#Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2014
vivindollop · 10 months
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Maybe I was imagining Leo's aggressive twerking a little too aggressively...
Anyways, first post after a few reblogs.
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artzzyb00-27 · 8 months
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Normally, sleep in the lair would be peaceful. A thriving time for the boys and reader to enjoy the mundane silence away from the hectic nights. Patrol had ended 2 hours ago, and during the first one a thunder storm had stared. While that would cause panic, Donnie had a system that redirected any extra water away from their homes as to not get flooded.
While getting ready for bed, reader had been finished first and locked herself away in her personal room away from the boys. She was living there permanently after her apartment got wrecked in the invasion. She had met the boys during a late patrol night and they decided to help her out. In return of her not freaking out when first seeing them.
After a few months of living with them she began to feel safer than she did when she had her apartment. For multiple reasons of course. For one the secludedness of the lair and two, the boys were protective of their friends and family. Especially Raph. So she didn't have to worry about someone hurting her when she leaves to work and comes back.
Tonight was different, this was a different kind of danger and unsettlement. The kind that doesn't go away when your in a safe place. The thunder storm with occasional lightning strikes, had triggered her memories of when the Kraang had attacked. It didn't help that there was a possibility of them coming back. Scatterings of their technology were left behind and people began tampering with them.
So when at 4 in the morning, reader screamed in response to a louder bang in the sky, Raph jumped awake and quickly ran to his friend. For some reason he was the light sleeper of the family. Even Splinter couldn't be forced awake. While rushing into the room he accidentally slammed the door opened causing the girl to jump again.
By this point she was in heavy tears trying to calm down. Raph took a moment and looked around. No one attacked her that's for sure. Looking at her closely now he realized how bad she was crying. Paying attention at the noise above the sewer roof, rumbling from high up accord.
"What are you doing here?" she asked full paying attention to the red-clad turtle just 10 feet away from her. He got closer and sat down next to her.
"Heard ya scream. Didn't want you to get kidnapped." he replied while rubbing her back slowly. She leaned into it and fell into a trance of calm. After a while he gently scooped her up and sat on her bed with her between his legs.
After about 20 minutes of his thumb rubbing against her arm, he fell asleep too. Churring in content emotions and a peaceful rest.
The next morning they awoke to the brothers, more specifically Mikey and Donnie, taking pictures of the two cuddle buddies on the queen size bed with grey sheets and comforters. Raph was the first to awaken with a very displeased expression apparent on his green face.
"Wake up love birds! Sun's here!" Mikey gloated as he ran away with an albums worth of pictures. Donnie just chortled and walked away while closing the door. Huffing in annoyance of his siblings, Raph looked down at the sleeping girl. How she hadn't woken up with his brothers ruckus, was beyond him.
She shifted and cuddled closer into his carapace and breathed out with relaxation. He sunk into the mattress and pulled her closer. Thinking back to a few hours ago, he hoped she had slept better than what she could have if he hadn't woke up. It was a good thing she lived with them, otherwise it could have been a hell morning.
After another 5 minutes, reader stirred and sat up rubbing her eyes and yawned. Raph just watched her while glancing at the door. When she noticed she was between his thighs, her face turned red.
"Sorry, thanks for coming when you did." Raph shrugged his shoulders and picked her up putting her on his left. He grazed his thumb over her cheek and cupped the back of her head. He pulled her forward and down, then placing a kiss on the top of her head. He got off the bed and stretched, turning to her and just smiled.
Leaving the room after closing the door he began freaking out internally. Leo, who was sitting on the couch skimming through the channels on the television April and Casey had brought them, had noticed and smiled.
"Good to know you weren't having sex while Mikey's here." a pillow was thrown at his face and he laughed it off leaving on a channel that had this animated witch show Mikey liked.
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turtlesoup1990 · 3 months
I love Bayverse nobody can ever make me hate it
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bouncybongfairy · 11 months
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A New Type of Fear
Donatello x Fem Reader
Summary: After meeting Donnie online, your relationships starts tettering on the line of casual. You've never seen a picture of him, you start to question his commitment to the relationship.
