#They either die from horrible accidents or just... Pass away in their sleep
dearieshima · 1 year
Katsuki being ordered to be a bodyguard for you (a princess from a foreign country Katsuki can't remember) because your overbearing family allowed you to travel to Japan for the holidays 🥺
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owlbeanies · 3 years
AU In which the beta Trolls cheat In sgrub in order to avoid the jack situation and managed to shoot themselves back in time onto alternia. They get separated into multiple small groups.
Story follows mainly follows karkat and gamzee at first. This is well before murderstuck, and gamzee is useful for all of two seconds before getting horrendous sick from withdrawal. It might not be so bad if they had a reliable way of getting food and other resources(such as an alchemizer) but sadly they've found themselves in the middle of a city pre-second rebellion with not a penny to either of their names.
Karkat is stressed. He is very stressed. He has to find a way to provide for both of them in a matter a nights without also getting caught and dieing. He makes a smart decision to hide his sign, not because he realizes it puts him in danger, no, because he immediately decides the only course of action that makes sense is to turn to a life of crime(petty theft) and he doesn't want his crimes attached to his sign incase he has to sign-off on some legal bullshit later.
Gamzee is dieing. Not really he's okay 60% of the time and does what he can to help, but honestly the boy can't stand for 30 seconds without trying to throw up his guts. Gamzee pretty much serves as a decoy to throw off anyone looking for karkat. He is the least intimidating thing out there, but boy can he play up the "let me call my friends " card, which with his sign is terrifying enough to prevent any mildly inconvenienced person to ask questions.
At some point karkat runs into dualscar. Now he knows of dualscar through eridan, and he's a little freaked out at first but nothing comes of it so whatever. But then he keeps running into him. It might be partially his fault. Drunk people are really easy to rob and all the bars are a short walk from the docks so of course he's probably going to run into a couple of sea dwellers. Besides, he's only ever spoken 2 words to the fucker on accident and he doubts he was even noticed. As long as he keeps his distance he should be fine.
Gamzee’s getting a whole lot worse a whole lot faster, and karkat has pissed off the wrong person. He might have accidentally stolen from and subsequently injured a legislators' quad and now they need to flee town REAL fucking quick. Only problem being they don't have a map, and all the maps in town are the really fucking stupid ones that are far more complicated than they need to be for the sake of- what? Looking nice? Either way none of them are simple road maps and maybe if he had enough time to stare at them he could figure out where to go without getting lost, but time isn't something they have and gamzee knows how to read them quickly, so he packs the clown up and carries him to the map board. Gamzee can't see straight and even the small amount of light from the partially blocked moons manages to feel as if he just stared directly into the sun but boy does he try.
Dualscar meanwhile is sitting across the street in one of those face outdoor restaurant tables watching these two kids scramble to read a map. He downs whatever he's drinking and walks over because what in the fuck are they doing?
Karkat tells him to fuck off and mind his business.
He doesn't.
Gamzee figures out where they need to go and points.
They're offered a ride.
They both adamantly refuse because no absolutely not that is a horrible idea they will not be doing that ever. Then a legislator walks around a street corner in the background and they seriously consider it.
They both end up on the boat one way or the other, and not necessarily because they had a choice. Dualscar writes gamzee off as dead immediately and has him put with the other prisoners on the ship to be forgotten about. He doesnt know what he has and doesn't really care either. Karkat on the other hand is treated decently well. He got stuck doing basic bitch ship work, but hes fine. Any free time he has he spends taking care of gamzee who lost all coherence shortly after being picked up.
When they hit the docks karkat is paid for his time and told to run off now. Karkat is pleasantly surprised and is glad to be back on land, theres just one problem, wheres gamzee? Karkat is basically told "haha yeah no I'm keeping that one" and is no longer pleased. After one of many long winded and empty threats, he's then told the ships leaving in a week and he's free to join them again if he wishes.
Angry and alone karkat stops off into the new city.
He return, rather quickly at that, after spending everything he had on medicine and other essentials. Immediately he's back at Gamzee’s side. The ship sets sail again right on schedule and gamzee finally seems to be improving. It takes a few months for him to figure out how to stand on his own but once he gets it he's as hyperactive as ever to his own detriment. His balance is shot, and he's somehow clumsier than before. He keeps getting himself hurt and even worse than that, he's annoying the guards with his constant rambling. Karkat has on multiple occasions been sent down to shut him up for a few hours.
The second he's able to work, he's put to work and thank fuck that seems to shut him up. Any time they hit land they're both paid but only one of them is allowed to leave at any given time. It's stupid, it's annoying, they both know why it's done, and it's not like there's anything they can do about it. At least they're living better than they were.
Enviably karkat gets hurt. They get hit with a storm and karkat arm get pinch between two bits of metal. The injuries isn't terrible but it did rip off a decent amount of skin. Even in the heavy rain it's not possible to hide. While no one paid him any mind in the chaos once the storm had settled he's well aware of how royally fucked he is. Gamzee for the first time anyone has seen him is pissed. He's hyper aggressive towards anyone in his vicinity. The second karkat could be whisked away he boarded them in one of the sleeping quarters and threatens anyone who tries to open the door. It gets bad enough dualscar has to come in and swat at the both of them for being dumb. Karkats having a panic attack. Lil ol' gamzee who nearly breaks his neck 3 times a weak tripping over his own shoes is squaring up for a fight. There is no fight. No one cares about karkat. Infact they were keenly aware of karkat's blood the second they saw him all that time ago. Why do you think they fought so hard to keep hold of some random wrigglers? That boat is the safest place for them. When dual was asked why he’d help them at all if he knew, he just shrugged and said he owed someone a favor and keeping karkat alive was his way of repaying it.
Shit gets squared away. Sort of. The both of them are still extremely uncomfortable about the whole ordeal for months but not a thing comes out of it. Nothing bad at least. The two find themselves getting more comfortable on the ship. They start seeing the rest if the crew as friends and grow tight bonds with a lot of them.
Karkat, now freed from the constant nagging fear of getting found out, ends up far more bold than he otherwise would be. The rule stating only one is allowed to leave at a time is still there, but pushing his luck is his new favorite pass time.
Gamzee sustained numerous injuries from his sickness. Even sweeps later he still hasn't fully recovered. It's not obvious. He functions just fine on his own but one night he'd been out walking the town on his own and he ran across a group of subjugs. He's younger and smaller than the lot of them, not to mention a stranger, but they still invited him out for drinks and gossip. He goes, and hours later he returns safely, tipsy and a little high off whatever they were smoking, but safe. Dual take him out back to yell at him almost as soon as he returns. He's confused. He's gone drinking on his own before, and he's been out with karkat numerous times more, and never has he been screamed at for it. He takes offense. The only difference he can see is them being purple. They're family, his family, but that doesn't mean he'd run off with them. He'd never leave karkat behind, not ever would he dream of abandoning him. But that wasn't the problem. He put karkat in danger. He put the crew in danger. Is he really so deadpanned that he didn't think partying with the grand highblood and crew was a bad idea? Now Gamzee’s lost. When did he run into his ancestors? No one introduced themselves as such. He hadn't seen them. Didn't really see anyone actually, especially not the person wearing the same sign as him, embroidered fancily across their chest and down their arms.
Hes blind. For all he fought that label, stating he still saw shapes and colors, for the first time he had to admit it to someone. He begged him not to tell karkat. The last thing he wanted was to worry him. He was told he needed to, at some point, preferably soon, tell him himself. He left the conversation with a new rule placed on him for the time being. He's not allowed off the ship alone anymore.
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miserabull · 3 years
A very long meta-analysis on P2 Bad Grief
So, I've gone over every dialogue with this guy a few times, and there is some stuff I've never seen addressed before. This is a mix of analyzing and theory that have been in my head for a while, and I’d love to know if it all also makes sense to other people
The thing about Classic and P2 Grief, is that they are very different characters playing the same role. Who is Bad Grief? A thief, a kingpin of the town's criminal underbelly, and a smuggler working for Big Vlad. In P1, he's also a dangerous murderer who kills people for fun, but denies it, even claims that he kicks people out of his gang for daring to take up knives. Dude lies a lot. In fact, he maintains the lie up until the last route, the Changeling's, and then tries that on her too but ends up confessing. This is my very wordy way of saying that while I kinda agree with people who are like "he's not a violent murderer like P1 Grief", P1 Grief also claimed to not be one up to the last minute. I don't think they are making him a sadistic killer this time, yeah, but I'm pretty sure he's a liar, and that there's a darker secret. The game implies Grief keeps his cards close to his chest and there is more to him several times, like here, when you talk with Lara's reflection
Lara's Reflection: You see, she puts her stock in deeds and not in words. So Stakh was always close to her; for he would hear his heart, and act. A trait you share, Burakh.
Haruspex: And the most taciturn of us all, Bad Grief.
Lara's Reflection: He speaks so much yet does so much more.
or when Artemy confronts him at Aspity's Hospice:
Bad Grief: You heard about Rubin? Know why the Kin wants him dead? He's walkin' around all downcast, doesn't sleep. Says not to ask. Says it's safer like that. What's he done, I wonder? I wanted to ask Sahba, but maybe you know?
Haruspex: You're lying. That's not what you wanted to ask. I can tell.
Bad Grief: If I did lie, I wouldn't tell you the truth now anyway, would I? So back off. 
I'm not gonna go over the blowing-the-train tracks quest now, though I have some thoughts on it/what I think might be his plan there. For now it suffices to say that that whole thing is very odd, that his plan doesn't make sense(yeah, blowing up the tracks is a bad idea for his business. kinda meaningless though if the alternative is being hanged). That is to say, I'm pretty sure there's a hidden agenda there that we're probably only finding out in Changeling route.
So, what I mean is, if you think P2 Grief is harmless, or just a clown, or became a gang leader by accident, then, well. I think honey, you got a big storm comin'
A few more notes on Grief's character, and what I think of what we got so far:
-I believe the reflection(I have some thoughts about the nature of those too, actually lmao) is telling the truth, mostly. He is terrified, he doesn't want Artemy to think badly of him, he never wanted violence. P2 Grief is younger, more sympathetic, and very obviously more scared than his P1 counterpart. I don't think he's out there killing for fun. Still, I think he has a lot of blood on his hands anyway.
-I think his loyalty to his friends is sincere. He's kind of really big on companionship and loyalty, which fits, as a gang member. I really think that he wants to belong, to a gang, to a friend group, somewhere. Artemy mentions he's "always been weird" a couple of times, or stuff like "I knew you'd end up like this." and that thing with Lara's reflection... I think Grief was always a little bit on the margins, even in his own friend group, and that's why he made a place for himself as the leader of the misfits, of the people who don't fit what the town considers to be good society. I gotta get on with this because this is gonna be long enough without me rambling about every single thought and feeling I have about this bastard though
-He doesn't give away Stakh's hideout accidentally because he's goofy and dumb. He mentions more or less where it is like, three times. I think it's obvious that he's practically asking Artemy to go check on him, but he doesn't want to be a snitch, so he plays the fool like "Oooh no I gave you a hint, I sure hope you don't go looking for him now, don't ask me because I’d never tell!!". He's playing the clown, he's not that stupid
Okay, now we're getting to the heart of things. In P1, along with the reveal that he's actually a violent murderer who played another violent murderer(Barley) into taking the fall for his crimes, we get something else: he's working under the patronage and protection of Vlad Olgimsky. In P2, they put a lot more emphasis on that, Grief will tell you about it in the first AND second conversation you have. There is even a certain imagery associated with it... actually, allow me a quick digression here, I wanna go over some motifs around Grief. 
Grief is pretty into clockwork and gears, going by his choice of decoration for his Lair. The town itself is compared to a machine several times, by himself, by Big Vlad, and regarding how the Kains view it. I risk to say that the way Grief sees it is rather different from the Kains, at least at first.  For him it seems to be more of a blunt factory machine, while to the Kains...it means something else, more complex. Grief seems to have glimpsed what that is inside the Cathedral, near the end. That reminds me of something else, in the Diurnal End when Grief talks about how he used to be a clocksmith before, and now he's going to be "another kind of clocksmith", I don't think he's necessarily being literal in either case. Curiously, there's also a Clocksmith inside the Cathedral in Marble Nest...but I'm going off topic again
Bad Grief: Not a keeper of stores, but stories. This town, this great machine, the gears don't turn on their own, no, not till they're slick with secrets. 
But so, webs and puppets. We return to Vlad Olgimsky(old), who uses the metaphor of his “web”. There's also an important character in Grief's journey that is strongly associated with (spider)webs and strings, and that's Aglaya. The most notable time Grief himself refers to it though, I think, it's in the Theatre of Death, if you let him die:
“My path was not called 'The Spider'. No, think wider. It was 'The Silkworm'! The end of a railroad, I pulled strings firm; unaware someone more cunning pulled mine upstairs.”
So about that. He’s referring to the PTB right? Probably, but not only. A theme in Patho is like...these layers of manipulation. I’m gonna pass the mic to P1 Clara and Saburov for a second:
Alexander Saburov: Begin with the Olgimskys. That is the most important sin for me, and the least for him, for it is not his fault. So did Olgimsky protect his illicit trade? Did he benefit from it?
Changeling: He didn't just benefit; he presided over it. Grief was his stooge.
Alexander Saburov: Now then, we shall skip the issue of the barber gang, since it's clear now who their true mastermind was... thanks to your courage, my brave girl.
Changeling: Don't skip it just yet. Barley was as much of a puppet in Grief's hands as Grief himself was for Olgimsky. Everyone has their toys.”
Grief is a puppet in Vlad’s hands both in P1 and P2, as there he says he’s Vlads “eyes and ears” in the warehouses. In the Cathedral, he seems to more or less realize the extent of it, and how it goes against what he always wanted in the first place: to not be trapped by anything. 
Bad Grief: I used to be a thief, yet they made me a storekeeper. And what a perfect fit I made! I got my Warehouse kingdom, and with it, the insides of the Town's great machine. I kept Vlad's riches while havin' all I could dream of. Can't imagine a sweeter life.
Funnily enough, by that time he’s trapped in someone else’s web: Aglaya’s. That seems to be his thing, he thought he was in control and playing everyone, knowing all the secrets and pulling strings. In the end, he’s a Silkworm in the web of bigger fish. I mean, spiders.
Bad Grief: ...Yet they, too, are controlled by someone. Insane to think what kind of teeth you need for that.
But okay. Back to the start, I believe Grief has a lot of blood in his hands even before shit breaks loose. The things he seems to be most afraid of are also… interesting. This ties to his connection to Big Vlad, and the Kin.
Grief’s role in the payroll seems to be as a stool pigeon. He knows where everyone goes, what people are talking about, what they don’t want to become public. And he responds to Big Vlad. What I think is, hm, you know, even after Victoria passed it seems like the Kin and the Bull Enterprise never really defied Olgimsky, or had a leader in any way. Grief, too, seems to enjoy a pretty comfortable life for a gang leader. As an important piece to Vlad, he really doesn’t have that much to fear, since the guy “owns everything” and is very explicit to Artemy about how he can destroy anyone who doesn’t obey him. And probably has done that before. My guess is, Grief kept the machine working right by tattling, so no leadership or enemy to Vlad’s Enterprise could rise. I’d speculate that Vlad possibly paid the favor not only financially, but by maintaining Grief in that position. Basically, I think with Grief’s info, Vlad could eliminate any potential problem. That would mean that maybe without even having to shed blood himself there might be a lot of deaths Grief is responsible for, not to speak of the maintenance of that horrible system in the town. I think the route they are going for here is that Grief is a class traitor.
Why do I say that? Well, first let’s look at Grief’s relationship with the Kin: he’s remarkably close to them for a townie. Geographically, obviously, and also in the sense of living on the margins of society, but he also shares many of their superstitions, and seems to hold Aspity’s opinion in high regard(even calls her Sahba). I find it easy to believe that many of his men are part of the community as well, due to not being welcome in the town. At that time we see him in the Hospice though, and talking with the Kin people there, it’s pretty clear that they are planning some sort of uprising. That it’s imminent. Grief seems to know it. Seems to be absolutely terrified of that too, and to feel betrayed by Vlad.
Bad Grief: It's too late for me, Cub. I've only got one road ahead of me now. Perhaps the outbreak is for the best... Plagues are like fires, people forget old scores. And all hell will break loose here soon.
Haruspex: Any dark prophecies to share? You're the criminal mastermind here, after all.
Bad Grief: No need to prophesize. People fear hunger. Even honest workers will turn their hatchets and hammers to crime. Burglin' houses, lootin' corpses, guttin' each other. They will. Oh, they will.
Haruspex: Not all of them, Grief. Not all.
Bad Grief: The turf's so dry, you don't even need a match-a glare would start a fire. And when the Kin bares its teeth, that's when we'll all dance! They're slow on the start, but oh so fast on the draw! The Master likes them mute and obedient, but apathy makes them that way, not stupidity. They're only obedient till the time comes. And here it comes.
And the people who lose their jobs? They won't be too fond of staying home. They'll find new hobbies, like looking for food, or venting their anger. ...And Fat Vlad shut his facilities down the day before yesterday, didn't he? Crafty... Didn't whisper so much as a single word to me. Do you think he knew?
At the same time he seems to think that he deserves this, and it’s inevitable. “We reap what we sow”, paraphrasing him. He talks a few times about how there’s a vile beast inside each person in the town, about how they are all wretched and everything, including him, which I think might just be a way of coping like “yeah, I sold out, but anyone would do the same if they were in my place”. 
So, yeah. What I think is that Grief was a guy that had no power and money, with absolutely no perspective, who due to his very particular skills had an opportunity to climb up and took it(all while still getting to pretend he’s an outlaw, free from the chains of society!). And it’s...very bad. And he knows it’s very bad, and he’s not evil or sadistic, but he’s immature, cowardly, and desperately wants to be in control of his own destiny, and to not be alone, and all that. He’s still Artemy’s childhood buddy, a loyal friend, and someone who never really wanted to cause that much damage. He also knows that what he did is unjustifiable, and that no matter what he truly feels, the damage is done and he’s guilty of horrible shit.
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morganaspendragonss · 3 years
dealing in danger
for the wonderful erin's birthday!!! (@halsteadmarchs) this is literally nothing like your original prompt skdshjkl hence why i made it into a new post but i hope you like it!!!
i did however manage to include the dialogue prompt you requested! 40 - "Hasn't this addiction done enough damage already?" from the angst section of this list
title from can you hear me by anson seabra
ao3 | 1.9k | pre-series, drug addiction, overdose, questionable parenting decisions
TK is not supposed to be hearing this. Not that his parents have ever seemed to care about what he does or doesn’t hear; his entire childhood was spent listening to the harsh whispers that drifted through through the walls and doors of their apartment. He could tune them out, if he chose, but these days the arguments seem to increasingly be about him, and TK thinks he has a right to know about his own life.
Especially when so little of it seems to belong to him anymore.
He’s been living under lock and key ever since he fucked up and accidentally left his stash out in the open a week ago. It was a rookie mistake, but in his defense, he’d been pretty fucking high at the time. Granted, that defense hadn’t gone over particularly well with his mother, but TK thinks it’s a valid excuse. He’d woken up that morning to a pounding headache and a dry mouth and his parents waiting for him on the couch with several baggies of pills in front of them. He’d pretty much been dragged straight to the doctor’s, and he’d only managed to avoid a stint in rehab by some miracle.
Said miracle being, an impassioned plea to his dad and a promise that TK had no intention of keeping to play things by his rules. His mom had tried to object, but TK is an adult, more or less, and he lives with his dad anyway. She can hardly enforce something she’s not around to bear witness to.
Or, at least, that was the theory. In reality, his mom has been here most days, and at least three quarters of those days have featured an argument over their different approaches to this situation.
“You know it will end up worse for him if we force it!” his dad is saying, probably violently gesturing towards TK’s room.
“And if we don’t?” his mom demands, her tone matching his exactly. “Our son has clearly been doing this for long enough that he knows how to hide it from us; what makes you think that you can control it now when you’ve obviously failed to up until now?”
“Oh, that’s rich! TK has two parents, you know!”
“He lives under your roof! He probably did drugs right under your nose; maybe if you were ever home, you would have noticed!”
And so it goes.
It’s the same every time—his parents passing the blame back and forth, ultimately getting nowhere and only really serving to piss each other off more. TK is kind of tired of it, but it’s pretty much the only entertainment he gets these days, so.
He’s kind of just waiting for the day when they realise that things were better before. Back when he was at one friend or another’s house getting high and they never had to bother about keeping an eye on him. No-one could deny that those days had been happier, for all of them.
But, hey, it’s not as if they want TK’s opinion anyway. It’s only his life and all.
“Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?”
That’s new. TK sits up straight, ear practically pressed to the door to hear; his dad seems to have finally realised that he can hear their every word, and has adjusted his volume accordingly.
His mom seems just as lost. “What are you talking about, Owen?”
“Have you looked at our son recently?” There’s something hard in his dad’s voice that TK has never heard before, not even when they found out about the drugs, and it takes him aback. “He’s not well.”
“Which is why he needs to be in rehab—”
“Which is why he needs to be with us. Come on, Gwyn, you think this whole thing isn’t our fault?”
TK raises a brow. In reality, the drugs had probably only been a quarter about his parents, if that, but it’s classic Owen Strand to think that the world revolves around him.
“I know that.”
And classic Gwyneth Morgan to agree with him.
“We were never there for him, and now look where we are. You said it yourself—none of us even noticed that he was...what he was doing. It was an accident that we did find out. If we send him away for months, he’s not going to see it as us trying to help him; he’s going to see it as us not wanting to deal with him.
“TK looks bad now, but imagine what time there would do to him. His addiction has already hurt us all enough; now it’s time for us to start managing that. You know I’m right, Gwyn.”
There’s a long pause after his dad has finished speaking before his mother mumbles something that TK takes to be an agreement. He’s not listening now anyway, his father’s words on repeat in his mind.
Hasn’t this addiction done enough damage already?
He’s not well.
...hurt us all enough
He’s right. His dad is right.
