jacodraws · 3 months
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You’re so fucking crazy kid.
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bloodbot-brian · 5 months
Small drawing of rose Tyler mainly from memory because I love her so much and I haven’t been able to stop watching doctor who since I started it three days ago
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I’m only up to episode ten of the first season sooo yeah this might not be entirely accurate but it was meant to be mainly from the first episode before she met the doctor
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classic-maya · 1 year
When do you think Brian fell in love with Justin?
Omg, a QaF fan??? In my DMs??? It’s more likely than you think. Ok I have many a thought and I’m going to work backwards. It might be controversial b/c I think it happened early on in season 1 because…
By 1x10 Brian is so whipped he drives all night to New York to find Justin and even though he is beyond pissed the second Justin gives him puppy dog eyes Brian is falling over himself to get inside him.
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Look at Justin’s smug little face! He knows that he has Brian wrapped around his little finger. He starts stripping and Brian doesn’t do anything but Justin is so confident he teases him and asks if he needs help taking his clothes off. Justin is the king.
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Before that in 1x08 after Craig beats Brian up outside of Babylon and gives Justin the ultimatum to go home now or never again; Brian storms off yelling an emphatic “fuck!” He thought Justin would go home and in that moment he was mourning the relationship. I think Brian was already in love. It hurt him to see Justin being asked to choose between his family and Brian but really between his true self and being accepted by his family. Brian knows this pain and it’s why he had not yet come out by this point in the show and it tears him up to see Justin go through that.
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Two episodes before, 1x06, we see Brian looking at Justin’s drawing while someone under the covers is giving him head. This scene is the first time we see Brian have sex with someone else while actively imagining they are Justin instead. Also he goes to the art show at the center in this ep and he would not have done that just for Lindsay. He is there for Justin and he is sooo in love.
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In 1x05 Brian kicks a trick out because the guy was rude to Justin. At this point Justin is already much more meaningful to him than a one night stand. After this Brian tells Justin not to rely on anyone else and the only person you can trust is yourself. I think this scene is so telling because ostensibly Brian is talking to Justin but really he is desperately trying to remind himself of this belief. He is already in love but he is also afraid of what that means.
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I think Brian fell in love as early as 1x03 when Justin had the gall to steal two tricks from him. It was a like-recognizes-like moment. Brian for the very first time respected Justin and saw him as more than just some kid. In a scene at Woody’s in this ep Brian defends Justin to Michael and says “Leave him alone…he’s actually kind of sweet.” Justin’s move at the end of the ep was far from sweet and it not only turned Brian on, it had him head over heels. The way he smiles while kissing him on the dancefloor that night and holds him up in his arms like a trophy. I’m certain Brian took him home and couldn’t keep his hands off him the rest of the night.
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For the rest of the season we see the tension between Brian’s love for Justin and Brian’s love for his lifestyle. Falling in love with someone is entirely discordant with Brian’s idea of himself and as we know he feels he can’t be trusted to love someone and have them love him in turn. He is terrified of that vulnerability and he doesn’t want to be hurt especially by someone he has allowed to get this close to him.
This follows them until season 5 when Brian finally allows himself to tell Justin that he loves him. He says it’s because of the bomb, but Brian already had to consider losing Justin once before, and instead of telling Justin that he loved him after the bashing he instead pretends that he didn’t even show up to the hospital despite visiting him every day and watching him sleep. Brian loved Justin from the beginning but he had so much work to do healing from his childhood and the walls he built up before he could even consider letting himself be vulnerable enough to admit it to Justin.
Finally, I just want to say that Justin is god’s strongest soldier. Was he perfect? No. Did he leave Brian and misunderstand him a few times? Yes. But jesus Brian did not make it easy on him. It takes a lot to love someone unconditionally even when they refuse to tell you what you both know is true.
Ok, stepping off my soapbox.
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kenshiv · 7 months
what draws you to ten and martha so much? what about their dynamic has got you in such a chokehold?
hot sexy toxic couple with the most chemistry in the entire show. this is just a fact
Martha is the Doctor's doctor! She starts the show as a medical student in training on the Doctor's show. She then takes a "sabbatical" year with this alien who calls himself the Doctor, who actually gives her the best training any medical student could wish for. She actually is the Doctor for the entirety of their time in 1913 because Ten is simply not there. And then he is out of it again, and she saves the world (is the lead hero!) on her own. And the whole time, she looks after him. She teaches him how to be a doctor again after the events of Doomsday, and that's a low he never quite reaches again until after losing everything in Journey's End. I think Martha is the only character who leaves on her own terms (I have not finished season 9 yet, leave me be), and was actually there with the main objective to look after this guy, while also traveling the universe of course (but even then, looking after his loneliness was in her mind even by Gridlock, which is insane to think about). I find so much meaning in how she made him better and kinder, while he turned him into a de facto Doctor... and a soldier, something he is shown to be ashamed of for lifetimes to follow :]
Series 2 was particularly unbearable for me to watch because of Ten & Rose's CW show romance, but I've grown to see it as the point (delusional)? Nine regenerated into someone he thought Rose would be more attracted to (even though she was already crazy about him, lol), therefore -> Casanova David Tennant! Which. Fair. But also there was sooo much, ugh, immaturity surrounding whatever they had going on, it's like, I'm too old for this. And then it ends in such a tragic way, which immediately shatters Ten's view on humanity because, well, Rose was his humanity. So! In comes Martha, someone only a few years older than Rose but who had to grow up much faster than she ever did because there was no illusion of Great White Romance there: he told her from the go that it was her only trip, even though he spent the entire episode auditioning her, lmao. And their relationship develops so organically from there: he is intensely reluctant and closed off; but she is insistent and he talks about Gallifrey for the very first time (!) since the War. While she at first sees him as this wonderful alien god who can take her away from it all for a while, and then grows to become intensely protective (!) of him and the Sisyphean task of aiding to his loneliness. Martha sees firsthand, multiple times, how fallible and arrogant and selfish he is, but she stays! Because she believes she can make it better. And she does! But not in the way she thought she could. :( Anyway, I guess my point was that it develops so naturally? There is no teenage hesitance; they're honest with each other and you can actually witness what they want and get from each other. Which I believe every TV romance should be about. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Relating to the previous point, I don't think it's bad that she loved him "more" than he loved her the whole time they were together. I think there's an honesty in two people meeting at different times (lmao) in their lives; and Martha met him at a tragic moment for his character. And, yes, she makes it better, but I think people who can only see her other doctors treating her better (which is true) are sort of missing T/M's emotional journey, which is the most gratifying part of series 3 for me. Plus, we, viewers, will never love someone in a CW show way because that type of romance is simply not real! At least not in the adult world (but again, children's show yaddayadda).
i think they should have fucked nasty.
