simcardiac-arrested · 4 months
hey buddy. friend. hey pal. Have you at all considered uploading goodbye mr a to yoour youtube so i can watch it over and over and over and over again <- sane
just for you man
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In addition to my previous "top 5 ask" this is the attached space to gush and rant about how Ghostbur is your favorite of all. 😝 Go off. I want to hear it all.
I am so happy right now I keep smiling oh my goodness-
Gosh where do I even start oh my gosh-
Ghostbur’s just… adorable. I don’t usually call fictional characters adorable, but Ghostbur IS HE REALLY IS!!! HERE WOULD YOU LIKE AN EXAMPLE!!!
Speaking of Friend!! Ghostbur being an animal lover is just… yes. He’s so sweet and kind and gentle to Friend and loves him dearly and takes him everywhere on a little leash, and he calls Friend his “comfort sheep” and Friend really does help calm Ghostbur down and aaaaaaah he’s like a therapy pet and it’s adorable 🥺
Ghostbur’s devotion!! To the people he loves!! Oh my gosh!! Like he literally followed Tommy to his death, and did everything he possibly could to help Tommy and make sure he was taken care of and felt loved; and the compasses!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Ghostbur gave Tommy a compass that pointed to Tommy’s best friend, and Ghostbur knew it would mean a lot to Tommy so he went through the painstaking process to make the compass and EEEEEEEEEE!!!
Oh! Exile! Can I talk about Exile? Yes, I shall.
Ghostbur was pretty much the only one who visited Tommy during Exile. The only one! And not only that, but Ghostbur stayed; he built Tommy a house, helped him make Exile a home (or as much of a home as it could be) and helped decorate and would take pictures of L’manburg and bring them back for Tommy to look at, and he helped with the beach party planning and happily offered to send invitations… like I feel like people don’t talk about this. Ghostbur helped Tommy a lot during Exile—so much so that Dream, the big bad guy of the server, saw Ghostbur as a threat and tried to kill him!!!
Lots and lots of people see Ghostbur as a child, as immature, as silly or weird or pointless or something else, and while yes, Ghostbur does have very weird and very innocent and very child-like quirks, that is not his entire personality.
In actuality, Ghostbur is an incredibly cunning, smart, resourceful, thoughtful, deeply caring individual who thinks hard about things, and communicates himself in a wonderfully unique way! I really resonate with a lot of what Ghostbur says :)
So many people see Ghostbur as the “tee-hee silly ghost boy” and like… have they even watched his Doomsday stream?? Have. Have they even watched it?? Have they heard Ghostbur screaming at Phil??? Have they heard, “I know I’m forgetful, I know I’m an amnesiac, I know I’m the comic relief in all your stories but I still feel things, and I try my best to make sure no one else feels them” (said through tears, by the way)
HAVE THEY HEARD THAT??? HAVE THEY HEARD, “I sowed the seeds of peace, and yet I’m the one who pays for war”??? DID THEY HEAR ANY OF THAT???
Heck, even Phil, the one Ghostbur said all this to, merely said this: “I’m sorry. You’ll understand someday.”
Gosh. The misinterpretations of Ghostbur will never stop making me angry. Anyway.
Ghostbur also loooooves to read and has his own little library which yes :D :D
Ghostbur’s weird, man. He’s a strange guy. He’s dead. He burns in the rain. He loves sheep. He loves Tommy. He just OUGHHHHHABDKSBKSGSJSV
Ghostbur has such a unique personality + way of viewing the world, and I feel like this fandom really sleeps on that—which is a shame, because Ghostbur is a beautiful character!! There’s so much potential there!!
Also his determination to see the best in everyone, even if they’ve been deemed the bad guy; he saw goodness in Eret, he saw hope in Wilbur, he was even nice to Dream! He even was friends with Dream (which, he probably shouldn’t have been, because Dream did nothing but hurt him, but still wksdhwjsgwjg)!
One of my favorite quotes from Ghostbur is, “Maybe a villain is just a hero who hasn’t been convinced yet.”
LIKE !!!
Gosh. Gosh, man. I freaking love Ghostbur.
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The Table In The Woods
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (masterlist)
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Eddie Munson x reader
Summary: Working with Eddie Munson as your science assignment partner has meant spending a lot of time together (cute slow burn in progress)
Note: It has been FOREVER, I’m so sorry! I fully intend to continue this series and put up new parts more often! Thank you for reading! Also it’s still doing the duplicating paragraphs around the read more thing so sorry about that but I can’t figure out how to fix it.
Part 4: ‘86 Baby
You sit against the wall outside Hawkins high, head resting back and your eyes shut, listening to your Walkman as the afternoon sun warms your legs. The parking lot had emptied out significantly in the fifteen minutes you’d been waiting, the noise of students dying down. Then a foot taps against the sole of your shoes, like a knock at the door, and you squint up at Eddie Munson.
“M’lady,” he says with an outstretched hand offering to help you up, “sorry I’m late, Mr K is up our ass about finals!”
You take his hand and hoist yourself off the concrete, “I figured as much.” Mr K was notorious for not letting classes out on time, especially when he got started on a rant about ‘the importance of your education’. The two of you cross the parking lot to Eddie’s van while he went on mocking the English and history teacher, quite accurately you had to admit.
It had been just over a week since you started your science project at Eddie’s trailer and so far everything was going well. Only one day had to be missed when Eddie had Hellfire, and you only had to leave him to do it on his own the Thursday afternoon you were working. It was strange to think that just a couple of weeks ago you and Eddie had no real reason to interact with one another and now it would seem wrong to go even a single day without seeing him.
“Look at this!” he’d wailed, as you had barely stepped out of your car on Wednesday afternoon, waving one of the devil’s ivy plants above his head.
“What?” you called back.
“LOOK! Look at it!”
With the despair in his voice you’d thought it must have died but as you got closer, and got him to stop waving it about like a mad man, you realised, “it literally looks the same as yesterday, what’s wrong?”
“Look! Right here! This leaf!” Eddie held the plant a little too close to your face and lifted one tiny leaf with one finger. “It’s brown!”
He wasn’t wrong but you were still confused as to why he was so worked up about it, “and..?”
“‘And?’ That means it doesn’t like my music! It is DYING because it thinks my guitar SUCKS! Do you SEE?!” He seemed genuinely hurt.
You felt bad for laughing but you couldn’t help it, Eddie glared at you for not taking this seriously.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! But it’s fine, it is just one little leaf, it probably has nothing to do with the music,” you said, trying to convince him that this small devil’s ivy didn’t have an issue with him personally.
He held the plant level with his face and narrowed his eyes at it, “so you don’t even care enough about me for that to be the reason you’re dying?” he interrogated the plant itself.
“It’s not dying! And we’re tracking growth anyway, one brown leaf doesn’t really make a difference.”
“But that’s like, anti-growth! So we have to track it!” He turned his attention back to the plant, “why do you hate me you son of a bitch?”
“Maybe it’s just not a metalhead, okay? It doesn’t hate you. Just like me, I’m not a metalhead but I tolerate you,” you smirk and give the side of his foot a tap with yours.
“Hey! I thought we were friends what’s all this ‘tolerate’ business?” he jested back.
On Friday Eddie had found you at your locker with the intent to change your plans.
“Y/n! Hey,” he hurried over and gave the side of your foot a light kick, “so I just found out that we are meant to have a, uh, sports running something or other thing on instead of last period today-“
“They’ve been telling us that for weeks, how did you not know this?” His complete oblivion to the school calendar was unbelievable to you.
“That’s not the point here. The point is, I am not going to that so unless you also want to skip out on it and leave early you’ll have to catch a bus to-“ mid-scheming Eddie was interrupted by none other than your gym teacher.
“Mr Munson,” he bellowed, “I expect you’ll be making up for your less than adequate attendance in my class by putting in a full effort in this afternoons event.”
Eddie, after making a face that said kill me now, spun around in his full charismatic fashion, threw his arms open and grinned, “there he is! You know, Mr Brant, we were just talking about that and about what a darn shame it is that I have a very urgent appointment this afternoon that just cannot be missed,” he stuck his bottom lip out at your unimpressed teacher. You pretended to busy yourself with something in your locker so Mr Brant wouldn’t see that you were stifling a laugh.
“And here I was thinking you had high hopes of graduating this year, a shame indeed,” Mr Brant said, rightfully not buying it.
“Wait, what?” You didn’t expect Eddie to drop the act that easily. “I’m passing though, no one said this thing counts towards our grades.”
“For those students who are barely clinging to their pass, it will.” With one last pointed look Mr Brant continued on his way down the hall. Eddie looked pissed.
“I feel kinda bad for saying but I wish I had some popcorn for that,” you say, trying to break the tension.
“Ugghh!” Eddie threw his head back against the lockers. “Can you tell me anything worse than running with our entire year in this heat?!”
“Having to repeat your senior year again just because you ditched today,” you suggested, closing your locker.
He gave a melodramatic sigh, “y/n, your wisdom knows no bounds.”
That afternoon you spotted Eddie in the gym amongst the crowd of seniors and made your way over to him and his friends, “I’m impressed. Looks like this could be your year after all, Munson,” you tease.
“It better be if I’m enduring this.”
You all sat on the hard gym floor as Mr Brant explained his expectations, making it clear that anyone with low attendance or wavering grades needed to make up for it today, going on about effort and how this 5000m is ‘about more than running’. Seriously, what else could it be about? you thought.
“5000m?!” Eddie whispered, horrified, “how many miles is that?”
“Like 3,” you said, Eddie slumped over and groaned at the mere thought. You knocked his foot with yours, “you really gonna run that in jeans?”
“Well, I wasn’t expecting to run it at all in the first place so I don’t have anything else,” he mumbled. You thought you had been dreading the long distance run but at least you were prepared with gym clothes.
“If you’re lucky maybe you’ll collapse of heat exhaustion real early on then you won’t have to do it,” you joked, tapping your head with your index finger as if this was a genius idea, Eddie shook his head and laughed quietly.
As soon as you were outside and on the starting line though, all jokes were forgotten and heat exhaustion suddenly seemed like a very likely possibility. With zero clouds in the sky the sun was beating down with a thick, burning heat. You could feel sweat already beading on the back of your neck and you hadn’t even started yet. Of all the days they just had to pick today! you thought, the hottest freaking day all month!
One of your friends, Sarah, had lined up with you, “can we make a pact to go together? I know I’m not going to be able to keep up running for long and I don’t want to look like a loser for walking.”
Sports have never been her strong suit, but nearly every other school subject she aced with ease. You’d met a few weeks into your freshman year when she and her family moved to Hawkins and she ended up in most of your classes. Both of you being academically inclined, and particularly interested in science, had ended up hanging around the same group of like minded students and becoming friends. Sarah was one of those people who was going to achieve amazing things and knew it. She was driven, self assured and one of the smartest people you’d ever met, adults included.
Considering you weren’t confident in your athleticism either, you agreed to partner up.
You both tried to jog until at least a few other people had stopped to walk before slowing down yourselves. After regaining some breath Sarah asked, “how’s your science assignment going? Are you actually getting anything done?”
You frowned, “what do you mean?” Even though you knew what she meant. Sarah may be your friend but she could be quite judgemental when it came to your peers.
“Are you having to do the whole thing yourself? We all know Eddie isn’t A+ material.”
You felt yourself becoming defensive, “well neither am I. I’m pulling a B in science, have been all year.”
“Oh I know, but you know what I mean. It sucks that you got stuck with someone so… unfocused,” she said.
