#The fucking entitlement bro I can't
the-punforgiven · 3 months
I think it should be illegal for landlords to use a property service that anonymizes them, like, what are you hiding from, buddy? 👁👁
Surely if you just treat your tenants well and do your job, you won't need to hide from anyone, right?
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Happiness is like. fake marriage to lovers au. also everyone’s a murderer and rich people continue to suck
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neverendingford · 11 months
#tag talk#why are people so bad at communicating like bro respect my fucking time please#if you tell me half an hour don't make me wait an hour and a half istg I'll fucking kill you with my bare hands#you can't disappear for an hour right after committing to hang out and then be like “oh sorry I got busy” BITCH LET ME KNOW THEN#I literally won't mind if something comes up but you have to fucking tell me you can't just disappear for an hour and then be like sorry#and then you fucking do it again. like. cool I try to be a nice person but if you can't do basic communication then I'm leaving#I would genuinely rather be alone then put up with someone I dislike. I will pick isolation over a shitty person every time#I'm not so desperate that I need you. I'm not so desperate that you can put me on hold whenever you want.#ugh ugh ugh like. basic consideration for others hello? like. if I'm sitting with my phone in my hands waiting for you to message me#that's my time your wasting. that's my evening your sitting on. I could be talking to friends. watching a movie. playing video games.#instead I'm spending it getting ghosted because your communication skills fucking suck ass and you don't give a shit about my schedule#I'm genuinely so pissed. I don't give a shit how sorry you are. don't be sorry be better. act differently if you really realize you need to#best advice I can give. don't forgive anyone. if they change. accept that they've changed.#but forgiveness gets taught as something to be given regardless of whether they've changed or not. they say sorry and you say I forgive you#bullshit- they say sorry and you say “prove it. become a better person. learn from your mistakes. don't repeat the hurt you've caused”#you don't need my forgiveness. it only justifies your actions. I won't forgive. I'll accept the change you show me your capable of.#no one deserves your forgiveness. no one deserves your love. no one is entitled to you just because they perform the emotions correctly#relationship is earned. trust is proven. time is given. if your motives and actions do not match up then you can go get fucked.#ugh I'm still burnt out from visiting family I'm so fucking tired and angry at everyone and everything I hate being emotionally unstable#fun fact I even get clumsy when I'm like this. being emotionally unstable fucks me up physically too. I have to hold things with both hands#and I lose my balance a lot more. I'm just so physically exhausted. I hate being this way I hate being this way I hate being this way#so glad I backed out of the family reunion though. that would have genuinely put me in such a bad place.#only two more days of work and I'm free though. then we're moving which is gonna be more stress but better than family stress#work was getting boring and annoying and I'm glad to be done with it. maybe one day I'll be able to hold down a job for more than six month#excuse me while I go listen to Maretu at high volumes to vent my rage
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tinandabin · 1 year
I remembered my kny modern au aka the characters in our world. Now this but with SAGAU.
Getting you in their world somehow wasn't much possible. And that broke their heart in several ways. Like, c'mon? They can't be with their creator? Bullshit. So what do they do? Obviously, find a way in your world. You will be there to guide them, right?
And boy when they do get in our world, it's just CHAOS.
Because look, your apartment can't fucking fit so many people!! And first of all, how are they even here? You go and search up 'GENSHIN IMPACT' on Google only to see 'No results found. Try another term?'
Now they are in your world and everything related to them is deleted. Meaning, if you try and talk to someone about this fever dream, you'd probably get admitted to an asylum. Now the question arises, why did they even come here? Does it look like you are their creator??? Like bro. Grow another pair of eyes and look properly.
The characters have never been SOOO shocked before, what do you mean people don't worship you in this world? How dare they? Do they even realise whose presence they are in? You are the creator; why are you living in such conditions? This is simply put, absurd.
But then imagine you explaining how your world works. Like, yeah, you gotta go to this building called 'school' as a child and teenager, where many people of similar ages are present and get taught stuff. You eat at a specific time and follow a strict timetable, also you gotta ask to pee and all. No— it's not a prison, you answer when they say it's prison.
How much Mora do you make? They ask. Your answer. Mora? Babe, that doesn't exist here. Every country has a different currency.
It's fucking chaotic. Imagine Zhongli as a Starbucks barista. OR OR, Venti as a pizza delivery. Idk why it's just hilarious to imagine them as ordinary people. Ei working as a chef— Dont even get me started on this. She would get fired so fast. And Nahida is the luckiest Archon, I mean she looks like a child so it would be illegal for her to work or you'd get charged with Child Labour LMAOOO.
THE FATUI?? OH GOD THE WHIPLASH IN THE TREATMENT THEY WOULD GET HERE. Scaramouche going "Who gave you right to say my name?" And people replying with "Get over yo entitled ass emo boy" IDNUSBA
But I can imagine Signora being a model. Like seriously tho. WHAT IF THE HILICHURLS ALSO GET TRANSPORTED?? This post is such a train-wreck help.
But hey, at least you would have tons of people working for you so you would be rich so soon. Sweet.
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fizzingwizard · 2 months
my curse: "Gee I wonder what my old buddy Nightcrawler's up to in 2024? hmm let's check around and see -"
Tumblr media
"... why did i look why did i look why"
Seriously why does Marvel do this? I won't deny that Nightcrawler fans like to joke about the tail thing. For the kinkier ones, it's maybe not as much of a joke too. (But - it still is. Y'all know that right. Real people don't have tails. Anyway, you're welcome to make fun of this, as long as I eventually see some dudebro extra show up and ICly ask Colossus about his giant metal wang.)
