#Thai BL Actor Pairs.
heretherebedork · 1 month
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The Heart Killers
JoongDunk and FirstKhaotung get to be gay and do crimes in this crime-based romcom and I need this the same way I need oxygen, thank you very much. (And Oxygen is one of my favorite BLs!) Cannot wait, am in love, please give this to me and let them be criminals the way they deserve to be. @absolutebl They gave us a gift!
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absolutebl · 15 days
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Oh I am very much looking forward to this.
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clairedaring · 1 month
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Beating Again (2024) dir. Aum Natthaphong Aroonnet
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Pavel slowly losing the fight of poohpavel Pavel pooh is so funny. I see videos and he's like 🫠 I can't deny it any longer
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miss0atae · 4 days
I still wish they would give Papang a first lead role in a QL story where he would be a morally grey character. He would be amazing. Now who could be the actors he would be paired with? 🤔
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gillianthecat · 1 year
So the hilarious thing is that I did see the trailer for Dangerous Romance when it dropped (I just rewatched it) and if I had remembered who the actors were I would have assumed those two would be couple from the get go. Luckily, my memory is a sieve (at least for actors I'm unfamiliar with) and so I got to be surprised.
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1stthingsfirst · 8 months
2am musings:
how established/couple pairings (CPs) in bl function similarly to ships in fanfiction
both work by allowing the creators to capitalize on an ingrained love for the actors/characters and an understanding of their personalities and interactions. AUs ask us to examine (or play with) how these characters we know would work in a new setting, under new circumstances, relying on a shared understanding of certain fundamental character traits.
both work as shortcuts. you don't have to spell out all the details and you don't have to spend as much time fleshing out the characters because there is an implicit understanding that if you're engaging with the show/fic, you're there because you're already somewhat into the pairing and you like (at least something about) them.
basically, CPs = OTPs
tl;dr: we make assumptions about how the characters will be and act, both in relationship to each other and the core aspects of their personalities. as a creator, you can choose to use these preconceived notions to lean into or to subvert expectations.
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happypotato48 · 2 months
This Is A Gay Asian Rant About BL Comments Made By Some Queer Westerners I See Sometimes.
So you know of those gays (usually white) that made dumb tiktok dancing to list of countries that legalized same sex marriage and list of countries that discriminate against LGBTQIA+ poeple as a way to say something racist. yeah i kinda got the same vibes from some comments regard how asian BL is homophobic just cause they don't live up to queer western standard. look, i'm not saying that some BLs and their creators don't deserve criticism regard how they capitalized/exploited queerness for an easy cash grab.
But people need to understand that Asian countries despite recent progress are still very much culturally conservatives. so when people says that thai bl is homophobic and all the characters looks like bunch of straight guys, which is true for some olders thai BLs i'm not gonna denied that. but after all this time and newer BLs generally being very queer and most of creators being out queer themself and poeple still making these comments, i'm annoyed.
And don't get me start on the actors. you don't know them! why are you making assumption and calling them queerbaiter just cause they acts in bl. like maybe they're straight, maybe they're not but what they're definitely doing is making queer content for you know, queer people here. so when you made halfass comments about their sexuality what do you think that made other queer people who still in the closet feels. and when you add the nationality to that, "these thai bl pair are this and that, this korean actor is so ungrateful for his bl past", etc. when our societies are still very much still in progress regard LGBTQIA+ acceptance. it make us living here feels fucking awful like somehow we're lesser queer than people in the west just cause we don't have citibank at pride or some shit.
And the shittiest in my humbled opinion are comments regard censored chinese bls. people do know like, that the creators making these bls are risking their livelihoods for this. that these shows getting make at all are miracles. yes it sucked that they're censored but they're still very much queer shows making by queer people who want to express thier queerness despite the chinese government being the chinese government. when people dimissing these shows as not belonging in queer media, you're also dimissing their creators and audiences as not belonging in the community.
Look what i want to say is that we're trying our best over here, and maybe our best are not up to your liking. the ways we talk and express our queerness maybe still can be perceived as problematic by western queer standard. but these media are our house and you're the guests. for people aren't shitty we appreciated that you're here engaging and loving our media, this is your home too and you're welcome in it. i can speak for myself that i very much love being here on tumblr and interacting with people from all over the world who love BL. but for people who are being shitty sometimes about asian bl.
