#Thank you for sending this in; Ise!! :D
liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
the word "happy" for the wip ask game :O? and if you don't have that, then the word "brother" mayhaps ! -ise
You can find the ask game here! :D (Please send some in if you want!!)
Also from Julia Burnsides vs Canon Lore:
Julia furrows her eyebrows and crosses her arms across her chest. “Do you honestly believe he's going to be happy with us if you brought down the spell now? Enough to want to give us everything he has?”
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stormxpadme · 1 year
AO3 has been kicking me out for around 10mins bcs of pages loading too slow on wifi and data both so it wont let me post a comment on ch 7 (i think) SO HERE IT IS i will not go to sleep till i send it to you PUBLICALLY ! (gonna also paste it into ao3 tmrw but i need to send it now and then pass out for at least 3 more hrs xD):
REMYYYYYY AAAA i literally firgot everything i was gonna say when i figured out its gambjt j'fucking adoreeeee 🥰🥰🥰
one bad mutant for eric one food mutant fir charles. theyre just playing chess at this point. assholes. also with the like killing and mystiques comment abt another talk between erik and charles i had a thiught there... hmmmm.... i wish i rmbrd what kt was. OH YEAH. it hink i said this a while ago somewhere that its like. Its a draw, and impasse, and until either one of them crossed any of the arbitrary lines they drew in the sand nothing will change
Also scott is a dumbass and katja is so extremely like. Idealistic. I love that for her bcs she still has enthusiasm amd has that righteous anger that comes off as either annoying or hopeful to someone whos been fighting a war for so long such as scott. And i love that part of the convo where scott is like we cant save the whole world. It made me think of schindlers list and that quite - the man who saves a life has saved a world entire. Which is ironic given that its eriks goons doing this, which AGAIN brings me to erkis hypocrisy this time and like. Him and charles are just two sides of a same coin arent they?
The encounter with that girl yesterday had left him more confused than he had experienced in years. - side eyeing you for this 👀🤨😤😹❤️
With this weapon, we can turn all of New York into mutants in a few days and all of humanity in six months - oh i rmbrd now! (I cooy some quites to clipboard not to forget to comment on them xd) - what i wanted to say here is that i have all the love and none of the respect for cartoonish villain plans ised to attract the attention of your ex boyfriend xD "imma turn the whole new york into SHARKS and i'll be the SHARK MASTER" like dude chill ffs just text him its okay its cool xD.
It sent, actually! But yeah, everything's lagging there right now including my answers to you and I'm getting unnerved bc AO3 GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. So I will answer here :D And then I will send you to bed BECAUSE REASONS.
And hey, there's a definite advantage to posting here: You can include visuals :D.
I needed my red eyed Cajun baby in there :D. I mean obviously, since the team is what it's like in the 90s cartoon plus one additional weather-witch, but also because Remy is too fucking cute (and Taylor Kitsch was too fucking hot playing him).
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Yeep, exactly. Charles and Erik love each other far too much still for their own good. This whole thing would long have been over with everyone dead if they didn't hold their respective people back. With how it's going, there's just more and more collateral damage on the way, and those two still will just fuck it out and cry on each other's shoulder in the end, and they deserve all the shade thrown at them for it.
Uuugh now I get emotional about Schindler's list again, never managed to rewatch that, it broke me so much the first time already. I think it's really the hardest part about this job? Getting to terms that you can't be everywhere at once and that making as much of a difference as you can is what counts and not saving everyone because that simply won't work. And my girl is still at the beginning of learning that sigh. It's really chilling seeing Erik walk around killing off random people in this franchise just because they're normal people bc like. This is what happens when someone's been on the receiving end of this and then gets the power to turn the tables on the fascist assholes. The moral dilemma of the whole thing ugh.
Oh god, I'm so sorry for this storyline already LOL. Poor Ororo really needs better taste in men …
thanks, now I can never take that plan seriously again LOOOL. I mean, when Erik finally gets up to get this plan up and started, Charles will indeed be there in person, so I guess in the end the plan worked? :D
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asknarashikari · 3 years
Cute minfic idea: Ise tackle hugs one of his parents after they had a bad day, cheering them up
Hmm... I haven’t written anything about the ninja gremlin as of late, so what if instead of one of his parents he tackle-hugs his favorite uncle instead :D
“...Is Ren seriously sulking up on there, of all places?” Touma asked, squinting as he looked up the rafters of the training hall. “What’s gotten into him, anyway?”
“It looks like whatever Desast told him about being weak or something got to him,” Ryo told the author, who frowned, his brows knitting together. “It doesn’t help that he brought up Kagami-san, either, the nerve...”
“Kagami... she was Ren’s predecessor as Kenzan, right? And she was...” He trailed off, and Ryo nodded solemnly. “No wonder it hit a nerve...”
“Well, he’ll get past it, hopefully. Now’s not the time for him to let such thoughts get to him, anyway.” Ryo stated firmly. 
“You know I can hear you two right?” Ren said grumpily as he jumped down from his sanctuary, landing softly beside the two swordsmen. He turned to Ryo, his expression carefully blank. “I’ll try my best not to let what he says affect me in the next battle.”
Ryo sighed. “That wasn’t what I was worried about, but that’s nice to hear,” he conceded. He clapped a hand on the ninja’s shoulder reassuringly, but Ren just shrugged it off. 
“Anyways, Ren, I was looking for you- or, well, I went looking for you for someone else,” Touma told the younger Rider. “You might want to brace yourself-”
“Brace myself for what-”
Before Ren could finish his sentence, the door burst open and in flew Ise, barreling into his uncle and sending him sprawling to the ground. “Uncle Ren-ren, Uncle Ren-ren!” Ise made like a dog and licked Ren’s face repeatedly, covering him in drool.
“Ah, stop it Ise, it tickles- hahahahaha!” Ren couldn’t help but break into giggles as Ise stopped licking him in favor of nuzzling him, tickling Ren with his mane. “What do you want?”
“Uncle Ren-ren happy!” he replied, causing the ninja to stop in his tracks. 
“Uh, yeah, so apparently dragons can sense feelings and stuff.” Touma laughed. “He sensed you were upset and basically ordered to find you.” 
Ryo laughed while shaking his head in disbelief. “This dragon... he never fails to surprise, does he?” 
“Aw, Ise, you bullied your Tou-chan to find me just to cheer me up?” Ise yipped as Ren ruffled his mane. “Well, it sure worked like a charm.” He took the dragon into his arms and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, Ise. You’re the best dragon nephew an uncle could ever ask for.”
“Mrrrp!” Ise chirruped heartily, as Touma and Ryo smiled, glad that the ninja gremlin swordsman was back to his normal self.
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ecle-c-tic · 3 years
beck, ilookinthemirrorandcry, tranquil, 🥺. thank you i love you! 💜💛
MO CHRIDHE!!! No problem!! I hope you enjoy!!! Thank you for asking! 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 I love this one for SO many reasons! 💜💛 💜💛 💜💛
B - Bicycle Race ~ Queen
E - Enigma ~ Lady Gaga
C - Crocodile Rock ~ Elton John
K - Koka Kola ~ The Clash
I - I Was Born to Love You (Special Edition) ~ Freddie Mercury
L - Learning to Fly ~ Pink Floyd
O - Overture Piccante ~ Freddie Mercury, Montserrat Caballe
O - Ocean Eyes ~ Billie Eilish
K - Kashmir ~ Led Zeppelin
I - Isolation ~ Roger Taylor
N - Never Gonna Give You Up ~ Rick Astley
T - Take Me to the Pilot ~ Elton John
H - Hit Me With Your Best Shot ~ Pat Benetar 
E - English Civil War ~ The Clash
M - Moonage Daydream ~ Bowie
I - IV. Sweatpants ~ Childish Gambino
R - Rabbit Fighter ~ T. Rex
R - Rudie Can’t Fail ~ The Clash 
O - Ogre Battle ~ Queen
R - Rainy Day, Dream Away ~ Jimi Hendrix
A - A Boy Named Sue ~ Johnny Cash
N - Never Say Die ~ Black Sabbath
D - Driven By You ~ Brian May
C - The Card Cheat ~ The Clash
R - Rainbow ~ Robert Plant
Y - You’re My Best Friend ~ Queen
T - Teo Torriate (Let Us All Cling Together) ~ Queen
R - Respect ~ Aretha Franklin
A - A-YO ~ Lady Gaga
N - Neighbours ~ Stones
Q - Quicksand ~ Bowie
U -  Undefeated ~ Def Leppard
I - It’s My Life ~ Bon Jovi
L - Let Me Live ~ Queen
Bonus: Somebody To Love!!!, Moch sa Mhadainn, Gaol ise Gaol i. <4<4
I love you, bubly babe, enjoy! <4<4<4 🥰😭🥺🥰😭🥺🥰😭🥺🥰😭🥺
Much Love, Good Vibes! 💛✨
Send me an ask with your name, your URL, and one of your favourite words PLUS your favourite emoji. I’ll make you a mini playlist with a song for each letter! :)   
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q-u-a-c-k · 4 years
hmmmm hmm hmmmmm ok... first of all, you are queer (that is to say, not straight. idk actually if you ise this term or not, but i use it - for myself as well- so i don't want to offend you!!!! ❤️) you are laid back (? you just give me that vibe) and kind. you also like skeletons, which is a good thing because *I* like them as well. also, are you tall? bc I know you're warm, so I'm betting you're, like, a walking heater? overall, I'd like to hang out with you!
ajsjjdjde this is so sweet!!! and yeah, I'm pretty gay 😂 I have only a vague idea of in what way, but I think maybe pan ace?
