#TUMBLR we are FIGHTING oh my gosh
cherryc1nnam0n · 7 months
I'm bored and I don't wanna write something so have this rant about the (fictional) men I love and why
Hello people
This is Cherry speaking and today I am presenting top men that I love and why are (most of them) them all serial killers who wear masks and are dead? We'll find out here
1. Brahms Heelshire
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I mean just look at him, skrunkily wall boi who has never showered, the man with a mask that makes him look so fuckable and submissive and he fucking whines?! Ngh, so hot
I need to lick those man titties with all my might and ride him until his legs give out
But unlucky for me he's dead as fuck so yikes, he's not dead in my mind or in my blog
2. Billy Loomis
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Crazy Ghostface boi who can rearrange my guts any time he wants and breed me all he wants mhm mhm
I fucking love Billy because look at him, he's a psychopath but he looks so hot while being it
Who wouldn't love this man??
But again, another one dead, killed by Sydney (fuck you Sydney), but not before leaving his offspring but we won't talk about that now
3. Eddie Munson
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The exception to being a killer because he was framed it's my beautiful boi Eddie <3
I love this boi with all my heart and he can touch it with his dick all he wants <3
I fell in love with him when I saw him on Stranger Things 4 and I haven't since then <3
But my boi was eaten alive by a swarm of feral bats and bleed to death in Dustin's arms but he's still alive in my mind, and Tumblr's mind <3
4. Mark Hoffman
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My crush from Saw since I watched the movies when I was 6
I have always loved older men for some reason so yeah (daddy issues)
He's not a good apprentice from John because he kills people and doesn't give them the chance of survival but I still love him <3
But as all of them, he was tied up on the original room from Saw and left to die there
It's presumed he's dead because people only survive 3 days without food so he's probably dead as fuck like all of them bois in this list
Still, he's still alive for me so he can breed me all he wants <3
5. Ethan Landry
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Another Ghostface crazy boi who died a virgin (not in my mind if you know what I mean)
He was killed in an awful way but he's still hot and submissive and breedable and oh my gosh he's so hot
I am literally obsessed with him and you'll see my latest likes are all Ethan so yeah, fuck me (Ethan) I guess
6. Billy Hargrove
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My asshole of a boyfriend who was too weak in spirit to fight off Vecna and died thanks to it
I love him <3
He's my favorite boi that can hit me and fuck me all he wants until I fry and he won't even stop by then so mmmmmhmmm
But again, ded as fuck lol
7. Hannibal Lecter
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Cannibal daddy can eat me alive whenever he wants, I have excess skin so he can have all he wants mmmm
He's so pretty and sophisticated and so mmmm
I love him and he can eat me all he wants and breed me too
(I don't remember what happened to him if he died of not but yeah)
8. C!Technoblade
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My pig boi who is a genocidal and an anarchist will always live rent free on my mind
(Along with his creator Alex, RIP Techno, we miss you a lot)
But on the DSMP I headcanon he had a lovely wife and two kids who loved him a lot and now they're alone and sad </3
But he's alive in my own AU so it's fine
I love my pig boi
9. Jim Hopper
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I mean look at him, he screams DADDY in all his forms
I love hunks for some reason and he's one of them
He can have me whenever he wants
Only exception to being dead lol
Man titties
But anyways. That's everyone I can name off the top of my head so if you until here have a nice day and I love you <3
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mikalara-dracula · 1 year
When the Sakamakis were children [IRL photos + hcs]
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with mentions of childhood fears/trauma. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Made with: @liannelara-dracula
Figured I'd put side-by-side photos for better comparison to real life and the anime.
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Started practicing violin a lot as a kid, but it was honestly a hobby to him. And this is probably when his love for classical music began.
He also started learning piano too. He has a natural talent for both, but violin came easier to him.
Began learning fencing as a child. (I have a post about Shu and Reiji hcs if anyone is interested. Click/tap here to check it out.)
Shu used to be taller than Reiji as a kid, but this changed later on.
Read poetry as a child and Beatrix also forced him to write some of his own so he’d develop the skill since the heir had to know how to do something finesse.
Since he’s the heir, he was expected to attend special balls and gatherings with Reiji by his side.
And here, you can best bet he was introduced to potential suitresses he would have to choose sometime later, but Beatrix thought it didn’t hurt for Shu to be introduced early.
She honestly hoped he’d become friends with one of his suitresses as children so they could grow up together and later be married.
It’s canon that Shu has a fear of clowns.
This fear probably resulted from Ayato and Laito jumping at him out of nowhere when they were kids, and scared him by wearing clown masks.
It’s also canon that he’s afraid of caterpillars.
This fear probably developed in his childhood through Reiji putting one in Shu’s tea once, and he’s been traumatized since due to Reiji’s scheming.
It’s canon that he knows Latin, so he probably started studying it when he was a child. Beatrix figured it’d be better for him to get familiarized with the human world since Karl was well accustomed, so through Shu being the heir, you can imagine Beatrix expected him to be very knowledgeable like Karl.
It’s canon that Shu used to sneak out as much as he could to get away from the castle.
Although, he would sometimes get caught by the servants who would immediately force him to come back and he’d be delivered to his mother for scolding.
But some servants looked the other way and let Shu go out and explore, mostly because they felt bad from how much pressure was on him as the heir.
When he met Edgar, he used to sneak out a lot to go see him.
In the manga, Shu said that he worked harder in his studies so he could finish them early and go have time to see Edgar.
Their friendship was so cute. :))
Had his first kiss at 13 (at least he looked 13) with some nobleman’s daughter since he was at the age of being curious as to what that would feel like.
Was quite close with some of his nannies and servants, at least the ones who let him get away with things his mother wouldn’t allow.
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Oh my gosh, look at our lil Rei. He was so cute as a kid. (Tbh, they all were.)
Apart from this, unfortunately, Reiji was alone for most of his childhood.
Read a lot as a kid, either for school or personal research.
Has gotten into literal fights with Shu, such as both them tackling each other and battling it out.
It usually took several servants to pry them apart.
They once ended up falling into a mud puddle during their fight and Beatrix was so pissed off that their suits had been soiled. You can bet her scolding was quite brutal and never-ending about this.
Probably started learning chess around this time as well. Lil Rei honestly found it interesting since it involved strategy, something that’s right up his alley.
His fear of ghosts probably developed as a child since he was always lonely, especially through always sleeping in his room alone as a kid and being considered foolish by his mother if he sought comfort.
It’s canon in one of the game routes that Reiji developed a healing cream formula as a child to aid vampires. So we can see how advanced his chemistry skills were even as a child.
Because there was a lot of pressure on him as a child by his mother he felt the need to perfect things so he was always practicing all his manners, tea pouring, dancing, and fencing skills.
He usually asks his servants to assist him and correct him if needed.
This is also why he is so good at dancing when it comes to the waltz. 
It doesn’t surprise me if he had a maid/servant who used to help him practice.
At balls and events that he attended with Shu, he always tried to make a better impression than his brother, mostly because he just wanted to be acknowledged.
It’s canon that Reiji used to spy on Shu in hopes of catching him doing something un-heir-like so he could report it to his mom and get Shu scolded so he could be viewed as the more “mature” child.
He used to have tea time with his mother because she’d want to know what was going on with Shu.
Reiji at first thought it was because she wanted to spend time with him but he later learned that these tea times were only to know what Shu was up to and if he was misbehaving or hiding anything.
Still, Reiji did what he was asked because he figured he could possibly get the chance to tell his mother some news about his discoveries or something interesting.
However, it was always short-lived because she used to change subjects and always focus on Shu.
This is also why Reiji prefers to be alone because he could never have one conversation with her, without her not mentioning his older brother.
All our lil Rei wanted was a friend who would listen to him 😭.
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It’s canon that Laito once stuck candy wrappers into Shu’s pocket to not get the blame for eating them. Shu’s still pissed at Laito for this since he ended up getting the blame along with getting scolded by Reiji.
Definitely developed his fear of bugs as a kid.
Ayato used to chase Laito around the courtyard with a bug in his hand and would try to get it on him.
He used to run around the mansion shirtless.
But also used to run around naked in the castle with his brothers.
Always took baths with his two little brothers, and he and Ayato always use to tease Kanato by pouring cold water on him or by stealing his bath toy.
This usually resulted in Kanato crying.
But sometimes they were nice to him and washed his hair since they felt bad. So they used to take turns washing each other’s hair.
Laito and Ayato always bribe Kanato with candy so they dare him to touch Reiji’s shoulder while he’s reading without being noticed or to mess with the cooks in the kitchen.
This way they can get a laugh out of it.
Laito used to have the servants read him bedtime stories before going to bed every night.
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Aww, isn’t he cute.
Let’s just pretend the bby in the photo on the right is Teddy lol.
It’s honestly funny how both are positioned in the same way.
Kanato wasn’t entirely alone during his childhood.
He mostly spent his time with Ayato and Laito, but sometimes he preferred to be alone.
Used to have pillow/stuffed animal fights in his room with Ayato and Laito. And they would usually end with pillows/stuffed animals ripping, causing a big cloud of fluff to explode about them.
Used to steal sweets from the castle's kitchen and was an expert at hiding it.
Little Kanato would usually sneak out of his room after everyone had been put to sleep and would sneak into the kitchen to grab a bite of whatever sweets the castle had prepared for tomorrow.
He once colored on the castle walls because he was so bored. Cordelia was so mad, but Karl honestly didn’t care since he claimed his son was expressing himself. Until this day, that wall remains with that design.
It’s canon that Kanato used to sing “Scarborough Fair” to Cordelia when he was a kid. He honestly had a natural talent for singing and finds it nice to sing on his own every so often as seen in the anime.
His brothers used to tease him about his height and he’d get sad and would claim that one day he’d be taller.
Sometimes Kanato would have nightmares as a kid. So he’d end up going to either Laito or Ayato’s room and crawl into their beds for comfort. Aww :’))
He used to be afraid of lighting as a kid.
He had a childhood crush once and Laito and Ayato teased him endlessly about it.
Used to finger paint with Laito and Ayato and they used to tease him by taking their fingers and dabbing their fingers on his nose to get paint on it. It would always make him upset.
Our poor little baby.