“I didn’t ‘get stuck’ with him, we just ended up partnering. And actually he’s doing most of the work at the moment, I’m going to do more of the paperwork stuff once we have our data.”
Sarah went on not realising that you were getting annoyed, feelings and social cues another one of her weak points, “you haven’t got your data yet?” She was shocked, of course, thinking that everyone aims to finish their assignments weeks before they’re due.
“Let’s jog for a bit,” you said, purely to put an end to the conversation.
When it was time to leave you met up with Eddie. His face was bright red, his hair was even more unruly than usual and sticking to his face, his shirt was drenched with sweat and he was carrying his jacket, still breathing heavy. You didn’t feel like you looked much better.
“Graduation is back on,” you said, trying to remind him this would be worth it.
“‘86 baby,” is all he could manage to get out. You looked at each other in mutual exhaustion then staggered to the van in silence.
You were both so wrecked that neither of you cared that no music played the whole drive. Once home, Eddie swapped his soaked hellfire shirt for a slate grey sleeveless top. You immediately found yourself staring at Eddie’s arms, he usually had at least half length sleeves on, luckily you catch yourself and force your eyes away before he notices. You didn’t speak until the second record for your experiment was about halfway through. Both of you were collapsed on the floor, you sitting against the wall with your eyes closed, Eddie sprawled out on his back, as much as was possible in the cramped living area of the trailer. Every so often Eddie let his foot fall to the side, tapping yours.
“I could really go for a milkshake right now,” Eddie said dreamily.
“I would kill for a milkshake,” you said, not moving.
“Oh sorry, I don’t actually have milk or anything to make a milkshake,” Eddie gingerly pushed himself up to lean back on his hands.
You opened your eyes and looked down at Eddie with a deadpan expression.
“You have crushed my every dream.”
Eddie gave a surprised laugh and you smiled as you rested your head back and closed your eyes again.
“You know, you’re funny sometimes.”
“And you lie about having milkshakes sometimes.”
Now, Monday, after you’d completed a round of music for all your plants and taken notes and measurements, with a generous amount of time wasting in between, Eddie drives you home.
The van pulls up outside your house, Eddie puts it in park and raps his knuckles on the steering wheel.
“Thanks for the ride.” You undo your seat belt, a necessity when it comes to Eddie’s driving, and notice he is fidgeting with his rings, focused on twisting one around and around.
“Hey, uh,” he starts, “I have something for you.”
He reaches behind and rummages through a bag to pull out a cassette. He holds it for a moment, then extends his whole arm to present it to you, even though you are sitting right next to him in the passenger seat. You take it from him and Eddie’s arm moves back to pull some of his hair over his face as you look down at it. Scrawled across the front in red marker are the words ‘INTRO TO METAL’. The letters are jagged with no smooth lines, the O’s look like diamonds.
“Just if you ever feel like having some metal in your life other than when you’re with me,” he said through his hair. “So obviously it’s got master of puppets on there because that was your true intro to metal, but now you can listen to the whole thing not just me playing it on guitar-“ his words were picking up speed now and he wasn’t hiding his face anymore, “-and then there’s that Judas Priest one that you were tapping along to when it was playing on the way to school the other day-“
Eddie got lost in explaining the mix he’d compiled for you. He hadn’t looked directly at you since he’d given it to you but you watched him intently. You didn’t generally comment on the music Eddie played while driving, you couldn’t believe he paid attention to even your smallest reactions. You studied his face as he gushed about his favourite bands and their best songs. The way his cheeks lifted when he smiled and the dimples that appeared. The brightness of his eyes, despite their dark colour, and the way they widened every time he remembered something else to tell you. He was so animated with the way he jostled around in his seat, too excited to keep still, and clicked his fingers or drummed on his legs. The way his perfectly messy hair would get in his eyes and he’d shake it back out of the way. He really was gorgeous.
“So yeah, no big deal if you don’t listen to it. I just thought you might like it,” Eddie finished with a soft smile, glancing at you and then down to the steering wheel. It takes you a second to snap out of the trance you were in.
“Eddie, of course I’ll listen to it!” He looked up at you with relief. You tried to hold back the stupid grin that wanted to make its way across your face, “thank you.”
You looked back at the cassette in your hands, noticing the feeling of warmth in your cheeks, “so I’ll see you tomorrow,” you said.
“Yeah, see ya.”
Eddie waved out his window as he sped off and you watched him fly around the corner before you went inside, cradling your gift in your hands.
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cadaver-moss · 8 months
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Putting this one first bc I like it more lol
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Y/N and Enojadita dancing together! Perhaps they ended up attending a party, so Enojadita dressed up in her coolest outfit :3
Of course she couldn’t resist picking up Y/N and twirling them around, it’s her favorite thing to do to the people she loves!
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soediz · 10 months
heyyf pafl fans do u ever scroll on tjepafl hashtag but u have to stop bcs its physically painful. but like in the best way possible
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solarisgod · 10 months
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"He was pointing at the moon," softly shares Shàngqì, "But I was looking at his hand."
While accompanying him during the serene night, stargazing together, ( a special hobby they have only ever done with Micah, mostly while in silence, ) Phoebus quirks a brow at the delicate words-- not of judgement, yet, rather curiosity. Sharp gaze shifts over from the sky over to Shàngqì, their head tilting slightly to a side so they consider what to say, careful. It has been a while since they have spoken to anyone outside the Starwake System but a very few close connections who are aware of their existence. They were cautious of @masteredlegacy when he tried to talk to them, given the recent events with the Infernal Infinity who's been focused on killing Micah, yet, over time, they slowly come to find ease in being with Shàngqì. How long has it been now since they are together, Phoebus has lost track of time.
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"He must mean a lot to you if he is what you can focus on the most despite anything of the situation itself," Phoebus says finally, their tone lukewarm, expression neutral, but they still carry some quiet form of respect by acknowledging his words, even so choosing to share a deeply personal thing about themself to him because of this line, "I have a special someone who enjoys stargazing a lot, just like you," ( It's Micah. It's always Micah who is that special someone. ) "They would often talk to me about these constellations and the stories behind them and . . . as much as I enjoy anything that they would tell me about in their interests and passions, I just love to listen to their voice--" I love them so much-- "It only makes me feel like I'm at home." Their voice nearly wavers in a heavy emotion that they can not understand what.
They try to ignore it and think about Micah who is currently resting in their inner world, all away from the ever overwhelming reality. A sigh leaves Phoebus, then, having an urge to take a cigarette. "I think you and them can be good friends, making star tales and conquering over the sky together. They love to make friends wherever they go and whoever they talk to, so I'm sure they would love to be friends with you." Certainly, Shàngqì will meet Micah one day when they feel better from everything that had happened recently. Phoebus glances back at the moon and stars, planning to take a photo of the sky with Micah's phone for them to see in the next day, not knowing it would be Phoebus' work. As long as a gesture like this can make Micah feel only happy, then that is all Phoebus can ever care about in the end.
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mclqren · 2 months
PAIRING ✦ lando norris x fem!ballerina!reader
SUMMARY ✦ you play odette in the 'swan lake' ballet, and you manage to capture the attention of an f1 driver who has come to watch [ SMAU ]
WARNINGS ✦ cursing
NOTES ✦ reader plays odette in the swan lake ballet, and is british. she’s good friends with carmen, george’s girlfriend. the fc i've used is pdm.clara, but feel free to picture whoever you want! my requests are open so feel free to leave a request :)
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liked by yourbsf, carmenmmundt, and 1,291 others
yourusername crazy to be beginning this journey, and this is only the start!! thank you to everyone who's supported me, can't wait to be odette 💗
view all comments
user1 you're soooo pretty!! 🩷
yourusername aw thank youuu!! 💗
user2 my family and i went to see it tonight and it was SO GOODD! ur so talented it's crazy ❤️
yourusername thank you sm, im so glad you enjoyed it!! 💗
yourbsf my best frienddd!! such a cutie fr
yourusername i love you so much its crazy 💗
carmenmmundt so pretty!!
yourusername love you carm 💗
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( caption one: tagging along + tags 🙄😘 )
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( caption one: behind the scenes 📸 | caption two: night two = over! absolutely insane 💗 )
imessages ( lando )
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liked by landonorris, carmenmmundt, and 2,008 others
yourusername life recently 🩰
view all comments
user3 you're so good in swan lake omg
yourusername thank you sm!! 💗
user5 okay lando norris in the likes hello??
user6 after he went to see the show with george and carmen as well?? this can't be a coincidence.
yourbsf my girl 🩷
yourusername foreverrr!
user7 im obsessed.
yourusername 💗
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imessages ( lando )
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imessages ( y/n )
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( caption one: in london for a bit! | caption two: fun times 😉 )
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liked by landonorris, alex_albon, and 5,910 others
yourusername day off's been fun 📸
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user10 Y/N HAS A MANNN???
user11 STOP IT RN :(
user12 she's stunningggg
yourusername no you!! 💗
user13 she's such a sweetheart
user14 the pink flowers omg he knows ur fav colour
carmenmmundt i hope he's treating you right! 😘
yourusername so far so good 🤞
user16 oh she has to have a thing w lando.
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liked by yourusername, georgerussell63, and 956,221 others
tagged yourusername
landonorris when your girlfriend's a ballerina who can cook (somewhat) 😱❤️
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alex_albon absolutely no one had faith in you but it's nice to see you managed to get her anyway! 😊
landonorris by no one do you mean you and george?
georgerussell63 we had zero faith in you but it's nice to see you got the girl of your dreams!
landonorris LOOK AWAY Y/N
yourusername ur def punching w me but its okay! not everyone is as good a chef as i am 💗
landonorris im a great cook?
yourusername hon ur not fooling anyone
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liked by landonorris, carmenmmundt, and 13,810 others
tagged landonorris
yourusername when your boyfriend is an f1 driver who sleeps whenever he touches a soft surface 😘😘
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user25 the last slide LOOLLL
user26 she's feeding us w these lando crumbs!!
carmenmmundt if he ever treats you wrong im right here as a backup option x
yourusername ur on speed dial dw x
georgerussell63 hello???
carmenmmundt on a more positive note DOUBLE DATE TIME WOOHOOO
lilymhe plot twist TRIPLE DATE TIME
yourusername I CONSENT YES
alex_albon they've met already oh dear
landonorris isnt this fun!
landonorris the last pic 🤨🤨
yourusername i had to include a picture to fit my aesthetic 💗
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lewisvinga · 19 days
forever to go| lewis hamilton x fem! leclerc! reader
summary; everyone thinks that lewis hamilton and y/n leclerc just have a work type of relationship due to her role as a marketing manager in versace and him working with the designer brand. little does everyone know how their relationship truly is
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; ?
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3
note; requested ! i suck at titles soooo bad yall😭 ignore my titles plssssss😭
masterlist !
