#This is what i mean when i say Spamton as a character brings me a lot of joy but also suffering bc like
frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
Ghh feeling knminda bad bc dpau uses the acid theory (where Spamton falls in on accident and theres a world explonation i. Dpau how its drinkable to some and yadda yadda i overcomplicate things) but ive been seeing posts of ppl jusf denying it and such and i dunno my hyperfixation makes it feel like a personal attack or like "you suck bc a every other person has better ideas than you and you disagree with their hc but your au uses it and now you feel bad afraid of backlash for headcanons and au changes youve made" ive had this for so long and its horrid cjfkkfkff anyways ill be off tumblr for the rest of today i think its not helping
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insanelyadd · 2 years
Knight Papyrus Theory
Before we start I am going to lay out everything we know about the Knight so far in Deltarune:
The Knight is choosing abandoned and little used rooms as locations for the fountains.
The Knight seemingly only makes one fountain a day.
The Knight hid in the closet from Noelle and Berdly, making the cyberworld fountain in there which rules out anyone with an alibi for this incident.
The Knight is a lightner because darkners cannot make fountains. 
"Evidence" about the Knight I will ignore on purpose because it holds no weight to me:
The use of exclusively it/they pronouns for the Knight because the use is obviously to maintain the mystery.
The Queen’s holographic depiction of the Knight’s hand cannot be taken as a literal and accurate depiction because the actual film in the mansion states outright that the stream of darkness from the fountain obscures the Knight's true appearance, and the implication is that the Knight immediately left this world unlike the abandoned classroom.
The line about Communion from Spamton because Spamton is deeply unreliable as half of what he says are infomercial taglines. The words in parentheses can easily be interpreted as being synonyms or associated words to what he actually means to say. Plus the line is divorced from its full context in the conversation where his first use of communion without relation to the Knight is about his "transformation". The use of the word communion here is very unlikely to be literal or even religious (as the word communion's very definition has a non-religious variation). Spamton speaks in religious terms because a good chunk of spam emails are about religion, not because it's a legitimate hint.
The rest of this post will be under a read more because this is a Big Boi, like literally almost 4k
Step 1: Discussing Alternative Theories 
I thought Kris was the knight?
We may have seen Kris open a fountain at the end of chapter 2 but this doesn't mean they're The Knight. I feel like the end of the chapter is another misdirect just like chapter 1. "Oh is Kris evil? Are they possessed by Chara?" Nah, they're just a little shit who wanted to go eat some pie. Chapter 2 brings about the same kind of gut reaction questions, which is a fair response, though I feel the need to point out that no mystery in UT or DR is ever so easily handed to us.
Kris, upon seeing the first dark fountain they and Susie encounter, reacts by fearfully backing away. Kris seemingly doesn't know what it is and their gut reaction is that it is scary. This wouldn't be how you'd expect them to react if they had already made one. Secondly the computer lab dark world had to have been made when Noelle and Berdly were already inside (with the closet flavor text implying that the Knight was in there). When the fountain is dispelled they're sitting at a desk with their homework out and they just think they fell asleep while doing it. Kris and Susie come to that world when it has already been made and when it's dispelled they're by the door.
If the characters' physical, light world bodies moved in conjunction with their dark world selves then at the very least they should all be right next to each other because they're so close together in the dark world. I also don't think Noelle and Berdly would have been able to easily dismiss the dark world as a dream if they had (somehow) walked into a Pulsing Darkness. I highly doubt Berdly would have needed more than one look at that to realize it was probably evil and shouldn't be messed with. Noelle is easy frightened and likes to be afraid but I think Berdly isn't the type of person who would make Noelle feel encouraged to do something spooky.
I heard a theory that a dead person reanimated by the dark world is the Knight?
Well to start I know this theory! And darkners can't make fountains. This is not subtext or implications, this is directly stated in chapter 2 by Queen, and Ralsei, who knows even more about how dark worlds work, does not refute this claim. This is why she tried to get Noelle to make a fountain and didn't try to make one herself.
Now this also applies to every theory that supposes a Darkner like Rouxls for instance could be the Knight.
What about Alvin?
I find the supposed motivations for this character to be completely disconnected to what we actually know about him. Beyond that Alvin is literally such a minor character that you could simply never interact with him and that doesn't build very much feelings towards him that would be in some way dismantled by the reveal of him as the Knight. Also the game itself sees him as such a minor character that he doesn't have a talk sprite and if you pick his name when you make your character before chapter 1 the narrator makes no remark about him at all, not even an "Interesting".
What about Asriel?
The man is not even in town. As previously stated the cyberworld fountain had to have been made with Berdly and Noelle already in the room.
What about Sans?
Sans doesn't feel like he wants to end the world or find escapism (the two major Knight profiles that could be argued). There's really nothing I can think of that casts suspicion on him at all. Yeah Sans is a little weirdo but not in DR. All the weird stuff about him is text options we say, that Toby wrote with the major Sans theory hype in mind. Nothing about him specifically is actually suspicious or unusual.
What about Gaster?
Gaster is already heavily implied to be in some way responsible for the creation of the secret bosses. The person responsible for making Jevil lose his mind is talked about by Seam in a way that implies they are a separate character from the Knight as well as giving the impression that Jevil (and Spamton if you consider where he is) were made to be what they are and in the positions they're in for some time before the fountains were made.
Using Gaster, a character we know nothing about, feels like an easy answer that is simultaneously not very compelling because we don't know anything about him. His supposed motivations could be anything, whether he's got good intentions or evil intentions are irrelevant because there's just no way to know. Narratively it means nothing if a man with no history is trying to make dark worlds for reasons none of us can properly guess.
What about the mayor?
Once again the cyberworld being made with two people already in the room (especially since one of them is Noelle) would imply that the mayor left in the middle of the day, but when we check with her aids in the office none of them mention her having left which feels like something notable since she keeps herself so busy. I also want to propose the idea that while she may come across as potentially harsh, I think there’s a non-zero chance that she just threw herself entirely into her work after whatever happened to Dess and has lost touch because of her grief.
What about Dess?
Dess is seemingly lost or even dead with one major possibility being that they are trapped inside the code. For a character in such a position we can't even say if it's possible for her to open the dark fountains. But there's also the still remaining factor that the Knight is sneaking around and doing this. Choosing little used rooms on purpose and hiding in a closet when people enter a room to use it, which isn't something someone who is trapped in seemingly total darkness would feel compelled to do.
What about the player?
Since we are the player I think we can rule us out since we didn't do anything.
The Knight is someone we haven't met yet and have never seen before
For the same reasons as the Gaster theory this doesn't make sense except it would be even worse because we have scraps of info on Gaster (speaks like how old people text, science nerd, possibly malevolent, perhaps deceased but very likely undead)
Step 2: Building a Profile of the Knight
Does the Knight have bad intentions
I feel like there is insufficient proof that the Knight is acting with malicious intent by making these dark worlds. At the moment what we have seen is that the Knight seemingly makes only a single dark world a day. If the Knight wanted to bring about the Roaring, there's no need for them to actively choose little used or totally abandoned rooms and no need for them to do so slowly, if they even know about the roaring at all (which seemingly no one but Ralsei did before the end of Chapter 2).
I feel confident that the probability the Knight even knows about the end of the world side effects is low. If they do know about it, it’s also possible that how ever the Knight even found out how to make dark worlds gave enough information about how they function that they could reason themselves into continuing to make them by saying “oh just one a day isn’t so bad” which once again circles around to the Knight being more irresponsible than outright. Homicidal. Plus it really doesn’t vibe with Toby’s storytelling methods for there to be just a straight up villain who wants to end the world (if you mention Chara I will stomp you to death with my hooves, they have nuances that people ignore).
Does the Knight have "good" intentions
So if it's very unlikely that the Knight wants to end the world on purpose then conversely we must consider the possibility that they have "good" intentions. It's very likely that they could have intentions that align with the kid's intentions in chapter 2. Every single one of them (including Kris despite their lack of vocal approval) loved the dark world because it gave them a sense of purpose and importance, it made them feel like they had control and were given the recognition they craved.
These are not purely noble intentions of course, they're pretty selfish even, but in this scenario the Knight doesn't know about the apocalyptic side effects of opening dark fountains, so self-fulfillment from stabbing the ground until it gives you a magical world doesn’t sound so bad. The desire to feel wanted, helpful, strong, and in control in ways you are not in the light world, I feel, could be a strong and compelling motivation for making dark worlds. Plus, since the Knight hid in the closet knowing two others would be in the dark world when it formed it could also be the desire to be seen as a cool figure since the leader of the dark worlds always seem to revere the Knight to some extent for what they've done and this effect may bleed over onto them, or maybe the Knight thinks that they’ll come to love the dark worlds like they do.
Inferences that can be made if the knight just has similar intentions as the kids did
The Knight feels like they lack purpose in the light world. The Knight is unlikely to have very many friends or social connections and is likely lonely. The Knight may feel strongly powerless about something. The Knight is unsatisfied with their life and wants to find an escape. 
Step 3: Papyrus Points of Interest 
Papyrus is the only main UT character who has yet to even speak to us, and that feels significant somehow. The steam page mentions him, and says he’s “busy”. I know some people who are worried that he won’t even make an appearance but he definitely will, when you type in his name when you make your character you get the response “Interesting” to typing in Papyrus, and also his text voice blips are in the game files.
A quick reminder of something that I find “interesting” is that in UT when you check Papyrus’ closet he says “There’s no one in my closet, except me sometimes”, which, given the place the Knight undoubtedly hid in chapter 2 it’s. Interesting.
You know what else is interesting? All the references that seem relevant to Papyrus (and Sans) specifically that are in Deltarune. The teleportation doors are identical to Sans’ door from undertale, the lounge chairs that Lancer and Susie relax on are almost identical to the one Sans is seen relaxing on in a kickstarter trailer for Undertale, Susie says she invited the guard she beat up to visit the garbage can which is a reference to something Papyrus says if you check the garbage can while on your hangout at his house, Ice-E’s pizza and the word search of course, I think it’s interesting that the first dark world is completely puzzle themed, checkers, legos those make sense for a room for small children but playing cards? CHESS? Those feel out of place for a kindergarten-preschool type room.
Continuing on with the references in the second hospital room when you check the two sinks it says “Perhaps there was one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them” which is simultaneously a reference to the theory that Sans and Papyrus are pieces of Gaster and to Papyrus’ own Tall Sink from UT that is also referenced in the winter alarm clock dialog. This one probably isn’t a reference but the popup about making a knife out of spaghetti is interesting.
This concludes the little interesting tidbits section.
Step 4: Connections Between Papyrus and the Knight Profile We Have Built
What could Papyrus’ motivation for making these dark worlds even be?
My first instinct with this is actually solely based on the fact that when I was younger my family moved nearly once a year and I never was able to make long time friends. He just moved to town, it’s very unlikely that he knows anyone there, so I think he’s lonely. Sans’ first thought was trying to get Kris to hang out with his brother so surely Sans must be aware that his brother needs to make friends. 
Now, I feel it isn’t a stretch to assume the base personality of every character is roughly similar to how they are in Undertale. Toriel is still motherly and a teacher, Alphys is still a pop culture nerd with anxiety who wants to be liked, Undyne is brash and assertive but good hearted, etc etc. There are - of course - notable differences, but not knowing people or disliking someone they normally like doesn’t really change the core of who they are.
So if we assume that Papyrus’ base personality is the same then it is very easy to say he is lonely and wants friendship, it’s also easy to assume that he would be a bit single-minded and ignore potential risks in his pursuit of his goals. 
How could Papyrus even make the dark worlds?
I feel like just like you could presume that your preferred Knight candidate read about it in a book or heard about it online or something, you could presume the same about Papyrus. I feel like how the Knight even learned it will probably be explained in a later chapter, because it must be something that’s not written anywhere, but that’s all theory crafting for a different post.
Here’s a single sentence about the circumstantial evidence to support Knight Papyrus: The fountains only recently started opening and only recently have the skeletons moved to town. An interesting coincidence.
The Thematic Evidence
Now it’s time for the thematic evidence. There’s actually two sets of thematic evidence I want to go over with this.
