#Tw hypothermia
whump-mania · 20 days
yo i love your whipped whimper caretaking prompts? could you do some more caretaking prompts for other random types of whump? whatever you’re feeling like, but esp wounds or hyper/hypothermia
Assorted Caretaker Lines
For sure! I’ll make some little sections for as many as I can think of:
1. “Hold this down. It’ll stop the bleeding…for now.”
2. “Shit, I…I’ve never treated a would like this before, I-I don’t really know what I’m doing…”
3. “It’s infected. Someone get me a bottle of alcohol before this spreads to their immune system.”
4. “Don’t worry. We’re gonna close this thing right back up. You’re gonna be okay.”
5. “What do you mean, it already bled through? …Oh…shit.”
1. “Jesus—is their skin supposed to feel like ice?”
2. “Whumpee…how long did they leave you outside…?”
3. “I don’t care if you’re cold, Whumpee’s gonna fucking die if they’re not warmed up! Give me your blanket!”
4. “They’re shaking like a leaf…I-I don’t know if they’re gonna be okay.”
5. “I told you not to go out in this weather, Whumpee. Don’t go risking your life for me.”
1. “I told you we needed to stop for water! Look at them now!”
2. “Whumper, please, just let them take a break. They’re gonna overheat like this. Let me go out there, I can handle it.”
3. “I know, I know. We’re gonna get you somewhere cool. Just hang in there.”
4. “Absolutely not. Your skin is hot to the touch right now, there’s no way you’re taking that punishment for me.”
5. “There’s no ice left, I’m sorry…it all melted. You’re just gonna have to sweat it out.”
1. “Don’t listen to them. None of that was true, they’re just trying to get in your head.”
2. “Hey…Whumpee, you still with me? Hello?”
3. “Look at me. Breathe. You feel my hand? You’re here. You’re with me now, you’re okay.”
4. “They don’t have any physical scars. Whumper’s more inclined to leave…um…mental ones.”
5. “It scares me when you do that. When you…go somewhere else. In your head.”
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serickswrites · 6 months
Winter Winds
Warnings: captivity, fever, hypothermia, hidden injury, blood, infection, sickness
Caretaker huddled close to Whumpee. It was so cold in the dungeon that they could barely feel their fingers. They huddled around what warmth they had and tried to share it with Whumpee.
Whumpee had been pretty quiet since Whumper threw them into Caretaker's cell. Caretaker was relieved that Whumpee appeared unharmed, though Whumpee's eyes were exceptionally bright and hollow. Whumpee barely spoke, no doubt overwhelmed from everything that Whumper had done to them.
"We'll be out of here, soon, Whumpee," Caretaker whispered as they both shivered, "and then we can go somewhere warm on vacation."
"A long vacation," Whumpee replied through their chattering teeth.
Caretaker smiled. "Yes, a very long vacation. Scoot closer, Whumpee, your shivering is getting worse." Caretaker wrapped their arm around Whumpee. Despite the frigid room, Whumpee radiated heat. Sweat beaded on their forehead.
"Thanks," Whumpee whispered as they leaned into Caretaker. "So cold."
Caretaker put a hand to the back of Whumpee's clammy forehead. "Whumpee, are you feeling ok? You're burning up!"
Whumpee stared at Caretaker with fever bright eyes. "I'm f-f-fine. D-D-Doesn't hurttt anymore," Whumpee slurred.
Caretaker's mouth went dry. "Where are you hurt, Whumpee?"
Whumpee's eyelids drooped. "Tired."
Caretaker tapped Whumpee's cheek. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Where did Whumper hurt you?" They began to feel along Whumpee's shirt, searching for any tearing to indicate there was a wound beneath.
Caretaker froze as they touched torn cloth on Whumpee's side. They carefully shifted Whumpee so they could see the wound. Blood crusted over a jagged cut on Whumpee's side. "Whumpee? Whumpee, how old is this?"
"N-N-Notttt cccccold n-n-now-ow-ow-ow," Whumpee whispered as they closed their eyes.
Caretaker leaned Whumpee against their shoulder while they tore at Whumpee's shirt. "Stay awake, Whumpee. Stay with me. Come on." Caretaker gasped as they exposed the clearly infected wound. "Whumpee, wake up. Whumpee!"
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itsguysnightitsironic · 5 months
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Summer days
And you wonder... When the rabbit falls asleep in the snow, burning from the cold, does he dream of the warm warm summer grass?