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc, and others !
yourusername: 2 years since i said ‘i do’ and just a few more weeks of us two. je t'aime mon amour. [i love you, my love]
tagged; lewishamilton
lewishamilton: i love you both, so so much🤍
lewishamilton: 2 years down and forever to go, darling.
yourusername: forever to go❤️‍🩹
username: WHAT THE FUCK.
username: GOOD MORNING TO YOU TOO???19;8/&;@4@:9-8&,
username: cue team lh head loss😭
charles_leclerc: you’ll be the best mother, y/n! congratulations you two! ❤️ couldn’t have asked for a better husband for my dear sister❤️
yourusername: i had plenty of practice with you and arthur🥹🥹 thank you, my cha🩷
lewishamilton: thank you! our child will be blessed to have you as their uncle 💙
arthur_leclerc: i will be turning baby leclerc-hamilton on my side tyvm
yourusername: 🙄🙄🙄🙄
username: arthur is 100% the chaotic uncle😭
username: AWHHHH
username: wait omg her dress??? his suit??? i just KNOW that was the wedding of the century
lorenzotl: félicitations! [congratulations] so happy for you, ma petite soeur [my little sister]❤️❤️
yourusername: merci, enzo🥹🥹
charlotte2304: we’re all so excited for baby hamilton-leclerc 🩷🩷 liked by yourusername !
username: that baby is abt to be the most stylish baby oh my 😭😭😭
alexandrasaintmleux: prettiest mommy to be💘💘
yourusername: alexxxx🥹🥹🥹
leclerc_pascale: mon ange❤️❤️❤️you will be an amazing mother ❤️
yourusername: well i am learning from the best!❤️‍🩹🥹
username: i still can’t believe that y/n and lewis were married THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME😭
username: the timeline says that they went to the met 1 week after getting married they are so annoying aldkalxk
username: dad lewis or daddy lewis???
yourusername: ong that’s what i’ve been saying 🙄🙄
lewishamilton: oh!😄
yourusername: leave my hormones alone this is YOUR fault!!🤬🤬
lewishamilton: i’m so sorry, darling, it is my fault, do you want your latte and pastries when i get back??❤️😁
yourusername: yes plsssss💞💞😛😛💓💓
username: i need myself a lewis fr 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
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ghostfacd · 6 months
pairing. tom blyth x fem!actress!reader
summary. in which yn receives an unbelievable amount of hate, but she knows that if it were the other way around and she was a guy, they would praise her for being “the man”
installment of this au | read it for context!
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ynuser tsitp behind the scenes!! 💌 sean and chris thought it was soooo funny to carry me at random times (thanks guys! very steven and conrad of you) 🤨🤨
tagged @/sean.kauf, @/chrisbriney_, @/thesummeriturnedpretty
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user1 anyone lwk think she’s a slut lol
➥ user2 no bae you’re so right cus why is she letting 2 different guys carry her when she’s literally dating tom
➥ user1 LMAOO real shes so ungrateful, if tom was my bf, i wouldn’t be around other guys
➥ user3 it’s literally?? for?? her?? work?? are you guys deluded, hating on successful women is crazy
➥ user 4 last time I checked, working does not = to whoring yourself with other guys
sean.kauf not our fault you’re easy to carry miss ella fisher
chrisbriney_ fave part of working on set is carrying u and hearing u scream
➥ user5 EVILLL
user6 the way she isn’t even replying to her cast mates are crazy, wake up! you’re not that famous
➥ user7 tbosas being #1 for movies says otherwise but ok!
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tomblyth YN!!! My sweet, funny, and incredibly talented girl, congratulations for all you have accomplished. It’s been so much fun with you on the set of TBOSAS, and it’s been absolutely even more endearing to sit behind the scenes and watch you act for TSITP!! Ella Fisher is my favorite Fisher anyways :’)
tagged @/ynuser
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ynuser TOM!! I love you.
➥ user8 only 4 words? oh she hates him 😭
➥ user9 when you would die for tom blyth to post you but y/n avocot doesn’t gaf when he posts her
➥ user10 literally not true? i’m sure she just doesn’t wanna put everything online, we can all tell that she loves him
rachelzegler you guys are the cutest!
➥ user11 is yn holding you hostage??
sean.kauf always love having you on set man
➥ user12 yn’s bf vs yn’s side guy LOL
➥ user13 knock it off, i bet tom wouldn’t like his “fans” disrespecting his gf and her cast members
user14 she never posts him istg this is so one sided
user15 she’s lucky she’s pretty cause she can’t act or sing for the life of her
➥ user16 not even pretty LOLLL
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ynuser since everyone thinks i’m so ungrateful, TOM!!! Thank you for always being there for me and comforting me when i’m sad. You’re my best friend and the best boyfriend I could ask for. I love you my love.
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user17 LMAOO yn called y’all out!
tomblyth i love you in every universe, the haters are LAMEEE!!
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VOGUE New Interview And Photo Shoot With New Star Y/N Avocot OUT NOW! The New Actress And Rising Music Star Shares Her Recent Favorite Song — “The Man” By Taylor Swift!
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user19 the man by taylor oml she’s going through it
user20 idk how anyone could hate her, she’s so sweet and gorgeous
user21 miserable ppl on the internet after hating on a girl for no reason other than that she’s close to her cast members
ynuser thank you for having me Vogue!
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ynuser if i was a man, then’d i’d be the man!
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tomblyth hell ya u would
sean.kauf queen i miss u, come back to film szn 2
➥ bellyconklinsgf WAIT SZN 2???
➥ sean.kauf oh shit..
user22 so she replies to sean but not tom?? 🤡
user24 i love to see successful women not letting haters tear them down
user25 we love you yn!!!
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atyourmerci · 3 months
⌘ enough for now ⌘
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⌘ ⌘
Summary: You’re left in the WLF interrogation room to be punished when you meet your attacker, the girl you can’t stand and one of her groupies.
Warnings: smut, MDNI, !!VERY DARK MATERIAL!! Talks of death/dying & pain but nothing inflicted, dark!abby, dom!abby, sub!reader, slight dubcon but there is verbal consent given, reader is a cuck (i don’t wanna hear it), knife play, spanking, degradation, praise, bondage, fingering, strap (not used on reader), no use of y/n, no physical description of reader, plot twist?? Idk either
A/N: soooo…hey. This has been sittin for a minute in the drafts. This is actually the first abby fic I ever wrote and I thought it might be a little much. Everyone can thank @littlegingerperson5 bc she encouraged me to share<333 I just want to give one more warning, this fic IS NOT FOR EVERYONE! it’s quite dark esp in the beginning. Just protect your peace and enter if you dare. Okay I love ya, enjoy this utter disgrace of literature. 
Your eyes flutter open to a dark room, your head is pounding, body weak. The only thing you can make out was the ceiling lamp hanging over an old wooden desk. You attempt to touch the drip on your forehead when you realize your arms are bound to ropes hoisted from above you. You pull on the scratchy ropes to no avail, your body was too weak to fight.
You groan at the pain growing in your arms, there’s no telling how long you had been here for, days, hours, weeks maybe. As your memory starts to flood back in, the prison had not been as foreign as when you once woke. This was the WLF interrogation room. Most people never made it out of it alive, but you still couldn’t come to understand why they had brought you here, you were apart of them.
A guttural scream escapes you once more, the newfound motion caused your head wound to trail blood down your cheek. Before you can make your second attempt at freeing yourself there’s a rustling at the door, you watch as two figures make their way in, one much larger than the other. You blink repeatedly as they make their way closer, still foggy from previous impact.
When the figures make their way to the lit desk you make out your captures, Abby Anderson and Jill Meyers, one of the many girls that threw themselves onto Abigail at any chance she might fuck them. You had never returned the same sentiment, you despised her, she was arrogant, selfish, and got anything she wanted from women or the WLF. She hated you just as much, probably since you refused to beg for her to simply give you the honor of touching you.
“Abby what the fuck is this,” you bark with gritted teeth. Abby stands smugly with her large biceps crossed, smirking at your position, “awhh did you think you’d just get off the hook for running off on mission like that,” Jill snickers at Abby’s snarky remark. Your memories start rolling back before you can respond. “I just got lucky enough having the honor to… fix your behavior,” Abby says almost pouting, digging into you.
You can’t understand what to be angrier about, the fact that the WLF sent Abby here to reprimand you or that fact that she brought the little bitch Jill with her. Your face turns to Jill that plays with her long brunette hair, twirling it around her fingers, inching her crotch into Abby’s thigh like a gloried toddler with tits. “What’s the need for your slut of the night? Cant trust you wont touch me before you kill me?” You jab at Jill but remain in eye contact with Abby with every word.
“Watch it bitch! Jus’ mad she doesn’t want you,” Jill says grabbing onto Abby’s arm, bulging with veins as she begins heating up. “Don’t worry Jill she’s all yours…and every other girl in the next 15 mile radius,” you say with a light giggle. Abby never takes her eyes from you, her breath growing heavier with anger, “will you shut the fuck up already,” Abby barks.
With no denial of your statement Jill hits Abby’s arm with a scoff, “can we just kill her now, take me back to your room, I need you abs,” Jill cocks into lust as if I wasn’t listening, I guess it didn’t matter if I wouldn’t live to tell the story. Abby’s eyes remaining on your beaten body, covered in only ratty panties and a cut up tank top that barely covered your midriff. Her eyes clung to you, making her way up and down your revealed body with her eyes making you shutter. You were always attracted to the brute woman but shoved it far back into your mind once she opened her fucking mouth.
“Get on the table,” Abby demands not moving an inch. “What?” Jill says confused, probably unsure of who Abby is even talking to since her eyes remain on you but sensing you are bound at the wrist... could she have at least brought a whore with at a few brain cells to torture you. “Get on the fucking table Jill,” her eyes finally fall to Jill, picking her up with ease and throwing her on the old wooden desk, Jill gasps at the suddenness.
Within seconds Abby rips down Jill’s pants and panties in one foul swoop, then trails her hands up to her blouse to bring it up above her breast. Jill taken aback from Abby’s manhandling throws her head back in pleasure, moaning out and gripping into the blonde’s head. Abby advances her open mouth onto the girls’ cunt, lapping her tongue at her slit. “God, are you fucking serious!” You say in disgust, ignoring the way your thoughts roam to how good she looked taking control of Jills body effortlessly.
Abby grins up at you, tongue still deep into Jill, she lets out a huff of satisfaction. Jill was so pleased she gave no attention to how Abby glared at your body as she ate her out. She was enjoying this, watching your arms aimlessly tug at your restraints while Jill was sprawled out whorishly for her use.
You couldn’t help the aching pain that now grew in between your legs, begging for attention. Abby moves her head up from the girl’s cunt into a standing position and begins drilling her pointer and ring finger into her sopping folds. She looks up into your eyes, head slightly cocked upwards, slick wet on her chin with parted lips. A reluctant whimper escapes your mouth at her gaze. Your response causes Abby to grip her free hand onto the edge of the desk, licking her lips pleased.
Your body becomes restless, squirming around in your restraints, you bite into your bottom lip for some type of release. “God you’re such a whore,” Abby directs to you with a smug look, Jill moans out in the assumption its for her since the blonde continued to beat into her cunt. Another moan escapes from your mouth at her words, muffled enough by Jills screams.
Abby suddenly shifts her direction and rips her fingers out of Jill, instantly shoving them into the girl’s mouth. Once Jill had sucked the slick from Abby’s thick fingers, she trailed her fingers to her belt unbuckling it herself. “Get on your knees,” She demands, which Jill eagerly agrees to dropping herself onto the floor.
Abby unsheathes her long black strap, veins trailing up it, the sight causes you to gawk. Abby takes notice of your gaping mouth and shoots you a pleased smirk while grappling the brunette’s hair roughly, shoving her cock into her mouth suddenly.
The ache growing in your pussy begs for release, you grip them tightly to create friction that sends your head back in pleasure, whimpers flowing out of your needy throat. A trail of slick begins trailing down your dirty thighs. “Not even touching you and your cunt’s that wet, s’fucking pathetic,” she says huskily. Your eyes are directed back to her, watching her biceps flex in Jill’s hair as she fucks into her mouth. You hear Jill begin to gag on Abby’s length as she relentless drills into her, like nothing would be enough to fulfill her needs. “Abby-“Jill muffles out in chokes in attempt to regain her attention.