TK has hurt his parents enough. And he’s pretty sure that his dad knows he’s already figuring out a plan to go back to the drugs; he’s just choosing to ignore it because he doesn’t want to believe it.
But there’s a simple solution to this, and TK doesn’t know why he didn’t see it before.
He’s the problem, so to fix it, he just needs to not be around.
So, that night, TK quietly steals the cash from his dad’s wallet, picks the lock on the apartment door, and creeps out into the night.
It’s pathetically easy to not be found if you don’t want to be. TK knows that by now his parents will have gone through every possible channel to find him, but he’s abandoned all his old haunts and used his dad’s money to get as far away from Manhattan as possible. He makes sure to keep outside of the 252’s service area, changes his name, and even buys some hair dye and new clothes to reduce the chances of him being recognised as fair as possible.
He has no money left by the time he feels safe, but that’s okay. There are other ways of paying for what he needs, after all.
TK survives almost two weeks in his new life. He steals food, grabs dropped money, and sleeps on the streets, or sometimes in a bed if that’s what his dealer of choice prefers for that night. It’s obviously nowhere near as comfortable as his old life was, but needs must, and TK knows how to adapt.
Anyway, at least he’s not trapped with his parents and their constant arguing anymore. At least he can get Oxy pretty much when he wants, in exchange for a quick fuck or two. And he knows that he can’t keep this up indefinitely. He knows that, sooner or later, his choices are going to catch up with him.
Thing is, TK gave up on old age a long time ago. Live fast, die young—that’s how it goes, right? It doesn’t sound so bad to him.
Or, it doesn’t, until his mistakes do finally find him again.
That night, he does his usual business, a baggie of pills for him, a blowjob for his dealer, and then it’s over. He’ll be on the streets tonight—apparently his dealer had ‘other matters’ to take care of—but TK doesn’t mind. It’s a balmy night, and alleyways can be surprisingly cosy if you know how to make them so.
Drugs, it turns out, work a treat.
TK doesn’t bother inspecting the pills as he tips them back, dry swallowing one after the other. Even if he had, it’s doubtful that he would have noticed anything off—and, later, he has to wonder if he would have cared if he had.
Slowly, the high begins to wash over him, and TK feels happy. He’s flying, but then it feels like something slams into him, and panic seizes his chest as he crashes back down to earth.
His body isn’t moving—TK can’t move—but he has this swooping sensation in his stomach and dread growing slowly in him. Something is horribly, horribly wrong, but his brain can’t think beyond helpcan’tbreathedyingDAD—
TK twitches and chokes, and then there’s no time for thinking anything as his head drops to his chest and his eyes fall shut.
Owen stares down at his son, lying comatose in a hospital bed. It’s only been two weeks since he fled the apartment, but already he looks so different, so much worse. Apart from the dyed hair and the streaks of grime on his face, it’s obvious that he’s lost a horrific amount of weight—weight TK could ill afford to lose.
There are deep purple bags under his eyes and his hair is limp and greasy to the touch. Nevertheless, Owen reaches out anyway, tangling his fingers in the strands as he prays for TK to open his eyes.
Worse, TK’s body is a patchwork of bruises and cuts, some in places that leave little doubt as to what he was doing to pay for the drugs. Owen feels sick to think about it, the idea of his 20-year old son out on the streets, doing...doing...that for something he thought he needed.
The doctors have told them that TK was lucky he was found when he was. Apparently, his dealer had fucked him over, given him much stronger drugs than TK normally took, causing him to overdose. On top of that, they’d been a bad batch, so TK wouldn’t have even had time to go looking for help if he’d known what was happening.
And there’s a thought niggling at Owen. He thought he knew his son, but looking at him now, he realises that he’s never been more wrong. Because Owen wonders whether or not TK would have gone for help if there was time, and he has no idea of the answer.
Heels click behind him, bringing him out of his thoughts. Owen knows what’s coming before Gwyn speaks, but he doesn’t try to stop her.
“Hasn’t this addiction don’t enough damage already?” she parrots, her tone cold and harsh.
Owen sighs. “Gwyn—”
“I accept my role in this, Owen,” she says, marching to stand on the other side of the bed, “but if you had just listened to me before then none of us would even be here. TK might not have been happy at rehab, but he wouldn’t be in a coma after almost dying either.”
“I know.”
“You know,” she scoffs. “Listen to me, Owen. We tried doing this your way, and look how it ended up. If—” Gwyn gasps and breaks off, sudden tears filling her eyes. She turns to look out the window for a moment, blinking hard, but she’s still not quite fully composed when she faces Owen again. “When he wakes up, we’re going to do what we should have done three weeks ago, and we are going to fix this.”
“I know,” Owen repeats, his voice a whisper. Gwyn seems startled by his ready acceptance, but Owen looks at TK’s pale, thin, bruised face, and he realises that a second chance is the last chance they’re going to get.
And he’s not going to lose his son.
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The Stroke of Midnight (Ethan Ramsey x f!MC)
Book/Pairing(s): Open Heart/ Dr. Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Dr. Abigail “Abby” Chacko)
Word Count: 2175
Summary: How would they get their New Year’s kiss if there are obstacles in their way?
Category: Angst with a happy ending
Warning(s): hospitalization (car accident, coma, fainting, depression, anxiety) kissing (ofc, it’s New Year’s Eve-)
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December 29th, 2020 (9:52 P.M.)
Abby loathed it. 
She loathed wearing those damn masks that made her suffocate. She loathed wearing at least three pieces of clothing, which got her all sweaty and sticky. Best of all, she loathed COVID-19. 
Damn every single human that doesn’t know how to social distance.
She got it. She knew how it felt to not spend time with her dear friends. She knew how it felt to not go to gorgeous beaches and get her tans. 
But this whole pandemic would be over if everyone followed the damn rules. People are acting as if they are seeing their families for the first time. Airplanes flying across the sky with every seat filled. Beaches filled with women in bikinis and men in shorts. Parties filled with people and alcohol. 
Abby is wholeheartedly done.
She recollected how Seb and Amma when they couldn’t come to Boston for the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations because of the fast-spreading virus. Even if she missed her family, she video-called them with Ethan, laughing and sharing joy with one another.
The moment of tranquility at that time inhabited her memories as more patients filled the ER, the moans and groans of pain settling in the overcrowded room. With a sigh, she got back to work, tending to them who may possibly have COVID. 
After placing one patient in the ventilator after she had trouble breathing, the junior resident went to the diagnostics room to take a break. It was depressing to call their families and tell them the heartbreaking words that their loved ones might not make it. And for a bonus point, during the holidays.
And it’s already depressing enough that Ethan hadn’t called her yet. He was supposed to here now; his shift was going to start in 5 minutes. Habitually, he got here early, either to finish paperwork or to start his rounds. The fact that he is not here know made her stomach feel wary.
She jolted at the beeping of her pager, signalling her to the ER room. I wasn’t even gone for five minutes.
Reluctantly, she went back down to the ER. She could see figures not far, and a bloodied man. Automatically, her thoughts went to calling his family about this accident. She hated heeding the cries coming out of their mouths, wishing she could do anything, anything, in her power to to save their loved one. But she prompted herself that she tried her full hardest.
Thrusting those thoughts aside, she rushed down to the patient. Suddenly, a pair of hands ceased her from taking another step forward. Naveen.
“Abby, don’t go down there,” Naveen said, worriedly. Huh?
Abby was confused and impatient. “What are you talking about? I’m a doctor. I can help him!”
Naveen replied in a hushed, soothing kind of tone. “There are other doctors there. They’ll tend to-”
Just then a paramedic came, someone the Chacko doesn’t know. “Patient is Ethan Ramsey, age-”
The world stopped. People annulled their motions. At least, that’s what she concluded. Her pulse, however, grew rapid. Her eyes widened. In horrible fear? In terrible anguish? In emotional pain? She doesn’t even know. 
“...Naveen? Please don’t tell me it’s who I think it is.”
“...I’m so sorry, Abigail. His car was hit by a truck and it rolled over a few times. He will be okay, I promise-”
But she’s not so certain. She wanted to slap herself. To cut herself, for ever thinking that. But even she took a look at Ethan. He’s covered in blood. She couldn’t even recognize him. 
Then, she said it louder.
 NO! NO! ETHAN! ETHAAAN! Let me go. LET ME GO! NAVEEN, LET ME GO!!” Abby struggled, trying to release herself from Naveen’s grip. He was maintaining a vice-like grip on her, murmuring soothing words that he will be alright.
But she couldn’t make out anything. The world was spiraling, and so was she. 
In one blink she fell onto the floor, her knees making an uncomfortable thud on the white tiles, and her vision went black.
December 30th, 2020 (10:06 A.M.)
The first thing she overheard was the beeping of a heart monitor. Next, she saw the IV going through her arm. She found out she was lying on an uncomfortable bed, sunlight streaming through the windows. Finally, she sees the Chief with an anxious face.
“Abigail! Ladoo, are you alright?” Naveen asked, concerned.
Only one word came out of her mouth. A name. “Ethan...”
She placed everything now. The bloodied body of Ethan Ramsey. Her true love. Unconscious. Unaware of any of her calls. She gasped out.
“Ethan! Naveen, where is Ethan? Where-”
Abby couldn’t breathe. She is suffocating. And she wasn’t even wearing one of those damn masks.
“Abby, deep breaths,” Naveen soothingly commanded.
She did as she was advised. Her breathing got normal, but her pulse didn’t.
“Naveen! Where is Ethan? Is he alright? Where-”
“Ladoo. Ethan is in the ICU, currently in a coma. He had a major surgery in his lung and chest. Thankfully, the surgeons stopped the blood loss. He had two broken ribs and a broken arm.”
Abby couldn’t get that first sentence out of her mind. “He’s... in a coma?”
The senior doctor sighed profoundly. “Yes, Abigail. We don’t know when he will wake up.”
We don’t know when he will wake up.
A tear spilled out of her eye, but she forced herself to swab it away. She will not break down. At least not now. Finally, she cared enough to question about herself.
“...What’s wrong with me?”
A sigh pulled out of Naveen’s mouth again. “You fainted after you had heard the news about Ethan. Your blood pressure increased. Fortunately, you’re fine now. I’ve informed Seb and Jazmin about this. They sensed you would be uncomfortable with talking about Ethan now, so they’ve decided to give you some space.”
She was appreciative. For having the best brother and mother. She treasured them. Too much. “I’ll shoot them a quick text message later. For now, I’m going to Ethan’s room. Where is he?”
“Please. I want to see him.”
With a defeated sigh, Naveen and a nurse aided her onto a plastic wheelchair, much to her annoyance. She could walk fine, she’s not paralyzed or anything.
Abby was wheeled down the familiar hospital hall as nurses and doctors kept sparing pitiful glances. She didn’t need pity. She needed Ethan.
She walked into the room, preparing herself for what she was going to see. She wasn’t prepared at all.
Ethan was wearing a hospital gown and looked exhausted. His eyes were closed and he looked calm. Peaceful. Tranquility.
Some of her friends were already there. Bryce, Sienna, Jackie, Elijah, Rafael. They knew Abby would want to see her love. Some of them whispered comforting words. Others patted her on the shoulder. They all left her, and soon, she was alone with her fiance.
She started. “Hi, Ethan. It’s me, Rookie.”
She looked at the calendar. December 30. 
“Two more days till this horrible year is over. Life always throws us curveballs, don’t they?”
She sighed. “Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. Couples are supposed to kiss each other at the stroke of midnight. I need to feel your lips on mine at midnight. Please.”
The tears she tried to hold fell out like a dam breaking. She broke out in sobs.
“Please, Ethan. I... I can’t live without you in this damn world. If you die, I die, Ethan. I die. Please. I wanna feel you lips on mine at midnight. We planned so much for the future. Please. We’re engaged. We’ll be married next year. We’re hoping to build a family. With Jenner, as our third wheel. Please wake up, wake up, wake up. I love you too damn much.”
She whispered the last sentence. She tangled his hand in hers and held them tight. He may be in a coma now, but she’ll sing a song for him now. 
The sun comes up It's a new day dawning It's time to sing your song again
She takes a deep breath to keep her voice from cracking. Whatever may pass And whatever lies before me Let me be singing When the evening comes
Bless The Lord, O my soul O my soul Worship his holy name Sing like never before O my soul I'll worship your holy name
She sighed. He didn’t move, but something told her that he will move soon. 
“Rest now, my love. I’ll be waiting for that kiss when you wake up.”
He didn’t wake up that day.
December 31st, 2020 (11:40 P.M.)
Abby was with him yesterday and planned to stay in his room the whole night, until Naveen discharged her and gently forced her into an on-call room. It’s amusing how he thinks the 22 years old would get any sleep. She wanted to be in Ethan’s comforting arms. Him stroking her musky brunette hair. Her wrapping her narrow arms around his waist. Sleeping under the brilliant moonlight. But now, the coma threatened to take away that lifelong dream.
It was 11:40 P.M. on New Year’s Eve, and Abby was still waiting for that midnight kiss. He promised he would kiss her at 12:00 A.M. He didn’t have any problems in doing that. If so, he would have told Abby. He didn’t have to go into a coma to hamper it. Abby would still love him.
Abby was looking at the wall, staring at it blankly as she clasped his hand and gave it a squeeze, hoping for it to jerk. And minutes later, it did.
The first jerk got her out of her train of thoughts. The second jerk made her look at his bruised face, hopeful for a holiday miracle. The third jerk made him slowly open his eyes, his familiar hand gently stroking her thumb as to figure out who is next to him. 
She gently fastened her eyes. Oh no, what if he loses his memory? It was a serious car accident after all. Stop it, Abby, Naveen didn’t mention a head injury. Oh no, what if he was lying? What if he was trying to make me feel better? What-
“Rookie...?” She looked back at her, only to observe Ethan staring intently at her, with a slight glimmer.
“Ethan...” She couldn’t hold back the tears this time. 
The ocean eyes lost glimmer and instead widened with evident alarm. “Abby, don’t cry. What happened?”
Abby released a tremulous breath, one that she barely knew she was holding. “A truck hit you car and it flipped a few times. You were in it. You had a major surgery in your lung and chest. The surgeons stopped your blood loss just in time. You have two broken ribs and a broken arm. And you were in a coma.”
If Ethan wasn’t alert before, then he definitely is after hearing her last statement. “I was in a coma? For how long?”
“Just for a day, luckily. It’s New Year’s Eve.”
She looked at her watch. 
“... 11:55 P.M.”
Ethan nodded his head slowly, before gently stroking her cheek to wipe away the salty droplets of water. “Rookie, don’t cry. I’m awake now, am I not?”
She broke. Again. 
“B-but, I th-thought you wouldn’t m-make it. I thought y-you would never w-wake up. I thought o-our future was de-destroyed. I thought I would ne-never see you bl-blue eyes again. I thought-”
She gave up saying the last sentence and the first sob came out. Ethan’s heart broke piece by piece before shattering. 
“Lie down with me.”
She was hesitant. “But w-what if I h-hurt you?”
“You won’t,” Ethan assured. “I want to hold you.”
Slowly, she got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and gently lied down with him. Her hand came around his waist, mindful of his injuries. Ethan’s hand went to the daily job of stroking her hair down. 
“I’m right here. Our dream will never be shattered as long as we have each other’s hearts. Even if I did die-”
“Ethan, stop-”
“No, Abigail, let me say this. Even if I did die, our hearts would be mended together. If you died, I would never love someone else again. You would be mine always, no matter what happens. My heart would belong to you and only you.”
Joyful and comforting tears obscured her vision. “I love you, Ethan.”
“I love you, too, Rookie. To the squares of infinity.”
Just then, they both heard the countdown. 11:59 P.M.
“Are you ready?” Ethan asked.
Abby smiled. “Hell yeah, I am.”
And their lips met at the stroke of midnight, fulfilling his promise.
“Happy New Year, Abigail.” The former attending said, a beautiful grin adoring his face.
“Happy New Year, Ethan.” Abby returned with the same grin.
As sleep was overtaking both of them with colorful fireworks decorating the night sky, Abby managed to ponder on one more thought.
Good riddance, 2020.
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notes: If you’ve made it this far, thank you!
notes 2: Happy New Year, and good riddance! Let’s all pray for a good year this time. I wrote this fic in one day, and I am pretty impressed of myself. But I thought I would give you one more fic as this year comes to a close. Forgive me if there were any spelling mistakes or grammar errors. Thanks for reading, and hope you enjoyed! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
tags: @missmiimiie @aylamwrites @starrystarrytrouble @udishaman @caseyvalentineramsey @queencarb @choicesstan1 @newcolonies @arcticrivers @angela8756 @takemyopenheart @rookie-ramsey @ohchoices​ @ohvamsey @ohramsey @natureblooms24 @drariellevalentine @maurine07 @lucy-268 @drakewalkerfantasy @i-bloody-love-drake-walker @gryffindordaughterofathena
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idjitlili · 4 years
Hey there, Mr blue sky
Thorin x reader
Summary:Imagine being apart of the company and accidently throwing a dagger only for it hit Thorin.
Word count: 2092
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IT was no lie that you felt immediately attracted to Thorin Oakenshield,when Gandalf had brought you to the prancing pony ,to meet the Dwarven king. However due to your luck ,he was a total jerkface straight away.  You knew your chances finding love was too good to be true ,so you hid those feelings,got on with the quest.
The company seemed to like you,apart from Thorin and partly Dwalin,you didn't expect any of them to like you,due to being a woman. Until Balin had explained to you that darrowdam,were rare ,hence making them overly protective of their woman. Which led them to be over you,you did need it ,you weren't a very skilled fighter.  The only reason Gandalf had forced you into this comapny was because apparently you needed get out of the house ,go on an adventure learn some people skills,this was a once in a life time ooportunity. So you joined ,even if Thorin did not like it.
Anways ,you became friends with Thorin's nephews,Fili and Kili pretty quickly ,and they had even offered to train you,with archery and daggers. ili would train you with daggers one day,then archery with KIli another,as the next day would be hand combat in which they both would do that with you.Over just a week you had gotten considerable better ,apparent. However throwing the daggers was not going well,that leads you to today,Fili had been incouraging you to hit the knot on a piece of fabric ,which was wrapped around the tree.
Unknowningly to you at this point Thorin had went into the forest to go for a wee ,you and Fili were also in the forest training. Throw ,after throw ,you failed to throw the dagger into the tree and for it stick into the wood. Fili had stood next to you,showing you how to do it another time,not willing to let you or him give up in you. "y/n ,just imagine its some you really want to stab,they have really bugged you, like when kili pushed you into that lake fully clothed," you knew exactly who to think of.
Thorin hadn't stopped biting at you,telling you piss home,bloody burden,damsel in distress, useless the list goes on.He really got on your nerves and words hurt ,clearly he didn't care.
He really should have thought of the effect of his words.
With Fili's words of advice ,you had launched the knife ,only for it go straight passed the tree ,landing embedded into something else. YOu had sighed in defeat ,as Fili had patted your back ,only to be interrupted by.
"AHHHH aHHH" you and Fili had looked at each other ,with looks of horror on your faces,you had hit someone..not another tree. You knew that voice..."Thorin?" you had questioned,"Don't you come over here! MY cock is out!" You didn-t listen ,you and Fili had rushed to Thorin who was 20 feet away! ONce you had reached him his cock was away thank god,but he had the dagger embedded into his shoulder. Blood soaking his tunic you had gasped,making him turn to you both with unimpressed look. "DArn y/n ,you couldn't hit a tree,but you managed to hit uncle,woah." you had coughed awkwardly,as Thorin stared daggers into you.
"You told me to think about someone who has really pissed me off I swear the valar heard me ,uh because yeah." you had tried to make a joke ,but you were completely serious,you did not mean for Thorin to get harmed,if anything it was his fault ,don't be a dickhead ,don't get karma.You had looked at Fili ,motioning your head for him to leave ,as Thorin been focusing on the knife in his shoulder,Fili had sent you a smile before leaving back to camp,you had rushed over to THorin.
"I'm so sorry Thorin,I was just trying to learn to defend myself,so that I wouldn't be such a burden to the company! I can barely get the dagger to stick in the bark,but no I fucking fucking get it stick into your shoulder,I never meant for it to-" he had interrupted ,as he pulled the dagger from his arm with ease,before placing his hands on your shoulders,looking deep into your e/c eyes,with his ocean ones.
"Y/n ,I am not dead ,It was an accident,you have no need to worry. However you need to work on your aim." you had slightly smiled at the king,"you really need to get Oin,to check that out ,you are bleeding everywhere." he had chuckled ,leading you back to camp.
He had felt more gulity than you ,he had understood what you said ,about him pissing you off,he didn't realise how you had took it to heart,he just didn't want the death of a young woman on his hands ,knowing this quest will most definitely cause harm. Bruh it just happened,poor Thorin's arm.
Soon enough Thorin was patched up,but then the teasing started ,mostly from Kili.
"Too bad you missed."
Yeah thats what the company heard,but in secret the brothers would tease you ,about your crush for their uncle,not that you would admit its true. On the walk to Rivendell ,in which only Gandalf knew ,they would purposely trip you up,or push you into Thorin.  However it horrible ,as you you pull them down with you ,it was just a mess. But they did catch you eventually ,only to fall down a hill,you got stratched to pieces.
Thorin had been at the front ,so naturally he had helped you up, and since you were beyond annoyed you had told Thorin that his nephews had caused your fall. You knew they would get in trouble,due to having Bilbo along with many of the dwarves as a witness. Thankfully Thorin hadn't gone to harsh on the boys ,but they knew what was done was wrong ,the damsel in distress act wasn't going to work.
Anyways soon you all ended up in Rivendell,your hair was a state ,sticks and muds all through ,due to your fall. Not to mention the hill was at least 80 feet and rocky ,so you were covered in cuts and brusies. You were all fed dinner by Lord Elrond,which you must of scoffed down,you had liked the elves,come on thet fed you food. After that you had been led to your room ,on a tour with the rest of the dwarves ,by Lindir ,the elf that had greeted you all at your arrival. The dwarves had refused rooms ,but you had accepted the offer almost instantly.