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Ayato usually spent his time with Kanato and Laito, but mostly Laito since sometimes Kanato wanted to be on his own.
Ayato once spent a lot of time with Kanato and Laito building this little motor that they could drive around.
Ayato decided to test it once inside the castle with Kanato and Laito.
And it actually worked! Ayato was having a lot of fun test-driving it around, and Kanato and Laito cheering him on and begging to have a turn.
But this was until Cordelia stopped Ayato and told him to go to his room for acting foolish.
In the end, their little motor ended up disappearing, and they later discovered that Cordelia had it burned.
It’s canon that Ayato took violin lessons as a kid, but this didn’t last long until Cordelia ended up breaking Ayato’s violin during her freakouts, to which his lessons ended. And he was honestly happy to get out of them.
Ayato always used to play monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato. And you can best bet that Kanato was the monkey in the middle.
Kanato would always complain that he could never catch the ball and would throw tantrums about this.
Tbh, this hasn’t changed since the triplets play it like this until now lmao. xDD
Used to jump off the manor’s couches with Kanato and Laito with a cape and pretended he could fly.
Apparently, it’s canon that Ayato is afraid of bees. So with this, he probably developed this trauma because he got stung once when he was a kid and never got over it.
He used to grab little mice and release them into the kitchen because all the female cooks were afraid of them.
He used to get a kick out of it every time the cooks would start freaking out and throwing pots and pans and chasing them out with a broom.
He’s even done this to his aunt Beatrix but not his mom, he was too afraid. He knew she’d instantly catch on to it being him and suffer tremendous punishment for it.
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He was alone a lot of the time too.
As we know, Christa gave Subaru that silver knife he always carries around.
Whenever he was bored as a kid, he’d sometimes used it to carve or engrave things, or even weave bracelets.
He had a childhood crush! It was a girl (a child vampire like him) from a noble family that would sometimes come to court.
She was around his age and was pretty social. She noticed him at one of the gatherings and began hanging out with him since she found the gatherings boring.
So, they both would go outside since Subaru hates crowds himself. And from there, they developed a pretty cute and innocent friendship.
She actually got our little bby car to lighten up and would tag him out of nowhere so he could chase her around the courtyard.
And it was through this that Subaru developed a crush on her.
Sooner than later, he even went as far as carving his and her initials into a tree in the courtyard.
Their friendship lasted a good while throughout the years and through having such a connection, Subaru secretly swore that he’d marry her when they were of age.
But this all changed when the girl was forced to marry another suitor that was presented to her.
This left him pretty disappointed, but he figured it would end this way because he always thought it was too good to be true since he was raised to think he was “filthy.”
Used to engage in a bit of pottery making and he gave some of his works to his mom, which she gladly appreciated when she wasn’t having a mental breakdown.
Subaru keeps his little pottery works until now stashed somewhere hidden in his room so his brothers won’t find them.
And he can’t bring himself to throw them away despite part of him wanting to since he finds them foolish now. Whatever the case, he figures as long as his brothers don’t see nor find them, he’ll keep them.
Played tag with the triplets sometimes.
Would sometimes hang out with Shu, but it was rare.
They’d sometimes go on walks together in the courtyard or even carve things together, like a piece of wood from a nearby tree.
Shu once tried to teach Subaru violin, but it was a disaster.
Unfortunately, it was so bad that it was overheard by the entire castle ground and it resulted in a lot of people complaining. So with that, he never tried it again.
Despite this though, he still considered Shu his favorite brother since Shu never bothered him in an annoying way and was the only one who made an attempt to hang out with him every so often.
It’s canon that Subaru likes Kanato’s singing. Since Kanato used to sing to Cordelia when he was a child, Subaru probably overheard Kanato sing to Cordelia in the courtyard sometimes since he spent a lot of time there himself, and grew an admiration from there on out.
Subaru would sometimes use his knife to cut roses and bring them to his mom when she was feeling okay. It always brought a smile to her face.
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changingplumbob · 2 months
Coming this rotation, a new High School!
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In my mod frustration I took a break from gameplay and rebuilt my old very square high school. I changed the time of day for taking photos and cheated the weather to sunny about 5 times but it kept raining so we're just going to roll with it. I mean at least it shows off the covered walkways?
As you walk on to the grounds the building on the right is the first stop. It is the reception area of the school and features the first aid room and principals office. We may or may not see the principals office depending on how evil a certain sim will be once they age up to a teen.
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If you exited the office and went past the picnic tables to a side walkway you would find the basketball court (yes this is 100% here because @matchalovertrait character Dulce played basketball which made me remember most high schools have a court). The end of the walkway has a group cheer mat which Onyx may or may not use, obviously not in this weather, they like their hair too much. Opposite this is a proper sized pool inspired by the wonderful high school build done by @stargazer-sims (seriously wanting a pool even close to yours was a main drive of redoing the place).
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What? We can walk from the pool to the main building without getting rained on? How convenient in this deluge! As we turn to look back at the pool notice how the watcher solved the empty space problem by chucking down a whole skating rink. Back into the main building and we're greeted by a pride flag because this is an inclusive school even if the principal is an arse gosh darn it!
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I thought I couldn't get a more colourful cafeteria then I went and built it! Please notice the pride flag wall (please let me know if I forgot any key ones and I'll add them), colourful menus and a security camera to keep track of who really starts those food fights.
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Double doors lead to an outside eating area, once again covered and- who put a waterslide back there? Seriously questionable building taste (it's me, I have questionable building taste). There's also a couple of swing sets because you're never too old for swings.
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The other set of internal double doors lead to the library which is kindly being modeled by the default principal. Space for group study and comfy reading. I liked the idea of taller tables and normal height tables coexisting in the space. Room to work on projects together or study alone.
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What's that you say? I've never looked into voidcritter lore despite owning kids room stuff? Me neither my friend. Didn't stop me from decorating the locker section with them though. If we continue clockwise- oh look, a full length mirror! How convenient for image obsessed teens without them clogging the bathrooms. You can also see the space on the opposite side of the cafeteria where there is a mural outline in case sims want to fill it in (I'm looking at you art lover Carson who still managed to get a low boost to his exam despite not having art knowledge). Anyway back to clockwise, this is my math class. Math diagrams because math.
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And then we come out of the side hallway where the entrance to math was and face back towards the front entrance. Let me just take a minute to highlight that all bathrooms here are unisex individual spaces. Gender is a social construct and honestly making a group of young people who are already self conscious get changed in the same space is... not a great plan. The bathrooms in the pool also look like this. Down our second side corridor and I wonder what could be here. Oh look at that art, it kind of looks like something @eljeebee reblogged yesterday... silver and yellow... (I swear I forgot about seeing it until after I finished the build and I rechecked tumblr and saw it again. It's not my fault Lana is being an influencer)
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Through the door you will find the graphics studio/art class. Hopefully it can inspire the students a bit. Alas not much room for easels but in graphics in high school all we needed was blank paper and a good desk.
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Then we have business class right by the front entrance. Why is it so feminine I hear you say? Because business is for women to! Eliza is proving that. And I fell in love with the colour scheme and ran with it... And I wanted to try different style individual desks in different classes. Have you noticed this is the third room with different style desk? Probably not as this is the first time I'm mentioning it.
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To the other side of the entrance we have two more classes (these are bordering the cafeteria). First up, computer science! Not a single computer in sight! Because when I tried to put computers at desks the students just sat in a huddle by the door and all got yelled at by the principal didn't they (I am sorry about that detention Onyx and Carson, my bad). Next we have social studies, one of my school favourites! Broke out the dino wallpaper and some maps to go with historic pieces. Fun fact, I'm useless at geography, couldn't find anywhere on a map really.
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Now upstairs may seem a bit of a jumble... But that's just because it is. The main landing connects with a small workout area. Here we have a punching bad, some yoga mats, and the traditional exercise machine and treadmill for those before class tasks. Of course we have a sneaky bit of unicorn art as tribute to the queen of unicorns @azuhrasims herself.
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In one of the upstairs corners we have our Language Studies room. And look, there's the big blank spot on the wall I couldn't decide decor for, oops. I have a film poster in here because my English teacher had film posters up and I loved them! Then we have a chill hang out space with a variety of comfy seats to choose from. These wall murals really set the vibe I wanted. A place to relax indoors that wasn't the cafeteria.
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Next corner we have the science class where I definitely did not go overboard with green, nope not me. I wanted to chuck some chem labs in here but I also wanted each class to be able to sit 10. When I play the Pancakes next both teens will need to be in the same class so I'm going to run that week with a larger mixed class, they'll each have 4 friends of their own age in their class for company. Then we have what I assume was the builder's attempt at a Foreign Language classroom? Between quilted floor tiles and gingham walls I'd guess they were out of ideas by the time they got to this room (yeah I kind of was, plus I just don't know what to put in a foreign language class when all simlish is foreign to me)
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And finally we have Olive Grim! Wife of the reaper who is kindly testing my build out for me in the photography save. I should have had her test a shower in the bathrooms but hindsight is 20/20 or whatever the saying is. She's chilling in the most bland boring room I could make for my sims to have to sit exams in. No inspiration and no cheating off classroom posters!
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Thank you for coming on my tour. Once again I am sorry about the rain! I even skipped forward a whole other day and it was still there... at least we're putting the covered walkways to use I guess?
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nobodybutapathetic · 1 year
Let’s Make Out Memories
pairing: Tom and Y/N
Warning: May include spice, making out and words that’ll make you blush (not THOSE words)
summary: Tom and Y/N filming the Yule ball scene in the Harry Potter 4th movie but then something spicy happens…
a/n: I’m truly sorry for being not active anymore. I just started taking breaks for the past few weeks and now, I feel motivated here on tumblr again. Anyways, I thank you @qrvmlfoy for choosing this since I convinced you to choose a oneshot for me to write. And for @slytherinqueenrose, I’m gonna write the rest of the other oneshot you requested, k? Love you all!
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“Draco won’t be having much screen time tho” Tom said to one of the directors.
“Yeah but he’d be seen in the background. Y/N can start practicing the dance with you now.” The director patted Tom’s shoulders as Tom just chuckles.