I won’t tread too much on this ground when I can just link to the post that goes over one thematic point of your choices not mattering and how that matches Papyrus. Essentially, no matter what you do with Papyrus will change the outcome of your interactions with him, which matches the stated theme of your choices not mattering in Deltarune, which also reflects Flowey and his set up as the main antagonist of Undertale by making the stated theme “kill or be killed” which is something the player must show defiance towards by being merciful. In Deltarune it’s very likely that the final confrontation with the Knight will involve showing that the choices the Knight has made are detrimental and dangerous and they need to change their choices.
As for the other set of thematic evidence…
A continuously recurring theme in all of Deltarune is the theme of being forgotten. From Don’t Forget and nearly every song in chapter one having the leitmotif of it, to all the main characters feeling in some way left behind and abandoned, to all the dark worlds, even the one Kris makes, being in rooms no one uses anymore, and above all else ESPECIALLY the secret bosses.
Kris possibly feels left behind by their brother, Susie was basically left behind by the whole system and all their classmates, Ralsei literally lived alone in a completely empty dark world, Noelle lives essentially all alone because her sister is missing, her father is in the hospital, and her mom is a workaholic, Berdly outright says that he feels like no one cared about it before he became “smart”.
The three dark fountains we’ve seen so far have all been made in rooms that see no use or are totally abandoned, the classroom has likely not seen anyone since Alvin was a child, the computer lab has had a few people in there but is definitely not the bustling hub it presumably used to be with the internet down in town, even the living room hasn’t seen much use because Toriel and Kris just aren’t TV people, leaving the TV dusty and the room unused.
Now the secret bosses are the epitome of this theme, I actually realized this entire thematic throughline and connection to Papyrus because I was using it’s thematic connection to the secret bosses to try figuring out who the secret boss of this next dark world could be. Jevil is forgotten even amongst those of the forgotten classroom not just because he’s been locked away in prison for who knows how long but also because joker cards aren’t needed for most card games and you have to specifically buy packs that include them.
Spamton is forgotten not only because he was evicted from polite society and all traces of his existence have been pasted over with images of Queen so now he lives in a dumpster (the trash bin on a computer), but also spam emails most of the time are automatically flagged and put directly into a special folder you probably don’t even look in unless you’re trying to find an email that might have been accidentally put there by the automated system.
Papyrus is a character in Undertale who tries in every way that he can to be noticed and appreciated. Despite this, you’d be hard pressed to find a single character in Snowdin who even knows his name. His mailbox in comparison to Sans is surprisingly empty, and while you can read it as him just checking his box more often, he refers to his mailbox as his “emptiness” and the already discussed implication seems to be that he just doesn’t get mail from anyone. He says that he’s a dozen followers away from double digits online. He says “I NEVER WONDER WHAT HAVING LOTS OF FRIENDS IS LIKE” which is an obvious lie.
And of course. In the no mercy route, what does his check information say?
Papyrus has been on theme for Deltarune since 2015.
Step 5: But What about These Things?
How did he know of the classroom
Toriel spoke with Sans the day before Kris and Susie discovered the dark fountain in the abandoned classroom, it’s very possible she mentioned something about it to Sans and Sans passed that information on to Papyrus.
How did he get in there
There’s this sick little thing called Breaking And Entering /lh But also yeah it really isn’t out of the question that he broke in. Any Knight candidate that doesn’t actively go to school there or work as a teacher would have to break in to make that world? Seems not out of the realm of possibilities at all.
Why would an Undertale character get such a major role in Deltarune
This is just a personal observation but I think Toby obviously likes Papyrus a lot. He has the most lines of any character in UT by a long shot and is only about 300 lines behind THE NARRATOR. Toby Fox commissioned art of him over a year before the game's release. Toby made a special version of bonestrousle for UT trailers and it has been featured in nearly every single undertale trailer that’s been made. 
Outside of that rather subjective line of reasoning I also think Papyrus could have a major role because, as I have previously laid out, he thematically has very strong ties to deltarune, and we know literally nothing about Papyrus’ backstory in UT. I feel like Papyrus, despite all the lines he gives, is rather understated in his presence in UT. Like you can’t get the TP ending without his help, and if you kill him and only him, Undyne still manages to rally monsters to overthrow Toriel. But these aren’t big flashy moments like Sans’ fight, so they’re rarely acknowledged.
I feel there is potential for him to be important, and it is irrelevant that he was originally from Undertale. The amount of lightner characters (specifically because only they could open the fountains) exclusive to Deltarune are miniscule and most are very obviously not the Knight. Just from a pure numbers perspective the odds of the Knight being a character exclusive to DR are much smaller because there’s still more characters that are here that are also in UT.
Also Toriel is obviously going to be in the darkworld in this next chapter, so the Undertale characters are obviously not totally banned from partaking in the actual Plot.
Why would he be similar to his UT counterpart
As I mentioned, none of the characters at their core are super different to their UT counterparts. This isn’t like the fandom where you can make up whatever personality you want and then have it inhabit a Sans shaped shell. Toby has an obviously different interpretation of AUs, and in his AU the characters are a lot like they are in UT. It would be way more unusual at this point if Papyrus is revealed to be drastically different than his UT counterpart at all. He’s not going to be an asshole, he isn’t going to be internet famous, we’ve already observed that he isn’t outgoing (which, contrary to popular belief, does still fit how UT Papyrus is). You could even take the sounds of trousled bones growing farther away from us when we check the door to mean that Papyrus is moving away from reality and sinking further into the fantasy of the dark worlds.
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agentravensong · 2 years
I feel this is a little mean, but the Youtube Theory Crew feel like they are way behind Tumblr Theory Crew in both breadth and depth of their analysis of the game.
You know what? Fair.
I mean, some of those people are actually on tumblr (Dorked at least) and there are specific which I'd say some of them have covered more in-depth than any tumblr posts I've at least seen. For example, there's HalfBreadChaos's element video, Jaru's shadow crystal video, and Andrew Cunningham has what is in my mind the definitive DeltaRune narrator video with everything we have as of Chapter 2.
But I can definitely see where you're coming from. Like, on the one hand, I think the tumblr theory community can be so wide in their breadth (partly because it's a lot easier to justify typing up a rambly tumblr post about random details than scripting recording and editing a whole YouTube video about such details) that there's probably a lot of stuff it gets obsessed over that isn't really relevant. But it does also allow for catching on to things the YouTube theorists miss; like, no one's made a video focused on the water stuff in DeltaRune yet as far as I know (though the original ocean.gg observation that originally led me down that road was brought to my attention by a HalfBreadChaos video). Maybe I'll be the one to do that. Maybe.
And in terms of character analysis in particular, I think the tumblr theory community has the YouTube theory community beat by a mile. Not to say I'd agree with the takes of everyone in the tumblr community, but it at least feels like there's a lot more thought and focus on it here. Like, I don't think I've ever seen a Youtube video that really Gets Noelle, Susie, Ralsei, or the Kris - Susie - Noelle dynamics the way certain people here on tumblr do (though if people have recs, I'd love to hear them!). I'm pretty sure tumblr caught on to the idea that "hey, maybe Kris's red eyes and knife trick doesn't mean they're going to go around killing everyone in Chapter 2" way faster than YouTube did.
And while I haven't watched, say, Jaru's Spamton analysis video (and I get how it must suck to put so much into a project like that only for a bunch new canon info to drop and potentially upend a lot of it), that's because of how turned off I was by his Frisk & Chara takes and other vids I've vagueposted about here.
(Also the fact that Jaru made that whole Frisk - Chara - Kris video and just casually implied via attributing a line of narration to Frisk that he hadn't even heard of NarraChara? Like, it's one thing to not believe it, but to just take for granted that Frisk is narrator implies he did literally zero research on other people's takes on Chara that would have least made him question that.)
(Also he made a video about whether DeltaRune was a different timeline or an entirely separate universe to UT and decided it was a different timeline because otherwise there was no way to justify how similar the two were, only to admit later that he hadn't even thought of the alternate explanation of them being parallel universes? A very popular sci-fi concept? And, even worse, when people were bringing it up in the comments, he refused to give it genuine consideration until it was the only way to make his Sans theory work? Like, how am I supposed to believe you're actually willing to be proven wrong like you say you are after that?)
The only exceptions to this character analysis point in my mind are Dorked, who, again, is also a tumblr person, and Andrew Cunnigham's videos on Kris specifically. He gets them.
It was interesting listening to those podcast videos and seeing the places where I heartily agreed with the Youtubers' takes (like how most of them agreed that pianpian does not disprove that Kris can play piano - though they were mainly countering another YouTuber, Two Left Thumbs, in that section), and then the places where I was kind of disappointed by their analysis. Like, my man Andrew being kind of surprised at Noelle's growing relevance to the story, as if she isn't equal with Kris in being at the thematic center of the narrative (in my opinion anyway).
And then the whole thing where they were talking about how the dark worlds work and largely seemed to come to a consensus that their histories are backloaded in when the fountains are made... I talked about this in a tumblr server already so I'll just copy-paste that. For context, someone else brought up the topic and was talking about how they dislike the theory because:
there's no way to prove it or disprove it. Very simply: if they darkworlds didn't exist before they were made then there would be no NARRATIVE reason to have it be a function of them to just make shit up about their histories. Functionally it is identical to if they had always existed.
To which I added:
"i feel like making it so the dark worlds only exist when a fountain's made also takes agency away from the darkners in a way that makes them less compelling as characters. "like, when i posted about how noelle's interactions with spamton as detailed in the bluecircle secret page is pretty good proof that spamton and, by extension, the dark worlds, were around before the fountain, there were a few people in the notes who said they hold to the other theory and that the dark worlds were just drawing on that history when making spamton. "and i didn't response to any of them, but, like... that's just less interesting to me. i like the idea that spamton, as a character with agency, was reaching out to lightners and had this moment of connection with noelle. if they were actually just random emails that later "became spamton" or whatever... first of all, it really doesn't feel like it's written that way, the writing makes it feel like those emails were sent by someone with some agency, and secondly... it's lame. imo."
I get that it complicates our understanding of what the fountains actually do (Queen does say the Knight "deigned to create this world" that day, for example) and the exact relation between the darkners as characters and the items they're supposedly derived from, so I wouldn't necessarily say it's the easier, obvious answer... but at this point, if you actually look at all the evidence, I think it has to be some variant of "the darkners have always been sentient in some form and the dark worlds existed in some form before the Knight started making fountains". And a lot of tumblr people already figured that out, for both that reason and the more thematic reason I talked about.
And this is all without talking about the wide gulf between UT tumblr and YouTube theorists. Like, there are genuinely great UT analysis vids, talking not just about lore, but characters and themes. But, like, you know that tumblr post that goes ""undertale's meaning finally explained" actually, youtube man, tumblr user girl16378 figured it out years ago"? That post is spot on.
TL;DR, the tumblr and YouTube UT/DR theory communities have different strengths and weaknesses. They're both huge, and there are great thinkers and shitty takes in both, so your impression of both is gonna largely come down to which creators you happen to see.
That being said, I totally get it, anon.
(also subscribe to andrew cunningham and halfbreadchaos. and dorked. do it.)
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loathemetc · 2 years
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Well folks this one is a doozy and we have a wealth of new ARG(??? YEAH!) content from this SPAMTON SWEEPSTAKES LIVE EVENT [(LIVE!)] and obviously I should be talking about all the Noelle lore so let’s talk about this fucking chair instead:
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Yes, a chair. There are many hidden links on the Deltarune website right now, and https://deltarune.com/chair/ sends you to well. A chair. A small, blue chair with a sheet draped over it. Clicking on it makes a sound play as it disappears, leaving garbled bits of color and nothing else behind. Also you can randomly get jumpscared by a familiar pair of yellow and pink eyes, so there’s that. 
Does that sound like a lot to unpack already? Well too bad buckaroo there’s more stuffed into this suitcase than you can shake a stick at! The name of the tab when you open this page is “But what if it could...”, click the chair and it changes to “... get darker than dark?”.
Sound familiar?
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Besides the obvious reference to the classic line about being dark, darker, yet darker, to me it brings to mind Seam’s warning. Maybe it’s not such a good idea to be in the dark world at night... That’s at least two darknesses, which is more than one.
But wait, why a chair? Well, we know the third chapter’s dark world takes place in Kris’s house, obviously, which coincidentally just so happens to feature a named chair character! How convenient!
