#This is a day late TvT
skyfalliscat · 2 months
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility from my OC Birchpaw to all the trans people out there :)
He supports you and thinks you are amazing.
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khaotunng · 8 days
"I'll do whatever it takes to find my way back to the day you were born" "what for" "when I held you for the first time it was the best moment of my life"
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mizzle-moths · 1 year
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happy late valetines day! have some bugs
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owlyflufff · 2 years
For once in his life, Bokuto Koutarou had been absent from practice. 
It’s odd too, for Akaashi’s phone had not pinged even once. Having Bokuto Koutarou for a partner always resulted in a flare up of notifications, a constant spam to Akaashi should something happen to him.
This doesn’t equate to major accidents by the way, oh no, even the smallest inconveniences, the one item that stopped Bokuto from getting a perfect score on his test, the cat that would pass him by, all of this he relays to Akaashi in a flurry of messages and long threads.  
However, this case is different–and different often means something is amiss.
In the very least, Akaashi is left to conclude it has been the workings of a fever, it doesn’t stop him from attempting to check on Bokuto though.
Being on the receiving end of missed calls and unresponded texts, Akaashi takes it that Bokuto is off catching as much rest as possible. Those intial concerns are set aside, making room for the extensive amount of training for today.
“That’s odd,” Akaashi has been in the midst of plopping volleyball after volleyball into a cart when he hears Konoha approaching from the distance. “Akaashi, was Bokuto not with you when you entered the gym?”
Akaashi’s features shift, his face locked in curiosity. “No, I came here on my own. I assumed Bokuto-san was sick.”
“Huh? Sick? But he was present during class.” Konoha says and it leaves Akaashi is a momentary standstill.
If he thinks about it, if Bokuto was present then where had he been off to during class hours, why couldnt Akaashi find him running along the hallways? 
Why was he missing when Akaashi went over to get him for lunch?
If Bokuto really was present, then where is he now?
“Did he not tell you where he went?” Akaashi tries, all else fails as Konoha shakes his head.
“Not in the slightest.” 
There’s a silence, a beat, then an acknowledgement far from satisfaction.
 “I see,” is all Akaashi has to offer. It earns him a raised brow from Konoha.
“Aren’t you worried about him?” Konoha asks and Akaashi along with the volleyball cart screech to a halt. “I mean, he’s your boyfriend and all, you’re usually the first to get worked up when something happens to him.”
Being months into a relationship is still fresh to Akaashi, a new page that has been beautifully and haphazardly plunged into his narrative, so to be reminded that Bokuto is his actual partner now has always caught him offguard.
Though, Akaashi can never rip this page. He can never rewrite this part of the narrative that has scribbled itself in Akaashi’s book–all loud and cheerful but filled with promise. That page, that person, it stays there permanently, sealed within the tight covers of Akaashi’s heart.
“Of course I’m worried.” Akaashi says with a sense of finality, certainty. “But considering how Bokuto-san hasn’t been answering my calls or seen my texts, it’s likely a personal matter. It could be urgent and I...”
There’s a lingering doubt, a festering concern at his own words that Akaashi wishes to gnaw back. To love means to forget rationality sometimes, and Akaashi tries to keep himself at bay. 
“I can’t possibly intervene with that.” Akaashi tells.
The thud of a volleyball from afar has never sounded louder. 
“Well,” Konoha says as he pats Akaashi’s shoulder. “Whatever you say vice-captain.” He offers a salute to Akaashi before turning to the court. 
“Although knowing him,” Konoha says once more, Akaashi can just barely catch the smirk on his lips before Konoha’s off to practice. “It’s probably something ridiculous.”
It had been, in fact, something ridiculous. 
Volleyball practice passes swiftly, and awfully early even. As his teammates say their farewells and go on their own ways, Akaashi finds himself in the solist of an empty volleyball gym. 
The sun has yet to fully dip into the sky, the night has yet to overshadow the afternoon and Akaashi has yet to reach Bokuto Koutarou.
So, in the absence of a one man ruckus, “HEY HEY HEY”s and “AGHASHEE”s, he resorts to the one thing that keeps him connected to all those things, to Bokuto--volleyball. 
It’s a little silly, tossing without a spiker, but it’s enough to stall him. To keep him distracted, to stop him from picking up the phone, dialing the number and checking up on-
The thud of the volleyball as it clashes against the wall one more time has never sounded louder, and Bokuto Koutarou has never been closer. 
For there Bokuto stands. 
At the entrance of the gym, Bokuto is practically collapsed and looks as if he had ran more than a marathon (because knowing him he is, and would, be capable of winning one if Akaashi will be honest).
Akaashi does not hesitate to approach Bokuto by the entrance, bending down as to level with him a little better. 
“Bokuto-san...” At the sound of his name, Bokuto immediately shudders a little  when he feels something cold pressed to the side of his cheek. He looks up to see a water bottle to his side and Akaashi looking up back at him. 
It’s familiar, the thin line on Akaashi’s lips, the look in his eyes and expression that he gives Bokuto. Though it’s also different--and different often means something is amiss after all. 
For Akaashi has been worried, bothered at most by Bokuto’s absence from practice. His lips part to say something to follow up after calling his name. 
Are you alright?
Is something wrong?
Where have you been?
“You’re late.”
His words sting, to anyone if they weren’t Bokuto. This is but the normality of their conversations and Bokuto responds as his usual self as much. 
“I know, I’m sorry! I can explain myself I swear hold on,” Akaashi tilts his head to the side to see Bokuto plunging his hand into a plastic bag he brought along with him. 
“Akaashi, do you know what date it is today?” Bokuto says as he immediately hides whatever item he was able to fish out from the plastic. 
Akaashi raises his eyebrow, curious if it was another one of Bokuto’s trick questions. “It’s November 11 is it not?” 
“Exactly! And you know what that means?” 
Akaashi rests a hand on his chin, drowning in thought and amounting to nothing. “I don’t quite know what it means Bokuto-san.”
“It’s Pocky Day!” Bokuto exclaims, a pout forming on his lips just as quickly. “And that’s the thing Akaashi, it’s Pocky Day so I wanted to buy a box for us to celebrate but then when I went to the supermarket and the convenience store, it was all sold out!” 
Bokuto has always had a flair for the dramatic so it comes as no surprise to see him succumb to the floor at the announcement. 
Akaashi only nods along, kneeling down to rub a hand on Bokuto’s back in support. “What happened then Bokuto-san?” 
“I couldn’t just let the day end ‘Kaashi! It would be sad if we were the only couple who weren’t able to celebrate Pocky Day, so I did this instead.”
At that, Bokuto takes a hold of whatever he had been hiding from behind to reveal a small plastic bag filled with chocolates. 
“Are these,” Akaashi leans in the take a closer look. “Homemade chocolates?” 
“I tried, I really did.” Bokuto says, his voice a little somber, “I still wanted today to be special, so after class, I went back to my house and asked my sisters to help me make them.” 
Akaashi feels a little tap tap in his heart, and he allows it to rest there for as long as it needs. 
“You did all this,” Bokuto looks up to see Akaashi looking at him, gaze unwavering and a fierceness to it that’s all awfully Akaashi. “For chocolate?” 
“Not just chocolate!” Bokuto interjects. “I did it for you, or well, for us I mean!
There’s a silence in the passing, then there’s warmth. It’s incredibly warm and it takes a millisecond for Bokuto to realize that he collapsed on the ground again, the plastic of chocolates a little distance away from him and there are arms wrapped around his neck. 
Akaashi pulls Bokuto close, buries his face in his neck and he’s all so incredibly warm.
Bokuto holds unto him, embraces him with just as much. 
“Bokuto-san.” The latter stiffens at the tone, it’s true that Bokuto is used to Akaashi’s lack of enthusiasm in his voice, but this is different. 
And different definitely means something is amiss.
“Yeah Akaashi...?” 
He feels himself being pulled back before facing Akaashi, the smallest smile on his partner’s lips. 
“Please respond to my messages and calls next time,” Akaashi says, the smile still lingering. “I was afraid you were abducted by aliens.”
“Huh? But why would I be abducted by alie-whoah!” 
If Akaashi laughs softly as he brings Bokuto back up to his feet, if he picks up the plastic filled with chocolates and looks at it with a sense of fondness,
and if the two of them spend the rest of the afternoon till night, eating chocolates, attempting to steal some from the other and attempting to play the Pocky Game with it, then no one needs to truly know. 
It’s just another moment between them, nothing more, and nothing less. 
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weirderworld10 · 2 years
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Happy Birthday Butters!!
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iiigris · 1 year
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drawing every day of 2023: day 2! lineart only & version with reference included below
I keep posting these late don’t I?
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i’m way too tired to think of anything else to write here but uhhh yeah i love that photo of gerard and his was very fun to do <3
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1-800-cr33py · 4 months
I know it didn’t win the poll but I humbly ask you to write that RZ! Micheal Myers size kink fanfiction whenever you have the time and if you are feeling up to it🙏
{this is so late and I sincerely apologize TvT}
Tags: Dub-Con, Size Kink, Rough Sex, Choking, Manhandling, Reader is mentions to be a nurse some time ago, blood, knives, overstimulation, Michael is a warning himself. a/: this will most likely be one out of 2 parts anon im so sorry TvT
Sweet thing you were, you’d give the shirt off your own back if someone in need called for it, so giving and so trusting to even the most hardened criminals. It was a wonder how someone like you graced the halls of Smith’s Grove Sanitarium. You, a star-eyed nurse fresh from medical school. The scum and slime that riddled the halls of the hellish “sanctuary” you’d been accepted into. You skip down the halls with your checklist and medicine cart in tow. You were kind. You were happy. You’d given patients who’d hadn’t seen the sun in years the same kindness as one would give to an old friend. But you favored one more than the others.
Michael fucking Myers.
Silent halls.
Odd shadows.
Creaking wheels.
The usual ambiance of Smith’s Grove had finally settled within your nerves after a long long few months. You, with your now worn in uniform, counted the rooms with an intent gaze. On the left, even numbers, and parallel to them were odds. Though it was a weird concept, there was a reason. Those on the left, the doctors deemed ‘safe’ and had the possibility of rehabilitation.