“Yeah okay. Y/N, mind if we take a quick practice? I mean, I already got my feet ready that it’s excited to burst out of these polished shoes.” Tom smiled which caused me to laugh awkwardly.
“Yeah totally. Okay, let’s go to the ballroom.” I chuckled which made him smirk and grab my hand.
He lead me to the big, mesmerizing ballroom which made me distracted a lot. Well, of course, no one knows when I’d step on his foot every time.
We started taking it slow, slow dancing. Which made the feeling so joyful. I haven’t felt this joy for a while since I’ve been busy filming with Tom.
Later then, he started twirling me around as if I was a princess and a ballerina at the same time.
“Tom, you’re gonna make me dizzy.” I whispered which made him laugh.
“You’re too irresistible, do you know that?” He whispered back, grabbing my waist with his right hand and his left hand grabbing my chin.
“Tom..” I mumbled but he just forms a grin.
“There’s loads of people here so.. Do you mind?” He signaled me to go to the toilet in the corner of the ball.
“Tom, we still have to film. Maybe later?” I tried to convince but he just pouts.
“You’re no fun” He whispered which I rolled my eyes at.
“Yeah whatever.” I went to Emma and Daniel who was busy practicing their lines.
“Gosh! Did you really have to pick me up and spin me?” I whispered-yelled to Tom.
“Well, don’t blame me. The director told.” He grabs a chocolate and munches it while fixing his bow tie.
“Typical Tom.” I rolled my eyes.
“Okay okay break time over! Back to dancing!” The director said.
Me and Tom came in position, hand in hand and my head on his shoulder.
The dance was again slow but then we started going in circles, him twirling me around and do some salsa.
To be honest, I loved this day. The way Tom would dance with me is enough to fill my heart with joy. This is what I always wanted. Happiness.
“Do you still wanna dance or?.. Go to the toilet?” He asked, smirking while whispering it to my ear.
“You know what? I feel bad for you so, I’m going to the toilet you’ve been begging to go.” I grabbed his hand and lead him to the bathroom.
His smirk grew wider before locking the bathroom door.
“Don’t go too far tho.” I placed my arms around his neck as he lowly laughs.
“I can’t promise or swear that.” He pulled me into a kiss which, I gladly did as well.
We both loved each other. Ever since the beginning and ever since we met. We knew we were a match.
He then started playing my mouth with his tongue. I was surprised on how he managed to fight the dominance between us but I didn’t mind.
He started pinning me against the wall, removing his white suit in a rush.
“Tom.. I told you not to take it too far..” I whispered, in between kisses.
“Darling. I just can’t resist you. I told you, you’re irresistible. You’re so goddamn perfect, Y/N. I love you a lot. And if you love me back, I love you even more.” He said before pulling out from the kiss and then started kissing my neck.
Before I could even moan out, someone came inside the bathroom.
“OH MY GOD- I AM SO SORRY.” Emma said before she immediately left.
“That was-“ I got cut off by Tom.
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silverskye13 · 3 months
just binged all of redstone and skulk in one go. HOLY SHIT!!! i left some comments on ao3 but that wasn't enough. i needed to come to your tumblr too bc this fic has Changed Me A Little. it makes sense- i've been subscribed to you on ao3 for a while (remember hound's tooth? i think that was when i started following your writing. and monsters splitting hairs, although i'm not quite caught up on that one), and that was for a good reason- but tanguish and helsknight are something else! part of why i like fanfiction is because i get to see more of characters i already like- it takes a special fic to get me so invested in characters i've basically just met! and you do it so well! like. the subtle character things! the way i can pick out the hermits' (and martyn's, but i'm calling him a hermit for the sake of convenience) traits in the helsmits, but warped and twisted around like a funhouse mirror? fantastic. i love it. im eating that shit up. the ilttle differences and similarities between tango and tanguish, helsknight and wels (bc he isn't acting very knightly right now), impulse and the demon- it's so cool to see! i also saw the other ask you got where you talked about your process, and how you give your characters a list of traits as a guide to writing them- i'm definitely going to have to borrow that trick. it works! so well! it shows in your writing in the consistency of how the characters behave!
some other thoughts i had while reading:
helsknight being religious probably has a lot more to do with him being a knight than wels being a lutheran irl (which is where his name comes from and i find that hilarious), but still. if it's unintentional it's hilarious and if it's on purpose then it's a fun easter egg!
i relate to and understand tanguish, because i too would want to befriend helsknight, and also because if a bunch of big scary people basically adopted me and tried to teach me how to use a knife i would be so pathetic about it.
i relate to and understand helsknight and tango, because tanguish is the weirdest little cat ever and i too am captivated by his pathetic little freak charms, and i want to be his friend.
i neither relate to nor understand wels, because 1) if i saw my friend's presumably-evil counterpart skulking around the shopping district i would likely call them first (just seems like the polite thing to do, and also bc if helsknight showed up and the ppl who found him didn't call wels about it i feel like he'd probably be more than a little pissed), and 2) look at tanguish. he's just a little guy. he's a little guy and it's his birthday. how could you be mean to him.
tl;dr: redstone and skulk has compelled me to the point that leaving comments on ao3 wasn't enough, i needed to ramble straight into your inbox because it's just so good.
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Oh my gosh! Firstly: thank you for all the kind words! I'm glad you're liking my writing so far, and thank you both for the comments and the scurry into the inbox. I love hearing people's thoughts, even if I don't have the spoons to respond to everyone all the time :'D
For your bullet points:
-- I didn't know Wels was Lutheran! I knew he was ex-military, and at least in my family's trends, military and religiosity go hand in hand, so it makes sense. But still! Learning new fun facts! I know nothing about the Lutheran Church [I was raised Baptist.] Probably gonna do some reading later.
-- I feel like Tanguish is going through that phase of "all the biker/military uncles have decided I'm one of them for some reason" and as someone who has gone through that before, for the same baffling non-reasons [used power tools in their presence once, a la Tanguish barely participating in a fight once] I sympathize. Very interesting somewhat scary people. Why did you invite me to sit at your table. Why do you keep slipping me tequila and buying me knives like I'm in on the joke.
-- Tanguish is such a specimen we all just want to look at him under a microscope. He is so scared yet so brave. He thinks knives are scary but he leaps off buildings. He's scared of getting hurt and seeing blood but he has no regard for his personal safety. How do you fit so many oxymorons in such a tiny body---
-- Wels please, he's a little guy and it's his birthday! Stop bullying him!!
Addendum: I agree Jackrabbit is very Tanguish coded. It is now on the playlist.
Want to live like an animal?
By the skin of your teeth?
Put your good face on, you're foolin' no one
You're a jackrabbit underneath
One step forward, step right back
Run for the hills, honey, run for the hills, honey
Run for the hills, don't look back
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darkstar225 · 10 months
Twice's 10th member is Blackpink's Jennie little sister
A/N: I got an ask on Tumblr and I loved writing it, ty! :D
The request: can I make a request please!!! The request is where reader is Jennie secret lil sister!! Where Jennie absolutely adore reader as Mus as twice adore the maknae and Jennie fighting over reader from twice!! Where Jennie is like ('this is my sister so we goes to vacation first) and twice responded ('nu uh')
PS: Tysm for everyone that reads what I write, I hope I can bring a smile to your faces every time I post! I'd like to thank whoever sent me this idea 'cause I loved to write it <3
The sun was shining brightly as Jennie walked briskly down the bustling streets of Seoul. Dressed in a chic black outfit, her long dark hair cascading down her back, she exuded confidence and charisma. As a member of one of the most popular K-pop girl groups, BLACKPINK, she was used to the attention and adoration of fans and paparazzi. But today, her mind was entirely preoccupied with something else. Jennie had a secret, one that she had been carefully guarding for years. She was the older sister of a young girl named Y/N. Said girl was only 14 years old and the new youngest member of the rapidly rising girl group TWICE. Jennie smiled fondly as she thought about her sister, a talented and beautiful girl with a heart full of dreams.
Jennie and her cutie pie, as she started calling her ever since she was born, had a special bond, one that was known only to them. Jennie had taken on the role of a protective older sister, always looking out for Y/N and guiding her through the challenges of the entertainment industry. Despite the five-year age gap between them, Jennie adored her dongsang with all her heart. As Jennie made her way to the JYP Entertainment building, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. She was about to reveal her secret to the TWICE members, who were her best friends. They had supported each other through thick and thin, and she knew they would embrace Y/N with open arms.
Entering the practice room, Jennie was met with the joyful chatter and laughter of the TWICE members. They were in the midst of rehearsing their latest hit song, their energy infectious and their dedication evident. Jennie watched them for a moment, her heart swelling with pride. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, Jennie turned around to see Nayeon, the eldest of TWICE and the one she's closest to between them all, smiling at her with curiosity gleaming in her eyes as she spoke. 
Nayeon - Jennie, what brings you here today?
Jennie took a deep breath, gathering her courage as she prepared to talk with a voice filled with a mix of excitement and nervousness. 
Jennie - I have something important to share with all of you, but first, promise me that you'll welcome this person with open arms.
The TWICE members exchanged puzzled glances but nodded in agreement. Jennie took a deep breath and called out her baby.
Jennie - Sweetie, you can come in now!
The door opened, and Y/N stepped inside, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the sight of her fellow TWICE members. The room fell silent as the girls looked at the young girl, their faces a mix of shock and delight. Jihyo, as TWICE's leader, was the first to recover from her surprise. She rushed over to Y/N, enveloping her in a warm hug while she exclaimed something that caused the maknae to giggle. 
Jihyo - Oh my gosh, you're so cute! 
The other TWICE members quickly followed suit, surrounding Y/N with hugs and affectionate greetings. Dahyun, known for her bright personality, was the next to talk with enthusiasm.
Dahyun - We have the cutest maknae ever now!
Jennie watched the scene unfold, a smile playing on her lips. Her heart swelled with joy as she saw the genuine love and adoration the TWICE members showered upon her little sister. She was grateful for their warm reception, knowing that they would be an invaluable support system for her dongsang. However, as the excitement settled, Jennie couldn't help but notice a playful glint in Momo's eyes. Momo, known for her mischievous nature, stepped forward and smirked.
Momo - Well, Jennie, since Y/N is part of the TWICE family now, shouldn't we take her on a vacation first?