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Thank goodness this mystery is solved except oh wait that doesn’t really make any sense, does it? This chair we’re talking about seems awful ominous, unlike beloved old Chairiel, adored by the family, front and center of the Dreemurr household. No, I think we’re looking for a different chair.
But that doesn’t mean we’re not looking for Chairiel.
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Yes, something fans noted as soon as Deltarune chapter 1 released was that the Chairiel moniker seemed to have been transferred from one chair to another. While Chairiel in Deltarune is Toriel’s living room seat, Chairiel in Undertale was originally a small... Blue... Chair. Huh.
Could it be the the original Chairiel is in storage in the Dreemurr household somewhere still, in this new world? Abandoned and replaced? Well geez, all this ominous atmosphere, talk of being tossed aside, garbled messes and direct connection to those pink and yellow eyes sure is reminding me of our pals Jevil and Spamton huh?
So what the hell am I saying, that Chairiel, the ORIGINAL Chairiel from Undertale, is going to be Chapter 3′s hidden boss, feeling betrayed and broken after Toriel got a more comfortable chair to watch TV in!? Uh. I guess? I mean, I said I was spitballing here. 
But why those Pink and Yellow eyes... That’s Spamton’s bit, and only cause he was copying Swatch, right? Well, he was attempting to impersonate the head butler, but maybe there’s a reason he got the colors of Swatch’s orange and yellow glasses wrong. After all, we have another unexplained buddy with the very same colored eyes, don’t we?
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Yeah, still no clue what that thing was about. But I’m getting the feeling we’re going to. Although, considering that pink and yellow jumpscare on the chair page redirects you back to the main sweepstakes page, it may just be Spamton trying to keep your nose out of business it doesn’t belong in. But that’s my final thought for now.
The site is still updating with new material, so if a wrench gets thrown in any of this, don’t blame me for jumping the gun. I’ll try to keep an open mind.
ADDENDUM 1 - It should be noted that the noise that plays when the chair is clicked on is called “water.mp3″ and sounds VERY similar to areas of Waterfall in Undertale such as the trash zone. How am I supposed to tie that to any of this?? Hahaha I have no idea.
ADDENDUM 2 - Could the sheet on the chair be the Shadow Mantle? Could the water noise have something to do with the Old Song from the Sea, mentioned by Riverperson in Undertale and Onion-San in Deltarune? So many questions...
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littleguyconnor · 9 months
Let’s talk about [Hyperlink blocked].
this is in reference to the jarujaru video on Spamton that they recently uploaded. This is has nothing to do with jaru themselves. I only want to talk about the weird drama about the whole hyperlink blocked thing, and they bring up common fan theories that, to be honest, really confuse and (lowkey) piss me off.
It’s just a form of censorship. It doesn’t mean anything else..like 💀 I mean, I don’t even know what to say. Spamton already gets censored a LOT because of the things he says, and in those cases it’s because they’re vulgar. With the hyperlink blocked thing though, I think it has to do with knowledge that no one else can know about. He says it when talking to kris about their soul and what he can offer them in turn for it, which means he’s saying something that he isn’t allowed to. That’s.. the whole thing with his ad clip ins, they obstruct his speech and fill it in with other things. Mike, or Gaster, is just preventing him from saying something. The implications of that are really complicated and go a lot deeper, but the actual phrase itself doesn’t mean anything. At least not to me. I dunno, i just had some thoughts. His character is like, cemented into my brain and every time people get him wrong it breaks my heart into million pieces forever
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sylphidine · 2 months
[Fic] Call Signs, Chapter 36
Yes, the real thing, this time.
Just realized I had it up on AO3 for a few days already and didn't post it here. Chalking that up to my annual April brainfuckery, sorry, Gentle Readers.
Fandom: Deltarune
‘Verse: Human AU
Pairings: Swatch/Spamton [Swatchton]; Spamton/T.M. [SpamManager or Tasqueton, not quite sure of the ship name]
Characters: Swatch Paletta, Spamton Addison, Eos Addison, and a very special guest character [spoilers]
Rating: Mature
Chapter title: Sanity Meter, Part One
Chapter summary: Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin' into the future, or does it? Bits of the past might find something to say about that as they worm their way into the present.
Author notes: This chapter and the one following it will cover the course of a weekend. This one is [mostly] from Spamton's point of view; the next chapter will be from Swatch's POV covering the exact same stretch of time.
No trigger or content warnings, as such.
“I think - I think I’m g-going to go upstate for the weekend,” Spamton commented diffidently on Thursday morning as he and Swatch finished breakfast. “I need to bring b-back some albums for Leroux for the f-festival next Saturday.”
Swatch rolled their eyes. “Oh my. Don’t tell me he’s going to set up a Maypole.”
“Okay, then - then I w-won’t tell you. You d-didn’t hear it from me.”
“Sassy brat.” They got up and rinsed their cereal bowl in the sink, then turned back to him and asked, “Is that the only reason you’re going, my dear?”
“Well, there’s that, pl-plus I want - I want to g-go over some of my course choices for next fall with m-my brothers. And t-talk to them about - about this summer.”
“Wh-what’s that 'ah' supposed to mean?”
“Nothing.” They held their hands up in the air in mock-surrender. “Seriously, nothing. I know you’d tell me or Moggy if something was still bothering you from the other night.” 
“Damn straight,” replied Spamton, mollified. He got off his stool and moved to stand in front of Swatch. “M-maybe I am t-turning some stuff over in my head, but I really do have to g-get those record albums. I pr-promised.” He wrapped his arms around Swatch’s waist and rested his head on their chest. “I’ll m-miss you.”
He could feel Swatch’s sigh both in his hair and through the skin of his cheek. Swatch didn’t laugh at him for expecting to miss them when he’d be gone for less than 72 hours. Nor did they try to reassure him that the two of them would be apart ONLY for 72 hours, max. 
Spamton had the feeling that Swatch knew very well what was on Spamton’s mind…. Time. 
Time speeding by, and nothing Spamton could do about it.
Tomorrow was the first of April.
Easter was in less than three weeks.
Spamton’s birthday was in a little more than a month. A milestone birthday.
Swatch’s and T.M.’s graduation day was in six or seven weeks.
Mrs. Anselmo would be back from Italy in less than 90 days.
Every unit of Time smashing away at Spamton’s mind and demanding that he look at it rather than running away.
Where am I going to be? What am I going to do? Where do I belong?
He broke the embrace and straightened up, giving Swatch a small smile. Swatch asked, “Do you want me to drive you up there tomorrow?”
Spamton thought about it for a minute before replying, “Nah, n-no need. I like t-taking the train.”
Swatch acknowledged that with a nod. “You remind me that I haven’t hung out in Grand Central Station for a long time.  Might be fun to do some sketching there, and at the library.”
“I’d love to see how - how you draw P-Patience and Fortitude.”
Eos Addison sat in his corner office at Addison Cybernetics on Friday afternoon and stared out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the trees starting to unfurl their spring leaves. The view outside was much more interesting than the paperwork on his desk. The calendar on the wall had several red circles on it… Good Friday in two weeks, the 29th marked with the note "Go to Rivendell", and his birthday on the 19th sandwiched in between.
His 42nd birthday.
He could already predict that either Sienna or Ballew would make some kind of joke about Eos now having the answers to life, the universe, and everything.
If it only were that easy. His siblings had better answers than he did. 
Eos had thought he had all the answers once upon a time. At seventeen he had acceptances to both Juilliard and MIT. The world was full of choices then.
No time to daydream about what was gone. Time to think of the present.  He scooped up the disregarded paperwork and shoved it back in his “in” bin to be dealt with on Monday. He picked up his briefcase, closed his office door behind him, and told his personal assistant to have a good weekend.
He left White Plains in plenty of time to meet his youngest brother’s train in Harrison.
Spamton had timed his trip so that he could make the transfer at West 168th from the 1 train to the A train around 3 o’clock, hoping to get to the shuttle to Grand Central before the Friday rush hour. He found a fairly empty car and sat next to a door, his rolling suitcase wedged between his feet so that he wouldn’t block anyone needing to walk past him between this stop and his 42nd Street destination.
The subway car didn’t stay empty for long.  At the very next stop, 145th Street, a group of eight middle schoolers in uniform-style polo shirts and khaki pants got on, followed by two adults. The fact that the added decibel level didn’t break his eardrums immediately clued Spamton in on the fact that the stocky adult with the long rusty-black locs and the thin adult with a mess of silver-blond hair falling over one eye were probably the kids’ teachers. 
He saw the word “Academy” imprinted in the wrinkled folds of the cloth backpacks that most of the students carried. He smothered a grin, remembering his own private school days. He would have been watching his step, too, if he had to travel home on the same bus or train as his instructors.  All the teachers seemed to need to have eyes in the backs of their heads back then.
The kids weren’t completely quiet; they talked and laughed amongst themselves, three of them standing, the rest of them sprawled on the seats. The two teachers stood holding the central pole between the car doors, both juggling messenger bags.  They seemed to be having a telepathic conversation; at different points while the subway train careened and rocked on the express tracks, the stocky one would give a head tilt and a wide grin towards one or the other of the kids, and the thin one would silently answer back with a slight, sweet grin.
Something about the blond seemed familiar, itching at the back of Spamton’s mind.
A shy, sweet smile. 
Pale hair forever falling in front of and hiding eyes the color of a frozen lake.
A never-ending procession of hand-knitted, ridiculously baggy blue sweaters.
Spamton abruptly directed his gaze to the subway car floor, finding infinite fascination with his own red sneakers.
If that’s who I think it is, the minute I open my mouth he’s going to think I’m making fun of his stutter.
Damn my broken brain.  Damn Mike.
This person, while not tall, was taller than Spamton, standing with a casual confidence while gripping the subway pole for balance as the train roared on. 
This person wore a very expensive dark blue cashmere sweater that fit like a second skin over a crisp white dress shirt.
This person did NOT look like thirty seconds in a high wind would completely annihilate him. He looked successful, and happy with his life, and as though his biggest worry was what movie to watch on the weekend.
Waves of insecurity washed over Spamton, accompanied once more by the gut-punching realization that practically everyone he had known before taking Mike’s deal had made something worthwhile out of their lives, while he was still floundering to figure himself out. He’d been having this feeling for weeks.
His bitter musing was interrupted by the train’s arrival at 125th Street. The students all stampeded to the exit, yelling, “Bye, Miss Stallworth, bye, Mister Sickle!” over their shoulders.  The stocky teacher disembarked as well; Spamton heard her voice saying, “have a good weekend, Jacob” before the subway car’s doors closed and the train resumed its journey toward 59th Street.
That left only two other people in the car besides Spamton and Jack.
Because it was Jack. 
“Sickle” might have been a common enough last name, but hearing the man called “Jacob” clinched it.  Jack Sickle, presumed to have fled to parts far from here last year, only a few years after Spamton had left NDU. Jack Sickle was right here, right now, within touching distance..
Do I play dumb? Do I say something?
Think fast!
Jack gracefully launched himself off the pole to sit on the seat opposite him, a single fluid motion that had Spamton even more eaten up with envy. The blond smiled at him and said, “If I were my cousin, I’d say something like, ‘Take a picture, it’ll last longer.’ But I’m not my cousin. Hello, Stanton.”
“Who’s Stanton?” Spamton couldn’t resist quipping back.
Not that dumb!
Jack’s speech still seemed halting, but with pauses between his words rather than the vocal hitches he used to have. He looked startled at Spamton’s words, and asked in confusion. “Sorry, I thought you were someone I went to school with.” 
He moved as though to change his seat, and Spamton held out a hand to stop him. 
“Hello, Jack. Yes, it’s me.” 
He cringed to hear himself putting on a slight accent, but if that prevented the stutter… Better to have Jack think he was a pretentious twit instead of a pitiful wreck.
Jack seemed to relax then. He took the hand extended to him and shook it. Spamton steeled himself for direct eye contact, but found absolutely no sign of disgust there.
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” Jack said musingly. “You look… good. Really.”
“Oh?  Thanks, you do, as well.  Like you’ve -you’ve moved up in the world.”  Dammit.
