#The hill I'll die on lmao
dapper-lil-arts · 22 days
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One of my many arguments as to why Equestria needed 2 rulers
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
feel like shit, ready to have this Dick Grayson back
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Dick absolutely REFUSING to let Bruce get away with his bullshit>>>>>>>>>any other characterization, you can't change my mind
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anti-spop · 5 months
adora snapping out of her death in beast island by remembering the kindness angella, glimmer and her friends gave her >>>>>> adora realizing "she deserves love too", but it's catra's love, not the ppl who actually respected her
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myymi · 3 months
ive gotten into the essay portion of class so i apologize if my fics suddenly seem very proper
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hey, found your blog by accident. i see that you have many opinions on chess. what are your thoughts on freddie's arc in the obc? ngl, i kind of love that he never improves. he's a hysteric diva to the end. i think that's so fun but it's also so interesting how he gets a weird sort of redemption arc in every single revival i've read the summary of lol. florence vassy you just haven't got the instincts of a winner!!!!!!!!!!
okay first of all we need to understand two things. 1) I received a CD of the original concept album for christmas, which I promptly loaded into my car's CD player, and 2) it took me a really long time to guess what OBC might stand for. I'm still not totally convinced it isn't Original British Concert, but enough about Chess in Concert! enough, I say! I don't care what Tim Rice said in 2009, Chess in Concert is the coward's way out!
Original Broadway Cast Freddie is a great Freddie because he sucks so bad. it is so important that Freddie sucks. it is, I would argue, fundamental to his character that he sucks like crazy and is generally unpleasant to be around. Broadway Freddie is so weird and dramatic and pathetic. he throws a big fit about the yogurt, he ditches Mountain Duet to do One Night in Bangkok, he's Walter's babygirl who is so so easy to manipulate. they don't let him in on the big plot to get Anatoly back to Russia, they don't even let him win at chess on his own merits!! Anatoly has to outright throw the match for Freddie to finally become world champion, which I find a very funny choice for the American version of the musical.
within the swirling multiverse of Whatever Chess Is Supposed To Be, I like Freddie a lot. I like when he acts weird and bad, because the point of him is to be a flawed human being whose faults reflect on himself rather than the material success of his country/capitalist ideology. Freddie gets to be annoying and misogynistic and hurtful and childish all out in the open because he is Anatoly's mirror, because Anatoly is not a paragon of Russian ideology/communist superiority, he is also just some guy who sucks and is hurtful and misogynistic and childish. Anatoly fighting for his right to be judged as an individual invites this comparison by default - as rivals, they are the only truly "equal" characters in the story - so when Anatoly becomes a man who is not the Representative of Everything Russian, it makes the viewer aware that Freddie is not just a boiled down extraction of what it means to be American. and therefore, when Freddie does something lame and bad, we know this is because he is lame and bad as an individual, and that Anatoly is also lame and bad on his own merits.
I don't think Freddie needs a redemption ("redemption" or maybe, like, "minor improvement") arc to be an interesting character, so I don't feel like I'm missing anything from the Broadway version of him where he doesn't really grow or change as a person. the MOST important thing about Freddie is his positioning relative to Anatoly (men will hurt every woman who comes into their life because their real [NARRATIVE PARALLEL] is another man), so as long as that's interesting, I'm having a great time. in the original Broadway production Freddie is unaltered by the events of the plot, and therefore Anatoly is pulled, magnetically, back to his starting position. the board resets, same as it ever was, with Anatoly back in Russia, Freddie chasing fame as the American champion, and Florence alone, with nobody on her side.
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a-dragons-journal · 1 year
What is your opinion on clinical lycanthropes being in/interacting with otherkin spaces?
(Sorry for the delay on this.)
I mean... honestly, I don't have much of an opinion beyond the "if someone isn't hurting anyone, leave them alone" principle and the fact that I don't restrict the definition of "otherkin" based on the reason for someone's nonhuman identity.
(...I said that, and then I wrote several paragraphs expanding on that opinion, but it does boil down to that, I promise. :P)
I see very few potential problems that can be caused by delusion-based and non-delusion-based nonhuman identities interacting with each other, and most of them - confusion between "delusion" and "belief," risk of encouraging harmful delusions, etc. - are already kept in mind and addressed by basically all the endels and clinical lycanthropes I've met. Generally speaking, no one knows how to handle delusions better than the people who experience delusions.
The concerns I've seen people raise are largely problems with individual people, not problems to warrant trying to shun an entire group of people for the crime of having a disorder or anything. (And, frankly, a lot of them are concerns that apply just as easily to nonhumans who aren't clinical lycanthropes but go "off the deep end," as it were, with spirituality and magical/astral explanations for everything.)
Is a nonhuman identity that's affected by or even based in clinical lycanthropy the same as your average otherkin experience? No. But then, what is the "average" otherkin experience exactly? There's already an enormously broad range of experience under the term "otherkin" - people with one kintype or two or twelve or thirty, people who shift on a near-daily basis or never shift or are always shifted, people who are animals down to the bone with all the unpleasant and gross instincts to accompany and people who are part of a civilization more civilized and enlightened than humanity has ever been, people whose nonhumanity stems from past lives or psychological quirks or misplaced souls or unconscious imprinting or coping mechanisms, etc. etc.
