bear-cubs-art-things · 8 months
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Aziraphale. Principality. Angel of the Eastern Gate. Bookshop owner. Now Supreme Archangel of Heaven.
Fighting for the one thing he has left to fight for...
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Sometimes I wonder what the Watchers were. I've seen people compare them to angels but. I'm not an angel, if anything I was more of a demon (of course I was also something else besides a Watcher but still-). I remember having Watcher powers meant that you could See things. Know things. It was similar to TMA's beholding powers. But I couldn't do anything with minds or memories or stuff, I could look to see something, sure! But there was always a weird disconnection that came with it. I was always aware I just just an invader.
Any other hermits that were Watchers/were in close contact with them? If so what would you compare them to? - Etho/Voidling
(For context I am 95% sure I was a Watcher)
Our scar has watcher DNA from being soul linked with their grian but has never understood what it meant or why their DNA got fused so we can't help you there... Someone else may be able to though!.. -Mod hels
#kinfession#3rd life kin#mcyt kin#mcytkin#ethoslab kin#etho kin#mod hels#next few tags are from some of the van members aka mod ex’s fellow fictkins in what we like to call the van#check mod ex’s intro post for more info like the kin blog we haven’t posted anything on yet#in our universe ‘Watcher’ & ‘Listener’ are more so titles that come with a few changes and such. i’m gonna focus on Watchers for rn tho-#seeing as i am one myself and know a few- as well as Scar who you can see above & Mumbo who yk- ate my soul.#i was originally a bird hybrid (my wings came in during high school which as you would except was a terrible time & i honestly would have#preferred they had been ‘postponed’ by my body instead of coming in during one of the periods of my life where i’ve felt the least safe.)#& i never knew my original bird species- my wings were just the same color as my hair (dirty blonde) with a peppering of darker sort of#spots? but after i was turned into a watcher they turned a dark grey/black & kinda looked like they were enchanted.#i don’t know for sure but i assume this is another effect of me being a watcher- my wings/species in general change based on my#environment/situation/etc. in s6 they were chicken wings (smaller so much easier to hide thankfully)#in s7 they were parrot wings (harder to hide as they got bigger & my red feathers coming in when the others found out about them caused a#bit of panic cuz they thought it was blood-). in s8 they were dragon wings but seemed to start to change to phantom during the mooners.#back onto Watcher stuff- my eyes turned from blue to really desaturated pink (bright pink when using my powers)#when in full “Watcher form” my sclera are black and my pupils(?) are bright pink and i have two sets of eyes on my cheeks under my normal#eyes. i also have a white halo over my head and my wings turn into the dark grey/black and enchanted look#and get a few (1-5) inches taller. the Watchers themselves looked pretty much the same just usually much taller.#they usually wore black cloaks and lots of jewelry and those sleeveless skin tight turtlenecks and grey leggings i think#i can’t remember exactly cuz my memory is kinda hazy. i’ve gotten more comfortable with showing the Watcher parts of myself around the#others though :] -Grian/Ariana (xe/they/he/she)#i feel like we should’ve put this in the actual post but too late now! -mod ex#mod ex#<- since we wrote an answer ig??
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britcision · 4 months
GUESS WHAT FRIENDS I HAVE BEEN DOING MATH AGAIN no one is going to be happy about it 🥳
1) by the time Delgal reached the surface (6 years pre series), Senshi had been living in the dungeon for 44 years.
He coulda visited on the way up, and probably passed the veggie-golems
2) Thistle kept his dungeon at level 1 (per the canaries’ dungeon guide) for almost 1000 years
Mithrun’s entire span as a dungeon lord was over in 5
Now, Thistle’s did also progress pretty fast from level 2 to 5… but it still took 6 years
This is actually a super similar timeline, especially because we know Mithrun’s dungeon never hit 5… and we don’t actually know what level it got to, since it all depends on when he became a monsterfucker
(His lover’s snake half is referenced here around level 2 - see the gold scrapers
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We know that’s the lover because they are always drawn with the unique shirt and hair and the lover is never depicted with legs, which is wild
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However, it’s still possible this is a chimera rather than a lamia or naga, which is a level 4 problem… which is when the Canaries usually come dungeon busting anyway)
Of course, the Winged Lion was boxed for the entire span of the dungeon’s rapid development and the Goat wasn’t, which might account for a difference in speed… if Thistle’s dungeon grew much slower
Mithrun, with a fully active demon, didn’t hit the same goal in damn near the same timeframe, so we can infer:
- approximately a 5-6 year turnover on dungeons coming from level 2 to level 4-5 (sooooo that’s a lotta dungeon lords, especially if a change of lord usually forces a reset - Marcille and Laios sure didn’t tho)
- the demon is all one entity, so the cumulative effect from other dungeons around the world may have been used to strengthen the Island’s dungeon
- sinking the continent around your dungeon is a damn good way to keep it contained
- Mithrun was a mid-tier dungeon lord at best, “I wish I never took this job” is a weak ass desire especially when compared to Thistle and Marcille’s desires to Defeat Death and probably why he got spit out - his desire to fuck the demon up seems to be a lot more powerful than a moment of weakness in front of a mirror
(The demon even said it didn’t want to finish Thistle right away and save some for later; it ate the last scrap by accident because it was too dang good so we do know it can choose to leave someone behind… for A Reason:)
- the demon fucking angler-fished Mithrun’s ass by spitting him out, leaving behind only the desire to come back and find the demon again, and letting that build for 40 years. He didn’t reach Thistle levels of maturation but oh boy that’s an intentionally cultivated snack - so how many more of the dungeon lords in the group meeting had the same path
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goodomensjail · 11 months
We open in a dark space before creation. There is a pre-fall “Crowley” with white robes, white wings, and short curly red hair (no snake eyes). He is struggling to hold his plans straight so he shouts to the void for some help from what appears to be a falling star, which then takes shape into an equally white robed and winged Aziraphale.
Angel Crowley asks for this (apparently lesser) angel to help him create a nebula by holding his plans for him. Angel Crowley then uses a hand crank a la Bentley from season 1 to spin into existence a beautiful nebula. Angel Crowley explains eagerly and delightedly that it is a star factory; Aziraphale is delighted and compliments him and tries to introduce himself by name, obviously hoping Angel Crowley will do the same. But Angel Crowley actually is barely paying attention and misses the opportunity to introduce himself and we do not get his name (which is either a. important because when we DO get his real angel name it will be a MOMENT [Raphael?] or b. this provides the explanation for WHY in the garden of eden Anzirphale didnt know Demon Crowley's name).
Aziraphale then tells Crowley that though this nebula is beautiful, it apparently is planned to be destroyed in 6000 years, which upsets Crowley. Azirpahale also says Earth and “people” are about to be made and that the purpose of the stars and nebulas is for humans to gaze up at them in wonder. This also upsets Crowley who feels these star systems should exist for some greater purpose than humans to just look at.
Angel Crowley decides he may need to give some suggestions to God, to which Aziraphale cautions him to be very careful about giving too many suggestions to the almighty ("its not like she has a suggestion box or anything") or asking too many questions of the great plan. “How much trouble can I get in for a few suggestions anyway” says Crowley, as a shower of stars begins. Angel Crowley opens his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars of his new nebula.
