#The wonders hidden in a simple butterfly
arcadiamln · 2 months
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I like to draw Cale as a fox. In this time I wanted to show his interaction with Raon. This kid deserves the sun and butterflies!
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soulofapatrick · 6 months
You Drive Me Crazy - Monkey D. Luffy x Reader
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Summary: Wandering a new town with Luffy makes you give into your feelings for him
Words: 2.2k
warning: none
As we step off the Thousand Sunny onto the weathered wooden planks of the port, the air thrums with a vibrant energy that’s palpable. The town stretches out before us, a colourful tapestry of bustling streets lined with shops flaunting an array of goods, from exotic fruits to peculiar trinkets. The scent of saltwater intermingles with the atomic wafts of street food, drawing me deeper into this lively maze of a town. 
Luffy, of course, is first off the ship, bounding with a contagious enthusiasm as always, “Let’s explore!” He grins, his russet eyes twinkling with anticipation. 
Before I can even reply, Luffy has grabbed my hand and begun dragging me in one direction while the rest of the crew disperses, each drawn to their own curiosities. Luffy and I have unwittingly wandered into a maze of alleys, absorbed in the town’s enchanting chaos. 
“Whoa, look at that!” Luffy pants excitedly at a display of vibrant fabrics hanging from a nearby stall. With a burst of enthusiasm, Luff charges towards the stall, his eyes wide with wonder as he examines the vivd fabrics. His excitement is infectious, and despite my attempt to catch up, his strides are longer, leaving me to trail behind. 
“Luffy! Wait up!” I call out between giggles, trying to keep pace with his uncontainable energy. 
Suddenly, as if he realises he’s moved too far ahead, Luffy halts and turns around, a wide grin splitting his face, “Oh, sorry, Y/N!” His hand shoots out instinctively, finding mine in the midst of the bustling crowds. My cheeks flush at the unexpected contact, a warmth spreading from where our hands touch. It’s a simple gesture, his fingers loosely intertwining with mine, but it sends a jolt of butterflies fluttering in my stomach. 
“It’s okay,” I manage to reply, trying to steady my voice, though my heart is racing. Walking side by side, hand in hand with Luffy, feels both surreal and strangely comforting. His grip is firm yet gentle, and his infectious excitement continues to bubble up. 
As we navigate the colourful streets hand in hand, Luffy’s enthusiasm leads us on a whirlwind tour of the town. His eyes light up at every new discover—a street performer captivating a crowd with juggling tricks, a tantalising aroma wafting from a bustling food cart, and the vibrant tapestry of local art adorning the walls of narrow alleyways. 
“Lufe, maybe we should try and find the rest of the crew.” I suggest gently, trying to steer our exploration towards reuniting with the rest of the Straw Hats, especially Zoro who has absolutely no sense of direction. 
“Hmmm, yeah! Food first, though.” Luffy grins, his stomach rumbling audibly in agreement. He squeezes my hand lightly before leading the way, his strides purposeful as he follows his nose in pursuit of a tantalising scent. We traverse through a maze of alleys, peeking into quirky shops and exchanging smiles with locals. Despite the urgency to regroup, there’s an undeniable thrill in discovering the town’s hidden gems alongside Luffy. 
It makes me want to be brave and bold. The impulse hits me like a sudden gust of wind, a surge of courage mingled with the thrill of the moment. Without much thought, I tug Luffy down a secluded alleyway, away from the bustling crowds, his puzzled expression asking the unspoken question.
“Y/N?” He blinks, caught off guard by the sudden shift in your trajectory. Before I can second-guess myself, I halt us in a secluded nook, where the sound of the bustling town fades into a distant murmur. My heart pounds in my chest, adrenaline coursing through me as I turn to face him. In the quiet intimacy of the secluded alleyway, where the town's vibrant chaos faded into a distant hum, I grappled with the weight of unspoken emotions. My attempts to voice the tangled mess of feelings faltered, lost amidst the charged air that enveloped us.
“Lufe…” I start to speak, my voice trembling with a mix of nervousness and determination, trying to formulate my thoughts as his gaze, unwavering yet expectant, meets mine, a silent invitation to unravel the unspoken words between us. But before I can gather the courage to speak, a flicker of movement—the swift swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip—sends a jolt through me, a jolt through me, a momentary distraction that leaves me spellbound. Driven by an overwhelming rush of emotion, I act on impulse, my hands finding their place on his shoulders. With a mixture of anticipation and nervousness, I guide him backwards until his back meets the solid embrace of the alley’s wall.
“Lu.. I…” I try to confess, the words escaping in a soft exhale, tinged with vulnerability, “You drive me fucking crazy.” I mutter more to myself than him, my cheeks burning with a blend of embarrassment and raw honesty. 
In that suspended moment, where the world fades into insignificance and all that exists is the fragile space between us, I lean in. Our lips meet, tentative yet fervent, in a collision that feels like a confession whispered against the canvas of the quiet alleyway. 
His lips, warm and tender, surprise me by responding with a hesitance that mirrors my own. It’s a dance of uncertainty and longing, an unspoken exchange that thrums with uncharted territory and the untold stories hidden within us. As our breaths mingle and the kiss deepens, it’s a tentative exploration, a voyage into uncharted waters of intimacy. Each touch, each brush of his lips against mine, is a revelation—an awakening that crackles with an exhilarating newness and an unspoken understanding that transcends mere words. 
Breaking the kiss feels like severing a fragile thread connecting us, the weight of uncertainty settling upon my shoulders like an unwelcome burden. I’m hesitant to meet Luffy’s gaze, unsure of what lays behind those eyes—was it merely a response to my impulsive action, or did it echo the silent sentiments I harboured?
I step back, a tentative distance between us, the quiet of the alleyway suddenly suffocating. The moment hangs in the hair, the echo of our shared kiss lingering on my lips, something sweet and Luffy-esque. Avoiding his eyes, I find myself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions, a tempest of hope and fear swirling within. 
Before I can fathom his response or make sense of the sudden silent tension, Luffy’s left arm swoops around my waist with practiced ease. There’s no time to react as he effortlessly lifts me, prompting my legs to instinctively encircle his waist. His right hand is warm as it finds the back of my neck, guiding my face down towards his, and before I can protests or resist, like I actually would, his lips crash against mine in a fervent embrace. 
My back meets the unyielding surface of the alleyway wall this time, the impact jolting me into the present moment. There’s a rush of heat and urgency in the way his lips meld with mine, a passionate hunger that takes me by surprise. His kiss is a tempest, a whirlwind that pulls me deeper into the unspoken connection between us. The weight of his touch, the searing fervour of our shared intimacy, sends a shockwave of conflicting emotions through me. 
Our lips collide over and over again in a fervent dance, a tumultuous tangle of emotions woven into the fervour of our shared embrace. Luffy’s touch, both tender and ardent, sends a cascade of sensations through me, the heat of his palm against my waist searing through the fabric. My own hands find refuge in the soft but tousled strands of his hair, a silent plea for grounding amidst the whirlwind of emotions. As our mouths meld in an urgent exchange, his fingers trial along the curve of my back, a fiery caress that ignites a symphony of sensations. The weight of his touch, the way he draws me closer in an embrace that’s both fierce and tender, speaks volumes where words fail.
We linger in that impassioned embrace, an unspoken understanding passing between us, a silent dialogue in the language of touch. Each press of our bodies against each other feels like a desperate attempt to bridge the gap between uncertainty and longing. But the need for air becomes a pressing reality, an unspoken signal that interrupts the fervour. Reluctantly, we draw apart, breaths mingling in the shared space between us. Our gazes meet, a silent understanding passing between us, the residue of shared intimacy and unanswered questions hanging heavy in the air. 
In that suspended moment, the air between us seems charged with unspoken revelations, the weight of our shared connection palpable. My cheeks flush with warmth, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, mirroring the one on Luffy's face—a silent acknowledgment of the shared understanding between us.
“I didn’t realise you wanted it to.” I murmur, my voice soft and laced with a blend of bashfulness and contentment, the surge of warmth spreading through me as our eyes meet. 
“I like kissing you.” Luffy admits, his words hanging in the charged atmosphere, his cheeks tinted with a shy hue that mirrors my own. His gaze flits down to my lips, an unspoken invitation that lingers between us.
Before I can fully comprehend his words, he leans in once again, his lips finding mine in a tender yet fervent embrace. His kiss is a revelation, an electrifying sensation that ignites a fiery longing within me. As his lips mold against mine, I feel an inexplicable surge of warmth and a sense of belonging wash over me. 
His tongue dips into the dance, an exploration that sends shivers down my spine, an intimate connection that speaks volumes of unspoken desire. The sensation is electric, a mixture of fervour and tenderness that takes my breath away. Then, with a daring passion, he trails his lips along the curve of my neck, leaving an indelible mark—a soft, heated exchange that leaves a tingling sensation in its wake. His fervent gesture evokes a flutter of anticipation and a rush of emotions, the tender contact sending ripples of desire through me. 
The alleyway seems to fade into insignificance as the world narrows down to the electrifying touch of his lips against my skin. The rush of emotions—desire, longing, and an unspoken connection—becomes a silent symphony in the quiet embrace of that moment.
After marking my neck with a couple of lingering kisses, Luffy returns to my lips, a renewed hunger in his touch, a passionate hunger that speaks of unspoken desires. Our kiss becomes a passionate exchange, a dance of emotions that transcends the tangible, leaving me breathless and wanting more, lost in the whirlwind of our unspoken connection. 
In the midst of our make-out session, the alleyway is suddenly filled with the sound of approaching footsteps, an unexpected intrusion into the bubble of intimacy we've woven around ourselves. The air crackles with an unspoken tension as Sanji, Nami, and Zoro materialise at the end of the alleyway, their expressions ranging from surprise to a hint of amusement. 
Sanji's eyes widen, caught off guard by the unexpected sight, a mix of disbelief and curiosity flickering across his features. Nami's gaze flits between Luffy and me, a subtle quirk of her eyebrow betraying her surprise, while Zoro, ever stoic, seems to register the situation with a muted incredulity. But amidst the surprise of being caught in such a compromising position, Luffy doesn't lower me to the ground. Instead, he remains composed, his arms still securely holding me, a carefree grin lighting up his face. "Oh! Hi guys!" he calls out cheerfully, as if the current situation were the most normal thing in the world. 
My cheeks flush with heat, a mixture of embarrassment and disbelief at the unexpected interruption. I can feel their eyes on us, their varied reactions a tableau of surprise and amusement. It's as though time has frozen, the unspoken tension between Luffy and me hanging palpably in the air, unacknowledged but impossible to ignore. 
Luffy's nonchalant greeting, coupled with the lack of any attempt to explain or release me, adds a surreal edge to the moment. Despite the interruption, he seems unfazed, his carefree demeanour standing in stark contrast to the tension that simmers between us. 
"Uh, hey," I manage to utter, my voice a mix of awkwardness and attempt at normalcy, my gaze darting between the surprised faces of our crewmates and the unyielding hold Luffy maintains, refusing to let me go. 
Sanji's lips part as if to say something, but he's momentarily lost for words, a mixture of astonishment and curiosity written across his face. Nami, on the other hand, lets out an amused chuckle, a knowing glint in her eyes that betrays her thoughts, while Zoro's impassive expression remains unchanged, though a hint of bemusement lurks in his eyes.
Luffy finally puts me down but slides his hand into mine, squeezing lightly and his russet eyes shine with joy and excitement before he says something oh so Luffy-like: 
“Let’s eat!”
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One Piece Masterlist TAG LIST - updated 21st Dec 2023
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Behavioral Lessons - King Ben x Reader
Summary: You push Ben's buttons too far
Words: 5.3K
Inspired by a section from my Dating Ben Would Include. Ben didn't lose his beard or fangs in this guys. He just didnt. So with that, he might just have some other… beast like qualities. (im so sorry i went rouge)
Link to photo of the dress, but if you hate it, just ignore when the dress is described and picture whatever you want to be wearing!
Warnings: Smut, uhhhh, thigh riding, a bit of edging, choking bro im not well at ALL for doing this to poor mitchell, not proofed
Edit: oh god. yall this is so dirty. i didnt mean to make ben a degrader but here we are... I’m sorry if I ruin this franchise for you rip i ruined it for myself
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You had to take matters into your own hands. You hadn't seen Ben in weeks. And when you had, it wasn't for more than a few minutes when you passed each other in the corridors of the castle. He hadn't even been returning to your shared room at night, sleeping in his office instead. You were growing restless without your fiancé.
Since you were both twenty-one, your wedding was coming up. With the nearing celebrations on top of his usual king duties, Ben had been more stressed than usual, which is why you hadn't seen him recently.
So naturally, you just had to take matters into your own hands. You knew the way to help your fiancé was to help him relieve his stress, and you knew just how to push him to get there.
Every Friday night, you sat down with Ben and his parents for dinner. But this Friday was special. Not only were his parents going to be there, but so were your friends. It was the final Friday before your wedding and it would be the most you've seen of him in weeks so you were looking forward to it. And what was to come afterward.
You kept the dress hidden for months. It was strapless and fell mid-thigh. The body of the dress was a pale yellow, the outer layer was a sparkly floral pink fabric, and the bodice had tiny bows up the front. Evie had designed it for you and was standing in front of you now.
"Oh. My. God. I don't think I've ever made anything better. You look incredible. Ben is gonna go craaaa-zyyyyy." She was gushing over you, shoving a pair of gold shoes into your hands. "Now put these on, and then let's get to that dinner.
You looked at yourself in the mirror absolutely mesmerized at your reflection. Your legs looked incredibly long with the length of the dress paired with the heels. Dizzy had so graciously styled your hair, a simple updo, but with your small tiara on your head, it was perfect. You smiled at yourself, bringing your hand to your neck where a small, gold, necklace with the letter "B" sat.
You were giddy with anticipation, ready to see Ben, ready for him to see you. You entered the large dining hall, filled with your friends from the Isle and Auradon. Belle was at your side immediately, looking beautiful as always.
"Y/N! Sweetie! You look lovely!" The small woman hugged you. "I am so looking forward to you and Ben's wedding next week. It is going to be beautiful!" You smiled at her.
"Thank you! I'm excited about it too. Ben is a wonderful man. I’m very lucky to be marrying him." Then, Lumiere announced that dinner had been served and as you turned to go to your seat, Ben was behind you.
"Hi." He was giving you the smile that made your stomach flutter with butterflies. His hands were on your waist almost instantly, bringing your body closer to his. He looked perfect, would you expect anything different? The blue suit with the golden crown was a look you'd never get tired of.
"Hello." You smiled back at him as he kissed you for the first time in weeks. You broke it first, knowing that people were most definitely watching you and that you needed to leave him wanting more.
As you walked to your places at the table, Ben whispered in your ear...
"You look incredible, Y/n." You flushed at the compliment and at the way his voice sounded when he said your name.
You sit next to him, the chairs closer together than normal with the new amount of people. The plan was in full motion now.
The feast was grand, as it usually was, but before it began, Ben rose to give a toast.
"Thank you all for joining Y/N and me," He gestured for you to stand and join him. His arm wrapped around you instantly. "In our final feast before our wedding." He turned to you, his beautiful smile returning again. "I can't speak for my beautiful fiancé, but I am so happy that our closest friends and family were able to join us tonight." You spoke before he could go on.
"I am also very happy you are here!" The hall erupted in a chorus of laughs and Ben squeezed your side.
"I'm so honored to be marrying such a wonderful person. I cannot wait to share the rest of my life with you.” You smiled at him as he bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips. He whispers, "I love you." and then he pulls away to continue. “Alright, I’m sure you all want to eat, so I won't bore you with my love speech any longer."
As everyone else ate, you counted the minutes until you could begin your plan. You didn't want to start it too early or too late. You had to wait for the right time. Ben was such an attentive fiancé that he had noticed your behavior.
"Honey?" You were startled at his voice in your ear again. "Are you feeling ok?" You turned to him, noticing that he was looking down at your chest, blushing when he looked back up. You shifted at the sight of his tongue running over the tips of his fangs.
Now. It was time for your plan.
You set your hand on his upper thigh, leaning over to whisper into his ear.
"I guess I'm just hungry for something else..." You ran your hand up further before you were stopped by him. You looked down at his hand grasping your wrist, right above the seam of his pants.
"Y/N." His usually sweet voice was stern. You set your face with a smirk but innocent eyes, looking up at him. His jaw was clenched but you could tell you were getting somewhere. His skin was dusted pink and his pupils had dilated. "What are you doing?" You reached your fingers to brush against the fabric of his pants and he snarled, his grip on your wrist tightening.
"Ben!" His father interrupted and he swallowed, squeezing your wrist once more.
