#The Spoonie Chef
spooniechef · 6 months
Gluten-Free Chocolate Mug Cake (0 Spoons)
I've been quiet here for awhile, at least in part because it's been a long month or two. There's been overtime at work, which I should not have been doing but because we're understaffed and half the office got sick, I had little choice. Also I went to what will probably be my last convention a couple of weeks ago, which was objectively hellacious but I got autographs from the entire cast of Critical Role so I regret nothing. But of course I came out of that with a serious pain flare and what might have been con crud but was also quite possibly the flu, so that kind of murdered any chance of my being productive the last couple of weeks. But I have this week off and I have some plans. Mostly because I got cookbooks and very much intend to use them.
Side note - I've been contemplating doing a thing to raise money for Fibromyalgia Action UK, and weirdly, my main thought about something sponsored has been "cook through an entire cookbook in 12 months", like The Julie / Julia Project. I came up with that idea least partly because Julie Powell died a couple of weeks ago, which ... I mean, she was barely older than me, what the fuck? But also because cookbooks don't exactly give a chronic pain-friendly rating to its recipes, and part of it would involve doing an adjunct-document with spoon ratings like I do on the recipes here. Still toying with the idea, at least partly because butter and eggs are expensive as fuck. Don't even get me started on the pecans I need for a recipe I got my mother to bring me Jell-O pudding from North America especially to make. Also there's too much that needs buttermilk and that's not so much a thing over here.
Which brings me to today's bit of cookery notes. See, I have new cookbooks, and I've been trying to decide what I want to make from them. I'm having serious executive dysfunction about so much of it, so for the most part I've been sticking with chocolate chip cookies. But I didn't want to do that this time, but there are so many cookies to try. Eventually I got tired of indecision and just really wanted a sweet treat, and one of my cookbooks (Quick + Easy Gluten Free by Becky Excell, which I heartily recommend) had recipes for mug cakes. I'd never tried one, so I figured, why not? I went for the chocolate one instead of the jam doughnut one because I didn't want to use an egg for just the yolk until I found something to do with the white. (Which probably means the next recipe you'll see here is gluten-free cinnamon roll sugar cookies, but anyway.)
So! Chocolate mug cakes! Here's what you'll need:
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
4 tablespoons milk
2 tablespoons caster sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
3 tablespoons gluten-free all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon gluten-free baking powder
1 tablespoon chocolate chips
I imagine you could replace both the all-purpose flour and the baking powder with gluten-containing versions and have it be fine. But note - no xanthan gum, no egg. You could probably add the tiniest drop of vanilla extract, though.
Here's what you do:
Put all the ingredients in a microwaveable mug; mix well
Cover the mug with plastic wrap; poke a few holes in the plastic
Microwave on high for 60-70 seconds
Let cool for a couple of minutes (the mug will be really hot)
FEAST (they recommend topping it with ice cream and / or chocolate syrup, so maybe do that and then FEAST)
There is no earthly way I could make this any easier. You could probably add various bits of additional flavour - replace the chocolate chips with fudge chips, a drop of vanilla or orange or mint extract, maybe a pinch of cinnamon - but it's pretty well fine on its own. The only thing I can add is that the cookbook says microwave on high in a 900W microwave, but mine is 800W so I just put it in for 70 seconds and it was fine, so maybe add an extra 5-10 seconds if your microwave is lower wattage than that.
So yeah, this is the perfect spoonie dessert, really. If you're having a bad day and are tired and you just want something nice that requires no effort and isn't a £3 brownie? This is the way to go.
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kaelatargaryen · 7 months
I gotta fucking say it because as a spoonie and former waitress/kitchen supervisor, the spoon posts in the Carmy tag are killing me.
All trained chefs keep spoons on them, like they keep towels, sharpies and thermometers on them. One of the first things you learn in a kitchen is to not serve food you haven’t tasted. The spoons on the Bear speak of kitchen culture, not chronic illnesses.
And certain chefs care so much about their spoons because they can affect the taste of food or don’t have pleasant thermal conduction properties which would affect the experience of eating the food.
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs New Side Blog
So for those of you who’ve been enjoying my occasional foray down the rabbit hole of recipes and kitchen stuff, I did start that side blog I’ve been talking about. So here’s the intro post for Cooking With Spoons, by your own personal Spoonie Chef. Most of my recipe experiments will go there from now on, so feel free to follow, and enjoy.