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strange-doll-child · 2 months
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Excuse to kinda draw my child Alicia design because she is my baby actually
Uhhhh, in regards to me accidentally killing her on c.ai, I would like to say sorry because I did not mean to do that hzbxhxb
Here she is, though, as a ghost, if she died like that, actually, idk, made an AU out of it tho
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blueberry-gills · 4 months
Aw man I love bandwagons/j
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hey you seem to really know your stuff with titanic and im curious if you can tell me more about that night? a lot seem to think everyone either just drowned or froze too death, but i have a feeling it was a lot more awful than people realize, considering all the jokes people make about the sinking they seem clueless to the fact this was a very bad and awful way to die, for everyone on that ship, especially the third class :/
you know, ive always thought i didnt know that much about titanic but as ive sat here parsing through what i do know, turns i know a lot more than i thought.
and unfortunately, anon, youre very right, it was a horrible way to die, especially so for the third class.
quite a lot of people did drown or freeze to death which are horrifying ways to go by themselves.
at the time, evacuation plans for big oceanliners were shit so a lot of people wouldnt have gotten their lifesavers on, and off the top of my head, i wouldnt be able to tell you how many people could swim back then, but it was certainly less than today. it was only in the 90s that swimming became a compulsory part of the curriculum in schools in the uk, so unless you had reason to know to swim, you probably didnt know if you were british.
and i dont think i need to go into the biology of drowning to tell you its not a fun way to go. its fucking painful, for one, and two, you would have been terrified if you drowned during a fucking shipwreck.
it was also very cold, unsurprisingly. its the north atlantic. it was about 28°F or -2°C which is a lethal temperature. for some reason, a lot of people think that freezing is a relatively peaceful way to die; its not. i cant speak myself for how awful being so cold youre shivering is (i cant really feel the cold because of nerve damage but thats beside the point), but everyone ive spoken to about it resoundingly says its fucking awful. you also experience disorientation, muscle stiffness, excruciating pain in your extremities as your body pulls circulating blood from them to keep your vital organs going, and if youre very unlucky, you might also get frostbite (which can kick in under 30mins) which will add some burning pain.
an added kicker to the cold is that even if you can swim, the shock of cold water might make it harder. im pretty sure shock also likely killed people outright.
another way of dying if you made it out of the boat and into the water (spoiler: several people didnt) is if you were too close to the funnels when they collapsed, you would have been crushed by 62ft tall metal funnels. dozens died that way and if the crushing didnt kill you, you would have either drowned or frozen to death soon after.
you could have also been killed by any number of things that fell from the ship, especially as the stern (the end bit) began to lift up before the ship finally broke in two.
mind you, all of this happened in almost darkness. the engineers kept the lights on as long as they could but eventually they cut out and part of what made the iceberg so hard to see was the fact that it was a new moon.
one of the other things that made it hard to spot is one of the few not good things, but better: the ocean was relatively calm. it made it hard to spot icebergs because you can normally watch out for the foam of the water as it splashes on them. although it led to the sinking itself, it did make launching lifeboats possible (its hard as hell to launch lifeboats in violent ocean today let alone the dinky little wooden ones back then) and those in the water werent being thrown around as much as they could have been. though thats not saying much.
and of course, there are those who didnt make it out of the boat. movies did not lie to you about that although they did lie to you about the specifics.
historical record suggests that they did not purposefully lock third class passengers below deck like many movies show. testimony from the few third class passengers who survived indicates this which is why im likely to believe it. they were able to get up on deck, but it also wasnt easy to do that.
now, crew have said in the haste of the evacuation, they didnt remember to tell the third class passengers the plan. now is that true or is it just a more favourable story to tell during the inquiry? i cant say, for sure. either could be true and both highlight how we treated the poor in society back then (and as a poor, its reflective of today). as such, many third class passengers simply left the cabins and waited outside to be told what to do and that didnt happen. eventually, they made their way up themselves, some due to the fact that they could see the rising water.
and not all of them made it to deck. some chose not to, and again, going off third class survivor testimony here which is why im willing to believe it. theres a specific story about a woman who put her baby on her lap and simply played the piano until the atlantic rose to meet her. another of a man who told his brethren that he was too old to fight the atlantic, and simply lit a cigarette and waited.
others got lost because titanic was a large ship and it was very easy to get lost. especially in the panic of a sinking ship and under lights that are getting dimmer. luckily, some crew remembered oh shit the poor people exist and went down to help any that needed it, so some were led out but that doesnt mean they all did.
also, sadly, it probably wouldnt have helped. similarly to the engineering crew that kept the engines going as long as they could before evacuating themselves, there simply werent enough lifeboats and they were all or almost all gone.