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soupsysoup · 9 days
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Kwazii Head canons!! Not the best drawing, but the one I was gonna use originally looked like a fucking cheeto and did not look like Kwazii, sooo-, yeah.
-Trans Aro/Ace
-Has ADHD and Dyslexia. I mean, look at him, I doubt I need to say more
-The hole in his ear is a ripped piercing
-Him and Inkling like to place random bets during their ping pong matches. Like trading out chores or taking over the other's chore as well as their own.
-Gup B is his comfort gup and misses it quite a bit when he's out and about with his Grand-dad
-Like Cali, his eye has a light sensitivity. It's genetic. It's not bc of the eye patch. Other than that, his eye works fine, however, his vision is getting worse in that eye, so-
-Sings sea shanties with Captain Barnacles. Him and Barnacles listen to Fish in a Birdcage. One album in particular that I haven't rlly bothered to find the name of, lol
-Has tried to learn an instrument, but fails every time, and gives up too easily
-Him and Barnacles actually bumped heads a few times when he was training to be an Octonaut (Yes, there's training to be one, and he just barely passed, it's a fucking miracle)
-In his Pirate days, the only he was widely known for was that he was Calico's grandson, so that put a huge target on his back.
-His parents died, but he was raised by Calico Jack when he was just a kitten, but after Cali left, the crew raised him.
-the crew that raised him told him so many stories abt Calico's daring feats and what not. As well as "monster" stories
-Very active imagination. Gives him anxiety
-Amazing artist. Him and Shellington draw together and Barnacles joins sometimes. It's just a quiet thing that they all do together. Tweak also joins in on occasion. They're just sitting in silence, drawing, maybe listening to music. It's one of the only times you'll ever see Kwazii focus so hard for so long
-If he's ever focused on something and you disrupt him, he isn't rlly happy abt it bc him focusing on something is abt as rare as a blue moon
-Bounces his leg and swishes his tail when fidgeting
-Is never truly still, even when he's asleep, he's always moving around.
-Boops the crew on occasion for no real reason (Especially Peso, Barnacles, and Shellington. Emphasis on Peso and Barnacles. Extra emphasis on Peso)
-Protective over Peso
-Yeow is 100% a vocal stim that he's been using since he was just a kitten. He got it from his grand dad
-Prior to adventuring to the Amazon, he was 99% sure his granddad was dead, but he somehow felt, deep in his bones, that Cali was still alive somewhere.
-Cried while holding a picture of Calico Jack after the Amazon episode. He actually started writing to him as much as he could.
-Got his sword skills (and possibly drawing skills) from his grand dad
-Used to follow Cali around, mimicking everything he did/said. Annoyed him at first, but grew to actually love him for it bc he realized that he was this kid's role model and I think that's sweet as hell
-After he decided to get his own ship, he realized how lonely he was. He discovered that Cali's old crew disbanded after he left, and would love to find them, but there's no traces of them left...maybe they're dead...or alive...we may never know...
-Gold tooth, like his grand dad. He probably got into a fight with someone and got the tooth punched right out of his mouth.
-Didn't get a proper gold tooth, till Peso gave him one, when he first joined.
-Last one to join the Octonauts
-Like his grand dad, he likes to curl up into a ball when sleeping
-Cuddle bug for life
-Has an older brother bond to Peso and uses the stories to scare him
-Him and Peso occasionally fight like actual siblings, but get along most of the time
-Was not the most cooperative person when he first joined. In fact, he was a little on edge and hostile to the group, but now, they're literally his family
-He cusses like crazy, but stopped bc Peso doesn't like cussing and Barnacles says it's kind of important to stay at least somewhat professional at all times
-Cannot handle any type of cold, what so ever. His room is a fucking Sauna, it's crazy
-Calico Jack was his ultimate transition goal when he was first transitioning.
-He's actually quite strong and it is totally bc of all the swimming he does on the job
-Part Carribean and Part Asian, but he grew up all over the place
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fearandhatred · 7 months
The Alternate Coffee Theory
okay i've been thinking about this a lot. like an unhealthy amount. so: the coffee that the metatron buys for aziraphale is obviously significant. however.
i'm starting to think that its significance really doesn't have that much of a role to play in season 3's plot as we might think, or as the coffee theory might suggest. it might honestly just be important because of all that it symbolises in the last episode, aka earthly desires and by extension, the metatron's hatred of humans and crowley. hear me out
Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death, aka The Metatron Hates Humanity
when i tell y'all i genuinely even tried abbreviating Large Oat Milk Latte With A Dash Of Almond Syrup in case there was some subliminal hidden message in that order... yeah that didn't work out. but honestly i think the main thing to take away from this scene is that the metatron hates humans.
the metatron (so demeaningly): your establishment. i assume they always ask for coffee (eye roll) (deep sigh) (dripping with sarcasm)
nina: no one ever asks for death no :)
the metatron (mockingly): no i don't suppose they doooooo. sooo predictable
the metatron does not mention anything about the world or humans when he's talking to aziraphale (at least not what is shown to us, but if he didn't at all then it's very interesting that aziraphale didn't pick up on that, but that's a whole separate thing).
what this scene with the coffee mostly does is establish the metatron as The Antagonist of season 3. yeah, it's already hinted by the second coming bomb drop, but this solidifies it: he thinks of himself as superior to humans, he genuinely does not care what happens to them. and it'll be harder to change his mind (which aziraphale will undoubtedly try to) because of this.