Soon as you had went in your room ,you began running a bath,whilst you had tried to brush your hair,you must've been trying for at least half an hour ,because you had stopped the bath ,hair brush stuck in your hair ,as your door knocked loudly. You had pulled the navy silk robe over your slip,tying it before rushing over to the door ,opening it to reveal,the dwarvish king.
"Thorin?" you had whispered after standing in the door way,as he stared at you,well your hair. You were surprised that he had turned up at your room.
"oh..I just came to check on you,that fall was harsh " thats literally all you said,you had opened the door ,to allow him in before shutting it. You had scoffed,"thats an understatement, have you seen what it caused?" you had pointed up to your hair,he had chuckled lightly,making his hair move slightly,shinning in the orange light from the sunset from your window. His hair was god damn sexy.
"would you want to brush it for you?" he had asked ,gently ,as you both stood in the middle of the floor ,not far from the door. You had nodded eagerly ,moving to sit on the edge of the bed facing the wall,so that Thorin could stand behind you. Surprisingly it didn't take him long at all to remove the brush,sticks and leaves ,before brushing gently at your tangled hair. His thick fingers ,gliding down the strands every so often ,making chills travel down your spine.  Soon enough he was down ,you had jumped over the bed hugging him ,only for him to grunt slightly as you knocked his shoulder,yet he had still wrapped his arms around your waist.
You quickly pulled away,when you had realised. "How is your shoulder?" you had questioned gulitily,he had just looked at you with the same scowl."I don't know,I didn't show Oin." he had stated simply,your eyes went wide,mostly in annoyance. "Take your tunic off now!" you had demanded ,raising your voice ,louder than ever ,bro you knew how that sounded,but you didn't want his wound to get infected and he to die from the infection. He had taken the tunic that match the colour of your robe off,in one swift motion,blood gapping down his arm ,and large dagger wound on his shoulder.
You had shoved in down on the bed,before running to the bathroom to get a wet flannel,and to your bag to get your sewing kit. He didn't have a second to protest as you were already on the bed next to his shoulder wiping away the dry and running blood ,how was he even alive? Before Thorin knew it you were stitching him up,like a tear in a pair of trousers. "For a king you are a bloody idiot," you scowled at Thorin ,who just sent you a smirk "yet ,you didn't go to Oin either ,did you?" as you finished the last stitch before wiping away the last of the blood.
"you are not sleeping outside in the cold ,your majesty,even if you are dickhead,you are going to bath,then you are going to sleep in that bed, whilst I bath ,then I will sleep on the other side,okay?" you had sassed ,pulling the king up and pushing him to the bathroom door,before going to sit on the bed and reading.
Finally when you were able bathe,wait you need to know how good Thorin had looked with wet hair,and a towel. Damn the candle light glittered a yellow light on the water driplets on thorin bare muscular chest. His hair curly ,flowing down his back like a cloak. "I snuck passed the company,and brought your clothes." you had pointed to the bag at the end of the bed,hung on the frame. "Thank you,the bath is almost refilled ,you should bath quick ,so you can get a good nights sleep." you had just sent a smile to Thorin,who's eyes softended at the sight of you,before you rushed to get clean.
You had gotten into bed in your large sleeping tunic and short underwear , a far distance from Thorin,who only wore the same. Only to wake laying literally on top of Thorin,who had his arms wrapped tightly around you ,his chin resting on the top of your head. You decided pretending to be asleep would have to do ,in hopes Thorin would just shove you off him,or something ,but what you wasn't expecting was him to kiss the top of your  hair.
In which in response to that you had sat up quickly straddling him,cupping his cheeks ,therefore leaning down to press your lips to his ,before pulling away to see the king blushing and smiling slightly. ONly to be interrupted by multiple knocks,you had mouthed to Thorin 'Hide under the bed.' indeed he did ,before you rushed over to the door ,opening it to see Kili and fili.
"Hey y/n, have you seen-"" don't you hey me so godsake ,you pushed me down the hill,trying to get Thorin to caught me,but guess what? It only caused me to bruise not only my breast ,but my bloody moose ," and with that you shut the door on Thorin's nephews.
Turning back to see Thorin,smirking from the floor.
"Just you wait until they start calling you auntie."
"dont you even."
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p-artsypants · 3 years
I Do...I Guess (7)
The Thunder Plains
The chapter name is a lie. The majority of the chapter still takes place in Guadosalam. :/
Ao3 | FF.net
Tidus couldn’t sleep. It had been a long, emotional, crazy busy day, and his brain just wouldn’t shut off. 
Kimahri and Wakka snoring wasn’t helping much either. 
Auron leaned against the wall, head braced up against his hand, braced on his knee. The man constantly bitched about people getting to bed early, but was he even sleeping? He couldn’t be comfortable. 
Tidus got up, and slipped his boots on, not even bothering to tie them properly. He was a little thirsty, and thought that maybe a little walk around the halls would clear his head enough to get back to bed. Maybe he could even find the kitchen.
As he opened the door to his room, he heard a squeak. He had almost smacked Yuna in the face with the door. 
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” He whispered. “What are you doing up? Can’t sleep either?”
She shook her head and held a finger to her lips. She grabbed his hand and pulled him further down the hall. “I’m investigating,” she confessed when they were alone.
“Investigating? Why? What?”
“In the Farplane, I lied. Lord Jyscal did say something to me, but I didn’t want everyone to know.”
“Are you going to let me in on the scoop?”
“Yes, and I need your help, please.” 
He nodded. 
“Lord Jyscal said he left something for me behind his portrait in the lobby.” 
“Really? For you?” He asked, perplexed. “Did you ever know him?”
“No, but I think he wanted someone trustworthy. Braska’s daughter, another Summoner, would probably be a good guess.” 
“Okay, what do you need me to do?”
“Come with me, and keep watch. I want to see what this is before any other Guado gets a hold of it. If he had to come to me in the Farplane, it’s obviously something he didn’t want to disclose on his deathbed.” 
Tidus frowned at that. “I hadn’t considered that. What could it be?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know.” 
“Should we be getting involved with it?”
Again, she shrugged, looking sheepish. “I’d feel guilty ignoring the wishes of a dead man. If he appeared, it’s obviously bothering him. Maybe this will give him closure.” 
“Okay, if you’re sure.” He scratched the back of his neck. “Don’t you want to tell the others?” 
She smiled at his concern. “You think Auron and Wakka will let me get involved in this?”
He scoffed. “‘This is a waste of time. This is a distraction.’” He impersonated Auron. 
“‘Oh this is Yevon matters, we shouldn’t get involved, ya?’” She pretended to be Wakka. 
“That’s a really good Wakka!”
“And you do a really good Auron!” She giggled. 
There was a creak from down the hall, the mansion settling in the night. No one was there, but it reminded them that they were out in the hall. 
“Let’s go!” She urged him down the hall to the lobby. 
A Guado guard stood outside of Seymour’s room, but there was no one else around. 
“Lady Yuna? Is everything okay?”
“She was thirsty,” Tidus provided. “Can you show her the way to the kitchen?”
Obviously the guard found them non-threatening and smiled at them. “I can get you a glass of water. Just wait here.” They followed him down the stairs, passed Jyscal’s portrait, and watched him go into the Parlor, where they had met Seymour earlier in the day. 
“Okay, keep watch,” Yuna said as she hurried to the portrait. With a little grunt, she admitted, “Actually, let’s trade places, it’s kind of heavy.” 
He swiftly took her place and lifted the portrait off the wall. Since the wall was made up of roots, there was a little alcove hidden, with a sphere, a rolled up piece of paper, and a signet ring. Not knowing what object he was supposed to grab, he swiped them all and stuffed them into his jacket. 
“I hear him coming!” Yuna whispered. 
Tidus fumbled with the portrait, trying to get it back on the wall. It was harder than it looked. 
“Here’s your water—“ The guard returned, and immediately spotted Tidus with the portrait. “Hey!” 
“I’m sorry! I knocked it off the wall by accident!” 
The guard handed the water to Yuna, and went to help. They hung the painting right, and the guard gave him an exasperated look. “Don’t touch the portraits!” 
“Sorry! I’m still half asleep, and so clumsy!” 
Still slightly annoyed, he looked at Yuna. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Lady Yuna?”
“No, that’s all. Thank you.” 
He nodded curtly, and resumed his post. 
“I think I need some air,” said Yuna to Tidus, loud enough for the guard to hear. “Will you escort me outside?” 
“Of course,” he held his arm out to her, and they left the mansion. 
Yuna led them to the Farplane, which had a deep and long enough hall that they could have a bit of privacy. It wasn’t ideal, but time was of the essence. 
“What did you find?” 
Tidus took out the three items. “I’m not sure which of these he referred to, so I just took them all?” 
“Alright, so a sphere, a ring, and…” she unrolled the paper. “A map of Spira.” 
Tidus looked over her shoulder. “What’s this?” He pointed at a tiny red X on the end of a string of islands. 
“That’s Al Bhed territory. I don’t know what that would be.” 
“Let’s remember it for later. Now, the ring?” 
“Not sure. Might be sentimental, or valuable. I don’t think it’s what he was alluding to.” 
“Okay, and then this sphere?” 
“Let’s watch it,” Yuna urged, with thinly veiled excitement. It seemed like she was getting a thrill from this mystery.  
Tidus set it on the ground and allowed the image to project. The scene was a room, Jyscal sat at his desk, facing away from the camera and a servant stood back, listening. 
“When I finish this recording, I will give it to you, Orlus. When I die, I want you to put it behind my portrait in the lobby. Tell no one, absolutely no one about it.” 
“You have my word, My Lord.” 
“After I pass, no matter how it happens, and this deed is complete, I want you to leave Guadosalam. I don’t care where you go, but for your own safety, and the safety of Spira, go.” 
“Yes my lord. But if I may speak freely, you’re certainly not that old. You’re in great health. Do you anticipate this happening soon?” 
“Yes. In fact, any day now.” He turned to face the sphere, and to talk to them.
Tidus paused the recording and pointed to a grid on the desk. “Hey wait, is that a calendar?” 
“Yes, and it’s dated to almost three weeks ago.” 
“And in Luca, the announcer said that Seymour became Maester a fortnight ago. Isn’t that two weeks?” 
She nodded.
 “To you who are watching this sphere. I don’t know who you are. But know I trust no one more with this information. What I am about to tell you is the absolute truth, on my honor as a Guado, and Maester of Yevon. I will leave this world soon, and if my hunches are correct, it will be at the hand of my own son, Seymour. Though this act is heinous, I can not fault him, for the world has not been kind to him or his mother. And I did not do my best to protect them. Seymour has become twisted, vile, and thirsts for violence. I fear that if he is not stopped, Spira will pay. If I am to die of natural causes, I will pass my signet ring onto my successor. But if I am to meet an early demise, the ring will be with this sphere. That is my proof that Seymour has done me in.” 
Tidus looked meaningfully at the ring in his hand. 
“During the recent talks with my son, I find myself doubting the truth of my wife’s demise as well. The map that you found is the temple to which Seymour and his mother were sequestered to. In the months following her death, I never could see her in the Farplane, and I fear something horrible had befallen her. Please, if you are watching this sphere, stop my son, by any means necessary. And if you can, please find out what happened to my wife.”
The sphere ended, and the couple stood in silence, staring at it. 
“Wow.” Said Tidus, without much else to say. What could he say? ‘You really dodged that bullet’? 
Yuna’s only answer was a sniff. He glanced at her to see her crying.  
“Oh Yuna…” 
“I’m so foolish,” She sobbed. “I thought…Seymour was a good and honorable man, that he only had my best interests at heart.” 
“You couldn’t have known—“ 
“But he’s a murderer! I would have signed my own death certificate with a marriage to him!” 
Tidus frowned. “Well, not necessarily, but it is worth investigating why he wanted to marry you. Because we both know he wasn’t in it for the peace and happiness of Spira.” 
Yuna clenched her eyes shut, trying not to cry more. “I was so stupid…” 
“No, no, stop that.” He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. He had disagreed with her decision to even consider the proposal. And everyone else had told her it was a bad idea. 
But Yuna was smart. She had her reasons, even though she wasn’t being completely honest about them. 
“Thank you,” she whispered, pecking his cheek before pulling out of the hug. “And thank you for not rubbing it in my face and saying, ‘I told you so’.” 
“Oh I wouldn’t do that…at least not to you.” 
She couldn’t help but giggle. 
“Let’s go back to the Farplane and talk to Jyscal. He can confirm what we saw in the sphere.” 
“Good idea! Would you hang onto the stuff we found?” 
“Of course, My Lady.” 
She blanched. “Could you not call me that? Seymour uses that all the time. It just feels…icky.” 
“I totally understand, My Dearest.” 
Yuna smiled at that. “Thank you.” She took his hand and led him back into the Farplane, where they had been earlier in the day. 
At this time of night, or morning now, the platform was completely empty. Even the guard at the door was gone. 
Yuna took her place at the podium, Tidus by her side, and rested her hand in the sphere. 
Her abundance of people appeared again, and she glanced over them all. 
She grimaced. 
“What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t see him.” 
“Can you like, call out to him? Maybe he’s up there somewhere.” 
She closed her eyes and focused, and all the other figures faded away. 
“He’s not there,” she lamented. 
“Why not? He was here earlier. Unless he doesn’t want to talk to us…?” 
She turned to look at him, pale and fearful. “I fear something worse than that. I think he left the Farplane.” 
Tidus’ eyes widened. “You can do that?” 
“Not that I know of for certain. There’s old wives tales and ghost stories that might hold some truth. But Lord Jyscal did not look well, even in death. And he didn’t have a clean death. I fear Seymour never sent him, and he was only in the Farplane to contact someone.” 
“Of course Seymour wouldn’t send him. Then he couldn’t tell anyone about his murder. So, where did he go?” 
“I don’t know, but…he’s probably a fiend somewhere.” 
“A Maester in life, and a fiend in death. That’s…that’s worse than murder. We have to stop him. Somehow.” 
Yuna looked at Tidus’ jacket pocket, where she had seen him stash the movie sphere away in. “Jyscal said to stop him by any means possible. Do you think…we’ll have to fight him?” 
“Fine by me. Let’s fight him, and kill him and not send him, then he can be a fiend and suffer like his father is.” Tidus had never met Lord Jyscal, but by the bitterness in his voice, you’d think he cared a lot about him. 
The thing was, Tidus was a victim in a cruel father-son relationship. And for a father to finally be the victim and the son the villain…well, it made his stomach churn. 
“For now,” he placed a hand on the small of her back. “Let’s get back to the mansion, and get some sleep. We can’t do anything tonight.” 
“You’re right, of course. I’m glad I can share a room with Rikku and Lulu, but…” 
“I know. I wish I was there too.” He turned his back to her and started walking back. 
But Yuna crashed into him from behind, wrapping her arms around his waist. 
“It shouldn’t have been surprising,” she began. “Every time I spoke with Seymour, I would get this sinking feeling in my gut. Remember before operation Mi’ihen? I told you I had this sense of dread that something was going to go wrong.” 
“I remember,” he rested a hand on top of hers. 
“I had the same feeling with Seymour. I just didn’t understand why. I thought maybe…maybe if I didn’t go along with whatever he wanted, something bad would happen.” 
“Like what? What could he do?” 
“I thought maybe, he’d find a way to end my pilgrimage.” 
“Could he really do that?” 
“He can’t forbid me, but he could ban me from the temples, or convince Wakka and Lulu to force me to stop, or have me imprisoned or—“ 
“You’ve been worrying about this for a while.” He noted. 
She hugged him tighter, burying her face between his shoulder blades. 
“If it bothered you so much, why didn’t you say anything?” 
“They wouldn’t have taken me seriously. They didn’t take you seriously, so…” 
He scoffed. “Yeah, but Yuna, I’m not from Spira. I’m not beholden to Yevon. And I’m a guy. Any weird feelings I get, are automatically going to be written off as jealousy. And it was.”
She curled her fingers in his clothes. “I don’t always feel like I’m being listened to.” 
“I feel like…the others listen to me, because I’m the summoner, and they're supposed to do what I ask. But I feel like…they discount what I say because I’m so young.  It was like that the whole time I was training. ‘Are you sure? Are you sure?’ Everyday for ten years, they made me feel like…like I wasn’t thinking right.” 
“You feel like they agree with you, because they have to, not because they understand and really agree?” 
“Yes!” She threw her arms up in frustration. Meek little Yuna seemed to explode in anger as she paced the platform. Tidus cautiously turned to face her. “I know that I don’t know everything, but the least they could do is give me the benefit of a doubt!” 
“I’m sorry you feel that way.” 
She paled immediately and started to backpedal. “Not you though! You always listen to me. I feel like I can tell you anything and you really listen to what I’m saying. I appreciate that about you.” 
“Of course I listen to you. You’re the most interesting and wisest person I know.” 
She blushed. “Thank you.”
“At any rate, thank you for explaining things to me a bit more. I understand what you were thinking. I’m not upset anymore.” 
She breathed a sigh of relief and rested a hand on her chest. “Thank goodness.”
“Now,” he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s get to bed. If we’re tired in the morning, Auron will give us crap for it.” 
She giggled. “We better go right to sleep then!” 
As they walked back to the manor, a thought struck Tidus. 
“Hey, we had our first fight! It’s like we’re a real married couple!”
“My parents never fought.” Yuna argued back. 
“Do you want to go back and ask them? I’m sure they did, just in private.” 
“That would be something they’d hide from us.” 
She looked away from him quickly. “Oh…I didn’t mean to say that. I…had a brother.” 
“What happened?” He winced. “If I can ask. I haven’t heard anyone mention him before.”
“He died with my mother. They were on a ship to visit family on Bikanel Island. Sin attacked, and the boat sank. Only one man survived, and that’s how we know what happened.”
“But he wasn’t with your parents in the Farplane? Or was he older and I just didn’t see him?” 
She shook her head. “The boat sank. There were no summoners to do a sending. My mother must have accepted death, but Talcott…he’s probably a fiend out in the ocean.” She made her lips into a thin line. “It would be best if you didn’t tell anyone about this. Lulu and Wakka don’t know.” 
“Why? You and your father are so famous. Why doesn’t anyone know that your mother is Al Bhed? Why is your brother just…gone?”
“He looked more Al Bhed than me. He also had one blue eye, and one green. But his hair was blonde like Rikku. We were both so little, I barely remember him. But…you know Yevon and the Al Bhed.” 
“So they just pretend that part of you doesn’t exist?”
“Basically. They knew that my father married an Al Bhed. He was never given any fanfare at the temples, and was often harassed. His journey must have been the hardest.”
“But he’s beloved now.”
“He wouldn’t be, if it was public knowledge. You heard what he said, ‘when she defeats Sin, anything you did wrong will be overlooked.’”
“That’s stupid and unfair.” 
“For now. But when I beat Sin, I want you to tell everyone that I’m half Al Bhed. An Al Bhed became a Summoner and killed Sin. That’ll show them!” She beamed. 
“Me? You think they’ll listen to me?” 
“The Husband of the High Summoner? You’ll be living in the lap of luxury. You’ll be interviewed for books and spheres…everyone will want to hear you tell the story.”
“And what will you be doing?” 
She was quiet for a while, her hands clasped behind her back. Then, with a coy smile, she turned to glance at him. “I’ll be sleeping. After all, I’m going to be the one doing all the work.”
He smiled right back, “okay, Wise Guy. And I bet you expect me to carry you all the way back to Besaid.”
“I’d prefer a bridal carry over piggy back.”
He scoffed. “Then I better get to work practicing my deadlift!”
In the morning, the horrible storm had passed. Now only the regular rain and lighting remained in the Thunder Plains. 
After a light breakfast, the group packed up and departed from Guadosalam. 
Only to hesitate at the exit. 
Well, only one party member hesitated. 
“Do we have to go through here?” Asked Rikku, curled in on herself. “Can’t we go around?” 
“Going around the Thunder Plains would add a week or more to the journey,” said Auron, coldly. “We go forward.” 
“What if…I went around? And met up with you guys later?” 
Tidus patted her back. “Come on, Rikku. You can’t be afraid of a little thunder.” 
A flash of lightning shot across the sky, and Rikku literally jumped in the air and scrambled up on Kimahri. “I’m not scared of the thunder! I’m scared of the lightning!” 
“There’s no reason to be, if we move quickly,” Auron assured. “Lingering on the flat plain is what will do us in.” 
Rikku pouted. 
“Let’s go.” 
There wasn’t much opportunity for chit chat on the plains. They were moving quickly, and thunder almost constantly rumbled above. 
Finally, they reached the halfway point where there was an Al Bhed rest stop. 
Rikku begged for sanctuary, pitifully. 
“No. It’s a waste of time. There will always be thunder. It’s not going to subside.” 
“Please? Just 15 minutes. Just to calm down?" 
Auron was about to put his foot down and leave her behind, when Yuna declared, “actually. I could use a break as well.” 
Auron huffed, but stalked towards the door. “Fine. 15 minutes!” 
Inside, Yuna went to the counter and asked for a room. 
“Yuna?” Asked Lulu. 
“I just need a minute,” she responded, with a slight smile. 
“I’ll uh…I’ll stand watch.” Tidus announced as he followed her into the hall where the rooms were. 
“Are you okay?” He asked. 
“Yes. Just thinking.” She closed and locked the door behind him. “Can I see Jyscal’s sphere, please?” 
He took it out. “Why? Did you think of something?” 
She set it on the floor and watched it. Then rewound it and played it again.
“Can I ask what’s on your mind?” He tried again. Usually Yuna was pretty easy to read, but this whole situation with Seymour and Jyscal had thrown him for a loop. 
“I’m just…wondering. Lord Jyscal was a true devout of Yevon. He brought the faith to the Guado. I don’t think he would have been as successful if he didn’t truly believe.” 
“And…he asks us to stop Seymour any way possible.” 
“Because Seymour is a murderer. That’s pretty definitive.” 
“Right, but…why didn’t he tell us to take this sphere to Maester Mika? Why leave Seymour’s fate in our hands? Why not let the church deal with him?” 