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ghiblihearth · 3 months
Low Spoon Cooking Tips, Thoughts, Ideas
This will be an ongoing, edited/updated, post of things I do to still enjoy cooking as a spoonie. This is NOT a place to debate this stuff, I'm gonna be liberal about blocking folks who want to fight. This is what works for *me* and I'm passing it along as advice that might help. Everyone is different, let's embrace that.
Buy minced garlic (also garlic paste and ginger paste)
I swear this is my #1 tip. Ignore anyone who tells you that in order to cook truly good food you MUST use fresh chopped garlic and ginger. I have cooked for all kinds of people, including executive chefs of expensive restaurants, chefs that have competed (and held their own) against other chefs... I use minced garlic and ginger paste and no one had a negative thing to say. They rave about the food. It's not THAT big of a deal. When the difference is enjoying the cooking process and making nice food, or being so stressed about The One True Way that you don't cook anything... well, I pick my way.
Mise En Place
It took me too long to include this as a part of my cooking. Embarrassing long. Borne out of a desire to cook quickly (and therefore use less spoons) I would try and do everything at once. Chop while stuff is cooking, mix sauces right before using, etc. It's certainly a skill and not a bad one to have for when you're really time limited. But it's not very kind to the body. These days I try and think about how I can piece-meal the prep. Some veg or meat can absolutely be held in the fridge for a few hours before cooking time.
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I use small Japanese stainless steel vat trays because that works best for me. I like that they have lids, and wire racks, they're so very useful.
Having everything chopped, measured, mixed and otherwise ready to go means that cooking is a much more peaceful experience. I'm not flying into dinner absolutely fatigued with my ass on fire.
Freeze It If You Can
Not every meal lends itself to freezing well. But there are some staples in my house (sweet and sour chicken, soups, etc) which lend themselves to freezing and reheating. It's just as easy to double (or triple) the recipe on a day when I have spoons to cook. Then pop it into a ziploc freezer bag (with the name on it!). I freeze everything flat, then store like files in my freezer.
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When it's time to reheat I pop the bag in the microwave for 1-2 min (depending on how much). Just enough so that I can kinda break apart the contents. Then dump into a pot on the stove, put the lid on, and reheat over a medium heat.
Those are the tips for now. I'll be sure to update them as I think of more, or learn something new!
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regioonlineofficial · 9 months
De derde editie van Spoony’s Gezonde Smikkelweken gaat van start, het grootste nationale groenteprogramma voor kinderen. Tijdens de Gezonde Smikkelweken ontdekken kinderen op een speelse manier gezonde en duurzame voeding, door middel van spelletjes, proeven en zelf koken. Van courgettecake tot bietenpizza's. Dit jaar is het aantal deelnemers meer dan verdubbeld ten opzichte van vorig jaar, 120.000 kinderen doen mee. Het gaat om 1.100 buitenschoolse opvang-locaties (bso's), ruim 200 basisscholen en 10 kinderdagverblijven (kdv's). Aftrap Gezonde Smikkelweken in Zeeland De kick-off van de Gezonde Smikkelweken vindt plaats in de tweede week van de zomervakantie op bijna 1.100 bso-locaties door heel Nederland. Dit jaar doen voor het eerst alle provincies in Nederland mee. Zo ook Zeeland, waar zo’n 62 locaties en dus ruim 5.200 kinderen meedoen. De Zeeuwse kick-off is op maandag 24 juli om 10.00 uur bij bso Pien van Kinderopvang Walcheren in Koudekerke. Dennis Willems, chefkok van restaurant Morille, trapt hier samen met de kinderen officieel de Gezonde Smikkelweken af. Restaurant Morille ontving in april 2023 een Groene Michelinster, voor restaurants die voornamelijk lokaal en duurzaam werken. Chef Willems gaat samen met de kinderen van bso Pien wildplukken in de natuur, om daarna het Gezonde Smikkelweken-Zintuigenspel te spelen. Stichting Spoony De Gezonde Smikkelweken is een initiatief van Stichting Spoony. Het programma wordt mede mogelijk gemaakt door overheidsprogramma Jong Leren Eten en vele partners die zonder winstoogmerk meedoen.  Phaedra Mensen, oprichtster van Spoony: "In Nederland eet 85% van de kinderen in de leeftijd 4 tot 12 jaar te weinig groente. Honger wordt sneller gestild met een ongezonde snack. Met als resultaat dat 1 op de 7 Nederlandse kinderen overgewicht heeft. Het is onze missie om alle kinderen gezond te leren eten. Maar it takes a village to raise a child. Want ondanks dat ouders het belangrijk vinden dat hun kind gezond en gevarieerd eet, lukt het in de praktijk vaak niet. De Gezonde Smikkelweken is een middel om hen daarbij te helpen, omdat we een heel systeem in beweging zetten. Want zowel de kinderen, als ouders, opvang en scholen doen mee.” Uitbreiding naar basisscholen en kinderdagverblijven Dit jaar doen voor het eerst ook scholen en kinderdagverblijven mee. In samenwerking met Stichting Goeie Grutten is een Gezond Smikkelweken-lespakket ontwikkeld speciaal voor kinderen in groep vier tot en met zeven. Hierdoor staat bij ruim 200 basisscholen (bijna allemaal gelegen in gebieden waar ondersteuning in sociaal en economisch opzicht van extra waarde is) educatie over gezonde en duurzame voeding centraal in de laatste drie weken van het schooljaar. Daarnaast wordt ook de Gezonde Smikkelweken Mini geïntroduceerd bij kinderen tussen één en vier jaar. Op die manier worden ook de allerkleinsten al op jonge leeftijd enthousiast gemaakt voor gezonde voeding.  