#Valentine's Spectacular 2023
kalira · 1 year
Spurring Words
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T; 2.3k Sakumo/Orochimaru, Dan(/Tsunade)
The words on Sakumo's arm are a reassurance, a link to his mate even when they're apart, and . . . sometimes, a push even when he little needed one.
Here begins my 2023 Valentine’s Spectacular! I’m going back to my roots on it and there will not be a lot of plot or complexities this time, trying to relax and fluff and little else . . . and also not posting every day or on a schedule, though you should expect more scattered through February. X3
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maryvioletique7708 · 1 year
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Something special I made at school....
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robsheridan · 1 year
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One year ago, my "Meat Gala" AI body horror fashion series, imagining demons from Hell attending the MET Gala, went wildly viral on social media (here's a Buzzfeed article/interview with me about it)
My subversion of the event's elite glamour with nightmarish gore that commented on the grotesque opulence of the 1% really resonated with people, and as the first AI horror art to go viral in this way it was the first exposure many people had to the dark side of what was possible with AI imaging. It also led a lot of very angry Christians who inexplicably thought it was real (enjoy the comments here and here), and it also led to terms like "body horror," "flesh," and even "Cronenberg" getting banned from MidJourney (I didn't even use the term "Cronenberg" in my prompts), sealing the work in a liminal space in AI art history, unable to be recreated or continued. Of course it didn't slow down my AI horror journey, and the spirit of this work - both visually and in out-of-control viral impact - continued this year with my Valentine of the Flesh body horror fashion series.
This series is also special for me because of the subsequent conversations I had with MidJourney's DavidH in which I argued against their censorship of horror art, and he revealed a depressingly vanilla view of "art" and "beauty" that he sought to curate with his platform. What I had discovered, first with VIIR and then with The Meat Gala, was that the algorithmic opinion towards artistic beauty which made MidJourney at the time leagues ahead of previous AI art tech, could be subverted to make stunning and wholly unique horror art. The elegant way those early versions of the software blended elements together like surrealist paintings was meant to ensure that any prompt result gave you something that looked like beautiful art, but what I found is that if you pointed it in the right direction, it would do the same thing with blood and flesh and bones and tentacles, to spectacular uncanny horror effect. In the case of The Meat Gala, the effect was even more potent, as elements of demonic body horror gore were twisted through lenses of beauty, glamour, and opulence. To me, I was making beautiful surreal nightmares, and I was floored with the potential I saw and the ideas it gave me. But David and the other MidJourney creators saw nothing but a perversion of their software. They were, in fact, shocked by my Meat Galaseries and worried that its viral spread was giving the wrong public impression of MidJourney before it had even officially launched. They didn't know their software could make something like that, because they didn't have the type of minds that had ever even thought to try.
In that moment, when I genuinely surprised and upset the creators of the software, I was able to let go of the nagging feeling I had that "I didn't really make this, the software did" and feel true ownership over my AI work. After all, if the creators of the software didn't even know such art was possible, it went against everything they created the software for, and they rushed to try to prevent it from happening again, then I had truly made something unique to me as an artist, that would have never existed from anyone else. It was a new type of creation, but a very real and personal creation nonetheless.  As much of a bummer as it was to find out the creators of the coolest horror art tool I'd ever encountered actively hated horror art, I was empowered and inspired to see what else I could pull out of each new liminal phase of a rapidly-progressing technology.
The Meat Gala series also led to a very cool art collaboration, resulting in something new I'm very excited about that I'll be announcing Monday May 1st, the day of the 2023 MET Gala. Stay tuned!
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linkemon · 8 months
Valentine's Day 2023 headcanons 1
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here.
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Shikanoin Heizou
✧ Who else could come up with a romantic investigation? Of course, a one-of-a-kind, always busy detective. You were the investigator and he was your fugitive. At least that's what you assumed, because in fact you knew where you'd find him from the beginning.
✧ You woke up in the morning to see a piece of paper with a clue. You followed it, smiling to yourself. Heizou knew that he would have to stay longer at the agency that day, so he stayed up all night preparing various activities for you in the city.
✧ Each note was written exactly in his style. You could almost hear his words written on the paper. Especially when he called you sweetheart time and time again. Most of the puzzles were rhyming.
✧ You had to admit that halfway through the tour your legs started to hurt. At the same time, however, you were driven by curiosity to see what would be around the next corner.
✧ Activities included the best restaurants in Inazuma, picking up Heizou's pre-ordered kimono for you, and visiting the hot springs. You even got Yae Miko's unique autograph under her publisher's new book that you've been absolutely crazy about lately.
✧ When you got to the end of the tour, of course you saw the agency. Heizou perfectly deduced when you'd come, that's why he was collecting the last documents from the desk. He greeted you with a kiss, saying that the fun has only just begun.