Word Count: 2k+
Part 2 is now posted! <3
You pack your bag up, putting away your notebooks and untangling your headphones. It was Friday and the entire class was bubbling with excitement for the weekend; You shared that feeling. It had been a really long week. Once the bell rang, everyone ran out so fast that the door was bottlenecking. You didn't bother getting up for a couple moments, knowing you'd have to wait to get out the door, anyway. 
"Thank you, Mrs. Cleverson. Hope you have a good weekend," you said, throwing your backpack over your shoulders.
"Oh Y|N, I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to give you this flier from the teacher's lounge. There is a chess competition this weekend for students K-12. I think you have a really good shot at winning. The prize is 200 dollars cash and a trophy. No harm in trying, right?" She said handing you the paper. 
"Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes on Monday," you said, walking towards the now empty doorway. 
"Good luck!" she called out to you as you walked out.
You put on your coat, it was late November in New York and the cold was intense. You put one of your headphones in and start walking towards the subway. You were excited to get home and tell your friend Donnie about the chess competition. You met on Chess.com as mutuals and your friendship grew from there. One of the main reasons you liked him was because he preferred to talk on the phone rather than text back and forth. Not only that, he was really smart and was extremely good at communicating. He was easy to talk to, it was nice to talk with a guy and not have your feelings shot down or mansplained back to you. 
You've been talking with him for 8 months now, and maybe you were miss reading him but he seemed to be into you. Always getting quiet when you talk about boys flirting with you at your work. Insinuating that he wishes he could have been there for you in a time of need or a bad day. You would try to avoid thinking too deeply about it by telling yourself he was just being friendly. You did have reservations about getting as close as you have with Donnie. You'd never seen a picture of him or talked to him over facetime/video chat. This is obviously a red flag for multiple reasons. He always said he was insecure and didn't like showing his face to people on the internet. That was understandable enough but as time progressed you grew sick of that logic. 
You walked down the concrete stairs, making your way to the subway. It was only a 15 minute ride from the stop closest to your school and your apartment. You pulled your phone out and texted Donnie, letting him know you'll be home in 20 minutes and asking if they could talk on the phone for a bit. He immediately texted you back agreeing. The station wasn't too packed and was filled mostly with other students. You got a text from your mother saying she was going to be working late which was typical. After getting off the subway and walking the 5 minutes home, you throw a couple of frozen hot wings into the oven. 
You get into your bedroom and set your backpack down next to your desk. You grab your chair and plop yourself down before whirling our computer up. You pulled your knees to your chest and opened Discord. You smiled seeing that he tried to call you once already. 
"Hey Donnie," you said once you saw that he was on call. 
"Hi Y|N, how was school?" he asked. 
"Boring, glad it's over," you said. 
"You say that almost everyday," he said. 
"Consistent honesty," you said laughing before continuing, "guess what?" you asked rhetorically. 
"hmm?" He said. 
"There is a Chess competition tomorrow, 200 dollars cash for the winner. Obviously I'm gonna be there but what about you?" you asked, picking at a hangnail.
"I would love to be there and watch you dominate but I can't," he said.
"But why? I know you told me that you value your privacy but.. I don't know. I thought we were starting to get serious and I really want to meet you face to face," you said, trying hard to keep a neutral tone. 
"I know, I do think we're serious. I care about you so much, you know that. My dad is strict and although he allows me to be online we had an agreement that I would remain anonymous," he said. 
"So even when we start dating you're going to be anonymous?" you said, he didn't respond for a while. 
"I guess I didn't realize how serious you were about us. I'll try and talk to my dad and see what he says," Donnie said, sounding rather somber.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to be aggressive about it," you said. 
"No it's okay. You're just expressing your emotions about the situation. You have valid points, same as I. I'm gonna try and get permission," he said, he didn't sound mad but more defeated. 
"I'm not mad at you but I gotta go, my brother has been trying to get on the computer for the last 45 minutes. I'll text you?" he asked. 
"Yeah, maybe we can talk again later tonight?" you asked.
"For sure," he said; you spent the next couple hours worried if you had pushed a little too hard. Saying how you felt so bluntly didn't make you feel better the way you thought it would. 