I'd like to think I'm mostly laid back outwardly (very anxious mess inside 😂)
thank you 🥺 I dont know if I'm kind or not, you might have to ask someone else 😂
yes!!! I like skeletons and almsot everything Halloween!!!! :D
yeah, I'm said to be tall but compared to other people in my family I'm not the tallest 😂 but yes to the walking heater,at least to other people. I always feel cold though
and I'd love to hang out with you as well!!!!!!!
thank you for sending this, it was a very nice way to spend lunch!!! 💖💖💞💖💞💖💙💖💖💖💞💖💙💙💞💖💙💙
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ducktracy · 4 years
144. milk and money (1936)
release date: october 3rd, 1936
series: looney tunes
director: tex avery
starring: joe dougherty (porky, porky’s father), billy bletcher (mr. viper)
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the first cartoon to have porky’s face plastered on the opening title, a theme that would continue on for many, many, many years! the music would switch to “porky signature” starting with porky in the north woods, and would be replaced in favor of “the merry go round broke down” in rover’s rival. into the 1936/1937 season we go, starting with milk and money: porky’s father only has 3 days to pay rent, and things aren’t looking up. porky works as a milkman, but it seems the true money-making is brought in with the help of an unlikely contributor—a horsefly.
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two carl stalling favorites open the cartoon: we’re in the money and home sweet home, the latter underscoring a beautiful aerial view of the farm. zoom into porky’s father hoeing in the fields, looking none too pleased. a few whistles offscreen, and porky’s father turns to the audience, grinning with pride as he announces “that’s my son, porky.” pan over to porky ploughing the fields with a rather tired horse (the underscore, of course, the old gray mare), with great juxtaposition as porky beams, slapping the reins repeatedly, oblivious to the horse’s decrepit physique.
while porky’s hard at work at the reins, the camera focuses on the interior of the barn. covered in saddles, there’s a tiny little wooden home, the sign “HANK HORSEFLY” emblazoned over the door. indeed, hank, a fly with a horse’s head, marches out of the door. he spots the elderly horse crawling along on the fields, and deems it an appropriate source of protein, contentedly tying a napkin around his neck. tex plays around with his love of speed as the horsefly nips the horse on the butt, which sends him rocketing through the fields, the field plowed 5x as fast in neat, orderly rows, with porky dragging behind. the musical timing is superb and an essential part of the gag.
the horse breaks through the fence, slipping out of the reins and landing in a tub of water. the horsefly buzzes around his potential meal, the horse smiling in thanks as we pan to porky, hanging from the plow handles by his suspenders. porky’s dad comes to the rescue, and with some wonderfully smooth animation (chuck jones?) plucks him off of the handlebars with ease and places him down.
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suddenly, porky’s dad gives an “uh oh.” a menacing underscore accompanies a comically nefarious villain, hunched over in his carriage, dressed in a black hat, coat, and boots. his name is mr. viper, as the bottom of the screen so helpfully informs us. he unravels a scroll and grins at it—the mortgage. fittingly, “the snake!” is added below his name, accompanied by a censored string of curses. zoom out to reveal viper’s horse, sneaking around just like a villain would. a truly hilarious walk. i love the tex avery villains, because they feel like such obvious parodies of themselves, especially mr. viper.
chuck jones animates the next scene, transitioning to viper gleefully lecturing porky’s dad. “and, if you don’t have the money by tomorrow at 3 o’clock, I TAKE THE FARM.” a reoccurring gag as viper suddenly turns to the audience, winking as he sneers “he’ll never make it!” with that, he dismisses himself, and jones provides wonderfully hilarious animation as viper lives up to his namesake, literally curving and snaking across the ground, curving up the side of the wheels on his carriage, and taking off.
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bob clampett takes over as porky’s father laments “things look pretty dark, son. pretty dark.” such a genius gag as the screen literally darkens as he speaks. to make it better, porky, ever the optimist, responds “brighten up, pa! brighten up!”, the screen now brightening to its former state. porky declares that he and the horse are headed to the city to rake in some cash.
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a title card reads THE CITY as we fade into porky scanning a newspaper for job offerings, his trusty steed asleep next to him. suddenly, porky brightens up— WANTED — MILKMAN WITH HORSE — APPLY FULLER-WATER MILK CO. porky rushes to the steps of fuller-water milk company, his old gray mare trudging behind wearily. inside, the boss gives him a cold okay and a warning: “okay, son. you get the job. but if you break ONE bottle, you’re fired!” next thing you know, porky’s rolling along on his patented fuller-water carriage, whipping the exhausted horse along as they crawl through the city streets.
back to hank horsefly, who’s still fancying himself a nice, old horse. however, he’s met with a rude surprise: hanging from the ploughing reads a sign—gone to the city. dobbin. appropriately signed with a horseshoe. hank buzzes some unintelligible curses, retrieving a map and a suitcase and heading off to find his meal.
porky’s hard at work being a milk man, placing the glass bottles at each doorstep he passes by. unbeknownst to him, a line of cats chug the milk from behind. one dives in and drinks, another replaces the cat by walking for a bit and drinking the next bottle, and so on. an endearing combination of satisfying timing and cheery music, all in all reminiscent of the harman-ising looney tunes. porky approaches one house that particularly captures his attention. above the doorbell, a plaque reads “mr. & mrs. D. ONNE and family”. porky sets out three bottles each—“mister... missus... and family,” the family bottle capped off with a rubber glove that look like udders. this is one of MANY references to the dionne quintuplets. born in 1934, the quintuplets were the first known to have survived infancy. annette and cécile dionne are still alive today. the dionnes were subject to many jokes in looney tunes, such as in baby bottleneck when daffy answers the phone at the stork factory and gasps “MR. DIONNE, PLEASE!”, ogling in bewildered mortification at the audience, implying dionne has a death wish for wanting quintuplets.
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hank horsefly is still devoted to getting his dinner, flying above the country fields and occasionally glancing at his map. porky, on the other hand, runs out of bottles to distribute. he dumps a tray of empty milk bottles into a giant milk barrel, and with the turn of the handle on the spout, filled milk bottles pop out into the tray porky holds like nothing. a fitting accompaniment of “lullaby of broadway” (“the milkman’s on his way!” is one of the lyrics.) just then, a “yoo-hoo!” directs porky’s attention to a woman waving on top of the roof of a skyscraper. “i want one bottle of milk, please!” with some quick thinking, porky shoves the bottle in the gutter on the side of the building, taking a heaping breath and blowing into the tube. the bottle is propelled up the gutter and safely into the woman’s hands (with a rather impressive aerial overhead perspective.)
hungry hank has now made it to the city, scanning the streets for any signs of the horse. he drops his briefcase with excitement as he spots the tired old horse dragging porky’s wagon along. hank prepares to reach the horse at super speed, but is stopped by a pesky traffic light, cursing in more unintelligible buzzes. a fun way to play around with speed and pacing for sure. hank gets the go ahead, and is so damn determined to eat the horse that he pulls a lever on his body to make him rocket towards the horse. tex’s knack for speed plays a pretty hefty role in this cartoon. hank barrels into the horse, who gallops away at such frightening speed that the whole horse and buggy is turned into a figurative arrow, which is only broken as the horse crashes into a streetlight, bottles of milk shattering on the ground.
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porky remains relatively unscathed. donning the milk basket on his head, porky looks at all the broken bottles and remembers his bosses words: “but if you break ONE bottle, you’re fired!” no further justification as porky forlornly rides his trusty steed on horseback, now jobless. they trudge past a racetrack, and his horse is inexplicably filled with new energy and vigor. a bucket of oats hangs in one of the nearby stables, and the horse wastes no time shoving his head inside.