Tidus didn’t have an answer for her, but by the way she clasped her hands under her mouth, he feared she had come to her own conclusion, and it wasn’t good.
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Yamata-no-Orochi (Part 3) Betrayal
*kicks the legs out from under the table, one by one*
You’d been stuck for hours. It was extremely late but you couldn’t sleep. Caesar and Chu Zihang drove in circles before finally parking in an alley to wait. At first, it was all emergency vehicles -- Police, Fire, and EMS -- then there were many reporter trucks with satellites mushrooming from their roofs.
After that, the streets got very quiet and occasionally you spotted dark sedans driving far below the speed limit, like sharks on the hunt. Hydra was looking for Mingfei and Erii.
You lay in the back seat to keep hidden. You were still in your silver Cheongsam and heels. You stared holes in the back of the driver's seat and listened to the radio. Seventy six people were dead. Only a single person was injured. They were painting it as some wild street race gone wrong. People were describing fiery debris. Bodies, some of them in various degrees of dismemberment, were strewn all over the street. It would take days to recreate the scene. One of the things the reporters quickly picked up on was the lack of wounded. How could a car accident be so catastrophically fatal?
But the noise of the radio faded away in your mind. Instead you were remembering when you first saw Z. It wasn’t in real life. You first saw him in your dreams. When you were hurt or frightened by the nursery staff, Z would appear and ask you what you would like to happen to those people. If they stuck you with needles you would say, “I wish they would be stuck by a million needles.” And then watch as they were stuck, screaming and crying in pain, just like you were.
Or if you were beaten by the nurses, something horrible and perverse would happen to them in your dreams. Like one round nurse would swell up so big and red you could see her veins through her transparent skin and wherever you popped her she would bleed.
When you first saw Z in real life, it was the special day when you graduated from the preschool section to the adolescent section and started to use your soul skills in experiments. He stood tall and proud, his bright red-gold eyes gleaming at you. He smiled at you, a warm smile like he was the king and he could have picked anyone in the world but he picked you. That smile was a gift that beckoned you to run towards him. You thought it was a dream. But he opened his arms and hugged you.
In the back of the car, tears fell at the memory. You’d never been hugged before. Ever. A warmth spread from his arms and his body and filled you. It made you bright. It opened your mind and heart and let him in completely, without reservations. After that he was your best friend. Between him, you and Renata, you felt privileged, you learned quickly how to navigate your dangerous world and soon you were the oldest and most successful hybrids there. You were sure to go to the capital.
It was only at Anton’s death that Z showed you the truth, but he didn’t help you survive Black Swan overtly. You still had to watch your friends die. You assumed Z died too. He never reappeared in your dreams again until you nearly died in Chizuru and then you were so happy to see him again. But your relationship changed into something far more intimate. You didn’t know if you were ready for something like that. But he certainly did.
At least he never lied. He never explicitly said he loved you. He didn’t even say you could love him either. He said you didn’t know any better. Of course you didn’t. He’d groomed you since you were a child.
Remembering that made it hurt all the worse. A great shadow has fallen over your past. Now you had no happy moments to reflect on with Z. Everything was full of crevasses that hid questions and doubts. Like the boulders that would forever separate Izanami and Izanagi from each other in the underworld, you and Z were now irreconcilable.
“I haven’t seen a patrol in the past 15 minutes. Think we’re clear?” Chu Zihang asked.
“How the hell should I know? We take a risk if we wait 15 minutes or an hour.” Caesar responded. “You okay back there MC?”
You look up at him, his blue eyes reflected in the rearview mirror. “I’m pissed.” you growl.
“I bet you are.”
There was more to be said but now was not the right time.
You end up making it a room across from the hotel where Erii was staying. Lu Mingfei was waiting for you there.
Mingfei cracked open the door and then let you in.
“Take off your clothes!” Caesar said coldly.
His voice was so sharp and harsh that Lu Mingfei immediately did so, removing his shirt.
When Mingfei unbuckled his belt, Caesar snapped. “Keep your pants on… turn around.”
“Oh, you were so serious I thought I had to take off all my clothes.” Lu Mingfei said.
Chu Zihang and Caesar curiously admired the dense lines of scars on Lu Mingfei’s back. They were so numerous that you could not find a single unmarked spot on him. It was like he had endured a beating of a thousand strokes or had rolled over a bed of knives. Even Caesar and Chu Zihang were stunned speechless.
“Are you done looking? I’m kinda cold.” Mingfei peeked over and startled at the sight of you. “Ah! You didn’t tell me MC was here!”
“She doesn’t care, stop wiggling!” Caesar hummed. “Incredible self-healing ability. A trauma of this magnitude would take at least 3 weeks to heal even at a top-notch medical center. But only eight hours have passed since you were attacked. You should have bled to death on the spot.”
“That’s because the wound began to heal itself the moment he was injured. The blood vessels stopped bleeding on their own, so the blood was locked in the body. The cells filled in the wound by a high rate of division. Even the ruptured tendons were repaired.” Chu Zihang said. “This self-healing ability surprasses that of Chisei Gen and MC.”
Could this be why the principal rated him as S-rank?” Caesar mused. “If he always had this ability, wouldn’t he make the perfect meat shield? If we have another gunfight with someone, we can send him in front of us to Main Tank the damage while we lay down suppressive fire!”
“The so-called lack-of-childhood must have been an act, then? Boss, you’re so familiar with the term ‘main tank’. What do you play? Warcraft or Warhammer? Anyways, shut up about that, we’ve got a bigger problem!”
“We already know, even if you didn’t come to us, we came to you. Every news channel is broadcasting what happened last night.” Caesar grabbed the remote from the chair and turned on the TV.
You already knew the story, so you don’t bother watching it again. Something else was bothering you. Caesar said she was 21, and was staying at a love hotel, but he also said she was wrapped around his finger. Didn’t Caesar say that he was hoping for Erii to fall in love with Mingfei? The whole idea suddenly made your skin crawl!
“Caesar. Is it alright if I go to the bathroom?”
“Huh?” Caesar looked up from the TV. “Yeah sure whatever.”
You walk inside and shut the door and get as far away from the door as you can and lean against the wall. You cross your arms, your nails biting into your biceps. You understood that Erii was potentially dangerous and that was evident today. But all you could think of was Z’s gentle hug, his indulging in your punishment fantasies, the play time and the jokes. It was all fun until it wasn’t. You recall the souvenir Mingfei got from her after she rescued him, a little duck bath toy. You’d tteased him for playing with it. Mingfei said he would never bathe with a duck.
He wasn’t that much of a kid.
Fire like a kiln blazed in your stomach. This was the person Mingfei had wrapped around his little finger? As Caesar had so blithely put it? You flush the toilet and pretend to wash your hands and open the door.
The boys were already moving on, talking about something else.
Caesar was standing next to Mingfei and handing him a card. “Meet at Pier 7 in Tokyo Harbor. The address is written on this.”
“What if she loses control while on the ship?” Lu Mingfei looked frightened.
Caesar handed him a box of medication encased in a glass vial to Lu Mingfei: “Isoproterenol, a strong anesthetic. Give her this medication. It will reduce her vital signs to a minimum and she will sleep until she gets to China. Give her some glucose half way through the trip.”
“But she’s very weak now!” Lu Mingfei raised his voice. “Injecting a very weak person with a strong anesthetic and only living on glucose for seven days? What if she dies?”
Caesar patted his shoulder: “We don't want her to die either, but this is the most feasible way to deal with it right now. She is a deadly weapon that could get out of control at any moment. And we can neither continue to hold this dangerous weapon nor return her to the Hydra, so the only way to do that is to send her out of Japan. It would take a bit of a risk, but it would get her out of Tokyo, the center of controversy. She’s the strangest hybrid we know of, perhaps related to the awakening of the White King. And with her gone, it would be the equivalent of a dangerous element being removed.”
Wait a minute. This didn’t sound like Caesar. The way Caesar was talking about her to Mingfei was not the way he talked about her to you. The way he talked to you was that she was a beautiful girl and that hoped Lu Mingfei and the Uesugi Clan Chief would get together!
Mingfei seemed convinced by this however.
Chu Zihang spoke up. “Caesar and I have discussed this before we came. And this is the only way. Find an excuse to take her out and bring her to the dock tomorrow at exactly four in the morning. She trusts you and should agree to board the ship with you.”
Chu Zihang’s words were like a bomb going off. “Uh… excuse me!” You say.
“What is it?” Caesar asked, his voice slightly dismissive.
“Why don’t you just tell her the truth?” Your face was awash in indignant confusion.
“What? Are you kidding?” Mingfei squeaked.
“No, I’m not kidding! Caesar just said,  ‘make up an excuse’. You’re going to lie to her!” You lower your voice to a whisper but point sharply at the hotel across the street. “Do you think she’s stupid?! When she finds out that you’re lying, she will go absolutely nuts!”
“MC.” Caesar took a breath. “MC… I know how you feel but now is really not the time.”
“No, you’re being cruel. Mingfei, you should know better!” You snarl. “You are her only friend, her only one! You are under an obligation to be upfront with her or else you’re no better than Herzog! You should know better. All of you should know better!”
“Hey…” Caesar growled, his eyes darkening. “This is completely different. Don’t compare me to that asshole.”
“What if she loses it? You don’t know if she can handle that sort of information. She’s extremely mentally unstable!” Mingfei whimpered.
“There is nothing more destabilizing than being betrayed by the people you trust.” You stare at  Caesar accusingly. “After all this time, after all you know about me. You turn around and pull this?” You take a shaking breath. “She is a child.”
The room descended into an uneasy silence and no one moved or spoke. The only sound was the continuous rain on the window and the rumble of distant thunder.
“That’s your plan? Tell her the truth. Are you going to take responsibility for her going on a rampage after she hears that she’s dying? Not everyone is that strong, MC.” Caesar was completely expressionless. He only got this way when he was upset.
You take a breath and let it out. You start to speak and nothing comes. You shake your head, struggling. “The man who told me I was dying was the man who loved me.” 
You turn away and leave the room to regain control of yourself.
A few moments later, Chu Zihang exited with a box of tissues but he quickly saw it wasn’t needed. You were just staring blankly at the wall in the hall. 
“Caesar has decided to let you go. He wants you to stay with Mingfei tonight and go with them to the docks tomorrow. Take the ship to China with them.”
“What’s stopping me from telling her the truth on the way there?”
“Mingfei will drug both of you.” Chu Zihang said.
You turn to look at him and then immediately turn away, your heart sinking. “He views me the same way. So much for the ‘I'm not Godzilla’ speech huh?”
“Things aren’t always black and white. A lot has happened. You’re in obvious danger from something we don’t understand. You may not realize it but your mental state is not the same as when you arrived.” Chu Zihang’s voice was soft, barely above a whisper. “Your mind is going too.”
You just shake your head. “All I hear are excuses. Excuses for him to be a hypocrite.”
Chu Zihang sighed, and you see for a moment how tired he was.. “You don’t have any say in the matter. The decision is unanimous, not only between me and him, but also Lu Mingfei.” 
You drop your arms from your chest, limply.
He looked down at you, his eyes cold. “If you defy the orders, I won’t hold back. From your training you should understand what I mean.”
The door opened and Caesar walked out. “Alright, let’s go Chu.” He paused next to you, his eyes cloudy. “I care about you. I really do. But there’s too much you just don’t understand. We’ll talk about getting you back to Japan once this is all over.”
You look up at him and shake your head. “The key to my survival is in Tokyo. If I leave, you won’t see me again..
He reaches out to hug you and you let him. You take a deep breath of the smell of his shirt which still smelled of those fine Cubans. It might be the last time. He really did believe what he was doing was the right thing even though it directly contradicted what he said before. 
“Don’t say goodbye. I’ll see you later.” Caesar said. “Keep an eye out on the two love birds.”
He walked away and didn’t bother looking back.
You return to the room with Lu Mingfei and sigh. “What a mess.”
He laughed but there was no humor in it.. “Yeah no kidding.” He was holding a modified pistol in his hand, one of Caesar’s Desert Eagles!
“What… are you doing with that?” You shiver violently. 
“If she gets out of control, I will have to shoot her. The bullet inside is specially made to be completely lethal. Even to dragons.” He mumbled. His eyes were dark pools and you couldn’t read the emotion in them. “If, for some reason that doesn’t work, you’re to finish her off.”
“Will you use that against me too?”
After a long silence he continued. “Turns out we actually are going to be at war this whole time. Me and Erii were never going to happen. You and I were never going to happen. I tend towards being a human. You and Erii tend towards the dragon side. If we go to battle, we have to use all our resources against each other and fight tooth and nail. It doesn’t matter if you sit together on a Ferris wheel or… talk all night on the phone or… run through the streets in the rain.”
He lifts his head to you. “If that day comes, we just have to grab our weapons and fight.”
He looks back down at the gun. “You were raised to fight. It’s what you know. But Erii… she doesn’t know anything.”
Outside the window it was pouring rain.
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ohbeaby · 4 years
Headcannons about how having pacts helps both parties. It’s always kind of bugged me that the boys just kind of accept having someone control them and it’s never really clear what they’re getting out of it. Soooo...yeah
Lucifer: Avatar of Pride
First off, if he’s going to make a pact with you it’s because you’re strong minded and someone he can see becoming powerful. He probably found you by how confident you were yet unaffected by his influence.
Once a pact is formed he will listen to anything you command of him, but don’t be fooled. This demon will kill you the second his order is complete if he finds you too much trouble to deal with. There are billions of humans after all, he could easily replace you if you attempt to abuse his power.
What he gives: Leadership and convincing people to do what you say. With his pact you will find that holding leadership positions is much easier and as such you will fly up the ranks of whatever industry you choose. You will also gain the ability to convince people to follow your orders no matter what that order is.
What he gets: Prideful are everywhere in places of leadership. He can easily influence those above and below the person he has made a pact with to kill them off or just play with their perceptions of themselves. He mostly just gets to have a condensed area of playthings that all reek of his sin.
Another thing he gets is a small boost in power. The more people he can mess with the stronger his influence will become and the more people he can overtake. This is the same with all the brothers.
Mammon: Avatar of Greed
Similar to Lucifer he prefers making a pact with someone who will be powerful. He targets those already influenced with greed though, so it’s less work on his part. Also similar to Lucifer he will just kill a human who he feels is abusing his power, though he seems to struggle to off the witches that control him in game.
What he gives: Great fortune and can trick people. This isn’t to say that the second you make a pact with him that you’ll win the lottery. You’ll just be offered higher and higher salaries, your bonuses will be much too large compared to everyone else. At casinos you’ll be able to fool people in poker and trick others into giving their money up in stupid bets.
What he gets: Making a pact with Mammon is signing a death wish. Once you start not gaining as much money he will just kill you and take everything you have. This boy is waiting for you to stop being useful to him so he can indulge in his own sin.
As I said before he gets a small boost in power the more people he influences. Though he is a bit too impulsive and impatient to wait to see how far his influence can go, he’s not after physical power after all, just belongings.
Leviathan: Avatar of Envy
Unlike the previous two brothers, Leviathan doesn’t care if you are a powerful person. He just wants to recruit you into his navy because not everyone makes it through his boot camp.It’s either you survive long enough to become a soldier or he just eats your soul.
What he gives: Never wanting and being good at new tasks. You will always manage to find deals on things you are wanting or someone will just happen to get you that thing you really wanted. Any task you pick up as well will be very easy for you to master.
What he gets: Recruitment into his army. Once you have agreed to a pact with Leviathan you have essentially agreed to go to boot camp the second you die. He will come and pick up your soul and shove you into a rigorous training session. Leviathan will not settle for less than the best for his army so if you don’t meet his standards he will just eat your soul and that will be that. 
I would imagine Leviathan would take the most advantage of the power boost he gets from his pacts, after all it’s hard to find good souls for his army so he needs to influence as many people as possible. Reasons we don’t see him actually get summoned all that often is because his pact pretty much just keeps those signed into the contract happy anyways.
Satan: Avatar of Wrath
Satan only cares about how powerful a person is when he’s trying to get back at Lucifer. Otherwise he doesn’t really care. He also doesn’t make too many pacts just because he doesn’t want to have to deal with that many people, very similar to Belphegor in that sense.
What he gives: People can’t get upset with you and wisdom. Whoever does get a pact with Satan will find that people just don’t get mad at the person. They could commit horrible crimes and get off with nothing more than a slap on the wrist if even that. The person will also have a ridiculous amount of wisdom, becoming the person people turn to for life advice since they just always know the right answer.
What he gets: Satan pretty much gets a free show and meal out of the deal. As the Avatar of Wrath he takes great pleasure in watching things get destroyed. He really only participated in making pacts after Diavolo and Lucifer made it so only they could travel freely to and from the human realm because he could no longer cause the destruction he so eagerly wanted to see. Essentially pacts to him are just a giant “fuck you to Lucifer, I’m going to do what I want”. Also sees humans as a free snack once he gets done.
Satan recognizes the boost in power he gets whenever he gains a new pact but doesn’t really see the point in trying to gain more power. He is already struggling to contain his wrathful ways and doesn’t really want to deal with too much of a power imbalance on top of it. He is the only brother that never gets involved with any sort of pact bets between the brothers, where they see who can control the most pacts, because they all know that if he got out of control he could potentially destroy the entirety of Devildom.
Asmodeus: Avatar of Lust
The Avatar of Lust is, unsurprisingly, very popular with celebrities and political figures with ill intentions. He loves to jump on their social media and gain massive amounts of followers.
What he gives: The ability to read people like a book and get anyone to spill their secrets to you. When you make a pact with Asmodeus you won’t even be manipulated or tricked by people and you’ll be able to find out anything you want. Nothing slips past you anymore and the worlds secrets are open to you if you just ask the right people.
What he gets: In short, just more people to sleep and party with. This man is all about living life sleeping with everyone and partying as often as possible. He loves himself and loves to be admired so he makes pacts with people with large followings so he can get the same attention on their social media and at parties. Once he sees that the person is no longer as popular he’ll just go ahead and kill them, after all it’s not like he wasn’t introduced to many other popular people who he can make pacts with. He’s probably the least likely to eat a human once he’s done with them.
Asmodeus probably uses his boost in power just to influence more people into loving and admiring him. He’s not really the type to make a bunch of pacts for more power, he really just wants to be admired and loved.
Beelzebub: Avatar of Gluttony
Beelzebub doesn’t care who he makes a pact with, that isn’t very important to him. Though he stays away from witches and sorcerers because he has seen how tricky they can be. Typically makes pacts with people who are into sports.
What he gives: Physical illnesses no longer harm you and quick recoveries from injuries. With Beelzebubs pact you will no longer get sick from diseases or be affected by terminal illnesses. You will also recover very quickly from injuries and be able to bounce back from seemingly fatal accidents.
What he gets: Power and a free meal always sound nice to him. He’s one of the most physically strong brothers and sees himself as the person who has to break up fights between all of them, he knows that he may need an extra boost in power if the arguments get out of hand. He also isn’t one to pass up on the chance for a free meal later on. When he kills the person it’s completely at random, it’s just whenever he starts craving.
Beelzebub is probably the only one, besides Lucifer maybe, to use his boost in power to keep peace in the House of Lamentation. He doesn’t see a need for more power for personal gain.
Belphegor: Avatar of Sloth
You will be hard pressed to really get a pact out of this guy, he just doesn’t care and would rather sleep than deal with people. He keeps maybe 2 pacts at a time and even then he tells the people not to bother summoning him for anything. Mostly makes pacts with students because they are too busy to even try and summon him so it’s a win for him.
What he gives: Awareness of everything and never wake up tired. You won’t need to be paying attention to anything anymore because you’ll know everything that’s going on around you, who’s in the room with you, what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, etc. You’ll also be able to sleep 30 minutes and feel like you’ve gotten a full nights rest. Very popular with students.
What he gets: Amusment and a free meal for Beelzebub because he just doesn’t care. Belphegor is similar to Satan in the fact that he mostly makes pacts as a “fuck you” to Lucifer. He also kind of finds it funny that the students who make pacts with him don’t always improve in school because they figured the being aware part would make it easier to cheat on tests, which isn’t always the case with everyone gets different versions of the test.
Belphegor is another that just honestly doesn’t care about power and in fact he doesn’t even really care about influencing others. He’s perfectly content just having one or two pacts that he can throw over to Beelzebub whenever he wants to give his brother a gift.
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petri808 · 4 years
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This fic was created for the BKDK Unbirthday Party (Twitter) for prompt #G-0181: (Coffeeshop AU where Izuku accidentally sends katsuki (guest) to hospital after messing up the order submitted by Celestial)
Bakudeku one-shot. Coffee house AU
Ugh! Why’d the coffeehouse have to be so busy today of all days? It was as if the customers knew he’d stayed up late the night before and only managed three hours of sleep. Top it off with co-worker Denki calling out, and that left Izuku Midoriya alone with just one other employee who manned the food offerings.
Izuku wipes the sweat off his brow as he finishes one latte and side-eyes the clock in one swoop. Just one more hour to go until the next shift comes in. ‘Yosh! You can do this Izu! Then die at home curled in bed till the morning.’
He faces the next customer in line, screwing on the bright smile he was known for. “What can I get for you sir?”
Ruby eyes glare back at him. “Large mocha with a double shot of espresso.”
“One mocha double!” Izuku rings up the man’s total and quickly whips up the drink. His body was running on muscle memory at this point having made these drinks so many times before. A mocha was simple enough, chocolate, steamed milk, espresso, done. “Here you go sir.”
“Faster then, usual nerd.” The man grabs his drink and walks away to a nearby table.
‘Never fails,’ Izuku remarks as he moves onto the next customer. The blonde man loved making snide remarks, but he’s never said anything about it because he was also a regular. According to the other coffeehouse employees, blondie only came in when Izuku was working. ‘Probably likes picking on guys like me?’ And today was no different. He sat at a table reading a newspaper with his coffee, staying for thirty minutes or so. Then he repeats the processes the next day.
“Here you go ma’am, one cappuccino.”