“Stop if you know what’s good for you.” His words were low and then he turned to his father who was across the table. You took this moment to shake yourself from him, turning to the former king, before placing your hand back onto his pants.
Ben jerked, trying to keep his composure in front of his parents and friends, but how could he when you were teasing him like this? In order to not draw attention to himself, he kept both hands on the table.
"Son, are you ok?" Ben eyed you, giving you a glare that only spurred you on further. He cleared his throat before speaking.
"I'm fine." He continued his conversation with his father, talking about God knows what, as you continued to tease him. You were half listening to Ben and Adam and the other half of your brain was only thinking of making Ben as flustered as possible, so you ran your hand over the growing tent in his suit pants. You could tell he was struggling to maintain his composure, his breathing had gone uneven, his face was red, and he kept glancing at the big grandfather clock behind his father's chair.
You smiled, gave his clothed member a squeeze, and withdrew your hand, reaching for a large piece of chocolate cake. You looked over at Ben, his eyes narrowed on you as you brought a bite to your mouth. His slip in composure was glorious and you winked at him as you brought a bite of cake to your lips.
You almost choked on the cake as his hand slid onto your thigh, just past your dress, fingers skimming the soft lace of your underwear, already wet from your actions and your thoughts of the night to come.
"So needy that you've resulted to disobeying your King? How pathetic." His lips grazed over the skin under your ear before he leaned back to look at you.
Your thighs squeezed against his hand involuntarily and it was his turn to smirk. He regained his composure, returning to “normal” Ben, now free from your teasing.
You, however could barely eat your dessert with his hand pressed between your legs.
“Regretting our actions are we?” He whispered to you as his engagement ring slid over your core. You covered the gasp with a cough. “That’s what I thought.”
The second dinner had ended, Ben's arm was around your waist. As the two of you neared the doors of the large hall, his name was called.
His dad and Lumiere were behind you.
"Your Majesty, your father and I have been talking and there are a few things we wanted to go over for palace security during the ceremony. If you come with us, it won't take very long." Ben's face was completely normal as he gave Lumiere a nod before turning to face you.
He plastered on his King Ben smile, brushing his hand against your cheek, bringing your lips to his, but he didn't kiss you.
"I hope you know, I'm not going to be nice tonight." His lips were on yours for mere seconds before he stepped back, running his tongue over his fangs once again. Then, he turned back to Adam and Lumiere, leaving you in the dining hall, thoughts running wild about what was to happen to you that night.
You called Evie as soon as you got back to your and Ben's bedroom.
"Do I keep the dress on? Or do I wear something else?" You were frantic, walking around the closet, not knowing what to do.
"Girl! Calm down!" You had told her what had happened and she was so excited she practically screamed. "If I were you, I would put on one of his dress shirts. He won't be expecting it when he comes in to punish-"
"Oh my GOD, EVIE!" The laughter on the phone was enough to make you roll your eyes. "Thanks for your help." You grumbled.
"Let me know how it goes!" Before you could reply, she hung up. You set your phone down and grabbed one of Ben's white dress shirts along with a simple, white lace lingerie set from a drawer.
Slipping the dress off, you carefully put it on a hanger and set it in your closet. You slid the shirt on, buttoning it up, leaving it open just enough to see the bra you had just put on. You began to take out your hair, setting the crown down on your vanity counter, and removing the pins holding the updo in place. Finally, you applied a bit of lipgloss and a spritz or two of Ben's favorite perfume before climbing onto your shared king-sized bed.
Thirteen minutes later, not that you had counted, the bedroom door burst open, and in walked your fiancé. His eyes locked on your body as he removed his suit jacket. You knew he was waiting for you to look at him, so you obliged, looking up from the random book you had picked up, you really weren't reading it anyway. He was glaring at you as his hand loosened his tie and removed it. You tried your best to look at him with the most innocent eyes you could and he chuckled.
You watched as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of the white shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his forearms. When you looked back into his eyes, they were almost black.
"Did you have a good time at the dinner, my dear? Did you enjoy yourself?" His hands were placed on the bed so he was leaning down. His tone was condescending, which sent shivers down your spine. He was always so sincere. This new side to Ben was intoxicating.
“Answer your King when he speaks to you.”
If he noticed your eyes widening in shock, he didn’t acknowledge it. He was unmoving, his eyes challenging you, taunting you.
“I’m not going to ask again.” You didn’t know how to respond, so you nodded.
Ben chuckled again, his fangs on display. Any sight of them made your heart race and he knew it.
“No, honey. Use your words.” His voice lowered. “Or do you want to disobey me again?”
“Yes, I enjoyed dinner.” Your voice was small but you held your ground, not breaking eye contact. You challenged him back. “Did you enjoy dinner, Ben?” A dark look crossed his face.
“Why don’t you try saying that again, using my correct title?” You had to stop yourself from rolling your eyes, but you had to admit, you liked this side of him.
“Did you enjoy yourself tonight…” You sat up from the headboard, leaning towards him, and bowed your head. Then, looking up at him through your lashes added, “…my King?”
His eyes narrowed again and his hands wrapped around your ankles, tugging you to the end of the bed. He settled his knee between your legs, brushing your clothed core on purpose, but not acknowledging it. His hands settled by your head and he hovered over you.
“No.” He dug his knee into you harder and you threw your head back, exposing your neck to him as you moaned. “No, I didn’t.” You felt his finger slide down the column of your throat before hooking itself around your necklace laced with his initial. He leaned down, mouth hovering over the pulse point in your neck. “My bratty fiancé couldn’t keep her hands to herself.”
His teeth ran down your neck and goosebumps erupted at the sharpness of the canines. “You haven’t touched your bratty fiancé in weeks.” He tugged on your necklace and your eyes found his again.
“Do you want me to fuck you?”
Now that was a surprise.
Though he got stressed fairly often, he never used vulgar language. You had heard him say “damnit” once after losing a Tourney game in high school, but that was it.
Suddenly, you felt your body flush at his outburst. You didn’t reply, too shocked to say anything.
Ben smiled, but it wasn’t his good King Benjamin smile.
This smile was positively wicked.
“I believe I asked you a question, Y/N.” The fingers hooked on the chain around your neck now rested softly on your throat.
Holy shit.
“Yes.” The words were almost inaudible.
“M’sorry… what was that?”
“Yes.” You spoke clearly now.
He snickered.
“That’s now how you properly answer a question, now is it? Let me ask again.” His fingers tightened slightly. “Do you want your King to fuck you?” The word rolled off of his tongue like honey and your hips rolled into his knee.
“Yes, I want you to…” His eyebrow went up. “…fuck me.” His fingers withdrew from your throat.
“Hmm.” Suddenly he was standing up, leaving you on the bed, catching your breath. “I don’t think you’ve earned it.”
You watched with wide eyes as he sat down at your vainity in the corner of the room. He looked so casually regal. His crown, the unbuttoned shirt, his crisp blue slacks. But there was some other air about him that was making you crumble in his hands. The way he was man spreading, his long legs awaiting as your own throne. His beard and sharp fangs you were aching to feel between your thighs. Your toes curled at the thought.
“You’re thinking about it now, aren’t you honey?” The mean tone from before had returned. “You’re thinking about me fucking you?” Your face flushed so much you were sure it went down your whole body. You quickly realized he’d asked you another question.
“Y-Yes. I am thinking about that.” Your snarkiness from before was long-gone. He gave you another wicked smile. His picked up your crown, which was much smaller than his since your coronation would happen after the wedding.
“Well, are you going to sit there all night or are you going to come finish what you started at dinner?” You got up from the bed immediately crossing to where he sat. His fingers wrapped around your necklace again, tugging you to his level. Your knees hit the floor, hands on his thighs while he brushes your hair from your face. He tilts your chin up to meet your eyes.
His hand retracts while he takes you in. On your knees in front of him, wearing one of his shirts and dear God, the white lace of your bra peeking out at him was making his head spin.
No longer having self-restraint, Ben’s lips lock on yours. You moan into his mouth as his hands wrap around your torso, pulling you to sit in his lap. He growls into the kiss as you grind your hips into his.
Finally. You thought to yourself. Ben’s control over his respectful manner had cracked a little but your goal was to break through it completely. And you knew by his bruising grip on your hips that you were on the right track.
Then suddenly, Ben wasn’t touching you anymore. Your body was left heaving on top of his while he leaned back in the chair, resting his elbows on the armrests.
“Go on.” You stated wide-eyed at him. “I’m not going to do all the work here, honey.” Your face flushed as you looked to his crotch, the tented fabric strained. “You did this…” His hand grabbed yours, setting it back onto his pants. “…so do something about it.”
Slowly, you began to move your fingers and Ben’s eyes narrowed.
“You and I both know you can do better than that.” His hand found it’s way back up to your throat. “Don’t you want to please your King?”
Dear GOD where had this side of him come from? He shifted the slightest bit so his pants ran against you.
“Ben!” Your eyes squeezed shut, brain foggy with him.
“Are you really making me wait?” You shook your head, avoiding his gaze as yours shifted to where your shaking hands were now trying to undo his belt buckle.
As you worked to free him from his pants, Ben’s hands found their way back to your hips, slowly pushing up the fabric of his dress shirt so he could see what was lying underneath.
His mouth almost watered as the white lace was brought into view. He licked his lips at what the fabric was trying in vain at hiding.
Ben had to remind himself that you were not being rewarded now. That you’d disobeyed him at dinner and now was not the time to be relishing in how lovely you were.
He was brought out of his thoughts as your hand slid into his boxers.
He threw his head back and muttered a barely audible,
As your fingers wrapped around him, timidly moving up and down.
He looked at you, so focused on what you were doing, so desperate to make him feel good, needing to hear his words of praise. Ben guided you to straddle one leg as he began to rock his hips into your hand.
You were so trained on pleasing your fiancé, that you hadn’t even noticed that you’d begun grinding on his thigh.
Ben had noticed. He watched as your breathing became more rapid and how your strokes became less careful. You looked up, meeting his gaze, sucking in a breath at the primal look in his eyes.
His eyes flashed with pleasure as your thumb ran over the tip of his cock. His fingers stopped your hips and he said,
“Stop.” Right as you were about to come. You did as you were told but you couldn’t help the whine that escaped at the lack of sensation.
Ben rolled his eyes, the hands on your hips forcing you to grind into his leg once again. You moan, tossing your head back to avoid looking at him. The fucker was edging you.
“So Goddamn needy.” His hot touch on your skin was gone and you had to steady your breathing before looking at him again.
Ben had begun to unbutton the rest of your shirt, pushing it off of your shoulders once it was fully undone. He shamelessly raked his eyes over your body, grinning that evil grin as he did so.
Then, his hands were under your bottom, picking you up before setting you down on the bed.
“Are you going to behave now?” The dampening of your underwear at his words is embarrassing. Ben’s thumbs skim over your abdomen, right on the waistband of your underwear. Ben doesn’t break eye contact with you, smiling once again. He looks hot as hell, his fangs and the beard along with his crown.
Was he going to fuck you while wearing his crown? God you hoped so.
“Honey?” Ben lowered to his knees, fingers now on the sides of the lace fabric. You instinctively close your legs but Ben’s strong hands are there instantly, forcing them back open.
Embarrassment floods your system as you watch him look down, a shit-eating grin appearing on his face before his eyes return to yours.
“Keep them open.” His fingers dance dangerously close to the damp lace. “Answer my question, please.”
He’s so close that you can feel his breath fanning your core.
“Yes, Ben. Fuck! I’ll behave.” He kisses your inner thighs which are now practically shaking in his grasp. His mouth moves to your hips, right where your waistband is.
“Do you want to know a secret?”
“What?” You sound breathless.
He looks directly into your eyes.
“I’ve been able to smell you this entire time.”
You’re too late to react as Ben rips through the white lace with his teeth. His hands are keeping your thighs to the side and he looks at you for a moment: A shaking little mess before him, your cunt dripping and clenching around nothing. You watch as he smiles again, bracing yourself for the contact of his tongue, lips, and teeth.
His tongue licks your glistening cunt from the bottom up twice and your hand clamps over your mouth when his lips wrap around your aching clit.
And then.
Oh, fuck.
You’d forgotten about his facial hair.
The delicious roughness contrasting with his sweet mouth made the pleasure skyrocket.
Ben loved the taste of you. He was never able to get enough. So anytime he went down on you, he took all he could get. He moaned at the taste of you, the vibrations going straight through you.
Your hips lifted off of the bed as one of his hands moved off of your thigh and a thumb pressed hard against your swollen clit. At the same time, Ben bit into the soft skin of your thighs, marking his territory. He repeated his actions on the other side, now rolling your clit between his fingers.
If you weren’t covering your mouth, you were sure the whole castle would be able to hear you.
Ben’s mouth returned and you let out a scream as his teeth bit your clit gently. He let his tongue swirl around it as his thumb ran down your slit, parting your folds, exposing more of you to the cool air. He moved the slightest bit and the roughness of his mustache brushed against your clit, sending you into your awaiting orgasm.
Ben continued devouring you through it, eating you out like a beast, already wanting to get another one out of you like this. He looked up at you, realizing he hadn’t been able to hear you, eyes narrowing once again at the hand over your mouth. Your hips rocked again as he slid his middle finger into you easily but then he stopped all of his actions.
Your grown was muffled but one look from Ben and your hand fell to the side.
“Don’t tell me you’re afraid of being too loud…” his finger curled inside you and you let out a loud moan, a blush settling over your cheeks instantly. “…because I don’t care if anyone hears. They’ll know how good the king is fucking you, right?” His mouth was on yours again, finger pushing in and out of you slowly. Your hips jerk up and you moan into his mouth, making him smile into yours.
Ben pulls away, making you groan in frustration. As you sit up on your elbows, you watch as Ben steps away from the bed to undress and you know he's doing it slowly on purpose.
“Shut up. You brought this on yourself, honey.”
Once again, your cheeks heat. His harsh glare makes your heart pound.
His eyes tear away from yours as he finishes undressing. Yours close, waiting for what's next half in anxiousness, half in eagerness. His warm hand on your knee snaps you out of your thoughts.
His tongue runs over his bottom lip before he brings it between his teeth. He pulls your body down and steps between your legs. Ben's hand settles on your neck again, smirking at the feeling of your racing pulse.
"Don't tell me you're nervous, sweetheart." You take a deep breath before looking into his eyes with a smirk of your own.
"Why would I be nervous if this is what I wanted?" His jaw sets as the smirk disappears.
And then under his breath,
"Such a fucking brat." Before his hand fully wraps around your throat as he brings his lips to yours.
Your hands reach up to wrap around his shoulders pulling him down on top of you.
You pull away when Ben bites your lip, tasting blood.
His smirk is back.
"Oh, so you're using my full name now. I thought this is what you wanted." You glare at him as you run your tongue along the bite. His head dips as he kisses you again, sucking on your bottom lip. You are so enthralled with the feeling of his mouth on yours, you don't register what else he is doing until you feel the head of his cock pushing into you.
You act on instinct, pushing your hips into him but he pulls away.
"Don't be impatient. That stunt you played at dinner was cute and all but-"
"You thought it was cute?" You pout. "I thought you were going to punish me for it, my King."
With that, Ben pushes into you the rest of the way, wrapping his hand around your throat again, silencing any moan trying to escape.
"You were saying?" Your pelvic muscles clench around him which spurs him on further. "What's the matter, my love?" He pulls out of you and puts the slightest bit of pressure on your throat. "You want me to punish you?" He leans in to kiss you again but stops centimeters from your lips. "You asked for it."
Ben kisses you once again, hands now on your hip bones as his hips roll into yours at a brutal pace. Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, pulling him closer to you as he does the dirty work.
Your nails dig into his skin as you near your orgasm, pulling away from his lips as you struggle to catch your breath. Then suddenly, Ben stills inside of you and laughs as you whine.
"Would you like me to keep going?" You nod, although you know he will continue to fuck with you. "Really?" His lips find your neck again, kissing the spot beneath your ear. He grins against your skin at your whine. "Alright."
Ben begins to move ever-so-slowly. Annoyed, you begin to roll your hips into his but he is quick to stop you. His hands press your hips deep into the bed, forcing your movements to stop.
"Ben..." You trail off, eyes closing as Ben continues. He leans back, his beautiful smile gracing his face.
He gradually picks up speed, every movement into you brings you closer to the brink but Ben knows your body well. He's memorized your body and the ways it reacts to his. He knows that when you throw your head backward and try to cover your mouth to subdue the noises you're making that you're close. That's when he knows to stop.
"Fuck, Ben, please." He leans over you again, his beautiful smile still plastered on his beautiful face.
"Please what?" He has the audacity to rub soothing circles on your skin.
"Damnnit Ben." Your eyes are squeezed shut, unable to look him in the eyes. Ben leans over more, his lips brushing against yours.
