sodastarpop · 2 years
so was someone gonna tell me that kirby’s eyes reflect green or was i supposed to find out myself????   
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ollylotl · 1 month
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a dream of home
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1captainjordan4 · 1 year
could we get zoom-ins of the faces in your latest art of joel's death? tumblr image quality is not the best and the expressions look so fascinating
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Aahh tumblr quality strikes yet again, here ya are tho!
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orcelito · 12 days
Ykno when ur lookin at an artist and ur like "man, I want to commission art from You, Specifically"
I have something in mind for a scene that's coming up in ITNL (whenever I start writing again) that would be really cool, & I know Exactly who I'd want it by... except they don't have open commission slots 😭😭😭
I can be patient, though... I have been patient before...
#speculation nation#and if they dont open up commissions again well thats entirely their choice & i would never fault them for that#but. man. it would just look so cool in their style.#and so i wait... and maybe someday.... i can get it.#tho maybe i should type up my thoughts about the piece Now 😂 so i dont end up missing the window & being out on a waitlist#like what happened with my commission of vash's scars.#i did get it in tbh a pretty reasonable time frame despite being on a waitlist for a bit#but. ykno. the thing with popular artists opening commissions is that EVERYONE is gonna flock to them for it#so me taking a few hours to thoroughly describe the scars commission made it so the open slots filled up#but thankfully he was nice enough to put me on a waitlist 🥺🥺🥺#no guarantee for this other artist should they open commissions that id get a slot and/or on a waitlist#SO!!!!! i should be ready.#tho itd probably take much less time to describe it 😂 given that it has more to do with the pose /&@#* than smth as definite and detailed as scars reference.#just. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔#now that ive had the thought i just want so badly to commission it hfksbfjd#the thing isnt even written!!! it's still chapters away!!!!!#but man. it sure would be cool huh.#oh well. i will simply be patient. hopefully before too long they will open their commissions again.#also yes me getting a commission for my fic again. idk there's just smth rly cool about having illustrations in the fic.#so i will wait and i will hope. that i can get this commission at some point.
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mishapen-dear · 3 months
i cant get over yd’s skin just LOOK at this cubito she’s so fucking cute
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the hood is SO good
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bangcakes · 3 months
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aria0fgold · 8 months
When you have so much to say but my brain power can't keep up (sleepy debuff my beloathed).
I think another thing I can say about em without this being an incomprehensible mess is the differences and the similarities they got going on that I unintentionally made before but solidified the moment I noticed it (+ added more to it).
Like, Alec in his childhood was a very hyper kid, hella talkative too and Ray in his childhood was a very shy kid, hella quiet. But that dynamic switched during their teen years cuz of the incident™. Alec became quiet while Ray became hyper (it was because Ray wanted to help Alec in the same way Alec helped him during their childhood).
But then during their adulthood, that dynamic became a mix now, Alec resembles more of his personality as a kid and Ray does the same too (only when they're together where Ray gets to be more of himself with Alec). Cuz Ray has a natural talent for acting, his parents signed him up for acting lessons as a kid to help with his shyness, it didn't help much but he did liked the lessons anyway.
Ray is an exceptional actor that frankly, if not for Alec, he'd end up losing sight of his true self cuz he had a tendency to put on so many masks that he wouldn't know which one is truly his. Not even his parents know the difference between Ray's true self or not.
Alec has naturally high empathy and EQ. In a way where he can tell when someone's not feeling their best, but he doesn't know that fact himself. He can just feel it. So whenever Ray fakes a smile and hides his own emotions, Alec can tell immediately (Also doesn't help the fact that these two are platonic soulmates anyway so Alec is bound to realize there is something wrong with Ray and vice versa).
Ray meanwhile is good at reading people's expressions. So unless you're an equally good actor as him, he can tell that something is wrong too. They're like such a perfect match I'm ill (lighthearted) (positive) (ive gone mad. insane. crazy even) actually. So like! SO LIKE!!! Alec tries to hide that he aint feeling well? Nah Ray knows, off to rest you go. Ray tries to hide that he aint feeling well too? Nah nah Alec knows, off to rest you go too.