Jennie's eyes widened in mock disbelief. 
Jennie - Oh no you don't, Momo. Y/N is my sister, so of course, we should go on a vacation first!
A mischievous grin spread across Sana's face as she chimed in. 
Sana - I think our newest TWICE member should decide. Sugat, who do you want to go on vacation with first? Your big sister Jennie or us?
Y/N looked at the expectant faces of both groups, her eyes wide with wonder. She hesitated for a moment before breaking into a mischievous smile as she asked a question that made both groups burst into laughter. 
Y/N - Can we all go on vacation together?
Jennie and the TWICE members exchanged amused glances, realizing that they were in for an adventure like never before. As the laughter filled the room, they knew that their bond would only grow stronger with the addition of their sweet youngest. Jennie couldn't contain her excitement as the day of the vacation arrived. She had meticulously planned the itinerary, ensuring that her babygirl would have the time of her life. The anticipation filled the air as the two groups gathered at the airport, their fans sending them off with cheers and well-wishes. As they settled into their seats on the plane, Jennie glanced over at Y/N, who was wide-eyed with excitement. She squeezed her sister's hand, reassuring her that the adventure was about to begin. The members of TWICE, sitting across the aisle, exchanged playful glances, ready for the friendly competition that lay ahead.
The first destination on their journey was a tropical paradise, an island known for its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters, Jeju Island (no idea if I'm correct guys, just imagine pls lol). The moment they stepped foot on the sandy shores, the TWICE unnies couldn't contain their excitement, immediately running towards the water like a pack of joyful puppies. Jennie, however, had other plans. She grabbed her sister's hand and pulled her in the opposite direction, as she declared with a mischievous smile that she intended to spoil her little sister, towards a luxurious beachside villa she had booked for their stay. 
Jennie - We're going to relax and enjoy some quality time together.
But TWICE wasn't about to let Jennie have all the fun. As soon as they realized what was happening, they formulated a plan of their own. With Momo leading the charge, they mobilised the members and devised a strategy to lure their cute maknae away from Jennie's hands. The next morning, as the sun rose over the horizon, Jennie woke up to find Y/N missing from their shared room. Panic gripped her heart, but just as she was about to launch into a search, she received a message on her phone. It was a picture of Y/N, standing in front of a vibrant marketplace with the TWICE members, each holding a handful of shopping bags. The message read: We've taken our kid on a shopping spree! Catch us if you can! 
Jennie's competitive spirit kicked in, and she raced through the villa, determined to find her sister. The chase was on. Throughout their vacation, the two groups engaged in a friendly rivalry, each competing for Y/N's attention. BLACKPINK would take Y/N on thrilling adventures, from zip-lining through dense forests to exploring ancient temples. Meanwhile, TWICE would whisk her away to amusement parks, indulging her in every delightful treat and thrilling ride. The days turned into weeks, and the laughter echoed across every destination they visited. The bond between the two groups grew stronger, and Y/N found herself torn between the love and attention showered upon her by both BLACKPINK and TWICE. But as the vacation drew to a close, Y/N knew that she didn't have to choose. She had become a cherished member of both groups, and the love they had shown her was immeasurable. She approached Jennie, her eyes shining with gratitude.
Y/N - Unnie, I don't want to pick sides, I love you and my TWICE unnies equally. Can't we all be one big family?
Jennie's heart swelled with pride, and she enveloped Y/N in a tight embrace. 
Jennie - You're right, love. We are one big family, and nothing can change that.
The members of TWICE joined in the embrace, their smiles bright and their hearts full. It was a moment of pure love and acceptance, a testament to the power of music and the bonds it could create. As they bid farewell to the tropical paradise and returned home, BLACKPINK and TWICE knew that their journey was just beginning. Their collaboration had transcended the boundaries of music, forging lifelong friendships and a sisterhood that would endure. From that day forward, Jennie, Y/N, and the members of TWICE became inseparable. They shared laughter, tears, and dreams, supporting each other through the highs and lows of their careers. And whenever they looked back on that unforgettable vacation, they would remember the joy, the love, and the unbreakable bond they had formed, making them have only one thought:
I am proud of our chosen family.
A/N: I apologise for any errors, English is not my first language. Pls, let me know if there's something wrong, ty for reading <3
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liannelara-dracula · 2 years
Diabolik lovers S+M+T brothers at beach
Hi Love,
Gosh, I am so sorry! I hope you are still around. This took months! To everyone I am sorry for my absences, in December I hope to be less busy. I luckily found some time for writing so I decided to finish some stuff while I'm at it. :) Hope you guys like it!
Diaboys At the Beach HCS
Requests are open
*certain words have been censored for Tumblr guidelines.
General (includes everyone):
🏝They took a van altogether to get there.
🏝Or it may have been Kou’s tour van bc he’s an idol.
🏝And Yuma didn’t want to go.
🏝But he was the one who ended up driving because he thinks that Ruki and Reiji are too slow because they follow the speed limit.
🏝Carla and Shin cannot drive because they are too old so good luck explaining to them how a car works.
🏝Plus Shin drives so bad, omg.
🏝And so yeah, Yuma would get everyone there faster.
🏝Made a fake treasure map and sneaked it somewhere on the beach and Ayato found it.
🏝This way the triplets would be preoccupied and leave the damn place so he could get some freaking peace and quiet.
🏝He openly admitted to Reiji, Subaru, Ruki, and Carla who were resting on lawn chairs also.
🏝“It’s been a while since we have seen those three.” Ruki commented.
🏝“Tch, yeah they must be so busy checking out chicks.” Subaru said.
🏝Shu continued to look asleep with his sunglasses and said, “Oh, they’re not checking out chicks.”
🏝“Then why the hell are they so busy?!” Subaru looked confused.
🏝“Well, I didn’t want to say anything but I figured a fake map would do the trick.” 
🏝“You did what?!” They were all shocked.
🏝“They’re looking all around for treasure that doesn’t even exist. But I figured it was the only way to get them to shut up.” Shu grinned, knowing he had screwed them over.
🏝“It is unbelieve that you even bothered to do something productive, let alone beneficial to us all.” Reiji commented while adjusting his glasses.
🏝Getting him to come was hard, it was only because Reiji said that there would be steak so he agreed to come.
🏝Wears his damn cardigan in this hot @ss heat.
🏝Rei does not understand this at all and can’t stand it.
🏝And he’s shirtless and probably has some beach necklace on.
🏝He makes sure to leave his cardigan open tho, that way chicks can check him out.
🏝But he does wear his swim trunks (they’re yellow) and sunglasses.
🏝And he’d sip out of a f*ckin’ coconut and you know it.
🏝Spends most of his time on the damn lawn chair or on a beach towel under the umbrella shade.
🏝This just gives him the excuse to be lazy.
🏝While he lays on the beach towel if girls walk by in their bikinis, he looks up.
🏝He is still listening to his music tho, that will never change.
🏝Probably got a tan, which might be funny if he had his choker on through it all so it’ll leave that shape on his neck now.
🏝He’s a little annoyed by it and the triplets find it funny.
🏝He might complain about the sun being too bright tho, lol.
🏝Once the day is over, he literally does not carry anything back to the van.
🏝Reiji has everything ready before they leave.
🏝And he’s just trying to make sure everything goes smoothly.
🏝He’s hoping he can relax a little because the beach will keep his brothers busy.
🏝He goes for a swim because it's good exercise.
🏝He and his brothers drag Shu to go but Shu will only go if a hot chick catches his attention and she’s by the water.
🏝Reiji and Ruki are responsible for the food because we know that the boys can’t cook for sh!t.
🏝So they are in charge of the barbeque, and they fight over how to do things, such as how to season things, what temperature the meat shout be cooked at, when they should flip it, and when it’s done, etc.
🏝Azusa tries to help them negotiate but they just end up yelling at him and he becomes disappointed because they haven’t hit him. Yet.
🏝Apart from this he does try to relax by sitting on a chair and reading some things.
🏝 Reiji is probably wearing some swim trunks and button-up shirt that is somewhat undone, so girls can catch a glimpse of his chiseled chest.
🏝I mean have you seen this man?????!!!!
🏝He only takes off his shirt when he’s going to swim tho.
🏝 And he wears his sunglasses here, probably the kind that also works as glasses so he doesn’t have to have two with him.
🏝The triplets are always trying to sabotage things for him like they unscrewed the screws in the folding chairs just so he’d fall out of it.
🏝Oh and if he ends up falling asleep in the chair, they steal his sandals and hide them while he’s sleeping.
🏝They’ve also stolen his towel and gotten it wet in the ocean and then returned it to him.
🏝He was so annoyed and scolded them about their behavior while Shu was amused.
🏝He will not build a sandcastle but if he sees that Ruki is, it will lead to competition between the two about who can build a better castle.
🏝Reiji is also constantly telling his brothers to not cause trouble.
🏝If he’s near the shore but is only getting his feet wet, the triplets will just push him in.
🏝He doesn’t allow the triplets to use the yacht they have.
🏝“No, there will be no parties on father’s yacht.”
🏝And if they are making a fuss about getting ice cream, he gives them money because he won’t hear the end of it if he doesn’t.
🏝Sometimes Laito tries to coax him into looking at chicks with him but Rei tells him he’ll pass.
🏝He’ll be sitting in his lawn chair with his shades, reading a book or science article of some sort. So Laito will approach him and say, “The women you take interest in are no fun, now lighten up brother.”
🏝Reiji would sigh and take his shades off, “That’s because you have little regard for what a woman is. The females you take an interest in are far beyond from being ladies. They are young and incompetent girls.”
🏝“Ohhh, then perhaps you're into older women~”
🏝“Do not say such nonsense.” He’d say adjusting his glasses.
🏝Reiji may even participate in a sport with his brothers. In fact, he’s probably the one telling them to get good exercise and having them play volley ball.
🏝Is really looking forward to going and can’t wait to see girls in their swimsuits.
🏝He and Ayato are trying to undo the strings on girl’s bikins.
🏝And their main goal is to pick up chicks.
🏝He wore a speedo, and I’m betting it's zebra or leopard print. 
🏝Or even worse, green.
