berryblu-soda · 1 month
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aarchimedes · 4 months
for context: I read the hobbit first over the course of two years when I was like 13, but I'm only now starting to read lotr. having a blast tho!
anyways, reblog if you feel like it 🙌🏻
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Happy Halloween everyone!!! It's me!
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danielnelsen · 10 months
*For apostates part of any origin that doesn't already exist, just choose that origin!
If you want to expand on any ideas you have for any of these, I'm very interested in reading about them in tags, comments, or reblogs!
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nachosncheezies · 9 months
People like Bill Jr. got all kinds of things wrong about Scully but probably none moreso than thinking it was tragic that Mulder was dragging her along on some descent into madness, when actually the real tragedy was how few of the people she loved ever realized it wasn't a descent.
(It couldn't be bc 1. it's not madness and 2. she was already there.)
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ikishima · 2 months
My #1 advice for people moving out is to NOT buy nonstick cookware... not only is the lifespan of nonstick a MAXIMUM of 7 years (usually more like 2-5 years) but teflon, aka Polytetrafluoroethylene-- the plastic coating that makes the cookware nonstick, infuses microplastics into your food.
New cookware sets can cost hundreds of dollars so my advice is to look for 100% stainless steel cookware in thrift stores. Safer, cheaper, & instead of needing to replace every 2-7 years they can potentially last you the entire rest of your life AND they won't start shedding plastic into your food
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kuichihimei · 8 months
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karamazovanon · 8 months
we've struggled to find a ship name for sonya & dunya crime and punishment but personally i think it's obvious. it should be Sodun, because they are So Done with this shit
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ohmuqueen · 8 months
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if you have no idea what im talking about, these are the intros im referencing!! i still have several lined up for posting (namely the main antag and the eternal three) and a Very Long List of other intros to eventually do for the series, but i want to know what y'all would like to see once the current backlog is posted!!
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It’s fun because normally, I’m used to my faves not qualifying bc I know what is jury fodder and what isn’t.
But this year? With the semis being televote only? I have no heckin’ clue what’s going to happen. 
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weaselishmcdiesel · 1 year
How is this actually possible I think you’re genuinely cursed 3/3 losses
shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up lalalalalalalalalala
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it-is-no-desert · 1 year
obsessed with this fuckin.. gold ass starscream
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why is he gold... is this referencing something.. did he get dunked in a vat of molten gold at some point in the comics?? wait how crazy will tumblr let me get with posts.. can i put a poll after an image and some text? OH WAIT I CAN:
perfect. advise me, o wise robot loving mutuals
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drewsaturday · 7 months
i neeeeed you guys to put the characters etc you voted for in the tags of polls so when one for stuff i am not familiar with comes my way i can anime magical girl style boost ur vote with the special move mutuals power
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sunlessea · 1 year
anyways on that note can we talk about how insane it is that the m.asters of the b.azaar are so unhinged that even the hour-gods don't poke into their business like. in terms of power and reach, they're actively more feared and unknown than the g.lory gods themselves. mr v.eils is just outright seen as the most terrifying / mysterious presence in all of the neath and the average person literally fears the masters more than the gods. that's INSANE.
the only power they don't really reach over is the j.udgements themselves, but the bulk of them are beyond their reach / thought left up on the surface.
winter is like the only normie on my list {and in a great chunk of london as a whole} who openly, regularly, and blatantly disrespects the masters and has power struggles with them bc he RUNS the c.amarilla in london {and above it, on the surface} and is so old he literally helped WRITE the masquerade laws so he doesn't fear Any bitch god, bat, or otherwise KJNERHM
anyway literally cannot stress enough how seriously powerful the masters are as a collective entity and as individuals, they are extremely capable of ensuring that someone permanently dies in a city where immortality is the norm and that is the Least of what they are capable of doing to someone who slights them. they aren't a forgiving bunch. the only one who rly gives second chances / accepts apologies at ALL is mr pages {unless the others are outvoted on something, and even then, that doesn't guarantee they won't fuck with someone's life after the fact}
the masters are scary
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ranvwoop · 2 years
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hello gamers. If you have not yet, please consider voting me for TFTSMP blogger in the analysisblr vote. I would be very glad if you could help me hold second Please —
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