Inmates that resided on the right wing however, well you didn’t quite know if you’re being honest, you weren’t allowed to even breath the wing’s direction yet. But one digresses. Your low heels made a blunt click click click upon the cold floors as you neared your station, medicine cart in tow. Your manicured hand reached for your ID, ringing yourself in as the loud pang alerted you of the unlocked status of the door, which was shoved open by your hip as you passed a polite nod to security. Your trek was cut short however, your overseer tugging you aside with a rather harsh hand.
“ You’re the medicine girl right?”
medicine girl…right. Giving a curt nod he sighed, his breath reeking of cheap coffee and some kind of alcohol. His orders were short, clipped and rather rude. Though the next words he uttered left your mouth gaping like a fish out of water.
“ You’re doing both wards. Kirsten…had an incident. “
Fucking hell.
So now, here you were, approaching your last patient for the night. With security stalking behind you with scowls as they glared at patients through the tiny windows. You gulps, it was never patients that scared you, no. It was the sleazes that worked outside the cells. Their wolffish stares and ugly grins. You shook your head, you were approaching Michael’s cell.
You didn’t know much about him, only whispers of the monster, the brute that killed most of his family. A grade A killer, someone that should be locked away from society if not for Mr. Loomis’s need to study him like some kind of bug. But, you being you, wouldn’t let that stop you from being kind. That’s what irked you most about people here, these patients were still human at the end of the day. They still bled, they still died, they had interests and dislikes and personalities. You sighed, eying the dainty wrist watch. ‘ Just an hour and a half..’ you thought as some scum of a man unlocked the heavy metal door. Eying you as you motioned him to move aside.
“ Careful, he hasn’t seen such a young thing like you in a while…might finally remember he’s got a cock. “ the guard, who’s tag read Pierson, chuckled, elbowing his colleague. You could feel their gaze raking across your body, internally you gagged. Lurching forward was a far easier than you wanted to admit, medicines and needles clattering at the motion as the door slammed behind you, leaving you to jump.
Michael’s room was…interesting looking at it.
Buzzing overhead lights gave some relief as you tended to your cart, organizing the arrangement of pills and sedatives in their respective cup to serve to the inmate, who’s back was turned to you, fiddling with another mask that would surely find its way with the rest that perched upon the greening walls. Finally, you found the correct assortment. Smiling to yourself, you turned to face the mountain of a man.
“ Alright Mr.Myers, here’s your dailies! Dr. Loomis upped your sedatives so if you feel a bit off thats the cause! “ you chirped, leaving the cup a bit of a distance. Like you’d heard from the other nurses, Michael gave no indication of acknowledgment, hands stained with the glue-water mixture. The masks on the wall drew your attention, though you didn’t dare raise a hand to touch the precious things, knowing how it felt to have your art defiled by ignorant hands. “ You have a lovely night Mr. Myers! The mask are gorgeous as well! Truly a work of art. “ you smiled, warmth radiating from your aura.
Oh sweet thing. What have you done?
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icysnails · 7 months
Hello. I was wondering if you could you write a platonic angst story where the reader is Blade's child. I was thinking that because Blade barely spends any time with the reader unless it's during one of their extremely harsh training sessions the reader decides to run away especially after one particularly rough training session where the reader was injured after they accidentally talked back and that night the reader starts packing their stuff but they accidentally left behind their late mother's pendant and Blade found it the next morning. (I hope you're okay with writing this and I wish you a good morning, afternoon or good night ☺️)
A/n: Hello Anon!! Thank you for your request!! I am so sorry this took so long- school + extracurriculars started so I had way less time to work on writing outside of school (TvT) But this was so much fun to write! I got a little bit carried away and it ended up being a found family type thing with all of the Stellaron Hunters– I tried to focus on Blade being a father figure as much as possible though! I hope you have a fantastic day, and I hope you enjoy!! ૮꒰ ˶• v •˶꒱ა ♡
Warnings: all relationships are platonic, found family trope, betrayal, suicidal ideation (Blade), mentions of death, reader's parents are dead, flashbacks, reader runs away, mention of bullets + broken glass, overthinking, Blade being insecure, reader uses a sword, reader gets injured a couple of times (If i forgot anything, please let me know!!)
Genre: angst, slight fluff
Pairing: father figure!Blade x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC), mother figure!Kafka x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC), sister figure!Silver Wolf x gn!child!reader (PLATONIC)
Word count: 7.3k
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Blade is a cruel man. 
There is no love in the red pools of his irises, no signs of any humanity. Dark circles adorn the skin just below his merciless stare, eyebrows slightly furrowed in an eternal state of aggravation. It was no wonder enemies cowered at the mere mention of him. He holds nothing back, and if an enemy was unfortunate enough to meet the steely edge of his sword, they were sure to be broken and lifeless by the end of the encounter. Unfortunately, he isn’t much different off of the battlefield either. 
Blade is bitter and selfish and cold, to the extreme that even Kafka and Silverwolf are convinced that he has forgotten how to feel.
The thorns of the mara in his veins torment him constantly, the pain never faltering, even after decades. The other Stellaron Hunters had begun to wonder if those thorny, agonizing vines had punctured through his heart as well. It would be understandable, to an extent. After all, he is a man who has experienced endless with suffering and loss, his mind poisoned with grief and the sole desire to die. No more pain, no more fighting, just darkness- the mere thought was enough to drag a bitter smile out of him.
He was used to the dark, used to feeling like an empty vessel. 
But why, if he was so familiar with agony, would he impose that same feeling on you as well? 
You had always been alone. You were only a toddler when your parents were taken from you, the only proof of their existence being a necklace your mother left with you before she died. You had spent your youngest years void of any parental guidance, hopelessly wandering between foster homes and planets, hoping someone would take you in. You gave that up by age ten, running away from your home planet to travel the galaxy. From that point on, most of your time was spent sneaking onto Starskiffs, hiding in empty cargo compartments on any moving vehicle you could find, and even stealing authorization keys to search occupied space stations, all in search of someone whom you could call family. 
But what exactly did the word family mean?
You always thought it was a strange word. It had such a subjective meaning, yet it was talked about so often. You didn’t understand what it meant, and no textbook definition could help you. All your efforts to find its meaning were in vain. And yet, your curiosity haunted you. 
With every new destination, the word family buzzed among the crowds constantly. No matter where you had landed yourself, all you could do was spectate. You watched as children laughed and clung to the legs of their guardians, as relatives sobbed in unified grief over flower dressed gravestones, and as teenagers linked arms with each other, growing away from the protective grasps of their parents. 
Every planet you traveled to, every dragging, lonely step you took, that sickening, seemingly joyous word that made you feel so isolated was there.
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Six months after you had ran away, you went out alone to buy food. It was late at night, and you were preparing to head off to another planet the next day. Luckily, you bumped into a nice shopkeeper earlier who gave you some extra credits because she thought your coat was cool (in reality, she was just worried about you wandering off all alone, but didn't want to pry about your parents' whereabouts). So, you headed out amongst the crowds as you always did, pouch of credits in hand and determination plastered on your face.
But a woman stopped you on the way there and asked why such a young child was wandering around alone at night. She had a little girl with her, who looked no older than you. 
She asked you if you had any family she could call to come and get you, with the assumption that you were lost. You couldn't say anything. Instead, you just stared, your wide-eyed gaze pinned on the child that almost mirrored you. Almost. Perhaps if the world were kinder, your eyes could have donned the same innocent, joyful light. One of her hands was encased by her mother’s, while her other hand kindly reached out towards you. A cheerful “hello!” rang through the air as she tried to shake your hand. 
You stepped away from her. It was hard to breathe. You had seen all this before. Yet why was it so painful this time? 
Internally, you demanded the Aeons to tell you why the truth of your situation had to be rubbed in your face so blatantly. You were alone. You wondered if it might be good to explain that to them, to create some kind of connection with these people, but no words would leave your throat. Your heart felt like it was splintered in two.
You didn’t know how long you stood there staring, but you were sure the devastation tearing you up inside was evident on your face. The woman called out to you one more time, her worry falling on deaf ears as you backed away slowly. You took one more look at the girl before turning on your heel and running as fast as you could, sobs wracking your chest so deeply it hurt. 
You hadn’t returned to that planet since then.
You wanted the life that little girl had. You wanted to have a guardian.
But as the years went on, nothing changed. Your travels continued, and you came to terms with the fact that you might never know what family felt like. You made acquaintances as you traveled, friends, even. They never stuck around for long, though. The darkness always swallowed them up one way or another. And with every loss, the painful void in your chest numbed and steeled over a little more.
You thought that your life would always be this way. In truth, you had forgotten that there was any other way to live.
However, that was before a certain group of Stellaron Hunters swept you away from your life of solitude, and recruited you into their dangerous yet thrilling world. 
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A year later, you found yourself on a sand covered planet. You were on a train, heading to one of the planets' larger cities from a smaller town. There wasn’t any way you walk- it was too hot and the distance was too far. Otherwise, you would have spent your savings on something other than train tickets.
The trip was uneventful and for most of it you just stared blankly out the window, exhaustion and boredom settling in your bones. You were tired from running errands for the previous town's residents- it was onerous but it happened to pay well. Though you were happy to have a break, your mind wasn’t used to the quiet. The barren landscape outside did nothing to help. It was a dry, flat expanse that was dotted only with dead weeds and the scraps of broken automatons. In short, nothing of interest.
Aside from that, all was going well. You had enough credits to last you at least six more train rides and get food and extra supplies, and you had several acquaintances with whom you could stay in the next city. You made a point not to talk about your budgeting skills, as it would usually spur a torrent of questions from whoever you were talking to. You couldn’t blame them though, children your age typically didn’t devote themselves to a life of aimless travel. 
The train stopped right on time, and you stepped onto the platform that was crowded with people. As usual, you were met with the sight of teary-eyed relatives hugging each other, children running around and playing, and couples greeting each other. You kept your head down, feeling more inconvenienced than sad. In their excitement, the crowds always seemed to block your path to the other platforms. Besides, they say time heals all wounds, so why would you care, anyway? You awkwardly shoved your way toward a nearby stairwell, grunting as several people bumped into you. Just as your fingers made contact with the stair’s banister, ear shattering sirens echoed throughout the station.
Emergency lights flashed on and off in a blinding rhythm, the red glow engraining itself into your mind. Suddenly, pixelated bullets flew towards the ceiling, shattering several of the glass panels. Screams rang out in response, and the previously happy crowd flew into a panic, ducking to avoid the broken glass. However, the glass shards evaporated into more pixels before they could hit the crowd, preventing any damage from being done.