Just as Izuku is handing off another drink, a sudden commotion stirs up in the dining area. He looks up to see blondie clutching his throat and surrounding customers panicking. “He can’t breathe!” Someone shouts. More words are thrown. Allergy, nuts, emergency! The baristas eyes blow wide open. Izuku screams at his coworker Uraraka to call for an ambulance and rushes over to the fallen man.
“H-Hold on mister!” Izuku does his best to calm the situation despite the white noise gathering in his eardrums. “Help is coming!”
“H-Haz—el... hazel—nut...” blondie gasps out. “Allerg...all—gic...”
Oh, fuck! Did he mix hazelnut instead of chocolate into the coffee?! “Oh my god,” the panic sets in. “Oh my god, I-I didn’t mean to! Please hold on sir!” If his stupid mistake kills this man, he’ll never forgive himself.
“F-Fucking nerd...”
Tears exploded from Izuku’s eyes, but all he could do was apologize over and over again as the man gasped and struggled to breathe. The blondes lips were taking on a bluish-purple color, hives breaking out along his skin, and his eyes rolling back.
“N-No, no stay awake sir! Stay awake!” He continues to shake the man by the shoulders as sirens resonate outside. Everything was a blur, just him and the customer with hushed conversations of concern all around them. “Please don’t die mister!”
Once the medics rush into the room, Izuku steps back to give them space. He knew procedures during an emergency was to clear the restaurant of customers and secure the cash register, but he couldn’t think straight. All he could do was watch helplessly as they load the man onto a gurney and whisk him away. Luckily, Uraraka had already taken control, phoned the manager, and set about following protocols.
After everything is secure, she tells him to go. “I’ll wait for the manager, so you go check on the customer and keep us informed.”
Like a mindless zombie, he manages a nod, clocks out, and sheds his apron.
“Hey, try not to be too hard on yourself. It was an honest mistake.”
“That might have killed a man.” More moisture pools in Izuku’s eyes. “I like him too... why’d it have to be him?”
Uraraka’s eyes soften. “Izu, just get going, okay?”
The cab ride over to the hospital felt like a death march to meet his fate. All the life was sucked away, the scenery a kaleidoscope of muted colors as his mind raced through each moment of that afternoon. It was all his fault. Staying up late, being tired, rushing, rushing, rushing to keep up with the demands of a barista. Multi-tasking was supposed to be his forte, his pride in always getting the orders right and made quickly. But this time he’d screwed up in the worst way possible.
At the emergency room, the intake person waves him off to the side to wait. The doctors were still working to stabilize blondie, so all he could do was sit there and hope the man came out of the allergic shock. It was a nerve wracking wait that Izuku spent fighting against every horrible outcome. Can you go to jail for something like this? If the man dies, is that manslaughter?! Oh, who was he kidding. He deserved to be punished. Minimally his boss should fire him for being reckless. ‘Please don’t die...’
“Sir, you can go in now. He’s in room 14.” Technically, since he wasn’t family or even a friend, the hospital shouldn’t have let him visit. But because they had no other contacts for the man, and Izuku was clearly upset and shaken over the incident, they must have taken pity on him. Blondie was alive and unconscious. The medications were flushing his body of the toxins and countering the allergic reaction, but he would probably have to stay in the hospital overnight for observations.
When Izuku enters the small room, he sees the man tucked tightly under a blanket. His eyes are closed and IV lines trail to a machine that’s monitoring vital signs. The tears pool again at the horrible sight. Beeps from the machine echo in the silent room as constant reminders of the gravity of the situation.
“Mister...” he sits beside the man’s bed and takes a limp hand in his own. “I’m so sorry.” His head hangs down, “please wake up.”
A whole year had gone by since the first-time blondie had started frequenting the coffeehouse. The man always tipped and always made some kind of comment. Rarely any nice ones, but he’d grown used to it and over time, Izuku wasn’t sure when it’d started, but there came a point in time that he waited and looked forward to each visit.
It wasn’t uncommon to have cute customers come in that the baristas ogled over. Dating customers wasn’t forbidden, just frowned upon because they didn’t want drama to arise. So, Izuku kept his growing crush under wraps. Not that he felt he’d had a chance anyway. Mister blondie looked like a power player. Tall, trim, fit nicely in a tailored suit, while he was just a small, geeky guy with messy green hair and a face full of freckles. He didn’t even know if the man was gay. Oh, his co-workers thought he was. They were convinced his routine coffee trips were too conveniently made during Izuku’s shift alone.
All the tears and turmoil took its toll on the exhausted barista. The four hours of sleep catching up with Izuku before he even knows it. Hours pass by as fitful dreams torture him. Flashbacks of the coffeehouse, of happy times with his co-workers. There he is Izu, your knight in shining business suit! He turns around only to find a red-eyed dragon glaring down at him. A loud roar, screams echoing around them. Panic, fear sweeping through as customers and employees scramble away. The dragon roars, loud, reverberating chills to his core. Izuku’s scream catches in his throat as the beast picks him up with a clawed hand. It’s punishment time nerd!
“But I didn’t mean it!” Izuku whimpers, “please forgive me! I’d never want to hurt you!”
“Oi, if you’re gonna be noisy go away nerd.”
Awaken by the voice and a squeeze of his hand, the groggy barista raises his head off the bed. “M-mister?” The dream fades away to be replaced by a hospital room and redeyes narrowed at him. “Mister you’re back!” Moisture fills Izuku’s eyes. “I’m so glad you’re back!”
“Yeah, yeah, didn’t know you were trying to get rid of me so badly.”
“What?! I-I didn’t— it was an accident mister, I swear!”
“Stop calling me mister. I got a name nerd, use it.”
“M-Mister Bakugou. Please forgive me. I didn’t mean for this to happen to you. I-It’s all my fault but you’re one of our best customers and we wouldn’t want to lose you. I’ll resign if it makes you feel better, just please do not punish the cafe.”
“Tch, if you leave, I won’t go back cause you’re the only reason I go there.”
“Huh? But why?”
“I changed my mind, you're not a nerd, you’re an idiot. Nerds are smart and you are completely clueless.” Bakugou groans and closes his eyes. “Or I’m the idiot for liking you. Either way, it was just an allergic reaction so don’t worry too m...” he feels the hand slip from his and quickly opens his eyes expecting to see the man leaving. “Midoriya?” But instead he sees one leg still on the chair and the rest of Izuku’s body collapsed on the ground. “Yup, I’m the idiot.”
Bakugou gets off his bed and despite being a little tired from the treatment, manages to pull the smaller male off the floor, rolling him onto the bed. He then slides back on and pulls him close, so he doesn’t fall off. These hospital beds weren’t built for two people, but he made it work. ‘This little mouse fits perfectly in my arms.’
He didn’t like admitting it, but that’s what attracted him to Izuku in the first place. Seeing Izuku’s bubbly personality at the coffeehouse. Always bright and cheerful despite his grumpy comments. The fact the man was hard working was a plus. And yes, because he was small and adorable.
As the heir and VP to a family corporation, Bakugou had to be tough and serious, but what he saw in Izuku was a chance for the opposite at least in his personal life. Frankly, the man reminded him of his father. His mom was clearly the one in control, but because his father was her balance who kept the woman grounded. Bakugou wanted that too. So far, his search had turned up nothing until the day he walked into the Plus Ultra Coffee & Tea.
“Am dreaming? Like...” Izuku mumbles. “Yes,” he curls his body in to hide his blushing face. “You, too.”
‘Does this guy always mumble in his sleep?’ Bakugou shakes Izuku gently. “Time to wake up mouse. We can’t stay in the emergency room forever.”
Izuku pops up. Emergency room?! His eyes flare wide. “W-Why?! Oh no, did I fall asleep?!” He looks around. ‘Why am I in the bed?!’ “Mister Bakugou! S-Sorry!” He scrambles off, “I’m so sorry!”
“Don’t be, I put you there nerd. Now come on,” Bakugou holds out a hand, “I’ll take you home.”
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dyke-remy · 3 years
Live And Let Die, part 4
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3   Part 5   Part 6
Description: Agent 008 and Agent 009, professional spies for the MI6 with liscense to kill. Partners in both work and love. After an agent goes missing the partners have to once more go out into the field. (It’s a James Bond AU)
You don’t need to know anything about James Bond to be able to read this fic, trust me
Note: If anyone tags this as r/mr/m I will hunt them for sport
Words: 4853
6 years ago
Remus looked out of the car window. He felt like he wasn't supposed to be here. This was the wrong place. The wrong time. Maybe he should make the car turn around.
"You still here bro?"
A hand landed on Remus' shoulder making him jump in his seat. He looked over to the driver. To Roman.
His brother sent him a smile before looking back at the road "Seriously you good? You looked like you were going to mars"
"Just kinda zoning out" Remus replied.
"You took your meds right? I don't want you nearly getting us killed because you were too busy daydreaming about Beetlejuice again"
"He's the man of my dreams Ro-bro!!!.....and yes I have taken them"
"Re-Re I gotta get you a date once we get back. I can Not let Beetlejuice be your standard of men!"  Roman playfully poked his elbow into his ribs "Hey that new Q assistant has been staring at us even since they read our files. I'm sure all it'll take is asking them out and they'll fall head over heels for you"
"They would probably only be interested 'cause of dad" Remus muttered out while crossing his arms "It's always like that. Either that or 'cause of mom"
"At least It's definitely not because of your horribly ugly monster you call a mustache" Roman got a bonk on the head for that.
"Whatever. You go and get yet anotha fling once we get home why dont you. One day you're either gonna get cannibalised or get syphilis. Or both!!!"
Roman let out a gasp "I am far too clean and princely to get syphilis you dirty heathen!!!" He smacked his brother with one arm while driving with the other.
Remus smacked him back "No-oh. Syphilis and gonorre and some weird blue stuff!!"
The smacking got more intense and the prince's gasps and shrieks of defence even louder and nasalier with every sex joke. Until he finally stood on the brakes. The car stopped so suddenly Remus had to hold himself back from flying out the windshield.
"We're here" He simply stated.
Remus let out an overly extra breathe of relief "Finally! Thought my skin was gonna rot off my bones before we got here!"
Roman leaned back and took out his usual weapons from the box sitting in the backseat while continuing to talk.
"Remember: this is a serious mission! Not just some ol' dragon we gotta arrest. Army of fire breathing dragon witches levels of serious. No unnecessary fighting and absolutely no inspecting dead bodies!!"
"You know I can't promise that" Remus replied while stuffing the biggest handgun he'd been able to get his hands (heh) on into the holster stuck onto the side of his waist.
"I know far too frick fracking well"
"PLEase just say fuck!"
"No. Fuck you!!"
They got out of the car. Their feet sank down into the sand the moment they stepped off the gravel road. For dozens of miles around them there was nothing but them, sand and a few even sandier hills.
And of course the statue. That goshdarn statue.
Enfuel, a company with ties to both energy and oil distrubution, had recently bought this random piece of land in the middle of the desert. A statue was placed in the middle of it a year or so later. It looked similar to one of the old egyptic statues and when they looked up information about it all sites said it had been around for hundreds of years. Of course MI6 had satellite pictures to show otherwise.
MI6 had been keeping check on Enfuel for a while. An anonymous worker had been selling them information for months. Even without the leaked information the vast buying of land and spikes of Enfuel employees dying in 'accidents' was enough to rise suspicion.
The agents made their way towards the statue. Guns ready in their hands. No one was around. It was a large one. Over 20 feet wide and at least 15 feet high.
Roman hunched down in the shade from the statue and took out a mechanical gadget he'd gotten from Q. It was a scanner. He placed it on the ground and activated it.
"And now we wait"
"Time to rant and or infodump?" Remus asked.
"Yes but not from you. You got to infodump the last time. It is my time to rant to kill time on a mission!"
He rolled his eyes "Yeah sure go ahead"
His brother instantly went on a long rant about the local theater production he'd landed a role in. It was the first time he'd ever acted. Aside from exercising and his special interest (disney) the theater was the first time he'd ever had a real hobby. His (now ex) boyfriend had been the one to take him to audition after introducing him to (and accidentally making him instantly hyperfixate on) musicals.
"And I just can't wait to-"
He stopped midsentence when the machine made a sound. He was still happy stimming as he checked it.
"Holy zeus" He gasped out.
He showed it to Remus. The scanner had created a blueprint of everything within a 10 feet radius. It clearly showed that there was something built under the ground. There was also an entrance built into the statue.
Remus went over and clicked on a specific point on the statue like the blueprint showed. A keypad appeared. They sent a photo of it to Q. Within minutes he'd somehow been able to come up with the correct code.
He put in the code and a hidden door nearly obscured between two pillars opened up. The brother sent each other excited smiles before entering.
There was a short staircase that led down into a corridor. The walls looked like something they'd find in a mourge and the dim lights shone a cold blue. Roman buttoned up the shirt he had on that was supposed to look like the uniform many Enfuel employees wore.
"Sure doesn't look ancient" Remus muttered.
It was practically a maze of corridors and rooms. Everywhere that cold blue light was the same. None of the rooms they passed seemed to have any important information in them. Having a secret facility wasn't enough for an investigation! It was just aesthetic as fuck!
They aimleesly stumbled around for at least half an hour as they got to the parts the blueprints hadn't showed. They probably walked in circles a few times too. Roman was about to suggest they call up Q when he saw guards, armed guards, out of the corner of his eyes.
He threw out his arm to stop Remus and dragged him back to hide behind a wall. He peeked out and saw how the 2 guards were staying outside a door.
"Bingo" He whispered. He turned to his twin "Wherever there are guards are the important things"
"The juicy secrets!" Remus agreed.
The brothers got out from their hidingspot at the same time. They tried to look casual while walking up to the guards. Right when one of the guards moved to stop them, to ask who they were, Roman took out his gun and shot them in the knee.
Remus elbowed the other guard right between his ribs before pulling his arm around the guard's neck. It didn't take long before he let the guard collapse onto the ground after choking him to unconsciousness.
The other guard feeble sat on the ground with their hands pressed to the wound on their knee. Roman held his gun to their head "Give us the key to the room"
They didn't even hesitate to throw the key over to Remus. They looked up at Roman with pleading eyes. With one swift kick they too laid on the ground knocked out.
The brothers pushed the guards to a good hiding spot in silence. The door opened reveleaing a quite small room but it was filled with computers, databases and of course at least 10 people working on those computers.
All it took was Roman holding up his gun to one of them to make the others freeze in fear. It was very clear that they were just doing their job so Remus tried to go as nice on them as possible when he knocked them out.
"Remind me to request instant sleeping pills from Q" He said after the last one laid still on the ground.
"Noted" Roman replied while barricading the door so no one could get in.
Remus glared at the computer with the biggest screen. He tried to read what was on it but only got a headache and some scattered words. Roman gently pushed him aside.
"It's probably better if I try to find what these guys are up to and you stand guard. Please try to not let me get shot"
"I'll do my worst! Maybe I'll even shoot you myself!" Remus joked.
He looked through the room while hearing Roman mumbling to Q about decoding and taking down firewalls. It didn't take long to realize there was actually a second door in the room. He wasn't sure where it lead but decided to barricade it as well.
"You're still free on Saturday right?" Roman suddenly asked while waiting for Q to hack into the database for him.
Remus rolled his eyes "Nah dude I suddenly got loads of friends and we're all gonna go raid a cemetery and create a zombie army. Supa busy that day sorry"
"Ha Ha" He let out druly "Well the new mission impossible movie is coming out so I kinda thought we could go see it. Y'know cinema caturday like we used to do"
"Oh yeah using our free time away from our spy work to watch a spy movie. Real smart decision Ro-bro"
"It can some other movie! I just wanted to do something" Roman slumped back against the desk so he was leaning on it "I know I've been kinda busy like whenever we're not on missions with the whole theater work-"
"Kinda?!" Remus let out a scratchy laugh "Bro you've been going to that theater like you'll turn to dust if you're not there all the time"
Roman plucked at the green bead bracelet on his wrist "Well it's exciting! I never really thought I could wokr with anything that didn't involve fighting or smugling. It's...nice..getting to do something else. I can't wait until it's time for the premiere and I'll actually get to hear the audience"
"Let's just hope no villain decides to try and take over the world during your perfomance nights" Remus joked. Roman's expression went from excitement to worry "Ro-bro I was kidding. I'm sure if anything happens I can just go with 0012 or something- or I mean like I'll come see you of course I just- It'll be chill!"
There came a silence. There always came a silence after talking about the theater thing. Spending an entire childhood learning about jewel smuggling, self defense and the innerworks of crime made any kind of work that didn't involve any of those shocking enough to warrant silence. Especially after it was Roman's idea to start working at the MI6 as soon as they moved away from their mom and the floating palace at 18.
He'd wanted to be a hero. Remus had just wanted to stay close with his brother.
"But yeah I guess I'm free on Saturday if you wanna go see that movie or whatever" Remus muttered while glancing over to his brother "More surprised that you're not busy honestly"
"Oh I was! Some friends from the theater heard I would get back from 'work' soon and wanted to hang out and I still got that guy who wants to go on a date with me as soon as possible and some guys from the Q branch asked me to test some gadgets for them. But I made sure to clear time in case you said yes" Roman replied with a smile.
"That's....That's....Ro-bro you're a sappy dork you know that right?"
"Of course! That's part of my everlasting and undying charm!"
The conversation was forcibly stopped as Q announced that the code was cracked. Roman flapped his hands in excitement to see the movie, Remus flapped back. They both turned back to what they were doing.
The duke to his surprise noticed a small crack in the wall right next to the door. He couldn't stop his curiosity from taking the better of him and looking through.
On the other side was a big room. There was a long dinner table in the middle with excessive amounts of expensive food on it. There were crystal candelabras hanging from the ceiling. The walls were white just like the floor but there were old paintings decorating the walls.
Most importantly there were 4 people in it. 3 men who looked to be at least 40. All of them were wearing suits but one of them was sitting in a chair by the luxurious table in a glistening dark purple suit. The other two were standing by the table with briefcases gripped in their shaking hands. Remus could see the sweat from nervousness dripping down their neck all the way from where he stood.
Last and least was the fourth person. A young boy, he was at the most 9 years old, sat on another chair by the table. He was holding the hand of the older man. His eyes were hidden by his hair and he had a large hoodie on.
"-So even though there has been someone selling important information about my company you two are 100% certaint that neither of you have destroyed my trust?" The man clad in purple asked.
The two men quickly shook their head. The purple clad man, who happened to be the leader of the Enfuel company, shone up into a wide grin. It was too wide. Too eerie. Not happy. Just sinister.
"How wonderful! I knew I could trust you both!" The leader took out a gun and shot one of the men in the leg.
He fell down on the ground and writhed in pain. The young boy let out a scream and flinched away. The other man bolted for the closest door which instantly made Remus take out a knife and get ready to defend Roman. But before he could get anywhere the leader had pressed a button on his chair which made all doors lock.
"I heard that the MI6 were on to us because of you fools running your mouths" The leader said while standing up. Remus nearly chuckled at how right he was.
The shot man simply cried while the other got down on his knees and begged "Please please I'll do anything. I have a family. I have 2 kids. I can- please don't kill me"
"How funny, I have a kid too" The leader held out his hand "Son come here"
The young boy quickly ran over and took his dad's hand. He was already crying. When the gun was reloaded he turned his head to look away. It resulted in the leader grabbing onto his son's head and dragging in it so he was forced to look at the helpless men, soon to be corpses. Remus could hear the boy whimper from pain.
"Do I-I h-have to see ev-every time?" He cried out.
"Until you learn to stop crying over some insect's death, Yes. These people are traitors. They're beneath us because they have hurt us. You have to see what we do to people who hurt us"
A bullet went off. One of the men collapsed dead on the floor. The other desperately crawled away until he hit the wall. The young boy's crying turned into sobs.
"You should be used to it by now" His dad said in a calm tone.
The leader forced the gun into his son's shaking hands. He held onto his hands so he couldn't let go. He moved his hands for him, reloaded the gun for him, held the gun to the living man's forehead for him. The young boy's entire body was shaking from fear. He closed his eyes. Pretended like the cold metal wasn't in his hands. Pretended like he wasn't one move of his finger away from taking a life.
"Open your eyes son" The leader commanded "You have to see. See the fear in his eyes. That is the look of a dead man. We could ask anything of him"
"I-I want him t-to live. P-Please dad w-we can send-d him to the b-bad room instead"
"The bad rooms are for those who are of use to us. This man has nothing for us"
A hand landed on Remus' shoulder. He turned around and pointed the knife at the person's neck. Thankfully it was just Roman.
"The files are all here" Ro informed while holding up an USB drive. He had on a strained expression "It's sick. Q told you they made it so Enfuel was the only company avaible for like an entire part of Latvia right?"
"I wasn't listening but probably yeah"
"They're planning to make all electricy and fuel unaviable for those cities for months. And they're going to make it look like an accident so they won't even have to take accountability. They're planning to try and completely cut them off from the rest of the world"
"People are gonna die" Remus concluded.
"Why the fuck would someone even do that?"
Roman shrugged "Said nothing about that. At least we can stop it if we know it will happen. All we have to do is get out of here and get it to M"
Remus was about to nod but then he heard muffled sounds from the other room. He closed his hands into fists. There was a cold lump stuck in his throat.
"There's a kid here. Like 8? 9 maybe? Being made to hold a gun" He whispered.
"Mom teached us how to use pistols at 12" Roman replied with a shrug.
"She made us shoot at targets" Their mom is a very powerful lady so they had to know how to defend themself since so many people wanted to hurt them to get to their mom "This is-"
A gunshot went off. Gutwrenching screaming followed. It sounded like it came from the boy. Soon sobbing took over.
"Don't cry like that. You weren't even the one pulling the trigger" His dad snarled out.
The brothers at looked each other. They both knew that the mission was hundreds of times more important than one kid but....with that one look they both knew they had to do something.
"Okay new mission" Remus said "Protect the kid"
They searched the room and found an entrance to the vents in the roof. They climbed in and crawled as quietly as possible until they could see down into the other room. The leader had gone back to sitting by the table, he was drinking some wine. The son was still sitting by one of the corpses. His sobs was racking his whole body as he held onto the dead body. Quiet beggings to wake up could be heard.