🏝Ayato said his outfit was silly and Subaru thought it was ridiculous but he simply told them they knew nothing about fashion.
🏝“Laito you look like sh!t.”
🏝Sits on a hammock and Subaru sabotages it.
🏝He brings rollerskates but he falls a lot.
🏝He does go in the water and he goes a little far in.
🏝However if he doesn’t realize what is on him, like seaweed for instance, he might freak out.
🏝I also see that he left his hat on his beach towel cause he didn’t want to get it wet.
🏝But knowing Ayato and Kino they’d use his damn hat as a freezbe and do it across the water in hopes of getting wet.
🏝Meanwhile, Laito is trying to stop.
🏝And it’s basically a monkey-in-the-middle situation because he can’t catch it.
🏝If he’s in a pool or in general if he plans to look underwater he brings goggles with him.
🏝He kinda looks like this dude → click here
🏝Oh and I bet he goes snorkeling and thinks the fish are cool.
🏝He’ll try to take pics of them and then put them in a scrapbook or something.
🏝He will laugh if the fish try to tickle him, and literally if he saw two fish mating he’d take a photo of it cause he thinks it's interesting.
🏝And then he’d show it to Subaru. “Don’t they look interesting? They are so innocent when they procreate, it isn’t like our kind.”
🏝“Shut up, idiot!”
🏝He plays volleyball with his brothers and Subaru makes sure they're on opposing teams just so he can win against him and possibly hit him with the ball.
🏝Although even if they were on the same team he’d still aim the ball at him when he’s getting on his nerves.
🏝Will complain about the water being pretty cold too.
🏝Ayato will make jokes about him being a mermaid and Laito becomes offended/upset.
🏝“That is just cruel brother, very cruel.”
🏝Wore a lilac button-up shirt and some white and purple swim trunks.
🏝He has the top somewhat button-down.
🏝Teddy and him have matching outfits.
🏝And he’s got nice black shades, with a tint of purple.
🏝Picks up chicks with his nice outfit.
🏝Spends time building a sandcastle but he honestly doesn’t have the patience.
🏝Especially if Ayato ended up kicking it because he was playing sports or something.
🏝He was so annoyed and made sure not to mess with Teddy’s sand castle ever again.
🏝Literally I could see him throwing seashells/sand at him and anyone who walks by.
🏝Laito might participate in helping him build it because he finds it fun but Ayato will just say its for kids.
🏝And Kanato doesn’t like it when someone calls him a kid
🏝But if they make a game out of it he wants to compete because Oreo-Sama is the best.
🏝He brought a little backpack where he keeps the sweets Reiji packed for him to avoid any possible tantrums he may give if he didn’t.
🏝And god forbid if a seagull swooped down and took any candy.
🏝He’d be enraged.
🏝And you can best bet that this little purple goblin would curse at it.
🏝He may even cry over this bc he’s such a child.
🏝If Ayato laughs at him he’ll just chase after him.
🏝I think he likes putting his feet in the water but if a seaweed came near him he’d be annoyed.
🏝Get’s sunburned easily (idk if vampires can actually get sunburned but whatever.)
🏝Brings a f*cking metal detector to check if he can find valuables in the sand.
🏝Subaru sees this and just thinks he’s an idiot.
🏝You know how his pants are rolled up on one side?
🏝His swim shorts are the same deal.
🏝Wears ugly neon green alien sunglasses and matches with Kino.
🏝He plays monkey in the middle with Laito and Kanato and Kanato is in the middle.
🏝Kanato gets fed up in two seconds and probably pops the beach ball.
🏝Tries to pick up chicks with Laito and Kino.
🏝But he just embarrasses himself.
🏝He and Kino bring their skateboards and try to do tricks.
🏝Knowing Ayato he has tripped over seaweed and even sand.
🏝He tries to go surfing and he fails miserably.
🏝He goes in the water and I’m not surprised if Kino and Shin schemed something together and made Ayato think there was a shark in the water.
🏝He was well convinced and completely left his surfboard due to fear.
🏝He really wants to use the boat his family owns so he can fish.
🏝He did this once over the bridge and fell over the railing and it was hilarious.
🏝Overall, he’s mostly just making a fool of himself throughout it all.
🏝I mean from how many girls he’s asked out or flirted with and he’s like tripped in front of them it just makes me laugh.
🏝Oh and he’s going all over with the “fake” treasure map he found with Kanato and Laito.
🏝And it’s just hilarious how they went around the whole town.
🏝If he’s in charge of grilling Shu’s special stake he’ll burn it and start a fire.
🏝And he will put out the fire by pouring a bottle of water over the stake because he’s lost all hope.
🏝And Shu hates him after that.
🏝He carries most of the supplies and stuff since Reiji asks him. 
🏝He will complain slightly but after being able to trip Kou along the way he’s all for it.
🏝Will go out for a swim cause it will relax him.
🏝He wears a black tank top and swim trunks.
🏝Girls stare at his arms and he’s embarrassed.
🏝Laito literally even introduces him to girls he met and Subaru just gets flustered.
🏝He will look at girls in their bathing suits but try to cover up the fact that he’s looking.
🏝And if Laito catches, omg he will not hear the end of it.
🏝He will try to him his little bro get her attention.
🏝"Oh, I see you need some help in getting a girl's attention?" Laito would say.
🏝"Shut up!"
🏝"Well, a little push never hurt anyone." He’d say to his little brother before actually pushing him forward to bump into the chick.
🏝"Ok, you know what to do brother, take it from here."
🏝Meanwhile Subaru just wants to kick his @ss for pushing him forward and bumping into the chick.
🏝Having drinks with chicks.
🏝Causally joins other people’s parties and bonfires.
🏝He comes with only his weird printed swim trunks and skateboard. 
🏝He thinks the pattern looks cool but Ayato and Shin dis him about the f*cking print.
🏝Brings a boombox.
🏝Does any sport possible, so he’s definitely doing surfing and power cursing. 
🏝Brings a polaroid camera, and f-ing films the whole time on his phone. 
🏝Tries to make vines with Ayato and Shin.
🏝Will flip sh!t if Ayato eats a hot dog in front of him.
🏝He literally gasped before chucking the thing straight into the ocean.
🏝Right in front of Ayato’s eyes, leaving him speechless only to respond with, “Bruh.”
🏝He and Ayato play video games and literally argue.
🏝In fact, when they play volleyball they argue about who lost or who was out of bounds.
🏝He honestly doesn’t do much, he's just really obnoxious.
🏝He wears those white polo shirts that are short sleeves so you can see his muscular arms.
🏝And it’s just one of those tight shirts they put on models, he looks good with it.
🏝Anyways, this boring @ss brought a book with him, of course.
🏝He will occasionally look up if he’s interested in some girl specifically.
🏝He’d be focused on his reading when the voice of girl caught his attention, causing him to lower his gaze on the female.
🏝He does get a little involved with playing sports if his brothers ask him or if he’s being challenged.
🏝Ruki is mostly busy reading, relaxing, or competing against Reiji in something.
🏝If he has a partner, he’d become more involved in the sense of messing around with her and pushing her into the water.
🏝but those are hcs for another time. ;)
🏝If he really wants to do something different he might build a sand castle.
🏝Other than that he doesn’t do too much but he does sometimes get in nerd debates with Reiji.
🏝He carried almost everything in like a few trips.
🏝He builds sandcastles with Azusa.
🏝Plays volleyball and makes sure Azusa is on his team and that Kou is on the opposite side.
🏝 He literally make sure the ball hits him down each time 😂 
🏝Feeds the seagulls because he feels bad.
🏝But will get mad if they follow him.
🏝“Hey, look I was trying to help out. Now that’s enough.”
🏝Although if his brothers are not watching he will be more friendly towards them. 
🏝“Huh, you guys really like bread, don’t ya?” He ask, petting one of the seabirds.
🏝 He’s not trying to but he gets a tan.
🏝 He’d be shirtless the whole time, he tried to even arrive shirtless but Ruki told him it wasn’t proper.
🏝 So he put a beach sweater on but then instantly took it off.
🏝 I say this because he probably thinks it’s hot a lot of the time.
🏝 I really can’t imagine the attire but probably orange swim trunks? Idk, just look at dive to blood when I don’t give a description 😂.
🏝 Will swim far out in the ocean.
🏝Is basically anywhere where Kou isn’t.
🏝Has a hard time relaxing bc he can almost never sit still.
🏝 Although once his brothers convince him enough to relax and he is finally able to and he’ll check out chicks even if his facial expression doesn’t display any hint of that.
🏝Though I say most of his time is spent watching Azusa and ambushing Kou.
🏝He wore a light pink bucket hat and Yuma didn’t want to be around him cause he thought he looked dumb with it.
🏝”The only thing you are hurting right now are my feelings.” I see it like in this clip here. (idk if the clip is still in there, I hope)
🏝He also wore pink swim trunks and Yuma just can’t talk to him.
🏝And I see that he’s got wacky sunglasses like it’s just ridiculous.
🏝Subaru flips him off his flamingo floaty. (If they were at a pool anyways)
🏝 he’s honestly everywhere and his brothers just hope the disguise is enough knowing he’s an idol or he just might ruin everyone’s vacation.
🏝Which as you can imagine, that is exactly what happened.
🏝And believe me they were not happy about it at all.
🏝“Oh come on guys you know I didn’t mean to do this.”
🏝“That ain’t the point man, you always do this. This is why no one wants to bring you on trips.” Yuma would say annoyed by Kou’s excuse.
🏝He builds really nice sandcastles with water and stuff.
🏝He’s really good it, and people take photos of his work.
🏝Azusa will try to get stung by a dead jellyfish and Yuma has to constantly watch him to make sure he isn’t to far out into the sea to get eaten or something.
🏝“Azusa, get the hell out of there!”
🏝Azusa is pretty calm most of the time, he might sun tan because he hears it's relaxing.
🏝Although he’s mostly trying to find ways where he will feel pain.
🏝So everyone kinda worries about where he wanders off to sometimes or if he’s been gone for too long because he’s probably doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
🏝He’d literally stay in the water when there's a shark.
🏝He might even give it a name and try to pet it.
🏝Meanwhile Kou is screaming at him to get out of the water.