"Please what, honey?" Your eyes open and narrow at him.
"I already asked Ben..." He chuckles.
"And I'm asking again." He raises his eyebrows. "Now unless you'd like me to," his hips roll again, "continue with your punishment, I suggest you use your words and answer my question."
"Benjamin," You pause briefly, waiting to see if he will stop you and make you use his title, but he doesn't. "Please, please, fuck me."
Ben smirks, making him impossibly more attractive.
"That's all you had to say." His hands grab your thighs, wrapping them around his waist before turning his smirk into a grin.
He moves again and it is glorious. Ben does all the work, which is fine for you because you're too enthralled with the pleasure to do anything about it. His hands tighten on your legs and pull you to him, bringing your bodies impossibly closer. His pace is brutal, fingers most definitely leaving bruises in their wake.
Instead of covering your mouth, your hands wander up his arms and pull him down to you again before resting on his broad shoulders. His crown glints in the light and your eyes roll at the sight. His hand leaves your thigh and reaches between your bodies to pinch your clit. To cover your moan, you pull his lips to yours, releasing it into his mouth. Ben smiles in return, rolling your clit between his fingers.
You break the kiss, gasping for air as your head is thrown back, He takes the opportunity to attack your neck again, his teeth gently biting at the soft skin.
His hips slam into yours once again and it pushes you over the edge. Your mouth opens in a silent scream, your body going limp in his arms.
Ben follows not far behind, groaning into your neck.
After the two of you calm down, he pushes himself back, looking down at you.
"I'm sorry if I went a little overboard. I just-"
"No seriously I-" You cut him off.
"Benjamin shut up." His eyes widen. You look up at him, a small smile on your lips. He watches with wide eyes as you push yourself up to sit under him. His smirk returns as you wince at the soreness he left you.
"Did you just tell me to-" You cut him off with a kiss, hands pulling his face to yours.
You break away from him and his eyes are wide.
"Ben, if you had gone overboard I would have told you." You kiss him again. "Besides, it's what I wanted." His eyes narrow.
"What?" You giggle, squishing his cheeks together before his hands wrap around your wrists, pulling your hands down. "Y/N, what did you just say?" You fall back onto the bed, laughing.
"I had this whole thing planned out, Bennie Boo." His eyes roll at his ex-girlfriend's nickname for him. "You were stressed and we hadn't..."
"Fucked?" He finishes for you.
"...in weeks, so I put this plan together to help you relieve your stress and so we could..." It's Ben's turn to grin.
"Say it."
"Make me."
His smile drops.
"Oh, you're asking for it now, sweetie." His lips were on yours before you could even think of a clever response.
bro ive literally been working on this for like 3 months.
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tosomeonessomeone · 4 months
young love.
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words・ 2.5k /pairings・ I.N x reader / genres・fluff / warnings・ suggestive
Hello, my beloved ones! I realize I'm quite tardy with Valentine's wishes, but they say better late than never, right? Haha.
Ah, what a perfect setting for a romantic getaway! The weekend in Busan stretched before you and Jongin, a canvas waiting to be painted with moments of love and celebration. With Valentine's Day lingering in the air and Jongin's recent birthday adding an extra layer of joy, the stage was set for a memorable time together.
As you walked hand in hand along the sun-kissed shores of Busan, the waves whispering sweet nothings and the salty breeze carrying the promise of endless adventures, you couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the precious moments shared with Jongin.
Together, you explored the hidden gems of the city, from quaint cafes tucked away in narrow alleyways to panoramic viewpoints offering breathtaking vistas of the coastline. Each moment was a treasure, each smile a testament to the love that bound you together.
As the weekend unfolded, you found solace in the simple pleasures of life—the warmth of Jongin's hand in yours, the shared laughter that echoed through the streets, the quiet moments of reflection as you watched the sun dip below the horizon.
Jongin's thoughtful gesture of reserving a special hotel room by the beach filled your heart with warmth and anticipation. As you stepped into the room, the air was filled with a sense of magic, the gentle sound of waves serenading you like a lullaby.
The room was adorned with delicate fairy lights, casting a soft glow that danced across the walls. A bouquet of your favorite flowers adorned the bedside table, their fragrance filling the air with a sweet perfume. Through the windows, the sunlight danced on the water, painting shimmering patterns on the sand below.
Jongin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he took your hand, leading you to the balcony overlooking the ocean..
"This weekend is all about us," Jongin said, his voice filled with tenderness. "A chance to celebrate our love and create memories that will last a lifetime."
With a smile, you wrapped your arms around him, feeling the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest. In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the day and the warmth of Jongin's embrace, you knew that this was where you were meant to be.
Feeling like a teenager in love with Jongin was a sensation that swept over you like a wave of nostalgia and excitement, igniting your heart with a fervor reminiscent of those carefree days of youth.
There were moments when his laughter echoed in your ears like the melody of your favorite song, and the mere sight of him sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. Every stolen glance, every whispered word, carried the electricity of newfound love, infusing your days with a sense of wonder and possibility.
Like teenagers, you shared inside jokes and playful banter, finding delight in the smallest of gestures and the simplest of pleasures. Whether it was sharing a cone of ice cream by the beach or stealing kisses under the moonlight, every moment felt like an adventure waiting to unfold.
"Hey, remember that time we got lost in the maze of streets in Busan?" you chuckle, recalling a particularly memorable adventure.
Jongin grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "How could I forget? We stumbled upon the most amazing little café tucked away in the corner. Best latte I've ever had."
You laugh, the memory washing over you like a warm embrace. "Yeah, and we spent hours just talking and laughing. It was like time stood still."
In Jongin's presence, you rediscovered the innocence of first love and the magic of shared dreams, each day filled with the promise of new beginnings and endless possibilities. And as you embraced the beauty of being young and in love, you knew that with Jongin by your side, every moment would be a reminder of the timeless allure of youth and the boundless power of love.
As you both treaded along the private beach, the cold air brushing against your faces, the conversation flowed effortlessly between you and Jongin, weaving through topics as diverse as the grains of sand beneath your feet.
"Isn't it funny how life works?" you remarked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of your lips.
Jongin chuckled, the sound carrying over the gentle roar of the waves. "Yeah, it's like a rollercoaster ride with unexpected twists and turns at every corner."
You nodded in agreement, the rhythm of the ocean providing a soothing backdrop to your conversation. "But I guess that's what makes it interesting, right? The unpredictability of it all."
Jongin glanced at you, his eyes reflecting the muted colors of the setting sun. "Definitely. Keeps us on our toes, keeps us moving forward."
The waves crashed against the shore, a symphony of nature's symphony, as you continued your leisurely walk along the beach. The tranquility of the moment allowed for deeper introspection and shared contemplation.
"And yet, amidst all the chaos, there are these moments of clarity," Jongin mused, his voice soft yet profound. "Moments when everything just clicks into place, and you realize that this, right here, is where you're supposed to be."
You smiled, the weight of his words settling comfortably in your heart. "Like right now, walking along the beach with you, having these conversations about life and love."
Jongin's gaze softened, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Exactly. It's in these moments that we find meaning, that we find each other."
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in vibrant shades of orange and pink, you and Jongin lingered on the beach, entranced by the breathtaking beauty of the sunset. The soft hues of twilight cast a warm glow over the sand, illuminating the world around you with a sense of tranquility and peace.
Reluctantly tearing yourselves away from the mesmerizing scene, you made your way back to the hotel room, hand in hand, the memory of the sunset lingering like a sweet melody in your minds.
As you stepped through the door, your breath caught in your throat at the sight that greeted you—a table adorned with flickering candles, casting a soft, romantic light over the room. The scent of delicious food wafted through the air, tantalizing your senses and beckoning you closer.
Jongin's eyes sparkled with anticipation as he pulled out a chair for you, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Surprise," he said, his voice filled with warmth and affection.
You couldn't help but be swept away by the gesture, by the thoughtfulness and love that had gone into planning this intimate dinner. With a grateful smile, you took your seat, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over you for this moment, for this love that enveloped you both.
As you savored each bite of the delicious meal, conversation flowed effortlessly between you and Jongin, laughter mingling with the gentle strains of music playing softly in the background. It was a moment frozen in time, a snapshot of love and togetherness that you would carry with you always.
As the soft strains of music filled the air, Jongin's hand found yours, his touch gentle yet firm as he pulled you up from your seat. With a playful smile, he swept you into his arms, guiding you into a slow, graceful dance.
The room seemed to fade away as you swayed together, lost in the melody and the warmth of each other's embrace. Jongin's eyes met yours, his gaze filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes, as if the music itself was a reflection of the love that bound you together.
With every step, every movement, you felt a sense of connection deepening between you, as if the world outside ceased to exist and all that mattered was this moment, this dance, this love.
The flickering candles cast shadows on the walls, painting the room in hues of warmth and intimacy. The music wrapped around you like a comforting blanket, its melody a soothing balm to the soul.
As you moved together, guided by the rhythm of the music and the beat of your hearts, you couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the moment—the way Jongin's eyes sparkled in the candlelight, the way his laughter filled the room with joy, the way his touch sent shivers down your spine.
In that moment, as you danced together in perfect harmony, you knew that this was what love was all about—finding solace and joy in each other's arms, sharing in the beauty of the present moment, and cherishing the simple pleasures of life.
And as the music faded into the night, you held onto Jongin a little tighter, knowing that no matter where life's journey took you, you would always have this dance, this love, to guide you through.
In that tender moment, as Jongin's eyes shimmered with love and affection, you felt the intensity of a fervor that spoke of passion and devotion.
The world seemed to stand still as his kiss enveloped you, igniting a fire within that burned brighter than the flickering candlelight. It was a kiss filled with longing, with the knowledge that every second was precious, every moment a gift to be cherished.
In his embrace, you felt a sense of completeness, as if every puzzle piece had finally fallen into place. His love washed over you like a tidal wave, overwhelming yet comforting, leaving you breathless and exhilarated all at once.
And as you melted into his embrace, lost in the sweetness of his kiss, you knew with absolute certainty that this love was timeless, unbreakable, a force of nature that would endure through every trial and triumph.
As the passion between you and Jongin ignited like wildfire, the air crackled with electricity, charged with the intensity of your desire. His touch sent shivers racing down your spine, igniting a primal hunger that pulsed through every fiber of your being.
In the heat of the moment, time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, consumed by a fiery passion that blazed like a thousand suns. His hands roamed over your skin, tracing patterns of longing and need, while your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him closer with an urgency born of love and desire.
With each whispered word, each tender caress, the boundaries between you dissolved, merging your souls in a dance of raw emotion and unbridled ecstasy. The world outside faded into oblivion as you surrendered to the intoxicating allure of his touch, the rhythm of your hearts beating as one.
In the dim light of the room, shadows danced against the walls, mirroring the passion that burned within you both. Every kiss was a symphony of longing, every touch a symphony of desire, as you explored the depths of each other's hearts with a hunger that knew no bounds.
And as the flames of passion blazed higher, you found solace in the knowledge that in each other's arms, you had found home—a sanctuary where love reigned supreme and desire knew no limits.
As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, you stirred from your slumber, the warmth of the morning sun casting a golden glow over the room. The soft sheets enveloped your bare skin, a comforting embrace that spoke of the intimacy shared between you and Jongin.
Feeling his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to his warm and bare body, sent a rush of warmth flooding through your veins. His steady heartbeat echoed in the quiet of the morning, a soothing rhythm that lulled you back into the depths of sleep.
As you nestled against him, the world outside faded away, cocooned in the sanctuary of his embrace. In that moment, there were no worries, no fears, no doubts—only the profound connection that bound you together, heart to heart, soul to soul.
With each rise and fall of his chest, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that in his arms, you were safe, cherished, loved beyond measure. And as you drifted back into dreams, you knew that the love you shared with Jongin would always be your guiding light, illuminating the path ahead with its timeless beauty and boundless grace.
As you turned to Jongin, your fingers gently brushed against his face, tracing the contours of his features with a tenderness that mirrored the affection in your heart. With a soft sigh, he stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open to meet yours, still heavy with sleep but filled with love and warmth.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," you whispered, your voice a gentle melody that danced through the quiet of the room.
Jongin's lips curled into a drowsy smile as he leaned into your touch, his hand finding yours and intertwining your fingers with his own. "Morning," he murmured, his voice soft yet filled with a warmth that chased away the remnants of sleep.
The morning sunlight bathed the room in a soft, golden glow, casting shadows that danced across the walls like whispers of a shared secret. In the quiet intimacy of the moment, you found solace in the simple pleasure of being together, of sharing in the beauty of the morning and the love that bound you as one.
With a playful twinkle in his eyes, Jongin brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, his touch sending a shiver of anticipation down your spine. "Did you sleep well?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine concern.
You nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Like a baby," you replied, your heart swelling with gratitude for the warmth of his embrace, for the love that filled the spaces between you.
As you lay there, basking in the quiet serenity of the morning, you knew that no matter what the day held in store, you would always have this—these precious moments shared between two souls intertwined, bound together by the timeless beauty of love. And as you gazed into Jongin's eyes, you knew that with him by your side, every morning would be a promise of endless possibility, a reminder of the unbreakable bond that held you together, now and forever.
"Happy Valentine's, my love," Jongin whispered, his words carrying a tenderness that melted your heart. His lips met yours in a soft, sweet kiss, a gentle reminder of the love that bound you together.
With his arms wrapped around you, you felt a warmth spread through your entire being, a sense of completeness that only Jongin could evoke. In that moment, as you shared in the sweetness of his kiss, you knew that this day, like every day, would be filled with moments of love and connection.
"Happy Valentine's," you whispered back, your voice filled with love and tenderness as you returned Jongin's affectionate gesture. His kiss filled you with warmth, a gentle reminder of the depth of your connection and the beauty of your love.
Wrapped in his embrace, you felt a sense of peace wash over you, knowing that in his arms, you were home. Each touch, each caress, spoke volumes of the bond that held you together, weaving a tapestry of love and devotion that would stand the test of time.
"Thank you for being the light in my life," he said softly, his words a testament to the profound gratitude he felt for your presence, for your unwavering support and companionship.
As you lingered in the embrace of your beloved, the world outside faded into insignificance, leaving only the sweetness of the moment shared between two souls entwined in love. 
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bleach-your-panties · 5 months
raise your legs, baby girl - izuru kira x chubby!fem!reader
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🎀just a little bit of my husband with his lax-ass dom energy. inspired lightly by these old hc's of mine.
🎀warnings: bondage (shibari), thigh-fucking, edging, dirty talk, praise, soft!dom!izuru, reader is a thick gal💦, aftercare, fluff
🎀i wrote this for me, but y'all can read it. with that being said -
🎀word count: 2.5k
▶️do what it do - jamie foxx
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you know what, imma make it do what it do, baby
One thing that you'd learned about your husband Izuru was that he liked to tease you - sometimes to the point of tears.
When you met him, you found out very quickly how responsible he was and how seriously he took his job as Lieutenant. It couldn't be helped after he'd been abandoned by his former captain, Gin Ichimaru, with the weight of the entire Third Division placed solely upon his shoulders.
You had to say that you were very impressed with his impromptu leadership over the Third Division, which is what prompted you to join after graduating from the Shin'o Academy.
With your skills, it wasn't long before you ended up serving under him as the Third Seat of the Third Division. A few casual encounters here and there and the two of you quickly became enamored with one another. Soon you'd ended up underneath him in multiple other ways.
You've been married for six months now and the two of you were still very much in the honeymoon phase. Sometimes Izuru has bad mental health days, but you were always close by his side to help him work through the turmoil swirling inside his mind.
Before he got with you, he looked upon himself undesirably as a romantic partner (if his parents were still alive he had wondered if they'd be disappointed in him for not having settled down yet.)
The captain position was currently still vacant as of now, but due to your close relationship with the Lieutenant of the First Division, you'd been hearing about how a multitude of recommendations had been put in for Izuru to become the new Captain of the Third Division.
So, to celebrate the inevitable good news, you pulled a pale blue, sheer lingerie set out of your dresser - one that you’d purposefully hidden from Izuru to use for this special occasion.
After peeling off your shinigami robes and taking a nice, steamy, hot shower, you did your usual night routine and put your hair up in a cute style that you thought Izuru might like. 
You’d gotten your nails done with Mashiro earlier on in the week - white French-tipped duck nails with one black statement finger and little foil butterflies in gradient shades of blue decorating the tips.
A pair of simple, white, peep-toe heels with bows on the back finished off your look and you sauntered into the living area to wait for Izuru to get home from work.
Ice cubes clinked against one another in the bucket you’d set the sake out to chill in and low, soft music played from the strange contraption Shuuhei had gifted you both for a wedding present - a ‘CD player’ he called it.