Whimpers continue to spew out as you eagerly rub your thighs needing her touch. “Needy little slut, aren’t you?” Abby growls at you, ignoring Jills gags. “Abby, it hurts!” Jill blurts out ultimately regaining breath. Abby finally directs her attention down to the fucked-out brunette, “what is your fucking problem?” Abby says gripping her neck with her strong hand, now hovering over her. “C-can you just fuck me,” Jill says meekly under her grasp.
“You’re pissing me off, go back to the room ill deal with you later,” she unleashes her grasp on Jill. She scoffs at Abby’s dismissal as she pulls up her pants, throwing her blouse back on in an exaggerated sigh and huffing her way out like a spoiled brat. Abby had treated her like shit, but your pussy begged for her sole attention.
As the door slams shut Abby makes her way to your hanging body, cunt throbbing with slick. She begins circling around you slowly, “and what am I going to do with you huh?” she parks her body in front of you, inches away from your sweaty face. “Pathetic little girl, dripping down your thighs watching me fuck Jill,” her breath so close causes the hair on your body to spike.
Without warning she lays a slap onto your pulsing cunt that makes you yelp. She rubs your clothed pussy before laying another smack onto it, this time causing a pleasurable moan to discharge. “Abby please-” you beg her with weary eyes. “No… you don’t get to rush this,” she says with no remorse.
Her eyes are dark. Pitch fucking black. Like something had taken over her that you’ve never seen. Sure, you’ve seen her kill people with her bare hands, ripping people open at the tips of her fingers, but she had never seemed this menacing, this deranged. You looked like her next victim, and maybe you were ready for that, as long as she showed you a blissful summit before tearing your throat out.
She begins to pace around you again, slower, inching her eyes up your body, completely at her disposal. Trailing her fingertips gently down like she was deciding where she wanted you first, where she could inflict pain first that would keep you alive long enough for her full amusement. If you died too quickly that wouldn’t be fun for her, would it?
“wh-what are you going to do to me,” you barely mutter out as she’s behind you. You can’t see her, but you feel her gaze, the heat of her piercing into your skin without the need to even feel her. She doesn’t respond at first, enjoying the sight of you squirming under her touch-less gaze. The only noise in the room was the enthralled whimpers that couldn’t seem to be held back- until it was penetrated by the merciless breathy laugh from your capture.
You froze when that breathe was so close to the shell of your ear that it sent goosebumps flying down your figure, “I just want to play with you.” You bite your lip to hold back any reaction, but it couldn’t stop the subconscious tightening of your thighs in search of release.
And she saw it.
She began agonizingly dragging her calloused fingers up the tops of your thighs, inching towards your clothed core, still breathing deeply in your ear. Your legs were shaking restlessly, growing tired of pressing so harshly. “That’s what you want, hmm?” she taunts, as her fingers roam, catching the hem of your panties but never allowing you the satisfaction of pleasure.
“You want to get played with, like a toy? That’s what you want.” She answers the question for you, as you didn’t give her any sense of a verbal response.
“You don’t play nice with others,” bitchy response, but you were hoping she’d get on with punishing you for it. Any touch would be better than this, the lack of her. Her large hand darts to your core, handling you in her grasp, the suddenness mixed with the intensity sent your body flying back into her chest as she stabilized your body with her free hand gripped onto your breast, her fingers pinching at your hardened bud. She was so fucking close now, the heat of her transferring into your skin.
“Never said I did.” Her breath had increased in speed, just as affected by having you in this way. There were no words that could formulate as you both heaved, your body subconsciously grinding into her hand as a groan rang in your ear, finally allowing herself to inform you how badly she needed this, needed you, even if she didn’t want to admit it.
After aimlessly grinding into her hand, she finally began to pulse the edge of her palm start into your swollen clit, eliciting a guttural moan from your throat. As your moans quickened, her speed did as well. She pushed her body further into you, like she needed to be as close as she could get.
“Do you want this?” she says in almost a whisper, barely heard over the desperation in your voice. Your eyes dart open with her sentiment, a branch, an exit door, a way out. You should say no, tell her to stop fucking with you and get it over with, put an end to your suffering.
“Y-yes,” blurts out, you didn’t command the response rather your body spoke for you.
Her hand rips out of its grip on your pulsing cunt that provokes a whine of neediness from you. You feel her reach from behind her, and a click of a switchblade unclasping from the safety of its cover.
The hand adorned to your red bud darts back down to your panties, she hooks her fingers under and pulls them up harshly as she uses her other hand to slice them clean off your body, falling to your feet on the cold floor. A relieved breath falls from your throat. Her free hand now meets the back of your neck to stabilize you so she can watch you from below her.
She begins dragging the sharp tip of the blade from the bottom of your lip down, achingly slow, any sudden movement risking the consequences of penetrating your skin. She gets to your navel when she realizes your stillness, your strategy to walk out of here with no other wounds that you possibly came in with.
She lets out a smug sigh at your determination while she circles your stomach with the tip, “tell me why I shouldn’t mark that pretty tummy right now.” Your breath hitches, eyes widening. “I-I,” you attempt to muster up any plea for your life to no avail. At your pathetic attempt she tightens her grip on your neck, bringing your ear closer to her lips, “give me one reason.”
All morals leave you, the distain you had for the brute woman vanishing in mere seconds. “You fucking won okay…y- you have me. Fuck me like you fuck your whores.”
Pathetic? Absolutely. But a lie? No. Your body craved her, it always had, your mind wouldn’t let you have her. That’s when the tip began its decent down to the top of your cunt, inching down so close you’d accepted that you would get off on the simple touch of the shiny dagger on your swollen clit.
Your body tensed as the tip was so close to your clit if you would’ve breathed too harshly you could’ve done it yourself when you she darted her dagger clad palm above your head, slicing down the ropes holding you hostage.
Your body came tumbling down, crashing weakly onto the cold cement. While she had cut you loose the ropes still bound you at the wrist. She picked your body up gently, strangely kind, as if she was not here enforcing your demise. She carefully walked you to the wooden table, placing you where Jill had been, minutes, hours? ago. Time had left your senses with the connection to the wound now blood-dried on your forehead.
Your legs subconsciously opened for her, bottoms of your feet placed down on the cracked wood. She hovered over you, bringing her hands to either side of your face, closing in on you. For a moment she just watched you, a glimmer of almost curiosity in her eyes as you watched her.
Neither of you spoke, she was the one calling the shots but she just…looked at you, watched as you waited for her command, but it never came. She was frozen over your gaze.
“Kiss me.” You command her. It was a shot in the dark, a wild assumption, but you had to try.
A puzzled look contorts her face, “what?” It landed. She never kissed Jill, and definitely not you. She could kill, she could fuck, but she couldn’t handle the sense of connectedness, vulnerability.
“You know what I said,” you were getting head strong at this point, but you had already cracked her, the true light pooling over you wordlessly. “No.” She says in a breathy scoff, still unmoving from her stance, still frozen from after she placed you.
It was only long shot but your body made it for you, using the strength your elbows still had to hoist yourself up, so close to her face you could feel her breath falter above you. Her eyes trailing between your eyes and lips. “Kiss me.” You repeat yourself.
In seconds her walls break around her as her lips meet yours, hungry, unsatisfied, as if she never allowed herself the pleasure of true intimacy. One of her hands came up to cup your cheek as the other met the small of your back to support you while your arms are still bound at the wrist, in between your thighs uselessly.
Her hands only stray for a second to release your aching wrist, but her lips never left yours, she let herself have it, and now she couldn’t get enough. She would have Swallowed you whole if you would have let her.
As you were sat at the edge of the table, both of her hands met your back, pulling you as close as she could get to you. Your hands were finally able to touch the warmth of her, the scars that littered her skin, the lines and definition of her arms, the veins in her hands. You allowed yourself to roam every inch of her, while you gave her the time to indulge your mouth.
Her hand snaked from your back to your still throbbing core, only intensified by the withheld touch of her. When her calloused fingers met your clit for the first time your mouth gaped at the sensation of relief. Allowing her tongue to enter as you moaned out for her.
She couldn’t pace herself, rubbing quick circles around your puffy clit, your whimpers causing moans to slip out of her own mouth and into yours. Your legs were already shaking, nearing an early climax.
She brought you to the edge without letting you finish, moving her fingers down your slit, gliding easily with the pent up slick she had coaxed out of you. “Abby please-“
Her mouth still agape she begin to toy with your fluttering hole, “not yet,” she heaves out. She plunged her ring and middle finger deep inside you, groaning at the feeling of you pulsing around her.
“Fuck!” You scream out, latching onto her broad shoulders to stabilize yourself. “I know…I know,” she coos.
While her kisses came gently…her fingers did not. She drove them as deep as she could, making sure the palm of her hand left pressure on the swelling of your clit. Your body was giving out, you tried hold yourself up by digging your nails into her shoulders but in the state you were in, it wasn’t going to last much longer.
As your hands begun to waver, losing grip she lowered your back onto the table, never leaving your lips as she continued to stretch you out. You were finally ready to let go, give up complete control to your capture.
“A-abby I’m c-close I don’t-“ you began to breath out when she stops your pathetic attempts to warn her. “It’s okay pretty, cum on my fingers.”
Her words forced you to the edge, shaking under her while she watched you. As you rode out the bliss of your climax she continued to coax you through it with ‘there you go’ and ‘doing so good for me’. You were completely under her spell.
When she finally slowed the pace of her fingers, you lied there trying to regain your breath. Your body was completely spent, bruised, abused in more ways than one. You stared at her doe-eyed in adoration to your attacker. “Can I-“ you began to speak, seeking out the chance to return the sentiment, let her feel the same bliss she granted you.
She shook her head with finality. “That’s enough for now.”
Taglist: Taglist: @wishbones999 @bookpagecandlescent @littlegingerperson5 @lookforthelight1 @fict1onallyobsessed @littlemisslexapro55555
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rafeysbafey · 5 months
hiii, could i request reader pranking rafe/drew? Maybe telling rafe/drew that she got waxed by a guy or pretending to be on a call with a friend and telling her friend ways to cheat? It’s up to you, thank you soooo much!!
possessive!rafe(?), illusions to sex
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“babe, im home!” you announced entering the house, the door swinging shut as you kicked off your shoes.
you made your way into the kitchen where your boyfriend was preparing lunch, his eyes falling on you with a smile.
“how was it?” he asked, wiping his hands on a towel before coming over to wrap his arms around your waist, bending down to give you a sweet kiss on the lips.
“good! it didn��t hurt as much this time,” you responded, watching as he hummed before turning back to finish his lunch, a small smirk making its way on your face.
“he was really nice as well, gave me a discount-”
“pause-” rafe cut off, whipping his head around with wide eyes, almost as if he didn’t hear you the first time.
you pretended to act confused, slowly nodding as you shrugged your shoulders, “it was this new guy, but he did a good job.”
“y/n what the fuck- slow down-” he said, bringing his hand up to run through his hair before he let out a huff, “you let a guy wax you?”
“mhm,” you nodded, “what’s the big deal?”
his jaw dropped, completely flabbergasted at the way you were responding to all of this.
“he waxed your vagina!”
you nodded once again, keeping up the act of pretending to be confused as he stalked closer.