Women hitting on Nightcrawler and being overtly sexual towards him in a way that would be pretty creepy IRL isn't a new thing in the comics. It's weird, but even though it reads as creepy, it's intended to show that despite looking like a gargoyle, Nightcrawler is hot and can attract girls and is totally an authentic superhero. It's complimentary creepiness 9_9 I don't take issue with that because that is superhero comics, everyone is horny all the time, and attraction is inexplicable. Basically it boils down to "I've got lips/ And I've got lips/ Let's get together and use those lips"
However. In the Draco, we got Jubilee, who was like 18 at the time, complimenting a naked and extremely distressed Nightcrawler on his, uh, junk. His reaction amounted to "..." Then a couple years ago, we got a... demonically possessed?? Illyana - whose age is a fucking mystery, she's not a teen anymore, probably Kitty's age, but anyway she's young - hitting on Nightcrawler as well. Once again he's brilliantly "..." about it. And now we've got this girl. I don't know how old she's meant to be, but she's written to sound like a young chatterbox - while being blonde and buxom and dressed like a Hooters waitress. "OH EM GEE" she spells out vocally??? Then exoticizes him, then asks him sexual questions???
There's definitely a way to comment on the invasiveness of fans who feel entitled to any detail no matter how personal about someone famous. But must it be through teenage girls you purposely drew to be hot and stupid? And I'm being generous by even suggesting that's what the intent here is. I think it's way more likely this is just another version of the "complimentary creepiness" shtick, only made more awful by the like twenty year age gap (I guess Crawler was aged down with everyone else but come on do any of us feel that's real in any sense). You get to lust after this girl while hating her simultaneously for being everything wrong with young women. Who is this for? They can't imagine it's for Nightcrawler's female fans. They can't be that obtuse. It's obviously for the boys.
So then the question is, what is there for the female fans? Because having female fans is kind of something Nightcrawler's known for. And any time something happens to a character - or a story - that the bros don't like, they blame the change on pandering to female fans. On feminism. On reverse sexism. But please someone sit down and explain to me how it's pandering to us female fans to write our favorite character like a tongue-tied himbo ("uh... um... uh..." wow crawler you smooth criminal! it's really obvious you've been a grown ass man since the 70s) while simultaneously insulting our entire gender as vapid nymphos?? Several times???
gosh. next time please just let crawler react by saying "sister you've got boundary issues and should be hitting on someone your own age goodbye." honestly this shit wasn't even cute when Claremont did it and he gets a pass on everything
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oddmawd · 4 days
I was trying to write before and it’s didn’t turn out good and I just stop writing and it don’t take practice you just have to be good at writing the first time you do it that is my opinion tho
i'm gonna assume you're like...12 years old...because there's no way an adult would be able to type that with a straight face
i'm not about to coddle you and give you a happy little pep-talk about ✨believing in yourself✨ after the way you treated that author...calling them a "bitch" because they don't PANDER TO YOUR SPECIFIC TASTES was a bully tactic and you should be ashamed of yourself
FURTHERMORE using a gendered insult like "bitch" and then demanding they write you a male reader insert story (while insulting female/gender neutral inserts in the same breath) is misogynistic as hell, i don't feel even the littlest bit sorry for you, so save the "woe is me, i can't write" bullshit for someone who gives a damn
but let me give you something to chew on while you throw yourself a pity-party about "not being good at writing" and pretend that gives you the right to bully people who actually TRY to be good writers:
Do Olympic athletes show up winning gold medals without ever setting foot on the practice field?
Do painters show up to their first class knowing how to use oil paints and watercolors and how to hold a brush effectively?
Did Hemingway roll out of the womb and write The Old Man and the Sea without writing a single damn thing beforehand?
no, they didn't...every writer you love wrote some SHITTY first drafts they didn't share with anyone because they sucked first (in private!) and THEN got good (in public)....and they got good by showing up and failing and trying again, and failing again and trying again and FAILING AGAIN (because that's what practicing is!!!!) until they finally started succeeding regularly...
i'm not gonna take the easy road here and point out how fucking LAZY you sound when you say you tried once and gave up, because that's a cheap fucking shot and way too easy (you set me up so badly bro, like c'mon)
what i'm gonna do instead is point out that you just admitted that you were too fucking scared to try more than once
"BOO HOO, i wrote something, it was shitty, i was scared of what people might say and then i gave the fuck up" - you, probably
and that's the difference between we "lazy bitch" reader insert writers who actually post our work, and you: we show up and we TRY, every goddamn day, and we put ourselves out there despite the risk of being bullied by people like you who can't be bothered to try more than once
do you know what writing is, at its most fundamental level? it's showing your work to people and saying "please read this and enjoy it, i worked really hard," and PRAYING they don't tear your hard work apart for no reason at all, but that's what YOU did! you saw someone writing something they enjoyed and went "fuck you, i don't care that you labored and practiced for weeks and months, it wasn't to MY TASTES and therefore you're a lazy bitch," and you're apparently so un-selfaware that you don't realize the irony of YOU, a person who can't be bothered to try writing more than once, A) calling someone lazy, and B) demanding they spend their time/expertise to write something just for widdle ol' you, in the same breath
do you not fucking hear yourself????? huh?????
you tried writing ONCE and found out it was too hard for you, so now your answer is to bully writers and make demands of them? when you should know through your ONE attempt how difficult writing must be?
you should never message a writer again with your demands when you can't even be bothered to live up to your own standards, you entitled tone-deaf hypocrite
writing takes courage, and you have ✨N O N E✨
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transzilla · 2 months
god, I think you described me.. just skimming the tags when I saw the bit about forcemasc on a transitioned man.. I feel like such a teenager when what I want to be is a man. I don't know how to take it and demand my respect. I feel like I've lost so much not growing up this way. Can I still grow and be changed? Be forcemasc'd like I want to be even though I'm "already there"?