Soon, the wooden door to your little home was slid open and your handsome husband stepped inside. 
After setting an armful of folders and notebooks down, his eyes caught sight of you standing there, the orangish glow of the wall lamps illuminating your shapely figure.
“Welcome home, ‘Zu.”
Those cornflower eyes almost popped out of his head.
“Hello, love…what's all this for?” Said eyes trailed over the darkened atmosphere, sake on the counter, and those lights that made you appear as a seductively sinful angel standing before him.
“To celebrate your promotion.” 
Those heels clumped across the wooden floor in tandem with Izuru’s heartbeat inside his chest.
As his eyes raked over your form, Izuru thanked God for Rangiku always dragging you along on her shopping sprees, even if it meant his wallet had to suffer the consequences.
Even though you were looking like a full-course meal in front of him, the mention of said promotion made his shoulders slump visibly.
“Ah, yeah. They still want me to take the captain’s exam even though I already have over half the necessary recommendations.”
You stood facing him now, the height from your heels putting your face right underneath his chin. Cupping it with your hand, you rubbed your fingers over his cheek in a loving manner.
“Don’t worry about that, ‘Zu. You’re going to ace that exam. You did graduate from the Academy with top marks, after all.” 
He could only smile while you stroked his cheek and rubbed your thumb over his jawline and back up through the blonde hairs around his ears.
His mouth moved to close over yours in a soft kiss that soon turned passionate and needy.
Your tongues danced in a fiery tango as he wrapped those strong arms around you and pulled you to the kitchen.
now, baby, i just wanna take your freakin' clothes off
kiss your body while i take your freakin' clothes off
leave them heels on, while i take your clothes off
leave them lights on, let me see you go off
ooo-oo, baby, that's my body callin' your name
ooo-oo, and baby, that's your body doin' the same
That's how you would end up with your bare ass cheeks pushed up onto the kitchen counter while Izuru stood between your spread legs with the palm of his left hand gently resting against your throat. The cold metal of his platinum wedding band pressed against your jugular as he curled his fingers around your neck.
He pulled loose the pale periwinkle ribbon that tied his blond hair, gripped your wrists in one hand, held them above your head, and tied them together with the silk material. With his teeth, he bit the end off and spit it out onto the kitchen floor.
His cool hands groped the flesh of your thighs, pinching and squeezing it between his deft fingers.
“Lift your legs up and wrap them around me.”
He pressed you further against the counter and rutted his growing hard-on against your inner thigh.
“Yes?” One eyebrow went up as he waited for you to finish your thought then his eyes trailed down to the steadily growing wet spot at the front of your thong.
"Now, what do you wanna do? You wanna get fucked or do you wanna get licked up? Either way, I need you to keep these thighs up for me, baby.”
He slapped one and you yelped at the sudden impact. Leaning over you and staring you down, those blue eyes were hypnotizing you to the point that the words stuck inside your voice box. 
“Hmm, what's that, darling? Come on and use your words for me..” 
“Too slow. You know what, I have a better idea for you, bluebell.”
In the next millisecond, he was gripping your restrained wrists and flipping you around. A loud breath and soft curses passed through his parted lips when the motion resulted in your juicy ass cheeks pressed against his crotch.
Reaching into one of his hakama pockets, he pulled out another ribbon - a spare that he kept for his hair - and retied your wrists so they rested against your lower back.
“Now, keep your head down. Don't you dare fucking lift it.” 
Izuru pulled his hard dick from his pants and you could feel it slap against the crease of your thighs and oh how badly you wanted to thrust back on it.
“Don’t even think about it. Be good and stay still while I fuck your thighs, angel.”
so act right, gone show me
back it up, now put it on me
act right, gone show me
back it up, now put it on me
now what you wanna do?
you wanna get high? you wanna get fired up?
what you wanna do?
you wanna get sexed? you wanna get tied up?
get your rodeo ride up; baby girl, lift them thighs up
i think you better wise up,' cause i'm about to rise up
Izuru’s soft moans were so erotic coupled with the wet, smacking sounds of him fucking the opening made by your thick thighs. The arousal ran between them lubricating his dick enough for him to slip it in and out of your thigh creases as if it were your pussy.
You learned early on in your sex life that Izuru has an inconceivable amount of patience.
When he felt himself getting closer to a release, he pulled you off of the counter and into your shared bedroom.
As you kneeled on the tatami mat, your nose kept bumping against his inner thighs and blonde pubes as you tried to get your husband's cock in your mouth but his grip on your neck held you just out of reach of his pretty, pink-flushed tip.
He was edging both you and himself. After the day he'd had today, he'd be damned if he came anywhere except for the inside of your pussy.
Curling his long fingers around your jaw, he brought your head up for you to stare into his crystal-blue eyes.
“Are you ready to be good and tell me what you want me to do to you?”
You nodded your head in his large palm.
“Want you to make me feel good, Izu’. Please fuck me, baby.”
now baby holla at me, tell me what you're missin'
i can put in work in every position
from the kitchen table to the bedroom floor
ooo-oo, baby, that's my body callin' your name
ooo-oo, and baby, that's your body doin' the same
so act right, gone show me
back it up, put it on me
act right, gone show me
back it up, put it on me
“There, gorgeous. So pretty. The perfect little present.”
He exhaled a breath, eyes wandering the perfect pattern of the ribbon he’d so skillfully tied you with. Another one of his creatively hidden talents - shibari.
“Hold those legs open right there for me, baby.”
He dipped his head down and you let out a shrill cry when he began licking your warm, creamy folds. Back and forth his tongue dipped and lips sucked your pussy while he caressed your inner thighs. The knuckle of his left ring finger slid dangerously close to your clit, making you twitch.
Tears accumulated in your eyes both from your muscles burning and  from Izuru messily eating you out. He always made it hurt so good.
"Zu', I…can't hold them anymore, I's-starting to hurt!"
"Hmm?” He leaned away from your pussy with his chin glistening in your slick. 
“Guess I should have tied them behind your head then." 
now what you wanna do?
you wanna get high? you wanna get fired up?
what you wanna do?
you wanna get sexed? you wanna get tied up?
get your rodeo ride up; baby girl, lift them thighs up
i think you better wise up,' cause i'm about to rise up
With a kiss to your left knee, he sat back on his knees, caging your spread-out thighs between his pale, muscled ones. Your legs were brought up to rest on his shoulders as he demanded you to hold them right there.
Soft swishing was heard as he discarded himself of his shihakusho.
Finally, he sunk that fat cockhead inside your waiting hole. Your thighs trembled as he instantly went deep. Already, you were out of breath and he hadn't even moved yet. The result of him edging you both beforehand.
Izuru just kept stealing your breath as he fucked you with slow, deep strokes; each one with more force behind it than the last. He bent his head and let his lips graze against your knees, gently kissing each one as he stirred your insides up.
His name fell from your lips in broken whines, You couldn’t do anything but keep repeating it over and over again as he rocked into you, making the bed shake and headboard slam against the wall.
your body, show me how you use it
we gone pop some champagne 
and listen to some music
and once we get our clothes off
wrap your legs around my shoulders
and it’s gone be just like i told ya
baby i’m gone work you over
and over, and over, and over again
so what you wanna do?
“Fuck yes, Y/N…oh my God…”
Izuru had shifted your positions now so that you were riding him cowgirl-style while he held your bound wrists behind your back. He made you bounce on his dick wildly, amusing him very much since he had all of the control right now.
“Tell me…tell me -s-shit! - tell me you want me to cum inside your pussy. Say it for me.”
“I want you to cum inside my pussy, baby! Please, ‘Zuru, I need you to fill me up so badly! I need you!”
He had already started cumming before you even got all the words out - the way your pussy gripped and clenched around him had him whining your name in that lovely, smooth baritone of his and spurting his thick, hot seed right up against your womb.
“Shit shit shit shit-FUuuuCK!
With a hand on the back of your neck and one last thrust that had you seeing multiple galaxies, he emptied his balls completely. Your exhausted body began to slump forward and Izuru caught you in his arms. He laid you against his chest and began to untie your bindings.
“You did so well, angel. So good and perfect for me, as always. My perfect Y/N.”
now what you wanna do?
you wanna get high? you wanna get fired up?
what you wanna do?
you wanna get sexed? you wanna get tied up?
get your rodeo ride up; baby girl, lift them thighs up
i think you better wise up,' cause i'm about to rise up
Izuru always made sure to give you the best aftercare whenever the two of you were experimenting with different kinks in the bedroom.
He made sure to clean you off really well, change you into a pair of comfortable pajamas, and make you some lavender tea to help you sleep. 
Your head rested on his chest now as the two of you snuggled beneath the covers.
“‘Zuzu…I really am so proud of you for everything that you’ve accomplished. You’re going to make a great Captain.”
The soft rise and fall of his chest was quickly lulling you to sleep, but you did hear his next statement.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I really appreciate that, but I don’t think I could be that great of a Captain if I don’t have a great Lieutenant by my side.”
“Why would you say something like-oh. OH.”
He just chuckled at your realization and kissed your neck.
“I love you so much, Y/N Kira.”
“I love you too, Captain Kira.”
i’m gonna make it do what it do tonight
do what it do tonight
do what it do tonight
I’m gonna make it do what it do tonight
do what it do tonight
do what it do tonight
💗💗🍡°my fics: ©bleach-your-panties 2024. do NOT steal, copy, repost, alter, or upload my works onto other sites. comments appreciated. reblogs always welcome.
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joelalorian · 5 months
Tides of Desire - Chapter Seven: From Stem to Stern
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Pairing: Yacht Captain!Joel Miller x f!reader
Series Summary: TLOU no outbreak AU. Joel Miller is a luxury yacht captain running charters in the Caribbean. You join the crew as a deckhand and unexpectedly complicate Joel's peaceful existence. Basically the TLOU bunch on a Below Deck yacht.
Chapter warnings: 18+ MDNI, alcohol, fluff, angst, smut (eventual), unprotected p in v (though Joel had the best of intentions), little bit of fingering and oral (f receiving). Reader is a badass. Smallish age gap (reader is 32 or so, Joel is 40). No use of y/n, though reader is of British descent and has the nickname Brit (occasionally used).
AN: New mood board courtesy of the wonderful @janaispunk! Thank you so much, love!
The fun nakey times are finally here! Took them long enough, but Joel finally got his head out of his ass. Hope you enjoy!
Series masterlist
Chapter Seven: From Stem to Stern
A subtle ding sounded as the elevator reached Joel’s floor, jolting the two of you to awareness of your surroundings before the doors opened. The tingle from the merest brushing of Joel’s lips against yours had you floating on air as you followed him to his room, your mind a flurry of wonder. If that simple act was so damn good, what would if feel like to really kiss him, to run your fingers through his hair, to brush your hand over his hardening cock, to slip each other’s clothes off and climb into bed, to feel your bodies come together…
Jesus Christ, you were already hot and bothered as Joel swept you up toward another crest on the roller coaster you were on.
Once inside the room, you froze, wide eyes sweeping over the open concept, oversized room with a king size bed, a chaise lounge, glass exposing the large shower and garden tub to the rest of the room. It was a room for lovers, where nothing was hidden but the toilet. Joel booked this room with specific intent, or at least hope, that much was clear. He said you didn’t have to do anything, but clearly, this room was made for exactly what you wanted to do. The butterflies fluttering in your stomach became a flurry of activity equivalent to CAT 3 hurricane-force winds.
Holy shit.
Soft, cautious puppy eyes met yours, a hint of worry visible behind his glasses at your reaction to all this. A lock of dark curls had fallen over Joel’s forehead, giving him a youthful look. Your heart clenched. You wanted this. You wanted it so bad. Had he finally given in?
Your thoughts scanned through recent interactions, recalling Frank’s cryptic chat with you and the insight from Donna before her charter departed. Did they all know something you didn’t? See something you couldn’t?
Joel’s hand started to twitch waiting for your response to his silent question. Smiling brightly, you reached for him with urgency. “Are you sure you want to do this?” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck. “It will shatter me if you change your mind halfway through or regret this, us, tomorrow.”
Those dark chocolate eyes seared into yours, etching his words into your soul as he spoke. “I want this. I want you. I’m tired of sacrificing the things I want because I’m afraid of history repeating itself. Everyone has told me I deserve to be happy, it’s about time I believe it myself. And you… you make me happy.”
He kissed you then, hard, tongue running along the seam of your lips until you opened them to let him in. Your tongues tangled in a mix between gentle exploration and heated passion. It was the kiss of someone starved of intimacy, seeking to feel, to consume, yet not quite devour., not yet. That would come later, you hoped.
Face cradled in the palms of his hands; Joel caressed your cheekbones with his thumbs as the kiss continued. Your senses were consumed with him – his scent, taste, touch, the sounds of his subtle groans and whines at the feel, taste of you in return. It was all encompassing and you wondered how you survived those five weeks being close to him without doing this…
Wait, had it only been five weeks? That seemed so short in the grand span of things, but everything about yacht life was exaggerated, more intense. Time stretched differently when you lived and worked in a confined space with the same people. Feelings developed faster, more deeply during ‘boatmances’. And they burned out quicker, too, if you weren’t careful. Almost everyone who worked on a yacht learned that one the hard way.
Still, the five weeks of dancing around each other, your feelings, only made you realize how much you wanted this, wanted him. It wasn’t just a fling. It could, would be so much more than a boatmance. You had been willing to wait the entirety of the season to be with him. That was evident of something real, something sustainable, something that could so easily become… love.
Part of you wondered what really happened to change Joel’s mind. He had been so adamant about not pursuing something on the yacht and now here you were, wrapped up in his arms, in the hottest kiss you ever experienced – granted you were in a hotel room and not aboard the yacht, but still, it was still season. What changed his mind, exactly?
Equally, another part of you wondered what happened in his past to make Joel so rigid and sacrificial about the rules to begin with.
The moment one of Joel’s hands slipped down from your face to skillfully paw at your breast, all thought left your head. The moan that emanated from the depths of your belly was sinful and you could feel Joel’s lips twitch toward a smirk against your own.
Minutes – hours? – later, Joel forced himself back with a deep-seated sigh. “We need to go, or we’ll miss dinner.”
“Would that be such a bad thing?” you asked, raking in the sight of him looking so thoroughly snogged. You were not ready to let him go yet.
A chuckle rumbled through his chest as he speared his fingers through his hair, attempting to collect himself. “No, not as such. But I know we’ll need the energy later, sweetheart, so we better get to dinner.”
Now that you’d kissed, Joel calling you sweetheart hit a bit different, leaving you weak in the knees.
Lanterns filled with fairy lights were placed along the middle of the dark wooden table, elegant place settings in front of each seat. By the time Joel and you arrived, there were only two seats left, one across the table from the other. You slipped into the seat between Tess and Sarah when they waved you over and Joel sat next to his brother and Jake. Your eyes met across the table before Joel dipped his head toward his brother, a hushed conversation taking place. Tommy’s gaze shot to you with a leering grin before he turned back to nod at Joel, the movement of their arms indicating something was being passed between them beneath the table. You searched Joel’s face for a clue by he gave nothing away, simply taking a sip from the glass of ice water and continuing to talk to his brother.
“Soooo…” Tess drew your attention, “Where’s your room? Sarah and I are on the third floor.”
Willing the heat rushing your cheeks away, you forced yourself not to glance in Joel’s direction. “I’m on the sixth floor.”
“Ohhh reeealllyy?” Sarah chimed in, drawing out the words. “My dad is on the sixth floor, too. Quite the coincidence, don’t you think, Tess?”
The pair of them leaned across you, broad grins on their pretty faces as they teased you. “Definitely a coincidence. I heard the sixth floor only has a few, larger rooms… special ones. You know the kind, right, Sarah?”
You expected this ridiculousness from someone Sarah’s age, but Tess was almost worst in how much enjoyment she was finding in it. “Will you two quit it,” you hissed, though the inability to stop smiling lessened the effect.
“I’m just glad he’s manning up, honestly,” Sarah admitted once the laughter settled. “I know it’s probably weird to be concerned about my dad’s, you know, sex life, but I’m just really happy he’s loosening up.” After a beat, she added, “But I DO NOT want any details. None. Ever. Got it?”
Nearly choking on a sip of water, you nodded emphatically. “I have no interest in sharing any. Ever. Promise.” You hesitated a moment, graciously offering Tess a chance to add her two pence, but she only winked in return, broad grin gracing her face. “Can we, please, change the fucking subject now?”
As drink and dinner orders were placed, you glanced across the table to see that Joel hadn’t fared much better than you, his attention torn between his brother’s teasing and relentless questions from Jake. Your gazes met briefly, taking a moment to acknowledge each other, the hint of what was to come after dinner sparkling behind both your eyes.
