#And for some readon my brain sees stupid fandom stuff about a comfort characters as important
frostbite-the-bat · 2 years
Ghh feeling knminda bad bc dpau uses the acid theory (where Spamton falls in on accident and theres a world explonation i. Dpau how its drinkable to some and yadda yadda i overcomplicate things) but ive been seeing posts of ppl jusf denying it and such and i dunno my hyperfixation makes it feel like a personal attack or like "you suck bc a every other person has better ideas than you and you disagree with their hc but your au uses it and now you feel bad afraid of backlash for headcanons and au changes youve made" ive had this for so long and its horrid cjfkkfkff anyways ill be off tumblr for the rest of today i think its not helping
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