#Tim Davie
odinsblog · 7 months
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Many journalists are, unknowingly or otherwise, aiding and abetting in the constant dehumanization of, and therefore the genocide of Palestinians.
Also complicit are social media platforms that are shadow banning pro-Palestinian blogs, and throttling pro-Palestinian posts, and incessantly promoting pro-Israel propaganda.
Never forget. Remember.
Remember who did what. Remember what happened at Jabalya refugee camp. Remember how western media outlets used false equivalencies to imply both sides of this “conflict” were on equal footing when only one side has nuclear weapons, an army, a navy, and an Air Force; remember that the passive voice was deployed to avoid assigning accountability to Israel’s war crimes; remember how the media used negative and dehumanizing words to describe Palestinians who were intentionally starved and denied food and water and access to healthcare, as “looters” when they found food for survival; remember that this decades long assault on noncombatant civilians did not begin on October 7th. Remember that only one side has had decades of apartheid and only one side is committing genocide. Remember how news outlets talked about some “humanitarian crisis,” as if the aftermath for survivors, following the murder of more than 8,000 Palestinian civilians, was an act of nature rather than what it was: the completely foreseeable results of civilian infrastructure + noncombatants being targeted by incredibly precise IDF weapons systems.
Remember so that the truth—that war crimes were openly committed by Israel—cannot ever be whitewashed away. Bear witness now so that you can speak the truth in the future.
👉🏿 https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/bbc-staff-crying-at-work-in-divide-over-israel-gaza-coverage-l5g2bk0nf
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helmstone · 2 months
Licence fee rises as Tim Davie signals a BBC for the Future
This week the fee for a colour licence (in the UK) will increase to £169.50 up from the previous £159 fee, while a black and white licence costs £57, increasing from £53.50 last year. This is the first rise in two years. Tim Davie (Director-General of the BBC) has plenty to say on how the BBC needs to get Fit for the Future, and where he sees funding fit for the long term. Davie has spoken to…
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radiofreeskaro · 2 months
Radio Free Skaro #954 - Heaven On Their Minds
Radio Free Skaro #954 - Heaven On Their Minds - New #DoctorWho Trailer! - Season 1 Episode Titles! - Terror of the Autons, Episode One Commentary!
http://traffic.libsyn.com/freyburg/rfs954.mp3 Download MP3 Another new Doctor Who trailer! New episode titles unveiled! Golda Rosheuvel is in Episode 1! All this and more in a timey-wimey episode of the podcast, which contains much Mrrahh Business, more cast announcements, a light dusting of contempt for AI, a Steven Moffat conversation on Youtube, and Episode One of our Classic Series…
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seasonofhorror · 2 months
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1988, dir. Tim Burton
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classichorrorblog · 9 months
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Beetlejuice (1988)
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taskmastersource · 2 months
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Happy Boop Day!
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demifiendrsa · 2 years
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Episode posters for Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities
Guillermo del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities will premiere on Netflix on October 25, 2022 with two episodes daily until October 28, 2022.
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velvetbatss · 2 months
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Geena Davis, Beetlejuice 1988
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habitsbf · 3 months
alright so ive already talked about this multiple times before, but ive noticed posts about this topic FINALLY spreading around more.
the sexualization in the slenderverse fandom is a huge problem, and its only getting worse as the fandom continues to grow.
i feel like people need to be reminded:
separate the character from the actor. do not stalk their socials. do not try to dm them. do not comment weird shit under their public posts.
i rarely see any slenderverse actors interact with the fandom like they used to do. thats because fans dont treat them like actual human beings. i have seen some of the actors complain about being stalked, having people pretend to be them or their significant other online, etc.
its fucking ridiculous. you know what else is ridiculous? the editors and fanartists who ignore people trying to inform them about the actors boundaries + the problem with sexualization.
there has been a LOT of that happening on tiktok lately. so please, if you use the app and stumble across a post that disrespects an actors boundaries:
do not harass them or be mean about it, please just inform them. my friend and i have both been doing this, and we either get ignored or in my case, blocked. at this point, i feel like the only possible way to get people to listen is if they get multiple comments about it.
finding the actors attractive is fine, but PLEASE just keep your sexual comments and thoughts private. the actors and other people in the fandom would appreciate it, ESPECIALLY if you are underage. that just makes it even more uncomfortable to see.
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pandaroboto · 4 months
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Taskmaster + text posts (part 6)
(see the other ones here)
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xan-izme · 10 months
Dubble life (ACTSV x reader x Batfam) 2
Part 1, Part 3
Summary: Reader struggles to get used to their new life in Gotham. Worrying constantly about her family in New York. A rise of tension rises between readers father figure Aaron and her real father Bruce.