additionally, there were no lifeboats on the third class deck space so they had to make their way to either second or first in order to get into a lifeboat. dont quote me on this because i might have the wrong place, but this is where there was a locked gate for third class. luckily, they snapped the lock off of it and got the fuck out.
anyway, back to those inside. now some of the people trapped inside likely drowned, especially those trapped in the bow as it slowly filled with water and began to sink into the water. the risk of drowning also got worse, once things like walls and doors gave out and in comes a rush of freezing cold sea water.
but that isnt the only likely fate. a rush of water can push quite a lot of things and terrifying speeds which meant people would have been killed via blunt force trauma or being impaled on something. especially for those in the stern (again, the back bit) as it lifted because gravity is not helping here. those still trapped inside would have held on for dear light as the light slowly dimmed and became redder before finally cutting out as the ship broke in two.
now if you were in the stern and escaped death via drowning, blunt force trauma or impaling, you would have definitely been killed by water pressure. see, the bow was able to fill with water relatively slowly and equally which is why its still decently intact on the seabed because it sank relatively slowly. the stern did not and thats why the stern looks like an underwater crash site. as the stern sank, it sank quickly which meant there were still air pockets inside as it sank. and as it came down, the pressure built and soon the people above water could hear what sounded like explosions. it would have been a quick death, but thats the most i can say.
i cant speak for if any kind of sealife killed anyone. i havent heard of any testimony of that and i dont know whats there in the north atlantic to kill people. i assume theres something there, but i couldnt tell you what.
im also sure i missed some forms of death, but off the top of my head, thats what i got.
and yeah, it wasnt pretty and most of the people who died were third class or crew members.
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yonemurishiroku · 10 months
Sun melts the ice.
The touch, even the presence of Will, the son of Apollo Helios harms Nico, heir of Chiona.
One day they couldn't resist kissing and hugging, Nico's skin was left with second and third degree burns, and the next morning he came down in bed with a severe fever.
Will was able to get off with a slight frostbite.
They are forced to stay away from each other.
They are separated by the heavy oak door of a large house and their own divine blood.
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..........Ok this sounds like lava girl and shark boy and now I want to see it.
If you're not aware I did write a one-shot ab Nico's Underworld powers freezing him to death by the lake. I'm not normal when it comes to Nico and his inner winter.
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abubblingcandle · 6 months
Dying for more of roll call. Specifically what calamity had befallen poor Jamie. Any spoilers to share? I think you said he was a later chapter.
Ah thanks for reaching out to talk Roll Call! So yeah Jamie's is the last chapter (sorry for the suspense 🙈) as its one of the more serious. This was the one that I knew from day one what it would be when I polled all the others.
So Jamie's is hypothermia, and he's the last chapter because he's not seen in the immediate aftermath. I haven't written much of his chapter yet but here's a little snippet of the During section
Colin cursed, how could he have been so stupid. He paced up and down outside Roy’s room as Keeley worked to calm Roy down. Of course it was the near dead Roy who had thought about something that had slipped through Colin’s near constant panicked haze. A crack and Colin nursed his now bruised knuckles. Roy had asked the question that new was dominating every thought and every breath. Where the fuck was Jamie?
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mansanas-art · 8 months
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platonic-fo-quotes · 1 year
S/I: Snow got me feelin' some type of way.
Platonic!F/O: That's hypothermia.
S/I: Damn, the paramedics told me it was the magic of Christmas
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serickswrites · 1 year
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: restraints, torture, exposure, hypothermia, defiant whumpee
“It’s awfully cold out here,” Whumper said as they circled the post Whumpee was chained to. “Don’t you want to come inside and sit by the fire? Warm up a bit?”
Whumpee glared up at Whumper from the snow covered ground. They had grown to tired to stand and had sat down in the snow drift, knowing it would make them lose what precious little body heat they had left. “F-F-Fuckkkkkk n-n-n-n-nooo-oo-ooo.” 
Whumper smiled. “You sure? Seems like you’re pretty cold.”
Whumpee’s face contorted with rage. “N-N-N-Notttt f-f-f-fallllllling-ing-ing-ing f-f-f-f-forrrrrr i-i-ittt.” 
Whumper was suddenly on Whumpee, grabbing their chin between two fingers. Whumper’s skin was so hot it burned against Whumpee’s skin. “Your lips are blue, you can’t stop shivering, give it up, Whumpee. Tell me what I want to hear so you don’t die.”
Whumpee spat on Whumper’s face. “I-I-I-I’ddddd r-r-r-r-rather-er-er-er-er d-d-d-dieeee.”