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✧ As a Scaramouche, he never imagined he would ever have the opportunity to celebrate this holiday. When he took on a new name, it didn't make him see Valentine's Day any differently. Just another stupid opportunity for people.
✧ When Nahida innocently asked what he had prepared for you and informed you that your gift for him was fantastic, he knew he was falling into the trap of the archon of wisdom. He then replied angrily that it was none of her business and walked away. At the same time, however, he began to think intensely about the fact that it might be worth doing something.
✧ Wanderer polled the few friends he had, including a bazaar vendor, for ideas. He was supposed to meet you tonight. Time was running out and every gift seemed inappropriate to him.
✧ He finally decided to buy you a necklace that could hold something small. He didn't know what to put inside and said to himself he wouldn't give it to you. In such a state you caught him on the street, saying it's time for your usual meeting.
✧ Seeing your gift, he thrust a necklace into your hand, saying that he got this antique from someone in the bazaar and it will be of no use to him. After all, he doesn't care about Valentine's Day...
✧ That evening you asked Wanderer to take a picture with you. You keep a miniature of it in your necklace as a memento of that day.
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✧ Valentine's Day, of course, was spent rich but at the same time with you in mind. Everything was planned in advance as befits Tianquan.
✧ Throughout her busy schedule, Ningguang has reserved a whole day just for you in advance. She told the assistants not to disturb you unless Liyue is in mortal danger.
✧ You spent the day at Jade Chamber. In the morning you enjoyed breakfast prepared by Xiangling herself. It was nice to finally be able to eat in peace, knowing that your beloved was not in any way rushed by her work.
✧ Yun Jin graced the dinner with her performance. It was a new opera she was happy to write for your special request. It told the story of your love. Ningguang held your hand tight at special moments. Though she tried to appear composed, yet you could easily see her agitation.
✧ The culmination of the day was a fireworks show. Admittedly, it wasn't as spectacular as in the case of Lantern Rite but certainly many people in the city saw it as well. Invited from the recently opened Inazuma Yoimiya, who was a specialist in this field, created your special firework. It resembled two intertwined hearts as a sign that you will always be together.
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helloliriels · 4 months
Gifts are meant to be shared! 💝and I couldn't be more grateful for each and every one these lovely gifts! THANK YOU BUNCHES FOR MAKING MY YEAR BETTER!!! 💋- Liriels
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💝 Of Scars and Revelations by @catlock-holmes for Holmestice Winter 2023 (I MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!)
Sherlock has returned from his presumed death, but he isn't the same he used to be, after experiencing torture and trauma. His friendship with John isn't the same either, can they rekindle their friendship, or maybe even become something completely new? Maybe a stay at a hotel after a case could help them rediscover their bond. LOVE THIS SO MUCH !!!! 💖😍🎁 John & Sherlock finally GeT SoMe!!!! (SleEp ThaT iS!!!) haha, baths, only one bed, hurt/comfort, with plenty of feELs!!! 💋
🎁 Human Urges by @topsyturvy-turtely
John hated it. He utterly and truly hated it. Despised himself for it ... That stupid, always present, torturing urge to be kissed!
💝 The Case of the Serial Secret Admirer by @hasenkind687
It is seven days until Valentine's day. Humbuk - if you ask Sherlock. But then, anonymous gifts appears!
🎁 "John what the bloody hell are you doing?" by Atrocious_Magpie
Sherlock catches John baking cookies while listening to abba, what do you think happens next?
💝 This perfect JOHNLOCK IMAGE for 'It Belongs in a Museum', made by @a-victorian-girl
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🎁 Live from the Morgue by @disfictional from Holmestice Winter 2022. (i MaDe A BaNnEr FoR YoU!!!) 💀🎙️tysm!!!
A very special podcast episode 'Live from the Morgue' with Molly Hooper, featuring guest star Sherlock Holmes, discussing his years away (playing dead) - while John listens ...
💝 Mrs. Hudson's Crack Brew by @chriscalledmesweetie for 2022 Year of the Crack Fic!
Mrs. Hudson is beginning to regret the part she played in bringing Sherlock and John together. Not to put too fine a point on it, those boys are LOUD. Can she find a way to make things better? Or will she only make them worse? It all depends on your perspective…
🎁 Knitting Needles Out by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Knitting. How hard could it be? Pretty hard, as it turned out. Especially cable knitting.