"Where Would I Get My Coffee?" aka Aziraphale Exposing His Priorities, aka The Metatron Hates Crowley
this is where i think the coffee is REALLY important. it draws out some interesting conversations between the metatron and aziraphale that go exactly how the metatron intended. and also, while the previous scene shows how he hates humans, everything from that point on shows that he hates crowley.
"shall i?" "drink it? of course. i've ingested things in my time."
this has definitely been said before but to reiterate, the metatron is trying to appeal to aziraphale here with human things, which is funny considering we've established that he hates humans. i think from this point onwards, the metatron is trying to parse out just how attached aziraphale is to humanity.
you can kind of see his intent when aziraphale says the coffee is very nice and he replies "yes, i should jolly well hope so". when i first heard that i was all ???? why the hell did he say it like that? but i think it's him confirming that yes, aziraphale partakes in earthly pleasures. maybe there's something to be said here about gluttony being a sin? no idea. so yes, aziraphale loves the world. but then:
2. "where would i get my coffee?"
now THIS is interesting. because aziraphale says "no, i don't want to go to heaven. where would i get my coffee?" and the metatron doesn't say anything like "as archangel you can go wherever you want. you can come back to earth and drink coffee. you can manifest coffee in heaven."
NO. he says "you can have crowley with you". it's a very pointed segue. and if we take it that we are shown all the important parts of the conversation, that means that aziraphale accepts the offer pretty much right after learning that he can be with crowley.
so in the previous point, in the bookshop, the metatron confirms that aziraphale loves and knows humanity. now here, he confirms (this is what he thinks, at least) that aziraphale loves humanity, and he loves crowley more. and to him, this is A Major Problem.
The Offer, aka The Metatron's True Intentions
okay, now let's talk about the metatron's offer to 1. make aziraphale an archangel, and 2. make crowley an angel too.
yes, the second coming is the metatron's major goal. yes, he wants aziraphale to help. but not in the way he thinks: he wants aziraphale to help by getting out of the way. this means that the offer to make crowley an angel again was genuine, because no matter which way it goes, him and heaven benefit from this.
aziraphale and crowley, together, loving humanity, is literally all that stands between heaven and The Ineffable Plan, because that was the case for Armageddidn't. if the metatron gets both of them to go to heaven, fantastic! the troublemakers removed willingly from humanity and doing good (aka advancing the plan).
if crowley refuses to go with aziraphale, fantastic! he knows how much aziraphale relies on crowley. he thinks they're weaker when they're not together. by separating him from all that he loves and directing his attention elsewhere, that's when they can really start doing things.
Coffee Recap and What This Means For Season 3
ok so. tldr. the coffee was placed in the show for symbolic reasons, to set up all these scenes and conversations and show the metatron's true intentions. maybe the coffee even represents aziraphale's attachment to things that are decidedly not heaven, but are in fact heaven's rejects. heaven's fallen. the metatron has decided to make that his problem.
now maybe they really will brainwash aziraphale in heaven, or refuse to let him go back to earth or communicate with crowley in any way. but that doesn't take away from the fact that aziraphale went up there for what he genuinely believes is right, and that is what matters to me, honestly.
but this makes the metatron a lot more sinister than i originally thought. he's very smart; that offer he made wasn't an offer at all, because either way it went would have benefited him. and the fact that he's thought this through means that this is definitely not the end. crowley is probably in danger. aziraphale will be put under a lot of control that would be hard to break free of.
i don't think there's a possibility of them changing the metatron's mind, but i might be wrong. i do think that the season will end with humanity saved and heaven becoming a better place, maybe a joint partnership with hell, but whether they defeat the metatron or somehow make the whole of heaven and hell see sense is past me.
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Monsters and Mommies AU Masterpost
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What is Monsters and Mommies?: Monsters and Mommies, usually shortened to MnMoms, is an alternate universe to the podcast Dungeons and Daddies where rather than the dads traveling to the Forgotten Realms with their kids, the moms are in the Odyssey instead! More important, it is my baby ♡. This is not a unique AU and other fans have similar AUs with the same name. I did not come first and will never pretend to. But everything on this post and in my tags is my own invention (besides some additions from friends and followers :] ). In my version of this AU, I follow canon pretty closely, but there are some significant differences, mostly regarding the Freeman family and the Oak-Garcias. You're always free to ask for clarification and no worries about asking questions that have been asked before, I love to repeat myself - but you might be able to find your answer on this post first!
General links:
Art (this account)
Writing (AO3)
Etc. (a mix of both of the above on my main account, as well as headcanons, random thoughts, funny posts that remind me of the au, y'know - etc!)
Exhaustive list of every single post and fic there is (Last updated: November 4th, 2023):
Going to organize this by mom, since I think that makes sense with how I've done things so far. This list will not include funny posts I tag as MnMoms or with MnMoms characters, but will include funny posts I make myself. When (if) I ever start writing out the actual story, I will have that up top in chronological order, and then have all of the additional material in order below that!
The story thus far... would go here if I had written it.
Multi-character/group posts
Monsters and Mommies cover art (and the in-progress sketches!)
Design sheets (with children) (and original sketches!)
The moms' relationships with their kids
The moms' relationships with their own moms
Odyssey-San info
Abeloth fight
The mummy ride
Morgan and Carol's weapons
Samantha and Morgan sketch
Cereal's MnMoms sketches (secret drawing box drawings that I love sooo so much and they're so cute and I love Cereal and-!)
MnMoms playlist (not organized or very coherent)
Morgan Freeman (no, not that one!), the prepper and ranger mom of the group.
Morgan and Nick's relationship
Does Glenn die instead of Morgan in this?
The trial 1 (first post for this AU!)