Amidst the swarms of people trying to escape, you cautiously walked closer to the source of the commotion. You really shouldn’t have, but the nagging curiosity in the back of your mind compelled you to do so. And even if it seemed dangerous, there was something off about this incident. After all, if the initiators were out for blood, wouldn’t they have attacked the crowd directly? If whoever caused this wasn't intending to cause harm, they must be looking for something.
As you got closer, you saw three figures: A magenta haired woman with lightless eyes, a pistol in one hand, and a glowing thread of purple silk in the other. She was leaning back against one of the platform’s pillars, watching the whole scene with fake amusement. The second person you saw was a smaller girl decked out in a myriad of purples and blues, her drill style ponytail swaying as she typed up coordinates on a hologram screen. And lastly, you saw a red eyed man with a glare so sharp it made your heart sink. You certainly did not want to be subject to whatever rage he had stored away. From the looks of it, he could kill you in a split second.
For some reason, all three of them seemed familiar. You couldn't quite place it, but you quickly realized, you knew who they were. Their faces were plastered on all of the IPC’s wanted posters, which were scattered on literally every planet you had been to so far. You couldn’t remember their names exactly, but you knew that, together, they were known as the Stellaron Hunters- the universe’s most wanted criminals. You should have recognized them from the pixelated bullets earlier- how could you have been so naive?
You could have tried to run, but it would be futile. You were already out in the open, and they had already seen you.
Your eyes widened in sheer panic as the man dressed in black set his gaze on your shaking form. There was no way you’d survive this encounter. Absolutely zero chance. He stepped toward you but was interrupted by the sound of a clanging of a spear. The station’s security officers surrounded the Stellaron Hunters, demanding that they freeze and turn themselves in immediately.
You covered your ears and ducked as a fight broke out, the Stellaron Hunters throwing themselves into battle. Your eyelids were screwed shut in fear until the sounds of fighting had ceased. When you opened your eyes, you looked up to see that all of the guards had been knocked out, and that the taller woman standing above you, watching you in a way that was eerie, yet... comforting somehow. Even so, your better judgment caused you to back away, frantically scrambling on the hot cement of the platform. The red eyed man yanked you to your feet before you could stand up, and a panicked noise left your throat as he dragged you toward his two companions. you caught a glimpse of his sword that was poised in his other hand, taking note that he was ready to strike if necessary.
“It’s a kid.” He grumbled, still glaring at you. 
The tall woman chuckled and took a step forward, observing the way you struggled to get out of her companion’s grasp. You were getting more anxious by the second, she could tell. No matter how strong and collected you acted, you were still just a kid, and you had the minimal strength of one.
“Let them go, Blade. I don’t think they mean any harm.”
Small, scared breaths left your throat as you were released, your shaking legs failing to hold you up. You fell to the ground, staring in shock at all that had occurred. What would have happened if they didn’t let you go? How much danger were you really in, and how the hell were you still alive?
Then, the monotone voice of the grey haired girl met your ears. 
“What a waste. Looks like those signals were nothing but a glitch.” She sighed. “There's nothing for us here.”
The scary man who grabbed you- Blade, as the woman called him- looked down at you crumpled form, eyes softening just the tiniest bit. Your fearful gaze met his, and you didn’t dare move. The two other hunters made conversation about their next moves in the background, while Blade narrowed his eyes coldly.
“Why aren’t you running?”
“Go. Lingering here will only bring you suffering”
Your fearful gaze then turned to one of confusion. It was unclear if his words were meant to be a warning or advice. Either way, it gave you the strength to pull yourself off the ground and attempt to respond, but all that came out of you was a strangled groan. Your body hurt, and everything had happened so fast that your mind was still trying to catch up. It wasn’t that you were trying to make an impression by staying, you just couldn’t bring yourself to run because of the adrenaline coursing through you. You hunched over and placed your hands on your knees to get your bearings. After a few minutes, you finally responded.
“Y- yeah, I… uh…” You hesitated, unsure of what to say. “...I have another train to catch...?” 
It came out like a question, which was unintended. It was the truth, but you were so nervous that you would say something wrong and provoke him. Your life may have been spared for the moment, but they could still change their minds, and you didn't want to re-dig your own grave.
The man beside you let out a small sigh before turning his gaze back to his two companions.
“Fine.” He muttered.
A few moments passed with you and Blade sitting in comfortable silence. or, it was comfortable him, at least. He was still and silent, ignoring you entirely. You just kept fidgeting the whole time, unsure if you should stay or run for the hills. It was borderline suffocating. thankfully, the tall woman came over again, ending your misery.
“Well, we’re off.” She said to Blade, prompting him to walk towards the edge of the platform where the smaller girl stood. Before walking off, she turned to you one last time. 
“Take it easy, kid.”
Something in your heart screamed at you to speak up. A strange urge began eating away at you, telling you that if you didn’t do something right now you’d regret it for the rest of your life. But do what? What could you do without potentially dying? It was stupid. And dangerous.
But that old feeling of longing, that desire to be a part of something wouldn’t leave you alone. Your desperation to attain a family of your own had been reawakened. Your undying hope, which laid dormant for years, was now ruling your judgment.
Just as they turned to leave, you stumbled forward and cried out.
All three heads turned towards you. 
A purple set of eyes knowingly scanned you as you trembled, a smirk growing on the woman’s face. 
You anxiously gripped at your clothing, trying to summon up the courage to put on some kind of brave face for them. Before you think, pleas for them to take you with them were spilling from your throat. You told them that you wanted to see the universe and that if they gave you that opportunity, you’d do whatever you could to assist them. It was a partial lie- exploring the universe did sound fun, but it wasn't what you were truly after. Your true motivations were far too personal to tell them just yet. It felt like a wound had unexpectedly reopened ever since they arrived, and you were sure you’d crumble if you forced yourself to explain.
Luckily, you didn’t have to. You had the strangest feeling that they already knew your story to some extent. Even without the influence of your longing, you couldn’t deny that it was the opportunity of a lifetime. It wasn’t every day that you came across three highly skilled fighters who could quickly travel anywhere they wanted. You could save years worth of credits and injuries if you went with them.
Once you had finished your frantic explanation, you took a breath to calm your pounding heart. The silence you were met with was deafening, which you took to be a bad sign. A deep chuckle reverberated through the elegant woman’s chest as she took a decisive step closer to you. She hummed in amusement, holding her hand out for you to take.  
“You may not be crucial to our mission,” she leaned down to your height, voice almost a whisper, “but if that’s what you want, then who are we to disagree?”
You took her hand, heartbeat slowing to a calm pace as you did so.
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The days you spent with the Stellaron hunters were some of the most peaceful days you had ever experienced. 
You weren’t constantly slinking around trying to find information and resources for your travels, and it was the first time you had slept in a room that had officially been dubbed as your own. You weren't hopping between inns and the homes of your few friends. Even expenses weren't an issue anymore. It felt strange to have time on your hands. Guilt inducing, even.
You didn’t get too caught up in that though, since the confusion and questions plaguing your mind happened to be stronger than your melancholy. It was beyond your understanding how three of the most dangerous criminals in the entire universe could be so kind and willing to take you in. Perhaps it was because you had seen too much. You were a witness to Blade knocking out over ten armed guards. However, they were so powerful that they seemed to be able to get away with anything. Either way, you were a part of their goup, and that's what mattered.
As time went on, you grew closer to the Stellaron Hunters. Especially Kafka, who you learned was much less intimidating in regular life, and Silver Wolf, who was still as deadpan as before, but seemed subtly happier with you around. You also were officially introduced to Blade, and were promised that he wasn't always so brooding. That was hard to believe, though.
Silver Wolf was like a sister to you. She dragged you with her everywhere. She said it was a part of your duties to accompany her on errands, but in reality, she just enjoyed having you with her. Whenever a battle presented itself, she would have you on the sidelines cheering for her as she obliterated enemies in the blink of an eye. It was clear that your support went straight to her ego, but she also secretly wanted to impress you so that you'd view her as some sort of mentor. Silver Wolf wanted to be a reliable guide and friend to you, especially after you had been alone for so long. Thankfully, you didn’t mind spending time with her. In fact, chatting and playing video games with her became one of your favorite ways to kill time. The latter was clearly her passion– after all, her combat techniques were solely revolved around her exceptional hacking skills. 
Silver Wolf taught you how to play all her favorite games, staying calm and patient with you when you kept losing. Often, she would discreetly take you out to arcades during your free time, and every time it would be humbling due to your lack of gaming experience. However, losing meant that you had more time to watch her win, which was never boring. In any other situation, you might have been jealous, but it was just so mesmerizing to watch her play. Besides, she gave you all her prizes, so you weren’t going to complain. But what you found to be even more amusing was watching her lose it over the few games she hadn’t mastered yet. Her face would contort into one of sheer disbelief and anger as she held onto the machine tightly, aggressively mashing buttons and mumbling insults. You would always laugh and try to cheer her up in response. It always gave her a huge ego boost, and convinced her to try again, despite still being angry. You never expected to gain such a dear friend when you joined the Steallaron Hunters, and you wouldn’t trade any part of your friendship for the world.
Kafka was another story, though.
At first, Kafka terrified you. She held so much power over the other hunters- well, really over everything, that you were sure she’d destroy you if you stepped out of line. Her empty eyes and ruthless reputation didn’t help either. 
Ever since your arrival, Kafka kept a close eye on you. She made sure that you were alright as you settled in, and that you weren’t feeling unsafe or lonely in your new environment. She offered you comfort and advice and cared for you like the mothers you had witnessed on your past journeys. 
One night, a month after you had arrived, you hurt your leg on a walk and Kafka was right there to patch you up. She shushed you gently as you tried to protest that you were fine, and dragged you to the nearest chair so you could sit. She took a first aid kit from a nearby cabinet, and began tending to your wound. You winced as rubbing alcohol combined itself with your blood, and you quietly explained that you had been doing this your whole life- that it wasn’t her job to take care of you. Kafka paused and looked at you, eyes showing a rare glint of sadness. She whispered to you that those days were over. You weren’t alone anymore, and you should ask the three of them for help whenever you needed it. You weren’t a burden to them. 