💝 This lovely GIF collab made by @liquor-liquor-lips for 'pack up the moon, and dismantle the sun' quote by WH Auden & all the reichenbach feels. 💋
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🎁 Shared Proximity by @fluffbyday-smutbynight for Holmestice Open Promptfest Winter 2021
“As ever, you see but you do not observe. Our respective lives are so enmeshed together, that such labels - like flatmates or colleagues or, yes, even friends - evidently fall short. Partners might do it, and it’s not a coincidence that it’s a stand-in for couple.”A definition might prove necessary, but still not enough in itself. What's the next step?
💝 (Full) Contact With Nature by @fluffbyday-smutbynight
Sherlock puts all his weight on him pushing him back on the ground, and simultaneously catches John’s arms and pins them down ...
🎁 A Story of Scent by maelle_lardeux & 💝Un affaire de sentur by malle_lardeux (french translation) 🥰 for @ohlooktheresabee & me
It's amazing how smells can affect people's emotions, in a good or bad way.C’est incroyable comment les odeurs peuvent affecter les émotions des personnes, d’une bonne ou d’une mauvaise façon.
🎁 The Mystery of the Red Pants by @simplyclockwork for Holmestice Summer 2021
A few spectacular laundry mishaps lead to revelations between Sherlock and John - and maybe a bit more ...
💝 Practice Date by Fantasy_Fan_26 (so brilliant!)
Sherlock wants to go on a date with John to figure out his feelings, but doesn't want to be rejected, this is the plan he comes up with ...
OMG I love them all!!!
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Plus these translated fics 💖:
🎄Шерлок – это женское имя [Sherlock is a Girl's Name] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Бутылочка [Spin the Bottle] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami 🎄Таксофон [Payphone] translated by Flamyenko_No_Kami  🎄Эксперименты по проводимости [Experiments in Conductivity] translated by Little_Unicorn 🎄【福华福】[授翻]Kiss Me Now Before You Go/离开前请吻我 translated by 十三横夏 [Whale_Juan] 🎄Dawno utracone [Long Lost] translated by Tulippa 🎄Помни меня [Remember Me] translated by Little_Unicorn
Is there anything better than a fandom gift??
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quiobivalentines · 2 months
QuiObi Secret Valentines 2024 Masterlist
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Thank you so much to everyone who participated in the Valentine’s Day exchange this year! It was a pleasure working with you all, both returning contributors and new, and your creations are spectacular 💕
An Honest Mistake by ironyman [art] Gift for wolfiefics (2024) by dreaminghour Echoes of Destiny by bereweillschmidt I love you so much, I was so afraid of losing you by psina_dubina Lazy day in bed by chewkrut Masquerade by Electrodos17 Our Last Kiss by kurtssingh Will you Marry Me by GavImp
A Lesson by LuvEwan a note in a chord in a song by thetimesinbetween Born and Perishable by thesadchicken Cave Heat by HiddenViolet Coming Home by wolfiefics Gemütlichkeit by Firondoiel Insatiable by sanerontheinside Parting Gift by atsuyuri_sama Ships in the Night by dogmatix Sugar and Wine and Everything Fine by thesilverqueen the whole world fits inside of your arms by jynx Unexpected by karameiwaku
2021 Masterlist 2022 Masterlist 2023 Masterlist
We would love to see you all at the QuiObi Reverse Bang! Sign-ups are now open for everyone, so come join us!!!
To receive email notifications about our upcoming events, click here.
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Kaiju Week in Review (October 15-21, 2023)
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Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #1 is metahuman-heavy, establishing how the Titans of the Monsterverse found themselves on the same Earth as DC's finest and ending with Superman flying off to face Godzilla. It's early days, but the conveniently deserted Skull Island base the Legion of Doom storms into makes me pessimistic that any of the Monsterverse's human characters will show up. Rodan is also absent from the Titan line-up, despite appearing via flashback in the short Godzilla: Fight or Flight comic included in the Monsterverse Omnibus earlier this year. (Toho must be overcharging for Godzilla's supporting cast again.) It should be fun watching D-listers like Behemoth, Scylla, and Camazotz tangle with some of the world's most famous superheroes though.
Sales data for DC comics is effectively unavailable now, but anecdotally this one is doing gangbusters. The downside of snagging it now over waiting for the trade paperback is that DC disperses ads throughout the comic, instead of just at the end like IDW.
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Toho announced a ton of U.S. Godzilla merch launching in the U.S. on November 3. Your mileage will vary, but the most interesting baubles to me are the Godzilla Minus One promo cards from UVS Games (to be sold on TCGplayer.com) and the trading cards from Surreal Entertainment (to be sold at Five Below). Very few Godzilla trading cards have been produced in either Japan or the U.S. since 2006, and most of those have been cross-promotions with Magic: The Gathering and Battle Spirits. I have a small collection of random cards from older sets (a couple of them signed), and it'll be cool to expand it a little.