The brothers took out their guns in anticipation. Remus slammed his foot down into the vent panel and jumped down onto the ground. He jumped back up on his feet and held the gun to the leader's head.
Roman was just as quick with getting down. He went over to the kid and hunched down in front of him, half to comfort him and half to be a human shield.
"It's okay now kid. We won't hurt you. We'll get you out of here. I promise" He whispered to him while sending him a warm smile.
He was full on hyperventilating "No. No. Please. Get out. I don't- dad will- I don't want to have to see anyone else die- I don't want to hurt anyone- please- NoNoNoNo"
"Shhh. No one will be hurt. Just focus on my breathing okay. In and out. Deep breathes. You'll be safe soon" Roman assured. He kept one hand on the young boy's shoulder and the other hand on his gun.
Remus held the gun as still as possible against the leader's forehead. The older man didn't look away even for a second. His cold blue eyes stared at him until it felt like he was digging into him. The agent tried to glance around for a clear exit. At best he saw another entrance to the vents close to the wall on the side of the room.
"I've buried people like you before" The leader let out in a dry emotionless tone. "Even if you do get anyway it won't do much. All of the evidence will be gone except for a meek little plan I can easily manipulate away in court. You're really just delaying the inevitable"
"Not letting people die isn't doing nothing" Remus snarled back.
A smile crept up on his face "Letting people die does just a little"
He pressed down on a hidden panel on his chair. All Remus could see was that it was some sort of controller before hearing a muffled shout. He spun around in time to see Roman sitting with his arms around the kid. Blood was seeping out of his shoulder.
By the press of a button a panel on the wall had turned around and a mechanic gun had become visible, useable too via the panel. The gun head moved again, readjusting it's line of sight.
Logically Remus should have moved his gun back towards the leader's head. Logically he should have shot his brains out. Logically he shouldn't have made a single sound. Logically he shouldn't have shown any ounce of care or emotion (weakness), it'd been drilled into them during training after all.
But Remus wasn't thinking logically. His brother was hurt. His brother was in danger. He had to protect him.
A guttural sound of terror left his throat. It sounded like something close to his brother's name. He wasn't fast enough. There was nothing he could. He watched as the bullet went into Roman's chest.
Remus didn't reach him. There was a hit to the back of his head. The hit was hard enough to make it feel like his brain split apart. He was already unconscious as he fell down on the ground. He was just close enough so the blood from his brother reached him.
The moment Remus awakened again his heart immediately began to beat fast enough so he could hear it. He wanted to yell out for his brother before he'd even had time to open his eyes.
The fear calmed won just a bit when he did look up and saw Roman, thank god he saw Roman, laying next to him. He didn't calm down completely because his brother was visibly hurt. Hurt badly.
There were swelling on his cheeks from soon to be bruises and his right eye had closed completely from a black eye. Blood had dried around the wound on his shoulder and the one on his chest was still bleeding. Thankfully it hadn't hit his heart but it was still heavily bleeding. The kid's hoodie had been pressed against the wound. His left leg from the knee down had been mangled and turned the wrong way.
Remus had rope tied around his wrists and ankles. They hadn't even bothered to tie Roman's ankles. Even with all the injuries his twin tried to send him a weak smile.
"don't speak too loudly" He whispered out. His breathing was uneven and raspy.
Normally Remus would have screeched in defiance. Now he glanced around the room while making his every move as quiet as possible.
The leader and his son were still in the room. The leader was polishing a knife. There were multiple knives and other gratuitous tools laid out across the table. Oh god he'd only kept them alive to make them suffer until death as much as possible.
When he turned back to Roman there were tears in his brother's eyes. His smile was strained.
"I was going to resign"
Roman let out a sob as his smile disappeared. It only left an expression filled with pain.
"I-I never really wanted t-this! I just- I didn't know what else I would be. Re I was planning to make this my last mission. I don't know if I want to be an actor. But fuck at least I-I want to be an actor ten times more than I want to be an agent"
Remus tried to move closer. He wanted to reach out and hold his brother. Comfort him. Tell him half the things he said didn't make sense.
"You- What-" He let out a nervous chuckle "Ro-bro what are you talking about?"
At first there was no reply. Just a choked back sob. Roman moved closer and stared at the ropes around Remus' wrists. Anything was better than looking at his face. He moved his hands to try and untangle the ropes.
"You have to hug mom for me. And tell her I love her. And hug Lucy a-and Macey and Amita-" Roman closed his eyes, tried to force back another wave of tears "-And Everyone on the island. All of them. And the people at the theater. A-And everyone in Q branch a-and Oh god Q. Please hug Q- Logan. Hug Logan for me. Please. And Patton and M even though he will hate it. Please. I wish I'd known. I just want to be able to say goodbye at least. I just-"
"Shut up you dork. We're getting out of here. I'll just carry you. What's some old weak boned guy and some kid gonna do against us"
Roman glanced up at him, just for a moment, before going back to the ropes.
"Remus I-"
He coughed. His entire body shook and writhed in pain. He ignored it and continued with the ropes. Blood was coming down his lips. He was coughing up blood.
Roman met his eyes this time. He didn't have to say anything more. They both knew it. Even if one of them didn't want to accept it. It'd taken at least an hour to drive here. He wasn't going to make it unless he got medical help within the next minutes. He wasn't going to- He wasn't-
Roman wasn't going to make it.
"You can't- I- I'm sure- I can-" Remus stuttered out.
"You need to take the information and get back to M alive" He pulled the ropes away from Remus' wrists "There's a vent right above us. The bitchass dragon witch is too busy with torture devices to look at us. If you go now you can-"
"You will-"
"Remus I'm already dead! The kid isn't being saved either! He's stuck here! We failed! The least you can do is try to stop more death!"
"But you will-"
"Please I need you to survive" Roman pressed the USB drive into his hands. His hands were shaking "I-I'm trying to stay strong to make this easier for you b-but-" He let out a shakey sob "I just want to hug mom again. I want us to-to- I- I need you to survive. I need you to stay alive. Please. If I know you survive I can attempt to die in peace. I can't- I can't-" It continued into incoherent sobbing.
They couldn't hug each other, the leader would realize they were awake if they did. All they could do was press their hands together. They held onto each other's hands so tightly it hurt. Neither wanted to let go.
"....I love you...I wish- I don't- I just want you to- I love you" Remus choked out through tears.
Somehow Roman mustered a smile "I love you too" He wiped a tear away from his twin's cheek "I'm sorry. I wish I could stay with you. Please go. Please survive"
Remus tightened his grip on his hand for one last second. He wished he could drag it out. Even Continuing to exists in this moment of misery sounded better than spending the rest of his life without him.
He forced his hands away and sat up. Heuntied the ropes around his ancles in one rushed pull. He heard a yell from behind him. He jumped up and grabbed onto the vent. A bullet went past him as he climbed in.
He continued to cry as he hurried away. He kept the USB drive in his mouth. It felt like a part of him had been ripped out. A big part. A part he needed to live.
(He wished he'd never noticed the crack in the wall. He wished he'd just left the kid to be abused. He was horrible. He just wanted his brother to be okay)
It should have been him who was left for dead. Roman had so many more people who would mourn him. He had had a future. Goals. Dreams. Relationships. Remus was replacable.
Remus pushed himself out of the vent. His lungs were burning. He was numb. There were so many emotions he'd overloaded. He couldn't even feel the cold against his skin. Only the tears against his cheeks.
He escaped the facility and ran. In the distance he could see the car. He wanted to die. He couldn't imagine a life without his brother. Roman was the one who was supposed to come back with the information to save people. Roman was the hero! It wasn't fair!
Remus wanted to stop and let the guards catch up to him. Wanted to let himself scream and sob and be killed. Wanted to hug his brother again even if the only way to hug him was if they were both dead.
Instead he forced himself survive but only because it'd been Roman's wish.
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years
A.N.: This is my first Supergirl fic! It’s about Kara throughout her entire life. I hope you guys like it! Reblogs, comments, and likes are all appreciated. Enjoy!
She’s survived a lot. It’s written in her blood, survival. When she was a kid, krypton exploded and she was one of the few left to tell it’s stories. No matter what happens to National City she’s still their, protecting it and helping its citizens. 
On Earth, she has superpowers. Kara can fly, breathe fire or ice, has super strength and impenetrable skin, and so much more. It’s overwhelming at first, to have so much power, but no control over it. She thrives though, she survives and lives on. 
The entire world ends.
It’s quiet. 
Kara lives. 
She wishes she didn’t.
For three months she keeps busy. Trains with Sara (going easy of course) telling Kate stories, meditates with J’onn. When Barry is still in the vanishing point, she curls up to him. He’s a speedster so he runs warm, and it’s comforting. He’s almost practically mute now, but occasionally he’ll tell her something nice or funny or observant. When he goes something of hers goes with him.
Oliver shows up and she feels pain. Unrelenting horrible all consuming pain. It should’ve been her. Why is it never her? He comes bearing good news, a way to save everyone. For once, surviving doesn’t feel like a curse. 
Kara feels guilty when she prefers new Earth to her old one. Life’s easier now, she can turn on the news to get a general idea of how her friends are doing, hell she can fly over. She’s on a group chat with the other reporters like the CC Citizen and she can visit Kate whenever she wants to. 
She relishes those moments with Kate. It’s funny to fly over and visit, scaring the daylights out of her. She’s a bit new to the whole superhero thing, so Kara sometimes gives her tips to avoid common pitfalls that happen to befal every other hero (besides the legends) she’s met. In the end it seems for naught.
Kate is reported dead.
All the heroes are scrambling for a solution, looking for a way to fix this. It’s not easy considering Kara has learned she also can’t change in front of a reflective surface lest she want Iris to watch her change, but she manages. Kara survives it’s what she’s always done. She’s starting to think it’s all she can do. 
They get Kate back and their happy for a while. She remembers something Kal told her, Kryptonians live longer than humans, but she brushes that thought away. How true can it be anyways?
When her and Kate get married, they live in Gotham. Kara can easily fly to National City when need be and Alex and Nia seem to have it under control anyways.
Growing older is fun. She and Kate only adopt Parker, but that’s enough for either of them. With the extra time, they can travel the world, be the fun aunt and drunk aunt, life is nice. On spare days she goes to Central City to visit, Team Flash and their kids. Her and Barry watch musicals while her and Iris gossip over celebrities and watch comedies together. Nora is nice, she’s just like her father. Over in Star City, Mia’s a firecracker. William’s a jaded teen. Drinks are shared between Dinah and Laurel and her, but she has tea with Felicity. Kara can’t wait to see what the next generation is like. 
The breaching devices Cisco made are never more handy than when all of them reach their 60′s. (Felicity and Constantine don’t make it to their 60′s. Felicity rejoins Oliver at 59 and lung cancer takes Constantine at 52) The funerals were nice. Then there’s a funeral for Joe then Ralph then Caitlyn. Cat Grant is the first one out of anyone on Team Supergirl to die, then Maggie, and Brainy. It’s unsettling how normal it’s seems. She mourns yes, but as Clark said, Kryptonians live longer than humans. This was to be expected.
Kara holds onto those she has left. When she’s seventy-five (relatively this is discounting the years she was in the phantom zone) all the original team arrow members have passed. Gary says they’re doing well, apparently he can  talk to ghosts. 
When she hits seventy-nine almost everyone she knows has died. 
It turns out liver poisoning is what finally buries Sara six feet under. Kara is surprised at the normalcy of it. 
She can count on her fingers those she has left (not counting her nieces and nephews) Barry, Iris, Alex, Kate, Clark, J’onn and Gary. Gary tells good stories and can do nice tricks. Apparently he accidently took a limber spell once when he meant to take a fire proof spell once in his late sixties which is how he got the scar on his right hip and is so well limber in his old age. 
Barry and Iris go next. In their sleep, Barry spooning Iris, protecting her. The coroner tells Kara that Iris died first then Barry’s heartbeat picked up before finally giving out. She likes to think that Barry realized he was done running after Iris passed, she likes to think that they went up to heaven hand in hand. Kara cries at their funeral. She thought she had more time with Barry. The tributes to pulitzer prize winner Iris West-Allen makes her smile. 
Kara becomes more attentive towards Kate and Alex. She fears the day when they leave too. (and they will because Kara survives, she always does.)
In her free time she and Clark train the newest generation of heroes. She may not understand technology, but she can still fight and her morals still hold true after all these years. 
Clark dies next. Sacrificing himself for the world. The world mourns superman. Kara mourns Kal-el. She makes sure he’s buried in the baby blanket he was wrapped in when he was sent to earth. His last words ring in her ear, thank you for protecting me. She wonders if she really did protect her baby cousin. 
Kara steps back from her duties with the new heroes. There’s no bad blood, it’s just, she has so little family left, she wants to hold onto them for as long as she can. 
Kate goes in her sleep. The minute the body next to her is cold, Kara wakes up. Life seems slightly more dull after that. While in mourning, she makes the statements and divides up Kate’s money. Night’s are cold. She remembers when Kate was gone, but she remembers that time she smushed ice cream in her face, took her flying, admired her in a pretty dress. Nightly, she goes onto her balcony and whispers, Patience my love. Kara has survived a lot, she knows she won’t be biting the bullet anytime soon. 
Kara thinks Alex’s death might hurt the most. She had hit her head, and there was no saving her. Kara held her as she slowly passed away, singing old kryptonian lullabies to her. Her and J’onn cry at the funeral. For once, she accepts Gary’s offer to speak to the dead. It’s healing. Gary dies exactly 6 months after Alex. She’s thankful for his friendship in their old age. Because of him she’s been able to get peace after her families passings. She is sad to see him go.
Her loved ones words ring in her ear. We are fine, take your time love. Keep an eye on the kids for us. We love you. 
She keeps her promise. Every morning she puts on her supergirl suit and helps the next generation. She think she looks silly in her old supergirl outfit with her silver hair and wrinkles, but the kids look at her like she’s a badass. Kara gives them tips on how to be a hero through stories she tells of her misadventures with her friends, their ancestors. It’s vague and if she were the one listening she’d be pissed, but this method is hilarious. Anyways, it cultivates patience, long attention spans, and critical thinking. Her method works. J’onn is impressed. He dies on a sunday. Three days before the new recruits’, her family’s first end of the world. 
All her life, Kara Zor-el has survived. Survived heartbreak, death,  the end of the freaking world. Now at her like fifteenth end of the world, she knows it’s time. She wishes her descendents (ish great-nieces and great-nephews potato potato) good luck and sacrifices herself for them. The heavens whisper to her, warrior you are finally done fighting and now she’s at peace. 
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yhs-silly · 4 years
They were on their way home from school, Sam and Taurtis were just messing around and swinging off the lampposts, the usual. Grian seemed a little grumpier then usual, maybe he'd gotten a low grade on his test, he wouldn't say. But he was adamant that they had to get home as soon as possible, so when Sam and Taurtis started doing their checking both ways gag he was ready to snap.
He groaned and pushed them aside. "You guys are idiots! There are never any cars on this road!" He rolled his eyes and stormed into the middle of the road and stood there with his arms out, glaring at the duo. "See! There's nothing here! I'm perfectly sa-afe..."
He trailed off at the sound of a car horn, turning to face the speeding car, his face falling in horror.
Sam's hands tightened around Taurtis's arms, Taurtis hadn't even realised he'd moved to rush into the road. He just went still and just stared, with wide, tear filled eyes as the car came closer and closer.
Grian was right, there were never any cars on the road. It was very rare that a car came down the road, and if it did, it was usually at night- and always speeding. That was the unwritten rule; speed past the school zone, with luck you might hit one nof the crazy kids. The other towns around were never fond of the academi students, not used to such diversity, neurologically or otherwise.
Ironically, it was most likely the least mad of the students being hit, all the others looking on, glad it wasn't them. The acidemi students were never known for their empathy, only a few students really cared for the Brit. Those that did care already had tears welling in their eyes at the sound of flesh against metal and the grinding of the breaks as the car came to a halt.
The guy driving the car didn't even get out, he just sat there in a state of shock as Taurtis and Sam raced over to Grians side. Taurtis had tears spilling freely down his cheeks and even Sam was panicking, Sam gently lifted Grian off of the floor and checked his vitals. He was still alive, but struggling.
Okami had seen the whole thing go down and had called and ambulance as soon as she'd heard the car, it didn't take long for it to turn him. Sam threatened the emergency response team to let him and Taurtis ride with Grian in the back.
They were so worried, Taurtis had begun sobbing uncontrollably, this was just like before, just like with...
Why did everyone he love have to die? Why was it always a car? He pauses, did he love Grian? As a friend of course, he's one of his best friends... he's still hung up on Salex...he hoped and prayed beyond his belief that Grian would not follow her. He couldn't loose someone else so close to him, he wouldn't know what to do.
Sam wasn't as affected but he was still terrified of loosing Grian, he'd never really dealt with a death close to him since his mother passed. He watched as Taurtis fell to his knees, sobbing. He felt so awful, if it wasn't for his and taurtis's insisting that the road wasn't safe, then Grian would be safe. For once Sam didn't feel pleased with being proved right, he wished he was wrong. For once he wished it had been Grian who was right, he could just see Grian's triumphant smirk, the sparkle in his eyes at the idea of being right.
Sam had noticed how much Grian reacted to a little bit of positive reinforcement, he'd used it to get his way before, but now all he wanted to do was tell Grian just how highly Sam valued him. Grian deserved to glow like he always did when praised, Sam was just scared he'd never get the chance.
After a while Grian got better, he still hasn't spoken but the doctors had said he was free to leave. One their way home, Sam and Taurtis had done nothing but pamper and adore him. It was the least they could do for him, but something was off with Grian, his behaviour wasn't normal.
Taurtis was worried about him, he hadn't said a word to either of them since he'd gotten out of the hospital. Sam wasn't as worried, but it was clear he was concerned by how little he'd been mocking Grian lately. But neither of them seemed to be getting through to him.
He's been taking naps lately, it was almost all he did. He never did any of his work and Okami was on the brink of pulling him aside for a quiet word. Everyone was growing increasingly worried about him, they figured he had gained some sort of brain damage.
This all culminated in that one night, Taurtis had stayed up late gaming. Sam was asleep and Grian was probably also sleeping, or so Taurtis thought. He'd turned his head at the sound of footsteps to see Grian standing there, clutching the mop like a staff. He glared intently at Taurtis, a strange fire behind his eyes that made Taurtis shudder.
"Taurtis." Grian's voice was rougher, darker then his usually was. Even his posture seemed heavier, he held himself in a higher sense of pride and power then the anxious, drawn back Grian that Taurtis knew and loved. "Remove yourself from the magic mirror, I require your counsel."
Taurtis was slightly confused, but he'd played enough fantasy games to understand what Grian meant. He switched the tv and game crab off, concerned as to how Grian seemed.to have forgotten what a tv was. He shifted to the side and patted the sofa next to him, with a gentle smile. "Ok Grian, what do you need buddy." He was really happy that Grian was finally speaking again, although those subtle changes did worry him.
Grian didn't sit down however, he continued to stand and just stare at Taurtis expectantly. "Well?" He began to tap his foot. "Stand."
Taurtis was surprised but did so without thinking, watching in confusion as Grian nodded in approval and moved to take his seat. Grians posture while sitting was also more confident Taurtis noticed, how hadn't he noticed before? He goes to sit down but Grian raises his hand to stop him.
"No, kneel." Grian spoke with a command, more adept at control then Sam. But Taurtis wasn't just going to obey, he just frowned at Grian in concern. Then his eyes widened at Grian put the mop to his shoulder and forced him down, Taurtis would've been impressed by Grian's control on the mop if he wasn't currently being forced onto his knees. He stares up at Grian in concern as the blonde nods in approval.
"Grian..? What the hell..?"
Grian raised his eyebrows a little at that, smiling gentle. "Oh? Is something the matter Taurtis? I must admit, I am also a little thrown off by our predicament but it is alright, you have your king to guide you."
Taurtis frowned deeply, king? Grian wasn't a king? He now had concerns about Grian's sanity, he had to play this carefully. He just quietly nods, smiling up at him gently. "No, nothings the matter Grian. You said you wanted to talk about something?"
Grian smiled back and nodded. "Ah yes, it was actually about this predicament... I'm unsure as to what happened but these clothes aren't mine? And I've never seen such powerful magic then there is here, it rivals even the likes of me... that's another thing. I've found myself unable to perform spells recently, I attempted to harness the power of this strange looking staff but it doesn't seem to like me."
Taurtis just nodded. "Alright...well what do you want to do?"
"I wish to return home, is that not obvious?" Grian scoffed. "My kingdom needs their king."
Taurtis nods and slowly and cautiously gets to his feet. "Okay...so I think the best thing to do right now is go back to bed and figure out what to do in the morning."
Grian nods and stands. "That does seem like the ideal plan, I trust you to gaurd my chambers?"
Taurtis just nodded in response, watching Grian head back upstairs. His knees where shaking, he sat on the sofa, feeling horrible.
Tears bunched in his eyes as he thought about how his poor sweet friend had completely lost his mind, Grian was supposed to be the responsible one! Now he seemed to believe he was some magical fantasy king... Poor guy was always a nerd, Taurtis figured that he must've latched on to a favourite fantasy story as a coping mechanism after the accident.
He felt so bad for poor Grian, he didn't ask for this, the poor guy didn't even understand what was going on. He felt the hot tears run down his face and looked down at his shaking hands, he realised that he had to tell Sam, he had to.
He slowly got to his feet and crept upstairs silently, knocking gently on Sam's door. "Sam? Sam wake up."
Sam eventually came to the door, looking sleepy. "Taurtis..? What's wrong?" He was surprised to see how worried Taurtis looked, he instantly also began to get worried.
"It's Grian." Taurtis spoke quietly, as if he was afraid of disturbing said blonde. He speaks slowly and carefully. "He's gone mad...he thinks he's some sort of wizard king..." He sniffles and wipes some tears away. "I'm just so worried about him..."