Kafka wasn’t sure what the cause of it was, but something in her chest began to ache when she saw you injured. She had never felt fear before. She deemed it impossible before you came along. She had always been known as a ruthless, unshakeable force of danger, who would stop at nothing to achieve her goals. But now, she had to keep you safe. Part of her wanted to berate herself for getting so protective over someone, for willingly weakening herself by caring about you. But you needed safety and a group of loving people to return to. You were just a kid, after all, and even after the short time you had been traveling with them, she had begun to feel like your guardian.
Tears filled your eyes, her words weighing down on your lungs. You couldn’t truly believe her. Not after all you had been through. But even so, Kafka was right in front of you, smiling softly, waiting and willing to take care of you. She wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. It was a foreign feeling, one that scared you more than anything else. But you were safe. You were at home. 
So you let yourself cry. Your heart split open, all the bottled up agony from your past finally bursting out. You curled into yourself, the gash on your leg long forgotten. Kafka kneeled before you and gently wrapped her arms around your shaking form. One of her hands carded through your hair, while the other rubbed your back soothingly. Gentle whispers fell from her lips, promising you that she was with you. You were safe.
You weren’t sure how long had passed when you calmed down. Maybe it had been hours. Whatever the truth was, Kafka remained by your side, not pulling back until she was sure you were okay. After you had stopped crying, she leaned back, meeting your sad, exhausted stare. She looked down at your bleeding wound, grabbed a roll of bandages, and cautiously wrapped it around your leg. When she was finished, she smiled and stood up, placing a hand on your shoulder. You matched her smile, assuring her that you were fine.
However, after a moment, Kafka’s comforting smile was replaced with a teasing smirk. Confusion sparked in your eyes and your eyebrows furrowed as if to silently ask what the problem was. She just chuckled and took a seat across from you, crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her head back as though she was assessing you. Her next words not only shocked you but caused your entire being to wilt in annoyance and anxiety.
“I think it’s about time we start training you in combat. If a scrape has you in this much pain, imagine the damage a real battle would do. We can’t have you dying on us, now can we?” 
She paused, thinking for a moment before reaching her conclusion. 
“Yes… I’ll have you train with Blade. His abilities never disappoint.”
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And that was how your ongoing feud with Blade began. 
When Kafka decided to pair you up with Blade, you were pissed. However, you knew she was right. If you were falling apart just from accidentally scraping yourself, how were you supposed to handle actual threats? You would be utterly useless in a fight. And if anyone managed to get past the Stellaron Hunters and attempt to harm you, you would be dead on the spot. There wouldn't be a fight, just abrupt darkness, and a very disappointing end to a life such as yours. It would shatter the hearts of Kafka and Silver Wolf, who had already sworn to protect you at any cost. As you got older, the target on your back only became bigger. With the Stellaron Hunters’ reputation becoming more notorious by the day, civilians and authorities alike were bound to find out about you. Self-defense was a necessity.
But Blade never spoke to you. You felt as though you were a nuisance to him. Just another issue to be dealt with, another soul to pester him throughout the day. The way he glared at you made you wonder if you had done something wrong, or if you were imposing by being around. He made you feel out of place. Even after thorough reassurance from Kafka and Silver Wolf that his behavior was entirely normal, you still couldn’t help but worry. It was only after several months had passed that you came to understand that it truly wasn’t you- he was just grumpy. And that began to annoy you. If he wasn’t open to being somewhat nice, then why should you bother? You could glare back just as hard, and ignore him just as easily. If that's what he was getting at, then so be it. However, Kafka was the leader of both of you, and she wanted you to train. Despite your mild hatred of Blade, Kafka already had done so much for you. She only wanted the best for you. You could at least attempt to abide by her wishes.
So you gave in and begrudgingly stated training with Blade. 
For a few hours every day, you and Blade would find any open area and he would walk you through different defense techniques. You expected the technical side of it, but you did not expect that you would be sparring right off the bat. On the first day of training, he threw you into your first match and charged at you with the assumption that you had sharp enough reflexes to block him successfully. Obviously, you weren’t at all prepared since you had zero experience with combat. Turns out Kafka really wasn’t kidding when she said Blade knew how to fight.
Lessons carried on like this for weeks. You would return from sparring exhausted and bruised, feeling completely done with everything as you limped to your room to sleep. You felt generally bitter, making it hard for Kafka or Silverwolf to help, and Blade just acted like it wasn’t his problem. The most he did was help you up, and that was only if you put up a good fight. But thankfully, after a while, Blade began to notice how badly the sparring affected you. It wasn’t like you were on the brink of death, but you were still in pain. And given your age, there was no doubt that it was a lot more overwhelming than anticipated. So Blade subtly began to take care of you a little more. It wasn’t much- he mainly just gave you icepacks whenever you needed them and helped you walk, but it was the most he knew how to do. He was clueless when it came to caring for people, especially children.
You were a persistent kid, which Blade found surprising. He thought you would have given up within the first week of training, but you just kept working at it. And while Blade found your stubborn behavior annoying most of the time, it assured him that you had enough courage to fight alongside him and the others. He knew you didn’t like him much, and he knew a part of you blamed him for the injuries you got, which was reasonable. As annoying as you found him, Blade never gave up on you, even when you messed up or got so frustrated that you cried. He never babied you during these moments either. Instead, he would walk you through what went wrong and have you run through the solution until you had it down cold. Even if you were upset, he wanted you to push through it and use your anger to become stronger. You had been fighting your whole life. You had the tenacity and potential to gain the strength that you required. Blade could tell that, even after joining them, you wanted a purpose. You wanted to explore the universe and find your place among the glowing webs of stars. However, the beauty of the galaxy came with dark and unfamiliar territory. If you were to traverse the universe, you had to learn how to handle to darkest parts of it.
Little by little, you improved. You worked as hard as possible until you were able to withstand Blade’s strength and evade his attacks properly. You had a long, long way to go before you could actually defeat opponents, but you could at least hold them off, which was just as important. Despite how grueling Blade’s teaching methods were, you did come to respect him more as your mentor. He looked out for you in his own distant ways and seemed to actually care about you. In truth, Blade had started getting protective over you- not that he would admit it. It wasn’t an overbearing kind of protectiveness- he just wanted you to stay out of trouble. It was nice to pass knowledge onto someone, and protect them from the world's dangers by doing so.
The truth was, even if Blade acted indifferently toward you, he secretly was really proud of you. He admired your kindness, even after all the pain you had been dealt. You kept smiling and picking yourself up, finding your back to the light time and time again. Perhaps that's what made you so different from him. His will to keep fighting was growing fainter by the day.
Even with your differences, you both became closer. Blade kept an eye on you whenever you left the ship, talked with you whenever you got bored, and even helped you whatever chores you had to do. Sure, you were stubborn, but Blade never grew to dislike you. Your relationship felt routine and safe- it held a sense of comfort that felt normal. Blade caught himself questioning if this was what family was meant to feel like. He couldn't remember, but a faint, distant memory assured him that it was. If he could contribute to the familial safety you longed for so much, he would gladly do so. 
Was that even possible, though?
Blade had very little experience with love of any kind. Any memories he had of his past friend and family were long gone. His own sense of self was unstable, so how could he provide stability for you? He couldn't bear the thought of causing you pain. Or, there was a chance that he would rub off on you. That you would start to become like him. That prospect was enough to make him feel sick. So he began distancing himself from you in any way he could.
Now, whenever you crossed paths he would treat you especially coldly. Most times he saw you, he walked past you and pretended you didn't exist at all. He was back to being rude and dismissive, even more so than when you first met him.
Instead of encouraging you during training, he would call you weak and pick apart everything you had done wrong. This was not received well by you. After all, you didn’t know if Blade’s behavior was your fault, or if this was just how he truly was. You felt dejected and lonely, even with the support from Kafka and Silver Wolf. Though you loved them immensely, Blade was also someone you cared about, and you didn’t want to lose another parental figure. After weeks of being ignored, hatred replaced any good image you had of him. What used to be a safe, happy friendship soon morphed into an incessant rivalry. 
It felt like Blade only wanted to see you unhappy. You imagined that he was secretly gloating over your distress- that you were nothing more than a temporary amusement to him. But you were wrong. So, so very wrong. Blade hated seeing you upset because of him. He was failing you by ignoring your wellbeing. You were just a kid. More importantly, you trusted him.
But it was for your own good, wasn’t it? His past was dark, and perhaps he was too, by nature. He would never forgive himself if he allowed harm to come to you. Even if that meant leaving you behind. No, he would much rather watch you grow up and live happily from afar. 
Kafka still wanted you to train though, so Blade couldn’t avoid you entirely. Sparring was the only time he saw you anymore. Your sessions with him were difficult, but not because the material was hard. In fact, it was harder for Blade than you. You would glare at him constantly and show complete indifference to everything, making it nearly impossible to communicate with you. He wasn’t doing much better either- he couldn’t bring himself to say anything to you. It felt like the consequences of his neglect were crawling up his back, ready to snap at him at any moment, and he knew that any day now, you would finally break. Soon, everything would fall apart.
You knew Blade was heartless, but his cruelty was amplified when you trained with him now. He went all out, forcing you to scramble for scraps of knowledge he had previously given you to win. But that wasn’t enough this time. You were too tired, physically and emotionally, to continue. You felt smaller and weaker than you had ever felt before.
Lightning-fast blows struck you from all sides, the scent of bloodstained spider lilies clouding your senses. You weakly pulled your sword out of its sheath and tried to block his attacks, but doing so would knock you off balance from the force of his blows. You fell back on the ground, coughing and clambering to your feet, promptly hurling yourself towards Blade with hopes of hitting him just once. Built-up anger from the last few weeks rushed through your heart, tears of desperation dripping down your cheeks. God, you were tired of this. Blade used to be your friend. You wanted to know what changed, and you wanted that piece of your family back.
In your fury, your reaction time fell short. Blade darted behind you and shoved you to the ground, watching coldly as you crumpled over in defeat. A glint of regret shone in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up by turning his back to you. Once more, you picked yourself up, your throat burning from the lack of a break. It must have been hours since the start of your match, but it might have just felt that way because you were the one getting injured. Never before had Blade fought you this hard. You weren’t prepared, and he knew that. You internally questioned if he was actually trying to make you despise him, albeit sarcastically. It hadn’t occurred to you yet that it might actually be the case. You shakily lifted your head to look at him, angrily mumbling something that Blade couldn’t understand.
Blade took a breath and turned around to face you, blank expression unwavering. 
“What was that?” He growled. The world seemed to fall silent as you locked your gaze with his in an act of defiance.