“No, really, I mean it,” the other rushed in to say, gesturing vaguely at Spamton’s hair. “The last time I saw you, you were on a billboard, hair dyed to the gills and a totally fake smile. I like this better.”
And then Jack gave him an exaggeratedly flirtatious wink, and Spamton had to laugh. “Are you hitting on me? The J-jack Sickle I knew at NDU would never hit on me in a million years.”  
He suddenly felt a lot more at ease and added, dropping the accent and damning the torpedoes, “B-besides, I’m t-taken.”
“Good to hear. But you can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“Are you actually the - the Anti-Jack and p-putting me on?”
“Wow, I haven’t heard Frost called the Anti-Jack in years. Not since…” he trailed off.
Spamton could fill in the blanks. Not since Piki.
After a minute, Jack shrugged, his smile a bit more brittle now.
“No, it’s still me. A bit of speech therapy, a bit of head shrinking, and the chance to go to grad school after I got… derailed. I’m an associate teacher now, working my way into hopefully something permanent.”
“Hmmm. I might know a - a thing or two about g-getting derailed.”
The conversation died. The awkwardness between them seemed punctuated by all the skipped stops flashing past the subway car windows, tunnel walls giving way to station platforms and back again, light chasing shadow.
The blare of the intercom announced their arrival at 59th Street and the subway car filled up again.  Spamton got ready to head out at the next stop, multiple thoughts trying to emerge at once. Would he regret this encounter?  Would he have regretted missing this encounter?
Jack noticed this and rapidly dug into his messenger bag. He handed Spamton a business card and said softly, “I live in Brooklyn now.  If you’re ever in the neighborhood, I’d really like to catch up more. We can trade war stories.”
It crossed Spamton's mind that he was being given a second chance at a friendship he hadn't even known was there to be had. He tucked the card away and said sincerely, “I’d like that t-too.”
As he made his way to the shuttle that would get him to Grand Central and the Metro North, he squashed the thought that it might turn into yet another friendship to lose.
Eos stood on the Harrison station platform, shading his eyes against the glare of the late afternoon sun.  The train pulled in a few minutes late, and the usual Friday stream of commuting businesspeople and students coming home for the weekend poured through the doors and past him, heading for waiting cars.  His younger brother emerged from the mass of humanity and waved.
My God, his hair!
Spamton now sported a mane, almost a mullet, that was paler in color than anyone else’s in the family.  What had once been the lightest of light browns in babyhood now shone under the fluorescent  lamps as gray, gray, gray. 
The sight was almost enough to make Eos want to throw up.  He guiltily remembered the joke he’d made back in November about Spamton’s growing-out hair making him look like a skunk with a pompadour.  He never thought he’d be missing his brother’s black dye job, but seeing the gray gave him yet another emotional punch in the gut.
Another memory swam before his eyes… the family gathering that had ended in a one-sided screaming match on Spamton’s end. Eos had kept his mouth shut, his heart shattering, when Spamton had slammed out of the house to go back to the charlatan behind the GASTER project.  His brain supplied the answers now that he wished he’d given back then.
I got this job on my own. I’m damn good at what I do.
[I know you are. God forgive me for ever making you think you aren’t.]
All of you have done nothing but push, push, push me to succeed. Well, I’m succeeding now, without any of you.  Mike doesn’t give a damn that I’m an Addison.  
[Success like that comes with a price, I don’t want you to ever know what that costs.]
Eos can be happy being Ballew’s puppet.  I’m never going to be a puppet.
[I never wanted to be a puppet either, and neither did Ballew. We’re all somebody’s puppet in this world.]
And now Spamton looked older than Eos. 
Old before his time.
So much water under the bridge.  So much blame to go around. 
All this crossed his mind in nanoseconds as Spamton came trotting up to him, wheeling a green-and-black suitcase, a tired but happy smile on his face as he approached.
And the first words out of Spamton’s mouth were “G-got any soup for a starving man?  I c-could guzzle a - a gallon.”
“For you, always,” Eos replied, taking the handle of the suitcase out of his brother’s hand and smiling in turn. “Next stop, the Port Chester Coach, Manhattan clam chowder coming up.”
The acquisition of soup was a problem even HE could solve.  
It didn’t escape Eos’ notice that once they both walked into the diner, Spamton picked the farthest-back booth and quickly slid into the side that faced the entrance. Even now, even in what should have been a safe place, his little brother was afraid to leave his back unguarded.
He sighed inwardly and picked up his menu, even though he already knew he was going to order the same thing he always did… an open-face turkey sandwich with stuffing and gravy.  Making a show of perusing the entrees and giving his hands something to do, he said, “Sorry we have to do this while Ballew’s out of town,”   
Spamton gave him a look that was almost a perfect imitation of one of Ballew’s trademarked “I Am Annoyed But I’m Going To Pretend I Didn’t Hear That” looks and replied, apparently in deadly earnest, “I’m not. I p-picked THIS weekend on purpose because I - I knew Ballew was going to be out of t-town. I wanted to t-talk to YOU.”
“Yup.” His younger brother drew out the word and popped the last letter.
“Ah.  What about?”
“Uh-uh. After dinner, b-back at the house. I have - I have school st-stuff to go over, and I need to p-pick YOUR brain about it, not Big Blue’s.”
Eos smiled at the old nickname.  “Haven’t heard THAT in a while.  Are you going to start calling me ‘Pinkie Pie’ now?”
“N-not unless you want - want me to.”
“Okay. But now you’ve gotten me very curious about what you’re planning for the weekend.”
The waitress came by just then, and they placed their orders. Spamton grinned when Eos ordered a pitcher of the diner’s renowned vanilla Coke. “You remembered!”
“Yup,” Eos aimed his brother’s drawn-out and popped monosyllables right back at him. He felt an unaccustomed wave of happiness.
After they got home, Eos found that his nervousness had returned, along with his imposter syndrome. 
A pile of paperwork sat in front of Spamton on the table in the dining room, where the two of them had gravitated by unspoken agreement.   
This is supposed to be Ballew’s department , Eos thought to himself with a sense of rising panic. I’m no good at helping anyone making life decisions.  He’s the one that does all the work keeping this family together, while I just try to—
A rustling sound broke into his consciousness.
Spamton picked up one of the typed sheets and pushed it towards Eos. “I’ve g-got to admit I was… scared to talk to you about this stuff.”
That snapped his focus off himself.  “Scared about what?”
“About - about whether you’re going to b-bite my head off for taking a course like this, since I’ll bet you would have k-k-k-killed someone for it back in the day.  About asking why you g-gave up a career in music.”
Eos could feel himself gaping like a fish. To regain his equilibrium, he looked at the paper in question.
JRN 412  Scoring for Moving Pictures
Fall of every year, Spring of every year, Summer of every year
Total Credits: 3   Lecture/Recitation/Discussion Hours: 2   Lab Hours: 2
Approaches during the process of scoring for moving pictures in support of emotion, narrative, ethics and culture.
At the bottom of the page were a few lines in loopy cursive.
I turn 25 in a month. That means I don't need you anymore. But I want to do more with you, hang out with you, be your brother, not just your LITTLE brother.
He looked back up after scanning the lines on the page several times. 
Spamton’s eyes were suspiciously bright. He mumbled, “I’m n-not a m-m-mind reader, but can I take a wild g-guess and say that our - our parents st-stopped you?”
“What? No!” Eos was startled into practically shouting, which made Spamton flinch, which made Eos feel awful. He put the paper down and laid his hands flat on the table, locking eyes with the younger man. He said more quietly, “No. Is that what you thought all this time?”
“W-well, yeah.  Isn’t - isn’t that what p-p-parents do, tell their k-kids to st-stop dreaming about blue skies and fluffy clouds and endless sunshine, and start - start living in the - the real world?”
It felt like endless moments before Eos felt capable of speech.  He took a long, hard look at Gainsboro Stanton Addison, making the concerted effort to really see him.  Not as a baby brother. Not as someone who always needed to be saved from something.  Seeing him as a person who’d brought a quandary to his attention and asking for input.
Through this new lens, he saw a thin young man with prematurely gray hair and deep lines bracketing his lips.  Those lines might have been etched by pain, but they also looked like laugh lines to Eos. He saw a pair of dark eyes that shone with fervor, with crinkles in the corners that would probably become crows-feet in a few years, under a pair of expressive eyebrows now cocked in his direction.  
He saw someone who was completely and undeniably alive. Not a ghost.  Not a memory.
Finally Eos answered Spamton with a question of his own. “What’s going on with you really? Not just the small talk we made at the diner… ‘how are you’ ‘oh, fine’, ’how’s Swatch?’ ‘oh, they’re fine’, ‘how’s your friend, the blonde with the blue tips’ ‘oh, she’s fine too’. I get the feeling if I ask again how YOU are, you’ll tell me something different than what you did a few hours ago.”
Now he felt more in his element. He watched several expressions flit across Spamton’s face - surprise tinged with a tiny bit of fear, followed by a more thoughtful look that morphed into the lip-chewing that Eos hadn’t seen since his brother was very young. 
At last Spamton replied. “Wow. Okay. Real t-talk.”
“Damn straight.”
“Okay.” A deep breath, and then the words came pouring out, only occasionally stuttered. “For the last m-month I’ve been asking myself why I went back to school, and who - who I’m supposed to be. I had it in my head that I was there at Inwood as a kind of - kind of Purgatory. Work hard, g-get good grades, keep my head down. To m-make up for all the stupid mistakes I made at NDU. I told myself I wasn’t there to make fr-friends.”
Eos nodded along in acknowledgement and commented, “And look at you now.”
“Yeah. And l-look at me now. I’ve g-g-got a radio show again. I hang out with b-basketball players and fencers, I’ve fallen in love with not one, but two people…” “Huh? Wait a minute, back up. TWO people? As in, you’re living with Swatch AND dating someone else?” Eos bit his tongue before he could blurt out, and Swatch is okay with this?
“Well, yeah, it kind of j-j-j-just happened. It’s really early days, and I d-don’t know if it’s going to last. Same way I don’t know if Swatch and I are g-g-g-oing to last beyond the next few months.” Spamton sputtered to a stop, while Eos digested this.
He chose his words carefully while replying, “Are you thinking that getting romantically involved was a mistake, or that it’s something that I’d disapprove of, or Ballew or Sienna? That we were all demanding that you do nothing except classwork at Inwood?” Eos didn’t notice that he had tears in his eyes until he felt one roll down his face and drip off his chin. Ignoring the urge to wipe it away, he kept going. “Spamton.  Listen to me. Not even two years ago we all thought you were DEAD. How could you even think that we wouldn’t be happy now to see you actually LIVING?”
His younger brother looked back at him, seemingly at a loss for an answer.
When the silence got too uncomfortable, Eos leaned an elbow on the table to prop up his suddenly aching head. He rolled his shoulders to try to dispel the muscular tension that he was only just noticing, took a deep breath, and said, “I think we’ve drifted a bit from the original discussion. From what I see, the point here isn’t what courses you should be taking. I want to hear more about these two people you’re in love with. Swatch is one of them, right?”
Spamton nodded.
“And let me guess. T.M.’s the other one.”
That got a goofy grin in reaction.
“Good. I want to get to know them both better.”
“Thank you for that. Actually, thank you for a c-couple of things.”
“Okay, color me curious.  What things?”
Eos watched Spamton’s hands in quiet amusement as Spamton actually physically ticked things off on his fingers. “You’ve g-got no problems with people’s pronouns. You m-m-m-made the least amount of fuss out of everybody about c-calling me ‘Spamton’ instead of Stanton or Gainsboro, the way I asked when I g-got out of Brunswick. You don’t seem fazed that I’m dating two people. You d-didn’t raise  - raise holy hell when you f-f-f-found out that Ballew knew where I was before any of the rest of you did, AND he kept it a secret for a year.”  Another big, deep breath. “You d-don’t - don’t try to f-finish my sentences for me when I can’t g-get the words out.”
When it seemed that Spamton had run out of points to make, Eos nodded and asked, “Do you know why that is? That last bit.”
“I was always getting interrupted when I was a kid, because I didn’t talk fast enough. I didn’t have a stutter like you, but it was so bad having people speak over me and FOR me that I basically just stopped talking unless I had to. And that hasn’t really stopped, forty years later. I’ve just gotten better at making it look like I’m a great listener.”