Dinner could not be over soon enough. It was torture sitting across from Joel, sharing glances yet not really speaking, while also dodging Jake’s flirtatious attempts at conversation. You wanted so badly to temper your nerves with alcohol but didn’t want to risk drinking too much. Nothing could get in the way of a whole night alone with Joel. Instead, you sipped at a glass of cabernet and focused on chatting with Sarah and Tess.
Mid-way through dinner, a commotion sounded at the far end of the table, and you looked up to see Connor walking toward the group, one arm in a cast held tight to his torso with a sling. He looked a little worse for wear, but his young face was lit up with happiness at seeing everyone again. Emmy was nearly in tears as she jumped out of her seat to rush toward him, only calming when she glanced at his arm and pulled him into a tight side hug.
The rest of the evening past more quickly as everyone caught up with Connor. He was heading home the following morning and happily accepted Joel’s offer to join them for one last dinner.
When dessert was served, you excused yourself from the table with the excuse of wanting to relax in a bubble bath rather than hit the outdoor bar with the group. You accepted a fair amount of ribbing from the group for being an old lady, though two of the Millers and Tess teased you with knowing looks. The third Miller tilted his lips into a half smile, longing in his chocolate puppy eyes.
“Good night, mates!” you called over your shoulder, slipping through the tables to the lobby where you waited for the next elevator.
The resort was busy, it was near peak tourist season in the tropics with plenty of northerners seeking respite from the cold, and the elevator was packed. You squeezed between bodies and rolling luggage to reach the back corner of the elevator, knowing you were in for a few stops before you reached the top floor. The elevator slowly emptied floor-by-floor until you were the only one left going to the sixth floor.
Entering the extravagant room and kicking your strappy sandals off with a sigh of relief, you let the sundress you wore slip to the floor not far from the door. Dark blue lace panties and a matching bra were next to fall from your body, creating a trail leading to the tub. The thought of Joel spotting it all as soon as he walked through the door thrilled you as the large garden tub was filling with steaming water and the scented bubble bath provided by the resort.
Joel tried to escape as promptly as he could, the thought of you waiting – hopefully naked – in his room calling to him like a siren, but Tommy insisted that he join them for at least one shot at the pool bar before calling it a night.
“Big night, huh, brother?” Tommy teased, gulping heavily from the beer in his hand. Swiping the back of his free hand across his mouth, he grinned madly at Joel. “Ya sure ya remember how everything works? What parts go where and what not?”
“Asshole,” Joel grumbled, pink tinging his tanned face. “Let’s just do this shot already. I have somewhere much better to be.”
“Alright, alright. Here,” Tommy handed him the small glass full of amber liquid. “Cheers to your dick seeing some action finally.”
“Jesus Christ.” Joel rolled his eyes, tossing back the shot to let the liquid burn down his throat. “Behave tonight. Stay away from the married ladies. I’ll be too busy to bail your ass out of anything.” Clasping his hand on Tommy’s shoulder, Joel nodded to himself before turning to walk away.
“Enjoy yourself and make sure she comes first!” Tommy called after him much to Joel’s chagrin, the nervous captain glancing around to make sure none of the other crew heard. He didn’t necessarily want to advertise that he was about to sleep with a member of his crew.
His brother was such a little shit, but Joel was grateful that Tommy always had an extra condom on him. It had been so long, Joel forgot all about the importance of protection and asked his brother for one at dinner in a panic. Having come prepared for his own night of potential fun, Tommy had extras and passed Joel two beneath the table. It occurred to him now that he probably could have tracked some down for purchase in this huge resort, but whatever.
A man on a mission, Joel stalked through the lobby to the elevators, not so patiently waiting for the next available one to take him up to the sixth floor. He wondered what you were doing, his mind swirling with possible images – you draped across the oversized bed, naked and waiting for him, or neck deep in the garden tub, equally naked with bubbles hiding all your delectable bits from his view as you waited for him to join you.
God dammit, his pants were already becoming uncomfortable, his cock swelling at his thoughts alone. He would be fit to burst when he finally set eyes on you.
A nervous tick settled into his hands, thick fingers flexing as the elevator ascended. Part of him could not believe he was doing this – what the fuck was he thinking?! But another part of him overflowed with virility, eager to prove to himself that he was ready and able to feel something again.
Right then and there, in that boxy elevator surrounded by Muzak, Joel made a promise to himself to allow happiness and love back into his life without regard to past hurts or failures.
Small beads of sweat gathered beneath his glasses when he stepped into the hallway of his floor. Removing the frames, Joel wiped his face and shook the nerves out of his shoulders. It was go time!
Heart beating heavily in his chest, cock still half hard, he entered the room, the trail of your clothes visible in the dim lighting. He followed them like a homing beacon to find you in the large tub, instrumental music playing softly from your phone as you relaxed, immersed in fragrant bubbles. The sight stole the breath from his lungs, glasses fogging up from the heat emanating from his body and the humidity of the bath. He tore them from his face, tossing them toward the vanity with a careless flick of his hand.
Neither of you uttered a word, gazes clashing as you stared at each other in a haze of need and want. He was already stripping out of his clothes before words finally fell from his lips. “Mind if I join you?”
You stared back at him, flawless skin dewy from the water and eyes wide, the curve of an inviting smile upon your lips as you took in every inch of his broad form as it was bared before you. “I’ve been waiting,” you murmured, sliding forward to allow him to slip into the tub behind you.
Joel’s confidence soared as your gaze roved over his now bare body, lingering for long moments on his cock, now fully hard and glistening with pre-come. He felt like a man reborn, giving into something he wanted, needed for the first time in far too long. “See something you like, sweetheart?”
The tops of your breasts peeked above the suds as you sat up in the water, eyes alight with playfulness. “Mmhmm, I like everything I’m seeing. Get in here, please.”
He followed your order at once, slipping into the tub with careful movements, and pulled you back against his chest once settled, the hard press of him against your lower back. Momentarily disappointed that he hadn’t gotten the chance to see all of you yet, Joel wrapped his arms around you, eager hands already roaming your skin beneath the water, which was dangerously high with the addition of his broad frame.
 “You feel amazing in my arms.” Joel’s voice rumbled from his chest, and he could feel the gooseflesh spread across your skin as his breath washed over you. “I could so easily fall for you, ya know?” He felt you nod against him.
“Me, too, Joel” you breathed. Your hands wandered over every bit of him you could reach, both of you explored each other until the desire for more became too much and the water began to cool. “Take me to bed, Joel.”
He could refuse you nothing. Helping you from the tub, Joel gently wrapped you up in a bath sheet before drying himself off. When you dropped the towel to the floor, Joel pounced, sealing his lips to yours in an intimate kiss, a mere precursor to what more was to come as his own towel fell to the floor.
Stepping back, Joel bent down and fished around in the pocket of his pants for the condoms. A wave of lightheadedness washed over him as he stood up again, the sight of you naked and waiting for him too much for his senses. He grasped your hand, quickly bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss on your knuckles before leading you to the bed.
He you laid down on the bed, skin chilled from the air conditioning and Joel peppered your body with soft, wet kisses as his worked his way up to meet your lips. The kiss started as a gentle press of your mouths but quickly turned into a passionate tangling of your tongues and shared breaths. Joel could not keep his hands still, callused fingers caressing from the soft nook of your neck to the swell of your ass and everywhere in between. He could not get enough of you.
Your fingers tangled in his thick curls, tugging experimentally until he groaned with a deep rumble. One hand continued working through his hair as the other roamed, short nails scraping over his broad shoulders and back, along the softness of his belly and love handles, grabbing a handful of the ass you had spent many a moment admiring in his uniform pants. Finally, your hand moved between you to feel the heft of his cock in your grip, and watched Joel’s eyes roll back.
Loving the feel of your hands on him, Joel rolled until he was hovering over you, cock pressed against your lower belly. “Hi,” he whispered with a boyish grin, his left hand wandering down between your thighs, fingertips exploring your folds.
“Hi,” you giggled in return, squirming slightly at the intimate touch.
“You are mesmerizing, did you know that? I am completely under your spell, and I can’t fight it anymore. I don’t want to fight it anymore.” Settling more of his weight down on you, pressing his hardened cock further against you, Joel added, “Do you feel what you do to me, sweetheart?”
He watched your eyelids flutter shut as you nodded, his finger slipping inside you with a sigh. You were soaked and he murmured as much in your ear, adding a second thick finger, hitting depths he knew you couldn’t reach on your own. Joel used his thumb to pluck at your clit until you were a writhing mess beneath him.
“You gonna come for me, gorgeous? Lemme hear those delightful sounds, yeah?” He worked you faster, harder, watching as your eyes rolled back with pleasure. “That’s it, sweetheart. Show me how fucking good it feels.” His cock swelled impossibly harder at your moans as you tipped headlong over the edge into an abyss of pleasure. “You are fucking beautiful.”
Still high on your orgasm, you clawed at him, pulling him closer until his full body weight was on you, mouths meeting with sloppy kisses. A quick reach down and he was notched at your entrance, pushing into you with precision.
“Oh, fuck,” you moaned, the breath swept from your lungs as you were filled to the brim with the enormity of Joel fucking Miller. Your arms clutched him, left hand coming up to tangle your fingers into the thick hair on the back of his head, and your legs wrapped around his hips.
Whispering your name like a prayer against your skin as he pressed open mouth kisses down your neck, Joel moved his hips in a steady rhythm, increasing the intensity as the tension in your bellies built and built.
“You feel so fucking good. Your pretty pussy is like heaven, I never want to leave. It’s so tight, gripping me like a fucking vice.” Words of appreciation and praise tumbled from Joel’s lips as he surrounded you, working you both toward that beautiful peak.
His thrusts lost their rhythm as you came, your walls squeezing him until he exploded, emptying himself inside you, moans and sighs echoing off the walls of the oversized room. You remained tangled together, chests heaving and sweaty, until Joel’s weight became too much. His softening cock slipped out of you as he rolled to the side, eyes catching the unopened condoms packets on the nightstand once he was on his back.
“Oh fuck!”
The sudden exclamation in the quiet room startled you and you sat up. “What? What’s wrong?”
Eyes squeezed closed, Joel’s hand curled into a fist, bumping against his forehead in frustration. “I forgot to put on a fucking condom. I’m so sorry.” Figured, the first intimate moment he had in a long while and he forgot protection.
Your small hand ran over his belly, curling yourself into his side, chin resting on his chest. “Joel, it’s ok, I promise. I’m on birth control and clean. I always stay on it, regulates the monthlies, yeah? Besides, it’s been a bit since I was with anyone.”
Arm falling to his side, Joel’s head raised to meet your eyes, relief flooding his veins. “You sure? I mean, I’m clean, too, and it’s been… a long while since I was with someone.”
“It’s settled then. We’re clean and protected against pregnancy. When can we go for round two?” You burst into laughter at the expression on his face.
“Sweetheart, I’m forty. Gimme a bit of recovery time. I can go all night with a little recovery,” Joel promised, pressing a kiss to the tip of your nose, then your forehead, before pulling you up for a soft kiss on the mouth.
Cuddled together, you filled the time talking, and you finally got some context on why he refused you initially. There was history with Sarah’s mom, whom he met on a yacht in the early stages of his career, and it was a disaster, nearly sidelining his captaincy. He didn’t share the gritty details, not yet at least, but it burned him, badly, and left him avoiding intimacy on or off the boat for a long time. He focused, instead, on Sarah and his career, having a few dalliances and short-term relationships over the years, but nothing he ever committed himself to. Until you. He could see himself in a life with you.
“You make me happy,” Joel said, kissing his way down your body.
“You make me happy, too, Joel Miller,” you squeaked as his tongue delved between your folds, licking upwards to tease that little bundle of nerves.
Round two, three, and four carried well into the early morning hours, leaving you both satiated and exhausted. You slept in, missing the crew breakfast and half the day at the beach club, though neither of you cared. You knew Sarah, Tess, and Tommy would make excuses for you if anyone noticed.
The thought of going back to the yacht, where you’d have to resume your professional relationship again – at least in front of the crew and guests – left you both feeling empty and sad, but you agreed to enjoy every single moment you had left together at the resort. Everything else could be figured out as the season winded down.
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the-solar-system52 · 2 months
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The effect Negative has on people is so funny. Hero and Anxiety just stop mid fight to chat about how mysterious he is.
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RGB runs from his doubts, but Negative fights them head on.
This shows us that Negative is pretty confident in who he is and doesn't doubt his identity. Or at least, not yet he doesn't. It'll be interesting to see what he thinks of RGB and their dual personality.
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I think I know The Butterfly's plan! I think they are trying to show Negative "who they truly are", as in, who they used to be before they became the Butterfly. We know RGB doesn't remember them, but there is a possibility Negative might.
I wonder if we'll see the real them in a reflection in the sword? Or Negative will hit them with the sword and get a flashback? As for who I think they are, I'm not sure. It depends if the memory he lost was from RGB's human life or the Land of Make Believe. People have proposed the idea of them being a past hero but that feels too simple? We already have that villian in the form of Click, and I don't see how The Butterfly could be such an important hero that they have their identity hidden.
No, I think they are most likely from RGB's human life. And if that's true, then there's a good chance Negative remembers them. Though it's still really interesting that the Butterfly didn't know who Negative is.
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And what on earth is going on with the houses? I mentioned before that I think this arc will end with the two houses merging into The House of Lead Paint, but there hasn't been too much mention of the houses since they started talking to the Butterfly.
And Negative's vines, those are interesting. Are the vines just a byproduct of him being there, or is he intentionally spreading them around the house? What is Negative's plan, if he has one at all?
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The blue roses are starting to bud, and they are SO pretty! I also remember them being made of glass, so does that has something to do with the glass sword? I mean, its not mirror glass, it's transparent. But you could still see your reflection in it I'm guessing.
This comic is constant theorising food for my autistic brain, and I love it.
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shimmerwindow · 7 months
I Never Really
Part Three
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Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Playlist | Masterlist
Friday crawled by at a snail’s pace. You normally hated Fridays. The campus was always buzzing with so much activity on the weekends, and it made it hard for you to focus on your studies. Saturday and Sunday were the days you would reserve for working on big projects, but it was difficult sometimes when every other dorm room in a 100-foot radius was blasting music. Part of you felt like a grumpy old man, wanting to go bang on doors and shout turn it down! A smaller, quieter part of you was envious of those who had the time, and friends, to party.
You dragged yourself over to the dining hall after class, your mind filled with thoughts of the party you’d be going to tomorrow. It gave you butterflies to think about it. Meeting new people wasn’t something you were great at, nor enjoyed, and big parties were far from your favorite thing. You stared at the sky, the clouds brushed a gentle pink as the sun set, and wondered if it was too late to cancel.
The dining hall was something you typically avoided if you could help it, preferring your microwaved noodles over any of the slop they served there, but you’d been a bit burnt out on the styrofoam-y taste of chicken-flavored cup noodles lately. You managed to find a quiet corner, and sat down with a tray of the few things in the place that looked edible.
Across the room, you watched a group of jock-type guys make their way in, shoving each other and laughing. One of them locked eyes with you, and you quickly turned your head away and pulled out your phone, opening whatever app came up first, trying to look busy. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw someone making their way directly to where you were sitting. You’d been hit on at this god-forsaken place more than once, and it appeared it was about to happen again. You sighed, and turned your eyes up to the potential suitor.
You blinked a few times. Of course it was Sam. Why did it always have to be Sam?
“Hey!” He called.
You gave him a wave and a small smile, not really in the mood for this right now. You just wanted to eat in peace, but that would have to wait, as he pulled out the chair across from you, dropping his tray onto the table and sitting down.
“I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I don’t usually partake in the unholy abominations they serve here.”
He laughed, holding up a slice of utterly unappetizing pizza he had on his plate. “What, this doesn’t make you hungry?”
“Not exactly.” You picked at what was on your plate, wishing you’d simply settled for noodles tonight.
“You excited for tomorrow?” He asked between bites.
You put on a brave smile, lying through your teeth. “Totally.” You wouldn’t describe your feelings as excited, necessarily. Terrified was more of the word you were looking for.
“It starts at, like, 8. I think. I dunno. I’ll let you know.”
You nodded. That was somewhat good news – you could use the I’m tired excuse after only an hour or two.
“What should I wear?”
He shrugged. “Whatever you want.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Oh, I got this, like…vintage sweater thing I wanna wear.” His eyes lit up, clearly excited about it. “It’s blue and brown and it's got all these cool designs on it, and it’s so comfy. I love it.”
You couldn't help but soften up a bit, seeing how excited he got over something as simple as a sweater. He was so enthusiastic when you asked him where he got it, going on a tirade about all of the thrift stores in town while you ate and listened, and he told you all about how they had so many hidden gems if you knew when to look.
“I should go to some of them some time.”