**Note EDIT: I have been told by others directly in messages who were at the screening that YES Crowley says something to the effect of "arent you gorgeous" and Aziraphale thinks he is speaking to him for a beat before realizing its about the stars I do not recall the spoiler going around that Crowley says “aren’t you gorgeous” to a star and Aziraphale mistakes it for complimenting him. Though it fits with the general shy and adoring vibe from Aziraphale in the scene and the Doctor Who-ish wonder of Crowley for his nebula. Me not noting it or remembering it now doesn’t make it not true tho I coulda missed it cuz I was happily giggling to much
***Note 2: I thought Crowley had David Tennant’s normal eye color NO SNAKE EYES for sure, but I have seen some from the screening say his eyes were purple. I didn’t note that but I don’t want to go as far as say they are wrong
***NOTE 3: apparently im still in tumblr jail and cannot respond to comments even on this added blog.... The falling stars/meteor shower is NOT the fall from grace of the angels, it appears to be a normal star shower caused by the Nebula and it mirrors the rain scene; Crowley uses his wing to shield Aziraphale from the falling stars.
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
could you write HL characters reacting to MC passing out due to exhaustion?
Thanks for being the first to request!! :D
Notes: MC has established relationships with the characters (individually). And I only did three bc I had good ideas for these ones specifically
Characters: Ominis, Poppy, Amit
Ominis Gaunt
In the days following Sebastian casting Crucio on you in the scriptorium, it left lingering effects on your physical body.
You felt sharp aches and pains in your hands at random, which made your wand movements rather jerky.
You really should've been resting, but you've been receiving lots of owls lately, finding yourself being pulled in several different directions and (mistakenly) deciding that sleep wasn't important right now.
But the exhaustion catches up fast, as Ominis finds you passed out in the Undercroft, immediately panicking and thinking you got attacked.
After you're floo'd to the hospital wing, Madam Blainey looks after you while he tries to explain how he found you without exposing the secret hideaway.
She noted seeing "unusual" red sparks coming from your body, and for a moment his heart drops...and he forces himself to choke back tears upon realizing what's actually going on with you:
You're still feeling the aftereffects of Crucio..and never told him.
Merlin, he wishes you never took the full brunt of the curse. Why did it have to be you?
Somehow he managed to fall asleep, but when you wake up the next day, see your boyfriend, and gently squeeze his hand, he's wide awake too, relieved to no longer detect those sparks.
You claimed to be extremely tired from all the errands you've been running....but when he asks you if "it" still hurts, you realize there's no playing dumb this time.
So you relent and explain the aches and pains, quickly reassuring him they're gone.
Yet nothing you could say in that moment mattered, as it didn't stop him from silently breaking down, laying his head in your lap as tears spilled from his glazed eyes.
This is extremely unlike him, but he can't help it...knowing that the same curse which traumatized him all those years ago was now hurting the one he loved most.
Not to mention you're giving more and more of yourself away to people you hardly knew without considering putting your own well-being first.
He never sees you anymore, and it hurts him.
"Don't you get it? You're killing yourself, MC, and...i-it's killing me, too." He sounds completely shattered. "Is this what it takes for you to finally understand?"
"No, no..you're right. This never should've happened. I'm sorry, love." Frowning in guilt, you pet his hair comfortingly, realizing how much you've neglected him. "You have every right to be angry."
"..I'm not angry. I just...I-I wish we never went down there. I should've stopped Sebastian from-"
"He's not to blame. Don't go yelling at him now." You chuckle softly, before promising him a date to Three Broomsticks as an apology..
Along with you swearing to stop doing favors for strangers.
He calms down after that, still vowing to yell at Sebastian later on.
But he's looking forward to that date.
Poppy Sweeting
You were both venturing through the Forbidden Forest, on a mission to rescue an injured golden unicorn that was supposedly spotted.
Apparently someone noticed it limping around, sporting a deep gash in its leg and leaving a bloody trail.
Poppy figured it narrowly escaped a trap, which was confirmed after you stumbled upon a mechanism tainted in blood.
Time was now of the essence, as some poacher could capture it first, or worse...it could die from its injury.
Despite the sun having set long ago, you insisted on searching even if it took you both all night long.
While Poppy could keep up with you (even tho she worried about the curfew), your energy was nearly spent as you've been out raiding poacher camps and freeing caged beasts all day long, not having returned to the castle once to rest nor eat.
You had plenty of wiggenweld potions, but unfortunately they didn't cure exhaustion.
Obviously you weren't gonna tell your girlfriend that, so you continued tracking down the golden unicorn.
And eventually you discovered it peacefully grazing in a foggy meadow, with Poppy gazing in awe.
"How majestic!" She whispers excitedly. "Now to catch it...we can try Leviosa, but it might panic. Glacius could work, too...though it seems cruel to freeze a unicorn. Hmm, what do you think......MC??"
She turns to you and sees you on the ground, not moving.
At first she freaks out, until she realized you still have a pulse, but she knew you had to get back to the castle ASAP. The forest was no place for a nap!
Fortunately, Highwing was in your nab-sack, so you both got back there in one piece, where you recuperated in the hospital wing.
Madam Blainey noted sleep deprivation, and while Poppy's upset that you didn't listen to her, she can't be entirely angry with you.
She knows you've been stretching yourself thin, saving all these beasts on top of your other escapades.
That being said, she literally had to push you back into bed so you didn't bolt out of it after remembering what happened before you passed out.
"But the golden unicorn..!" You panic. "He was right there! Now we'll never find out where-!"
"It's okay, MC! I saved him. He's safe and sound in the vivarium." She hastily reassures you, showing you a few strands of golden unicorn hair as proof. "We'll go once you feel better."
You calm down after seeing the strands, before you smile and embrace her tightly. "I'm so lucky to have you, Poppy."
"I am, too,love...I'm glad you value the health and well-being of beasts, but that shouldn't take priority over your own. We can't help them if we don't help ourselves first."
"..you're right, I'm sorry. I'll try to remember that."
Amit Thakkar
All of your escapades inside and outside the castle had you drained and exhausted. You wish you had more time for yourself nowadays.
But people needed you: friends, students from your house, professors, townsfolks, goblinkind....you couldn't just ignore their requests for help.
Who else but you had such bravery and ancient magic skills? Nobody. It had to be you.
You've kept your missions secret from your boyfriend, claiming you're only out all the time to look for astronomy tables...which is partially true.
After what happened in the goblin mine, Amit was left shaken for a few days, and you felt guilty for practically dragging him into that mess just because you needed him to translate some things.
So when he sent you an owl asking you to come by an astronomy table located in a field of grass without explanation, you abandoned your current mission and headed there straight away, anxious about what he wanted to discuss.
As it turns out, he knew you were doing more than just observing constellations...but he wasn't mad at you for keeping secrets.
Rather, he knew you needed a break and invited you out here to get away from everything.
He had a blanket that you two laid on together, watching the stars; not for any assignment in particular, but just because the sky was especially clearer and pretty tonight and he didn't want you to miss that.
"I like coming here when I feel like there's too much weighing down on me all at once. My studies, my responsibilities...they can get overwhelming." He sighs, turning to you. "I'm certain you feel the same way, my dear."
"Amit, this is lovely..and...I appreciate it more than you know. But Lodgok needs me to-"
"He can wait." His voice is firm, unusual for the typically calm and passionate Ravenclaw. But his gestures are the opposite as he wraps his arm around you. "Let's stay here a while, MC..and just...forget about the world. At least for tonight. I guarantee you will feel much better...and you'll shine twice as bright tomorrow."
