her body already hot enlivening with every contact with his fingertips, his beard pricking her sensitive skin and his smell surrounding her. She heard him stop and looked down, seeing him emerge from under the towel with a raised eyebrow.
- The show?
- Your show. - she clarified, taking her hands away from his shoulders to bend an arm in a pose that wrested a hoarse laugh from him.
- I've been good. - he praised himself playfully and Y/N nodded more seriously than she’d have as Roman rocked her by the hips.
- I'd have paid to see it. Impressive.
- That's rude... I feel objectified. - he complained and Y/N put her hands on his shoulders again, to slowly sit on his lap.
- You can do it too with me. – she reassured him in a whisper, one of his big arms already around her hips to keep her closer and the other to touch her leg, abandoning the protein shake on the ground -… but if you 're too tired, I can take care of it for you.
Her proposition hovered between them for a while, suspended between the motivational music of the room and the sound of their breathing, until she stopped playing with the hem of his tank top and from the few inches that divided them, Roman looked up at her.
- Y'sure? - he inquired, swinging her gently on himself.
The ease with which he could maneuver her even in those insignificant gestures drove her crazy and she had already seen enough that day to just want to rip the clothes off him, to get some relief.
- Absolutely. - she spoke slowly, leaning down to tease him and then bite his lip lightly, prompting him to respond immediately.
She liked to let him have control. It was strange even for her to think, but Roman was the only man Y/N had ever let total control over her, breaking down any barrier. Things had never gone as she expected and even in her most pleasant moments, she had never happened to lose consciousness of herself and abandon completely, but with him it was different. It had always been different, she trusted him. She liked feeling vulnerable, knowing that he’d do anything to her, because she knew that he would never push harder than necessary, that he’d not take advantage of it. It was never the same between them, but they had found a balance and it seemed to work beautifully for both of them, that was new and Roman was trying to be good, Y/N could feel it.
His tongue had invaded her mouth without waiting, overwhelmingly savoring the taste of tea and honey even though he was going slowly and Y/N pulled back, biting his lip again, but with more force. She saw him jump for a second at that silent rebuke and she looked at him seriously, planting her hands on his chest to push him down onto the bench.
- I run the show, big boy. Stay down.
Though she wouldn't have called herself a romantic, she’d have gladly stayed and kissed him for the rest of her days, but she needed more right now. She wanted him inside her, completely and her body charged again, needy, as she ran a hand under his T, her fingers following the v of his abs, lower and lower.
- Babygirl… shit. - Roman let slip, stifling the scolding he must have been about to give her for that attitude, when Y/N grabbed his half-erect cock unceremoniously.
It throbbed between her fingers, hot and stiffer with every passing second. Just like Roman below her, who had dropped his head on the bench, eyes closed as he enjoyed her rough, hurried attention, his hands planted on her thighs to keep her above him altought it wasn’t necessary. With her free hand she traced a trail of sweat down his side, her nails slowly scratching his raised abs, she bit her mouth and a moan escaped her lips, rocking her anxiously on his thighs.
She couldn't mark him, he had a match scheduled and that thought made her mind run back to a few hours earlier, to all the crowd that had gathered inside that room to watch him lift that bar that was now forgotten above his head, thanks to her attentions.
He wasn't hers, but he was hers at that moment, briefly, once again and so she slipped back with her legs, hasty and greedy without thinking of anything else, making room in her shorts to vent the heat that seemed to burn her alive.
- F-fuck Y/N! - Roman moaned as she slid him inside her.
The sense of fullness and comfort that filled her, prompted her to close her eyes, head wandering in emptiness. She placed her hands on him, anchoring herself as best she could and her soft hips began to move frantically, following a rhythm that had nothing to do with the music. It only took a few of her thrusts for Roman to become truly ready and Y/N felt his tip pressing into her, pulsing between her folds, encouraging her to pick up the pace.
- G-god… you feel amazing! Ah! - she gasped satisfy, rotating her hips in a circle.