Bro, yes, literally yes... I wish I could just like haunt and possess some of ya'll sometimes and forcemasc you from the fucking spirit realm like a forcemasc demon LMAO
So a lot of the time your feelings of inferiority are coming from yourself. We suffer the most in our imagination. But if they aren't and it actually is somebody not respecting you, don't shy away! Examine it. If I was there I'd absolutely grind your face in it. When you do feel embarrassed somewhere and people aren't taking you seriously as a man I need you to go full humiliation kink and examine everything you possibly can. The most educating moments of our lives are frankly fucking horrible and you won't grow as a man if you aren't paying attention. The beauty here is observation, like is it something I'm doing? Are there any other men who are also being demeaned? I want you to know exactly where the pain is.
We need times in our lives when we are basically teenagers, stunted, clumsy, awkward shitty theatre kid versions of the men in our lives, all our feelings of shame and dysphoria are for a reason. We cannot truly eliminate weakness in ourselves if we can't find it, and the best way is exposing it. And that's a really humiliating process because a lot of us started way late at the most subtle exhibitions of masculinity. These cis guys have been doing it their whole lives.
But like, give yourself some credit, you're not the moron here. We aren't kids. We are adults and we can learn faster and adapt faster than kids can. Question your own perception! Are you really that far behind? I think honestly for the time you've been a man and the obstacles you've gone through to get to where you are you've been doing pretty damn well. You've dealt with things that majority of cis men would not be strong enough to deal with.
Do not be uncomfortable with your material reality because if you can't face it and look at yourself and all of your flaws you can't improve. You need to go out and do things and experience humiliation in order to expose all your weaknesses, and then work to eliminate them. Don't just shoot yourself down all the time, oh I can't do that, I'm too weak, I'll never get there, it's too scary, etc. like, come on, this is your life, this is serious. be a fucking man LMAO.. when you can force respect from yourself then you will be able to make other men respect you. That's the first step.
It just takes the nastiest ordeal to get there. Sometimes the ordeal is coming from us! We terrify ourselves. We torture ourselves worse than any other man could ever dream of. Start smaller and smaller, understand that your feelings of terror are jealously guarding your potential to be a man like a hen guarding its eggs and you need to just bare your teeth and rip that piece of shit limb from limb and take what you are entitled to.
Like let me stay grounded here. When I first started what I do for work, tree removal, it was incredibly embarrassing and nobody respected me. And they were right. Like I could barely use a chainsaw, I couldn't pull the cord fast enough to turn it on, couldn't lift the fucking thing. I didn't know shit about anything, and I couldn't figure out shit about anything, like I was lacking entire thought processes that other dudes could do starting in kindergarten, it went all the way down to going to lumber yards and boys getting excited over big machines and tractors, they were familiar with everything and had decades of experience on me while I was still learning how to be a man. There were some jobs I didn't stick around very long at, hahaha.
But then I learned, like I wanna say it took me about two years to get up to speed, And I took the piss and I accepted consequence. As soon as I stopped demanding immediate, fairy tale perfection from myself and my life and stopped with "should'ves" my life became much more work oriented and essy to deal with. Getting fired was fine. Getting bitched out and humiliated was fine. Going with incredible isolation and lacking very basic things was fine Because like shit I tried and and as long as some other guy is doing it to me I sure as hell don't need to do it to myself. I just had to work that much harder. Endure it!!!
some guys now are still better than me because they've been doing it longer but I'm functional now u know. And like these guys also don't know shit about anything, like wow they can lift a big saw and use a tractor but they're so focused on being masculine they don't fucking explain things. Because of their feelings and their oh you ought-tos and just absolutely writhing in weakness and inefficiency for NO REASON. Like I actually have a vagina, man, the fuck is your excuse? I've had quite a few bosses who will tell you to do something, give no details, get mad when you ask for details, and get mad when you do the job wrong. Then I feel like I am truly one of the guys when we're just discussing what the fuck our boss meant. Is he really a big fucking man when he can't do his job? When all the men he works with think he's a punk?
Where I'm at in my transition right now I still don't always get men to listen to me, like my coworkers in conversation, which at first I percieve as disrespect but then i need to consider the men I'm with don't really listen to anyone. If my current boss, a man in his 40s who has witnessed so many deaths in his field and is physically stronger and smarter than all of them can't get them to listen, is it really a blow to the respect I command? And these guys also all feel insecure about being a man, except they haven't figured out basic shit that I have so they think raising their voices means people will listen. A lot of these guys get their asses handed to them by girls, they can't handle heartbreaks. They bring up being jealous about me doing things that I considered feminine, they wonder how I can haggle well, make funny jokes, talk to girls, keep everything clean, cook well, play poker well - these are all feminine skills, haha, the empathy and sensitivity required in the money world especially.
Focus on your humanity first, and use being a man and your desire to be a man, to magnify and shape your desires as a human being. Like you wanna be a man. What does that mean? You wanna be respected, command other men? You want to take control? You want to be dominant? You want to be skilled? What will it take to get to that point? And have a little fun, enjoy the process it takes to get there, in its kinky, humiliating, rancid chained-to-the-radiator glory.
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I am honestly disappointed in this fandom as someone who is a fan of Timothee Chalamet and Armie Hammer. I'm going to speak my mind as I have from day one since I allowed myself to float within this fandom.