You agree to stay, but only because you're weak to his sappy and poetic remarks.
And you close your eyes, listening to his soft ramblings of the moon's current phase and what it all meant.
While his fascination with the cosmos keeps him wide awake for some time, he sees you passed out on the blanket minutes later and smiles lightly, relieved that he helped you find some peace.
You promised to protect him down in the mines...now it's his turn to protect you as you slept, ensuring no person nor beast bothers you.
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velvetlilacsdaisies · 3 months
Fourth Wing Men HCs: nicknames for him
Includes: Bodhi Durran, Garrick Tavis
A/n: I haven’t wrote some headcannons in a HOT minute, but me and @garricks4thwingqueen have been conspiring and inspired me to take a whack at it again. These got a smidge long, so I will make a part 2 with more characters, and other scenarios, but you know who had to start with! I also included some AI pics I’ve been cooked up that are mashes of my fancasts ideas for the characters. I have the hardest times visualizing a lot of characters and places in stories and sometimes the AIs I’ve seen all look alike or aren’t itching the right part of my brain. Disclaimer: I tried to take into consideration book accuracy, but AI is AI and I only dabble w it on my phone. So I’ll take what I can get. Skin tones, hair, proportions may not be perfect. These just personally help get a better concept, and I find fun to make, and anddd risking forgetting about a free 7 day trail from time to time 🕳️🤸‍♀️ *muah* enjoy!
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking/smoking (if u squint), suggestive content
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Bodhi Durran
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Bo/Boh, beau, bowie, Bo Bo, babe, love
Xaden and him are maternal cousins. While the firstborn always had the weight of responsibility growing up being an heir by his parents. The younger cousin was always ‘coddled’ by his. Though he adored his family, he hated how they always doted on him. Mainly because of how much his older cousin and his best friend would tease him about it.
Xaden and Garrick started cooing “Bowie” and “Bo Bo” at him when they were 12, he was 11.
“Bowie, don’t forget to write to me.” “Bowie, be good for your uncle.” “Oh Bo Bo don’t you look so handsome today!” They’d snicker to him under their breaths when he’d arrive at the fortress when his mom would drop him before flying out to an outpost. Watching how his cheeks flushed red, and he had tight balled fists pressed at his sides.
Once the doors closed, after formal introductions with his Uncle and lingering personal staff were done, and once the adults a room away—he would hurl one of his clenched fists at their shoulders.
Starting a playful brawl amongst the three
Spoiler alert: Bo Bo back then lost once or twice…maybe a handful of times
Then as awkward teenagers when problems were simpler the three of the pubescent boys discovered churam and drinking. Bodhi started unironically calling himself Bo Bo and Bowie, mockingly teasing himself as a ‘bit’.
The young men were sat around a fire in the clearing to the outside of Riorson House. Xaden and Garrick in a heated debate over a petty topic. “Bo Bo can’t comprehend what’s going on right now.” He would say, exaggerating and scratching his the top of his head. It had been effective for the most part to ease the tension between his friends
Now from time to time, he’ll still do it especially if you’re present. He always thought you looked cute as you shook your head with a crooked smile spread across your face when he did it
Sometimes fhd guys would find him doing something badass, you’ll hear triumphant whooping from Xaden and Garrick, endearingly using the nicknames they called him as a child
“Go Bowie!” “Bo Bo that was fucking awesome!” “Bowie! Bowie! Bowie!”
But if anyone else besides the select few called him those names, he’d glare daggers at them. Like the time Ridoc tried to call him Bo Bo during lunch while the group was joking around
Bodhi’s boyish grin disappeared instantaneously. “If you ever call me that, I will rip your tongue out.”
The first time he heard you call him Bowie tho, he nearly melted. It was one of the first times you slept over with him and he had to get up early for a leadership meeting
You propped up on elbow, using your other hand to wipe the sleep from your eyes. “Do you have to go, Bowie?” A small pout on your lips watching him get dressed
His other pet names from you were selective, usually just calling him Bo/Boh, but your favorites were Babe and Love
Babe being the one you leaned towards the most
especially when you would catch him doing something ridiculous or he’d press your buttons. Or just when you wanted something
“Babe? Are you kidding me?” “Babe stop!”
“Babe can you get me another drink, please?” You asked, looking up from your lashes with puppy dog eyes. He folded every time no matter if you were closer to the serving station or bar. How could he say no when you gave him that look? Not caring, flipping all his friends off as they’d give him knowing smiles.
He was a simp for you
Love was usually reserved for tender moments with him. When you’d notice he’d be having a bad day, or to calm him down when you’d notice he was fuming silently beside you at something going on
Intertwining your fingers with his giving a reassuring squeeze. “It’s alright, Love.”
Or holding his cheeks, bringing him to eye level with you. “I’m here, Love. Can you take a couple deep breaths for me?”
Sometimes you broke out the corny double entendre of beau. Very select people would get it, but you thought it was great
Mainly you’d be out to the taverns with your friends when you’d use it. Usually when a girl would approach him, and you’d try to hide your jealousy tho it was plain as day
“He’s actually my beau.” You’d say, a sinisterly sweet smile on your face when a girl tried to introduce herself. Your hand twirling the curls at the nape of his neck. Bodhi would always shiver from the gesture, trying to contain his arousal at your possessiveness
Then later in the night, he’d pin you to the wall of his room. Pressing feverish kisses up the column of your throat. “Are you gonna show me all the way I’m your beau?” He muttered before grazing the delicate skin with his teeth
Garrick Tavis
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Gare, Tavis, Gary, Gare Bear, Hon/Honey, Sir
His parents tried to call him Gary at one point growing up, but he always ignored them or begged them not to call him that. It always sounded so stupid to him
Garrick was blunt, dry, and straight to the point not caring for nicknames. Only really preferring to be called by his name or Gare on occasion by his friends and acquaintances. His last name an even better alternative than a nickname
But Xaden, Imogen, and Bodhi took a sick pleasure in all the creative corny nicknames his parents would try to make a thing for him growing up.
“I think we oughta get Gary’s input?” Imogen leaned her chin in her hand as they all discussed weekend plans after school looking over at the towering young man. The side of her mouth crookedly lilting upward, knowing she struck a nerve. Garrick could already feel his eye twitch, clenching his quill as he acted like he hadn’t heard them a few feet away at the table in the library.
“It seems Gare Bear’s not in the mood today.” Xaden would casually lean back in his chair, smirking, and watching his best friend stroll into the dining room late for dinner time after a terrible day
Which would result in Garrick walking by, and tipping his chair back causing the Riorson to flail and fall backwards. “Relax asshole,” Xaden hissed, rubbing his head.
To this day they still called him the silly names. Taking immense pride when you had picked up on the memo, and started to call Garrick the names he despised. Especially because you two weren’t each others favorite people at first
The first time it happened, it was when Garrick pissed you off. He had been criticizing all your sparring movements, and you had enough. “Sorry we can’t all be perfect like you, Gare Bear.” You’d sneer, watching the irritation form on his face.
“Do not call me that.” He’d glower, but you’d just smile brightly. “Whatever you say…Gare Bear.”
