#Trial of the Sun Queen
local-magpie · 7 months
yall i picked up some fae court romance books at target on a whim this week and started reading the first one, The Trial of the Sun Queen (by Nisha J Tuli), and i was Not Prepared to get immediately invested in the MFC, Lor. Girl is incredibly relatable, she literally went from "i want nothing to do with this [being kidnapped from a rival kingdom prison to join a contest to be queen that a human has never survived] fuck this fuck you" to "wait i get magic? that does sound pretty good actually hmmm" which is frankly. the most relatable heroine ive read in a while
also she has a guard named gabriel who is fucking massive, has angel wings, and grabbed her by the throat to slam her into a wall once when she was being a brat. i realize he isnt a love interest but can I fuck him? please?
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ariadnethedragon · 1 year
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“It means you’re the Final Tribute, and in nearly eight thousand years of the Sun Queen Trials, the Final Tribute has never once survived.”
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motherfeyre-archeron · 4 months
Literally the first line😂
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bookcoversonly · 13 days
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Title: Trial of the Sun Queen | Author: Nisha J. Tuli | Publisher: Forever (2023)
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guide-to-galaxy · 1 month
Top 5 (yellow books) Tuesday
Hi there! Before we dive into today’s list, better go look at Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads to see what else is available. 📚🚀📚 The Wicker King by K. Ancrum (GR/SG) – The Wicker King is a psychological young adult thriller that follows two friends struggling as one spirals into madness. Jack once saved August’s life…now can August save him? August is a misfit with a pyro streak and Jack is a golden…
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madamwayne · 4 months
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got myself new books yesterday ✨📚
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November Wrap-up:
Mix of romance dramione fanfic & fantasy, didn't read all of my November TBR butidid read a couple.
Any questions on content, or anything you want to know & any recs you have my DM's and asks are open.😊
Psycho shifters⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jasmine Mas
psycho fae⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jasmine Mas
Psycho Beasts⭐️⭐️
Jasmine Mas
Wicked beautiful lies⭐️⭐️
L.A. Ferro
Auctioned to the pack⭐️⭐️
layla Sparks
The hidden falling⭐️⭐️⭐️
kelly Cove
If we were villains⭐️⭐️⭐️
M L Rio
Perfectly in pieces⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
CDLynn- A03
The Slytherin Princess⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
taylorikari - Ao3
Heart of desire⭐️⭐️
Liana Tiomzon
Rosemary for Rememberance⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
rubbersoul02- A03
Trial of the sun Queen⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nisha J Tuli
friends, enemies & all the broken people⭐️⭐️⭐️
lostpoet - A03
Rule of the Aurora king⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Nisha J Tuli
Ever thine⭐️⭐️⭐️
evergreentuesdays - A03
Heart shaped bruises & late night kisses⭐️⭐️⭐️
dramionewrites - A03
fortuna Sworn⭐️⭐️⭐️
k J Sutton
evelyn flood
Evelyn flood
Sugar & Spice⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
In love with forever A03
The gloriana Set⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TheBemoon - A03
too much labour⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ceilidhchaos - A03
various storms & saints⭐️⭐️⭐️
Viridianatnight - Ao3
Imprisoned ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Stein048 - Ao3
Fast burn ⭐️⭐️
Abigail Davies
Deep burn⭐️⭐️
Abigail Davies
Unperfect ⭐️⭐️
Susie tate
Once upon a broken heart ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Stephanie garber
The ballad of never after⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Stephanie garber
A curse for true love⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Stephanie garber
Look what you made me do ⭐️⭐️
Catstclair -Ao3
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jessread-s · 10 months
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This Romantasy debut novel is perfect for readers who are new to the genre.
“Trial of the Sun Queen” follows Lord, a prisoner under the Aurora King’s rule. When the Sun King selects her as the only human Tribute to complete in the Sun Queen Trials, Lor is determined to win if only to get her revenge.
I gravitated towards this book because it was advertised to me as “The Selection” meets “The Hunger Games” and I am here to confirm that that is the case! I would even go so far as to add that it is reminiscent of “Divergent,” “A Court of Thorns and Roses,” and “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.” Unfortunately, the book does not diverge much from its sources of inspiration and because I am such a huge fan of many of the series mentioned, I was able to predict most of the book’s major plot points.
One thing this book has that the others do not, however, are the alternating viewpoints. I really enjoyed reading from Lor’s point-of-view because of her strength and resiliency. Chapter’s written from Nadir’s perspective challenged me to figure out his role in the story and provided the most intrigue. Though the two were at odds the whole book, I am curious to see if that will change in the next installment.
I think that this series is perfect for new adult readers. Despite some of my frustrations with the book’s plot, I ultimately had a lot of fun reading it and I am excited to explore Tuli’s other works in the future.
Cross-posted to: Instagram | Amazon | Goodreads | StoryGraph
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bmacreadz · 3 months
"Rule of the Aurora King" by Nisha J. Tuli
I have mixed feelings about "Rule of the Aurora King," honestly. I really liked the first book and was excited about this one, but it failed to deliver what I was expecting - and what it more or less promised.