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Toho's Godzilla Day announcement also included some news on Godzilla Minus One's U.S. release, which I thought deserved its own section. Tickets go on sale November 3rd—including for "special Early Access Fan Event Screenings on Wednesday, November 29, 2023, in IMAX and large format theaters across the country." So Toho International has outmaneuvered Beyoncé in the competition for IMAX screens, if only for one night.
In other Minus One news, a couple new TV spots are out (and translated by the GODZILLA OFFICIAL by TOHO YouTube channel). One shows off a new Godzilla ability, if you're wary of spoilers. Its world premiere was held beneath the Godzilla Head in Shinjuku on October 18, where the incredible Godzilla Attack Truck also debuted.
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IDW's Godzilla Valentine's Day Special, due January 31, dares to ask, "What if the old 'kill the monster or study the monster' argument was foreplay?" Zoe Tunnell, who I suspect is a Godzilla 2000 fan, writes, and Dani Pendergast illustrates. I'd like to thank them both for making a comic specifically for me. The logline:
Is there anything as romantic as seeing the world together? Hopping from country to country to take in the sights and splendor in the fleeting seconds before Godzilla smashes the skyline? Truly, there's nothing like the thrill of an international game of cat and mouse between an intrepid amateur kaiju researcher and a global kaiju-response lieutenant. But when you're up against Godzilla, it's hard to have a bigger "CRUSH."
SRS Cinema has picked up War of the Ninja Monsters: Jaron vs. Goura, the latest no-budget spectacular from Shinpei Hayashiya. The two monsters are basically Godzilla and Gamera, one-upping Giant Monsters Appear in Tokyo, which never showed its Godzilla and Gamera expies outside of the poster. Hopefully it'll be less headache-inducing than God Raiga vs. King Ohga: War of the Monsters. SRS is aiming to release it on Blu-ray and VHS in early 2024, with a DVD to follow later in the year.
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Hoshi 35, Megumi Odaka's return to live-action film, opened in Japan on October 21. A new trailer is out too. SRS Cinemas has an existing relationship with production company 3Y, which previously made The Great Buddha Arrival and Nezura 1964, so I'd expect them to license this one too.
This Netflix ad for an online convention of sorts includes the first snippets of footage from Ultraman Rising, the Tsuburaya/ILM animated film it's distributing next year. The animation is miles above the Netflix Ultraman anime, that's for sure.
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dirtyriver · 1 year
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Archie's Valentine's Spectacular, 2023, Mutant Beaver Comics variant covers by Dan Parent
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ultimateaclrecovery · 4 months
2023 year in review!
I actually had a pretty incredible year.
It’s weird, back in like 2021 I had been really stuck in my life and just kind of bored of doing the same things over and over and feeling like I fell into comfortable and was stuck in a rut, so I took an opportunity to live in LA for a year in 2022 which was mostly fine but the job sucked, and then came back to Colorado in 2023 and it’s like everything was all rainbows and sunshine. The grass really isn’t greener on the other side. So anyway here’s my recap.
Played lei out where we had a good time despite getting rained in.
January 21 went on our first date with my now boyfriend.
Ran a half marathon
Got to celebrate an actual valentines with my first boyfriend (although he wasn’t quite my bf yet)
Had an adorable galentines
Bought a horse, the very best pony and fulfilled an absolute life long dream and I still just can’t believe it.
Spent a weekend in dc with Anthony and got to do all the muesuem and eat purple food
Hosted a whimsical brunch just because
Had my golden birthday and turned 30 and was so purple
Played frisbee master nationals with a womens team after qualifying at regionals
Got a promotion to basically my ideal job. Am now a level 4 (out of five normal levels). Came with an 11% pay raise.
Went camping and hiked a terrifying fourteener
Helped return a sample of an asteroid to the earth.
Spent a girls day at the lake
Qualified to regionals for frisbee again. Finally.
Went to the hot air balloon festival in New Mexico and saw the eclipse and went camping
Realized the Nuvaring was not good for my emotional stability and came off of it (the one negative of the year)
Played fright flight frisbee tournament and got to be super hero Barbie
Spent nearly two with Japan with Anthony and had an absolutely marvelous time
Met his parents for thanksgiving dinner
Came home early enough for Christmas to make cookies with my mom after having to skip this last year.
Between a horse, a promotion, a boyfriend, great travel, great friends and an overall healthier for me and my family( no Covid for my birthday or dad breaking his hip before Christmas this year.) it’s been a pretty spectacular year.
Wishing you all an equally wonderful 2024 full of joy and peace!