Donatello logged off and turned off the computer. He was completely beside himself, he knew that he was setting you up for disappointment; if his father found out he was on the internet in such a deep way, he would lose his mind. So of course there was no possible way to ask his father to go out for something other than a mission, let alone for a girl. He walked into the living room where his brothers were fighting for the remote. Donnie chuckled to himself, knowing the last time they did this the remote broke. 
The fighting stopped immediately as Splinter walked in holding four pizzas. Everyone including Donnie sat down at the table to eat. It was a long day of training so everyone was pretty hungry. Mikey was going on and on about how 'his girlfriend' aka Ice Spice was dropping a new music video today. Splinter rolled his eyes as he took his first bite of his five cheese pizza. Leo and Raph were telling everyone about a new martial art move they recently mastered. Donnie didn't have much of an appetite, he was beside himself. It was frustrating that things couldn't be simpler, he loved his family but it's hard being cooped up all the time. 
They never talked about anything outside the sewer, martial arts, crime ect. He sometimes imagined them, old and shriveled trying to eat pizza with no teeth. What would they do after Splinter dies? There was so much unknown about the future and now with Y|N it made him think about it so much more. He was worried that once she saw him, she would be scared and run away. It was a type of rejection would break him, especially because he cared so deeply about Y|N. He made up an excuse that he wasn't feeling well and went to bed early. 
You took a hot shower after talking with Donnie, it helped take some of the stiffness out of your body. Honestly, you feel a lot better when you remind yourself that he validated your feelings. Knowing that he understood where you were coming from. You turned the water off and wrapped the soft brown towel around yourself. You walk back to your room and sit on the floor directly in front of your closet door mirror. After plugging in your blow dryer you began the long process of fully drying your entire head. The contest started at 12pm tomorrow so you wanted to make sure your hair was done the night before. 
Donnie told you he wasn't feeling well and that he was going to be early. He said he was going to make an effort to be there but you didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing. Your mom came in and kissed you on the top of your head when she got home from work. This made you feel a bit better. Once you finish your hair, you lay in bed. Scrolling mindlessly until drifting off to sleep. 
The next morning you woke up and immediately started getting ready for the Chess Competition. You really tried not to get your hopes over Donnie coming but, as you did your hair and make-up it was all you could think about. It made you feel stressed knowing that if he did show up, you both would be seeing each other for the first time. You wanted to look good but it did worry that it would make male competitors take you less seriously. After a while you just stopped caring about what other people might think. 
Your mom ended up dropping you off at the competition, it was hosted at your school. You walked into the quad and there were only about 12 other people there. This was a good thing in your case because you knew it would only help your chances of winning. After signing up and getting your name tag, you sat down next to a group of peers who were waiting for the matches to start. None of them were talking, just staring at their phones. You did the same, texting Donnie to ask if he was coming or not. You didn't know what he looked like but you figured if he was one of the people you were sitting with, he would approach you. Especially because he had seen pictures of you. 
Once the first match began you didn't have time to think about Donnie. You were more concerned with the aspect of winning at this point. It wasn't super late but because it was winter the sun was fully set by 4:15. All the competitors had a lunch break towards the end, which you used to call Donnie a couple of times with no answer. It really bothered you that he didn't even reach out to say he couldn't make it. That was not super normal for him, you expected more. 
Those feelings of grief were short lived once you won the competition. You were really happy, excited to tell your mom and Mrs.Cleverson. Once everyone headed out, the high you got from winning began to fade. You had left 7 messages throughout the day and he never responded to any of them. On top of that, your mom was working late so you had to take the subway home. You throw your coat on and make your way outside. It was snowing slightly, which meant it was going to be a long way home. You checked your phone again texting Donnie that you were frustrated about him not being honest.
Immediately after you started your trek, you felt uneasy. There was a guy following you for the past couple blocks. You know he was intentionally stalking because you kept making random turns or crossing the street to head in the opposite direction you were coming from. You cut through an alley thinking you were getting away however another guy was walking towards you from the other end. When you turned around, the original man was blocking your way which caused both men to break out in laughter. You tried to run but one of the men grabbed you by your arm. You were scared out of your mind, trying to think of your next move. 