“Absolutely! I’ll take you there!”
He was so sweet sometimes it was almost annoying. “That sounds fun.”
“Yeah! Like, a little thrift store date.”
Cold silence froze the air between you two, his smile fading, your face prickling with a rising blush. Date.
“I mean, not like that. I meant like, friend date. Not date. Just going to thrift stores together. Like friends. Are we friends?”
There it was once again, that rushed, frantic tone he got when he was flustered.
“Yeah, we’re friends.”
He didn’t seem to know what to say back, looking out the window and back to you a few times, silent. You needed a cigarette.
“Well,” you sighed, standing up from the table. “I’m gonna go smoke.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, then. I’ll text you.”
You’d half-expected him to ask to join you, a little surprised he didn’t. Maybe even a bit disappointed. “See you then.”
It was starting to feel like you couldn’t have a normal interaction with him. Every time, it was something. Though, seeing him tonight seemed to wash some of your worries away. He was kind, and from what you knew about him, he seemed like a good companion to have at a party of strangers.
Sleep came easily that night, thankfully. You drifted off peacefully, finally exhausted from the week before. And in your dreams, you found yourself in a familiar place. If it was possible to get deja vu in dreams, you were feeling it.
You were at the top of a skyscraper in some city you didn't recognize, the wind blowing hard enough to throw you off the edge, but you didn't move. The sky was clear and full of stars, galaxies streaking across the blackness and lighting everything in a delicate purple.
Sam was next to you, pointing at the sky, saying words that were carried away on the wind, but somehow you knew he was explaining the stars to you. He would point at a section of sky and it would glow, as if he held dominion over the stars. Like he told them when to shine.
And then, you were in a dorm room, similar to yours but not quite right, the layout was all wrong. You laid on a bed that was too big for a dorm, and just above you, Sam was there. His face hovered just above yours, his hair hanging down to brush the sides of your face. You knew he was going to kiss you, and you welcomed it gladly, your body melting into his. He was made of warmth and light, and love, so much love.
* * *
Your eyes opened to daylight, the dream ending abruptly, leaving you disoriented when you finally came to your senses. These dreams were starting to get ridiculous. He wouldn’t leave your head, even when he wasn't around. You put your mind to work immediately to push any thoughts of him aside, getting out your laptop and starting up your to-do list for the day.
The minutes ticked by slowly, your eyes always watching the clock, waiting for a text from him, dreading the night ahead. I’ll show up to be kind, have one drink, and disappear. Nobody will even notice when I leave, you thought. Though, nothing seemed to be that level of straightforward around Sam.
You successfully kept yourself preoccupied, until you decided to work on your joint project. He’d written quite a bit since the last time you looked at the document. It was endearing, like you were getting a glimpse into a part of him very few people knew. His style was brutish, getting his point across in as few words as possible, with the most blunt language he could muster. It was cute, in a way.
Time seemed to speed up while you occupied yourself, and before you were anywhere near ready to do so, it was finally time to get yourself ready for the party. You did so in silence, working the party over in your mind. It wasn’t too late to cancel. But you couldn’t do that to him. You imagined how his face would fall when you would tell him you couldn’t go anymore, and it broke your heart a bit. You wouldn’t do that to him. Not after that dream you'd had.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket, knocking you out of your thoughts. Sam’s name was on the screen.
leaving soon, you ready? he’d sent.
ready when you are
You took one last glance at yourself in the mirror, memories of your dream from the night before washing over you once again. Staring into your own eyes, you willed it away, pushing the memory down to the deepest recesses of your consciousness until it was lost with all the other thoughts that wandered around in there. You could not possibly face him with such a dream still knocking against the forefront of your mind.
When you finally met Sam on the first floor, you were a bit taken aback at just how…nice he looked. He was wearing the sweater he’d told you about, the patterns and colors complimenting his features perfectly. He had on a faded pair of jeans with a few square patches of fabric sewn into them – one with an elephant on it, another with a detailed drawing of a star. His hair was down, flawless and glossy as always. He gave you a toothy grin when he saw you, his eyes briefly running up and down the length of your body.
“You look nice,” he said, the words catching in his throat a bit.
“Same to you,” you replied, trying to keep a level head with his words repeating over and over in your mind.
“Thanks!” He looked down at himself. “I made these myself,” he motioned at the jeans. “Well, I didn't, like, make them, but I found these cool patches and put ‘em on.”
“You can sew?” You asked, a bit surprised.
“Of course I can. My mom taught me when I was a youngin.”
The thought of him sitting in his dorm, delicately sewing patches onto his jeans, was almost too much for you to bear. “Wanna get going?” The daylight had already long faded from the sky, the few stars obscured by a blanket of clouds.
“Absolutely, miss eclipse.”
“Don’t call me that, cornball.”
“Missus eclipse? Ma’am?” He cocked his head to the side.
You rolled your eyes, biting your lip against a smile. The things he said, coming from any other person, wouldn't even solicit a grin from you half the time. But something about him…you couldn’t help but laugh at every one of his jokes. “Let’s go already.”
The two of you made your way out of the hall and out into the night. There was a surprising number of people out tonight – though, that was only your perception. You didn’t leave the dorms much on Saturday nights if you could help it. Too much commotion, too many drunk men. Walking with Sam felt safe, though.
You made light small talk as you walked, discussing things like the coming winter, how you’d heard it was going to be a pretty bad one this year. You’d expected to feel more nervous at this point, but your body and mind both felt rather calm; as calm as they could be in Sam’s presence. There was something about him that radiated calm, like a lit fireplace or the smoke from incense. Walking with him, even in silence, felt right in a way you couldn't place. And between words, you imagined how it would feel to hold his hand as you walked.
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the-paganwitch · 1 month
Tips for beginner witches who are in the broom closet.
I have been seeing an increase in posts of beginner witches looking for ways to discreetly practice witchcraft. I have been very active with my witchcraft online, but I have more of a secret, hidden practice in real life. This is primarily due to living in a Christian household. I am here to give some tips for those who want to practice, but may not live in a supportive household.
First off, it is completely valid if your practice doesn't look like those you see online. Especially if you have to practice in private, just take it slow and easy, and you'll be okay. You've got this.
Second, I am a female. Because of this, many of my discreet twitchy tips are a bit more catered to women and female presenting people. Nothing against men and male practitioners, I have been able to adapt my practice in this way because of being a woman. There will be tips that will suit everyone, but some are more geared towards women and female presenting.
The first tip I can offer is to utilize nail polish! Nail polish is a perfect way to use colour magic discreetly. You can even make designs that match your intentions. For example, if you want to bring change, pick a colour that corresponds with that and add a butterfly nail sticker to it. It's beautiful and has a magical intention behind it.
If you are wanting to veil to help protect your energy, use a scrunchie that has been given that intention. Veils don't always have to cover your entire head. Be creative.
If you like to paint, incorporate hidden sigils into your art. If you're drawing a character and you want them to have a tattoo, make it a sigil. If you're painting trees, make it look like it's a carving in the tree.
Look into kitchen witchcraft. Kitchen witchcraft can be done very discreetly, as even the most simple ingredients can be used for spells. For example, tomato soup with cloves, basil, oregano, paprika, and black pepper makes a wonderful protection spell which you can eat (this is one of my personal favourite protection spells). You can add in veggies that also match your intentions to make it even better! Make a lemonade to help bring joy and to cleanse your energy. Add a bit of orange to it and you've not only got a joy bringing spell, but a creativity spell as well.
Use walking as a form of meditation. Nothing beats getting out and breathing in the fresh air to help ground yourself. It's even better when music is involved, so don't forget to bring your headphones! You can even listen to audiobooks or podcasts during this time as well. If you are someone that can't always go on walks, just being outside and getting fresh air is more than enough to help meditate or ground yourself.
Enchant your jewelry. This is huge for hidden and discreet witchery! You don't need a fancy ritual or any fancy jewelry to do this. It can be whatever you have that you want to enchant. Hold that piece of jewelry in your hands and envision a bright, white engulfing that item. While feeling this energy, set your intentions into the jewelry. It can be anything you wish! Once you feel your intention is in the jewelry, envision the white light fading and the energy calming. Once this happens, gently blow on the jewelry to remove any excess energy that may be lingering. Now you have enchanted your jewelry without needing any other spell ingredients or rituals!
These are the best tips I can think of at the moment. If anyone else has other tips, feel free to add onto this post! I hope this helps!
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acupofqueercoffee · 1 year
“Kisses and Cookie”
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Request by @anonymous
Hellooo!! Your writing is really lovely, i was just wondering if you could write lesso comforting her gf who is having... that time of the month, yknow?? Its ok if you dont want to!! Just know that your writing is making a lot of people happy, keep up the amazing work!!
my obsession with alliteration really shines through in this one eh |・ω・)
Chocolate and cuddles are certainly the cure to cramps that come in crippling currents, although there are several instances of the stellar combination failing to live up to its name. Beyond levelling off the pain, even when they do offer a distraction to take your mind of the awful sensation, chasing it completely away usually transcends their capability.
During such times when you feel as if a hurricane is wreaking havoc on your insides, your saving grace comes in the form of a palm on your pelvis. The owner of which is your wicked lover with a heart so big, and her love for you that seems to know no bounds. She always wears an air of indifference around her as it is her brand, but for you, she always makes an exception.
You are each other’s haven. The condescending cheekiness that is glued onto her face for the better part of the day is replaced by a bright beautiful smile that reflects in her star-kissed eyes, the spine that is kept ramrod-straight from dusk to dawn dissolves into a puddle of touch-starved goo as soon as her tall frame is engulfed in your arms. With her armour stripped bare, she is not Lady Lesso but simply your Leo.
Dressed in nothing but her button down and your underwear, you have, as you always do, welcomed your lover home with a kiss on her lips.
“Thievery is not tolerated in this household, little thief.”
She has murmured, a whisper of a smirk felt on your pulse point as tiny delicate kisses are peppered across your neck and collarbone.
You have only hummed, arms locked around her back, and face silently nuzzling the nook of her neck. When no retorts are returned as expected of her little minx, a palm has cupped your cheek, tilting it back a touch for concerned eyes to examine you.
“You look positively unwell, darling. What’s wrong?”
Pouty-lipped and puppy-eyed, you have told her how ruthless your cramps for this month have been, for even chocolate and cuddles with cookie, a chubby ball of clouds the colour of milk chocolate; a doggo daughter that you and Leo have been parenting together, cannot manage to fend off the pain.
One of your nightly rituals include lounging on the carpet in front of the roaring hearth. With an unruly head of fiery hair on one of your laps and a fluffy head of chocolate fur on the next, your little family of three will be found savouring the moment, simple in appearance but rich in essence.
Tonight as well is no exception, albeit having some adjustments made. Seated on the carpet between the couch and the hearth, you stay locked in your lover’s arms, hips cradled snugly in her thighs, and legs bracketed by hers, long, lean and delightfully toned. In the center of your legs nests chunky little Cookie, content, tongue out, and out like a light.
Even though chocolate and cuddles remain a constant craving during this time of the month, the ultimate cure to cramps is your lover who is not reluctant to shower you with affections. You are convinced at this point that her kisses hold healing properties. It feels as if all sensations of pain and discomfort are banished from your body as soon as soft lips collide with your flesh.
A candle kissed by the flame, you melt once a blossom of kiss is bestowed upon your nape. The sweet blossoms extend towards your shoulder blade, then circles back towards your neck where a butterfly rests upon your fluttering pulse.
Meanwhile, her hand is hidden underneath her shirt which is presently draped over your frame. One of the perks of having a witch as a wife is that you can do without a heating pad. One glow of her fingertip and her hand becomes the very thing. From beneath her palm, which is pressed against your pelvis, pulsate waves of warmness that bleed into your flesh. They feel delightfully pleasant, drowning out the pain until it is but an occasional tinge of discomfort.
“Is my darling girl feeling better?” You feel her query on the shell of your ear, the answer to which is delivered with a gentle press of your lips on her throat. “Mmhm, much.”
“There’s nothing my hands cannot remedy, it seems.”
Her voice, smooth as silver, soft as silk spills shivers down your spine. Still, you act innocent, head collapsing atop your lover’s shoulder to seek her eyes.
“Whatever do you mean? It’s quite obviously the therapeutic effect of watching a sleeping baby.” You glance over at Cookie who at the moment has her thick little limbs facing skyward, her chubby little belly exposed.
“Seeing as my little vixen is back, you really must be feeling better.”
Your wife smiles in that naughty fox-like way, drops it gently atop the tip of your nose, and when soft caresses of her lips turns into playful nibbles, you cannot help but giggle at her antics.
The jostling of your bodies stirs Cookie from her slumber. Your baby, always a ball of bubbling excitement, immediately climbs up your body on her chubby little paws, joining her Mama in bombarding your face with dewy kisses. As if sucked into a vortex, the pain and discomfort vanish, and if they don’t, you can no longer register their presence under the belly-butterfly inducing assaults of your two beloveds.
In the end, the three of you dissolve into a cuddle pile. The two fluffy heads are the first to be tired to sleep, Leo in your arms and Cookie sandwiched snugly between the two of your bodies. You do not know if it is even possible for two entirely different species to look so alike, but they do, charmingly so, and as if to prove your point, both of them start scratching their noses in unison, your wife with her finger and your baby with her little paw. Brimming to bursting with love, you barely contain the urge to squeeze them in your arms, opting instead for dropping a lingering kiss atop each of their velveteen cheeks.
They say that the universe is so unbelievably vast. It may be so for the rest, but personally, you beg to differ. Your universe is but an armful, warm, fluffy, and positively the cure to all.
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here is the floof baby. a newfoundland puppy but when they’re fully grown boy oh boy they literally become a bear 🐻
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sunshinevanfleet · 1 year
butterfly - j. kiszka
pairing: jake x reader
a/n: i'm back with more jake angst. i swear to y'all angst is just my favorite genre to write with him idk why it just fits him so well!!!! i promise i love him i'm gonna write some fluff with him soon. lol. anyways, my requests are open if you feel so inclined. as always, let me know your thoughts. love ya<3
genre: angst
word count: 2k
warnings: sadness, allusions to sex, swearing
 A sharp gasp sounded from your lips as you saw the figure behind you in the mirror. Your hand still hung halfway in the air, the earring you were putting in forgotten as you eyed the man behind you. Slowly, you spun around on your stool to meet the eyes of your surprise guest. He stood there, smirking as if you had been expecting him to show up all night. As if you had been waiting there just for him, all prim and pampered in anticipation for his arrival. 
His soft gaze drank in your figure, your bare legs exposed up to the thigh underneath your silken robe. You crossed one leg over the other, trying to shield some of your exposed skin from his curious eyes; there was a whisper of mischief hidden behind those soft eyes– you would expect nothing less from him.
“What are you doing here?” you asked, voice quiet. You resumed putting in your earring, the jewelry catching the light that spilled in from the hallway behind him. He tilted his head at you, as if you were asking a ridiculous question.
“Just missed you,” he answered simply. He shrugged.
You sighed heavily, your body relaxing as you turned back to your reflection in the vanity. You eyed yourself; you had carefully applied your makeup, smudging your eyeliner to make it just the right amount of messy. Your vintage earrings glinted in the light, complimenting the dainty necklace shining around your neck. Hanging on the door to your closet, your dress was just waiting for you to put it on before you left for the night.
“You always have wonderful timing, Jacob,” you said, voice hinting at sarcasm. “I didn’t know you still had a key.”
He smiled. You briefly met his gaze in the mirror behind you. He was so intense, just lurking there, watching you. Goosebumps trailed over your body, rising first on your legs and snaking up your back and neck. He always had this effect on you, turning you into a blubbering shy mess under his observant eyes.
“Me neither,” he agreed. “Found it in my old guitar case. It’s the little old skeleton key. Always thought it was endearing that you got the locks specially made, just because of that.”
You flushed beneath the layer of cosmetics on your skin. He was always saying little things that hit you right where it stung. It was the reason why you had to stop speaking to him completely after your break up. He knew you like the back of his hand; how could you resist someone that knew every little thing that was special in your life? Every little detail about you…
“Glad I know where the spare is,” you said, jokingly. It was the easiest way to deflect, to try and ignore the way his words made your heart pound. “I’ve been living with one house key for over a year now…”
His little smile quickly disappeared, and he shook his head. “Has it really been that long? Over a year?”
You nodded solemnly. Forcing your eyes away from Jake, you found it more difficult to look yourself in the eye. Here you were, sitting still with your broken heart while the one person that you knew could fix it was watching you like a hawk. But it was never that simple.
“It has.”
