#Trans people and DARVO
coochiequeens · 1 year
Feminists hold a conference and not only does a TRA assault a woman but one of the protesters is a violent ex-con TIM, yet TRAs claim to the victims of hateful ideology.
A conference held in support of women’s sex-based rights was protested by trans activists yesterday. Among them was a violent convict known for having been England’s longest-serving transgender inmate.
University College London hosted a one-day conference yesterday centered around panel discussions on education and women’s rights. The sold-out event was organized by the UCL Women’s Liberation special interest group and Women’s Place UK, with support from Southall Black Sisters and FiLiA. 
Among the event’s participants were many known for their vocal critiques of gender ideology, including Sex Matters’ executive director Maya Forstater, journalist Helen Joyce, and writer Julie Bindel. 
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Shortly after the conference began, reports emerged that protesters had gathered outside of the UCL lecture hall where the event was taking place.
A crowd of approximately 20 trans activists began banging on the windows and screaming expletives in an effort to interrupt the women inside. Counter-protestors similarly gathered to support the event, recording the trans activist rage at the conference continuing.
“You try to deny our existence, well — f*ck you!” One activist screamed into an amplified microphone. “Literally f*ck you. This is our university. This is our space. You are not welcome here. We will make sure you will never ever be here again!” 
As the conference began, two lecturers who co-direct qUCL, a campus research group focused on queer theory, released a statement comparing it to “eugenics.”
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Hours into the event, women’s rights advocate Katy Worley, also known on social media as DJ Lippy, was assaulted by a trans activist who aggressively wrangled her phone from her as she had been filming the protestors. Worley was interviewed by police on the incident, who reportedly left her feeling “blamed” for her own assault.
“The police were pretty useless, actually,” Worley told Reduxx. “The guy attacked me as I was out of the main college [campus]. I was actually just about to go home. He tried to get my phone off of me… he threw it over a wall, and I just grabbed ahold of him by his rucksack because I didn’t want him to leave. I told him ‘you can’t do this, it’s unacceptable.’ I started screaming for security.”
Worley says police arrived about one hour after the incident, and began questioning her on the attacker’s motivations.
“They asked me ‘why do you think he did that?’ It’s like they wanted me to prove motivation. And it’s not really a victim’s job to provide motivation to the police.” Worley says she tried to tell the police about the protest, but became emotional as she interacted with them due to their apparent lack of concern for her. But as she continued with them, a group of women who had hosted a workshop at the conference came to her aid. 
Kate Coleman, director of Keep Prisons Single Sex, as well as another woman who was a former police chief superintendent, butted in to help Worley in her conversation with police. No arrests were made, and Worley doesn’t believe anything more is being done with her report.
“I doubt anything will be done. They didn’t even take a description of the assailant until I prompted them.”
According to social media updates provided by her significant other, Worley was left with dark bruising on her arm and swelling in her hand from the attack.
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This is not Worley’s first time being assaulted at such an event. In November of 2022, a similar incident occurred during which Worley was manhandled by a trans activist who attempted to stop her from recording with her phone camera. Worley was interviewed by police, and the assailant was taken into custody.
While many of the trans activists at yesterday’s protest claimed to be students at UCL, there were outsiders within the crowd. Among them was a notorious convict known for being England’s longest-serving transgender inmate.
Sarah Jane Baker, born Alan Baker, spent 30 years in prison for multiple violent crimes. Baker was initially sentenced for kidnapping and torturing his stepmother’s brother, but received additional time after attempting to murder a cellmate.
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While incarcerated, Baker became vocal on the issue of trans-identified males in prison, often claiming to be the victim of systemic mistreatment for being kept in the male prison estate. 
In 2013, Baker made headlines when he first began identifying as “Sarah,” billing taxpayers £10,000 for what media referred to as his “sex change.” Baker once boasted that he never wanted to be freed, describing himself as a “professional prisoner.”
During a 2009 hearing, he claimed to be quite pleased with his time in custody, stating: “I am happy to be locked away. Doing bird is the one thing I excel at. I have no responsibility, free food, laundry, healthcare, a job and my Open ­University course costs me nothing.”
Baker was released in 2019, after which he began to brand himself as both a trans rights activist and a prison abolitionist. Baker has turned up at multiple protests intended to denigrate women who oppose gender ideology. In June of 2021, Baker was photographed at London’s Pride Parade holding signs which read, “Be Trans, Do Crime.” Another sign in an identical style which read “Kill JK Rowling” was placed on the Bomber Command Memorial, prompting speculation that Baker was responsible for the death threat.