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ei-mugi · 5 months
my main hurdle with my dcaf fic is my depression but my 2nd task-related hurdle is not knowing what eichi should be doing at my ambiguous and butchered chosen place in time--- nvm see the notes
#i already fucked up the start of checkmate but its fine the details dont have to be perfect#its so early on i can write a way around that. who cares#whats important is that it stays like thematically coherent. and characterisation needs to be consistent#but also liiike. whats----------- oh.#okay. i just thought of a solution to my problem#thats really easy why didnt i think of this months ago#ok im gonna write that down somewhere for after i finish my BB fic#and then several yaers down the line once i have a nicely wrapped and finished dcaf i can rewrite the whole thing to make it#accurate-er to the canon timeline of events. making a timeline just isnt fun to me sorry#the goal with dcaf wasnt to make it perfect it was to make it done yknow#i wanted to prove to myself i could write a longfic (or medfic at least) & that i could have a bare minimum satisfying narrative#so staying entirely true to canon isnt high on my priority list#learn how to make the thing THEN learn how to make it well u get me#i love roleplay but ive never done a whole lot of individual writing lol#i still need to reread those reminiscence events though... sigh... and ideally fluff out with some other stories too#i gotta manage my expectations on what i know im able to get done tho. sad but true#thank god i actually wrote notes when i was reading rocket start#i started writing notes when i started obbligato too tho im not far into that yet ive got other stuff to do#im totally distracted ok wrapping post up now
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mechawolfie · 9 months
a short hike is the closest thing i've played to botw and it frustrates me to no end that so many open-world games seem to be made with the thought of "i want this to be like botw", when they very obviously don't understand that it's not the Hugeass World that makes botw/totk so Good, but rather how you interact with that world.
a short hike has a big beautiful world and u can go basically anywhere anytime but that's not the only thing. it's also got some funny little guys to get to know and see their little corner of the mountain and just chill with them. it's awesome.
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Your post got stolen and re-uploaded without credit
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toastsnaffler · 1 year
why does portal 2 take up almost 12GB of disc space what the hell. that better be for rendering that robopuss-*laser noise + screen goes red*
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derp-craft · 2 years
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how we feeling about this roof shape??? This is such a weird shaped build and I hate roofs.
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suppenzeit · 7 months
ive been spinning around some new ocs who are a very powerful emperor and his extremely loyal bodyguard. theyre extremely rarely apart so i got to thinking about bathing time cause thats a very private moment. the emperor would be too paranoid to relax in a bath and he would miss his guy whos obligated to listen to everything he says, so the bodyguard must be there. but he needs to clean himself too, but in a worse way as to not treat him too nicely.
so. ive decided he will bathe with the classic bucket and ladle method. two besties sharing a bath but one of them is in a tub and the other is sitting on a very small stool.
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koolades-world · 2 months
Hihihihi, in case ya remember me, im the Pain-sensitive anon, and in case i will request again remember me as BigS, because my requests are as big as my S, but enough about that.
Poor you, so many requests. Drink water, be stronger that those 637181 requests, don't let them kill you!!!
But im here to torture you with another one~
So i have an album with 3814 Asmodeus screenshots(I FKIN LOVE MY BOYFRIEND!!!), and i had an idea "dam, if Asmo became real, it would be very hard to explain why i have 4k pics with him... " So here is request!
Brothers, finding out that MC's new hyperfixation is... them?
Apparently MC is neurodivergent or something like that, and as many neurodivergent ppl, they have a hyperfixation! They just randomly becoming very interested in something specific and collect stuff with it, talk with everyone about it, and remember every single detail about it! Like Levi with TSL.
But one day, brothers realise that MC stopped talking about their past fixation and was less interested with it. They think that "Oh, they probably just found something new!". But one day, they take MC's phone just to find that... They have a giant album in their gallery that is dedicated only to him????
The album has every photo he posted on Devilgram, every photo that he send MC, some unique photos that MC shooted themselves, even some chat screenshots with times when he said something cute to them! They even was photographing thigs that "reminds of him". Like some cheeseburger with "Beel vibes", Blue flower that "Looks like Luci" or gorgeous mannequin that "feels like Asmo".
If its someone like Asmo, he would also notice thta MC started buying their fanclub's merch! Like "Asmo lover #1" shirt or "Lucifer best man!!"cup(Luci is very popular, he probably also has some fanclubs! i hate this guy tho)
I think Levi and Mammon would die from embarrassment. Asmo would die out of happiness and Satan with Luci will try to pretend like thay never saw that. and idk about other ones. :P
I think that would make a cute fluff and a very scary situation if it was real uwu
Thats all
Have a nice dayyyyyyyyyyyy~~~
-BigS aka.AlgophobicDude
hey! great to hear from you again :)
haha thank you! been slowly knocking out requests one at a time and let me tell you it's a lot more fun than it might look haha
i wrote this while wearing a pink cowboy hat. i just wanted to share that
you got it! enjoy!!