This entire Timmy thing is completely bullshit I can't believe you guys. The second you hear that Timmy is doing something you don't like you think it's the end of the goddamn world and you jump ship and start talking shit about him. Really?!!! 🙄
"oh my god Timmy's smoking at a Beyonce concert!!!"
"oh my god Timmys hanging out with a Jenner. he isn't the Timmy I thought I knew?" YOU DON'T KNOW HIM PERSONALLY! all you know is what he decides to show you on social media and through whatever the media decides to feed you.
If you actually met him in person then I'm happy for you..but you still don't know him.
this poor guy can't just live his life and do his own thing because everyone and their dog is judging him for every little thing he does like it's this fandoms business when it's not.
I don't like the fact that Timmy is hanging out with this bitch either but you know what I still understand what it means to be human, what it means to actually see someone who has flaws, strengths and weaknesses and still try and be compassionate despite my own feelings about a situation.
This fandom can not control Timmy's decisions or his choices!!! Have some respect for him as a person and not just see him as some "god" who could do no wrong or someone who is "perfect" or just someone you wish you could fuck through rose colored glasses.
He is a human being who is entitled to having a life that is outside of Hollywood, outside of his fans and outside of being this famous movie star.
I swear to God this fandom... it started out as a place where we could all come together and love this one thing. And now it's turned into a gatekeeping, judge everyone, our shit don't stink place, and judging both Armie and Timmy for their personal life decisions like you don't make stupid mistakes within your own lives!
Timmy does not owe anyone a thing not who he dates whether he is dating her or not, who he hangs out with ECT. He is allowed to make mistakes, he is allowed to grow and he is allowed to learn whatever he needs to you don't KNOW HIM personally.
The way you all are behaving is like he has turned into R Kelly or some shit. calm the fuck down. Jesus Christ bro.
Timothee Chalamet is grown who can make his own decisions. but did you ever think that he just may be going through something? The poor kid can't catch a break no matter what he does if it doesn't go this fandoms way everyone is pissed or freaking out about it.
I am heavily aware of that families reputation and I can't stand them and personally don't care what the hell they do. With Timothee I do to an extent but I am also of the understanding you don't have to like what he does, you don't have to agree with it but at the end of the day, Timmy is gonna do what Timmy is going to do regardless of what we think or feel about it.
I'm going to stand behind Timmy and Armie until the day I'm not here. Because that is what being a fan of them is about being there for them both individually and separately, as well as together as a whole. REGARDLESS of whatever they decide to do with their personal lives and who with.
Also who someone sticks their dick into holds no merit whatsoever to who they are as a person when it comes to their character. As who they are as a whole.
"Do you see Timmy being disrespectful to fans?and saying fuck off?"
"do you see him being an entitled brat who thinks he's better than everyone else?"
Also leave @silvyysthings alone they don't need the crap that they are getting from haters and people who are no longer fans of this fandom. If you want to leave the fandom then go but don't drag those of us who wish to stay down with you.
All you can do is trust that he knows what he's doing and all that and get through whatever is going on with him at the time.
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soemthingsparkly · 4 months
The Hermit Coffee Co. Pt 1
I got made redundant without entitlement to redundancy pay a couple days ago so I needed to make comfort art so have this hermit coffee shop chatfic I spent most part of the evening on
Grian and Mumbo 10 Nov 23 7:32am
Grian: guess who got the fucking job then
Mumbo: was it you
Grian: of course it was me
Mumbo: nice
The Hermit Coffee Co. 10 Nov 23 8:04am
Grian has been added to The Hermit Coffee Co.
Xisuma: Everybody welcome Grian to the team. He'll be working weekday afternoons, with the occasional weekend shift.
Joe™: welcome to the gang, Grian :B
CleoZo: hey fresh meat!
Impulse: Hey Grian, will be nice to finally meet you :)
Grian: hey guys! im excited to get started
ScarGT and Mumbo 10 Nov 23 10:31am
ScarGT: ahoyhoy MumboJumbo
Mumbo: Scar, I told you to stop calling me that
ScarGT: but it's your name, is it not?
Mumbo: when we were freshmen, scar
ScarGT: pish posh! you're never too old for a nickname sir jumbo
Mumbo: hello scar what can I do for you today?
ScarGT: so this grain fellow - is this your British friend?
Mumbo: …
Mumbo: yes
ScarGT: intresting intresting
Mumbo: is it?
ScarGT: why of course!
ScarGT: gaining a new member to our little bodare is always exciting!
Mumbo: bodwhat?
Mumbo: nevermind
Mumbo: don't scare him away immediately, okay? you lot are intense as it is
ScarGT: I can't believe you'd suggest such a thing mumbo!
ScarGT: I would never do such a thing as that
ScarGT: the fact that you think I would is inconcivebel
ScarGT: inconsievible
ScarGT: I can't consieve of it!
Mumbo: oh yeah? and what did you do when Bdubs started?
ScarGT: …
ScarGT: Well
ScarGT: Hm
ScarGT: In my defence I didn't realise Cub had already poured two shots in beforehand
ScarGT: I didn't know it even was possible for eyes to blow out like that in real life!
Mumbo: see you tomorrow Scar
Mumbo: and it's Grian by the way
ScarGT: what did I say?
ScarGT: dang it
The Hermit Coffee Co. 12 Nov 23 9:01am
Xisuma: Shipment of coffee coming in tomorrow. Should arrive after lunch rush. Can someone who's on let me know and I'll come and put it in storage.
Joe™: yessir
Xisuma: Thanks Joe.
