#The Sea of Sorrow
oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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Blacklight, a very old radiant dragon, lairs in a derelict leviathan adrift near the Lich's Tear, a mysterious black orb that devours everything that approaches. (Jennell Jaquays, cover of Dungeon 36, July/August 1992, featuring a scene from Steve Kurtz's Spelljammer adventure "The Sea of Sorrow") Look closely in the upper left -- the debris above the Tear spells "92 JAQUAYS".
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fieriframes · 11 months
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[I shall be richer all my life for this sorrow.]
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 6 months
As for me, I follow the laughter, the smiles, the anger, the complaints and the sorrows of the sea near which I was born; but today the sun shines all over the ocean and I want to scream with love, enthusiasm, joy, recognition, happiness. I love you, my love, and I thank you for always being what you are, for always bringing me more than I ask for, and finally for not letting this unquenchable thirst for you, for you always, cease in my mouth.
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, February 6, 1950 [#173]
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nicstylus · 11 days
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The Faceless Trilogy is done!
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texaschainsawmascara · 6 months
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AIC shooting Sea of Sorrow, ‘91
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crocopiru · 5 months
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compilation of scrapped drawings from this week
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reshramlove1ob · 24 days
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gay-poet-gabriel · 13 days
Our Lady of Sorrows...
Star of the Sea, Immaculate Lady Mary...you will always be my #1 girl <33
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jarofalicesgrunge · 6 months
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Layne Staley - Alice In Chains
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carefulfears · 9 months
the biggest thing about elegy is that it takes all of that unspoken isolation of this arc, and it slowly lets the audience in. the first thing that mulder says about the apparitions, is that they seem to be an "omen." an impending prophecy. and carefully, throughout the episode, both the audience and scully are waiting to see, not who the killer is, but what is being foretold. when they're going over records, and scully's nose starts bleeding, it's the one thing that they can't ignore. she wasn't even there in the previous episode. she was in the hospital. alone. they don't talk about it. she's "fine." she has "always been the strong one." just like in irresistible, years earlier, she does not want him to know how much she is struggling. but she doesn't have any control. it is dripping out of her. the sound of his voice when he says "oh, scully." and how quickly she responds "it's okay. i'm fine."
it's that kind of childlike grimace in him, the same man who flinches away from dead bodies and stares at the ground before his father. and she's so fast to try to restore order. it's okay. i'm fine. don't worry, i'll clean it up. i'll make it go away. when she disappears into the bathroom and sees an apparition there herself...i think she decides to go to the hospital because she just needs space, honestly. she's scared. he offers to drive her, to go with her, twice. asks, "you sure?" and she says, twice, "i'm fine."
elegy builds to two separate climaxes: the first, when mulder comes to scully's apartment. but before that, we see scully in karen kosseff's office, the same therapist that she had gone to in irresistible, and presumably has kept a relationship with in the years since. she tells karen that she's been diagnosed with inoperable untreatable cancer, and when karen asks, "you've kept working?" she answers, "yes. it's been important to me."
she's taken aback when karen asks why, is surprised at the question, and tells her "agent mulder has been concerned. he's been supportive, through this time."
KOSSEFF: Do you feel that you owe it to him to continue working?
SCULLY: (quickly) No. (pauses) I guess I never realized how much I rely on him before this...his passion...he's been a great source of strength that I've drawn on.
KOSSEFF: What happened last night, Dana?
SCULLY: I saw something. I, I don't know what to trust. If I saw it because of the stress, because the image had been suggested to me or if it was a suggestion of my own fears.
KOSSEFF: Your fear of failing him?
SCULLY: (exhales emotionally) Maybe.
this is such a rare admission from scully. first of all, she's being confronted. this is not normal. it is not normal to work to your death. it's like bill tells her, a couple of episodes later, "what are you doing at work, getting knocked down, beaten up? what are you trying to prove?"
(she hadn't even told bill about her cancer. she'd been sick for months. she thought she was going to die in memento mori, she knows she's going to die sooner than later. and she instructed her mom not to tell her brother. from the moment that mulder said "i refuse to believe that," it really was only going to go one way.)
she's being confronted. why are you working? (for mulder). do you feel you owe him? (no, i need him).
she's really alone. she's sick. like, she's really sick. she spent the last case in the hospital. she's having a hard time keeping up. she's thinning, and bleeding, and struggling. but there she goes, every day, at every hour. monster chasing. telling him she's fine.