Seeing how it got under his skin, from that moment on you’d always call him just to pester him. Enjoying the glare he’d shoot your way or awaiting for whatever witty remark he’d reply
Eventually once you two started getting along, you called him his first name, being more considerate towards his feelings. Garrick’s chest filling with disappointment as he awaited the usual Gare Bear falling from your pretty lips.
“Hey Garrick,” it was a rare moment when you found him by himself. None of your mutual friends around for once, and one of the first interactions you had alone. “What?” He looked up from what he doing. “I said hey?” You gave him a weird look. “But you called me Garrick.” He said in disbelief. “That’s your name isn’t it?” “You always call me Gare Bear tho.”
That’s when you realized he secretly liked it despite him trying to act annoyed at you.
Then when you had officially started dating, he had to get used to fact you loved calling him all these terms of endearment. Deep down, loving how you could make him become bashful by your words
“Here you go, Honey.” Leaning down, kissing his cheek, setting down a dish of apple crisp in front of him. You knew how much he liked the dessert and grabbed an extra one when getting your dinner. Garrick’s cheeks tinged red and chuckled appreciatively, “you’re the best.” His friends just silently stared as if you two had three heads. “What’s the matter?” You asked the group unphased, taking a seat. “You broke him.” Imogen replied in awe.
You had changed his perception on being called nicknames. Even letting it slide when his friends poked fun at him with the once despicable nicknames
Out of all the nicknames you called him, his favorite by far was the one you’d use in the bedroom.
“Please,” you begged, while sitting on your knees. “Please what?” Garrick gripped your chin between his thumb and forefinger. You gulped, “please Sir.” A cruel smirk on his face, pressing a small kiss to your lips. “Good girl.”
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skylinx2o · 1 month
For today's propaganda, I shall give a detailed explanation of how Sky's species works. Because I might have been thinking about it, in the not so normal amount. It's detailed for sure :v
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(Sky, appearances in seasons 1 to 4)
Anyway, like I said, Sky is a shape-shifter demon (tho her parents are humans, but that's a different can of worms...)
They can change their appearance, but can't change into animals completely, so if Sky wanted to change into them, he would still have to learn the 72 transformations.
They can however change into an animal-like demon forms, and that gives them perks of said species. She likes the lynx and monkey forms the best, because they give more agility. 
Shape-shifting wings is possible, but harder than changing hair colour, or even a tail, since humans have a tail bone, and so do demons since some of them do have actual tails. Sky likes having a tail, and will sometimes forget to shape-shift it out. And her tail actually gets broken and doesn't heal properly (that's why it's bent) in season 3, making them unable to shape-shift it out completely any more. They can only make it change shape, and become shorter or longer. 
Changing colour of her hair and skin is also a more advanced technique, since it needs the decrease or increase in melanin, while the other transformations just require the re-arrangement of his cells. Unnatural colours however are almost impossible to achieve without the aid of additional magic. Tho, Sky does tend to get a bit more pale when changing into a more animal-like form, but that's just a side effect of him not being fully in control of her powers.
The true form of a shape-shifter demon of their species is the one they're born with. So yes, despite their form being fluent, they do have one set original appearance. But, Sky has also something kind of a 'true' true form. It can manifest if their powers go unstable, her body gaining a monster-like gas-like appearance. It's very hard to land a hit on him while in this form, because your punch might just phase through their body. But, the mind of a demon in that state becomes just as scattered as their body, making it near impossible to reason with.
But even when Sky's form is stable, their cells aren't as neatly connected as human's to accommodate for the shape-shifting and make it easier. But that also causes them to be more prone to injuries and other physical issues, such as asthma and poor sight. And any injuries/scars are permanent, no changing that
I think I've said enough for now. Feel free to ask me any question about this - w-
If you like Sky you could perhaps vote for them here ?
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A Goodluck Charm
— pairing » Cale Henituse x Fem Reader
— warning » blood (just a lil tho)
— genre » angst, fluff if you squint
— summary » The God of Death gave Cale a goodluck charm. In the form of a ring.
— note » i just made this on a whim tbh TT. Also, its a world where cjs and lsh are alive and in the tcf world okay-
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“He-He said he has a gift for you, Young Master.”
Gift? Cale furrowed his eye brows, eyes glinting in suspicion at the small pouch in Cage’s hand.
“Hoohh? The God of Death has a gift for our dongsaeng?” Choi Jung Soo wrapped his arm around Cale’s shoulder, a Cheshire grin sitting on his lips as he sent a playful look towards Cale.
Cale frowned, yet took the pouch from Cage. He shook it a bit, wondering what’s inside before opening it. Opening his palm, he let whatever was inside to drop onto his hand.
It was a ring.
A ring Cale knew from his heart.
A ring that Cale— Kim Rok Soo swore an oath to someone with.
He could hear Jung Soo inhale sharply as he himself felt his form go rigid. He could hear Choi Han muttering his name as Lee Soo Hyuk put a hand on his shoulder, hand trembling.
All four of them knew that ring.
Choi Han has seen it through Jung Soo’s memories, and Choi Jung Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk were there themselves when that ring was given to both people.
Cale— Kim Rok Soo wore that ring.
Hell, he was wedded with that ring.
“A goodluck charm, he said.” Cage muttered, cautiously looking at Cale. Her eyes wandering to the three other people by his side.
Cale’s close friends and family knew of his life as Kim Rok Soo. Said man confessed everything a few days after the battle with the white star ended, a few weeks before another matter started with the hunters.
Maybe not everything though.
Seeing as though the others did not know the meaning of the ring that is in Cale’s palm right now.
Choi Han gulped, fidgeting in his position behind Cale as he muttered, “Cale-nim..”
“Human! What is that? It’s a beautiful ring!” Raon flew around Cale’s shoulder, excitedly flapping his wings as he surveyed the ring.
“It is, isn’t it?” There was a small soft smile painting the commander’s features, and the others know that there was something fragile—just something as he said those words.
Was Cale aware of the expression, the look—the emotions in his eyes as he said that?
And as the others mulled it over, Cale went deep in his records.
“Let’s get married.” She declared after waking up from a week long coma after surviving an attack and healing from major injuries that almost took her own life, Kim Rok Soo wondered how and why did he fell in love with this crazy-but-lovable-woman.
Sighing, Kim Rok Soo nonchalantly replied, “Sure.”
She beamed, eyes lighting up, “Really-“
Before he cuts her off, “After you recover.” Rok Soo gently caressed her cheek, fingers twirling her hair and tucking it behind her ear as he sat beside her bed.
She pouted, “But Darling-“
“You didn’t even-“
“Darling—!” Her laughs filled the room, lighting up the atmosphere that was previously somber and depressing (Rok Soo remembers waiting everyday—every second for a sign that she would wake up) but the again, she always had that effect.
There was silence, as Rok Soo gently held her hand and as she stared off at the wall, it was comforting. That was how they always were, sometimes, words weren’t needed to express what they wanted.
Actions were more than enough.
“I love you.”
Well maybe, sometimes it wasn’t enough.
She blinks, mouth agape and eyes widened as she looked at her lover in shock, “I- Rok Soo?!”
Kim Rok Soo blinks before nonchalantly saying as if he didn’t just make her mind go on a rollercoaster with his sudden confession, “I said, I love you.”
She still stared at him dumbfounded, looking at him like he grew five heads so suddenly.
He frowned, “Why aren’t you saying it back?”