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conveniently, the stable they arrived in is one of the racing stables: jockeys open the doors and allow the horses onto the racetrack, porky included. all of the horses are raring to go, positioned at the starting line. all horses except porky’s. porky glances around anxiously as his horse lazily parks his rear on the track, and even the crack of the starting pistol isn’t enough to motivate him. the other horses speed off, and a catchy underscore of “in the stirrups” rages on as all of the horses make laps around the tracks—a score that would become a carl stalling staple, used in such scenes like these in draftee daffy.
while suffering a terrible loss that grows more devastating with each second, porky grows optimistic as he spots a sign advertising a $10,000 handicap. porky grows belligerent, slapping the reins as his horse finally moseys along. “let’s go! this is a race, not a walk!” porky’s horse DOES kick it into high gear (and then some), but not from porky’s encouraging words: hank horsefly has found the horse yet again, and zips it on the butt. the horse whinnies in pain, and thus sparks a fantastic display of tex avery’s need for speed, enhanced greatly by the shrill sound effects of the horse looping around the track thrice as fast as the other competitors. i laud avery’s speed so much, because speed is difficult to handle. no matter what, you always pull into the direction of being too slow, and you never really reach “too fast”. this doesn’t at all seem like a problem for avery, but in fact feels natural. momentum is not lost, but gained. sure, there is PACING that can be too fast, but in terms of scenes and gags that specifically require speed, such as in race scenes like these, you can never reach the limit.
a collection of gags spawned by the tremendous speed of porky’s horse: three jockeys riding on their horses are suddenly smushed together on one single horse, a man and a horse switch roles, with the man running on all fours and the horse riding him, and a crowd getting sucked to the adjacent set of stands. unsurprisingly, porky gets first place, his horse now lying back down nonchalantly on the ground, his work done, crowned with the first place floral wreath.
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back at the farm, porky’s father paces in trepidation as mr. viper revels in checking his watch (more chuck jones animation.) “tis now one minute to three.” he whips towards the audience—“i’ve got him going!” that twisted ecstasy turns to a furious grimace as a car horn sounds, porky’s father exclaiming “well i’ll be jiggered!” a ceremonious underscore of we’re in the money accompanies the sideview of a comically and pompously elongated limo rolling into view. porky waves his hat from the backseat, decked out in a snazzy suit and tie, victoriously signaling to his bag of dough while his faithful horse contentedly chuffs on a cigar from behind. a long line of tires stacked up later (a reoccurring gag with pompous limos), and hank even has his own throne, also fancying himself a cigar and side-eyeing the audience.
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“curses!” viper whips to the audience. “i’m sunk!” porky jumps into his father’s arms, handing viper a wad of cash with a scowl. “here’s your money, mr. viper!” viper leans over, tipping his hat with a sly “thaaank you!” as he leans over, the all too familiar sound of hank horsefly warming up his wings roars in the background, and viper is zinged in the butt, flying up and landing on the ground. no iris out, but instead porky pulling down a black screen behind viper, “that’s all, folks!” victoriously scrawled over a dazed mr. viper.
i really do enjoy this cartoon a lot! definitely one of the best dougherty-era porkys in my opinion. i enjoyed porky the rain-maker too, but i feel this is a better entry, so to speak. i suppose you could also deem porky’s poppa as another installment to this “series”, especially considering that short also revolves around the burden of a mortgage. chuck jones’ animation of mr. viper is hilarious and very well crafted, very smooth and malleable. the gags were spot on in this cartoon, whether it be the animation of viper’s horse, viper snaking on the ground, the “brighten up!” gag, or the “that’s all, folks!” ending. they felt rewarding and fulfilling, not just limited to some polite laughs. tex’s knack for speed is amazing in this cartoon, and will continue to grow. his pacing definitely determines the memorability and success of his cartoons: the village smithy and porky the wrestler, two of his best porky cartoons, are transformed and taken to new lengths thanks to his spot-on pacing. this is a cartoon you need to watch! funny, feel good, and entertaining for sure.
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amused-shiba · 4 years
tagged by @reigev , thank you Mona!!! :D We’re snooping on your playlist. Put your music library on shuffle and tell us the first ten songs that pop up. Then tag your victims. 1. MAD HEAD LOVE - Kenshi Yonezu 2. Marutsuke - Yano Shougo (? y’know, Given ending) 3. REASON - Yuzu 4. Haiiro to Ao - Kenshi Yonezu + Masaki Suda 5. Daydream Generation - Matsuko Mawatari 6. Number Nine - Kenshi Yonezu 7. For Fruits Basket - Ritsuko Okazaki 8. Unbelievers - Kenshi Yonezu 9. Tell Me - Mariya Ise/Killua (lol) 10. LOSER - Kenshi Yonezu @sandwich-rushes-in, @thegrumpyjournalist, @ibskurapika, @schech, @twobreathswalking, @bakedbananners, @dimobserver, @huntingdreamers, @softyiwa, @oikology. As always, you don’t have to do it! Also, if I didn’t tag you but you have some good recommendations, preferably japanese, you Have To send them my way.
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bisexualryder · 5 years
Okay dude i’ll bite, can i know more about your trio wardens au ? Like how did they meet ? Who did they romance ? What happens to them after dao ? In da2 ? Dai ? (Sorry im just a huge fan of ocs and i love the wardens)
Ahhh, first off - thank you for asking! I’m happy to gush about my trio of idiots wardens :D Secondly - don’t apologize for asking! I love talking about my OCs, I’m just bad about keeping up with posting and such lately (but hope to fix that soon, especially if I make this extra sideblog). ANYWHO, gonna jump in and apologize now if this gets long, lol.
SO I’ll hit romance first since that’s quicker and easier. Rylee and Ise (eventually) become a thing - they’re married by the time DAI rolls around. Typical grumpy asshole falls in love with ray of sunshine and doesn’t want to admit it at first. She tries to play it cool and ends up playing it too cool until she gets some help from the couple companions she befriends (mostly Zev, since Sten doesn’t care that much, but he offers his insight on what qunari do). But they don’t actually, like, really become a romance-y thing until after ghoul!Tamlen shows up and oof that one is painful.
Eleri I… don’t know yet, to be honest. She was a re-imagining of my old Cousland, who romanced Alistair, but with Eleri I’m actually leaning a bit more toward Zevran. But uh, still not sure yet, I’m mad indecisive on this one. tbh even Nate is in the running for her *shrug emoji*
On to the rest!
They don’t all join the standard way, I guess, but they do all meet at Ostagar. Ducan officially recruits Rylee and Isethari, Eleri recruits herself, lol.
Rylee is recruited first. Standard Tabris origin there and it’s on the way to Ostagar that they plan to stop and see the Dalish elves and that’s when they find Isethari half-dead in the middle of the woods (it was sheer luck, really). Duncan sends Rylee, carrying the nearly-dead Ise, to the camp and goes to investigate the area. Other than Rylee wandering around the Dalish camp like an awestruck idiot, most of the Mahariel origin is the same. Rylee stays behind in the camp, though, when Ise and co. are sent back to the ruin where they run into Duncan. Once they leave, Rylee earns herself the duty of ensuring that Isethari doesn’t run on their trip to Ostagar, bc let me tell you Ise is not happy about leaving without finding Tamlen.
Now for Eleri, she escapes the castle with only her mabari after her parents sacrifice themselves to buy her time to get out. She manages to make it to the stables for her horse and rides as hard as she can to Ostagar, desperate to find her brother. When she basically gets told that he’s out scouting and she likely won’t see him before the battle, she asks about the wardens and is pointed toward Duncan. At that point, she goes up to him like: “I just slaughtered my way through an army of men trying to assassinate my family. I have nothing left but this dream, please.” He asks clarification, she provides, he eventually agrees and sends her off to gather the other recruits and report back with Alistair. It’s at that point she meets Rylee and Isethari, who are hanging around close together by the quartermaster (after Rylee nearly kills Daveth for hitting on that one woman, you know the one). 
From there up until the start of the fight, it progresses as it normally would in canon. They all get their quest, go out into the wilds, etc. etc. And once they survive the Joining, they have a pre-meeting meeting thing. Alistair and Eleri join the meeting as per canon, and Duncan assigns Rylee and Ise to the remaining warden forces. So from there, canon-typical for Eleri. Go to the tower, light the beacon, get almost killed and then saved by Flemeth, etc.
Rylee and Ise, however, have a much more trying experience. Rylee takes a genlock to the face (claws? blade? idk lmao) for Ise to protect her - this being around the time they can see the battle is going south. Duncan’s already been killed at this point and Ise starts to panic (she hates fighting as it is) and manages to half convince, half drag Rylee from the fighting and they flee the battle to the nearest town (naturally, Lothering). They end up meeting up with Eleri and Alistair (and Morrigan) again and explain what happened from their perspective and then work with Eleri and Alistair to come up with a plan of action.
Eleri takes up the role of warden-commander (since Alistair and Ise don’t want to lead and everyone knows Rylee leading is a Very Bad Idea™).