The trial 2 (focused more on Jodie and his relationship to Morgan)
Where is Glenn post-trial?
Morgan and Samantha's relationship
Morgan first re-meeting Glenn (WIP)
Actually fun/non-depressing Morgan facts
Swarmkeeper Morgan doodles
More swarmkeeper Morgan doodles
Assorted Morgan doodles
Freeman family playlist
Carol Wilson, the workaholic business mom who becomes a fighter upon entering the Forgotten Realms.
Carol's sexuality journey
Mercedes Oak-Garcia, the Birkenstock-rockin', granola-munching, hippy-dippy artsy nature Bard mom.
Mercedes and Lark sketch, plus Mercedes/Morgan dynamic
Mercedes and Sparrow
Mercedes moodboard
Mercedes and Oakvale
Oak-Garcia family playlist
Samantha Stampler, the totally and completely emotionally available mother and a cleric.
General ramble about Samantha in this AU
Samantha's reaction to Willy's reveal
Sons + Sparrow
Sparrow and her gayboy besties (Grant and Nicholas)
Sparrow illustration ("Favorite Daughter")
Does Terry Junior still hate Ron?
Nicky's relationships with the other kids
Sparrow and Nicholas sketches, Sparrow and Lark sketches
s02e06 (non-canon)
Shipping Posts
Post-Season 1 polycule chart
Mercarol (Mercedes/Carol) version of the Episode 1 Oakson kiss
Mercarol sketches
Carol/Samantha sketches
Mercedes/Samantha sketches
More Mercedes/Samantha sketches
Polymoms request (Carol/Samantha/Mercedes)
Morgan/Jodie flash fic
Morgan/Jodie doodles
Polymoms playlist
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duckmine · 1 year
i think ur swap au is sooo silly and cute. have any doodles or headcanons to share ? even crumbs
also a swapboblin doodle for u
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OMG!! OMG THAT’S SO CUTE!!! tysm!! 😭🌸✨✨. unfortunately i don’t have many headcanons to share BUT i do have old, and i mean old (like early 2021), drawings from when i was first drafting it. plus the swap au i’ve shared with you guys is only the first route, i also started a second one with gene swapped with louise 😭.
~~ readmore ~~
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then one with tina swapped with gene 😭 it’s really bad tho
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the only thing gene! tina shares with gene is that she’s musically in tuned and kind of eccentric and bubbly but not outwardly grotesque like gene or as messy. she’s also a bit more pretentious about her music and plays the classic piano but very bouncy pieces. less focused on boys for sure.
i think that’s the most thought out headcanon i have for tina.
as for louise! gene… i hadn’t come up with much.. i vaguely remembered making him the silent but threatening type, which is VERY different from his canon counterpart. while louise! tina is just moody and rude because she’s a teen but has the fiery and rebellious traits that canon louise has. she’d also be a serious teen delinquent for sure, probably tries smoking like once or twice till rudy! jimmy jr. catches her and makes her feel bad about it that she stops completely since.
i wish i focused on bob and lin a little more, but i was mostly inspired to draw an edgy tina and i really liked the witch episode so that’s really what made this au if i’m being honest 😭. 
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kirchefuchs · 1 year
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Okay, break from the fish talk show. Time to talk about my week! That's a very pretty clover btw.
Okay so first off, I did join the Narrator Swap discord for the month of June and I posted my first art for it two days ago. That has been super fun and I can't wait to get my partner for next week!!!
Now the big thing was yesterday. Because yesterday was my oldest brother's birthday and he wanted to bring us to a convention, so some of us joined him for that, myself included. I don't know if this is surprising or anything, but this was the first big convention I've ever been to and my goodness, it sure was something. I didn't know a whole ton about the convention going in so I didn't go to any of the panels. (Though my sister in law told me they had a Sandman panel, but I lowkey forgot and only remembered 30 minutes after the panel started. Pretty upset about that). Anyways! I did end up getting some cool things, though most of what was being sold seemed to be more anime focused there were some other cool things I found.
I ended up getting two charms, an Ineffable Husbands one for myself and a Dreamling one for my sister. I also go a really cute Blackbonnet print signed by the artist (it's so cute!!), a little sewn keychain of my favorite little dragon Figment, a really cute Ponyo sweater, and an adorable strawberry frog keyboard for my computer (cuz I really needed a new one).
So overall, a super fun experience!! I definitely have determined that next time I go to a big con I definitely need to look into everything happening the day I'm going and figure out what events I want to participate in. Also, I should probably try to finish up some of my more casual cosplays, such as the Narrator or the RK900 hoodie I've been very slowly working on. This is because I went to this con in my Ghostbusters cosplay. Since I had a proton pack I couldn't have my backpack with me, which got kinda annoying when I had some downtime and didn't have my sketchbook to draw in. So more casual cosplays would work best for me.
Another thing I've discovered. I walk really poorly. My legs and ankles are so sore right now because of how I walk and how much I was walking yesterday. I realized a few hours in as my feet were starting to hurt, that I walk in such a way that I have a little bit of a limp and it puts a lot of strain on my left leg. Along with that, when walking my ankles are very fluid in their movements in such a way that I tend to put more pressure on the outer edge of my feet. In short. I'm super unbalanced and it wrecks my ankles when I walk like this for a while. So. Oof. This explains why every once in a while one of my ankles kind gives out and I either fall or almost fall. It's very rare, but it happens sometimes. Don't really know what to do about that other than trying to be more conscious of how I'm walking.
So that's about if for con related stuff I guess, though this next thing is a tiny bit related I guess. I have noticed recently, both on Tumblr and at the con, that Trigun Stampede is really popular right now. I don't know much about the anime though my sister did show me an episode or two of the original Trugun series. I did notice a lot of really cool art of Vash while at the con, along with some amazing cosplaysm there was this one person selling the cutest little tiny acrylic standees of him and I kinda wanted one, but I felt like it would be kinda weird to get art of a character from a fandom I'm not in. Anyways, this whole thing has a point. That being, I talked to my sister about it and she said I definitely should watch both Trigun series, sooo.... might end up doing that in my free time. I will probably start with the original Trigun then watch Stampede, cuz that just makes sense to me. I don't know how into it I will get, but I guess we will have to see.