That seemed to bring her back as she stuttered, “I-I love you too..” red slowly dusted her cheeks down to her neck as she ducked her head in shyness.
Kim Rok Soo blinks at her sudden shyness, not really used to seeing her shy and flustered as its her who’s usually the one who makes it so that he’s the one who’s flustered instead.
He chuckled, after all. Its not everyday you see your usually playful and composed lover be shy and flustered.
Leaning towards her, he gently caressed her face before tilting it up and placed a gentle and loving peck to her lips.
“Kim Rok Soo!”
“You’re as red as a gochujang.”
“That-that’s because you s-suddenly did that!”
He shrugged in reply, “Gochujang.”
And as Cale pulled himself back from his records, he didn’t hesitate to put his ring back to where it belongs, noting how it still fits him perfectly around his ring finger, how it’s still snug and just- just secure.
“It’s my wedding ring.” He stated, tearing his eyes away from his ring as he looked at the others, each and every one of them—except for the three, Choi Han, Choi Jung Soo, and Lee Soo Hyuk—who knew of the truth—had varying emotions displayed on their faces.
Perhaps they didn’t expect that he’d be married back in his life as Kim Rok Soo.
“..when?” Rosalyn asked, eyes darting to Cale’s face and to his ring sitting at his finger.
“When I was 22. We were childhood friends, we grew up from the same orphanage.”
“I see..”
It was a bit shocking, of course. They didn’t expect that he’d be married, considering the state of their world and all the monsters.
“Well,” Cale started, “We can talk about this more later if you guys want. For now, let’s talk about the plan for tonight.” He moved to the center table where there was a map and proceeded to talk.
And as they talked about the plan, his family didn’t miss the fact that the Young Master caressed his ring every so often.
A ring of yours.
A bloodied ring sat on the ground.
Kim Rok Soo stared at it blankly, making no move to pick it up. He missed the looks that Choi Jung Soo as well as Lee Soo Hyuk sent towards him, he missed the sad glances and the looks of pity that their team members were sending, he ignored the voice that was telling him that it was time to go, he ignored the hand shaking his shoulder, he ignored it.
He ignored everything.
Everything except the bloody ring on the ground.
And distinctly he heard someone yell, “We can’t find the body! Team leader-nim, we need more backup!”
No body..
They couldn’t find the body…
Kim Rok Soo felt himself go empty. He felt himself—every ounce of his being just shutting down, everything was just a blur.
He wished it was a nightmare.
A dream.
But it wasn’t.
She’s gone.
And there was nothing that Kim Rok Soo could do.
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coincasual · 4 months
a little fic idea that popped in my head todayyyyyyy
something happened to the effect that a crisis called Daring away and while he was gone, Apple was poisoned. She is then entombed in her glass coffin and taken back to the white kingdom/castle to wait for Darings return…. but he was captured and held hostage. during this time, Darling’s worst fear came to light, she was a secret knight. she was punished at first, but then there are dragon attacks (coordinated with the abduction of the knights, including Daring) and Darling saves the day, even though she wasn’t supposed to. she is awarded a position in the knights guard and gets assigned to the white castle, where she must protect the poisoned sleeping Apple. Darling was overjoyed at becoming a knight, and then to also protect her secret crush? perfect.
all goes well for a while, Darling enjoyed her days reading wonderlandian novels and talking to Apple (even tho she couldn’t hear… or so she thought), and then a devastating attack rocked the white kingdom. Darling battled all that she could but the dragons and other enemies were one step ahead. the wing of the castle she and Apple were in ended up being destroyed, which also destroyed Apples enchanted coffin. Darling tried to rush her to safety but it seemed all was lost. Darling took Apple and rode into the forest. With help of the forest creatures, as well as the pixies and faeries, they were able to hide from the enemy.
after regaining her strength, Darling prepared to venture and look for Baba Yaga, to plead for her help to get back Daring to break Apples curse. somehow they are able to disguise Darling and sneak her into the enemy castle where they were keeping the knights. Darling gave Daring some healing potions, as well as one to disguise him so they could get out safely. it worked! though they were chased by wild creatures. Darling and Daring arrived to the hidden forest with the fae and pixies and Daring kissed Apple but…. nothing happened. Maybe it was an effect of the potions? he waited and tried again, but to no avail. the dinner was awkward and quiet that night. they were awoken suddenly in the morning, for they had been found, Daring was holding off the enemy, and told Darling to get Apple out of there. away they rode.
Darling cried and hoped her brother would be okay. he was not at the top of his game. it began to thunder and storm, so Darling stopped at a nearby cave. Darling started talking to Apple, as she normally did, and. was apologizing for what a mess everything was. she was fixing Apples hair and complimenting her and she was talking about how pretty she was and blushing. she said something to the effect of how she had always been jealous of her brother for getting to be with Apple all the time. she said how jealous she was that they always got to kiss, and barely brushed her lips across Apples- suddenly Apple was kissing her back. Darlings eyes went wide as Apple laughed and smiled at her. “i don’t mind you being my prince at all.”
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shootingstarrfish · 26 days
Do you have any tips on how you do shading ?? Your art really inspires me and I literally suck at shading lmao.
hello anon!!! im honoured i can inspire you sdfhkjh it's crazy to me that i can inspire literally anyone :,DDD <33
tbh i do all my shading purely based on vibes/what makes me happy so im not sure im a good advice person but ill show you a breakdown of how i go about shading and hopefully that might help a bit? :o i've left it below the cut because i have too much to say and it ended up being really long LOL
of course if there's anything you want more details on i'm always happy to explain, just let me know!
okay SO ill use this asmo as my example, i think there's enough to talk about here that it should be helpful hopefully
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so here's my lineart and flats! i do all my flat colours in one layer because i find it easier to make everything look more cohesive when the pieces arent separated (i usually like it when the colours bleed into each other a lil), but i also just dont like the process of having to switch between layers for everything too LOL flats are unfortunately my least favourite part :,D probably because my lineart is so messy hahah
as you can see, the shading is very minimal here, just some subtle stuff in the wings/sheer parts of the fabric and some blushing on the skin, i also stole the orange under eye/liner thing from TBHK because <3
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and then i clean up any messy stuff by just painting over top of everything on a new layer, i also rendered the metal at this stage because i felt like it i guess???