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ARC Review: Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall
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Publication Date: April 11, 2023
From the USA Today bestselling author of Boyfriend Material comes a riotous Regency romp full of art, expensive hats, and a love that is nothing short of spectacular. Peggy Delancey’s not at all ready to move on from her former flame, Arabella Tarleton. But Belle has her own plans for a love match, and she needs Peggy’s help to make those plans a reality. Still hung up on her feelings and unable to deny Belle what she wants, Peggy reluctantly agrees to help her woo the famous and flamboyant opera singer Orfeo. She certainly doesn’t expect to find common ground with a celebrated soprano, but when Peggy and Orfeo meet, a whole new flame is ignited that she can’t ignore. Peggy finds an immediate kinship with Orfeo, a castrato who’s just as nonconforming as she is—and just as affected by their instant connection. They’ve never been able to find their place in the world, but as the pair walks the line between friendship, flirtation, and something more, they may just find their place with each other.
My Rating: ★★★★★
*My Review and Favorite Quotes below the cut.
My Review:
There's something magical about Alexis Hall's writing. His books are hilarious and witty and full of unexpectedly profound truths about life and love and everything in between, and always wonderfully, unapologetically queer. I always find myself highlighting dozens upon dozens of passages and then agonizing over which to choose for my 'favorite quotes' section of my review blog posts. Again and again his writing has me collapsing with laughter and then startled into profound revelations when my guard is down. This book is hilarious and tender and incisive with biting social commentary. Every character is ridiculous and dramatic and I love them all. In this book we have Peggy, who is genderfluid - not only a woman nor only a man - and is often quite cross and contrary about it, and about how the world wants to box her in no matter how vehemently she protests. And then we have Orfeo, an agender castrati opera singer who is also neither man nor woman, simply beautiful. And though some of that was forced upon them, they would be neither man nor woman either way. Being nonbinary myself, I really appreciated seeing them struggle with and ultimately joyfully accept themselves and each other as they are. Their love story is at times stunningly gorgeous and at times hilarious, and it was a joy to watch them discovering deeper truths about themselves and one another. It was wonderful to see Valentine and Bonny and Belle and Sir Horley again, for they bring the sheer ridiculousness energy they brought in Something Fabulous. I do feel the Sir Horley marriage thread got dropped abruptly, but I'm hoping that's just because there will be a third book focusing on him in the future. I hope we get more of Belle, too, as her ending was also a little abrupt and I found her realization that she is aromantic, after a lifetime diet of nothing but romantic books and daydreams, very interesting, especially when contrasted with her twin Bonny, who is romantic to his core. I would like to see Bonny realizing that Belle, though his twin, is also her own person and they do not have to share everything and his dreams do not need to be her dreams. I really liked the addition of the Duke and Duchess of Marshalsea, and I hope we see more of them in future books as well. The final scene, involving four participants, struck me as one of the more profound sex scenes I've encountered. It was so unusual, and had so much love and care and trust in it, and such a striking lack of awkwardness, that I found it quite moving. And that's coming from someone who doesn't normally enjoy sex scenes. It's the kind of scene that's incredibly difficult to write well, and it's executed beautifully. Just four people who love and trust one another unconditionally, finding joy and even further closeness together. In case it wasn't already clear, I adored Something Spectacular. I adored Something Fabulous as well, but I may adore this even more. I will now commence hoping for further sequels. *Thanks to NetGalley and Montlake for providing an early copy for review.
Favorite Quotes:
(Yes, there are far too many, I know. But Alexis Hall is one of my absolute favorite authors and I have already cut 75% of what I highlighted.)
“Letter for you, darling.” Glancing up from her book, Peggy’s mother gestured with a forkful of bacon, causing the bacon to fly off the fork and land in her husband’s teacup. “Oh, bother.” Mr. Delancey de-baconed his tea. “Thank you, pet. I always felt what tea was missing was more meat.”
“Oh my God.” Belle’s voice broke upon them as abruptly as if she’d dropped a piano on their heads from the floor above.
It was at this moment that Belle popped up like a shark beneath a shipwreck, seizing both Peggy and Sir Horley. “Come. We need to be at the front”
It was beautiful, but it was beautiful in the way that looking at the night was beautiful in winter, when it was at its blackest and coldest, and you felt as infinitesimal as the distant stars. It was beautiful as only the bloodiest sunsets and the most jagged mountains were beautiful. Terrible beauty, beauty that wanted to drive you to your knees and drink the tears from your eyes, the sort of beauty to rend skies and topple cathedrals, as impossible as the flame of Prometheus.
Peggy had not come out tonight seeking a glimpse of the numinous, but the numinous was staring right at her regardless.
“So…” Peggy lurched to her feet. “I’m not very—I”m feeling a bit…” She could taste blood at the back of her throat. Her breath was knives. Her pulse a stampede of wild horses. “I think I might…” Then the walls closed in, the ceiling rolled over like a dog wanting its tummy scratched, and the ground vomited itself into her face.