I will have you know you most likely won't have to worry about me dropping TSP since I have a lot of people, both friends and you guys, keeping me into it. So don't worry!! I will not stop drawing TSP art for a long while!!! I just thought that would be important to say.
But yeah, that's kinda been the hughlights of my week. Fun things :)
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itsbrucey · 5 months
Okokoko SOOO! Bigtop Burger!! I need to make a sona for it stat
Uhh i love Penny!! She’s so amazing and I love her character design so much (which isn’t to say much since i love ALL of their designs) The fact that we got actual lore in the last episode was like augdhdjdjjd STEVE!! What did he dooo i thought he was just silly
Also the fact the Cats musical was made before humans- that is terrifying to me/hj
Billie and Frances should kiss actually and i need to draw them all oh my goddd
THE MUSIC THE ANIMATION 100% like i usually skip the credits but everytime i just listened to it since the intro and outro music is the best music ever actually
(also Steve and Caesar as a ship was like haha funny and now its slowly becoming engraved in my mind) Also also also caesar’s voice sounding like he’s screaming in an empty room is music to my ears actually- when is the next episode i need more of the sillies/j
[On the topic of sweetooth i hope you have a good time!! And once you’ve started watching i would love to hear your thoughts!!]
also yeah the fucking Steve lore out of left field was insane,, in Zomburger's theme/Down you get some good Cesare lore but it was also the first hints of Steve ( referencing the fact he came out of the center of the earth) and then Up just BLINDSIDES YOU. AND THE CATS BIT FROM STOVE BECOMING ACTUALLY LORE RELEVANT??? I have no idea if it was planned from the beginning or if Worthi just found a way to work it in so seamlessly but I still can't get over how phenomenal it was.
Cesare's VA is Chris Fleming btw. Like you probably already saw but that's why Cesare's performance is so. Like That. Y'know. Just insane balls to the wall line delivery and quips and it's so GOOD ( I really like that you can hear the audio quality difference tbh..... Like it's cool + obvious it's an indie production )
AND YES. BILLIE AND FRANCIS ARE SO. GIRLFRIENDBOYFRIENDSINLOVE 100%. I absolutely adore them and I don't think the show is going for romance tonally but the way they interact....gay people. Steve and Cesare are also very Gay People and I'll stand by this. Oh, you're rivals? And operate opposite themed foodtrucks? And also are bitter rivals because one is a clown and the other is a zombie? AND ONE OF YOU IS ASSIGNED TO WATCH AND HUNT THE OTHER?? alright guys.....just kiss.
Also fun fact that you probably saw. Alex Hirsch of Gravity Falls Fame. Voiced Munkustrap aka The Guy Who Exiled Steve and I FREAKED OUT. LIKE WHAT'S HE DOING HERE????? ( as if Lindsay and Alex Small-Butera and Sungwon Cho aren't also animation icons as well LMAO )
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watmels · 1 year
Shiratorizawa’s Spy (Reflection)
I made the first panels of my comic Shiratorizawa’s Spy in January 2022 on a whim, based on doodle requests from my Instagram Story. I didn’t think it would turn into a big project that would take over a year, but I’m glad it did! To finally wrap this all up, I wanted to organize my thoughts about my experience making the series.
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🌞 Highlights ━━━━
Shiratorizawa’s Spy-noff + Shiratorizawa’s Spy-noff 2
It was incredible to see art and writing that others created based on the series. I was especially wowed at how several writers were able to capture what I wanted to convey. To see it written out... it’s unreal!
Comic style
I’m really thankful that I drew/colored the initial panels roughly, because this style let me work quickly. If it was full color / rendered... I probably would have burnt out.
Crowd-sourcing ideas
Many plot points and even the character Goshiki Toshiki came from my followers 🙌🏻
Reading comments
This was sooo motivating. Knowing that I made people laugh, or that people felt conflicted because of Oikawa... It made me happy that my work could touch people like that! 🥺
🌚 Lowlights ━━━━
Lack of Seijoh bonding
I totally understand how readers would feel that Oikawa should have stayed at Shiratorizawa in the end, because most of the comic illustrated his relationships there... I should have drawn more interactions between Oikawa and the Seijoh team to build a stronger sense of belonging. I really wish I had introduced Matsukawa and Hanamaki in the beginning. And I probably could have expanded on the Seijoh captain, but I was reluctant to make decisions about that guy...
Losing track of the timeline
I had a bit of a meltdown when I realized InterHigh was quickly approaching in the storyline.
Discovering again that Oikawa has an Android phone in canon
I forgot about this and gave him an iPhone. When I found out again, I was unwilling to change it midway... I don’t stress about this that much though haha
📝 Lessons about making comics ━━━━
Plan ahead
It’s fun to make spontaneous filler episodes, but it’s important to remember the timeline! After my meltdown, I carefully planned the rest of the story. I’m glad I had an outline of each part towards the end.
Comic boxes
I initially drew a new box for each panel. Later, I changed to duplicating & rotating the same box for most panels. This saved a lot of time.
Procreate stuff
My process for making the comic was to duplicate a previous file, keep a few things (series title, some boxes, my signature) and create the new part.
I wish I knew earlier to TURN OFF THE PROCESS RECORDING! As time went on, my files loaded so slowly... eventually I realized it’s because every file was bigger than the last, with ever-increasing video info 💀 thankfully you can purge the time-lapse recordings.
I came to this conclusion before SS, but still wanted to mention it. I much prefer typing text over handwriting it when creating a comic. It saves time, it’s easier to edit, and it’s more legible for readers!
And... that’s it! Shiratorizawa’s Spy is my magnum opus...