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lurkingshan · 1 month
10 Things I Love About Only Boo!
*kicks down the door* I'm a few weeks late but I have arrived and I am here to yell about this fucking adorable show. Have you heard that it's the cutest shit you've ever seen in a fresh new package of all your favorite silly old romance tropes? Besties, this is truly the Sunday Serotonin we need. Here are the top 10 things I love about it:
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The main romance is between a confident sunshine protagonist and a kind older boy working through his grief and an artistic block. Mok (Moo) and Kang are such nice boys, two cinnamon rolls too sweet and pure for this world, and I loved them instantly. They have a nice crackly chemistry between them and really solid communication right from the start.
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The setting is rural and refreshing. Moo moves to Nakhom Pathom to attend school for a semester because his mom wants him to focus on his studies before she will allow him to pursue a career as an idol. Little did she know she was delivering him to a cute boy who would become the new distraction.
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The crushing and flirting starts immediately, and it's mutual. They just like each other, man. Kang is (slightly) older and trying to be responsible about keeping Moo focused on his studies so he's putting up some token resistance, but it's very very token. They both find excuses to keep seeing each other after they meet.
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There's a side couple with a long-term pining friends to lovers arc. The way I squealed when they revealed that photo wall. I support you, Payos, you will get your boo. These two also have a lovely, easy chemistry and seem so comfortable around each other. Their characterization also gets a fun twist in the beginning of the story.
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The writing is strong and assured. This was written by the same screenwriting team as Cooking Crush, aka the best written original Thai bl of last season. These folks know their way around a smart romcom. They know how to deploy classic tropes so they feel fresh, build authentic character arcs, and make all the beats of the story feel confident. We are in good hands and don't need to worry about any out of left field conflicts or weird plot turns with this one.
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A fresh new cast brings a ton of energy. I really love all four of the main actors for this show. They're young and bright and breathing some new life into an old formula. And both pairs have solid chemistry and seem comfortable in their scenes together.
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Some of our old favorites are here too. They've made the smart decision to bolster the young main cast by surrounding them with more experienced seniors like our lady Milk, here playing Kang's friend and neighbor who is all up in his crush on Moo. Louis and Book are also going to show up at some point.
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The show incorporates music and dancing in such a charming way. Moo is one of those kids who just has to dance, and the show mines a lot of comedy around his efforts to stifle the impulse as his mom ordered. I don't think he'll hold out for long, though, because Payos and Tae are on him to train with them. And of course the music supervisor is having a great time working in some classic GMMTV music gags (yes, Love Score and Too Cute To Handle both make memorable appearances).
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It's a high school story brimming with youthful energy without being mired in immaturity. The tone of this show reminds me of My School President in the best way, in that it has all the sweetness and innocence of a high school romance without making the characters so immature and bad at communication that it's annoying to watch. As expected from the CC writers, these characters may be inexperienced but they are going to talk to each other and honesty will prevail every time.
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We are only three episodes in and the romance is already well underway. This is the kind of show where we will see the main pair flirt and date and face obstacles together. The swoony moments started immediately and Moo is already throwing around the faen title. We know from the synopsis that the core conflict will come when Moo is forced to choose between his relationship with Kang and his dream of being an idol, and I expect he will be finding a way around that choice. I'll be strapped in for the ride because I already believe in these two.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
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Neo Trai and his ever so perfect microexpressions as Fire in Cooking Crush.
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absolutebl · 1 month
Hi ABL! You've talked a little bit about how some actor pairs have set roles that they play no matter what series they are in (the first to come to mind is MaxNat, who always seem to play the sunshine uke and tsundere seme pair). Are there any actor pairs that you would like to see change it up, or ones that you think would really excel if they did let go of their typical characters?
Hum, interesting question, esp for me. Because in some cases I wanna see them change it up to test the pair's acting chops (Ossan's Love Thailand is gonna be HUGE for this). But in other cases I just wanna mess with the system.
I'm an avowed pair buster, I gleefully enjoy seeing boys with new partners and in new rolls.
But there are pairs who frankly just aren't strong actors and seem to be mostly "playing" gay versions of themselves (side-eyes MaxNat, ZeeNunew, JamFilm) and there's no point in switching it up because we all know it just would not work. (Although I think both Film and Nunew would be fine, if not better, with a different partner.)
BL pairs I'd like to see challenged
(because I think they could handle it)
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Not technically a branded pair but Chains was a SHODDY script and I think these two had serious promise. Haii we already know can play both seme and uke but Boom? Also maybe something less serious? Or just better.
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YinWar. Do I need to say more?
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PerthLay, LayPerth. We never really got it. But Perth is such a natural sunshine and ... yeah, whatever, I just want them back together on my screen. Don't care how.
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MaxTul. Always. You can'r say you don't wanna see Tul the sunshine seme chasing after Max. OF COURSE YOU DO.