Whumper wiped the spittle from their cheek. “So be it then. I’ll be back in a few hours to check on you. Maybe you’ll change your mind then.”
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thermitetermite · 2 years
Prompt #5 - Electricity
Tldr: Villain has to save their dumb hero from freezing to death. Lots of calling each other dumb (affectionately)
TW: Minor swearing, hypothermia
Villain stumbled through back alleyways dimly lit by broken streetlights. With every step they could feel their muscles aching and burning due to the extra weight of Hero in their arms.
They had to make it to the car. They had to.
Hero's once proud and majestic white coat was now soaked from the heavy downpour of rain and pathetically draped around Hero to offer some kind of protection from the storm. Villain once called their coat childish saying it made Hero look like a cloud. Watching Hero's lips turn blue made Villain grateful that the coat could be of some use.
Villains body was screaming at them. Trying to run uphill in a rainstorm with a freezing Hero after getting your ass kicked by said Hero is about as pleasant as you'd imagine.
Red and blue lights flared behind Villain. As the sirens approach Villain finally made it to their getaway car. They hoped beyond hope that they hadn't been spotted yet as they unlocked the car, threw Hero in the back while jumping in as well, and shut the door.
They waited in the dark of the car until the sirens and lights sped by them, leaving Villain fully alone with Hero.
Villain weaseled their way around the car, quickly flicking on the lights and cranking the heat in the car. They were never more thankful for installing seat heat for the back seats until now.
Villain then shifted back to the back seat to assess Hero to the best of their abilities.
"You idiot! You stupid heroic idiot!" They quietly murmured to themselves after feeling how icy Hero's skin had become. Of course Hero would push Villain out of the way of a freeze ray. That dumbass! Villain should be the one with hypothermia right now, not Hero!
But Villain knew that if they'd been hit instead they'd be dead right now, not just hypothermic.
The only reason Hero could survive was due to their powers. It was Hero's lightning that kept their heart beating in their chest rather than freezing from the blast. Hero must have known that they'd be ok, and they also must have known Villain was powerless. Why else would Hero save Villain from that rogue maniac with a frosty weapon of mass destruction...
Villain tried to distract themselves of the thought that Hero fully intended to die for them. However, when Hero suddenly stopped shivering they felt a knot in their throat.
"No, no, no! Not on my watch!" Villain said angry and determined. They quickly grabbed their civilian change of clothes to change Hero into. They would likely be a bit baggy on Hero but they would do.
Hero unexpectedly started to stir. Opening their eyes and looking at Villain, they must have mustered all of their energy to smirk.
"Oh... Am I being kidnapped by the one and only Villain?" Hero questioned, voice smooth as velvet but undeniably weak.
Even when they were dying Hero was a pain in the ass! It was all Hero's fault for making Villain kidnap them!Secretly they were relieved to hear Hero acting like themselves. Villain simply huffed and ordered Hero to take off their shirt.
"You're being a bit forward aren't you?" Hero chuckled softly before attempting to comply. They suddenly looked a bit worried glancing up at Villain.
"Hey... I'm sorry about the delay but I can't feel my arms. I can't move. Could... you help me. I'm burning up..."
Villain felt a chill go down their spine as Hero said that. To see their normally chipper and flirty Hero completely change their tune in a matter of seconds sent nothing but panic into Villain's heart.
Villain, moving faster than before, changed Hero out of their soaked clothes and into a warm dry outfit. Hero kept complaining about the heat but Villain knew it was a sign of how serious Hero's condition was.
Hero was still freezing. Villain had to work faster to stop Hero from getting worse. There is no need for modesty when the stakes are this high.
Villain took Hero's hands in their own and warmed them with their breath. Hero wanted to say something but Villain quieted them.
"You need to warm up quicker. You'll die like this." They said bluntly before rubbing Hero's hands together to try to warm them up. Villain gave an occasional swear when they were shocked by Hero. Hero would mumble apologies before being scolded by Villain to conserve their energy.
When Hero said they were gaining feeling in their hands, Villain told them to keep warming them and moved on to Hero's legs until Hero said they could feel them as well.
Hero definitely seemed much better but they were still freezing. What was Villain doing wrong!? Hero then spoke up again.
"I was going to say this earlier but normally you're supposed to warm up my core before moving on to my extremities. Thank you for making sure I don't loose my limbs though." Hero half-chuckled, now returning to shivering. It was almost comical how Hero's teeth started chattering.
Villain looked down at Hero before cursing to themselves and starting to take off their own shirt.
"Um, what are you doing?" Hero chattered through frozen lips looking nervous once again.