His flesh was pounding in her core, choked by the spasms of her pleasure that gripped him with no intention of letting go. He was hard, tense and with each rotation she had the impression of feeling him fidget looking for a space that he didnt have. She had sat on him with all her weight and if only she could, she would have stayed there and never let him go. One of Roman's hands moved to her stomach, up her torso to creep under the oversize shirt and grab her breasts. The pinch that tortured her sensitive nipple made her moan louder than the others and she instinctively approached his grip, rising just enough to give him breath. Her juices dripped slimy down his shaft and Roman forced himself on his legs, bullying into her as much as he was allowed.
- Ahh!
- You look so fuckin good on m-me – he growled heavily and Y/N looked down at him, feeling of having her face on fire and her breath caught in her chest.
There was always a moment in their meetings when he looked at her like that, almost with admiration and she could no longer control herself. Men looked at her in many ways, many inappropriate, but with him it was different, it was something strangely familiar…
She leaned down quickly, without too many problems or thoughts, hurriedly kissing him. His tongue filled her mouth again, warm and dominant, exploring without restraint as his thumb continued to torture her nipple. With only the tip of him inside her, Y/N gripped her walls with a needy moan, feeling him growl in response at that hold of his on the most sensitive part of him. His free fingers squeezed her buttock, accompanying the movement of her body on his shaft, spreading her walls as he slid into her with ever greater ease. His mouth had moved to her breasts, sucking and biting, she felt like she was going up in flames and being able to clearly feel the same tension in Roman's muscles beneath her was making her dizzy. Her stomach was turning fast, more than it should have, stimulated by too many directions and so she pulled away from him, an husky growl of protest filling the room despite the music. He grabbed her wrist, trying to bring her closer again, but Y/N smashed his hand into his chest, kicking up her legs to fall back on his boner.
- B-babygirl! F-Fuck ah! - he growled in a rough voice, dropping his head back on the bench and Y/N repeated that motion, over and over, forcing him to gasp beneath her.
- It's s-so big – she whined excitedly, more to herself that to him.
She'd found the perfect angle to hammer her sweet spot and for a second she closed her eyes, enjoying the jerks of her body and the thick intrusion of Roman, who anchored her to his body despite the precarious position and the sweat. When she opened them again she found herself looking at her reflection in the mirror on the wall, among training machines, racks of weights and posters. It felt surreal, as if that wasn't really her and for a long moment, she stared as her body swayed over Roman, taking him inch by inch. She saw her hands planted on him, her breasts bouncing with her movements, her hair messy and his fingers digging into her hips. Her juices were dripping down her shorts, his shaft was shiny, veins swollen and red from the draining blood. Something inside her tightened in an almost painful grip at seeing herself there alone with him and she jerked her eyes away, her mind and body liquid. She looked below her, meeting Roman's expression that hadn't mentioned for a moment to take his eyes off her and Y/N opened her mouth, trying to say something, anything, but it sounded like out of her throat come out now only moans.
- K-Keep going… mmh, d-dont stop! - he growled and Y / N increased her pace as much as possible, rotating her hips frantically, insisting on letting him sink inside her.
She clearly felt it throbbing, tensing with each encounter with her sensitive spot, each time her wet folds threatened to choke him with spasms. She reached behind herself, holding on to his thigh and threw her head back, hair tickling her back and the heat building out of control, making her belly crumple. Her breath caught in her lungs, mouth opening now voiceless and she closed her eyes, seeing only the whitish reflection of the hall spotlights beyond her lids as her climax exploded. She continued to rock her hips, trying to keep it as long as possible, but she stopped doing it the instant Roman rose again, regaining control of her to achieve his own release. She felt him everywhere, pressing against her breasts, sinking his fingers into her buttocks, aggressively sucking her neck and wrapped her shaky arms around his muscular body, hiding her face into his shoulder until after a couple of thrusts, she felt his cum fill her core.
Exhausted, Y/N reopened her eyes, in front of her again her own reflection or what one sensed of it, Roman held her against him, legs dangling around his hips and her face sweaty. She closed and opened them again as she caught her breath, her heart slowing its frantic race and felt his lips plant a sweet kiss on her temple, urging her to straighten up a bit and compose herself as best she could.