Suddenly you hear a loud banging sound and feel the ground shake a bit. All three of you look up and see a monster of a man. At least 6 '7 or 6' 8; not only did this person have height but an enormous build, like if a body builder could take as many steroids as they wanted without side effects. The predators immediately ran the other direction, you didn't both look back at them. Your eyes were settled on this person, they weren't moving closer to you. 
"Are you okay?" the mystery person asked. Your brain immediately recognized the voice from the daily phone calls from the past 8 months. 
"Donatello?" You asked, walking closer to him. 
"Yeah, I don't even know what to say. I'm really-" you interrupted him by running up and embracing him in a tight hug. He dropped his staff and wrapped his arms around you, trying not to crush you.
"Thank you for being here," you said crying into his arms, taking in what could have happened if he wasn't there. He ended up making sure you got home safely, as you warned him about the 12 thousand questions you had for him.
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
because i am very very obsessed with versions of the turtles meeting each other i couldn't stop thinking about the utter angst that would ensue but also the softness and slow found family vibes
specifically the 2012 turtles meeting versions of themselves where tang shen doesn't exist, where splinter's entire world is the turtles + april
the 2012 turtles meeting, say, the rise!tmnt, the bayverse!tmnt, or the mutant mayhem!tmnt?? versions of the turtles whose splinters never had a serious love interest prior to their creation, whose love and attention was always solely focused on them?
i'm thinking about bayverse!splinter, who sacrificed himself for his boys without a second thought, who finds out about another version of himself who has all but pushed the turtles away, the precious turtles who are the light of splinter's life
mm!splinter, who literally was desperate to keep his beloved sons protected from possible dangers, who faced his greatest fear in order to help his boys, seeing how broken, how tired they are.
rise!splinter, who, despite how it seems, can and will put his boys above everything else, who cannot even fathom the idea of not wanting his sons around, of falling back into his life before the boys, seeing these versions of his sons be so easily abandoned
just... the 2012!turtles meeting different versions of themselves, and meeting different versions of splinter, and being so fully prepared to recieve that same cold shoulder, only to be gathered into warm embraces, and have gentle, fatherly reassurances whispered to them.
and they're rightfully hesitant, they're unsure, because having your father immediately turn to his original family without a second thought leaves some lasting trauma and pain, but they can't resist falling into the different splinters' arms, pouring their hearts out as they cry and listen to advice that only splinter can give.
and somehow, idk maybe the donnies make dimensional transport watches bc that's definitely a thing that would happen, so visiting the different dimensions, and hanging out with the different versions of themselves + splinter becomes a weekly thing. and slowly, the 2012!tmnt bring the other versions to their own world, introduce them to xever, and chris, and april, and casey, and the mutanimals, and it slowly spirals into all of them getting together and hanging out.
and the 2012 boys slowly start to realize that they do have a family. it may not be the one they thought they had, but it's even better, and full of people who truly love them.
@queen-with-the-quill @madcatgurl
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72stars · 2 years
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new twitter header! TMNT, an assortment of Raphs (Rise, Last Ronin, Mirage, 2014/16, 1990s movies, 2007, & Batman/TMNT) preparing for a Halloween party (also guest-starring the rest of the Rise boys)
edit: forgot 1990 Raph's cheek scar :,)
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ankle-beez · 5 days
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ordinaryschmuck · 11 months
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I don’t care how old I get or how much they change. These guys will ALWAYS be my dudes.
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improbable-outset · 2 days
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I’m not usually a fan of wlw stuff but if I could write a fic with this woman I would
Even if she is (almost) 10 years older than me in the second movie canonically
Also it’s criminal that there’s not enough gifs of her on here
Gifs by @meganfoxrocksmyworld
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MICHELANGELO - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
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He’s the worst version of Mikey he’s a creep who constantly makes weird comments and hits on April who in this version is a big sister/ mother figure to the turtles. Mickey is normal the fun cool dude and this version try’s why to hard to be that to a point that he’s so obnoxious. Mikey is my favorite ninja turtle ever and I hate bayverse Mikey with a passion also they way the turtles are in this version over all just is so unsettling
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
Y’know if I had a nickel for every time Ninja Turtles did a cross-promotion with Pizza Hut for one of their movies in the last decade I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right?