(so much conflict comes from the way that mulder's ignorance perfectly enables scully's repression)
when he shows up, late, at her apartment, he comes in a mile-a-minute, about how he needs her "help" on the case, before asking her what her doctor said. (her answer, of course, being, "i'm fine.")
he tells her that everyone who has seen an apparition, was dying. every person who reported a premonition, was near death themselves.
SCULLY: Harold Spuller is dying too?
MULDER: Well, that's what I need your medical opinion on.
SCULLY: Well, what if he isn't?
MULDER: I would be very surprised. What is a death omen if not a vision of our own mortality? And who among us would most likely be able to see the dead? 
this is one of the most hauntingly isolating moments of the series...he has just told her that she is going to die. and he doesn't know, that that's what he said. she is forced to process it, completely by herself. and she doesn't believe in ghosts, or "premonitions," but she knows that he is right. (when is he not?)
("maybe harold is sicker than we thought he was.")
the second moment that this episode builds to, is the final confrontation between mulder and scully. after the murder is solved. after harold dies.
SCULLY: I saw something, Mulder.
SCULLY: The fourth victim. I saw her in the bathroom before you came to tell me.
MULDER: Why didn't you tell me?
SCULLY: Because I didn't want to believe it. Because I don't want to believe it.
MULDER: Is that why you came down here, to prove that it wasn't true?
SCULLY: No, I came down here because you asked me to.
MULDER: Why can't you be honest with me?
SCULLY: (defensively) What do you want me to say? That you're right, that, that I believe it even if I don't? I mean, is that what you want?
MULDER: Is that what you think I want to hear?
SCULLY: (softly) No.
they come really...close here? to talking about it? she almost baits him several times this season. she spends so much of this arc thinking...maybe, this will be it. maybe if she fucks off on assignment, gets a tattoo with another man, he'll say it. maybe if she calls him out for never celebrating her birthday, he'll acknowledge why this is the year he did. maybe if they spend a friday night with a bottle of wine, they'll talk. maybe if she tells him, those things you believe are death omens? i saw it. he'll know.
i can't remember which one of you said that all of their arguments are just how to love each other. she doesn't want to believe. but she's there, because he has asked her to be. even in all of their repressed denial, there is no escaping what's happening. it hangs over both of them.
i love the moments in this arc where she just snaps. in this scene when she says, what do you want from me? do you want me to just believe you? and her quiet resignation, when he makes her answer her own question. no. she knows that's not what he wants.
MULDER: (his voice softens) I know what you're afraid of. I'm afraid of the same thing.
SCULLY: The doctor said I was fine.
MULDER: I hope that's the truth.
SCULLY: (whispers) I'm going home.
"i know what you're afraid of. i'm afraid of the same thing."
except, no, he doesn't. and no, they are not.
but she knows what he's afraid of, just as her therapist had known what she's afraid of ("your fear of failing him?") and so she dodges his admittance with reassurance. she's fine.
that last scene, when she goes out and cries in her car, and she sees harold's ghost in the backseat. she is so alone. she's working on her deathbed. they don't talk about it. she's afraid, and she's not fine, and she is going to "fail" him because she cannot keep herself alive for him, and she can't avoid it. it's in the backseat. it's in the bathroom mirror. it's bleeding out of her.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 2 months
Alice In Chains - Real Thing
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oldschoolfrp · 11 months
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Blacklight the radiant dragon disables a hammership that ventured too close to the Lich's Tear (LA Williams, from Steve Kurtz’s Spelljammer adventure “The Sea of Sorrow,” Dungeon 36, July/August 1992) 
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king-and-his-consorts · 5 months
dumb bakery au my brain has been trapped thinking about all day...
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acknowledgetheabsurd · 4 months
I have lost the roundness of each of my movements, the elasticity, the relaxation, the grace. Twisted, turned inside out like a glove that has been removed, I feel my skin tugging as if it had been squeezed like a lemon, and when I stretch out my arm, I have the unpleasant impression that my bones are screaming. The interior goes with it; the dull eye, the wrinkled eyebrows, the corners of the mouth low, the folded, crumpled face, I jump in front of me like an albatross that has lost its wings.
Ah, no; I am not beautiful. But it is nothing; when a letter from you arrives, when I linger on the "photo" that remains beside my bed, when an insignificant detail brings me back to you in the midst of people or things that I hardly see, the wave, the flood, the storm, which then fills me up all over, proves to me unceasingly that everything is there and that I will still be able to become beautiful, very beautiful and for a moment unequaled. Deep down, I am not made for the life I lead and I wonder what will happen the day when nothing around me will push me, the day when, alone, I will have no one to please in a certain way and I will be free to do what I please, to live as I please. Will I not then choose misery rather than this exhausting struggle that swallows up my hours and drains me in vain? What to do, Albert darling? What to do?