After the dinner, you got yourself ready for bed. The old boombox player you had was playing soft music in the background.
You turned the lights off, slipped into bed and stared at absolutely nothing. Even with the soft music playing, you were just itching to break into your suit and jump from building to building. You were missing your life as Spider-Woman. You missed your aunt and uncles. You missed your cousin. He was literally your twin.
You practically bawled your eyes out while saying goodbye to him. Suddenly, your train of thought was broken when you heard a ringing sound. You sat you and grabbed your phone, for some reason, hoping that it was your mother calling, telling you she was going to be home late tonight.
It wasn't your mother, of course, it was Miles, your cousin. You happily accepted the call. "Miles! oh my God, I missed you!" You could hear the boy chuckle on the other side of the phone.
"We saw each other this morning."
You pout and groan "I know! but it feels like it's been days." You knew you were acting like a toddler, but don't you deserve to act like this? After the nights filled with crime, days filled with unwanted drama.
You and Miles stayed on the phone. Not much talking involved. Talking was too much to do, knowing that they couldn't say the usual 'See you tomorrow' or Miles reminding you to be safe on your little outings. You did end up crying at one point, which caused Miles to tear up, but you don't know that, and he would like to keep it that way.
The next few weeks went by in a blink of an eye, dinner most of the times ended up just being you and Alfred, which you understand, knowing Bruce is busy, and Damian doesn't really like you. Tim would join you for lunch at times. You soon found out Tim was a geek. Which made you talk and ramble off about your plans for the future. Besides from that, you were mostly alone in the house.
Now it was your first day of school, your uncle Aaron offered to drive you for your first day. You asked Bruce for permission first of course.
Bruce at first wanted to say no, but when he pondered about it. It would be good for you to be with someone you knew better to be with you on your first day.
But Bruce looked into Aron. The man was trouble, used to be involved in lots of bad people back in the day. Just to be safe, Bruce decided to tag along. This would also help Bruce get closer to you, get to know the real you.
Putting aside the formalities and the instant obedience you give him.
The doorbell rang, Alfred opened the door and see Aaron standing with a blank expression, one matching Alfreds. "Ah, Mister Davies. Lady Y/n is curently getting ready. Please follow me."
Without any words, Aaron follows Alfred to a room. Thats where he meets Bruce.
"Nice to meet you Mr. Davies." Bruce puts a smile on his face and extended his hand to greet. Aaron smiled a little and shook his hand
"Same here. And Aaron is fine."
The two men sat down and began to talk. It was normal, but only for a small amount of time. The tension in the room began to rise when Aaron's past was brought up.
". . . I admit. I went down the wrong path when I was younger. But I grew out of that mess. But if this is about Y/n, then I guaranty you she is nothing like me. She's a good girl."
"I know she is. I'm not suggesting anything Ill towards my daughter."
Aaron chuckled "Daughter? Don't take this personally. But she ain't your daughter. Not till she says so."
Before any real argument could be made, you came busting in the room. "Uncle Aaron!"
"Baby girl!" Aron at up and opened his arms for a hug.
You ran into the man's arms. Giggling as Aaron gave your head a kiss.
"Look at you. In your little uniform."
You smiled more and twirled around for Aaron to see the whole fit better. "You like it?"
"I love it."
The car ride was a little awkward, but at least it wasn't fully awkward.
Aaron gave you some money and a few good luck kisses and I love You's from Rio. You gave Bruce a hug goodbye.
It's been almost a month since Spider-woman was last seen. Tim did take an interest in this Spider-woman and was going to offer her to join the Young Justice League. You were just one person looking after New York all on your own, with no help. It was very impressive.
But now Spider-Woman was just nowhere to be seen. She has just gone MIA. Now the Prowler was taking care of the city. The media has gone crazy after the disappearance of Spider-woman.
What did catch Tim's attention was the last time Spider-Woman was seen was the day Y/n's mother died. A lot of people were hurt that day Only one dead, which was your mother. Tim has come to a small theory that the death of your mother is connected to the disappearance of Spider-woman.
It's been a full week since you started school, the first day, teachers were really nice to you. They already knew about your mother, which had them pity you. And Bruce being your father made them extra nice. You already didn't like the kids. Seeing them as fake. Because they were. Those smiling faces, those empty words.
You knew them all too well. You do the same, fake knows fake, guess that's what you could call it. Damian was of course no help. Ignoring you as much as he could. Which you didn't actually care.
Why would you care for someone who clearly don't care for you? No need to waste any energy on him. You did take interest in a few clubs. You did need to pick one that you didn't have to attend all the time. One that didn't need too much of your attention. So, you picked the art club.
You saw how much kids were in there, with those number of kids, no one expects you to get to know them all, nor make friends with them all. There are also very talented kids in the club, and the art they do isn't your style, so you're not the best. Which was in a way, good to keep cover.