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artzzyb00-27 · 8 months
||🍕Headcanons🍕;part 1||
Random headcanons about the turtles!
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Leo 💙
◊ he's a nerd for animated shows, specifically young hero-esc ones
◊fell in love with Mel from Arcane
◊wants his own pet bird, he thinks they're pretty cool
◊HATES, and I mean hates, when shows or movies force relationships
◊begged Donnie to pirate Spider-verse
◊Pizza is actually his second favorite food, his first favorite food is Onigiri
◊him and Mikey are best friends, no questions asked
◊going off the pirating Leo head canon, he was going to do it anyway without any of the brothers asking
◊plays Life is Strange games religiously
◊*cries in Before the Storm*
◊him and Raph rewatched Horton Hears a Who actually every night because they loved the singing at the end, had to be giving a time limit by Splinter
◊they even started singing randomly out on patrol and Mikey and Leo just stared at them, Donnie does the high at the end
◊gave his brothers coupons for when they need him to fix things, other than that they need to give him something
◊BTS, anime, manga, video games, the holy grail in this guys mind
◊favorite disney movies are the underrated ones, specifically Brother Bear and Treasure Planet
◊has a playlist with  GÆ energy
◊Criminal Minds and 9-1-1 are his favorite shows
◊animated show nerd like Leo
◊loves Christmas because of the snow and lights around town
◊Barrios are his favorite parts of town because of the food and culture
◊first time he had enchiladas he shed a tear of happiness
◊favorite drink is Horchata
◊as much as he loves pizza, like Leo it's his second favorite
◊favorite food is cheesecake
◊remember Chompy from 2012, yeah, he had a pet red-eared slider turtle named Stripe
◊Phineas and Ferb AT2D is his favorite nostalgia movie
◊convinced his brothers to have a sing a long to iconic 2000's and 2010's songs
◊favorite artist is Elijah Naslin
◊loves oldies music and rock
◊when Nimona came out on Netflix, he related a little too much to the shapeshifter
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turtlesoup1990 · 3 months
Michael Bay gave us fans two underrated great Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies and then he ruined it by overworking, underpaying and treating the actors terribly.
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bouncybongfairy · 10 months
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A New Type Of Fear: Part 2
Donatello x Fem Reader
Summary: After meeting Donnie after the chess competition, he walks you home and you invite him to hang at your house for the rest of the night.
Word Count: 3k+
Part 3 is now posted!
You were walking with Donnie down the alley ways because he obviously couldn't be seen. You were still a bit shaken up over what happened before he got there. You had more important things on your mind. This was the first time you'd seen what Donnie looked like, and obviously his physical appearance was jarring. He was extremely tall and kept complaining about how you needed to talk louder because he couldn't hear you. He was a full head, shoulders and then some above you. You were taking in all the little details he was made up of. Like his hands, he only had three fingers on each. Once you guys finally got home, it wasn't hard to sneak him into your room. Your mom was already home in bed. You directed Donnie into your room and shared the good news with your mom. She was happy but you could tell she was exhausted from the day. When you came back to your bedroom, you laughed at how Donnie was standing. Like he was afraid that even resting his gaze on an object would cause it to break. You sat on the bed and started emptying your bag. 
"Sorry, I know my room is kinda messy," you said. 
"No, I'm just looking around at your posters and stuff. I'm almost certain that 90% of your walls are covered," he said. 
"Yeah, some of them are really old, like JoJo's Bizarre Adventures poster. My older brother got that in like 2006 at a random convention," you said, pulling your phone out of your bag. 
"One time, I tried to convince my dad to let me go to an anime convention. I explained to him what cosplay was and how I think I could get away with it. Obviously he said no," he said, setting some of his gear on the ground next to your bed. 
"Yeah about that, now looking back I feel really bad for pressuring you. Obviously there was a good reason for wanting to hind this part of you. So I'm really sorry about that," you said, playing with your fingers but trying to keep eye contact to keep things sincere. 
"Well, thank you for the apology but I wouldn't be so hard on yourself. I don't think I ever would have had the courage to meet you in person without a little.. encouragement," he said. You smiled and couldn't help but laugh a little. This entire situation was just so weird. 