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I MISS THEM. Such a better pair than Perth and Chimon. So much more chemistry.
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Joong can be sunshine and he's good at it. We all remember this form 2 Moons 2. I'd like to see him play that against Dunk for a change.
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respectthepetty · 1 month
I recently entered asian qls, and I've been hearing a lot about gmmtv in thai bl. what's the deal with that? do they make good bls or something?
What's the deal with GMMTV?
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I (and a few other people) have given GMMTV the nickname of Disney BL because
It has the budget
It has stylish shows
Most are plot-by-numbers (meaning formula style plots that are predictable)
And it's all about branding
Good and bad are subjective, so does GMMTV make "good" BLs is not a question that can be answered, especially by me, but GMMTV does make BLs. A lot of BLs.
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In 2022 and 2023, half of its shows were BLs. And a few others were BL-lite (Midnight Museum and Home School, I'm looking at you). Out of the 16 shows announced in GMMTV 2024 Part 1 (Part 2 is coming tomorrow), 10 of those shows were BLs/GLs/QLs. Over half of their shows are focused on queer relationships. [Photos from Boys Love Hub]
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So regardless if I think they are good or not, the company is doing some heavy lifting in regards to queer representation since all of their shows have 1) a queer character, 2) a queer director, or 3) a queer producer.
As much shit as I want to give GMMTV, and DO, the company makes being queer palatable for mass distribution, and that's mainly because of its branding and reach since all shows, at one point, were free on YouTube for most countries.
Take right now for example, BrightWin fans are up in arms because Bright has a girlfriend. BrightWin haven't had a series since 2021's 2gether movie. THREE YEARS AND PEOPLE STILL SHIP 'EM! *eye roll* And that's because GMMTV doesn't just make BLs. It makes a brand of each and every one of its actors. If an actor is put into a pair, there will be a mascot, fanclubs, fan meets, tours, light sticks, y todo.
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Someone wrote a good post, which I cannot find now, about the idolifacation of GMMTV actors, and it's accurate. These aren't only actors. They must sing. They must dance. They must host Live House. They must participate in Safe House. They must have a vlog and do live streams every week. They must go on GMMTV's little outing events and have a spin-off show where they travel around with their paired partner and eat food or drink some cocktail or do something because Lord forbid these people do nothing.
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And this isn't just a GMMTV thing, but only GMMTV does it on this scale, so what's the deal with GMMTV is that it is a company doing company stuff.
I'm sure others can chime in and give more in-depth points, but I'm exhausted even thinking about it!
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juneviews · 2 months
the fucking hypocrisy that gl fans have tho, when geminifourth got announced to be in 23.5 everyone and their fcking mother was hating on them, tagging them to get out of the show and calling them ugly and shit like that, and now that there is gonna be a bl side pair everyone suddenly silent and like nothing happened, side eye.
I mean... I didn't see this unfurl so I won't comment much on it & of course no one deserves this kind of hate at all, but I'm gonna be honest... I can see where the root of it is coming. we've waited literal YEARS to get gl shows, and they're still like 1% of what bl shows are. especially since geminifourth went from unknown to huge in between the announcement of the show & its start of production, I understand milklove & gl fans who were worried they would steal their thunder when we all know pretty much ONLY male actors at gmmtv get any type of attention. the difference with the nawintinh side ship is HUGE imo tho. firstly they're not even the secondary ship, they're the third one after aylinluna so there's a lot less chance of stealing any thunder, and, as I've mentioned in my text posts on the topic, nawin being a queer plus size person getting a love storyline is literally REVOLUTIONARY. yes, the bar is low, but that's what us fat people have to beg for. you do not realize how much since nawin got his ep 3 storyline I've been thinking about him, I finally feel represented in a thai drama. so I understand people cheering this bl side ship more than the first one, and I think the situations are wildly different. however I don't think generalizing all gl fans as bullies like you did in your ask is right, I would've been happy with geminifourth as a side ship but I'm happier with juneview & euroford as side ships bc they're more pressing representation imo. the vocal minority of haters will always be the loudest, but thinking the ENTIRE 23.5 fandom bullied geminifourth & are hypocrites is a bit insane to me, as if bl fans aren't even more toxic (I would know, I've been in both fandoms lol...)
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bird-inacage · 3 months
Net x James: An important reminder that BL partnerships consist of two individuals and they are not just a single entity.
So the Netjames news has been a notable bombshell in the fandom of late, and I've been quietly observing this as it unfolded earlier this week, particularly the varying reactions and discourse around it.