“you let another guy look at what’s mine?” he asked, voice low and breathing slow as he brought his hand up to hold the side of your face.
you could genuinely see the hurt in his eyes, deciding to stop the prank as you let out a small giggle, causing him to look at you in confusion.
“im just joking rafey,” you laughed, taking his free hand and holding it up to your lips to give his knuckles a kiss, “i had a girl do it, like it’s always been.”
“god woman,” he groaned, stepping away from you to run his hands over his face as you couldn’t help but giggled.
“you’re in for it now,” he said before taking you by the waist and hurling you over his shoulder, a squeal leaving your lips as he took you upstairs.
let’s just say, lunch was forgotten about.
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wandasverison · 4 months
Mind Games
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pairing: wanda maximoff x female reader
word count: 2.6k?
summary: gf!wanda maximoff; reader makes a joke about Wanda invading their mind while they have sex, Wanda takes it a little too seriously and y/n makes it up to her with apologies and a little seduction.
warnings: 18+, two second mommy kink, slight electrocution (if that’s even what you’d call it), smut for sure, oh yeah mind reading (major), mind altering? (slight? not really, just trippy Wanda powers)
a/n: like I’ve said I DONT WRITE so help me out pls n thank yewwwww, comments and criticism send it my way; I also put a random placeholder title in with the intention to change it so if it changes,,, sorry
“Since you’re already in my brain when we fuck…” you joke, glancing up at your girlfriend’s face.
And the reaction was not what you were expecting.
“Y/n, are you being serious right now?” Her previous smile has faded, eyebrows dropped in confusion, and the light that had just sparkled her eyes, begins to darken. In one shitty second, you’ve ruined the entire conversation.
“I- I didn’t mean it like that, it was a joke, you know, cuz… I, I just think, I kind of maybe thought-“
“What did you think? Better yet, what do you think of me, y/n?” Wanda scoots back, accustomed to people’s fear and intimidation of her powers, but you were different. From the day Tony brought you in, you’d shown loyalty to the program, and especially in her. Both of you had a sense of “uncontrollability” in your powers, causing your teammates to occasionally get alarmed. This bonded you two like no one else, until one day when you gave up and kissed her.
“Wanda, I’m sorry,” allowing her to keep the distance, but staring into green eyes, you truthfully whisper, “I don’t think anything negatively of you, I trust you more than anyone I’ll ever know. So to me it’s not an invasion of space, but I’m so sorry to ever make you feel like you’re-”
“A mind voyeur? Y/n, you know how I feel about consent and using my powers for…”
“I know! I know!” This time you inch closer, daring to place your hands in her lap. “You’re just…soo…soooo good, I didn’t know if it was all this,” your hands slowly crawl from her thighs, up to her waist, shoulders, then finally landing on her temples, “or if you just had a little bit of help. There’s just no way you know my body that well, is there?” You place a kiss on her forehead, knowing what this is doing to her.
Wanda attempts to hide the tremble her body lets out as your lips part from her skin, but you notice it all too well and decide to take things up just a notch. Slipping onto her lap, you straddle her on the couch in the Avengers compound living room.
“Y/n, what the hell are you doing?” Her voice is low, but you can hear the slight rasp in tone.
You begin attacking her neck with small, delicate kisses before speaking, “I trust you Wands and I love you so much,” another kiss, “don’t you want to know how much I love you?” and one on the jawline, “Aren’t you just a little tempted to hear all of the things I think about-” and the last one, right under her ear, “while you fuck me?”
Wanda grabs ahold of your waist, involuntarily grinding into you before collecting herself. “Hey, I thought you already were telling me everything?” Her head tilts and she gives you a warning smirk.
But you’re not allowing her to regain composure so easily, so you play the brat card. “I was, but I guess I’ll be silent from now on,” a fake pout.
She smirks at your mischievous nature and tests your words, snaking her hands up your sides. They sneak under your shirt and the feeling of her warm digits against your bare skin drives you mad. You stay strong in holding silent, even when her fingertips graze past your chest for what feels like a millisecond. Though you manage to stay quiet, you’re quivering and shuddering with each swift movement of her fingertips. Every part of you she touches leaves a trail of goosebumps and leaves you in an even more soiled state than before.
Suddenly, she stops and you’re brought back to your senses, panting and groaning on top of her, “you’re an asshole,” the joke is obvious considering your small argument before. An argument that may change our entire sex lives.
“And you kept your word!” Wanda removes her hands from beneath your tee as you grin and nod at her, almost genuinely proud of your own self.
“Then it looks like I’ll need to get inside your mind, huh?” Your smile fades as the realization of the situation dawns on you. If you could see yourself, you were sure your eyes had turned black with lust, but everything happened so quick there was no time to care.
“We’re not doing this here,” Wanda quickly bolts up from the couch, with you still gracefully in her lap, and whisks the two of you away to your shared room down the hall. Before you even know it, she’s on all fours above you and you’re pressed into the sheets of the bed.
“Tell me you want this,” once again, lustful hands are tracing the sways and curves of your body. Occasionally she plants a kiss, some harder than others, sometimes she bites and sucks, marking you as hers.
Your head rocks back and you let your mind run wild. Please, please, please, Wanda. I’m yours, mark me everywhere. I’m only yours. Take over me.
You know she’s begun making her way into your brain because that last remark causes her to stop in her tracks. “Y/n?”
When your eyes meet, you pray she’s still there— my mind is yours Wanda. You can do anything you want with me, I just want you.
The red instantly washes any reminiscence of green from her eyes and you let out a salacious moan at the sight.
Wanda crawls up for the most lustful kiss she’s quite possibly ever given you. Her tongue doesn’t bother ask for entrance as it swirls around to find yours. The two of you can’t seem to find a sweet spot to place your hands, traveling up and down both of your sides, every now and then one of you reaches up and grabs a fistful of the other’s hair, eliciting numerous whimpers. Mainly from you.
“Fuck—” you accidentally let out between kissing. Feeling her smirk against your lips you try this mind reading thing again. Fuck. Me. Wands.
A small growl chokes out of Wanda. You like this? You think as you stare at her again, the eyes turning you on more and more by each second. You like hearing my disgusting, dirty thoughts Wanda? You’re normally not this vulgar, or this submissive but you can see what it’s doing to her, which drives you insane.
Your obscenity was obviously making Wanda frantic. You’d never seen her eyes this red before. Sometimes they would tint when she came in the past, but now they were fully glowing scarlet red with no green in sight. You were sure to be soaked.
“Let’s check that, shall we?” She grinned. To your surprise, but not disappointment, she’d gotten into your subconscious thoughts. Fuck, every part of you felt exposed and in the best way.
“You don’t know this yet detka, but you’re going to like this very much,” she whispers in your ear before pinning your hands above your head. When you glance down you see small red particles dance over the tips of her fingers. “It’s not going to hurt—” she reassures your initial fear of the unknown, before her smile fades into lust and she continues, “it’s not going to hurt… at the beginning.”
Her tone and newly found dominance destroys any sense of stability you thought you had. You and Wanda have had sex before, numerous times actually, but you’d both been too nervous to show each other these, rawer sides.
She stays true to her word and starts slow. You’re both incredibly carnal, but this is still very new.
She places a kiss down on your chest, then in the exact spot you feel a slight shock. Again, a kiss that is soon replaced with a jolt. Another, this time lowering toward your waistline. Wanda annoyingly tugs at your pants and it takes you less than a second to have them off. The red eyes make contact with yours, “why don’t you just get rid of everything, baby.”
After nodding, you quickly remove the rest of your clothing articles, revealing yourself completely for her.
You’re an absolute mess underneath Wanda, whimpering and quivering as she stares down at your nude and utterly revealed self. Please, Wanda. Keep going. Harder this time.
“God, y/n—“ she moans and resumes absolutely toying with you, giving you an overwhelming mixture of kisses and shocks in between speaking. “I knew you’d like it but I didn’t realize how much I would…” she purrs and turns it up a notch, the jolts getting stronger and more aggressive with each sloppy kiss.
She trails her hand down so delicately toward where you’ve been begging. A harsh shock between your legs forces out a moan so loud you’re worried someone might have heard. Wanda immediately covers your mouth, “sorry, I could have known that was coming,” but it’s obvious she isn’t sorry as she jolts you again, even harder. Thankfully, her opposing hand is there to cover your mouth and any noise gets suppressed behind the woman’s digits.
She’s completely invaded your mind. She knows exactly what you like. All of your horrible, dirty secrets and thoughts and you can’t help but moan again at the thought. If you thought she knew you before, fuck, did she know you now.
“You’re mine, yes?” Her eyes bore into yours and the devilish grin almost sends you over the edge. You’re near done for and she hasn’t even touched you anywhere significant yet.
Struggling to get the words out over your trembling state and her nearly muzzling you, she removes her left hand, allowing you a quick moment of recollection. Her right hand traces up your body so slow it’s near torturous, “shh, patience detka.” You nearly pass out when she gets to your chest and slowly traces around your nipple. She teases it harshly for a minute, before continuing up your collarbone, to your neck and finally she rests her hand on your chin. Her eyes start to glow harder when she takes her hand and traces your lips with her fingertips. For a moment you keep your lips pursed shut, but when you look up at her you slowly drop your jaw and she slips two fingers inside.
“That’s it detka, suck. Such a good girl,” Wanda praises your efforts in lubricating her digits, allowing you to showcase skills you don’t normally use. The sight made her dizzy and she did everything in her power to apply the patience lesson to herself, instead of just taking you right then and there.
Because you were absolutely begging. She could hear it and feel it. Wanda’s powers were doing more than she even knew were possible, which is why she avoided using them in sexual circumstances. Her irrational fear that they would get out of hand.
But this was more than okay, she could hear you pleading to be filled, your moans enveloped Wanda’s mind like you were the one with magical powers. She could feel exactly where you wanted to be touched, each and every spot. But what burned the most was the feeling in her own core, which had to be the replication of what you were feeling and she notices she’s been teasing you long enough now.
She pulls her fingers from your mouth and for a second you’re disappointed. You knew she couldn’t feel it, but you’d got so caught up, it felt as if you were pleasing her. “Don’t be upset y/n, I liked it just as much as you, I just want to put these somewhere else. I think we’ll both still enjoy it.”
Though her fingers go absent from your mouth, they’re replaced by her tongue as her left hand pulls you in for second kiss. The right makes its way to your folds, slowly teasing your overly sensitive area. You’re absolutely drowning in the kiss when Wanda slowly pushes her fingers toward your entrance.
Please, please, please.
“Out. Loud.” She commands through the lustful kisses.
“P-pu-ple-“ she grazes slightly over your clit, “fuCK! Wanda,” she knows she’ll ruin you with teasing. “Fuck me. Please. I need you now Wands.”
The slight movements quickly turn into swift back and forth flicks. “Are you sure?” She questions blankly, clearly toying with you.
“God, Wanda,” trying to regain any composure, “Yes, I’ve been begging, what else do you want from me?” You manage to get out.
“I want you to finally address me how you’ve been wanting to,” she picks up her pace and your hips start to move along with her fingertips.
At first you’re truthfully confused. But it may not be confusion, your brain is actually just clouded with lust. It takes only 5 seconds of Wanda playing with your clit for you to realize what she’s talking about.
“Don’t be embarrassed detka, it’s quite sexy. I’m rather upset you haven’t told me sooner”
You know of no other way to say it than in the smallest, neediest whimper you can muster, “please fuck me mommy.”
