#Team cohesion
alchemusprime · 1 year
3 Lessons For Teams from Brain Coral: Biomimicry in Action
Recently Dr. Margaret and I visited the Fiji museum, and learned a lot about Fiji’s multi-ethnic history via artifacts. I was fascinated to learn about the transfer of knowledge through various trades and cultural exchanges. The exhibit that retained my attention the longest was the coral section, in particular brain coral. I was riveted by the design of the polyps and the formation of the…
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journeytoleadership · 6 months
11 Relaxing Quotes For Leaders To Get Some Rest
When was the last time you were told that you needed to rest? Yesterday?!? Maybe you are having a hard time resting. Though the bills don’t pay themselves, they wont get paid if you are out of balance. There are several benefits to resting: You have more energy. You process while you sleep. You dont magnify problems. You look and feel good and cared for. You are in sync with yourself. You…
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happyceostrategies · 9 months
How to manage change and adapt strategy in a dynamic environment
Change Management : A Framework for Organizational Success When a crisis hits, we have a choice: we can either react with fear and panic, or we can respond with courage and purpose. As leaders, we have the responsibility to inspire our teams to embrace the challenge and see the opportunity for growth and innovation. Change is not something we should resist, but something we should welcome as a…
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ameristarstaffinginc · 10 months
Ensuring the strong health of clients and patients can take a lot of work. Your healthcare workforce must work together as a cohesive unit to remain effective in various healthcare contexts.
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himbohargreeves · 2 years
Anyway idk if anyone else has said it but the reason the Umbrellas had such a different outcome compared to the Sparrows is because Reggie gave up on them the minute he realised he couldn’t control Viktor. He needed seven to complete his plan. The Umbrella Academy was already a failure before it had even really begun.
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tezzbot · 2 months
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The Vectorrrr
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3416 · 7 months
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1634 + shared dreams
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Credits: Marina Tsvetaeva | Mark Blinch | Behind the Maple Leafs’ franchise-changing draft selection of Mitch Marner | Matthews: It's a dream come true | Rebecca Lindenberg, “Love, An Index” | NHL: Auston Matthews was born for this | Marner on wanting to continue playing for the Maple Leafs | H.G. Wells, The Time Machine over Lee Balterman, Steve Russell | The Hockey News over Steve Russell | Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena over Kevin Sousa (1) (2) | Leaf's (former) goal song: You Make My Dreams by Hall & Oates | TSN Unique Opportunity graphic | Jeff O'Neill on TSN The Quiz Panel | Two young Leafs join a pair of all-time Leaf greats | Hall & Oates again | Matthews thrilled to be committed to Maple Leafs | Kevin Sousa | Mitch Marner has another gear in him. | Frank Bidart, “To the Dead” on Mark Blinch (1) (2) (3) | Haruki Murakami, Sputnik Sweetheart | Mark Blinch
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front-facing-pokemon · 11 months
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eldritch-muppetshow · 3 months
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still-unnamed set of guys stuck together by their medic, info under the cut. can’t decide whether to name them sth mundane or sth goofy taken from sniper and spy’s voice clips
- prior to their medic (not archie) fusing them together, this particular red!sniper and spy were infamous among their teammates because they mutually hated each other from the moment they met, to the point of being actively detrimental to their team.
- the turning point came when their infighting cost their team (what would have been) a very important victory, resulting in their medic taking matters into his own hands. why he picked this as the solution (other than “it’s medic, he just wanted an excuse to sew two people together”) is anyone’s guess. it certainly hasn’t taught them any lessons about getting along.
- their new existence has been a difficult one, especially because their respective classes have very different roles in a match. what also doesn’t help is that spy’s disguise kit only cloaks him and does nothing for sniper— which they unfortunately found out the hard way.
- as a compromise for their living situations, they rotate between sleeping in spy’s quarters and sleeping in sniper’s van, which has been a pretty terrible experience for both parties.
- as for how their insides are connected and who has which organs: only medic truly knows, it’s all been trial-and-error for them to find out.
bonus doodle:
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leviathiane · 7 months
Natural team dynamic progression over stream for Blue team (Soulfire) [Day One of purgatory]:
Split into two main groups—
Farming/base-bound: Tina, Missa, Lenay, Niki
Fighters/Runners: Bad, Tubbo, Pierre
Tubbo is main official leader, and Bad and Tina have been acting as co-leaders per their groups for the most part. Tina had been the biggest support leader and the main person keeping morale up within the group-- Missa, Lenay, and Niki being her main supply runners/farmers that she distributed tasks through. Pierre has become main runner who turns in missions, while Tubbo and Bad run distraction. Majority of plans are thought up by Tina, Bad, Tubbo, and Pierre, and are run through Tubbo before execution.
They’ve maintained lead the entire stream for the most part.
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journeytoleadership · 2 years
5 Essential Skills For Effective Teamwork
5 Essential Skills For Effective Teamwork
For the past few years, we’ve been told that Teamwork is the most effective way to achieve success… Teamwork requires many essential skills. Teamwork is more than just contributing or getting along with other people. It consists in a group collaborating in an effort to achieve a common goal such as company growth and success. Need support or want to land a leadership position? Check out our…
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happyceostrategies · 1 year
The secrets to building a successful team?