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✈️ Now some personal updates ━━━━
This year I’ve been making some life changes and want to make even bigger ones. So it works out well that I was able to end Shiratorizawa’s Spy at this time. Next week, I’ll be moving into a friend’s apartment for a few months.
After that, I really hope to move internationally to South Korea for... an unknown amount of time. I am thinking about quitting my job. I’m grateful for my opportunities and experiences thus far, but I feel lost as an adult... I don’t know what I want to do except that I want to try living in another country. I had an amazing vacation in Korea last year, so I think I’ll start there. I’m really anxious because I don’t speak the language though.
I have so much to learn about personal finance, fitness, beauty, growing as a person, etc. I still want to draw and post occasionally, because art is my first love and passion 💖  but not sure about the frequency.
👋🏻 Anyway ━━━━
Was reading Shiratorizawa’s Spy fun? Like, about as fun as buying a coffee from a shop or seeing a movie in a theatre? If so, I would really appreciate a tip on Ko-Fi. How else could a comic artist make money — maybe mostly drawing through Patreon...? 🤔
Thank you for following me through all this. I hope it was interesting! 
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I LOOVE your IGBP AU tbh! :) your story was super cool, I'm so excited for the next chapter, and i love also the way your write it! I'm so into it, i was shocked when SMG4 came back in the loop!!!
Some questions :
--> will SMG4 get out of this loop?
-->How will you portray SMG34, I'm curious abt this haha, since it can be interesting to see how it is put
-->Will each "loop" be the same or be different?
-->To the Previous question, does SMG4 will somehow loose memory, or a character? Temporary or permanently?
-->How many chapters do you think this story will have? (you can skip this question I'm just curious lmao)
-->Does any characters will know abt the loop?
-->Tv hardware? Will be shown, interact with the others? Hmmm
I'm SOOO sorry for all these questions, I'm sooo curious abt your AU, LIKE İ LOVE IT, I LOVE YOUR STORY❤️
Omg omg you're my first ask hgsngsnhn I cannot keep this cool and mysterious persona (that I already heavily failed) anymore RAGHHH iM SO GLAD YOU THINK SO HERES A LIST OF RESPONSES
- Yes he will, this will be angst with a happy ending! I will add more tags and tw and cw the more I add on (I'm not evil I swear)
- How I portray them is based on their current canon personality from what I have observed so far from MAR10 Day till latest episode. BUT with a dash of psychological elements that they (unwillingly) have to face during the whole shenanigans.
(help me these two are stuck in my brain matter it's almost parasitism- but it's actually comensalism)
- the loop will be the same, but it's up to the characters to change or alter how they go through it. E.g: Same place where it all starts, but different endings when they change their actions such as SMG4 didn't make any of those Toad Legs models, the whole meme reaction thing. This is because he is aware of the mistakes he had done and trying to fix it while he still can.
- It's more of a brain-fog kind of thing. (Temporary) Memory loss is quite common with people with depression/developing depression. There will be serious topics in this fic that might be triggering so I would have to warn y'all beforehand because working on this actually made my friends worry about my mental state AHAHAHA
- I'm glad you asked! IM WORKING ON THE INBETWEEN(s) RIGHT NOW AND ALREADY HAD THE MIDDLE AND ENDING DONE. I already posted the introduction. So far 6 chapters and there may or may not be more. I've been working on this since November and it's driving me as crazy as the guy.
Oh, did I ever mention that? Hehe, forget it.
- Unfortunately, no. Mario would probably have a glimpse of what's going on but not entirely. It is about his recolours after all-- I mean guardians.
- n̵̨̛͉͚͎̯̘̮̭͓͇̪͎̘̥̖̱͖͆̽̓̇͜o̴̧̧̡̫͙̥͔̞̼̝̪̝̜͇̜͓͈͍̎̌̇̔̊͂̃̆͑̑̀͑̐́͝ͅ ̴͚̜̹̪̊̉̌̑̎͋̌̕c̷̞̘̬̟̓͂̀̚o̴̡̰̜̜̮̮̘̺̲̰̅̌͂͐́̋̋̕͝m̴̨̡̧͓̱̼̫̝̞̝͎̮̘̜̬̣͙̼͉̣͛̉̈́m̵̡̛̰͎͙̟͙̮̲̪̗͓̰̹̰̪̦͍͕͑̈́̃͂̀̈́̇̾̚ȩ̶̢̡͎̟̻̙̭̰̞̰͎̤̬͔̣͖̗̜̽͋́̆͒͂̑͗̌͛͆͂̽͘͝ͅn̷̩͇̙̳̫̬͓̓̃̾̆͂͋̃͌͆̚̚͜͝t̴͍͙͍̪̩̥̫̥͍̳͒̏̽̑̽̑̀̋̔̈̎̈́̎͊̾̆̑͆̂͂
That wraps it up! AND NO PROBLEM I HAD SO MUCH FUN ANSWERING THEM! and it helps me reflect on what other kinds of stories I should do with these two goobers ( or three! I really love Mario 💓) I hope I can get the next chapter up as soon as possible, if my work doesn't give me overtime again- ugh. I'm glad you love my work! It means that the ungodly time I spent drawing (still unpublished) and writing (also unpublished) wasn't a dud!
Thank you so much for expressing your interest and curiosity, anon! You made my morning a bit less bitter and a bit more better. (Incorrect grammar but this is nsrs). I hope I could deliver up to your expectations!
I hope.
(Might do a fan-fanfiction take on the BR AU a certain artist made though, I do like the concept. But I need permission probably lol so I'll work on that.)
