#Staff Burnout
nando161mando · 23 days
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spotted in the breakroom where i work
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The insufficiency of healthcare personnel can result in a myriad of detrimental outcomes affecting patients, healthcare providers, and the entire healthcare system. It is this very concern that fuels our commitment to providing top-tier healthcare staffing solutions in Ohio here at Quality Elite Healthcare Solutions.
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Do the Vargas brothers or NA twins ever work together as pairs?
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anothercrisis · 1 year
Ghost had seen it coming. Back when he’d been more Ghost than he was Simon, he knew something like this was going to happen. It was the nature of things, to deny yourself something for the sake of protection and for that very thing to break you once you finally let it in.
It didn't hurt for a while there, after the initial pain of opening up after so many years of keeping his armor on. It didn't hurt to love, not when it was Johnny; because with him, it was as easy as breathing. The ease was something that scared Simon at first, upset him, because this thing that he had denied himself and locked out for so long should have hurt. It should have hurt like hell to let the feelings back in and Simon wanted it to hurt, wanted there to be a valid reason why he kept himself closed off for so long.
But it didn't hurt. It was a little uncomfortable at first, letting Johnny in. There was a stiffness to it, like a dormant muscle Simon had to remember how to move. It was the plating of his armor moving aside so that Johnny could come in. It was a little awkward maybe, but it didn't hurt. And then once the uncertainty cleared away, loving him was easy. It was the easiest thing Simon had ever had the privilege to do.
With Johnny at his side, it was easy to lose his grip on Ghost and all the pain he chose to carry. It was easy to drop the weight off his shoulders, to let Johnny help soothe it. Easy to remember how to be Simon, because Johnny made him feel human again and he gave Simon the attention and care and help he needed to remember how to be human again.
And maybe that's where Simon went wrong. Maybe it was somewhere between the welcome mat he laid out at Johnny's feet and the way he was allowed to lean on Johnny where he misstepped. Where he missed the signs, where he didn't calculate the outcome like he should have.
Simon wasn't sure where the miscalculation was made, but he knew that it had happened without him noticing.
How did he forget to wonder what would happen if there was no more Johnny?
How did he fail to consider how hard it would be for him to remain upright if he no longer had Johnny to lean on?
But maybe he'd started thinking about it once and disregarded the thought before it could fully form. Flashed by in a glimpse because the thought of a world without Johnny in it was unfathomable and didn't need to be considered.
John "Soap" MacTavish might have been a little reckless, but that didn't matter when he was always okay. It didn't matter how much rubble he found a way to bury himself under because he always got back up, covered in dust and grinning widely. How was Simon supposed to know that there would come a time when Johnny wouldn't get back up? Every time before, Johnny had gotten up. There had never been a single time in which he hadn't. There was something to be said in the probability rates about the likelihood of Johnny's survival; it should have been a one hundred percent chance, as never before had he failed to do so.
But that was just Simon trying to comfort himself, and he would one day realize that nothing in life is a guarantee, there was never a one hundred percent chance of anything, other than that fact being true.
Today wasn't that day however. Today was the day of Soap's funeral.
Simon didn't want to go. He didn't want to drag his ass off base, away from his bed and the gym, but he had done it. Despite how he felt about how it was only right for him to attend his own partner's funeral, he had almost turned around at the last second. He would have marched right back to his room if not for Gaz.
Kyle had been crying, and it wasn't just the fact that his eyes were an exhausted red that gave him away; it was the fact he was crying just about every time he encountered Simon. Simon wasn't sure why that was, if it was the empty space beside him that set Kyle off or if Kyle was crying simply because Simon wasn't.
As far as he knew, everyone thought that Simon wasn't crying over their loss. That with Johnny gone he had fallen back into the masked version of himself, emoting nothing and resembling a cold stone.
It wasn't true. Some days he wished it was like that. Wished that he could go back to feeling nothing; it wasn't easier, not then and certainly not now, but it would be quieter, calmer. Simon would do just about anything to not be able to feel like his chest was splitting open down the middle. He would do just about anything to be unaware of the tangible emptiness at his side, to be unable to feel the absence like a lost limb.
But after all those months with Johnny, being Simon, he no longer knew how to be Ghost.