"Have you ever had Italian food?" you asked while scrolling through take-out options on your phone. 
"Pizza but not from an Italian place," he said. 
"No I meant like baked ziti, chicken cutlets, lasagna or like sausage and peppers. More traditional foods you know? There's this place in Midtown that doesn't even open until 11pm. The owner says it's because the clientele he's looking for don't come out any earlier than that. I know it sounds a little glorified but the food is really good, the delivery charge isn't too bad either," you said scrolling through the menu before continuing, "or do you have to be home by a certain time?" you asked. 
"Not everyone was asleep when I left so I should be good for at least a couple of hours," he said, adjusting his glasses. 
Once you ordered the food you put your phone on the charger and began talking. Asking each other questions about the ins and outs of your lives. You asked him about his brothers and martial arts. Even though he was keeping his identity a secret, he was still very honest about his life. This really impressed you and it also showed that he's a very trustworthy person. He explained how he lived in the sewer but assured you that it isn't as bad as it sounds. He told you about the set of his house, like where they eat and the room she shares with his brothers. It was nice hearing about all the stories he had to tell about his family. You had an older brother but he left for college by the time you were 5. It's always just been you and your mom for the most part, you thought it must be nice to have people your age who understand everything you go through. You told him about your school and how the other kids acted; he was curious about the social pyramid because they always put so much emphasis on this concept in the media. 
You told him it was similar but much more subtle. The bullying is more micro aggressive than direct and this made him laugh. He was shocked when you showed him your homework, he thought you'd be learning more advanced math and science. He showed you how a couple of his devices worked which fascinated you. You got the notification that the food arrived so you quickly went out to get it. You showed him one of your favorite shows at the time which was Steven Universe. He ended up really liking it, all that was ever on their T.V at home was MTV. Apparently it was the only channel that his brothers could all agree on. He also really liked Italian, you were amazed at how much food he could eat in one sitting. You ate a little bit of everything and were full leaving the rest of Donnie; he was in love with it. 
"I don't know if it's because I've only been eating pizza but this is the best thing I've ever had," he said, shoving a big bite of ziti into his mouth. 
"Well good, I'm glad you like it," you said, taking a sip of lemonade out of your styrofoam cup. 
"Thank you for giving me the motivation to, you know, break the wall I had made between us. Not going to lie, this may sound creepy but when I saw you playing chess earlier tonight, I thought about turning back. I mean, you looked so pretty, especially with your concentrated face. I couldn't help but think about your reaction if you saw me. Like I would freak you out or scare the hell out of you; and in turn all this work we put into each other would be flushed down the drain. I'm really happy that things ended up this way. This is the most fun I've had. I can't remember how long," he said, wiping his mouth.
"I'm really happy to hear that, I just don't want you to feel on edge. I respect you need to be private, I just don't want you to think I'll tell anyone," you said. 
"No I don't think that, I probably would have thought that if you had run away," he said, putting some trash into the plastic bag that the food came in. 
After you guys ate, you just kept talking. He was asking you questions about current pop culture and in turn you were asking about his home and family. You felt like you kept having to regulate how much you were smiling. It just felt so nice to break the distance and it was even better knowing that he wasn't that different from how he acts over the phone. The sunrise was going to happen in about 15 minutes so Donnie had to leave. You were sad to see him go but he reassured you that he would call you later. Yesterday was a sunday, and you practically had to throw yourself out of bed to get ready for school. The only reason you went is because you had a chess club meeting after. You wanted a chance to rub it in Benjamin's face that you won. He was always making micro aggressive comments to you and you wanted to shut him up while your victory was fresh. 
You were sitting in your vanity putting on a bit of makeup. Your mom walks in and asks you a bit more in detail about the competition. You told her about it and how you were excited to tell your friends. She told you she was proud and that she would be working late tonight. Once you left for school and made your way to the subway, all you could think about was the night before. The feelings of butterflies were still there but some logistical concerns about the relationships definitely gave you anxiety. It was important for Donnie to stay out of the public eye, and you fully respect and plan on honoring that. You can't help but be saddened about the limits this can put on your relationship. Going out on dates like to the movies or out at the mall. Not being able to introduce him to your mother. Would you even be able to have a wedding? He wouldn't be able to go to your graduation which meant alot to you. It felt scary to be in the unknown when it comes to your relationship. You got to school and practically had to hold your eyes open with your fingers to stay awake. Your friends all questioned you at lunch as to why you were so groggy. 
