#VLD Ezor
mushed-kid · 3 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 26
(lots if lance in this one, what can i say? i love him)
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keithkog · 11 days
Can you do handstands or other random gymnast things?
Short answer is: Yes. Continuing on from that, Lance and Ezor actually helped me with this sort of thing. I’m pretty athletic, but had never really got the hang of any sort of flexibility.
Back when we trained in the Castle of Lions, Lance actually taught me a few things. Though I rarely, if ever, used those newly trained skills in combat. I did value the learning experience.
Ezor noticed when I was doing certain flips or ‘gymnast things’ that I would mess up the same things. This would cause minor pains that could build up over time. She taught me quite a bit recently, so Lance doesn’t get all the credit for me knowing a few things.
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caseybluff · 10 days
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voltrohgodwhat · 29 days
It's kinda delightful being Zethrid-shaped.
Once launched one of my petite friends airborne in a see-saw experiment, and I absolutely need this to be a scene between Zethrid and Ezor, if it wasn't already.
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silentwillowwhisperer · 3 months
Okay do you agree with me that we were severely deprived of Ezor, Zethrid, Axca, and Veronica content? Because they would be the ultimate lesbian squad like
Do not even. Get. Me. Started.
Too late.
(warning: this is a loooooong post.)
My poor girls, they were so perfect! And don't forget Narti (blind lizard gal) because as much as I think Lotor's whole villain arc thingy was dumb, I will NEVER forgive him for killing her. Never ever ever.
I do refer to them as Lotor and the Lesbians in my head, so I think it's pretty clear what I think about them. (Small note: If they were a band that would be their name.)
And Veronica! She was so cool! You know she steals all the girls her brothers bring home. Like, 'Oh you met someone cool at work? I'm just gonna take her off your hands...' Let's be real, if Veronica was not a fictional character, she would be a notorious lady charmer.
And COME ON. Ezor and Zethrid were LITERALLY DATING. I will take NO ARGUEMENTS. Do we not remember that whole episode where Zethrid went berserk on the paladins cuz she thought Ezor was dead?? And how they looked lovingly into each other's eyes? They had an END SCENE together! Well, it wasn't about them, it was that thing about Keith taking over command of the blade but WHAT-EVER. They were 2 feet away from each other because they were inseparable and in. love.
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look at them.
Wait I can do better:
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I'm gonna scream.
And, yeah, they were technically canon but this doesn't count. If Shiro and the dude he married (..Curtis?) get a canon kiss then so do Ezor and Zethrid.
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Before I start my little spiel and Veronica and Acxa, I'm just gonna leave a picture of Narti here for those of you who don't remember her.
She was the one without eyes who could see through the eyes of her cat (honestly so real in a fictional way, love that for her).
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Ringing any bells? Yeah, I cried when she died. (I made a rhyme!)
Veronica and Acxa. They would have been SO CUTE together. And even if they didn't get together, at the very least they should have been best friends. Like the kind of best friends where Acxa is adopted into the McClain family to the point at which she can always be found there just chilling in their house like she owns the place. The kind of best friends that finish each other's sentences and know EVERYTHING about each other. GUYS. This was the VISION.
And you know what? I gonna put a picture of them here in just a sec, but you ALL know what I'm talking about when I say that they had a klance-style bonding moment.
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Do not even try to tell me that they did not have potential. They're making awkward love eyes at each other.
(Also, the limited fanart that exists of them is SO. CUTE.)
Honestly, if the show really wanted to show representation that bad, then why couldn't these ships be real? Adam is great and all that, but if we're going to introduce a queer relationship in the name of representation, then maybe don't kill him off for the sake of drama after only about 5 minutes total screentime.
In fact, Shiro's whole thing was messed up. Yes, I get that he's a queer icon, but why are these things being forced on him? Instead of putting him with another character that also only got 5 minutes of screentime, maybe his end scene could be something like, 'Shiro went and finally got the therapy he deserved' or 'Shiro and Keith spent quality time together now that they were no longer separated' or even, 'Shiro retired from military business and built a comfortable life for himself as a coffee shop owner.'
He. Does. Not. Need. No. Man.