Caution: There may be some spoilers ahead.
This book starts out shortly after the first one ends (with Lor being... rescued? Kidnapped? from the Sun King's palace by the Aurora Prince and his companions). "Rule of the Aurora King" initially advertises that Lor is being hunted by the Sun King and must stay "on the move." I just didn't get that in this book at all. We do not hear from the Sun King NOT ONCE. We know nothing about what he's doing or what his plans are. The Sun King is mentioned maybe twice altogether (as well as most of the characters from "Trial of the Sun Queen"), which is so strange because of how possessive he was over Lor in the first book. And from what we know, he really needed Lor. I fully expected him to be hunting her down, but he's hardly mentioned. I also wouldn't say that she spends her time "on the move" because of the Sun King, either. In my opinion, she's not "on the move" at all.
Lor and Nadir, the Aurora Prince, spend the entirety of this book pining for each other under the guise of searching for the Crown of Heart. Most of that search takes place in the Aurora Keep, where the royal family officially resides... and that's about the sum of this book.
The main focus of "Rule of the Aurora King" is definitely the relationship - or non-relationship - between Lor and Nadir. And I am left very wanting. I had so much hope for these two in the beginning, but I quickly realized that they were not two characters I believe are meant to be. Maybe it just wasn't my type of romance, but I cringed every time I read them together. When Lor thought she was being clever with her snarky-ness, when Nadir thought he was keeping his distance by being a complete ass - the more I read, the more I wanted them to never speak to each other again. Everything seemed forced, and I was pretty much confused the whole time about what they were doing.
AND THE NICKNAME. At what point is that going to stop? Because I can't read another book where he keeps calling her that. I almost put this book down every time I read that because WHY.
Like I said, maybe it's just me, but "Rule of the Aurora King" was not what I wanted or anticipated. The plot needed so much more attention and less repetition about how much the narrator hated the Aurora King because of this or that. The main characters are disturbing and cringey, and I do not get "romance" from them whatsoever. It's weird, it's insensitive, it's cringe. It's not for me.
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local-magpie · 7 months
also i need you all to know gabriel only got more and more fuckable as the book went on. i am on copium that he'll come back in the series later on bc it's strongly implied he's pissed at the sun king and only still serving loyally because he's magically bound to (which. hot)
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anwhitebooks · 7 months
Nov 2023: My Upcoming ARCs
Hello, book nerds! I have five ARCs in my Netgalley queue currently and my goal is to complete at least one this month. Here’s what I have to choose from: Immortal Pleasures by V. Castro Pub: April 16, 2024 Synopsis: “An ancient Aztec vampire roams the modern world in search of vengeance and love in this seductive dark fantasy from the author of The Haunting of Alejandra.” Thoughts: I think…
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theliterarymess · 8 months
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Lovely artwork in the paperback edition of ‘Trial of the Sun Queen’ by Nisha J. Tuli!
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ingek73 · 1 year
Charles undermined late queen’s plan to sue News UK, Prince Harry tells court
Harry claims his father intervened because he wanted to ensure the Sun supported his and Camilla’s future reign
Jim Waterson Media editor
Tue 25 Apr 2023 15.39 BST
Queen Elizabeth II personally threatened Rupert Murdoch’s media company with legal proceedings over phone hacking only for her efforts to be undermined by the then Prince Charles, the high court has heard.
Prince Harry said his father intervened because he wanted to ensure the Sun supported his ascension to the throne and Camilla’s role as queen consort, and had a “specific long-term strategy to keep the media on side” for “when the time came”.
The Duke of Sussex made the claims on Tuesday as part of his ongoing legal action against News Group Newspapers. The legal case lays bare Harry’s allegations of the deals between senior members of the British royal family and tabloid newspapers.
The prince said his father, the king, had personally demanded he stop his legal cases against British newspaper outlets when they were filed in late 2019.
The court filings state: “I was summoned to Buckingham Palace and specifically told to drop the legal actions because they have an ‘effect on all the family’.” He added this was “a direct request (or rather demand) from my father” and senior royal aides.
Harry blamed tabloid press intrusion for collapses in his mental health, said journalists had destroyed many of his relationships with girlfriends, and said British tabloid journalists fuelled online trolls and drove people to suicide.
He said: “How much more blood will stain their typing fingers before someone can put a stop to this madness?”
The duke also suggested that press intrusion by the Sun and other newspapers led to his mother – Diana, Princess of Wales – choosing to travel without a police escort, ultimately leading to her death in 1997.
In 2017, Harry decided to seek an apology from Murdoch’s News UK for phone hacking, receiving the backing of Queen Elizabeth II and his brother. His submission said: “William was very understanding and supportive and agreed that we needed to do it. He therefore suggested that I seek permission from ‘granny’. I spoke to her shortly afterwards and said something along the lines of: ‘Are you happy for me to push this forward, do I have your permission?’ and she said: ‘Yes.’”