"What do you think dumbass? Survival T.V. shows say that we should be chest to chest to warm you up. I'm not letting you die on me!" After throwing their shirt ceremoniously to the front they started on Hero's shirt. Hero grabbed their hands trying to prevent Villain from taking it off.
"What's wrong now Hero!? You didn't have any trouble taking your shirt off earlier!"
"Yeah, but that was because you weren't going to make the dumb decision to try to lay chest to chest with me!"
"Why's that such a dumb decision, dummy? I'm not enjoying this anymore than you if that's what you're worried about!"
"It isn't about that! I don't want to stop your heart!"
Villain stopped struggling with Hero and looked at them. Despite shivering, Hero held their shirt down and avoided Villain's eyes. When Villain fought to make eye contact they found that Hero's eyes were filled with guilt. The sound of teeth chattering filled the empty silence between them.
"Hey... You might be good looking but I been around you long enough to be immune to your charms. I literally just saw you shirtless idiot. My heart isn't going to stop if I see you shirtless again." Villain said at an attempt of comforting Hero.
"It's not about that!" Hero snapped, causing Villain to jolt like they'd been shocked. "I have lighting powers. The source of my powers is somewhere in my chest. I don't know if you'll get shocked by me and I can't risk the possibility stopping your heart." Hero said with shame in their voice.
Villain took the time to contemplate this before sighing and tussling Hero's hair.
"Look. I don't mind running that risk. You saved my life earlier now it's my turn to save you. However, I don't want to worry you. I respect your decision, even if it's a dumb one." A surprised look flashed on Hero's face before they gave a small smile.
"But!" Villain continued. "I won't let you freeze to death. I'm still going to lay next to you but you can keep your shirt on for your own comfort. I could also put one of the rubber floor mats between up if you wanted to be extra safe."
Hero accepted this compromise, letting Villain place the mat between them before giving Hero a hug. It was by no means comfortable but at the very least the mat was warm due to the heating in the car and Hero could never complain when being hugged by Villain.
"Wow Villain, I'm feeling so much better already."
"Shut up, Hero. And tell me if you're cold anywhere else."
"My lips are cold."
"... Are you giving me permission to kiss you dumbass?"
"Fine, you win."
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Basic First-Aid for Hypothermia
for all those folks in Unova who might need it, since everything's cold as shit!
Here's what I know:
Very gently, VERY CAREFULLY TO MOVE THEM AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE, remove them from the cold! If you can't do that, then act as a buffer from anything that might be worsening it, if you can!
Don't warm them up too fast! No heating pads, no hot water, none of that! It'll cause their body to freak the fuck out and they might go into cardiac arrest. AT MOST some WARM - not hot, WARM water for shit like frostbite.
Change them out of any wet clothes, or really just change their clothes at all bc they're probably really cold aswell - put a blanket over them and try to warm them up with body heat!!
Don't try to rub heat back into them!!!!! They probably have a bunch of ice shards that have formed in their muscles and if you move their flesh/skin/muscle around too much it'll rupture their insides and hurt lots!!!!
Try giving them moderately warm drinks!! Like, uh, hot cocoa or something!! Warm up their insides!!!!! BUT YOU CANT GIVE THEM ALCOHOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep an eye (or an ear [or both]) on their breathing and heart rate. They could go into critical condition if their body is struggling enough.
Get them to a medical professional as soon as possible!!!!
PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GO TO A DOCTOR IF YOU'RE GOING PURPLE (or really just if you have any form of hypothermia, just to be safe.)
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cauliarty · 7 months
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Some hurt/comfort abt their first (face to face) meeting
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*”Yelena” walks towards her*
She doesn’t take care of you because she LOVES you. She does it because she PITIES you. A pathetic child, with no one to care for them. She took you under her wing to FIX you.
you’re PATHETIC.
— “Yelena” @say-their-name
She begins to cry. The frostbite on her fingers and feet blackens and spreads up to her elbows and knees.
“Sh-shut up-“
The temperature in the room plummets to well below freezing. Rain begins to pound on the ceiling. Alpen’s flame goes blue, her dress turns blueish-black. She looks strangely like a hypothermic corpse.
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Sprite I think you may need to find Indigo, whatever’s happening really doesn’t sound good.
Last time you were this cold you had hypothermia? Your head hurts? Can’t sleep?
…I think you need to get checked out by someone, even if it is just side effects of insomnia :(
( - @kittsu-and-company )
aammsmmh eyah
its's aokay thogh
idngios wouldn'ts let em get shypeeothroermia
samyabe ais hould durnk some nyquiskl hehe
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