It was almost imperceptible—perhaps so imperceptible that Peggy was probably imagining it, but something about Orfeo had changed. They offered the same warmth, the same curious gaze, the same tantalising play of humility and theatricality. But it was as though they had gilded themselves, somehow. Until they were nothing but the gleam of reflected light.
She wondered if Orfeo would be like that, a lion and an eagle and a fiercely burning flame before they were finally just themselves, safe and spoiled in Peggy’s arms.
“Perhaps had things been otherwise,” Orfeo went on, “I would have been a farmer like my father. Married some sweet. peasant girl. Had children of my own. Never dreamed in music and lived for the gleam of a thousand candles.”
Someone who wasn’t her romance-oppositional best friend, an opera singer committed exclusively to their career, or a clergyman’s daughter with a fatal case of poetry.
And someday she was going to like somebody who didn’t see their life as a story they were telling instead of something they were living. Or, then again, maybe she wasn’t. Maybe dramatic beyond all reason was her type.
Because the soiree had been little more than a glimpse of this: the kind of beauty that did things to you. Hurt you and healed you and humbled you. Left you not quite the same.
Peggy tried to draw her knees up even more but was prevented by the limits of her own body and the physical laws of the universe. “It’s what they want.”
She didn’t bother calling for a carriage because having to call a carriage to take you to the other side of the same damn square was the sort of nonsense society inflicted on ladies. And she wasn’t—had never been—a lady, and she was through with letting people force her to pretend to be one.
He was fucking with her. Peggy was increasingly convinced he was fucking with her. This was going beyond butler and into obstructive.
“You’re not a coward, mio principe. Sometimes living, simply as we are, is the greatest act of courage there is.”
George bristled. “Are you ridiculing me Delancey? These are my feelings, in this sonnet. Do you know how difficult it is for a man like me to have feelings? I’m very athletic.”
In any case, Peggy liked the crocodile. For whatever reason, the taxidermist, perhaps not knowing very much about crocodiles, had positioned it on its hind legs, with its front claws extended before it and its long-snouted mouth open in an expression of mild exasperation. It was if it was saying “Oh, what the fuck now,” and it was exactly how Peggy wanted her visitors to be greeted.
Peggy wouldn’t have known to describe a piece of music as “fostering a vocal sensuality” if it stuck its tongue in her ear.
She could have told them that the world at large believed her made for certain things and that admitting she wanted them for herself felt like betrayal, triumph, and surrender all at once. She could have told them she thought that sometimes the only way to have a choice was to make it anyway.
And Peggy wasn’t sure what was worse: resenting a piece of art for not speaking to you or having to face up to the fact it was.
"All I want”—it was Valentine’s most tragic voice—“is to be a very rich, powerful, and well-dressed man who gets to sleep until a sensible hour of one or two in the afternoon, and bathe uninterrupted at length.” He flung his arms to the heavens. “Is that too much to ask?” As in answer, the sky darkened, and a few drops of rain plopped heavily down upon them. “No,” said Valentine. He subjected the weather to a ducal glare. “Stop it. Stop it at once.” Peggy patted him reassuringly on the arm. “We’re nearly there.” They were not nearly there. But she didn’t want to admit that to Valentine in case he burst into tears or threw himself from the vehicle.
She had always chosen to be the naysayer, the sensible one, the voice of reason when dragged into the latest round of Tarleton hijinks, but she had never once said no. Because, at the end of the day, a world full of adventures, romantic reversals, grand gestures, and happy endings was simply better than a world without.
“If we do get married,” said Orfeo dreamily, “I shall wear gold.” “And I’m going to wear”—Peggy gave it some thought—“clothes.” “And this is truly what you want?” “To wear clothes at my wedding? Definitely.”
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thuggaloshow · 1 year
#ThuggaloShow #WestCoastWickedShit #Hexxx
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kalira · 1 year
Stitching a Connection
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T; 1.7k Alucard/Trevor
While Trevor is sure that - this time - the pains he feels from his soulmate are not indicative of his being attacked by some newly-awakened demonic remnant lingering in the castle, when he gets back to Alucard . . . he might rather have dealt with the monster, to be honest.
Someone suggested these two and a feel one another’s pain AU for the Spectacular this year, because giving the Castlevania boys fluff wasn’t enough of a challenge already, apparently. XD
Well, I have an owchier, bigger plot with the same AU in my to-write notes now, but also . . . this, which despite the grief is hopefully on the fluffy side of hurt/comfort. >.>
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mixtapemag · 9 months
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Photos by Christopher Hall.
Way Out West wrapped up its 2023 edition on Saturday after three days of spectacular music in Gothenburg.
