#Tech Latest
0utrenoir · 3 months
i know 99.5% of people will just glance at a pretty picture and reblog it without thinking twice about it. but can't you see there is not mastery there? no brush strokes, no human hand holding the pen. aren't you entranced enough to zoom in and look at the details? That's right, there are none, because when you look closely everything turns to undefined goop. aren't you furious? you are being lied to. no emotion brought this image together. it is woven with nothing but copyright infringement and pixel soup.
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fabio-27125 · 2 months
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lil‘ teaser for my next post!
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ladysw01 · 3 months
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jetcorax · 2 months
tbb does suspense sooooo well
like even on a rewatch, a high intensity scene will still put me on the edge of my seat despite the fact i know how it plays out
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thedanicode · 5 months
100 Days Of Code Challenge - day 11/100
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Day 11:
Hi guys!!!!
Yesterday I managed to finish correcting all the observations made by the tech leader, and they approved my Pull Request wiiiiiiiiiiii! Since I had some time, as I had completed my tickets, I decided to throw a lifeline to my colleague who was struggling to fetch an endpoint from the backend. After several hours and a lot of coffee, we were able to finish all the code. Today, I'll be assisting him with integration tests. I'm proud not only to learn new things but also to be able to help others.
If there's time, I'll try to finish the practice CRUD I'm working on to learn Nest
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non-un-topo · 2 years
I love you wired headphones I love you non-touch screens I love you thick laptops I love you devices with buttons I love you phones with non-glass edges I love you usb ports I love you dvd and blu-ray players I love you discs I love you cars that don’t have screens I love you menus you don’t need wifi to read I love you mp3 files
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age-of-moonknight · 2 months
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“Hunter’s Moon,” Vengeance of the Moon Knight, (Vol. 2/2024), #4.
Writer: Jed MacKay; Penciler and Inker: Alessandro Cappuccio; Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg; Letterer: Cory Petit
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
preview for my vox redesign
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bryan360 · 1 month
I also be working on my 🎂birthday art gift for our Filipino pal within days left. Do hope what his future leads ahead for the better. Anyways, nice for the save of his latest memorabilia. I kinda remember from my mother had one of those digital cameras things before.
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ncytiri · 5 months
besties im in my oversharing era so if any of yall got a letterboxd or serializd, follow me on them because i want more friends on those sites!!!
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troythecatfish · 3 months
Fascinating article here about how AI is becoming a metaphorical ouroborus, the snake that eats its own tail. With the internet filling up with AI-derived content, new AI content is consuming material that is increasingly error-filled, synthetic and, crucially, dull. AI, as such, is facing model collapse.
But this is not just a metaphorical ouroborus – it’s the perfect metaphor for how organisations ingest group-think, repetitive thinking and mistakes….
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This is a clip from my latest track called Going Guys. Available on Bandcamp on Thursday 23/5/24.
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randomnameless · 10 months
Faerghus is based on Russia and Adrestia on Rome right? I can't tell why they made the agarthan language Russian. Is it some kinda big brain move to connect them like Ancient Greece and Rome are connected, or was that just a coincidence?
On another note, some nabatean names (among other things) are inspired by Celtic/Irish mythology so their language can even be old Irish.
In the end it depends on who you attribute Ancient Greece to. It could be the original of both of their cultures and they split off and did their own thing? Idk, we just don't know enough...
I don't remember where I saw that post (maybe the dev interview from 2020?) but Faerghus's real life inspirations was a mix match between various "northern" "european" countries, idk, Fr-england-ssia or something like this.
While Adrestia has a coliseum and used to rule over "the world" a long time ago, Enbarr's current architecture is closer to the eastern part of the roman empire (that'd later be called the byzantine empire!) who... used way more greek than latin! IIRC in that same interview the devs said Adrestia was inspired by Germany and Italy? Italian inspirations (historical at least) are evident with the coliseum and Enbarr's palace (it has a crapton of mosaics in Nopes!) while the German ones can be spot through names of Adrestian characters and particles, and how squads are called.