Grian and Mumbo 12 Nov 23 9:12am
Mumbo: Sorry in advance for whatever shenanigans are inflicted on you tomorrow
Grian: well thats ominous
Mumbo: I'd warn you ahead of time but I don't know what he might have planned
Mumbo: just don't drink anything Scar makes for you
Grian: who
Grian: oh wait thats your college buddy right?
Grian: ye ol American Frat Bro™
Mumbo: we were not a frat
Grian: werent you?
Mumbo: we weren’t
Grian: just a house full of nerdy frat bros getting wasted and redstoned together
Mumbo: it wasn't a frat, we were just living together
Mumbo: we were roommates
Grian: and they were roommates
Mumbo: I'm not having this conversation with you again
Grian: remember the time you rang me at like three in the morning because you were on a four day bender with the boys
Grian: and you were off your face
Grian: and you kept saying you wanted to tell me something but you couldn’t remember what and you kept dropping in sentences about redstone from conversations you’d had hours before
Grian: do you remember that Mumbo
Grian: do you
Mumbo: …
Mumbo: in my defence that was Tango's idea
Mumbo: and also it wasn't a bender, it was a swarm session and it was finals and
Mumbo: why am I explaining myself to you again
Mumbo: I'm not explaining this to you again
Grian: what was it you guys called it again?
Mumbo: don't make me say it
Grian: something beginning with a J
Mumbo: Java Circuit
Mumbo: but it was a joke
Mumbo: not a frat!
Grian: hahahahahahahahaha
Java Circuit -1 12 Nov 23 11:13am
Tango added Impulse Tango added Skizz Tango added Zeddaph Tango added ScarGT
Tango: So this is definitely the guy Mumbo's been crushing on for years right?
Skizz: Oh absolutely
Impulse: Most definitely.
Zeddaph: What guy?
Impulse: Zed, you really need to start reading the work chat.
Zeddaph: Well I would if it wasn't all weekday admin stuff I don't need to know!
Tango: what else do you expect from a weekend boy?
Tango: Hey, Z, why don't you pull yourself away from that PhD of yours for two seconds and pay attention to something that actually matters?
Skizz: XD
Zeddaph: oh right yes my apologies
Zeddaph: how dare I seek to expand my mind and pursue an academic career
Zeddaph: may the heavens forgive me
Tango: forgiven
Tango: now go read
Zeddaph: alright alright I'm going
Impulse: :)
Skizz: I'm gonna interfere
Impulse: Skizz, no, leave them alone!
Tango: ahaha
Skizz: aw come on impy
Impulse: Be nice!
Skizz: what do you mean be nice?? I am being nice!
Skizz: If our beloved MJ needs some gentle nudging then consider me a nudger
ScarGT: what's this?
Zeddaph: okay okay I'm caught up
Zeddaph: hang on a second, Skizz doesn't even work at the shop 
Zeddaph: how does he know before me!
Skizz: because I pay attention
Impulse: Yeah and because he thrives on workplace gossip.
Skizz: and that, yes
ScarGT: wait what are you guys talking about?
Impulse: Sorry, Scar. We’re talking about Mumbo’s old friend.
Tango: Mumbo's old British friend
Tango: the one that's starting tomorrow
Skizz: little mumby's loverboy
ScarGT: what?
ScarGT: you mean Grian?
Impulse: Yeah tango thinks mumbo is crushing on him.
Skizz: as we all do.
Impulse: As do we.
ScarGT: why do you think that?
Tango: scar, are you serious?
Tango: the guy basically funded his move here
Tango: they're always texting
Tango: they were basically always on call during senior year
ScarGT: well sure
ScarGT: but
ScarGT: I just assumed they were good friends
ScarGT: like Skizz and Impulse!
Skizz: yes but you forget an important part of that comparison scarface
ScarGT: what?
Skizz: me and impy are special
Tango: jeez get a room you guys
Impulse: Okay, but in Scar's defence, they could just be good friends. We’re jumping the gun a little. 
Tango: nope, no way
Skizz: I know what love looks like, impulse
Tango: it looks like a fully grown moustached-man mooning over the tawny haired British guy on his computer screen
Skizz: this is what love looks like, impulse
ScarGT: you really think Mumbo's in love with him?
Impulse: At least a crush, maybe.
Skizz: absolutely head over heels
Tango: I mean think about it Scar
Tango: if Mumbo wasn't trying to hide something, why haven't we met the guy yet? 
Tango: He's been in the country for at least a week now
Tango: and there was plenty of opportunity to introduce us over call, too
Tango: you know why we haven’t met him yet, scar? 
ScarGT: why?
Tango: its because Mumbo can't control his broody face around him
Tango: also wheres @Zeddaph gone?
Skizz: he's afraid of love
Tango: coward
Tango: @Zeddaph
Zeddaph: Hello yes
Zeddaph: would you believe this weekend boy is working his weekend shift?
Zeddaph: I'll catch up with your mother's meeting when I don't have a queue out the door thanks very much
Skizz: …
Tango: weekend waster
Skizz: total weekend waster
Grian and Mumbo 12 Nov 23 10:44pm
Grian: [image attachment]
Grian: this kind of thing is good for tomorrow, right?
Mumbo: yeah, looks ace mate
Grian: alright cool
Grian: why am I nervous about this?
Mumbo: new jobs are scary?
Grian: I've done scarier things
Mumbo: well yeah but it's a big group of new people in a high pressure setting you’re not familiar with yet
Mumbo: I think you have every reason to be nervous
Mumbo: but don't worry, I start at 10, so I'll be there before you and we'll close down together later :)
Mumbo: it's all going to be good, I promise
Mumbo: the guys can be a little intense but I know you're gonna love them
Mumbo: they're absolutely insane so you'll fit right in
Grian: pfft thanks
Mumbo: don't mention it :)
Mumbo: are you gonna knock off soon?