“I said, I hate you!”
You hated that you were crying. You hated feeling weak. You hated what he had put you through.
But you didn’t hate him. Not entirely.
You wanted to hate him fully. You wished you were strong enough to. But even then, as you wiped your tears and walked out, you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him. Maybe it was the memories you had of when he felt like family, maybe it was inherent kindness or just plain stupidity. You couldn’t feel hatred. All you felt was dejection. So naturally, you began spiraling. 
If Blade didn’t want you around, there was a chance Kafka and Silver Wolf didn’t want you either. If it was possible that they secretly hated you too, you wouldn’t allow yourself to withstand their rejections as well. You might as well just get out of their way, and save yourself the trouble. It was nice feeling happy for a while. But it wasn’t what you were made for. It wasn’t how you were used to living. Perhaps this was a sign that your destiny rested in the familiar arms of solitude, away from the glowing crowds.
That night, when you returned from training, you bid Kafka and Silver Wolf goodnight and began packing your bags. When you were sure everyone had gone to sleep, you took your leave. You slipped out of the ship’s main entrance, the frigid night air numbing the uncertainty in your chest. You started walking, not sure where you were headed. You were out of practice with your usual travel routines, but that wasn’t important. As long as you were away from the Stellaron Hunters, you would be safe. Lonely, but safe. But even with your half hearted reasoning, you still felt a sinking feeling that this wasn’t right. That you might regret this. You shoved it off, cursing at yourself quietly for getting so softhearted. It was time to cut ties. It was for the best.
However, you had made one vital mistake. While preparing to leave, you had purposely left behind any photos or items given to you by Kafka, Silver Wolf, or Blade. In your rush to leave, you accidentally left behind something incredibly important to you: your mother’s necklace. 
You took it off and left it on your desk by accident. It was the last existing link between you and your biological parents and you cherished it because of that. So when Kafka found it the next morning, along with your neatly made bed and discarded photos, she knew something was very wrong. Silver Wolf burst into your room shortly after she found them, questioning Kafka about your whereabouts. She had no answer, all she could do was say she hadn’t seen you. Silver Wolf left worried and agitated, grumbling about how they had to find you. As Silver Wolf left, Blade approached your doorway with the intent of finding you for your training session, because at this point you would have been late. Gripping the necklace tightly, Kafka turned to face Blade. She knew there tension had been growing between you and him for the last month. If he was the cause of your absence, she would not let him get away unscathed.
Blade’s expression was serious, but Kafka could see the glint of confusion in his eyes. He seemed entirely clueless, so perhaps interrogating him wouldn't do much.
“There’s no sign of them anywhere on the ship,” she said softly, trying to keep her voice steady. “There’s only this.” Kafka gestured to the thin chain that lay forgotten on your desk. Dread immediately shot through Blade’s heart.
You had left.
And it was all his fault.
He neglected you. You had every right to leave. He was meant to be a guardian to you. It was his job- no, his privilege to keep you safe, and failed to do so. And now you could be anywhere in the galaxy, wandering aimlessly once again. Blade carefully took the necklace, trying to keep his composure as questions and visions of the worst raced through his mind. What if they never found you, or what if you had gotten hurt? What if it was too late, and you were already–
He didn’t allow that thought to finish itself. Catastrophizing would only slow the process of finding you. 
But would you even want to come back? Why would you, when you felt unwelcome enough to leave in the first place? And even if, by some miracle, you came back, would you ever trust him again? If you ever granted him forgiveness, would he even deserve it?
This was what he wanted, wasn’t it? That was why he pushed you away- so you would leave him alone. You were gone now, and he had gotten what he wanted. Was he truly so terrible that he would still be unhappy, even after he had achieved his desire?
It wasn't meant to go like this.
You weren't meant to leave them. It was his fault though, so maybe it was best to let you go.
Kafka’s piercing gaze bored into the side of Blade's head as she watched the gears turning inside his head. She took a short breath before heading towards the door. She was scared of losing you, and angry that they hadn’t noticed your absence until now. There was no time for emotions such as anger. You were missing. They had to find you.
Blade stood in the center of your room, now entirely alone. The metal of your necklace dug into his skin as he clutched onto it for dear life, his eyes falling to the pictures on your bed. You seemed so happy before. So did Kafka and Silver Wolf- he was happy too, though he was reluctant to admit it out loud. He had broken the loving family you had brought together. A strange family, but a family nonetheless. 
Blade kept staring. He wished he could go out looking for you. Unfortunately, wishes are not reality.
Blade would not search for you that day. He would be chained to where he stood, fighting with himself internally as time slipped by quietly. You could have died already. And he was just standing there, staring.
No, he would not look for you.
Because the truth cannot be denied, nor masked with excuses- in the end, Blade is a cruel man.
One who cannot be changed by anything.
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vioartemis · 7 months
Mrs Ortega
(Jenna Ortega x fem! reader)
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Summary: Wednesday made Jenna famous, and put in danger your relationship Warnings: angst :)) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
You had known Jenna since forever, as you were neighbors back in the days. Naturally you became friends, and eventually started dating in 2020. You spent most of the pandemic together, as no one could really work at the time, and after that you tried to accompany her as much as possible on her shootings.
She had tried to convince you not to, aware that it was a huge sacrifice you were making for her, but you didn’t listen. You took online classes while she was working, and when she came back, you would spend the night together.
Your girlfriend had been busy with the shooting of Wednesday for the past few months. You had traveled to Romania with her and befriended her castmates.
The series was about to have its premiere, and Jenna wanted you to accompany her to the event. And of course you said yes, because how could you deny her?
“How do I look?” she asked, stepping out of the bathroom
“Stunning, as always” you replied with a bright smile, looking her up and down
You took her hands in yours, pulling her a bit closer, and pressing your lips on hers in a tender kiss.
“You rock that look Jen, seriously” you smiled “The black dress and veil… everything is perfect”
“Yeah? Well I hope one day I will wear it in white with you waiting for me down the aisle” she said with a little smirk
You felt your cheeks burn at the thought.
“A-are you talking about… getting married?”
She nodded with a smile.
“I know you’re the one, Y/n. You’re my soulmate, I’m sure of that. Don’t you want to become Mrs Ortega?”
“Y-yeah I-I mean- of course! I’d love to marry you” you kissed her softly “I just wasn’t expecting you to talk about that right now”
“So it’s a yes?”
“Of course it is”
The series had been released a month ago, and it was a success. Wednesday’s popularity was worldwide, and so was Jenna’s. She wasn’t unknown before that, but now she really was famous.
You were happy for her, seeing her career take a new turn like that, but you had to admit she was acting weird lately. You tried to talk about it, but every time she assured you she was fine. You ended up thinking she was just getting used to be super popular.
Jenna had finished her day and you were waiting for her, swimming in the hotel’s pool. She texted you a few minutes ago, telling you she would be here soon but that her agent wanted to talk to her first.
You wondered what her agent could be telling her, imagining different scenarios, before your attention was caught by footsteps coming towards you.
You swam in her direction, a big smile on your face, as she sat on the edge of the pool, legs in the water. You put your hands on the ground, ‘trapping’ her between your arms, and lifted yourself up to kiss her lips.
She kissed back, but you could feel something was off.
“What’s wrong?” you asked softly, back in the water
Jenna wasn’t looking at you, but you could see on her face that she was not okay.
“Jen, you can talk to me… I’m here, I’ll always-”
“Y/n.” she cut you off “I- I’m sorry I… We can’t continue…”
“What…?” you frowned, completely lost
She took a deep breath.
“My agent… He told me that being with a… a ‘nobody’ wasn’t good for my career, now that I start to be more famous…”
You couldn’t believe your ears. The words were stuck in your throat; it took you a minute to be able to say something.
“Are you serious…? Y-you’re ready to throw everything away because your agent told you it wasn’t good for you career?”
“But nobody cares who you’re in a relationship with…!” your voice broke as you tried to hold back a cry “Jenna please… Y-you can’t do that… I- you’re everything to me, I can’t lose you… I-if it’s really a problem w-we can see each other in secret or… or…”
Your eyes were filled with tears, and it was taking you all your strength not to break down in front of her.
“W-we can’t, the paparazzi would find out eventually… I’m sorry, I didn’t think it would end this way… I- I love you so much… But I have to…”
You could hear that she didn��t want to do it either.
“Jen please… There has to be another way… I… We were talking about getting married and… and now we would just stop like that…? No, please… I-I’ll do anything…”
She finally looked at you. You saw the tears in her eyes, the look on her face, the way her bottom lip shivered. You knew nothing you would say would change anything.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered
The ache in your throat only grew stronger, preventing you from speaking.
Jenna stood up, and gave you one last look before walking away, leaving you alone in the pool with your broken heart, tears flooding down your cheeks.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A few months had passed since the forced breakup, and you were still not doing okay. You felt empty, as if a part of you left with her that day.
And the pain… The pain never left. Sometimes it was so high you felt like you would throw up on the spot. Seeing her happy during interviews or events, or even on TikTok or Pinterest felt like a stab to the heart.
You honestly didn’t know how you were going to live without her. She was the love of your life, your soulmate…
Sometimes you wished she never became famous. Then you felt guilty for thinking about that. But again, if she never became famous you would still be together. Happy.
Your phone rang. It was your best friend, worried, as always since it happened. You picked up with no energy.
“Hey… how are you feeling?”
“… I don’t wanna talk right now…”
“Okay um… Do you want me to come over? We can play some games or-”
“I just wanna watch TV…”
You could ear her sigh on the phone.
“I understand what you’re feeling but… staying alone isn’t going to help you… I’m always here if you need me, call me when you feel like talking”
With that, she hung up.
You put your phone down, turning your attention back on the TV. You were changing the channels, trying to find something you actually wanted to see, when you saw her.
A part of you wanted to change the channel. The other told you to stay. To stay, and try to see if she showed any sign of missing you. Of being sad. Of anything that could prove she cared about you and regretted breaking up.
She was beautiful, as always. She was being interviewed by a random journalist, a smile on her face. The same smile that sent butterflies in your stomach every time you saw it. The same smile that made you fall in love with her all over again. The same smile that was hurting you so badly at the moment.
You couldn’t help but have flashbacks of the moments you spent together; your first dates, first kiss, nights cuddling comfortably, laughs at the stupidest things possible, playful fights while playing video games, discussions about eventually getting married… and when she told you it had to end.