Spamton looked gobsmacked at that. 
Eos decided to take the bull by the horns.  If his youngest brother really meant what he’d written on the page sitting on the table between them, then, well, honesty deserved honesty in turn.
“Going back over the other stuff…” he said, using his own fingers to tally points, “one, if there’s anything that my day job has taught me, it’s that names and pronouns are important to people, and respect for those things make people happy, and happy people are a lot more fun to work with. Two, as far as Ballew keeping it a secret that he’d found you, and WHERE he’d found you, and the shape you were in, well… I didn’t feel that I deserved to know, because I was the one who let you down the most and made you stick up harder for that Mike bastard.”
“Whoa,” Spamton breathed. “I d-didn’t think you KNEW how to c-curse.”
“Oh, trust me, I do.  Even if it’s usually in my head and doesn’t come out of my mouth. I cursed a lot more out loud before Mom and Dad died.”  
Eos held up one last finger. “And three, as for you loving multiple people at the same time, all I have to say is ‘good’. Just because I gave up on love doesn’t mean anyone else should.”
He pushed his chair out and stood up. “I think we should come back to your course planning tomorrow. Right now I want to pig out on that vanilla bean ice cream that Gerard left in the freezer last night. What Ballew doesn’t know about, he won’t miss.”
“When d-did you turn evil?” Spamton asked as he followed Eos to the kitchen.
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fattybattysblog · 4 months
Questions for Writers - Character Edition
Thanks for the tag @axolotlsupremacyowo
We're gonna be tagging a lot of the same people, lol.
@bleepbloopbotz @udaberriwrites @mrsmungus @sliebman10 @tsunderesalty @0nelittlebirdtoldme @mikaharuka @oceangirl24 @lena-hills @kayedium-writes @bees-and-sunshine @danceswithdarkspawn!
Now to the questions.
🌹 Who is your favorite character? And why?
I have a lot of favorites, it really just depends which fandom. I'll go with Katakuri for now. He's a real big guy, a real cool fight, and I love his wacky ass Mochi powers. His voice is rad, his character is interesting, and he has a sweet relationship with his sister.
🌹 Go to all your works on AO3, and on the filters side bar, click the drop-down arrow for “Characters.” Who are your top 5 most written characters?
Reader (27)
Original Female Character (18)
Original Male Character (17)
Original Character (6)
Nanami Kento (4)
🌹 What characters do you wish you wrote more?
Any? Hahaha, I mostly write for OCs as you can see, but I should write for more canon characters to balance it out. I mean, there will be a ton more Nanami Kento once I get some of my long standing WIPs out of the way.
🌹 Which characters do you think you write well?
I think I write the Kirby gang pretty well. And it seems I have a knack for Kuro (One Piece) if my comments are anything to go off of.
🌹 Which characters do you think you could improve on writing?
The majority of them. Especially the villain characters I really like. Zant, Sephiroth, hell I doubt I would write Katakuri too well either.
🌹 What character did you at first hate/dislike, but then grew to like/love?
I didn't like Gojo at first. I thought he was annoying, but he grew on me real fast which I hate so much. Why do I have to like characters in JJK??? That just spells disaster.
🌹 Which character did you immediately like/love the moment you saw them?
Nanami. I only saw clips of him and I was in love. Same with Katakuri. He was so cool I couldn't take my eyes off of him.
🌹 Which character voice do you have the most fun writing?
I love writing in the NME Salesman's voice right now. He is very insincere and casual and it's fun to make him a smarmy asshole.
🌹 What character voice do you have the least fun writing?
Uhm... I don't often pick to write for anyone who I dislike, but I guess if I had to pick it'd be... anyone who has a very specific voice I have to focus on formatting right. Like Queen (Deltarune), Spamton by extension, people with accents as their main quirk, so on.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the most similar to?
It's hard to say. I don't know myself very well. I said I was a lot like Kasumi Miwa from JJK back when I did that art meme. I still think so for the most part.
🌹 Which character do you feel like you’re the least similar to?
Anyone who is crazy confident in themselves or smart because I am neither, haha.
🌹 Quick! Pick a character and then have them make an AITA post on Reddit, why did they make it and are they the asshole?
I'm gonna use that AITA bot that was on Reddit once. I wanna see what it makes.
This one is from Katakuri cuz I thought it'd be funny if he went to Reddit after his fight.
AITA for Not Following Orders as a Lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates?
I (48M) need some perspective here. I'm a high-ranking member of the Big Mom Pirates, serving as one of the Sweet Commanders under Big Mom herself. Recently, I found myself in a bit of a moral dilemma and I'm not sure if I handled it correctly.
What happened is, Big Mom ordered me to take out the Straw Hat Pirates, who were causing chaos on our territory. I'm known for my loyalty and strength, but something about this didn't sit right with me. Despite knowing the consequences, I couldn't bring myself to attack them without a fair fight. Instead, I chose to confront their captain one-on-one to test their strength and see if they were truly a threat.
Long story short, they proved themselves worthy opponents, and I ended up letting them go. Now, Big Mom is furious with me for disobeying her orders and potentially jeopardizing our crew's reputation. She sees it as a sign of weakness, but I can't shake the feeling that it was the right thing to do.
Some of my crewmates are calling me a traitor and saying I should've prioritized loyalty over my personal beliefs. Others are praising me for showing honor and integrity in battle.
Am I the A-hole for not following orders as a lieutenant of the Big Mom Pirates, or did I do the right thing by standing up for what I believe in?
Personally, he's not the asshole. Maybe he'd get an ESH landslide.
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I love incorrect quotes, here's some I have:
These may include: Swear words
The fandoms included are: Undertale, Deltarune, Tf2 and Cuphead.
Sans: Papyrus taught me to think before I act. Sans: …So if I smack the shit out of you, rest assured that I thought about it and am confident in my decision.
Papyrus, laying in bed: Get out of my room. Sans, standing just outside of the door frame: I’m not in your room.
Sans: Hey Papyrus? Papyrus: Yeah? Sans: What's your favorite color of the alphabet? True or false? Papyrus: Papyrus: …What.
Sans: Have you heard of Murphy’s law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong? Papyrus: Yeah, I have. Sans: Have you heard of Cole’s law? Papyrus: Is this a joke about coleslaw? Sans: …maybe.
Papyrus: Sans told me that brown is just navy orange, and I have never been more disappointed with something I agree with.
Sans: I WOULD DESTROY THE WORLD FOR YOU! Papyrus: Okay, can you do the dishes? Sans: No!
Alphys: Okay, I’m going to get the wedding cake. Undyne: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Alphys: … Alphys: You mean ring bearER, right? Undyne: … Alphys: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Alphys: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our lives. Undyne: I wake up at 4:30 AM every day to train. Alphys: I want to see you at some point every day for the rest of our lives.
Mettaton: You made enough pasta that you could take it to lunch tomorrow. Put it in a container. Papyrus: Shovel the pasta into your face. Do it. Put it in your face. The future is meaningless but the pasta is now.
Papyrus: All snacks are gone. Mettaton: I AM LITERALLY RIGHT HERE?!
Susie: Twilight Sparkle was the main character because she represented the element of friendship— Kris, tied up: PLEASE, I JUST WANT TO SEE MY FAMILY AGAIN! Susie: I'M NOT DONE! Susie: And Rainbow Dash was the sporty girl—
Kris: Kill me nowwwww. Susie: Sorry, no can do. I need your help with my homework.
Kris, drowning: Help! Susie: Don't worry, I heard cowards float.
Susie: You have any sunscreen? Ralsei: You can't get a sunburn from a bonfire— Susie: It's for my marshmallow ya dummy.
Susie: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes? Ralsei: For the dogs. Susie: Why are you making pancakes for the dogs? Ralsei: They don't know how.
Ralsei: Something’s off. Susie: Maybe you’ve finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. Ralsei: No, but that’s funny.
Spamton: I eat cheerios because they’re heart healthy. Spamton: And my heart has been severely damaged, so Jevil, if you’re out there—
Spamton, talking to Jevil: With all due respect, which is none…
Jevil: Happy Throwback Thursday! Here’s a throwback to when Spamton ate an entire tube of lipstick. Spamton, whining: But why would it be cherry-flavored if you can’t eat it?!
Demoman: Man, it smells like wrongdog out here. Soldier: ... Soldier: Demoman, are you alright? Demoman: sobs
Soldier: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? Scout: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
Scout: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Engineer: What do we say when making bread? Demoman, glumly: That's the dough rising. Medic: And what do we NOT say? Spy, sadly: That's the yeast fucking.
Engineer: I haven’t slept in 72 hours… Demoman: I haven’t slept in 80. I’m the insomnia king! Medic: Ha! I haven’t slept in 90 hours, I’m aiming for an even 100. Spy: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Cuphead: watching their house burn down Cuphead: Cuphead: starts filming Waddup, guys, welcome to my vlog, today's topic: how to get away with accidentally committing arson because you forgot Spaghetti O's cans are metal and thus non-microwavable! Step one: deny everything.
Mugman, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?! Cuphead, standing in front of Mugman: bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen Mugman, crying: Please…stop…
Mugman: I trusted you! Cuphead: Why?
Cuphead: Do you ever feel like exploding? Have you experienced the urge to enter the process of combustion? Has your mind created a logical idea, known as thought, to disperse your body into thousands of particles suddenly? Mugman: It’s 3 am, please go back to sleep.
Mugman: Cuphead, I need some advice. Cuphead: You need advice from ME? Mugman: Yeah, frightening, isn't it?
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shingogf · 2 years
Its 1 am and im bored and i cant stop thinking about just how fuckin tragically complex spamton's character really is like. That's grade A fuckin writing.
Not only was he not so great from the start and life was by all means not kind to him bc his sales never hit no matter what, but after that benefactor (be it gaster or whoever) contacted him and he was drowning in money and fame, everything was ripped away from him once they left. He had everything a man could wish for in life and it was all just...lost in a matter of seconds. Not only that but his friends abandoned him before that too out of jealousy and after his imminent fall they entirely refused any kind of contact with him and society turned its back entirely on him, deeming him as an outcast. His past fame and success was irrelevant, because everyone looked down upon him now that he was a nobody.
But i think what he wanted the most wasn't just easy cash and bitches, but sentinence. He wanted to "call his own deals" as he puts it, he wanted autonomy over his own life and for whatever the fuck reason neither he or jevil or kris for that matter (the kris/jevil -> spamton pipeline is a whole other story theres too much to say on it) have it. And he may have had a vague idea about how it felt when being helped out by that benefactor but that didnt last either and when he saw it didnt he entirely lost his mind, further driving people away from him bc they didnt wanna be associated with his unstable ass. While you can't blame the system and other ppl necessarily for potentially targeting and "destroying" his life (i.e evicting someone who cant pay rent isnt inherently malicious), multiple factors from his environment contributed to his ultimate ruin.
And i wont even get into how fuckin good the pinocchio parallels are bc man...the character WRITING. At the end of the spamton neo battle after u defeat him peacefully he mentions he's gonna become "a real boy" with understandable excitement, but even that does not happen cuz he fuckin dies the second u cut his last string which is such a beautifully sad way of putting it. No matter how much he struggles he will never gain the free will he craves so much because he is made to be stringed around. He cannot live without an outer higher force that makes choices for him and directs him and he loathes it. Even he sorrowfully admits it at the end by saying that he couldnt be more than "a simple puppet" then recognizes kris' potential of overcoming their condition, unlike him. The inherent difference between him and pinocchio is that pinocchio at the end of the story achieves his dreams and becomes a real person, spamton, on the contrary, had lost everything relating to his person a long time ago and will never be able to get it back no matter how much he kicks and screams and tries. He also hates jevil for being able to "accept" his fate and choosing to live in blissful ignorance towards his mediocre condition, something which spamton simply cannot accept which brings his inevitable downfall.
Another parallel that makes me so fuckin normal abt his character is the weird ass icarus theme he's got going on. Besides the obvious physical comparison you could make with neo and his literal wings that look like they've been put together in a frenzy by a first grader during arts and crafts, spamton, just like icarus, tried seeing past his given role/condition and had unceremoniously fallen because of it. He had forcefully crafted his own wings and stubbornly ignored others' words, flew too close to the sun and failed, because spamton's core driving force is his stupidly high level of perseverance. Achieving absolution and ultimate truth had rendered spamton fully incapable.