During Saturday’s protest at UCL, Baker was seen wearing his characteristic red beret and hurling abuse at the women’s rights advocates.
“Trying to make us scared? You f*cking c*nts!” Baker was filmed yelling. “Trying to make us afraid? To walk on our own streets?”
Baker has stated his intention to be “the next transgender member of parliament” for the Richmond Park district in London, and will be putting his name forward in upcoming elections.
By Anna Slatz Anna is the Co-Founder and Editor-in-Chief at Reduxx, with a journalistic focus on covering crime, child predators, and women's rights. She lives in Canada, enjoys Opera, and kvetches in her spare time.
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monsterqueers · 3 months
You know, I can see why sometimes people think callouts are necessary;
When you are in a communal space and being harmed, or have suddenly become privy to serious harm, you want that harm to stop. One of the first things you learn on how to do that, once asking them to stop doesnt work, is to ask for help.
In small communities like forums or discord servers, you ask the community leaders for help. They talk to the person to make them stop or ban them from the small, non life-essential community. If the harm was bad enough they might encourage you to bring it to court (such as an adult soliciting nudes from minors in DMs).
Often this is done without the details being aired to the rest of the community (if the issue was in private).
But bigger websites like tumblr or twitter or youtube are not these kinds of small communities. Banning someone from a huge swath of the internet materially effects their livelyhood and ability to access community and care. The support staff for these websites usually take time to get to the case and often do nothing about it when they do because its not what they consider a TOS violation, even if its harm done.
This means if it cannot be solved by blocking, and you cannot leave because the space has things you need, your final tool to make harm stop is by airing the dirty laundry so social shame hopefully does something.
Most callouts are petty drivel attacking minorities (but especially trans women in particular) and filled with lies.
The person making the callout though, often genuinely believes that they are making harm stop like above though- because their definition of harm is much wider and includes things like 'trans woman having sex with consenting adults in a way I dont like', 'I was in conflict with my ex a lot because we could not communicate', and 'reblogged a fanart shipping naruto and sasuke once'.
They think that things that personally upset them out of disgust count as real harm. They think any conflict is always abuse.
Or at least, that is what the people making them will claim, and its hard to sort them from the true victims.
I think a notable part of why callouts are such a plague is because of the structure of social media as a whole. We dont HAVE the usual tools to curate our spaces well enough anymore and protect our communities from bad actors and people know this. Its the drawback of being so connected. They cannot see another way to do this, so they are loathe to let go of a tool that -in theory- can.
I think its something that is overlooked in conversations about this.
Its rare a plea to abandon callouts altogether has a feasable answer for 'what do we do with the confirmed serial abusers, scammers, and cult leaders that DO exist? How do we prevent them from hurting more people? They already had community support and love and they did harm with it. You cannot give them a rape babysitter a la the missing stair essay (of which the story shows works badly) over the internet. You cannot make them go to therapy over the internet and ensure it works. You cannot still act like nothing happened without making their victims feel unsafe and unsupported. What is there left to do?'
And honestly, I DONT have a good answer to assuage these concerns.
With new social media the way it is, with site moderators that only step in for TOS violations if that, how CAN we keep known serial bad actors with no true commitment to doing better from harming others except by warning people to not trust them?
Internet safety tip PSAs only do so much, and not using the megasites is not an option for most people either.
Trying to make callout posts be more accurate by trying to educate what is a calloutable offense has done nothing to reduce erroneous callouts.
People already commit to 'only spreading REAL callout posts', but they still spread bunk posts regardless.
It just... sucks all around.
-This post is not a perfectly worded and cited essay, do not treat it as such-
-This post is saying all the callouts crying wolf have ruined one of the few tools left to oust actual unrepentant serial abusers and scammers from communities without cop involvement, not that one should spread callout posts, dont clown!-
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autolenaphilia · 3 months
To remind people, callouts only work if they are punching down. It's wielding your greater social capital against someone vulnerable and isolated to deprive them of what remaining human connections they still have. It's why it's so effective against transfems, who are very isolated and tend to rely on the few queer/feminist spaces that will accept them, or the internet. And these spaces are only accepting on paper, loving the idealized transfem in their heads, while being ruthless against an actual flesh-and-blood transfem who has human flaws. Her human connections and social standing are very tenuous. A callout can result in a transfem's total isolation, which can be devastating and often result in suicide.
Of course, it's not just being transfem that can create vulnerable targets for callouts, you are also vulnerable if you are non-white or disabled to name a few marginalized groups. And those can of course intersect with being transfem, creating extra-vulnerable people.