You didn’t realize you were crying until your eyes started to hurt. You didn’t even bother whipping your tears away.
“… I should’ve stayed in the pool and drowned so I didn’t have to watch you leave…”
You thought you would never be happy again. It just hurt too much.
If she looked happy on screen, as soon as she was alone and away from the cameras, Jenna let her mask fall. She was as devastated as you if not more, knowing that she was the one to hurt you.
She never wanted that. All she wanted was to be with you.
She really meant it when she said she wanted to marry you. But her agent and her family put so much pressure on her, to do anything for her career, that she had to leave the most important person in her life.
She thought about you all the time. She even tried to message you multiple times. But she never seemed to find the right way to do so.
“I don’t know where you are right now…”
That sounded weird.
“Did you see me on TV?”
That sounded pretentious, and made it look like she didn’t care about what happened.
“I try not to hate myself just because you’re mad at me…”
That sounded like she was trying to make herself the only victim in the situation.
But she did hate herself. She fucked everything up.
It was destroying her from the inside, taking all her energy. She just wanted to sleep with you in her arms, like you used to.
She wanted everything back. Your laugh, your smile, your voice, your shitty jokes, your kisses, your hugs… You.
She wasn’t happy without you.
She found no pleasure in anything, no joy in things that used to make her happy. Her favorite food didn’t taste good anymore, her favorite song didn’t sound good anymore…
Sometimes she wondered what would have happened if she hadn’t broken up with you. Maybe you would be married by now. She could call you her wife. You would be happy together.
These thoughts only hurt her more and made her feel like more of an asshole than she already felt.
She just wished she could go back in time and tell you that even if everyone was telling her to leave you and think of her career, she was choosing you. Tell you how much you meant to her. How you made her life better. How she couldn’t be happy without you.
But she couldn’t. And she would forever regret what she did that day.
a/n: this was highly inspired by that TikTok :))
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mayullla · 11 months
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Title: Forever a Lost Heart
Character(s): Pantalone (Genshin Impact) Summary: Pantalone came back home after a long time to find his lovely wife sleeping soundly. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, fem!reader, not really Stockholm syndrome but reader has given up for a long time now, imprisonment, forced marriage
Note: .....*also confused* why did I delete the previous ask a long time ago T-T I apologize i am not the best at explaining back then (even now tbf ;-;)... but anyway still hope you like this lil fic! I am really happy with this one! Also had to repost this cause i made a huge mistake in deleting the original TvT yeahhhh sorry about that...
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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It wasn't a marriage out of love. Your parents were so blinded by money, and fame forced you to marry a harbinger when he had given them a certain offer for a more luxurious life in exchange for their lovely daughter.
You felt nothing more than cattle in the market, sold by your "owners," and in the next moment in the hands of someone else. Except this one was dressed it as if it was something romantic.
"Dear, how was your sleep?" Your eyes fluttered open at the voice as you looked around the dark room. Sleep still in your eyes. You forced yourself to wake up, using your arms to push yourself from the soft fabric of the bed. "You are back?" It wasn't supposed to sound like a question.
You didn't think he would come back so soon.
It has been a few days since he left, busy when the Tsaritsa summoned him for something related to one of the harbingers. "You don't sound all that please dear." It wasn't a question, as Pantalone placed a hand on your face. His gloved hand felt cold and lifeless to your cheek.
You shook your head, denying his words. Moving your hands to hold his as you lean more into his palm, closing your eyes as if comforted by his presence. "No. I am glad you are back..."
"How sweet of my love."
Yet hidden within your heart, he was correct. You didn't miss him, for the days when he was away were like a paradise for you. An empty and hollow paradise but still a paradise away from something that wanted to eat you whole. You hummed on his hand, a soft smile on your lips.
"Hmmm... you are such a doll, dear. So compliant." Pantalone chuckled, rubbing his thumb lightly on your cheek. "Did you watch over the mansion while I was away?" You nodded again. It was something that kept your mind away from the feeling of hopelessness and away from any punishments.
"Yes, I did."
"What else did you do while I was away? Did you get the gifts that I sent to you? I bought the most beautiful dresses and gems that would match your beauty. Thought nothing really is beautiful as my dove." Reminded of the boxes that the servants brought you nodded. Expensive jewels and dresses, shoes, and handbags, he had sent you many things, some of which you personally liked.
But all still useless things, they are nothing but stones and clothes, something that could never truly give you what you really wanted.
"You shouldn't lie, my dear." Ah, it seems that you didn't watch your face... it was your mistake after all you just woke up still tired from your sleep. You didn't realize your mistake until it was too late when he held your cheeks to make you look at him with such softness when his eyes had none.
"A wife should never lie to her husband, nor should she. You were always a great actress. Many outside this mansion believe that you truly love me. And quite a few misunderstood your sadness as loneliness away from her husband." His voice was sharp as he forced your face closer to his. You stared at his eyes, your own widening startled a little before returning back.
It wasn't a surprise at all that he knew. He was just too smart, for things to be kept simple.
"Were you planning on running away, dear? When I finally have my guard down around you, you could finally sneak away from me?" He innocently asked, as if he was he was accusing you. Staying still for a moment, looking down then to his eyes as you held on his wrist with a light touch, you shook your head. Well, as much as you could.
No, it wasn't like that... You had long given up ever escaping what faith had given you ever since you were born. A puppet created by your parents you were just handed over to another who could control your strings just as well.
It was something that came easy to you somehow... even if you wanted that freedom, the fear of what would happen when you stepped outside your boundary shook your heart. You didn't love your husband, but his obsession was far better than the love your parents showed to you.
"I am sorry... I just... I just feel lonely." You told him softly.
You were tired of being a doll, yet you hesitate to go out unable to find the courage to do so. If this was something of a healthy relationship maybe you could have changed for the better, but alas you didn't even have that when you were kissed by the side of your forehead by the man who softly held your face again.
"It seems that I was the reason that you have become like this. I am sorry to have left you alone for so long because of work, you have waited so patiently for me. Thank you, dear." Taking your hand, he kissed the back of your hand, the lingering warmth still there even after his lips parted away.
Your husband always knew how to twist things to his liking, how your words were twisted to his own pleasure.
"The Tsaritsa had asked me to head to Monstade soon after some rest, for some dealing over there. I wish to take you with me. My dear has been lonely for so long that it is only proper that we have some time together." Pantalone expression never changed as he rubbed your cheeks gently, his other hand holding yours. "Is there something you wished to do there, dear?"
Your eyes widen just a small bit at his words. Surprised that he was offering you finally to go out while you knew that you would never be able to leave his sight the idea of finally being able to leave the window as you watch the snow fall every minute made your heart light with hope. It was a foreign feeling something that Pantalone definitely noticed when his own smile widened just a little bit more.
Moving your hands as you took his that was holding yours, you moved it to your cheek, rubbing it affectionately as you kissed the back of his hand. "Yes... That would be lovely."
"I see that my sweetheart wishes to join me. I will have the preparations done and make it so that you will have a comfortable ride to Monstade." Pantalone stated as he watched your affections, finding it so amusing.
"It has been far too long since we have been in each other company outside. The last one was the honeymoon trip to Fontaine, but we didn't even do much then." Pantalone mumbled, a small smile gracing his lips again when an idea popped into his head, "Yes... let's do that."
You closed your eyes when he started combing your hair, uncaring to what he had in plan. His hand was gentle with you hair, as you dreamed about the dandelions and sunny skies.
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sunshines-legacy · 5 months
Pining in the Undercroft - Sebastian Sallow
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Pairing - Sebastian Sallow x Female MC
Word count - 2.3k
Warnings/tags - Smut, female masturbation, neck kissing, cunnilingus, vaginal fingering, All characters are 18+, NOT PROOFREAD
Summary - Sebastian finds his best friend moaning his name in the undercroft after an argument.
A/N - AAAHHH this is my first time posting my writing here on Tumblr!! What a momentous occasion <sparkles> The character in this oneshot is my MC, Sunshine Sparrow! I've been working on their lore and in trying to figure out her character, I've ended up writing so many smutty oneshots TvT Anywayyysss I hope you like!!
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Today had been a horrible day for Sunshine Sparrow. The hufflepuff had been scolded by her professor (for something entirely out of her control), her friends had been particularly more harsh than usual, and to top it off, she and her best friend, Sebastian Sallow, had a nearly friendship-ending argument.
She would never admit it but she was worried that her ongoing crush on the Slytherin boy was driving a stake into their friendship. She tried so hard to not let it impact their dynamic. But sometimes, Sebastian did things that made it hard for Sunshine to keep her cool. He loved to tease and flirt with her just to get a reaction. Whether it was her flushed cheeks or defiant response, he loved the way she reacted to him.
Lately, however, Sunshine was responding differently to Sebastian’s false advances. Instead of throwing back her own mock flirtations, she would jerk away and laugh off his words. This happened earlier today when Sebastian whispered a flirty joke in her ear, an almost daily occurrence, but today he was just a little too close. His voice was just a little too low, and his cologne just a little too strong.
Sunshine had flinched away, cheeks blazing, and tried to laugh off her own behavior. She couldn’t think of a way to excuse her odd reaction because she couldn’t think. The smell of him encompassed her whole. When he had backed away enough that she wasn’t so overwhelmed by him, she realized that she should have returned his joke to best keep up appearances that she wasn’t totally and absolutely in love with him.
She couldn’t even remember why they were fighting. All she could think about was how his shirt stretched over his chest and strained against his biceps as he lifted his arm to push his hair back in frustration. The way his tongue darted over his lips and they way his dark eyes scrutinized her very being. She vaguely remembered being mad at the beginning but now, as she lay alone in the undercroft, all she could remember thinking was how much she’d like to ravish him.
The undercroft was dusty and stale when Sebastian had first shared the chamber with Sunshine. Since then, she’d added a much needed feminine touch. The secret room now had a warming charm and two couches she had transfigured from two empty crates. She transformed the usually cold and harsh room into a cosy nest of comfort.
Even now, with all she was risking by being there, the brunette girl felt surprisingly at ease as she held back soft moans. With her back against the couch cushions and her leg thrown over the back of the couch, her hand worked feverishly at her core.
Picturing Sebastian in her mind, she bit her lip and tugged at her own nipples. She imagined his eyes, deep and beautiful, gazing into hers. His mischievous smirk as his hands wandered her body. His freckles shining like stars as a thin sheen of sweat dripped off his warm skin.