Muna kicked off the day with an energetic set that was capped with a guest appearance by their Saddest Factory label mate Phoebe Bridgers.
Kelela glowed on the Azalea stage with a completely stripped down performance of just her and a microphone. She sounded spectacular.
Sam Fender toughed through his set after breaking his toe at a festival a few days before and having to go on steroids for his voice.
Snail Mail had the Linne tent bouncing as she moved through hits from Valentine.
Muna & Phoebe Bridgers
Muna & Phoebe Bridgers
Sam Fender
Snail Mail
Christopher Hall posts over here. Gothenburg Day 3.
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xamassed · 1 year
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⟬ @ofhope / valentine's day 2023 ⟭
Dragging around a massive Oni took some muscle; thankfully, Yoimiya never let such feats overwhelm her! Yashiori Island was the prime setting for her master plan - clearing out the troublemakers took some extra time, and maybe Itto would've preferred taking part in that, but sacrifices had to be made!
"No peeking!" although granted, the sounds would give off her surprise, she couldn't risk the sights being seen ahead of time -- but to soften the blow, she twines their fingers together, palm to palm. "Aaaanddd..."
With a departing squeeze, Yoimiya slips away from the Oni, quickly gathering a light and starting the signature szzzzz of a lit fuse, she all but shouts:
"Eyes to the skies, tiny! Look!"
In a plume of yellows and purples, the Arataki Gang's signature logo is etched into the skies, spreading wide and far. It's quiet then, as sparks burst forth and crackles and pops speed through the emptied valleys, before ending in a crescendo of sizzles. Once the display has reached its end, Yoimiya grasps his hand once more, fits her fingers 'between the spaces of his own, and gestures downward.
"Don't worry, I knew that after that long of a trip, you'd be wanting a meal or three! Sooo... I set this up ahead of time. And- aaand- aaaannnd I have dessert! It's kinda' my first time making anything with that much chocolate, sooo... it's probably fine? But -" gathering herself on the tippiest of toes, she presses a soft, lingering kiss to Itto's cheek. "Happy Valentine's, Itto."
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"I'm not peekin'! How many times are you gonna tell me not to do somethin' I ain't done this wh——?!" Irritation subsided in an instant, with the touch of her hand and the sudden absence of it a moment later. He heard her hurry away, eyes peeling open to find her barely illuminated by the tiniest of flames dancing at the end of a long stick.
A spark skipped, and the light doubled. He knew well what that meant — with that indication and her warning, Itto turned his attention to the sky.
"Woah. . ."
Every color that popped high in the sky became small, twinkling jewels in his eyes. He gaped at the art she had masterfully painted in the sky, awe abundant and outright. He was slack-jawed and breathless, the thought that had gone into her work rendering him silent with emotion.
He knew how hard she worked and how proud she was of her profession. That she would take time to make him something so spectacular meant more to him than he could say with words.
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"You went through all'a this just for me?" He couldn't shake off his surprise when she continued to add to an already astounding gift. There was enough food spread out to feed him for days straight, the sight of it making his mouth water.
The peckish oni was in the middle of considering what he would eat first when her lips met with his cheek, the sweet kiss distracting him from his gluttonous thoughts.
"Happy Valentine's Day to you too, Sparks. Really don't think I'd wanna spend it with anyone else, not like this." Finding the right words could be difficult at times, but his heart spoke for him. But, just in case what he'd said wasn't sweet enough, he helped tilt her chin up and repaid her with a graze of his lips against the corner of hers. "Let's do this again next year too."
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fotographiya · 4 months
7 Celebrities-Handpicked Wedding Destinations in Rajasthan | Fotographiya
Here we have enlisted the top 7 sizzling wedding destinations in Rajasthan handpicked by celebrities like Parineeti Chopra, Kiara Advani, Katrina Kaif...
Yo, folks!
In recent years, Rajasthan, the land of timeless tales, vibrant culture, and grandeur, has emerged as a favored destination for both modern couples seeking the wedding of their dreams and famous celebrities looking to add a touch of royalty to their special day. Its ancient forts, opulent palaces, and sprawling landscapes serve as the perfect canvas for crafting weddings that are nothing short of spectacular.
As we delve into the top 7 wedding destinations handpicked by celebrities, you'll see that Rajasthan's charm isn't confined to the pages of history—it's very much alive in the present. From the breathtaking Leela Palace in Udaipur to the regal Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur, each of these venues has played host to star-studded weddings that have left the world in awe. These stunning destinations aren't just Instagrammable; they're where our favorite stars decided to say "I do" in style. And you know what? They're nothing short of epic!