Strategies that consist of creating teams that are diverse in terms of thinking styles are more effective than creating homogeneous teams of people who get along well.
How to harness the power of cognitive diversity in teams You may have heard of the DISC (Red, Blue, Green, Yellow) or Hermann (Left, Right, Brain, Lymbic) psychological models and tests which are theories about individual preferences (1) (2). These tests are based on a simple idea: that each of us has a different way of thinking and solving problems, and by combining these different styles, we…
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genspiel · 1 month
"now disappear!"
"over here!"
"get in gear!"
they all rhyme !!!
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nellasbookplanet · 9 months
I know I'm about a decade late but I've been replaying the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time since I was a teenager and I'm going absolutely bonkers trying to figure out if the endings are actively and stupidly working against the core themes of all three games, or if they actually thematically work but in the bleakest way imaginable.
All three endings are the embodiment of what we've been fighting literally from the start. In ME1 Saren thinks the Reapers cannot be defeated and so strives for Synthesis, thinking it will save us but not realizing he's already been indoctrinated and has basically willingly turned himself into a husk by the end. In ME2 & 3 the Illusive Man thinks destroying the Reapers would be a waste and that we should instead control both their technology and them as a species, ignoring that this is not only a heinous thing to do but also incredibly arrogant, seeing as anyone poking at Reaper technology gets indoctrinated. Both Synthesis and Control are actively argued against by the very narrative. That in combination with Destroy being the only ending in which Shepard survives, it’s no wonder many fans seem to consider it the only "true" ending (and it’s also not very surprising the indoctrination theory got so popular).
But Destroy comes with its own issues. Aside from the ethical implications of only being able to win by committing genocide against your own allies (synthetics in general, geth and EDI in particular), like with the other two it seems to be actively argued against throughout the narrative.
You are the strongest at the end by striving for cooperation throughout the games, showing time and again that destruction isn't necessary. You save the krogan from extinction, stop the geth and the quarians from wiping each other out. From Javik we find out that the strength of this cycle compared to his is the diversity and cooperation between alien species; from the Leviathan DLC as well as the history of the geth and of EDI we find that synthetics are only violent by mirroring their creators, and can be peaceful just as much as organics. And yet here is an ending arguing for completely wiping out all synthetics.
Assuming the writers were not actually trying to work against their own themes, this makes all three endings incredibly bleak. With the constant emphasis on making hard choices throughout the trilogy, is the point that there is no way to achieve a truly "good" ending? That you'll have to compromize your morals or your allies or both to stop extinction? That Saren or the Illusive Man's solutions could have worked had they not been corrupted, similarly to how synthetic implants (a step toward synthesis) did not automatically corrupt Shepard (with Kai Leng as a foil of cybernetic implants instead leading to indoctrination), or reaper code upgrades didn’t automatically corrupt EDI or the geth?
But if so, why are all endings presented as... happy? Why is Synthesis lifted as the epitome of evolution and peace while never touching the sacrifice of agency in the name of survival? Why does Control lift the "power in control" and "wisdom of harnessing the strength of your enemy" while ignoring the ethical implications of basically indoctrinating and enslaving the reapers in turn? Why does neither of these endings lift the risk of them turning sour the way they did for Saren and the Illusive Man? Why does Destory lift victory and rebuilding while ignoring the literal genocide that took place to allow for it? None of these are presented as bittersweet endings in which morals had to be sacrificed in the name of survival and a better future, but they also work against the themes in such an obvious way that I refuse to believe the writers didn’t notice. There must be more to it.
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For the Optimus is the sparkling of Unicron AU, do you think the team ever comes to trust Optimus again? Or do you think a mutiny may happen?
Using this as an excuse to build off the previous part here. More pain for my dearest Prime before he finally gets some comfort in the next part.
After being cast away from his team Optimus was deeply emotionally scarred and overall in a bad place mentally. But no matter what others thought of him, he was still the Prime, and even if he was stripped of his badge, he was an Autobot. There was still a war to win and Megatron still needed to be stopped. Optimus could not falter no matter how much he wanted to. As such after taking a few days to wallow and weep, Optimus managed to pull himself together enough to begin working.
He turned himself into his own mobile base through the use of his trailer. In it he placed his few belongings and set up a makeshift console to track his Autobots and anything else of interest. He couldn't get exact readings on his Autobots since he was locked out of most systems. But out of mercy or perhaps simply because they forgot, Optimus still had access to records pertaining to where groundbridges had been used. These he kept constant tabs on, and whenever a groundbridge signal would appear on his map, he flew into action.