Mensen: “Het is geweldig om te zien dat er dit jaar zoveel kinderen meedoen. Zo kunnen we nog meer impact maken. Het laat bovendien zien dat er behoefte is aan leuke initiatieven die kinderen op een speelse manier betrekken bij gezond en duurzaam eten." Doe thuis ook mee! Alle kinderen die deelnemen via hun bso of school krijgen voor thuis ook een Kook-en Speelboek met recepten, eetspelletjes en challenges. Kinderen die niet naar de deelnemende bso's en scholen gaan, kunnen via het online platform toch gratis thuis meedoen aan de Gezonde Smikkelweken. Deze activiteiten kunnen ze individueel doen of samen met hun familieleden. Door deel te nemen aan de challenges maken ze kans op een van de honderd prijzen, variërend van een Cortina fiets en Nike Air Jordans tot een stuntstep en tijdschriftabonnementen. Meedoen kan tot en met 3 september 2023 via www.gezondesmikkelweken.nl.
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thedorklegacy · 1 year
The Dork Legacy 1.4 part 4
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And expensive and not very attractive teenage whore.
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And apparently an expensive, not very attractive, and also boring teenage whore. This is how he spent the last hour of their date.
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Oh God, how old is that muffin?!
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At some point Caed became an Ithorian got his gold gardening badge. I love when he talks about birds to his plants.
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On her day off, Tara cleaned the WHOLE HOUSE.
Gee, that was a funny caption. If I didn't have to have this up soon...>.<
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Caedmon brought a Spoony Bard, the Demon Chef of Sim Street home from work.
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"You stay the hell out of my house."
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I get really sick of hearing this all the time. Seriously, I'll stop one of them from playing it, only to have someone else start up seconds later.
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See what I mean?
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"You know, I think you'd look really good in makeup!"
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"Hmm...you know, I think you're right?"
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"You know...my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard."
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"But you don't treat me very nicely. You don't buy me all these iceys."
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"Maybe you should get get get me drunk, get me love drunk off your lumps?"
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My Grump, my Grump my Grump my Grump, my lovely little Grump!
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Well...that's an interesting dog. The first thing she did was start growling at Tara. I guess Grump was a good name.
Anyway, that's as far as I've played so far, so I apologise for the short update. I'll see you again next week!
Originally posted at katu_sims.
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moronic-validity · 5 years
Hey guys, I've got a list of healthy lunches and dinners that are great for losing weight. Do y'all want them? These are nutrient focused and are all under 400 calories.
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mikkaeus · 2 years
“What’s it like in the canon?” Less is still thinking cannon. He decides to head Finley off at the pass: “Maybe I’m a bad writer.”
Finley waves this idea away, or perhaps it is the salmon croquettes a waiter is offering. “No. You’re a very good writer. Kalipso was a chef d’oeuvre. So beautiful, Arthur. I admired it a lot.”
“Now Less is stumped. He probes his weaknesses. Too magniloquent? Too spoony? “Too old?” he ventures.
“We’re all over fifty, Arthur. It’s not that you’re—”
“Wait, I’m still—”
“—a bad writer.” Finley pauses for effect. “It’s that you’re a bad gay.”
Less can think of nothing to say; this attack comes on an undefended flank.
“It is our duty to show something beautiful from our world. The gay world. But in your books, you make the characters suffer without reward. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were Republican. Kalipso was beautiful. So full of sorrow. But so incredibly self-hating. A man washes ashore on an island and has a gay affair for years. But then he leaves to go find his wife! You have to do better. For us. Inspire us, Arthur. Aim higher. I’m so sorry to talk this way, but it had to be said.”