Uhhh, key highlights of what they do I guess would be:
Sided with the Mages
Irving saved, Uldred dead etc etc
Put Bhelen in power
Branka’s killed
sent Dagna off to study ofc
Sided with the Dalish against the werewolves
two elves with one being Dalish and the other violently racist made it a simple choice for Eleri to lessen a headache later (she had way too much else to worry about than argue with them)
Helped Redcliffe and saved Conner
demon killed w/Jowan’s help (he does the ritual and Morrigan is sent in to yeet the demon out)
Isolde’s alive
side note: didn’t poison the Urn
Anora rules w/ Alistair
Loghain alive & recruited as a warden (recruited post-final fight)
Alistair still performs the ritual with Morrigan
Not too much of note here. Rylee is the one that finds Nathaniel, though, and it does not go well for him. It’s only Ise that stays Rylee’s hand from killing him. When they bring him to Eleri, she immediately recruits him when she realizes it’s her old friend. He’s still pretty ticked, but softens about the whole thing a bit when he realizes Eleri is around.
With more wardens, they’re able to more easily protect the Keep and Amaranthine. And the Architect does live (much to Rylee’s great annoyance).
Sometime in here is when Rylee and Ise get married. They have two ceremonies - one in the Denerim alienage to honor Rylee’s culture and then again when they find Ise’s clan outside Kirkwall.
Hawke and co. do run into Ise and Rylee in the Deep Roads during the expedition (as they are canon with Ashley Hawke, there’s not a twin to save). BUT the two of them help Ash and crew gtfo and back safely to Kirkwall. Turns out they saw Bodahn on their way into the Deep Roads to investigate and got a tip to keep an eye out for some lost members of the expedition (the whole leaving suddenly without them thing didn’t sit right with him).
Later on, in that mission where you run into Nate? Eleri’s with him, though doesn’t actually advertise herself as the warden-commander while chatting with Ash. Ash isn’t dumb, though, (not always, at least) and gets a feeling Eleri might be kinda more in charge than she was told. So when wardens start disappearing, she takes a chance and makes contact. It ultimately pays off when Eleri sends Rylee and Ise to help the Inquisition.
During the events of Here Lies the Abyss in Inquisition, it’s Rylee that stays behind to buy everyone time to escape. And, much like when Ise was taken from her clan, she has to be dragged out - this time by the Inquisitor herself (Olivia, for the record) - kicking, screaming, and utterly sobbing that they’re leaving her wife behind.
BUT because fuck canon, Rylee survives and kinda wanders around the raw Fade until she finds another open rift. This ends up dumping her into the ass end of Orlais somewhere and it takes her a while to make her way back to Skyhold, but dammit! She and Ise do get a happy ending. It does take a while though, it really does. And for that duration, Ise doesn’t leave Skyhold for anything after they get her back there. Resigned, more than anything, she usually perches on an empty wall away from the hustle and bustle of the main areas near the stables. She also doesn’t eat much, only what small bits that Cole brings her.
As for Eleri, she - along with Nate, Velanna, and Sigrun - are searching for the cure. And I really haven’t thought much beyond that.
MAN this got long, I hope you don’t mind! I had a lot of fun thinking about this and gushing a bit about my girls and what they do :D So thank you, again, for asking! One day, I think I plan to write something detailing their journey from start to finish in DAO and maybe beyond, but it’d probably be a series of drabbles? I struggle with long fics and flowing from one chapter to the next, but maybe.
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ufogoo · 5 years
FNV OC Companion Profile !
Ahhh Thank you so much for tagging me @worthlesssix​ and @nuka-nuke​, you’re wonderful <3 !
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marvelous art done by the lovely @biohazrat​ :D ! 
Name: Project Atom !
Starting Perk: Radiation Magnet - Decreases amount of radiation you receive by 50%.
Companion Quest: Learn and Help him learn about his past! First you got to find queues like Arcades- just little snippets like terminals or ed-e voice lines- and once it hits 5 queues it activates! When you do you get sent to an abandoned enclave facility that has got a bunch of terminals and audio files to listen to, and deciding whether to tell Atom about his past or not grants you different perks. 
If you tell him: Atom Bomb Baby! - Radiation Resistance is 50%, and once an in game week, if surrounded by 3+ bad guys, and more then 10+ feet away from you- he’d explode like a grenade without dying.
If you don’t tell him: Helping Green Hand - Radiation Resistance is 50%, And Repair + Energy Weapons increase by 25% !  (Or either or of the latter, still indecisive about it) 
Weapon of Choice: PLASMA GUNS 
I think we should travel together: Oh god yeah that’d be awesome! Gimme a hot sec- gotta get my gear!
Use Melee: UhhHHhh, you sure? Me? You sure? Alright...
Use Ranged: Nice! (in a small sing song voice) That’s my area of ex-pert-ise....
Open Inventory: Sounds good with me!
If Over-encumbered: “Hey uh? Need a hand?” “Not healthy carryin’ all that- here lemme hold onto some of that stuff” 
Stay Close: Nice- will do!
Keep Distance: D’aw, alright, I’ll miss you. 
Stealth: GOT IT- I mean- got it! Sneaking! (whispers) *sneaking sneaking sneaking...*
Back Up: Mm. *Backs up*
Be Passive: Love it! Yeah!
Be Aggressive: They wont know what’s coming to em.
Use Stimpack: I LIVE!!!
Wait Here: Ahh alright! Bring back snacks though, I get hungry. 
Follow Me: Oh f i n a l l y!! Let’s go !
Send him to the Lucky 38: Alrighty! But if you notice any missing nuka colas, know, (whispering) *it wasn’t me*...
Send him Home: Hah! Home! Hah!! Alright well I’ll be at the REPCONN test site if you need me!
Enemies (long rage): “UH OH BAD GUYS” “You think if we get a laser and point it near them they’d chase at it like a curious gecko?” (If outside) “Man aint that a view? The beautiful sky, the weathered ground, the bad gu-OH CRAP BAD GUYS” 
Enemies (close range): “Crawl back from where you came from!” “Night night!” “Get lost!” “Christ- die already!”
Aggression: aggressive/not aggressive/very aggressive/frenzied
Confidence: cowardly/cautious/average/brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps nobody/helps allies/helps friends and allies
Lose as a companion permanently: 
Side with the Legion, Kill Julie Farkas or be Vilified by the Followers.
I tag: WHOEVER WANTS TO DO THIS !!! PLEASE !!! And then tag me so I can check it out !!!
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zombiebowlcut · 4 years
Powershell Sripts with Task Scheduler
In today's show, we wan na how save our powershell script to a file and then we're gon na run that file using a Windows scheduled task. So that way you can get an automated solution right. You want to play hooky, but still get your powershell scripts to run. This is the video for you, but first here's our intro [ Applause, ], [, Music, ] hi. My name is Shane Young with bold zebras. Those guys in today's show is all about taking your powershell scripts and saving them to a file. So then that way we can run them by a schedule task, so we'll walk through saving a file and then we're going to take and make that a scheduled task. We'Ll make it run every 5 minutes just so we can see it run, but it should give you all the mechanics that you need, so you can make more automated solutions right back when I was a full-time administrator where I was all about. How do I automate solutions? So it does the work for me. So I could you know work on my golf game played more solitaire. Look at funny cat videos on their net. Whatever it is you want to do. 
I want to help you do it more with PowerShell and this video comes to us thanks to Kenny. I don't want to give Kenny's last name and where he's from, because I haven't heard back from if he wants to plug, but either way mystery Kenny. If you're out there as videos for you alright, this is a reminder that do you guys have questions leave me comments. Send me emails tweets that type of stuff Kenny asked just a great question. I was like man that'd, be a good topic for video, so I was like give me a day I'll pop the sales video for you, real, quick, not actually for him. I might undo his job, but I'm gon na show him all the foundational stuff I'm gon na show you guys at the same time, so leave me the stuff below and we can always hook up where it makes sense.
 All right. That'S enough! Jibber-Jabber, let's just dive in by switching over here to my desktop and so on. My desktop I've just opened up the PowerShell ISE and I've just got a couple of quick lines that I wrote nothing complicated here right. You could do any script you want, but I just want to do something that would produce some output, so we could take a look at it. What did I do here? So I said git date and then write that out to a file named e colon demo. We'Ll call this log for video right, we'll rename it log for video text and append. So this going to get the current system date and then output it to a file called log for video in the second line, get PS Drive, says: kids, all the drives. All the file system drives on a machine and then it takes those, and it only gives us the ones that are the file system provided right.
Let'S run this real quick same seat, it looks like so highlight just that hit run, and so you can see it's like right. Your C Drive. You got a hundred six gigs free, your D Drive. You'Ve got almost nothing free e F, so it just runs the different system files. Now I could then take that and I kind of mess with so earlier. I ran out of time, but you could pipe this over to select and only select the particular properties you want or reality. If you're gon na make this, I try log it to an Excel workbook right via a CSV and we've covered all of those topics before in other videos, so check this out. If you're like yeah, that's what I want to do. Don'T worry. I'Ve covered how to write to CSV file, and I you know, format that you can control and uh translate from this. 