It's of no use to punch up, to wield it against actually privileged and powerful people. This is despite them being the people who actually use that privilege and power to commit real acts of abuse, not the "abuse" of writing weird incest ship fics on ao3. Abusers tend to be popular people with lots of social capital, and can actually use callouts or similar methods of mobbing to succesfully DARVO their less privileged victims. Their social networks are often robust and will seldom turn on them. If you try to expose their abuse, they have the privilege and social capital to not only evade consequences, but often to strike back in revenge .
And when they are like literally rich and famous even the most public exposure and criticism of their actions has no effect. J.K. Rowling has forced people into silence by threatening to sue for libel, because she has the wealth to do that. Her buddy Johnny Depp actually did that successfully to the woman he abused. You can call the public criticism of them "callout posts", but they have little real-world effect.
And real open bigots will always embrace each other. You can call out open terfs and nazis all day long, the purpose of hate groups is to back each other up and protect each other. And it's seldom someone faces serious social consequences for being a white supremacist transmisogynist anyway. It's why callout posts of actual open terfs and nazis is so rare, there is no point to it.
A transfem accusing a tme person of transmisogyny basically never leads to lasting consequences for the transmisogynist for this very reason. That is not really callout culture, because the person doing it has less power than the person she is calling out.
Whereas some random trans woman can be hounded off the internet and exlucded from irl queer support groups because of something questionable she said a decade ago and has apologized for, and that some random tme person dug up.
Callout culture and mobbing can basically only hurt those who are marginalized and vulnerable, while the privileged can avoid consequences. Because of this it's frequently used by actual abusers as a method of furthering their abuse of vulnerable victims and doing DARVO on them.
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secretgamergirl · 5 months
A Refresher on the Whos and Hows of Harassment Campaigns
The other day someone said something that reminded me of a particularly good work from a friend of mine, so I said "hey, you might like this," and was met with, roughly, "that does sound good, but ooh, I recommend that name, I don't want to support that person at all." Now, perhaps you'd think I'd be taken aback by this, and curious why the person I was talking to had such a huge problem with my friend, but I knew exactly why.
The friend in question has been the target of a massive life-ruining harassment campaign for something like 15 years, primarily rooted, as these things always seem to be, in DARVO tactics. That's an acronym for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender. Or put more plainly, painting the target as an evil monster who needs to be stopped. But there's a difference in knowing that this is ubiquitous for victims of harassment campaigns, and KNOWING how it works.
I don't want to say anything identifying about any of the many friends I know in this situation, so forgive the vague details, but let me walk through the major points of one of the clearest cases I've seen so you can hopefully learn to spot this crap.
Years ago, someone I knew messaged me out of the blue to alert me that A Bad Person had responded to some social media post of mine, which was just a perfectly nice pleasant little response. This was the first sign that this was not, in fact, A Bad Person, but a DARVO victim. The first rule to completely destroying someone's life is really aggressively cutting off any possible support network they might have, and making sure either through personal actions or more often establishing some weird sort of perceived norm that all good people need to be mindful of these things, one way to do that is jump in there anytime the target is being introduced to new people they could maybe become friends with.
Personally, I'm not inclined to avoid people just because someone tells me I should, even if it's someone I know and trust, and I encourage this as a value to others. Being an evidence demanding sort though, I was shortly presented with Some Evidence. This is another general truism with DARVO campaigns. Everyone pursuing them tends to have ready access to Some Evidence in the form of a link to, in most situations, like a 30-100 page long blog post, filled with links, images, and detailed date stamps presenting someone as an evil monster. And here again, my personal and professional experience with this has lead me to the possibly surprising conclusion that when someone shoves a link like this in your face, you can just go right ahead and assume the subject of it is the innocent victim of a hate campaign.
First of all, when someone is ACTUALLY a monster, it takes basically no evidence to prove it. Like, take J.K. Rowling. She's one of the most horrifically evil people on the planet. Hates trans people. Wants to see us all dead. She'd rather not have that as her public image, so she'll loudly object to any accusations along those lines and insist she's all puppies and rainbows, but in spite of that, she can't go more than like 10 minutes without an unhinged rant about how much she hates trans people. Like, she'll do it in written defenses against how she does that. You can glance at her social media pages and see just outright clear cut hate speech, or how she follows an astounding number of out and proud fascists. You can look at any news coverage she's tangentially involved in. Life is not a detective novel or a cheesy thriller where evil people manage to keep it completely hidden from everyone except one brave reporter.