🏝Azusa would also probably try to throw himself on the boulders that he sees just to feel something and Yuma would constantly have to pull him away. 
 🏝He’s just trying to relax, but Shin won’t allow him.
🏝Because he’s either pulling pranks on him or he made some girl’s bf upset and now Carla has to fix things.
🏝Girls look at him but he’s not focused on this.
🏝He might be trying to paint the ocean tho.
🏝And he’ll probably paint a girl he found attractive too.
🏝He’s mostly exploring around the nearby gift shops and possibly buying souvenirs.
🏝Because he’s trying to “relax”.
🏝He’ll probably try to read or something and Shin is telling him to either get in the water or get a tan.
🏝Or get a girl.
🏝Shin wants to turn into his wolf form but Carla gets mad at him and tells him no.
🏝“What’s it going to look like if there is a wolf running around on a beach?” He’d ask his younger brother.
🏝Shin looked at him before shaking his head. “No one will notice.”
🏝”No, no wolf form.”
🏝“Fine, then I’ll turn into a snake.”
🏝 “No.” Carla anwsered.
🏝“A bat.”
🏝“An eagle.”
🏝”No. No, no, no! You will not turn into anything. Just stay in your regular form!”
🏝Overall, Carla’s really got his work cut out for him lol.
🏝Came shirtless, and was about to come in his wolf form but Carla stopped him.
🏝 He’s doing some type of sport and tries to drag Carla into it.
🏝 Like Shin would try anything and Carla doesn’t like the idea because it’s usually reckless.
🏝 I could see Shin wanting to try power cruising and Carla is worried that Shin will just crash somewhere, leading him to be the one to cover the damages because he’s the oldest.
🏝 He’d also go cycling most likely, but he’d never wear one of those outfits.
🏝Idk if you guys are familiar with cycling at the beach but I live in a beach town and that’s what everyone does. Especially tourists, so yeah I could see that Shin rented a bike. 
🏝That’s usually how it works, at least at the beach town I’m at. 😂 
🏝And honestly the whole time Carla is just hoping nothing crazy happens.
🏝Aside from this if Shin is not cycling he’s probably doing stupid with Kino or checking out girls.
🏝That’s what the whole trip consists of.
🏝But if he turned in his wolf form it’d be another story.
🏝 It’d be so chaotic and Carla would be freaking out bc everyone is wondering why there is a wolf at the beach. 😂 
🏝It’d get so bad that Carla would have to fake it and say that Shin is his husky 😂. This way no one will question.
🏝And then in the van he can give a long lecture about it and why he will never do this trip ever again.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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dipplinduo · 3 months
Me, about to go to bed: I should check Tumblr fir-
Dipplinduo: ahaha wanna know what would be crazy? *posts 2 chapters*
Needless to say, I’m a little tired right now lol. I was VERY excited when I saw that you decided to ignore everyone and make a mess. I love angst, you should make more <3.
BUT, I was VERY happy when 11 started with a battle! As someone who spends her free time EV and IV training her Pokemon, the battling aspect of the games ALWAYS gets me excited. Will say though, Crispin was my least favorite battle lol. Nothing against the guy, but my Ceruledge has flash fire, and the boost it gets from fire moves plus sunny day wiped his team, even with the type null.
The fact that Juli gets so into battles she didn’t even notice the people around them was a nice little add too! Nice little characterization that adds to her I think.
But Kiki’s DREAM. He’s CONNECTED TO PECHARUNT. Maybe he has been for years now! And Pecharunt is the reason his moms gone!? OH MY GOSH. This peach is RUINING this family. (Also, is Kiki’s mom a Bug trainer? So cool. One of my fav pokemon is Vivillion so it’s nice to see bug representation)
But, not much else to say beyond that. The fluff from 12 was pretty cute. We finally got a Julibee, my heart is melting lol!
And poor sour apple, my boy is fighting for his LIFE to get sweet to like him lol. What did he DO to make her HATE HIM (ToT)
Overall. 10/10 once again. I had fun ignoring my sleep schedule for this one lol
The beginning of your ask was so goddamn funny that I had to read it out loud to my lil scheming group who schemes and memes with me LOL
"I love angst, you should make more <3."
I'm glad you liked the battle scene, I for one dislike them (whether reading or writing) but wanted to try to make it interesting-ish regardless. And WOW what a massive L moment for Crispin against that mon of yours, that's a decided match right there lol
And yess! I love that it was conveyed well. I'm mostly playing off of Drayton's commentary on how the player seems to have a really serious look in their eye when battling.
Peach is indeed breaking the family, and the world may never know because she is now long gone :') APPLIN LOOREEEEE I hope you've gotten some rest, thank you for the fun review lol <3
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stackthedeck · 2 years
Hello! I have come asking if you can do a fic rec for superbat pls? Idk I you do this on tumblr or only on tiktak but either way love your content wishing you a good day! 💖
I AM SO SORRY this has been sitting in my askbox for ages anon I hope you see this!! Like I adore superbat but I was really into them during my phase of not bookmarking anything so I had to dig through my history lmao
Exclusive by rotasha- one of my favorite superbats fics, the slowburn, the mystery around the identity, the angst about keeping secrets, Bruce struggling with being a parent for the first time, Clark bounding with Dick, UGH I LOVE IT
Interview with a Batman by Mithen- God I love Journalist Clark Kent and Batman being soft bro they make out in the batmobile it's so good!!
A Sense of Identity by DaaroMoltor- they start dating before either of them reveals their identity god the angst is off the charts!! And oh my gosh they're both written so well with all their different facets of identity
That Which We Call a Rose by arysteia- I love the way it jumps through time and explores the dynamics of a love square with two people and all the ways their lives intersect
Man of Steel, Man of Heart by capsicleonyourleft- there's so much to love in this fic but I want to give a shout-out to the fight scenes because yes that is exactly how batman is supposed to fight and I want to drill it into the heads of anyone that makes a batman movie and BRUCE HAS A COMPETENCY KINK
Stuck in the Middle (With You) by TheResurrectionist- batfam shenanigans and Clark is there to witness his stepkids (anything with the tag Tim v Damian: Dawn of beating the shit out of each other is excellent lmao)
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9w1ft · 1 year
it feels good to finally be able to breathe after how horrible and homophobic swifties have been to gaylors. i think about how openly they’ve been using slurs towards us over the years, and i’ve received kys stuff too. it’s nice to have some form of defense.
oh anon i’m so sorry that you’ve received messages like that, that’s so fucked up..
sorry this took me a second to respond to. maybe this is in response to an ask i answered the other day that cautioned how we talk about swifties, where i said i don’t plan on dunking on them, or that i hoped some swifties would see the light and join us. so i thought about what you wrote.
i think you bring up an important point about the significance of what happened.. i’ve been lurking more on gaylor twitter this year and one thing i observed is how relentless and cruel swifties can be, without anyone from their greater community coming to collect them. like i’ve seen some WILD stuff being tweeted, dm’ed to people, even stalking… and of course i’ve seen that happen here on tumblr over the years as well, and have been on the receiving end at times as well, although things have mellowed out a bit for us, in comparison to other platforms.
now, i hold a space in my heart for anybody with an open mind. and i do hope some people see the light. but anyone with an open mind should be able to recognize how awful the swiftie community at large has acted toward gaylors, in particular to gaylors who are gay (umbrella term), and that our celebration of this moment is an embodiment, in part, of the pain inflicted upon us by them, which is often attacks centered on our sexuality.
i am not one to pick fights and so sometimes i will see back and forth on twitter and think, gosh, this seems like a lot.. but as someone who isn’t participating in that landscape i try to be mindful of my place, and how some places on the internet are effectively an active warzone, with crossfire still going on. i do not fault anyone who felt empowered yesterday onward in a way that may not have been afforded to us for years. i’m not in a position to tell the one side that’s always being invaded to drop their arms and armor, when the other side is more than eager to continue to tell us to kys on the daily.
so thank you for sharing your perspective! i hope that in time things can become more peaceful.
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ellena-asg · 10 months
For the tumblr game: Danno
Thank you, Meri! ♥️
So, Danny...
Sexuality Headcanon:
The same as Steve's. Ever since I watched the show I see them both as "not hetero, not gay, not bi but the secret X thing" 😉
At the begining I felt they're aromantic (and forced so much by the show writers to woo/date/marry ladies) and I still feel they're definitely platonic when they interact with other people. But to each other - they're super romantic.
They're best friends and they're the special ones to each other. They feel (real) attraction/love only to each other. So I headcanon both Danny and Steve as definitely uniromantic and The Pilot is a very special episode to me cause the scene in the garage is like kind of "Geez, I'm interested. In THAT way. For the first time in my life I really fucking feel... Geez!" (also: "Gosh, I'm in love. With this irritating handsome guy? Gooood, Jeeeeesus, Maaaary, Anyone?" 😂).
So, uniromantic. And they're the first and only characters in my fandom life whom I see in this way 🙂
Gender Headcanon:
Man. Cis.
A ship I have with said character:
Only Steve, only McDanno ♥️
A BROTP I have with said character:
In some way it's still Steve. Best friends forever - being married doesn't change it 😉
But speaking about completely platonic brotp: Chin. Chin is like an older brother. But Lou and Jerry and Kame, all boys in Ohana are true brothers ♥️ And ladies! ♥️ Kono is his sister so much! Mary too. Abby. I also love his brotp with Amy (Meka's wife). And of course Gracie! His daughter is his brotp. His Big Friend!
What I see on screen is also brotp-to-be: Danny & Sang Min. Seriously, both are Daddies, they love their kids so much, they'll do everything for them. They understand each other as fathers (scene in the prison and in Danny's car/on the beach ♥️). They both are loyal to Ohana. They ARE Ohana. And both are sassy and silver tongued 😂 (just imagine poor Stevie with these two 😂😂😂). Both are Masters of Dorkness. In Sarcasm they trust.
And sometimes they both are BAMF! Sang once was on the dark side and Danny... when he fights for victims or his Ohana, for Grace and Steve especially, when he's furious or in vigilante mood, yeah sometimes he's close to darkness, he knows the Fire (like in that episode with Marco Reyes).
And they both would give Steve their livers (Danny gave his part and Sang: "I woulda offered you my liver, McGurrett, but we both know it’s no god" 😄).