Based on the fact that he still has that Garrison-issued arm, he is still in relations with them in some way. And maybe he quit and just got to keep the arm, but that needed to be specified. Are we forgetting his previous trauma? His periodic flashbacks? The fact that his body was taken over by alien life and used to INJURE HIS YOUNGER BROTHER? The very same brother that he was a role model to?
And maybe we could have kicked Lance's scene out and instead shown him with his family? That would have been a great place to insert Veronica and show them actually bonding like family. Did anyone else find it weird that we got basically no scenes of them interacting in space? With their personalities, they should have been gossiping and having spa days left and right, but there was nothing of the sort.
Wait, I'm sorry, I got off topic.
Where was I? Oh yeah.
The most talked about example of queerbaiting is always Klance because as main characters, they're in the spotlight, but these closeted lesbians do in fact exist.
Why did we get Allurance but not Ezor and Zethrid? They were SO CLEARLY compatible and they weren't toxic to each other like Allura and Lance. My main argument against that ship is because of Klance, it's because Allura had just lost someone important and rebounded to Lance, and Lance constantly tried to be the rock for her that she wasn't ready to lean on. He finally had what he wanted from day 1, and realized that if he really wanted it to continue, he would have to change in ways he wasn't ready for.
If that kind of relationship gets a kiss, then Ezor and Zethrid should get one too. They spent their whole time on the show supporting and relying on each other.
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oh-quiznakles · 19 days
history repeats
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ezor and zethrid... can you adopt me or something? i can be your pet too
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galraluver · 1 year
Hepta: *confused* But what did I do? Tell me
Ezor: *angry* Alright. You were being a…a guy!
Hepta: *even more confused* Oh… I'm sorry?
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paladudesquotes · 2 years
Ezor: Guess what I'm about to get!
Axca: On my nerves.
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Okay so I’ve been struggling to find motivation to keep up with my Lotura fanfic “Battle of the Bands” for a long time but I’ve finally gotten inspired to make content for it! Yay! Have some designs.
Part 5 of character Designs for my Lotura fic “Battle of the Bands”:
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Today, we have the bubbly redheads of BOTB, Ezor Ruiz (Left) & Karla Diaz (Right)!
I really like how this one turned out!
More character Designs:
Alex Smith and Zethrid Johnson here
Sendak Khanaan here
Lotor Rodriguez here
Kaitlin Anderson-Diaz and Allura Veilleux here
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mushed-kid · 3 months
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voltron as textposts etc. 27
(wow i made two parts!)
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keithkog · 28 days
How are Lotor's generals? You get any problems from people for being with them? You guys ever share relatable hybrid moments together?
Acxa is the only general who has stuck around on Earth, Zethrid and Ezor are aways on missions for the Blade of Mamora’s recon group. I’m not always on missions, neither is Acxa, so we don’t meet up super often.
We do get quite a few problems. People know the Blade of Mamora as a galra only group, however Zethrid and Acxa are the only galra looking out of us four. Even then, they do look a little different than most, Zethrid especially.
I guess we relate on that front, either we aren’t galra enough or we’re too galra. That causes people to be afraid of us. Acxa obviously has issues way more than me on Earth, but Veronica and the McClains have definitely helped her acclimate to the culture there.
People still struggle to see galrans as people, more than any other foreign race on Earth. I think I help a bit with settling fears, since I look human and am pleasant enough, but I can only speak out so much.
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bugresources · 2 months
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★ 100 x 100 roleplay icons, free to use, free to edit. likes & reblogs are always appreciated, link back if you have a credits page. broken link? let me know.
CHARACTER: Ezor SERIES: Voltron: Legendary Defender (2016) COUNT: 133 DOWNLOAD: MEGA
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voltrohgodwhat · 1 month
The Muses, absolutely out of their gourds: Eastern European Keith & Lesbian Squad AU
Me: ??????????????? But why what in the hell
The Muses, teetering back into the nightclub: Sorry can't hear you gotta go, remember to make bad choices, bye
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earthravenclaw · 5 days
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oh-quiznakles · 18 days
pretty boi is dumb boi
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Im trying out character ideas.
Hunks kid is the one in the corner. The other one is ezor and zethreds kiddo.
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