i dont think i did a suuper good job at rendering the metal here (because i was lazy), it looks fine but something to note about metal is that usually you want to push the highlights and the shadows a lot more, as well as the reflections because it is so shiny and smooth this is why you'll see a lot of pink and blue in the metal, to show the reflections of his hair and the sky
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i would recommend using reference to get a better idea of how metal ACTUALLY works but again, i was lazy lol so that's a simple explanation based on what little i know/have observed
the jump here is a bit drastic and you might be like woah starr where'd all this come from?? but this is all in one layer-
('hard light' - 62% opacity)
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this is how that layer looks as a normal full opacity layer, for reference:
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lately i've been using hard light layers to shade! they're very versatile because unlike multiply layers i can do my shading and my highlights within one layer (do you sense a theme of me disliking having too many layers lmao)
SO this is where i have a bit more to say about shading you'll notice the prominent shading colour here is blue, this is because the main environment here (the sky) is blue. i dont know if that's how things work in the real world but it works for me LMAO i usually prefer to have my shading lean cooler purely for aesthetic reasons, i like how it looks more
you might also notice some areas where the blue is a bit brighter, this is to imitate reflected light, again because the environment is blue light tends to bounce around on things and reflect back even into the shadows so this is the effect im trying to get, i like to typically go with a brighter blue cause it gives things a sort of shinier? quality that i enjoy aesthetically, idk if its very accurate to real life tho it also helps me to give depth to the shading since shading isnt usually just one flat blob, and this is a bit of a shortcut to having more dynamic (?) looking shadows
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i also want to point out my use of bright reds on the edge of the shadows:
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i believe this is called diffraction- there's a real legit scientific reason why it happens but i... dont know what that is i just know it happens in real life (maybe not to this extent?) and it looks cool so i do it SFHJKSFH i usually blend it into the shadows though as opposed to into the lighter parts, i find that tends to look better
some miscellaneous things-
don't be afraid to throw random colours around!! who cares about realism, it's fun lmao
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this artwork is a spoiler for asmo's bday so shhhhh but i did want to quickly show that you can also use hard light layers to create a glowy effect, i literally just painted the pink/orange directly on the shadows layer and it helped to make his eyes more glowy
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of course i do go in and paint over a little after and add some layer effects but it helps to have that base there
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now that you've learnt that i dont know what i'm doing, i wanted to highlight a couple of resources that have helped me! i hope they help you as well <3
this video gives some really interesting insights into this artist's process and some problems they had throughout, as well as how they overcame them! it looks a lil clickbaity but i promise it's good!!
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this tweet also shifted how i think about rendering when i want to do something with dramatic lighting!
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+ an attempt i made to replicate this (i wanna try this again lmao it was fun)
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i hope that helps even a little bit, i did my best to explain but sorry if it was mostly nonsense though :,DDD best of luck with your art, anon!! <3333
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shinakazami1 · 2 months
Give me a 12, 13 and 22 for rhys, soldier 🫵
12. What's the funniest or craziest AU idea you've ever come up with?
I have in total, three AUs I have to finally write anything for fhasfsa (I do plan on posting Tales AU first chapter this week tho!!). 1) RHYS AI AU is something you saw me post snippets of - in general, it's an alternative version of Borderlands 2, where Jack kills Lilith and Roland very quickly and survives. Due to mourning for Nisha, Wilhelm and Angel, he one day writes code for a companion based on an imaginary friend he had but also, gives him some trait of each one of those he misses. While Rhys was going to slowly become the silly personality we know and love, this was my typical 'give the character therapy when they don't want it, and end up with them hurting someone else and trying to change'. 2) JUST WING IT AU is my Tales AU that starts with changes in ep 5, with how Rhys handles the news about Jack wanting to get that exoskeleton in him and focusing on exploring Jack's loneliness and adding him as the third character, making sort of second season for the game. The additional driving point would be that Loader Bot would be able to grab Gortys and run off with her, so the search for Vault would become longer Yet the AU I really hope to start exploring in the future, is this one: 3) Loss of what once happened but never before AU. It's a Borderlands 3 Rhack au that would focus on Rhys finding out he is a siren with huge time-travelling powers and the costs that come with it. He would turn back in time, when Jack was still known as John during the nights, and watch some of the consequences happen in the present during the day. He doesn't know though just how strong the butterfly effect will be...
13. What's a character or ship you haven't written/drawn yet but would like to someday?
Characters: Timothy, Angel, Nisha, Zer0, Katagawa, Axton, Moxxi, Lilith, Roland
Ships: Rhysothy, Rhack, JackxNisha, MoxxixTimothy, Rhysagawa, Axton x Turret (cus she is my wife I luv her)
(The list prob isn't finished cus I still have to finish playing the second game and play the third one oifhaiof)
22. Give us headcanons for Rhys
He actually likes fashion and likes casual official style in general.
He has a sweet tooth but pretends to like spicy food in college.
He actually had a heterochromia before the echo eye and decided to keep it.
He admired Jack a bit but he laughed at psycho fans, as he has some critical thinking.
Even a few years after getting Atlas running again, he still tries to make some guns himself, even if he doesn't have as much time.
He was the one dumped by his ex girlfriend even if he didn't like their dynamic because he was actually scared nobody else would be into him.
He spends a lot of time in the morning preparing his hair. It's quite wavy which gets visible in wetter climates but fortunately for him, he lives mostly in dry ones.
He met Katagawa and at first, couldn't believe he had a fan even if he had some boosted ego but felt something off about him. He turned off an invitation to Zanara because he still thinks about his talk with Vaughn about being good at faking cool. That's why he is even more awkward in future games, since while chasing the younger years, he wants to show he matured, hoping that maybe that will bring Sasha back. That's also why he got the moustache - to show he is becoming more serious. Which fails miserably.
He seemed the most confident in his new Atlas CEO stage because he had to look like it. There was nobody else to help him at the time, so he tried his best to do what he had done - acted the plan out.
He still imagines his plans the same way he did in Tales - with fantasies.
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suckishima · 9 days
okay so i know i posted a few weeks ago that i did get to see the haikyuu movie when i was in japan last month and ive been so busy i didnt fully have time to process lol so ive been writing down thoughts as i remember them so, spoilers under the cut (no particular order)
final rally pov shot was craaaaazyyy (sidenote i saw challengers today lmao and they did a similar pov shot thing a couple times and it reminded me how sick it was to see such a complicated thing be animated)
in addition to that tho, while i liked the drop of the music then to just have it be kenmas breathing, i felt lie his breathing seemed a little repetitive?? like it was possibly just the same couple voice recordings repeated???