So anyway, we're gon na take that output. We'Re gon na write that to log for video, also, okay, so append that so, let's run this whole thing one time and see what it should happen so say, run our script and we'll go over here and so there's a log for video just create us a File, if we double click on that, I'm gon na see that it walks Saturday February 10. That'S right dedication here, I'm making this video on a Saturday cuz, well dinners, not ready, and I had a few minutes. So I thought I'd make you video, but anyway, and then you can see, then it followed up here, and so, if we run it a second time when it would close, this run the script again boom. It ran again we'll double click on it, and so then now you can see there's another entry right. This was at 6:09 p.m. in 25 seconds. It took me 24 seconds to get around running in a second time and then there's all the same information. Anyway. We don't really care right. 
This video is not about that simple little script. What this video is about is now that we've figured out the power shell that we want to run on a daily weekly hourly by minute basis. How are we going to take and automate that so the first step is we're going to take all this and we're gon na say, save and I've already saved this almost of a save as this time. But I must say this: the ecole and demo and I'm gon na call this video PS right, video, powershell, terrible name, but it works. Cuz i'll know what it was, you probably wouldn't say, save okay, so that was step one. We saved this PowerShell into a ps1 file. So if we look over here, there is a file, video PS and dot ps1. If I didn't type it and I should've, and so that type of file power show can run, writes PowerShell script file. 
So, let's minimize this, let's minimize this and now, let's type in start aimless, do with spell tasks correctly. Let'S run the task scheduler now I will make this a little bit bigger. So I am NOT a task schedule guru, so I'm not going to try and tell you the intricacies of all the cool things you can do here. There'S a lot you can do here. What I'm more of the style of is, let's create a basic task. My basic kind of guy so we're going to create a basic task. Click a little link over here, we're gon na, give it a name and call it video automation. We could give it a description. Shane made. 
This you'd probably want to make your description a little more descriptive, we'll say next, what's our trigger? How often do I want to run this? I want to do it daily, so we'll say next and then do you want recur every day. You know you can kind of get into really make these schedules anything you want, but we're just gon na go the simple recurs every day and we will do it in a six twelve, thirty, eight, alright, so one minute from now. Hopefully I get this done in one minute, so we'll say next what actions I want. I want to start a program so hit next so for program here. What you need to type in is PowerShell right and so PowerShell dot exe is in the system path. So it's just automatically gon na run, PowerShell dot, exe and then what we're going to do is we're going to pass the PowerShell dot exe de demo. What did I even name, this file? Eco land demo, video PS, PS, one video, PS, PS one. 
So that says pirate PowerShell with that parameter which will run that script. Let me say next, it's like hey. Are you happy with all this? I am so we'll say finish now. It took me a minute earlier to figure out where they were hiding these right back to I'm not a PowerShell task edge or MVP, but if we double click on this guy, we then click on the task. Scheduler library in here you'll see my video automation script right, so we run at 6:12. Oh looks like it next run time: six, twelve, thirty, eight, alright! So it's coming got ta go faster, but if yours isn't showing up, I had this problem earlier today. Right, quick right here and then do a refresh and then you should absolutely see what you created right. Well, protip! I do know some things about task scheduler. So now, if we minimize this - and we wait just a few seconds - let's see six twelve. 
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Oh, it looks like it might array: let's double click on it, so there's our six: nine, six, nine six, twelve thirty eight boom. It'S logged right! So now, tomorrow, at six twelve thirty, eight it's gon na run and put that in there and that's really all you need to know right now. We'Ve got a PowerShell script that is running on a scheduled task that we've set up. You can get into scheduled tasks right if we go back over here to task scheduler and you can right click on this guy and go to properties. And so then you can see there's a whole bunch of stuff. You can do here right. So if you need to do more complex things, but I'm not the right guy teaches and I can bother, but I've gotten you to a PowerShell script that will execute on a scheduled tasks. 
I feel like my work is done, I'm starting to smell dinner. So hopefully this was the answer that Kenny was looking for and hopefully the answer you were looking for so Cammy other ideas down below you never know when your idea might turn into these videos so thanks and have a great day hey. It'S me again just a reminder, if you don't mind, click the old subscribe button over here. That always helps me out or if you want to work together, you can always hit me up through the bold zebras or, if really, what you want is some more of these power app videos which is probably what you want. Then the playlist is somewhere on the screen here. Alright, thanks have a great day. 
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nerdybff · 7 years
There's got to be a better way! Focus Tools
  This week’s question comes from Beth herself: This week I’m assembling the best tools to help me stay on track as I push toward the finish line on Book #4. Help me stay focused… What tools can you add to this list?
Candy J: Question on focus tools – my answer from a small office of five folks. Microsoft Outlook is pretty robust, and if we all share a Master calendar, we won’t overbook, schedule on top of things, or miss appointments. With the color-coding option for each calendar event, we can see classes, meetings, luncheons, vacations, outside meetings, show what room it will be in, and all the details of it for everybody to know. Then the Meetings function allows you to send the upcoming meeting and agenda in one email to the whole group, attach it to the members’ calendars and (hopefully) have a clean attendance list for planning. With five folks and 1600+ members, any little no-cost option that works is stellar!
Aaron G: I saw this gadget and thought it was impressive! I believe something like this could really help me to stay on-task and maximize efficiency. http://www.designboom.com/technology/mindset-smart-headphones-03-03-2017/
Danya: Strict Workflow is another neat Chrome Plugin that does the Pomodoro timer thing, plus blocking sites. Freedom was great to help me achieve my 2016 goal to give up social media (and I lived to tell the tale), and again for this year’s goal of not reading the news. I also have it set to Nokia-ise my phone after 8pm (it can only call and text). I do something similar in Word for the Outline, but I like to keep it open all the time, so I create a table of contents and then Window > New Window (Mac Word 2016). Then I keep this on a second monitor. Your way is better for moving sections of text though – thanks! My favorite pomodoro-style iOS app is Forest. It grows a tree, and if you leave the app before your 25 minutes is up, the tree dies. Who wants to be an unproductive tree killer? You can see all your productivity for the day adding up into a Forest and earn points. The points can be used for different “trees”, or to donate towards planting read trees.
Dan D: Check out http://www.kanbanflow.com. It has had a huge impact on my productivity. It is based on Toyota’s kanban (billboard) system and it has a built in Pomodoro timer. The free version is amazing and perfect for solo.
Lance E: I play music in the background either from Pandora, a USB drive, or music on my computer. It helps me focus. It is usually instrumental music. When the day is really bad, there is a version of “Silent Night” that really relaxes and focuses me!
      There’s got to be a better way! Focus Tools was originally published on Your Nerdy Best Friend
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
The fic I most associate with you is definitely Taako Vs the Dishwasher, but also it's of course the one where Taakitz dance through the apocalypse, and also it's absolutely the one where Barry learns Spanish for Lup.
Yes, your honour, I am impeccably decisive.
Fhakfhaldhaldh big mood on being a very decisive person lmao
Taako vs The Gods Damn Dishwasher my beloved <3
Tbh when Ise sent this prompt in, for the life of me, I couldn't think of an idea to go with it, so I was pondering that for a few days before I hung out with my sister @tim-burton-bitch and I brought up that I had this prompt that I was having a hard time coming up with a story for. And I had to explain to them in as broad terms as possible about who the people were because she hasn't listened to taz, and I'm still holding out hope that he will eventually, and she was the one who came up with the idea for basically the entire plot chalfhalfhslfh Also, we had discussed that when Taako originally found the skeletons the first time, he totally thought they were Barry's skeletons lmao
Also, I might eventually do something with the idea of what happened to Taako in both going to the fair with Magnus and fighting the necromancer in that one town during the Stolen Century
One Last Dance is another one of my beloveds lol <3
So for this one, I actually wanted to write a story for a long time with Taako and Kravitz dancing at the end of the world, and I tried to do that with one of the prompts for the taz November celebration last year, particularly Regrets Outside a Lost City, but I couldn't fit my idea into what I was writing about, so I had to table it until the next time I got a prompt or a different idea that would work better. I felt like this was the perfect prompt to do that with, and it took a bit to come up with an apocalypse that would give them that kind of time because I had originally wanted them to be backlit with fire, but I figured just having an asteroid coming for them would work fine too lol And I knew I wanted it to be oddly still and quiet when they did dance, so that's how I came up with them being a couple of the last people still actually on Earth. All of the other details like Taako and Kravitz turning down the opportunity to leave and Kravitz getting ready to propose before they got the news that the world was ending was a surprise lol
I'm also pretty proud of Correct Translation, but tbh, it was sort of a struggle for me to write lol :/ Only because I struggle with the fact that I'm latine, and I still don't speak Spanish despite trying to learn it on and off since I was very little. I also snapped at my mom a couple of years ago about not wanting to learn Spanish anymore, and she said she felt like I was throwing my heritage away or something like that, and it's a long story, but basically I just don't talk to her about stuff like that anymore, so I kept going back and forth on whether or not I should ask her to translate what I wanted Lup and Taako's conversation to be to Spanish, but I felt like it would be weird to be like, yeah, I still semi gave up on Spanish, but can you like translate 5 sentences for me for a fanfiction I'm writing and literally nothing else? So I made do with an app called WordReference which I downloaded back when I was a junior in high school and taking a Spanish class because my teacher said it was supposed to be a better Spanish to English and English to Spanish dictionary. It also has other languages available and a conjugator, and it's overall a really good app, but I still didn't know whether or not my translation was too literal and if I picked the best words and put them in the right order lol :/
Anywho, thank you for sending this in!!! :D If anyone else wants to send in a fic they associate my username with in exchange for a secret about the fic, feel free to send it in!! It may be a bit for me to get back to you though because I'm going another birthday party lol
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ase-trollplays · 7 years
-- causticErudition [CE] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
-- causticErudition [CE] began messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
CE: Hey, its the flower kid
ND: Oh, hi.