Grian: I'll try but I've been having vivid dreams again
Grian: like I'm stuck in a confined space and I feel compelled to
Grian: anyway
Grian: yeah I'll sleep soon probably
Mumbo: you want to call? don't mind keeping it on overnight if you need it
Grian: I'll be okay I think
Grian: Pearl's TV is on in her bedroom and it's actually kind of soothing lol
Grian: feels normal I guess
Grian: what I assume is normal anyway lmao
Mumbo: alright
Mumbo: listen I'll probably be awake for a bit anyway, Zed's sent me part of a manuscript he wants me to have a glance over so just text me if you need me
Mumbo: I should probably be heading off soon myself but you know I can't help myself with this kind of stuff
Grian: you can't ignore the call of a Java Circuit brother
Mumbo: ha ha
Mumbo: that's not what I meant but I know you know that and I know you're making fun of me so i won’t bite
Grian: ;)
Grian: just get some sleep, yeah?
Grian: I'm gonna need you to make sure I don't make a fool of myself tomorrow
Grian: not that I will, obviously, but just in case
Mumbo: I'll make sure you don't make an absolute spoon of yourself mate, don't worry
Grian: cool thanks
Grian: alright I'm gonna crash
Grian: I'll see you tomorrow
Grian: don't stay up too late
Mumbo: sure thing
Mumbo: Night Gri
Grian: Night Mumbo
Grian and Mumbo 13 Nov 23 2:44pm
Joe™ and Wels 13 Nov 23 2:45pm
Joe™: are they… texting each other across the room?
Wels: I try my best to keep my head down and not to get involved
Joe™: that's sensible
Wels: yeah i think so
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hardwiredweird · 7 months
"No disability entitles someone to someone else's uncompensated work". Seriously? Do you really think that?
Easy answer.
But since y'all seem too dense to understand, lemme explain:
Do I think that someone with a disability should be accomodated to the best of society's ability? Yes, absolutely. But if those accomodations require another person's labour, that other person HAS to be compensated (unless they are willingly offering to do it for free, of course).
Our right as disabled people to live a comfortable, dignified life does not mean we get to demand someone else's work for free. If I can't demand someone to give me their kidney, even if that person is the ONLY person who is compatible and without that kidney I would die, then y'all sure as fuck don't get to demand that people stand idly by while rich tech bros get even richer from building machines that DIRECTLY COMPETE WITH OUR JOBS, just so you entitled little chucklefucks can get nice little images and feel like you accomplished something because the plagiarism machine spit out a garbled together story.
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winslowat3am · 2 years
Do u give money to people on tumblr?
Short answer, no. I don't reblog those posts, either. Majority of them are scammers, bonus scamster points if they use their race/gender as emotional manipulation. (Rant incoming cause this pissed me off, not you, but it had me thinking about a lot of shit). I'm sorry but I could never be on Tumblr begging for money, that's embarrassing, no offense. I commend anyone who's shameless enough to do that cause in all seriousness, couldn't be me. I feel like there are just some things you shouldn't do & asking strangers, half of which are minors, to give you their hard earned money in trade for nothing is one of them. The victim mentality of "let me spam my followers with a bunch of sob story updates about my life's issues & guilt trip them into giving me cash", no. Leave them alone. That shit's annoying, inconsiderate & entitled. & it's always the same fucking people holding their hand out. The people you're begging for cash are more than likely struggling too & need theirs. Tumblr is the worst place to ask for assistance. If you need money then you should seek a financial aid program, or I don't know, log the fuck out & get a job like everyone else? That's what people who need money do. There's no excuse, I said this before & I'll say it again, making money nowadays is easier than it has ever been cause of access to technology. Everything is virtual. You can work from home. There are people making millions eating for a fucking living on YouTube. If you're broke atp it's cause you either make excuses for why you can't work or you're just lazy. It's a choice. You don't even need to physically go out & find a real job. Make something. Perform a service. Everyone has something they can offer. Don't sit there & expect people to pay you for nothing. I hate lazy ass people who wallow in self pity, make excuses & don't contribute anything to society & simply exist to leech off others. It's parasitic & pathetic. You "can't work", but you can play around on social media every day? Hmm. You deserve to live in poverty then. You're not special. You better sell some p-ssy, d!ck or c*ke. If you're bussing it open to everyone anyway you might as well get paid for it, in the words of my wife, "make it count". Seriously, I don't respect those people. Tumblr beggars are the equivalent of irl bums who loiter at gas stations harassing passersby for change. It's fucking irritating & unfair that we live in a world where weak people are rewarded, coddled, catered to & given breaks for doing nothing. "Oh well, you know, John can't work, he's dealing with a breakup that has him in a deep depression. I just- I don't know if his mental health will allow him to work." Bro, I sympathize but at the end of the day, screw John. He has no real problems. There are people with cancer & aids right now who are working. People with no limbs are working. He can work, he's physically able to, but ultimately he won't cause he's a mentally weak man with no drive. Let's just call it what it is. I've been homeless & depressed before, I dug myself out of that hole WITH NO HELP, if people can bounce back from homelessness, addiction, abusive relationships & rebuild their lives, if people with deformities can work there's no excuse for why these lazy asses are living in houses, have food & water, with themselves being the only person they have to take care of but they're on here begging us & living off the gov't. That shit IS sad. & I get so heated over this topic cause the bastards who log on & beg aren't going to log off fucking Tumblr & make adjustments so they can afford to live, they're not going to or offer an exchange, they'll continue to do this shit. In the comfort of their home. Meanwhile, the ones they beg have to scrounge. So no motherfucker, I can't help you spend my money. Follower counts mean nothing here cause nobody gets paid on this dead app, this ain't YouTube. If you have hella followers but you still can't eat or pay your bills it's a sign your priorities are fucked. Up. Your followers owe you nothing. Have a little pride & self respect.