Oh, and Danny is from Jersey, Sang is from China but they both love Hawaii and it's their home forever.
A NOTP I have with said character:
Any person who is not Steve 😉 Speaking about show's canon ones: Melissa (I like her but she and Danny are veeery NOTP), Gabby (l love her much but again: NOTP with Danny). Other ladies he dated. But especially: Rachel (sorry, I'm allergic to abusers). She and her family were highly toxic to Danny and Grace. She's like Doris, even worse sometimes. I feel anxious (and mad at show writers) every damn time she's somewhere near Danny or Ohana generally.
A random headcanon:
I once had a dream about Danny so here is my a bit angsty fluffy AU with happy end:
Kono (like in the canon) feels tired and sad and thinks about leaving Five-0 and going (with Adam) to the mainland & fighting with human traffic criminals. Chin and Abby think about living in San Francisco. Max and Sabrina think about Africa. Meanwhile Rachel comes (with her mother Amanda) to Hawaii (Rachel was somewhere far away with Stan) and claims she is sorry and wants Danny back. Williamses from Jersey also come to Hawaii. They more and more ask Danny about Rachel. Bridget mentions that they all miss Danny in Jersey.
Stevie is devastated, he is sure that Danny will go to Jersey with his family and with Rachel. For sure "for Gracie". He also can't imagine living in Hawaii without almost whole Five-0, his Ohana. So Steve decides that he will go back to the Navy (*drama*). Danny is devastated. Governor Sam is devastated too, no Kono, no Chin, no Max, no Steve and no Danny... He thinks that Five-0 has no future and promises Lou and Jerry that he'll find them a new job.
Clara, hearing about Five-0 news, says that her cousin from Italy has mentioned recently there's a job offer in Italian police with higher rank and higher salary and so on. Rachel's mother is like "oh, Italy, finally some civilized place and a job for ambitious people". Danny's family is like "Well, your friends want to leave Hawaii, we're so sorry honey, but... maybe you'll think about Italian offer? Your grandma spoke Italian, you are so brilliant, you can learn it too and...". Rachel smiles and smiles and is soo sure that she will go to Italy with Danny and Grace (sorry, I've got issues with Charlie's plot so he isn't there 😂).
So all other Ohana members talk now about The Four and Max and so on leaving them. Kono, Max, Chin and Steve decide they will leave Hawaii next year. Governor then says to Danny "Better take that job in Italy, Danny. It's a really good offer".
Danny is like "What the hell they all are talking about?!". He only listens to them and says nothing. He's too much anxious, surprised, devastated and veeeery pissed off. What? No Kono, Adam, Chin, Abby, Sara, Max, Sabrina... No Steve the hell???!!! No Hawaii?! No Ohana?! No Five-0? He and who? Rachel? Buahahahahha. No funny. No fair. Nightmare! She will never change, he knows. And he can't love her. And he loves... Steve. And why the hell they all are so sure he is okay with this? He's NOT okay. They can't decide what is better for him - Italy, Jersey, no Hawaii. Seriously? All he wants is his home, his Honolulu. His beloved job and beloved police unit. His beloved Hawaiian people. And beaches. Pineapples. His Ohana. His whole Ohana. And Steve the hell. And Grace. No Rachel, no Italy, just NO.
Danny is so devastated. He's sure that he'll never see his guys again. He'll never see... Steve. He's in his darkest mood. Anxiety attacks, panic attacks, ANGER attacks, they come back to his head.
One day at some party he drinks too much. Gracie sees it. Some other day when he and Grace are crossing the street Danny is almost hit by a car cause he suddenly stood still like frozen and Grace had to scream his name to make him safe. He generally is more and more quiet, each day he looks like "something bad happened" and even though he pretends all is okay, he's good, Gracie sees it all.
One day she just asks. He says all is okay. She then says she feels him cause she doesn't want to leave either. She wants Ohana. Uncle Steve. And Danno, her beloved daddy. He asks her about Jersey, Italy, Rachel. She says NO, NO and... NO. She says that she knew he's sad and she knows how much he loves this place and these people. And her. She says he can't always think only about her. And that he CAN always have both: her and uncle Steve. "What you mean, Monkey?" he asks.
She says she noticed his reaction on Rachel and Amanda (and also Williamses' words about leaving Hawaii) and wanted to know finally what's going on. So one day, when Danny was sleeping hard in the living room (when he drank a bit too much beer for a second time) she checked his room to find "anything". And she finally found. His old letters/messages to Rachel and to the court. She also found something like his diary or letters-never-sent. There was all in them, Danny's pain, truth about his marriage, about her grandmother and mother's cruel plan aka You Will Never See Grace Again, his fear that he would lose Gracie, his love for Grace and Ohana. His pain after losing Matthew. His memories of wanting to kill himself when Rachel took Grace. His bad days and good days. His soul healing in Hawaii with Ohana. With Grace. With Steve. And photos. There were many photos of Ohana being together. And happy.
So, Grace tells Danny that everything will be all right. That NOW they're Super Team. They have to fight for the happiness. They're staying in Hawaii. They need to change Ohana's minds by showing them how wonderful this land is. How many people still need Five-0. How much they all love each other. Danny is amazed. Grace talks and talks. She has so many ideas. One of them is: Gracie will go to court with Danny and say she wanna be under Danny's sole custody (cause the situation and Gracie's feelings have changed so much). She says that the judge will listen to her and she doesn't need as much money as Rachel to win. Danny is speechless. Then Grace says: "We're staying here. Forever. We need to be more Hawaiian, daddy". She has a plan. Danny is very intrigued.
Danny and Grace, when they're with Ohana, pretend they are excited about Italy. Danny says he and Grace learn a lot about their "promised land" (nature, culture, whole history etc) and they also learn "language of love", "language of their Ohana" (Clara is happy and thinks about her mother 😂) with Captain Tanaka's help (his wife knows Italian and some other languages). Lou jokes that Tanaka helps Danny cause he never liked Danny much and that Tanaka is happy that Danny will leave this land. Danny laughs and only says "Maybe, maybe not". When they are like "So, maybe you'll show us your language skills?", Danny says "No, not now". And when they try to ask Mrs Tanaka about Danny's progress, she only joyfully says "He learns so fast, he's truly a brilliant mind, what a memory, what a voice, when he talks I can see all: the sun, the sea, sand, the wind... he melts my heart, he sounds... like his people. His level? He'll be native one day, I'm sure!". Rachel is happy. Steve is devastated.
One year later. Steve, Kono and so on organize the Farewell Party. With looooong tables, with a big stage and microphones (to say Aloha to all their people), with flowers and all that jazz. There are so many people there on the beach. All of them. Whole Ohana and their little Ohanas. All people who know Five-0: survivors (rescued - forever grateful - victims), Hawaiian people, Ruth, Dekker, Victoria models, guy from the gun store, aunt Deb and her Leonard, HPD, SWAT, Williamses, absolutely everyone. So, they all celebrate and then Amanda says "So, Daniel. Your language teacher claims you're a master now. It's time to prove it, right?". Rachel's face is like "Aww, Italy, we're coming. I only need Danny to like me hmmm how to change his mind...". Steve fights with his pain. Deb asks "Maybe some song for your Ohana?". Danny smiles. "For my Ohana, you say? Well, I did it all to save my Ohana so...". When he said "to save my Ohana" all eyes were on Rachel and Grace. Danny continues: "So yeah, I can sing for Ohana too. Come on, Monkey. We'll do it together".
So they all wait there to hear some Italian words but then, on stage, Gracie grabs something and... she starts playing on ukulele. Then Danny starts singing... in the absolutely Perfect and Beautiful Hawaiian. He's singing Hawai'i 78. Soon Gracie is singing with him. All people around are in damn shock 😂😂😂 Kawika, Mamo, Kono's mama, all native guys are like *we're sorry, our brains are now loading, please wait a while*. Chin, Kono, Danny's parents... Lou, Mary, Gerard, Odell, Kame, Sang Min 😂 They all CAN'T BELIEVE 😂 And Stevie... Gosh, he can't breathe. Somebody ventilate him, quickly! 😆 Rachel? She realizes that she lost.
When Danny and Grace sing "Cry for the gods, cry for the people, cry for the land that was taken away and then yet you'll find... Hawai'i" - Steve and their Ohana, they all have tears in their eyes.
Soon Danny and Grace sing (with sassy smiles on their faces) some other Hawaiian songs for Ohana and in the end they and Steve and all Ohana talk about their feelings, Gracie explains her and Danny's plan to save Ohana, Danny finally fights with his anxiety, insecurity and all other demons and asks all his sunshines to stay with him in Hawaii. He whispers Hawaiian "I love you" in Steve's ear. Ohana laughs, they ask if Danny is bewitched or what. He answers "By you guys, yeah".
Of course all will stay in their beloved land, Five-0 is safe, Ohana is safe, all are happy together. They cry and laugh. Rachel comes and starts ranting and shouting at Danny but then Gracie gives her a card and only says: "What? You'll take me away from Danno? Not this time. By the way, it's MY lawyer's number. Call him. Goodbye!". Steve needs some air again 😂 Clara and Eddie are soooo happy that Danny finally fights for himself SO MUCH. They understand all and Clara is like "Hmm, Eddie, maybe WE TOO will have a home here?" 😆 And Eddie is like "But they don't have Papa's Tomato Pies here, honey. And you know, I love our place in Jersey and... We can visit. They can visit. You know".
Okay, I just wanted to say that my random headcanon is that Danny loves Hawaii more and more and one day he wants to be "one of these people totally" so he learns Hawaiian. Because he CAN. And because he is like One Big Surprise. He's booooorn to be wiiiiiild 😂 (and here he's free thanks to Gracie, he's determined and motivated and "I'll show you all!" 💪💪💪).