Mc with a hyperfixation on the brothers
is this a human thing?
he's happy to indulge you as long as you're not too loud about it out in public
especially please don't share those pictures with anyone, like mammon. he will sell those, especially the ones he only intends for you. please
he's happy you don't hate him, actually. you make this old man very happy haha
he would never tell you, but he's also got a photo album dedicated to you
also has a note on his D.D.D. full of all the things he never said to you but hopes to be brave enough to one day to tell you
he doesn't tell you he's got that though, not in a million years
he really loves that you're hyperfixated on him because that just means you care about him just as much as he cares about you
as expected, he's very flustered
he knows what it's like to have a little blorbo and he would give anything to be able to see them daily in person and live with them
he's over the moon once he realizes this and despite his embarrassment, he pushed through to spend more time with you
he's so dedicated <3
he's probably the most puzzled
he's always learning new things about humans even when he thought he knew everything
he knows and trusts you so from time to time, he'll take a picture with you in mind that he knows will remind you of him
all in all, he does think it's a little strange but won't stop you since he's never seen you happier
like they said, you're literally about to become the number one member of his fanclub!
lucky for you, once he finds your asmo photo album, he's feeding into your hyperfixation
you get lots of exclusive privileges, such as early morning selfies and all his merch for free, including prototypes
he's always ready to pose for a picture for you. every side is his good side!
he's a little confused but he's happy to make you happy
he listened to you talk about your hyperfixations the most beside levi so he's quick to pick up on this shift
to make you happy, he decides to make a handmade adult bib just for you haha and at first he's a little sad but then he finds it while digging for your snack stash
you've never worn it once because it's hanging in your closet next to your fancy outfits <3
you what? is his initial reaction
from the outside, it seems like it doesn't bother him or that he could care less
but, on the inside, he's elated since he thought after how he tricked you, you'd never want to be close to him again
now, you're the very thing that makes you excited to wake up every morning by his side
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azirafuck · 11 months
GOS2 Spoilers Masterpost (ONLY EP. 1-2)
alright, you read the title, you know what's under here - gonna tag everyone who helped this if I know them, thanks to everyone for their contribution and for being agents of chaos the way satan intended. love you all
[Last update/edit: 24/07 - 14:10CET]
first of all, we got some amazing posts from @incorrectquoteswwdits mostly about the first scene in heaven with crowley as an angel:
angel!crowley creating stars and aziraphale thinking he's calling him beautiful
more on that
aziraphale's lies make the lesbians have problems, apparently
communist aziraphale be like OUR CAR
isolation and doubts
THEN we have a detailed recount of the first episode by a kind anon! again, thank you @incorrectquoteswwdits for sharing <3
@goodomens-hints posted a lenghty and detailed recount of the first episode as well with some little hits at future episodes (nothing too big on the post itself, but BE CAREFUL, the blog is actually posting some other spoilers from episodes past the second one!)
@goodomensjail gave us a detailed recount of the first scene, with angel!crowley starting to question stuff and eventually shielding aziraphale with his wing
@mikubinders gives us SOME GOOD GOURMET SHIT by telling us that:
"Beelzebub kidnaps and threatens Crowley, tells him that ze could put a price on his head but ze doesn't want to. After that Crowley comes back to the bookshop and Good-old-fashioned lover boy plays while he drives there. "I'm back" happens. Aziraphale makes Crowley do a silly little apology dance so he forgives him and so they work together"
after thinking this last spoiler was fake, an anon came through and confirmed its real! we also have new context! (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
anon came through with some details about the Everyday record, told us Queen is actually tied to CROWLEY and not to the Bentley, and gave us more context to the OUR CAR and OUR BOOKSHOP bit (sent by an anon to yours tuly)
as for what happens during the Job flashback, after which the sitting five feet apart on a rock in front of the sea happens, a bunch of different versions of what actually happens are going around. @thesherrinfordfacility kept up with the madness surrounding it, so im gonna post here the last two versions of events/details.
first one:
In the Job section, Aziraphale is questioning gods decision of punishing Job. Then u see him in heaven w Muriel here and they are looking thru a long scroll that has instructions from god and he's trying to make sense of it. Muriel is telling him that god and satan made a bet about what Job would do and that's why they are testing him. And az is like whatttt why would god do that that's mean!
When Az finds out they're going to kill Jobs kids, he goes down to Earth to save them while using his angel voice until he realizes he's speaking to Crowley. He sees Crowley about to enter the kids room and tells Crowley "I know you, you wouldn't do this" and Crowley tells him he doesn't know him really. (
AND TY TENNANT IS SASSY AND FLIRTS W AZ??!??!? (*) And THATS when crowley goes "well he seems nice" from the clip. He wasn't jealous tho, like he thought it was funny since they are literally there to supposedly kill these kids and one of them is flirting lol.