So part of he deal with Some Evidence is relying on the reader being familiar with this sort of big info dump as really important in fiction and subconsciously viewing it through that same lens. The substance of Some Evidence is generally irrelevant. A Bad Person, you see, is guilty of a Crime! Whoever put together this very very very long blog post has clearly gone to a Herculean effort to expose this. They have a detailed timeline, they have all these links and screenshots to forum posts. They've hunted down every single user name A Bad Person may have ever used, and provided documentation to prove it all! Look how many links they have! How many bullet points! Look how passionate they are about the seriousness of this matter, and how terrible a thing this Crime is!
And the weirdly insidious thing about this is it isn't just about spamming you with so much text you aren't going to actually bother reading it. What they're hoping is that you DO read all of it, and in the process of doing so, you get so swept up in the narrative they're presenting that you internalize the fact that whatever Crime they're accusing this person of is exactly as evil and terrible a thing as their breathless recounting is portraying it to be, when in reality, I'm having a damn hard time thinking of any time I've seen one of these where the Crime is... anything really. You'd think if someone was going to accuse someone of a crime they didn't commit and make a big deal over it, they'd pick one of the real big ones like murder or defrauding a charity or terrorist bombings or something, but no. Real serious stuff is way easier to prove didn't happen if anyone cared, so the go-to strategy is to make a mountain out of a molehill so small that skeptical types won't even bother checking if it even happened, but make such a stink about it that the people who get suckered in still treat it as the most serious of things.
Actual examples of the Crimes I've seen in this sort of thing, off the top of my head: Sleeping with several men, just you know, at some point or other. Disliking A Good Person. Having once spoken to A Bad Person, or just being vaguely associated with them in some vague way. Criticizing a work of fiction over how it handled a subject (bad trans rep, colonialist values, weird depiction of another culture, whatever), drawing fan art or writing fan fiction where someone is off-model or not in character or, anything at all romantic or sexy happens, dressing up in a goofy costume, and standing near A Good Person in a photo who clearly wouldn't want to be seen anywhere near A Bad Person (and yes that last one DOES involve more circular logic than usual). Some of the most effective campaigns I've seen have had Crimes that go past not being any sort of offense to anyone from a rational perspective but are outright good things for someone to be doing. Spin is a hell of a drug.
It should also be noted that while Some Evidence generally puts a huge emphasis on noting the exact dates when the Crime and various other data points occurred and how great and terrible an offense this was to The Real Victim In All This, you basically never hear about this from someone who has even the most tenuous connection to The Real Victim In All This, and it tends to be presented as breaking news, even when Some Evidence pretty clearly points out that if the Crime even happened at all, it did so anywhere between 1-20 years ago. I don't know that I've ever seen one of these campaigns even get started over something in recent memory. Picking or inventing something far enough in the past that nobody who was allegedly there is going to have really clear memories one way or the other is ideal for the key point of making it both difficult and a low priority to actually get a first hand account of the Crime from anyone.
Also I really have to stress that this sort of thing doesn't tend to all come down to one crank with a grudge personally pushing the whole hate campaign. The goal is to execute all this in such a way that the overwhelming majority of harassment, isolation, and reputation tarnishing isn't done by whoever set it all into motion, but by well-intentioned rubes who get swept up enough in the narrative not to question any of it. They don't know the first thing about the target here, but they're going to go around saying things like "I had no idea this person was A Bad Person until someone sent me this link. They stopped me from maybe getting involved with someone really scary, so now I'm just paying that forward as much as I can by warning other people."
So hopefully if I'm succeeding here in getting you to think critically about this sort of thing, you're maybe thinking hey, if the random accusations people write these novel-length blog posts about generally boil down to the sort of stupid crap that'd maybe get a person banned from the cool kids' table in high school rather than anything that would actually spurn efforts to completely destroy a person's life, what's the real reason they do this crap? Well, sometimes, it's just going to be some completely irrational thing like deciding someone represents a vague threat to the orchestrator or someone they're weirdly stalking, or good old fashioned bigotry, but I think honestly the number one true motivation for this sort of thing might be that whole bit about isolating victims from any possible support network.
Stripping away support networks is, if I recall, literally the first thing suggested by the abuser's handbook. It's an actual guide, I have a copy of it that was getting shared around to help nazis coordinate back in 2014, but I... don't want to actually double check the ordering of bullet points. It's important though. If you want to end the life of Susie, you need to make sure Susie is completely alone, with nobody to turn to for aid or even just basic emotional support. And so if you notice that Robyn is out there defending Susie from your mass harassment campaign, and every effort you've made to drive a wedge between them or intimidate Robyn out of defending Susie, that means Robyn's gotta go. Time to write a new novel-length blog post, get as much of the world as you can convinced that Robyn is a monster. Hell, it's even worth it to try and convince Susie.