At last Less manages to speak: “A bad gay?”
— Less by Andrew Sean Greer
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lunaverseimagine · 4 years
Appreciation post
@angelinathebook Lena you inspired this post so I’ll start with you - you were one of the first people I started talking to on here and I think you’re amazing. You’re so supportive and also v funny to talk to (my use of the 💀 emoji has gone from 0 to 100 since talking to you), you are gorgeous and your voice sounds like it belongs to an angel, not to mention your super talented writing with such amazing descriptions. You’re so kind too, highlighted by the fact that you make these posts and inspired me too. Ily and I’m here for you and WE’RE GONNA FINISH YOUR PERSONAL STATEMENT I GOTCHU
@l0ttadreamz EMELY, ok so you were the other person I started talking to early on and I’m so grateful you popped up in my inbox because you are amazing. Your writing is incredible, you’re so kind and just so much fun to talk to. And can we just talk about how your name autocorrects to caps in my phone? I think that says more than words can
@dogweedanddeathcaps MY TWIN hey hey Lee so we only started talking recently but honestly the bonding was instant, my Lee Hufflepuff spoonie detective buddy, absolute dream team. I’ll happily join you in cutting our uteruses out anytime
@decalcomanei Ren you are wonderful, your writing is incredible and you’re so supportive, honestly you’re such a light in this community
@schlongbottom Talie you are so supportive of my work and you inspire me to write, your memes are so concerning and hilarious which is a great combination, thank you for being you
@hufflepuffgirly Amber my fellow puff you are so sweet, I love talking to you and you have such a pure soul
@weasleybees Lanie you are a wonderful human. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and you’re so kind, this community is lucky to have you
@yourssuccubus Sarah I’m sorry for killing you in among us please accept this as an apology because you are so talented and a beautiful human
@chaoticgirl04 Cynthia, you are so consistently supportive of not only me but other writers too, not many people give as much support as you and honestly it’s what inspires us to write, thank you for being you
@kpopgirlbtssvt Cece, another consistent supporter of not just my writing but everything I post, I swear my heart smiles when I see you in my notifs and I appreciate you so much
There are so many more, literally @the whole of spouse cult and all of my moots, thank you for such a wonderful community and I can’t wait to get to know you all better and do more appreciation posts. You all deserve so much love and BIG SISTER LEE IS HERE TO GIVE IT 💖💛💖💛💖
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spooniechef · 5 months
Poorman's Ice Cream (0 spoons)
If you're anything like me, you've noticed how godsawful expensive things have got lately. When budgeting for food, it's harder and harder to justify treats. The thing is, treats are kind of necessary. I mean, if nothing else, living with only the bare essentials is a sure-fire route to depression - or existing depression getting worse. No one can just ... survive like that. Believe me, I've tried - it did not go well.
That leaves making one's own treats, and that has its own costs. Some are the financial, depending on how well your kitchen is equipped and if there are any speciality ingredients needed in your treat of choice, but mostly the costs are time and effort. For a spoonie, something quick and easy is really important. That generally leaves out ice cream, since it tends to take a lot of churning and ice cream machines are not exactly a staple household item.
B Dylan Hollis to the rescue! Back in August, his TikTok featured a neat little recipe from an unnamed "dead lady" for a three-ingredient ice cream 'substitute' that turned out remarkably well. And all the equipment you need is a hand mixer.
Here's what you'll need:
1 can evaporated milk
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Dash of vanilla extract (see notes)
The comments are full of people flagging up how you could add other flavours to your ice cream - everything from a teaspoon of cocoa powder or some chocolate syrup for chocolate to a teaspoon of instant espresso powder for coffee to a dash of mint extract and some chocolate chips for mint chocolate chip. One option I intend to try is to keep the vanilla but add egg-free chocolate chip cookie dough (because salmonella is no one's friend) from a recipe like this one from Flippin' Delicious. Given that this one doesn't require xanthan gum, you can probably use regular flour in it if you can tolerate gluten. Also, if you want hot chocolate ice cream (which is a different beast from chocolate ice cream altogether), you can probably add some home-made instant hot chocolate mix, though you probably want to reduce the powdered sugar in the main recipe to a half-cup since so much of the hot chocolate mix is powdered sugar anyway.