- So... you ride the show, hun? - he teased her with a tired grin.
- Y'feel threatened?– she pinched him, instantly feeling herself bouncing on his legs like a kid.
- Chill little one, sip your tea – he put her back in her place, while Y/N couldn't hold back a laugh as he reversed their positions to take his revenge.
Sip her tea, sure…
Tag squad: @sunnyfleur23 @racerchix21 @alyanross @wickedsunfire @romanreignsdefencesquad @romanstheory @thiccc-rider-mcintyre @keybladeofsteel @mcreignsera @msbigredmachine @nayys-world @gobbersworld @utika151209 @cumxxslutt @jeyreigns @civildawn @romanmydaddy @raidenandreigns @triscillal @papireigns-05 @helensanders92 @itjazzbicch @ichdrachenfrau @darqchilddaydreamz @meggylynnloves @mariamheeeeee @vintage-pvssy @unfriendly--blvck--hottie @nicolewoo @helensanders92 @niknakbucks92 @wrestlezaynia @reignsx @reignsxroman @kianaleani @daguenoire @iyoskyslover @extra-11 @josphinna @thedonsfactory @snowpanda18 @nestorsgirlfriend @brattyfics @wanna-be-dominated @kitanasposts @namjoonspinkytoenail @tribalchiefreigns @daddyslittlevillain
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msb-lair · 2 months
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Clutch #3533 - Heartwood/Sapwood
Mated On: 2024-03-26 # of eggs: 2 Hatched On: 2024-03-31
Hatchling 9405 (Harper) - Pearlcatcher Female, Hickory Pinstripe/Peridot Safari/Chartreuse Spines, Unusual - 15 gems on 2024-04-28
Hatchling 9406 - Spiral Female, Dirt Ground/Chartreuse Safari/Algae Veined, Common
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I feel like you saying this is like you're setting up a trap for me like:
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Well it worked, didn’t it?? /t
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FIRST OFF... my beloved piece of petrified wood. oouughfff oh man I love it so much, probably my favorite out of everything
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previously-mentioned-in-another-post mystery rock!! still torn between it being either Amazonite or Adventurine
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ROCK WITH HOLES!!!! found it at the beach, have since never parted with it
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^^^ Aforementioned-in-another-post raw apatite :DD
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Rocks I found by the lake and thought were nifty
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SO MUCH RIVER ROCK!!! A bit of cool gravel in there as well, not to mention a few minerals (including feldspar and a small bit of fluorite that I did not in fact get from the river)
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in order - Dalmatian Jasper, Amethyst (which is actually a type of purple mineral quartz!!), and Sodalite, my first bunch of collected crystals :DD
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in order again, Tiger's Eye, Rose Quartz, and the infamous Adventurine!!
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just cos' they're related in name terms, Bloodstone and Dragon's Blood Stone!! Dragon's Blood Stone is SO cool, the picture doesn't do it justice at all, but Bloodstone is still probably my favorite
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SOME OF MY MOST FAVORITE OUT OF EVERYTHING (I know I'm beginning to sound like a broken record, but I really do love all of these rocks n crystals n minerals very much) Kambaba Jasper [WHICH IS ACTUALLY SEDIMENTARY-FOSSILIZED ALGAE. LOSES MIND] Malachite [LOVE THAT SHIT] and Unakite [which is just so pleasant. looks like a grass n flower field someone could run through I ADORE IT]
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Obsidian!! cool stuff, real shiny even without it being polished due to its microcystaline structure - if I recall correctly, its formed when volcanic magma cools so darn fast due to either water or air that the crystals it's composed of barely have any time to grow.