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sirenium · 9 months
If you ever feel invalidated by an exclusionist, please remember this post because I can assure you they don't know what they're talking about💀
⚠️trigger warning for of course exclusionist dumbassery, also this gets rant-y⚠️
I swear exclusionists have the most incoherent thought processes known to man dude cuz what is this shit
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[ID: purple header text reading he/him lesboy flag/ hesboy flag! Under this text is plain black text reading based on these two flags: •reclaimed lesboy •he/him lesbian. Under this, red, bold text reads DNI, followed by rad inclus, terfs/transmeds, anti he/him lesbians & she/her gays, male/men "lesbians" in black plain text. End ID]
'Lesboy flag' and 'no man lesbians' in the same post... my brain is melting. Also... these people 'reclaimed' the term lesboy? Just to exclude a group of people who are lesboys? You do know that lesbians who also consider themselves men are also included in the lesboy term? Apparently not to these people. Butches who also consider themselves men? Sorry, not lesbians anymore. Multigender man lesbians? Nah sorry you're men so you can't be lesbians./sarc
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[ID: blue header text reading Demiboy lesbian flag! Beneath this, quote text (at least I think that's what it's called) reads I couldn't decide on which ones to choose, so I'm posting all of them! Beneath this, much like the previous image, OP starts off their DNI with a bold red DNI, followed by black plain text. This text reads mspec "lesbians", radinclus, terfs/transmeds, radfems, men/male "lesbians", anti he/him lesbians and she/her gays. End ID]
Is that,, not excluding demiboy lesbians? Oh my bad, it's fine cuz they're only 'partially male' and therefore aren't ACTUALLY icky men invading lesbian spaces!/sarc
Also can I just say how fucking entitled it is to be all like 'mspec "lesbians"' with the quotes and shit? Like oh my god get over yourself, you aren't the leader of the lesbians™️ [trademark]. Bro thinks they're part of the lesbian council or some shit. 💀
Besides that, this has got to be one of the funniest examples of exclusionist stupidity I've ever seen. I can't get over it bro: 'demiboy lesbian flag!' 'Fuck off icky man lesbians!' In the SAME. POST. BAHAHA–
It's rare that I feel the need to take screenshots and talk about them on my blog, but these are so poetically idiotic that I had to make a whole post dedicated to them. So yeah, sorry about your braincells lmao. But just know you're valid regardless of how you identify as a lesbian, and these are the types of people who think otherwise. Needless to say, they aren't really that credible.
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[ID: a DNI banner with a purple background with lighter purple text reading DNI: system/queer exlusionists, TERFs/SWERFs, truscum/transmeds, anti recovery for harmful paraphilia, anti otherkin, anti self dx, pro cringe culture, pro-lifers, anti xenogender. A more detailed DNI is in my pinned post. A transparent png of Shadow The Hedgehog can be seen on the right, beside the text. He's holding his hand to his chest, his body facing the text and his eyes looking off to the distance. End ID]
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melodygatesauthor · 10 months
Sick of people asking me "when", and I'm gonna talk about it...
If you aren't in the headspace for a post more on the "negative" side then don't read this, but I need to say something about this before I lose my fucking MIND.
The entitlement coming from some of my readers has GOT to fucking stop, and I'm so goddamn serious right now. You have me at my fucking limit on what's supposed to be a fun hobby. So here's what's happening, and I'm not going to be nice about it because I'm so fed up I want to cry:
Over the last few days, I've woken up to messages in my inbox that are all being demanding, entitled, and downright fucking RUDE. Some of you saying you're "disappointed" that I haven't updated certain stories or just saying "where is the next update for x story". Fuck the FUCK off okay? (This is in NO WAY directed at the majority of my readers. The majority of you, fortunately, are very kind and leave me such nice comments and I love you *forehead kiss*)
First of all, don't you think that if I had the update ready I would post it?
I don't get paid for this (a point that I will be touching on more later, don't you worry.) so my "payment" is the gratification I get from reblogs and comments. If I don't post, I don't get "paid." So just know that I want to post my stories as much as you want to read them. I think I speak for most writers when I say that. I'm not a fucking dragon hording my fucking stories and chapters in google docs and laughing while you all suffer. I have the stories in my head and I'm crying while I suffer because I don't have enough time to get them all out onto paper before you all start turning into nasty little gremlins over them.
Secondly, you demanding asking for more is not encouraging, nor is it motivational.
Again, I think I'm speaking for most writers with this. When you demand or ask for more, THE ONLY THING *taps megaphone* THE ONLY THING you're doing is reminding the writer that they haven't updated and it gives us a little pit in our tummies at our "failures". (a little note to my fellow writers reading this, you're not a failure, but I know it can feel like that when people come into your inbox like this, despite it not being true). "HoW dO i MoTiVaTe A wRiTeR tO uPdAtE mY fAvOrItE sToRy ThEn?" Well you entitled asshole, I'm SO FUCKING GLAD YOU ASKED. (Because that brings me to my next point).
Third, I'd be willing to put the $200 in my savings account and the change at the bottom of my purse on the fact that YOU HAVEN'T EVEN REBLOGGED MY STORIES.