Oh, I know deep down what I would need... The sea, the wind and you for a while. Afterwards, I would easily agree to sleep a little in the noise and turmoil of Paris. But at the moment, the loss of time and energy makes me suffer from an anguish that I can no longer keep to myself, and that you must help me to share. The days pass... and the sea is far away. What a pity! I often close my eyes, I breathe hard, and I see myself, far away, in an unknown country that smells of seaweed and salt, with you lying next to me. We live there for a few seconds, free of everything, detached from everything, lost forever for a few seconds to this world that surrounds us so closely. We do nothing. We are lying on our backs, facing the sky. It is hot. It smells good. We hold hands, without saying anything. We only know that we are here and for a few moments, that we are free of everything, heavy only with ourselves. When I open my eyes again I feel lighter, fresh, clean, rested. Alas! This does not last long.
I can't let myself go on this soft slope anymore. I feel dirty and uncombed, although I have just taken a bath and my hair is tighter and straighter than ever. Oh yes! That's enough. Time seems to have stopped and since I don't know when, I live a long day - or a long night - dull, flat, grey, without relief. I have the awful double impression of letting the fast, dizzying passing days flow away from me and of having remained clinging to one of them, which I keep reliving. I feel divided between the anguish of lost hours and the impossibility of being able to catch one of them and make it mine.
I slip on everything; on the minutes, on the beings, on the things; I feel incapable of deepening anything, of letting myself be moved, of discerning and tasting beauty, of searching, of taking an interest. Everything touches me and I no longer see what can awaken an echo somewhere in me. Besides, even if I could see, I wonder if I would have the courage to make a gesture to get there. Only you remain alive in my dreams, but in the form of dreams. Is it fatigue? Worn-out nerves? Dulled strength? The exhausted sensitivity? Do I owe this state to the bad period passed during the last months? Is it Dora who drains me more than I think? Is it Paris that exhausts me? Is it the lack of rest and air during these vacations? Is it all of this together?
Perhaps it is. At first I hoped it was the cold, but if the present weather is not very soothing and changes from one minute to the next, at least it is no longer cold. So! Resting? That's all I do. Air? Alas, I have to make do with the air of the rue de Vaugirard and the boulevard des Batignolles. Ah! The "silence" that has settled in me has come "from within" and it is still "from within" that "the cry" must come out. Perhaps if you wrote me a friendly, detailed letter, a letter that spoke to me about us without lyricism but with all that you think - certainly more difficult to say than what you feel - perhaps a cry would come out of this dough that I have become, a cry of pain, perhaps, but a cry!
Yes, I am at this point, my beloved Albert. To desire anything as long as I scream and burn again. What else? I love you. I love you and I'm dying of desire and love. Darling, write to me, all of you - sorrows and joys, hopes and fears - write everything to me. I want all of you. All of it. Wake me up. Shake me. Scold me. Beat me, if necessary. I long. I fade away. Good night, darling, see you in the morning. Ah! wrap me around you...
Maria Casarès to Albert Camus, Correspondance, February 8, 1950 [#179]
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junelyne · 1 year
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he's so fine i need him so bad
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songofsaraneth · 9 months
Since we have so many wonderful new members of the Realm of the Elderlings fandom here the last few months, here is a reminder that the band Within Temptation has a song inspired by one FitzChivalry Farseer and that is NOT an exaggeration, they literally wrote it about him/the books
lyrics below cut!
The child without a name grew up to be the hand To watch you, to shield you or kill on demand The choice he'd made he could not comprehend His blood a grim secret they had to command
He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life He prayed for both but was denied
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified?
The curse of his powers tormented his life Obeying the crown was a sinister price His soul was tortured by love and by pain He surely would flee but the oath made him stay
He's torn between his honor and the true love of his life He prayed for both but was denied
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified?
Please forgive me for the sorrow, for leaving you in fear For the dreams we had to silence, that's all they'll ever be Still I'll be the hand that serves you Though you'll not see that it is me
So many dreams were broken and so much was sacrificed Was it worth the ones we loved and had to leave behind? So many years have past, who are the noble and the wise? Will all our sins be justified?
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