ND: How've you been? I hope everything's going well for you.
ND: Sorry in advance if I snap at you about something. I'm not in a great mood.
CE: Bad m∞ds seem to be going ar∞nd tonight. I find it odd, since I'm usually in a terrible m∞d, and I'm not for once.
ND: Lucky you.
ND: Not even spending time in the garden could make me feel better.
ND: I can't even talk to my moirail because she's part of the problem
CE: Holy shit. S∞nds like a r∞gh deal.
CE: Have y∞ tried screaming into a pillow or something weird like that? Maybe punching things?
CE: Things that don't feel pain I mean.
ND: I thought about it, but I've had a few issues with aggression in the past.
ND: If she sees me punching things or screaming into pillows, she'll probably think I'm relapsing and freak out.
CE: Then.. go do it where she can't see y∞.
CE: Like, not in the hive.
ND: I can't.
ND: It's complicated.
ND: Long story short, the person who ruined my life has been stalkng me, and if I'm anywhere by myself she could some after me.
ND: **come
CE: Oh.. S∞nds like y∞'re in quite a shitshow, kid.
ND: Tell me about it. Everything's a fuckng mess
ND: It's like something gets better, but then five other things get worse.
ND: It shouldn't be so much trouble to just want to be happy.
CE: The world hates happiness.
ND: Clearly.
ND: It doesn't pay to do good deeds at all.
ND: Or maybe I was just exceptionally stupid when I was younger.
ND: So much could have been avoided if I just stopped being so nice to people that don't deserve it.
CE: Being kind is like a d∞ble edged sword. Yeah y∞ might make a friend or even feel better ab∞t doing something nice, but on the other hand, that same kindness can be exploited by someone with less than ideal intentions.
ND: Yeah.
ND: And you know the worst part?
ND: I knew she wasn't a great person. My matesprit back then even told me to ditch her, but I couldn't do it.
CE: I bet y∞ felt stupid once y∞ got burned.
ND: I tried so hard. I was so convinced that she wasn't really a bad person; she was just bitter because life dealt her a real shitty hand
ND: I actually thought I could "fix" her with my friendship and moraillegiance.
ND: It turned out to be literally the worst decision of my entire life, and she took everything from me and
ND: Forget it. I don't want to even think about her.
ND: I'm taking over the entire conversation venting. You probably have something better to talk about than this.
CE: I literally have nothing to talk ab∞t, I'm so high right now.
ND: Oh my god, are you serious?
ND: I don't mean that in a judgemental way
ND: I guess I'm just curious?
CE: I can't afford my pain meds right now so I'm self medicating B(
ND: That sucks.
ND: Or maybe not. Being high sounds great
ND: And it's probably way cheaper.
CE: Weed is definitely cheaper than prescription medication, but my medication doesn't make me wanna eat everything in my kitchen.
ND: Ha, that's true
CE: It also makes it a lot harder to focus if I'm trying to work.
ND: I just realized I never introduced myself.
ND: My name's Florah.
CE: I'm Floren.
ND: Well, it's nice to "officially" meet you, I guess. XD If I was on my game the last time we talked, I would have done that sooner.
CE: Lik∞ise. Y∞ seem a little l∞ser tonight than last time, Florah.
ND: I've had some time to recover from what had me so on edge last time, and venting for a while helped, too.
ND: Thanks for listening, by the way.
CE: Y∞'re welcome. It sorta seems like y∞ don't have many who can just give y∞ that luxury right now.
ND: Yeah. :( I haven't been able to make many friends. Stuff just keeps happening as soon as I think I'm getting better, and end up back where I started.
CE: Same here.
ND: What's happening with you?
CE: Just trying to figure ∞t who I am, I suppose. I've been stuck in a r∞tine for over 200 sweeps and I need to break ∞t of it.
ND: Oh man, good luck with that.
ND: Do you have someone to help you out, or are you trying to go it alone?
CE: I've a moirail but I'm afraid to drag her down into my own garbage, so..
ND: That's what she's there for. I can understand being afraid, but you've gotta give her a chance to help you.
ND: Trust me, speaking as someone dealing with a similar problem, it's a lot easier when you have someone to fall back on and pick you back up when you fall off the wagon.
ND: It's still hard as hell, but it feels a lot more worth it when you have someone who's willing to stick with you
CE: I suppose I sh∞ldn't distance her while I go thr∞gh this sort of thing. What sort of message does that send her? Yeah.
CE: It's a shame, but I have to go for the night. It was nice talking th∞gh.
ND: Same here.
ND: I hope we get the chance to talk again, soon.
-- causticErudition [CE] stopped messaging naturesDisciple [ND] --
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liltaz-asatreat · 2 years
the fic i associate w/ u is the one where taako n kravitz go on their astral plane get away!! this one, if u dont remember:
Ye!!! Vacation to the Astral Plane <3 I also have it up on ao3 lol
I actually reread that one last night because someone liked it on here lol
So I had no idea where I was going with that one as I was writing it tbh lol I only had the concept of the Astral Plane is probably cold, and Taako said he and Kravitz were going on vacation there after Carey and Killian's wedding, and I wanted to show Kravitz's cottage, and that was about it lol The talking to the Raven Queen was a surprise because I couldn't think of what else would be in the Astral Plane that Kravitz would want to show him lol
Also, the story behind the portrait of Kravitz and his parents: that was done before his dad died, and he died before Kravitz did, and his mom wasn't the best person in the world :/ She didn't want to be there, and she didn't like caring for a child, and the reason why Kravitz doesn't talk to her at all is because she used to run a necromantic cult that she would force Kravitz to participate in. He managed to get out when he was an adult and made it into a bard college, but then something happened that his mom needed his help, and she guilt tripped him into going back soon after he left, and she needed helping with some necromancy stuff. Kravitz tried to stop her and her cult from doing whatever ritual, but they all died in the process, so that's why RQ took him on as a Reaper, because he tried everything in his power to stop it from happening, and he had experience with dealing with that sort of stuff. He still harbors a grudge against his mom about it and just really doesn't like her because of all of the shit she put him through, but also, he tries to hold on to the good times when he had his dad and her together, even if it still wasn't great which is why he still has the portrait, and I thought I'd give a little peek into her emotions and what sort of relationship she had with him and his dad through the portrait
Thank you for sending this in!! :D
Also, if anyone else wants to send in a fic they associate with my username in exchange for a secret about it, please feel free!! (I'm about to get ready to go to my siblings' birthday party, so it may take a while for me to answer ghalfhslfhs)
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liltaz-asatreat · 1 year
5, 6, and 29 for the ao3 asks :O?? thank u -ise
ao3 wrapped questions here!! <- send some in? :D
(tagging you so you'll get the notification lol @barry-j-blupjeans )
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Honestly, both Broken Trust and The Screams Came Back
Broken Trust I literally wrote in the span of like, 2 or 3 hours after taking a really late night shower where the idea grabbed me by the throat, and I had to bang it out even though I could barely keep my eyes open lol And then when I finally remembered it existed and to go over it again to clean it up a bit and post it, it didn't take very long, and I was honestly kind of worried it would be a little out of character because the whole idea of fixing yourself for something that isn't necessarily your fault and blaming yourself for other people's decisions is a very me thing to do, and I didn't know whether or not I was over projecting in a moment of needing to vent in the moment for some reason? or if it was something Taako really would think and feel, and we'd share that in common. Also, most of the last few fics I had published before then I spent more time on, some of them a lot more time on, and wrote more carefully, and most of them got a fair amount of feed back, but it wasn't really as much as I was expecting for how much I worked on them. So I kind of thought it was going to be one of those that wasn't necessarily going to bomb because again, it's not like I spent a whole lot of time actively working on it so it can't really bomb lol but like, it wasn't going to reach a lot of people, and I was okay with that
And then it became one of my most popular fics on tumblr with the ratio of people reblogging it leaving comments being one of the highest its ever been, and it's done decently on ao3 too in regards to my average amount of kudos, and a lot more people left comments on there too than people usually do on any one of my fics lol Pretty much all of them expressing pain in some way, and I still cackle like an evil scientist every time I read them or get a new comment lol
And as for The Screams Came Back... well. That was the most vent fic to ever vent fic that I've written, and I posted it on tumblr at midnight and didn't bother to reblog it to promote it or really say anything about it because it's kind of a fucked up fic and I was feeling really fucked up but like, needed to have someone read it and know that everything I was experiencing, even though I wrote it in the context of taz and applied a thin layer of fiction to obfuscate reality, was not just trapped in my head like it has been for years and year and years.