Sorry, feeling called out? Fucking GOOD. I hope your pillows are warm and moist af on both sides when you're trying to sleep because literally if you're coming into my inbox, acting like THIS and then you have the AUDACITY to not even reblog my work? You're one of the worst kinds of people and I wish you nothing but the worst. It's the ONLY thing I ask for in response to my hard work and I'm sure you can't even manage that. You should be embarrassed.
Fourth, let's talk about how much money I make doing this shall we?
$0...I make ZERO DOLLARS and you are talking to me with more of an attitude and entitlement than a Karen in a fucking grocery store during Covid. Get a grip bro. Wanna start paying my bills so I can write fanfiction full time? DO IT, and THEN we can chat about WHEN something isn't getting updated or WHY it didn't get updated. Until then, shut your fucking mouth and enjoy what I put out, or get off my page. I don't care anymore, I'm so done being nice about this.
With the exception of this past week because I've been so goddamn busy, I post a WEEKLY update letting my readers know when I'll be updating something. I have a busy work schedule, and it's summer, so there are lots of things going on in my life right now. I try to help mitigate the questions you have about "when" and "why" by doing this. What makes me annoyed is that you all seem to be on my page, noticing that I'm not updating and getting upset about that, but you don't take the time to look at the fucking information I put out in your face to avoid having to answer the same questions ten fucking times. Omg and for the love of god FOLLOW @melodygatesupdates FOLLOW THAT BLOG RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME. If I have ONE MORE person ask me about my tag list after reading a fic that says "I don't have a taglist anymore so follow @melodygatesupdates" I'm going to lose it.
So here's a blanket statement as to "why" I haven't posted whatever chapter or story you've been waiting for. Pick one of the options below because either one or more are accurate.
I'm working too many hours to have time for updating regularly so am only working on fics that are currently inspiring to me.
Another Adderall shortage so I'm having a hard time focusing.
I don't feel like it today, and despite what you may think, that's a perfectly valid reason not to write something.
I'm working on something else.
Something bad happened in my personal life.
My personal life got busy.
Going forward, for my own sanity, I'm no longer entertaining questions about "why" I haven't updated or "when" I plan to update something. 9 times out of 10 I'll let you know if something is going to be delayed or if it's not in my current scope of interest, but otherwise, just don't ask.
If you're nice when you ask, I'll probably just ignore you and delete your inbox ask. I feel bad doing that to those of you who are kind when you ask, but I just can't take it anymore, especially when I'm telling you right now that you don't need to ask me.
For those who come in hot like "why haven't you..." or "When are you going to..." I'm blocking you. Consider this a warning. Even if you come in on anon, you can still be blocked and I won't fucking hesitate. Learn some manners and then come talk to me, but until then I'm not going to entertain this behavior any longer.
I'm a grown woman in her thirties just trying to pass the time with something I enjoy, and waking up to this every morning over the last few days while working 60+ hours a week fucking sucks. So for my own mental health, I have to start putting my foot down. You're ruining my online experience and making this less fun for me.
Thanks for reading, I love those of you who read this whole thing and who AREN'T the people this post is meant for. You're the real MVPs.
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Tw swears, explicit words, rant, unrelated to crk.
The bastard toxic people on the W/vrr10rs c/VT is basically full of hypocrites and two face, entitled. I see them harassed someone that is known for ß33/n0s3 an0n because of their D.N.I instead of move on and also shitting on them just because the anon /r/3qv3st their favourite characte called ß33/n0s3 design over like idk, but alots of artist/designer mc there and bc their dni. And guess what? then they praise someone that do what the same person i mention about request ]R\/nn1ngn0s3 design over 100 artist on the fucking fandom same thing as the ß33/n0s3 anon except that they request different characters and get famous praised while the ß33/n0s3 anon whoever get harassed and threatened and someone mention that they wanted to shouted threat. I hope all of these mfs who harassed that anon feel the same pain as what they done to the poor anon. Also I hated it that we can't even use emoticon like ^_^ or ^^ or 0.0 or 7: or :] or [: or whatever emoticon because of a person they dislike using it like bro. Emoticon is for everyone literally everyone, it just a freaking harmless alternative emojis. And they make it banned for using it, make me wanna start my villain arc like i just done with their bullshit, but wait that doesn't end there or here. Guess what?...
They fucking banned everyone request ß33/n0s3 design on other artist bc of well it remind them the ß33/n0s3 anon. Like everyone can enjoy ß33/n0s3 character, it just a fucking fictional c4ts and emoticon. there nothing wrong with it. Now that alots of the innocent mc fandom feared of these peeps come harass them bc of these toxic bad mc fan stupid behaviors angry at the stupidest things and attack the innocent mc fans. Tumblr on that fucking fandom is becoming Twitter 2rd but I aint suprised cause there Twitter fans move to tumblr as their hellscape and hellspawn breeding ground.
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blissmontage · 2 months
When bro didn't specifically said VIA DMs because inbox/ask and DMs are different:
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and didn't even specifically said in the FAQ "again": "The ASK can't be answered in private(not in dms)" because I never specifically said I want in DMs LoL
How else are you going to get a private answer you entitled fucking moron? It’s this attitude that is not getting your ask deleted off my page either lmao. Fucking cry about it.
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bro it is not entitled to complain if you can't drop everything and haul ass halfway across the planet to attend a doll event, it is normal bog-standard complaining that anyone normal would understand the reason for. how the fuck is it entitled to say "i really wanna go to that concert, but i'm not gonna be able to, and i feel badly about that." what the fuck is wrong with you? has the internet scrambled people's brains to the point where we're pathologizing disappointment now??
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