She smiles, “such a good girl,” and her two fingers drop from your clit to your entry. “Look at me,” she orders and you comply, getting completely lost in the crimson orbs. They flash once as her fingers dive inside you, eliciting lewd moans from both parties.
“God, y/n, you’re so fucking wet,” she starts slow, pumping in and out, knowing the pace destroys you, she mocks, “oh detka, you want more?”
You don’t just want more, you need more and Wanda gives just that and then some. She picks up the tempo and curls her fingertips, delicately tormenting your lower half.
Your hands grasp and pull at locks of her hair. The harder the tug, the deeper her digits descend inside you. A panting mess beneath her, Wanda locks lips with yours once again. This time it nearly takes your breath away.
She continues the rapid pace and feeling your heart rate heighten, ends the kiss for just a second to instruct, “cum for mommy, y/n.”
“Shit—” you can’t help the profanities slipping from your lips as she places hungry kisses down your jawline, “—fuck Wanda, I’m…”
“You don’t think I know?” she finds a spot and bites down unexpectedly hard, eliciting a carnal cry from you. “Now, do as you’re told, love, you’re already getting so tight for me.”
For a second you’ve forgotten that she’s been in your mind this entire time. She knows exactly where each and all of your sweet spots are and is manipulating every single one to the highest extent. Your girlfriend, who never wanted to use her powers for this was now playing and fucking with your every sense. You. Loved. It.
And just like that the orgasm completely enveloped you. Grinding and riding against her fingers, you couldn’t begin to think about who may have been hearing your jumbled whimpers, as you no longer had any control. Your incoherent string of murmurs soon were drowned out as she leans into you, your mouth finding its way into the crook of her neck. Biting down gently, she doesn’t slow her pace as she lets you ride out your orgasm and you almost come again when her hair falls over your face. You knew the Ambrette 9 smell anywhere, it was her favorite and you’ve been enamored with it ever since she walked into the boardroom and was seated next to you on a mission briefing. The smell intoxicated you the whole damn time.
“Didn’t know you’ve been into me since day one,” she giggles and gently removes the two fingers from you, drawing out yet another moan. Her hand draws slowly to her lips, where she licks you clean off her fingers.
“Quit!” Playfully pushing her hand away, “Maybe you should have just gone in my head the first day we met, huh?”
Wanda snickers at your remark and pulls the covers over the two of you, then pulls you in for a loving embrace.
“Glad I didn’t… I wouldn’t have been able to be in the same room with you and those naughty thoughts.”
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renren-006 · 29 days
Over The Years- Daryl x Fem Reader
plot: being in love with daryl through the years but he’s clueless
word count: 2639
a/n: hey! i love that you guys have been eating up my Daryl Fics soooo heres another one. this took me sooo long to write so oi hope you enjoy!!
taglist: @rosecentury
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Atlanta - 1:
"you've been staring at him all day, y/n," Lori said, coming to your side. You were standing by the van, 'helping Dale,' watching Daryl do whatever he was doing in his little area. You offered to help, but the man shooed you off.
"I'm not," you told her; she gave you the mom look she gave Carl, making you cave. "okay, so what if I am?"
"Just be careful, hunny," she told you, "he's not the type to realize his or your feelings."
"I know," you told Lori. This wasn't the first of these conversations, but it was the last time someone told you to be careful.
Atlanta - 2:
"If yer trying to fish here, yer in the wrong spot," Daryl said as he came up behind you on a rock, trying to catch fish or just waste the day away.
"I figured," you told him, hitting the empty bucket you had. "I'm just…"
"Tryna' not to be bored?" He asked you. You nodded.
"You want to know how ta' catch fish?" he asked; you smiled and nodded, reeling the cast in and handing him the pol, following him to a different spot and spending the rest of the afternoon taking tips from him on fishing. If someone asked you what you learned, you could only tell them that Daryl's eyes looked almost green in the sunlight.
Farm - 1:
you saw him take his stuff and walk off; he hiked over weeds to his area a yelling distance away. Carol watched you watch the man walking away from the group's solidarity.
"he's stubborn," she commented; you nodded. You faced her, to see she was already watching you. "he's stubborn with his feelings too."
"I know. I know both those things," you told Carol; she nodded. She walked off after patting your back, knowing you knew the unsaid things in the air. You continued working around the group, keeping watch, cooking dinner, and helping with the Greene family. Maggie became a close friend of yours through the days on the farm.
Farm - 2:
"Hey," you said as you stood in the doorway. Daryl glanced up from bed, his shirt half on over his bandages.
"Hey," he said, not responding more to you entering his room.
"Just wanted to check on you."
"Dont need ya to," Daryl said, trying to hide from you more and more. You stood in the doorway still, knowing entering wouldn't go well.
"I didn't ask if you did," you told him. "I'm in the kitchen; shout if you want anything."
Part of you wanted to give more care to him, show him you cared, but you knew him well enough to know he didn't need that from you. He nodded his head at you, and you closed the door again. Then, he walked down back to the kitchen to help Maggie with lunch.
Farm - 3:
"Ya need help," Daryl asked. You were trying to get a sheet of wood up on the window to nail it shit, but you only had two hands. He came up and grabbed the wood from you, holding it up for you
"Thank you," you told him, and he grunted back at you. You finished up nailing in the panels with his help.
"You need any help?"
"Nah, I got it," he said, leaving after helping you. Things were still the same between the two of you, you thought. Daryl, however, couldn't see how he was growing to care for you.
On the road:
You never planned on getting hurt, but it just happened. You, Daryl, Glenn, and Maggie were off in a group scouting a building you had seen. Rick had made the five of you go to keep an eye on each other and get as much stuff as possible. You walked in first, knife in hand, Glenn close behind with a flashlight. Maggie and Daryl took the rear, much to Daryl's dismay.
Once you were all inside the building, you realized this used to be a Military compound, a small one, but it still had some things left inside. There was an airfield outside, probably a small compound not used for much. Once you split off from everyone, you wandered around the shelving units, finding some rations. When you didn't see the ceiling being held up by one of the shelving units and when you accidentally bumped into it, part of the roof came falling down. You yelled as part of it fell on top of you, crushing your ankle. Daryl was the first person over to you, rushing to see what was wrong.
"The roof! I didn't see," you said, grinding your teeth. Daryl stood there, eyes wide at seeing you on the floor with half the ceiling on your leg. "Daryl!" you practically yelled at him. The shock of you yelling shocked him out of his daze, and he rushed to lift the wood off your leg. Glen and Maggie rushed over soon after seeing the aftermath of the roof collapse and Daryl lifting it off you.
"What happened?" Maggie asked as she picked me up. I hobbled a bit, yelping when I put my left leg down. "Shit"
"The roof...I didn't see that it was falling, and the shelves were holding it up," you said, "I think I fucked up my ankle."
"How could ya not look?" Darly said angrily, "Now ya hurt and.."
"Hey, it's fine, Daryl. She didn't know. This could have happened to any of us," Glenn defended. "Let's look for crutches; they have to have some here. After you look around, you find some crammed in the back of a closet and leave the building. Daryl hung back with you while you were trying to walk.
"I shouldenta' yelled," Daryl said, breaking your silence. You nodded, knowing he was only trying to look after you.
"It's okay."
"Nah, it's not," he told you, stopping you from walking any further "Sorry"
"It's okay, Daryl, really. I was stupid anyway."
"Nah, coulda' happened to anyone," he said. During the rest of the walk, you had a small smile, and Daryl had a hand on your back guiding you. He didn't want you to fall again, let alone on his watch.
The prison setting took everyone a while to settle into it; Daryl, however, took to it really fast, moving into one of the guard towers. You desperately wanted to be near him again, not only because you knew how you felt but also because he was the only person you felt truly safe around. You watched him go back to that guard station every night after dinner just outside the cell block. You turned back into your bunk at the end of the hall, far from everyone and enough privacy that you felt calm. Carol already knew about your affection for the archer and tried many times to get the two of you to sit next to each other. You moved, always, leaving the spot open for Glenn to take and talk Daryl's ear off about whatever he had found on a run that day. You took your spot next to Maggie, who silently let you watch the archer with no complaints.
That was months ago.
"Why don't you join us on the run tomorrow?" Maggie asked you, "We need to find stuff for Judith."
"Yes, I'll come."
"No, ya won't," Daryl said, walking up behind the two of you outside.
"Daryl, I'm fine. I'm going."
"Then I'm coming'" He said, glaring daggers at the two of you and going to get his bike ready.
"Ass," you muttered to him as he walked away; he didn't seem to hear you.
"He cares," Maggie said as you grabbed the bags by the upper gate. You signed, you knew that but for some reason, he had distanced himself, or maybe you had
"Whatever," you said and made your way down the path. The pickup truck was made for two, and Daryl knew that.
"Hop on," he said, riding up to you. You looked at him, and it seemed like he knew you wanted him there. You climbed on behind him and headed out with the others. The ride was quiet, but it spoke enough about the two of you that no words needed to be spoken.
Daryl and you scouted a house; all was quiet between you two. You found an unopened can of peanut butter and showed it to him, he smiled over at you.
"Who knew we'd find it," he told you, taking it from your hands.
"Guess you're my good luck charm," you told him, grabbing the can back and putting it in your bag. When you glanced back, he was looking at you. "Daryl?"
"Nah, it's nothin'," he said, snapping out of his daze. "I'm looking upstairs," he said, moving away from you and up to the tip floor. You continued rummaging through the downstairs before heading out to the porch and waiting for Daryl.
Daryl didn't get jealous. You had never seen him that way. It was early in the morning, everyone was outside, and you were helping Carol with the food prep. One of the guys from the town you saved had a very obvious thing for you. He was younger than you, but it didn't bother him. He made a move that morning in Daryl's direct eyesight. He had come over, taking your ear off, and then he got close, trying to grab or touch you. You had stepped away, trying to tell him that you didn't see him like that and that he needed to give you space. He didn't listen. Daryl barged over and tugged the guy back from you.
"Didn't ya hear? She said to back off," Daryl said, putting himself between him and you.
"Oh, shit! Hi Daryl!" the guy said, unaware that Daryl could rip this guy to shreds. You put your hand on his bicep, feeling it flex under your touch.
"I'm fine," you told him calmly. He looked back at you, seeing that you were relieved he stopped in but worried he would rip the guy to shreds.
"Good," he said, pushing the guy back, "don't ya go near her again," the guy nodded, running off, getting the message.
On the run:
You were with Daryl and Beth, wandering around the unfamiliar world. It was a miracle that you found Beth during the invasion and even more so that Daryl made a B-line for you. When the three of you started on your journey, it was slow. Daryl watched for the two of you Until Beth was taken in the night.
"Beth!" you yelled, "Beth!"
"C'mon," Daryl said, tugging you back from the road and away from the walker's grouping. "Well, find her."
You walked after that car for miles until your feet couldn't take it, and you collapsed. Daryl wanted to drop beside you, but he couldn't.
That was when the real test of being back out in the world came. These men that Daryl didn't want to join but did anyway made your skin crawl. The way they looked at you, the way they wanted you, it made you sick. Daryl quickly understood the rules, realizing I got no say in anything in this group and was merely seen as an item for the taking.
"She's mine," He said, causing the boys upfront to look back at the two of you. You were behind Daryl, per his request. "Aint no one touching her."
"Boss! He can't do that," one yelled.
"Rules are rules," the boss said, "She's his."
Still didn't stop looking or not sleeping. Daryl noticed it; of course, he did.