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Strawberry Quartz and Agate!! Agate is really just quartz in structure, but it looks cooler so it has a separate name (don't quote me on that, I'm not a geologist), really pretty stuff - I don't quite recall where either of these came from actually, might've been a gift from a friend
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Here we have Cream Yellow Onyx, which generally forms alongside Limestone (I think) and Howlite (which looks an awful lot like marble but its NOT, its actually a calcium borosilicate hydroxide mineral generally found in deposits of Something or Another <<< forgot)
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lastly, MORE MYSTERY ROCK!! I thought this was Gneiss for a while, given it looks vaguely like a metamorphic rock and the color scheme isn't all that off, but it could also just be plain ol' granite (which Gneiss metamorphisizes from given enough heat and pressure)
(the orange veins here and there may or may not be iron/rusting - not entirely sure)
I think thats all of 'em! Thank you for humoring me friend lmao, I always forget how much fun I have rambling about geology :DD
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
Hi, do you know what that black line down the center of an isopod is (like the line down the albinos you posted)? I recently had some isopods hatch (do you say hatch for isopods?) and some of them have that but some don't and I don't know why
in that post I mentioned it is their digestive tract, same as the “vein” in shrimp. isopods that have eaten will have it be full, isopods that have just molted or just been born and haven’t eaten yet will not have a full stomach.
if some light colored isopods eat colorful food, you can often see it within their guts through their exoskeleton!
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hetalianskywalker · 19 days
Day 14: Trapped in the Lake
Pairing: Mer Boost x Reader
Summary: Something strange is happening in the lake near by.
Author’s Note: In the wider world I created for this little AU, four extra Jedi get to live. And one of them shows up here. Cause he is best dad.
Warnings: Cursing. A character being pretty ill.
Word Count: 915
Prompt: The dock that floats in the middle of the lake is small, cold and slick with algae. None of the coastal towns will admit to putting it there, which means something below is fishing.
Prompt 3036 from deepwaterwritingprompts
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The dock that floats in the middle of the lake is small, cold and slick with algae. None of the coastal towns will admit to putting it there, which means something below is fishing. During the war, the Separatists had polluted the lake with something while occupying the island. The idea that something intelligent was now living in that water terrified everyone.
One night, you decide you’ve had enough of this mystery and take a small row boat out to the dock. Goosebumps appear on your skin as you stop next to it. Your fear is not quite letting you get on to it and it was healthy to listen to one’s instincts in situations like this.
“Wow. You’re pretty brave.” You scream in surprise at the voice, almost falling out of the boat. Thankfully, the other being holds the boat steady as he tries to not laugh his ass off.
“You okay?” He eventually gets out as his laughter dies. Once you catch your breath, you grab your lantern and pier over the side of the boat. Floating at the top of the water is a Mer clone. He has two odd stripes of red hair and a gray and white tail.
“What the hell are you doing out here?” You ask, surprised and concerned. “Your dock is scaring everyone and this water isn’t safe!”
“I know, but I’m kinda stuck.” He explains, flashing you his sharp teeth nervously.
“What do you mean stuck?” You gaze down into the murky depths, trying to see what could be holding him.
“No. I mean I can’t shift and leave the water.” He explains quickly. “Something in the water is blocking it. The others should be back for me soon.”
“Why the dock then?” The Mer goes to answer, but ends up coughing up a lung instead. You lift the lantern a bit higher and you notice how sickly he looks. You can see his veins more than you should and he looks a lot more tired than you originally thought.
“There was some wood already here and I needed something to keep me close to the surface. This way the others don’t have to get in the water to help me. And cause I’m not strong enough to get to the shoreline right now.” He shrugs, moving over to the dock in question. He moves his arms on top and lets his head rest on them a moment. You listen to the crickets for a moment as he tries to fight off his exhaustion.
“I’m Boost.” You offer your name softly in return. You stare worriedly down at the water; it was definitely making him sick. However, the ocean was too far and the village didn’t have enough clean water for him.
“When will they be back for you?” You ask worriedly and he smiles at you.
“We need a Jedi to purify the water and there aren’t many of those left. I’ll be all better when they get back. Don’t worry.”
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Turns out you had every right to worry as he just gets sicker and sicker over the next few days. You end up having to row food out to him as he lays on the dock. It’s a vicious cycle, watching him lay out on the dock and feel better only to have to go back in to be able to breathe properly.