and also tbh.. i kinda didnt love how after the super amazing pov animation the way they chose to animate the full court flashback to tokyo training camp was just like a flat pan around the room. it just didnt feel all that dynamic after seeing something so cool, and maybe it was just my screening but the image was kinda blurry and not that crisp at that part
in general tho i thought the sound design was really cool, so much of it just straight up felt like a live match happening, and the part when kenma tells hinata to stay interesting and the sound cuts out?? ooo v effective i thought
and then the birdcaaaage aaaah i loved the way the wings like got all stifled in the cage when kenma first trapped him and then ofc the bursting out of it oooo im excited to see it again in imax
there were a tonnnn of small moments that i assumed wouldnt make the cut that actually did too, yaku sitting on lev's back when he's doing pushups, the bokuto/kuroo hair swap flashback lmaooo, goshiki having to share his ipad with tendou (i cant remember for sure now if he actually says that or not but theyre definitely in the movie), bokuto and akaashi coming over and talking to yachi and ah i think theres more. a lot of them were shortened down a bit, but i appreciated them getting attention nonetheless. sadly no kuroo/lev poop conversation though lmaoo
i thought the kuroo/kenma flashbacks were pretty good as well, i think they possibly added a few lines?? it seemed like there were more frames of stuff of kuroo being inspired by the "lowering the net" concept which was really cool bc thats really integral to his character to me. and then theres this line where kenma is like "hinata has kageyama and i have kuroo" and uhhhh that is news to me!! im like 90% thats new content lmao, and oooo it was good, the shots they chose with it too gooood
oh for some reason they changed how kenma flops??? he falls with his butt up in the air instead of just flat??? like why lmao, obviously that was like an Actual Choice they made bc they had to draw it and obviously had the manga as reference and it makes no difference other than to confuse me lolll
im interested to see it again distributed by crunchyroll too bc im sure some of the subs i saw werent right, a few lines just didnt make sense and there were a few instances of like "lead blocking"
and okay. i gotta talk about the chapter 298 stuff
its there its in the movie!! but,, it's watered down lmao
and i think i was also too in my head and overanalyzing it which im disappointed in myself for so im hoping on rewatch ill have a better time
the "hes always been one step ahead of me after all" was like as perfect as it could get tbh, it looks just like the manga and tsukki like says it just right and yamaguchi comes onto the court behind him totally focused and aaah really loved it. then the service ace and tsukkis little laugh it really good
but then i'm torn on the actual serve and block, there's no inner thoughts on yamaguchis "oh no the ball isnt drifting enough" and then tsukkis silent reply "no that was plenty" before stuffing it, so we arent hearing their like mind reading/intuition connection there which was a bummer. and thennnn im not positive on this bit but i dont think anyone repeats anything about the serve and block being the perfect play?? (its yamaguchi echoing ukai in the manga) and then no little flashbacks to how theyve been training
HOWEVER the big main flashbacks of seeing how yamaguchi walks from behind tsukki to in front of him are there!!! and the way theyre presented is interesting? i was like taken aback by the decision to have the clips being showed within their silhouettes as they move toward each other (i couldnt even tell thats what it was at first tbh..) that i missed whether or not all the panels were in it..... (majorly disappointed in myself for that one). idk visually i found it a little confusing i guess and so i couldnt fully appreciate and im hoping itll look cool on rewatch when i understand whats happening
and then the high five ahhh it was pretty good, idk if anything will ever live up to that manga panel for me, the joy and success and sense of achievement in that image means so much to me lol, but its animated fairly well. do wish they didnt cover tsukkis smile tho
then kuroo asks how tsukki feels about volleyball and he says its fun and he smiles and its.. fine. like ugh its just one of those things were this entiiiire section just slightly suffered from being a two minute segment of a movie instead of a whole episode (or even just half an episode tbh), like something about his smile and saying it was fun just fell a little flat for me and i was unfortunately a little sad about it, i was hoping for a little more buildup and like emphasis. this is a huuuuge culminating moment for him and it didnt quite feel like it to me bc the movie had to have other priorities where a season wouldnt have
later one when tsukki and kuroo are like battling at the net exhausted tho and tsukki smiles again that was pretty good, the animated is really top notch when theyre all panting n stuff, and the voice acting there was great, really liked it
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oooocleo · 1 year
the highlights in the hair of that drawing of your wol are so pretty!! i don't know how to ask this particular question, but have you ever shared how you apply highlights to your drawing? do you use layer effects or do you just use a slightly different color? :o
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Thank you! I manually shift the colours using the little colour wheel on the left there (in Clipstudio paint, but most art programs will have this kind of option!) - in the case of that last drawing bc the base colour is already quite dark, I went for a redder hue for the shadows bc red has a deeper value (=shows up darker if you convert to greyscale) than orange (of which the base brown is a dark+desaturated shade)
The highlights r also slightly redder than the base colour, and lighter! Depending on the drawing tho I will use layer effects/gradient maps to lay down like.. rough lighting indication? and then I’ll continue w just picking stuff via the colour wheel
Hope that makes sense! I’m not that knowledgeable abt colour theory At All so 🧍 I wing it
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Hmm... 29 x Reader with Warp Darkmatter? If you don't write him, then 25 x Reader with Hades!
"Don't bleed on my carpet"
I can just picture him saying this while shooing minions out the door XD Sorry I don't write for Warp, can't nail down his character and haven't watched blosc (at least the parts without NOS4A2) or the movie in donkeys years. Hades I can do tho!
Hades x Reader
Well SOMEONE is reaping the consequences of this dumbass decision.
You're an indentured servant, like Meg, but you actually like it here most of the time so your sass meter is way lower. Usually.
You stand - albeit not steadily - in the rec room Hades keeps for his staff in one wing of the palace as one leg steadily drips blood all over the Fates' latest knitting project (it's twenty feet long and made of human hair. They were bored)
You can hear Hades literally roasting the imps upstairs for failing their mission. He's going to be in foul mood if you're not in there soon to report success on yours, but you really can't fathom the stairs to get there right now and wow, ok , has it always been this cold in the underworld? Your shawl isn't doing much-
Hades teleports innto the rec with his back to you and a bottle of fabric cleaner clenched in one hand. Oooh his flame is still orange. Shit. You wince as the wound on your leg gushes a little and the blood stars pooling onto the floor under the human-hair-rug-monstrosity.
"Oy, babe, mind telling me why the Fates tossed this at me and said you wouldn't be coming upstairs to our little debriefing?" Yep. He's still mad. "I mean, geez it's not like it's your first day on the job y'kn-" he turned around just as you managed to plant a bloody footprint to the side and, huh, you've never seen his flame do That before, funky.
"Hi." you weakly wave. "Uh, mission was a success I guess? Didn't know political parties could get so stabby." Silence. His eyes are glued to the pool of blood under your feet. You chuckle and weakly snap a couple of finger guns at your horrified employer/boyfriend. "Guess they really wanted to make a point, eh?"
You don't get much further before your knees buckle and Hades rushes forward in a blur of smoke and panicked embers.
Your memories become foggy after that, but you do remember Pain getting beaned in the head by the fabric cleaner bottle as Hades roars at them for...something.
You come to clean, bandaged and burrito'd in Hades himation. An excellent outcome, all things considered. The cloak absoluelty dwarfs you, but it's warm and soft and...still wrapped around the god himself. You're in his lap.
You snuggle down harder. Hades sighs and pushes his eternal paperwork away to glance down at you.
"No more almost-dying on duty, ok? Geez."
You would respond, but a wonderful side effect of Hades' smoke is that he can form as many hands as he likes with it and there's at least three petting you right now. You yawn instead.
If almost-dying gets you this, you might get stabbed more often. As a treat.
One of the smoke hands flicks you in the forehead. You...you said that last part out loud didn't you.
"NO. Just, just ask or something for crying out loud! By ME, dating a freaking masoschist here..."
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colourstreakgryffin · 10 months
Can I request two girl readers🤗 So basically one older sister which has a tengen uzui/hizashi yamada personality which is like ESTP personality . And the younger sister basically has a ESFP personality if that's makes sense?. (There like 1-2 years apart!) younger sister is 14, older sister is 16!!) And during training with gojo the younger sister always throws a fit or complains about "being tired, she's hungry" but the older sister and gojo is always pushing her to her limits because she literally never trains?