In his statement, James explained that his current career goals are moving in a different direction, which has resulted in him pulling out of 'Love Upon a Time', and by extension his acting partnership with Net. He wants to explore his other avenues as an artist, whereas Net is presumably focused on acting for now.
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With BL partnerships, we often see the two co-stars tied at the hip. Its part of the gig and it comes with the territory. They don't just work together on their project, but they do a huge amount of activity (both public and private) outside of that. They travel, perform, they do fan meets, press events, and spend a huge amount of time together as a twosome. So we get accustomed to seeing them as a united entity, which means news like this tends to hit harder because it feels akin to a divorce. This is one of the pitfalls of the Thai BL industry. When you create a narrative around two people who exclusively come as a package, it makes it incredibly difficult for both the actors themselves and fans to accept or make peace with any possible deviation from that. I think it's natural for any actor or artist to desire collaboration with different people: to develop their craft, to further their experience, to broaden their versatility. If sticking to only one working partner 'for life' doesn't work for them, I completely empathise with that.
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In their recent Instagram lives, Net and James were clearly sad and their feelings still very raw. This led to a lot of speculation regarding any ill-feeling or fall out between the two. But such accusations can be harmful. Even in an amicable or mutual break-up where ending a relationship is in both parties' best interests - the two people involved are still grieving. Being brutally honest and transparent with someone close to you, that things can no longer continue as they are, isn't easy. If fans feel upset, just imagine how difficult this is on them both. When you've been nurtured as a partnership from the get go, your co-star whose always been at your side provides a sense of safety and familiarity. And the prospect of now moving forward without them is a scary new unknown. On top of that, they probably feel an immense amount of pressure and guilt in digesting the potential fallout and response from their fans. There will be trepidation in how well their careers will fare in the immediate aftermath.
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Despite this, there are also positives to be taken from this decision. Arguably, Net and James were still in the early stages of their partnership. Bed Friend really put them on the map as a couple. So for James to come forward with this realisation now, before they got too established as a pairing was a responsible thing to do. I'm sure the last thing anyone wants is for their favourite artists to feel stuck or obliged to continue working together, which would undoubtedly lead to feelings of resentment eventually.
So respectfully, these instances are not to be taken personally or to be deemed as a betrayal of your support. After all, what we know of these artists is only a very small piece of their identities as people. It's okay to be devastated, but be respectful of their wishes. You can choose to continue supporting them as individuals, or choose to no longer support them at all - either way, you are perfectly valid and entitled to your choice, just extend the same courtesy back and be mindful of casting unfair judgement on their choice.
For me, it is admittedly a shame because I did see great potential in them both as a pair, and they had fantastic chemistry which could have been nurtured with more time and experience. Regardless, I truly believe they both have immense love for one another, and I wish them both the very best. They've just come to terms with the fact they no longer share the same vision for what they want in their careers. And that's okay.
(I will always be grateful that they gave us THIS iconic moment).
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gunsatthaphan · 2 months
~ Monthly BL Breakdown: March 2024 ~ 
🌦️ Happy April!!! 🐝
Disclaimer: ALL shows can be streamed here or here, as well as on Youtube and other platforms. For more info on where to watch what, check out this post! 
New breakdowns are coming at the end of every month - feel free to add stuff! -> previous breakdowns
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What came out this month? (green = seen/currently watching)
🌟 Love is Better the Second Time Around - March 5th (Japan) 
🌟 Deep Night - March 7th (Thailand) 
🌟 Your Tie is Crooked - March 11th (Japan/Thailand)
🌟 Close Friend 3: Soju Bomb! - March 13th (Thailand)
🌟 Kiseki Chapter 2 - March 17th (Thailand)
🌟 Two Worlds - March 21st (Thailand) ✅
🌟 High Demand - March 23rd (Thailand) 
🌟 Be Your Star - March 23rd (Thailand)
🌟 Jazz For Two - March 26th (South Korea)
🌟 The Star - March 28th (Thailand) 
🌟 Please Teach Me - March 29th (South Korea)
🌟 Only Boo! - March 31st (Thailand) ✅
Monthly likes/dislikes
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New series & movie announcements
🎥 Babanbabanban Vampire (manga adaption) - Coming 2025 (Japan)
🎥 My Lovely Enemy - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 My Dear Daddy (starring Fluke Pusit) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Battle of the Writers (starring TutorYim) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Meet You at the Blossom - Date TBA (Taiwan/Thailand)
🎥 Silent House - Date TBA (China)
🎥 This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans - Coming July 5th (Thailand)
🎥 What the Nong - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 Night Owl - Date TBA (China)
🎥 จาฤกรติชา (novel adaption) - Date TBA (Thailand)
🎥 GG Precinct - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Sangmin & Dinneaw (Thai/Korean collaboration) - Date TBA (Thailand/South Korea)
🎥 Let's Eat Together 2 (sequel movie) - Coming June 2024 (Japan)
🎥 Global Examination - Date TBA (Taiwan)
🎥 Yaoi Academy - Date TBA (Thailand)
Other news from the BL world
❗️ Actor Jes Jespipat was announced as the replacement for Build Jakapan in the upcoming Be On Cloud BL 4 Minutes. B. previously withdrew from the project after a defamation lawsuit involving him and his ex girlfriend in 2023. The project is now in production and will likely air towards the end of the year.