Of course, only one person saw it on tumblr, and they checked in on me because... yeah.
But I also posted it on ao3, and granted, I only got one comment on it that honestly, I didn't understand what they meant? But I thanked them for reading anyway because that's what I always do, and by the time that happened and I had the mortifying realization that I had posted something really vulnerable, multiple people had left kudos on it? And like, I also did feel a huge sense of relief that it wasn't just me anymore? I tagged it with everything that could possibly be triggering and put a warning at the top saying it was going to be fucked up, so like, the people who read it and left kudos knew what they were getting into and liked it enough to click the button, so it kind of felt weird to take it down?
It's honestly one of the fics with the least amount of feedback, but I was also expecting no feedback, so yeah lol
6. Favorite title you used
It's gotta be A Witness of Corruption lol It just sounds really cool and was really easy to come up with and works on like, multiple levels lol Magnus witnessing the effects of the Hunger while inside it? Corruption. The seven them having a really hard time getting along because of the struggles they're going through and snapping at each other a lot more than usual? Bonds getting corrupted and strained. Magnus hacking up black ooze while Merle tries to heal him and bring him back from the brink of permanent death after the Hunger got him and tried to overtake him directly? That's corruption baby lol
I'm sorry I said baby, that's not me, Griffin McElroy (I think? I honestly don't remember where I got that from) took me over and I couldn't fight it and don't feel like changing it lol
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oooohhhh that's a tough one. Um... I gotta skim what I wrote this year because there's a lot of good ones lol
Ugh, okay, I couldn't narrow it down, so it's all going under a cut lol
There's this bit from A Witness of Corruption (Though I really like how that whole conversation went down, and I think that's the best I've ever done balancing a conversation between more than two people, especially as many as seven people.):
Davenport puts both of his hands on the table and leans forward angrily, raising his voice slightly as he does so. “Magnus, as your friend and as your captain I cannot allow you to risk your neck to do this insane thing! I'm not going to let you get eaten by the Hunger, you can't!”
Magnus abruptly stands up from the table, knocking his chair backward as he slams a fist on the table. “And as someone who is sick and tired of fucking running, I'm not asking for your permission! Davenport.”
John experiencing eternity in The Man Who Became the Hunger:
“Show me,” John demands, getting angry now. “I need you to show me what you mean.”
As you insist.
His vision goes black for moment before it comes alive again as images fill his head.
First he sees an empty white space, but he has the feeling that he's not alone. There's people somewhere with him, but they seem to be in a direction he hasn't heard of yet. He doesn't have the time to think on that too long, however, because a white light, brighter than the surrounding blankness, flashes intensely in front of him, and he gets sucked into it.
Now he's floating in a vast sea of black filled with circles of different colors zipping around him and expanding outward very quickly. Eventually the circles begin to group themselves together, and as they do, white threads of light sprout from them and connect them with each other rapidly until there are so many threads between them, it makes it hard to see anything else. The circles in these groups begin to orbit each other faster and faster, and the groups become encased in balls of translucent silvery light. Then even more white threads sprout from these spheres and connect with other spheres all across the sea of black.
He zooms in again into one of these spheres and then into the middle circle that the other eleven circles are orbiting and then into a large cluster of galaxies, then into a smaller cluster of galaxies, then a single galaxy, part of the galaxy, then into a single nebula. He watches baby stars form and grow and die over and over again before he's whisked away to a baby solar system where rocks and gas collide as they orbit a baby star. Eventually everything settles to a few planets and asteroid belts, and he's brought onto the surface of one planet where he watches life begin to form and evolve and die over and over and over again until the star expands and consumes the planet entirely.
He's brought back out again to watch the star die before he's brought to another solar system where the cycle repeats itself. And then another and another and another. At one point, he flies out of the Material Plane and that reality entirely before he dives back into another reality to experience the same things over and over again. Then he's brought back out to witness the ever expanding existence as realities drift even further to fill up more space, and they seem to multiply as they do.
And the vision repeats with no end in sight. This is eternity. And as a part of it, John will have to exist, alive or dead, through the fullness of time, and it never stops. It never ends. And even if when he dies, his soul ceases to be, that would mean the end of him completely for forever and ever and ever, and he can't take that.
“Stop! Please, that's enough!”
The vision slows to a stop before slowly fading away, and John is back in his office again, his whole body shaking with fear and anger as he fights off tears. He breathes heavily and wipes at his eyes before he looks back over at the Light.
“Why would someone do this? Why would someone make this miracle without there being an end point? Why would they drag other people into it who don't want to get caught up in the entanglement of infinity?” he asks it with a trembling voice.
Because it is a miracle worth inventing. The Light says. Someone made my creator's existence, and they loved life and existence so much that they wanted to extend that joy of creation to others.
“They had no right,” John says, voice low and deadly. He grabs onto the armrests of his chair and grips them so tightly his knuckles turn white. “I want to meet them. I want to destroy them. Once everyone knows what they have done to us, they will all want that too.” He takes a breath to try and steady his voice. “How do we leave existence to confront this creator?”
The Light of Creation remains silent for a moment. I am built to be used for whatever my master's will is, so if you want to take me home to meet my creator and the creator of your existence, all you need is to say the word. We'll get the word out to everyone in this plane, and with my help, you will be able to lead a revolution that will lead to the destruction of existence itself.
“That is my plan,” John says, eyes narrowed and his heart pounding in his chest. “And I will destroy anything that gets in my way.”
John's final speech before turning into the Hunger:
“Thank you all for coming to meet me on this very important day,” John begins. “Last fall and throughout all of winter, I told you about the cruelty of the creators of existence and the laws and limitations they forced upon us without us knowing it. I told you about the weight and burden of eternity that we all must bear without having chosen to take on the burden ourselves. And I told you about my plan to find something bigger than those limitations and eternity can box us into. To break free from these bonds and chains that hold us down and force us to be compliant to these creators' will and not the wills of our own. To find these creators and overtake them and show them what it means to be oppressed by the laws and decisions that they had no say in creating. I come to you now on this day to tell you that today is that day. Today, we will begin our revolution and take our power back!”
The crowd erupts into uproarious applause, shouting, and cheering. A chant starts up from somewhere deep within the sea of people and spreads until everyone is shouting it together as loud as they can.
John puts up a hand to quiet them again, and eventually the noise dies down.
“Today, the Light of Creation has told me that the bonds that make up this reality have weakened severely. This gives us an opportunity in which, with its help, the Light will transform our plane of existence into something new. Something with enough power to escape this reality and consume enough worlds to one day escape this existence and destroy the masters pulling the strings behind our suffering.”
As he talks, the sky begins to darken, and the grass and trees begin to wilt and turn gray. The colors in everyone's clothes and faces begin to drain away, and little strands of light of different colors appear in the spaces between people, showing their connections and bonds before they get pulled up and ripped away as they are sucked toward the platform.
John's heart hammers in his chest and his blood rushes in his ears as he holds up the Light above him for all to see. The Light grows brighter as the bonds get sucked into it, and it begins to emit ribbons of bright red, blue, green, and golden light that travel through the air, weaving around each other and spreading outward to reach through the entire plane.
“On this day, February 26th, 3074 AW, we begin our march across existence.”
The world rapidly begins to turn inky black as more bonds are sucked into the Light, and the people, including John, turn as dark as the darkest shadows too.
“On this day, we begin the end of existence itself!”
And for wip quotes:
The last exchange between Kravitz and one of his bounties:
“Alright,” she says, rolling her eyes as he laughs. She laughs too, and it takes them a few moments to calm down. When they do though, the smile slips off her face, and she looks at him seriously. “Kravitz, before I die– or, leave this vessel I guess, I need you to do me a favor.”