General Opinion over said character:
Danny? Danny is The Sunshine. The Warrior. The Protector. Care Bear Number One. He's anxious and strong. He's sassy and kind. He's sensitive and BAMF! He's wise. He's a lovely dork. He's the best parent, son and friend ever. He's Steve's everything. He is a great cop/detective. He CARES about people so much (and much more than about himself). His heart is golden. He's precious. Soo precious. Ohana loves him. Fandom loves him. He deserves absolutely the best! ♥️♥️♥️ We all can write looooong essays about him and his kindest heart, right? 😍
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samobservessonic · 1 month
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It’s another Stringer Sonic story this time and another one-shot to boot. I feel like after doing an intense six-part story arc, they’re winding down with these one-shots for a while. Also, I forgot to mention it last time, but in both this issue and the last one, Kitching didn’t write either of the Sonic stories. But we’ll be back to his stories soon enough
I’m not sure if that squirrel in the bottom left counts for a “Hey look, it’s Sally Acorn”, but I’ve called squirrel background characters in StC Sally over less
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Oh hey, it’s this guy! I remember seeing him at least one fake Sonic tournament here on tumblr. If you don’t know this guy’s deal, then stick around to the end of the story and you’ll find out
Admittedly, I always thought he had a black crescent moon on his head, but looking at it now, I think it’s a black tuft of hair? Regardless, I love how Concerned ™ Johnny looks lol
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Johnny’s concern doesn’t last very long and now he’s just being straight up blasphemous. And I guess the mystery hedgehog’s hair tuft is blonde now?
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Our phoney introduces himself as Cosmic the Hedgehog and is open in his attempts to knock Sonic off the top hero position. Which, as is natural in the action comics aimed at kids genre, results in a race between the two
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“Gosh! This pretender has really got under Sonic’s skin!”
Tails. Buddy. I love you and I am an avid defender of StC Sonic, but that’s kinda just how he talks to you on a normal day. I’m sorry
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Bye, guys!
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Okay, I’m going to be honest - I thought this would go the route of the usual Fake-Sonic-of-the-Week plots and have Cosmic seem faster than Sonic at first, only for it to turn out to be some sort of trick. But honestly, for all the bragging, they do just straight up show that Cosmic can’t keep up with Sonic and quickly tires out during the race
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Also, Cosmic is actually Metamorphia I’d like to play the smug card and be all “But we guessed that already, right?” and some of you probably did, but I’m going to be honest here - I didn’t. I remembered Cosmic’s design, but either forgot or didn’t know that he turned out to be Metamorphia. In the last issue, I said we’d be seeing more of her, but I didn’t expect it’d be so soon
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She’s a lot less dead than Sonic remembers her being. And it turns out that she never intended to out-run Sonic, she just knew that she could use his pride to lure him away from his friends
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The two fight for a brief while, but Metamorphia’s gas form that I was so impressed with last issue isn’t going to work again, with Sonic learning from his mistakes and rushing away to rescue his friends
I’m also not sure why Metamorphia’s Sonic is green, when she could perfectly mimic Tails last time, but oh well. I like the eyelashes tho
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The badniks are like “I see no difference, Sonic is Sonic”
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Wait, Porker was here the whole time? Okay then!
Metamorphia escapes, but now that Sonic knows she’s alive, he’ll know to expect her again in future. I’m not sure when that’ll be, honestly. For all I know, it might be the very next issue again lol My takeaway is that I enjoyed this story fine, but feel like it could’ve happened at a different point in the timeline. Like, maybe they could’ve sandwiched Kitching’s Sentinel story between these two stories just to break it up a bit? Nitpicking, I know, but as much as I like Metamorphia, I just think breaking up her appearances might’ve been more effective But a fun story nonetheless. This is the second time we’ve seen StC do a fake Sonic story, with the first being the Extra Life story from earlier. I’m not sure which of the two I prefer, but this one definitely left me with less questions than Extra Life did. Hm. I wonder how that guy's getting on, floating out there in space…
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carrie-tate · 15 days
2, 3 and 7 for the tickle asks, please! :D
Oh Gosh, dear, thank you sm, I already thought no one would ask anything!
Well, let's see...
2. What fandom(s) do you wish there were more tickling content for?
Good question, and difficult one, because when I don't have enough tk content, I go and draw something.
Buuut if I think about it... I would like there to be more content (not just mine *sad ha ha*) for Ninjago, because lately I've been honestly craving cute and fluffy things about this fandom. Little Me would definitely say that there is unforgivably little Harry Potter tk content, I think
3. What are some of your favorite tickling related stories, art, videos, or other posts on tumblr?
Ooh! Ooh! I have one! I remember one Haikyuu fanfiction that I read somewhere in 2019(???), which I reread MANY times because I liked the development of the plot and the way the characters were written, the platonic relationships between them... And I’m also a fan of the hurt/comfort trope, yeap.
In general, this fic is probably very important for me, since I was able to remember it at all, heh
7. What fictional character(s) would you love to tickle and / or be tickled by?
Also a difficult question, because there are too many of them, oh dear...
*Glancing at the number of bots in character ai and where there is some kind of tk plot in each*
If we talk about my most current thoughts... All the main four from Ninjago + Lloyd, to be more specific, 90% of the time I’m in the wild lee mood because of Kai, Cole and Zane... Lee!Lloyd is my weakness, so everything is clear here. And with Jay, I unironically would like to have a tickle fight... Before that, I had a hyperfixation on Castiel from Supernatural for a long time, here I’m also one big switch energy™, lol
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1863-project · 8 months
Creator of the Chuggington Video here! I saw somebody suggest it to you anonymously and I was shocked.
You were a big inspiration for the video, especially for the bit about Eddie.
If you've seen it, how was the video?
Wait, for real? I'm so honored, oh my gosh! I'm actually really genuinely delighted to know all those posts from a really exhausted grad student in 2014 helped someone almost a decade later.
Also, you're 100% right - if you actually watch both shows they're so tonally different that calling Chuggington a TTTE ripoff just doesn't stick. I grew up with TTTE and am in fact so "old" that I first saw it as Shining Time Station on TV, but I rewatched the earlier TTTE episodes intact when I discovered Chuggington and it's comparing apples to oranges. As Tumblr would say, two cakes!
I do definitely partially owe Thomas for my undying love of steam (the rest is my dad!), though. I'd argue Thomas taught me that preservation of steam locomotives for heritage purposes is important and is probably why I want to fight Alfred E. Perlman in a parking lot. But I also owe Chuggington for, at the age of 25, letting me be open about enjoying train stuff again. It was nice to not hide that from people anymore.
It's been nine years since then, and I'm just so, so glad that people do enjoy the silly little show that kept me grounded during grad school. And hey, it has an LNER A4 Pacific in it, and we all know how I feel about those.
(...also I am deeply aware that I am not living the Eddie thing down and I am not sure how to feel about this but I will say that I have alarmingly consistent taste in attractive fictional railroad employees because look at me now...)
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ghoste-catte · 1 year
Any tips on writing giving Lee more powers without y'know. Erasing his disability. Was writing an unrelated fic and realised that by its internal logic, it would make Lee kinda "ooh your disability was actually a power in disguise" which. That's BAD. That's so bad. I reworked it but the issue remained in my head.
Hey! Oh my gosh, I have no idea how long this has been sitting here, because Tumblr does not do a good job of letting me know when I have asks.
I think the biggest thing with writing disability - Lee's or anyone's, really - is to make sure that you don't erase the drawbacks. It's okay to show that there are possibly some positives to having a certain disability ... I'll use the example of being hard-of-hearing: while not being able to hear well is definitely shitty in a lot of circumstances, there's also an amazing sense of community, strength, and solidarity that can come with being HoH/Deaf. That's not to say there's a "bright side" to every disability - certainly that's a matter of the individual's experience as well as the specifics of the disability. But many people are proud of their disabilities and do see both advantages and disadvantages; the neurodiversity moment is another great example.
So when it comes to Lee's disability, I think it wouldn't necessarily be bad to show that there are some upsides or things that he can do better than others as a result of it. For example, he's clearly had to train his strength and endurance much, much harder than anyone else, and as a result he's much stronger and has more stamina than most people (in my mind, at least). It's taught him perseverance and given him a mindset of constant improvement. I think the fact that he is frequently underestimated could be portrayed as a double-edged sword: while it hurts his confidence and the emotional effect is not to be understated, it could also potentially give him an edge in battle.
The main thing to keep in mind, then, is that even if you want to show some perks, that you not undermine the genuine limitations that are placed on him by his disability. Not being able to do ninjutsu and genjutsu are huge limitations in his chosen career and means that he has to work twice as hard as everyone else for half the payoff. We see that very clearly in the Sasuke vs. Gaara fight: Sasuke was able to learn and replicate Lee's moves in a fraction of the time it took Lee to perfect them. On top of that, he's more susceptible to genjutsu (can't remember if this is a headcanon or actual canon) and would definitely have a harder time breaking out of one than the typical shinobi. He's at a disadvantage in ranged fights. He's got a very limited moveset. He's not able to, like, call upon the elements to give him supernatural powers (however extraordinary his strength and speed are). His disability has led to a lot of shame and ridicule, particularly as a child, and that's something that sticks with you your whole life.
I can see plenty of ways that you could enhance his powers within the bounds of what he's canonically able to do, whether that's by being creative with the Gates, or using his speed with his weights off, or looking at the amount of force he's able to exert on an opponent or the environment (I could see him, for example, being able to imitate something of an Earth Style jutsu by kicking the ground with enough strength and precision, or punching air hard enough to cause a sonic boom). I mean, the dude did canonically kick a meteor in half; that's pretty impressive.
I'd be interested to hear what other people think on this topic, too! There's a lot of creative and thoughtful minds in this corner of fandom, and my word is certainly not law. Feel free to chime in in reblogs or replies, y'all.
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alarrylarrie · 1 year
I think the GP don’t like him at all
Nahhhh he’s surprisingly beloved. Seriously. I think some people are kind of put off by his ambiguity, and there’s always the conservatives transphobes who are massively against fluidity of any sort, of course. Bastards. But at every place I’ve ever worked or like, spent time as an adult, when I’ve said that I’m a Harry Styles fan- I always get a chorus of “oh my gosh I loooovvveeeee him” or “I really like x song!” or something of that sort. People do generally seem to enjoy him and his music. I think we as a fandom tend to think the GP feels a certain way about something, but Twitter and tumblr do not the general population make. Even the comments on like Daily Mail articles are usually people trying to troll, or pick a fight, rather than truly engaged in much of anything he does.
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