A weird little quirk that results from this is that honestly some of the most horrible, longest lasting attacks of this nature I've seen have been against people who otherwise seem like they'd be impervious to this sort of hate-mobbing, but they make an active point of standing up for trans people. Now like, obviously, I know a truckload of trans people literally driven out of public life by this crap because the average person is just entirely too willing to accept that any given one of us is some sort of evil shapeshifter if given the slightest push, and we'd probably be more prominent examples if we didn't just kinda get disappeared, but yeah if you're cis and it's known in the right circles that you've used your platform to give me a shout-out or treated me to dinner odds are pretty good you're in the top 10 of people I personally know that people have been trying to bring down with total BS for the past decade or so, and you know, we see you, we support you, thanks for fighting that good fight.
If this has all been a bit much to read, here's the short version. Do not ever go around talking crap about someone you don't know just because someone told you they suck. I don't care how much you trust the person you're hearing it from. I don't care if they show you Some Evidence that it'd take you three days to read through. If you can't (or don't want to bother to) look them up directly, on your own, and see them doing evil crap out in public, leave them the hell alone. Don't go spreading rumors. Don't say you've "heard some things." There are no acceptable casualties in this. Be 100% sure or mind your own damn business. ACAB still applies when it's self-appointed community policing. Oh and it should go without saying that obviously this doesn't apply to stuff like a friend telling you they're in an abusive relationship or they've been assaulted or whatever. I'm talking about crap like warning people not to read books or watch reviews or whatever from people you have no personal connection to here.
And of course here's the point where I remind you that I have been out of work for years and have had to change my name and address multiple times to avoid being freaking murdered thanks to the sort of campaigns I'm talking about here, and it would really do a lot to help me continue being alive if anyone felt like maybe heading over to my patreon and throwing some cash my way.
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opinated-user · 3 months
Yeah ok, this makes.. no sense? The claim is that no abuse victim would want to start a flame war with their abuser…. Uh. NO? Aside from it being pretty fucked to to describe victims speaking out as a “flame war”, it also just- ..huh?? There are PLENTY of abuse victims who’ve gone on campaigns in order to expose their abuser so they don’t hurt anyone else, there are a lot of people who would rather NOT, yeah, I’m one of them! But the claim that people who have been wronged wouldn’t want to.. get justice is goofy.
this is priceless coming from LO when she was the one literally doing multiple flame wars with some anon that she alone believed to be Lizzy, not to mention how she spend literally years just talking about her claims against her while using her last name and escalated them even further only after Lizzy dared to give her own version of the story. again, if we talking in social media is meant to diminish the validity of any of the things we're talking about, then all of that applies just the same back to LO. why haven't you dennounced Lizzy to the police, LO? why did you spend years, including the day of your wedding, being mad about her and talking about her when you could brought her to justice? how come every other victim has to present evidence of the abuse you subjected them to, and even when they do it's not good enough, but with you literally all everyone has to go off is your word? now, personally, using something like "they talk about their abuser or abuse too much" is a horrible victim blaming thing to use in order to discredit anyone. but i'm not the one making that argument, that is LO. so if that is a valid thing that is supposed to make people second guess her victims, then by all means it should also be applied to her as well.
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now this is a malicious lie. Courtney send this message to LO after finding out that she was trans, that's what the "i doubt our parents are supportive" means because Courtney thought that LO was completely alone while dealing with her transition. Courtney was even willing to let go of any bad blood between them if LO ever accepted or wanted his help because being trans was hard enough. futhermore, if Courtney was the supposed abuser... how does contacting her saying "i doubt our parents are supportive of you" is ever going to play into that? he send her her private number in a private message that literally nobody was going to see. what well was she trying to poison?? how does that message proves that is what he was intending to do? LO, do you even know what that expression means??? plus, yes, you did talked about her. you bragged about punching her and call her a brat, among a bunch of other things, before she ever came to tumblr or spoke to P. and you know this to be true, so that's another malicious lie.
weak DARVO, that's all i have to say. extremely weak.