Right now, you were at the manor. Your uncle dropped off the extra books you left at his place. half of your room looked a section in a library. You knew there was a library in the manor. But they weren't your books. Even if Bruce insists that most of the things in the manor was also yours, that's not how you saw it.
The things you brought from New York was yours, the cloths, books, pictures. You just felt like a guest. Nothing else.
You were curently in your room, listening to a playlist Miles made for you. You were just finishing up your homework when you heard a knock on your door.
"Y/n? It's me, Bruce." The voice on the other side of the door spoke. "Come in!" You say, just loud enough for him to hear.
Bruce enters the room, when he sees you, a small smile graces his lips. You gave him an awkward smile as you wait for what he needed to tell you.
"My schedule is cleared out today. I was wondering if you wanted to go out shopping with me." Bruce was taking a look around your room. Looking at the items you kept on shelves, pictures. Trying to know what you would like, so he could buy something for you that was more of your style.
"And me!" Suddenly Dick popped out of the door with a bright smile on his face. "Nice room." Drick mumbled as he went near your bookshelf. Seeing what books, you were into.
"Ah. . . I would love to, sir- Bruce. But I don't got much on me." You had your own card, you had about 300 or 500 in. But you don't use it unless you're out and really need something to eat. On top of that, you kind of have a spending problem you need to control.
"No need to worry about that." Bruce pulled out his card "It's all on me."
You had no choice but to go with them. You sat in the back seat. Dick in the passenger seat while Bruce was driving. "How's school? make any friends?" Dick spoke up, turning down the volume of the radio. "Oh, it's alright. Me a few kids, they were pretty nice."
The car pulled up to a store. You walked in with the two men and started looking around. You saw plushies that looked really cute. "Can I get these?" You pointed at the plushies and looked up to Bruce for permision.
"Of course." Dick grabbed the plushies and you all started to get more things. Clothes, shoes. You were pretty satisfied with what you had. Bruce purchased what you had picked out, along with a few dresses Dick picked out for you.
Bruce was able to talk to you more. He knows that you like a lot of music genres, you seem to have a deep bond with your cousin Miles and your uncle Aaron. You speak highly of Miles, like he was a sun in the sky to praise.
Bruce was still hooked up on what Aaron had said. Bruce knows that he can't fix the sixteen years he missed in your life, but he wants to try and be there for you now. Try to break down that fake smile of yours.
What? You think he didn't notice.?
Bruce knows what pain looks like. And he can see it all over you. In your actions, your words. In your voice. Whatever makes you cry, whatever fears you have. Bruce will make them all go away. And he is determined to earn the title as your father. For you to finally call him by that title.
Because he's your father. And that's what fathers do.
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thedoctorsunderwear · 5 months
Some of you forget that the song used at the end of The Christmas Invasion
It’s called ‘Song for Ten’ and in the episode it’s sung by Tim Phillips, but on the soundtrack it’s sung by Neil Hannon. I personally prefer the TV version as it feels more triumphant and full.
And what makes it better, is that it’s written from 9/10’s perspective! The TV version only goes over the first half of the song, the happy part, it’s about the doctor and rose!
But the second half… oh goodness. ‘So have a good life, do it for me, make me so proud, like you want me to be. Wherever you are, I’m thinking of you, oceans apart. I want you to know…’ ITS ABOUT THE DOCTOR AND ROSE BEING SEPARATED! AND THE WAY THEY CUT OFF THAT LINE LIKE ‘If it’s my last chance to say it… Rose Tyler…’ AHSBSJBEKCND
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atomic-chronoscaph · 7 months
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Beetlejuice (1988)
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classichorrorblog · 10 months
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Beetlejuice (1988)
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wheel-of-fish · 21 days
Phantom acting choices (1/?)
I've been going through the (literal thousands of) gifs I've made, and there are so many little moments from the show that I'd forgotten about! I'm having fun revisiting them and thought I might as well post some in installments—just choices I found particularly unique, funny, interesting, tender, potentially illegal, etc.
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Ian Jon Bourg (Hamburg, 2001)
Michael Crawford (with Mary D'Arcy, Los Angeles, 1990)
Tim Martin Gleason (with Trista Moldovan, U.S. Tour, 2010)
Brent Barrett (Oberhausen, 2016)
David Arnsperger (Hamburg, 2014)
Anthony Crivello (with Andrew Ragone and Kristi Holden, Las Vegas, 2008)
Davis Gaines (with Marie Danvers, Los Angeles, 1998)
John Cudia (with Jennifer Hope Wills, U.S. Tour, 2006)
Would also like to do some for Christine and Raoul actors, eventually!
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