There was one man both of you knew who didn't care about the rules. One night in particular proved this to Daryl and the rest of the men. He had left you no longer than a few minutes in a different direction than you out in the woods when the man sprung on you. You tried to grab your knife, but he was already prepared to stop you. You were helpless as he tried to get his way with you.
"Don't scream now," he said, with his hand over your mouth, suppressing any screams you tried to get out. You started hitting him, making him yell back in pain from it. "Crazy bitch” he said, slapping you.
"Daryl!" you yelled, scrambling to get up. The man behind you grabbed your leg, making you fall to the ground. "Daryl!" you screamed again, knowing that was your last attempt at calling for the archer. Your breath was completely knocked out of you. You heard fast-moving, crunching footsteps as the man tried to turn you over, and then, nothing. You turned, seeing an arrow between his eyes and the man falling back. You scrambled away, trying to catch your breath as Daryl jumped to hold you.
"I'm sorry," he said into your hair as you held onto him, too shoved to say a word. The world became quiet in his arms.
On the run:
The road to salvation was long. The group had been walking for days; hope was dwindling. You lagged, not having much energy for things anymore. Daryl is always stuck by your side, never leaving the comfort of your space. He had been quiet for a while, keeping his thoughts locked away. You stopped walking, alerting Daryl but not the others.
"Hey?" he asked, looking back at you and watching him.
"somethings wrong with you, and you won't tell me," you told him, matter a fact. "I know there is."
'aint nothin'"
"Nothing? Really? You haven't left my side since the…¦," you said, drifting off, not wanting to mention the near attack you had. "Since you know when I feel like I can't breathe without you worrying."
"What is wrong?" you pressed; Maggie had seen that you had stopped and told the others to slow the pace a bit. You knew she probably understood that what was happening with the two of you needed to be talked about away from the group, so she kept them moving slowly. "I can't stand to see ya hurt anymore," he told me, knowing somethin' was on his mind. "I can't stand thinkin' somethin' happen if i leave ya"
"Daryl, that's not your responsibility," you said.
"maybe it should be," Daryl said.
"I care about you a lot" he said, looking down, "I love ya"
The world stopped when he said those words, something he had never even said to Carol or Rick, ever or often. You took his hands in yours, making him look at you.
"I have loved you since we were on that mountain in Atlanta," you told him, "I have always loved you."
"ya have?"
"How could I not, Daryl?" you said; he smiled a bit, something you had not seen in a very long time.
"You my woman now," he told you, "you've been mine since I told those men you were."
"I'll always be yours; you never have to worry about that."
Alexandria: (years later)
"How long have I been an idiot?" Daryl asked Carol. They were both lounging on the porch in Alexandria, watching you chase after a little brown-haired girl. She was only two, but she had spirit. You were smiling so big that Daryl felt like his heart was melting.
"You've been an idiot for as long as she's been in love with you
ain't helping" Daryl said, shoving Carol a bit.
"I think you started falling for her when we were in Prison"
"yea…your right"
"You were stubborn to let yourself feel until you almost lost her," Carol said. Daryl nodded, not wanting to admit that it took a life-or-death situation for him to truly know he couldn't ever lose you.
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ooffmlsorry · 6 months
OP Men Dating a "Girly Girl"
A/N: sorry this took so long and I haven't posted anything original in a minute my life is mess and I'm so very tired jfc...I know this isn't more than my usual group but I was just gonna stop at Luffy and then decided to add Ace and Sabo as a thank you because writing these and putting them on Tumblr has been really good for me, so thank you for always being here to indulge me 🥲 ❤️
Sanji, Zoro, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
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Let's be honest, girly-girls drive Sanji craaaazzzzyy (not that all women don't, but he's definitely more partial to the feminine ones) Your make-up, pretty skirts and dresses, jewelry, and manicure, he can't help fawn over you constantly 😍Although you do it because you enjoy it, it's nice that your efforts are so appreciated!!
He spoils you soooo baaaddd!! He literally can't help himself when he sees something pretty or cute that reminds him of you, he has to get it for you. You're drowning in squishmallows at this point.
A river of blood shoots from him every time you show off a new outfit. You're going to kill him and he'll thank you for it.
Dressing up in nice outfits together, especially on date night, is a shared activity that you love to do together. Y'all are living your best happily ever after lives.
Ya'll definitely have scheduled self-care nights. You put on some slow music, open a bottle of wine, draw a bubble bath, all that.
He's utterly useless when it comes to helping you pick your outfits or makeup if you're stuck because he loves you in everything, it's too hard for him to pick. You're his perfect, beautiful Y/N-swaaaaan 😍💖💖✨
He does love to see you in pink or red though so he might default to those colors
Don't try to test your makeup on him lol, you're going to re-awaken the gender identity crisis...I mean Kamabakka trauma
Listen...I'm not saying Sanji has a mommy kink...I'm not even at Whole Cake Island so idk wtf is going on there. All I'm saying is if you give this man a bath, wrap him in a towel to dry him off, and rub him down with luxurious lotions and oils, you might awaken something...that's all...👀
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He has no clue wtf you're doing. If it weren't for the fact that there's no proof that witches exist in this world, he'd think you are one
He looks at your vanity full of serums, creams, scrubs, lotions, etc, not to mention the makeup and he's like "??????" Just completely baffled
But what do you expect? This man would use that five-in-one Irish Spring soap if he could.
Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate and admire the fact that you have extensive knowledge in something he can't even comprehend
He knows you like nice shiny things, and again, while he doesn't get it, he does think it's really, really cute when you go starry-eyed over a necklace or an outfit in a store.
In the same vein, he knows how much you love cute things and animals. He has absolutely found a cute animal in the jungle, picked it up, and brought it to you just to show you because he knew you'd love it.
Sometimes in his own gruff way he'll agree with you that it's pretty cute. Thank you for helping this manly man admit things are cute and that's okay.
Other times, he's the one making sure you don't get distracted because it's so cute
Unfortunately and fortunately, you're pretty to him no matter what you do to yourself so it's all kind of a moot point to him.
You can try to ask him about which 'x' to wear, sometimes it's helpful because he'll throw out a really practical answer and then other times he's like "How 'bout you just go naked" 😏.
He'll wear a face mask with you like...twice a year. And he's going to bitch and moan about it but he does it because he loves you. The entire process is like trying to give a cat a bath "WHY IS IT SO COLD? THIS STAYS ON MY FACE FOR HOW LONG???"
Exfoliate this man at your own risk...I'm dead serious that water is going to be brown
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I need you to know right now this man will let you paint his nails!!! I mean, not like gel or acrylics or anything, but he'll let you paint them any color as long as it's a dark shade of that color. You once designed Bepo on his middle fingers. He did in fact flip people off a lot more often when he had them.
Let's you wear a pastel boiler suit because you he loves you and wants to see you happy
Much like Zoro, he's got no clue what you're doing. He'll stand back and watch you while making the exact same face as the gif above.
He thinks he's being stealthy peaking around a corner to watch your morning or night routine, but you quickly catch on. Please please pleeaaassee ask him if he has any questions because he does. He's just really curious why you're doing what you're doing and what it does. It's basically skin medicine and he's really fascinated.
Knowing that you like shiny things makes his life admittedly a little easier, it's not that he doesn't think of what to gift you, he puts A LOT of thought into what he gives you, but knowing that earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always make you happy is great just in case of analysis paralysis or he forgets. Sorry.
Also you wearing the jewelry he gets you does something to him, especially a necklace he can pull on a little, mmhhm you're making this man struggle with impure thoughts.
You both love cute things, it's something y'all connect on. It's really good that you help him access that very neglected inner child of his and encourage him to coo and fawn over adorable animals with zero reservation.
He'll do skincare with you too when he's not super busy. He can admit it's kind of nice to sit in bed with a book, glass of wine, and a face mask and just bask for a minute
He acts like he hates when you rub serums across his face and use a derma roller on him but he loves it
Law doesn't really pay attention to your clothes, but when you really go all out he breaks out in a sweat and he can't keep his eyes off you.
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I'm not saying he thinks it's stupid, it just...why have an hours long care routine when you could be going on adventure with him??? 😭😭😭
He will help you pick out your makeup but don't expect it to look good. You're gonna end up with neon orange eyeshadow and green lipstick. Like literally every "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" youtube video.
Plays around with your stuff but that's because he has no idea what all these strange contraptions are. The moment you try to explain his eyes glaze over and next thing you know he's whisking you away to go do something more fun.
He likes the shiny bright stuff (highlighter), makeup probably is the only part he even remotely engages in because it's
Explain how contour works to this man and watch him lose his fucking mind, he thinks you're a shape shifter now (honestly this applies to all of them except Law and maybe Sanji)
He never notices what you wear, Nami is gonna have smack him on the back of the head to get him to realize you put on something fancy
Luffy points out everything, it just so happens that things he points out sometime happen to be cute animals
Hides in all the stuffed animals and squishmallows in your room to surprise attack hug you
*throws mud at you* "Is this the kind of mud you like, Y/N??" He really means well though.
You know those hair masks with all natural ingredients like honey and banana? Yeah, he's gonna start sucking on your hair like spaghetti...I'm so sorry.
He'll bathe with you but that's because he wants to be close to you, it's definitely not about being pampered or relaxing.
Try to put a face mask on him or something else and it'll just become a game of tag around the Sunny. You can't catch him and he's having a great time outrunning and outwitting you.
He knows this is all important to you so even though he doesn't get it he'd never make fun of you for it and the moment someone calls you "extra," he's kicking their ass.
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Maybe all the glam is a little silly to him but that just makes you extra cute!
He will also absolutely let you paint his nails. Hell, he'll let you do a full beat on him just for fun and he'll wear it for the whole day because he's so unserious lol
...As long as he gets to do your makeup after...Much like Luffy you're gonna be covered in neon colors that don't even remotely match, but you guys have a great time lol
Admittedly likes to be pampered by you when he gets back from a long mission.
Please take a bubble bath with this man, it's not like the water is ever going to get cold!
I'm pretty sure you'd legitimately lead to Ace taking better care of himself. Got this man out here talking about his cuticles and shit lol
Honestly, it's really good for him because self care leads to self love and Ace needs a lot of help with that.
He tells Pops about all the stuff you do 1.) because he loves you and 2.) he hopes some of it will help Whitebeard heal a little, god bless him 😢
All of your hardwork doesn't go unnoticed, he legitimately gets kind of misty eyed when you really dress up because he's so so so lucky. He swears he doesn't deserve you.
He always brings back some kind of gift even whether it's a cute plushie or something exotic to wear from all of his long travels
I need to stress how much this means to him, everyone of these things is like a little proposal because he already knows you're it. Every little gift is leading up to a ring from this man.
He's also just genuinely impressed by the skill it takes to do your makeup so well, especially after he tries doing it on you
Much like his little brother unfortunately, he does play with all the little contraptions in your vanity, especially in the beginning because have you seen an eyelash curler? He's so confused lol
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Sabo and Ace truly are his brothers because he really don't get all the effort lol
Admittedly, a lot of that is because he thinks you're so hot already what's the point???
Once he gets this is just how you are he's less confused, he's probably the most normal out everyone. He lets you do your thing, although he's really curious how you managed to always look amazing while being in the fucking revolutionary army!!?? Where are you getting the time???
If someone were to intrude on y'all on a free afternoon you're both in fluffy robes with face masks on and Sabo loves to pretend to act like a bitch when he's in selfcare mode with you lol
"Are you seriously bothering us right now, ugh! I can't even right now!!" And then you both break out in laughter
He really thinks you should teach others how to contour and do makeup because it has great applications for disguises and infiltration.