The moment of 'weird-beard Crowley' was actually more focused on azi and him questioning God. Crowley tempts Azi w food and u see him struggle but then he gobbled it down and he cries bc he thinks crowley is going to bring him to hell (that's the scene where they are sitting on that thing with the pretty horizon) Crowley tells him "you're just an angel who follows gods as will as much as he can" and Az says that sounds lonely, and Crowley agrees, which is a callback to when he asked Crowley if he was lonely being on what Crowley calls "his own side", and Crowley said no. Crowley then tells him "i'm a demon. I lied"
(*): it was told this isn't actually canon canon, it's up for interpretation - some reported Ty's character is just the classic bratty teenager UPDATE: NOPE anon cleared it up and apparently it DOES read as flirty because ty's character is a little bitch, love that for us
and then we have the second one:
"Episode 2 is half present day things [...], and half the Job story/flashback. Crowley is the demon sent by Satan to torment "God's favorite human" Job to see if Job will curse God, in one big bet between God and Satan. Aziraphale comes to try to stop him, discovers they recognize each other but haven't seen each other since "the flood" and that Crowley seems to have changed since the flood, because he is willing to sacrifice the goats, and ruin Job's house. Crowley says he "has a permit" to torment Job FROM GOD. Aziraphale brings this up to the archangels that gleefully explain that yes it's a bet with Satan and that Job will suffer, but he will get everything back 3-fold by the end. And he will get NEW children. This disturbs Aziraphale, he does not want the CURRENT children to die, he understands the familial love that the archangels do not. He goes to stop Crowley not with power since he has the permit but to reason with him. Aziraphale says things to the effect "I KNOW you don't want to harm them I KNOW you and you don't want to kill children" and Crowley is defiant, but then…. It is revealed that he never killed any of the goats either, he transformed them into pigeons to hide them. And he is hiding the children away in the basement but destroying the house to make it look like they died. He transforms the three kids into lizards to hide them, then when the Archangels descend to give Job his rewards and tell him his wife will bear 7 new children, Job and his wife are in despair because they love their children. Crowley comes in pretending to be a human doctor and he and Aziraphale LIE to the angels faces about how babies are made and trick the angels into thinking Jobs three original children are NEWLY BORN children. Which fools Gabriel, who has only ever seen God make Eve fully grown from Adam's ribs. Crowley then meets Aziraphale at the rock. Aziraphale is crying and says "im ready for you to take me to hell" because he has LIED to angels and foiled God's plans. Crowley is gentle and comforts him that he is still an angel and "I won't tell anyone if you won't" and they reminisce that it's lonely being a different kind of demon and a different kind of angel that sort of do what they feel is right. Heavily implying that they are the same and have each other now. The end of episode 2.
that's what's going around for now, but ill add stuff if we find anything new - also feel free to add to this yourself or send me stuff!
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devourers-of-god · 4 months
Can you do what you hc their specific features to be like? I know we see their features but since it’s cartoonish I wanted to see if u have any hcs for how they look in detail
HI!! this is an amazing ask, ty anon :3
What I think the SF cast would look like irl!
I think this is going to be weirdly specific LOL
we all know half of sal's face is kinda missing.
idk if this is canon but I think sal would not have a nose, but it would've healed greatly.
I just need to repeat it but sal is not skinny. he is rather chubby and he has a little happy trail.
this man has braces!! his teeth must be a bit fucked.
his hair is fluffy but most of the time messy.
his skin is very hydrated.
i don't think he would have white teeth, and thats perfectly okay!
this man always has chapped lips, esp during winter.
yellow fingertips are starting, due of his smoking.
he has smooth hair tho, fluffy sometimes! nice to play with.
he has an eyebrow piercing. I just know, he told me ;p
he is tall but not taller than travis.
long fingers, smooth and gentle hands.
has the biggest dark circles you'll ever see.
tall and slim.
he has a very bad posture a feel like lolll
long smooth hair. it always smells like its just been washed.
beautiful lips, she applies a tinted chapstick and it suits her lip colour.
pretty nails, most of the time painted.
cute button nose with clear skin.
long and healthy lashes.
her thin eyebrows are always in the perfect shape.
piercings on both ears.
cheeks are pink because of her blush.
her dark circles are always covered.
Travis (ahhhjfckadk...)
he bleaches his hair, we can see his dark brown roots starting.
crooked nose that sometimes bleed out of nowhere (happened to me ok)
he has heterochromia. also has a constant black eye.
long fingers and short nails.
scarred lip.
red eyes from crying a bunch.
beautiful skin.
very skinny and tall.
his lips are never chapped, he is extra careful with that.
smooth hair!! he uses gel I know it.
the healthiest curly hair you'll ever see.
he has droopy eyes with long lashes.
has acne and freckles all over face.
his checks always have a tinted pink on them.
he bites his nails so they are short and messy.
he's not very tall but has long arms.
smooth hands also, well taken care of.
the best nose type ever!! and its kind of a big nose.
hui I hope you guys liked it, I mostly studied what the all look like and make hcs from there.
my requests are always open! this was very fun to write!
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