Thank you so much! You really made me feel worth something :DDD
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iantimony · 1 year
time to tuesday
listening: i have been POWERING through twilight mirage. i find the first ~5 eps of any fatt season are the hardest to get through because it's familiarizing yourself with new characters, settings, vibes, etc. but once you pass that point it is fuckin rolling. i'm on episode 12 now. i think my goal is to do twilight mirage and partizan and catch up on palisade in time for that to finish lol. i think it's doable though. most seasons are about a year long. let's say 70 ep of TM and 50 ep of partizan, with rounding, and if i listen to five episodes a week that's 24 weeks, so about halfway through the palisade run, yeah? at that point there will be about 25 episodes of palisade, so another 8 weeks, etc. but i SHOULD be able to catch up in time. we'll see.
i went to a concert this past saturday for the local philarmonic and that SLAMMED. the first two pieces were soloists from local youth concerto competitions and not gonna lie these kids ruled. the first one was 14 and did a saint-saëns violin concerto and made me question everything about all my choices he was so talented. the second one was also really good but it was chopin and he's hit or miss as a composer for me, the soloist was incredible but i just. don't like chopin that much. oops. and then the final piece was dvorak #8 which made me sooo emo and nostalgic because i did that one in orch in undergrad and it rips. so it was really good.
hmm. what other music. this is funny
reading: nothing besides glancing at twilight mirage transcripts if i felt like i missed something and didn't want to scrub back haha
watching: started cowboy bebop with my so!! it's soooo good truly immaculate vibes all around. we watched up to episode 3 so starting with 4....probably tonight i think actually
making: starting a printmaking project! unpacking some shit mentally etc.
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i had to set up the block three times total before i finally got the sketch reversed lmao. like i drew it out once, went wait shit i have to mirror the image, traced it onto a piece of paper to transfer it, transferred it the wrong way AGAIN, and finally got it right on the third try. lol. gonna start carving it some time this week, and i need to order a brayer and some ink...
and then life drawing from yesterday:
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and finally [GIFT WARNING; BOYFRIEND DO NOT READ THIS PART] i FINALLY got the intarsia working for the scarf im making. turns out i was twisting the yarn under the work and not over it so it was like. pinching the actual knit itself. dumb. but it's good now and im gonna start ripping through it :)
started doing pottery again also!!! so stay tuned for more making on that front
misc: i finally went to urgent care last week because i was still not feeling well and wasn't getting any work done because i couldn't focus and i felt dizzy and icky and achey etc and it turns out i had an ear infection! or something like that, something in the ear/nose/throat vibe. so i got put on an antibiotic and im doing much better
experiencing the agonies otherwise but im hanging in there. tuseday again no problem right
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therummonster · 10 months
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here's some art! below is gonna be me rambling ^w^
angst rambles, warnings for: mind fuckery, angst, memory loss, possible feelings of helplessness, mutilation maybe, sororicide, and more angst :}
side note, this is written as a script type thing, and meant more for people who are focusing on unicorn mann and ryan. enjoy!
two universes, this is gonna be gore on crack. we take the "100 days as" series, specifically the ones with the slaughter houses run by Farmer Unicorn, then we take the friends series and put that in the same universe!
let me explain. Ryan in the friends universe has the spooky scary spell book of dark magic. easy to transition into body stealing shapeshifter, especially if that same child is fighting a war and suddenly needs to do something super risky.
Unicorn Mann however, he's not a hero. no no no, he's something SOOO much more oh no. he's the terrifying boss of Unicorp. as in, fuck with him and you'll be on the other end of his boomstick for a few seconds before you're a bit of everywhere.
if i decided to draw this guy, it would be holding a minigun one handed level of "oh no no no no no-" vibes.
anyways, Ryan gets 100 days to get out or complete his objective in a farm before he gets found out. usually the objective is just escape, but there have been a few times where he had to destroy a location. such as the pet zoo and lamb chop diner. {breaking point!!}
the important order to see how messed up this can get is the first four, chicken, cow, pig, sheep.
that sheep is special, like the "ohhhh nooo..." of sheep. because that's bluey the sheep! not to be confused with bluey the wolf in this series.
after that event i head canon that he had to take memory loss pills because he couldn't function with out breaking down. {the sheep one made me go "yo should someone check on him? is.. is he alright? my goodness gravy..."}
but he starts acting tired and he keeps forgetting more stuff. and Ryan? oooo boy. the sheep farm destroyed both of them mentally...
Ryan stopped trying to save the other creatures in the slaughter houses, because the stakes were literally rigged for him to be the one to escape in the sheep co-op slaughter house.
the pink sheep he was doing the co-op slaughter house with literally 180 no scoped into lava when it died. Ryan got to witness that through a window of glass after trying to convince them that he'd find another way to save them.
more info: Unicorn Mann doesn't have magic, because "Santa Claus" has his wish magic. but Farmer Unicorn still knows how exactly to deal with it and keep him from using the magic, he also knows the consequences. as in, he got wished OUT OF EXISTENCE BY THE END OF THE EPISODE.
but he still came back, showing that being wished out of life is temporary. {this gives me more angst ideas, but that's on a different tangent that could probably get me shot.}
the butchers are horrific, they are supposed to be humans but it seems more like horrible accidents that wear bags over their heads to hide the fact they are bloody walking meat. and no, that's not the british slang bloody.
and i almost forgot to talk about the bosses. such as, Gertrude, Burtha, Big Sheepus, Bently, Honky Horse, BIG FEEESH, Big Fish, Weeper, Borbav, Endie, Ms McMuscle, Buff Zombie Boss, Big Skelerton, Crazed Goat Man, Snow Man, Ghast, McCrushy, Chief Enforcer, General Jim, Elf, Chargin' Chuck, Mecha Bat, Mecha Spider, Mecha-Spider Prime
some of them are well cared for, some of them are robots, others even unicorn mann in his distorted state goes "yeah this bitch crazy, anyways! you're the sacrifice right now!"
now to what i hope will be not me rambling about the farms.
Ryan being a very unstable and cold being barely holding it together, Unicorn on the verge of a break down. Ryan shifts back into human, Unicorn Mann sees, and is just flooded with memories.
he's fine. {i definitely don't like to pull this move when he's about to kill Ryan by blowing his head off.}
as an extra little side bit, the pink sheep being a combo of Pink and Kara :} cause kara is a ram, and pink is pink! so why not have a horrific realization that your pseudo sister and one of your friends is dead and it's your fault?
this is all just ramblings and ideas, thank cheese stick for dragging me back here and getting me to reveal the fact i have this despite the anxieties.