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iidsch · 2 years
Game theory or whatever but I was watching yet another gameplay of deltarune and when I read this line it pumped my brain juice
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This happens right after the battle against Lancer ends. The segment starts with Ralsei telling Kris to think about what Susie is doing, which at first looks like a cool way to transition from one character to another, but these words made me think that maybe there's a second intention behind it.
One of the main themes Deltarune seems to be going for is the idea that the player controls the characters, sometimes against their will. Spamton's arc was about being controlled by an external force and wanting to be free, ultimately to his demise. Kris also looks pretty distraught after the battle ends, for reasons unknown. And In both endings, Kris rips out their heart and acts on their own - although we can still control the heart. Even in this scene you can't make Susie move or fight, as she does it by herself, but you do control the little heart. All of this points heavily to the idea that the player and the main character are different entities, that Kris is a vessel for us - represented in the heart - to play the game, but they retain their thoughts and are aware that they are being controlled.
And if you take all of that into consideration, this line takes on a different meaning. It doesn't look like a continuation of Ralsei's last line before the transition ("Close your eyes, and think about what she's doing now...), but rather the continuation of a completely different conversation he and Kris were having while you were not looking.
So what if... what if Ralsei telling Kris to think about what Susie is doing was not directed at them, but at you. What if they wanted you to look away so they could discuss something you shouldn't know about. Because they are aware of your constant presence, and that you're a threat to them, so Ralsei schemed a plan to have you leave them alone for a few minutes, and get the chance to talk, the two of them alone.
It is also highly possible that only Ralsei and Kris (as well as Spamton and Jevil) are aware of this. In the scene after Spamton NEO's battle, Susie comments that what just happened was really weird, and doesn't understand it at all, but Ralsei brushes it off, like we should just forget it and move on. Susie notices Kris's distress and asks them if they're okay. If you say yes, Ralsei once again tries to end the conversation, and if you say no, he hugs Kris and tells them to not worry too much. Whatever your choice is, Ralsei seems to not want to bring any attention to it, a very odd reaction to have after such a bizarre encounter.
This conversation, alongside Ralsei's line on the image above, makes me think that they know exactly what Spamton was talking about. They know there's someone controlling them, some omnipotent and omnipresent entity that escapes their knowledge. A threatening entity that is always watching them, so they have to come up with a plan in secret and hide their true intentions to be able to carry it out, and take down what seems to be the true antagonist of the game.
And that antagonist is you.
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jojotier · 1 year
= = > DIRK: Monologue about the Machiavellian meaning of Columbo
 Your name is DIRK STRIDER and God dammit, here you thought that you could have a second alone to sort shit out.
 You’re sitting on one side of your room, in a version of your apartment about two days before the game proper started. You could do without the Terezi sitting on the other side of the room, currently teething on your jar of Spamton G Spamton’s dead body.
 Not that you can tell her anything different. Terezi is an enigma to you. This is a girl who truly knows things. An intellectual equal, in many respects.
 This is also a girl licking a pink ping pong ball with much voraciousness and apparently with no care to whatever dramatic tension she’s possibly undermining with her continued presence in your room.
 You lean forward, threading your hands together as you observe her. Terezi Pyrope. Seer of Mind. In the way of aspects, you might consider her a sort of foil. You have matters of the Heart, she the Mind; and you can’t help but envy her, that her aspect must come to her so much more intuitively, being of the thought and not the soul. You are still routinely surprised that you even have one.
 Then again, she is really licking that fake eyeball. Just going to town on it.
 After the twenty-seventh minute of continued observation, you ask, “Are you aware of the human detective ‘Columbo’, Terezi?“
 “Can’t say I am!” Terezi says.
 You nod, and do not outright dismiss the possibility that she is lying, and that this is some sort of bait and switch. You explain anyway. “Columbo is the titular character of a crime-drama series circa the 70s, though reruns were aired as late as the early 2000s. The show is notable for two things: its following of a ‘whydunnit’ formula rather than a ‘whodunnit’, showing the viewer how the crime is committed and encouraging watchers to figure out how the killer is caught; and the character of Detective Columbo himself, a seeming schlub of some fucking guy who appears to inoffensive and bumbling that he can’t possibly solve shit, until he reveals wildly perceptive observations which hint at his buffoonery being an act of some kind. One meant to bring down the defenses.
 “Really, all it does is make the killers feel like they’re going fucking insane for about an hour’s runtime.” You continue, “Psychologically speaking, Columbo is the perfect example of Machiaveil’s political shrewdness in action. He sows the seeds of doubt with sweet nothings of ignorance; he cloaks himself in the veneer of the ineffectuality of his superiors on the force and yet notices the cracks in the facade. With the delicate pass of a palette knife under that plaster, he works at them; and how does he work at them?”
 In answer, Terezi seems to accidentally almost swallow the ping pong ball.
 You continue as Terezi comically chokes, flailing her legs about, “Vincentio, the Duke of Vienna. He cloaks himself in the veneer of the holy as well as the foolish, and how does Angelo do? The evils of the state are placed upon his head once the good Duke himself returns, having used Angelo’s own vice and an Elizabethan bed trick against him. Columbo fucks these murderers low and slow, in the dead of night, when not a single light of the moon comes creeping to give plausible deniability or a chance to walk it the fuck back. He beds them with himboism and the grace to fall ass-up in their mattress and then when they lay in the aftermath, he lights himself a smoke and reveals he’s not the big-titted bombshell on the corner they thought they were paying for. He      undermines them, Terezi. He prods until their egoism carries their heated head too close to the sun and allows them to melt into their own downfall.”
 There is a loud crunch. Terezi, who has finished choking, has bitten into the ping pong ball. The chew of plastic appears, to you, plaintive.
 “Tell me, Terezi,” You lean forward and watch her, “what is the crime you believe me capable of? Where is the bed you’ll lead me to for a trick? Is the good Duke to ride tomorrow to reveal my ruse, the machination which I have so expertly hidden? Because I warn you,” You lean back, shades agleam, “you may lead a man to pussy but you can’t make him drink.”
 “Uh, ew.” Terezi’s frowns, “If you want to know why I’m here you could just ask.”
 “Hm.” You say, realizing that perhaps the train derailed somewhere around minute two, when you decided to sit in silence with a random troll who started messing with your shit just to get a rise out of you. “Why are any of us here?”
you both regard each other in intellectual silence.
“Does that taste good?” You eventually ask her. The remains of the ping pong ball lie in the palm of her hand.
Terezi says, “It’d be better if it was red.”
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amaranthineoceans · 3 years
Everything Weird About Deltarune!
Spoiler Warning for Undertale and Both Chapters of Deltarune! Really! I Literally Go Through Everything I Can Remember About Them!
This is a long post so get comfortable. Also note that my brain doesn't process thoughts into words very well so some of these might not be worded in the best way. :)
Deltarune. The first teaser chapter was released on October 31, 2018, and it came out of nowhere. We've all gone through this, but I'll try and go through every single painstaking detail I can remember. Feel free to reblog and add/correct things.
The weirdness begins right off the bat. The title is an anagram of UNDERTALE. We all know Toby likes to use anagrams when he wants to indirectly tell us when things are related, so it's no surprise that when you go to download DELTARUNE, it warns you that the game is designed for people who have played UNDERTALE. You think, "Cool, so it's a sequel? Or maybe a prequel? A different perspective of UNDERTALE perhaps?" You were wrong; so terribly, terribly wrong! I'll elaborate on this later.
Before you download the application, the terms of service that you must agree to beforehand reads simply and plainly, "You accept everything that will happen from now on." This detail was kinda brushed off in the beginning, because, hey, it's Toby Fox. He does weird stuff all the time. But even in the first chapter, it's apparent that the concept of choice, or more accurately, the lack of it, is a very present theme in the game. I would like to remind you that Toby has announced that there will be one ending in the game. One. I'll elaborate on this later.
The program (as in, what the game is called in your files) is named SURVEY PROGRAM. Why not just call it Deltarune like it is when you download chapter two?
The game launches you, without a title screen, without any setting adjustment options, straight into a reference to the theme of the entire franchise: the lack of choice. A strange formless voice guides you through "making a vessel", with what we know now as a fountain in the background. You have the option to make some very disturbing choices in this character creator, such as making its favorite flavor "pain" or expressing your feelings about it with options such as "fear" and "disgust." You name your "creation," tell the formless voice your name (which is different from your vessel's name) and watch as said formless voice muses over your name at an agonizing pace. It thanks you for your time and tells you that your wonderful creation, (cue music cutout and background removal) will now be discarded. "No one can choose who they are in this world." The screen slowly turns white as the voice says, "Your... name... is..."
It gets weirder. The next scene appears from the whiteness and showcases Toriel calling "Kris" out of bed. Kris' area of the room is very bare in contrast to the other side, which we later discover is Asriel's.
It's Toriel. Why is Toriel here?
Kris is kind of an anagram of Frisk (the protagonist of UNDERTALE) but without the F. I highly doubt this is a coincidence.
Speaking with Noelle is the only reason you can proceed (see what i did there?) while finding a partner in the classroom. This means you can't go through the 1st chapter without knowing who she is. Is it because of the Snowgrave route?
Ralsei is just suspicious to me. There's no way he was just waiting in that castle his whole life alone without some mental toil. So either he's insane or he wasn't alone the whole time. What happened? Is it related to how he can close his eyes and see what Susie is going through when she's apart from the party? Was he just watching everything? Is he related to the formless voice?
Susie's icon is the only one without color in the Dark World.
Jevil's fight is more difficult than Sans'.
Your actions have little consequence in the first chapter. If you choose to go genocide, the only difference in the ending is being run out of the kingdom, and this doesn't carry over to the next chapter. Again, lack of choice, people.
If at the end of chapter one, you walk around town, it's mentioned (notably by Noelle) that you're usually not this talkative. If you go to the hospital and speak with the receptionist, they mention that you used to play the piano in the corner. If you decide to attempt to play the said piano, an out-of-key bash can be heard and the receptionist comments on how you used to play beautifully. If you try this in chapter two, the result is the same. All this is confirmation that Kris is acting noticeably weird.
When you leave the Dark World and walk around town, you can find Sans. He "pretends" to recognize you, and if you tell him you recognize him, he tells you it's funny, considering that you two have never met before. He winks. I'm pretty sure he knows that the player is there.
The mention of Papyrus in both games, but the purposeful lack of him. Like he's avoiding you.
If you go upstairs while inside Asgore's flower shop, there are flowers in glass cases resembling his SOUL collection in UNDERTALE. There's a red flower.
You can't enter the church.
The clock in the storage closet shows a different time than all the others in the school.
If you go all the way south in town and into the woods, the music stops and you come across a rusty, double door is in a hill covered in crass. It's locked. If you go this way in chapter two, however, you watch a cutscene where you and susie happen to find Monster Kid from UNDERTALE (or someone resembling them) and an owl kid in front of the door. The owl kid is pressuring Monster Kid to (presumably) break inside, telling them that they don't want to be a wimp like Kris. Does this imply that Kris is connected to this strange door somehow?
The ending. You know what I'm talking about.
Did Kris actually rip out the SOUL (I say "the" because I'm not entirely sure it's Kris') and knife because they wanted to eat the pie? Did they only eat the pie because Toriel caught them?
Why did they look at the player? Are they sick of being controlled? Is that why they freaked out after the Spamton fight? (later)
Anyway, now we're at chapter two.
DELTARUNE Chapter Two was released on September 17th, 2021. 17. Entry Number 17. Sound familiar?
Asriel's part of the room is different from the last chapter. I don't think this means anything sinister, but I think it means Kris notices different things about the room as the story progresses. My theory is that it will become more sinister in each chapter.
Ralsei getting super excited to see Susie and Kris after a day. As in he has separation anxiety and it breaks my heart. not anything suspicious but it makes me sad so it's on the list.
Kris and Susie's rooms. Ralsei REALLY doesn't want them to leave. Seriously get this boy a therapist. Or a stuffed animal. SOMETHING.
Kris having to gather everything from the storage closet so that people appear in the Dark World????? Why??????????????? They had to do the same thing for the computer lab too.