The two of you were quiet for a minute. His eyes followed you as you reached for the dress hanging on the doorway. Out of habit, you reached to untie your robe, then realized it was no longer appropriate to change in front of him. Your grasp faltered as you entered your bathroom, leaving the door cracked behind you. His presence was too distracting for you. Your fingers trembled as you pulled the zipper up as far as you could, then you stepped back out into the bedroom. He was now sitting on the bed, looking very out of place in what used to be your shared bedroom. After things ended, you gutted the place and redid everything. Only a few things of sentimental value remained. 
“C’mere,” he said softly, “I’ll zip you up.” He stood and approached you.
Turning around, you swept your hair off of your shoulders and exposed your back to him. You shivered as his warm hand grazed the skin of your lower back, fingers trailing alongside the zipper. You chewed on your bottom lip, squeezing your eyes shut as he zipped it with excruciating care. You wanted to thank him, but were afraid of what your voice would sound like if you spoke. 
The silence was beginning to kill you when he finally finished. You smoothed the front of your dress, and turned to face him.
“Jake– I… You shouldn’t be here.” 
“You’re going to see him.” His voice was suddenly darker. Jealous. There was a flicker of deep emotion behind his dark irises; he was hurt, and you hated yourself for it. A whole year came and went without him, and you were still tearing yourself apart over him. Over that look in his eyes. 
“I am,” you said thickly. “I can’t see you, Jake, please. You need to go.”
He visibly winced at your words. You tried to ignore the pang in your chest, ignored the urge to pull him into your arms and comfort him. It wasn’t right. 
“I know, doll,” he said, his voice hoarse. “I just– I wanted to give you something.”
He began to rummage around in his jacket pocket for a moment, digging past his jingling keys and change, before pulling something small out and holding it out to you in the palm of his hand. The tiny parcel was wrapped painstakingly in a layer of delicate brown paper, and a thick layer of bubble wrap. You carefully grasped it, trying not to graze his hand with your own. You wouldn’t be able to handle your skin touching his again. 
“What is it?”
He smiled sadly. “I’m not telling.”
You mirrored his expression. This all felt like a flashback to the past; he was a supreme gift-giver, always showering you with tiny trinkets and little things that reminded him of you. Every time he came home with a surprise, you always asked him what it was. He would never tell. You hated how easy it was to fall back into an old routine with him. How easy he made it to stay in love with him. 
With delicate movements, you unwrapped the little parcel. It was slightly smaller than the size of your palm as you opened it; tears filled your eyes as you finally saw the gift. In your hand sat a little butterfly figurine, carefully made of glass. Its crystalline wings cast tiny, glittering windows of colorful light onto the skin of your palm. It was exactly the kind of thing you adored; you had a shelf on the far wall full of little thoughtful gifts like this from Jake.
“Jake…” your voice quivered, and you shook your head as you tried not to cry.
“It reminded me of you,” he said softly. “Sometimes, I think everything reminds me of you.”
You were teetering on the verge of tears. The thought of looking up at him was unbearable. As if you weren’t already being torn apart, he continued speaking. 
“You’re still my little butterfly. Don’t you know that?” He reached out, one of his hands cupping your cheek sweetly. Instinctively, you nuzzled into his embrace, breathing in the scent of his skin. Your silent tears dampened your cheek and the callused skin of his hand.
It was wrong. Everything about this was so wrong. But it all felt so right.
“Why are you doing this?” you whispered. He was torturing you. You tried so hard to forget him. You rid your house of every little reminder of him that you could bear to throw out. You deleted his phone number, you deleted every song he liked, you stopped talking to all of your mutual friends. You even started seeing someone else, but nothing worked. Nothing could get him out of your mind. He was cemented there, unwavering. Everyday was a chore; you spent so much time trying to forget Jake that he was all you ever thought about.
“I need you, Y/N.”
You laughed humorlessly, reaching up to grasp his wrist with your free hand. You finally peeled your eyes open, but you still couldn’t look at him. Instead, you stared at the fragile butterfly resting in your open hand. It felt like you were staring at yourself; a little glass creature just waiting to be shattered into a million pieces.
“I needed you, Jake. And I hate you for it,” your voice broke into a sob. “I hate you because I can’t stop loving you. You’re the only person who’s ever broken me open.”
He was crying, too. “I was so stupid, doll, so fucking stupid. Everything I did, it was selfish. I knew I was hurting you, and I did it anyway. I’m a fuck up, and I know that, but I can’t live this life without you. I promise you I can’t…”
You didn’t have the words to say you felt the same. A thousand emotions passed through your mind; your chest ached with all of the pressure of trying to find the right thing to say. Your daydreams for the past year were filled with fantasies of making up with him, taking him back despite all of your screwed up past. Now, he was standing in front of you groveling and you had no clue what to do. 
“I– I don’t know what to say,” you breathed. 
You forced yourself to look at him, and saw the pain in his eyes. Your stomach did a flip. You hated seeing him like this, hated seeing him hurting as much as you were. That horribly pained look in his warm brown eyes. 
“Don’t go to him. Stay here with me, please.”
You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. What were you supposed to do? Tell him to get out and leave to go see your boyfriend, so you could spend every second of it wishing he were Jake? 
“What can I tell him, Jake? I have to go.”
“I don’t care what you tell him. Anything. Just don’t go. I can’t take it,” The hand cupping your cheek snaked around the back of your neck, and he pulled you gently into his embrace. You buried your face in the nook between his neck and shoulder, breathing him in. You wanted him closer; you wanted to be so close to him that you were practically the same person. There was no way you could leave him after this. Fuck your boyfriend, fuck the dinner party, and fuck anyone who wasn’t Jake Kiszka. He was your person, the love of your life. 
You pulled away from him finally, staggering as you balanced once again on your own feet. The little butterfly shook in your hand as you stepped away from him, carrying it to the shelf filled with the rest of your trinkets. All of them were attached to the man standing behind you, begging for your forgiveness. It felt almost foolish now, that you ever thought you would be able to forget him. It was so obvious to you now that breaking up was the worst possible decision. 
You left your butterfly perched there, watching as you curled back into Jake’s arms. He undressed you, laid you down in your bed. He made love to you and wiped your tears after you were finished. He removed your makeup without you asking, and pulled his shirt over your head. 
The two of you sprawled over your bed. You rested your head against his chest, the steady thump of his heartbeat in your ear lulling you into relaxation. He admired you as if you hung the stars in the sky. 
“I love you, my butterfly,” he whispered above you. You shivered, his sweet voice caressing your soul in the darkness. How could you have ever wanted this to end? No other love could possibly compare to him; how he knew you, cared for you, adored you. You had always been his.
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naruhinamain · 6 months
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your favorite content from them: Secrets of the Hidden Leaf "Please keep writing 🥺"
your favorite content from them: "Prey", "Monster" & "Naruhina Oneshots" "You wanna know something? I'm still in awe of being able to call you "friend." It's something that never fails to amaze me. I used to look up to you (and still do!)but from a distance. Your talent, your incredible way with words, and your ability to create beautiful masterpieces always left me mindblown. (I remember "Monster" was one of the first stories I read when I first joined Wattpad – crazy, right?) Your writing constantly blows me away. Your writing consistently blows me away. No matter what you tackle, you deliver. It's always a 1000/10. You touch the keyboard and create wonders. You're truly one of a kind. 🛐🛐🛐 I never want you to doubt yourself or think your writing isn't good enough because it is, and it always will be! 💪🏽❤️ Just know that you'll always have my support, without a doubt. Our friendship means so much to me, the simple fact that I can reach out to you anytime and we can talk for hours about anything – it's truly valuable! 🥹💖 But I do wish you'd take a break from time to time. I feel like you push yourself so hard; girl, you gotta chill, haha! Taking breaks is perfectly fine. You don't have to be so tough on yourself. Any effort, no matter how big or small, will always be met with love and support. Never forget that. Love you. Keep up the fantastic work! ❤️🫶🏽"
your favorite content from them: "Butterfly"
your favorite content from them: Prey
your favorite content from them: "Monster," "Prey," "Late Night Confession," "Fallen," "A Bride for Gamakichi," and "Ravenous" "Sessakag has the RANGE. I feel like if Sessakag's stories were art, all the colors would be really rich and deep, like every description and moment has so much "fullness." I feel really lucky to be in the NaruHina fandom right now and to be able to read all of Sessakag's stories!!!"
"You have a special ability, all your stories are different in good ways. It never gets boring reading your masterpieces"
your favorite content from them: Prey🕷 "The Queen of the weird font on Tumblr?? I'm probably not the only one, but I associate you so much with that font you're using for your fic titles and posts (and that won't paste the proper way, sigh). I cannot be the only one 😂 Anyways, big fan of your work, cannot wait to see were you take us next!"
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LINKS: TUMBLR || AO3 || FF.NET || WATTPAD || AFF @sessakag
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luvcryo · 1 year
Their Fanfic Trope - HC
Angst/fluff, not proofread, a little ooc
Includes: Albedo, Al Haitham, Childe x Reader [seperate]
Can you believe it I'm actually writing the things in my head instead of just thinking about writing them. I haven't even played genshin in like a month
Reblogs are greatly appreciated :>
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Hanahaki disease
-Ok reader having hanahaki disease is easy to imagine with Albedo
-But imagine albedo having the disease
-He adores you, he really does, but he doesn't want to admit it. Not only is he dangerous but he should focus on his research
-Then hanahaki disease hits him
-First he coughs up one or two petals, not a big deal, he gets weird side affects from his alchemy all the time, but after a few days the symptoms don't die down like normal, in fact they worsen, leaving him unable to breath at times
-So he goes to the Knights of Favonius library, it's possible someone else has experienced the same
-Thats when he learns about the disease
-And the only cure is to have his love requited
-But there's no way that would happen, you've made that clear
-You think he's aloof and far to engrossed in his alchemy, you have no interest in him
-He trys to keep it hidden, thinking that maybe if he falls out of love, he'll be cured somehow
-When you find out, thanks to sucrose, you do feel pity, but your empathy isn't enough to cure the disease
Al Haitham
Academic rivals to lovers
-No matter how hard you study day and night, no matter which classes you take or how many, you can't seem to surpass Al Haitham
-Honestly, you wouldn't really care that much about being below him academically, if it werent for that prideful smirk on his face everytime test scores on announced in the academia, with his as the top score, and yours as the second
-He congratulates you on getting such a hight score, in that arrogant and insufferable way, "even though you were just one correct question away from being first"
-Whenever he walkes into the room you feel annoyed, he makes you want to rip your hair out every time he opens his mouth
-You do feel you're heart race a little faster when he condescendingly congratulates you, but that's just because of your anger, of course
-And it was also your anger that made your face heat up when he asked you to study with him, it was because you were annoyed at his mocking tone, not because the thought of spending time alone with him made the butterflies in your stomach dance in excitement
-Y'know, maybe you will take him up on that offer. Only because you want to see how he studies so you can finally surpass him, definitely not so you can see that stupidly pretty face of his again
Fake relationship
-He's your superior, you're one of his best lackeys
-You don't really know the details, but he has a pretty simple mission. Get into this fancy party in Fontaine, follow around some big-shot, gather any information he has, and kill him when no one's around to watch
-Of course, when he asks you to help by being his pretend lover for the night, you accept. Anything to benefit the Tsaritsa
-As the night goes on though, you begin to wonder why he really needed you with him. Although the majority of people here were couples, finding someone alone wasn't a particularly rare sight, and he certainly didn't need you to get information, he's much better at that, so why did he want you with him?
-His hand around your waist, holding you close, felt a little to real. So did the way he offered to punch anyone who made you uncomfortable there, the glares he was giving to anyone who looked at you. The relationship between the two of you felt less platonic as the night went on
-It's not like you're feeling towards him were platonic either, what's not to love? He's kind to his family and close friends, he's handsome, and you have no reason to hide the work you do since you're both in the same buissness
-Never in a million years did you think he felt the same though, until tonight
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fictionadventurer · 6 months
By the Shores of Silver Lake was my least favorite Little House book as a kid, and upon starting the reread, I could see why. Earlier books had Laura as a child observer--not engaging in or totally understanding the wider world of the adults, but still engrossed in the simple joys of childhood. In this book, Laura is neither child nor adult--she's too old to play like a child, but she's too young to take an active part in adult life, so she's stuck in this awkward middle ground.
Yet as the book went on, I started to see that that was the point. This book is about growing up, about being on the brink of adulthood and trying to hold onto childhood while also becoming someone new. Laura's growing-up is paralleled with the "growing up" of the country around her. Both the old and the new ways of life have their benefits and their downsides, and Laura has to figure out how to hold onto the best of both.
The prairie is beautiful, wondrous, free. Laura would love to just roam forever, always traveling west, always seeing new places. She doesn't want to marry, doesn't want to teach school, doesn't want anything to change about her way of life. But one can't stay a child forever. Eventually, the infinite possibility of childhood has to turn into the definite identity of adulthood. She has to take responsibility and settle down. The arrival of the town brings that adult life to the prairie, and in doing so, it destroys the innocent wonders of nature--the majestic wolves lose their home, the buffalo are gone, and the ducks no longer land at Silver Lake. Laura has to wrestle with this--is childhood, for herself and the prairie, gone forever? Does she have to let go of childlike wonder and embrace the mundane responsibility of adult life?
This theme is resolved when Laura finds Grace in the buffalo wallow. It's a place of impossible magic and beauty, a carpet of fragrant violets hidden away from the world with butterflies flying overhead, so perfect it seems like a fairyland. Of course Grace, the innocent child, is the one who was able to find it. When Laura asks Pa about it later, he explains that the "fairies" that made this magical ring were buffalo. There's a mundane explanation for the phenomenon, but that doesn't destroy the wonder and beauty of the place--adult knowledge enhances, rather than destroys childlike wonder. The buffalo might be gone, but there's still beauty left behind. Laura can move forward into the future and know that there are still wonders to find. She can be an adult and still maintain a childlike wonder, can take responsibility and still find comfort in the safety of home and family.
This thematic resonance made so much about the book so much deeper. It's the message of the entire series distilled into story form. Remember the past, children, but go forth boldly into the future. It's a message much easier to see with an adult's eyes, so I'm so glad I gave this book another chance.
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I just wanted to share this masterpiece again - Snip From “The Cat Who Could Fly Like A Crow”
"Ah. Yes, negative emotions."
In a dark room full of butterflies that you have to wonder how it was constructed considering it was obviously supposed to be a secret hidden lair. Like… this sort of room does not get built on its own, how do you explain this to the contractors? What orders are given to the construction crew? How do you get them to keep quiet about this? An addition like that to a structure would cost a fortune, it's giving me a headache thinking about this! God damn it-!
(We're having technical difficulties, please wait a moment)
And another thing! There's the basement where he apparently keeps his dead wife… who the hell built that!? I don't care how much money you have! This would not stay under wraps! Have you ever been to a construction site? It! Is! Noisy! Not to mention the mount of material needed for this sort of endeavor would not be easy to transport without someone knowing! Concrete! Rebar! Tiles! Plaster! The shit ton of other materials! Who the hell built this-!
(Give it another moment, he'll tire himself out)
Okay… okay… I'm cool… no, I'm not! What the hell?! You can't 'My Hero' this shit! You don't have a dude who controls cement to do this! And even then, controlling cement does not mean you can construct buildings in a single night! There is so much that goes into construction and it pisses me off when people write it off as so simple! Do you have any idea how much work it is to just work out material prices! Not to mention the labor costs! Equipment costs! Safety precautions! Making sure the site is properly maintained and that you have all of the proper paperwork! And-!
(A few more moments…)
Anyway! In the stupid butterfly room stood an even stupider man dressed in an equally stupid outfit.
/Hawkmoth/ /This pathetic loser is the villain? Dangan Ronpa has Enoshima, One Piece has Blackbeard, Bungou Stray Dogs has Fyodor... Miraculous Ladybug gets this loser/
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the12thnightproject · 6 months
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Chapter 33: Paper Prince. Katsu’s investigation sends her to the last place Mitsuhide wants her to go, with the last person he would want her to be with.
Mitsuhide x OC; Hideyoshi x MC (Mai)
All Chapters Archived on Ao3 
Logline - With Mai, Hideyoshi, and Aki missing, Mitsuhide and Katsuko reluctantly team up. Disguised as a merchant and his concubine, can they outsmart the man known as the God of Deceit?
Have lockpick, will travel…
Francisco was not home, and his building locked and closed up as if he expected to be gone for a while.  Another opportunity to put the lock picks to good use.  Now that I understood the trick to it all, it took me mere seconds to open the lock. No wonder these locks are not used very often - they're terrible.
It took only a few more minutes to break into the desk and retrieve my money. After considering the matter further, I also confirmed there were no false bottoms and hidden drawers in his desk. Though Francisco said he didn’t have any information that could help me find Aki now, I also wanted to find out who Aki had been in the past.  Aki then, the Aki my mother knew, he too was someone I needed to know, even if it was just the memory of who he used to be.