Sam felt his heart pang, he didn't know this feeling, it was almost guilt, almost responsibility, but it was neither- and it certainly wasn't pity, Sam knew what it was like to be the mad one. Only thing is, Sam was never really mad, just not normal. He nodded slowly, brain working harder then it ever did before at this time of night, heart hammering in his chest just like that day. "Alright...so what do we do?"
They made eye contact, the best thing to do would be to call the authorities, tell a teacher, get him to the hospital, to do something. But they both knew they couldn't do that, they didn't have the heart. Taurtis slowly began to speak. "Well...his delusions aren't tha-"
Sam put his hand up to stop him. "No, we can't go along with his delusions, that wouldn't be fair on him." He sighs and hums in thought "Is there really anything we can do..? I think he might be fucked."
"Don't say that!" Taurtis squeaked, quickly lowering his volume quickly. "We have to do something, we can't just leave him to his delusions." He was getting choked up again, Grian might not have died, but Taurtis still felt that he'd lost him.
They barely slept that night, simply discussing what they could do. They didn't really come up with anything that hadn't been said before, but eventually they decided they'd treat his delusions like how a parent treats a child's fantasies, playing along to a certain point.
And so they did, they managed this for around a week, but unfortunately people began to notice that Grian was behaving strangely. Eventually, Okami pulled the trio aside to talk to them.
Sam was glancing around and making sure there were exits, Taurtis was wringing his hands and glancing at Grian every five seconds. Grian himself had his arms crossed and was glaring daggers at Okami for being so rude.
Okami sighed softly and smiles at the boys. "Now, I'm sure you know what's going on. But none of us do, so could you please explain why Grian is behaving like that."
Grian scoffed and begun to speak, before Taurtis gently shut him down and spoke instead. "We're sorry Sensei, he's just a little banged up from the accident still..." He shrugs and smiles awkwardly.
Sam glances at him nervously, Okami frowns and then Grian speaks up. "What accident? I am not 'banged' up? Taurtis what are you talking about?"
There are gasps from both boys as Taurtis glances at grian nervously and Sam quietly hisses. "Grian, shh!"
Grian glares. "Don't you tell me to shh!" He stomps up to Sam and gets real close, getting up on his tippy toes trying to look intimidating.
Okami sighs and looked concerned. "Grian, sweetie, what do you mean 'what incident?'? Do you not remember what happened?"
Grian looked at her in confusion, his face a mixture of confusion and annoyance. He goes to speak when Taurtis steps in and clears his throat.
"Sensei? We're so sorry for trying to hide this...but he's gone mad."
"I am not mad! How dare you!"
Okami pauses and looks at Grian, seemingly looking for something, but whatever she was looking for, she didn't find it. She sighed and gently put her hand on Grian's shoulder. "Grian, sweetie? Can you calm down for me? Try and explain what you think is going on."
Grian began to speak, about a magical kingdom he rules over and how Sam and Taurtis were loyal to him. Okami turned to the boys and mouthed at them to go and fetch Rowan.
Taurtis's heart was hammering in his chest, that was so impulsive of him, but at least Grian was going to get the help he needs. He looks at Sam, seeing the obvious pain his friend was trying to hide, he sighed. He never expected to have to be the normal one, it was too much pressure for him. But if that was what it took to keep his best friends safe and happy, then that's what he would be.
It was Taurtis who explained the situation to Rowan.
It was Taurtis who comforted Sam as Grian was taken away.
It was Taurtis who knelt besides the bed that night, and for the first time in all his life.
Taurtis prayed.
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timexistsnow · 3 years
my baby (oh my pup)
Chapter 6: blood (we share)
Tasha has an accident. Techno acts accordingly.
They settled into a routine of farming and sewing and knitting. Techno had decided that walks were a little dangerous. At least, enough that Tasha should never be left alone or out of his sight. He wasn’t afraid. Tasha just needed protecting.
Techno woke one day, the sun shining. Tasha was asleep on his chest, grumbling when he pulled back the curtains to observe the weather. The snow wasn’t exactly melting, but it wasn’t any worse than the day before.
Out they went to the cold. The farm was growing well, if not a little too well.
“Here’s the first rule of potato farming, Tasha: fighting is the best way to keep a farm.” Tasha blinked a few times in disbelief, she reached a hand for Techno’s sheathed axe. “No! I meant… metaphorically! The weeds need to be pulled out. It’s like a battle between the crops and the weeds and we’re fighting on the potatoes’ side.”
“Just. Weed,” Tasha rolled her eyes. Fine, Techno rolled his eyes back, he’d keep his massive intellect to himself. One day she would come to appreciate his brains.
She tiptoed through the sprouts and to a weed. Both of her hands wrapped around the middle of the plant and tugged. Techno, having done that mistake before, caught her when she launched backward. The weed snapped in two, the roots staying firmly embedded in the dirt.
“You have to pull from the roots down at the base. Here,” he guided her hands down, “grab firmly but make sure to stand steady.” Together, they pulled and out came the root. One weed down, two fields left.
Techno chose to fill the silence: “The first time I farmed a potato, it was… a year and a half ago? It didn’t feel that long ago, wow,” Techno scratched the back of his head, “I got a little carried away, I guess you could say.”
“War?” Tasha asked after huffing a few breathes.
He helped her with a stubborn weed and ruffled her fluff up, “Yeah! Just like that. I needed these books and well… potatoes and I have always had a special
“Hey, man, don’t mess with the poor thing too much, it might keel over on us!” A half-rotten potato was plonked in reach. The lead dug into his snout, but the feeling of anything in his stomach was enough for him to ignore the rope burns.
relationship, so it felt fitting to go a little wild.”
A hand was placed over his and Techno paused his weeding. “Special?” the owner of the hand whispered. Her voice gargled and cracked halfway through. Was she sick-
Techno had spoken with the voices again.
Tasha repeated the word with the gargles and cracks, “Hey, kiddo, don’t do that to your voice,” Techno scolded softly. He took her hand in his and let her form her next sentence.
After chewing on her lip, she whined, “You. Do. Voice.”
Techno sighed internally, she had a point, but: “So? I’m responsible for you, I’ve gotta keep you safe.”
“Me. Keep. Techno. Safe,” Tasha declared. Techno only chuckled in response.
Back to the dirt, they resumed. The snow was kept at bay with the lantern sitting above the water on a fence, but that didn’t stop the process from being frigid. Techno had weighed the pros and cons of farming in a tundra, but underground was never his forte. L’Manburg potatoes never tasted right, more bitter and small than the bounties from his first farm.
Of course, the potatoes in Hypixel were almost perfect. Sleep had been a secondary need behind farming and getting more materials to farm faster. That was a time of… not fun, but of purpose. At the time, all Techno needed was purpose.
Watching Tasha out of the corner of his eye, Techno shrugged. She was a purpose Techno could live for, could fight for, could die- Techno coughed at the force of the voices.
Enough monologuing.
Techno went back to watching Tasha and for a moment, his heart leaped into his throat. Tasha wasn’t there.
He leaped up and brandished his sword, spun around, and there she was. Sitting by the fire, fingers unfurled at the flames, Tasha was staring at Techno, unblinking.
Trying to play it off and calm his racing heart, Techno needed to think of a solution. A plan of attack. Not against Tasha. Against her running off or getting hurt when he wasn’t paying attention.
He surveyed the two farms and the land that surrounded them. With the fire tucked by the cabin, it was a nice setup. Everything was close together… and perfect for a fence. Or a wall, but that would be rather ugly and Techno was not a skilled enough builder to make it otherwise.
The pile of wood under the spruce tree out front was finally getting put to use. All of the logs made a little over a stack of dark oak fences. He figured that since there wasn’t enough wood for a gate, Carl’s pen would be good enough of a gate. It was almost completely made of gates either way.
“Help?” Tasha asked while peering over his shoulder. Techno was in the middle of the assembly. She did have a point, Techno supposed as he fumbled around with the nails, wood, and hammer.
He handed over the pile of nails, “I’ll tell you when I need one, just follow along with me.”
She toddled along with him and gave him a nail when he asked. Soon the fence was almost done. They were only a few blocks away from the wall that would finish it off.
Techno leaned back to see if he was making a straight line- he was- and Tasha squealed. Twisting around, Techno watched in slow motion as the nails slipped from her grasp and into the snow. He stared as she scrambled to stop them from falling, tumbling to the ground herself. She stared into the snow, on her hands and knees.
Another squeal, this one panicked.
“Hey, kiddo, don’t worry about it,” he soothed and helped her up. Or he tried to, but she squealed harder at the touch. “Okay! No touching!” Techno yanked his hand back to his chest.
He breathed deep, trying to get the hyperventilating Tasha to copy.
There was a smell. Of blood.
Tasha sobbed when Techno’s eyes grew wide in understanding. “Tash, talk to me, show me, please,” Techno tried. She trembled in the snow and looked down at her left hand. Techno leaned in, not touching.
A nail, point up, had slid its way through the meat of her hand in between her thumb and rightmost hoof-ish finger.
Techno held in a hiss, he didn’t want to panic Tasha any more. Instead, he instructed, “Try to keep your hand still but don’t tense up,” Tasha whined, “I know it hurts, kiddo, I promise you’ll be good as new soon.”
Moving slowly, Techno telegraphed his movements and cradled her hand in his. Ooh, this was going to hurt real bad. He wished he could scoop her up into his arms, but chose not to incase the scoop hurt her more.
He led her by the hand back into the cabin. The whole way, Tasha sobbed, growing more hysterical as each step crunched in the bloodied snow. By the time they had made it to the first floor, Techno was having to hold her hand still from the tremors racking her body.
He left her on the carpet and scrambled for potions and wrappings… would she need stitches? Techno hoped that for her sake Tasha didn’t.
Finally, he had gathered his first aid and dumped it next to Tasha.
“I need to touch you again, Tasha. Is that alright?” She didn’t respond. Techno gnawed at his lip, this was bad. Was she in shock?
Either way, the nail needed to be treated.
He tried the breathing again, huffing loudly to a rhythm as he grasped her hand. “Three, two, one,” he yanked out the nail quickly and pressed gauze into the hole left behind.
Tasha quieted… immediately. Huh. She leaned into Techno’s side and he used his free arm to pull her closer. He pressed his snout to the top of her head and continued the rhythmic breathing. The metallic odor of blood was still there, but Tasha smelled like his rose soap, only a little of her ash Nether scent lingering.
With Tasha collapsed into his side, Techno kept her propped up and worked on her hand.
Techno had made those nails today, including the now bloody nail, so she wouldn’t have to worry about tetanus. Still, there was a hole punched through Tasha’s hand… so some worry was reasonable.
The wound was wrapped and the bleeding was mostly stanched.
“Tasha, I need you to wake up.” Techno gave her a light shove. She whined, opened her eyes, and whimpered. “You’ll feel fine, kiddo, just drink this, okay?” A potion of healing was passed over to her. She held it with one hand- she only had one hand. Techno coughed and took it back, unscrewing the cap, “Here you go.”
Her uninjured hand dunked in and got sucked into her mouth. The taste must have been hideous, as Tasha gagged around her hoofed fingers. The sound of flapping ears filled Techno’s stunned silence, “No! Bad!”
Techno frowned, “Tasha, it’ll fix you right up.” He didn’t get it, it was gold. Tasha was just being a picky eater. The texture or something was probably off. He could have sworn he had done the recipe right.
When Tasha made no moves to continue, Techno rolled his eyes: there was always this trick, “Fine, I guess I’ll drink this delicious potion myself.” He raised it to his snout and just as he expected, Tasha squealed. “Oh, you want it now?”
“Give,” a pause, “Meanie.” Techno gasped, the hand not holding the potion coming up to shield his eyes from this atrocity. From under the hand, Techno listened to Tasha slurping and… gagging. Hmm, yeah. He’d need to work on that, whatever that was.
The potion bottle was eventually licked clean: ew. Techno shoved it into a stray chest, he’d either clean or throw it out later.
Tasha’s face was still tear-stained.
Techno chewed at his lip and tugged an ear, “Tasha… you wanna tell me what the freak out was? Cause I know it hurt but that was… horrible.”
“Sorry.” Tasha whispered, “Not. Meant. To.” She shuffled from hoof to hoof, eyes to the Pig Throne. “Not. Mean…. Think. Past. So. Hard.”
“You remembered something?”
Tasha tried out the word, “Remembered…” her voice trailed off, “Not. Matter.” A hesitant smile appeared on her face, and she turned back to Techno. “Back. To. Fun,” was her declaration.
Techno sighed in relief and smiled back, “That’s good.” But with a quick glance at her bandaged hand, “Fun is going to have to wait, though.” Tasha’s face dropped into something crushed, “You didn’t do anything wrong!” he hurried out, leaning in to cup her face in his hands, “We need to let that hand of yours rest for a little while.”
She leaned into his palms, eyes closing. Techno cooed at the sight. Little baby.
The moment broke apart when Tasha’s stomach grumbled. Techno’s joined in. “It’s food time, can you get up on your chair, or do you need help?” It was practically a high chair. Tasha attempted to clamber onto it but did a grabby hand at Techno when she slid back to the floor. “Okay, I gotcha.”
Up she went and into her Pig Throne.
Mid munch of a potato, she paused, her cheeks full. A finger raised up in a gimme a second motion, and she paled. The sheet white melded into slime green. Techno swallowed his carrot and scrambled for a bucket, getting it under her mouth just in time. Out came her lunch and breakfast.
As Tasha retched, Techno held her forehead up, stopping her from tipping into her own sick. “Let it all out, it’s okay,” Techno murmured. This was bad, to say the least.
One more retch and all of her bile was spat out. The smell was horrendous, but Techno still tried to get a good look at her, “Do you feel any better, kiddo?” Tasha whined and brought up a hand to wipe at her mouth. Techno grabbed her a napkin instead.
“Bad. Potion.” Her eyes were even more wrecked, bloodshot and teary. She was sweating, her fur plastered to her forehead. Techno pushed the bucket over to the other side of the table, waving the smell away.
“I hear you now, Tasha,” at least enough to know that they needed a solution if she hated the taste that bad. Her hand would need regular maintenance, especially as Healing was no longer an option.
When he reached out to scoop her, her bones turned to jelly, collapsing into his arms. Techno worried his lip and planted a soft kiss onto her forehead, murmuring, “You can sleep now, pup, I’ll take care of you.”
He undressed her and helped her into a downy blue shirt, one of his. It was oversized, but that would just add to the comfortableness, Techno mused. She didn’t snuggle into the sheets like she normally did, but Techno tucked the comforter around her nonetheless.
Techno grabbed a rag and soaked it in the water from the bath, laying it over Tasha’s forehead. He stood above her sleeping form, not quite waiting, but rather hoping.
A single tear slipped from his eye, down his cheek, and splashed onto the rag. Techno choked on a ragged gasp and stumbled back far enough to hit the door to the bathroom. His hand grasped wildly for the handle and when it opened, he collapsed into the room. The thud was mute to his ears.
His vision tunneled, the voices crescendoing back to life.
He should have listened to her when she first gagged. Forcing her to drink it was cruel, no matter his intentions. And even then, she should have never been holding the nails to begin with. Tasha’s a baby, a little pup, they never have coordination, not enough to catch- Techno forgot to tell her to not grab for falling sharps. It was basic safety, basic information that Techno should have shared. Unless he wanted her to get hurt, but he did not because he cared for Tasha, but his reckless actions pointed to otherwise, and Techno has always been a pig of fact, yet when something presents itself as simple as being a teacher to a child- and he had acted like a teacher for a bit- he can’t even do that. He promised to keep her safe.
And he failed.
Techno dug the heels of his palms into his eyes, stars bursting into his vision. But the blood that spilled from her hand still sloshed around in his brain, the scent of iron filled his snout, making him gag and yack onto the floor in between his knees.
The smell of his own vomit brought him back. Back to the bathroom, back to the door open to show their bed, back to a grabby hand reaching out to him, back to…
He shouldn’t- no, he could not drag himself back into the pit he had been fighting off for an hour, for a week, for a lifetime- he could not.
So picked himself off of the floor, stepped around the puddle of bile, and shut the door behind him.
“Sorry, Tasha,” he held her hand in his, sitting on the edge of the bed, “I had to wash my hands. You’re a little stinky right now,” he chuckled dryly.
A weak giggle murmured its way through the wool. Techno pulled the blanket back, revealing a bleary-eyed Tasha. He squeezed her hand and she pulled out of his. Techno mourned the loss, but when she gave his face a few pats, he gave a real smile. When she yawned Techno pulled the covers back up and slid off the bed and onto the floor. Tasha would get the bed tonight.
He sat onto the floor and rested his head on the mattress. His right arm became his pillow and his left hand was clasped around Tasha’s uncovered hand.
Techno would figure this all out later. For now, Tasha would get her well deserved rest, and Techno, there was nothing in the world that would take him away from her. So he watched the blankets rise and fall with each breath she took and drifted.
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corpse--diem · 4 years
Ghosts That We Knew | Blanche & Erin
TIMING: A few hours after this PARTIES: @corpse--diem & @harlowhaunted SUMMARY: When Blanche wakes up in the hospital, she has something to tell Erin. CONTENT: House Fire tw (mentions)
Blanche dreamed of darkness until she awoke to a steady beeping and a too-bright light in her eyes. She let out a quiet moan. Her limbs were filled with cement, and she couldn’t really move as she tried to orient herself to her surroundings. Blanche was in the hospital. Oh, the hospital. Fan-fucking-tastic. Properly admitted too, or so it looked from the hospital bracelet around her wrist and the IV coming out of her arm. It took her a second to remember the fire, and it was only then that Blanche forced herself to sit up in bed, chasing away the tiredness that hung around her. Her back hurt. Her everything ached. Her eyes shot around the room, and she saw Erin in the bed next to her. “Erin?” Blanche croaked, voice hoarse and thick. She coughed once, before the questions spilled out of her before she could stop them.  “Erin? Where’s Rio? What happened? Are you okay? What’s - I mean - What’s going on?”
Erin didn’t want to be here. She could leave against medical advice if she really wanted to - wasn’t like she had handcuffs securing her to the bed, which was a surprise in itself. The police had come through to talk to her about the fire and Roland’s death. As far as she knew, she wasn’t a suspect they were prodding too hard. Not yet, anyway. Maybe it was just better judgment keeping the more pressing questions from the woman who’d gone through a trauma like that until later. Turning her head slightly, she peeked behind the half-drawn curtain that separated their beds for the fifteenth time that hour. The guilt needling her bones each time. Still quiet, still sleeping. She couldn’t leave. Wouldn’t. Erin could only hope it was restful. Rest. Roland jumped out in her mind’s eye. She kept seeing him falling over and over into the flames, stuck on a loop. Closing her eyes, she ground her teeth down hard. No. Not now. She wasn’t ready to deal with it, and knew if she allowed those thoughts to permeate, she wouldn’t be able to keep it together. She couldn’t lose control. Not now and not ten feet from Blanche’s bed. What right did she have to mourn him, anyway?
She opened her eyes, forcing her attention to whatever As-Seen-On-TV kitchen appliance was being overhyped on the screen. When she heard Blanche stir, she instinctively shot up, wincing as her bandaged arm hit the side of the bed. “Fuck,” she grumbled. Medication could numb that pain at least. Mostly. She reached over as far as she could, holding a hand up. “Hey, hey, you’re okay. Rio’s fine. You’re fine.” Her chest tightened at her other questions. “There was an accident at the funeral home. Do you--do you remember anything that happened?”
Blanche coughed some more, looking at Erin as she tried to calm her. “I -” She still had the lingering headache that told her she shouldn’t have pushed herself too hard. Her hand rose to her forehead, squinting at Erin. “I remember what happened. Rio and I … I picked us up food while we were both on our breaks. The smoke alarms didn’t go off.” And oh god, the fire had been so horrible. Blanche could almost feel the thick smock scratching the back of her throat as she slumped against the wall, waiting to die with Rio. Things went hazy after that. Rio picked her up and passed her through the door to Erin and the police officer… Her heart sunk in her chest. The police officer. What had his name been? Roland. Blanche saw his burned form once they were finally outside, lingering over Erin while her wounds were getting treated. His words burned her ears. He said her own name as Blanche faded back into unconsciousness, unable to do anything else. “That…. Man.” Blanche didn’t see him fall through the floor, but she had heard it. She had seen the aftermath. The flames leaping out of the hole. She looked at Erin, her mouth going dry. “The one who helped us. He was there and…” She rubbed her aching forehead, shifting in the bed to pull her knees up to her chest. She sucked in a deep breath. “How did it start? The fire?”
The severity of her injuries reflected how much longer her and Rio had been exposed to the smoke and lack of oxygen and Erin physically cringed at the sound of Blanche’s painfully dry coughs. Didn’t have the courage to keep eye contact. Rio was recovering surprisingly well from when she last checked and she had to wonder if that had anything to do with the way he literally punched through that door. Blanche had a rougher journey ahead of her. “Roland. He’s--was the police sergeant,” she said quietly, easing her legs over the side of the bed to better face her. Shoved that swelling in her chest away as hard as she could. Blanche deserved to know the truth, she’d almost died for it, but the words kept sticking in her throat. “This is my fault,” she finally answered with a stoicism that surprised even herself, even if she could only meet her eyes for a few seconds at a time. “My boss. He did this. The one I told you about?” She recalled their conversation very clearly, remembered promising her she had it under control. So much for that. “Let’s just say I gave him my resignation and he didn’t take it well. I think I started something I can’t stop.” That was all Blanche really needed to know. She lifted her chin to face her properly, finally, shaking her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Blanche. You shouldn’t have been in any part of this. This is my fight and that sick fuck took it too far--” she paused, chewed at her cheek when her voice rose and nodded firmly at her. “I’m going to make this right.”