And brags about your skills to everyone
Wonders how many of your makeup supplies could actively be used as a weapon *eye roll* jfc Sabo
There's a part of you that secretly worries all your boujieness will remind him of his blood relatives, but he assures you that it doesn't because you have a good heart and he never doubts that
Besides, being a little extra with him helps him associate those things he used to associate with his blood relatives with you instead so it's even better
He spoils you so bad, but with a Sabo-flair, ie. stealing from shitty people and bringing it back to you because you're oh so more deserving of nice things let's be honest
He gets jealous of the cute animals that you squeal over hehehe, please hug him when he starts pouting
He'll always wear a little pink just for you ❤️
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love-belle · 7 months
i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which they finally get their picture perfect ending that everyone was hoping for.
for when you have everything you ever wished for. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
social media au // charles leclerc x fem!reader
warnings - language
author's note - this series is now officially done!!!! im soooo happy about how this turned out and i hope u enjoyed it as much as i did <33 thank u sm for reading, i love you <33
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55, lilymhe and 2,751,876 others
yourusername julianne marie leclerc-y/l/n 🤍
tagged charles_leclerc
lewishamilton missing baby j ❤️
-> yourusername she misses her uncle lew and brother roscoe ❤️
lilymhe i'm kidnapping her idc
-> alex_albon yes please i miss her already
-> yourusername no bc im pretty sure she loves u both more than her actual PARENTS
landonorris can i come over
-> yourusername u JUST left
-> landonorris CAN I COME OVER
-> yourusername ok
charles_leclerc mon ange 😘 ( my angel )
-> yourusername ❤️
charles_leclerc thank you for everything mon amour ( my love )
-> yourusername thank YOU for everything i love u sooooosososo bad
username i feel like such a proud parent it's INSANE
username IM CRYING OMG
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, landonorris, danielricciardo and 2,699,896 others
charles_leclerc it should be noted that she asked for her "mamamamama" a few thousand times and now i'm taking her with me to where ever
tagged yourusername
username she's a mama's girl fr
username JULIE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
danielricciardo baby julie owns my heart
-> heidiberger_ mine too 🤍
-> charles_leclerc where was this heart owning when she was screaming her head off in the middle of the night and you both suddenly had a "fever"
-> username he's really done with everyone
maxverstappen1 p wants to meet her best friend. again. please.
-> charles_leclerc can we exchange?
-> maxverstappen1 yes
-> kellypiquet no (you are more than welcome to leave baby j with us anytime ☺️)
-> yourusername no (I MISS P PLEASE COME OVER)
-> charles_leclerc ONE CHILD IS ENOUGH
-> maxverstappen1 exactly what he said
username i love watching charles realise that having a baby is SO much more than js buying cute clothes and playing with toys
-> yourusername i know he's so shocked
yourusername MY BABY 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
-> charles_leclerc she's coming with me
yourusername bring her back asap i wanna hug her
-> charles_leclerc oh so suddenly i'm not enough?
yourusername u didn't hear this from me but she couldn't sleep without her red ferrari plushie last week when u were in maranello
-> charles_leclerc so now you're making me cry. great.
≡;- ꒰ °instagram stories ꒱
yourusername added to their instagram stories
Tumblr media Tumblr media
≡;- ꒰ °instagram ꒱
Tumblr media Tumblr media
liked by yourusername, carlossainz55, pierregasly and 2,657,246 others
charles_leclerc i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter
tagged yourusername
username oh please no im not ready to see baby j grow up
leclerc_pascale bébé ❤️❤️❤️ ( baby )
-> charles_leclerc she misses her grand-mère❤️ ( grandmother )
carlossainz55 please stop blasting slipping through my fingers. it's 3am.
-> charles_leclerc she pulled herself up today YOU DON'T GET IT
-> username oh this man's gonna be in shambles when she starts walking
landonorris time needs to stay still, thank you.
-> charles_leclerc exactly 💯
yourusername babe she's literally 10 months old
-> charles_leclerc soon she'll be 10 years old and going to school and not wanting to hang out with me 🙁
-> charles_leclerc I'M NOT IT'S LANDO
-> landonorris I MISS BABY J
yourusername she misses her papa, come back
-> charles_leclerc yes ❤️❤️❤️ let me just console lando and we'll join you
username lando is so me
3K notes · View notes
pucksandpower · 8 months
Under the Influence
Charles Leclerc x Reader
Summary: Charles Leclerc knows three things (1) wisdom teeth have nothing to do with being wise (2) his face looks like a chipmunk and (3) he really really really loves his girlfriend
Warnings: mention of minor medical procedure
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You wake up to the sound of your phone buzzing on the nightstand. Bleary eyed, you reach for it and squint at the screen. 37 missed calls and too many texts to count, all from Charles.
It’s the big day — your boyfriend is finally getting his wisdom teeth removed this morning. You had wanted to go with him to the oral surgeon but Charles insisted he would be fine on his own.
Clearly, that was not the case.
The phone starts vibrating again and you swipe to answer. Before you can even say hello, Charles’ slurred voice comes through the speaker. “Ma choupinette! I misssss you!” He draws out the last word for several seconds. You stifle a laugh at how loopy he sounds from the painkillers.
“Hi, my love. How are you feeling?” You ask gently.
You hear some shuffling on his end of the line.
“I feel ... so good! I can’t feel my face though. Is it still there?” More shuffling noises. “Yep, still here! Wow, my cheeks are soooo big and fluffy now!” He descends into a fit of giggles.
You grin and shake your head. Your poor Charles is definitely still under the influence of the drugs. “I’m glad you’re not in any pain. Are you home already?”
“Yep! Safe and sound in my bed. But it’s so lonely without you here. You should come over and cuddle me!” His words come out muffled, no doubt because his mouth is still numb.
You glance at the clock — it’s still relatively early in the morning. “I would love to but I have a few things to take care of first. I’ll come by this afternoon to check on you though, okay?”
Charles lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Fiiiiiine. Hey, did you know you’re the most beautiful girl in the whole world? And you’re so nice too! I’m the luckiest ...” He trails off into incomprehensible mumbling.
You have to press your hand to your mouth to hold in your laughter. Anesthetized Charles is even more adorable than regular Charles. “Thank you, my love. You’re very kind. Now get some rest, I’ll see you soon.”
“Okayyyy, bye bye gorgeous!” Charles singsongs before hanging up. Still chuckling, you set your phone down to start getting ready for the day. Your productivity is short lived however, as your phone immediately starts buzzing again.
Charles is calling you back.
With a mix of amusement and exasperation, you answer the call. Before you can ask what’s wrong, Charles’ cheerful voice exclaims, “I forgot to tell you I love you!”
You can’t help but laugh out loud this time. “I love you too, Charles.”
“Yay!” He cheers. In the background, you hear a woman’s voice telling Charles to stay in bed and get some rest. It must be his mother looking after him. Thank goodness for her help today.
You talk Charles into hanging up and leaving you be for now. As entertaining as loopy Charles is, you do need to run some errands. You eventually make it out the door and head into town. While perusing the aisles of the grocery store, your phone buzzes again. Expecting it to be Charles, you don’t even look at the screen before answering with an amused, “Yes, my love?”
Instead of your boyfriend’s sleepy voice, you hear numerous screams and squeals on the other end. Before you can ask what’s happening, the chaos turns into a bunch of people chanting “Say it again! Say it again! Say it again!”
Your stomach drops. You pull the phone away to look at the screen. Sure enough, Charles is broadcasting on Instagram Live and waving at an alarmingly large crowd of fans gathered below his apartment. Dreading what you’re about to witness, you bring the phone back to your ear. The chanting continues until Charles finally obliges.
“Y/N Y/L/N, I love you sooooo much! You’re the bestest, most bootiful, charming girl in the whole universe and I love you more than racing!” His confession is met with deafening squeals from his adoring devotees. You stand frozen in the cheese aisle, one hand clutching your grocery basket, cheeks flaming red. This is not exactly how you hoped your relationship would go public.
Charles is still slurring sluggishly into the phone, rambling on about how perfect and wonderful you are. You try to get a word in edgewise to stop him but his fans keep egging him on.
“Charles, honey, maybe you should get off Live and rest ...” you attempt feebly.
He gasps dramatically. “Wait, are you my girlfriend? Y/N? Is that you?”
You sigh, resigned to your fate. “Yes Charles, it’s me.”
The screams somehow increase in volume at this admission. Charles laughs with delight. “Guys, this is my girlfriend! Isn’t she the coolest? I’m the luckiest guy ever!”
Despite your embarrassment, you can’t help but melt a little at his ear-to-ear grin and heart eyes on the screen. He looks utterly smitten, even in his disoriented, post-op state. His fans seem to be eating it up too, flooding the comments with things like “My life won’t be complete until someone looks at me the way that Charles looks at Y/N” and “Charles is boyfriend of the year!”
You spend the next 15 minutes gently trying to persuade Charles to end the livestream and rest to no avail. He is having far too much fun gushing about you and interacting with his followers. You field a few questions from curious fans, keeping your answers light to avoid revealing too much. It’s clear they are enthralled by this lovestruck version of the normally private Ferrari driver.
Finally, after Charles has told the story of your first date no less than five times, his mother comes to your rescue. She appears on camera and tenderly tells Charles the “show” is over and he needs to sleep. He pouts adorably but allows her to tuck him back into bed and take away his phone. Just before the Live ends, he blows a loopy kiss to the camera and says “Love you, mon chouchou!” The fans go wild in the chat before the feed cuts out.
You slump against your shopping cart in relief. Your phone is already flooded with texts from friends and family who saw the Instagram fiasco. You shoot off some quick reassurances that you’re both fine and it was just the medication talking. Bagging the rest of your abandoned groceries, you check out as fast as possible. There’s somewhere you need to be right now.
Twenty minutes later you’re knocking on the door of Charles’ apartment. His mother opens it with an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry about earlier dear, the anesthesia made him a bit out of it as I’m sure you noticed.”
Charles perks up when you enter his bedroom. “You came!” He mumbles happily, making grabby hands at you. You settle onto the bed next to him and he immediately nuzzles into you like an affectionate kitten. His mother slips out to give you two some privacy.
You run your fingers soothingly through his hair. “How are you feeling now, my love?”
“Mmm ... sleepy. And really happy you’re here." He smiles dopily up at you. “Did I do something silly earlier? I don’t really remember.”
You debate downplaying it but figure he’ll find out eventually when the internet explodes. “You may have repeatedly declared your undying love for me on an Instagram Live ...” you say sheepishly.
Charles’ eyes go wide. “No way, really? Wow ...” He blinks slowly, processing this new information. A sly grin spreads across his swollen face. “Well it’s true. I meant every word.”
You kiss his forehead tenderly. “I know you did. Now get some more rest, I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
Charles looks up at you adoringly. “I love you,” he says.
“I love you more,” you boop him on the nose.
He giggles. “No way. I love you more-er.”
“Impossible. I love you most,” you insist.
“Nuh-uh,” Charles protests. “I love you most-est.”
You laugh at his stubborn persistence. “Alright, you win. Now close your eyes.”
Charles snuggles impossibly closer into your side and soon his breathing evens out as he drifts back to sleep. You brush a few curls off his forehead and whisper “I love you most-est-est.”
You make sure the blankets are wrapped securely around him and shake your head affectionately at your adorable, clueless boyfriend. Today certainly didn’t go as expected but you wouldn’t trade your Charles for anything in the world.
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