She imagined grabbing his soft hair, tugging it until it resembled more of a mane than hair. She imagined kissing his soft lips, feeling his tongue on hers. She imagined that it was him rubbing her clit and fondling her breasts. Her head fell back as his name slipped from her mouth. Her fingers work faster, dipping into her pussy before returning to the bundle of nerves just above. The squelching of her slickness alongside her trembling whimpers echoed softly through the chamber.
She imagined Sebastian’s big hands on her hips, pounding his pulsing cock in and out of her. His lips attached to her neck, his hair tickling her cheek. His moans and grunts rumbling in her ear as he brings her closer to the edge.
His name slipped past her lips one last time before her hips bucked up into her hand and she let the wave of pleasure flood her senses, leaving her gasping for breath. She kept her hand moving slowly in and out of herself, bringing her back down from her high.
As she caught her breath, the hair on the back of her neck raised. She was being watched. Bolting upright, she quickly covered her naked form with a nearby blanket. The singular lit brazier wasn’t bright enough to illuminate the shadowy figure standing next to the door but she recognized him quickly enough.
Anxiety stabbed through her gut and wrenched up her throat. Involuntary tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she hung her head low, avoiding his gaze. Her wobbling voice called out. “What are you doing here?”
She couldn’t bare to look at him knowing that she took the risk and her friendship is now over. A tense silence clung to the air before Sebastian stepped closer, into the light.
“I came here to think,” he answered truthfully, lessening the gap between the two. He kneeled in front of the couch and wiped away the tears from her cheeks. His hand gently moving her head to face him, enticing her to finally meet his gaze. The blush blazing on his cheeks was nearly as hot hers as his lips twitched up into a nervous smile.
“There’s no reason to cry, Darling,” He whispered, using the same damned nickname he would use when teasing or flirting with her. The very name that made her week in the knees when rolled off his tongue. “Now that it’s clear that you fancy me...Are you perhaps worried I don’t fancy you back?”
She couldn’t help but frown at his words. Even at a time like this, he was teasing her. Despite her frown, her cheeks blazed as he acknowledged that he did in fact see and hear her previous activity. She pulled away from his hand, bashful that he finally knew the extent of her feelings.
“You have nothing to worry about, Princess. I’ve fancied you since the moment you bested me in Defence Against the Dark Arts.” He grabbed Sunshine’s chin and turned her head to face him, quickly planting a long anticipated kiss upon her lips. She leaned into him, the guilt and regret slowly dissipating while butterflies erupted from her gut and fluttered through her chest, threatening to burst.
The two pulled away to catch their breaths, resting their foreheads together. Sebastian’s gentle hands stayed firmly planted on her face, hesitant to explore. Sunshine, however, was unsatisfied with this. She released her tight grasp on the blanket around her and let it fall around her legs. Sebastian opened his eyes upon hearing the material ruffling only to be met with the view of bare breasts. His breath caught in his throat and he forced himself to look away. After having a few seconds to process what he saw, he finally let out a slow, shaky breath.
“It’s okay. You can look,” She whispered, wanting him to look, desperate for his eyes on her body. He returned his gaze to her own, fighting the urge to look before double checking.
“Are you sure?”
Sunshine nodded confidently, and Sebastian wasted no time granting his eyes a feast of female flesh. He licked his lips as he pushed her back until she felt her skin connect with the cushions under her. He sat up, watching the way her sweat-sheened skin twitched under his scrutiny. She fought the urge to cover herself under his dark gaze.
After committing the image to memory, Sebastian leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her lips before trailing down to her neck. He spent what felt like hours hunched over her naked form, painting her skin red and purple with his mouth. When he was finally satisfied with the blossoming swirls of color adorning her pretty skin from her neck to her chest, he at last connected his lips to her eagerly awaiting peaks.
He fondled her right breast as his lips locked onto her left one. As his teeth grazed her nipples, she bit her lip to muffle a moan as she arched her back, pushing her breasts more into his face. Her hands raked through his hair before grabbing a firm fistful, desperate to hold on to any part of him. Sebastian spent quality time with each nipple before even considering to move on. When he did, he trailed open-mouthed kisses down her abdomen and pushed her legs open. Since their argument was during dinner, Sebastian hadn’t had a chance to eat but now he had the opportunity to dine like a king.
He gazed at the sight for a long moment before he couldn’t restrain himself any more, his hunger making him dizzy with desire. Starting with her thighs, Sebastian kissed and licked her soft, supple skin. He would trail slow, tender kisses towards her heat, getting close--so close--but not close enough. He would tease her like this until her desperate whines echoed around them.
She tightened and loosened her grip on his hair repeatedly, letting out her frustrations as she tugged lightly. Sebastian responded only with a low chuckle, his warm breath fanned over her sweat-cooled skin, sending shivers up her spine. Quickly after, he ghosted a kiss directly on her clit. Her hips bucked but barely moved thanks to Sebastian’s strong grip holding them down.
“Sebastian, please!” She had handled so much teasing from him so far that his fake kiss deepened her desperation for the direct contact he’d been depriving her of.
“What is it, Princess?” He cooed, knowing exactly what to say to make her flush. His lopsided grin, accompanied by his lust-drunk eyes made for an expression that she couldn’t take her eyes off despite her embarrassment.
She bit her lip, hoping he wouldn’t actually make her say it but when he didn’t move and just stared at her with that arrogant look on his face, she knew he would.
“Use your words, Darling. What do you want me to do to you?” Sebastian cooed, tracing shapes on her thighs, his breath hitting her exposed cunt with every word.
“I.. I want you to..-” She paused and looked away, her inner modesty refusing to let her say such words. But she managed to say them, even if in a whisper. “-to eat me out.”
Sebastian chuckled, clearly enjoying her red cheeks and flustered expression. He would have asked her to repeat it louder, if only to tease her more but he decided she had done well enough. So he rewarded her. “Good girl.”
His appraisal filled her with warmth as she nearly purred. He quickly got to work leading chaste kisses from her inner thigh to her clit. And as he finally pressed his lips to the bud with full force, her hips reflexively tried to jerk up but once again, his hands kept her firmly in place.
“Now now~ Settle down,” he said promptly before licking a strong stripe up her folds. She shuddered and gripped his hair tighter, letting out a quiet moan. He pressed his tongue flat against her pussy lips before dipping it in as far as it would go. She tugged on his hair again, earning a deep groan into her pussy. Her legs squeezed around his head as the vibrations zapped her nerves. Sebastian had to pry her legs open to keep her from exploding his skull with the sheer strength of her thighs. He brought his hand up to her clit and rubbed harsh circles. Her hips jerked hard at the sudden stimulation as a whine escaped her throat. His fingers and tongue manage the intense pace as they quickly coax her to the edge.
“Sebastian! I’m so close-” Sunshine whispered through moans and Sebastian sped up his already dizzying pace. His other hand rounded and easily slipped two fingers in, finding and abusing her G-spot. Her moans turned into high pitched whimpers and whines as she’s thrown over the edge and plunged into an ocean of mind-numbing pleasure.
Sebastian’s fingers and tongue slowed but kept a steady pace to ride her through her high. When she opened her eyes, and her body stopped spasming from the intense orgasm, she tried to slow her quick and shallow breaths. She let out a hum of approval, as she finally lifted her head to look down at the boy still lapping at her liquids. Sebastian’s eyes flicker up to hers before pulling his face away from her sweet, sweet pussy. He licked his lips, smiling smugly as her juices dripped down his chin.
Sunshine returned the smile, hers more blissful than anything as he slithered up her body and pressed his wet fingers against her lips. She quirked a brow, hesitance written on her features before obediently opening her mouth when his gaze hardened. His fingers slid over her tongue, the taste of her own pussy an unfamiliar one as she cringed at the flavor. Sliding back and back until until his fingers hit her throat, her brows drew down, tears pricking her eyes as she willed herself not to gag.
Sebastian’s tongue swept across his lips at the sight, not missing the way her eyes flickered to his lips. His fingers pulled out of her mouth, leaving a string of saliva. He let out an amused huff before crashing his lips onto hers and plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moaned into him as his hands roamed her naked body, sending shivers down her spine. His hands made their way up her arms and locked with her hands in his hair. He managed to pry them off before pinning them above her head, holding both her wrists in one hand.
She gasped and pulled away from the kiss. She watched his hungry eyes as his free hand tugged off his tie and wrapped it tightly around her wrists, securing her arms in place. The view of his tousled hair, wrinkled clothes and the thin sheen of sweat on his skin was to much for her. She couldn’t stand having him right here, so close yet not close enough. She needed him inside her. And so she caved. She said the one sentence she has been so desperate to say.
“Sebastian.. Fuck me..”
Read part 2 here
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littlesakis-aubade · 8 months
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Day 17 - Prophecy
Breath of the Wild has a special place in my heart…
It was my birthday and I came home way past midnight after work. My family stayed up late to give me my birthday present together; a Nintendo Switch, and with it was this game TvT
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theforgottencrow · 13 hours
{ Killermare week Day Four }
{CW : Killermare Angst, Animal death, Mild blood}
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”Let that be a reminder to where your true priorities should lie, Killer.” -NM
———————————————————————Promts/Killermare week started by @voidzphere, and @funtime29nm
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(srry if i offended you guys w/ what i decided to do with the prompt TvT)
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duckwithablog · 1 year
hola!! i saw ur requests were open, and this is kinda my first time making one, so i’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense lmfao TvT
could i maybe request rise! leo with a gn! s/o who has one of those really wheezy, contagious laughs? i happen to laugh like that a lot, and my friends always tease me for it, so i thought it would make a really fluffy x reader idea lol
if you don’t wanna write this, it’s completely fine! have a great day/night :)
— 🍉
FINALLY trying to write again and let me first say that i am SO SORRY this was so late... I hope this makes up for the wait!
Rise Leo x Reader with a wheezy laugh
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Leo is already a pretty giggly guy
He loves to laugh and he loves to make other people laugh; it's kind of his thing
But man... Call it corny but out of everyone else, he loves hearing your laugh the most
Everytime you start laughing, best bet he follows suit
Like when you laugh, it's immediately followed up by his
He always side eyes you with this silly grin before he starts laughing along with you
Sometimes, you guys even laugh in sync! It's kind of impressive, actually-
Makes 10x more bad jokes when you're around in hopes one of them will make you laugh
You can tell he's doing it for you because he keeps glancing at you when he does it
Bro is not subtle at all HAHSAHS
Donnie is so sick of him. The villains are probably sick of him too, because of the amount of puns he keeps making in the middle of battle-
Even if you aren't there and he makes a pun, he'd pause and go
"Ooh, that was a nice one! Hey, you think Y/n would find that funny?"