Here's what you do:
Take your can of evaporated milk and a mid-sized bowl (glass is best) and store it in the fridge overnight
Put all ingredients in the bowl and whip until smooth and foamy; put it in the freezer for an hour or so
Whip again until smooth with a soft-serve consistency; either eat as is or put it back in the freezer for a few hours to set
Now, there are a few notes, because a lot depends on your fridge and freezer. For example, my fridge isn't hugely efficient, so I put my bowl into the freezer for an extra half-hour before I started, because starting with a cold bowl is important. I also had to take a fairly broad definition of "or so" when waiting for it to set a bit the first time; if it doesn't have the soft-serve consistency you want after the first hour, whip it anyway, put it back in the freezer for another hour, and then whip again. Obviously an electric hand mixer is essential to making this a zero-spoon recipe.
However you manage it, the result is a really smooth ice cream. Now, for the vegans among us, vegan evaporated milk is hard to find in a tin but can actually be made. Though I'd recommend that those of us who don't tolerate lactose well just stock up on the Lactaid because making vegan evaporated milk requires simmering oat milk for two hours.
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esoteric-law89 · 3 years
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So boom January 2019 I almost died (gall bladder had burst a week before I went to the ER) the VA said it was an ulcer likely and sent me home I went to a civilian ER and got the good news later that same night🤷🏿‍♂️. Started healing after surgery and started doing Lyft. December 2019 meets a shorty things a good goes out for new year’s. January 2020 has first New Years kiss, week later has a seizure with said shorty sitting next to me while meeting you friends for the first time 🙂 (both of my best friends are women one is pictured above with my goddaughter) also (you know what happens during a seizure right🙃) and thirdly (no medical professional has been able to tell me why it happened yet) shorty pulls a Danny phantom😂, a wild depression appears, escapades occur, constantly high goes to Virginia to see some navy friends, second goddaughter is the cutest thing in the world, sees my best half yt half chicano friend, my old girl Bella(Yorke Maltese mix) that I couldn’t keep remembered me after 6 years, moment of clarity at the peak of said high, looks at colorful rocks for way too long, reads obscure books into the wee hours of the night, commence childhood crush pops up again and is now a gypsy goddess in the midst of ascension (not pictured, who would dare disrespect a goddess mid ascension no less, not me bitch), from the abyss rises the disabled spoonie chef who’s side hustle is witchcraft and her hobbies vampiric in nature!
Cuts to present day - 👩🏾‍🍳👩🏾‍⚕️🧙🏾‍♀️🧛🏾‍♀️👩🏾‍🦼 aka @thelastexhaledangel​ (pictured below)
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thessalian · 1 year
Thess vs Split Peas
Recipe and cookery tips are over on the Spoonie Chef blog (including how you can do it without a pressure cooker), so I’ll just keep saying as how I made split pea and ham soup! In a way it feels like a dumb-ass thing to be excited about because people have been doing things like that since forever, but it’s new to me. I mean, anxiety plays a part. Like, yes, I know that I tested the pressure cooker to clean it but what if it just suddenly blows up? Yes, I checked all the steps multiple times, but still, what if I fucked up somehow?
Turns out the only minor niggle wasn’t precisely my fault and had more to do with either the type of split peas I used or the limitations of my multicooker. I used yellow ones because I couldn’t find green ones, and apparently there’s a minor difference in how long you need to cook them. Also, the recipe said high pressure for fifteen minutes but there’s no real way to change the pressure setting on my multicooker so I probably should have just left it at the 30 minutes that my the pressure setting gives as standard for soup. Not a huge issue - just the peas ended up a bit chewier than I wanted. Everything else was great.
Things I have learned:
Sauteeing everything in the multicooker makes life so much easier I can’t even tell you
My mandoline actually works for dicing carrots! I was always a little worried to use it on something as hard as carrots but there you go!
There is nothing particularly wrong with slightly chewy dried yellow split peas; it’s just a texture thing (side note: I should see if they get any softer on reheating)
The multicooker can cook food without blowing up and I should remind myself of this every time I have anxiety about it
I know my headspace is weird; it’s a thing.
It’s been a day. I got just about everything that was on my list done, but kind of paying for it now. Tomorrow’s going to be a similarly busy day, though less focused on the “leaving the house” thing. Only reason I’m leaving the house tomorrow is a quick walk to the corner shop. I’d love to say I’m going to relax for the entirety of the day tomorrow but nope; tomorrow’s running the vacuum, making beef stew (I’ll be starting that first thing tomorrow, I decided in the end) and a new batch of instant hot chocolate mix, and then I can relax.