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Here's some food for your hardworking writings 💕🥳
(lil different tho)
Oooomg. That food looks amazing! I wish I could have it! I have no good food at aaaall! *cries* Alright. Let’s get to work
You still haven’t understood what I was trying to say but don’t worry, I’ll fix it! And sorry, I don’t know how to really describe this situation. I hope it’s okay
Gojo Satoru
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“Ah-ah! Imōto-chan! You’ve had lunch already!” Your mentor, Gojo Satoru, barked firmly as you laughed slyly at her response, her cute little whines. Your younger sister is the energetic, cheerful type but she wasn’t a big fan of pushing herself past her limits. So that’s where you and your strangely-matching master comes in
From the start, the first and second-years of Jujutsu High noticed how similar the brand new first-year students, the Myōji sisters, looked in comparison to the one and only Gojo Satoru. The level was to a extreme that it was scary. They had matching white hair, similar blue eyes without the pretty Galaxy effect and even parts of his cocky, arrogant character. Gojo may have been freaked out at first but he quickly took them in, regularly joking to his star pupils that he didn’t even know he had daughters
Despite the fact you and your sister’s techniques are far below what he works with, he decided to take the two of you in and train as his personal students, much like he did for Yuji. Both of you have such little cursed energy traces and it makes him feel sorry. No girls with the face of Satoru Gojo should be weak and in no time, he took you two under his wing as his personal students
Your sister hmphed and crossed her arms. She has been training her cursed energy with you and Gojo for hours now, and she just wants to rest. Stopping entirely at Gojo’s sign, he gazed at her, through his dark rounded shades, with a mischievous smile plastered on his rather attractive face. “We’re not done yet. A hour more and we can all go get ice cream with the others” You laugh again at your sister’s excited reaction, she absolutely loved ice cream and sweets. Much like Gojo. You two were suppose to be increasing your cursed energy production by learning about it on the television and striking at Gojo but it seems that is going to be haltered for a little while
Your sister hummed understanding what the older man meant, and threw a punch at him, making you ho out in impression. Now she was dedicated to finishing the training, with the right motivation, whilst you just sat back and watched her hit Gojo’s unmoving hands as he didn’t even budge a single inch. It made you feel jealous how insanely built he is, not fazed by a full-power swing dealt at him
You readjusted your sparkly stone earrings as Gojo’s silky smooth voice broke out from the occasional effort grunts and thump of skin-on-skin echoing through the semi-empty dimly-lit training room, the one coated wall to wall in random childish drawings. You wouldn’t be surprised if Gojo was the one who decorated it
“Alright, Dokusha. It’s your turn~”
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mykingdomforasong · 1 year
Skymandolo “you two deserve each other.” happy ending tho ;-;
Set in some fancy shamncy Naboo vacation villa. Rated M, established Dinluke and Skysolo, but they're trying to make it a thrupple, but Din and Han are being Din and Han about it.
[prompt list]
The vacation was supposed to be an opportunity for Han and Din to bond. So far, it was filled with awkward silences, a few nice drinks, and Luke's suggestion that they all take a romantic bath.
Han was surprised that Din had agreed to something like this at all, given that the man had only just let Han see his face. But, of course, Din was the first in the bath and under the bubbles, and he quickly pulled Luke in front of him as some sort of human modesty barrier. This left Han, champaign glass in hand, to sit in the soapy water on the other side of the extra large tub.
Luke seemed comfortable enough between Din's legs, his back resting against Din's chest, Din's face partially obscured in Luke's hair. Han made himself comfortable against the cold porcelain on the other side, his toes brushing Luke's calves and nothing else.
Naboo's champaign was good, at least, and when Han drained his glass rather quickly, Luke was happy to show off his space magic and bring the bottle closer to them.
Han handed it back over to Luke, who topped his and Din's glasses off. Din had to leave his hiding place behind Luke's head to effectively take a sip, giving Han a good view of his jaw and neck. Han had, maybe foolishly, hoped they have at least touched each other by now. But sharing a warm bath was the closest they could manage, apparently.
"How you feeling back there, Mando?" Han asked.
Din shrugged.
"This is a big step," Luke said. Han wasn't sure if it was to comfort Din or to warn Han to back off.
Han cleared his throat when no one said anything. "So, your group of Mandalorians never took the helmets off?"
That was the wrong question. Din's answer was a brief yes, but it was then followed by Luke's attempts to explain, and then by Din's interjections and corrections. Then, it was followed by Luke pivoting his body away from Han towards Din to explain some comparison to the old Jedi Order that he read about.
There wasn't a clock in the washroom, but based on the dwindling amount of booze in the bottle, they had been talking back and forth about hokey old religions for at least fifteen minutes.
"What about Han?" Din finally asked.
"Me? Oh, I don't have a religion or code of ethics," Han said.
Luke rolled his eyes. "He has ethics. You have ethics, Han."
"I have methods for keeping myself alive, and living with myself afterwards," Han clarified.
"Seems like a code to me," Din mumbled, pulling Luke back in front of him.
"Code shmode," Han said, climbing out of the tub. "You two deserve each other."
"Han, wait!" Luke said. He started to get up, but stopped when Han turned towards the water closet instead of the door back into their villa's living room.
"Just gotta pee, Kid, I'll be right back."
The two of them were already back to having deep philosophical conversations when he slipped back into the water, his head and body feeling a lot lighter now that the champaign was starting to do its job.
"This peace and love Jedi philosophy is great, but I remember the Jedi fighting an entire war not too long ago," Han said. "I've seen some decommissioned Jedi Star Fighters in my day. Much cooler than your X-Wing, Junior."
Luke splashed him. "At least my ship isn't some hunk of junk antique."
"That antique has saved your skin more times than we can count," Han said.
"None of those ships compare to a Razor Crest," Din said, "or a Clone War's era Naboo Star Fighter."
"Please!" Han said. "Any Corellian ship is better than some boring old Razor Crest."
"Careful, Solo. I still know a few bounty hunters who might be looking to collect," Din said. He was hiding again, but Han was sure he could see the faintest grin on his face.
Han leaned forward and found Luke's hands under the water. He pulled Luke forward just a little, enough to expose more of Din's body. "He hasn't told you that he would and has flown half way across the galaxy just to save me?" Han asked.
Din moved forward, pressing himself against Luke's back again, which pushed Luke closer into Han.
"Maybe he wouldn't save you this time," Din said.
"I doubt it. He loves me," Han said. He felt Luke lean his head on his shoulder. Han expected some kisses or some other erotic touch. Instead, he just got bit. "Hey!"
"I'm right here!" Luke said. "No need for the third person.
"No need for the biting," Han said.
"You like the biting," Luke said. Behind him, he heard Din hum, stowing the memory away for later. The bastard.
"Well, go on and tell him that you would rescue me if he let me get taken by bounty hunters," Han said.
Luke rolled his eyes. "He wouldn't let you get taken in the first place."
Han reached his hands around Luke's hips, grabbing his ass to pull him forward into his lap. As he did, he felt the backs of his hands graze Din's pubes and what might have been upper thigh and might have been something else. He chose to ignore it.
Luke wrapped his arms over Han's shoulders and tangled his hands in his hair, holding on as Han maneuvered them through the water. When the finally found a comfortable stillness, Luke started to lean in, as if he was going to kiss him, bu instead, he just rested his forehead against Han's. He'd seen him and Din do this a few times. It was a kind of stand-in for a kiss. But he didn't know what to make of it now.
"You gonna join us, Mando?" Han asked.
He heard the water move, and then Luke was pushed forward, just a little, util they were kissing the real way. Other sensitive parts met as well. Din was pressed up against Luke's back, teasing Luke's ass as Luke squirmed in Han's lap.
Luke broke the kiss when one of Din's fingers penetrated him and Han had started to stroke them both. "Are we sure we want to do this in the tub?" Luke asked.
For the first time all night, Din and Han made eye contact.
"Well, Din, where does your code say we should do this?" Han asked.
"This isn't in my code," Din said.
"Lucky for you then," Han said, slowly slipping out from under Luke and onto the ledge of the tub, "it's in mine."
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