❗️ Actor Maiake Kandis announced his withdrawal from the upcoming BL Red Peafowl. He was originally cast as one of the leads, being paired with Dollar Patchara. He later came forward saying his statement was fake news and that he is in fact not withdrawing. He also said he does not know if or when the production will start.
❗️ Former GMMTV actor Fluke Pusit (The Shipper, The Warp Effect) was announced as the lead actor in the upcoming BL Your Dear Daddy. He will star alongside Poonpun Jitaboon, an air date is unknown.
❗️ Domundi actors TutorYim (Cutie Pie, Middlemans Love) were announced as the leads in the upcoming BL Battle of the Writers. The show will be produced by Hydroindus Entertainment and is based on the Chinese novel "The Great Battle of Games". The full cast was announced on March 9th; an airdate as well as further information on the show is unknown.
❗️ Lay Talay and Perth Nakhun (My Engineer) reunited for a mini series called Your Tie is Crooked, consisting of 3 episodes à 2 minutes. It was released on the Japanese streaming platform TVer on March 11th.
❗️ The premiere of the upcoming BL Wuju Bakery has been postponed to September. It was originally scheduled to air in March, though due to an increase of the episode length and general production upscaling, the original air date is no longer realizable, according to the production.
❗️ Change 2561 (Pit Babe) announced an upcoming original BL called This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans. Sailub and Pon (AlanJeff in PB) will star as the lead couple, alongside GarfieldBenz and others. A first trailer was released on March 20th.
❗️ Actor Yoon Phusanu revealed that he has left his management under Y Entertainment, following a dispute about his appearance in the 2023 Thai BL For Him. In a press conference he stated that the production cut his part completely and refused to pay him in the process. Main actors Dew N. and Tor A. later disclosed that they also encountered the issue of not receiving payment for their work from the company, along with accusations of se*ual assault from members of the production team. In an official statement Y Entertainment clarified they would transfer the actor's salaries as soon as possible.
❗️ The GMMTV BL Cherry Magic reached more than 1.7 million tweets for the final episode and a total of over 9 Million tweets for all 12 episodes, making it the gmmtv show with the most Twitter interaction in the history of the company.
❗️ The upcoming Korean remake of the Norwegian teen web series SKAM is officially in production. A short teaser was released on March 28th, revealing the title of the project: Fragile. An airdate, as well as a cast and further information is unknown.
Upcoming series & movies for April
👉🏻 Love is Like a Cat - April 1st (South Korea / Thailand)
👉🏻 We Are - April 3rd (Thailand)
👉🏻 Memory in the Letter - April 6th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Living With Him - April 11th (Japan)
👉🏻 Gray Shelter - April 11th (South Korea)
👉🏻 At 25:00 in Akasaka - April 18th (Japan)
👉🏻 Boys Be Brave - April 19th (South Korea)
👉🏻 With You I Bloom - April 24th (Japan)
👉🏻 My Stand-In - April 26th (Thailand)
👉🏻 Knock Knock Boys - April TBA (Thailand)
👉🏻 GMMTV2024 Part 2 (lineup event) - April TBA (Thailand)
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ladycamdens · 4 months
thai bl fans highkey need to change the way they talk about these actors and their dynamics. during the formative years of the industry it was definitely fair to critique their insistence that all the actors involved were straight whilst still pushing fanservice the way they did; but that hasn't been the standard for literal years at this point.
and i'd go as far as to say it's homophobic. with relationships like earthmix and mosbank who have had multiple engagement ceremonies at this point, use exclusive couple terms with each other, live together... like they don't owe you big announcements to respect that it's clearly not fanservice.
i've even seen people call joong a predator for how he consensually kisses on dunk. like do people hear themselves?? it's like if you're going to consume queer content, then be comfortable with the people behind the content being queer. in an industry of hundreds of actors playing couples some of them are going to inevitably pair off. it's not being a "dirty shipper" to like,,, acknowledge that.
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