"You look like you've been craving sleep for years," your friend Jess said, taking a bite of the mash potatoes and turkey that the cafeteria was serving. 
"Yeah, I was up all night on my phone," you said. 
"With Donnie?" she asked, raising her eyebrows up and down. 
"Yeah, I think we really made a breakthrough in our relationship last night. I don't know, I feel like we both take the relationship more seriously than ever before," you said, taking a bite of your sandwich. 
"Do you love him?" she asked you, changing her tone to come off as a bit more serious. 
"I don't know. I don't think I do quite yet because if I did I wouldn't be scared to say it. I definitely more than like him but I don't think I can say love yet," you said. 
"Love is crazy," she said, demolishing an entire carton of milk. 
"Yeah," you sighed before resting your head on your hand and picking at your lunch. 
The bell finally rang, releasing you from your last class. When you told Mrs.Cleverson about how you won the chess competition, she bought you a frappuccino for her lunch and brought it back for you. You were very grateful because it did perk you up a little. You walked into the classroom and saw Benjamin sitting in front of the chess board; he always claimed white because he loved making the first move on the board. He was so egotistical and it drove you crazy, he wasn't confident but more cocky. It drove you so crazy. 
"Y|N! Congrats on winning that chess tournament yesterday. These amateurs better watch out right?" Mr.Davidson jokes. You returned the sassy little grin that Ben had given you when you walked in. After a couple moves on the board Ben finally breaks the silence. 
"You know if I were there you wouldn't have won right?" he asked clearly in a rhetorical way. 
"Oh I'm sure. You know if you were truly confident in your skills, you wouldn't feel the need to shit talk the entire time. You shouldn't focus that brain power on the game," you said. 
"I'm just stating facts, if you interpret that as shit talking it might be you projecting your insecurities onto these said facts," he said. 
"Whatever makes you sleep at night, but I believe what happens on the board is most important," you said, taking his bishop. 
"Hmm, did you get that line from a pinterest board?" he asked. 
"No I actually got it from your mom," he looked up from the board and scowled at you, without responding. Your heart was racing from adrenaline, seeing him mad and looking around at our peers to see their reaction was so satisfying. 
The game continued for a while, just gathering each others pawns and claiming territory. The best games were always the ones that lasted the longest. As much as it killed you to admit, Ben was a great chess player which is why your games with him always lasted so long. He checked you and you wanted to punch him in the face. 
"I guess you're right, it's what happens on the board that counts. I'll let you contemplate this moment for the rest of the night. It kinda makes me blush that you'll be thinking of me all night," he said laughing, grabbing his bag. It was 2 hours since the match started and all your peers had gone home already. You sat in your seat and waited for him to leave before you or your stuff together. You didn't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing any type of reaction from you.
After getting your stuff together you took the subway back home. You mom had texted you that she was working a double and wouldn't be home for the night. Even though you barely got any sleep last night, you were pretty restless. You had taken a shower, washed the day and your make up away. You put on a hoodie and boyshorts, along with a pair of socks. You had called Donnie and told him about what happened at school. 
"He was just trying to get under your skin and fluster you. He knows he can't beat you unless you're off your game," he said, trying to console you. 
"Yeah I guess you're right. It just bothers me how he was all like: I'LL lEaVe yOu To tHiNk aBoUt tHis aLL nIghT. Because now what am I doing, talking about it to you," you said. 
"Yeah he said that so you would think about it. Think of it like.. reverse psychology. You're way too smart to fall for that," he said. 
"It's just so-" you were interrupted by hearing something coming from the kitchen. 
"What is it?" he asked, not sure why you paused. 
"I think I heard something coming from the kitchen," you said, getting up and walking towards your bedroom door. 
"Like a person?" he asked a bit more seriously. 
"I don't know, don't say that though. My mom is working tonight so don't make me paranoid," you said. 
"Well, maybe I can come over and check it out for you?" he asked. 