I think the first historical nonsense that pissed me was about someone trying to fit ancient greece/rome in the Nabatean/Agarthan conflict - but reading too much about languages and irl parallels, while fun to honeypot, is ultimately a sterile debate when Japan has been known to use several languages/names in various video games because they sounded cool/exotic enough (Jugdral's Sigurd and Deirdre and Chulainn come to mind, but then Granvalle's knight squads made me learn the name of some colors in german!) - even if Agarthan units being named after ancient sages, and their titans - i mean giant robots - having an arte called "titanomachy" is pretty revealing on the aesthetic the devs wanted to give them, which is also all kinds of interesting when you take into account that Rhea is the only one of Sothis's kids who is named in this fashion - from her name we could guess she's an Agarthan, but no, Sothis named her youngest kid the Agarthan way?
Anyways, I thought about it for funsies in the original language post (rather, tags) to be something like aramaic, with an alphabet that would be so different from modern day Fodlan's alphabet that randoms who never thought those symbols might be letters would just, ignore it - but it's basically headcanon land.
If nabatean language came from Sothis, is it like "the blue sea star's language", or are they even communicating in "Nabatean" through words, can this language be vocalised by humans, is it like entish, or was it kept secret and only used between Nabateans like Tolkien's khuzdul?
Or, about Agarthans - maybe they used a certain language before being wiped out and shared it with those lizards and some other random humans, Sothis confined them underground, Enbarrians kept on using the Agarthan language and through centuries of usage it eventually branched to become the Enbarr language - and pissed to speak something even similar to the language of those beasts, Agarthans evolved their original language to the one we can now spot in Shambala?
#anon#replies#idk if it makes sense#usually i wouldn't think too much abotu comparing a fictional coutnry to its rl inspiration#even if some parallels sting like#uh Almyra#and Adrestia's leader suddenly sprouting a dubious rhetoric about people sekritly controling the world and hoarding gold#imagine Chilon being so pissed because he wrote the Illiad back then#and then some beast in what is now Enbarr found it and plays it in a random odeon like#no that's his!!!#Rhea being named 'Rhea' when ancient greek names are agarthans in nature is fascinating#like maybe Sothis wanted to break peace with them and picking her latest kid's name like this was supposed to be a sign of pacification?#i don't think we are supposed to see links between who is connected or not#i saw a stupid post early in 2020 basically saying nabateans were liek rome and stole tech from the greek agarthans#but dude#the tech Agartha had came from Sothis and the Nabateans word of god said so#if anyone has screenshots of Zanado hit me plz#I'd like to check the background#from what I rememeber we can spot ruins of aqueducts ?#I thought about aramaic bcs of Sothis and Seiros's religions#but maybe nabatean was something like akkadian?#damn now i'm imagining young!Cichol reading a bedtime story to even younger!Rhea and siblings#like the epic of one of their sibling and his human partner heavily inspired by the epic of gilgamesh#Enbarr being way more inspired aesthically by the eastern roman empire rather than the western one we keep on seeing everywhere was a choic#I still dig it though#FE16#nabatean stuff#sort of since we talk about their languages and it spiralled in me ranting about i don't even know what lol
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transfaguette · 2 years
Android vs iPhone debates need to end <3. They aren't even comparable. Android is an open source operating system. Anyone could, right now, make an android device. So there are a lot of cheap (see: affordable, accessible) android phones out there. They may not have all the hottest features or the greatest cameras, but they're INCREDIBLY ACCESSIBLE! Plus, you could drop the same amount of money on a higher end android phone and get the same, if not better performance and quality as an iPhone, with the added bonus of having a lot more options to suit your needs. But most of the criticism of "android" simply comes from the fact that there are a lot of cheap phones that run android. And it's annoying and classist.
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thedanicode · 5 months
100 Days Of Code Challenge - day 8-9-10/100
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13/01/2023 14/01/2023 15/01/2023
Day 8-9-10:
Hello everyone! 🌟 Status update: This weekend, I was busy fixing details and refactoring the code of the pull request I made. I worked hard to polish functionalities, ensuring everything is in order. I refactored some sections to enhance the code's readability and long-term efficiency. My tech leader is a genius, and I learn a lot from him. I also started doing technical test exercises to include in my portfolio. I applied for some junior frontend positions, but haven't had luck yet; nevertheless, I keep persisting.💪
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viking-illustrator · 11 months
If you’re following me here because you found me on twitter dot com, feel free to say “hi!”.
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