Having received the support of Queen Elizabeth II, Harry said he asked the royal family’s lawyers to write to the Murdoch executives Rebekah Brooks and Robert Thomson and seek a resolution. Yet the company refused to apologise and, out of desperation, Harry discussed banning reporters from Murdoch-owned outlets from attending his wedding to Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
In 2018, Sally Osman, Queen Elizabeth II’s communications secretary, wrote an email to Harry explaining that she was willing to threaten legal action in the name of the monarch.
The email read: “The queen has given her consent to send a further note, by email, to Robert Thomson, CEO of News Corporation and Rebekah Brooks, CEO of News UK.
“Her Majesty has approved the wording, which essentially says there is increasing frustration at their lack of response and engagement and, while we’ve tried to settle without involving lawyers, we will need to reconsider our stance unless we receive a viable proposal.”
However, there was no apology, which Harry ascribes to a secret deal between the royal family and senior Murdoch executives to keep proceedings out of court. As part of the legal proceedings he alleged that his brother, Prince William, had secretly been paid a “huge sum of money” by Murdoch’s company in 2020 to settle a previously undisclosed phone-hacking claim.
Harry claimed that, shortly before his wedding, he was informed Murdoch’s company would not apologise to the queen and the rest of the royal family at that stage because “they would have to admit that not only was the News of the World involved in phone hacking but also the Sun”, which they “couldn’t afford to do” as it would undermine their continued denials that illegal activity took place at the Sun.
Murdoch’s company has always denied that any illegal behaviour took place at the Sun and that all phone hacking and illicit blagging of personal material was limited to its sister newspaper, the now-defunct News of the World.
Harry insists this is untrue and claims phone hacking was widespread at the Sun when it was edited by Brooks, now a senior Murdoch executive. He has said he is willing to go to trial in an attempt to prove this. Murdoch’s company denies any wrongdoing at the Sun, or that there was any secret deal between the newspaper group and the royal household over phone hacking.
The prince also said press intrusion into the life of his mother was “one of the reasons she insisted on not having any protection after the divorce” as she suspected those around her of selling stories to outlets such as the Sun. He claims: “If she’d had police protection with her in August 1997, she’d probably still be alive today. People who abuse their power like this need to face the consequences of their actions, otherwise it says that we can all behave like this.”
Harry now believes his father and royal courtiers were prioritising positive coverage of his father and Camilla in the Sun, rather than seeking to back his legal claims. He said: “[T]hey had a specific long-term strategy to keep the media (including [Sun publisher] NGN) onside in order to smooth the way for my stepmother (and father) to be accepted by the British public as queen consort (and king respectively) when the time came … anything that might upset the applecart in this regard (including the suggestion of resolution of our phone-hacking claims) was to be avoided at all costs.”
He said all of his girlfriends would find “they are not just in a relationship with me but with the entire tabloid press as a third party”, leading to bouts of depression and paranoia. He claimed the press was pushing him in the hope of “a total and very public breakdown”.
He made clear his personal loathing of Brooks, who was found not guilty of phone hacking by a jury in June 2014. He said: “Having met her once with my father when she was hosting the Sun military awards at the Imperial War Museum in London and having seen her essentially masquerading as someone that she wasn’t by using the military community to try and cover up all the appalling things that she and her newspapers had done, I felt this surprise at her acquittal even more personally, especially as I had been duped into thinking that she was OK at our meeting.”
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guide-to-galaxy · 8 months
Top 5 (books with a costume party) Tuesday
I was never a big party teen. My friends and I would just meet up at each others’ houses. Braai (wood-fire cooking on coals. Never barbecue, we don’t use that word), games, music, and of course, tons of fun. Plus our town/family doesn’t celebrate Halloween so we don’t do that. But let’s see what’s in store for us here! Thanks to Meeghan @ Meeghan Reads for this prompt, and all the…
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kitausu · 2 years
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I wanted to make my end of year predictions because I have a lot of possibly favorite reads lined up for the end of the year so I want to see how much this changes over the next month and a half! I'm also just curious what other people's favorites are so far.
*Note: these are books I read in 2022, not necessarily published in 2022*
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betterbooksandthings · 5 months
"Dragons. Magic. Romance. The most popular romantasy books on TikTok truly have everything a reader could want. After all, it’s undeniable — romantasy has recently taken BookTok by storm.
Romantasy is a subgenre that combines the romance and fantasy genres. By now, other Book Rioters have discussed the budding Romantasy genre and offered their own recommendations. As a lover of fantasy, romance, and any combination of the two, I am fully prepared for the recent rise in popularity of the books. In the past, some romantasy books contained too much romance for the fantasy section and too much fantasy for the romance section. However, because the most popular romantasy books on TikTok sold so well, traditional publishing took notice. Now these books are coming out in droves, and BookTok is paying attention."
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