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sailorportia · 10 months
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99% of people with "radfems/terfs dni" in their blog descriptions are tme, because transfems don't have the luxury of believing that the transfem fetishization squad would ever respect our boundaries, but don't let that get in the way of your DARVO persecution fantasy, bro
Not even going to dignify the "transfems are trying to make trans spaces for transfems only and in any way have the power to exclude everyone else" shit with a response lol
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aronarchy · 1 year
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see & this is why the “narc abuse” community has such strong overlap with radfems—identifying the root of patriarchal violence as “a uniquely destructive physical power” is bioessentialist (and antifeminist; feminist theory recognizes patriarchy & misogynistic violence as sociogenic phenomena, and the “biology” myth was first peddled by patriarchs) (and of course, cissexist, brushing aside much of the dynamics that make up the gendered violence trans people experience). and look, narcissists are apparently “disproportionately likely to abuse” & we apparently have a “uniquely destructive [neurobiological] ability to manipulate others”! this is completely disaligned with, again, any decent theorizing on abuse/abusers, “they have unique Capability(tm)” is obviously false and has been debunked numerous times by numerous researchers & survivors and is a myth which feeds the idea that abuse is only/primarily/significantly committed by Abnormal People bc of Abnormal, unpredictable/incomprehensible, immaterial/random causes instead of results of systems & ideology & choices (and people-who-can-use-the-DARVO-playbook are not some sort of Separate Species, they are simply people who have certain sets of experiences and characteristics which we can rationally trace, and also act upon/alter/prevent).
(also, maybe a bit more personal/anecdotal/less evidenced, but I get strong vibes of abuser logic from the legitimization of this idea that abusers are winning over victims so much because they are genuinely “better,” “more capable,” “smarter” and thus biologically superior etc while victims are inherently weaker & worse & thus impossible for us to escape/win or deserve to self-determine. vs, they got their advantage from various sets of events occurring but that does not make it fundamentally beyond Our comprehension and a lot of their sense of uniqueness, godtier skills wrt manipulation/control, winning etc are in reality just exaggerations & unrealistic entitlement & overinflated egos)
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humanbeanvitaminsea · 4 months
The complete and utter ignorance of all these naive LGBTQ people "and allies" (really?) blindly supporting Hamas (whilst saying they're not supporting Hamas) is mind boggling.
They honestly believe they're "on the right side of history" by saying Israel doesn't have the right to exist. By using the language of Nazi Germany to describe Jews, using DARVO gaslighting tactics to de-legitimize Israel. Whatever "the right side of history" means to them is beyond my comprehension. Calling the survivors of the October 7th massacre "nazis" and saying "Israel hasn't even suffered any damage during this "war": they're just enjoying themselves in cafés and dancing to celebrate the deaths of Palestinians" really isn't it.
Hamas, on October 7th, alongside Palestinian Islamic Jihad and even Gazan civilians, aimed for total annihilation of the Israeli people. Hamas even called for an "International Day of Rage" against all Jews, worldwide. And they call Jews "Nazis"?
They think they are supporting LGBTQ whilst they're simultaneously calling for Israel's annihilation. They spout tired anti-Semitic tropes without even understanding what they're saying. Have they forgotten already about the LGBTQ victims of the Holocaust? Have they failed to notice the extreme intolerance Islamists have against LGBTQ people? Have they zero knowledge of the historical ties Hajj Amin Al Husseini had with Hitler? They've probably not even heard of him. Yet still they use language designed to shame Israel into putting their weapons down, not thinking to mention that Hamas have had over four months to surrender and to release the hostages.
Hamas still have Kfir Bibas, who turned one in captivity, and three of his family members, held hostage since October 7th.
If these "well meaning", naive fools care about Palestinian lives, why aren't they demanding Hamas' immediate surrender and immediate return of the hostages? Instead, they accuse Israel of genocide.
Are these spreaders of Islamist propaganda against Israel simply self hating? Is that it?
I actually think they sincerely believe their own nonsense, that they've fallen hook, line and sinker for the Islamists' international campaign against Jews.
Then they say they don't understand how they could possibly be upsetting LGBTQ people, when they share Islamist propaganda. They don't even seem to have the intelligence to understand that they're sharing Islamist propaganda. They don't seem to understand that Islamists would happily murder them, given half the chance.
They call Israelis "Settler colonialist nazis" whilst sharing Encyclopedia Brittanica definitions of "Philistines" in order to "explain" why Israelis, specifically Jews, don't deserve a country, but why "Palestinians" should have the entire land, Judenrein. They explain their views as being "Justice for Palestine".
I wonder who's more confused: them, when they support terrorists who would murder them for being gay or trans- or me, wondering why comfortable Western LGBTQ people would spend their time and energy on DARVO gaslighting, calling the IDF "Terrorists" for fighting terrorists, calling Jews "Nazis" for daring to inhabit the Jewish national homeland and being the only nation in the Middle East where LGBTQ rights are even a thing, and why they don't bother to do actual research outside the memes and blogs they are so fervently reblogging.
They don't even realise that they're simping for Islamist jihadis who believe LGBTQ people should be given the death penalty, that women shouldn't be allowed to go outside without permission from a man.