He raises an eyebrow. “I mean, I probably already broke like a hundred different rules by gambling with my job and getting this information, but sure, I guess.”
She smiles a little. “It's nothing too big.” She pauses for a second, and her gaze gets kind of far away. “When you hunt your other bounties in the future, please show them the same kindness you gave me. I would have been a lot more at peace with my death, I think, had I had someone to play one last game of baccarat with me or just showed me I didn't have to do this alone. That I wasn't just another soul to be herded like cattle into the sea of sheep.”
Kravitz's expression goes soft, and her eyes focus back in on him as she smiles a little sadly again. “I promise I will, Annamarie.”
She nods and stands up from the couch. “I guess it's time for me to go to bed one last time. Will you be there with me while I go?”
Kravitz nods. “Of course.”
She leads him into Luna's bedroom and lays down in her bed. Kravitz helps pull the blankets over her and tucks her in, and Annamarie smiles up at him one last time before she closes her eyes.
A small white light floats out of Luna's chest, and she gasps before her breathing settles down back to a steady, slow rhythm. Kravitz catches Annamarie's light and gently places her in his soul bag. Then, as Luna starts to wake up again, he brings out his scythe, tears open a new rift, and steps through it back to the Astral Plane.
The end of the conversation between Kravitz and the Raven Queen before he leaves to hunt down his lich mother alone:
“Using multiple spheres is a waste of resources, but I'll keep the idea of extending the time the field would be up in mind,” the Raven Queen says. “However, that does not change the fact that I will not allow you to go after her.”
“What if I offered you a deal?” Kravitz tries desperately. “I'll stake my job on this. If I bring her in, I bring her in, but if not, you can fire me or put me back in the Stockade. That's how sure I am that I can do this. Please, I'd do anything.”
The Raven Queen stands up to her full height, and she adopts a much sterner voice. “Kravitz, I'm not going to say this again. I don't need you to stake your job on anything, and I'm not going to throw you in the Stockade. I also, will not, let you go after her, and my decision is final.”
Kravitz blinks back angry tears and clenches his fists at his sides. Fine.
“Now, tell me where I can find Jaclyn, and I'll send a team of Reapers there immediately.”
He hesitates. “She's in a small town by the Sword Mountains. The new mining village that popped up called Phandalin.”
The Raven Queen stares him down, and he stares at her right back. Then she sighs and sits back down in her chair. “Thank you for your honesty.”
That one simple sentence jams a knife of guilt in his constructed heart that he largely tries to ignore. “Can I have the rest of the day off? I... don't think I'll be able to concentrate on any new missions while I'm still upset.”
She looks at him for a long time. “I suppose you can.”
He does a short bow. “Thank you, my queen.”
He makes it halfway across the room before she stops him one more time. “Kravitz?”
He turns to look at her questioningly.
“If you find yourself in need of... company, I'll make sure Thune and Nokal are free for the rest of the night.”
Kravitz swallows the sudden lump in his throat. “Thank you.”
The Raven Queen nods.
And Kravitz briskly makes his way to the supply room.
And this scene from Double Troubles alskghsldgkhsdgldkhs:
The four of them make it into the train station and walk up to the ticket counter where a human man is sitting reading a newspaper. He lowers the paper as they approach, and Meadow does a double take when he sees who it is.
“Hello! Are you here to pick up tickets or to buy–”
“Tom Bodett?” Meadow asks incredulously.
“Yeah,” Tom says slowly as he sits up a little straighter. “How did you know my name?”
“We were just with you at your house doing a sprinkler party!” Merle says. “How the hell did you make it here before we did?”
“At my– Oh! I see what's going on here. You must have met Tom Bodett the Narratively Convenient.” Tom says with a smile. “He really likes materializing in the vicinity of people who need him. I'm not him though. My full name and title is Tom Bodett the Booking Clerk! Despite my title, I also give people their reserved tickets too if they bought train tickets in advance.”
The four of them stare at him for a second before Taako covers his mouth with his hand as he snorts, Merle does a mixture of a snort and clearing his throat, and Magnus and Meadow look at each other before they quickly look away as they cough.
“So you two have titles huh?” Taako asks with a strained voice. “Couldn't separate the two of you without having that kind of distinction?”
“Well, yeah!” Tom the Booking Clerk says like it's the most obvious thing in the world. “This whole town is full of clones of Tom Bodett the Original, so we all needed titles to be able to tell each other apart.”
Meadow coughs again and bites down on their lip hard. They cannot laugh. That would be extremely rude.
“Anyway, are you four here to buy tickets, or do you already have some reserved?” Tom asks.
“Uh, yes! I'm here to pick up my ticket!” Merle says. “It should be under Leeman Kessler.”
“Oh, yes, Leeman Kessler! I believe we're also holding some cargo for you, give me just a second.”
Tom ducks his head under his desk and pulls out a shimmering, platinum-esque ticket. He slides it under the teller window for Merle to grab. “Here you are, Leeman, and are these three going with you?” he asks as he gestures to Meadow, Magnus, and Taako.
“Uh, yes! These are my retainers, Bo,” Merle points at Taako, “Diddly,” he points at Magnus, “and–”
Taako steps on Merle's foot. “I'm Leon Kessler!”
Merle winces and glares up at him as Tom blinks at him slowly. “You're Leon Kessler?”
“Yes! He's– he spells his name with two– with an O! 'Cause he's Leon, and he's my twin brother–” Merle babbles, but Tom interrupts him.
“You're twins? But... you're a dwarf, and he's... an elf.”
“Twin brother-in-law,” Meadow quickly corrects. “Leeman married Leon's twin, so they're in laws.”
Tom looks at him in confusion. “So... are you his twin?”
Meadow lets out a disbelieving nervous laugh. “What? No! I mean, I know I look more like an elf than other half-elves do, but I'm not an– yeah, I'm not related to any of–”
“He's adopted!” Merle says quickly.
“Yes, I'm adopted,” Meadow agrees.
“By... Leeman and his... spouse?” Tom asks, looking between all of them.
Is Merle old enough to be Meadow's dad? Meadow is 34, but he doesn't know how old Merle is.
“Cousins,” Meadow says in a panicked, strained voice.
“Yes, they were adopted into the family as a cousin!” Magnus says. “And so was I! I'm Diddly Kessler!”
“Okay,” Tom says slowly. “So, you're cousins with– wait, what's your name?” he asks Meadow.
Meadow freezes. “Uhhh...”
“Tom, I'm so sorry, but I lied,” Taako says as he attempts to hide a snicker.
“You lied about being his brother-in-law? Or–”
“Oh no! I'm his brother-in-law for sure, but I lied about my name! My real name is Flan Bodett!”
“Alright,” Tom says as he folds his arms across his chest. “I really hope this isn't a ruse you're all trying to pull on me–”
“No...” Magnus cuts in, but Tom continues over him.
“Because that would be extremely bad, and you're all not even doing a very good job at it, so we're going to try this again.”
He points at Merle. “You're obviously Leeman Kessler.”
Merle nods. “Yes, that's me!”
Tom points to Magnus. “You... You're name is...”
“Yes?” Magnus asks with a smirk.
Merle elbows him slightly. “Come on, Leroy! Tell–”
“No no no! I'm Diddly Kessler!” Magnus says, trying not to laugh. “I was brought into the family with Leeman's wife whose name is...”
“Chalupaa!” Taako says. “My sister's name is Chalupaa Kessler!”
“Right.” It's barely 10am and Tom already looks exhausted. “And your name is...?”
Taako puts his hands on his hips and gives him a shit eating grin. “Justin.”
Tom puts his face in his hands as Meadow brightens up and stands a little straighter.
“And my name is Phoenix!” Meadow says triumphantly.
Nailed it.
Tom looks up at them between his fingers before he sighs and brings his hands down. “I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you all to wait right here–”
As he reaches to the side for a Stone of Farspeech, Taako whips out his umbrastaff and waves it back and forth a little in a zigzag motion as he says an incantation, and then the tip of his staff glows pink at the same time as Tom's eyes glow pink for a second before it fades, leaving him looking dazed.
“So Tom, about those tickets?” Taako asks with a small smirk.
“Oh yeah! Of course! Anything for you, Justin; I'm just... so charmed by you.” he says dreamily.
“Oh, Justin! We have tickets though!” Magnus says as he slaps his hand against his forehead. He takes the tickets out of his bag and shows them to Tom who nods with a smile.
“Alright, well, Leeman and friends, since you have a high security item stowed away in the safe on the train, it's my job to walk you through our security protocols before you board, so please give me a moment to get out of here...”
Tom stands up from his chair and walks out of the booth door before he gestures for them to follow him. “Please step this way, but first–” He looks thoughtful for a moment before he looks back at Taako. “Do you want a kiss?”
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