He could not get to every battle in time, there were simply too many to reach and all were far and few between. But he figured out a pattern of sorts. He constantly kept on the move, sustaining himself with power from his father even as he ignored the increasingly guilty feeling god. Although even when sustained by his father's power, he still found himself needing to take in energon every now and then to function properly. He kept his frame held together enough to not be a walking torch, but power still showed through cracks in his plating when he was in root mode. Optimus moved from state to state, following signals and using his previous knowledge of patrols to keep an optic on his team from a distance. When he did arrive in time to fight, it was always a shock for the Autobots and a near instant win as with the power of his father flowing through him granted him power greater than Megatron.
He never stayed long. He got in, fought for his team to buy them time to do whatever it was they were attempting to achieve, and then got out before they could try and blast him to bits as well. He was technically a rogue neutral now, a kill on sight kind of target. And while he wanted to believe his Autobots wouldn't try and kill him, he also had never expected them to exile him. The idea that they might harm him was not off the table, no matter how much he hated the thought of his family turning against him. However even with the power of the chaos god flowing through him, Optimus still took damage. And as the weeks dragged on and Optimus moved from place to place in a never ending march, collecting wounds, scuffs, and cuts as he did so... he fell into disrepair.
His paint was chipped away and his plating was completely covered by mud, dust, dried energon, and all sorts of other things from his never ending tracking and the fact that he simply couldn't find anywhere safe enough to get a good wash in. At most he managed to take a dip in a lake every month or so when the fighting came to a lull or he finally got too irritated with his state. He ended up using an old brown tarp as a makeshift cover for his trailer after it got a huge hole blasted into it during a battle by accident. The tarp then ended up doubling as a cloak for Optimus since he didn't want it getting blown away should he leave it laying about while he fought. Not only that, but it served as reasonable camouflage, so Optimus came to like his rag-tag cloak after a while (although he liked it even more when he found he could use it to cover up the real state of his frame from the enemy).
The injuries he picked up were nearly always small, usually nothing more than a scuff or a dent, occasionally a cut but nothing out of the realms of Optimus's skill-set. But with time, the lackluster medical treatment and the odd slightly more serious injuries that came from battle began to add up. And no matter how Optimus tried to hide it an not seem weak as he fought for his Autobots, the team began to catch on.
The team were downright shocked when Optimus turned up to battle the first time. The Prime issued orders which were obeyed purely off instinct by the team, and then as soon as the enemy was driven back far enough for the team to complete their goal, Optimus took off running without another word. At the time they expected it to be a one off situation since the next time he turned up they made a big deal out of treating him as a neutral to try and keep him away. But no matter what they did, Optimus still managed to turn up like a haunted wraith at random times. Sometimes Optimus appeared on the battlefield like some sort of guardian angel, and other times he went weeks without making a peep.
The team tried to track him, but without his badge which held his previous tracker, all they could get were his vitals. They also tried to find out how he managed to track them down, eventually roping Rafael into assisting even as the child gave them dirty looks. At which point Rafael straight up lied to their faces and gave them false data, saying he "couldn't figure it out". The team, especially Ratchet knew this to be a lie, but they did not comment on it and opted to let Optimus do his thing. He was not their concern anymore, not while he was exiled.
Even knowing that Optimus was technically a neutral at best and an enemy at worst did not end up stopping the team from growing increasingly guilty and concerned as time passed and Optimus looked more and more ragged. The Prime began taking longer to turn up for fights, his plating was scuffed and cracked beyond belief, and more than once the team caught him shuffling off with a limp when the battle was done. It certainly didn't make them feel any better when Optimus got stabbed protecting them around six months into his exile and dragged himself away with one servo clutched to his wound, once again not looking back.
It got bad enough that Wheeljack considered possibly trying to use his ability to leave without warning to bring Optimus some supplies. He held no real ill will toward the Prime and hated watching the commander he had known and respected fall slowly because of poor maintenance. Ratchet also considered going out quietly to at least patch Optimus up, but ultimately guilt and fear won over and he didn't end up doing anything. Although quietly he did "accidentally" leave a set of patches on the battlefield near Optimus once. Unfortunately for his attempted kindness, the patches were returned to Arcee before Optimus took off again as usual. Arcee and Bulkhead briefly considered trying to do something as well, but gave up also in large part due to guilt. Bumblebee hated himself a little more every time he saw Optimus and noted his deteriorating state. Especially when the Prime's mental instability became more clear with his increased brutality and near obsessive need to fight for the Autobots just to get some sort of interaction.
As for the children? They tried and failed countless times to get out and speak to Optimus. They only succeeded once time and it ultimately ended with Optimus returning them to the team before they could even ask questions or really speak with him.
For months the exile continued, with Optimus growing more and more desperate for something, anything. He even began reaching back out to his father simply because he felt so very alone. It hurt more than anything to live like an outcast, and his frame's deterioration did nothing to make him feel like a Prime. Unicron did his best to try and help Optimus as much as he was able once his creation stated leaning on him again. But the chaos god's reassurance could only do so much for his child's rapid decline.
It was bound to happen. But seven months into his exile, Optimus finally broke down, unable to endure the solitude any longer.
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lokinas · 7 months
Étoile has honor, he would have felt gross doing that! Roier too!
Philza about Bad allowing Forever to spawn camp him to overtake red
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