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veliseraptor · 2 years
reading more about elon musk playing chicken with the ftc apparently now and because of who I am just paid especial notice to this little tidbit at the end of an article
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no communications department at all, y i k e s
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peiro-usagi-art · 4 months
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Did these a few weeks ago because i realised i never actually posted any sort of visual of Rob or Oliver so here they are, that old man and his weird robot son.
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humandisastersquad · 5 months
while im very much supportive of the anti work movement and in favour of reducing the amount of hours people are required to work to earn a living,,, sooo much of the rhetoric seems to centre around 9-5 office type jobs where productivity is measured by tasks completed etc like every single 4 day work week experiment i've seen has been smth along those lines and bangs on about how workers are more productive in their output and do "5 days worth of work in 4" etc or aim for majority remote work when like. that isn't possible in most service jobs like healthcare etc. even tho service industries are some of the worst when it comes overworking and burnout
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If it's true what Domenicali has said that so many venues and countries want to stage an F1 race, why can't we just have a rotating calender? Have all these venues stage races on alternate years? Keep the set races on the calender that stay each year but have the others been on the schedule every other year? That way all these venues that apparantly want to hold an F1 race get to do so, but there isn't the higher risk of burnout from F1 staff and fans because of the massive calender and F1 staff actually get time to develop the cars and have time off. There is no need to add more races to the set calender every year. 23 is plenty enough already.
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lewishcmilton · 1 year
has stefano domenicali even CONSIDERED the kind of mental toll it would take for hundreds of staff personnel to be at 30+ races. they're going to shorten the breaks teams receive which means even more time away from their families, not to mention the burnouts f1 staff have already been facing bc of the increased number of races. cash really is king and fuck you
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
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a-star-that-fell · 1 year
today feels fucking insurmountable
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boomingsmile · 11 months
i wanna be free i hope i will by the end of the week--or at least free from excessive proofreading and code editing--goodness i hate everything about graduation i shall go missing
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hog-babe · 2 years
you guys, i got a new job 🌞
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indizombie · 2 years
Staff shortages mean longer waiting lists. Yet despite repeated promises from the Welsh Government we still don't have a funded national workforce plan for health and social care – or, indeed, any idea of when it will be published. These delays are making a difficult situation worse: without up-to-date vacancy data we simply don't know the scale of the problems facing us. Anecdotally we know that health and care staff are overwhelmed and at risk of burnout and, what's worse, we're flying blind without the information we need to plan ahead.
Dr Olwen Williams, vice-president for Wales at the Royal College of Physicians
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better-wcrps · 2 years
do you have any advice for someone who wants to start a roleplay server but has no friends/partners to start it with? or is it possible to make a roleplay group alone without a mod team?
It is definitely possible to start a roleplay alone, though I would be wary of the strain it would put on you. I would think of it, if possible, as a temporary solution. Once you found it on your own, you can hold later trials for mods to help you out. The key point of having mods is that with them, you are able to take breaks. Going too long without any help or assistance as well can be a quick way to burn out and cause the problems I've discussed in a few posts, so I would make this a priority. Until that point, I would keep the roleplay exceptionally small (5 to maybe 10 people at most.) I do not believe that running a server alone is possible without sacrificing the things that are most important to prevent burnout.
I have seen roleplays hold applications for mods before opening, though, so I don't think it would be far fetched to put out a few feelers before opening your group up. I would recommend sharing some of the concepts you have for the roleplay publicly beforehand to start to build up some eyes on it. Talk about what you're excited about or what you're developing at the time. If you can manage, with luck, to build up a small base of folks-- it may be a good place to ask for mod applications.
When it comes to selecting mods, make your expectations clear! Tell them what they'll be doing, what sort of help you'll be needing, and train them in what to do in various situations that might occur. Doing so makes it clear how you expect them to treat the members of your roleplay-- ideally with kindness and professionalism. You may want to let them know what you're not comfortable with as well. I've met admins who prefer to handle the main plots and prefer mods to be more administrative, which is totally fine but definitely should be communicated up front to prevent unwanted suggestions.
It would be helpful as well to let them know how active you'll be able to be so they can kind of know there will be times where they might need to be around more.
Good luck to you, Anon. I believe you can find yourself a great team.
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innonurse · 2 years
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