If an October 7th style attack happened in their hometown, would they still be simping for Islamist terrorists?
I feel sick.
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gaia-prime · 1 year
the DARVO logic and attempts at sexual assault by manipulation and “do what i want or i’ll kms” behavior is triggering for me. i can’t read the bs and lies that people in the trans movement are spitting without the abuser ‼️🚩🚩🚩‼️ alarm going off in my head because it feels so familiar, like the shit behavior i was subjected to in the past.
it’s obvious why narcissists and bad actors are drawn to this movement.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 6 days
Anyway, got accused of DARVO by a radfem blog for saying the reason feminism feels stagnated is because of TERFs and Radfems.
If you aren't aware, DARVO is when an abuser blames YOU for the abuse THEY are causing.
So, basically, when I said TERFs and Radfems are the reason feminism has stagnated because they are determined to gatekeep trans people and AFAB enby people (myself included) and not acknowledge the varied and ever growing stories of women and people raised as women and women raised as men, I was immediately accused of being an abuser.
Which, if you don't know how to spot abuse: someone immediately accusing me (or you) of being an abuser because you (or I) said something provable (that TERFs and Radfems gatekeep feminism) about their behavior is actual abusive behavior. I said something provable. The person I just blocked accused me of being an abuser to try and ragebait others into not listening to me.
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borrowmyshovel · 1 year
it is an interesting bit of terfen hypocrisy that they insist on "holding us accountable" for every trans person that's ever so much as jaywalked, but bringing up the genocidal maniacs and predators their movement is associated with is treated as a strawman every time. They'll call us TRAs to act like just being trans makes us part of some cohesive unit, while redefining themselves as "women defending their rights" and "lesbians who don't do dick" and "just people who believe in biological sex". So you have to argue them one-on-one every time, while they get to generalise to no end. Some downright DARVO shit going on in there.
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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bringing this back to say if they could do DARVO on a rich, nonfat, cis white women on such a large scale, imagine how much more violence through DARVO Black people (especially Black trans folk) go through on the daily…
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pamphlettyr · 1 year
There's been a question on my mind lately and I wanna see if I can distract a little from the exhaustion that is dealing with fascists. To start, I'll just repeat what you've said previously in agreement: the only good nazis are those who've stopped, regardless of method.
I want to ask not "what" they deserve (because that question has no shortage of answers and its discussion gets contentious no matter which circle approaches it), but rather "why" they deserve whatever can be made to come for them.
I ask this because it feels like the historical reasons to oppose fascism and nazis specifically just aren't compelling to a propagandized post-cold war, post-9/11, post-tik-tok America (though, it would be folly to discard the trauma inflicted and lives lost that we still feel to this day in favor of rhetoric that hits closer to home for the people alive today). The argument in my head is trying to string together "because they seek to destroy that which makes life worth living" and "their actions both now and in the past have incurred an insurmountable social debt that can only be settled with 'never again'"
Idk... Thoughts?
Thanks for the question, and yes it is refreshing to get an ask that isn't disingenuous. To me, the core of why nazis deserve whatever they get, is because of 3 things, 1: the disingenuity in the face of evidence, where they grandstand hoping to reach low information people rather than actually hold up to scruitny. They also do a sort of systemic darvo by calling us the real fascists, the real antisemites, the "feminazis", or what have you. The violence done of liberation and the violence of self defense is never equivalent to the violence of domination. History doesn't start in the middle, and it does matter who started it 2: the hatred of the horizons of humanity. They condition themselves to feel attacked by people who live in other ways than they do, and resent people who get to live a better version of the life they want, so they seek ways to abridge those ways of being. "if jews did not exist, the antisemite invents them" this goes the same for "she sucked her way to the top". they resent that they aren't happy and can't help but feel the unhappiness is from the actions of individual others, and not from the psychic and real violence of systemic oppression, which is hurting them just as it hurts the people they resent.
and 3: the asymmetry of cessation. A nazi can stop acting like a nazi, i can't stop being an autistic jewish trans woman, my friends can't stop being black, indigenous, autistic, jewish or queer, but the fascists can choose to stop being a fascist, by actively choosing to find ways to support us, by just stop saying fascist things and supporting fascist ideas and ideologues, or by killing themselves since they hate what humanity actually is and they're part of what it is.
wokeness is approaching politics and social situations ethically, and anti-wokeness is an attempt to flee from the painful fact that before we adopt an ethical framework we will have thought or done unethical things. The worse you got to defend yourself in the first place, the harder it is to change but they could change. Fun isn't more important than people. Peace is not the absence of tension, but the presence of justice, and they cannot eliminate the tension without eliminating the domination, or the dominated, and in eliminating us they destroy the things they actually care about, but if they fight against domination, or support those doing the fighting they can not just maintain, but enhance the joy they actually want to experience.