He has entire file of puns inside his brain SPECIFICALLY to use when with you
Would affectionately tease you about your laugh
As in he'd call you the STUPIDEST nicknames ever
Stuff like "Squeaky chair" or "Dying dolphin" or "Tea kettle" or something equally as dumb
God he'd probably call you Wheezer. Like the band.
"It's the perfect nickname, what are you talking about? See, it's cuz your laugh is wheezy and I'm blue, and you know what else is Wheezy and blue?"
Leo just likes seeing you happy in general, honestly
Will always, always tell you how much he loves hearing your laugh
He is your own personal stand up comedian <33
Oof, it's been a while since I've written any ROTTMNT character... I hope I characterized Leo okay here! Again, so sorry for the long ass wait- I hope you like this!
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d34dlysinner · 7 months
Heyo, could I request WBH Raphael x fem reader?
Some relationships fluff headcanons would be lovely (of course only if you want). He is my favourite of the Angels and would love some content for him.
Thank you for writing for this fandom! We all appreciate it hehe! Have a lovely day/night/afternoon! 🥰
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Raphael headcanons:
He received demands to hate everyone, including you. But you have that something that makes it hard for him to hate you.
If you're interesting enough he would stick around you for long periods of time.
Started hanging out with you just to piss off some of his fellow angels, but later on, he realized that he struggled with hating you.
He would get annoyed if he started questioning why he can't hate you. It also annoys him if he gets more demands to hate you.
There are times when he'll avoid you. These are moments where he's annoyed at the demands he received or when he gets annoyed from questioning whether he hates you or not.
He would tease you just to see how you would react.
If he really cares about you A LOT. He would probably risk seeing you when you're asleep. Just to check if you were okay or not.
There are moments where he wants to see you drenched in angel blood. He just believes that you would look very good.
He would greet you by popping up out of nowhere. He then would either try to make you scared or angry. He thinks it's cute when your face scrunches up.
If he had to do any cute couple thing then you might have to plan the things, because he'll just go to kill off different beings with you watching him.
Doesn't mind a picnic date. He would even dare to lick off any crumbs that stick to the corner of your mouth.
He doesn't mind kissing you out of nowhere. Again just to see something entertaining. He also just likes kissing you.
If Gabriel or Michael tries to kill you he'll try something to make them stall.
He hopes 90% of the time to see a demon at your side when fellow angels pop up.
He wasn't caught dating you solely because the angels wouldn't believe that a seraphim that hates everything would keep you alive. NFSW IDEAS FOR RAPHAEL
He loves to eat off your body.
He loves to see you cry and get wet. The crying doesn't have to be from pain or fear. Pleasure is what he wants to give you.
He doesn't hesitate to put bite marks all over your body.
If you have a wound. Be prepared to see him aroused and angry at the same time.
He would love to tease you until you're a sobbing mess.
He's quite rough when he bangs you. He just doesn't always like it soft.
He loves to rest on your chest when he's done.
Since he's an angel and for as long as he has commands to kill you, he'll leave your side before you're awake. Or he'll leave soon after you've fallen asleep. Meeting him again will mean that he needs to randomly pop up again.
I hope I did your request some justice seeing how there's not that much info on him. TvT
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shimonerin · 3 months
Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
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Content: You and Iwaizumi walking home together and sharing a soda pop under the early evening sky
Tags: casual intimacy, slight pining, fluff, slice of life
Words: 1.4k
A/N: Was hoping i could write the scene more visually but alas im not that good TvT
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The sky was filled with a kaleidoscope of orange, violet, and pink hues mixing together in a perfect gradient sunset. You twisted the key into the knob, locking Seijoh’s court after another long practice. As the team’s manager, the coach entrusted you to lock after every practice, which means you have to stay behind until everyone’s done with whatever business they have inside.
It wasn’t ideal for you to go home so late but on the other hand, Iwaizumi’s presence seems to make your after-school journey less exhausting to the soul. Usually, you’d walk home with Oikawa as well but an emergency came up, and you’re left with his intimidating best friend.
Putting the keys back to one of the pockets in your bag, you turned to Iwaizumi with a small smile “You know you don’t have to wait for me.”
“It’s nothing.” He mumbled, simply staying quiet as he had his hands in his pockets “You ready to go?”
“Mhm-hm” You nodded with a hum, catching up to him as the two of you exited the school gates. The walk home was silent, with only the sounds of birds chirping and the wind blowing against your hair filling the space.
You purse your lips together, thoughts running inside your head and wondering why Iwaizumi is taking the time out of his day to walk with you, even when Oikawa’s not in the scene. You’d always assumed he only tags along because of him.
While you were lost in your thoughts and staring at the wide array of green land and villages just underneath, Hajime would glance over at you every once in a while. You looked…very pretty. Your hair was flying in the cool night’s breeze and your steps were so light, compared to his rather rugged ones.
“Are you done with the reading material?” You casually started the conversation, which made him jump a little bit in his skin. He wasn’t always so good with small talk.
“Uh, no…” He muttered, quickly averting his gaze from you and turned to face the ground “I’ll probably do it tomorrow. It’s not due for a bit anyways.” He says, rather dismissively, but you were used to it. Ever so cool and hot-headed at the same time, softer around you and rough with the others.
You nodded in understanding, tilting your head ever so slightly at him “Yeah? Well, you always seem to get it done one way or another so you don’t have to worry.” You say before lightly elbowing him at the arm in a playful way “If I don’t get it done tonight, I won’t have the energy to do it tomorrow. And the thought of having to cram that by morning sounds horrifying to me.”
Iwaizumi wore a small smirk on his face, looking you over quickly before turning his attention back to the road in front of him “At least you’re disciplined enough. That’ll get you far, you know?”
“I hope so.” You shrugged
He would stay silent again after that, not really sure what else to say. The both of you were always so awkward with each other sometimes, even when you’ve known each other for as long as Oikawa can talk.
You can hear the cicadas tick and the pale light emitted by the fireflies as you come across a vending machine near a fork on the road, stopping you in your tracks.
“Do you want anything from the vending machine?” He suddenly asked in a low voice, focusing on the way you were eyeing the vending machine. You purse your lips and nod as you try to fish out your wallet from the pockets of Seijoh’s university jacket “Yeah, I’m really thirsty.”
“Hold on…” Iwaizumi would reply before he slowly approached you and grabbed his wallet out of his own pockets. He’d look over the colorful variety of drinks inside and try to figure out what you were looking at “What do you want? I’ll get it for you.”
With his back turned towards you and leaning down to look through the options, you were thankful he wouldn’t be able to see the way your face heats up. You exclaimed, taking your place beside him “Hey, I didn’t tell you that you could do that! ”
He paused when you took your place beside him, a lump in his throat forming having you so close to him and giving him a chance to take a whiff of your lingering faint perfume. He grumbled out a response, his back was a little tense as he attempted to straighten it “Just let me get it for you.”
You looked at him with a slightly worried expression on your face “Are you sure?” You asked him, clutching the hem of your jacket against the cold wind.
He could feel his face softening for you before turning it into a small scowl, as if switching back to default once he feels himself slipping away “I said that I don’t mind! So, stop refusing, alright?” He’d scold you with his signature gruff in his voice. You were sure nothing could sway him so you sighed in defeat “Okay, okay. I’ll, uhm, I’ll get the strawberry soda.”
You pointed towards the light pink bottled drink on the fifth shelf. Iwaizumi scooted closer and pressed the buttons for you before hearing the whirring of the machine followed by the clanging of the soda drop on the compartment. He would open the can with a twist of his thumb and hand you your drink “Careful, it’s cold.”
You took the open can from him, your fingers grazing over his “Thank you so much.” You chuckled and looked up at him “Aren’t you getting one for yourself?”
He’d shake his head, escaping your eyes once more “No, I’m fine.” He wished he wasn’t as nonchalant with you as he thought he would be. But, God, he didn’t want to accidentally mess up. He’s not Oikawa, for fuck’s sake.
Your eyes shone like the small sparkling stars in the sky, your smile brighter than any street lamp in this small town. He’d have to catch himself from sighing and instead opted to clear his throat and leaned at the metal frame of the vending machine, looking away.
The fork on the road nearby is where you always split up after walking them home. Tonight, it doesn’t seem like the two of you have any plans of going there yet. The promise of staying within each other’s presence very much filled the air with tense anticipation.
Taking a large gulp of the fizzy pink drink, you heave out a sigh “It’s a crescent moon tonight.” Iwaizumi followed your gaze and noticed just how beautiful it looked. The clouds covering up parts of the moon gives it a rather mysterious charm to it.
It wasn’t as breathtaking as you, though. Somehow, someway, he’d feel himself gravitating towards you more. The way your eyes would adorably squint back at the moon because of your poor eyesight and maybe the way your hair would fall on your bare face.
How could you just stand there and look so…mesmerizing to him. You’re so oblivious to it and it’s annoying him.
“You should get going.” He broke the silence, walking you over to the fork on the road “Wouldn’t want you to miss dinner.”
You sway your hands over to him, shaking your head, your cheeks tinted with the palest pink flush “It’s fine, it’s fine. But, uh, yeah I think it’s getting a little late.”
Before waving you off like he always does, he turned his body towards yours and, unexpectedly, tousled your hair with a soft grunt. The contact ran a tingle up your spine and you found yourself holding your breath in his presence.
Iwaizumi couldn’t feel the words coming out as he wanted them to, feeling it stuck up in his throat. You were waiting and he’s making himself look like an idiot.
His words get stuck in his throat like a dying soda pop, bubbling with no resolution or release. His face burns and his heart starts beating quickly when you look at him like that but the words are just out of reach.
"I'll...I'll, uhm, see you tomorrow, I guess." He'd finally utter out, although in a rather choked up way. His flustered state had you chuckling to yourself but you dare not tease him about it.
"Alright, I'll see you too." You say, waving him off and walking away, but not before looking back with a smile "Can I buy you soda tomorrow?"
A small soft smirk plastered on his face.
"I'll take the blue raspberry one, then."
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