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tflaw · 1 year
Hello!! Hi!! Where do I start? How do I start?? I'm feeling like a reader lining up in a book signing event, a fangirl abt to meet her idol in a fan meeting, I'm all nervous sending this. This is totally off season hehehe it's abt ur wt. Maybe I should share with you my exp just so u can imagine y I'm feeling this way.
-> Sooo, I only got back to Tumblr in Nov, left few years back after done w college and succumbed to modern slavery of the evil corporate world and torture of guilt to be a responsible adult, (oh, it was awful *putting the back of my hand resting on my forehead like a damsel in distress* ok that was dramatic) butt yess I return just for fun. Despite no longer reading fanfic on Tumblr/AO3 I still read original works from time to time.
-> So when I was in Tumblr the first week if, I remembered I saw an illustration and I was like woahhh nice!! I'm always so drawn to historical/period/royal au fics and I thought, oh cool concept for TR and ahh Mikey is always like a King for me. Silly me, I didn't know it was a fanart by one of your readers for ur wt!!! 2 days back I read this terrible fic from elsewhere not here, historical romance and I thought what was that TR fanart abt again? I felt so dumb, I lost the post I didn't even rb it, not sure the name/title/tag used/ until 9h ago. Found it, rb the fanart, read wt on AO3, and I'm blown away. It was 10000000000% wayyyy better than what I read goodness lawd, well for me, for me u wrote better than a published writer my love!! I felt the excitement of reading another Tolkien's and reminds me of asoiaf.
-> Oh but I had another silly episode of finding u back in Tumblr, from one handle to another my silly self did not realize I've already followed you the first week for a Genshin fic tbr and only now I understood that one person sent you some Asks as a knight or something following you. Long shall you reign hehehe. Sumtg like that abt ur handle. This also I was confused I thought it was someone else's acct. 😂
Ok there. That's why I have no idea where to start or how to start. But sweetheart,this is an appreciation msg. I'm so so in love with you and your writing, wicked throne. Gosh I wanted to just sit down w u in a coffee shop/garden and just talk abt this au. Hang on this reminds me of the two besties on IG wearing medieval dresses and walk around in some European gardens in modern day 🤭 lmao. I've read all of your TR on AO3, but I had no acct there to send Kudos so I'm sending from this Ask. I've been missing sooo much since you wrote it.sighhhh
Here you go babe ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ thanks for writing so well!!! Ok this def isn't enough for all the effort, blood, sweat and tears you've put into your babies.
FIRST I DONT RLY KNOW WHAT TO SAY OMG this is such a sweet message i'm honestly so happy!! it's been a while since wicked throne has been mentioned in any of my blogs so it makes me extremely joyous receiving this ask today!!
+ yep omg wicked throne has a lot of talented artist AND I SWOON EVERY TIME SOMEONE DRAWS A FANART FOR THE FIC!! just the effort of sitting down and thinking of wanting to draw fanart for wt makes me want to cry !!
+ thank you so much for reading!! if i could i would sit down in a coffee shop w you too to talk about it!! it's a story i've been cultivating during the last few years and it's forever in my system <33 i'm just rly sad that i haven't the inspiration to continue it but it's gonna be finished one day !! thank u for ur support and rly any kind of interaction is more than enough for me so u don't have to leave kudos or anything! this ask is already a treasure to me. again thank you and i hope you're having a wonderful day!!
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merlin-reboot-when · 2 years
I recently rewatched parts of Merlin (started with “Gwaine” (3x04) and then soldiered on all the way through to the finale) and I have to say. Season 4 had sooo many scenes that would’ve been fucking perfect for a magic reveal so much so that on my first watch I was convinced one of the knights was going to find out during that season.
Not even Arthur himself, just like. Maybe Gwaine or Elyan or Gwen. And it would’ve made sense too, with Lancelot gone and all. Merlin could’ve needed a confidant:e that isn’t his father figure who regularly discourages him from being more open about his feelings. (I know he only means to protect Merlin, but Gaius - who witnessed the height of the great purge as a magically gifted person in the heart of Camelot - is very much a product of his time.) Gaius is often controlled by his fears and he passes that on to Merlin. Merlin isn’t always like that, in the early seasons he often ends up doing the right thing instead of prioritising the “greater good” (saving Mordred, saving Uther, etc.), it’s only in later seasons that he grows pessimistic and resigned. An additional perspective could’ve been exactly what Merlin needs.
“The Secret Sharer” (4x07) for example is a perfect opportunity for Gwaine to find out, then in “Lamia” (4x08) Gwen already suspects there’s something about Merlin which is a suspicion that could’ve grown from there to “The Hunter’s Heart” (4x11)  to be finally confirmed in “The Sword in the Stone: Part 2″ (4x13) when Merlin saves her from Morgana. “A Herald of the New Age” (4x10) already has Merlin breaking Elyan out of the dungeons and trying to help him and the druid ghost, why not take it a step further? That or in “The Sword in the Stone: Part 1″ (4x12) there’s also a moment when Merlin, Arthur and Percival, later joined by Elyan, are on the run and followed by Morgana which delivers an opportunity for Percival and (unless he already knows) Elyan to find out.
I’m not saying all these revelations should’ve actually taken place, but I would’ve loved to see at least some of them. And, if we’re already restructuring the series, I also would’ve killed off Gaius somewhere between “The Sword in the Stone: Part 2” (4x13) and “Another’s Sorrow” (5x04) (sorry Gaius) and have Arthur find out about Merlin’s magic in “The Drawing of the Dark” (5x11). It wouldn’t necessarily change the outcome of the finale, but at least we would’ve had two episodes of Merllin not giving a fuck anymore and going full bamf on Morgana’s ass instead of reaching the finale, the climax of a 65 episode series, and still have Merlin hide his identity.
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