1. Leela Palace, Udaipur - Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadda's Epic Spot
Picture yourself amidst the shimmering waters of Lake Pichola, surrounded by the Aravalli Mountains. That's the breathtaking backdrop that made Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadda choose the Leela Palace, Udaipur for their nuptials. With its regal architecture and pristine gardens, this luxury resort exudes elegance and promises a wedding fit for royalty. It's like stepping into a fairy tale, and their wedding was a headline-making love story. This luxury resort is goals, with regal vibes and Insta-worthy gardens that scream royalty.
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2. Suryagarh, Jaisalmer - Siddharth Malhotra-Kiara Advani, the Shershah Couple
The "Shershah" of Bollywood, Sidharth Malhotra, and the ever-charming Kiara Advani took their wedding vows amidst the golden sands of Jaisalmer at the Suryagarh. This fortress-like hotel mirrors the beauty and valor of Rajasthan, offering a unique blend of luxury and tradition that made their wedding a true fairytale affair. This fortress-style hotel is the bomb dot com, combining ancient vibes with modern luxury. Their wedding? Straight-up magical!
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3. Raffles, Udaipur - Hardik Pandya and Natasa Stankovic's Swaggy Affair
This palace-turned-hotel is all about romance, with serene courtyards and top-notch swag. The resort recently witnessed a popular wedding of Ace cricketer Hardik Pandya and model-actor Natasa Stankovik. The couple renewed their vows in a lovely ceremony in Udaipur on Tuesday, February 15th, 2023. The ceremony followed Christian rituals, which meant that Natasa was dressed in a pristine white bridal gown while Pandya put his dapper foot forward in a classic black tuxedo. Later that evening, the couple shared a glimpse of their celebration on Instagram with the caption, “We celebrated Valentine’s Day on this island of love by renewing the vows we took three years ago".
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4. Six Senses Fort, Barwara - Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal
The resort is set in a 14th-century fort, and it is surrounded by stunning desert views. It is the perfect setting for a destination wedding, and it is no wonder that the resort is a popular choice for couples from all over the world. The resort also has a team of experienced wedding planners who can help you create the perfect wedding day. They will work with you to choose the perfect event space, the perfect menu, and the perfect decorations
Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal had their love story unfold at Six Senses Fort in Barwara. It's where Heritage meets wellness, and their wedding was all kinds of chill and fabulous.
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5.  Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace, Jodhpur - Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas
The palace is a stunning example of Rajput architecture, and it is decorated with intricate carvings and paintings. The palace has 347 rooms, including a grand ballroom, a museum, and a library. The palace also has a number of gardens, including a zen garden and a rose garden 
The resort was a host to the wedding of another popular couple Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra. The fact that the wedding brought together two of the biggest fandoms in the world is a testament to the couple's star power and popularity. When they tied the knot at the Palace, it was straight-up royalty meets Hollywood glam. Lush gardens, Blue City views - this place has it all, and their wedding was a global sensation.
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6. Radisson Blu Palace Resort and Spa, Udaipur- Neil Nitin Mukesh and Rukmini Sahay
Radisson Blu Palace Resort and Spa is a luxurious resort located in Udaipur, Rajasthan, India. The resort is known for its stunning lakeside location, its beautiful architecture, and its impeccable service.
Neil Nitin Mukesh and Rukmini Sahay are one of the most beloved couples in Bollywood. They met through their parents, who are both actors, and they have been together for over a decade. They finally tied the knot in a private ceremony in Udaipur, Rajasthan, in 2017. They chose Radisson Blu Palace Resort for their big day. This spot nails the mix of tradition and modern luxury. With Insta-worthy gardens and stunning lakeside views, it's perfect for couples who want to slay the wedding game.
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7. Shiv Niwas Palace - Raveena Tandon and Anil Thadani
The Shiv Niwas Palace in Udaipur is a testament to timeless romance. Celebrities have often chosen this palace for its intimate, regal charm. With its exquisite architecture and breathtaking views of Lake Pichola, it's the perfect place for couples who want to embark on their marital journey in a setting straight out of a storybook.
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As you've witnessed the glitz and glamour of celebrity weddings and the enchanting allure of Rajasthan, we hope you're inspired to pen your own love story in this land of kings and queens. Whether you're a celebrity or a couple with stars in your eyes, Rajasthan welcomes you with open arms to craft a wedding that transcends time and leaves a legacy of love.
So, dream big, love fiercely, and make Rajasthan the backdrop of your own unforgettable love story. Because here, in the embrace of tradition and modernity, your wedding becomes a masterpiece that will be celebrated for generations to come. Rajasthan beckons and your love story awaits its grand finale in this land of timeless allure.
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vintagebitchgifts · 9 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: New Minimalist Gold Chain Adjustable Unisex Lock Charm Layered Handmade Necklace.
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