"Are you just looking for an excuse to come over?" you accuse him playfully. 
"No! I mean.. I just-" he began to panic. 
"I'm just messing with you, of course I want you to come over. It would make me feel better if you looked around a bit," you said. 
"I'll be over soon," he said, hanging up. 
Your stomach flipped a bit, it made you feel special that he wanted to come over to make sure you were okay. Even if he was just making an excuse to come over, that didn't bother you one bit. You were excited to see him, you almost needed to see him again to believe this was real. Nothing for nothing but the whole human turtle half breed was just strange. It would shock anyone and with everything you had going on it just added to more of your stress. Not in a bad way, it's not like you got nervous or anxiety ridden when thinking about him. Not at all, but thinking about some of the adversity that you would have to face or wouldn't have a chance to. You pushed those thoughts out of your mind and focused on how excited you were to see him. He showed up not too long after, as soon as he got there he began searching the closets and underneath the beds. It was endearing to watch, it made you feel so comforted to see him worried about you. Especially after the incident in the alleyway, like he was going out of his way to make sure you felt safe.
After he 'cleared the area' he went back to your room to hang out. You laugh at his terminology which puts a bashful look on his face. He sat on the bean bag facing the bed when you were sitting up with your legs crossed. You wanted him to come sit on your bed with you but he was worried that he was so big he'd break it. You eventually convince him to lay with you, the bed creaks a bit when he puts his full body weight onto it. He moves his arm so that you can use it as a pillow and start talking more about what a smug asshole Ben is. 
"Maybe because I have a lot of stress with school work, my mom working so much and the fact that I didn't sleep too much. I think that's the reason why it bothered me so much, just a build up of things," you said. 
"Definitely, sleep deprivation can cause irritability. That's probably why his mindless comments got under your skin, and is 100% why he beat you," Donnie said, gently moving a piece of hair out of your face. 
"You're so sweet, I'm really happy I got to see you today. I think I needed this," you said, playing with his fingers till you eventually fall asleep. 
Donnie laid their in silence with Y|N for a while. He was happy that you had finally fallen asleep. Not because he didn't want to hang out with you or anything. He just knew that you were running on empty all day. He thought it was cute to see you all mad about Ben, of course it upset Donnie how bothered you were but he knew it was mostly because you were crabby from a lack of sleep. He had no idea what time her mom would be home so he quickly wrote a note that read: Had to go home, call me when you wake up <3. He put it on top of the keyboard on your laptop and closed it. He didn't want your mom to see the note and question you about it. After grabbing his gear and attaching himself to himself, he leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead. On his way home all he could think about was you, he felt lucky. He was well aware of the fact that meeting you in person could cause so many problems. It questioned his faith in Splinter, he had been told from so young that he can't trust human society. Yet here he was, in a relationship that was getting more serious by the day.. with a human. 
He thought the hardest part of this entire situation was to show himself to you; he was completely wrong. It was trying to navigate having such a big secret with his family. Once he got home from Y|N's house, he snuck back into the sewer. Splinter said he would be out today, running frivolous errands. Donnie was hoping he had made it home before he had gotten back. All his brothers asked him about where he had gone and he made an excuse about wanting to check the status of a lead they had been pursuing for a couple weeks. This didn't raise any eyebrows with the brothers because they all would make excuses here and there for a chance to be out for a couple hours. Splinter came into the house holding 5 boxes of pizza which all 4 boys including Donnie attacked. As they ate, Splinter hovered over Donnie for a second and kindly whispered, 
"We have much to talk about tonight," he said, giving him a reassuring smile. This made Donnie choke on his Pizza for a second. 
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
did you guys know this song was written for 2014 Raph
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72stars · 2 years
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ever spend a solid amount of time working on something, get partway through it and go "I should be using this time and effort on something else", then go ahead and finish it anyway? yeah
anyway my favorite Raphs dressed in the latest version of TMNT: Heart Raph's mission gear
("hey wait why are they all missing an arm?" because Heart!Raph's missing an arm and after debating with myself whether to alter the design to cover both arms, just kind of having half of that arm not be clothed, or having all participating Raphs be missing an arm, too, I went ahead and removed their arms. eh!)
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