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traumatizeddfox · 8 months
tw emotional abuse, victim blaming
thinking of the time i balled my eyes out on my phone when i saw someone asking who i was when our abuser mentioned me and he said something like “an abusive hunk of shit” or smth like that then i begged them to please listen to my side of the story and holy shit i have he screenshot. my desperation and his calmness made it so clear that he was never the victim
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every time i think of it, anger boils up inside me and i have to switch with the comforter of the system, but god i just hate it. they told me to shut up and blocked me. im so sick of abusers always getting their way. just because youre friends with someone doesnt mean they didnt possibly hurt someone. all they do is defend him and i know i will never have as many people as he does. it sickens me. i have piles of proof of him being abusive and begging for forgiveness like the pathetic fucking wimp he is. i also have three screenshots of one discord message explaining all he’s done to me. three screenshots of one fucking message, thats a fucking lot. and no matter how much i drop, they never believe me. what will it take? i swear, i could travel back in time with all of them and show him emotionally abusing me and they still wouldnt believe me. he’s the fucking source of all my problems. i cry over him all the time and whenever i hear or see his name or if i see a opossum (he loves opossums) i burst into tears. he made me this monster. its all his fault. and i’ll make him pay for everything he’s done to me. he’ll pay for everything. and if i dont kill him, then oh well, he dies anyway. fuck that bitch. i hate him. he broke me and uses his fucking disabilities like ‘oh im autistic i cant be abusive!!’ yes you can? anyone can be abusive. he ruined my entire life. he’s how i fucking found out im a system. i hate everything about him. hes a manipulative, abusive, disgusting, victim blaming, body shaming, transphobic asshole. oh but he cant body shame hes fat! oh he cant be transphobic hes trans! he fucking CAN BE because he body shamed me and deadnamed and misgendered me and it broke me it hurt me i HATE HIM.
i’m so sorry :( it’s frustrating when abusers use DARVO on their victims and convince everyone you’re the abuser
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butch-reidentified · 2 years
Your pinned and the posts you rb about trans people make it pretty clear you aren't trans inclusive lmao
My issue is primarily with hateful, misogynistic, and homophobic trans people. A large and ever-growing portion of the online trans movement has unfortunately gone this direction, subscribing to a cult-like community's fantastical+misogynistic+homophobic+racist ideology, historical revisionism, doublespeak, DARVO tactics, and more. Irl, though, that's not as often the case, at least ime. Actually, the majority of my friend circle are transitioned/dysphoric people, and they themselves have brought me to my critical perspective of the mainstream movement. They feel alienated and abandoned by a movement that has become hateful, harmful, and dominated by fetishistic heterosexual men who get "euphoria boners" from stealing their sister's underwear and aren't even sex-dysphoric. These men attack & silence the more "old-school" sort of transwomen bc they pose a threat to the current genderist narrative by rejecting the core concepts behind the idea of gender identity and refusing to deny their sex is male or trample women's boundaries. I'm pretty protective of those transwomen tbh, which is why I can't stand that their community has been ripped from them by people who pretend to care about them but don't, and worse, all while claiming to be them.
My feminism will never be tolerant of natally male people who hate women. Never ever. But the mtf transitioners I know and love are fighting by my side at every abortion rally and standing up for lesbians daily. They support and fight for women's liberation with zero expectation of getting anything out of it. They fight for the humanity of women even/especially when that means standing up to other trans people. They're my allies. Not the pornsick, anime-girl-fetishizing, male-entitlement-reeking creeps who have turned on those actually suffering from sex dysphoria, driven them from their own spaces, and called them TERFs and bitches just as they have called me.
I know many of you subscribe to an ideology that says that anyone who doesn't blindly affirm every single person who says "I'm trans" regardless of that person's actual material reality/experiences and without a shred of criticism or even a single question is a vile hateful bigot. But you must see how irrational that is. Why should any group or movement be shielded from all criticism? When did criticism and questioning the logic of a belief system come to mean hatred and wanting people dead??
I am trans inclusive. I just have boundaries and standards, and I have those for the safety and advancement of ALL my sisters, non-trans and trans alike.
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deirdreskye · 2 years
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No jokes here this shit just truly grinds my gears. When you're talking about trans people who "perpetuate radical feminism" and you bring up "the baeddel movement" that isn't just being a fucking dullard, that's DARVO lmao
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