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empressofevil · 3 years
Habitica for ADHD/Depression/Spoonies
I recently decided to give Habitica another try. I tried it back in 2015 and thought it “just wasn’t for me, like most organizational apps,” but I’m finding it really motivating in 2020. I tried to list out all of the ways I’m using the app differently now vs then, and a lot of them go against what the app suggests and how I’ve seen others use it, so I think it might be helpful for those of us with less spoons, for one reason or another.
Don’t use negatives: This might be an ADHD thing, but I find it really disincentivizing to know that I’ll be losing points and progress every time I slip up and forget something or don’t have the energy to complete a task. It makes me not want to use the app at all or to lie about my activities, which defeats the purpose. Some people are highly motivated by the fear of failure, but that does not apply to people with ADHD or depression; rather, the exact opposite is true. You are just as valuable whether you complete all of your tasks or not, remember that and score yourself accordingly.
Set Streaks to Weekly or Monthly (at first): It doesn’t have to be all of them. If you’re pretty sure you can manage to get out of bed every day, go ahead and challenge yourself to accomplish that daily. It if absolutely must get done (like pet care or eating), go ahead and set that to daily. If you just want to try to cook more healthy meals at home, well, understand that it takes time to build up those habits and give yourself some leniency. You deserve to pat yourself on the back for starting a new habit!
Set Difficulty Accordingly: The difficulty of a task is about how difficult it is for you, in your current context at the time you’re making it. Don’t be fussed about how easy or difficult it is for someone else or how easy it used to be for you. You can adjust the difficulty of tasks as they get easier for you, so don’t be afraid to say “yes, cooking is very hard,” even if you’re a career chef. Maybe you have roomies that make you anxious, you can’t focus, physical limitations, or you just can’t get out to buy groceries often enough. Look at all aspects of your situation and be fair with yourself.
Stack the Deck in Your Favour: Look, the point is to motivate you, not punish you. Allow yourself the dopamine of leveling up or finding an egg to hatch. It’s supposed to be gamified to catch your interest, so let it. The app itself even suggests chucking easy things in there to help you level up. So go ahead and put things like “be awake at some point today.” It’s okay. Really, it is.
Snacks & Breaks Are Necessary, Not Rewards: You can set custom rewards in this game if you don’t really care about buying gear or you’ve bought everything. When I started using this app, it didn’t have many rewards in general, and they were all things like “take a break” and “eat a cookie.” Don’t use it like this. You need breaks. I don’t care if you managed all of your tasks, I don’t care if you didn’t even finish one. If you tried and you cannot find the spoons (or you just know yourself well enough to know it ain’t happening today), take a break. Take a 5, 10, 15 minute, or all day break. Whatever you need, babe. Unless you’re using the app to manage a diet (for health reasons!!!) or an under/overeating problem (which you should discuss with your medical team and a practicing psychiatrist), do not use the rewards for food either. It can create a pretty unhealthy relationship with food, and I don’t want that for anyone. Eat what you can when you need to. Take breaks when you need breaks.
This One is the Most Important: Ummm like... add me as a friend, lol: @scythic. We can do quests together and I can remind you all to drink hot lemon water sometimes.
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skati-fjolnirsbur · 5 years
in my fantasy world, I want to have a personal massage therapist, chef, makeup and hair person, and a general helper who will help my spoonie ass function on a daily basis. 
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I love finding stuff that makes my Spoonie Life easier.
I have a hard time mixing with my hand. (i got yelled at by my chef in school for not being a fast whisker) I have used a blender bottle but sometimes it is just too much for weight and movement.
In comes this PROMIXX- Original Vortex Mixer. I havent tried protein powder yet but so far I like it for miralax.
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heartmarierose · 5 years
So much gbbo binging
And for dinner I made tacos - by which I mean I made taco meat - by which I mean I thawed a pound of ground beef, browned it, added store bought taco seasoning, heated up some red kidney beans in the same pan, and put half of each in a paper bowl: one for dinner and one for leftovers.
Which got me thinking
What if there was a cooking show where then contestants were all famous chefs and the challenges involved cooking like a college student (I know, been proposed before) or a spoonie. You only have the sort of equipment a college student might have, meaning you have to wash and re-use a lot of things, but washing dishes costs spoons so you have to Budget Those. No time constraints, but the longer you go the more spoons you spend. Debatable whether or not resting to regain spoons is allowed. AND they’re baking the sort of easy stuff a college student might make. Judged by college students - would I put forth the effort to have made that? Is there a lazier way I could have done it? Etc
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