The common thread among us all is nonhuman identity - and if that's present enough in someone who experiences clinical lycanthropy to make them feel comfortable in and connected to the otherkin community, then who am I to tell them they're not permitted because their reason for that identity and the precise experiences tied to it for them are different from mine, when that's already the case for so many people in our community?
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snock-ock · 1 year
So spider-verse 2 is rumored to be longer than two hours which makes me think-
We COULD get one little glimpse at an Ock version right-
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sonicstorybook · 8 months
SATBK Origintober 5
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In Chretien de Troyes' Perceval (The Story of the Grail), Gawain has a habit of not telling anyone his identity unless directly asked. But once he's asked, he won't refuse to answer or give an alias.
While they [the Maiden of the Small Sleeves and Gawain] were conversing, her father [the Vavasor*] came into the square and did everything in his power to persuade my lord Gawain to stay the night and take lodgings with him, but first he begged and requested him to tell him his name, if he would. My lord Gawain refused to stay but told him: "Sir, I am called Gawain; I've never refused to reveal my name anywhere it was asked, but I've never given it unless I was first asked for it."
*Vavasor was a position in feudal law who served as like... an overseer/administrator for a baron. The vavasour was a vassal of the baron, but also had tenants under him. So I would say, like, moderate social standing but below Gawain's station for sure.
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gcdfvcked · 4 months
what if... filthy lil things on the cord
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fooltofancy · 9 months
nobody in xiv has ass.
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icanbeyourgenie · 9 months
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ZELRON (Taylor's Version) — 1989
wonderland / this love / you are in love / style / all you had to do was stay / out of the woods
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juneviews · 1 year
nah I’m sorry I’m gonna bring up an upsetting topic for y’all again bc it’s my most unpopular opinion ever, but I just saw someone say “it’s no surprise gmmtv shows and bad buddy haven’t been nominated for an emmy.” first of all, emmy are american awards, why would a thai show, as popular as it was, be nominated??? and MORE IMPORTANTLY, BAD FUCKING BUDDY?????? out of all the fucking great gmmtv shows out there you really think bad buddy is the cream of the crop that deserves a fucking emmy?????? this fandom is driving me insane lmaooooooo I can’t take it anymore
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rotisseries · 11 months
#come talk to me when you finish bloodmarked I reread legendborn last night and got to the gala bit#that I'd completely forgotten about where bree says something about how her nick and sel are all bonded to each other#and like. combined that with bloodmarked as a whole but especially chapters 51 and 58#I am absolutely fucking certain I'll die on the polyamory hill like THEY ARE ALL FUCKING BONDED ALL 3 OF THEM IT'S CONSTANTLY REITIRATED#NO WAY SHE PICKS JUST ONE IT WOULDN'T BE RIGHT#WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE POLY CODING. WHAT THE HELL.#every time I'm in the bathroom I start looking into the nearest mirror and start talking to myself crazily#about how actually fucking insane it is like I'm losing my mind tracy deonn what are you on can I take a hit#so yeah keep me posted on your reading progress lol#speaking of rereading legendborn though I'd forgotten just how mean nick and sel are to each other in the first book#and it was like. actually crazy to see that continue pretty much right up until the end bc they don't really get a chance for reconciliatio#and then to compare that with having also just recently finished bloodmarked#which is literally like. a complete fucking 180#idk if nick's month being kidnapped by his dad just gave him a lot of time to reflect or something#but he never has a genuinely bad thing to say about sel. like right from the start and his first appearances in bloodmarked#similarly for sel lmao#contrasted with the. everything in legendborn. like it's actually fucking crazy#what spending a month away from your magically bonded bro does to a mf#anyway. in regards to us always reading the same shit have you been keeping up with chloe gong's books?#bc I read foul lady fortune and last violent call earlier this week as well#ask#lyoshaland#hi lyosha!
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yxstxrdrxxm · 4 months
It felt so weird seeing my name in a fic like that LOL. Again, Xiao is definitely not my top pick but I think he'd be a sweet boyfriend.
Apologies babe if I'm an overbearing girlfriend but if my arms are not around you 24/7 or I'm not covering you in kisses, then you're just not it. Xiao is a babe though. He can stay.
(love how you wrote it <33)
(I swear me replying late to asks is a curse but anyways)
HELP IS IT?? I was honestly surprised that I thought it wouldn't be (I'm... very used to it as you can see LMAOOOO)
Xiao is definitely not my top pick but I think he'd be a sweet boyfriend.
Oh yeah no definitely, he definitely fits the bill. I also think in the fic hes protective so it just works out because imagine this short man acting sweet in private and he squints @ anyone in public while holding hands. I know I tried to make him a yan but the idea of an affectionate s/o (you) and a touch-starved guy (Xiao) as a couple is adorable LMAO
HELP YOU SAYING THAT AND GOING "Xiao is a babe though. He can stay"... I CHEERED FOR THAT. Its not normal I'll admit but lets just say I didnt want to feed into the Diluc curse (and hes great so thank god he stays LMAOOOO)
also AAAA TYYY orz orz, again I am sorry if I replied late to the asks (I've hoarded them since you first saw my blog. I promise I'm sane, I'm just a massive "—!" when someone comes in w/ a nice ask and... hoard it like a dragon BAHAHAHAHA)
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
sam was sky's first kiss
happy pride month
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sibelin · 1 year
one of the things that bugs me about alt music tumblr is that most people think post-punk/goth music is dead ?? it's always old bands, maybe one or two current bands and nothing else. which is sad because the scene is so alive!!!
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