The golden door. I don't trust it.
How/why the heck did Noelle and Berdley go into the Computer Lab Dark World? I don't see either of them just walking into pulsing void doors without Susie.
Apparently the knight has been gone for a bit and can corrupt people's minds? The king in the first chapter doesn't seem like he can be redeemed but Queen just seems,,, not bad, but a little crazy. I wonder what happened.
Then again, name ONE person in this franchise without trauma.
Horror doesn't bother me. Spamton? Spamton bothers me.
A Kromer is a type of hat invented in the '70s. Nobody named Mike is associated with it, that I can find.
The way he asks Kris is they want to be a heart on a chain their whole life. Like, dude, no wonder they were screaming after the fight.
Kris screaming after the fight and the player not being able to hear it. Don't you dare tell me that's just how the game is designed. There are sound effects characters make throughout the game. None that I can think of apply to Kris, apart from when they rip their soul out.
Ralsei brushing off the Spamton fight. Either that's his coping mechanism or he was trying to shut Susie and Kris up to protect them from... something. I'll touch on that in a minute.
According to Queen, DETERMINATION is a key factor in creating a fountain.
Also according to Queen, Kris, Noelle, and Susie all have DETERMINATION SOULS.
Ralsei freaking out about Berdley making a fountain implies that he may also have DETERMINATION. Why I'm bringing all this up will make sense soon.
How was Noelle able to cast Snowgrave... a spell that she, according to her, didn't know?
The Snowgrave route is so twisted.
You manipulate Noelle into killing Berdley and then, when you get back to the computer lab and investigate his corpse, the text box says that he doesn't seem to be awake. As if you're in denial?
Burgerpants recognizes you. Not Kris. As in the player.
The ending. I don't think I need to describe it. Kris is very methodical without the SOUL. (I say "the" because, again, I'm not 100% convinced it's theirs.) I'm saying this about how they left clues that someone broke into the This proves that they are NOT a mindless, vengeful husk.
Another point I would like to make is my theory that Ralsei knows much more than he would have us believe. I might put this into a different post because I have yet to gather my points into a coherent bullet point list, so keep an eye out for that.
Anyway apart from Toriel and Susie being VERY heavy sleepers, I think I've gone through everything. I have a few theories.
1. Kris is possessed by the player and figured out that they could make a fountain from Queen and related to Spamton freaking out about freedom. They then decided to make a fountain going by the logic that "this would tick the player off." This is one of my top theories that assumes that the SOUL is theirs.
And 2. Kris is possessed by both the player and the knight. I think the formless voice at the very beginning of the game is the knight, and they somehow needed the player to possess someone with DETERMINATION. If so, then why Kris? We know from Queen that Noelle and Susie, and maybe even Berdley also have DETERMINATION. The most plausible thing I can think of is the fact that human souls are stronger than monster ones.
I do think that the popular theory (about the one that suggests that the Dark Word is nothing but a figment of a child's imagination, and the events that occur in said Dark World are simply children playing with toys) has been thoroughly dashed due to Berdley's murder in the genocide route of the second chapter. Unless he's not dead. Regardless, how the events (or lack thereof) that occur in the second chapter play through the next will be interesting, especially considering Toby's announcement about how there will be one ending to the game. So either Berdley isn't dead, or he will be.
Aaaand I think that's it! Sorry for the long post; let me know your thoughts and if I missed anything!
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Theory about Alphys’ Pizza Call
You know, with people theorizing that Spamton might be the caller in the ‘Wrong Number Phone call’, I had to think of another phone call in Undertale that I always found weird:
Alphys’ Pizza Call
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This phone call only occurs when you have a fun value of 46-50. 
It happens early on in the game, when Frisk is in Snowdin Forest. So, long before they meet Alphys. Which means that Alpyhs shouldn’t have Frisks phone number yet. So, technically, she shouldn’t be able to call them. 
And even if she somehow had their number, why would she call Frisk to order a pizza? As a prank? I honestly doubt that. We know, Alphys hates making phone calls and probably avoids making them when she can. Prank calling Frisk doesn’t seem like something she would enjoy doing. I think we all remember how nervous she was when she had to call Frisk in Hotland. She immediatly hung up the first time. So yeah, I don’t think that was a prank call. 
Okay, so maybe she really just wanted to order a pizza and called the wrong number on accident, right?
I mean, sure, that could be possible but there is something that bothers me about it.
The complete lack of pizza in Undertale.
Now, it’s been a while since I last played it but if I remember correctly, there is no mention of pizza anywhere, besides this phone call. No character ever mentions ordering or eating one. We never see a pizzeria, either. 
And if you take a look at Alphys’ desk in her lab, there are lots of empty bowls on it but not a single empty pizza carton. 
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Don’t you think, if she would order pizza every now and then, there would be at least one or two of the cartons still lying around?
The total absence of them seems strange. 
So yeah, to me, this whole phone call feels out of place. Why is Alphys trying to order a pizza when there are no signs that pizza even exists underground? 
Doesn’t really make sense, does it? 
What if it wasn’t Alphys in Undertale who made this phone call?
What if it came from Alphys in Deltarune?
We know for a fact that pizza exists there. 
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And Alphys in Deltarune is still her akward, anime loving self. Nervously calling the pizzeria, trying to paste them the toppings she wanted, before realizing she accidently sent them an ASCII art of an anime catgirl instead and then quickly hanging up, seems like something she would do. 
So, what if Alphys simply wanted to order a pizza but somehow her call ended up reaching Frisk in Undertale instead? 
Now, I know this is a reach and I don’t know how and why this would happen. Or if that would even be possible, but I mean, whoever wanted to talk to “G” also ended up calling Frisk somehow, right?
So, who knows what kind of weird stuff is going on there... 
Anyway, there is something else I wanted to talk about but this post is getting kinda long, so I’ll put it under a cut. 
(I’m really just rambling now, so skip this if you want.)
We know Alphys’ phone call isn’t the only one that can randomly happen. 
There is also Sans’ refrigerator call:
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This happens when your fun value is 40-45. 
So while thinking about Alphys’ phone call and that it might be coming from Deltarune, I considered the same for this one.
I mean, it happens at the same spot, at the same time as the one from Alphys.
And just like her, Sans shouldn’t have Frisks phone number yet. So how is he calling them?
Besides, the entire call itself is pretty odd. While it starts of like a regular prank call, it simply ends with Sans saying he will come over with some beers, if you chose ‘yes’ after he asked if your fridge is running. 
If you chose ‘no’, he tells you, he sends someone over to fix it and thanks you for letting him know, because “good communication is important”.
This is a pretty strange conversation to have with Frisk, honestly. 
Frisk obviously doesn’t have a place of their own Sans could possibly come over to. They also don’t have a fridge that could be fixed. Sans doesn’t even know them, and Frisk is a kid, I don’t think Sans would bring them beer...
Really, this whole phone call makes even less sense than the one from Alphys. 
I would dismiss this as a simple prank call (even though Sans shouldn’t have Frisks number) but the fact that this can also happen during a ‘No Mercy’ run is weird. Sans is rather suspicious of Frisk there and doesn’t really seem to be in the mood for jokes and pranks. A prank call doesn’t really fit in there.
So yeah, maybe this phone call is coming from Sans in Deltarune as well and wasn’t meant for Frisk, either. 
Though, there isn’t anything to prove it.
When I saw that phone call for the first time, I thought he was talking to a friend of his. But considering he mentions in Deltarune that he and his brother just moved there and don’t really know anyone yet, I don’t think that fits. Plus, the whole “I send someone to fix your fridge” thing doesn’t sound like something you would tell a friend, does it? 
I mean, it’s not impossible but... yeah, i don’t know...
After reading over it again, though, it actually sounded to me as if he just wanted to drop those beers off at someone’s place. Not like he planned on staying over to hang out. So, with him running a grocery store in Deltarune, I wondered if this call was supposed to be for a customer. 
Someone wants some beers but can’t pick them up themselves for some reason, Sans offers to drop them off later at this persons place and quickly calls in to let them know before he’s coming over. 
But again, this still doesn’t explain why he would send someone over to fix the fridge, if it was broken. So, I don’t think this is it, either. 
I could ramble on about this for a while, but honestly, this isn’t going anywhere. This whole thing seems pretty far fetched already, anyway. 
In short, this phone call is just really odd in general, so who knows what’s the deal with it. Maybe Sans wanted to prank call someone in Deltarune and he somehow called Frisk instead lol   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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agentravensong · 2 years
Everyone talks about how the narration switches from referring to Kris calling for help from Susie and Ralsei versus "you" calling for Noelle in the Snowgrave Spamton Neo fight,
but nobody talks about the 1 other time the narration refers to Kris in third person:
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Notice how there's no string asking the player whether or not they want to use the KeyGen? That's because, as soon as you interact with the lock with the KeyGen in your party, Kris just uses it, without giving the player that option.
Note that this isn't what happens with Jevil and the Door Key in Chapter 1. There, when you bring the fixed key to his cell, the player is prompted with the options "Use key" or "do not". If you say "do not", it's Jevil who denies you that choice, saying, "YOU CAME TOO FAR! YOUR CHOICE HAS RUN OUT!"
So, Kris goes ahead and uses the KeyGen the second you give them the opportunity. Either because they recognize that, like with Jevil, this is probably happening either way... or, because they're genuinely invested in helping Spamton.
I tend to believe the latter, despite how freaked out by Spamton Kris appears to be on multiple occasions, because of two factors: a) the option to ask him about "FRIENDS" in his shop, which Spamton at least takes to be Kris asking if the two of them are friends,
and b) what the narration says Kris does if you interact with the seemingly non-functional machine a second time:
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Sounds like they're desperate for it for work.
But yeah, reasoning aside, if we're taking the narration's distinction between Kris and "you" in the Snowgrave Spamton fight to be significant and telling of Kris's character, which I absolutely think we should, then I think we should try not to forget the one other instance of this happening.
...unless it's an oversight like the hot chocolate line in chapter 1. But, again, the lack of a choice for the player in whether or not to use the KeyGen makes me more confident it's not.
Also, while I'm here discussing DR's narration, though there are many uses of "you" to refer to experiences specific to Kris, original thoughts they have inspired by what you inspect, or memories of theirs from before we were around... there's also this:
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This line is a reference to the broken jukebox in Grillby's in UnderTale. There's no jukebox in Hometown or the other Dark Worlds that this line could be referring to, so it only makes sense if the "you" here is the soul/player, not Kris. So, yeah, that's weird and contradictory, huh? Guess we'll have to wait to find out what it means.
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a-very-tired-raven · 3 years
Hello there! I just read your Swatch x Reader headcanons and was wondering Could i possibly get a Spamton x Reader where Spamton is just totally confused on if the Reader genuinely loves him or if its just some sales pitch. Hes been my comfort character for a while so it'd be nice :>
thank you for reading my silly request :]
Hiya broski! Sorry this took a bit to answer! I didn't really know how to approach this ask. I'm new to fics so I needed to take a bit to prepare so I would know how to write this and to get into the lil man's head if that's alright! Hope you enjoy my dude and remember to lemme know if anythings wonky!
●True Intentions ●
"Here you go sir, your order?" He gave a polite nod to the server "Yes thank you." They gave a small smile and walked away. He took a small sip of his drink as he returned to his thoughts. Spamton was....confused to say the least. He met you about a week ago in the alleyway of his shop.
You'd been looking for your pet or something and tried to dig in a garbage bin....Which was actually his shop. That was locked. He just got back with some goods thst he got a nice deal on and all he saw was some stranger pulling on the lock to his shop. He angerly poked on your waist to see what you were up to.
"What are you doing?!"You jumped and awkwardly explained what it was you were doing when he demanded to know what you were up to.
"I uh..lost my pet..I thought I seen her go off this way?" Of course he was still skeptical but put his goods up and helped you look.
Eventually you two did find what you were looking for and you thanked him more times then we could count. Right before you left is when you started the confusion. You awkwardly asked for his number, and when asked why you nervously shrugged and said he was nice and you thought he was cute. Which absolutely baffled him
When was the last time someone complemented him? Let alone ask for his number and want to spend more time again. He accepted of course and didn't think anything of it.