All I found was one more drawing. Francisco could have become an artist if he had not gone into a time traveling career. He’d sketched a large group of people sitting in a room full of books. I recognized Aki and my mother, but the others... wait... was that a toddler Sasuke? The serious expression seemed familiar, even if the mochi patterned onesie did not. I debated taking this with me too - when I found Sasuke again he'd be sure to find it amusing - but these were Francisco's memories and I couldn't steal them.
Another thing I couldn’t find? Tea. So with a pot of terrible coffee at my side, I picked up my old life, and after too many weeks, I settled down to finally, finally, finish decoding and reading Aki's letter. Cloud city moment… Sasuke… bank numbers. I skimmed past the old news, trying to find the point where I'd stopped.
However, just as Francisco has his reasons, I am requesting that you stay here. There is an important mission, a vital one that could mean the difference between the future of your timeline, of all timelines, and chaos. There is a young boy by the name of Hikosane. That is all I know about him in this timeline. Soon after you arrived in this era, a cataclysmic event splintered the timeline, and Hikosane (or sometimes Hiko) was sent onto very different paths. It is vital that this boy survives past his tenth birthday.
Hiko? Sho’s brother Hiko? It was not an uncommon name – there were probably dozens of Hikos scattered across the land. I read further, but Aki was not of any help.
Who is he? Unfortunately, that depends upon the timeline.
Great. I suppose I could proceed upon the fact that the Hiko I knew was about the correct age, and that he’d already nearly been killed. Why was he important, though? Was he someone special to the future? Someone’s father or grandfather? Oooh, what if he was my great, great x20 grandfather?
WHO is he, you are probably asking me now. As I once told Master Mikumo, he’s not anyone specific, but he is the butterfly. In every timeline, he will do something important to protect the future. It might be as simple as giving a warlord a mouthful of water at the right moment. Or it might be as complicated as growing up to be an important Daimyo himself. The event that threw his alternates onto different paths, didn’t erase his importance to the future… only his role.
Therefore, in every timeline, Iekane is trying to kill him. I once told you that I thought Iekane’s antipathy to you was simple jealousy.  That was not a lie, but it was not the entire story. And it is not a story that I am able to share.
Thanks Aki.
Katsuko, I am certain you believe I have given you few choices in this era, but in this, I have no other recourse but to tell you that what you do next is your decision. You may choose to reject everything I have told you, but I hope you do not. More than that, I hope that you never have to read this letter and that I have managed to give you this information in person. But if I have not, know that I am proud of you, and the life you have made for yourself here.
The sun was already at its highpoint when I finally put the decoded letter down. Not because it had been that difficult to decode, but because I'd had a hard time believing everything he had told me in his typical far too cryptic Aki way.
Of course because either he was in a hurry, or because he didn’t want to segue into science, Aki didn’t bother wasting time (time which he clearly had a lot of given due to the whole time travel thing) explaining. Why? How did he know these things, or how he knew that Hiko was important to the future? Why was Iekane trying to kill him?
There he was again. All roads led back to him.
Gunshot? Shojumaru and I both immediately alerted and looked around. There … a man, just in profile, slipping around the corner of the restaurant. The profile was enough though – it was Iekane.
Was I imagining that, inserting a memory of him at the scene because Aki's letter had suggested it to me?
I am not careless – I was pushed.
“It won’t matter if he runs.” Iekane made a fist, and I rolled away from the punch before it connected. “No matter how many timelines you try to save in him, we’ll always be waiting for you.”
Those, those were not my memories, and yet, they were clearer than the memory of the accident. What was happening to me?
“Hikosane – on the count of three, Okatsu will throw her knife behind and to the left of the snake. As soon as it turns to look at the knife, you are to roll to the right.”
My fingers were becoming numb, but there was no way I was going to let the boy or the branch slip away from me. Mentally, I chanted instructions to myself. Don’t let go of the branch…. Don’t let go of the boy… keep your mouth closed when you’re underwater. The last one was a difficult mantra to follow when all I wanted to do was cough up the water that I’d already swallowed.
I rubbed my eyes, hoping to find a path through these familiar-unfamiliar images. Was this the Hiko I would or had saved?
Should I retrieve Hiko and keep him with me? I couldn’t watch over him every minute of the day, and at some point Motonari would return. If he found me with Hiko, then he’d probably kill me on the spot.
Could I take Hiko to the Mountain for safety? Would he go with me if I asked?
What if he was the wrong Hiko?
Cursing Aki for giving me so few identifying details, I wondered if I should find Iekane and take care of him before he could get to Hiko?  It seemed that he was the key to finding Aki. And possibly finding the right Hiko.
And to find out where Iekane was, I'd have to go back to the last place I had gotten any word about him - de Sousa's.
Thankfully my breaking and entering skills were far better these days, thanks to... Mitsuhide.
That decided, I went through Francisco's office looking for tools that might help me next. An extra dagger, a few small trinkets that could be traded for food or other weapons, and some loose coins I found in the desk. What wasn’t in the office, and still missing, was my bravado. I hopefully hadn't left that at Mitsuhide's. I was going to need that the most.
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What, or who, I wasn't going to need was Kyubei, but he was waiting outside Francisco's when I left the building. He was leaning against the wall of a restaurant, his expression as inscrutable as always. "Did he ask you to follow me, or is this a side gig?"
"He asked, but I would have followed you anyway. He only wishes to assure himself that you are safe, and know where to find you if he-" Kyubei paused, seemed to be choosing his wording, "Realizes he made a mistake letting you go."
"I am sure he didn’t say all that." While I had seen Mitsuhide beat himself up over imagined mistakes, this, my voluntary exit from his life, wasn’t the kind of thing that would torture him. Not unless my leaving eventually affected the Oda as a whole.
"No. He only said he wanted to make sure of your direction in case he located Aki." Kyubei handed me some coins. "I was paraphrasing."
Was this money from Mitsuhide… or Kyubei? Knowing that he would not take them back, even if I refused them, I put them in my coin purse. "Thank you. I haven't found him, although I have more information that suggests the person involved in his disappearance is one of Aki's old couriers. I’m going to follow that thread next."
When Kyubei relayed that to Mitsuhide, as I knew he would, Mitsuhide would understand who I meant.
"I wish you a good journey then." Kyubei bowed and there seemed to be a few more unsaid words in that bow. Then he walked away. I watched until he disappeared from view. He was totally going to double back and follow me - but it was always nice to have back-up.
Not wanting to have to sneak into de Sousa’s house in daylight, I decided to check up on my horse. I had hoped that Francisco might have managed to stop by and pet her, but given her mood when I arrived at the posting inn where I’d been boarding her, such visits had been few or not at all. To say she was annoyed at being cooped up for weeks would be an understatement. It took me most of the rest of the afternoon to ride the sulks out of her, and she nearly bit a chunk out of my shoulder in the process. Nor was she pleased that when the ride ended, I reluctantly returned her to the inn.
It was faster to walk to de Sousa’s, and had I brought her with me, I would have had to find a place to hide her.
As before, the lights on the second floor were bright, and I could see the shadows of men and women walking past. Another dinner or banquet? He certainly had an active social calendar.
After careful consideration of my options, I took the oilskin that I used when I was delivering messages, wrapped it around a blank piece of paper, and walked in the machiya as if I were simply making a delivery (it’s not as if I hadn’t delivered hundreds of messages in the past). Once inside the door, it was simple enough to peel off into the office unnoticed.
Good to know that several weeks with Mitsuhide had not dimmed my ability to blend into the scenery as if I were invisible.
It was quiet. No rain this ti—no. I refused to reminisce about the last time I'd been in here. The time when Mitsuhide had nearly desk-a-doned me to cover up our search. You are indeed remembering it. After mentally slapping myself in the face, I made my way to the desk that I totally wasn’t reminiscing about, and opened the (still unlocked) drawer.
It seemed that de Sousa never had discovered that Mitsuhide and I had gone through his desk. Having pinpointed the date of de Sousa's betrayal previously, it was a simple task to go through the subsequent correspondence in search of any clues to Iekane's current whereabouts.
Again, I flipped past personal looking missives, random business lists… there fewer letters to go through, and nothing at all from Portugal. Ok, that did make sense, as it wasn’t as if the big Portuguese ships were docking even on a monthly basis. He probably heard from Europe no more than one or two times a year.
At last, I found correspondence from Iekane himself. Unfortunately, it had limited information and was, in itself simply asking for where de Sousa would like balance of the funds delivered and noting that he had received the weapons, they met with approval, and would de Sousa be interested in a business proposition?
It was typical of Iekane’s half-lies and insinuations, and I got the impression he was feeling out de Sousa as to how far and how much he'd be willing to deal. I got it. The Nanban merchant had already reneged on a contract with Nobunaga, but that took little effort. He'd then slipped further into crime by looking the other way when Motonari had taken Hideyoshi and Mai prisoners (maybe he hadn’t even known about that, or at least refused to know). Perhaps he had convinced himself that he'd done nothing to cause their disappearance.
So here was Iekane asking, nudging, him further down the path of evil. Offering more business propositions… gauging interest.  
Unfortunately, this missive neither spelled out what he wanted de Sousa to do, nor gave any specific clues as to where he was currently located.
Frustrated, I started to reorganize the correspondence and --
Oh you've got to be kidding me.
Lying on top, (on top!) of the desk was another letter. It must have recently arrived. Clearly de Sousa was not an evil genius... no, just a man tempted down the slope into money and power who had not yet learned to lock his evil plans in a drawer! I’d given him too much credit and not even bothered to look on top of the desk.
If Mitsuhide had been here, he would have teased me for not thinking about that first… or, just waved the letter at me with a smug grin.
Cursing myself for the delay, I opened the letter, it was longer, but from context, de Sousa must have previously responded to Iekane’s feeler letter and professed himself willing to help. Iekane's response?  As long as you can supply muskets, I expect this to be a long and profitable partnership. Before the first snow falls, a representative from Ashikaga Yoshiaki will deliver a partial payment of silver for the next shipment of weapons.
Yoshiaki? The deposed Shogun? Where had I last heard his named mentioned? I attempted the twin memory tasks of putting everything back where I had found it, while I tried to recall exactly who had mentioned him before. Because the name had come up over the summer.
But standing around the office wouldn’t help me remember things, and it would increase the danger of discovery, so I gave the room one last double check, then slipped out, leaving the town house just as stealthily as I had entered it. Right on time, too. The current party seemed to be breaking up, as I heard the thumping of footsteps from the top floor.
Sticking close to the shadow of the building, I turned to make my way back toward the center of the city. Just as I reached the corner, I paused. What if that letter from Iekane had been delivered by a messenger who stayed for dinner? After all, the letter had been on top of the desk, which indicated a recent arrival. For that matter, what if it had been delivered by lekane himself?
Ok, that last bit was unlikely. If Iekane brought the letter in person, well, then he would have had no need to write it down. Even so, it was worth watching those who departed the building. I couldn't follow all of them, but it was worth making a note of who was there and checking them out later. Ducking behind an ornamental shrub, I crouched lower and smaller to observe the guests.
Tadayo, the fabric merchant, ok, he was a possible messenger, given his prior connection with Motonari. A trader who was also a member of the Kaigoshu. I couldn’t figure an obvious interest there. If I recalled correctly, his primary business was exporting local ceramics in trade for Chinese and Indian art. Then a tall graceful man who I had no problem identifying, as there was no mistaking the elegant profile of Yoshimoto.
“I've little experience with him, though I once saw him conversing with an agent of Yoshiaki, which does not speak well of him.” Yoshimoto folded up the handkerchief as neatly, more neatly in fact, than it had been and picked up another.
Ah ha! Yoshimoto was the one who mentioned seeing ‘Shojumaru’ with Yoshiaki.
Congratulations Yoshimoto… you’ve just become a person of interest.
While I watched from my stakeout shrub, Yoshimoto climbed into a waiting palanquin. Had he even left Sakai in the past month? Either way, it was likely that he was at the same inn as before.
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By the time Yoshimoto drifted into his room, I was waiting there for him. Not to be mistaken for an intruder (ok, I was an intruder, but not one with nefarious intentions), I had left a few lanterns burning. As intended, he saw me as soon as he entered, and without appearing to be startled, he simply bowed. "Katsu, you're looking well. I'd heard you'd been in an accident, but when I inquired if I could stop by, Mitsuhide said you were too ill."
Really? Mitsuhide hadn't mentioned that. So much had happened since the accident that it felt like it had occurred a year ago, instead of merely weeks. "There were a few days where I would not have been suitable for visitors." And I doubted that even Yoshimoto’s benign affection for me would have survived if I had thrown up on him. "Anyway, I've recovered."
Without acknowledging that I had broken into his rooms (after all this breaking and entering I'd been doing, the color of my parachute was probably larceny), Yoshimoto treated me like an invited guest, offering me sake, then when I turned that down, called for a tea maid to come and make us a fresh pot.
In the meanwhile, he, without any modesty, changed into his night kimono, pressing the tea maid into service as a valet of sorts. I allowed Yoshimoto the time. While it was true I wanted answers to my questions, it seemed impolite to interrogate him while he was changing clothes. Plus, even though I was getting used to Yoshimoto’s casual indifference to nudity, the naked Yoshimoto was a bit distracting.  
Finally once the (slightly overcome) tea maid had departed (after receiving an elegant kiss on the back of her hand), Yoshimoto settled in. He didn’t exactly say, 'to what do I owe the honor of your call' but instead, with a graceful wave Yoshimoto indicated that I had the floor.
"Yoshiaki." Would Yoshimoto look guilty if he heard the name?
To the contrary, he simply closed his eyes for a moment, but when they reopened, he looked like he was in pain. "What have you discovered?"
"As far as I know, you're the last person who has seen him, or at least the last person I'm aware has seen him." Well aside from Motonari and - "wait, did you know that Shojumaru is Motonari Mouri?" Yoshimoto could have saved us a lot of time had he mentioned that before, and I finally felt a belated wave of sympathy for Mitsuhide, for if I had given up Kennyo's name in the early summer, I likely would have saved him some time as well.
"I did not. I only saw the man in passing as I was leaving." Yoshimoto pulled the tie out of his hair, and rubbed his scalp. His fine dark hair flew everywhere, puffing out, creating a nimbus in the lantern light. "In retrospect, it makes much sense... and I wish I had stayed to learn that. Yoshiaki meeting with someone with access to an army and a navy has far more ramifications than if he were meeting with a merchant. What else have you learned?"
To his credit, Yoshimoto dropped the lazy attitude and gave me his full attention.
Though I didn’t want to waste the time, I went ahead and summarized what had occurred over the past month. The rescue of Mai and Hideyoshi was a tangent to this and possibly not as important to someone tied to Kasugayama, but it had been the hoarding of information that had left both Yoshimoto and Mitsuhide with missing puzzle pieces, "Iekane was brokering a deal between Yoshiaki and de Sousa for more weapons. Personally, I'm interested in finding Iekane, and it seems if I am to do that, I need to find Yoshiaki.” Luckily Yoshimoto was already aware of the time travel aspect, or this would be a much longer conversation. “Do you know where he is?" I left unspoken a question of why Yoshimoto knew.
Yoshimoto rubbed his arm, almost as if he were reaching for a phantom limb. "I do. He wishes for the Imagawa to join him. I have been able to hold off my vassals by pointing out that alone, with our limited resources, such a campaign would lead to the slaughter of what little remains of our clan, but clearly the situation has changed."
"Is this a fight you wish to join?" Was I even now sitting down with an enemy of the Oda? Sure, I had always known that Sasuke worked for Kenshin, but I had never got the sense that his personal interest was to prolong the wars. Then again that had all been easier before I got to know the Oda better. Aki had always struck me as a lawful neutral (a clarification that was rapidly being reassessed to chaotic neutral), and I had figured that the information we were collecting was in the service of trying to help people out of the way of danger.
"In truth, what I wish to do and what I must do are on opposite sides of my being." Yoshimoto looked out the window, where the waning moon bathed him in an unearthly glow – it was as if he was fading in front of me. "If my vassals desire this battle, I am powerless to stop them, and my only chance is to join them to mitigate the loss of life." He looked back at me, "I imagine though, that the information you seek is only Yoshiaki’s direction."
I nodded, whatever emotion Yoshimoto was feeling, it was so thick it clogged the air in the room, invading my throat.
"You won't get anywhere near him. Though he has no army, he does have a large contingent of personal guards, and he is the guest of a daimyo who will protect his life and privacy." Yoshimoto sighed, and before I could point out that I didn’t need to get to Yoshiaki, only Iekane, he said, "I will take you there.”
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@selenacosmic @lorei-writes @bestbryn @lyds323 @akitsuneswife @tele86
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