Roland. She remembered being an ass to him online. Her heart tightened, and she cleared her throat again as she shook her head. Blanche looked at Erin, pressing her lips together as she digested Erin’s explanation. The situation with her boss - the one that Erin was supposed to have under control. Only for a moment did Blanche feel a spark of anger. But that wasn’t fair, and she knew it wasn’t fair. “This isn’t your fault,” Blanche found herself saying, shaking her head. “You didn’t… You didn’t set the fire. You didn’t lock us in. The only thing any of us can control is ourselves.”  Rio and her were shut in there on purpose. The lock had been tampered with and they were barricaded in, left to die of smoke inhalation and fire. A cruel death, likely meant to get back at Erin. Blanche remembered glumly thinking about how much it would hurt before she lost consciousness the first time. She shifted on her bed again, trying to find a more comfortable position that had her back aching less. Blanche washed a hand down her face, looking away from Erin to stare at the stark white sheets and blanket they put over her. “... I need to talk to you,” Blanche finally said, glancing back at her. The heart monitor picked up the anxiety she felt, and Blanche shot a glare at it. “About… Roland. I saw something. Before they… Before they loaded us into the ambulances.”
Erin didn’t say anything when Blanche insisted it wasn’t her fault. It was. She knew it was and arguing about it with Blanche in this sad, dark hospital room wouldn’t change that. Sure, she hadn’t touched the fire to the house but there wasn’t any question about who had ignited the flame. She shook her head, letting out a long, slow sigh. “Either way, after we get out of here, I need you to keep your distance. No joke. From me, from the funeral h--” She froze, shoulders tensing, face flushing at her glaringly obvious error. The structure stood still, stubbornly intruding on the skyline. From what the police had told her, with enough money and perseverance, it was salvageable. Probably. Not great news but it was better than what she expected. “Stay away from anything to do with this or me,” she said, the edge in her tone sharp and unforgiving. This wasn’t a suggestion and she needed to make sure Blanche realized that. Her eyes narrowed at the mention of Roland, uncertain but far softer than they had been seconds ago. “What do you mean? What about Roland?” He was dead, there was no question there. The doctors had delivered the news personally after she had been taken care of and bandaged up. “What did you see, Blanche?”
The words were cold, but familiar. She hated that they had come from Erin though. Blanche’s eyes closed as she once again adjusted, unable to find a comfortable position longer than thirty seconds. Her legs had this irresistible urge to move; despite feeling like her limbs were weighted down in cement, she wanted to leap out of bed and start screaming. The anger that was there before was back in just a brief instant, her fists curling around the cloth until the skin stretched across her knuckles turned white. Stay away from me. Stay away from danger. “Yeah. Okay,” Blanche said, blankly. “You have it under control, right?” It was a snide comment, but it wasn’t like Blanche had asked for any of this to happen - like she asked to be put in a burning building from some asshole who had a vendetta against an organ dealer. Blanche had grown up used to disappointment, but hearing that from Erin made her so angry that it took her a second to remember the responsibility she had.
That responsibility hit her like she’d been punched in the stomach. The damn ghost situation. Blanche felt the tears prick her eyes, and she felt so ridiculous for feeling so upset over something so stupid when someone had died for her and the rest of them. They couldn’t do a single thing for Roland now. Blanche would have to go and make sure his soul was gone, but other than helping him find peace, there was nothing anyone could do for him now. Blanche pressed her lips together in a thin line, not looking at Erin as she answered her, instead looking at the silent TV trying to sell her some fancy juicer that would break after using it two times. “His ghost,” Blanche said, finally. “I saw his ghost. He … said things to you.” Blanche finally looked at her, her tone softening slightly at she remembered the man’s words. “Do you want me to tell you what he said? Or do you want me to wait?”
Erin wasn’t expecting her demand to go over well but the anger she saw Blanche tensely hold back caught her off guard. Of all people, Blanche deserved to be angry, and especially at her. Stung a little but if that’s what it took to keep the younger woman at a safe distance, she could take it. What hurt more was the question that followed. It hurt because the implication wasn’t wrong. Hurt because it came from Blanche. Guess she deserved that. She clenched her jaw, settling her gaze on the dark window at the far end of the small room, shrugging. “I’m working on it,” she answered simply.
Her attention turned back to Blanche, bristling at the word ‘ghost’, piling onto the confusion that followed immediately after. What would he have to say to Erin? She almost didn’t want to know. He’d made it pretty clear he didn’t want anything to do with her after the arrest and she shifted uncomfortably as her imagination ran wild. He also had no reason to forgive her. Making her feel guilty about his death from the other side didn’t seem like his style. People could surprise you, though. She’d surprised him after all. After a long silence, she nodded her head. “What did he say?” She asked, her voice small but sure. Whatever it was, she could take that too.
Maybe Blanche wasn’t being fair, but right then and there, Blanche didn’t want to be fair. Stay away from anything to do with me. Blanche heard that before, and it meant trouble and pain and, now, it meant death. She thought of the police officer again, how he was so ready to literally carry her out of there, and how his last action was to throw her to safety as the floor gave way beneath them. It wasn’t fair, Blanche realized, to let her anger mask over her duty to the dead. “He said he was sorry,” Blanche said stiffly, her cheek resting on her knee as she stared at a patch of wall. “That he doesn’t understand how you got mixed up in something like this, but…” Blanche was unsure how to word it, and she didn’t want to get it wrong. Honestly, she wasn’t even sure if the memory she had of Roland’s voice was right. But didn’t Blanche owe it to Erin to tell her what she thought she heard? “But he wants you to find your way out of whatever this is.” Her voice hardened again, despite herself. The anger she felt was real, and she was having trouble swallowing it back as she became more and more aware of just how much everything hurt. The pain gnawed at her like an aggravating itch she couldn’t get rid of, even though she was sure they had given her something for the pain. Her fists clenched around the blankets, and for a second she thought the whole room was going to consume her. Breathe, Blanche. Her eyes closed, and slowly, she forced herself to relax out of the stiff position she wound herself into.
“I don’t know if he passed on,” Blanche finally looked back at Erin. “I… couldn’t stay awake any longer.” She was uncomfortably guilty about that. “I’ll have to go back and check later. Once…” Blanche looked around, squinting out into the dark. “Did they say how long we’re stuck here? I want to go home.”
Erin had naively thought she was ready for whatever this fight would potentially give or take away. The nights she couldn’t sleep, which were most nights, were spent picturing the 1001 ways this could go wrong. As if armoring herself with any foreseen pain could make the actual thing more bearable. Didn’t work like that though. Emotions couldn’t be planned out ahead of time. She could suppress them, switch autopilot on when it was necessary to get the job done. She’d gotten good at that. The way Blanche was looking at her--or more aptly, not looking at her--seared a white hot guilt through her chest that rivaled the literal burn on her arm. A look she had thought she had prepared herself for--the anger, disappointment. Roland’s final words only added to the noise in her head. “He’s sorry?” She blurted out while the rest of his final words processed. “Why would-- For wh--” Her jaw slacked as her mind tried to catch up, to try and understand his reasonings. It never quite got there. The man had nothing to be sorry about. No good reason to hope for the best for her. She had gotten him killed and still, he was more kind to her than she ever deserved. Angry tears clawed at her throat, burned behind her eyes until her vision blurred. Oh god, she couldn’t break down right now. Not here. Not in front of Blanche. Wasn’t fair to put that on her on top of everything she’d already endured. “Thank you. For telling me,” she nodded earnestly when she finally pulled herself together.
“I don’t know. They couldn’t tell me how you were doing,” she finally managed after Blanche asked the question. Something about HIPPA or whatever. She pulled her covers up a little higher, afraid if she moved too abrasively or made any sudden movements, the whole room would crumble in on itself. Home sounded good. She wanted to go home. Wanted to disappear into Nic’s arms for a little while. She ran a hand over her cheek, took a deep, sharp breath. “Do you want me to call anyone for you? Or get the nurse to?”
“That’s all he said. I’m sorry.” Granny said a medium’s gift was for the living just as much as the dead, but she couldn’t give the living answers that were not there. What was Roland sorry for? The fire? The way things went between them when he was alive? Blanche didn’t know, and she couldn’t give Erin the answer she wanted. Her job was to speak for the dead, not to put words in their mouth and lie, even if making something up seemed better now. Remembering Granny’s words kept Blanche stone faced as she stared at the wall, not responding to Erin’s gratitude. She didn’t want her thanks, she didn’t want any of this.
Her icy facade only broke when Erin asked if there was anyone she could call for her. A name caught in her throat before everything hit her at once. Everything was fucked. Erin’s home, Roland’s life, Rio, how quickly she gave way to the smoke and how tired she was. Why did this keep happening? If things were just normal she would be sitting here, her mother and father and brother at her side already. If things were normal, Blanche wouldn’t be here at all. She wouldn’t even be in the state. She’d be in Massachusetts, getting ready for her senior year of school if she could have just held on for a little bit longer. It was thoughts she had before, and Blanche knew that dwelling on them would do nothing for her now.
Tears had come out of her eyes before she could stop them, and Blanche crumbled in her bed, right in front of Erin, suddenly too viciously upset to be embarrassed. Her arm with the IV jerked. Blanche knew there was only one person in the entire world that could give her any comfort. “I want Granny,” Blanche said angrily, knowing just how impossible it was. “I want to go home.”
If Erin had known the question would set Blanche off into a torrent of tears, she would have kept her mouth shut. Concern spiked through whatever grief or guilt clouded her thoughts. Granny? The one Blanche had been mourning, who had crossed over not long ago? “Oh, Blanche…” she murmured softly. Words failed her the rest of the way and they died in the air.
Comfort usually came much easier than this but her own pain and exhaustion refused to let better words come. Instead, she shifted tenderly off the bed, wheeling the IV attached to her arm to Blanche’s bedside. “Blanche, I’m s--” she shook her head, sitting at the edge but close enough to rest her hand on the younger woman’s arm. Apologizing again felt hollow. She tried to meet her watery eyes, her sobs piercing her skin like knives. “Please. What can I do? Who can I call? Let me just--please let me help you,” she pleaded. Even if she could just sit there while she cried, to help her feel a little less alone right now, she’d take it. If she wanted to scream at her for putting her in this position, she’d take that too. Anything at all would be better than helplessly watching her fall apart.
She wanted so badly to rip the IV out of her arm and shove Erin away from her. What was she doing? What were either of them doing?! This was so stupid. This was all so stupid! Granny was gone, someone was dead, and they were almost burned alive. Blanche cringed away from Erin’s touch, wanting to rip her arm away from her. What was the point? What was the point of any of this? Delivering messages while she sat in a shitty hospital bed, in pain, exhausted, and angrier than she had been in a long, long time. Hadn’t she accepted this when Granny moved on? Her mediumship was her duty and her responsibility, no matter the circumstances because so few could give a voice to the dead. Who else would have heard Roland? And Roland should be heard, his words and his wishes should be heard. But, Jesus Christ, why did it have to be her? Why did she have to sit here in this shitty hospital room and look Erin in the eyes after she just told Blanche to stay away from her? Why did she have to provide her that comfort? Granny would remind her to be kind and have compassion, but at that moment, Blanche had no kindness or compassion for Erin.
She shook her head, wiping her tears away in fury with the back of her trembling hand. “I want to go back to sleep.” Blanche snarled, finally wrenching her arm out of Erin’s grip. “I want to go home. I want Granny. I want Adrien. Nell. Rio. I just want - I want it all to stop! Can you make it stop Erin?” Blanche looked at Erin severely, unable to truly focus as the hot tears blurred her vision. Erin couldn’t make it stop, and that wasn’t her fault. She was grieving the loss of her home and that policeman she saw - the one who whispered to her before she died. This wasn’t fair to her either, but Blanche was done being fair. Her energy was spent, and she had nothing left to give. Maybe she would regret it later, but now? Blanche just shook her head, pulling the thin white blanket up and over her head as she curled back down into the thin mattress and shut her eyes tight. She could deal with Erin later. She could text someone later. She could deal with anything later as long as she didn’t have to deal with the weight of the world now.
There was nothing Erin wanted more in the world than to make it stop. Make this all stop. The death, the destruction, the fresh pain rippling through town at the hands of this monster. Monster. It wasn’t a word she used lightly anymore but there was no better descriptor for Roy Chambers. Roy and the easy smile he wore while he flippantly decided who lived and who died. Who had to bear the burden of the ash he left in his wake. Erin could take it. She would, whether she liked it or not. She’d signed up for this. Rio hadn’t. Blanche hadn’t. Roland sure as fuck hadn’t. Nothing Erin said or did right now was going to change or dull the pain that Blanche was feeling right now either. She wouldn’t take back her demand, either. This was exactly why she needed Blanche to stay away. Space was the only thing that would keep her safe. If that meant she’d hate Erin for the rest of her days, Erin could only be thankful she had those days to hate her with.
Still, the rejection that came when the blanket was pulled over Blanche’s head gutted her like a knife. She sat quietly at her bedside, hoping maybe she’d rip the blanket off and even scream at her if that was what Blanche needed. When it became clear not even that was going to happen, Erin padded slowly across the cold floor back to her side of the room. Grabbed the curtain that separated the both of them, sparing one last look to the rumpled bed. I’m sorry. I’m here if you need me. I’ll always be here if you really need me. She didn’t say any of those things and knew it was probably better that way. The less she confused the young woman about her previous demand to stay away, the better. She’d done enough damage as it was for one night. With a heavy heart and tired eyes, Erin drew the curtain shut.
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onlysmagic · 4 years
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hey hey hey! it's me, honey, back again. i've miss everyone so very much. how have you all been? good, i hope. for the time being, i'll be playing sweet cordy again ( nothing new  . . . nothing's changed . . . still the same old cordy! ) but noah could be coming back soon ~* and maybe some new muses *~ ooOOoOOh. as always, hit the heart for a new old friend and i'll im you to get the party started!
cordy’s stats 🌌 cordy’s wanted connections 🌌 cordy’s pinboard
thanks again for an incredibly warm welcome back! i've missed you all terribly!
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🌌 —  THE STATS .
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           ONCE UPON A TIME , IN A FAR-AWAY LAND known as nara , an ordinary girl is born to two parents who love her ( but cannot seem to love themselves. ) they name her cordelia and, from a young age, there was always something a little . . . off about their sweet girl. now, many parents would claim that their child glows & a light seems to follow them wherever they wander, but the wantanabes would be right.
           it isn’t until the young girl turns 10 that she realizes that no, not everyone can bend space and time to their own whim. not everyone sees the universe as a malleable thing, able to be crafted in one’s own image should they wish. in fact, she is the only one she knows who can do anything of the sort. okay, her dad has superhuman-like strength ( in that he can help her open bottles and things of that sort ) and her mother is incredibly quick-witted, but neither of them can conjure hot balls of gas and light whenever they wish. cordelia can. it’s her mother’s idea to keep it a secret, out of fear that someone could find the young girl and exile her for being so . . . different. delia doesn’t see the harm in it. what’s the worst that can happen? at that age, all she tended to do was bring a bit of starlight to the light-polluted nara and its surrounding areas. it wasn’t like she was dangerous in her mind, it’s all fun and games . . . until someone gets hurt.
           and who should get hurt? why, her beloved parents, of course. a freak accident ( a rush, a blur, not knowing where her powers could take her. ) cordelia was swallowed whole by the guilt of seeing both of her parents in the hospital, doctors whizzing around them while not knowing what in the world had gotten to either of them. they couldn’t for the life of them guess; most thought lightning had something to do with it. if they only knew it was the little girl sitting at each of their bedsides, hot tears streaming down her cheeks.
           they both eventually got to go home -- becoming known around nara as the lightning couple, due to the belief that they both were struck by lightning, despite the outlandish odds -- but cordy knew that she wouldn’t be able to go home with them. she would never forgive herself if something worse ( and there wasn’t much worse that could happen to either of them ) so she found hosu and ran, ran, ran. of course, when she arrived safe and sound, she wrote to her parents, but she’s broken inside knowing that, well, it has to be this way. it’s breaking them all, but it has to be this way.
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          THE BROWN-EYED girl shows up on the island shaking. she'd never done anything so brash before, yet, here she was, so many miles away from everything she'd ever known and with nothing to her name . . . nothing other than that stupid quirk she'd been all but cursed with.
          stupid stars. stupid light. stupid gas. stupid universe.
          . . . so what if she's not exactly eloquent, she's too angry to care. what a wicked way to go, but cordelia figures it's better her than her parents. they do forgive her, eventually, but it takes quite a few conversations that last hours upon hours and some good, old fashion groveling. afraid of growing so close to someone that she can hurt them again, cordelia becomes a master of being seen and not heard; it's easier to not be missed if no one really knows you, after all.
          but it's incredibly lonely. living by a rule that an eleven-year-old version of herself created is becoming harder and harder with each passing day, especially when she starts having to lie to mom and dad when they ask about her friends ( cordelia never did like that sad sounding sigh that would always come across the line. ) so she creates these fanciful friends and their fantastic adventures across the isle. they all have their own quirks but they learn to live with them, learn to love them and, by extension, themselves. yeah, it sounds something out of a coming-of-age film that cordelia would probably love . . . but what her parents don't know won't hurt them.
          but it'll end up hurting cordelia. karma's been chasing not too far behind with its sight set on her and, one day, it finally gets her. a horrible accident, her mother exclaimed, so much blood and just -- what, what is going on? cordelia's heart was in her throat and she wanted to scream until she broke the sound barrier. she nearly went supernova ( quite literally, too. it took everything in her not to explode right then and there. ) her father was hit by some punk drunk driver and was announced dead on arrival . . . what? why would the universe do such a thing? why would those stupid stars that everyone swore by decide to take such an inherently good person away?
          it wasn't fair. cordelia fell into a deep deep depression. the stars didn't shine nearly as brightly as they once did ( there was no one to create new galaxies for anymore. ) every night, she'd watch the stars she'd created for her father, her mother, the old friends she knew in nara, die slow deaths. soon, there would be nothing left in the world with her namesake on it and cordelia, all at once, found that to be a crying shame. call it her father's optimism finally rubbing off on her, or just simply finding it hard to keep lying to her now-widowed mother.
          she was going to find some friends . . . anyhow, anyway. if karma, the stars, the government, anything or everything was keeping an eye on her, she’d at least give them a worthwhile show.
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POSITIVE : appropriate, brave, balanced, sugary, polite, organized, practical.
NEGATIVE : co-dependent, stuffy, standoffish, aloof, lethal, anti-social, incapable, dishonest.
LABEL : the doll . . . beautiful but fragile / untouchable.
EASTERN ZODIAC SIGN : THE RAT . . . a clever, quick thinker; successful, but content with living a quiet and peaceful life.
WESTERN ZODIAC SIGN : ARIES / THE RAM . . . a fire sign.  a passionate, motivated, and confident leader who builds community with their cheerful disposition and relentless determination. uncomplicated and direct in their approach, they often get frustrated by exhaustive details and unnecessary nuances.
PERSONALITY TYPE : INTJ / THE ARCHITECT . . . highly analytical, creative and logical.
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AURIGA / THE CHARIOTEER  . . . you and cordelia live in the same building. you have the ( un ) fortune of living above her, and in the middle of the night, you awaken to so many odd noises. when you look outside your window, you see her in the middle of the field painting the night sky with thousands of sparkling lights. stars . . . and so many of them! maybe you like them, maybe you ask her to spell out a swear word in the sky, or maybe you just want to sleep.
CASSIOPEIA - THE QUEEN  . . . cordelia rubs you the wrong way. that emotionless void of a girl has gotten on your last nerve and you are going to show her. how? you're not sure yet, but she will rue the day she ever crossed you. wait, what do you mean she's not that bad? that's not fair! you're supposed to hate her . . . wait, did you ever?
CYGNUS - THE SWAN . . . you fell for a vision. no, literally, a vision. they say you only dream up faces you've seen in real life, and for some reason, cordelia is that face. maybe she visits you in dreams and messes with your head, or maybe she's that serial killer who runs after you down the never-ending hallway with a knife in her hand and a smile on her face. how do you deal with seeing her . . . all the time?
GEMINI - THE TWINS . . . something happened and you were both in a tough situation, with cordelia being in the tougher of the two. you two strike a deal to help one another, but you tell her that she owes you. whatever she owes you, that's the deal ( please don't be weird about it tho ) and, for as long as you'd like, she can run around and do your errands for you, tell everyone your blunt opinion of them ( she's pretty good at that ) or just have to listen to you sing the entire aladdin soundtrack over and over again at 3 am. your call.
LYRA - THE LYRE . . . cordelia's never been the type to truly understand people. she always thought that it was because she was so sheltered growing up, really choosing to spend her time with her parents and a select friends from school. however, as she's grown up, she's come to learn that she does want to understand people . . . she just can't. not for trying, but she's too blunt, too sardonic, too -- cordelia. which is why she enlists your help. you're the golden child and she'd like a little bit of that sparkle to shine on her, thank you very much.
ORION - THE HUNTER . . . call it fate, destiny, whatever you will -- something brought you and cordelia together for a fun summer romance. however, now that summer’s melted into fall and everything is getting colder, so did your romance. you broke it off in a way that you thought was amicable but cordelia would be quick to disagree with. she doesn’t want you back, per say, but she does wish that she could have had better closure than a single text message . . . then again, she wasn’t exactly an angel in the relationship either. after she drops off one of your hoodies, you find a crumpled up note stuck in the pocket of someone confessing their love for cordelia . . . during your relationship. seriously, it includes your name and everything! do you confront her, or do you try and get the pair together?
URSA MAJOR - THE BIG BEAR . . . she didn’t mean to, honestly !! you just so happened to be hit by that star and, oh god, it’s like the entire ordeal with her parents all over again. only except she doesn’t really know you. every day during your stint in the hospital, you receive a bouquet of beautiful flowers -- maybe they’re your favorites or maybe they’re the type you cannot stand -- with the same note. i’m sorry. you figure it isn’t from anyone you know; it can’t be, can it? on your second-to-last day, the apologetic message is accompanied by an address and a little, scratchy handwritten note asking to meet someone there. against your better judgement you do, but no one is there . . . until you look up in the sky to see an incredible array of different-colored gasses ,you’ve never seen a nebula up close, save for photographs. a tall, black-haired girl walks beside you and begins to explain that she did not mean to hit you with a shooting star. she was simply practicing but her aim isn’t where it needs to be. do you believe this girl, or run as far as you can away from her?
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