He started thinking about it when he ran into you almost every day for the rest of the week. Everytime you saw him you were thanking him,and trying your best to make small talk.
This included asking him questions, like what did he do for a living,how many sales has he made,what's the biggest deal he's made. All if which he's awkwardly responded to with vague and short answers. This made him even more suspicious. Whyd you wanna know so much about his job and deals?
He hasn't seen you since everyone's moved to the dark town. Maybe he wouldn't see you again. If there's a whole 'nother dark world who's to say there's not more? Maybe you were somewhere else.
The smell of pastries pulls him out of his thoughts a little. Banana nut he thinks. He does admit you are kinda cute.. which brings him to the present. Why him? It's pretty well known he's a business man.
A horrible one at that. He only Ever gets people's attention when they want to get a deal or a-a..a sales pitch...
His fists clench. Of course. Why else would you go after someone like him? You just wanna make a sales pitch. Nothing more then that. You could of just said so. You didn't have to barge in his life like that and lead him on all for the sake of a deal. It all makes sense now!
Who makes small talk like that??? About deals,and sales...why was that the first question to asked? Why not start off with basic small talk?? Why be interested in him? Why him? Why'd you need to know what his biggest sale and deal was! Of all the people...You just wanted a good deal...
He doesn't hear the distant chime of the Cafe bell. He just angrily glares daggers at his own reflection. It wasn't until a shy familiar voice spoke pointedly in his direction did he force his head out of the clouds.
"Hey Spamton! I uhm.. how are you doing today?" You give a soft smile and take a seat in front of him. "I'm fine" He looked the other way. "Um.. " You glance at the window. You look at his order. "Ohh number 7! That's a good one. Moonberry fudge and a gram apple muffin. Nice." You give a soft smile.
He just remains quiet. You seem a little anxious by now. "..weather's nice huh?.." with only a human for a response you start brimming with anxiety. You try a different approach. "I had a good day at work! We didn't have any rude people.." You look at him.
"Uh how about you? How's work? You made any good sales today?" He looks up at you with a harsh glare. "Wouldn't you like to know!" You flinch and your happy aura quickly forms into an apologetic one.
"I-..im-im sorry..I didn't mean to ask anything sensitive.." You give a sorry look. "I didn't did i?" You look down at your hands. Spamtion hesitates for a moment. No.. He..He cant hesitate. He stands up.
"Yes. Yes you did impose. You imposed in my life acting all kind when I know what you really want." You have the audacity to look confused. "What are you talking about?." He ignores you and heads towards the exit. "Spamton? Spamton wait! Please..I just wanna kno-"
Your conversation fades to the back of his mind as he exists the Cafe and heads towards his house. He should have know better. That way it wouldn't have hurt as bad... He gives a soft wave to a wherewire and keeps walking. After a little bit he stops walking immediately when he feels I small tap on his shoulder.
He turns. "What?!" You give a hurt expression and focus on your hands. "I um..I just wanted to apologize for imposing.. I didn't know you didn't like talking about that" He rolls his eyes. "Just leave me alone already. It's pretty obvious you just want to talk business." Confusion crosses your face once more.
"What? What are you talking about?" His fists clench again. "Aw stop playing dumb already! It's pretty obvious you don't like me, Your just after a good deal or you want a chance at being some big shot with a sales pitch!" He didn't realize he was yelling.
Your practically cowering at this point. "I-what! No-No I'm not! Please believe me I really do like you.. I don't even know how to do business like that!" You have your hands up in front of you as if a policeman had pulled you over.
He falters for a moment. He looks back up again when you speak up. Sorta. "Please..is there anything I can do to make you believe me..." You say just barely above a whisper. He just remains quiet. After a moment of shared silence you were fed up.
"Fine then! I'll prove I'm crazy for you! Absolutely bonkers! You hear?!" You grab both his shoulders, "H-Hey! Put me down!" And yank him up and plant a big kiss on his cheek. "Now will you please go on a date with me?!"
Your face is absolutely covered top to bottom with a beautiful shade of red. Both from anger and embarrassment.After a moment of silence you awkwardly drop him. "S-sorry.." you hide your face in the neck if your shirt.
His cheeks are burning a bright peachy color. "Um..it's alright" after a small beat of silence he adds "yes."
You look back down at him. "Yes what??" You look confused. "...yes I'll go on a date with you.." He doesn't think anyone who'd want some deal would go that far. He believes you now and he says so.
Your quiet for a moment. A small smile works its way on your face. "Alrighty come on, I know just the place" you give a small wink and grab his hand dragging him off to who knows where. "W-what now?!" He gives a baffled expression as he tries to keep up.
You turn and look down again "yes now silly! I gotta make sure you belive me 100!" percent!. "A-alright then..." maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all...
ISNSJSS God that was a lot! And toughie! I enjoyed it tho!
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nukedimplosion · 3 years
Deltarune Knight Theory
Spoilers Ahead
The Knight, in all known cases, is called by 'it/its/they/them' pronouns. I will be using 'it/they' pronouns for this theory.
Who is the Knight?
Most people know by now that the Knight is the main antaganist within Deltarune.
It is the creator of the first and second dark fountain, in a bid to bring everlasting darkness to the land.
It is a manipulator. Someone who can convince people like the Spade King and Queen into playing into their own destruction within the Roaring.
And in this theory, I propose it is the vessel we make at the start of the game.
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This theory is viable because the game saves the vessel data.
At the very start of the game, you can create a vessel. This vessel is promptly thrown into oblivion and replaced with Kris.
The exact wording is 'will now be discarded'
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'No longer useful or desirable'
Useful and desirable?
Well, where have I seen that before?
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Ah, yes. The entire Darkner species, at least how it is commonly described.
Darkners are repeatedly mentioned as people who's purpose is to be useful to lightners, to be desired.
And when they are nolonger, when they get left behind because they aren't needed or wanted enough?
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You get the Chaos King. Someone who is angry abour being left in shadows and being stripped of meaning.
And then the Queen.
Who just wants to make everyone happy. To be useful, like a computer commonly is. To be desirable. To make things better.
A Darkner who can't assist or be good for Lightners has no meaning. The King didn't want that, he said the Knight gave Darkners a new meaning.
It is easy to see how the vessel could fit with this theme. The theme of Darkners who want to be loved but aren't, who want to be useful but are 'discarded'.
Let's look at this text -
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_1_0": "Where...",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_2_0": "Where am I?",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_3_0": "Hello...? Anyone...?",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_4_0": "Is... is anybody out there...?",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_5_0": "Someone!? Anyone!? Can anyone hear me!?",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_6_0": "...",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_7_0": "It's dark.",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_8_0": "It's so dark here.",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_9_0": "Someone, anyone, if you can hear me...",
"UNUSED_slash_UNUSED_gml_10_0": "Say something... please...",
There have been many theories about who this could be, ranging to Gaster to Dess to whoever else is on the chopping block.
It is in my substantiated opinion that this must be the vessel.
When you talk to Spamton about 'Fear' in his shop, he goes on a bit of a tirade before commenting oddly~
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And then he denies having ever heard anything said, before saying~
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While staring directly at the camera.
Astute people would know by now that Spamton is one of the characters who is quite distinct when it comes to Kris and the player, with few exceptions.
For example, during a neutral/pacifist route, Spamton uses Kris's name constantly, while in Snowgrave, he doesn't use it once. The limit on how much he knows is unknown, but what we should know is that him looking right at the camera wasn't just for creep factor.
This message is for us. The player.
Gaster wouldn't call for you, he and you were connected a while ago.
Dess wouldn't call for you, there's no reason for her too. Maybe Kris, but why you?
No, the person who would call for you would be the exact person you left behind.
The text itself is similar to the unused text, but in the Japanese version, the unused text and Spamtons dialogue are the same.
Credit to @suzyundertale for pointing this out. This is their post that explains the Japanese text.
But there's more.
Here is what Spamton has to say if you talk to him about the 'Knight'.
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Spamton seems to be unable to disclose whatever information he has about the Knight.
But why? What is the ending of that sentence?
Whatever it was, it sent Spamton in a frenzy, talking to someone we can't see.
This doesn't feel like Gaster. Gaster has been articulate and well thought out all the times we've heard him. Gaster suddenly strangling Spamton for whatever reason seems out of character.
It's someone who doesn't want Kris to know whatever information Spamton has, or maybe they don't want you to know, desprete enough that it reacts with violence when Spamton mentions anything about the Knight.
That's two occasions of Spamton being controlled.
One is by someone, hiding information about the Knight.
One is by someone stuck in darkness, calling out for the player.
Perhaps they are the same person.
But why?
Why create the dark fountains? Why hide information? How did they escape the darkness?
Well, quite simply, they want to be loved.
Let's look at Ralsei, shall we?
Ralsei looks like Asriel. Ralsei in most ways, is like Asriel. But he's off. He's lonely. He's a prince with no subjects, who follows the story as it's told and is very much in the mind of doing everything for the sake of Lightners.
Quite easily, we can say he's Kris's headband or whatever. Something Inconsequential.
But what if the Knight made him?
If at any point the vessel saw Kris, it would see the life they have, one with Asriel who loves them dearly.
To add insult to injury, the vessel looks so much like Kris, it's uncanny.
If you were lonely and admiring of someone elses life, why not create someone who looks like their brother? Someone made of the same darkness you are, made from the void. I doubt that wouldn't be able to witstand going to a slightly different dark fountain.
But, something happens, who knows what, and you and the lonely prince hardly ever meet. Never for long.
I don't doubt that Ralsei was actually lonely. It fit's with his character too well for him not to have been. But he isn't like other darkners, but he isn't a lightner if him disappearing whenever he goes down has anything to say about it, so void magic goat boy is my best guess.
Perhaps he was even based around the red headband, with the vessel only adding more power ontop of him and his fountain.
(I may make a seperate theory about Ralsei later, tell me if you wanna see that)
This is to say that the Knight is either jealous or admiring of Kris and their life. Kris is alive, they make their own choices, they get to live.
The Knight, the vessel, doesn't get that. It wants to live like Kris but can't, so they opt to being more like them and replicating their life instead.
It wants to be like them, perhaps even in choice of weapon?
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A knife. Just like Kris's.
This is one of the main contributers to why people think the Knight is Kris. After all, what is the chances that the Knight and Kris both use knives to punture darkness fountains?
But I feel like this explains it nicely.
Heck, the fact that the Knight is the Knight may be because of Kris/the player and the vessel are so similar and the players form is that of a knight.
And this theory isn't even going to go into the connections between the Knight and Gaster, and inherent connection with the Vessel.
So what is their goal?
Well, to put it simply, I have no idea.
To put it less simply, I have several ideas but all can be argued for and against. Let's simplify this with a bulleted list. I'll add a A-F for how much I like it, A being 'I like this one the most', F being 'viable, but I hate it.'
It's goal is to screw Kris over. It's a situation where their fully in the belief that you abandoned it for Kris and hates them as a result. D
It's goal is to cover the world in darkness so it can truely exist. After all, if all is covered in darkness, then they can be seen and heard and no longer be discarded. As someone made from the void, it would survive the Roaring, and be able to lead the Lightners in the dark, finally being useful. B
It's their goal to get you back. It thinks if it can reobtain you, they will feel alive. This will backfire as now a more independent vessel is thown into the feeling of being controlled. C
It's their goal to screw you over. They want Kris on their side, kind of like 'partners', if you will. A
My only big problem with the last one is I have no idea where the player would be in that situation. Posessing someone else who allows you to in a pacifist run and forcing posession in a snowgrave esc run? Who knows.
I mostly like it because of the thematic tension and the player being pointed at as the villian despite us not really doing anything? At least in a pacifist route.
We didn't want to leave the vessel behind, but we were forced to.
But what is the vessel supposed to think...
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When it never could hear you say you loved it.
It may be a combo of multiple motives, or maybe I missed the mark dramtically.
I may make a secound part if people bring more things up and I find more. I mean, there are things I haven't mentioned but you can look into it yourself.
I have other theories I wanna put out but I also want this to not just be a theory blog? Like, I do art too, cmon brain.
I wanna make a Hells roar theory eventually. And something on Ralsei. But I'm doing art before that I swear to god.
Thank you for reading my theory! Please tell me what you think!
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