You're starting to lose faith when finally a group of four appear on the shoreline: three Mer clones and another species you had never seen before. You sit with him as Boost dizzily watches their boat get closer.
“General Koon?” Boost wheezes as the Jedi steps on to the dock.
“Easy Boost. It’s me.” His deep voice replies as you move out of his way. He sets a clawed hand on his forehead.
“You died?” He simply hushed him in response and began a chant. You watch in awe as the warm glow of magic appears from his hands. Slowly, Boost gains a bit of color back and his breathing evens out. When the chanting is done, he slowly sits up and changes into human form.
“We need to leave. The empire will be here soon.” A soft chorus of “yes sir” makes you chuckle. The Jedi waves you over to join them in the boat and you hop in as well.
“So who’s the girlfriend?”
“Fuck off, Sinker.” Boost snaps back and you almost burst out laughing.
“Stop it you two.” The one with the scar grumbles as the last member of the group tries not to laugh. The Jedi lets out a soft chuckle as well before turning to you. He quickly introduces the rest of the group before getting to the task at hand.
“You will need to come with us. It will not end well for you if the empire interrogates you.” Plo Koon informs you and you nod in agreement.
“Wait, you’ll really come?” Boost moves to sit up a bit more and almost falls over. You and Comet barely catch him before he hits his head. Sinker almost says something smug between his chuckles, but you all make it shore before he can. Specifically, Wolffe half drags him along to come stand guard with Plo Koon while you and Comet carry Boost.
“Yeah, Boost.” You smile brightly up at him and you resist the urge to tease him when you see him look away a bit embarrassed. “You ain’t getting rid of me that easy.”
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draconiankafka · 1 year
these hands could carry a love as sharp as the sharpest knives — obsessively longing for the flesh it's going to meet and cut
me, i wasn't taught to share
these eyes could carry the most outrageous stories — just waiting for the one who's going to blankly stare back and listen
me, i wasn't taught to share
these lungs could carry the same amount of oxygen produced by all the algae in the oceans — begging you to take its breath away and suffocate from your love
me, i wasn't taught to share
this heart could carry the most reddish colour in its veins — waiting for you to bleed it out until the diagnose is complete
this whole tiny body, as tiniest as the greatest grain of sand, could carry such desire and passion — it could make all the poets be jealous of your love
me, i wasn't taught to share
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wulvert · 5 months
what happens if a vampire drinks diseased blood, can they only drink human blood, and does scarlet get her blood cheap ⁉️
id say its hard for vampires to get sick from human diseases since theyre frozen as they were when they died, heal so fast, & reject foreign objects really easily (so maybe even viruses 😭?)
vampire health issues r rly specific imo, like fungus & plaque build up 🥲 stuff that can grow on them even if they heal too fast to get damaged by it. algae hair. things that can start living inside them like parasites & stuff. a lost hamster crawling around their veins.
they can only drink human/vampire blood! (vampire blood is just old rancid human blood thats kinda used up already, vampires dont feel innate desire to bite other vampires)
it isnt cheap but scarlets pretty financially well off so shes fine!
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sxyphen · 5 months
soooo I made some morphology's and outfits for td charcters, here’s what I have so far (warning, this is gonna be long)
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Gwen: outfit (Female Pearlcatcher; teal Jupiter, obsidian Basic, and emerald Basic) This is one of my personal favorites, it's simple but it works really well, but you'll see the morphologies and outfits get more complicated soooo
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Courtney: outfit (Female Coatl; sand Cherub, camo Constellation, and wisteria Basic) Another favorite, she just looks pretty :3
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Duncan: outfit (Male Bogsneak, eldritch Cinder, fern Blaze, and flaxen Basic) Silly little eepy guy, I feel like this is probably the most accurate dragon of any td character i've made. not much to say about him tho
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Alejandro: outfit (Male Imperial; coral Python, maroon Shimmer, and blood Smoke) This is actually a dragon that I have, you can check him out here, but it actually took a couple tries to get an outfit that I think works with him lol
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Bridgette: outfit (Female Skydancer; caribbean Lionfish, sanddollar Shimmer, and cobalt Okapi) nothing much to say other than, pretty :3
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Geoff: outfit (Male Pearlcatcher; magenta Clown, ivory Butterfly, and strawberry Spines) same with Bridgette, I wanted them to be matching, cause, y'know. they kiss :<, but I honestly prefer this one over Bridgette (the outfit, not the morphology)
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Harold: outfit (Male Ridgeback; periwinkle Skink, orange Hex, and fern Stained) I'm really happy with how this came out, even if it took a couple redos lol, and the steampunk apparel works with Harold's, vibe
ok for some stupid reason I can't put the pictures of Beth, Justin, Katie and Sadie [im on pc], so I'm just going to link the morphologies here: Beth (Female Aether; ivory Candy, magenta Butterfly, and shamrock Wish), Justin (Male Aether; bronze Boa, hunter Daub, and overcast Flutter), Katie and Sadie (Female Aberration; brown Pinstripe, ivory Flair, and cottoncandy Koi)
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Ezekiel: outfit (Male Wildclaw; algae Pinstripe, soil Patchwork, and stonewash Veined) My favorite tbh, can't really explain why it just, ✨does✨
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Feral Ezekiel: outfit (Male Mirror; fern Stiched, camo Patchwork, and cobalt Ghost) yeah, i made the eepy. i changed the breed cause 1) it reflects how ezekiel changed after his mutation, and 2) Male Wildclaw's position(?) isn't creaturey enough
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Leshawna: outfit (Female Obelisk; ginger Falcon, obsidian Rosette, and cerise Contour) Nothing much to say about this one tbh, she looks real pretty tho :D
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Owen: outfit (Male Snapper; metals Ground, marigold Safari, and teal Koi) I like this one, it's simple but unfortunately i couldn't find anything to represent his maple leaf :(
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Cody: outfit (Male Coatl; gold Swirl, twilight Fissure, and copper Contour) i'm honestly not happy with this one, specifically the outfit. might redo this one later, and remove all the autumn stuff
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DJ: outfit (Male Tundra; camo Python, brown Constellation, and dust Runes) lookie, is my boy :3333333333
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Izzy: outfit (Female Mirror; sunshine Clown, pear Eye Spots, and avocado Gembond) really happy with this one, it fits her well and gives off her craziness :>
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Sierra: outfit (Female Spiral; jade Clown, mulberry Hypnotic, and blackberry Opal) i'm very lucky to have found the apparel that i did for her, cause if i didn't, i have no idea what outfit to have given her ;-; but yeah she pretty
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Eva: outfit (Female Snapper; cobalt Falcon, sapphire Peregrine, and obsidian Spines) big buff lady :D
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Tyler: outfit (Male Ridgeback; cherry Jupiter, sable Eel, and white Basic) A fan of this one, and the Love's Herald was a gift from Lindsay. and now thinking about it, i might wanna make some lore for this. it's a big maybe though
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Lindsay: outfit (Female Fae; garnet Flaunt, honey Jester, and cornflower Scales) i don't know how to feel abt this one, not a fan of it. and also will probably redo the outfit. the morphology i can live with.
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Noah: outfit (Male Nocturne; brown Jupiter, pthalo Safari, and crimson Underbelly) another favorite, it gives off very Noah vibes lol (and i just realized that he shares a gene with Owen. so do with that information as you will)
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Trent: outfit (Male Skydancer; algae Viperia, forest Eel, and obsidian Koi) I love this one, gives off very bard/guitarist kinda vibes. and if there was lore, i imagine trent would be a nomad entertainer, playing in small towns and cities, and maybe at a bar or two
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Chris: outfit (Male Fae; forest Falcon, teal Myrid, and obsidian Smoke) look, it's him, the guy!!!!/j but in all seriousness, this is literally just him. entitled little short king who slays (i also have one for Chef, but it's yucky :,<)
i had one for Heather, but I deleted the outfit for her, which was of a dragon that i already sold, soooooooo i'm just gonna make a new one for her :3 also thank you for reading this long ass post (if you actually did), it means a lot to me :3
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